Subject-developmental environment at dhow. Organization of a subject-developing environment in a family kindergarten

Methodological development of a preschool educational institution

TOPIC: "Organization of a subject-based play environment in a preschool institution"

1. Introduction.
2. Psychological and pedagogical substantiation of the need to create a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution.
3. Pedagogical principles and approaches to the organization of a subject-play environment in a preschool educational institution.
4. Organization of the subject-play environment and its influence on the development of playing skills in older preschool children.
5. Conclusion.
6. List of used literature.

1. Introduction.

Particular importance in the preschool educational institution is attached to the subject-play environment, since the main activity of the child is play, and its influence on the versatile development of the personality can hardly be overestimated. A wide variety of children's games in a preschool institution should be ensured by the creation of a subject-play environment. However, the subject-play environment of preschool educational institutions practically does not change over time: new toys, games have appeared, but the situation, the approach to organizing the environment remains the same.
At the present stage in the pedagogical process, not enough attention is paid to the game, since the task of intellectual development is a priority. The effectiveness of the influence of the subject-play environment on the personality of a child in a preschool educational institution largely depends on the ability of teachers to organize it expediently.
A special requirement is imposed on the subject-play environment (what it displays), since the environment is the main means of developing the child's personality and the source of his knowledge and social experience. The nature of the game, the actions that the child performs, his feelings, experiences largely depend on this. The development of a preschooler can be facilitated by a subject-play environment filled with good meaning, encouraging the child to take positive actions. It can also display instruments of violence, cruelty, weapons that stimulate aggression, destructive behavior, traumatizing the psyche of a preschooler. It can even form in children distorted ideas about the world around them, about morality, undermining the humane principle of a forming personality. This problem was developed by a number of well-known psychologists and educators (E.V. Zvorykina, S.L. Novoselova, V.A.Petrovsky, L.T. Strelkova, etc.). All of the above proves the relevance of the topic of this work.
Target: To study the theoretical foundations of building a subject-play environment in a preschool institution.
1. Describe the concept of a subject-play environment.
2. Determine the conditions for building a subject-play environment.

2. Psychological and pedagogical substantiation of the need to create a subject-developing environment.

Educational (developing) environment, as defined by V.A. Yasvin, is a system of influences and conditions for the formation of a personality, as well as opportunities for its development, contained in a social and spatial-objective environment.
The subject-developing environment is an integral part of the developing environment of preschool childhood. The modern philosophical view of the subject-developing environment presupposes understanding it as a set of objects, which is a visually perceived form of the existence of culture. The subject captures the experience, knowledge, tastes, abilities and needs of many generations. Through the object, a person knows himself, his individuality.
Psychologists associate the mechanism of influence of the environment on the personality with the concept of "social situation of development", that is, a peculiar, age-appropriate relationship between the child and the world around him. The child finds a second life owl in cultural objects, in the image of the relationship of people with each other (A.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin, V.V.Davydov). The dynamics of his development, the formation of qualitatively new mental formations, depends on the relationship in which the child is with the environment, taking into account the changes occurring in himself and in the environment. The child's attitude to the environment also determines his activity in it. In this regard, psychology understands the environment as a condition, process and result of the creative self-analysis of the individual (A.N. Leont'ev).
The educational potential of the environment is multifaceted: it is the conditions of the child's life (V.S.Bibler), the formation of an attitude towards basic values, the assimilation of social experience, the development of vital qualities (L.P.Bueva, N.V. Guseva); it is also a way of transforming external relations into the internal structure of a person (A.V. Mudrik), meeting the needs of the subject, in particular, the need for activity.
Thus, the environment is a field of social and cultural activity, a way of life, a sphere of transmission and consolidation of social experience, culture and subculture, and the development of creativity.
Formation of the "image of the environment" is an important task of pedagogy, as it contributes, in turn, to the formation of each person's idea of ​​the purpose of life.
The interaction of the subject with the environment, emphasizes D. B. Elkonin is the process of creating or transforming the environment and its development. The environment is created only as a result of activity, and its mastering by the subject is carried out through ethical, cognitive, evaluative and other types of relations and interactions.
The upbringing and educational system of the kindergarten also includes the development of a wide range of children's interests and forms of activity. These are elementary forms of everyday work and self-service, and constructive activity with the inclusion of the simplest labor skills, and various forms of productive activity, and classes to familiarize the child with the phenomena of nature and society, and various forms of aesthetic activity, and elementary forms of educational activity to master reading. , writing, the beginnings of mathematics and, finally, role-playing.
At preschool age, the behavior of the child, indicates A.N. Leontiev, is mediated by the way an adult acts. Adults, their relationship to objects and to each other mediate the child's relationship to objects and other people. The child not only sees the attitude of adults to objects and to each other, but also wants to act like them. This new relationship between a child and an adult, in which the image of an adult orients the actions and deeds of the child, serves as the basis for all neoplasms of the personality of a preschool child. Thus, the formation of voluntary actions and deeds is the process of the emergence of a new type of behavior, which can be called personal, that is, mediated by orienting patterns, the content of which is the relationship of adults to objects and to each other. Thus, in preschool age, adult behavior patterns are intensively assimilated and the mechanisms of personal behavior are formed.
The developing objective environment as a system of material objects of the child's activity, which functionally simulates the content of his spiritual and physical development, presupposes the unity of social and objective means of ensuring the various activities of the child. This is an effective means of enriched development of specific children's activities (primarily games) in the preschool, which has lasting value, the period of a child's life (A.V. Zaporozhets, S.N. Novoselova).
The objective world, perceived by the child, is expanding more and more for him. This world includes objects that make up the closest environment of the child, objects with which the child himself can and does act, as well as other objects around him.
For a child at this stage of his mental development, there is still no abstract theoretical activity, abstract contemplative cognition, and therefore awareness appears in him, first of all, in the form of action. A child mastering the world around him is a child striving to act in this world. Therefore, in the course of the development of his knowledge of the objective world, the child seeks to enter into an effective relationship not only to the things immediately accessible to him, but also to the wider world, that is, he seeks to act like an adult (L.S.Vygotsky, A.N. Leont'ev).
D.B. Elkonin believed that the process of mastering objective actions, that is, actions with things that have a certain social, strictly fixed meaning, occurs in a child only in joint activity with adults. Only gradually do adults pass on to the child the entire process of performing an action, and he begins to be performed independently.
Any objective action performed by a child, especially in the course of its formation, is not only aimed at obtaining a certain material result, but, no less important, is mediated by those relations between an adult and a child that may arise during or at the end of the performance of the action.
In the course of performing object-related actions, the child first of all learns the general scheme of action with the object, associated with its general purpose, and only why does the individual operations adapt to the physical form of the object and the conditions for performing actions with it.
A.P. Usova believes that the child's activity in play develops in the direction of depicting various actions (“floats”, “erases”, “cooks”, etc.). The action itself is depicted. The activity of children takes on a building character - building-constructive games arise (there are no roles in them). Finally, role-playing games are distinguished, where the child creates this or that image. These games go along two notable channels: director's games, when the child controls the toy (acts through it), and games where the role is played by the child himself ("mother", "salesman", etc.).
Usova also notes that the process of mastering objective actions is a gradual change in the role of material (and toys) in games. In three- to four-year-olds, the material largely guides the theme of the game. Later, children attribute the properties they want to the material. Older preschoolers are more likely to play with toys.
The subject-spatial environment in each age group of the kindergarten should have distinctive features, namely: for children of the third year of life, this is a sufficiently large space to satisfy the need for active movement; in the group of the fourth year of life, it is a rich center of role-playing games with tool and role-playing attributes; in relation to children of middle preschool age, it is necessary to take into account their need to play with peers and the peculiarity of retirement; in the older group, it is extremely important to offer children games that develop perception, memory, attention, etc. As children grow up (develop), the subject-spatial environment is determined first by the educator himself, taking into account the interests of young children, from the middle group it is organized by the educator together with the children, older children themselves create and change it from the point of view of their children's interests. At the same time, the object-spatial environment should focus on the child's “zone of proximal development” and contain both objects and materials known to children and those that he masters with the help of an adult, and, finally, completely unfamiliar elements of the environment. As the child's “zone of proximal development” is exhausted, the object-spatial environment is updated accordingly (G.Yu. Maksimova).
E.A. Lazarus defines the following types of interaction with the environment that affect the nature of personality self-determination. An inadequate type is characterized by a discrepancy between the requirements of the environment and the level of personality development and includes such types of interaction when the personality is opposed to the “impoverished” environment, trying to change it; when the scale of the environment exceeds the level of the personality itself, which is forced to obey the environment; when the environment compensates for life. An adequate type of interaction between the environment and the personality is characterized between the way of life and the environment, the satisfaction of the individual in his environment.
The subject-spatial environment is a condition for considering the child's capabilities in the direction of universality as a key reference point for human development, set by the very course of the cultural and historical process. One of the tasks of developmental pedagogy is to develop the child's ability to creatively master and, most importantly, rebuild new ways of activity in any historically delineated spheres of human culture.
The subject-spatial environment is one of the conditions for the unfolding of the child's mental development initially as a process of self-development.
Therefore, it is necessary to organize the environment in such a way that the child from the very beginning has the necessary "degrees of freedom" not only in the manifestation of the already existing spiritual and practical possibilities, but also in the development of new opportunities and horizons of development (N.N. Poddyakov, V. Kudryavtsev).
It should be noted that researchers have different approaches to the issue of the content of the developmental environment. Some argue that the elements of the developing environment are the world of nature and people, the object-spatial environment (N.A. Vetlugina, L.M. Klarina); others - that the components of the environment are not only toys, educational materials, sports equipment, but also everything that forms the content of the child's activity (V. Kudryavtsev).
The authors of the program "Origins" characterize the environment from the standpoint of the basic components necessary for the full physical, aesthetic, cognitive and social development of children. These include natural objects, cultural landscapes, physical culture and play and recreational facilities, a subject-play environment, a children's library, a game library and a video library, a design studio and a museum, a musical and theatrical environment, a subject-developing environment for classes, a computer-game complex and dr.
Studying the issue of the organization of the developmental environment and its influence on the development of mental, mental and personal qualities of preschoolers, it is necessary to accurately determine the functions of the developmental environment.
The object-spatial environment is necessary for children, first of all, because it performs an information function in relation to them - each object carries certain information about the world around it, becomes a means of transferring social experience. Thus, gaming computers, electronic mechanical toys bring them closer to modern science and technology, expand their technical horizons; reproductions, prints, sketches, sculpture provide artistic perception, which later becomes the basis of aesthetic judgments; subjects of theatrical and musical activity open the way to the world of stage, song, music; an intellectual development room (such as a laboratory equipped with containers for researching water, dough made of sand, clay, flour), various items for conducting experiments without instruments (balloons, combs, brushes, buttons, etc.), toys for adjusting shapes, stringing provides knowledge of the world, its structure on the basis of natural and created materials, i.e. represent the "key" to mastering reality, the laws of its organization. Finally, the products of creative activity that satisfy human needs reveal to children the world of people, the social nature of the results of their labor. Objects are a vivid source of knowledge of an adult, his personal and business qualities.
The stimulating function of the environment is equally important. The environment develops the child only if it is of interest to him, prompts him to action, research. A static, “frozen” environment cannot activate a child, make him want to act in it. Therefore, such an environment not only does not develop, but negatively affects the child. The development environment must be mobile and dynamic. In its organization, the teacher must take into account the "zone of proximal development", age and individual characteristics of the child, his needs, aspirations and abilities.
In addition, the subject-spatial environment, influencing the emotions of children, encourages them to take action. So, sports equipment, inventory is introduced to physical, recreational activities, in the process of which the child develops a position in relation to his health, body hygiene, motor skills and abilities; various tools (already from the first junior group) - crayons, paints, brushes, sanguines, pastels, pencils, felt-tip pens, clay, drawing "wall of creativity", including a slate board, plexiglass, Whatman paper, fabric - allow you to reflect your own artistic perception in productive activities , vision of the world, its understanding.
For a properly organized developmental environment, it is necessary to have knowledge of the principles on the basis of which its organization takes place. V.A. Petrovsky, L.M. Klarina, L.A. Smyvina, L.P. Strelnikova in her work "Building a developing environment in a preschool institution" offer the concept of building a developing environment in a preschool educational institution. The authors of the concept convincingly prove that the child's environment is of priority importance for his development. And, above all, it must ensure the safety of children’s life, contribute to improving health and hardening the body, and an invariable condition for building a developing environment is reliance on a personality-oriented model of interactions between people.
A powerful enriching factor in child development, says S.L. Novoselova, is the socio-cultural environment and its subject environments. In the concept of a developing subject environment, S.L. Novoselova defines the developing subject environment as a system of material objects of a child's activity, which functionally simulates the content of the development of his spiritual and physical appearance. An enrichment environment presupposes the unity of social and natural means of ensuring the various activities of the child. The concept defines the requirements for the developing subject environment of the preschool educational institution:
1.the system of the objective environment should take into account the age-related interests of the development of children's activity (create conditions for the full development of leading types of activity, but at the same time take into account the peculiarities of the development of its other types);
2. correspondence of the objective environment to the child's capabilities, i.e. the creation of a zone of proximal mental development through the objective environment (L. S. Vygotsky);
3. correspondence of the environment to the structure of the child's cognitive sphere, i.e. contain both conservative components and problematic ones subject to research (N.N. Poddyakov);
4. the subject environment in which the child acts must be inexhaustible, informative for him, satisfy the child's needs for novelty, transformation and self-affirmation.
Thus, the psychological and pedagogical foundations of developing education and the foundations of organizing a developing environment, as applied to the preschool level, are highlighted in the works of Russian scientists of the twentieth century: N.A. Vetlugina, L.A. Wenger, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Novoselova, V.A. Petrovsky, N.N. Poddyakova, S.L. Rubinstein, L.P. Strelkovoi, D.B. Elkonin and others.
The data of psychological and pedagogical research allow us to conclude that the organization of the subject-developing environment is an indispensable element in the implementation of the pedagogical process, which is of a developing nature. Since, from the point of view of psychology, the environment is a condition, process and result of personality self-development; and from the point of view of pedagogy, the environment is a condition for the child's life, the formation of an attitude to basic values, the assimilation of social experience, the development of vital personal qualities, a way of transforming external relations into the internal structure of the personality, meeting the needs of the subject.
The subject-development environment should serve the interests and needs of the child, enrich the development of specific types of activity, provide the "zone of proximal development" of the child, encourage them to make conscious choices, put forward and implement their own initiatives, make independent decisions, develop creative abilities, and also shape the personal qualities of preschoolers and their life experiences.

3. Pedagogical principles and approaches to the organization of the subject-play environment of a preschool educational institution.

Play is the main activity of a preschool child. It is a need for a growing organism.
A child is always playing, he is a playing creature, but his play makes a lot of sense. It exactly matches his age and interests and includes elements that lead to the development of the necessary skills and abilities. Play is a source of development; it creates a zone of proximal development, i.e. determines the development of the child, argued L.S. Vygotsky.
Play in preschool age affects the development of all aspects of the child's personality.
D.B. Elkonin identifies four main lines of influence of play on the mental development of a child: the development of the motivational-need-sphere; overcoming the cognitive "egocentrism" of the child; forming an ideal plan; development of arbitrariness of actions. In this regard, the subject-play environment, which provides conditions for activity and the zone of proximal development of each child, taking into account individual abilities, should become the subject of special attention in the preschool educational institution.
The subject-play environment is part of the developing subject environment. The preschool educational institution creates conditions for play activities on the site, in a group room, in a computer-play complex or other functional rooms intended for children's games (theater studio, creative workshop, room for developing games). The organization of the space should provide an opportunity for multivariate games. The playing space should have freely definable elements - a kind of spatial variables within the playing area, which would give scope for inventions and discoveries.
Developed by V.A. Petrovsky and his colleagues, the principles of constructing a developing environment can be fully attributed to the organization of a subject-play environment, but at the same time they can be supplemented and some of them dwell in more detail.
The issue under consideration, S.L. Novoselova noted that the subject-play environment in modern preschool institutions should ensure the child's right to play. Recently, in the preschool educational institution, a tendency to increase the time for training has become a regularity, and the time for playing is decreasing. The freedom of the child to achieve his right to play is a fundamental principle, which is realized in the choice of the theme, plot of the game, the necessary toys, the place and time for organizing various types of games.
The principle of universality of the subject-game environment allows you to change the game environment, transform it in accordance with the intention, simulate the development of the game, making it rich, mobile and developing.
The principle of systematicity presupposes the consistency and integrity of all elements of the gaming environment. The subject-play environment should not be oversaturated, and its replenishment depends on the priority of children's games in accordance with age and on the developing essence of the game. More attention should be paid to games-experiments, plot-display games, plot-role-playing and directorial ones, i.e. Independent games, thanks to which the child's development takes place.
Recently, in many preschool educational institutions, game libraries, theater studios, creative workshops, etc., where game material is collected by type, have become components of the subject-play environment. It is quite diverse, aesthetic, available in the required quantity. And these functional rooms, of course, delight children, but at the same time the subject-play environment in the group room becomes impoverished and cannot serve the development goals of a preschooler. Children visit specially designated rooms on a schedule, which limits their freedom of choice in realizing their play ideas. When creating a play environment in a preschool educational institution, the equipping of functional and group rooms should be maintained, and the need for it must be satisfied as much as possible.
In the current program materials, much attention is paid to the organization of the subject-developing environment. In the program "Sources", the developing subject environment is defined as "a system of conditions that ensure the full development of children's activity and her personality"; by the authors of the Childhood program, the developing subject environment is presented as a "developing material environment", the organization of which consists in the selection of didactic materials, games, manuals, children's literature, etc .; in the program "Rainbow" "subject-development environment" is considered as "serious support for the teacher's word in the form of various means of visualization for the formation of the child's correct, undistorted ideas about the world", etc. The analysis of the program and methodological materials on preschool education made it possible to establish that although they to one degree or another consider the developing subject environment, not enough attention is paid to the issue of its organization.
Games and toys in the developing environment of preschool educational institutions occupy a leading place, therefore it is very important to know by what criteria these materials are selected.
There are many surprises in the toy market today: poor quality toys often have a negative impact on the mental and physical health of children.
In order to develop the personality and protect the interests of children, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has developed the necessary documents for the psychological and pedagogical examination of games and toys. A mandatory requirement for toys is the impossibility:
provoke a child to aggressive action;
to cause the manifestation of cruelty towards the characters of the game (people, animals), the roles of which are played by the playing partners (peer, adult) and which are plot toys;
provoke game stories related to immorality and violence;
generate interest in sexual matters beyond childhood.
Toys with the following qualities are of particular pedagogical value:
polyfunctionality (the possibility of widespread use in accordance with the child's intention and the plots of the game, contributing to the development of creative abilities, imagination, the sign symbolic function of thinking and other qualities);
didactic properties (the ability to teach a child to design, familiarize himself with color and shape, the presence of programmed control mechanisms, for example, in electrified toys);
the possibility of using a group of children (the suitability of a toy for use by several children, including with the participation of an adult as a playing partner, for example, for collective buildings);
a high artistic and aesthetic level or belonging to the products of artistic handicrafts, ensuring the introduction of the child to the world of art and folk art.
Many theorists believe that a child's play is his job. By supporting children's play, the educator helps the natural development of their skills and abilities. Children learn a lot from each other. Play also provides them with opportunities to solve problems, make decisions, learn to express their thoughts and feelings, learn about existing differences, gain independence and learn from peers.
And in this regard, it should be remembered that in each age group conditions should be created for all types of games, which are expediently placed in the group room and create an opportunity for children to play without interfering with each other. When planning and creating play spaces, the teacher comes up with a combination of them. For example, a building site should be spacious enough so that several people can work there at the same time, all together or each independently create their own structures. The floor should be carpeted for comfort and noise reduction. Everything you need for role-playing games is located close to the building material, because the creation of buildings provides the material side of these games.
Thus, the subject-play environment is part of the developing subject environment.
Games and toys in the developing environment of preschool educational institutions occupy a leading place, therefore it is very important to know by what criteria these materials are selected (multifunctionality, the possibility of using in joint activities, didactic value, aesthetic value).
Play is a form of active, creative reflection by a child of the life of people around him, so it is not limited to a simple copying of reality.
In psychology and pedagogy, ideas of the widespread use of play in the process of raising children dominate, which is associated with its determining significance for the formation of the most essential mental formations.

4. Organization of the subject-play environment and its influence on the development of play skills in older preschool children.

Features of the game environment are determined by the general principles and requirements for its organization and content.
When designing a subject-play environment in older groups, we, first of all, need to focus on the goals of the development and upbringing of children, proceed from the essence of the requirements of modern pedagogy, the active role of a child and an adult in this process.
Organize the subject-play environment in the senior group in such a way that each child has the opportunity to do what he loves. The equipment should be placed according to the principle of non-rigid centering, which will allow children to unite in subgroups according to a common interest.
When organizing a subject-play environment, take into account the manifestation of children's interests in problems that go beyond the framework of personal experience. For many role-playing games, bring in equipment and toys that enhance the children's personal experience. Organize the subject-play environment so that children can participate in all the variety of games; plot-role, construction-constructive, directing, theatrical, folk, round dance, etc. Creating a play environment, you need to awaken cognitive activity, independence, responsibility and initiative.
Role-playing games are of a reflective nature, in which the child creatively recreates the sides of reality that interest him, relations between people, events. In this regard, for children of the older group, it is possible to develop an approximate theme of role-playing games, for example: household ("Family", "Family holiday", "Visit grandmother", "New Year's holiday", "Trip to the country", etc.) , industrial, reflecting the professional activities of adults ("Real Estate Agency", "Supermarket", "GIBDD", "Newspaper editorial office", "Design Studio", "Autosalon", etc.), public ("Competition", " School ”,“ Theater ”,“ Circus ”), travel games (“ Along the native land ”,“ To warm countries ”,“ By fairy tales ”,“ Journey to the winter forest ”,“ Journey to the north ”, etc.), games based on fairy tales.
For each theme of the game, define goals and content. For example, the goal of the game "Builder" is to display knowledge about the surrounding life in the game, use attributes in accordance with the plot, constructors, building materials, resolve disputes fairly, act in accordance with the game plan. And the content of this game will be: the choice of a construction object, building material, methods of its delivery to the construction site, construction, design, construction and commissioning of the object. The subject-play environment was planned and the prospect of its development was projected.
To pay more attention to the organization of the subject-game environment for new and modern themes of games, namely "Television", "Researcher", "Editorial office of the magazine (newspaper)", "Corporation" Beeline "," Khimchistka "," Design studio "," Bank ". You can plan for replenishment and updating of the game environment for most of the planned games.
Attributes for the role-playing games of older preschoolers in connection with their peculiarities of perception of the surrounding reality should be more detailed. For example, for the game "Ecologists" you can offer children plans, maps, terrain diagrams, ecological signs, "Red Book", a set "Laboratory", passports for various animals and plants, etc., and for the "Design Studio" - albums for interior design, samples of fabrics, wallpaper, paints, decorative ornaments, albums for floristry, flannelgraph with a set of pictures of furniture and decorative ornaments, etc.
Most of the equipment for role-playing games should be assembled in boxes, make inscriptions with the name of the game and pictures indicating its theme. Thus, children will be able to choose the game according to their interests. Games developed by children remain for a certain period of time, as long as interest in them remains. Difficulties, and sometimes conflict situations, can be used to teach children to solve them first with the help of an adult, and then on their own.
The mobility of the created subject-play environment will allow children to transform it in accordance with their own ideas and the development of the plot. At the same time, pay great attention to the functional reliability and security of the environment. Modern equipment and play material must meet aesthetic requirements.
At the same time, during the implementation of the approximate plan, after the end of each game process, together with the children in a relaxed atmosphere, analyze the nature of their game interaction: identify their pluses and minuses, discuss problem situations that the children have in play, and jointly make their correct decisions.
After showing the independence of children in the games: knowledge of the rules; the ability to organize the environment for the game; the ability to assign roles and fulfill them; the ability to obey the established rules; the ability to resolve conflict situations; the ability to coordinate their actions with each other.
Children will take an active part in play activities, the plots of which are independently developed on the basis of observations of the life around them, as well as the knowledge gained in the classroom, when reading literary works, watching filmstrips, making full use of the subject-play environment.

Thus, the subject-play environment, subject to the following psychological and pedagogical conditions, stimulates children to develop a high level of play skills in play activity:
purposeful organization of the subject-play environment in accordance with the principles of: activity; stability - dynamism; aggregation and flexible zoning; emotionality; closeness - openness of accounting for gender and age differences; modernity and science intensity; variability and enrichment, functional comfort; reliability and safety;
ensuring a safe object-play environment for the life and health of the child;
implementation of a personality-oriented model of interaction between an adult and a child;
ensuring the timely transformation of the subject-playing environment, taking into account the changes in the life and play experience of children, as well as the new content and the increasing level of playing skills;
organization of non-overlapping spheres of independent children's activity within the play environment: intellectual, theatrical and play, creative-plot-role, building-constructive play, games with physical activity, which allows children to simultaneously organize different types of games in accordance with their interests and intentions, without interfering each other;
creating conditions for individual, subgroup and collective games of children, so that each of them, depending on their interests and desires, as well as their emotional state, can find a convenient and comfortable place for themselves;
ensuring the quality and optimal quantity of games, toys, play equipment;
providing children with the opportunity to independently change the playing environment in accordance with their mood, play intentions, interests through multifunctional, easily transformable elements, modules, sports complexes, screens, etc.;
ensuring accessibility to all the content of the subject-play environment: the location of toys, attributes at a level not higher than the child's outstretched arm;
the leading role of the teacher, who creates a subject-play environment, organizes its guiding influence, supports the cognitive activity of children, aimed at mastering and transforming the subject-play environment.
In addition, the organization of the game environment must meet the following requirements:
take into account the patterns of development of gaming activities,
correspond to the pedagogical tasks of raising children of different ages;
have a developing character,
meet the needs and level of development of the child's cognitive sphere, i.e. to be inexhaustible, informative, to meet the needs for novelty and transformation.

6. List of used literature.

1. Eponchintseva N.D. Organization of a developing environment in a preschool educational institution / author. dis. cond. ped. sciences. Belgorod: BSU, 2001.23 p.
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3. Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. Preschool pedagogy: textbook. 6th ed., Rev. Moscow: Academy, 2006.416 p.
4. Komenik N.P. Self-education of older children in a creative role-playing game / author. dis. for a job. learned. step. cond. psychol. sciences. Moscow: Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2000.18 p.
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Organization of a developing environment in a preschool educational institution

Organization of activity centers in a kindergarten group

Author: Frolova Natalia Aleksandrovna teacher of the MDOU kindergarten of the combined type No. 42 "Teremok", Serpukhov
Purpose of work: this publication is intended for preschool educators, teachers of additional education.
Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention a material on the organization of a developing environment in a kindergarten group
Target: creating a zone of comfortable stay for a child in kindergarten
The organization of the developmental environment in our group is built in such a way as to make it possible to most effectively develop the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, level of activity.
The principle of distance, positions during interaction orients towards the organization of the space for communication between an adult and a child "eye to eye", which contributes to the establishment of optimal contact with children. The principle of activity, the possibility of its manifestation and formation in children and adults through their participation in the creation of their objective environment. Implemented by the participation of children and adults in the creation of games, attributes for theatrical activities, role-playing games, table theater.
The principle of stability - dynamism, provides for the creation of conditions for changing and creating the environment in accordance with the tastes, moods, and changing capabilities of children. It is realized with the help of furniture mobility, changing corners in accordance with the age of children.
The principle of aesthetic organization, a combination of familiar and extraordinary elements.
The principle of openness - closedness. The environment is ready for change, adjustment, development.
The principle of "sex and age differences" as an opportunity for girls and boys to show their inclinations in accordance with the standards of masculinity and femininity accepted in our society.
The developmental environment model of our group was created taking into account the above principles. It should be noted that such a construction of the environment gives children a sense of psychological security, helps the development of personality, abilities, mastery of various ways of activity.
Every child is naturally given to be an intelligent, healthy and happy person. The task of adults is to help the kid to reveal his potential, to teach him to know the world around him. Here he will communicate, play, paint, dance, learn to write, build and much more.
In the group, everything is arranged for the child. The kid will find many amazing objects, toys, books, manuals and games. By playing, the child will become big and independent.
The daily routine corresponds to the rhythms and rates of the body's vital activity. A child who lives according to a regimen always compares favorably with a child who does not follow a regimen. In the first case, the baby is more balanced, active, and positive emotions prevail. In the second, he is often capricious, less active. It is easier to bring up a child living according to the regime. After all, the body, having got used to a certain rhythm, itself at the appropriate time requires food, rest, activity.
The daily routine in our preschool meets all the basic requirements:
-The walks are organized 2 times a day (in the summer): in the first half - before lunch and in the afternoon - before the children leave home (the walk is not carried out when the air temperature is below minus 20C and the wind speed is more than 15 m / s);
- Homework is not given to pupils;
- During the holidays and in the summer period, training sessions are not held (sports and outdoor games, sports events, excursions are organized, as well as to increase the duration of walks);
The study area is positioned so that light falls on the work tables from the left side. Tables for classes are placed in accordance with the norms of SanPiN. The board is at eye level for children.

Our work begins with the morning reception of children in the group. Reception of children is carried out in the dressing room of the group, where there are individual lockers for children.

There is also an information corner for parents, which contains the necessary information on kindergarten, consultations and advice to parents; board for children's creativity.

The group has aesthetically designed centers:

Cognitive speech direction is represented by educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication"

"Reading fiction"
Tasks: To form knowledge and interest in changes in nature, to teach to distinguish the seasons by their characteristic features, to determine temporal relationships (day - week - month), to develop visual and auditory memory, imagination, to show imagination, to compare objects in shape, color, size , develop fine motor skills of hands.
The physical direction is represented by educational areas: "Physical culture", "Health", "Safety".
The center is equipped with equipment: hoops, balls, skipping ropes, skittles, massage tracks, mat, ladder, tunnels.
Target: Formation of the need for daily physical activity

Calendar of nature, seasonal decoration of the center: albums with pictures, folder-moving, poems, signs, sayings; a shelf with crafts and drawings of children's creativity, homemade books, indoor plants, boxes with natural material (branches, cones, leaves, sand, stones), varieties of cereals, a magnifying glass; floor constructors (lego, puzzles, mosaics)

The social and personal direction is represented by the educational area: "Socialization".

Tasks: To foster the ability to communicate with peers, play in a team, the ability to negotiate, distribute roles, enrich the vocabulary of children, develop communication and moral abilities, teach to play in groups, develop speech.

Table, finger, glove theater, knitted toy theater, picture theater, rubber toy, spoon, kokoshniki.

Artistic - aesthetic direction is represented by the educational area "Artistic Creativity"
Cards for individual work, jars with colored pencils and felt-tip pens, stencils, coloring books, albums with different techniques of fine art, seals, children's creativity.
Purpose: To form in children an interest in visual activity, to develop imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills of hands, to bring up accuracy, independence, perseverance.

Artistic and aesthetic direction is represented by the educational area "Music"
Musical toys (metallophones, pipes, tambourines, rattles, guitar), a card file of songs.
Target: To acquaint children with musical instruments by their sound, to foster interest in music.
Correctional work center

Purpose: restoration of lost eye functions
Road Safety Center

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of the road, the rules of behavior on the street, obtained in the classroom through emotional perception
Show by example what a traffic violation can lead to;
Develop the habit of behaving correctly on the road;
Develop attention, imagination, the ability to come up with a game situation, concentration, logical thinking
Educate a literate pedestrian.

All centers of the developing environment in our group are interconnected and united by the tasks implemented in the main general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" (edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. -Moscow: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2010).

The subject-development environment is a system of material objects of the child's activity, the unity of social and objective means of ensuring the various activities of children.

When organizing a subject-spatial environment in a kindergarten, the activities of all preschool teachers are necessary, because a variety of toys is not essential for the development of children.

When creating a subject-developing environment for children, it is necessary to pay attention to its developing character. The objective world should ensure the realization of the child's need for active and diverse activities.

The subject-development environment allows you to enrich the experience of the child's emotional and practical interaction with peers and the teacher, to include all children in the group in active cognitive activity. The environment stimulates the development of independence, initiative, in which children realize their abilities.

When creating a developing environment for a group, it is very important that the environment surrounding the children is comfortable and aesthetic. Beauty shapes the child. Therefore, great attention should be paid to the aesthetics of the corner. Its design should be attractive to children and make them want to be independent. At the same time, it is necessary to teach children to maintain order in the corner and to cultivate a respect for toys.

One of the tasks of the educator is to create a versatile developmental environment for each child in order to give him the opportunity to express himself. A large number of play equipment and materials for creative activities must be made by the hands of educators.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of the corners of our senior kindergarten group.

The group room is a rectangular room, along the perimeter of which there is furniture, children's tables for classes, board games, and meals.

The entire group space is divided into centers that are available to children: toys, didactic material, games. Children know where to get paper, paints, pencils, natural materials, costumes and paraphernalia for staging games.

Zone of motor activity

The need for movement is an important task in organizing a subject-developing environment. For this, a large space is allocated in the group, there are various equipment: wickets, tunnels, balls, hoops, wheelchairs and toys on wheels, bags filled with sand, soft bricks, multi-colored flags, ribbons, etc.

In the "Zone of physical activity" there is a "health path", massage mats, balls, gymnastic sticks, hoops, throwing balls, rings, attributes for outdoor games.

Musical and theater center

Children are delighted with our music and theater center. There are musical instruments that give children a lot of joyful minutes, various musical didactic games. In addition, they develop the child's phonemic hearing and sense of rhythm.

We try to introduce children to various types of theater, so that each child can choose exactly the theater that is closest and most convenient to him. Here we have a table theater, finger theater. Meeting with a doll helps children to relax, relieve tension, create a joyful atmosphere. The theater activity corner is equipped with - a screen for a puppet theater, theater toys.

Mummer corner

The corner of the dress is a necessary attribute of the group. Guys dress up with the help of an adult in kerchiefs, capes, skirts, costumes of different characters. We fill the corner of dressing up throughout the school year, gradually introducing new attributes: beads, hats, ribbons, attributes, elements of costumes for role-playing games. It is desirable that this corner would be helped by the parents, with the material that is in their home and they no longer need.

Corner of nature

A corner of nature - introduces children to the available phenomena of nature, recognizes pets and their cubs in pictures and toys, learns to distinguish vegetables and fruits by their appearance.

Children learn to generalize the results of their observations of natural objects by keeping a weather calendar. If at a younger age only basic weather phenomena (rain, snow, sun, wind) are noted on it, then at an older age, it becomes more complex.

Book corner

In the corner for artistic activities - a book corner - books, literary quiz games, plot pictures.

Since the development of active speech is the main task of the development of children, then in the center of a favorite book and speech development, sets of subject pictures, sets of plot pictures, games for cognitive development and speech development, portraits of writers and poets are selected. Children love it when we read books with them and look at pictures, so here we have a lot of books on the program.

A place for seclusion

A place for solitude is organized in the group - where children can look through their favorite book, and just sit and relax from the children's team. In this simple way, the creation of "your" personal space is achieved.

Dressing room

I would like to tell you a little about the design of the dressing room. There is a panel "Our group" with photos of children attending the group.

There is a corner for parents, a corner-exhibition of children's art works and a modeling corner, where children's works are also exhibited.

A purposefully organized subject-developing environment in a preschool institution plays an important role in the harmonious development and upbringing of a child.

The created aesthetic environment gives children a feeling of joy, an emotionally positive attitude towards kindergarten, a desire to attend it, enriches them with new impressions and knowledge, encourages active creative activity, and contributes to the intellectual development of preschool children. Such an organization of the subject-spatial developmental environment of the group seems to us the most rational, since it takes into account the main directions of the child's development and contributes to his favorable development.

Game center "Living room"

The main activity of children is play. In our center "Living Room" toys are collected that introduce children to the surrounding household items. Children not only get acquainted with subjects that are new to them, but also learn to act with them. And then they transfer the acquired knowledge and skills into everyday life.

In the group, the play environment is filled with a variety of materials and equipment. These are, first of all, toys-characters, cribs and strollers for dolls, kitchen furniture with a set of large toy dishes, an ironing board with an iron, etc., They bring joy and pleasure to children, form ideas about the world around them, and encourage active play activities.

The group has a special play corner, equipped according to the principle of matching games according to play areas: "Hospital", "Kitchen", "Canteen", "Hairdresser". The separate lower drawers contain building material that children enjoy using while playing.

The game centers contain all the attributes for this topic. For example, for a game:
in the "Hospital" there are gowns and medical devices (instruments), all-possible vials and pill boxes;
for the corner of the road - various cars, road signs,
for playing in the "Hairdresser" - drapes, hairdressing kits (tools), bottles, boxes, photographs with model haircuts.

Thus, the diversity and richness of sensory impressions, the possibility of a free approach to each center in the group, contribute to the emotional and intellectual development of the pupils. The environment allows them to choose activities according to their interests, and the educator to guide the children's activities. By creating various zones and corners, the teacher invites preschoolers to do what they love (drawing, design, research), thereby realizing the development potential, as well as the need for recognition and self-expression. Observing children, the teacher receives a lot of interesting and valuable information. This helps him to thoughtfully and rationally organize and adjust the space of the group in the future, and also provides an opportunity for creative self-realization and organization of the educational process at a new qualitative level.

The article was prepared by the educator of the middle group No. 12 Penkova Galina Viktorovna. The article talks about the features of the subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution and the basic principles of its organization. The article is addressed to teachers. Can be used for parent meeting.

Features of the subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution and the basic principles of its organization.

Preschool childhood is a short, but important, unique period of a person's life. Humanity has only gradually come to realize the intrinsic value of childhood, as a part of human life, and not just its threshold. During these years, the child acquires initial knowledge about the life around him, he begins to form a certain attitude towards people, to work, the skills and habits of correct behavior are developed, character is formed.

The reality in which human development takes place is called the environment. The developmental environment of a child is the space of his life activity. These are the conditions in which his life takes place in a preschool institution. These conditions should be considered as the foundation on which the construction of the child's personality is laid.

The direction of the child's activity and development largely depends on us, adults - on how the object-spatial organization of their life is arranged, what toys and didactic aids it consists of, what is their developmental potential, and even on how they are located. Everything that surrounds the child, forms his psyche, is the source of his knowledge and social experience. Therefore, it is we, adults, who take upon ourselves the responsibility to create such conditions that would contribute to the fullest realization of the development of children in all psychophysiological parameters, that is, the organization of the subject-spatial environment.

The concept of "subject-developing environment"

The subject-developing environment is a system of material objects of the child's activity, which functionally simulates the content of his spiritual and physical development. It objectively - through its content and properties - creates conditions for the creative activity of each child, to serve the goals of actual physical and mental development and improvement, to provide a zone of proximal development and its perspective.

The subject-developing environment is an integral part of the developing environment of preschool childhood. The modern philosophical view of the subject-developing environment presupposes understanding it as a set of objects, which is a visually perceived form of the existence of culture. The subject captures the experience, knowledge, tastes, abilities and needs of many generations. Through the object, a person knows himself, his individuality.

Psychologists associate the mechanism of the impact of the subject-developing environment on a person with the concept of a social situation of development, that is, a peculiar, age-appropriate relationship between the child and the world around him. The child finds his second life in cultural objects, in the image of the relationship of people with each other. The dynamics of his development, the formation of qualitatively new mental formations, depends on the relationship in which the child is with the environment, taking into account the changes occurring in himself and in the environment. The child's attitude to the environment also determines his activity in it. In this regard, psychology understands the environment as a condition, process and result of the creative self-development of the individual.

The educational potential of the subject-developing environment is multifaceted: it is the conditions of the child's life, the formation of an attitude to basic values, the assimilation of social experience, the development of vital qualities, it is also a way of transforming external relations into the internal structure of the personality, meeting the needs of the subject, in particular the need for activities.

Thus, the subject-developing environment is a field of social and cultural activity, a way of life, the sphere of transferring and consolidating social experience, culture and subculture, and the development of creativity.

The concept of a subject-play environment is considered in pedagogy as a characteristic of the environment, as a factor that stimulates, guides, and develops the child's activity.

In the context of reforming the preschool education system, one of the ways to update the content of upbringing and teaching preschoolers is the transition to a personality-oriented relationship between a teacher and children. The leading methods of communication are understanding, recognition of the personality of the baby, based on the ability of adults to take the position of a child. The teacher needs to take into account in his work the individual, age characteristics of each child, his interests and abilities.

In accordance with this, at the preschool level of education, simultaneously with the development of physical, personal, intellectual qualities, the child's competence in various activities and in the sphere of relationships increases.

The basis for the formation of the competencies of a preschool child is general abilities: communicative, cognitive, regulatory, creative.

The construction of a subject-developing environment by adults should make it possible to organize both joint and independent activities of children, aimed at its self-development under the supervision and support of an adult. In this case, the environment performs educational, developmental, upbringing, stimulating, organizational, communicative functions. But the most important thing is that it works to develop the child's independence and initiative.

Principles of constructing a subject-developing environment

The principle of distance, positions during interaction - orients the organization of the space for communication with the child "eye to eye", contributes to the establishment of optimal contact with children.

The principle of activity, independence, creativity - allows the joint creation of the environment of an adult with a child.

The principle of stability and dynamism - allows you to transform space, provides for the creation of conditions for changes and creation of an environment with a wide variety of subject content.

The principle of integration and flexible zoning - makes it possible to build non-overlapping spheres of activity and allows children to engage in different types of activities at the same time, without interfering with each other.

The principle of taking into account the sex and age differences of children - allows for a gender approach, makes it possible for children to show their inclinations in accordance with the standards of masculinity and femininity accepted in our society, to satisfy the needs of all age categories.

The principle of the aesthetic organization of the environment, the combination of familiar and extraordinary elements is the visual design of the subject environment.

The principle of individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child and adult - allows for personality-oriented active self-development of a child and his assimilation of social experience.

The principle of openness - closedness - presupposes the personalization of the environment of each group, readiness for change, adjustment, development, allows the child to open himself, to protect and strengthen the physical and mental health of children.

The principle of safety and hygiene of the environment - ensures safety for the life and health of children, compliance with the growth and age characteristics of children.

The construction of a subject developmental environment, taking into account these above principles, gives the child a sense of psychological security, helps the development of the personality, its abilities, and the mastery of various types of activity.

The direction of the subject-development environment

The main directions in the design of a subject-development environment in a preschool educational institution are:

Comprehensive development of children;

Psychological and physical comfort of children and adults.

Principles of equipping children's rooms

The equipment of children's premises makes it possible to implement the organization of the upbringing of a child on a scientific basis according to the following principles:

1. The principle of ensuring a healthy lifestyle and physical development. The equipment of the group with furniture and manuals should meet the objectives of the development of all body systems, increase motor activity, master the leading skills in a timely manner, and contribute to the protection of the child's nervous system.

2. The principle of ensuring the upbringing and development of a child in a child's community.

3. The principle of ensuring the pedagogical process in the context of social education. The equipment of the group should contribute to the observance of the living conditions of babies belonging to the same group, but living according to different modes according to their age and state of health. To promote methods of consistency and individual gradualness in serving children, the possibility of individual communication with one child in the system of working with a group of children as a whole.

4. The principle of reliability and safety. The interior of the group should include pieces of furniture and equipment, the designs of which ensure the reliability and safety of their use for a small child: cases of falling from a height, falling from the side surfaces of products, impacts and bruises as a result of instability of the latter, injury from sharp corners, etc. are excluded.

5. The principle of hygienic compliance. Items of furniture and equipment should be made of environmentally friendly materials, have a water-repellent coating, during hygienic processing, not to lose the structure of the materials from which they are made, and not to deform.

6. The principle of ergonometric conformity. The pieces of furniture and equipment must be made on the basis of the sizes approved by the Russian Ministry of Health for children. Modern, new designs of products, as well as samples of foreign production must comply with the ergonometric age indicators approved as a state standard.

7. The principle of variability. Furniture and equipment should be comfortable for the child and create a feeling of comfort. Their design should be based on the principle of variability, allowing, if necessary, to change the spatial characteristics of products in sections. The principle of variability allows you to change the size of parts of the products as the kids grow and mature.

8. The principle of the headset. It is necessary to complete all products included in one set, in style, color scheme, ensure the compatibility of pieces of furniture, their sectional rearrangement in accordance with the technical characteristics. The compatibility of pieces of furniture with the general decoration of the group room is also important.

9. The principle of rationality. Equipment and furniture should be made according to the principle of rational use, which facilitates the work of personnel serving 10-15 children at the same time. Any item included in the equipment kit must be rationally located for the working adult.

10. The principle of storage. The equipment should be easy to use, on the one hand, it should be stable, on the other, it should be mobile: in case of movement, it should have holders or any devices that would allow the object to be permanently fixed to the wall, to any surface and, if necessary, easily detach and move.

11. The principle of "common" and "single" in the selection and use. When developing the interior of the groups, the service personnel can use foreign samples of products or samples of local factories, i.e. carry out a kind of "private" selection of equipment. Creative developments of a practical nature, various improvements of products, the search for their original use, i.e. what makes the interior of a separate group or a child's institution as a whole unique.

12. The principle of age and gender matching. Let us dwell on this principle in more detail. No matter how beautiful the group room is, but if it is organized without taking into account the age of the children and the tasks of upbringing, i.e. without a functional orientation, - a developing environment for babies is not created in it. A specific play environment, in order to be truly developing, must "tune" to a specific group of children. In other words, how many toys and what corners should be in the group, you need to decide anew each time.

Boys are characterized by the development of the "distant" space of the group room, the desire to use more objects-engines in the game, as well as to move freely from one end of the room to the other, etc. Boys always need more space. And if we analyze the design of the group room from this point of view, it always settles down to the detriment of the male part of the pupils. If only because the educators form the group based on their own, female, ideas about beauty and comfort. And it is much easier for them to imagine how and what the girls will play than to put themselves in the boys' shoes. So gender inequality that limits boy games is present in the kindergarten environment from the very beginning.

These features must be taken into account when planning a group in which the "male contingent" prevails. It may be necessary to donate a hairdresser and set aside additional space for construction games. It may be necessary to reduce the number of dolls, but increase the number of cars.

Girls, as physiologists have shown, are mainly guided by the "nearest" space, so they should create conditions that help situational, focused game plots. Rural children play more plots with toys depicting pets; urban kids prefer transport toys that display scenes from city life seen on the streets, etc.

The interior of the group should be designed according to the age and gender composition of the children. If the group includes children who, by age or health status, belong to different micro periods of development, then the equipment of the group should be designed for children of each age subgroup.

But all innovations in the use of furniture and equipment in groups must obey the "general" principle: be safe and reliable. The dimensions of work surfaces and their parts must comply with state standards developed for young children and be hygienically and environmentally sound.

Thus, when introducing the above principles into the practical life of a kindergarten group, it ensures the creation of a subject-spatial developmental environment for children of different ages. Its peculiarity is in the simultaneous presence of not one child, but a whole group, where each baby should feel not only protected, but also comfortable. And the environment is developing if it helps the child to master the genetic tasks of age - entering social reality, mastering a purely human way of life.

Zoning of group rooms

The living space in the group should give children the opportunity to simultaneously freely engage in different types of activities, without interfering with each other. This is facilitated by the zoning of the group room and bedroom. Some zones can be separated from one another by partitions with cells, niches.

For example, the area for plot games can be separated from the area for outdoor games so that children are not distracted and do not interfere with each other. Moreover, each area should be well lit. Room zoning helps the child choose an attractive activity for himself and maintain a steady interest in it through appropriate toys, without being distracted by other activities.

In the group room, zones can be organized for the following forms of activity:

· Eating and exercising;

· Development of movements;

· Story games;

· Games with building material;

· Games with toy cars;

· Visual activity;

· Music lessons;

· Reading and viewing illustrations;

· Games with sand and water;

· recreation;

· A corner of nature.

In the bedroom, you can equip a corner for the "rest" of dolls, put a small low hanger for clothes intended for "dressing up" children.

It is desirable that the location of the zones facilitates a smooth transition from one activity to another. For example, a building material play area may be adjacent to a story play area. Folders with children's drawings, albums with group and family photos are kept in a separate place. Educators from time to time consider them with the children.

The dynamism of the subject environment

The zoning principle does not mean that the subject environment remains unchanged. Zones can change, combine, supplement. The dynamism of the environment should encourage kids to transform, to explore new things. The developing environment should, on the one hand, provide the child with a sense of constancy, stability, stability, and on the other hand, allow adults and children to modify the environment depending on the changing needs and capabilities of the kids and the formulation of new pedagogical tasks by the educators.

To do this, the group must have light materials and special items that allow you to create new zones and corners. These include screens, benches, soft modules, large pieces of fabric, etc. For example, the presence of large modules made of light materials in a group allows building houses, palaces, labyrinths, caves in the center of the room, in which everyone can play. The same modules can be easily converted into a large common table and played with a group of children. Unfolding foam mats can be turned into boats, ships, islands.

Educators can change interior elements, attracting the attention of the kids to the fact that new beautiful things have appeared in the room. If one of the parents knows how to draw well or owns any artistic techniques, you can ask them to paint the free part of the wall with paints that are safe for the health of children, make a panel, make origami, etc.

The elements of each zone should also be changed periodically. In each zone, new objects should appear in a timely manner, stimulating the motor, cognitive activity of babies, the development of their play activity. There should not be many toys in each zone, but they should be regularly updated. So, toys for story games should, on the one hand, encourage kids to play out stories that are traditional for a given age; on the other hand, new ones should appear among them, so that children's play does not turn into reproduction of stamps.

Along with toys for plot games, it is necessary to provide children with unformed material - natural, waste, elements of old constructors for use in role-playing games as substitute items. These items should also be replaced to stimulate children's imaginations.

Introducing elements of novelty into a familiar environment, attracting children to its transformation, contribute to the development of freedom, initiative, and creative imagination in children.

The creation of a full-fledged developmental environment is not directly related to the financial capabilities of the children's institution. A group room does not have to be equipped with expensive toys and equipment. An effective pedagogical process can be organized with the rational use of the most modest financial resources. The versatile development of the child can be facilitated not only by the play and didactic material of the factory production, but also made independently by teachers and parents. The main thing is that toys and materials are appropriate for the age of the children, be adequate to the goals of development and be freely available.

So, the environment is developing if it helps the child to master the genetic tasks of age - entering social reality, mastering a purely human way of life. At the same time, both its content and aesthetic sides are taken as a basis.

A comfortable environment for small children is an environment that is aesthetically and functionally consistent for a certain age group of babies to stay in it.

Thus, in kindergarten, the environment is viewed as an opportunity for the most effective development of the child's individuality, taking into account his inclinations, interests, levels of activity. A subject-developing environment is created, taking into account the age-related capabilities of children, incipient sexual inclinations and interests, and we design it so that the child can find an exciting business for himself during the day. When selecting didactic material, games, manuals, children's literature, we take into account the peculiarities of the different levels of development of children and help to carry out the necessary correction for the positive advancement of each child.

When creating a "living environment" for pupils, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to its developing character. The objective world should ensure the realization of the child's need for active and diverse activities, enrich the experience of the child's emotional and practical interaction with peers and the teacher, and include all children in the group in active cognitive activity. After all, the environment stimulates the development of independence, initiative, in which children realize their abilities.


1. Novoselova S. Developing subject environment: Methodological recommendations for the design of variable design - projects of a developing subject environment in kindergartens and educational complexes L.N. Pavlova. 2nd ed. - M .: Ayress Press, 2007.

2. Guidance of children's games in a preschool institution: From work experience. ON THE. Ryzhova. - M .: Linka-Press, 2007.

3. The game of the preschooler TN Doronova, SG Doronov. - M: Children of the XXI century, 2005.

4. Sotnikova V.M. Control over the organization of the pedagogical process in the early age groups of the preschool educational institution S.N. Teplyuk, G.M. Lyamina, M.B. Zatsepin. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Mosaika-Synthesis, 2007.

5. Ivanova N. Preschooler in children's subculture. // Preschool education. - 2006. - No. 9, No. 10

6. Glushkova G. Device variable subject-spatial environment in group rooms. // Child in kindergarten. - 2008.-№ 5

7. Ivanova N.V., Bardinova E.Yu., Kalinina A.M. Social development of children in preschool educational institutions: Methodological guide. - M .: TC Sphere, 2008. (Appendix to the magazine "Office of the preschool educational institution")

Elena Vasilievna Shakirova
Organization of a subject-development environment in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

« Organization of a subject-development environment in a preschool educational institution»


Question organization of a subject-development environment The preschool educational institution is especially relevant today. This is due to the introduction of a new Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) to the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education.

Concept subject development environment is defined as"The system of material objects of the child's activity, which functionally simulates the content of his spiritual and physical development» (S. L. Novoselova)... The adult's role is to properly model such Wednesday which contributes to the maximum the development of the child's personality.

The goal of the educator: design a multi-level multifunctional subject-development environment to carry out the process development the creative personality of the pupil at each of the stages of his development in preschool.

Form and design items focused on the safety and age of children. Decor elements should be easily replaceable. Each group needs foresee Organizing the subject environment development development, as well as indicators of the emotionally needful sphere. The color palette should be presented by warm, pastel colors. While creating developing Subject-developing environment

Important, that subject environment development... In other words, environment is not only developing, but also developing... Under any circumstances objective world a certain age.

Thus, creating subject development environment Wednesday Wednesday.

Requirements Federal State Educational Standard for a Subject-Developing Environment:

1. Subject-developing environment ensures the maximum realization of educational potential.

2. Availability Wednesday, what presupposes:

1. Accessibility for pupils of all premises organization where the educational process is carried out.

2. Free access of pupils to games, toys, materials, manuals, providing all the main types of activities.

Organization of a developing environment in preschool education, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard is built in such a way as to enable the most efficient develop the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, level of activity.

The subject-development environment is organized as follows so that every child has the opportunity to freely do what they love. Equipment placement by sector (centers development) allows children to unite in subgroups according to common interests: design, drawing, manual labor, theatrical and play activities, experimentation. Materials that activate the cognitive are mandatory in the equipment. activity: educational games, technical devices and toys, models, subjects for experimental search work - magnets, magnifying glasses, springs, scales, beakers, etc. a large selection of natural materials for study, experimentation, collection.

Subject-developing environment in the preschool educational institution includes myself:

Active sector (occupies the largest area in the group, including myself:

1. Center of the game

2. Center of motor activity

3. Design center

4. Center for musical and theatrical activities

Calm sector:

1. Center of the book

2. Recreation center

3. Center of nature

Working sector: (The working sector occupies 25% of the entire group, since there supposed placement of equipment for organization joint and regulated activities. All parts of the group space have conditional boundaries depending on the specific tasks of the moment, if necessary, you can accommodate everyone, since preschoolers "Get infected" current interests of peers and join him:

1. Center for cognitive and research activities

2. Center for productive and creative activity

3. Center for correct speech and motor skills

Materials are needed that take into account the interests of boys and girls, both in work and in play. Boys need tools to work with wood, girls to work with needlework. In the groups of older preschoolers, various materials are also needed to help them master reading, mathematics: block letters, words, tables, books with large print, a manual with numbers, board-print games with numbers and letters, puzzles, as well as materials reflecting the school theme: pictures about the life of schoolchildren, school supplies, photographs of schoolchildren-older brothers or sisters, attributes for playing at school. ; also children's encyclopedias, illustrated editions about the flora and fauna of the planet, about the life of people from different countries, children's magazines, albums, brochures.

Saturated subject-development and educational environment becomes the basis for organizing an exciting, meaningful life and versatile development of every child. The developing subject environment is the main means formation of the child's personality and is the source of his knowledge and social experience.

By creating subject development environment must be remembered:

1. Wednesday must perform educational, developing, educating, stimulating, organized, communicative function. But most importantly, it must work for development independence and initiative of the child.

2. A flexible and variable use of space is needed. Wednesday must serve the needs and interests of the child.

3. Shape and design items focused on the safety and age of children.

4. Decor elements should be easily replaceable.

5. In each group it is necessary foresee a place for children's experimental activities.

6. Organizing the subject environment in the group room, it is necessary to take into account the laws of the mental development, indicators of their health, psychophysiological and communicative characteristics, the level of general and speech development, as well as indicators of the emotionally needful sphere.

7. The color palette should be presented by warm, pastel colors.

8. When creating developing space in a group room, it is necessary to take into account the leading role of play activities.

9. Subject-developing environment groups should change depending on the age characteristics of children, the period of study, educational program.

Important, that subject environment has the character of an open, open system, capable of adjusting and development... In other words, environment is not only developing, but also developing... Under any circumstances objective world surrounding the child, it is necessary to replenish and update, adapting to neoplasms a certain age.

Thus, creating subject development environment any age group in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to take into account the psychological foundations of constructive interaction between participants in the educational process, the design and ergonomics of modern Wednesday preschool institution and psychological characteristics of the age group targeted by this Wednesday.

Construction features subject-developing environment at preschool educational institution.

V conformity with the principles considered in the group, the following should be created subject development environment centers:

1. Locker room.

2. The design corner, although focused in one place and takes up little space, is quite mobile. The content of the building corner (constructors of various types, cubes, large and small wooden building materials, diagrams and drawings of buildings) allows organize constructive activity with a large group of pupils, a subgroup and individually, expand construction on the carpet or on the table.

3. Corner of traffic rules. The road safety corner is primarily of interest to boys. It is equipped with the necessary attributes for role-playing games, classes to consolidate the knowledge of traffic rules. A floor mat with street and road markings is a good didactic tool.

4. Artistic corner. For this center, the brightest, well-lit place in the group is allocated. Here pupils in their free time draw, sculpt, perform application work. The shelves are filled with the necessary graphic material. Children have at their disposal crayons, watercolors, ink, gouache and sanguine. Didactic games, paper of different textures, sizes and colors, cardboard stored for future use are in the drawers under the hinged shelves. There is also a place for a small exhibition with samples of folk arts and crafts.

5. Book corner. In the noisy space of the playroom, there must necessarily be such an island of silence and tranquility as a book center (a corner of solitude that disposes of contemplative observation, dreams and quiet conversations. Comfortable chairs contribute to this. Coziness, home environment allows children to comfortably sit down and immerse themselves in a magical world books.

6. Musical corner. Includes various musical instruments, audio recordings. Playing musical instruments fosters a steady interest in musical works of different genres.

7. Sports corner. A bright, cheerful sports corner laconically and harmoniously fits into the space of the group room. It is popular with children because it fulfills their need for physical activity. Here preschoolers can practice and reinforce different types movements: jumping with progress along a winding path, crawling under an arc, playing with a ball, throwing at a goal, etc.

8. Theatrical zone is an important object developing environment, from which you can start equipping the group, since it is the theatrical activity that helps to unite the group, unite the children with an interesting idea, new activity for them. In the theater, preschoolers open up, showing unexpected facets of their character. Shy and shy people become confident and active. Anyone who did not want to go to kindergarten now rushes to the group with pleasure.

9. Corner of a plot - role-playing game. There are zones for role-playing games in the group - "Hospital", "Family", "Hairdresser", "Atelier".

10. Mathematical zone.

11. Center of the didactic game (grammatical corner).

12. The Ecological Center serves not only as a decoration for the group, but also as a place for self-development of preschoolers... In the ecological center, children's handicrafts made from natural materials, exhibits of nature will be appropriate. With a subgroup of preschoolers, the educator can conduct observations in the natural corner, simple experiments and activities of a natural nature.

13. Center for Local Lore.

14. A corner of privacy.

15. Dressing room.

Thus, the variety and richness of sensory impressions, the possibility of a free approach to each center in the group, contribute to the emotional and intellectual development of pupils.

Development environment cannot be built completely. At organization of the subject-spatial environment a kindergarten requires a complex, multifaceted and highly creative activity of all participants in the educational process. Further work presupposes search for innovative approaches to organization of a subject-development environment in a preschool educational institution, as well as development parental interest in this problem and motivation of the desire for interaction.