Essay on the topic: “My family” - sample essays for different classes. My family An essay on the topic meet my family

Oleinikov Artem, Kud Marina, Oksana Ushakova...

Compositions of schoolchildren about their family



Baranova Victoria

Reliable rear

My family is my support, and I would also say that this is a reliable rear. No one will help me in difficult times like my relatives, such relatives, reliable people! They are always with me, always on my side, as my grandmother says. Adults will tell you what is better, what is more correct. I try to maintain family traditions, to look up to my loved ones, and they are hardworking, well-known people in our small town.

My family always keeps its promises, knows how to be friends. Relatives, in general, have a developed sense of mutual assistance and mutual assistance, so there are always many friends in the house. And I can trust my parents, tell about my problems, reveal my secrets. Mom patiently listens, gets to the bottom of my problem, and will definitely advise something. And with dad, we have common topics for conversations of a different kind: about sports, about fishing, even about politics.

I am proud of my parents, who at first worked, creating a family, and now they are working, raising me! Now they are concerned that I study well, get a decent education, so that I become a decent person: strong-willed, conscientious, honest. Dad and mom never tire of repeating to me that there were no scoundrels in our family, that our family has always been distinguished by intelligence and mercy.

I believe that every person should have a family in the first place, and it must be remembered that her concept “includes” old, infirm relatives who need to be taken care of. I have a big, friendly and caring family. We value each other very much.

I would like to address my classmates: “Don't forget to visit your grandparents, your loved ones. Because without them, you wouldn't exist. Love your family, remember her, help her, please her with a kind attitude, good grades, with your help. You are a young “growth” of the family, all hopes are connected with you, because in the future you will take care of the family.”

Voytovich Anna

How family happiness is built

There are many families in the world, but to prove that my best is stupid. It's easier to talk about it. My family is quite large, because not only we children fall into this concept, but also mom, dad, grandparents with dad and mom's sides. We are all friendly with each other, so many envy us. But, as my mother says, happiness is built together, it’s just that in a family you need to be patient, hardworking, kind, you need to forgive, support each other in difficult times. Here are those families who can boast of having such postulates, and they will be reliable and happy.

I especially felt the support of my family when I became seriously ill. Pain in the leg at first was insignificant: just think, I'll endure it! But a month later, this pain began to intensify, so relatives became worried. But again I did not understand the seriousness of my situation, waved it off, and I seemed to be treated with folk remedies. But then it got worse… My mother and I went to the hospital, where we were told that we needed an urgent operation. What started here! Mom immediately called all the relatives. “On their feet”, as they say, raised relatives, friends and just acquaintances. Everyone began to offer their help and was very worried and worried.

And on the day of the operation, there were cars in front of the hospital, it was relatives who arrived, and how many people just called to find out about the result! I don't think I've ever felt such family closeness before. Already in the ward, when she could speak and smile, she bravely told everyone that it was not so scary. If only they knew how much I really chickened out! How many sweets and fruits they brought me! And I proudly and generously distributed gifts to other children who were in the same ward.

After the operation, they took me home. It turns out that by this time almost all relatives had gathered in our house. Everyone was overjoyed when I finally arrived home. And how happy I was!

Yulia Konkova

I thank God for the grace of family warmth.

I live in a large and friendly family. There are seven of us in the family. The main boss in the house is grandmother Kapitolina Pavlovna, she is fifty-nine years old. My grandfather is older than my grandmother, but my grandmother still commands the family, she has the last word. Mom's name is Valentina Gennadievna, she is thirty-two years old, and dad is forty-four years old. And I also have a middle sister and a younger sister, the last. I am a role model for Polina and Ksyusha, because I am older than them, and also because I help adults in everything around the house and in the garden, I study well.

Our grandfather is very sick, he cannot walk, and we all feel sorry for him and help him. After all, once he was healthy and strong, he earned good money - we remember and appreciate this, so his beloved granddaughters are hope and support for him. After a stroke in 2007, my grandfather's leg was amputated. I recently had a second stroke. His condition worsened. Now he doesn't get up or walk. Grandma had a lot of trouble before, but now they have increased many times over. Our granny is an optimist, she does not show that it is hard for her. By nature, she is cheerful, sociable, knows how to laugh so contagiously! Granny is still smiling, trying to make the family feel comfortable, in a good mood, she encourages grandfather, tells him something interesting, in general, tries to spend a lot of time with him, because now, like a child, he is offended by everything, often cries . But we are all attentive to him, because we love grandfather!

My family is the best in the world. We are never bored together. Every evening we gather at the same table and drink tea with delicious pies baked by my beloved granny. At the table, we not only drink tea, but also tell some stories or discuss what's new that happened that day. Oh, how I love these evening family gatherings!

Everyone in the family has their own responsibilities. My younger sisters and I keep order in the house. Dad went far (to the far north) to work. Mom and grandmother are the main ones in cooking and doing laundry. Of course, in every family there are disagreements, quarrels, problems, and our family is no exception. But problems and quarrels do not “linger” with us for a long time, because we quickly solve them and treat each other with understanding, because in a large family this is very important. Three generations live under one roof, there is enough space for everyone in our house, because it will be warmed by the warmth of love and kindness.

In Russia, many children do not have a family for one reason or another, they live in orphanages, orphanages, deprived of parental affection, love, warmth. But the family is the main thing that every person has. Therefore, I thank God for the grace of family warmth, family support and love!

Nikolayko Tatiana

We laugh together and cry together

My father is a very powerful and strong-willed person. He is also very smart. Sometimes it seems to me that he knows everything, because no matter what question is asked, he will definitely answer it. Dad provides for our family financially and helps mother to cope with household chores, he knows how to do everything: fix an outlet, a TV ... He is strict and fair, but, in general, the best. It seems to me, at least from the height of my years, that this is exactly what a real man, the head of the family, her breadwinner, should be like.

My mother is a very smart and kind woman. She is very careful, and no trifle will be left without her attention. I love my mother very much, and she, in turn, loves my father and me. She is our everything, without her we would probably be lost, because the justice, correctness and severity of the pope adds mother's patience, mother's tenderness ... For her, the house is like a fortress. Sometimes it seems to me that if you blindfold her and rearrange the furniture, she will still find everything and put everything in its place.
She is very good and, it seems to me, organically complements dad.

I also have a little sister, she goes to the second grade. The girl is still harmful and nasty, but I still love her very much. We often fight and swear, but then we cry and ask each other for forgiveness. She is still dirty, she will never put things in their place if she took them, but my mother and I are slowly accustoming her to order. We rejoice in her small victories over shortcomings, because she is ours, dear - dear!

I have a wonderful family. We are well together, and none of the riches of the world can seduce me. We forgive each other and always help each other. We laugh together and cry together. We are always near. Isn't this love?

Strict Anastasia

How I love to come back to my house!

I always look with regret at orphans. After all, parents are the most important and dear thing that can be in our life, and they are deprived of this. That is why we should be thankful to God that we have the happiness of living in a family. Just think: who wakes us up in the morning or looks out the window with worries, waiting for our return? Who teaches us to rejoice in what has been achieved and not be upset because of failures? Of course, these are the parents. Faced with a difficult choice, the first thing I do is ask my family for advice. And this is always the case, because the most practical, most sincere advice will be given by close people - those who love us, who live for us. And how pleasant and important it is to realize that for someone you are dearer than life! In general, a sense of need, need must necessarily accompany children.

We often gather around a large table as a friendly family and talk about our achievements. My parents are always very happy with my victories and this makes me want to try even more. I study for one "five", I try to take part in various competitions, quizzes, olympiads in order to develop, to know a lot. And how happy my parents are about my next small victory!

Thanks to them, I have something that other children cannot even dream of. Since childhood, they have taught me that I can always tell them everything and rely on them. My parents do not send me to go with the flow, but they do not force me to do everything as they say. They found in my upbringing, it seems to me, the golden mean.

I also have a little brother who, in his own way, childishly, tries to support me. And how I love him! I am very grateful to my parents for the fact that another child appeared in our family - my wonderful, cheerful brother! Many dissuaded my mother from the second birth: they say, there will be such a difference between the children ... But my dad and I insisted that we just need one more family member! But now for the youngest, it is I who is the hope and support, because I read fairy tales to him at night, play with him, feel sorry for him, often say that he is such a cool brother! Our family lives in love. How I love to come back to my house after school!

Tkachenko Anastasia

"Bricks" of family happiness

I always look forward to the summer holidays, because this is the very time when I can spend a lot of free time with my parents. In the summer we travel to interesting and very beautiful cities, go to visit relatives, play various outdoor games together, and solve logical problems. In general, our family spends a lot of time outdoors - in motion. Dad never tires of repeating to us that movement is life. We completely agree with him!

But not only in summer, our family can enjoy family holidays. Whatever the weather outside, we will always come up with an interesting activity. For example, in autumn we collect bouquets of colorful leaves. In winter, we make a snowman, play snowballs. In the spring we go to our grandmother's dacha, where we help her plant a garden. All members of our small friendly family take part in games, in housework and household chores: mom, dad and me. It seems to me that the main foundation of our family relations is joint business, joint recreation, joint sports hobbies.

On holidays, I like to arrange concerts, show various small performances. Whom I just do not play! I change clothes, learn the words of the cat Leopold, baby elephant, Mowgli ... My dad and mom are such grateful spectators! They applaud me so much!

With my mother, we often experiment in the kitchen in preparing new dishes. I also help her clean the house. Together with dad we play the guitar, compose music. He helps me pick up notes for different songs. In general, we have a very cheerful family. My girlfriends like to visit me, because my parents help us with lessons, if, for example, someone has difficulties with solving problems in mathematics or physics, and mommy will help in the humanities. My parents never shrug off annoying questions, they listen patiently. I think my dad and mom are my best friends. Sometimes we argue so violently while listening to a program. Of course, our opinions do not always coincide, but we still come to a reasonable decision.

My family will always be my support in a difficult situation, because this is the most important thing in life - to have the support of loved ones, mutual understanding with them! The Pope says that every family is built from “bricks”, which he calls love, patience, understanding, attention and forgiveness. This is the stronghold on which real family relationships are created. We have all the listed "bricks" of happiness.

Yushina Zhanna

My family happiness

For me, the family is in the first place, because it is the main support in life.

Our life priorities and moral values ​​are formed from birth: how we are brought up, how we relate to the world around us, what books we read, in what company we are. And all these values ​​help to form a family.

Our family consists of four people. My mother works in a hospital. She helps people. When something hurts me, I turn to her, both neighbors and acquaintances seek medical help.

Mom's care is the best medicine. My mother and I keep secrets on various topics, you can trust your mother with everything, I even tell her about our boys in the class ... I write poetry a little. Of course, they are naive, but my mother praises me.

I often get sick (I have heart problems), so my mother constantly pities me, I get the “best pieces” on the table, they buy me clothes - in general, my family pampers me. Grandmother says that I bathe in the rays of love!

And our dad is a trucker. What is mom's medical salary? Who cried! The main breadwinner in the family is dad. Sometimes he leaves for a long time, but he always brings me some kind of present. And he often calls and asks how his precious youngest daughter is doing.

My older sister is studying at the institute. Yana helps me with my studies when I don't understand something and takes care of me like a mother. Of course, I'm the youngest in the family! My older sister also buys me presents, gifts, and also constantly reminds me that she graduated from school with a gold medal. How can I study worse than her? Of course not! I am also a student of the "A". And in this sister I will not yield!

When in doubt about what to do, I try to imagine what my mother would say to me or my sister would advise me. We try to do everything together: from choosing wallpapers to summer holidays. From my little experience, I know that you can not put friendship above family. Friends can be unreliable, but at home they will always listen to you, support you, and give you good advice.

Family for me is the most important thing in life. This is where my family happiness lies.

Pavlenko Olga

Family is a port for my ship in the ocean of life

A huge number of people live on our planet. And they are all different: they have individual qualities, have their own tastes and, in general, look at the world differently, but each of them is a part of a whole huge community of "humanity". And, probably, the whole world is beautiful only because happy people live in it. But everyone understands the word "happiness" in their own way: for someone it is money, for someone it is a philosophical understanding of life, but for many, including me, happiness is made up of the closest and dearest people, then There is a family that is the backbone of a person.

And now I want to talk about my family, which is a small but very close-knit society, consisting of five people. This is mom, dad, me and my two beloved brothers. And for me, the family begins with my mother, because from the first days of my life she surrounded me with her caress, tenderness, her warmth. And how many sleepless nights she spent near my bed, how many worries about me fell on her shoulders! And now, when I have already grown up, I really appreciate it, so the word "mother" is sacred to me.

I can tell my mother all my secrets without fear that someone will find out about them. She will always support me in difficult times, give the right advice. With her, we spend time together in the kitchen, come up with interesting recipes for various dishes.

But the head of our family, of course, is dad. He works as a mechanic, because we live in the countryside, and I come to the city to study at the gymnasium. In his free time, dad likes to make various wood products. And what goodies he cooks! How amazing it is: a man in the kitchen! But my dad knows everything. In general, he is a very kind person, he constantly arranges some surprises for us, he never refuses to help. By this he sets an example not only for me, but also for my brothers.

I have the best parents in the world. I am very grateful to them for the fact that they educate me, take care of my further education, and support me in everything.

In addition to my wonderful parents, I have two younger brothers. One of them is in the seventh grade, and the other has just turned three years old. He goes to kindergarden. I love my brothers very much, I spend a lot of time with them, I like to play with my youngest. He is such a beautiful, funny, such a smart kid!

Like any other family, we have our own traditions and holidays. For example, every year we plant a tree in the yard with the whole family. Each of us already knows his business. Dad digs a hole, mom plants a tree, and the kids water it. And you know, gradually our garden grows, bears fruit, pleases us with white boiling in the spring.

And in the fall, we all go mushroom picking together and even organize competitions to see who can pick the most mushrooms. This gives us great pleasure. In general, we spend a lot of time together, often remember fun events, love to read aloud, love to joke, laugh. All this creates a warm and cordial atmosphere in the house. And holidays in our house are unforgettable events.

A special and favorite holiday for us is the New Year, when not only our family, but also friends of parents with their children gather in the house. Together we arrange various competitions in which not only children but also adults take part. All this unites us even more.

Family is the most valuable thing in my life. I know for sure that they will never stop loving me here, and no matter what happens, I can always count on help, mutual understanding and support from people close to me. I will never tire of going back to them. Family is more than just a support for me. This is "port for my ship" in the ocean of life.

Kud Marina

My family is like home

Each of us has our own family, parental home, where we are expected, remembered and forgiven for everything. It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care and respect. And wherever we are, we always remember our family, people close to us: parents, sisters, brothers, grandparents...

How many beautiful and warm words have been said about the family, relatives and friends, but it is still impossible to convey all my love and affection. Like every child, parents play the main role in my life. They have been together for 25 years, and in the future I want the same family as ours!

My mother works as a confectioner. I really love the smell of sweets that fills the whole house when mommy comes home from work. Unfortunately, I don’t spend as much time with her as I would like, but on weekends we chat about everything in the world all day long.
My dad is the real boss in the house. “He can’t even hammer a nail into the wall,” this is not about him. From the very morning he proudly "courts his possessions." A beautiful garden, a pond - his merit. But he is not only a jack of all trades, but also my guitar teacher. This passion was passed on to me, so now, in the evenings, I master my favorite NOW instrument. Well, how can you not be interested here if dad says that in his youth he played in the same ensemble with the now famous singer Alexander Marshal?

I have the most wonderful older brother who always protects me, with him we do not spill water. Every day we come up with something new, and he turns even housework into fun. Together we play computer games, badminton, "rage" with our four-legged pets.

I have the most wonderful older sister, who, although she does not live with us (she has her own family), still gives me advice and helps at any moment.
My family is like home. Dad is the roof, the head of the family. Mom - walls that protect from bad weather and troubles. Well ... and my brother and I are still only their favorite flowers ...

Oleinikov Artem

My family is my small home

Any person dreams of a happy family, a house where they are expected and loved. Many people see happiness primarily in the family. Our first ideas about the world, love, care are connected with the concept of home and family. Home is the main component of human life, it is primarily a family, that small homeland from which love for one's native country, for the Fatherland begins.

The family plays a big role in the life of every person. According to the writer L. Zhukhovitsky, a person who grew up in a good family thanks her all his life for the joy. A man who grew up in a difficult family thanks her all his life for science.

For me, my family starts with my mother. Mother's caress, tenderness, warmth surround from the first days of life. They say that a woman can achieve brilliant results in any field. She can bring a lot of benefits to society, but the most important and hardest work of her life is the creation of a family. Mom is the guardian of our home. The whole house rests on her fragile shoulders: after work, she needs to cook, feed, clean, help with her homework and still do a lot of things. Sometimes I wonder how my mother manages to do everything! In our house it is always warm and cozy for me, and dad, and guests, and even our animals. Of course, I understand that one mother cannot create a good family, because the family is a team, and the climate in the family should be created by all its members. Mutual assistance, care for everyone, kindness create warmth, comfort and well-being in our family.

Each family should have its own traditions, its own family holidays. We often remember funny events that happened to us. These memories create a warm and cordial atmosphere in the house. We love to spend holidays at home. For us, these are first of all smiles, laughter, gifts, friends, close people with whom we want to meet and chat. We all prepare for family holidays together and look forward to them. All this unites us and brings joy. Holidays are unforgettable events in our family. Often we are joined by friends of parents whose children have long been my friends. I think that a home holiday is good, in which both adults and children take part. Such an evening of children with parents is a bridge that unites the family.

Family is the most important thing that each of us has. It rests on mutual understanding, trust, care for each other, joy from joint actions. Here we can hear about ourselves what people from the outside will never dare to tell us, but here we will never stop loving. And no matter what happens, we can always count on the understanding and support of our relatives. A person cannot live without a family. My little sister is only a year old, and I'm a seventh grader, so I have more household chores for my beloved little sister, the appearance of which all my relatives were looking forward to! For me, family is a place where I will always look forward to returning. My family and friends are always waiting for me and love me. My family is my support. My family is my castle.

Several stories on the topic "My family".

Sofia Belyatskaya

My family

My name is Sofia Belyatskaya, I am a student of the 2nd “A” class. I have a big, friendly family.

My mother: Belyatskaya Natalya Anatlievna. She works as a violin teacher at a music school. And at home, my mother is engaged in cleaning, washing, preparing food for us, sewing, knitting. She is also studying at the university.

My dad: Grigory Viktorovich Belyatsky. He is an Orthodox priest. At home, dad reads books, works at the computer, likes to play different games with us, and does homework with me. But dad is not at home much, because he has a lot of work.

My grandmother: Antonova Galina Vasilievna. She is a pensioner, and previously worked as a paramedic in an ambulance. I have another grandmother Petkun Tamara Nikolaevna. She came from Latvia and now lives in the countryside. We love hanging out with her in the summer.

My grandfather: Antonov Anatoly Gerasimovich. He used to build houses, but is now retired. Grandfather loves to play with me and brother Elisha. My grandfather also takes me to church and Sunday school. And from spring to autumn, grandfather likes to go to the country.

My brother: Bialiatsky Elisey. He is 3 years old and goes to kindergarten. I don't have any animals, but I dream of having fish.

I love animals, my grandmother in the village has a dog and cats with kittens. When I come to the village, I play with them.

I love my family very much!

Kolya Chernyak

I live with my dad and mom. My mother's name is Svetlana Valentinovna. She works as the chief inspector at the Grodno customs. She has a very important and responsible job. At work, my mother is strict, but at home, on the contrary, she is kind and affectionate. Mom helps me do my homework, prepares various delicious dishes, plays with me.

My father's name is Sergei Alexandrovich. My dad works in the police. He has a very difficult and responsible job. He, like my mother, helps me do my homework, helps my mother with the housework, plays with me. Mom and dad are friends. I love my family because they are friendly.

Vlad Murygin

I and my family

My family is my castle! They love me very much there, they always support me, I feel completely safe. I know for sure - in my family they will not offend and betray!

My mother's name is Irina Mikhailovna. She is a psychologist by training, but she works as a career pathologist. Mommy helps schoolchildren to choose their future profession correctly. My mother devotes all her free time to me. We do homework together, prepare for tests and olympiads, play different games, and in the summer I help my mother arrange flower beds in the country.

My father's name is Alexey Viktorovich. He works as a repairman for instruments and equipment. My dad has a hobby - assembling wooden models of various techniques, and he also reads a lot. But if something breaks at home, dad will always come to the rescue, and I will be his main assistant.

My grandmother's name is Sofia Nikolaevna. She used to be a catering director, and now she is raising me. I help her in everything, but most of all I love baking pies and preparing salads with my grandmother. She also has a hobby - growing indoor flowers.

I have two wonderful pets: nimble Pikinese Jana and guinea pig Martin. They are my friends. I not only play with them, but also take care of them. This gives me great pleasure.

I love my family very much!!! She is the best and friendliest. Love, respect and mutual understanding always reign in my family.

Are you in the third grade, you were asked to write an essay on the topic "My family", and then it turned out that you do not know where to start? Then check out the following essays by grade 3 students, maybe they will help you.

Sample essays:

OPTION 1. My family - an essay by a 3rd grade student

My family is very big. Some consider their family only their parents, brothers and sisters. For me, it's a little different. My family is much larger, as it includes grandparents, aunts and uncles, as well as my many cousins. We are all very close, we communicate a lot and spend time together. Of course, we live in different apartments, but this does not prevent us from being one family at all.

We often go to visit relatives, as well as they often come to us. At such moments, the house is filled with the conversations of adults and the laughter of children. I really love family evenings, because they unite us.

In a large family, you never feel alone. We all take care of each other. For example, my grandfather takes me to school, and my grandmother cooks sweets for me and tells me fairy tales. My uncles and aunts never come to our house empty-handed. They bring me gifts and treats, but I try to please all members of my family with my success at school. By the way, my aunt sometimes helps me with my studies. She is very smart and knows how to explain complex things simply.

My family is important to me. Relationships in our family teach me kindness and patience.

OPTION 2. My family. Composition grade 3

My family is quite large. It consists of five people: my grandmother, my parents, me and my sister. My sister is two years younger than me. Her name is Ann. She goes to the same school as me, but only in first grade. She loves me very much. I love her too. My dad is a teacher at the university. He has many students. He is a very smart and respected person. I am very proud of my father.

My mom is a housewife. She spends a lot of time with us, helping us with everything, especially with the lessons.

My grandmother is an elderly but very active woman. She will soon be 75 years old. However, despite her age, she has many hobbies. For example, she is fond of ballroom dancing. Grandma always reads bedtime stories to us.

We get along with the neighbors. You could even say that our neighbors are our best friends. We often go to visit each other and travel out of town together. I love these trips.

My family is the most precious thing in my life.

OPTION 3. My family is an essay for the 3rd grade.

When someone talks about their family, the first thing that comes to my mind is the happy moments I spent with my family. My family is my parents and two sisters. We are very friendly. I think it's because we always have dinner together and at dinner we discuss the moments of the past day. This helps us not only to be aware of what is happening in the lives of each of the family members, but also to better understand each other.

My dad is a model of hard work for me. He works hard and has achieved some success in his career.

Mom is an example of confidence and strength for us. She does not lose her presence of mind even in difficult situations. Mom always teaches me and my sisters to go to their goal and never give up.

The moments of my life that I spent with my sisters will forever be remembered as the brightest and filled with humor. Since my sisters are older than me, they take care of me, teach me good and kind things.

My family is very important to me. My parents and sisters support me in everything, help me to be successful in my studies.

A story about my family is often asked to be written in English at school. It is often difficult for a child to write a large text, while maintaining the correct structure and English. This article will help you write a family story.

Story structure

The story of my family must start right. It should have an introductory part (very short), a main part that contains all the information, and a conclusion, also quite short.

The first paragraph is the introductory part. It can start with the following phrase:

I would like to give a talk about my family. (I would like to talk about my family.)

This concludes the first paragraph.

The second paragraph is the entire body of the essay. The story about the family in English depends on this paragraph. After all, here you need to tell in detail about your family. Points to be covered in the main part:

  • Say small family or big.
  • Name all family members and tell about each separately.
  • Say that your family is very friendly.
  • Talk about common hobbies and pastimes.

In order to write the main part, you must use the following introductory phrases:

I think/suppose/presume/believe/guess...

In my opinion,... (In my opinion,...)

However,... (Whatever...)

Fortunately,... (Fortunately,...)

The third paragraph is the conclusion. In this paragraph, you need to notify that your story is over. This can be done with a very literate phrase:

That "s all I wanted to say. (That's all I wanted to tell you about).

Writing the main part of the story

A story about a family in English should begin with a description of the size of your family. For example, if you have a large family, you need to say:

I have got a big family or My family is very big. (I have a big family. My family is very big.)

If your family consists of 4 or less people, then it is considered small. Then you need to say:

I have a small family or My family is not very big. (I have a small family. My family is small.)

The story about my family needs to be supplemented by listing all relatives:

My family consists of a mother, a father, a brother, a sister, a grandmother, a grandfather, an aunt, an uncle... (My family consists of mom, dad, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt etc.)

My mother "s name is ... (mother's name). I suppose that she is very beautiful and kind. She is 30 years old. She is a doctor. My mother is fond of reading classical books and watching interesting movies. (My my mother's name is... I think she is very beautiful and kind. She is 30 years old. She works as a doctor. My mother likes to read classics and watch interesting films.)

The father of the family can be described as follows:

My father "s name is ... (father's name). I think that he is very tall man with beautiful gray-eyes. He is very hard-working man. He is 40 years old. He is an engineer. I think that he likes his interesting job so much My father likes to go to the cinema with me. (I think he really likes his interesting work. My dad likes to go to the movies with me.)

A story about a family in English can turn out to be quite voluminous if you describe in detail each relative (this is if your family is very large). If it consists of three relatives, then you can tell about each family member in some detail and your story will not turn out to be too long and uninteresting.

After describing your relatives, do not forget to say that you are very friendly:

My family is very friendly. (My family is very friendly.)

Our family is very united and happy. (Our family is very friendly and happy.)

The story about my family needs to be supplemented with information about what you do with your relatives. For example:

I like to go fishing with my father. (I like to go fishing with my dad.)

When we have a free time, we always spend it together. (When we have free time, we always spend it together.)

I like to go to the park or to the cinema with me lovely sister. (I like to go to the park or to the movies with my beloved sister.)

My mother and I like to watch interesting movies. (My mother and I like to watch interesting films.)

about family

A story about a family in English with a translation might look like this:

I would like to give a talk about my lovely family.

My family is not very big. It consists of a mother, father and me. My mother's name is Kate. She is 35 years old. As for me, she is very beautiful. My mother has very beautiful blue eyes and brown hair. She is a blogger. She likes her profession so much because she can write something interesting about her life and earn money. In fact, she is very popular in our town. What about my father, his name is Bob. He is 40 years old. He is very tall, at about 180 cm. He is a cook. He works in a big restaurant, specialized on French cuisine. As for me, his job is very interesting. Our family is very united and happy. I like to do various things with my parents. For example, we often go to the shopping together .In summer we go to the sea.I love my family so much!

That's all I wanted to say.

(I would like to talk about my family.

My family is quite small. It consists of my mom, dad and me. My mom's name is Kate. She is 35 years old. As for me, she is very beautiful. My mom has beautiful blue eyes and brown hair. She works as a blogger. She loves her profession very much because she can write something interesting about her life and earn money. In fact, she is very popular in our city. As for my father, his name is Bob. He's 40 years old. He is very tall, about 180 cm. He is a cook. He works in a large restaurant specializing in French cuisine. As for me, his work is very interesting. Our family is very friendly and happy. I like to do different things with my parents. For example, we often go shopping together. In summer we go to the sea. I love my family very much!

That's all I wanted to say.)

Phrases and phrases that will help the appearance of relatives

Each relative in the story must be described. Often, in order to describe a person, there is not enough vocabulary. Many useful expressions and words for and his nature:

Beautiful (beautiful);

Kind (kind);

Friendly (friendly);

Clever (smart);

Green / brown / blue / gray eyes (green / brown / blue / gray eyes);

Blond hair (light hair);

Brown hair (brown hair);

Tall (high);

Fat (thick);

Low (low);

Thin (thin).

Phrases and phrases that will help describe the occupation of relatives

Seniors usually have a profession. Some professions are listed below and should be used to describe older relatives:

An engineer (engineer);

A builder (builder);

A cook (cook);

A doctor (doctor);

A dentist (dentist);

A manager (manager);

A director (director);

A teacher (teacher)

A writer (writer);

A blogger (blogger).

The following phrases will help describe the interests of relatives:

To watch movies (watch movies);

To walk in the park (walk in the park);

To swim in the swimming pool (swim in the pool);

To play piano / guitar (play the piano / guitar);

To surf the Internet (surf the Internet);

To cook something tasty (cook something tasty);

To learn homework (learn homework);

To play games (play games);

To go to the cinema (go to the cinema);

To go to the theater (go to the theater);

To go fishing (go fishing);

To play football / volleyball / basketball (play football / volleyball / basketball);

To travel around the world (travel around the world);

To listen to the music (listen to music).

These phrases will help to lexically fill the text, as well as convey to the listener detailed information about your family.

How to quickly learn a story about your family?

The story about my family is easiest to learn if you wrote it yourself. Of course, you can use some sources that give advice on writing a story, as well as give examples of some phrases that can be used to write a story. The main thing when compiling a story is to write really about your family. If you write specifically about your relatives, then you will be able to learn what you wrote more quickly.

When you come up with a story, be sure to write it down on paper, and also think about what you wrote. This will help not only to learn the story faster, but also to avoid grammatical errors when writing.