Beautiful complexion at home. Principles to follow to improve complexion. Home cosmetics

Increase your vitamin C dose. The complexion and elasticity will immediately improve. In addition, the skin will become more elastic due to the main forming element - collagen. Vitamin C intake can be increased in the following ways:

  • Eat foods that contain vitamin C. It is found in citrus fruits, strawberries, fruit juices, bell peppers, tomatoes, cantaloupe, and green peas.
  • Take vitamin C tablets. If you choose to take them every day, then take no more than 250 milligrams per day. Do not increase your dose.

Get more vitamin A. The skin is made up of an element called retinol, or vitamin A. It can help you improve skin health and condition. If the skin is not firm enough or loose, its condition indicates a lack of vitamin A.

  • Foods high in vitamin A: skim milk, oysters, egg yolk. You can also eat foods containing beta-carotene. It is beta-carotene that helps reduce the risk of sunburn. Foods containing beta-carotene: carrots, watermelon, papaya, tomato.
  • Reduce your skin exposure to the sun. Use sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher) outdoors. Ultraviolet and infrared rays cause irreparable harm to your skin, slowing down its regeneration and impairing its ability to get rid of dead cells. A polluted environment is also one of the main causes of acne and a dull complexion.

    Use a brightening cream that contains hydroquinone or kojic acid. These elements reduce the amount of melanin in the skin immediately after applying the cream. Whitening creams are quite effective, but when they are used, there is a certain risk:

    • Whitening creams are often associated with toxic amounts of mercury. In the United States, for example, the use of hydroquinone is controlled by law. However, one in four whitening creams made in China contains unsafe amounts of mercury.
    • Avoid direct sunlight while using the brightening cream. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause cancer. Use sunscreen with an appropriate level of protection.
    • Whitening creams can cause irritation and allergies in some people. These types of creams often contain kojic acid, which can cause certain health problems. Kojic acid is a steroid, so check with your doctor or dermatologist before using preparations containing kojic acid.
  • Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. Your skin will get enough moisture and will not suffer from dehydration.

    Exercise 30-60 minutes daily. Exercise will help flush toxins from your body.

    Mix sugar and vegetable oil. Use this scrub on your face.

  • Use lemon to improve complexion. Lemon juice removes pigmentation, but the results will be noticeable after a few weeks. Mix equal parts freshly squeezed lemon juice and water and apply to skin. Wherein:

    • Don't go out in the sun. Apply sunscreen when using lemon and other natural bleaches. Do not sunbathe unnecessarily. Lemon and lemon juice dry out the skin and become vulnerable to sun exposure.
    • Use lemon juice every other day. Brightening with lemon juice is a lengthy process, but don't do lemon masks every day in an attempt to speed up the results. Apply lemon juice 3-4 times a week.
    • Watch what you put on your skin. Many elements are absorbed through the skin and enter the body. If you intend to use other ingredients along with lemon juice as a peel, mask, or lotion, make sure that these ingredients are not toxic to your body.
  • Make masks. The following masks will help you whiten your skin and improve your complexion:

    • Cucumber mask. In a blender, combine the cucumber, 1/4 cup lemon juice, 5 teaspoons of honey, and the same amount of milk. Mix until you get a gruel. Pour this mixture into a bowl. Add flour and stir until firm. Refrigerate for 6 hours. Apply to face once a day after showering. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water and pat dry with a towel.
    • Amaranth juice mask. Mix 1/4 cup of amaranth juice or one cup of amaranth leaves with a little warm water. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
    • Mask of mint and flower cream. In a blender, combine a handful of almonds, a handful of rose petals or some rosebud paste, honey, and five tablespoons of fresh mint juice. Beat until mushy. Apply the mask before bed. The shelf life of the cream is a week (subject to storage in the refrigerator).
  • Use natural ingredients. It is easy to find products in your garden and vegetable garden that will whiten your skin and give it a radiant complexion.

    • Potato mask. Potatoes are a natural bleach. Mix grated potatoes with milk and apply to skin. Leave it on for 15 minutes. Alternatively, you can simply put fresh potato slices on your face and leave for 15 minutes.
    • Almond mask. Soak almonds in water overnight. Drain the water, mix with honey or milk and apply the paste to the skin. After drying, wash off with water.
    • Tomato mask. Tomato is another great natural bleach. Mix fresh tomato juice with lemon juice and apply to skin. Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash off with water.
  • The condition and tone of the skin of the face depends on the quality of care for it and the lifestyle of a person. Uniform color, healthy glow and smoothness of the face are impossible if the person has a sleep deficit, poor diet, smokes, abuses alcohol and spends little time outdoors. Care for the epidermis, due to which an attractive skin tone is achieved, is carried out at home. Improving complexion helps not only proper nutrition and adherence to work and rest, but also the use of cosmetics and folk remedies.

    Even the highest quality cosmetic product for facial skin care will not work if a person does not make adjustments to his lifestyle. In order for your face to always look attractive, you need to take care of the observance of the regime of activity and rest. Every adult should sleep at least 8 hours a day.

    Nutrition is an integral part of a complex of methods for improving complexion. If a person eats in a balanced way, including foods rich in essential vitamins and microelements in the diet, then his face always shines with freshness and youth.

    Healthy foods:

    • lean fish and meat;
    • legumes;
    • cereals;
    • nuts;
    • fresh vegetables and fruits: potatoes, carrots, apricots, peaches;
    • chicken and quail eggs;
    • dairy products;
    • cold pressed vegetable oils.

    Harmful products:

    • carbonated drinks;
    • coffee;
    • strong tea;
    • fast food;
    • confectionery;
    • fried foods.

    The face has a beautiful shade in the case when a person takes care of observing the drinking regime. Both men and women should drink 1.5 to 2.5 liters of water per day.

    To refresh your face, you need to immediately give up bad habits. This recommendation is especially relevant for men, since most of them abuse smoking and alcoholic beverages.

    The condition of the skin also depends on the intensity of physical activity that a person undergoes during the day. Physical inactivity leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the cells of the dermis, due to which the face loses its attractive shade. Sports activities, walks in the fresh air, swimming will help maintain the beauty of the face for both men and women.

    Home care

    Home facial treatment involves daily cleansing, toning and nourishing the skin. Cleansing involves the removal of makeup using special cosmetics. Then the face is washed using a gel (foam), selected in accordance with the type of skin. After washing, use a tonic, and it should not contain alcohol, which dries out the dermis.

    After washing in the morning, a day cream is applied to the skin with even movements, which has a moisturizing and protective effect. After the evening grooming procedures, they use a night cream that nourishes the dermis. The cream is selected depending on the age category of the person.

    Age Problem Cream action
    25-30 years oldAt the age of 25, the natural mechanisms of aging of the dermis are triggered, which is why the first mimic wrinkles appear, and the face acquires a dull shade
    • Moisturizes the skin.
    • Protects dermal cells from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation.
    • Prevents the formation of age spots
    30-35 years oldAfter 30 years, pronounced wrinkles appear around the eyes and around the mouth. The skin gradually loses its natural glow, resulting in an unpleasant gray tint. The dermis also loses its tone, which further exacerbates the problem of wrinkles.
    • Due to the content of caffeine, it tones the dermis.
    • Nourishes epidermal cells thanks to the vitamin A content.
    • Prevents flaking of the skin due to the content of peptides
    35-40 years oldNot enough collagen and hyaluronic acid are produced, which makes the signs of aging appear brighter. Exposure to ultraviolet rays leads to the rapid appearance of age spots and loss of moisture in the cells of the dermis.
    • Replenishment of hyaluronic acid deficiency.
    • Salicylic and glycolic acids in the complex accelerate the regeneration of the dermis.
    • Natural ingredients of the cream protect the skin from the effects of oxidants
    40-45 years oldAt the age of 40, the number of new wrinkles is actively increasing, and the old ones become deeper. Thinned epidermal layer causes loss of attractive skin tone
    • The cream has a lifting effect that prevents sagging of the skin.
    • Natural oils in the product, for example, shea, return the skin to an attractive shade
    45 and olderAt about 50 years of age, the level of estrogen production in a woman's body decreases, and a rapid aging process of the epidermis occurs. There is a deficiency of vitamins A and E, which determine skin tone
    • Replenishment of deficiencies of vitamins A, E and peptides.
    • Intensive nourishment of the skin with hyaluronic acid.
    • Intense hydration.
    • Pronounced lifting effect


    Home treatments can help improve your complexion at home. One of the most effective methods for restoring a pleasant complexion for men and women of all ages is the effect of cold on the skin. For the procedure, you will need home-made ice. You can prepare it by freezing it in special forms for ice:

    • mineral water;
    • green tea;
    • chamomile decoction;
    • sage broth.

    Masks made from natural ingredients help to quickly restore a beautiful skin tone and saturate its cells with useful substances.

    Mask Recipe step by step Application
    Cucumber for lightening age spotsMix equal parts cucumber juice and honeyThe mask is evenly applied to cleansed skin and gently washed off after 15-20 minutes
    Coffee shop for tanning effectAfter brewing, ground coffee is filtered from liquidApply the thickening with gentle movements and leave it on the skin for 10 minutes
    Rejuvenating from carrots (after thirty)
    1. 1. A tablespoon of finely grated carrots are mixed with the yolk of an egg and a tablespoon of warm mashed potatoes without additives
    The mask is left on the cleansed face for 15 minutes, then washed off with warmed beer. Finish the procedure by washing with ice water
    Citrus with yoghurtA small amount of grapefruit or lemon pulp is mixed with an equal amount of natural yogurtThe product is applied in a dense layer to the face, and after 20 minutes they are washed
    Oatmeal with strawberries
    1. 1.30 grams of flakes are poured into half a glass of hot milk and let it brew.
    2. 2. Grind 20 grams of strawberries and add 20 grams of glycerin.
    3. 3. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed
    The mask is left for 30 minutes, after which they are washed with cold water.

    To quickly return a pleasant glow, you need to take fresh peeled beets and cut them into cubes. They need to wipe the previously cleansed face, and after 5 minutes wash. This folk method is suitable if a person does not have time to prepare and apply a homemade mask.

    Every woman strives to look perfect all her life, sparing her own efforts and resources. However, even a young appearance is often spoiled not by the first signs of aging and wrinkles, but by an unattractive complexion. Overly pale or earthy skin tones add excessive fatigue and wilting, which creates an extremely negative impression of a person's appearance. Therefore, many women are increasingly wondering how to improve their complexion, and maintain its healthy shine and attractiveness for years to come.

    Factors negatively affecting complexion

    Internal diseases affect skin color

    In addition to the already mentioned reasons leading to a deterioration in complexion, it is also necessary to note the following number of factors that negatively affect the condition of the skin, namely:

    Lack of vitamins, trace elements and nutrients in the diet, which inexorably leads to the development of anemia and the resulting unnatural pallor of the face;

    Bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse, etc.), which greatly accelerate the aging process of the facial skin and adversely affect its color and condition;

    Chronic overwork and stress;

    Daily work in a tightly closed, smoky or poorly ventilated area;

    Lack of systematic and well-organized facial skin care;

    Neglecting walks in the fresh air and playing sports;

    Excessive mental or physical strain;

    Oxygen starvation;

    Lack of adequate rest and sleep.

    Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of reasons leading to the loss of a healthy complexion. In some cases, a person may even need a complete medical examination, which will exclude (or, conversely, confirm) the presence of certain disorders of the functional systems of the body and diseases of internal organs.

    Products for beautiful skin

    Fatty acids - fish, flax grains.

    Vitamin A - carrots, young potatoes, broccoli, spinach.

    Vitamin E (prevents natural skin aging) - hazelnuts, walnuts, seeds, almonds.

    For a quick complexion, drink one glass of carrot juice a day. Carrot juice should be consumed with a small amount of fat, such as sour cream. Since assimilation is carried out only with fats. It in itself improves the complexion and, thanks to it, the skin seems to have a slight tan, and the tan itself sticks faster. You can achieve the effect in one week.

    Pay attention to the correct combination of foods, the wrong combination of foods leads to the fermentation of foods in the stomach, and to a deterioration in complexion. Eat plenty of vegetable salads. And of course, the diet is of no small importance.

    Daily care

    The skin of the face, like the entire body, constantly needs care and cleansing. Therefore, it is very important to wash your face with cool water every morning and evening. Carbonated water has excellent tonic properties, especially if you add ice cubes to the water and immerse your face in such a refreshing cocktail every morning. The result will be especially good if ice cubes are made from frozen herbal decoctions or rose water.

    It is best to wash off cosmetics with special cosmetics. Scrubs will help get rid of the remnants of makeup and dead cells, they will return the skin to freshness and radiance, and cleanse the pores. This allows you to speed up the effective processes from other creams and masks.

    How to improve complexion with makeup

    Each of us has had a situation in life when the skin does not look good, but today you need to be irresistible. To quickly even out your complexion, you need to know some spring makeup tricks. This season, makeup artists offer several solutions:

    Reflective liquid foundations are used to replace loose powders. They will mask minor imperfections, wrinkles and give the skin a soft radiance effect.

    An important role is given to the makeup base. It must be selected based on the condition of your skin. For oily skin - a light mattifying cream, for irritated and dry skin - a cream with a dense structure for long-lasting make-up fixation. A well-chosen base will dramatically improve the complexion.

    Apply auto bronzes and bronzes to improve complexion. They are back in fashion, because a light tan is more relevant than ever. Please note that the shade of such a product should be golden sparkling, peach and very light.

    Think about blush for a brighter complexion. They are returning to the forefront of this spring's makeup and allowing for a better complexion.

    Nutrition to improve complexion

    And the first thing that needs to be changed for the better is nutrition. If a woman is not dieting, she rarely treats her diet with due attention: there is little time, and the groceries in the supermarket around the corner are so affordable, and after work she is so tired - why complicate her life?

    I bought, cooked (well, if not yet completely finished products, such as sausages or store salads), fed my family and myself, washed the dishes and quickly to the TV - do not miss your favorite series. Of course, this picture is not always correct, but it happens very often.

    But about the fact that useless and incompatible foods, an excess of fried, sweet, fatty, a lack of fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables are literally reflected on our face, we try not to think so as not to get upset, or we promise ourselves that we will do it later. Later - this is when?

    Everyone has heard about separate nutrition, but for some reason it seems to most people that it is very difficult. In the meantime, it is enough to stop mixing proteins of different types, starches and proteins, proteins and sugars, proteins and carbohydrates in one meal - and the body will immediately feel better.

    For example, if you are cooking meat or fish, do not add cheese or eggs to them, as is often recommended in cookbooks, do not eat them with potatoes, pasta, cereals, but combine them with vegetables, herbs, herbs - this is the easiest thing you can do. It is not difficult to find a product compatibility chart, and you can cook much more dishes in this way than according to traditional recipes.


    Sometimes even a balanced diet cannot fully meet the body's need for vitamins. Hypovitaminosis manifests itself in different ways, and the skin of the face also suffers: it can become excessively dry or greasy, pale or yellowish. The course of taking multivitamin preparations in such a situation can simply transform the face.

    The most effective are special multivitamins for beautiful skin. As a rule, they contain B vitamins, vitamins A, E, C, PP and others, as well as mineral complexes. Perhaps no cream that improves complexion will be as effective as a course of multivitamins: the skin will become elastic, smooth, and unhealthy pallor will disappear.

    Diagnosis of the disease by skin color

    Icteric skin tone - diseases of the digestive system and in particular liver disease

    Greenish skin tone - with exacerbation of cholelithiasis or cholelithiasis and also with liver diseases

    Reddish skin tone - with overheating, as well as with cardiovascular diseases. If your lips are bright red, check your blood pressure. It is probably increased.

    Bluish skin tone - with oxygen starvation, suffocation and diseases of the pulmonary system. If at the same time the lips have a blue tint, then we can talk about circulatory problems and disturbances in the work of the heart.

    Redness on the skin with a bluish tinge is a sign of heart failure.

    If the cheeks are on fire, there is a lack of vitamin C in the body, and it can also be a sign of bronchitis and even asthma.

    Pallor of the skin - indicates a sharp decrease in blood pressure - hypotension, a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, a lack of oxygen and impaired lung function

    An earthy skin tone is an indicator of frequent constipation and bowel problems

    A dark complexion often indicates that a person may have a disease associated with infections in the bladder.

    Dark circles under the eyes are a sign of nervous diseases.

    An orange skin tone and the appearance of dark small spots - a deviation in the functioning of the thyroid gland or this is the result of age-related hormonal problems

    Folk remedies and masks to even out complexion

    It is advisable to apply masks that even out the complexion before going to bed, since the sun's rays negatively affect the skin after them. Regularly applying masks to even out the complexion, we reliably protect our skin. Such masks are especially necessary in summer.


    The most effective and at the same time simple remedy for leveling the complexion is bodyagi, the powder of which is sold in every pharmacy.

    The powder is diluted with boiling water to the consistency of sour cream and applied to the cleansed face for 15 minutes. During this procedure, a tingling sensation is felt, because all capillaries begin to work more actively, as a result of increased blood microcirculation.

    The skin of the face turns red for a short time, then the stagnant spots dissolve.

    As a result, the skin is visibly smoothed, the complexion is significantly improved and acne is reduced.

    After the body mask, a moisturizer should be applied to the face.

    Complexion-improving mask

    Our great-grandmothers also understood how attractive the delicate, well-groomed skin with a healthy blush looks. And for facial care, they used the most common products. One of the most popular complexion-improving masks is still a mixture of homemade cottage cheese and sour cream. However, they can also be used individually. Simply apply to clean skin and rinse off after 15 minutes. This mask has a slightly whitening effect, smoothes the skin and makes it velvety.

    Mask recipes

    When choosing masks that improve your complexion, consider whether the products in their composition are available to you and whether there are any allergens among them for your skin. The product will need to be applied to clean, steamed skin twice a week, preferably after a bath or hot shower, before going to bed. Action time - 20 minutes.


    Stir fresh carrot and warm mashed potatoes (tablespoon each), yolk.


    Pour over ground oatmeal with a decoction of flaxseed (one teaspoon per glass of boiling water until it cools completely) to make a mushy consistency.


    Stir the cucumber puree with medium fat cottage cheese (a tablespoon each).


    Stir in warm light beer (50 ml), yolk, potato flour and grated carrots (one tablespoon each).

    There are many recipes to restore youthful skin and improve complexion. The same amount of tips and tricks. But no matter how much they talk about it, the most important thing is your love for yourself. Fall in love with yourself, and your body will very quickly respond to you with beautiful matte skin, toned shape and "soaring" mood - it's checked!

    By the complexion, one can understand whether a person is healthy. For a woman, a good skin tone without blemishes, bags, edema is especially important. The complexion deteriorates for various reasons. Mostly the problem comes down to constant stress, physical exertion, and malnutrition. It will be possible to improve the complexion if you pay close attention to each of these points. Let's start with the simplest thing - making the right choice of foods for your daily diet.

    How to eat for beautiful color

    An important requirement is to ensure regular meals, do not skip meals, and choose the most healthy foods. What products are we talking about? Let's list the most useful ones.

    1. Fatty fish. Fatty fish contain vitamins A and E, which are especially needed by the skin. The lack of vitamins and nutrients affects the color in a negative way. Among other things, without these vitamins, wrinkles appear faster, the skin becomes flabby. The same components are present in beef liver, natural butter, fatty dairy products. The main thing is not to overdo it in order to maintain a normal figure.
    2. Porridge for breakfast. An ideal breakfast is porridge made from buckwheat, oatmeal, rice. They are useful on their own due to their rich composition. But there is also a huge advantage - they get rid of toxins that have accumulated in the body. Timely elimination of decay products, cleansing of the kidneys and urinary system is the basis of health.
    3. Carrots and carrot juice. Carrot juice also has a cosmetic effect. It makes the skin look more "tanned" than it actually is. Moreover, it is meant to be used internally, and not local application. For a noticeable effect to appear, you need to consume carrot juice for a week or longer.
    4. Citrus fruit. By consuming lemons, oranges, pineapple, you will help your own skin well. It is a pity that many have an allergic reaction to the listed products. If she does not allow the use of citrus from the list listed, choose kiwi instead. This is the most useful product that causes allergies much less often.
    5. Nuts and dried fruits. They are not added to main meals, but they are great for snacks. Dried fruits and nuts cannot be abused, they are high in calories and contain a lot of fat. But in volumes of 30–40 g, it is permissible to eat it.

    Let's talk separately about the use of water. Healthy skin and dehydration are incompatible. Therefore, be sure to drink 1.5-2 liters of water a day, not including tea and coffee. By the way, it is advisable to remove these drinks, since they can harm the skin even more. Maintaining the correct water balance additionally allows you to postpone the moment when wrinkles form.

    Home cosmetics

    In addition to the store and a variety of modern cosmetics produced by professional firms, there is also a serious set of various home remedies. From those described below, you can choose one or immediately apply the whole complex.

    1. Raw potatoes. Grate the potatoes, cleanse the skin of the face from impurities, lay the resulting mass. Leave on for 15–20 minutes, then rinse. A prerequisite is to treat the skin with a nourishing cream after washing off the mask.
    2. Beet. The same principle. It is advisable to use a solid root vegetable so that too watery gruel does not turn out. She just won't hold on to her face. Another alternative means - carrots, orange slices. Only with the latter, you need to be careful, since a local allergic reaction is likely.
    3. Natural coffee, coffee grounds. High-quality coffee or the grounds left after drinking it have the strongest tonic qualities, give a dark complexion. But, if aristocratic pallor is fundamentally important to you, this method will have to be abandoned.

    Fruit masks for a good shade

    Masks made from fruits are known for their ability not only to improve color, but also to mask the defects present - traces of acne, small scars. The most effective and affordable types of fruit masks are presented below.

    1. Banana. Banana has the ability to heal the skin, fill it with nutrients, which also determine the color. It is not necessary to apply a banana mask, use it as a component of the mixture. It is enough to take a slice of banana and wipe your face daily. Naturally, the bananas should be fresh.
    2. Apricot. It will be possible to make the skin velvety and pleasant in shade with the help of apricot: not only the fruit itself, but fresh juice. Prepare 3 tbsp. tablespoons of the drink, mix with liquid honey and semolina, taken in an amount of 1 tbsp. spoon. Add a teaspoon of sea salt on the edge. Stir, apply to skin for 15 minutes. Repeat 2-3 times a week. For extra tone, after rinsing off the mask, sweep a piece of ice over your skin.
    3. Pear. Find the right backwoods: the fruit should be soft and sweet. Grate, mix with a tablespoon of olive oil and high fat cottage cheese. Hold for 15–20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Apply at least twice a week.

    Lifestyle for beautiful skin

    When we have provided nutritious food, found the right care products, it remains to adjust the lifestyle. A beautiful skin color is unthinkable without proper rest, sleep, and protection from stress. Try to relax, sleep for 8 hours regularly, do not stay up late at the TV or computer. To help you sleep well, we recommend using glasses that protect from light.

    Let's draw conclusions

    To improve skin tone, you need add foods rich in vitamins to the diet, apply natural care products, get good rest... Together, the methods will allow you to minimize harmful factors from the outside, return the appearance to its former freshness and youth. All of the above is true for a situation when you want to prolong youth, postpone the moment of occurrence of wrinkles, and protect against early flabbiness.

    In the difficult conditions of modern urban life, the question of how to improve the complexion often sounds. Improper nutrition, constant stress, lack of fresh air - all this leads to the fact that the skin becomes dull and gray. But don't despair. For a healthy, radiant complexion, follow the tips below.

    Step 1. Healthy eating

    If you want to have beautiful, even skin, then first of all you should reconsider your diet. Fast food, fatty foods, lots of sweets, as well as alcohol and cigarettes are incompatible with the dream of clear skin. Give up junk food - this will be the first step towards a beautiful, rash-free face.

    But besides a complete rejection of harmfulness, it is worth introducing products such as:

    • apples;
    • carrot;
    • vegetable oils;
    • spices;
    • nuts and seeds;
    • citrus fruit;
    • green vegetables;
    • fatty fish.

    Germinated seeds of wheat, oats, flax are very useful for the skin. This product contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, it is not for nothing that sprouted wheat has been called "living food" since ancient times.

    Also, those who want to improve their complexion, the following recipes are useful.

    A wonderful drink for the face

    You will need:

    • green tea;
    • ginger;
    • cardamom;
    • Carnation;
    • cinnamon;
    • lemon - optional.

    Brew a glass of green tea and add grated fresh or dry ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, and lemon. Let the drink brew, spice it with a spoonful of honey. You need to drink the drink once a day. This product will not only make your face cleaner and fresher, but also strengthen your immune system.

    Face juice

    You will need:

    • grapes - 1 bunch;
    • strawberries - 1 handful.

    Mix the berries in a blender and grind them into a homogeneous mass. This juice-puree is useful to drink in the morning at breakfast. It will enrich the body with vitamins and improve the complexion.

    Cleansing Salad

    You will need:

    • Apple;
    • carrot;
    • cabbage;
    • beet;
    • pomegranate seeds;
    • Pine nuts;
    • dried apricots or prunes;
    • lemon juice;
    • olive oil.

    Cut vegetables into medium-sized pieces, add pomegranate grains, nuts, dried fruits and mix thoroughly. Season the salad with lemon juice and olive oil (you can choose any oil).

    The use of such a salad helps to remove toxins from the body, cleanses the stomach and refreshes the skin of the face.

    Don't forget about water! You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters per day. It is also recommended to drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast. It is better to drink unboiled water - thawed or spring water.

    Step 2. Folk remedies for facial skin

    In the dynamics of modern life, it is sometimes difficult to find time to prepare homemade cosmetics from natural ingredients. Nevertheless, if you dream of a beautiful complexion, you cannot do without folk remedies.

    There are many recipes for masks and scrubs - there are many remedies to try before finding the one that works best.
    But to achieve the best result, the following procedures should be included in skin care:

    1. mask;
    2. scrub;
    3. steam bath;
    4. wiping with ice or ice washing.

    Face masks

    Recipe number 1. Honey mask

    In a glass bowl, mix one spoonful of liquid honey, one spoonful of lemon juice and one spoonful of oatmeal. If you have oily skin, you can add a little baking soda to the mixture.

    Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for ¼ hour. After the first procedure, you will notice that the complexion has become much more beautiful and even.

    Recipe number 2. Sea buckthorn oil

    Sea buckthorn oil is a source of a rare but very beneficial omega-7 fatty acid. It has a beneficial effect on the female body, improves complexion. Evens skin, strengthens hair and nails.

    It is better to use sea buckthorn oil in a complex way - inside a teaspoon on an empty stomach and in the form of a mask.

    The mask is very simple to do. Heat the oil to a comfortable temperature and apply on face for 20 minutes. You can apply gauze soaked in sea buckthorn oil to the skin.

    Recipe number 3. Coffee and carrot mask

    Take some freshly squeezed carrot juice and mix it with 1-2 tablespoons of coffee brew. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it on for a few minutes. You can improve the recipe by adding not tea leaves, but coffee grounds to the juice - then you get a scrub mask.

    Such a remedy is very useful for the skin, as it will not only give it a fresh, rested look, but also cleanse well.

    Home scrubs

    Recipe number 1. Rice belongings

    Combine one part rice flour and one part ground coffee. Dilute the mixture with water or a warmed base oil (such as olive oil) and apply on face in smooth circular movements. After making a light massage, rinse off the scrub with running water.

    Recipe number 2. Tea scrub

    To one spoonful of liquid honey, add a little fresh green tea brew and a scrubbing element of your choice - bran, salt, sugar, coffee. Use the mixture to gently cleanse the skin, and then rinse with water.

    Steam bath

    Herbs and other natural base decoctions to improve complexion:

    • chamomile;
    • pink petals;
    • sage;
    • Linden;
    • Clover;
    • calendula;
    • Oak bark;
    • willow leaves;
    • peppermint;

    You can add a few drops of essential oil to the bath.

    Go to the bath regularly. This procedure will help not only improve the condition of the skin of the face and the whole body, but also remove toxins from the body and give a boost of vivacity for several days in advance.

    Cosmetic ice

    Brew herbs of your choice. Chamomile, mint, birch leaves, sage, St. John's wort are good for improving skin color. You can add 2-4 ml of hydrolat or a few drops of chamomile extract to the broth.

    Pour the infusion into ice cube trays and put in the freezer. Every morning while washing your face, wipe your face with a cosmetic ice cube.

    If you have a sore throat, it's best not to ice the neck area.

    This procedure "trains" blood vessels and helps to even out skin color.

    Step 3. Massage

    The massage helps to maintain the tone of the dermis, helps to smooth out folds and wrinkles, and also increases the flow of nutrients to the skin, thereby improving the complexion.

    There are the following types of facial massage:

    1. classical;
    2. plucked (Jacquet);
    3. plastic;
    4. modeling.

    You can carry out the procedure both at home and in the salon. But besides that, it is recommended to do a five-minute massage every evening. To do this, pour some cosmetic oil into your hand and warm it up by rubbing it between your palms. Make smooth stroking movements along the main ones. Don't forget about the neck and décolleté!

    After the procedure, blot the remaining oil with a paper towel.

    Step 4. Visiting a beautician

    Regular visits to the beautician's office are necessary if you want to have clear skin. This is especially important if you have skin rashes, enlarged pores, excessive dryness of the dermis.

    The beautician will assess the condition of your skin and recommend procedures or products that will help both improve your complexion and eliminate rashes and other troubles.

    The specialist can offer the following salon treatments to smooth the skin:

    • microdermabrasion;
    • chemical peeling;
    • peeling with acids;
    • laser peeling;
    • hydroderma.

    What is better to choose, the cosmetologist will decide. He will also provide information on prices and procedures.

    Deep cleansing of the face can also be done at home. There are now many electrical devices for skin cleansing. Prices range from the lowest (several hundred rubles) to the highest (several thousand rubles).

    One of the most popular face care devices is Darsonval. He was familiar to our grandmothers, as he was very popular in the USSR. It was invented in France in the 19th century.

    The device is aimed at enriching the skin with ozone. For this, the dermis is first irritated by the current - this "spurs" the regeneration of the skin, improves the metabolic and excretory functions of the skin. Further, the skin is treated with ozone, it has antimicrobial and soothing effect.

    Regular use of "Darsonval" helps to improve the complexion, improves skin elasticity, eliminates breakouts and excessive greasiness.

    Step 5. Sports and fresh air

    The final step towards clean, healthy skin is fresh air and movement. This is exactly what is especially lacking in modern man. Living in cities makes women tired and passive. Constant stay at work, indoors, leads to the fact that the skin color dulls and takes on an earthy tint. This is due to the fact that in the room the dermis does not receive enough oxygen, and poisonous fumes from furniture varnishes poison it.

    Don't be lazy and take an hour-long walk through the city park or square every day. It is especially good if there is a coniferous forest near your house - in such a place the skin is more oxygenated faster and more completely.

    Sports is also an important factor affecting complexion. Dedicate at least an hour of your time to him. Cycling or jogging in the morning combine sports and outdoor activities. However, it is worth choosing exactly the physical activity that you enjoy the most.


    By following the five simple rules above, you can not only improve your complexion, but also strengthen your immune system, get rid of skin problems and health problems. Healthy food, fresh air, exercise and regular high-quality personal care - these are the components of the beauty and attractiveness of any woman.

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