Thirty-fifth week of pregnancy: a thorough examination of the amniotic fluid is necessary. Do I need to take vitamins


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The weight of the fetus at the 35th week ranges from 2324 ± 206 g, and the body length is 44.4 ± 1.5 cm.On average, the weight of the fetus is most often 2400 - 2500 g, and the body length is 45 - 46 cm.

The baby is already fully formed from the hair on the head to the tips of the grown nails on the fingers and toes. That is, he has all the organs, tissues, they all function and, theoretically, the baby can already live outside the womb. His body works like a clock, all organs work harmoniously, the water-salt and hormonal balance is maintained by the adrenal glands in an autonomous mode. Therefore, during childbirth at the 35th week, babies survive in 99% of cases.

The main task of the fetus at 35 - 40 weeks is a set of adipose tissue, growth in length, strengthening of muscles and hardening of bones, which he successfully does, adding 250 - 350 g of weight per week. The baby needs adipose tissue to maintain a constant body temperature after he is born. Strong muscles are needed to maintain a posture, suck milk from a breast or bottle, etc. And dense, hard bones are necessary for the baby to learn to walk and stand firmly on his feet by the end of the first year of life.

Although the bones of the skeleton harden, the bones of the skull remain soft and loosely connected to each other, which is necessary to facilitate the passage of the fetus through the birth canal.

Lanugo continues to disappear from the baby's skin and the layer of cheese-like lubricant becomes thinner. The skin itself is already smooth and pink, not red. The facial features have already acquired their individuality, the eyes are open during wakefulness, but the iris for all children is gray-blue. In other words, the baby's eyes have not yet acquired their final color, which was passed on to him by his parents.

Due to the rapid growth of the baby, there is not enough space for him in the uterus, as a result of which the number of his movements and movements decreases. The fetus can be in one position for a long time. The baby has already assumed the characteristic embryo position, pulling the legs up to the breast, in which he will be until delivery.

Stirring fetus

Due to the fact that the baby took up all the free space in the uterus, his movements became limited and relatively rare. Now he moves less and less frequently than before the 32nd week of pregnancy. For a long period of time, the fetus can take one position and be motionless in it. The movements of the fetus themselves are for the most part in the nature of jolts, pokes, claps, movements and rests with various parts of the body against the walls of the uterus. The kid no longer rolls over and does not perform high-amplitude movements.

Despite the fact that the baby's movements have become more infrequent, smoother and more accurate, the mother still feels his movements, which can still cause pain and discomfort. At this time, the mother feels even slight movements of the fetus, because he already has strong enough muscles that allow him to push the walls of the uterus with great force. Most often, the pain from fetal movements is felt by a woman in the region of the ribs, stomach, liver and intestines, since it is in these areas of the body that the baby most often pushes, kicks and rests against.

A woman can not only feel movements, but also see parts of her baby's body, which are imprinted on the skin of the abdomen. This happens when the baby rests against the front wall of the uterus with arms, legs, butt or head.

Along with calm and rare movements, a woman may from time to time feel strong and sharp movements of her baby, which cause discomfort and pain, which he makes, as a rule, in response to external stimuli. After all, the baby already sees the light and outlines of objects around the woman well, smells and tastes, feels the touch to the mother's stomach, and also reacts to her emotions. Therefore, if some external irritant (too bright light, unpleasant smell, loud sounds, stress, fear or other strong emotions in the mother) gives the baby discomfort or anxiety, he begins to move abruptly, actively and painfully for the mother, as if demanding to eliminate what annoys him.

Also, the baby can move sharply and actively every time after the mother has eaten. But in this case, his activity is physiological - he spends glucose, which appears in the blood in a high concentration, on his games.

In addition, the fetus can sometimes begin to actively move in the absence of an external cause. This behavior of the baby is due to oxygen deficiency, and he, making active movements, is trying to increase blood flow to his organs and, thereby, eliminate hypoxia. In such a situation, you need to help the baby by breathing deeply for a few minutes.

The intensity and frequency of fetal movements are not the same during the day, because at some hours the baby is asleep, and at other times he is awake. Accordingly, when the baby is asleep, he moves a little and weakly, and when he is awake, on the contrary, he moves more actively and pushes much harder. The most interesting thing is that the baby sleeps, as a rule, in those moments when the woman is active: walking, moving around, doing some work, etc. And when a woman sits down or lies down to rest, the baby, on the contrary, does not sleep, but plays and actively moves. This paradox can be explained very simply - while the mother moves, her belly sways, which lulls the child. And when the mother is resting, sitting or lying motionless, the effect of motion sickness is absent, the fetus wakes up and begins to play.

In addition to the usual movements, the mother may from time to time feel short-lived rhythmic tremors inside the abdomen. Such flinches indicate that the fetus is hiccuping.

A woman should feel fetal movement every day. Within about 12 hours, the fetus moves at least 10 times. But these 10 movements do not have to be felt at regular intervals, because the fetus does not move on command, and it alternates between periods of sleep and wakefulness. Therefore, at some hour, the baby will move more and more often, because he is awake, and at another - less, because he is simply sleeping. Because of this, it is not necessary to count the movements every hour, it is enough just to note their appearance during the day. If in 12 hours the baby moves at least 10 times, then everything is in order.

If the fetus moves less than 10 times in 12 hours or during these 12 hours there are no movements at all, then this is a sign of trouble. In such a situation, you need to immediately be hospitalized in the maternity hospital, so that the doctors try to save the baby, and he has a higher chance of survival.

Ultrasound and analyzes

The thirty-fifth week of pregnancy is the period when the screenings have ended, and if the woman went through them on time, then an ultrasound scan does not need to be done routinely. However, if a woman was not examined during pregnancy, did not undergo the third screening, then she may be prescribed an ultrasound scan at the 35th week in order to assess the condition of the fetus, uterus, placenta, umbilical cord, the mother herself, and also to determine whether the baby's development is normal.

In addition, an unscheduled ultrasound scan at the 35th week is also prescribed for women who have passed the examination. Most often, such an ultrasound scan is done for reinsurance, but in some cases, the study is still carried out to confirm suspicions of pregnancy complications (such as early aging of the placenta, fetal hypoxia, etc.).

There is also another situation in which women at 35 weeks may have an unscheduled ultrasound scan. If the pregnancy proceeded with serious complications and it is necessary to decide whether the woman will carry the baby or whether it is necessary to carry out an early delivery, then an ultrasound scan is performed at the 35th week. In such a situation, if the ultrasound data indicate the normal state of the fetus, placenta and uterus, and the woman's general well-being is satisfactory, she is allowed to report the pregnancy, while constantly monitoring her condition, and in case of its deterioration, an urgent delivery is made. If the ultrasound results indicate that the pregnancy needs to be completed, since the fetus suffers, and the mother's body cannot withstand the load, then the woman is sent to the maternity hospital, where the delivery is carried out at 35 - 36 weeks. In such cases, the ultrasound data is also taken into account when deciding on the method of delivery - through the vaginal birth canal or by cesarean section.

If there are suspicions of the presence of fetal hypoxia or any pathologies caused by impaired blood flow in the mother-placenta-fetus system, then at the 35th week, not only ultrasound, but also cardiotocography and Doppler ultrasound may be prescribed unscheduled.

As for the tests, no laboratory tests are routinely done at the 35th week. However, if a woman did not pass any tests in a timely manner, then this should be done at the 35th week. You will also have to pass tests if they were prescribed by a doctor unscheduled to assess the condition and identify a suspected disease.

Visiting an obstetrician-gynecologist

Routinely, at the 35th week, you do not need to visit a gynecologist if the woman feels fine and does not have any new, disturbing symptoms. However, if the state of health has worsened or some new, unknown symptoms appear that bother the woman, it is necessary to go to the gynecologist unscheduled, without waiting for the planned appearance at the 36th week. The urgency of going to a gynecologist is due to the fact that in the late stages of pregnancy any complication can develop rapidly, and therefore a whole week of waiting can lead to a serious condition of a woman, when she literally has to be saved from death. And if she had consulted a doctor in a timely manner and received treatment, without waiting for a whole week, then such severe consequences would have been avoided.

Warning signs

During pregnancy at the 35th week, serious diseases or conditions that threaten the death of the fetus and the mother can develop, which proceed with certain symptoms. Symptoms of such serious conditions are usually called alarming signs, and when they appear, a woman should immediately call an ambulance and be hospitalized in a hospital, since qualified medical assistance is required to save her life and the child.

The warning signs at the 35th week of pregnancy are as follows:

  • Bloody discharge from the genital tract in any amount;
  • Abundant liquid discharge from the genital tract (often women think that they accidentally described themselves, but this is not urine, but leaked water);
  • Frequent or persistent headache, combined with visual impairment in the form of flickering spots, flashes and flies before the eyes;
  • Vomiting, especially repeated vomiting;
  • Sudden severe swelling of your face or hands;
  • An increase in body temperature above 38.0 o С;
  • Burning and / or itching in the vagina or perineum;
  • Pain and / or burning when urinating;
  • Severe abdominal pain that does not improve over time;
  • Severe blow to the stomach (for example, falling on the stomach, hitting the stomach with a hand or object);
  • The appearance of more than 4 - 5 contractions within an hour;
  • Absence of movements or less than 10 movements of the fetus for 12 hours.

Feelings, signs of pregnancy and changes in the state of the body

At the 35th week of pregnancy, a woman may experience unpleasant sensations of the most diverse nature and localization. However, despite the fact that such sensations cause discomfort, they are completely normal, do not indicate the presence of pathology, since they are caused by changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman. Consider such normal, physiological sensations that a pregnant woman experiences at the 35th week, and also indicate their differences from similar pathological symptoms.

The pressure of the enlarged and heavy uterus on the internal organs causes a wide range of various unpleasant sensations that a woman may experience at the 35th week of pregnancy.

Firstly, the pressure of the uterus on the intestines provokes frequent constipation due to the fact that the contents are delayed and slowly move along the intestinal lumen. To eliminate constipation, you can take natural and fetal-safe laxatives based on lactulose syrup (Duphalac, Portalac, Normase, etc.). At the same time, it is desirable to prevent constipation by including in the diet foods that promote the movement of feces through the intestine and their evacuation (beets, dried apricots, prunes, bran bread, etc.). In addition, it is desirable to minimize the consumption of foods that, on the contrary, slow down the movement of the food lump through the intestine and contribute to the formation of hard, dense feces (for example, any white flour baked goods, confectionery, fast food, canned food).

Secondly, the pressure of the uterus on the bladder leads to the fact that it is not completely filled and cannot accumulate a large amount of urine, as a result of which a woman often goes to the toilet to urinate. Frequent urination cannot be resolved, but you can try to reduce the frequency of going to the toilet by leaning forward a little each time you urinate - this will help to empty the bladder more completely.

Thirdly, the pressure of the uterus on the stomach causes frequent heartburn and belching in women. To relieve heartburn, it is recommended to take antacids, for example, Maalox, Fosfalugel, Almagel, etc. Some women find their own non-trivial way to deal with heartburn, for example, dissolving a piece of chocolate in the mouth, clicking seeds, etc. You can try by trial to find such your own way to eliminate heartburn. It is also recommended to follow these simple rules to make heartburn more rare and less severe:

  • Eat a little, but often;
  • Do not bend over or lie down after eating or drinking;
  • Lie and sleep with a slightly raised head end, placing a pillow under your shoulders and head;
  • Do not eat a lot of sugary foods, as sweets increase the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Or eat Chinese sweets before the main course, and then they will not provoke heartburn so much.
Fourthly, the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm leads to breathing problems: shortness of breath, inability to breathe deeply, attacks of feeling short of breath, etc. To minimize these sensations, you need to perform breathing exercises and get up on all fours for 10 - 15 minutes several times a day and breathe deeply in this position. Indeed, in the knee-elbow position, the uterus does not press on the lungs, so a woman can breathe freely and deeply.

A high load on the cardiovascular system, an increased volume of blood and fluid in the tissues, as well as an accelerated metabolism cause the following unpleasant sensations that may be present in a woman at the 35th week of pregnancy:

  • Periodic sensation of heat throughout the body;
  • Swelling;
  • Bleeding from the nose and gums.
Among all the above sensations, only edema can be normal and pathological, and all other phenomena are exclusively physiological (normal). Therefore, it is necessary to know how to distinguish normal from pathological edema. Normal swelling does not increase over time or does not increase significantly, so the woman has a sort of constant level of swelling. In addition, normal edema can be localized in various parts of the body, but there is never a sharp and severe edema of the face and hands. Accordingly, if the edema is normal, then they do not need treatment.

Pathological edema increases very noticeably over time, so the woman's swelling is constantly increasing. In addition, severe swelling of the hands and face is considered pathological. Pathological edema, as a rule, is combined with any of the following manifestations: high blood pressure, the presence of protein in the urine, or visual impairment such as flashing flies, spots in front of the eyes, or double vision. If there are signs of pathological edema, an urgent need to consult a doctor.

The uterus is preparing for childbirth, as a result of which the woman experiences Braxton Hicks training contractions several times a day. Such contractions do not last long, they are not painful and irregular. However, if a woman feels regular and painful contractions, then we are talking not about training, but about completely normal contractions, and in this case, an urgent need to be hospitalized in a maternity hospital, as these are harbingers of premature birth.

A large belly, strong psycho-emotional and physical stress give a woman many inconveniences and tangible discomfort, for example, she cannot sleep in her favorite position, it is impossible to perform the usual usual movements, the gait has become heavy and heavy, irritability, insomnia, fatigue, etc. You just need to endure these unpleasant sensations, not allowing yourself to lose heart.

Separately, attention should be focused on such a complication of pregnancy as the syndrome of compression of the inferior vena cava, which occurs due to the squeezing of a blood vessel by the heavy uterus and underlying tissues. This syndrome is manifested by dizziness, fainting, and in more rare cases - cramps and severe pain in different parts of the body, which occur due to a lack of blood flow to the brain, heart and lungs. Compression syndrome of the inferior vena cava manifests itself when lying on your back, sitting cross-legged or in an uncomfortable position, etc. Therefore, for the prevention of this syndrome, it is necessary to avoid any movements and postures in which the vessels of the legs can be squeezed.


At the 35th week, normal vaginal discharge should be a homogeneous liquid consistency, painted in a light milky translucent color, with a mild sour smell, not causing itching, burning, redness or swelling in the genital area. Normally, there may be a small admixture of mucus in the discharge, which is part of the plug that closes the cervical canal, and comes out in small pieces due to softening of the cervix.

In some cases, at 35 weeks, a lump of thick mucus, with or without blood, may come out of the vagina. This is also completely normal. Such a lump is a mucous plug that sealed the cervical canal from the inside during pregnancy, protecting the baby from infections. When such a traffic jam comes out, it means that labor will begin soon and you need to be ready to travel to the hospital at any time. Of course, the cork usually comes off a little later, but if it appears on the 35th week, then this is completely normal.

Any discharge that is different from that described in the first paragraph (except for the mucous plug) is pathological and requires qualified examination and treatment.

At the 35th week, pathological discharge may appear, indicating the development of an infectious and inflammatory process in the genitals (including thrush). Such "inflammatory" discharge contains impurities of pus and / or blood in any quantity or mucus in large quantities, is yellowish, greenish, grayish or earthy in color, emitting an extremely unpleasant pungent odor (rotten fish, beer, etc.), have an uneven consistency with lumps, flakes, bubbles, or cause itching and burning sensations. they are also accompanied by swelling and redness in the genital area. If signs of pathological discharge with signs of an infectious-inflammatory process appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Also, any bloody discharge is considered pathological, when it appears, an ambulance should be called and hospitalized in a maternity hospital, as they can be a sign of a serious condition that threatens the death of the fetus or mother.

Separately, it should be said about the pathological secretions, which are amniotic fluid. Water can leak in small portions or pour out at once in a large volume, but both options are a pathology, when it appears, you need to consult a doctor.

When the water leaks in small portions, the woman notices an episodic discharge of yellowish or whitish, cloudy water with a sweet smell, leaving sticky marks on the skin of the perineum, pubis and inner thighs. Sometimes the water leaks in so small portions that the woman does not even notice the occasional release of a small amount of liquid, but she notes that her panties often get wet for no apparent reason, and the skin of the pubis and perineum is constantly sticky. Leakage of water in any form is abnormal, since it indicates a defect in the membranes. Therefore, if water leaks, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

If the waters are poured out at once in a large volume, it is impossible not to notice this. After such an outpouring of water, it is necessary to urgently go to the maternity hospital for examination and deciding whether it is possible to carry on the pregnancy or whether the delivery should be carried out ahead of schedule. After all, if there is no water left in the uterus, then the fetus will die, since there is no environment that provides it with the necessary conditions. In such a situation, doctors conducting an urgent delivery, stimulating natural childbirth or performing a cesarean section. If there is still quite a lot of water in the uterus, then doctors may recommend that the woman still look like a pregnant woman under close medical supervision, so that the baby can grow up in the uterus and be born full-term. In any case, only doctors can make the decision whether to leave a pregnancy to carry on or to give birth, so the need to be hospitalized in a maternity hospital in the event of an outpouring of water is quite obvious.


The appearance of blood of any shade, quantity and consistency from the vagina is considered bleeding. Purely theoretically, bleeding can also be harmless, caused by erosion of the cervix, vaginal hematoma, uterine myoma, irritation or injury to genital tissues during sexual contact or gynecological examination, etc. Such non-dangerous bleeding usually does not last long, little blood is released, and they do not cause deterioration in well-being.

However, much more often in late pregnancy, bleeding is a very dangerous symptom, since it indicates the development of formidable complications or pathologies that can lead to the death of the mother and / or the fetus. Considering the fact that any dangerous bleeding can begin gradually and, thus, disguise itself as safe, when signs of bleeding appear at the 35th week, you should always consider it as dangerous and immediately call an ambulance.

After calling an ambulance, you should open the door of the apartment, put your policy, passport, exchange card and phone in your bag, then go to bed and wait for the doctors in a lying position. You should not walk around the apartment and collect things to the hospital, as any physical activity provokes increased bleeding. And if the bleeding is dangerous, then its increase can be fatal. Indeed, with a sharp increase in bleeding in literally 20 minutes, a woman can lose the amount of blood that is incompatible with life, and die from her own mistake, without waiting for the doctors.

Uterus and abdomen

The height of the uterine fundus at the 35th week is on average 35 cm, but it can vary from 31 to 36 cm. This means that the upper edge of the uterus is very high, literally supporting the diaphragm and resting on the xiphoid process. In this regard, it is physically difficult for a woman to move and perform even simple everyday manipulations. But it will soon become easier - already at the 37th week, the stomach will go down, and with it the fundus of the uterus will reach approximately 32 - 33 weeks. This will happen because the head or bottom of the fetus will sink into the small pelvis.

A woman's uterus prepares for childbirth by making periodic contractions called Braxton Hicks training contractions. Such contractions are irregular, slightly painful, short in duration, pass on their own and do not intensify over time.

In addition, some women at the 35th week have a feeling of strong pressure in the lower abdomen, which is due to the fact that the head or butt of the fetus has sunk into the small pelvis and is now pressing on its bones and soft tissues.

At the 35th week, the abdomen stands high and protrudes strongly forward, its circumference is 88 - 93 cm. The severity of the abdomen and its noticeable protrusion forward force the woman to move slowly, smoothly and carefully so as not to fall. Due to severe stretching, the skin on the abdomen, thighs and sides can itch, itch, and even have rashes or stretch marks on it. There is a thick dark strip in the middle of the abdomen, and the navel is stretched, but protruding forward.

Pain in the abdomen and other parts of the body

Various changes in the body, the pressure of the uterus on the organs, and finally, high physical activity cause pains of various localization in a pregnant woman at the 35th week. Moreover, these pains are normal, since they are physiological and are caused by the processes inherent in pregnancy. We will consider the normal pains for the 35th week of pregnancy, as well as their differences from similar pathological pains.

The second type of pathological abdominal pain is very dangerous, as it is caused by serious conditions that can lead to the loss of pregnancy, death of the mother and / or fetus. It is quite simple to distinguish these dangerous pains from others - they always intensify over time, do not decrease after resting on their side, are localized in any part of the abdomen, have a pulling aching, cutting or sharp cramping character and are combined with back pain, increased body temperature. vaginal discharge of blood or a large amount of cloudy water or a sharp deterioration in well-being. If such dangerous abdominal pains appear, you should immediately call an ambulance and be hospitalized.

At the 35th week, pains in the hypochondrium and ribs are normal, which are caused by the baby's pushes in these parts of the body. They are of the nature of sudden, abrupt, short, strong, very painful tremors, and pass quickly. But if the pain in the hypochondrium lasts a long time, does not go away on its own, has an aching character, is often combined with belching, bitter and nausea, then it is pathological, since it is caused by diseases of the liver and biliary tract. If pathological pain occurs in the hypochondrium, you should consult a doctor.

Normally, at the 35th week, almost every woman feels pain of varying degrees of intensity in the pelvic bones, hips, pubis and perineum, as well as discomfort when walking caused by the divergence of the pelvic bones to the sides to increase the lumen of the birth canal (to make it easier for the baby to be born into the light). A characteristic feature of such normal pain is that it diminishes or disappears after a short rest in a position on the side or on all fours, and increases with stress on the skeleton (long walking, standing, lifting weights, etc.). However, if the pain in the pubis and perineum does not decrease after rest, is quite strong, continues constantly and is combined with a "duck gait", then it is considered pathological, since it indicates the development of symphysitis (inflammation of the pubic articulation). If there are signs of symphysitis, you need to see a doctor.

Any woman at 35 weeks experiences normal back pain, lower back, sacrum, coccyx, pelvic bones, hips and legs, caused by high loads on the musculoskeletal system, sprains and tendons, pressure of the uterus on organs, as well as a shift in the center of gravity due to the protruding abdomen. Normal pains in the back, lower back, sacrum, coccyx, pelvic bones, hips and legs during the day appear and disappear, intensify after physical exertion, subside after rest. It is the subsiding of these pains after rest that is their key distinguishing feature, which allows them to be clearly differentiated from pathological pains of the same localizations.

So, pathological back pain is provoked by diseases of the urinary organs, but they are always combined with pain during urination and / or with increased body temperature. Sacral pain is caused by sciatica (pinching of the sciatic nerve), in which case it is pathological. Pathological pains in the sacrum, in contrast to normal ones, are sharp, strong, do not subside, literally hardly tolerated and radiate to the leg.

Pain in the legs is also pathological, but in this case it must be combined with any of the following four symptoms: severe swelling of the hands and face + flickering of flies and spots in front of the eyes or blurred vision + high blood pressure + protein in the urine. If the pain in the legs is pathological, then this most likely indicates gestosis, and in this case, you need to be hospitalized in a hospital as soon as possible.

Pain in the rectum and anus, from which many pregnant women suffer, is always pathological, since it is caused by hemorrhoids. When hemorrhoids appear, you should definitely visit a doctor and start treatment. It should be remembered that in the absence of therapy during pregnancy, this pathology quickly becomes severe.


Opinions of doctors about whether it is possible to have sex at 35 weeks vary. Some doctors believe that sex at the 35th week is prohibited, since orgasmic contractions of the uterus can provoke premature birth or fetal overturning in the wrong position, plus the genital tract is very susceptible and can become inflamed even from contact with the normal microflora of the man's penis. And another group of doctors believes that sex at the 35th week is allowed, since orgasm is not able to induce childbirth, and the man's sperm softens the cervix and contributes to its better preparation for childbirth.

Therefore, given the lack of a unanimous opinion of doctors about the permissibility of sex, a married couple must decide for themselves whether to enter into intimate intercourse at the 35th week. If a couple decides to have sex, remember that the frictions should be neat and shallow, and the postures should be simple, comfortable and exclude strong pressure on the stomach.

Attention! It is necessary to remember about clear medical contraindications, in the presence of which sex at the 35th week of pregnancy is definitely and definitely prohibited. Such contraindications include the following:

  • Detached mucous plug;
  • There was an outpouring of water;
  • There are inflammatory diseases of the genital organs in a man or woman;
  • Carrying twins, triplets, etc.;
  • There are complications of pregnancy (eg, water leakage, placenta previa, threatened miscarriage or premature birth in the past and present).

The weight

The body weight of a woman at the 35th week should normally increase by 7.6 - 12.9 kg relative to the weight that existed at the beginning of pregnancy. Moreover, the fuller a woman is, the closer to the lower limit of the norm her weight gain should be.

If the weight gain is greater than normal values, then this indicates that the woman has greatly recovered (gained weight) or that she develops gestosis (a formidable complication of pregnancy). Given this, you need to monitor the weight gain in the third trimester very carefully, not allowing an increase in weight by more than 500 g per week.

If you add more than 500 g per week, you should limit your fluid intake and exclude high-calorie foods that contribute to weight gain, such as baked goods, culinary products, sweets, etc.

Food and alcohol

A woman's diet should be composed of healthy, natural products of animal and plant origin, such as cereals, wholemeal bread, meat, fish, seafood, fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, dried fruits, dairy products, creamy and vegetable oil, etc. It is advisable to exclude harmful and high-calorie foods from the diet (for example, canned food, fried, pickled, salted, smoked, spicy, spicy, fast food,

35th obstetric week - the ninth lunar month comes to an end. Approximately 33 weeks have passed since conception. Almost all internal organs of the baby are functioning. It's time for mom to come to grips with choosing a maternity hospital.

35 weeks pregnant. The growth of the fetus is 45 - 46 cm, weight 2300 - 2500 grams. The fetus is almost completely ready for childbirth, but the lungs still cannot perform the respiratory function. It's time for mom to prepare things for admission to the maternity hospital. If the fetus has not yet taken the correct position in the uterus, special exercises will help.

How many months is it?

35th obstetric week - the 9th lunar month is coming to an end, there is one week left. Approximately 33 weeks have passed since conception.

What happens to the baby

The fetus under the mother's heart grows vigorously and gains weight (about two hundred grams per week). On his skin, the original fluff still disappears, the skin itself straightens a little more due to the formation of subcutaneous fat. But folds in the area of ​​the buttocks, neck and joints of the arms and legs will persist after childbirth. The unique pattern on the skin of the palms and feet becomes more distinct.

The fetus needs a lot of calcium in order for the bones to mineralize sufficiently. This is one of the longest processes in our body. It is no coincidence that doctors consider the human skeleton to be fully formed only at the age of 25.

35 weeks gestation means almost complete readiness for childbirth for the baby. Many bodies are already carrying out their full-fledged activities:

  • the heart pumps blood;
  • the liver and spinal cord perform the functions of hematopoiesis;
  • endocrine glands produce various hormones;
  • the brain constantly sends and receives signals through the nerve channels, controls the first reflexes of the fetus.

The intestines of the fetus are not fully functional. Meconium (original feces) has been accumulating in it during the last months. It consists of solid particles that enter the fetus from the amniotic fluid. Meconium is excreted from the baby's body on the first day after childbirth.

Another very important organ has not fully completed its development. For several weeks now, a special surfactant, a surfactant, has been formed in the lungs of the fetus. This natural compound helps the alveoli to expand and prevent them from sticking together when breathing after birth. Now this substance may not be enough.

For this reason, childbirth at the 35th week of pregnancy is undesirable, since the degree of readiness of the fetal lungs for breathing cannot be determined. In patients with premature birth at this time, doctors try to maintain the pregnancy and allow the fetus to fully develop.

Now the baby is already very cramped in the uterus. His movements and thrusts became stronger. Sometimes people around you may notice how the bumps bulge out on your belly. And if you watch your belly without clothes, you will see even better.

Fetal presentation

This issue is becoming more and more important. Labor is approaching, and the method of delivery depends on the position of the fetus in the uterus.

Spontaneous childbirth is allowed only with head and breech presentation. If the fetus is located with its legs to the uterine pharynx, across the uterus or diagonally (for example, the head is at the right thigh, and the buttocks are under the ribs on the left), then doctors will have to perform a caesarean section.

But even if your baby has not yet taken the correct position, do not be alarmed. It can still roll over, and you can help it:

  1. Choose a quiet time. Lie on your side and set a timer for 10 minutes. Then roll over to the other side. Lie down for another 10 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times. Nuance: you can fall asleep, so ask someone to be around and command your coups.
  2. Lie on your back, bend your knees, slip a pillow or rolled-up blanket under your lower back. Lie there for 5 minutes. Attention: This exercise is not well tolerated by all. If you feel lightheaded, stop immediately and choose another method..
  3. If possible, visit the pool. Swim alone or with a special board.

It usually takes a week for the fetus to take the correct position. As soon as your doctor pleases you with this news, start wearing the prenatal brace all the time. In case of incorrect presentation of the fetus, the bandage is contraindicated.

When pregnant with twins, both children are far from always in the correct presentation. That is why delivery in multiple pregnancies often requires surgery.

Feelings of a mother

Now mummies can be conditionally divided into two groups. Some communicate on different sites and forums, compare their bellies, share their impressions and advice. Others feel deeply tired after many weeks of pregnancy and are ready to despair of giving birth.

In the first case, everything is in order. Communicate on health, just do not believe all sorts of horror stories about how terrible and difficult childbirth can be. In this matter, everything is individual. A good mood for well-being, preparation for childbirth in special courses and the attention of loved ones often make women in labor think - why, why were they so afraid?

If you're feeling harder every day in week 35, it's time to take action.

  • Pure physical discomfort can almost always be minimized. If you have heartburn, shortness of breath, swelling, or constipation (common in later stages), read our recommendations for getting rid of these conditions at the end of the article. And remember - very soon the uterus will go down, this always happens some time before childbirth. It will immediately become easier for you to breathe, possibly other undesirable phenomena will pass.
  • In the event of any unpleasant events in your family or in life, try to communicate more with family and friends. It might be worth seeing a psychologist.
  • If you are about to have a planned delivery operation and have any fears associated with it, tell your doctor about them. Ask him to describe the whole process, methods of pain relief, ask questions. There is no need to be ashamed of anything.

Active activity will help you to distract from sad, anxious thoughts. Decide on the issue of choosing a maternity hospital. If you are expected to be driven there by the child's father or other relatives, think over the route in advance and check if there is convenient parking nearby. Find out if there are any restrictions on the passage of personal vehicles to the territory of the medical facility.

Start collecting things for the hospital. Fold up the hygiene items, a bottle of water (still, not opened). Find a place for your mobile phone and charger at home so that you can quickly find and take them with you if necessary.

Maternity hospital bag

Late toxicosis

Discharge and pain

In a normal state, you observe in yourself an abundant, light-colored vaginal mucus. A violation of the consistency, color, or the appearance of a pungent odor will indicate an infection of the genitourinary system. It is important to get rid of all infections before the baby is born!

The most dangerous discharge is bloody. Leakage of amniotic fluid is another undesirable phenomenon. Both cases can be harbingers of premature birth, so urgently call an ambulance.

In late pregnancy, the lower abdomen often pulls. Another sensation - as if the whole stomach is turning to stone. In the first case, we are talking about stretching the ligaments (after all, the stomach is getting heavier), in the second - about training fights. But if the stomach strains regularly and more often, the contractions are already real, generic.

Medical supervision

At 35 weeks pregnant, your doctor may well change your visit calendar and recommend visits every seven days. Regular delivery of general tests will allow you to monitor your condition in a quality manner.

In accordance with your state of health and indications, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound and / or CTG. To analyze the blood flow in the placenta, uterus and large vessels of the fetus, dopplerometry is performed. Nowadays, a good blood supply to the fetus is especially important.

Another test is taking a vaginal swab. In pregnant women, microflora disorders often occur, as a result of which pathogenic microbes develop. Sometimes this does not give any symptoms - for example, with streptococcus. This microbe is very dangerous for a newborn with its weak immunity.

During the visit to the doctor, the usual measurements are waiting for you: the height of the uterus, weight, blood pressure.

  1. Even if you really want to, do not deviate from your usual diet.
  2. Watch for regular bowel movements. No chair 24 hours? Dried apricots and prunes will quickly help. If constipation recurs, these dried fruits should be in your diet all the time.
  3. In case of heartburn, cook porridge - "smears", drink jelly.
  4. Swelling on the hands can be reduced by not leaving the hands in the same position for a long time. You can fight leg swelling and varicose veins with the help of compression socks and contrasting douches.
  5. Even if you have a lot of swelling, don't make yourself thirsty.
  6. With shortness of breath, you do not need to prescribe yourself complete rest on your own. It will only get worse. You need to move, just a little and intermittently. This will help your lungs and your heart to do their job.
  7. Stay in maximum comfort at night. Sleeping positions: half-sitting or on the side. It is recommended to use pillows under the belly, back and between the knees.
  8. Learn breathing exercises (useful during labor). Inhale - a quick exhalation through the lips with a tube, as if blowing out a candle.
  9. Pregnancy gymnastics and Kegel exercises will help you stay active and strengthen important muscles.
  10. The frequent urge to urinate will simply take some getting used to. This will only go away after childbirth.
  11. Train yourself to sit up straight. Do not cross your legs, this will obstruct blood circulation.
  12. Regularly lubricate the skin of the abdomen, buttocks, breasts and thighs with special creams for stretch marks (). Instead of a cosmetic product, you can use good olive oil.
  13. Get a doctor's advice about possible pain relief during labor (if planning).
  14. Decide with the child's father whether he is ready and willing to attend the birth.
  15. When you leave the house, all your documents should be in your bag - your medical certificate, passport and exchange card.
  16. Talk with your baby about everything that is happening around, train to your voice.
  17. If you haven't chosen a name yet, maybe it's time.
  18. Late sex can cause preterm labor. Consult your doctor regarding the continuation of your intimate life.

We also read: list of things for a newborn baby (you can download and print the list)

Very soon you will give your baby life. Another important gift should be your health, well-being and always good mood.

Video guide: 35 weeks pregnant what happens to the baby and mom, streptococcus, getting ready for the hospital

Video: Pain Relief During Contractions

If you still haven't decided on the maternity hospital, then it's time to do it. Although it is even more than a month before the expected date of birth, in 2-3 weeks the baby will be considered full-term, and the birth will be normal. And for those who have already prepared everything, you can relax and enjoy the last weeks of unity with the baby.


In terms of the intensity of sensations, this is one of the most difficult weeks of the third trimester. The belly is already very large, but it is still at the top, so it can be hard to breathe and eat. But there is little to wait, soon the baby will go down and breathing will normalize, but the heaviness in the legs will be until the very birth.

This week, the expectant mother is worried about the following symptoms and sensations:

  • Increased urination, especially at night;
  • Insomnia and problems with choosing a comfortable body position;
  • Back pain, especially after standing for a long time;
  • Heartburn and difficulty breathing due to the pressure of the tummy on the chest organs;
  • Painful sensations under the ribs;
  • The appearance of vascular networks on the legs;
  • Recurrent sensations of heat and increased sweating;
  • Incontinence and flatulence when coughing, laughing, or sneezing.
In addition, periodic Braxton Hicks contractions ruin many women’s lives. They are part of the normal preparation of the uterus for childbirth. It is believed that such contractions should not be accompanied by pain or other discomfort.

They usually resemble mild abdominal cramps, which hardens a little. But sometimes the tension is painful and can be uncomfortable for a woman.

Usually, expectant mothers seem huge to themselves this week. And there is some truth in this - the stomach really grows quickly, because of this, the navel can become bulging and protrude forward like a button.

Baby at 35 weeks

Physiological changes

All serious physiological changes in the life of the fetus are already behind. Over the next few weeks, he will gain weight and gradually prepare for a new life outside of mom's tummy. And the mother's body prepares for childbirth and breastfeeding of the baby.

What happens in a woman's body?

This week, the fundus rises to its highest point in an entire pregnancy. There is still a little left and the stomach will begin to lower, then it will become much easier to breathe and the pressure on the ribs will decrease. Then the location of the internal organs above the uterus will return a little to normal. In the meantime, in order to provide the right amount of oxygen to the woman and the fetus, her bronchi expand, and the lumen of the respiratory tract increases.

Now the child occupies the entire uterine cavity, so he does not toss and turn, but only stretches and kicks. These blows can be quite painful for a woman.

The breast of the expectant mother is preparing to feed the baby. But doing something extra is not worth it. Rubbing with a hard towel and pulling the nipples are especially dangerous, as they can provoke uterine contractions and premature birth.

The woman's body is gradually preparing for childbirth. His ligaments become more elastic and stretchable so that the pelvic bones can pass the baby's head without injuring her. But in parallel, this leads to a violation of gait and an increased risk of falling and injury.

Changes in the child's body. How does the baby develop?

By the 35th week, the formation of all organs and systems of the baby is already ending. Now there will be no cardinal changes in his body. The remaining weeks will be spent fully maturing and debugging all systems.

  • The baby is gaining weight quickly, about 200-220 grams per week.
  • Lanugo (fluff) gradually disappears from the body, but in some areas it can linger and then the child is born a little "shaggy". This fluff disappears in a couple of days.
  • The amount of mucus covering the skin of the fetus is reduced.
  • Due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, the arms and shoulders of the baby acquire a rounded shape, and the body becomes pink.
  • The muscles of the child are getting stronger.
  • Hair grows on the head and their length can reach 5 centimeters. But the lack of hair is not a problem, they will grow later.
  • In boys, testicles descend and they are already clearly marked. True, in some situations, their advancement into the scrotum is delayed and occurs after childbirth. Occasionally, you have to resort to surgery to put them in place.

This week, the work of all organs of the fetus is being streamlined. The processes of formation of the nervous and genitourinary systems come to an end, the adrenal glands work intensively, meconium accumulates in the intestines. The bones of the skull have not yet fused, this will allow them to easily change position when passing through the birth canal.

Baby's face at 35 weeks

Fruit size

At the 35th week of pregnancy, the growth of the baby is about 25-26 centimeters, its CTE is 33 cm, the BPD is 86 mm, and the coolant is 290 mm. Fruit weight reaches 2200-2700 grams.

Changes in the mother's body

Now the mother's body circulates 1-1.5 liters more blood than usual. In the preceding weeks of pregnancy, a woman could gain approximately 9.5-13.6 kg of weight. Her body adapts to such a load, but sometimes it can be difficult to walk and do normal work.

There is already a lot of colostrum in the breast of the expectant mother and it may even flow out. After giving birth, it will be useful for feeding the baby until real milk appears.

Analyzes and examinations

Most gynecologists take a vaginal swab this week to assess the microflora. If microorganisms are found that threaten the baby with infection when passing through the birth canal, then there will be enough time before delivery to get rid of them.

Also, the doctor may recommend taking a blood test for AIDS and biochemistry. At the very end of pregnancy, you will have to take urine every week so as not to miss the appearance of protein in it.

Also, during a visit to a gynecologist, he will measure blood pressure, the height of the woman's uterine fundus, her weight and the volume of her tummy. The fetal heart rate is necessarily assessed.

Objective data

This week, the fundus should be about 35 centimeters high. Small deviations, 1-2 cm in any direction, are allowed, but only if stable growth is noticeable in the dynamics. If the height of the fundus of the uterus has increased sharply by 2-3 centimeters, then this may indicate polyhydramnios.

If protein is found in urine analysis this week, this is a signal to closely monitor your blood pressure and well-being. The doctor may also prescribe additional tests, such as a coagulogram.

Ultrasound examination

Usually, no ultrasound is done this week. It is prescribed only if the doctor suspects some kind of "malfunction", for example, placental insufficiency. In such a situation, ultrasound examines the placenta and determines its size. Additionally, you can conduct a Doppler study of the vessels of the umbilical cord.

The doctor must pay attention to the compliance of the size and development of the fetus with the gestational age. Placental insufficiency can lead to its lagging behind. If the baby is gaining too much weight, you can suspect mom's diabetes or excess calories in food.

The amount and condition of the amniotic fluid is necessarily assessed. If a coarse suspension is found in the waters, this indicates oxygen starvation of the fetus.

Woman on ultrasound

HCG at 35 weeks gestation

The level of chorionic gonadotropin remains within the same limits - 2700 - 78100 mIU / ml.

HCG table by week of pregnancy

Factors affecting the fetus

Although the baby is reliably protected by the membranes and the placental barrier from most external influences, there are many factors that can influence its development. For example, one of them is mom's food.

If a pregnant woman is malnourished, it can even cause a delay in the development of the fetus. Overeating, on the other hand, provokes excess weight gain and complications in childbirth.

Also, the fetus can be affected by harmful substances that enter the woman's body, for example, ethanol, nicotine, drugs. They easily penetrate the placental barrier and can adversely affect the health of the fetus, even at such a long period of pregnancy. Because of this, the expectant mother needs less contact with potentially harmful substances, for example, paints and varnishes, herbicides or insecticides.

Self-medication is strictly prohibited this week, and during pregnancy in general. Many medicines, in addition to local remedies that do not enter the systemic circulation, can also penetrate the baby's body.

Possible complications of pregnancy

This week, fetal bones continue to form, they harden, so a lot of calcium is required. If too little of it is supplied with food, then the leaching of this element from the walls of the mother's vessels will begin. Often this leads to the development of varicose veins and exacerbation of hemorrhoids. For the correct absorption of calcium, vitamin D is required. If it is not enough, then in the future the child is threatened with rickets.

Too much weight gain during pregnancy leads to complication of childbirth - perineal rupture, birth trauma to the fetus, weakness of labor. In addition, it can cause postpartum obesity, leading to metabolic syndrome and even type 2 diabetes.

The worst complication of pregnancy is preeclampsia or preeclampsia, which can turn into eclampsia. Since the mechanism of occurrence of this condition has not yet been clarified, there are no sufficiently effective methods of its treatment and prevention. It helps to improve the condition of a woman by taking antihypertensive drugs. With the threat of eclampsia, the use of anticonvulsants is recommended. In difficult situations, early delivery is carried out.

Even with the modern level of medicine, eclampsia remains the most common cause of maternal mortality in the developed countries of the world.

Premature birth is not uncommon this week. At this time, the newborn is already quite viable, but at first it will not hurt him to be in the incubator, where the parameters resemble intrauterine ones.

Child in a jail

What kind of discharge can there be?

Normal discharge during pregnancy is almost transparent or milky. They must be uniform and free from unpleasant odors. Closer to childbirth, their number increases, and the consistency becomes more mucous.

A change in the color of the discharge to yellow or gray, as well as the appearance of lumps, an unpleasant odor or blotches of pus, indicates an infectious process. Most often this is an exacerbation of thrush or vaginal candidiasis.

Its main symptoms are white cheesy discharge and severe itching of the genitals.

In any case, you need to contact a gynecologist who can determine the diagnosis and choose a treatment. Most often, local preparations are used, for example, vaginal suppositories, which do not have any effect on the well-being of the fetus.

By itself, thrush during pregnancy does not pose any threat to the health of a woman and a child, but it can cause serious discomfort. Problems begin with childbirth. First, the baby can become infected when passing through the birth canal. Secondly, it is much more difficult to suture tissues affected by candidiasis than healthy ones.

A dangerous sign is the appearance of bloody discharge. They may indicate placental abruption or the onset of premature labor. In any case, you must immediately go to the hospital, where the exact cause will be determined.
Also, a large amount of clear, watery discharge signals the danger. So amniotic fluid usually leaks, so an urgent need to go to the hospital.

Sometimes the amniotic fluid leaks a little, and then it can be difficult to notice. If in doubt, it is better to purchase a special amniotic fluid test at the pharmacy.

Amniotic fluid test

In the last weeks of pregnancy, adhering to all the recommendations of doctors is no less important than in the first. All pregnant women need more rest and walk in the fresh air. It is also helpful to attend special courses for expectant mothers to help prepare for childbirth.

Nutrition and bad habits

At 35 weeks, many women suffer from a lack of appetite, as the tummy props up the stomach, which causes nausea and heartburn. To reduce discomfort, you need to divide all the food into 6-7 meals. Small portions will be easier to digest.

It is very important to monitor your weight gain, and therefore the calorie content of your diet. It is better to give up the use of flour products and sweets, which contain few nutrients and a lot of sugar.

Also, do not eat smoked products, too fatty and salty foods. It is best not to overuse strong allergens. The ideal menu for a pregnant woman should resemble kindergarten meals.

A variety of cereals, vegetables and fruits should be introduced into the diet, and we should not forget about meat and fish. From drinks it is better to give preference to plain water and unsweetened compotes. You can also drink weak tea in moderation, sometimes a cup of coffee is allowed. And it is better to refuse sugary soda and store juices - they have too many calories.

Do I need to take vitamins?

The question of additional intake of vitamin preparations should be taken after consulting a doctor. The fact is that an overdose of some very useful substances can be more dangerous than their lack. If we are talking about calcium, then it is almost impossible to exceed the permissible doses of its intake, therefore it is recommended for all pregnant women. The situation is more complicated with other minerals and vitamins.

Intimate life

The question of sexual activity in long periods of pregnancy is one of the most controversial in gynecology. Here the opinions of experts differ dramatically. If we try to generalize them, then we can conclude that sexual intercourse is not contraindicated until the very birth, if the woman feels good, and there is no threat of premature termination of pregnancy.

In such a situation, an intimate life can even be useful, since a man's sperm contains proglastandins, which prepare the cervix for childbirth. But at the same time it is necessary to carefully monitor hygiene, since the likelihood of infection of the amniotic membranes is high. In addition, you should avoid postures with pressure on the abdomen and try not to overwork the woman too much.

If there are any disorders of health and well-being, then it is better to limit sex life.

Physical activity

It is imperative to move at the 35th week of pregnancy, but you cannot overwork. It is better if these are special exercises under the supervision of qualified trainers.

You can also just walk in the fresh air, but at the same time you need to monitor your well-being. This week, breathing exercises will be useful, which saturates the body with oxygen and helps prepare for childbirth. You also need to do Kegel exercises. They train your pelvic floor muscles, make labor easier and speed up recovery.

Medicines and medical procedures

Any medical procedures can be carried out only after consultation with a gynecologist. Self-medication is prohibited at any stage of pregnancy. A particular danger is treatment with herbs or dietary supplements. They do not pass all the necessary tests as drugs, so often even doctors cannot predict their effect on the body of a pregnant woman.

Possible problems

At the 35th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may have many complaints:

  • Lumbar pain is a completely normal sensation this week, as the stress on the spine is enormous. But if the pain is very severe, it is necessary to exclude kidney problems and the onset of labor.
  • Pain in the sacrum and in the area of ​​the pubic symphysis is caused by the separation of the pelvic bones and the pressure of the fetal head on the lower abdomen.
  • Shortness of breath is a normal sensation that should go away in a couple of days or a week when your tummy drops. If the discomfort is very strong and constant, it is necessary to exclude cardiovascular disease.
  • Nausea is also normal during this period, as the uterus supports the stomach and disrupts digestion.
  • Leg pain is usually due to a heavy load on them. If the discomfort is caused by varicose veins, you should consult a phlebologist.

Video about 35 weeks pregnant

At 35 weeks, the weight of the fetus can reach as much as 2.5 kg, and the height is about 45 cm.

Thirty-fifth week of pregnancy is the stage when the fetus begins to accumulate subcutaneous fat in the shoulder region. The shoulders become rounder and softer. Physically, he is almost ready to be born, and the remaining weeks will be busy mainly with gaining weight and "polishing" individual systems (nervous, genitourinary, etc.).

During the conduct, the doctor assesses the baby's condition according to the main parameters: biparietal distance, transverse abdominal diameter, and femur length. After that, the doctor notes the dynamics of the baby's development and compares the indicators with the norm. On an ultrasound scan, carried out at thirty-five weeks, you can see a lag in the development of the baby, which subsequently usually levels out. In addition, as a result of this study, it is possible to determine the approximate age of the fetus, if this has not been done before.

Due to the decrease in the amount of space in the uterus, the baby does not move as vigorously as before. And, as a rule, the baby is born exactly from the position that it took in the uterus earlier. That is why the position of the child in the mother's tummy after this period is called presentation during labor.

From the thirty-fifth week, the appointment of amniotic fluid changes. They now serve as a lubricant between the walls of the uterus and the skin of the fetus. The unborn child is quite comfortable in the embryo position. By the way, this habit will remain with him after birth.

Perception of a woman

The woman's body can already begin to prepare for childbirth. This training is expressed, first of all, in the increase in the frequency of (the so-called training). Moreover, they are called training for a reason - this is a kind of rehearsal for future childbirth. During the moments of contractions, you can practice breathing and relaxing, and you can also understand how you need to behave so that there is less pain.

The thirty-fifth week is the time when the expectant mother is very tired of her pregnancy. She wants to give birth as soon as possible, so that she finally does not carry all this burden on herself. But do not think that the expectant mother no longer loves her child. This is a normal reaction of a woman at this stage of pregnancy.

The fact is that during this period of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus occupies the highest point in the entire pregnancy. And a large uterus with a two-kilogram fetus in it, with all its weight, seemed to have piled on the diaphragm, lungs and stomach of a woman. Agree, the sensations are not pleasant.

This week of pregnancy can be accompanied by sleep problems. The causes of these problems are, firstly, frequent urination (on average, every hour), and secondly, constant back pain. Some consider this to be a kind of preparation for sleepless nights with a baby, but insomnia can also be caused by anxiety for the baby, anxiety before childbirth, and other similar reasons.

So that all this does not greatly interfere with your sleep, try not to drink a lot of fluids before going to bed, but just before going to bed, rotate your pelvis. During the day, try to do light work to feel a little tired. In this case, your sleep is likely to return to normal.

You need to try to rest more often to avoid swelling, not to sit or stand in one position for a long time. If a woman does, you need to stop often on the way to get out and stretch.

What to do at 35 weeks pregnant?

From this moment on, it is better to take it as a rule to carry your pregnancy exchange card with you always and everywhere.

Also, from the thirty-fifth week until the very birth, it is advisable for a woman to always have a charged cell phone with her and always have a positive balance on the account. This is in case the labor starts earlier. This way you can always notify loved ones that your child is eager to get to know them!