Congratulations on your copper wedding. Seventh (7 year) wedding anniversary - copper wedding

Today in your house there is noise, fun,
Joyfully shine eyes, jokes, laughter,
Please accept our sincere congratulations,
We wish you to live in love to a hundred years.
Congratulations on the copper wedding,
We wish you a carefree life
Good mood, great happiness,
Let the rain wash away all the bad weather.

You are the heroes of the occasion today,
For you all the good and warm words,
Gifts to you and compliments a whole cart,
As if Santa Claus came to visit you.
7 years of marriage, congratulations,
We wish you cosmic life,
Let every star give you magic
Let's evaluate your union one hundred percent.

The wedding sings and dances,
And there seems to be no end to the fun
Bride dancing like a swan
Near the young groom.
Congratulations on your copper wedding
We sincerely wish you a sweet life
Let the sun give you a ray of warmth
So that the weather in the house is always good.

Seven is a trump number
So I want you to be always lucky in life,
7 years that you lived together
Let him give strength to the groom and beauty to the bride.
We heartily congratulate you,
We wish you prosperity, joy,
Let the family nest continue to wind,
May everything in life be easy for you.

Today is the most beautiful moment
You are celebrating 7 years of family birth,
There is no end to the fun
You are the best couple, and this is not a secret.
We drink the first one for happiness and good luck,
The second - for your apartment and cottage,
Third and fourth - for love,
And, so in a circle, we drink again and again.

Today you have a copper wedding,
All congratulations and compliments for you,
We are glad to see you always happy,
Young, vigorous, beautiful.
May everything you wish come true
May luck always smile on you
May everything be good in your life
Let all problems be solved easily.

We mark the number "seven" -
The term is long, but not quite.
Allow me to wish
You first "twenty-five"
And multiply them by two -
Golden glorious time!
And then another third.
And don't get old!

Celebrate a copper wedding
The time has come for you
And seven is the treasured number,
What every player knows!
Let fortune spoil
happy family:
Big money will be welcome
And lobsters on the menu!

Rather, shine a light on your marriage:
Do not clean the relationship - a harmful thing,
You have been together for seven years - and so be it! -
Your copper wedding gives you joy.
Get rid of ordinary shackles,
Feel happier and younger
Free your wallets from coppers,
And the souls from what blackens and gnaws them.

Troubles and sadness lagged behind on the road,
The stars only predicted happiness for us.
Copper wedding - as much as 7 years!
This is the dawn of love and fun.
Let there be sun, sea and palm trees,
Again we look into the beautiful distance,
Where the star is golden, like fate.
May the path lead you to good luck.
May congratulations on the anniversary
Weddings bubbling like a glass of cappuccino.
How much we wish you!
Joy, happiness, all good deeds -
Only success and implementation!
Let there be a holiday, like sonorous singing!

Before the wedding, you are red, copper
The trail reached the victorious:
Save your love!
Passing through the dark thickets,
In your secluded corner
You saved your family!
We respect you for this
7 is not a number, but a sign,
What keeps you heaven, God,
Worked hard, a lot
Found the right way
You are from many roads!

To be happily married
Or it's great to get married
You all need to learn
So keep your knowledge!
Passion of love in full swing
And whining and boredom - fight!
Congratulations to your couple
Happy seventh anniversary!

The number 7 is one of the main ones.
This is the number of completeness,
Happiness, peace, words of congratulations
In a house where flowers reign.
At a beautiful copper wedding,
Noisy, ringing and comfortable
With copper coins
Warm in fingers
So that all sorrows
Forever gone!
Live and continue to have fun
Sweet and songful!

Copper wedding. How to congratulate in prose?

Your best wishes can be expressed in the form of a toast, raising a glass to the health and happiness of the anniversaries.

I raise a glass to love, the only non-legal alchemist who has found a way to turn coppers into gold. Let me wish you good health and long, long years of life, and may every day of your future life be as wonderful as this one. Live happily seven more times for 7 years and the same number more!

My dears, accept sincere congratulations on your copper wedding day! They say that the number 7 has a special magical meaning, so let your life together be filled with the magic of good magic and the miracle of eternal love. I wish you to live always in full luxury, prosperity and happiness!

Dear anniversaries! It's been seven years since you've been married. The husband became the support and protection of his wife and kids, and the wife became a kind and caring keeper of the hearth. It would seem that there is no need to prove and confirm your love, but do not forget that you have a copper anniversary. And copper has a habit of tarnishing and darkening if it is not periodically polished. In addition, copper is a very malleable metal, dents and scratches easily remain on it. Therefore, try to ensure that the bright shine of copper does not disappear in your relationship: speak gentle words and compliments to each other, give flowers and gifts not only for the holidays, take care of each other. Do not leave dents on the copper of your love from scandals and scratches of inattention to each other. Keep your love and strengthen it to the state of strength and beauty of a diamond!

Today, our heroes of the occasion have a copper wedding, seven years of marriage! Congratulations on this event! They say that if a family has survived seven years together, then this is forever. We wish you that this belief is fulfilled, and nothing could break your strong family ties. Let your love be as tender and hot as in the first year of family life, and from year to year become stronger and purer than a diamond. Be happy! Bitterly!

Copper wedding, today you have! This is already seven years of a joint, lived life. Together, experienced grief, joy, lack, sadness, luck. You've been through everything together! So on this day, I wish you not to lose heart, let each other's love support you in the most difficult moments! I admire your love! Know, while love is alive, while the meaning of life exists! I wish you joint happiness, inspiration and victories. Let your love, which has already gone through a lot, inspire you to exploits! Let your home be filled with the harmony of goodness and joy. Thank the Lord for finding each other, and take care of your love!

Today your family is 7 years old, congratulations on your copper wedding! May this anniversary bring a bright brilliance to your life, may there be a lot of happiness and good luck, sincere joy and respect, lasting love and understanding in it. I wish good health to the family, good prosperity and well-being!

I congratulate you, dear ones, on the 7th anniversary of family life, on a copper wedding! I wish you to be for each other all the seven wonders of the world, I wish you to live in prosperity and harmony, I wish you always find an answer to all seven troubles, I wish you always fill the family hearth with comfort, happiness and joy!

We hasten to congratulate you on the occasion of the copper wedding! After all, you have been together for seven years, living soul to soul! So for you, I want to wish something special, beautiful, tender! May your hearts never get rid of this wonderful feeling of your love! We wish you that all the troubles that you have experienced turn into an invaluable experience! After all, the fact that you found each other is a miracle! After all, you are perfect for each other! You are simply made for each other! Happiness to you our relatives!

They say family is an eternal war. When you met, you conquered each other, when you got married, you fought with the outside world for the happiness of your family and with each other for the TV remote ...

During these 7 years, you have learned the theory and tactics of the Cold War and urban warfare, reconnaissance by force and interrogation with passion, guerrilla warfare and espionage. But the main thing that you have mastered is the basics of diplomacy. You still love each other, and it has long been no secret to you that the best of wars is the one that did not take place. There are only two winners in this war. Now you are not just a couple in love, now you are already allies and friends. I propose a toast to your friendship, your understanding and patience, mutual support and wisdom! For your love that made you even better!

Congratulations on your copper wedding, happy 7th anniversary of your family life! I wish you, dear ones, the unquenchable light of good and good in your home, good health and sincere joy to your family, undoubted good luck on your further joint path, eternal love and peace!

Great age - seven family! There are more of you, and happiness has also increased at times. On this glorious anniversary, you presented evidence of your mutual love, respect, and patience. Let your hearts keep these feelings for many years of living together! Happiness to you!

“When you love, you do not want to drink any other water than the one you find in your favorite source. Loyalty in this case is a natural thing. In a marriage without love, in less than two months, the water of the source becomes bitter, ”so said a wise man, a thinker! You have a holiday today, a copper wedding. You've been married for seven years and still love each other with the purest love. So today I wish you that it does not fade away, but flares up even more! So that the memories of your wedding warm your soul on cold winter evenings! Let the happiness that sparkles in your eyes at the sight of each other give you the confidence to overcome any difficulties, because when you are together, you will overcome everything! Happiness to you!

Dear guys, today is the happy date of your happy family life, today is your copper wedding! Together for 7 whole years, this means that you have passed all the tests and overcame all sorts of obstacles in life. Be always happy and loved by each other, live in full prosperity, mutual understanding, respect, prosperity, peace and harmony!

Congratulations on a wonderful copper anniversary, on the 7th anniversary of your family life. I want to wish the number 7 to become happy in your life and fill this year with family warmth, joyful events, happy moments, rainbow mood and bright goodness. Live in peace and love!

My dear (names of spouses)! Congratulations on your copper anniversary! Reaching the gold and diamond wedding is like climbing Mount Everest, despite all the difficulties of the path and bad weather. However, do not flatter yourself, you are still at the beginning of the journey. You have managed to develop, if not complete yet, but intimacy - spiritual and physical. You have established a life, distributed responsibilities, organized joint leisure and mastered the basics of the most important profession in the world - to be parents, that is, you have passed the most difficult, stormy and dangerous stage in the formation of a young family. And, despite all the sorrows and difficulties, you have not forgotten how to smile. I sincerely admire you! I admire your tenderness towards each other when (wife's name) waves his hand after leaving for work (husband's name) or prepares his favorite dishes, and (husband's name) constantly says (wife's name) compliments and gives flowers. I wish you to continue to remain just as in love with each other. And I also wish you to preserve or develop in yourself such qualities as tolerance for each other's shortcomings, quickness, gentleness, readiness to help in any business, the ability to limit your desires for the benefit of another. Be happy!

Today is the birthday of your family, which has managed to grow up and get stronger in 7 years. Live as amicably, remember about consent and compromises, do not break under the onslaught of troubles. May there be prosperity in your home, may children's laughter sound in it and give you happiness!

Congratulations on the cherished seven of life together, on the copper anniversary! I sincerely wish to always be in seventh heaven with happiness, to shine as the brightest couple in the firmament of big stars. May harmony and understanding reign in your family, may every day please you with pleasant surprises and only good events!

Dear spouses, today your family life began to count exactly seven happy years! All these years you have been a joy for each other, support and support. We wish that the fire in your family hearth burns hot and evenly, that love does not leave your hospitable home, that your family becomes stronger and bigger!

A copper wedding is already considered strong! After all, you have lived under one roof for a considerable period of time, experienced difficulties, troubles, happiness, bad weather, joy and other situations! But at the same time you are together because you love! So let, on this holiday, you remember your first feelings that made your hearts beat in a new way! Today, we wish you, despite all the surprises prepared for you by life, to stay together, to love and take care of each other as well! Just admire each other! Happy wedding!

Seven is a lucky number! You have lived together for 7 happy years! How much! How little! You lived through them like happy preschool children, you had, of course, broken knees, and quarrels with each other, and fun games. And now it's time to grow up, you have become wise enough to learn more complex things in the school of life. You have a great future ahead of you! This world is yours, and we wish you to keep the youth of the soul and the freshness of feelings, to go through all the sorrows and joys together, to save what we all sometimes value so little - family happiness both in the school of life, and in institutes, and in graduate school, and being crowned with golden wedding laurels by academicians!

We congratulate you on the seventh anniversary of your life together and express our gratitude for instilling faith and hope in people that love and a strong family exist in this world. Only you know that you should create a real "cell of society" that the country is proud of. We wish you the fulfillment of your desires, love that grows stronger over the years and bright positive impressions from life!

Copper wedding! I sincerely congratulate you on this holiday! For seven years you have been living soul to soul! Take care and respect each other! Cherish and warm with the warmth of your hearts. So, on this festive day, I wish you to remain the same as when you met, in love and inspired! May joy come to your home every day. Grief and bad weather bypass your house. May your love always help you in difficult situations. Happy holiday!

There was a time when people did not yet know metals. What did they use in everyday life? Wood, fabric, stone, leather... Once a strange stone fell into the fire. The heat of the hearth melted it, and in the morning an ingot of copper was found in the ashes. It was precious to those people, and now it is your highest treasure. The time of silver and gold, precious stones will come, we all sincerely hope for this. And now I propose to drink for relatives and friends of this house. Their warmth, friendship and support warmed our anniversaries and helped them go this long way to the copper wedding!

No wonder they say that 7 is a lucky number! After all, it is this number of years lived together that can be called a truly happy time. Years fly like moments, and moments - dissolve into eternity, showering two loving hearts with copper rain. Your wedding anniversary opens up a new path to perfection for you, stepping on which you will never turn off the intended path. We congratulate you on your copper wedding and wish your life to be as noble as the metal that represents this day!

Congratulations on the copper anniversary, on the lucky number of life together - on the seven! I wish your family prosperity and well-being, strong and mutual light feelings, understanding and prosperity. Continue to support each other in everything, enjoy life and successfully achieve joint goals. Health to your family, comfort to your home and long life to you!

Copper is a strong metal, which is not so easy to spoil or break! This is the stuff your marriage is made of right now. After all, you have been together for seven years, and this is already a period. The term to understand that a friend - without a friend you can no longer, the term to understand that you love each other for real. The term to understand that you love your soulmate with all the advantages and disadvantages! After all, this is the period that gives you the right to celebrate this day and thank each other for the care, fidelity and happiness given in marriage! May your marriage only get better, richer and stronger! Let no one and nothing be able to destroy it!

Congratulations on your honey wedding! In the happy seven years of your life, I wish you great victories and brave strength, unquenchable love and true happiness, great hopes and great luck, well-being in the house and peace outside the window!

Today is your seventh wedding anniversary - a very serious anniversary, although this is not a round date! Copper is a flexible metal, therefore the “copper” anniversary is a hint that the spouses still have everything ahead, but the years lived together are a great merit. Be proud of this anniversary and know that more “expensive” weddings are ahead of you. I wish you on this day to worthily and firmly keep your marriage, because every year it grows stronger, becomes stronger and more reliable! May this day bring you only joy and only happiness. May all the wishes, of course good, said to you today, come true! Happy copper wedding day!

Congratulations on another anniversary! You have been together for 7 years already, and may your subsequent years together please you, I wish you attention and care for each other, hot nights, tender love, healthy children and days rich in smiles, fun and joy!

Dear and beloved (names of spouses)! Today you proved once again that love exists in the world. It's been 7 years since the day you swore allegiance to each other. During this time, you have learned to understand each other perfectly, forgive insults and not harbor evil, but cover everything with love. But remember that you have a copper wedding, and copper tends to tarnish and is quite vulnerable to scratches and dents. So don't forget to brighten up your relationship, and don't darken it by sorting things out so that love doesn't start to fade. Kindle it like a fire, and keep the flame constantly. After all, while love lives, the family will be the strongest union on earth!

Copper wedding. How to congratulate in verse?

So let's drink to a strong man

And for his most beautiful woman!

For their seventh anniversary

From the day they were married!

Here is a copper coin - you are no longer poor!

But silver, to be good!

Here is paper money - so that you are important!

And here's a little gold to have kids!

Congratulations guys

With a copper wedding from the heart!

You have been married for seven years.

How good are you!

How much faith, how much light

In your joyful eyes!

Let this happiness not go out

Let love live in hearts!

Seven is the best number

It brings happiness!

For a copper wedding, because it is

Like an umbrella from all bad weather!

Live long and love!

And just be better!

Hide from snow and rain

Meet the sunshine!

Fire and water, and copper pipes

During these seven years you had to go through!

Let there be less cool tests

On your next family journey!

With the wedding of Copper!

You - caresses in return,

Love endless

And carefree life!

Live beautifully

Kiss playfully

And remember forever

The warmth of the first meeting!

Seven years as a life together

I got you started!

You lived, we know

Many happy days!

Happy copper birthday to you!

So that without offense and falsehood

Love and respect

Reigned in your house!

Lies in the palm of a gentle palm,

Words of love softly whisper lips ...

You went through water and fire together,

And brass solemn trumpets!

May the fate of victories send you a lot,

May your path be filled with joy!

And let with the passage of happy years

Copper will turn into silver and gold!

Your family is now exactly 7 years old,

You are so beautiful, there is no happier!

The copper wedding came to visit you,

She brought wonderful joy as a gift!

Let your confidence grow

What's ahead, only the best awaits!

Let success rush to you in practice,

So that you live the most wonderful of all!

Seven years is a copper wedding

Your marriage will not split already!

No more need to prove

That feelings are doubly strong.

I wish you more health

Love in your home, warmth!

Luck may last longer

After all, your marriage was created for good!

Copper is a noble and valuable metal,

He gave strength to a happy marriage!

Let the couples around envy you,

Do not open hearts, souls and hands!

With a copper wedding! Let forever

Beauty will remain with you,

Believe, love, give warmth,

So that all the bad things from life are gone!

Congratulations on your copper wedding

And happiness to you, we wish you love!

Let the feeling seem like a flight

To be together forever

So that the days shone with gilding,

Like two wedding rings!

“Seven years is not an easy date!” —

Let's say the smile is not melting.

Let it be stronger than everyone in the world

Your wonderful family!

7 years is a lucky number!

So that every year happiness increases,

No need to work too hard

It is enough to fall in love at least once!

And so love lives for 7 years

Since you made a vow to yourself!

Passing through water, flame, copper pipes,

Your cherished dreams have come true!

Today is the seventh anniversary of your wedding -

This is a lucky number!

We are glad to congratulate you today

And we wish you luck

So that happiness reigns at home

So that there would always be prosperity,

To dissolve bad weather,

May kindness be with you!

You lived for seven years

We will say "Hurrah" to you!

And it is clear to everyone that there is no

For you, friends, barriers.

For years, let the family

Your marriage will not end.

Appreciate your family

Which was given a start!

Seven long best years go together

And all the hardships, troubles for nothing!

Let love always remain in the heart

Happy moments for you two!

And the copper anniversary is called.

Copper is a soft but durable metal.

May you manage to smooth out all the quarrels,

No wonder God sent you to each other!

We wish you longevity!

And from all relatives, acquaintances

We send you a big hello!

You have been married for seven years!

Be happy guys!

Happy seven year anniversary!

Kiss soon!

Seven years is not too much and not too little

They say that the copper anniversary,

Let's raise a toast to you first

So that the feelings are stronger!

So that there is happiness in this house,

Children sometimes naughty

Hastened past all the bad weather

And peace for years to come!

Happy anniversary, friends!

Happy seventh wedding anniversary

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

There is no better couple in the world!

You are beautiful. Keep it up!

On this copper wedding holiday

I want to wish you

Life bright and comfortable!

Seven years of marriage like copper pipes -

So the wedding is called copper!

Congratulations, dear spouses!

Let only comfort reign in the house!

Let no quarrels be heard!

May there be peace and love in the family!

So that every year with every wedding

We could congratulate you again!

We mark the number "seven" -

The term is long, but not quite!

Allow me to wish

You first "twenty-five"

And multiply them by two -

Golden glorious time!

And then another third.

And don't get old!

Seven years is a long time

But this is just the beginning!

You have created a rich economy for the future,

We wish it expanded -

To expand the house, so that the family grows,

So that happiness shines all the time!

And love reigned in your house!

Copper wedding! Seven years anniversary!

Strong and strong family union!

Let your feelings rage like an avalanche

Well, all the days flow under the blues.

Joy to you, incredible happiness!

Let bad weather bypass the house.

You inspiration, the desire to fly!

Number 7 is a good sign

So many years your marriage lives!

Here we want to congratulate you

Glorify the institution of the family!

There is a sign of a copper wedding

It's not for nothing that this metal

Named the anniversary

There is a good reason for this.

Means strength, value,

Copper has always sent this,

And your family is priceless

Never lose!

This day is special for you -

Family birthday!

And I wish you

There was a lot of love in it!

Lots of tenderness and affection

Warm relationship!

Let it pass like in a fairy tale

Seventh Anniversary!

Seven years is a lot and a little,

But the main thing is to love

To go your own way

And live a happy life!

Health, children and your home,

And a couple of warm kind words

Tell each other in the evening -

And happiness to you the portrait is ready!

All this will be let you have,

And even more, so that with a surplus!

If only the fire in the hearts did not go out,

Burned steadily, not flash!

Congratulations on your copper seven!

Although the name is not very shiny,

It means a lot

And says a lot more!

Talking about love and trust

About a healthy and strong family!

Be happy, be beautiful

And live like in a fairy tale dream!

Seven years is a lucky number

Brings you lots of happiness!

I wish you luck

Let the fire of love burn in passion!

Always understand each other!

Appreciate, love, adore!

May happy days await you

Don't stop loving each other!

I wish you happiness and luck

May luck always await you in everything,

I wish you to be in a good mood,

And may you be lucky in all matters!

Let the joy awaits quite incredible,

After all, to live for so many years is not a field to cross!

May many more pleasant things await

After all, the best, of course, is yet to come!

Seven years go hand in hand,

Your family has existed for seven years,

We wish you never

Troubles and problems have not touched you.

We wish you happiness and love,

Patience, kindness and prosperity,

Trust each other's thoughts

And do not experience disappointment!

Congratulations on the copper wedding

I want you guys today

Glorify a worthy family

It's impossible to forget about you!

I wish you happiness in this life

And it's fun to walk together

Have fun in this world

And never lose heart!

Married for seven years - no jokes!

You stayed together forever

Distinguished by fidelity in marriage,

Reconciled with shortcomings

So that peace lives in your house,

So let him sail calmly through the storms!

To be happily married

Or it's great to get married

You all need to learn

So keep your knowledge!

Passion of love in full swing

And whining and boredom - fight!

Congratulations to your couple

Happy seventh anniversary!

What a lucky seven

The copper anniversary shines!

Let a fur coat from a smart mink

Love warms you up!

And we would all like to

So that the date boldly "7 and 7"

You old people warmed us up,

Shone with tender happiness to everyone!

To the marches of the brass band,

Shine of holiday lights

You are like a bride and groom again!

You have an anniversary today!

We wish your couple cute

Drive away sadness and darkness

We wish that love is enough

Live another seven times seven!

Seven years is a long time!

And this, of course, is an indicator

The fact that the common path is dear and pleasant to you,

No wonder the copper metal wedding!

And, therefore, the gift should be copper.

We need to try to please each other,

May fate smile on you

Will give you happiness in full!

And let copper help you,

And good luck will get you from heaven!

So celebrate the anniversary

Celebrate together with love!

Let seven years turn into a fairy tale for you,

And happiness will burst into your life!

Congratulations on your copper wedding!

Let's celebrate family growth!

For the fact that life was comfortable,

Let's toast again!

Family, we wish you love

And after all it is more important is not present.

We dream of seeing you next to me

We just want to give you one piece of advice:

Rings you admire the beauty

But the main thing is the sparkle in your eyes!

Guys, it's sad! Kiss!

You are a delight to our eyes!

Congratulations on your copper wedding anniversary!

Seven years is a long time already,

And you still love so hard

Everyone has gained happiness in each other!

You have overcome many difficulties together,

And the joy was shared - all together!

So let luck not lose you,

And happiness will forever come to your home!

They lived in marriage for seven years -

With this, we congratulate you, friends!

And to the guests gathered here, to all

We are serious about this:

Days passed in love and harmony

With a strong and friendly way of life,

Became pride, happiness of relatives

And "got hold of" a baby - a treasure!

Let them not be kindred to each other,

You live richly and simply

Millions more miracle days! ..

You will live in marriage up to a hundred years!

Let's raise our glasses today

To your precious union!

We believe in your strong love

And in the strength of the binding bonds!

Today is your anniversary

Your marriage has been going on for seven years.

And again we walk at the wedding.

The people call her copper.

This metal is strong and valuable,

How strong is your family.

We wish you prosperity!

And be happy, friends!

7 happy years of hope

7 wonderful years of love!

The kindest, most gentle ...

The heart is bursting from the chest!

Congratulations guys

Happy copper day in the world!

From dawn to dusk

Be happy together!

So that adversity and sorrow


To bitterly shout to you

People together all over the country!

Seven years is a long time!

You passed it successfully

Keeping a vow of love -

You are sinless before God.

Are you two happy together?

Let only joy enter the house,

Let wealth not decrease!

Congratulations soon

You with a golden wedding!

Until then - keep it up!

Bitterly! I drink for you "one hundred"!

Meet the copper wedding

You are ringing today

You have been with each other for 7 years

So intimately familiar.

Let them bend with soft copper

The characteristics of the spouses

Have you been able to study

For 7 years of each other.

Sometimes you don't need words

Just a look is enough

I wish that love

Always been there!

Before the wedding, you are red, copper

The trail reached the victorious:

Save your love!

Passing through the dark thickets,

In your secluded corner

You saved your family!

We respect you for this

7 is not a number, but a sign,

What keeps you heaven, God,

Worked hard, a lot

Found the right way

You are from many roads!

A good sign is the number seven,

He brings happiness to everyone

copper anniversary,

Let it be safe!

We congratulate the spouses

We always want to be together

So that in the wedding anniversary,

You lived only more fun!

Seven years is a divine date!

We met with you once

And realized - it's fate

The meeting was given to us from above!

Let's keep warmth and love,

Feel every moment

Appreciate what is given, strive for dreams,

May the temple of our hearts be happy!

Seven years have passed since you each other

Gave rings at this hour!

And you are happy spouses,

We congratulate you on this!

And on your seventh anniversary, copper,

We wish you with all our heart

Happy life and comfortable,

Love beautiful and big!

Congratulations guys

With a copper wedding from the heart!

From dawn to dusk,

Have fun people, dance!

You are a lucky seven

It turned out to be on the shoulder!

So let it be bitter!

I shout joyfully to you!

With a copper wedding dear

We want to congratulate you!

And an unusual gift

Of course we will equip you.

In marriage, the year is very insidious

It gets very complicated

That even a crisis is possible

Where someone is not in love.

So keep your feelings

Don't worry about us

And live in harmony

Every day and every hour!

It's been seven years and you're still the same

Look into each other's eyes

And it's important,

Heaven brought you together!

We will dance at the copper wedding,

Let's dance on the golden one,

And let your path be colored

Love, happiness, warmth!

Keep love safe

After all, you were made for each other!

We will not choose other words,

You are the perfect spouse!

7 years have passed since you got married,

Let's celebrate the copper anniversary!

How much has happened to you

Love has become stronger, and you are wiser!

Appreciate each other, respect!

Acquire spiritual wealth

Yes, and money, it would be a sin to refuse.

We wish you well, in the house and in the soul,

There is only joy ahead of you,

As they say - a paradise in a hut,

Only housing, let it be better!

This is a copper wedding, a copper infusion -

This is our honey year, a small milestone!

We will ring the whole world with silver

And we'll play our gold later...

In the meantime, let this sonorous copper ring -

This is not a trifle at all - to overcome seven years!

This sonorous happiness that fell to us,

To celebrate, we will call our friends.

This copper frontier is more fun than others,

Because he caught us so young!

Seven tender years brought the two of you together,

And now they came to the threshold of a copper wedding,

Let life be folding, like this verse,

And the warmth is mutual and reciprocal!

Let nothing make you sad

Nothing upsets, does not disturb,

Let the nerves be strong as steel

Money is cheaper, love is more expensive

Let there be only joy in your eyes,

Happy eyes that don't know how to cry

We congratulate you on this bright hour

Happy Anniversary Wife and Husband!

Sound louder, copper pipes!

Today is your day, no doubt.

We remember exactly and probably

That you have been together for 7 years.

Not pipes together - you, my dears,

7 years ago we went to the registry office,

Passport stamps are useful

Putting it in front of everyone.

And a copper wedding, beautiful,

You mark - go ahead!

May copper be happy for you

Let only happiness bring!

Happy copper anniversary

Time flew by quickly

And today is here now

I congratulate you boldly!

Happiness, joy to the family,

I wish the couple many years

To live in harmony

So that you do not know sadness!

A copper wedding is no joke!

Married for seven years - this is not a joke!

There were difficulties and even trouble,

Together with each other you were always!

You have been distinguished by fidelity in marriage,

And soon reconciled with shortcomings,

Peace and tranquility in the house lives,

Your house, like a cruiser, sails through the storms!

You have lived together for seven years!

We are happy for the anniversary!

And let you in your nest

Live without regret!

We wish you deep love

And passion until the end of days.

We wish only positive

For your wonderful anniversary!

Let these warm couple of lines

You will bring both shine and chic!

May they be filled with joy

Days spent together!

May every time the arrival of spring

Brings the tenderness of words into your home!

Let the kisses be passionate

And the nights are the most beautiful!

Congratulations on your copper wedding!

You've been together for seven years!

We wish you today

Live together, not knowing the troubles!

In vain do not swear

Don't lose the spark of passion

More gentle hugs

And kiss each other!

Lived together for seven years

One sacred love bound!

For all the two of you carried the answer.

Good to your marriage and warmth "anointed"!

Let the children grow and only please

And you love them with all your heart!

Spring blooms or leaves fall

Live alone - with your family,

Beautiful, kind and the biggest!

You lived together for seven years,

This period is full of trials!

And the fire warms you hotter,

Beautiful words - in love confessions!

You are older and wiser

You have learned patience!

And let harmony reign

Find the one you were looking for!

And it's been seven years since you've been together,

This date shines with copper ...

Let directly, as in childhood,

You will be happy to be rewarded!

We wish you a sea of ​​sun

And a bright ocean of smiles!

So we need to drink to the bottom

For happiness, though not without errors!

You've been together for seven years, the kids are growing up,

In the rays of love, resentment quickly melts!

Were you able to resist, you won -

All because they truly loved!

Never give in to temptation

All morning kiss you meet!

What do you like to say, do not forget!

In everyday life - help, clean and cook!

Give in to each other, do not argue!

Copper looks so much like gold

It just fades with time!

When youth leaves us

Sometimes feelings fade.

And on the day of your copper wedding,

When love warms you so much

I would like to wish you -

May she never grow old!

I want to congratulate you

My beloved, my dear,

Happy our wedding anniversary!

Happy seven years, dear!

I love you like before

And sometimes even stronger.

You are beautiful, smart, gentle.

You are alone in my destiny!

We sit with you for a couple!

The guests raise the cups, -

Speeches are pouring out laudatory,

The copper wedding arrived!

We love you for seven years

We don't kiss at all.

We are an inseparable couple

We are like gifts to each other!

You yourself have found the key to happiness,

And they kept it safe!

No secret was revealed to anyone

Gently, tremulously hid it!

We want to wish that in years

Troubles did not penetrate the castle.

7 years together, we give a copper basin,

You already have the rest!

Seven years is not a term, but still a date,

Worth noting!

We met once

Since then we are happy with you!

I congratulate you, beloved

Me from our wedding anniversary,

May happiness be in our life

Luck will come for no reason.

We walked the copper path with you,

And it's not that simple.

I hope we live together

With you until the wedding golden!

Like one minute, seven years have passed!

Today the sun gives us bright light,

And flowers bloomed for you and me.

I confess to you - only you are in my heart!

You won't find a better husband in the world:

You will always support, you will always understand.

I give you hundreds of kisses.

With our copper wedding! I love you!

My dear, diamond man,

I have been your wife for seven wonderful years!

And with our common copper anniversary

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

May our happiness be boundless.

And for two - joint dreams!

Let everything be perfect in our life.

And remember that you are the best in the world!

Seven years is a divine date!

Our paths intertwined once

And we never parted again

Stay friends and loved ones!

Thank you husband, I'll tell you

For having met in fate,

For giving happiness

Learn to love and believe!

We've been with you for seven years, dear!

All your habits well I know

We have become one for a long time.

You and I will always be fine!

Divine date - seven years with you and me!

You became my beloved, friend and wife,

I love you immensely, I appreciate you, I adore you,

I want to live my whole life with you!

My gentle flower, you are my dove,

And whatever you want, I will do for you

My star, burn brighter and shine,

Fill your feelings with your beautiful light!

Today we have a copper wedding,

We lived with you for seven years!

My wife, I am a song of praise

I sing to you with all my heart!

For your infinite wisdom

For keeping your family

And for your heartfelt love

Thank you for everything!

My dear, my dear man,

My beloved, beautiful wife,

Seven years of our wedding today

Seven years madly I love you!

And on this copper bright holiday

I wish you patience!

I'm glad that I'm your favorite chosen one.

I'm glad you really need me.

Also, my wife, I wish

You will never be sad at all.

I congratulate you on our anniversary.

Let me love you all my life!

Any anniversary is always nice to celebrate,

And even if it's not a round date.

Seven years of family life, like seven beautiful notes.

Trombones and horns sound now for you

And let them play a waltz from a copper pipe.

May your life become even more beautiful

Feelings are a hundred times stronger

May tenderness never fade

And the anniversary smoothly turns into a jubilee!

We came to you with a copper horseshoe

A special holiday in the house -

Copper wedding and from the heart

We congratulate the newlyweds!

These seven years, love has protected you,

Keeping your family

Gave me many happy days

Learned a lot.

So keep it in your heart

This love is forever.

May harmony fill your home

With your copper wedding!

Seven years of married life

Oh, copper you, wedding!

Coins of copper splashes

For home and estate.

And your relationship

Plastic and soft.

We wish to melt them down

Hundred-carat diamonds!

To live seven years is not a field to cross.

She is copper, she is wool.

You don't have seven shops yet,

And good. What to strive for!

Happy holiday, my family,

Dear newlyweds!

It's not the first year you've been together,

Union Your bound heavenly...

And again this bright holiday -

The copper wedding is already knocking...

Seven years is like infinity

Sacred number perishing in eternity.

He is so loved, respected,

Leave coins as collateral

For husband and wife to exchange

And happiness so as not to be afraid,

And it came from year to year, -

And so that you are extremely lucky!

Children grew up for joy, -

And the relationship grew stronger.

Do not know you sorrows and troubles,

And to keep a holy vow ...

A copper wedding is a seven-year marriage,

Strong, as if, copper is already a union!

You withstood both storms and winds,

And the first load of common sorrows.

Seven is the number of family, joy, luck,

May it accompany you.

And leads you forward in the right direction,

You will be in everything for one.

Woolen is also called a wedding,

After all, you are so close and you are warm,

Let feelings not melt for centuries,

Together it will be "Bitter!" and good for you!

Troubles and sadness lagged behind on the road,

The stars only predicted happiness for us.

Copper wedding - as much as 7 years!

This is the dawn of love and fun.

Let there be sun, sea and palm trees,

Again we look into the beautiful distance,

Where the star is golden, like fate.

May the trail lead you to good luck!

May congratulations on the anniversary

Weddings bubbling like a glass of cappuccino.

How much we wish you!

Joy, happiness, all good deeds -

Only success and implementation!

Let there be a holiday, like sonorous singing!

Significant number now

However, not only one year;

Seven protect you

Each one follows the other.

First, of course, love

And behind it - the desire of the family;

Wisdom, so that you can only again

Experience all your feelings.

The power that guides life

The joy that keeps your hearth;

Understanding what will not come

Kohl to go forward - no way.

Self control at the end

But it is no less important;

Here is the guardian of your hearts,

that have merged into one.

Happiness and health, family!

Many years and sunny days;

Save friendship, friends -

Be kind to each other!

The seven-year wedding anniversary is called copper. And this has its own secret meaning, because copper is a durable material, of course, copper is far from the noble materials, perhaps because such a name for the wedding would hint to the spouses that they still have everything ahead. According to the custom, the spouses exchange coins on the 7th wedding anniversary as a sign of family happiness.
Guests bring forged copper products and souvenirs as a gift, a wife can give her husband a belt with a copper buckle, a husband can give his wife original copper jewelry or bijouterie.
The most suitable gift for a tin wedding would be a copper horseshoe as a symbol of happiness and family well-being. Also, a wife can give her husband a Turkish copper if he likes to drink freshly brewed coffee in the morning.
And most importantly, it is of course original. On this page you will find congratulations on a copper wedding from parents, from friends, a wish from a husband to his wife and vice versa, poems with congratulations from a friend and a friend.

Happy everyone today
After all, fate is harmless:
You've been married for seven years
Today's wedding is copper!
Son-in-law, be strong as metal,
Delicate like mint
To become a support for his wife,
Yes, the kids are growing!

Lived together for seven years.
How many joys and troubles
You have experienced
But hidden from the eyes of strangers:
The dispute in the family is not for show,
Not for prying eyes.
Seven years to live -
Don't drink tea together
This date is not easy.
The boys are running...
It's not clear what's the matter
Life stuck or feelings broken?
You are red-copper before the wedding
We reached the victorious path:
Save your love
Saved a family from disaster.
We'll give you a copper cezve.
In the house of coffee - we love the house,

Seven years, like seven days,
flew brightly,
But, as before, bright words
The heart yearns for heat.
Be happy friends
And live long
The more reliable the family
The better the road.
And God forbid you lay down
The wings are young.
Your copper wedding - to live,
To meet others.

The number 7 is one of the main ones.
This is the number of completeness,
Happiness, peace, words of congratulations
In a house where flowers reign.
At a beautiful copper wedding,
Noisy, ringing and comfortable
With copper coins
Warm in fingers
So that all sorrows
Forever gone!
Live and continue to have fun
Sweet and songful!

It's been a good bit of life!
Although there are many more anniversaries,

You lived together for 7 years
The term is not that great.
Again you are the bride and groom,
You are beautiful at this moment!

This is a copper wedding, honey infusion -
This is our honey year, a small milestone.
We will ring the whole world with silver
And we'll play our gold later...
In the meantime, let this sonorous copper ring -
This is not a trifle at all - to overcome seven years.
This sonorous happiness that fell to us,
To celebrate, we will call our friends.
This copper frontier is more fun than others,
Because he caught us so young.

Seven glorious years have passed since the wedding day,
It's been a good bit of life!
Although there are many more anniversaries,
You are happy to celebrate your holiday.
We wish you love from the bottom of our hearts.
In the hearts, let it burn hotly,
Congratulations to your family today
You invite us to visit again!

Congratulations for the wife on a copper wedding

My dear, my wife,
Today I'll tell you, not melting,
That I was happy to live with you for 7 years,
And there is simply no better for me than you!
Thank you for the warmth and comfort
For the fact that they are waiting for me at home with dinner,
Thank you for my son and daughter...
You are the best in my destiny!

We lived to see the copper wedding with you,
And they have become a very strong family.
I'm happy that I met you in my life
I couldn't have dreamed of a better girl!
Thank you for our every day and night,
Thank you for your wonderful daughter!
Thank you for the love I will say.
Dear, I really appreciate you!

For luck, a copper coin
With you we will throw this day
So that the Russians, following the signs,
The shadow of misfortune has passed us by

Seven years already as we are with you,
We breathe and live each other
Since we are the same fate
Forever bound together

I wish myself this day
All my life to be loved by you,
So that every evening, falling asleep,
In a dream I saw your face.

Congratulations on the wedding anniversary of 7 years from friends

We are happy to congratulate you, friends,
Your family has been living for seven years!
You, meeting a copper anniversary,
They became one whole, indivisible!
So may your happiness last forever
Let your love be perfect
Your children grow up with joy
And be the happiest you all in the world!

Congratulations on your copper wedding anniversary!
7 years - a considerable period has already passed,
And love all the same selflessly,
Everyone has gained happiness in each other!
You have overcome a lot of troubles together,
And the joy was shared - all together!
So let adversity lose you all,
And happiness will forever come to your home!

Congratulations for your husband on a copper wedding

My dear, I'm glad for you
Happy anniversary!
7 years together! It's necessary!
What do you wish me?
I wish you health
Let only success await in business.
And I'll tell you with love:
“For me, you are the best!

It's hard for me to find the words now
To convey how happy I am with you.
We share all the hardships in half,
And we multiply joy with love.
When we started living together
Everything seemed new, unknown,
We created our cozy home
And they were looking for common interests.
And on the anniversary of the wedding, I will say:
We succeeded and even very much.
I'm sorry, I can't find more words
And as a sign of love I will put an ellipsis ...

Cool congratulations on the 7th wedding anniversary

Honeymoon is the first
And the copper year is the seventh.
Husband, open the can
And change your ears.

Wife, you are a bride again! -
The sound of brass rumbles.
This yeast is in the dough,
And these - in moonshine!

May the sun of the copper date
It burns like a copper basin!
Let everything than the life of a hunchback
Will cover the copper basin!

Congratulations on the 7th wedding anniversary from parents

With a copper wedding dear
We want to congratulate you
And an unusual gift
Of course we will equip you.
The eighth year is very insidious
They say it's complicated
That even a crisis is possible
Where someone is not in love.
So keep your feelings
Don't worry us often
You live in harmony
Every day and every hour

Anniversary congratulations
We send you a joyful family ode!
You are beautiful and forever young
Because they are full of love.
forever adorable,
Extremely attentive to each other.
Such an amazing family!
Let the whole universe envy!

Let nothing make you sad
Nothing upsets, does not disturb,
Let the nerves be strong as steel
Money is cheaper, love is more expensive

Let there be only joy in your eyes,
Happy eyes that don't know how to cry
We congratulate you on this bright hour
Happy Anniversary Wife and Husband!

My dears, accept sincere congratulations on the day of your copper wedding. They say that the number 7 has a special magical meaning, so let your life together be filled with the magic of good magic and the miracle of eternal love. I wish you to live always in complete luxury, prosperity and happiness.

We wish you longevity!
And from all relatives, acquaintances
We send you a big hello.

You have been married for seven years.
Be happy guys!
Happy seven year anniversary!
Kiss quickly.

The wedding sings and dances,
And there seems to be no end to the fun
Bride dancing like a swan
Near the young groom.
Congratulations on your copper wedding
We sincerely wish you a sweet life
Let the sun give you a ray of warmth
So that the weather in the house is always good.

Happy anniversary, with an important date!
Were young once
The recklessness of those years
Bachelor sends greetings.
We congratulate you together
We want to suffer further
So that before the wedding is golden,
You didn't know peace.

Let the admiration of your couple
You hear from all sides
Wife gets better with age
The husband is as good as Apollo.
And let them wish you heartily
For a glass full of poured
May your union last forever
Until the wedding golden!

Today in your house there is noise, fun,
Joyfully shine eyes, jokes, laughter,
Please accept our sincere congratulations,
We wish you to live in love to a hundred years.
Congratulations on the copper wedding,
We wish you a carefree life
Good mood, great happiness,
Let the rain wash away all the bad weather.

You are the heroes of the occasion today,
For you all the good and warm words,
Gifts to you and compliments a whole cart,
As if Santa Claus came to visit you.
7 years of marriage, congratulations,
We wish you cosmic life,
Let every star give you magic
Let's evaluate your union one hundred percent.

Before the wedding, you are red, copper
The trail reached the victorious:
Save your love!
Passing through the dark thickets,
In your secluded corner
You saved your family!
We respect you for this
7 is not a number, but a sign,
What keeps you heaven, God,
Worked hard, a lot
Found the right way
You are from many roads!

To be happily married
Or it's great to get married
You all need to learn
So keep your knowledge!
Passion of love in full swing
And whining and boredom - fight!
Congratulations to your couple
Happy seventh anniversary!

The number 7 is one of the main ones.
This is the number of completeness,

In a house where flowers reign.
At a beautiful copper wedding,
Noisy, ringing and comfortable
With copper coins
Warm in fingers
So that all sorrows
Forever gone!
Live and continue to have fun
Sweet and songful!

Copper wedding. Seven years anniversary.
Strong and strong family union.
Let your feelings rage like an avalanche
Well, all the days flow under the blues.

Joy to you, incredible happiness.
Money - so you can't count.
Let bad weather bypass the house.
You inspiration, the desire to fly.

We were looking for gifts for you
We walked around the whole city.
Not found! Then they said:
“You have each other!”

Seven is a trump number
So I want you to be always lucky in life,
7 years that you lived together
Let him give strength to the groom and beauty to the bride.
We heartily congratulate you,
We wish you prosperity, joy,
Let the family nest continue to wind,
May everything in life be easy for you.

Today is the most beautiful moment
You are celebrating 7 years of family birth,
There is no end to the fun
You are the best couple, and this is not a secret.
We drink the first one for happiness and good luck,
The second - for your apartment and cottage,
Third and fourth - for love,
And, so in a circle, we drink again and again.

Today you have a copper wedding,
All congratulations and compliments for you,
We are glad to see you always happy,
Young, vigorous, beautiful.
May everything you wish come true
May luck always smile on you
May everything be good in your life
Let all problems be solved easily.

We mark the number "seven" -
The term is long, but not quite.
Allow me to wish
You first "twenty-five"
And multiply them by two -
Golden glorious time!
And then another third.
And don't get old!

Celebrate a copper wedding
The time has come for you
And seven is the treasured number,
What every player knows!
Let fortune spoil
happy family:
Big money will be welcome
And lobsters on the menu!

Paper, cast iron, steel
Weddings are not in vain.
Dreaming again and again to visit you
Friends, co-workers, acquaintances, relatives.
And why? Yes, because happiness
Your warm home glows with love.
When is there a copper, crystal wedding?
We will definitely come to congratulate you!?

Live beautifully
Kiss playfully
And remember forever
The warmth of the first meeting!

Seven is the best number
It brings happiness!
For a copper wedding, because it is
Like an umbrella from all bad weather!

Live long and love.
And just be better.
Hide from snow and rain
Meet the sunshine!

Your family is now exactly 7 years old,
You are so beautiful, there is no happier!
The copper wedding came to visit you,
She brought wonderful joy as a gift!

Let your confidence grow
That only the best lies ahead.
Let success rush to you in practice,
So that you live the most wonderful of all!

Seven years together is a long time,
But not so big
I wish you to delay
For a long time happiness, with all my heart!

Always reach out your hands
To each other, be kindred to all,
And do not interfere with separation
Celebrate a new anniversary!

Copper is a noble and valuable metal,
He gave strength to a happy marriage,
Let the couples around envy you,
Do not open hearts, souls and hands!

With a copper wedding! Let forever
Beauty will remain with you,
Believe, love, give warmth,
So that all the bad things from life are gone!

Happy everyone today
After all, fate is harmless:
You've been married for seven years
Wedding today - copper!
Son-in-law, be strong as metal,
Delicate like mint
To become a support for his wife,
Yes, the kids are growing up.

Seven years, like seven days,
flew brightly,
But, as before, bright words
The heart yearns for heat.
Be happy friends
And live long
The more reliable the family
The better the road.
And God forbid you lay down
The wings are young.
Your copper wedding - to live,
To meet others.

The number 7 is one of the main ones.
This is the number of completeness,
Happiness, peace, words of congratulations
In a house where flowers reign.
At a beautiful copper wedding,
Noisy, ringing and comfortable
With copper coins
Warm in fingers
So that all sorrows
Forever gone!
Live and continue to have fun
Sweet and songful!

It's been a good bit of life!
Although there are many more anniversaries,

You lived together for 7 years
The term is not that great.
Again you are the bride and groom,
You are beautiful at this moment!

Seven glorious years have passed since the wedding day,
It's been a good bit of life!
Although there are many more anniversaries,
You are happy to celebrate your holiday.
We wish you love from the bottom of our hearts.
In the hearts, let it burn hotly,
Congratulations to your family today
You invite us to visit again!

Congratulations for the wife on a copper wedding

My dear, my wife,
Today I'll tell you, not melting,
That I was happy to live with you for 7 years,
And there is simply no better for me than you!
Thank you for the warmth and comfort
For the fact that they are waiting for me at home with dinner,
Thank you for your son and daughter.
You are the best in my destiny!

We lived to see the copper wedding with you,
And they have become a very strong family.
I'm happy that I met you in my life
I couldn't have dreamed of a better girl!
Thank you for our every day and night,
Thank you for your wonderful daughter!
Thank you for the love I will say.
Dear, I really appreciate you!

For luck, a copper coin
With you we will throw this day
So that the Russians, following the signs,
The shadow of misfortune has passed us by

Seven years already as we are with you,
We breathe and live each other
Since we are the same fate
Forever bound together

I wish myself this day
All my life to be loved by you,
So that every evening, falling asleep,
In a dream I saw your face.

We are happy to congratulate you, friends,
Your family has been living for seven years!
You, meeting a copper anniversary,
They became one whole, indivisible!
So may your happiness last forever
Let your love be perfect
Your children grow up with joy
And be the happiest you all in the world!

Congratulations on your copper wedding anniversary!
7 years - a long time has already passed,
And love all the same selflessly,
Everyone has gained happiness in each other!
You have overcome a lot of troubles together,
And the joy was shared - all together!
So let adversity lose you all,
And happiness will forever come to your home!

My dear, I'm glad for you
Happy anniversary!
7 years together! It's necessary!
What do you wish me?
I wish you health
Let only success await in business.
And I'll tell you with love:
“For me, you are the best!

Honeymoon is the first
And the copper year is the seventh.
Husband, open the can
And change your ears.

Wife, you are a bride again! -
The sound of brass rumbles.
This yeast is in the dough,
And these - in moonshine!

May the sun of the copper date
It burns like a copper basin!
Let everything than the life of a hunchback
Will cover the copper basin!

With a copper wedding dear
We want to congratulate you
And an unusual gift
Of course we will equip you.
The eighth year is very insidious
They say it's complicated
That even a crisis is possible
Where someone is not in love.
So keep your feelings
Don't worry us often
You live in harmony
Every day and every hour

On the day of the copper wedding, congratulations,
I wish good and happiness
To my own husband,
And only the best for him!

'Cause you deserve it all
For seven years you were the best husband,
I hope it continues like this
My dream will come true!

Family is a very serious step,
Never regretted it
Friend and foe envy me
And, you know, you can see it right away!

Seven years, beloved wife,
I love you incredibly
You are given by the Lord
And together we are with you - it's nice!

Congratulations on your copper seven!
Although the name is not very shiny,
It means a lot
And says a lot more!

Talking about love and trust
About a healthy and strong family!
Be happy, be beautiful
And live like in a fairy tale dream!

Seven years of marriage like copper pipes -
So the wedding is called copper!
Congratulations, dear spouses!
Let only comfort reign in the house!

Let no quarrels be heard!
May there be peace and love in the family!
So that every year with every wedding
We could congratulate you again!

Congratulations on the copper wedding
I want you guys today
Glorify a worthy family
It's impossible to forget about you!

I wish you happiness in this life
And it's fun to walk together
Have fun in this world
And never lose heart!

I wish my friend happiness and luck,
Let luck await family life
I wish you to be in a good mood,
And may you be lucky in all matters!

May incredible joy await you
To live seven years is not a field to cross,
May many more pleasant things await you,
After all, the best, of course, is yet to come!

Seven years you lived side by side
And the copper wedding has come!
May only happiness await ahead!
May there be more goodness!

My friend, I congratulate you!
I wish you worthy victories!
Beautiful children's laughter
And it is joyful for you to live without troubles!

Congratulations on your copper wedding!
You've been together for seven years!
We wish you today
Live together, not knowing the troubles!

In vain do not swear
Don't lose the spark of passion
More gentle hugs
And kiss each other!

Celebrate a copper wedding
The time has come for you
And seven is the treasured number,
What every player knows!

A wedding anniversary of 7 years is a copper wedding, already quite strong, well-established. Copper is a strong and soft metal that cannot be broken. From this copper alloy, you can mold and give any shape for relationships. However, copper is still converted, when this stage comes to an end, the metal can turn into silver, and then into gold.

What kind of wedding is it - copper anniversary, customs and superstitions

Copper is the second metal that got its name from wedding anniversaries, but it still needs to go through a complete transformation to reach its full strength. According to traditional ancient beliefs, the copper anniversary was celebrated with ceremonies and rituals. According to beliefs and customs from antiquity, it is believed that the number seven is magical, bringing happiness.

The seventh wedding anniversary is associated with copper, a strong but not precious metal that has the properties of strength and ductility. It is this that is a hint for spouses that relationships and bonds, if there is a desire and aspiration, it is quite possible to fashion in a way that they want to see in the end result. In fact, there are certain traditions of this anniversary, expressed as follows:

  1. coins were pushed through the doorway, then they were laid out in all corners of the house - attracting money for the anniversary;
  2. gifts for children in the form of copper coins worn around the neck. During the jubilee day, the children were not to withdraw these coins;
  3. wheat grains and copper coins were placed on the bottom of the plate, covered with a cloth, watered, conspiracies were spoken about prosperity;
  4. copper is a metal that personifies family wealth, good, household wealth. On this anniversary, for a long time everyone gave the family copper coins, household items made of copper. And the spouses gave each other coins. Metal gifts were also expressed not only in coins, but also in belts, jewelry, household items;
  5. for welfare, on the seventh anniversary of the spouses they showered with coins.

In addition to the copper, durable personification of the seven-year anniversary, another symbol of this date is wool. In fact, seven years of marriage indicate the warmth that warms the spouses and their children. The flame that connected the two hearts has already subsided, and is now a measured and even heart rhythm. Therefore, this anniversary is called woolen. A woolen or copper anniversary has strength and warmth, however, copper is a base metal, and wool is prickly, so it is important for spouses to be able to have patience, endurance and the desire to strengthen their bonds.

How to congratulate the spouses and celebrate this anniversary?

Usually, a memorable date is celebrated quietly and measuredly, but it is likely that it can be celebrated widely and on a grand scale. Anniversaries are celebrated in the following way:

  1. meeting with guests;
  2. direct celebration, including food and dancing;
  3. congratulations to the spouses on the seventh anniversary;
  4. giving gifts to the family;
  5. games and competitions.

It has long been a famous game, which consisted in holding an unusual performance. This performance was performed using a coin by a blacksmith. The blacksmith forged the names of the spouses with the date on the copper coin. This event was unusual, and it is also possible to receive a wonderful souvenir of memory.

Stages of planning and implementation

The organization of this anniversary in Rus' was the congratulation of the spouses. Planning and holding the celebration implied the implementation of the following stages:

  1. place of celebration. This location should match the preferences of the couple. It can be varied, a cafe, a chic restaurant, a small family dinner, a country house with a lot of surprises and an intriguing scenario. Moreover, for each individual place, only relatives will have their own number of participants at a family dinner; there can be a huge number of guests in a restaurant or in a country house;
  2. the design of the premises is carried out with a variety of copper things, towels. Also, pictures in the theme and style of the celebration are suitable;
  3. the clothes of the spouses for this day should be ringing, that is, the man put on daggers and other metal decorations so that the costume “sounded”. Coins were attached to women's dresses. This is done so that life is fun and scares away evil forces. Today, festive costumes are worn on this day;
  4. close friends and relatives are invited to celebrate the anniversary, although, if desired, the list may be more diverse;
  5. the menu for the seventh anniversary is filled with a variety of dishes. At the end, a dessert decorated with the number 7 is served. The table is decorated with copper vases, candles, coins;
  6. the script is thought out to the smallest detail, or a host is invited.

Congratulation on a copper wedding between spouses consists in giving gifts.