A child at 10 months of development Komarovsky. Actions of parents if the child develops at a slow pace. Sleep and nutrition

A ten-month-old child can crawl, walk, holding hands, understands and fulfills the requests of adults, and speaks the first words. The child becomes more independent, he can occupy himself, carried away by toys. Now in the games of the baby, the participation of an adult is not necessary. A ten-month-old child may be left without a mother for a short time.

  • At 10 months, the child has perfectly mastered the skills of crawling on a flat surface. He moves quickly on all fours, easily turns over in all directions, sits down and sits, keeping his balance, without support. The child can lie on his side, resting on one hand, while holding the toy with the other.
  • The child should be able to stand near the support, keeping balance well. If the baby is occupied with both hands with toys, the child will be able to stand for several seconds without holding on to anything, and then sink to the floor.
  • The child can walk near the support. The child loves to look at the contents of the lower shelves of cabinets and throw things that he can reach with his hands onto the floor.
  • At the tenth month of life, the child learns to climb stairs. It can climb the Swedish wall, firmly clinging to the crossbars with its hands.
  • You can teach your baby to get off the couch - just turn him with his feet to the edge and show how to get them off the couch. The child will quickly learn the lesson and will do it on their own.
  • The child can chew solid food, eat, holding a piece of bread or an apple in his hand and bite off pieces of it.

The development of fine motor skills of a child at 10 months

The child takes small objects, grabbing them with two fingers. You can train this skill by collecting beans in a cup with your baby, or by shifting buttons, etc. Cut fruit into small pieces for your baby, and the child will take food with his fingers and eat on his own.

A ten-month-old child knows how and loves to tear paper into pieces. This skill can be used in educational games with the baby. For example, tearing colored napkins and sticking them on paper is the first application.

The kid can draw with his hands. Use finger paints (they are easier to wash off and wash off). The child can smear paint on paper with both fingers and the whole palm.

Give your baby a spoon while feeding. At first, he will smear food on the table, but over time he will learn to eat on his own.

At 10 months, the child should be able to hold a glass with both hands and drink from it.

The development of hearing and vision of a child at 10 months.

  • If earlier the baby perceived objects as a whole, now he is studying the toy in detail. The child can show on the doll where her eyes, mouth, etc. are. The kid can recognize objects by a separate fragment.
  • The child is interested in the relationship of objects with each other. He may try to insert different containers into each other, knock the toy on other objects, using the toy as a tool.
  • The child listens to quiet sounds. The baby himself can speak in a “whisper”. You can hide a ticking clock behind the pillow, the baby will have to find them by listening to the sound.
  • Hearing music, most babies will begin to “dance”: rhythmically squat, nod their heads, stomp their feet.

Speech development of a child at 10 months

  • At ten months, a child can repeat syllables after an adult.
  • A child can meaningfully pronounce syllables - mother, woman, give, on, etc. Naming people and objects in this way.
  • The child already understands what they want from him, is able to point his finger at the objects and pictures in the book that are called to him, rejoices when his name is called, recognizes himself in the mirror.
  • The child's babbling is emotionally colored - he highlights syllables with intonation, pauses, can speak louder or quieter.

The child copies the actions of adults - combs his hair, wipes the floor with a cloth, may try to use things for their intended purpose. Encourage your child in his activities and be sure to praise.

What to do with a 10 month old baby

  • Offer your child a handbag (you can take a real mother's bag) with various items inside - the child will study the contents, get things out of it.
  • Any items can act as toys for a baby - pots, lids, boxes, beads, etc.
  • Take the baby with you to visit, to the store - it is important for the child to get new experiences outside the home, to see new people around him.

If a healthy child does not have any of the skills described in the developmental calendar by ten months, this is not a deviation from the norm. The baby can start crawling later, closer to the year. Meaningful babble in children may appear after one year of age. Just engage with the child, teach him the skills that he has not yet mastered. They will appear in the baby when he is ready for them.

At 10 months, the child masters the space around him, imitates adults, learns to speak, explores various objects and tries to use them for games.

According to experts, the list of what a child should be able to do at 10 months is quite impressive. In addition to noticeable progress in the physical plane, changes in the behavior of the baby become apparent. In the first year of life, children absorb information like sponges, so the amount of their skills and knowledge is steadily growing. Pediatricians recommend monitoring the behavior of newborns (it is best to keep a journal), this will determine if there are any delays in physical or mental development.

Physical indicators of a ten-month-old baby

By the tenth month of life, the growth of the child gradually slows down when compared with earlier stages. Weight gain is not so active. The average figures are in the region of 9.5 kg of weight and 76 cm of height. The data may differ slightly from those indicated, all children develop individually. There is one point that you need to pay attention to - the baby must grow according to a certain schedule. If the data changed in sharp jumps, and then stood still, this may indicate some kind of hidden internal pathologies. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Another important indicator of normal physical development is a full and healthy sleep. Now at night the baby sleeps almost without waking up, up to 12 hours in a row. Daytime sleep is required, at least twice for two hours. Without proper rest, the newborn will not grow evenly and gain weight properly. If you adhere to the specified schedule for up to a year and a half, this will strengthen the body's natural immunity, increase its resistance to infections.

Motor skills and principles of communication of a newborn at 10 months

Ten months of age is an important period for the development of motor skills of the baby. Any deviations can be an indicator of improper development, a lack of certain vitamins or nutrients, insufficient muscle development.

At 10 months, the child should perform the following actions.

  1. Confidently crawl on hands and knees, without getting tired and not capricious.
  2. Sit with an emphasis on the handles or with a little help from adults.
  3. Get up from a sitting position - both with support and independently.
  4. Walking, leaning on objects, and even going up and down low stairs.
  5. Use a spoon, cup and drinker.
  6. It is normal to react to using the potty. The procedure should not cause him emotional or physical inconvenience.

In addition, the newborn already adequately responds to the requests and instructions of the parents, performs simple actions without preliminary demonstration by adults. He can repeat gestures seen only once at least a week ago.

The child already plays independently, he constantly shows interest in the world around him, studies new things. Thanks to the development of memory, the baby remembers the location of important objects, furniture, storage places for toys, and can distinguish his clothes.

Thanks to the development of social skills, ten-month-old children begin to communicate with others. Remembering the gestures they have seen, the kids are already beginning to use them for their intended purpose.

Speech becomes more intelligible. Now the baby can use whole words, albeit blurry and not always clear. It is recommended to encourage such attempts, this will accelerate the development of speech skills. If the baby shows interest in TV, he can only watch children's programs, otherwise it will be impossible to wean him from some of the words he hears.

Options for the manifestation of emotions in the baby and the perception of the world around

The most interesting, according to parents, is the manifestation of adequate emotions by the child, corresponding to the situations that have arisen. Justified whims in response to the selected toy, the manifestation of fear at a sudden noise, a smile at the sight of relatives and friends - all this indicates that the child correctly assesses the environment.

At 10 months, the little one tries to behave like a "big one". Having mastered the movements of his hands and fingers, he accurately repeats the gestures he sees (it is almost impossible to wean him from them). There will be no limit to the delight of the baby if he is allowed to watch TV or “talk” to someone on the phone.

You can not scold children during this period for broken toys. They don't break, they study things, trying to understand how they work. Even at such a tender age, babies begin to use the laws of physics. They know perfectly well what needs to be pulled to make the cup fall off the table, how long a stick needs to be taken to get a distant object.

To summarize all of the above, then the skills of a ten-month-old child should be reduced to the following:

  • attention to the sounds and especially the speech of others, an attempt to imitate what was heard;
  • an adequate response to the mood of others and the events taking place around;
  • expression of emotions appropriate to the situation;
  • interest in small objects, attempts to understand the structure of large and complex structures;
  • high development of motor skills, which allows the child to crawl, sit, walk and stand with support, use household items;
  • chewing small food, calm refusal of the breast;
  • calm reaction to attempts to seat him on the potty;
  • active interest in other children.

In addition to these skills, individual children can surprise with individual achievements. All that is listed refers to the mandatory program of what ten-month-olds should be able to do. If you deal with the newborn individually and purposefully, you can achieve amazing results.

Parental actions if the child develops at a slow pace

If it seems to parents that their baby is developing slightly behind their peers or his skills do not match the declared data, do not panic. First of all, you need to consult with a pediatrician. The doctor will conduct the necessary tests, evaluate the baby's data based on his individual characteristics and tell you exactly if there is a reason for concern.

Premature babies often need a little more time to master the environment and set all of these skills. If you want to bring this moment closer, you just need to additionally engage with the child. Today, many educational games have been developed that will not only benefit, but also give the newborn great pleasure.

Another important point is to talk to children. And it should not be a stream of meaningless words. The best option is to comment on your own and his actions. When dressing a child, you can list all the things used, you need to describe their color, shape and purpose. If you describe the surrounding nature and events during a walk, this will not go away without a trace, the baby will remember everything and one day will surprise everyone with his knowledge.

If the doctor made a disappointing diagnosis, it is necessary to immediately contact children's centers that increase the socialization of children. Slightly slow development can be corrected if it is responded to in time and appropriate measures are taken. The basis of success is the regularity of classes, you should not rely on specialists, you need to deal with the child and on your own.

The main thing is to remember that the success of the baby, first of all, depends on the attention of parents to him, a sufficient number of specialized toys. If a child develops independently and does not receive sufficient care, one should not be surprised at some lag in mastering basic skills.

  1. The baby crawls confidently. Someone for short distances, others are simply impossible to catch up. The speed of movement of the baby especially increases if he managed to grab something forbidden and tries to hide.

    It happens that a 10-month-old child crawls very little, but immediately tries to walk. Moreover, it will be more characteristic of a boy than a girl.

  2. Babies at 10 months are doing well. Many people try to walk with their hands on the edge of a sofa or bed. And some babies are already learning to walk without any support.
  3. The child finally masters the pinch grip. The kid likes to hold small objects with his fingers, if you give him a pencil or pen, the baby will try to draw, imitating the actions of his parents.
  4. A baby at 10 months is even more interesting in terms of communication. It is easy to teach him to wave goodbye or turn his head in agreement or disagreement. The child also responds to simple requests from an adult. The kid can take something, bring, give, or perform certain actions with toys (roll, close, open).
  5. The child improves control of his body. Due to the fact that weight gain is no longer as significant as before, it is easier for the baby to control his movements. The connection between thinking and motor skills is getting stronger. Hand manipulations, leg movements, head turns become even more conscious. And the more the baby plays with the help of hands, fingers, the sooner and stronger this connection will be fixed.
  6. The development of a child at 10 months already allows you to determine the leading hand.

    If the left hand turns out to be the main one, in no case should the baby be retrained. In this case, it is better to choose games in which both hands are involved.

  7. In reversed speech, the child easily guesses the intonation. If the speech has an approving tone, the baby rejoices, smiles. If the baby hears disapproval in the voice of a loved one, he gets upset.
  8. The kid is aware of the word "no". The main thing is not to abuse it. It should be prohibited in those situations where the child's actions can harm him or others. In other cases, it is better to distract him, transferring attention to something more interesting.

    The ban should be carried through to the end. There is no need to follow the lead of a baby who, with his cry, is trying to get permission for something threatening him, which was previously banned. Once again, gently tell the baby why it is impossible, and how this action or object threatens him.

  9. A child in the tenth month can say his first words. Or often and for a long time repeats the most popular syllables - “ma-ma”, “pa-pa”, “ba-ba”.

    But even if this does not happen, do not worry. The development of a child at ten months does not yet imply clear conscious speaking of words.

  10. The feelings of the baby and his emotional reactions become more diverse. So, for example, a 10-month-old baby may experience a feeling of jealousy. It manifests itself when another baby is in the center of attention of loved ones.
  11. Holds the mug firmly with both hands and drinks independently.

Height and weight of the child at 10 months

Due to the increasing motor activity, the body weight of the child is no longer increasing at the same pace as before. For the tenth month, the baby is heavier by 400 - 450 grams and grows by 1 - 1.5 centimeters.

The baby still sleeps twice during the day and once at night. The total duration of sleep is 12 - 14 hours. Each child chooses their own mode. Some wake up earlier and, accordingly, go to bed earlier. Others sleep very little during the day, literally 30-40 minutes. If the baby sleeps twice during the day, make sure that the interval between daytime sleep is no more than four hours. So you will avoid problems with laying down at night.

Parents should be very careful to observe the child and the signals that he gives. In this way, you can choose the optimal daily routine that is most suitable for the baby.


At 10 months, the child receives almost adult food. The exception is that it can be in a more crushed (ground) form.

Naturally, children should not be given fried or fatty foods. The same applies to canned food, smoked meats, semi-finished products and sweets.

A child receives formula or breast milk at bedtime, at night or after the main meal as a drink.

Babies are usually applied to the chest more than is required to satisfy hunger or thirst. Don't worry. This is fine. Everything will fall into place when the baby and mother are ready to give up breastfeeding.

To instill a culture of nutrition in your baby, it is useful to organize joint meals. So the child will learn the skills of independent eating. In addition, a joint meal with the family is a great way to become even closer and dearer to each other.

How to develop a child at 10 months?

At 10 months, the development of the crumbs, as before, occurs through the game. It is important for parents both to allocate separate time for this, and to weave game elements into the context of the daily life of the family. It's just great if both mom and dad play with the baby, because their style of play is different.

  • in development motor skills it is important to help the baby improve in the skill of crawling and lay a strong foundation for subsequent upright walking.

Do not limit the baby outside the arena. Having secured the space in advance, let it float freely on the floor.

Spread toys on the floor to make it more interesting for the baby to crawl from one fun to another. To strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs, it will be interesting to play catch-up. Of course, the child does not yet know how to walk well enough for this, but he is already crawling decently. The kid will be interested in both running away and catching up.

If the baby does not want to crawl at all, build a play tunnel at home. Show your child how to overcome it by crawling. A rare baby can resist such entertainment.

Show how it turns out to be easier to take the first steps if you hold on to a bed or sofa.

  • physical exercise. First of all, these are fitball exercises and exercises in the pool. This will strengthen the muscular frame of the baby and will serve to prevent umbilical hernia;
  • talk more to your child. Talk about the world around you and things. Accompany your actions with comments.

So you can learn the skill of joint cooking. Mom will cook on the stove in real dishes, and the baby, sitting on the floor, will repeat. It also has a positive effect on the motor skills of the hands.

At this age, it is easier for a child to hear poetic forms, sing-song speech. For a better understanding of fairy tales, you can use finger games.

Parents can independently make a set of finger toys for several fairy tales. This is a great family entertainment option.

  • role-playing games. Choose your favorite toy with your baby and show your baby how to take care of it - feed it, put it to bed, and so on. The baby will happily repeat these simple steps.

Young children are great imitators. And their parents are the best role models for them.

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The number of achievements and skills of the child at this age increases, but the increase in height and weight slows down slightly. The kid is more than ever open to new acquaintances.

Physical development of a child at 10 months

Physical development is progressing more and more. As the day of a 10-month-old baby becomes more active, he does not gain weight as rapidly as before. The norm is an increase in weight of 400-500 g per month. The normal increase in growth per month is 1.5-2 cm, the head circumference in boys and girls is about 46.5 cm.

Most babies are already good crawlers and are actively trying to master walking. At this time, the main thing is to develop balance and orientation in space. There are children who by this time cannot pull themselves up and stand on their feet. The time has come to encourage and promote this in every possible way. This can be done by placing any toy or a new object that interests the baby on a low sofa or chair and helping the child to rise. Taking out objects, he trains spatial orientation. The baby by this period has a good command of the movements of the shoulder, forearm, wrist and fingers, without difficulty takes small objects with his fingers and examines them.

But remember that every child is different. The physical development of a child is different for everyone. Someone does not crawl, but immediately begins to walk. Some are normal growth, some are not. And someone does everything in turn: crawls, then learns to walk near the support and without it.

At 10 months, the child can independently stand on his feet in the crib, and from a standing position, sit down. The time has come to equip a new playing place, since earlier it was enough for the playpen or a small rug to play. A low sofa is best. After all, any child easily masters the sofa: either gets off, or climbs on it - such a home attraction allows him to develop. The task of parents is to provide insurance for the baby in order to avoid unpleasant falls, putting, for example, a soft blanket or a lot of plush toys.

By ten months, a favorite activity will be formed. Someone happily moves after hearing the music, someone builds turrets of figures, and someone looks at pictures in books and magazines.

Mental development of a child at 10 months

This month, the baby will surprise with unexpected and long-awaited actions. Bite the tip of the tongue, try to repeat the antics of the pope. He will devote more time to raking the contents of the lower cabinets, shelves that he can reach. Will persistently touch a laptop, tablet, phone and other forbidden achievements of modern science. Since usually at this time the child does not walk independently, it is important for him to move more, strengthening his muscles, and prepare the body for upright posture. Although already at the tenth month the child is standing, holding on to a support, and even stomping a little, it is better for him to still crawl.

At 10 months, the baby is not afraid to go into the arms of strangers. During this period, interest in peers awakens, but they will not play together yet. The child can already know the names of some objects and the names of people, repeat sounds and syllables after adults. By this time, the little one is already confidently holding two toys in his hands.

Since that time, the personality of a small person begins to form, the actions of parents have a great influence on this. The child repeats everything after the adults. By imitating, he learns to feed a plush bunny with carrots. The baby remembers the word “no” and “no”, moreover, sometimes he can pronounce and show these words. The memory of the baby becomes more voluminous. He can reproduce the action that he saw about a week ago, remembers where his toys are.

The child imitates the sounds that adults utter, changes the intonation and volume of his voice. He plays with his tongue and saliva, making a funny noise, and laughs at his pranks. In his own language, he can name any things or actions, they are often incomprehensible. Parents should continue to talk to the child as an adult, it is useful for him to read fairy tales.

Since this small anniversary, “malice” has been growing very rapidly. And this should not be attributed to character traits, this is simple curiosity and knowledge of the still unknown world for the crumbs. And do not be upset if you find cubes in the pan, and part of the pyramid in the toilet. After all, the dissatisfaction of the parents either greatly upsets the baby, or provokes. You don’t need to punish either, you can make sure that he starts to cheat and do things in his own way, but with mom and dad behind their backs. The main thing in this case is to switch attention and provide the child with safe and no less interesting areas of the apartment for “research”.

Baby games

The games of a 10-month-old child acquire concentration. He firmly holds the toy, performs various tasks: he takes and gives a cube, opens and closes boxes, sitting on the floor, rolls and throws the ball. Therefore, you should choose games that match these skills. Disassembling and assembling is the most exciting activity for the baby right now. This can be unloading and loading a train, filling a container with geometric shapes, etc. The modern market for such games captures the breadth of choice.

One of the most useful toys at this stage is the pyramid. With mother's help, the child collects it and, rejoicing at the result, is waiting for encouragement. Place a container on the floor and offer to leave various objects in it, especially those that make some kind of sound when hit. Let's throw small toys with different hands, and large toys with two, change the distance of the box, put it closer, then further. Thus, the child's ability to manipulate objects develops.

It's time to offer finger paints. The delight will be indescribable! When choosing a baby color, name it. So he will quickly learn the basic colors, will understand them and pronounce their names.

From 10 months, the child absorbs information like a sponge. Appropriate and highly desirable games with cognition. Sit your baby in a comfortable position, on a sofa, high chair or in your arms. If he is disposed to communicate, introduce him to animals. Surely there are toys in the house and pictures in the form of animals, fruits. It is necessary to place them in front of the child and show them one by one, pronouncing the sound that corresponds to one or another animal. Let the kid repeat it.

No games, modern, colorful and super educational, will replace outdoor games. After all, they have a beneficial effect on the development of the baby and are very useful for his health.

Nursery rhymes and simple verses accompanying awakening and dressing do not lose their relevance. Let the child look at the books. Now books with thick cardboard pages are suitable, which depict fruits, vegetables, animals. This is very interesting for kids. Turning pages, he develops motor skills, looking at pictures, learns the world.

10 month old baby care

A 10-month-old baby has a change in care. But hygiene remains unchanged. Perform morning procedures: wash your face, clean your nose and ears - you need to playfully.

Night sleep lasts 10-12 hours. Daytime sleep can be from 2 to 3 hours, sometimes in two visits, although it often happens that the child sleeps once. It is necessary to ensure that the baby rests in a calm atmosphere during the lunch period so that he does not get overexcited and does not become capricious because of this.

It is useful to spend more time outdoors, dressing the baby according to the weather so that he is not too hot, but hypothermia should not be allowed.

Children already at this age are sitting and can carry out movements without fear, quickly assimilate information. Everything contributes to potty training.

Lead by example. When putting away toys, ask the child to help you, folding some things, choosing a book - also ask for help. He will carry out instructions, taking them for a game, and actively participate in those that he likes best. Thus, accustoming the child to the joint performance of affairs, we teach him to observe the daily routine and prepare for lunch and a walk, for example.

Nutrition and development of the child according to Komarovsky

A child at 10 months with pleasure gnaws hard vegetables and fruits, cookies, crackers. Low-fat varieties of fish are introduced into baby food at this time.

At 10 months, the child tries to eat on his own, clumsily moves a spoon in a plate, but can already drink from a cup himself. The bottle should be discarded, as it negatively affects the teeth. At this age, the child continues to eat five times a day. The first and last feeding is an important part of the diet. We continue to give breast milk or formula if the baby is bottle-fed. There are children who can still wake up at night to have a snack. Dr. Komarovsky believes that children under one year of age should have formula in their diet if breastfeeding is not possible.

Komarovsky advises that the diet of a 10-month-old baby should contain kefir (100 g), cottage cheese (no more than 50 g), baked apple (50 g), vegetable puree and milk porridge (120 g), juice (20-30 ml), whole yolk, meat puree (40-50 g), fish puree (5-20 g), biscuits (10 g), vegetable oil (3 g). At the same time, cottage cheese should be homemade from cow's milk, vegetable puree should contain potatoes, carrots, beets, and milk porridge is preferably buckwheat and rice.

Remember that if the mother is still breastfeeding, then the foods that parents eat are reflected in the health of the baby and its development. Therefore, strictly prohibited foods should not be consumed. Take into account that not all innovative products at the 10th month can be immediately and well absorbed by the baby's body.

Komarovsky notes the special importance of cleanliness, especially when preparing food for a child. Hands should be well washed and ideally dry with a disposable paper towel. Rinse vegetables well under running water, keep dishes, cutting board and work surface clean. You still need to cook for one meal and remember that the cooked product can stand for no more than two hours.

Ten months is an interesting period in a child's development. Important points that need to be carefully monitored are the weight, height and nutrition of the baby. If there are no strong deviations from the norm, then the height and weight of the child may change in the following months of the newborn's life.

Ten-month-old children are becoming more and more independent, showing new skills and abilities in playing and communicating with loved ones. Parents have come a long way by the time their baby turns 10 months old. What is the development of the crumbs, what should the baby be able to do in terms of physical, speech and intellectual skills? We will talk about this in detail in our article.

At the age of ten months, babies move very actively around the house after their mother, to whom they are very attached. At the same time, they constantly find something new for themselves: dresser handles, flowers in pots, shoes at the front door or a toilet brush. Anything can be in the hands and in the mouth of the baby, so double-check your apartment for compliance with safety rules. Kids play a lot with adults, getting carried away for a long time. They understand human speech better, copy sounds and words, know many objects and their purpose. We will try to describe the basic skills of a child at 10 months point by point.

The physical skills of most children at this age are:

  • The kid crawls quickly and well, climbs over obstacles.
  • He stands at the support, takes several side steps along it or even without support, from one object to another.
  • The child sits on his own and can sit for a long time with a straight back and straightened legs.
  • The baby walks well when adults lead him by two or one handle.
  • Emotional and social skills:
  • The child shows interest in other children: looks closely, examines, tries to repeat their actions.
  • A sense of humor appears: in response to funny actions, children at 10 months laugh out loud.
  • Copies all the actions, facial expressions, gestures of adults.
  • The kid always tries to be in the center of events and becomes very sociable. At this time, walks on the playground become not only exciting, but also educational.
  • Shows emotions depending on the situation: rejoices at mother's praise, cries when a toy is taken away.

Intellectual abilities of children at the age of 10 months:

  • The child performs the simplest actions and understands gestures: waving his hand “bye-bye”, giving a toy, clapping his hands, knocking with a hammer. Understands the word "no".
  • Knows many objects and can point to them at the request of adults. Performs manipulations with familiar objects.
  • Takes toys and things out of the box, can even put them back.
  • Finds objects hidden before his eyes, hides himself.
  • She leafs through books on her own and finds familiar animals and other things in them.
  • Gradually masters new skills in the game: builds a tower of cubes, removes rings from the pyramid.

10 month old baby walks on tiptoe

Usually at this age, children walk with their entire foot on the floor. However, what if a child walks on tiptoe at 10 months? First of all, try to adequately assess the situation: how often does your baby behave in this way, can this be part of his exciting game?

If this situation occurs infrequently and the child does it playfully, then there is no problem. Buy him orthopedic shoes and try to gradually wean him from a bad habit.

In some cases, the situation in which a ten-month-old baby stands and walks on tiptoes can have negative consequences. We are talking about muscular dystonia or increased muscle tone. You should show the baby to a neurologist and immediately solve the problem with massage and other procedures. If you do not know what the root cause of this behavior is, it is better to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

What does a 10 month old baby say?

Your baby has already grown enough and is even trying to communicate with others. Let's see what a 10 month old baby says. At this age, children mostly pronounce their first monosyllabic words: “give”, “na”, “woof”, “meow”, “kat”, “am” and others. Some toddlers can even consciously or unconsciously pronounce the two-syllable words "mom" and "dad". If an adult repeats the same syllables many times, the child can reproduce them. In addition, he can even say "no" with gestures, actively shaking his head from side to side.

If the child is already 10 months old, we learn to speak with him. To do this, you need to pronounce each action in simple words and short sentences. Often point the baby to objects, naming them, and then ask to show these objects. Replace long names with simplified symbols: rain - cap, swing - swing, dog - woof. Read books as it is a great vocabulary builder. At this age, children try to imitate adults in everything. Therefore, if you actively communicate with your child, he will answer you in the same way.