Rhythmic tremors in the abdomen during pregnancy. Can the stomach throb during pregnancy

There are many indirect symptoms indicating the conception of a child, although none of them guarantees a 100% result. It is impossible to reliably determine pregnancy by pulse. Although moderate tachycardia or hypotension, pulsation in the abdomen are suggestive signs due to changes associated with additional stress on the woman's cardiovascular system.

First manifestations

Pregnancy in women proceeds differently: in some, the body signals a change in state almost immediately, while in others it is much later, and some do not experience any secondary signs of its onset and course during pregnancy.

Various similar symptoms are experienced by women in the apparent absence of pregnancy. Symptoms that often accompany the onset of conception are divided into 3 categories:

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  • conjectural;
  • probable;
  • reliable.


A woman can recognize the alleged manifestations of the onset of conception on her own. They appear at different times and with varying degrees of intensity. The main ones are listed in the table. Far from always, these symptoms indicate fertilization, sometimes they indicate the presence of abnormal processes in the body or are a reaction to external factors.

Period after conceptionsign of pregnancy
  • enlargement, swelling, tenderness of the breast;
  • absence, violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • increase or decrease in heart rate;
  • pulsation in the abdomen.
1-5 weeks
  • migraine, dizziness, headache;
  • mood swings.
2-3 weeks
  • heartburn, constipation;
  • frequent urination;
  • unpleasant and unusual sensations in the abdomen.
2-8 weeks
  • excessive salivation, nausea and/or vomiting;
  • changes in appetite, taste preferences, smell.
3rd month
  • malaise;
  • elevated temperature;
  • signs of a cold;
  • darkening of the skin around the nipples;
  • increased vaginal discharge.


There are indirect signs of pregnancy that a woman cannot recognize on her own, but they are clearly visible during a medical examination. The main ones are listed in the table. As with presumptive symptoms, they do not always indicate fertilization, and sometimes indicate serious health problems or temporary physiological changes in the body.

There are other possible reasons:

  • gas separation;
  • myoma;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • various tumors.


If a woman really wants to get pregnant, then immediately after a possible conception, she will begin to look for the first symptoms of pregnancy.

A reliable sign of early pregnancy is an increase in a woman's body of a specific hormone - chorionic gonadotropin, which begins to be intensively produced from actually the first days after conception. Its presence can be checked at home with test strips. The second indisputable confirmation of pregnancy is the visualization of the fetal bladder or embryo during ultrasound diagnostics, but not earlier than the 5th week of the intended conception.

Many expectant mothers complain to doctors that during a seemingly normal pregnancy, their stomach throbs. Let's take a closer look at this situation and talk about why the stomach pulsates during pregnancy and when this fact can be regarded as the norm, and when - as a violation.

What causes throbbing in the lower abdomen during pregnancy?

The most common reason for this phenomenon is It happens as a result of the amniotic fluid swallowed by the baby. This phenomenon is accompanied by rhythmic twitching of the abdomen in the expectant mother. This can be observed already from the 28th week, when the baby begins to carry out active swallowing movements. Thus, in the process of ingestion, the muscles of the digestive system and the gastrointestinal tract in particular are strengthened.

However, the most dangerous reason that the lower abdomen pulsates during late pregnancy is compression or infringement of the vena cava. Anatomically, it runs along the right side of the spine. Depending on the position of the body of the mother herself, this vessel is compressed. It is noteworthy that after changing the position of the body, the pulsation disappears. This phenomenon can be observed starting from about the 25th week of pregnancy.

The third probable reason that pulsating tremors in the abdomen are observed during pregnancy is the banal stirring of the baby. This is how expectant mothers describe what they heard. This fact directly explains the fact that a woman's stomach pulsates during pregnancy.

What to do with pulsation in the lower abdomen during pregnancy?

If suddenly during pregnancy the stomach pulsates in the early stages, the woman must necessarily inform the observing doctor about it. Only after examination can a specialist suggest a probable cause.

In cases where compression of the vena cava led to the appearance of pulsation, doctors advise that certain rules be followed in order to avoid this in the future.

So, while sleeping, you should avoid lying on your back. It is best for a pregnant woman to rest lying on her side.

Thus, when a woman's abdomen throbs during pregnancy, it is very important to establish the cause of this phenomenon. However, in most cases, it practically does not cause anxiety among doctors, since it disappears on its own as a result of the pregnant woman following the recommendations given to her.

Pregnancy for a woman is a crucial stage. The expectant mother constantly listens to the ongoing changes in her body. Some processes delight, others excite and frighten. One of the factors that cause anxiety is the pulsation in the lower abdomen during pregnancy.

Each pregnant woman has her own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpulsation. Women describe it in different ways: as contractions, knocks or wiggling. The process can appear at different times, be constant or periodic, painful or asymptomatic. In any case, it is necessary to inform the attending gynecologist about this.

The first movement of the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy can be mistaken for a pulsation.

physiological phenomenon

Basically, in the absence of pain, pulsation is a natural phenomenon. The thing is that the female body has to work hard, supplying oxygen and essential nutrients to two organisms. As a result, the blood volume increases by 30%, the heart rate increases with the growth of the fetus. A pregnant woman can feel her stomach pulsing throughout the entire gestation period.

Increasing throbbing pain in the middle of the abdomen in rare cases indicates an aortic aneurysm. This is a serious pathology that requires immediate medical attention.


Pulsation in the abdomen during a normal pregnancy can be caused by fetal hiccups. The duration is from several minutes to an hour and does not require intervention from the expectant mother.

Why does the baby start to hiccup:

  1. There is an intensive development of the digestive and respiratory organs.
  2. The fetus makes swallowing movements, sometimes swallowing amniotic fluid.
  3. Anatomy fluid causes hiccups.

There is nothing wrong with that. The baby is preparing for birth: learning to eat and breathe.

Such pulsations can occur from the 28th week several times a day, and their localization is observed mainly in the lower abdomen. Some women do not feel this at all, others feel that the whole stomach is twitching. It all depends on the individual sensitivity threshold of the pregnant woman.

Frequent and prolonged hiccups are a sign of hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in the fetus. Timely access to a doctor and proper treatment will help to avoid complications.


Modern medicine makes new discoveries all the time, but the birth of new life continues to be the biggest mystery of the universe. Therefore, it is necessary for the expectant mother to be attentive to her health - a timely visit to the doctor will save at least one life.

Today, several causes of pulsation are known. In some situations, there is no cause for concern, but in other cases, it is a sign of pathology. Let's take a closer look at what can cause pulsation, why it is dangerous and how to deal with it.

Pathology of the early term

Pulsation in the abdomen in the early stages can be dangerous. Sometimes it is caused by intestinal spasms, provoked by the adaptation of the body to the ongoing changes. It is felt in the navel or to the right and left of it. Concomitant phenomena: constipation, loose stools, colic, increased flatulence.

This phenomenon is harmful to the development of the fetus, since attempts during constipation can lead to miscarriage, and diarrhea will take a lot of nutrients from the body.

To prevent disorders of the gastrointestinal tract will help proper nutrition during the entire period of pregnancy. It is necessary to exclude legumes, carbonated drinks, smoked meats from the menu. But a moderate amount of raw vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals, will quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Pulsating pain in the lower abdomen on the left or right, accompanied by pain and bloody discharge, may indicate a rupture of the tube during an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, urgent hospitalization is necessary, because the possibility of death is not excluded.

Periodic pain pulsation in the lower abdomen in the early stages may indicate uterine hypertonicity. In the future, this will lead to a miscarriage. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and undergo a course of treatment.

You can’t self-medicate - many medical drugs and pharmaceutical herbs are contraindicated during pregnancy. They can provoke rejection or severe pathology in the fetus.

Pulsation of a vein

In the abdominal cavity there is a large vessel that collects blood from the lower body - the inferior vena cava. It can noticeably pulsate if it is in a compressed state. This occurs after the 30th week of pregnancy with an increase in the gestational age of the fetus.

Partial or complete squeezing occurs when a pregnant woman is in an unsuccessful (for a vein) position for a long time, for example, lying on her back. The uterus presses on it with its weight and disrupts the blood flow of venous blood. At the same time, in some cases, accompanying phenomena are observed:

  • Dizziness.
  • Weakness.
  • Lack of air.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Nausea.

Such conditions are dangerous not only for women, because they can cause the development of cardiovascular diseases and hemorrhoids, but also for the baby. In the fetus, when squeezing the mother's vein, a decrease in pulse is observed, the supply of blood with oxygen is disturbed.

To prevent this condition during sleep, the pregnant woman should lie on her left side, placing a pillow between her legs and under her back.

In mothers carrying a multiple pregnancy or a large baby, the vein manifests itself starting from the 25th week. Also, compression increases with the growth of the fetus and manifests itself earlier in multiparous women.

Relief of symptoms

Taking good care of your health will help you maintain a pregnancy and have a healthy baby. It is also necessary to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

What should a future mother do:

  • From the first days of contacting the consultation, the doctor will prescribe a vitamin intake for the expectant mother, which should not be neglected.
  • Until the moment of birth, the organisms of mother and baby must be fully provided with all the necessary trace elements. This will be facilitated by proper fractional nutrition throughout the entire period. The menu should always include meat, seafood, dairy products, vegetables and fruits, cereals, herbs, vegetable fats.
  • Physical activity should be limited and discussed with your doctor. Lifting weights and working at night will not do any good, but physical education for pregnant women, walking in the fresh air and good sleep are useful for both the woman and the fetus.
  • During sleep, try not to sleep on your back and stomach. The position "on the side" is the most acceptable during pregnancy. The use of special pillows and rollers will relieve the appearance of swelling, pain and other unpleasant symptoms. Especially if it pulsates in the abdomen due to compression of the vena cava.

Pulsation in the abdomen should not confuse you. However, even if there is no blood discharge and other abnormal symptoms, but anxiety increases, it is better to go for an ultrasound once again and make sure that everything is in order with the baby.

During pregnancy, a woman is looking forward to her figure changing. Particular attention is paid to the stomach - the space where the baby grows and develops. Assessing the ongoing changes, the expectant mother pays attention to the shape and size of the abdomen, and also listens to her own feelings. Many women are alarmed by the pulsation that occurs in the womb area at various times. What is it and what does the pulsation in the lower abdomen indicate during pregnancy?

Possible reasons

Under the pulsation in the lower abdomen, pregnant women understand various conditions. Different sensitivity and susceptibility to body signals determine the most bizarre interpretations of this phenomenon. It seems to some expectant mothers that they literally hear the fetal heartbeat. Others argue that behind the rhythmic pulsation, the movements of the baby are unambiguously determined. Often, pulsation is confused with painful sensations that occur during the pathology of pregnancy. In some cases, an examination by a specialist is required to determine the cause of this condition.

Possible causes of pulsation in the lower abdomen:

fetal hiccups

Prolonged rhythmic pulsation in the womb area after 20 weeks of pregnancy may be associated with fetal hiccups. You can feel the pulsation by placing your hand on your stomach between the pubic bone and the navel. In late pregnancy, fetal hiccups are perceived quite clearly without additional manipulations.

Why does the baby hiccup? The exact cause of fetal hiccups is still not known. According to one version, hiccups occur at the moment when the baby swallows amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid, entering the oral cavity and esophagus, irritates the mucosal receptors, which in turn provokes hiccups. Such hiccups are completely safe for the fetus. On the contrary, swallowing amniotic fluid gradually prepares the baby's digestive tract for eating.

According to another version, hiccups are nothing more than a manifestation of chronic fetal hypoxia. Experiencing a lack of oxygen, the baby thus tries to compensate for his condition. The duration of hiccup attacks during hypoxia can be different - from several minutes to half an hour. Chronic hypoxia is a very dangerous condition. In the absence of adequate therapy, this phenomenon can lead to a delay in fetal development and serious health problems after birth.

How to find out the cause of hiccups in the fetus? Get checked out by a gynecologist. You can find out if the baby is suffering from hypoxia using ultrasound and CTG. When conducting an ultrasound, the height and weight of the fetus is assessed, the state of its internal organs and brain is determined. The blood flow velocity in the vessels of the uterus, placenta and umbilical cord is necessarily assessed. If any abnormalities are identified, the doctor may prescribe treatment to improve blood flow and reduce the risk of serious complications in the fetus.

CTG (cardiotocography) is performed after 32 weeks. A special sensor is attached to the tummy of a pregnant woman, with the help of which the heartbeat of the fetus is estimated. When pathology is detected, therapy is also carried out aimed at improving uteroplacental blood flow and eliminating the consequences of chronic fetal hypoxia.

Fetal movements

In the period from 16 to 24 weeks, fetal movements are not perceived very clearly. Only in the third trimester can a pregnant woman clearly distinguish the kicks of her little legs from other sensations. In earlier periods, the movements of the baby are similar to light bursts, tickling or pulsing. Such a pulsation is felt just above the womb, usually only on one side. At first, the pulsation associated with fetal movements will occur once or twice a day. Over time, the baby will move more and more actively, and soon the expectant mother will no longer be able to confuse the movements of the fetus with other sensations in the stomach.

It is quite difficult to correctly assess fetal movements in the second trimester. Until 24 weeks, the expectant mother does not feel all the movements of the baby. Only the strongest kicks of the legs or turns with the whole body are perceived by a woman. The absence of any movements during the day should alert. Increased fetal activity is also a signal of problems in the body. In these situations, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Compression of the inferior vena cava

The inferior vena cava is the largest vein in the human body. It collects blood from the lower extremities and passes just where the enlarged uterus is located along with the baby. Pulsation in the lower abdomen, not like hiccups or fetal movements, may be associated with clamping of the inferior vena cava. This condition occurs mainly after 28 weeks, when the pressure on the vein and other organs of the abdominal cavity increases significantly.

With compression of the inferior vena cava, the pulsation in the lower abdomen is felt quite clearly. If you put your palm on the area between the pubic bone and the navel, you can clearly feel the movement of blood through the vessel. The pulsation rate matches the mother's heart rate and distinguishes this condition from other causes of pulsation during pregnancy.

Pulsation during compression of the inferior vena cava increases in the supine position. In this position, the uterus puts more pressure on the vein, which leads to impaired blood flow in it. Compression of the inferior vena cava is also accompanied by other symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • noise in ears;
  • flashing flies before the eyes;
  • nausea.

Compression of the inferior vena cava can lead to loss of consciousness. When the first unpleasant sensations appear, you need to change your position: roll over on your side, sit down or slowly get out of bed. If the pulsation increases, weakness increases, dizziness increases, it is urgent to call a doctor.

Compression of the inferior vena cava, accompanied by pulsation, is dangerous not only for a woman, but also for her baby. When a large vessel is clamped, the blood flow in the pelvic organs and the placenta is disturbed. The deterioration of blood flow leads to short-term fetal hypoxia, which adversely affects its further development.

Threat of abortion

Pulsation in the lower abdomen, accompanied by pain or any pronounced discomfort, may indicate a malfunction in the body. This condition occurs when the tone of the uterus increases. Myometrial hypertonicity is a dangerous phenomenon that can lead to spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth. If you experience any unusual and even more painful sensations, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Pulsation in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy

According to statistics, every fourth woman feels a pulsation over the womb in the first trimester. A similar symptom is considered one of the very first signs of pregnancy. Often, the expectant mother learns about the birth of a new life only after she begins to listen to her own feelings. Pulsation in the lower abdomen is one of the confirmations of a successful conception and a reason to undergo an examination. You can accurately find out about pregnancy using a pharmacy test or a blood test for hCG.

Why does pulsation occur in the lower abdomen in the early stages? After the conception of a child, blood flow in the pelvic organs increases. The uterus gradually increases, the movement of blood through the vessels is redistributed. All this increases the load on the inferior vena cava, the pulsation of which is felt in the early stages. The pulsation is best perceived by women of asthenic physique with a small supply of subcutaneous fat. Expectant mothers with normal and overweight feel the pulsation of the inferior vena cava mainly in the II and III trimesters of pregnancy.

What to do?

Pulsation in the lower abdomen is not a reason to panic. In most cases, this condition does not pose a danger to the woman and the fetus. According to statistics, up to 80% of all expectant mothers experience a similar phenomenon during pregnancy. How to distinguish the norm from the pathology?

  1. Place your palms on the pulse area. Count your pulse. Does your pulse rate match your heart rate? You probably feel the movement of blood in the inferior vena cava under your hands. Change your body position. Watch your feelings: development of dizziness and fainting is possible.
  2. Track how often there is a pulsation in the lower abdomen. Listen to your feelings. Perhaps behind the pulsation you can feel light kicks of small legs. The baby makes itself felt, and over time, his movements will become more active. Be patient.
  3. Is the pulsation in the lower abdomen rhythmic, but not similar to your own pulse? Your baby is probably hiccuping. Track how often the child hiccups, how he behaves after the hiccups stop. If, against the background of such a pulsation, fetal movements increase or, on the contrary, become less active, consult a doctor. This condition may indicate the development of fetal hypoxia.
  4. Is the pulsation in the lower abdomen accompanied by pain or bloody discharge from the genital tract? Seek immediate medical attention. This symptom indicates a high risk of abortion.

If you have any questions or doubts, it will not be superfluous to consult a specialist. An experienced doctor will be able to identify the pathology in time or dispel all doubts and anxieties about the condition of your baby.