Ring on the little finger meaning. The middle one is under the sign of Saturn. Ring on the thumb. Meaning

The value of this or that ring was attached in ancient times. The intentions and personal qualities of a person could be recognized by the decoration on the finger. According to, it was necessary to wear a ring on a certain finger. This tradition continued until the 20th century.

A ring worn on the index finger signified a person's readiness for marriage. It also symbolized the search for a soul mate. If the jewelry was worn on the middle finger, then this indicated experience in love relationships. Moreover, the man did not hide this fact, but put it on display for everyone to see. The ring on the ring finger meant the presence of a beloved half. The decoration worn informed people about the lack of love in a person's life. The owner of such a ring was ready for a small affair, not a serious relationship.

The meaning of the rings in the XX-XXI century

If a person is on the thumb, he is undoubtedly a leader. And it doesn’t matter which hand the jewelry is worn on - right or left. Its owner is used to achieving his goals at any cost. Such a person is stubborn, energetic, aggressive, ambitious. He likes to be the center of attention.

Reasonable, but slightly conceited people can be recognized on the index finger. They have a strong-willed and strong character. They are used to telling other people what to do and what to do. If a person constantly wears a ring on his index finger, then he has an overestimated self-esteem. Such a person is not stupid, but arrogant.

People who prefer ringing the middle finger are confident. They have charisma. Considering himself special, a person does not worry about the opinions of others about him. He believes in the progress of his development. People around understand that this person has self-esteem.

If the wedding ring is worn on the middle finger, this may mean that the ring is large. Perhaps the decoration flies off the ring finger. A wedding ring on the middle finger can symbolize a person's divorce or widowhood.

An extraordinary personality, prone to adventures and experiments, wears jewelry on his little finger. In relation to the female sex, this means the variability of nature, coquettishness and flirting with more than one representative of the opposite sex. As for men, the ring worn on the little finger speaks of their tendency to establish new contacts, testifies to their love of diplomacy.

A separate story can be told about the rings on the ring finger. Such people have a balanced and calm character. They are able to trust others and are confident in themselves. People whose rings flaunt on the ring finger have well-established principles and their own opinions. They don't want to stand out from the crowd.

If a massive and extravagant ring is worn on the ring finger, then this indicates an expressive, extraordinary personality. Such people are able to turn a routine into vivid emotions and fun. However, the owners of such rings suffer from mood swings.

If we talk in general about people who put jewelry on the ring finger, then these are individuals who are not indifferent to art and beauty, have a delicate taste, have a passion for frills and are creative by nature.

Hand jewelry has been popular and loved by people for a long time. Consider what is the meaning of the rings on the fingers of women and how to wear them correctly. They are valued for their beauty and nobility, as an accessory that completes the image, they are seen as talismans with magical influence. What do the rings on a woman's fingers mean? According to psychologists and astrologers, jewelry can tell a lot about its owners, and both wearing rings on the fingers and the jewelry itself are important.

Hand jewelry has been popular and loved by people for a long time.

Rings sometimes play a mystical role in life. They are often used in magical rituals. Therefore, it is useful for every woman to know the meanings of the rings on her fingers. Modern girls put on 2-5 rings per 1 brush. According to anthropologists, the desire to wear many rings on your fingers at the same time is an ancient instinct. This habit was formed out of fear of losing the family jewels. In addition, in the Middle Ages, rich people, having strung rings on their fingers, could use them at any time as a bargaining chip or a gift. So that the abundance of rings does not look vulgar, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • put on 1 brush accessories made of one metal;
  • do not combine jewelry with jewelry;
  • avoid ugliness.

Made in the same style, two rings on one finger look like a solid piece of jewelry. It should be noted that wide massive products look ridiculous on short and plump hands. Often, women have a question: on which fingers should you not wear rings? It is possible on any, even on all at the same time. The main thing is that it looks beautiful and appropriate.

Which finger to wear the ring on (video)

Large - finger of Venus

What does the ring on the girl's thumb mean? In ancient times, women thus adapted to wear the jewelry of their dead husbands in memory of them. Nowadays, wearing a ring on your thumb is a desire for freedom and independence, characteristic of a modern strong-willed girl. The ring worn on the thumb speaks of perseverance, energy. Such a woman is difficult to convince. She may be dissatisfied with the sexual aspect of her life and have a desire to assert herself in it.

Wearing rings on the thumb is typical for a woman with a non-traditional sexual orientation, and depending on its location, others can catch different signs: on the left hand, it indicates a readiness to have a girlfriend, and on the right, that she already has a couple. However, this meaning of wearing rings on the thumb is not relevant today, since such accessories are in trend. They are made of metal, ivory, leather and stone, varied in style, and many confident girls like them. It should be noted that a silver ring with a stone of a cold shade contributes to the development of insight and getting rid of excessive practicality. Gold jewelry with a red, orange or yellow stone will enhance logical thinking. Usually more than two rings are not worn on the thumb.

Index - symbol of Jupiter

It symbolizes strength and power, people pointing and guiding. If you wear it constantly, self-esteem increases. On the index finger of the right hand, vainglorious and leadership-minded people most often wear rings. Over time, they may develop a need for fame and arrogance. The ring on the index finger of the left hand is worn for the development and realization of abilities. It is especially necessary for girls with a low level of self-esteem. Gold and tin have the greatest impact. On the index finger of the left hand, the decoration will be clearly seen, so if you wish, you can arrange a demonstration. Some women are specifically looking for rings for him. Massive accessories with stones speak of the hysteria and unpredictability of their mistress.

If a ring is worn on the index finger, there should be no other jewelry with stones on the hand. Minerals of blue, blue and turquoise color in a silver frame are recommended.

Middle - under the sign of Saturn

What does the ring he wears mean? Psychologists say that its owner wants to show not only the decoration, but also herself - the most irresistible and important. The more massive the rings on the fingers, the more narcissistic and conceited the woman is. A modest accessory speaks of self-esteem. Often they are worn by those who believe in magic and fate. The rings on the fingers of Saturn on both hands mean a tendency to thoughtfulness, detachment from everyday fuss. Simple and compact decorations are very convenient. The talisman ring has a positive effect on reputation and protects against gossip. The family ring on the middle finger emphasizes the connection with the ancestors, but it is not recommended to wear them all the time. Purple and black stones are most suitable for him. A wedding ring on the finger of the right hand says that its owner is engaged, on the left - about widowhood.

On which finger is the ring put on (video)

Nameless - the finger of the Sun

Wedding rings indicate the marital status of a woman. She herself emphasizes the fact of marriage or betrothal, wearing a ring on her right hand. Often, a ring with a stone is put on with him, wanting to emphasize the special significance of marriage. Unusual wedding rings (with notches or stones) are chosen by people who do not allow passive relationships. They want a vibrant married life. The ring on the ring finger of the left hand speaks of widowhood. A miniature jewelry with a ruby ​​protects the family from quarrels and betrayals; an unmarried girl, with its help, on a subconscious level, can indicate a sensual and dreamy nature and a desire for passionate love.

Most often, women wear the ring on the ring finger. The usual decoration speaks of a calm character and an even attitude towards people. Artsy and extravagant are characteristic of creative people who prefer pleasure and luxury. If the ring fingers of both hands are ringed, then the girl is at the peak of positive emotions. It is impossible for someone to try on the ring from your ring finger. In this case, your personal space is too open. On which finger should a bride wear a ring after the engagement? During the engagement of the Slavic peoples, they put it on the right hand. On the day of the wedding, the bride takes it off to never wear it again. It becomes a family heirloom and is passed on to children.

Why are wedding rings worn on the ring finger? One of the versions is as follows: if you fold the brushes into a lock and start raising them in pairs (index, middle, and so on), it turns out that the ring fingers do not come off the lock, thereby symbolizing strong bonds.

The meaning of rings on the fingers for spouses, as a symbol of fidelity and love, is important for modern people, like a thousand years ago. And on which finger to wear a ring after a divorce? The winner of the "Battle of Psychics" Mehdi advises to hide and keep it as a sign of respect for the past. If a woman wants to get her ex-husband back after a divorce, she wears the engagement ring given by him on the ring finger of her left hand.

The little finger is the symbol of Mercury.

The ring on the little finger is often worn by coquettes, prone to intrigue, subject to frequent mood swings, but always pleased with themselves. Usually they are very reckless, often sexually available. The ring on the little finger emphasizes the peculiarity of people associated with art. If this person is not creative, he has other talents and claims social significance. His peculiarity is in sociability and ability to convince. However, you should be careful with him, because he can be cunning and lie. Wearing expensive jewelry on the little finger of the left hand is not recommended, as this can lead to loneliness and poverty. On the right, one ring of any metal can be worn, but green and yellow stones are preferable.

How to pick up a gem

The ring always draws the eye to the hand, so it must be well-groomed. For colored minerals, you need to select the appropriate shade of nail polish. In addition, accessories should be combined with clothing. Before ringing your fingers, think about how the jewelry will suit this occasion. Placers of stones are unacceptable for a business style of clothing, even if they are an imitation of precious ones. Everyday jewelry should look like a natural addition. Wearing massive and refined rings with a light dress or sportswear is excluded. Catchy and unusual jewels are suitable for a solemn atmosphere. With an evening dress, you can wear stones of 2-3 colors.

Before choosing a piece of jewelry, you should determine on which finger it will be worn. You should go to the fitting in the evening. At this time of day, the brush swells a little and becomes more voluminous.

When choosing an ornament, it is necessary to take into account the age and structure of the brush. Massive jewelry looks better on the hand of an elderly lady. The gaze from the ringed finger does not switch to the skin, which betrays the true age. Delicate rings look better on the finger of a young girl's hand. Women's hearts at any age are drawn to jewelry.

Since ancient times, it has been known that wearing rings with natural stones allows you to enhance the effect of certain planets in your horoscope. And today it is believed that each finger corresponds to a separate planet of the solar system.

For example, the thumb is Venus, the index finger is Jupiter, the middle finger is Saturn, the ring finger is the Sun, and the little finger is Mercury. Thus, by putting a ring with a certain stone on your finger, you can control fate. If earlier a woman took a vow of celibacy, she wore a silver ring on her thumb, blocking the energy of the planet Venus. Therefore, if a girl wants to improve her personal life, meet a soul mate, she should not wear a ring on her thumb.

Jewelry on the index finger

The index finger is a symbol of the human ego. Many have noticed how unpleasant it is when another person points his index finger in our direction. This is because the finger radiates powerful energy. Wearing a ring on the index finger is necessary for those who wish to become a leader. In this case, you need to choose silver products. Gold doesn't work in this case. It is recommended to wear sapphires, turquoise, aquamarine and lapis lazuli on the index finger. Coral, opal will help get rid of stress, strengthen family relationships.

Jewelry on the middle finger

Only strong, strong-willed people can wear rings on the middle finger. Jewelry with a natural stone on the middle finger can activate karmic tasks and attract unexpected twists of fate. Wearing a ring on the middle finger is recommended if the soul requires change. When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to bright rings with expressive stones. The moonstone ring is perfect for the middle finger. If a person is satisfied with everything in life, there is no need to put a ring on the middle finger.

Ring on the ring finger

The ring on this finger is a vivid symbol of success in society, as well as happiness in personal relationships, prosperity, love. If you need to activate all of the above spheres, you must put on a gold, silver ring on this finger. It is noteworthy that the product can be supplemented with any natural stone.

pinky ring

The decoration on this finger can activate communication skills. In this case, a person will develop charisma, charm. If you put a gold ring on your little finger with any natural red stone, success in your career, money and business is guaranteed. For the little finger, you can also pick up jewelry with amber, topaz, as well as chrysolite, emerald. The ring on the little finger should be worn by speakers, politicians, businessmen, analysts, doctors. Wearing rings on this finger is recommended for lovers of flirting, gambling. For calm, family people, it is better to choose jewelry on the other finger.

Noble metals or jewelry - we love to decorate our hands with rings, both women and men.

And besides the traditional meanings of the ring, for example, on the ring finger, as a symbol of marital relations, rings, rings can be seen on any other. For most people, the ring is just a beautiful accessory that can be matched with clothes and changed like gloves. For others, it is an amulet, a talisman, or some kind of symbol, a sign. Psychologists agree that rings have something to tell about their owner, and not only and not so much the ring itself matters, but the finger on which it is worn.

The tradition of wearing rings has its roots in antiquity. The ring is a special decoration, which since ancient times was credited with magical powers and associated with various rituals. One of the rituals that has survived to this day is the marriage ceremony, during which those who are getting married exchange wedding rings as a sign of love and marital fidelity. Thumb ring

Thumb ring

Thumb - the finger of Mars Rings and rings on the thumbs, especially men's, deserve special attention. The "Lord of the Ring" on the finger of Mars, as a rule, turns out to be an energetic, emotional and expansive person.

These are straightforward, stubborn, belligerent, sometimes hot-tempered and aggressive personalities. Trying to convince them of anything or arguing with them is completely useless - they will still stand their ground, even if they later have to regret it. At the same time, they are well aware of their advantages and disadvantages, therefore, putting a ring on their thumb, they seem to intuitively try to curb and pacify their hot temperament.

This is a kind of subconscious attempt to find a common language and establish relationships with others, and even with oneself. On the other hand, according to psychologists, the ring on the thumb is a clear sign that at the moment the main goal of a person is self-affirmation by any means and means, and it is self-affirmation in the sexual sphere that comes to the fore.

Such statements are not unfounded, because even among the ancient Greeks and Romans, the thumb was considered a phallic symbol, which was decorated with iron rings to protect male power. The ring on the thumb is also a symbol of lesbianism. The ringed thumb of the right hand indicates a lesbian who has a companion, on the left - a free lesbian, open to acquaintances and new relationships. Like this! Therefore, girls who decorate thumbs with rings, if they are far from lesbianism, should be careful - they may be misunderstood.

Ring on index finger

Index finger - finger of Jupiter The ring on the index finger is called the ring of "power".

It was on the index fingers that many prominent historical figures wore rings - Julius Caesar, Cardinal Richelieu, Ivan the Terrible, Henry VIII. A finger decorated with a ring can be a sign of pride, a desire for power, as well as a strong and strong-willed character, and the ring on the right hand indicates prudence and the positive orientation of these traits, and on the left - about megalomania, arrogance, pride and a tendency to hysteria.

Astrologers and palmists advise shy and indecisive people to wear a ring on their index finger. This will fill them with the power of Jupiter, make them more confident, help them believe in themselves and increase self-esteem, give them determination, insight, and also bring good luck and success in life. Rings made of gold and tin will have a particularly favorable energy effect.

Middle finger ring

The middle finger is the finger of Saturn The middle finger is decorated with rings by people prone to narcissism, confident in their irresistibility and superiority.

The more massive the ring and stone, the more clearly these qualities are manifested in a person. It is also customary to wear family jewelry on Saturn's finger, emphasizing the connection with ancestors, faith in karma, the influence of fate, and higher destiny. The family ring on the middle finger will help smooth out the negative impact of rock, cope with difficulties and get the support of the family, give strength to endure.

Overcoming obstacles and endless "black stripes" will help the ring on the finger of Saturn and chronic losers. It is also recommended to wear a ring on the middle finger for people involved in spiritual practices. If both fingers of Saturn are ringed, this may indicate a high degree of fatalism and some detachment from reality.

Ring on the ring finger

The ring finger - the finger of the Sun The ring on the ring finger of the right hand (for Catholics - the left), first of all, indicates marital status.

This tradition appeared even among the ancient Egyptians, according to whose beliefs, the “artery of love”, leading directly to the heart, began precisely from the ring finger. In those ancient times, wedding rings were made not only from metals, but also from glass and ceramics. In the times of Ancient Rome, wives, as a sign of the inviolability of marriage bonds, began to give spouses iron and bronze rings. Gold wedding rings, the tradition of which has survived to this day, appeared only in the III-IV centuries. From an esoteric point of view, gold, as the metal of the Sun, is best suited to strengthen love in marriage.

The ring on the ring finger (with the exception of the engagement finger) emphasizes the owner's love for art, sophistication and luxury. As a rule, it is in the hands of aesthetes, actors, artists and people of creative professions in general. The ring on the finger of the Sun betrays a voluptuous nature, striving for pleasure, sensual pleasure and a pleasant pastime. It can also speak of a romantic and dreamy nature.

A small ring indicates a harmonious, calm, self-confident personality, and a large one indicates a person’s susceptibility to passions, imbalance, a tendency to violent and even hysterical behavior. Decorating the ring finger with rings and rings is recommended to everyone who aspires to fame and fortune, since the Sun gives a person creative energy, helps self-expression, promotes advancement and success.

pinky ring

The little finger is the finger of Mercury Mercury is the patron saint of diplomats, businessmen, speakers, doctors and politicians, so a ring or ring on the little finger will benefit everyone who needs manual dexterity, flexibility of mind and eloquence. It is believed that the jewelry on the finger of Mercury helps its owners to find a common language with any person and establish business contacts.

According to psychologists, the ring on the little finger often turns out to be in quirky natures, prone to intrigues, adventures and betrayals. A ring on a woman's little finger emphasizes narcissism, coquetry and variability of nature. The ringed little finger also indicates a readiness for flirting and a penchant for gambling, and in this case it is designed to somewhat calm down and even suppress these inclinations of the individual.

toe ring

Rings on the toes From the point of view of most psychologists, ringed toes indicate a desire to stand out, to attract attention. In some cases, this may indicate pride, high self-esteem and a desire for superiority over others.

Wearing rings has its roots in ancient times, rings are not only an adornment for a person, emphasizing his individuality and aspirations, showing a certain status in society, but for many people it is also a kind of talisman and amulet. Wearing a ring on a certain finger carries a message and some meaning for the people around you.

Psychologists believe that people who prefer to wear rings on their right hand want to control not only their lives, but also other people, and those who wear rings on their left hand are more susceptible to a creative perception of the world and, accordingly, people who wear rings on both hands have a versatile mindset, look on things and creative inclinations.

Psychics attach great importance to which finger the owner chooses to wear the ring. Wearing a ring on a particular finger increases the power and even energy associated with that finger.

The meaning of the rings on the fingers:

1. Thumb (Martian).

Traditionally in palmistry, the thumb is responsible for logic, willpower, thinking, independence, liveliness, energy, strength and power. The thumb represents the phallus, and wearing rings on this finger was considered to strengthen male power. Generally, people who prefer wear thumb rings they are distinguished by emotionality, internal energy, straightforwardness, militant fervor and stubbornness, as well as people wearing rings on their thumbs, strive to assert themselves in life by any means.

Wearing rings on the index finger (Jupiterian)

In palmistry, the index finger on the hand is responsible for will, pride, ego, strong character, ambition and power, therefore, it was not without reason that famous rulers and priests wore them on this finger, which allowed them not only to achieve certain power, but also honor. Wear a ring on your index finger, which means it will increase the self-esteem of the owner, allow you to be more confident, add determination, insight, bring success and good luck to life, and strengthen the leadership qualities of a person.

Wearing a ring on the middle finger (Saturinian)

The traditional meaning of the middle finger speaks of the sanity of a person, his duties and is responsible for the connection with the clan. Therefore, family heirlooms are most often worn on the middle finger, allowing you to receive help from your ancestors, which gives strength to endure and cope with difficulties, and a ring on this finger will help a person increase common sense. Very often, the middle finger is decorated with people who are confident in their irresistibility and superiority, prone to narcissism.

The meaning of the ring on the ring finger (solar)

The middle finger expresses our beauty, sophistication, creativity, artistry, and also expresses emotions, heartfelt affection, love and fidelity, so traditionally wearing a ring on the ring finger is considered a symbol of marriage, which confirms the true manifestation of love.
Ring on the ring finger are also worn by creative, romantic, sensual natures, people of creative professions. The ring on this finger allows you to endow a person with success, give energy for self-expression and achievement of goals, as well as fame and fortune. People who buy rings for themselves and put them on the finger of the Sun show that a person loves himself, appreciates and believes in his strengths and talents.

What does the ring on the little finger (Mercury finger) mean.

The meaning of the ring on the little finger- this finger is responsible for communication, sophistication of the mind, relationships with people, as well as intelligence, business and finance, so the ring on this finger helps to achieve mutual understanding, eloquence, establish and find a common language with any person.
A ring on the little finger can also show that a person is prone to intrigue, flirting, gambling. Wearing a ring on this finger will benefit those who need to show flexibility of mind and eloquence.

How to choose the right ring for your finger

  1. for young, slender girls, a thin openwork ring will help to emphasize their grace and grace.
  2. wide and massive rings, with large stones, will not suit women of short stature, as they visually make their hands heavier. Also, such rings will not fit hands with insufficiently long fingers and fingers that are too thin.
  3. elongated, oval stones in the ring will visually add grace to the hand, and subtlety to the fingers.
  4. rings with large stones are not customary to wear in the daytime and with business attire, massive jewelry with precious stones is preferably worn in the evening.
  5. also wearing several rings on one finger, and on both hands of most fingers, is considered mauvais ton. The exception is the oriental style. You can wear several rings on one hand, but it is recommended to carefully check their combination.
  6. It is accepted that the thinner the finger, the thinner the ring should be.
  7. on chubby handles, it is desirable to wear a medium-wide ring with an enlarged cane.
  8. if the fingernails are small, limit yourself to a couple of rings.
  9. it is also considered bad manners to wear several rings with multi-colored stones on one hand.
  10. if you put on a ring with a large stone, then the color of the stone should be repeated in the color scheme of your clothes.