Watch aphrodisiac drugs. Exciting drugs for women, the power of the bliss of the female orgasm. Female pathogen - Shpanskaya Fly: method of application, dosage, where to buy

Buying male pathogens, and means for keeping an erection, men solve several problems at once. The main ones are maintaining a sense of self-confidence, physical and mental health, getting rid of intimate problems.

The emergence of new generation drugs made it possible to preserve masculine strength for a long time, to return it in cases that were previously hopeless. However, this does not diminish the demand for traditional remedies, tested by more than one generation of men, and the popularity of exotic oriental medicine drugs.

Viagra boasts the largest sales volume of all pharmacological drugs in this group in the world, but at the same time it is confidently being squeezed by the new generation drugs - Levitra and Cialis tablets.

Since the end of the 20th century, the drug has been used to treat erectile dysfunction in patients of different ages. It is mainly prescribed to men who have not lost the ability to erect, but suffer from its instability due to vascular disorders.

For persons with physiological disorders, the medicine is not able to help.

How the drug works

The pharmacological mechanism of action is based on a drug (sildenafil), which has the ability to suppress a special enzyme (FDE 5), which blocks the process of normal blood supply to the male genital organs, and helps to relax the muscles of the smooth type of the penis and fill the cavernous bodies with blood fluid.

The drug is not a direct pathogen in the simple sense of the word, it does not cause an inevitable automatic erection, but makes a person able to manifest and maintain it.

Sildenafil increases the general endurance of the body and its tone, which provides the physical possibility of contact due to the beneficial effect on blood vessels.

Application features

After taking the remedy, an erection occurs within half an hour, if Viagra is taken after a fatty meal - up to 2 hours and the effect of use will be lower. The first dose is 50 mg, the maximum dose is 100 mg per day.

Side effects

Viagra is a popular drug for middle-aged men. The male pathogen should not be taken by young people - the medicine, with constant use, causes impaired sexual function and insensitivity to drug effects in the future.

Some men note:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • change in color perception (orange is perceived as blue).

The price in Russia ranges from 900 to 1550 rubles and more, depending on the manufacturer.


The main active ingredient is tadalafil, which acts similarly to sildenafil. A distinctive characteristic of the drug is a longer and more stable effect. But the "trigger" of the impact, as in the case of Viagra, is the sexual desire of a man - the medication allows you to keep an erection.


The long-term action of the drug (1.5 days) helps to make sexual intercourse more natural for a man, to enjoy communication, love games and intimacy, which is impossible with too short action of Viagra.

The tool allows you to have up to 8 sexual acts per night, which makes it popular among young people.

It is advisable to use the drug according to a doctor's prescription - it should be taken with caution by people with cardiovascular pathologies and kidney diseases.

Side effect

In some cases, it is noted:

  • headache;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • digestive disorders.

The price of a medicine, taking into account delivery through online stores, is from 1000 to 1350 rubles or more, depending on the amount of the substance and the manufacturer.


When developing an analogue of Viagra, all known contraindications and disadvantages of the previous remedies were eliminated, so its sales are growing, displacing Viagra from the trade turnover of pharmacies.

The main substance is vardanafil, which belongs to the same group of FDE 5 inhibitors, the agent is fast-acting and the strongest of the analogues - the effect of the pill occurs within 10-15 minutes.


The action is similar to Cialis, but the remedy does not lose its properties when drinking alcohol. The medication helps with both poor erection and diagnosed impotence.

The medicine can be taken by men of the older age category - after 60 years old, suffering from diabetes mellitus or heart failure.

Levitra can be taken in 1 tablet throughout the day, its effect lasts up to 10 hours, the dose of the drug is 10 mg, which is 5 times less than Viagra. There is no data on addiction to the product.


Severe liver dysfunction, hypertension and retinal dysfunctions completely cancel the drug intake, the presence of peptic ulcer disease and a tendency to bleeding are limited.

The price of the product is from 620 to 1000 rubles per package, depending on the pharmacy and the form of sale.

Oriental medicine preparations

The Russian market of drugs regularly receives funds developed by world companies based on the experience of oriental medicine or knowledge about the causative agents of traditional medicine in the world.

The medicine appeared on the market recently; the knowledge of oriental medicine and alternative therapy of the peoples of the world were used to create it.

As part of the medication, extracts from:

  • kangaroo, yak, walrus and deer testicles;
  • deer antlers;
  • walrus and deer penises;
  • ginseng;
  • sea ​​turtle.

The drug is produced in pill form, which must be taken 30 minutes before intercourse.

Reviews of the medication tell about:

  • strong erection;
  • high duration of sexual intercourse;
  • a large number of acts for 5-6 hours.

The manufacturer's instructions say about the following effects of the drug on the body:

  • improving the quality and quantity of sperm produced by the body;
  • strengthening of tone, strength and endurance;
  • increased sex drive;
  • the possibility of using hypertensive patients.

The main contraindication is the possibility of a powerful allergic reaction.

Dragon tornado

A new drug for the market, manufactured in China based on traditional recipes. Designed for residents of large cities, whose erection has weakened due to:

  • constant stress;
  • chronic diseases;
  • after long-term treatment with drugs that inhibit potency.

The preparation contains extracts from:

  • deer antlers (antlers);
  • deer and saiga penises;
  • seahorse;
  • ginseng and saffron.

The drug is designed as capsules, they must be taken 20 minutes before sexual intercourse.

According to the manufacturer, the drug allows:

  • regulate erection up to 72 hours;
  • maintain the possibility of an act up to 2 hours;
  • increase the sensitivity of the penis;
  • increase sperm production;
  • lengthen the penis.

The drug, unlike Kangaroo, is focused on the general improvement of the body and stabilization of its condition.

The capsules can be used by middle-aged men suffering from high blood pressure and renal failure, disorders of the heart and blood vessels.

According to reviews, the remedy does not give allergic reactions, unlike Kangaroo, and is combined with alcohol.

Comparison of properties

Both drugs are created on the basis of recipes of oriental medicine, they use components similar in composition and action.

  1. Kangaroo, due to its more aggressive effect on the body, is indicated for young men.
  2. Tornadoes - for middle-aged and older people.

The expected effect and the stimulating effect are similar.

Other pathogens

The female and male quick-acting pathogen, the Spanish fly, is a long-known and traditionally used agent in drops.

The drug is considered a biological additive, based on, as the name indicates, an infusion of the insect of the same name, the main active ingredient is cantharidin.

The causative agent in drops of a spanish fly has a strong effect on blood circulation in the pelvic organs, the muscles of the penis relax, which contributes to the filling of the cavernous bodies with blood.

The drug is effective for a persistent increase in potency, enhances the emotional color of intercourse. The effect of taking drops occurs in 15-20 minutes, both for men and women.

Folk remedies

An excellent male pathogen at home can be made using the simplest and most affordable weed - fresh nettle.

To do this, it is enough to prepare an infusion of seeds and leaves of nettle (1 teaspoon each) in a glass of boiling water.

Good effects are achieved when using ginger tea with cinnamon (you will need to rub the root as thick as a finger, add cinnamon at the end of the knife - pour all this with a cup of boiling water) or tea made from fresh thyme (for 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs, you need 100 g of boiling water, you need to drink tea after the infusion has cooled).

Similar materials

Sometimes situations arise when not only men, but also women need doping in bed to help achieve a higher level of arousal. In this case, female pathogens come to the rescue. As such doping, you can use folk remedies (aphrodisiacs or decoctions with tinctures that you can do yourself at home). If you need to achieve quick and strong arousal, then you can buy pills or ointments at a pharmacy or sex shop (Shpanskaya fly, Silver fox, Horse pathogen and other means for women).

Stressful situations, fatigue, natural stiffness are the main reasons for using drugs-pathogens

There are many reasons for a decrease in female libido. Most often, it is difficult for a woman to achieve quick and high arousal in the following cases:

  • Great fatigue.
  • Nervous tension, stress.
  • Diseases (decreased libido is observed, for example, with diabetes mellitus, cystitis, inflammation of the pelvic organs).
  • Fear of intimacy.
  • Physical discomfort during intimacy.
  • Hormonal Disorders.

It is better to correct any of these situations with the participation of a doctor - psychologist, therapist, gynecologist, endocrinologist or sexologist. A specialist will help you to correctly determine the cause of decreased libido and select a treatment program. Temporarily to achieve arousal until the cause is eliminated, you can through the use of stimulants. Which remedy should you choose? It all depends on the woman's requirements for the drug: action (time of onset of arousal, duration, intensity), price, reviews, composition.

The most popular synthetic and natural stimulants

Stimulants for women in stores are now apparently invisible, just eyes run up. Some act slowly, but delicately, and some allow you to achieve strong arousal a couple of minutes after taking (this can be seen if you type on the Internet the query "female causative agent of video effect").

The disadvantages of synthetic drugs that show instant results are that they have a fairly large list of contraindications and side effects. If someone does not really want to take synthetic drugs, you can try drugs made from natural ingredients - they work more slowly, but their composition is natural.

  • Spanish Fly.

Spanny fly is probably the most popular pathogen for women. It works at the expense of kandraitin, an insect enzyme. This substance is quite toxic, so the dosage indicated in the instructions must be strictly observed. Reviews of the Shpansky fly are controversial - some are delighted with it, while others consider it useless. This suggests that the remedy affects all people in different ways. The annotation states that this is the most effective remedy, since it begins to act 5 minutes after ingestion. The price of the Shpansky fly is from 240 rubles. for a bottle of 5 ml (single packaging), you can check the price at this link. In the photo you can see what the original product looks like.

The most effective and popular remedy

  • Female pathogen Silver fox (Silver Fox).

According to many reviews on the Internet, it is the most potent female pathogen. The drug is really worthy of attention. Although the excitement from it comes later than after the Shpansky fly (after 15–20 minutes), the effect lasts longer. There are two types of Silver Fox - Silver fox and Silver Fox. They are both originals with an identical composition, the differences are only in the manufacturers. In the photo you can see what the packaging of the Silver Foxes looks like. The price for a disposable bottle of drops ranges from 1000 rubles. You can buy the product on the official website or in specialized online pharmacies (for example, at this link).

Has a long-lasting stimulating effect

Product packaging may vary:

Silver fox in different packages, but with the same composition

  • Female Viagra (Female Viagra or Femalegra).

This female version has nothing to do with the original American Viagra, if only for the reason that Female Viagra is produced in China. Nevertheless, the reviews for this stimulant are mostly laudatory. They say that the drug improves blood circulation in the genital area well and thereby provokes intensive moisturizing of the vagina, rapid arousal and increased sensations from intercourse. Works in 20 minutes after taking the pill. Suitable for both young ladies and women after 50 years. The price of the drug is from 1200 rubles. for 6 tablets. You can see how the original drug looks like in the photo.

Original packaging of Women's Viagra

  • Horse pathogen.

The substances that make up the Horse pathogen have an activating effect on the central and autonomic nervous system, increase blood flow to the genitals, and cause rapid sexual arousal. The price of one bottle is 900–1400 rubles. (at different retail outlets, the price may vary). You can buy it in specialized online pharmacies (for example, using this link). Please note that only an adapted Equine pathogen is suitable for use, not a veterinary one. A homeopathic remedy suitable for human use is called "Testicular Serum Extract" (look at the photo, what the drug looks like - a dark yellow glass with a white-orange sticker and a transparent liquid inside).

It looks like a horse pathogen for people

  • Forte Love causative agent (Fort Love).

A drug to increase sexual activity in the weaker sex. The female pathogen Forte Love works with L-arginine, acacia gum, green tea and ginseng. It is a powder that is diluted in water. Has a neutral taste and smell. Reviews of the drug are completely different - many praise the drug, but there are those who criticize the drug. According to the annotation, Fort Love takes effect 15–20 minutes after ingestion. How much is? Relatively inexpensive: price - 990 rubles. for 5 sachets, you can check the price on the official website (for example, by this link). The original packaging looks like the photo. You can order only on the Internet, it is not for sale in Forte Love pharmacies.

Forte Love - powder for an energizing drink for women

If you do not want to take pills, drops, ointments, you can use folk advice to focus on certain foods in your diet. Natural aphrodisiacs are:

  • Chocolate. It contains phenylalanine, a known amino acid that promotes the natural production of the pleasure and joy hormones endorphins. So it's not in vain that men strive to appease the woman they like with sweetness - this is a subconscious desire to cause excitement in her.
  • Herbs: celery, avocado, dill, tarragon, rosemary. Make a salad with any recipe that contains these foods.
  • Seafood: shrimp, squid and oysters. They help both men and women to get aroused quickly.
  • A little light wine, champagne helps to relax and keep a clear head.
  • Fruit: female pathogens are grapes, strawberries, currants. You can eat it raw, or you can make some kind of dessert out of them.

You can also try the folk recipe "Female pathogen at home": for this you need to make a tincture of honey, lemon juice, unpeeled oats and cinnamon (pour warm water, let it brew for half an hour). It is necessary to take an infusion made at home for half a glass daily - it will strengthen the immune system, improve blood flow to the genitals, relieve inflammation, and help improve metabolic processes.

Naturally, you should not expect the same effect from products and herbs as from tablets and drops. Foods can enhance natural desire, but they will never artificially cause it, unlike pharmacological drugs, which take effect within a couple of minutes after ingestion. But synthetic drugs have many contraindications and side effects. Should you put up with them for a quick and strong result? It's up to you to decide.

Sometimes not only the stronger sex, but also beautiful ladies need a stimulant of sexual arousal. As a desire enhancer, you can prepare your own remedies according to folk recipes (essential oils or herbal tinctures that you can do yourself). If you need to achieve quick and strong arousal of a woman, then you can purchase aphrodisiac drugs for women - these can be pills, oils or creams. They are sold in pharmacies or sex shops. In this article, you will find a list of remedies and an overview and reviews of the main drugs designed to increase female libido.

When a sex drive stimulant comes in handy for ladies

A decrease in female libido can occur for many reasons. For example, something from this list may interfere with achieving the desired sexual arousal for a woman:

  1. Fatigue at work.
  2. Quarrel with a loved one.
  3. Shyness in front of a man.
  4. Physical discomfort during intimacy.
  5. Dissatisfaction with the environment.

Each of the situations listed in the list can be corrected independently. When a woman relaxes, rests and calms her nerves, then a high level of sexual arousal will return. Instantly increase a woman's sexual arousal will help a special agent called "female stimulant".

But is it always possible to use means to stimulate libido? Not! The causative agent for women should not be used if the libido suffers from diseases (for example, with injuries of the pelvic organs or with hormonal disorders). In this case, you need to see a doctor and undergo a full course of treatment. Artificial stimulants of sexual desire can be taken in parallel with medications, only if the doctor permits (in some cases they will be contraindicated or useless).

Examples of synthetic and natural remedies

There are a lot of stimulants for men and women now - catalogs of pharmacies and specialized stores are full of different bright bottles and packages of pills, potions and ointments. Which remedies are better? What drugs will give the strongest sexual arousal without harm to health? You can, of course, choose according to reviews. But the opinions there are subjective, and the stimulants of desire belong to the category of means that have a different effect on different people. It is better to read objective reviews and choose from a list of aphrodisiacs, focusing on the composition and effect.

For example, female aphrodisiacs sold in pharmacies and online stores are divided into synthetic (artificial) and natural. The first is worth buying for those who want to stimulate libido quickly. If safety is more important, then you should select among drugs made from natural ingredients - they work slower, but their composition is natural (therefore, there will be much fewer contraindications and side effects than drugs with synthetic components in the composition).

The most famous natural remedies that women will turn on are:

  • Spanish Fly

This female pathogen has been used since the Middle Ages and is indeed a powerful libido stimulant. In the composition - an insect enzyme with the same name (Spanish fly). The enzyme is toxic, and so that taking it does not turn into hell, you must observe a strict dosage. Now it is not the Middle Ages, and manufacturers, in order not to take risks, greatly dilute the concentrate - this reduces the efficiency of the feedstock, but avoids poisoning. The finished drug begins to work 5 minutes after ingestion and continues to increase the natural level of arousal for about 50 minutes. It does not help everyone - about 70% of women who take the drug fall under its "charm". This is not a very high figure, and the fact that the drug is inexpensive is reassuring (in pharmacies and online stores it costs about 200 rubles per bottle).

  • Horse pathogen

In drugstore chains and intimate stores, a drug called "Horse Pathogen" is sold, which increases the level of male and female arousal. It has nothing to do with a veterinary drug (a much more concentrated agent is used to excite horses). The drug, which can be used by people, contains an extract of testicular serum of geldings - when it gets into the blood, it has an effect on the vegetative-vascular system, increases blood pressure, increases blood flow to the genitals, and causes rapid sexual arousal. It must be used carefully, it cannot, for example, be combined with alcohol (in this case, it is able to dull reflexes and provoke heart attacks). The price of the drug is from 900 to 1300 rubles.

The tool can be used from the age of 18.

  • Forte Love (Fort Love, Fortelav). For more information about the product, follow this link.

A drug belonging to the category of dietary supplements and used to increase sexual arousal in the weaker sex. It can be used from the age of 18. The composition contains natural L-arginine, acacia gum, green tea extract and ginseng (these components help to achieve greater levels of sexual arousal). It is produced in the form of a powder that is diluted in water. An increase in sexual desire should be expected twenty minutes after ingestion. Effective in about 40% of cases. If it does not work, you should not be upset. It contains so many nutrients that it will be beneficial for women's health anyway. Price - from 1100 rubles. for 5 sachets.

Among the artificial stimulants of sexual desire in beautiful ladies, first of all, it is worth recalling the female Viagra (Female Viagra). This version of the drug has nothing to do with the original certified Viagra (a stimulating American drug for men). It is produced in a different factory (in China) and has a completely different composition.

Nevertheless, the reviews for Female Viagra tablets are mostly good - it has a quick and strong stimulating effect and is suitable for both girls (from 18 years old) and adult women. After taking the pill, blood circulation in the woman's genitals increases, which provokes intense hydration and rapid arousal. Also, female Viagra has a dulling effect on nervousness (that is, it can reduce stress levels), which enhances the sexual mood. The price of the drug is from 1300 rubles. for 6 tablets.

Whatever effective drug for increasing arousal a man chooses to arouse a woman (or the woman herself bought to increase her libido), it is important to remember that stimulants provide only temporary help, do not eliminate the problem forever. Whatever self-medication lovers write in the reviews, with constant dysfunctions with libido, you need to consult a doctor at the clinic so that a specialist can find out the reason (it may be a serious illness) and prescribe treatment.

Emotional experiences, previous somatic illnesses, bad habits and chronic diseases can contribute to the development of impotence. As a result, stimulating drugs for men have been developed. Each of them has a number of features. As always: there are not so many, with severe side effects and. The site has highlighted several of a number of pathogens that you should definitely familiarize yourself with.

List of 5 drugs that excite men

We bring to your attention a list of stimulating drugs for men of different composition, mechanism of action and contraindications:

  1. Sildenafil (Viagra).
  2. Laveron.
  3. Wimax.
  4. King Tiger ("Tiger King").

Sildenafil, or the famous "Viagra"

With sildenafil in its composition, it activates a number of biochemical processes that contribute to the expansion of the vessels of the cavernous bodies and their sufficient for blood circulation. But to achieve a therapeutic effect, sexual stimulation must be present.

Viagra is intended for the treatment of erectile disorders resulting from nervous or vascular disorders, and manifested in the form of an inability to achieve an erection and maintain it for a certain period of time.

Since the drug is biotransformed in the liver and excreted through the kidneys, its use in men with liver dysfunction and chronic kidney disease is prohibited. Contraindicated for use in persons with severe heart disease, optic neuropathy, peptic ulcer disease in the period of exacerbation, arrhythmias and arterial hypo- or hypertension. It is not recommended to use Sildenafil-based preparations for stimulating men together with nitrates and nitrites, since all of them are sources of nitric oxide.

It is important to remember that fatty foods and alcohol will somewhat reduce the duration of the effect. Viagra is taken before meals at a dose of 50 mg 50-60 minutes before the intended intercourse, maximum per day you can take 100 mg of the drug. In order to prevent the occurrence of side effects, it is recommended to use no more than the indicated dosage.

If a man, after taking Viagra, develops an allergic rash, diarrhea or recurrent urinary tract infections, then further use of the drug is inappropriate.

The basis of the preparation is represented exclusively by natural ingredients:

  1. Garlic extract.
  2. Red raspberry berries.
  3. Mango fruit extract.
  4. Extracts from the leaves of nettle and birch barosma.
  5. Adhesive remania.

The beneficial properties of Laveron are in the effect on the blood supply of the penis and the function of the gonads. In addition, the drug has a positive effect on the endocrine and nervous systems, and its long-term use removes congestion in the pelvic organs.

This remedy is effective for problems with erection, decreased libido and insufficient emotional sensations with intimacy. Some urologists recommend using Laveron as prevention of inflammation and.

To achieve a quick effect, it is recommended to take one 500 mg tablet approximately 40-50 minutes before sexual intercourse. The average price depends on the manufacturer and the dose (as a rule, it is 700-800 rubles per package).

Despite the abundance of positive properties, this should not be taken by men with hypersensitivity to ingredients, atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, insomnia and hypertension.


If a man suffers from hypertension and needs an aphrodisiac drug that does not increase blood pressure, Vimax, based on herbal ingredients, will be the remedy of choice.

The composition includes:

  • Ginkgo Biloba - relaxes smooth muscle fibers in the penis and slows down the outflow of venous blood from it.
  • Tribulus prostrate - increase testosterone production and viable sperm count.
  • Eurycoma root - in addition to increasing libido, it has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects.
  • Water walnut - helps to cleanse the urinary tract, eliminates nervous overexcitation and reduces the number of vascular spasms.
  • - starts metabolic processes, participates in the transmission of nerve impulses to the cerebral cortex.
  • - normalizes blood pressure through vasodilation, relieves mental and physical fatigue.

Vimax is a good drug for combating erectile dysfunction, increasing libido and preventing prostatitis and impotence. 30 minutes before possible proximity, take one capsule with water. A course of treatment lasting at least five weeks is also possible. The cost of the drug is available to almost everyone (the price for 60 capsules is 2600 rubles).

Among the contraindications, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system, a history of stroke or surgery in the past 12 months are distinguished. Side effects are rare and manifest as allergic reactions.

Tiger King

A safe aphrodisiac drug King Tiger does not cause psychological or physical dependence, it is approved for use by men with diabetes mellitus and hypertension. The herbal components included in the composition increase the flow of arterial and venous blood to the penis, increase sexual desire and relieve physical fatigue.

When applied, a good erection is achieved, problems with early ejaculation are eliminated and the sensitive perception of sexual contact is improved. Also, according to the data of clinical trials, the quantitative and qualitative composition of sperm improves.

King Tiger is contraindicated only for persons under the age of 18 and prone to allergies to the main components. You need to take only one tablet per day, preferably 20 minutes before intercourse. If a man likes to use, then at the time of using the drug, it is better to limit their number.

A pleasant addition is the affordable cost of the product (about 800 rubles) and the duration of the effect from admission (about 72 hours).

The Chinese drug Ailida restores the functions of the reproductive system, provides a full and long-lasting erection, and also increases sexual desire.

The main ingredients are exclusively natural ingredients: deer antlers, cinnamon, crocus, morinda epidermis, chicory and aconite root.

Indications for use:

  • Premature ejaculation.
  • Low libido.
  • Penile atrophy and its small size.
  • Inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • Weak sperm activity.

For the onset of the desired erection, take one capsule half an hour before the "bed scene" with plenty of water. Re-taking the drug is possible only after 24 hours. You can buy a package of Ailida on the Internet or in a pharmacy for 400-500 rubles.

IMPORTANT!!! Before buying a drug that stimulates an erection on their own, a person should consult a doctor in order to exclude the organic nature of dysfunction, since exciting drugs, the list of which is replenished every day, can lead to the development of an unwanted side reaction or a formidable complication.

Women's desire for love and passion, unlike men's, strongly depends on external and internal factors: problems at work, unresolved issues with children, words spoken by the mother-in-law, hormonal disruptions and much more. So that all this does not interfere with the awakening of desire and the enjoyment of intimacy with a man, a female pathogen will help.

It must be remembered that the effect of stimulants is temporary, and serious deep problems with hormonal levels or libido must be solved in consultation with a specialist - an endocrinologist, sexologist or gynecologist.

Most often, manufacturers produce stimulants for women, which include natural ingredients and natural substances, since taking pills or drops should not affect health or well-being, even with regular use.

Excitatory drugs based on synthetic components also have a safe composition, and the instruction indicates that there are no side effects from their use.

In this case, the effect of natural and synthetic pathogens is approximately the same, they have the following effect on the partner's body:

  • increase blood flow to the pelvic organs, which affects vaginal hydration and increases sensitivity;
  • help to relax and concentrate all your senses on intercourse;
  • enhance the sensation of orgasm;
  • increase attraction to a partner.

Another advantage of many aphrodisiac drugs is that they are suitable both for young girls who are just starting their sex life, and for women at an age when relationships with their husbands have become habitual and less acute, and the impending menopause often negatively affects mood.

Rating of the best pathogens

It is not so easy to find the most suitable one among the entire assortment of drugs on sale. Modern pathogens are available in various forms, have a different time period and composition. To choose an aphrodisiac, you need to understand their features and differences, and it is better to consult a specialist.

To date, the following drugs are the best and most effective pathogens for women:

  1. instant powder Forte Love. It is believed that this is the most powerful pathogen, the effect of which is manifested within 15–20 minutes after ingestion. In addition, it is absolutely safe and has no contraindications. The powder must be dissolved in water, it is colorless and does not have any odor. At the same time, it contains natural ingredients that help a woman to enhance libido, relax and get maximum pleasure from sex;
  2. Libidrol. In addition to affecting sexual desire, these aphrodisiac pills for women help relieve fatigue and relieve depression. Despite the natural composition, the drug has a number of side effects with prolonged and regular use: allergic reactions, increased blood pressure. Therefore, it must be taken, observing the precautions and dosages prescribed in the instructions;
  3. female Viagra is one of the most famous and widespread drugs. It is sold in drops and tablets, which allows you to choose the most suitable form of release. The main active ingredient of this female pathogen is sildenafil. It is this component that actively enhances blood circulation and increases libido. Women's Viagra, produced in drops, is popular among the fairer sex, because it allows you to quickly and safely get the desired effect;
  4. G Female tablets - have the same potency as female pathogen drops and can also be added to food or drink. It helps to increase the woman's sensitivity, sensations and sexual desire. It is important to adhere to the prescribed dosage for the pill to be taken safely;
  5. Silver Fox is also considered one of the most popular aphrodisiac drugs. This powerful pathogen for women has a natural composition and is known for its long-lasting action. Thanks to the drug, the vagina is intensely moisturized, the sensitivity increases during intercourse, and the orgasm becomes brighter and stronger.

Almost all aphrodisiac drugs have a similar mechanism of action. But it is important to trust well-known and reliable manufacturers and buy a safe product. The best pathogens for women have passed the test of time and experience of use, therefore, trusting the recommendations of specialists, you can be confident in your choice.

Where to buy and how to choose the right drug

Girls who do not know what is better to buy - pills or exciting drops for women - should understand that it is not the form of release that matters much more, but the composition and characteristics of the effect, therefore it is important to decide what effect you want to get, how often it will be use this or that means.

In addition, there is often the question of where it is better to buy female aphrodisiacs - in a store, pharmacy or online. Online shopping can often lead to the purchase of fake or substandard drugs, so they need to be made only on trusted sites or directly from manufacturers.

The safest place to buy is a pharmacy, because aphrodisiac drugs for girls can be classified as mild drugs.

The first time trying any drug, you should strictly follow the instructions and listen to your own state. Any unusual sensations or negative reactions should be a reason to stop taking. After all, it is important not only to get the maximum pleasure from sex, but also not to harm yourself.

What other methods can increase the excitability of a woman

Drugs and aphrodisiac drugs are not the only way to increase libido and improve sexual contact with a man. There are many foods that can help you relax, raise blood endorphins, and sharpen your senses. These include:

  • chocolate - contains the hormone of joy and pleasure;
  • fruits - strawberries, grapes or currants;
  • seafood - oysters or shrimps;
  • some alcohol.

As for the last point, it is important to know when to stop. Alcohol in large quantities negatively affects arousal, prolongs sexual intercourse, but at the same time reduces sensitivity. A glass of wine or champagne can increase libido and create a good mood. In addition, watching a movie or a football match together contributes to the adjustment of the body to the correct state. However, the best factor in enjoying a sexual relationship is choosing the right partner. Only a beloved and loving man will cause sexual desire constantly and regularly.