We sew ourselves a comfortable scarf for the child. Patterns for knitting a scarf with knitting needles Do-it-yourself fleece scarf for a girl

Knitting a scarf for a child is quite fast and very interesting: you can use bright materials, unusual patterns, or some completely unimaginable and original children's models. The easiest way to do the work is with knitting needles, since this tool allows you to create a soft elastic fabric from threads of almost any thickness. They are easy to knit scarves for children of any age, practical or decorative, for a girl or a boy.

In the absence of free time or if you need to get a classic children's scarf, you can apply an extremely simple knitting pattern, available for craftswomen with any knitting experience.

Knitting scarves with different types of elastic bands cannot be called a very original idea, however, it is these patterns that have many of the qualities necessary for such children's accessories:

  • elasticity and softness of the scarf;
  • the pattern is the same on both sides;
  • easy to combine with children's hats and mittens in matching colors;
  • universality (for boys and girls).

Traditionally, a scarf is knitted with knitting needles for a baby, picking up an even number of loops (P) and alternating the execution of facial (LCP) and purl (IZP) in a certain order. The picture below shows the process of making a children's gray scarf with 1:1 ribbing.

Everything is simple here:

  • 1 chrome, 1LCP, 1 IZP, 1 chrome;
  • 1 chrome, 1 IZP, 1 LCP, 1 chrome.

Colors can be distributed as the craftswoman wants. Narrow multi-colored stripes on children's scarves look good, but you can make a product from long spans or even make two halves of the product with different threads. Yarn in gray, blue or other soothing colors is usually chosen to work on a scarf for a boy.

Video: We knit a scarf for a boy

Figured gum and its features

The next model is similar to a scarf knitted with a simple elastic band, but here the combination of LCP and IZP is slightly different. As a result, the "pigtails" of the pattern are more voluminous and convex. These scarves look like a smaller copy of adult products, they are suitable for both boys and girls.

The figure below shows a knitting pattern for such an elastic band. It is quite simple, but requires the attention and concentration of the knitter. The example used 15 P, but more may be required for knitting a children's product. Make a small test piece, measure it, calculate how many stitches per 10 cm and then start making a scarf with the right number of stitches.

Like many elastic bands, this pattern consists of only two rows, the repetition of which allows you to create a scarf of the correct length for a child of any age. As for the yarn, knitting children's warm scarves by hand requires the use of only high-quality materials. This is especially true when it comes to accessories for a baby with sensitive skin. Shaggy, fleecy, hard, "spiky" and artificial threads are completely unsuitable.

Ruched scarf

A good alternative to elastic scarves is the use of some other pattern that gives the product elasticity. To make such a children's product with knitting needles, prepare a rather thin thread and two sets of tools: some are thin, others are thicker. The difference in needle numbers should be at least three positions, for example, #2 and #5.

The diagram is not needed, since the description is enough:

  • dial the required number of P in any convenient way;
  • knitting needles No. 2: knit four rows according to the principle of garter stitch (P faces and out of rows to perform facial);
  • knitting needles No. 5: knit 12 rows of stocking stitch (in even rows, all P are facial, in odd rows, purl). At the same time, in the first of them, double the number of all P, except for the edge ones. This means that from each P knit two;
  • knitting needles No. 2: work 4 rows of boards. viscous. At the same time, in the first of them, halve the number of P, that is, go to the original number P.

For further knitting of a scarf, alternate the execution of paragraph No. 3 and paragraph No. 4. Having received a fragment of the desired length, tie the last section with a garter stitch and close all P.

Original scarf-loop

Such an accessory for a baby or a child will be not only functional, but also decorative. The scheme of its features is that this children's knitted scarf does not need to be tied: one end is threaded into the loop and securely fixes the product.

fleece scarf

Need a nice new scarf to match your new jacket, for a gift, or just for a good mood? You don't have to spend a lot of money: just buy a fleece of the right color, and use one of these simple ideas: how to make an original scarf with your own hands

Fleece scarf - light and soft. Fleece is machine washable and dries quickly. Despite the fact that the fleece is based on a knitted fabric, the cuts can not be overcast, because. they do not crumble due to the napped surface. You can sew fleece with a regular machine stitch - convenient for those who do not have knitted stitches on the machine.

The easiest way is to take a cut of 20-30 centimeters, make a fringe with scissors, and you're done! You can process the sides with an overlock, but this is not necessary, the fleece does not fray.

A very original scarf will turn out if you stretch the fringe into funny curls and decorate it with an applique of fleece in other colors.

Fold two pieces of striped fleece, stitch in the middle along three lines. Cut as shown in the photo.

Another option: add three cuts of different colors, make one line in the middle along, cut the funny stripes on the sides.

5. Make slits in the cut on the scarf and thread ribbons of fleece of a different color through them. Slightly gather the scarf so that it becomes more voluminous, cut the bottom edges into a fringe.

Any of these scarves will surprise and delight, decorate the owner, put love and joy, and he will warm in the most severe frosts.

By the way, even children can cope with such a simple work, so do not miss the chance to involve them in useful needlework.

Hello, my dear readers)). With the advent of cold weather, our needs and desires in terms of clothing change dramatically: we want to be warm and comfortable, cozy and at home. And I definitely don’t want to wear a thin dress and freeze somewhere))).

Why fleece? You can, of course, knit (who knits), you can take another warm fabric (woolen, for example). But in practice, fleece has shown itself to be an excellent, warm and wear-resistant material, after washing it does not lose its appearance, in general, in my opinion, this is the best choice.

Besides, this shirtfront done in 15 minutes.

What measurements do we need?

All children are different, therefore it makes no sense to give one pattern - it’s better for everyone to make their own.

To do this, I took my child’s turtleneck or blouse (since it’s impossible to measure the child himself - he doesn’t stand still for a second!) And measured the distance between the shoulders. I have 25 cm.

We make a square of fabric with sides of 25 cm.

Next step: a vertical rack around the neck. Its average height is 5 cm when finished, cut 12 cm (5+5+2 cm for allowances). And the length depends on the diameter of the inner cutout, so first we complete the round part of the shirtfront to the end, and then we will calculate this rack - the neck.

We sew a bib

Cut out a square from the fleece. I took a double-sided fleece, blue and dark blue, it is thin and very dense.

Now you need to cut out the middle in the circle. We fold it four times, and mark with a small part of the circle from the center, radius = 4 cm (my child is 100 cm tall, you can roughly calculate for yourself based on my measurements, although the finished shirt-front will have freedom when fastened with Velcro).

Cut out a circle, like snowflakes in childhood):

We unfold and make a cut from the back. For convenience, I also marked with a pencil on the fabric the sewing line of the vertical stand, thereby marking the allowances. After all, now I will need to measure the length of the neck-stand along this line.

According to my measurements, the length of the inner circle turned out to be 36 cm. So I cut out a rectangle for the rack with a width of 12 and a length of 36 cm.

Now I fold the stand in half and sew it to the neck.

I sew allowances to the lower (blue) part when I make a line on the front side, stepping back 2 mm from the stitching seam.

The edges on the fleece can not be processed (usually I do), but for some reason this one fell a little, so I processed the edges in a zigzag. From the side of the back we sew a Velcro square.

It turned out to be a very warm and beautiful shirt-front. I hope my experience will be useful to you, and your children will be warm in the cold season. Good luck and see you on the pages of the blog "site".

Children's hat with ears (fleece).

Winter children's hat with ears, made of fleece. The hat is double. The hat is also lined with fleece.

Size: head circumference 48 cm.

How to sew a fleece hat (with ears):

1. cap wedges 8 parts (4 wedges - cap top, 4 wedges - cap lining)
2. lapel 1 piece
3. lower lugs 4 parts
4. top lugs 4 parts
5. strings 2 parts.

When cutting, it is necessary to take into account the share. On the pattern, the direction of the share is shown by an arrow. On the lapel, the share goes along the fold.

Pattern of a double children's hat with ears.


1. Fold the lower ones with the front side inward and grind, not forgetting to put the ties. Turn out.

2. Fold the top lugs right side in and sew. Turn out.

3. Fold the wedges of the lining facing inward and sew. Iron the seam allowances in different directions. Stitch the seams if desired.

4. Fold the wedges of the top of the cap with the front inside and stitch, not forgetting to insert the upper ears (departing 3.5 - 4 cm from the top of the cap. Iron the seam allowances in different directions.

5. Fold the lapel in half right side inward and sew along the short side. Iron the seam allowances in different directions. Stitch the seam if desired.

6. Insert the lining into the hat with the inner seams facing each other, matching the cuts. Baste the bottom lugs to the lining of the hat, aligning the center of the lugs with the seam. Fold the lapel in half lengthwise and align the seams and cuts to tack to the lining of the hat. Stitch. To reduce the thickness of the seam - overcast the seam.

Photo: View of the hat from the inside.

Photo: Double children's hat with ears (fleece):

Fleece baby hat

Autumn children's hat with ears is sewn of fleece. A very simple hat model - even novice seamstresses can handle it.
Fleece is a light, soft, elastic material. Fleece is machine washable and dries quickly. Despite the fact that the fleece is based on a knitted fabric, the cuts can not be overcast, because. they do not crumble due to the napped surface. You can sew fleece with a regular machine stitch - convenient for those who do not have knitted stitches on the machine.

How to sew a hat for a child:

Size: head circumference 46 cm. For larger or smaller sizes, explanations are given for construction.

1. the main part of the hat 1 piece
2. lapel 1 piece
3. ears 4 parts
4. ties 2 parts.

When cutting, it is necessary to take into account the share. On the pattern, the direction of the share is shown by an arrow. The share is located along the edge of the fabric. How to determine the fractional if there is no edge: because fleece - a knitted fabric with a napped surface, then in order to determine the share, you need to try to pull the fabric in different directions - in the direction of the share, the fleece stretches the least (almost does not stretch). Fleece can have a pile direction, which must also be taken into account when cutting.

The pattern is given without seam allowances. Allowances for seams: for seams - 1 cm, for the arcuate part of the ears - 0.5-0.7 cm.

Fleece baby hat pattern.

If you need to sew a hat in a different size: The length of the main part of the hat is the circumference of the child's head + seam allowances. Lapel length - child's head girth + 2 cm + seam allowances. Ties and ears can be left the same. The height of the lapel is optional. The height of the main part, depending on the size, is slightly reduced or increased.


1. Fold the ears with the right side inward and grind, not forgetting to put the ties. Turn out.

2. Fold the lapel in half right side inward and sew along the short side. Iron the seam allowances in different directions. Stitch the seam if desired.

Stitching - Laying lines on parts to secure seam allowances. It is used to fix seams on fabrics that are difficult to wet-heat treatment. The seam allowances are laid out on two sides and secured with two parallel lines.

3. Fold the main part of the hat in half with the right side inward and sew along the short side. Iron the seam allowances in different directions. Stitch the seam if desired.

4. Baste the ears to the wrong side of the main part of the cap, stepping back 7.5 cm from the seam. Fold the lapel in half lengthwise and align the seams and cuts to the wrong side of the main part of the cap. Stitch. To reduce the thickness of the seam - overcast the seam.

5. Turn the hat inside out, fold in half (so that the seam is in the middle), stitch.

Attach the corners of the cap to the seam, combining the upper sections, stitch. Turn out the hat.

6. Sew on the appliqué.
It is more convenient to sew on the application at the very beginning, but it is necessary to make sure that the lapel does not overlap it.

Photo: baby hat with fleece ears:

Winter baby hat

Winter children's hat made of fleece. The cap is double, with ties, closes the ears of the child. The hat is also lined with fleece. The edge of the cap is trimmed with a manual seam "over the edge". The decor of the hat is a fleece flower sewn with hand stitches.

Fleece is a light, soft, elastic material. Fleece is machine washable and dries quickly. Despite the fact that the fleece is based on a knitted fabric, the cuts can not be overcast, because. they do not crumble due to the napped surface. You can sew fleece with a regular machine stitch - convenient for those who do not have knitted stitches on the machine.

Size: head circumference 48 cm.

Pattern of a children's hat.

How to sew a baby hat:

1. cap top 1 piece
2. hat lining 1 piece
3. flower 1 piece

When cutting, it is necessary to take into account the share. On the pattern, the direction of the share is shown by an arrow.

The share is located along the edge of the fabric. How to determine the fractional if there is no edge: because fleece - a knitted fabric with a napped surface, then in order to determine the share, you need to try to pull the fabric in different directions - in the direction of the share, the fleece stretches the least (almost does not stretch). Fleece can have a pile direction, which must also be taken into account when cutting.

The pattern is given without seam allowances. Seam allowances - 0.7 cm. Cut out the lining 3 mm less than the top of the cap in all sections.


1. Fold the top part of the cap right side in and sew. Notch the corners of the seams. Iron the seams.

Do the same with the lining piece.

2. Sew on the flower after placing a glue cobweb under it, and iron it.

3. Insert the lining into the hat with the seams inward. Sweep, combining cuts.

4. Sew along the cuts, stepping back from the edge of 1 cm. Do not forget to attach the ties. The stitch length of the machine line is 4 mm.

5. Sew the edge of the hat with a hand seam "over the edge". It is very easy to navigate the machine line. The distance between stitches is two stitches of machine stitching.

Photo: Winter children's fleece hat:

You can sew this scarf to the hat:

Children's fleece scarf

Fleece scarf - light and soft. Fleece is machine washable and dries quickly. Despite the fact that the fleece is based on a knitted fabric, the cuts can not be overcast, because. they do not crumble due to the napped surface. You can sew fleece with a regular machine stitch - convenient for those who do not have knitted stitches on the machine.

Size: 110 x 13 cm (or can be made wider and longer if desired)

How to sew a scarf:

1. made of orange fleece, two rectangles measuring 90 x 15 cm.
2. made of red fleece 4 rectangles measuring 10 x 15 cm.
3. made of orange fleece 4 flowers

When cutting, it is necessary to take into account the share. The scarf is cut along the share.

The share is located along the edge of the fabric. How to determine the fractional if there is no edge: because fleece - a knitted fabric with a napped surface, then in order to determine the share, you need to try to pull the fabric in different directions - in the direction of the share, the fleece stretches the least (almost does not stretch). Fleece can have a pile direction, which must also be taken into account when cutting - cut out the legs in one direction.


1. Place the flowers in the center of the red rectangles, after placing a glue cobweb under each, and iron.

!!!Iron through a damp iron!!!

Sew the flowers manually with red iris.

2. Sew the red rectangles to the orange ones on both sides. Fold the resulting rectangles right sides together and stitch around the perimeter, leaving one short side unstitched. Seam width 1 cm. Turn the scarf inside out and straighten the corners. Sew up the open edge by hand with blind stitches.

3. Iron the scarf through a damp iron.

Photo: Baby fleece scarf:

The second version of the flowers. The flowers are sewn with "Iris" of orange color.

In strong wind and frost, nothing warms our children better than a soft and cozy scarf. This master class is dedicated to such an accessory as a scarf collar! Having studied our descriptions and diagrams, you can easily knit an original scarf with knitting needles for a girl and a boy with your own hands! We hope that our lesson will be useful for you, and winter and autumn walks will give only positive.

A voluminous scarf with braids for a girl with knitting needles. Schemes and description

This warm and voluminous scarf for kids in thick yarn is perfect for the winter chill! We will tell you how to knit a children's scarf for a girl or boy aged 8-12, but by varying the number of rows, you can always proportionally increase or decrease the parameters of the finished product.

We will need:

  • thick yarn (100% wool, 100 gr. per 160 m) - 2 skeins;
  • direct sp. No. 5 and a set of double-sided sp. No. 5.5.

You need to knit with a density of 14 loops of the front surface per 10 cm.

The finished scarf for children will be 25 centimeters wide and 160 centimeters long.

Please study the diagrams below carefully:


With knitting needles No. 5, we collect 46 loops and proceed to an ordinary elastic band 2 x 2: 2 front loops, 2 wrong loops, should be knitted in this way 9 cm. Now we replace the tool and continue knitting with knitting needles No. 5.5 (wrong side): 4 wrong loops , add 8 loops along the next 17 purl, 4 purl loops, add 8 loops along the next 17, again 4 purl loops.

Now we begin to knit patterns: follow cx. A 56 loops, then we make 4 loops according to cx. When our patterns are ready, the canvas will be 150 cm long.

Next row from front side: 4 persons. pet., subtract 8 pet. along the next 25 faces. pet., 4 persons. pet., we decrease again 8 pet. along 25 persons. pet., 4 persons. pet..

We continue knitting with knitting needles No. 5: again an elastic band 2 x 2 (2 knit. p., 2 out. p.) - 9 cm, close the loops with an elastic band and our scarf for children is ready!

Scarf from ribbon yarn: video master class

Original scarf collar in the form of a bow for a girl

Warm and moderately voluminous, it is perfect for both a boy and a girl for a damp and cool season. Snood keeps its shape perfectly, but is quite elastic. Sizes (length and width) you can vary based on the parameters of the child.

We will need:

  • yarn (75% acrylic, 25% wool, 50 gr. 130 m) - 1.5 skeins;
  • circular sp. No. 3.5 on an elastic band and No. 4 (we knit patterns with them);
  • 2 auxiliary bedrooms for braids

We will knit the product in a circle, its height will be 15 cm, and the width - 21 cm.

We carefully study the diagrams below:


We collect with circular knitting needles No. 3.5 154 p., we close the river. and make patterns according to cx. No. 1 rr. 1-4 total 3 times, then pp. 1-3 (the height of the gum is 4 cm) and go to the pattern from scheme No. 2.

According to scheme No. 2 with knitting needles 4 mm, we continue to knit patterns from 1 to 26 p and then move on to the upper elastic band (according to scheme No. 3):
1-2 pp: 2 l. n., 2 i. p., 3 l. n., 1 i. p., 1 l. n., 1 i. p., 1 l. n., 1 i. p., 1 l. n., 1 i. p., 3 l. n., 2 i. p., 3 l. p., repeat 7 p ..
3 p.: 2 l. n., 2 i. p., 3 l. n., 1 i. p., 1 l. n., 1 i. p., 1 l. n., 1 i. p., 1 l. n., 1 i. p., 3 l. n., 2 i. p., (5 to the left, 2 in. p., 3 l. p., 1 in. p., 1 l. p., 1 in. p., 1 l. p., 1 in. p., 1 l p., 1 i.p., 3 l.p., 2 i.p.) x 6, 2 l. n. remove on sun. cn. before work., knit 1 l. n. from the left sp., then knit 2 l. n. sl. R. from the left sp .. P. from Sun. cn. reshoot to the left without knitting.
4 p.: 2 l. n., 2 i. p., 3 l. n., 1 i. p., 1 l. n., 1 i. p., 1 l. n., 1 i. p., 1 l. n., 1 i. p., 3 l. n., 2 i. p., 3 l. p. x 7.
RR. 1-4 we need to knit 3 p., then pp. 1-2. Children's fashion accessory is ready!

Double-sided scarf for beginners: video master class

Knitting pattern

We wish you even loops and pleasant autumn-winter days!