How to swaddle a newborn baby step by step with the head. Various techniques for swaddling a newborn baby. Types of diapers and their purpose

With the mother immediately after the birth of the baby. Therefore, it is important, even during pregnancy, to learn how to swaddle a newborn correctly. If you don't succeed the first time, don't be discouraged. Over time, you will learn to do things right.

This procedure is of great importance for the child. helps to improve the quality of the baby's sleep. Moreover, at first he feels discomfort. After mom's tight stomach, the crib seems too big for him. That is why it is necessary to provide the child with cramped conditions. Based on the position and how tightly the newborn is wrapped, swaddling can perform a number of different functions:

  • protect from hypothermia;
  • treat certain forms of congenital torticollis;
  • restrict movement with increased excitability;
  • prevent formation on the skin;
  • to treat muscular underdevelopment of the back, impaired development of the hip joints.

Swaddling a newborn: general rules for swaddling

Many parents are interested in the question of up to what age a baby needs to be swaddled with. The optimal time is the first three weeks of life. If closer to one month, the baby feels comfortable, swaddling can be stopped. If your baby does not sleep well with unfolded arms, it is better to swaddle him before bed. At the same time, pediatricians are advised to carefully monitor your child. Some children do not like swaddling, begin to cry and be capricious. The other, on the other hand, is fast asleep when wrapped. Consider a few simple rules:

  • swaddling too tight makes it difficult for the baby to breathe;
  • it is better to swaddle after washing the baby at a temperature of at least 20 C, while it is desirable to use washed and ironed diapers;
  • in winter it is better to use warm flannel diapers, in summer - thin chintz;
  • the optimal number of diapers is 10 thin and 5-10 thick.

Swaddling Algorithm

Before starting the swaddling procedure, you need to put on a undershirt made of thin material with a smell in the back, then a warm one with a smell on the chest, then a diaper, which is a square of gauze, from which you need to make a triangle. To do this, skip a right angle between the baby's legs, and a sharp one - wrap it around the abdomen.

Place a sheet on the changing table. Place the baby in its center so that the top edge of the material reaches the level of the neck. Place the baby's hand along the torso, and slightly obliquely fold the edge of the diaper under his back. Wrap the second edge in the same way. Make sure that no wrinkles are formed. Then straighten the bottom edge of the sheet in the shape of a fishtail. Cover the baby with it under the neck or above the elbows. After the ends of the diaper, wrap the body on both sides. Fix the free edge on your stomach by tucking it up. At the end of the procedure, check that the legs move freely and the arms are fixed.

For a more detailed understanding of the procedure, it is recommended to watch a video on correct swaddling. Some parents are accustomed to using disposable soft diapers, while others prefer reusable waterproof diapers. In addition, many mothers use a thin sheet instead of a towel after a bath, as it absorbs moisture better.

Diaper sizes and types

Going to the children's world for shopping, many mothers cannot decide on the size of the diapers. There are standard parameters of ready-made accessories in accordance with GOST, which will also help to determine the size of future products for women planning to make a dowry for the baby with their own hands.

  • The most common size of insulated flannel or chintz models is 110 * 80 cm.
  • If you decide to swaddle your baby for several months, it is better to choose the largest accessories - 130 * 90 cm.
  • If you cannot decide, a universal product 120 * 80 cm is best suited.

For many years, specialists in the field of pediatrics have been solving the question of developing a new product that takes into account all the innovations in the field of infant sleep hygiene. Thus, a few years ago, a unique product appeared on the markets - a matryoshka diaper, which almost immediately topped the sales rating. The composition of the product is 100% cotton material of high quality, carefully taking care of the delicate skin of the child, allowing it to breathe, perfectly absorbing moisture and allowing air to pass through. You can buy such a nesting doll today in almost any children's store.

Also, Europans are no less popular among mothers. This is a special device that allows you to quickly and easily fix your arms and legs, providing your baby with the most prolonged and restful sleep.

Despite the variety of ready-made diapers, some mothers are used to using homemade accessories that they sew themselves. Moreover, it is quite easy to implement it. It is enough to buy material in the store - fleece or cotton. So that the edges do not wrinkle, they need to be processed with an overlock. Buy fabric with shrinkage and allowances (approximately 1.5 cm on all sides). Place the material on the table. Measure the required dimensions and cut the blanks for the future envelope.

Edging is done on an overlock or on a sewing machine with a standard seam (no overlock). Edges need to be handled very carefully and carefully. After the diaper is ready, it must be washed with baby powder, dried and ironed.

Comment on the article "How to swaddle a newborn correctly"

More on the topic "Swaddling a baby":

How to swaddle a newborn correctly. At first, she swaddled in ordinary swaddling clothes, and then bought swaddleme with Velcro. They did not work well to swaddle, and the child slept well. From my own experience: She was controversial before the birth of the baby. Why "tie" a child.

Should you swaddle or not? Or is it different for each child? How do you think share your opinion and experience? Now there are so many diapers with both zippers and Velcro - everything is modern.

Girls, I want to give birth in TsPSiR in Sevastopol. but the other day I learned about the obligatory swaddling of the child in the hospital. allegedly they do not allow bringing clothes (sterile is needed), but diapers are allowed (they are considered sterile). I absolutely do not want to swaddle the baby. has anyone heard about the deviation in this maternity hospital from the rules - is it possible to agree with them about dressing the child, and not swaddling?

swaddling girls. Age norms. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to one year old: nutrition, illness, development. swaddling girls. earlier they demanded that girls swaddle their legs tightly for the first two months after birth, so that it is correct ...

Swaddled up, got the first good night. Swaddled only for the night of up to 2 months. How to swaddle a newborn correctly. How to swaddle a baby and which diapers to choose? I was originally against swaddling (of my children). but when they were born, I reconsidered ...

We sleep loudly and violently. We wake ourselves up with our hands, so I swaddle. Experienced mothers, can you please tell me if you swaddled your babies and for how long? When, according to your observations, there is no need to swaddle?

Swaddling. A dowry for a child. Pregnancy and childbirth. Section: Dowry for a baby (Girls, who is going to swaddle the baby?)

The boy will be 4 months old in a few days. Sleep problem. At full GW. Almost from the very birth he sleeps separately in his crib. He slept swaddled up to 2.5 months. Then he began to sleep without diapers in overalls. We withstood a week, tk. woke up every 1.5-2 hours. Sometimes it was not clear what he wanted. It seems that I just woke up and did not know what to do. Or maybe I'm wrong. In general, they began to swaddle again for the night. Now for 2 weeks he sleeps almost only on his stomach (he began to roll over at 3 months)

We swaddled all this month. The question is: how long should I swaddle, otherwise I heard up to three months, and not swaddle at all. What is your opinion?

Here phrases repeatedly slip (in the conference) that swaddling a baby is an anachronism. Perhaps. But it was only very recently that it dawned on me that there was a confusion of concepts. Swaddling a baby "always" is really detrimental. Swaddling a newborn ON A SLEEP is sacred, IF IT NEEDS IT.

Wide swaddling. Doctors, clinics. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to one year old: nutrition, illness, development. We were diagnosed with underdevelopment of the hip joints a month and recommended wide swaddling. Honestly, I swaddled ...

weaning off swaddling. Try to swaddle looser - so that yourself>. I started to swaddle my own when I was 2 months old, as he actually began to sleep much better. Previously, I woke up every half hour, as a result, in the morning, sleepy, capricious. then HELL appeared and began to itch.

Our legs are very badly divorced. The orthopedist recommended 3 weeks to develop the daughter's legs and swaddle her widely, and at 2 months. come to him again. With wide swaddling, everything is theoretically clear, but how to do it practically ... If you take a thick layer of fabric and arrange it like a diaper (diaper), then all this heap of fabric will end on the bottom (back) and the daughter will be uncomfortable to lie. .. To come up with this so that the legs remain divorced?

How to swaddle a newborn correctly. Place the baby's hand along the torso, and slightly obliquely fold the edge of the diaper under his back. How to choose the right sleeping position for a newborn baby? Part 3. Moment 3.

Hello, Dear Mothers, our boy is 1.5 months old, we are trying to swaddle without hands, but he wakes himself up with his hands and immediately a scandal. Please advise us how to get used to this business more painlessly. Thank you.

Swaddling or keeping pens? Baby care. A child from birth to one year. Swaddle or keep pens? Today a nurse came to us and said that the girl needs to be dressed in creepers and a vest and so let her sleep freely.

How to swaddle a newborn correctly. At first, she swaddled in ordinary swaddling clothes, and then bought swaddleme with Velcro. They did not work well to swaddle, and the child slept well. I was originally against swaddling (my children). but when they were born ...

Yesterday we were visited by an orthopedist for the first time. (We will be 1 month old on Monday). As a preventive measure for the correct development of the hip joint, he recommended doing a wide swaddling, or rather its analogue - carrying a child with a folded diaper between the legs. Of course, I'm trying to do this now, but it's terribly inconvenient, especially when you need to frequently change the position, this diaper gets confused all the time, falls, etc. And Grisha categorically does not want to swaddle in the full sense of the word, apparently lost the habit after the hospital. Who got out of the situation in this situation?

Who will tell you whether it is necessary to swaddle a 4-month-old baby for a night's sleep? Swaddling for sleep from birth, but how much can you? Although without this he wakes himself up with his hands. And if you need to swaddle, then how many months, is it really up to a year? I think I'm more tired of this than a child. Try swaddling him tight when he is against ...

After the baby is born and discharged from the hospital, the mother's natural desire is to be surrounded by his care and warmth. Therefore, parents are interested in the question of whether or not to swaddle a newborn baby, to swaddle tight or loose. There are several methods according to which this action can be carried out in different ways, depending on the state of health of the baby.

Why are newborn babies swaddled?

The tradition of wrapping a baby in a diaper has ancient roots. This process is designed to perform several functions at once. At the first visit, pediatricians explain why newborns are swaddled. They unanimously agree that swaddling is necessary in order to:

  1. The baby did not freeze while lying in the crib, because his thermoregulation is not as perfect as in adults.
  2. The child's chaotic movements were limited in order to avoid sudden fright if the baby touches his face or body with the handle.
  3. The newborn felt more secure. The diaper limits space and resembles a cocoon in which he was in the womb.

Pros and cons of swaddling a newborn

There are many different arguments put forward by opponents and supporters of different baby swaddling systems. Until now, there are disputes among pediatricians about whether or not to swaddle newborn babies. Positive arguments for wrapping babies include:

  • maintaining body temperature;
  • fixation of limbs;
  • more restful sleep;
  • ensuring the comfort of the newborn.

In addition, swaddling is a must for babies with congenital abnormalities in the arms or legs, as well as for premature babies. There are not so many negative points and they relate to the conservative method of tight swaddling, when you have to forcibly straighten the limbs of the crumbs and press them tightly to the body. The main disadvantages of swaddling are:

  1. Inability to adjust the temperature. Because of this, the baby overheats. Diaper rash and diaper dermatitis appear on the baby's skin.
  2. Constant presence in a thick warm diaper leads to insufficient physical and emotional development.

Tight swaddling

A method such as tight swaddling is now used much less often than before.... Some pediatricians, when telling young mothers whether to swaddle a newborn, have strong arguments in favor of abandoning this method of wrapping babies. In this position, the child's movements will be unnatural and constrained. Blood circulation and heat exchange may be impaired. However, in some cases, when the child is hyperactive, or there are developmental pathologies, this technique will help to calm him down faster. Then it is recommended to swaddle the baby tighter when he sleeps.

Free swaddling

The free or wide swaddling technique is a more gentle option, in which the baby is given the opportunity to slightly wiggle the legs and arms. A variation of this method is wrapping only the lower limbs. This does not fully extend the legs. On the contrary, they are given a free, relaxed position.

Do I need to swaddle a newborn

The question of whether it is worth swaddling a newborn and which method is better is still controversial among specialists. Our grandmothers and mothers, who raised their children 20-30 years ago, when answering the question of whether it is necessary to swaddle a newborn baby, recommend wrapping the baby tighter. Children's doctors, based on the results of numerous studies, advise you to look closely at the temperament of the baby and wrap it up depending on the activity.

From birth

After the baby is born, it is imperative to swaddle him. After all, it is difficult for a newborn baby to get used to the fact that the space around is not limited. The kid may be intimidated by the pens, touching their face with them. At this age, it is advisable to leave the child's limbs free only during therapeutic massage and air procedures. Gradually, after a month, you can not wrap up the handles when feeding, remembering to wear mittens-scratches or a special undershirt so that the baby does not hurt himself with his claws.

At night

Many mothers have doubts about whether or not to swaddle a newborn at night. Here, most pediatricians are unanimous in their opinion - when the baby is in a separate bed, it is better to wrap it up entirely, using the free swaddling method. Then parents can be sure that the baby will sleep well most of the night time.

Swaddle feet

The swaddling method assumes that the handles remain free. The main reason why grandmothers used to swaddle their legs in the old days was the assertion that after rigid fixation with a diaper, they would be much smoother. It has now been proven that this method cannot affect congenital pathologies and straighten the bones of a child. However, if a baby at this age is diagnosed with hip dysplasia, then this technology will help fix the limbs motionless and promote recovery.

How to swaddle your baby properly

It is better for young parents to master the swaddling technique in advance, so that later, when the baby is born, do not waste time on training. In order to perform this simple procedure, you need to prepare a wide diaper, gauze diaper or diaper. It is important to pay attention to the time of the year in which the baby was born, because flannel fabric is not suitable for a hot summer.

A thin cotton diaper should be used to provide adequate ventilation and help prevent diaper dermatitis. The most common wrapping method is to keep the fabric horizontal. It is most convenient to perform the procedure in the following sequence:

  1. Wrap the diaper around the newborn's thighs, and place the baby perpendicular to the wide side of the diaper.
  2. Slightly press the baby's handle to the side, take the corner of the fabric on the same side, wrap the torso and straighten the edge on the back.
  3. Take the opposite corner, gently straighten the child's other hand, and bring the edge of the diaper behind the back.
  4. Pull out the lower corners in different directions, lay on the baby's chest and in the area just above the elbows, fix behind.
  5. Straighten out any folds that might interfere with the baby.

How long to swaddle a newborn

In order to understand when to stop swaddling your baby, you should carefully observe the newborn. If he sleeps well, does not interfere with his handles, then you can no longer perform wrapping. On average, this happens at 3-4 months. Some babies themselves begin to release limbs, examine them, show interest in the world around them. So, it's time to choose other clothes that will suit the baby by age - romper suit and undershirts.


There are many conflicting opinions about the need to swaddle newborn babies. In modern maternity hospitals, neonatologists and pediatricians increasingly recommend that parents teach children to do without diapers from the first days of life, and strict grandparents, on the contrary, insist on obligatory diaper changing. In any case, the question of whether it is necessary to swaddle a newborn child should be decided exclusively by his parents, taking into account the individual characteristics of a small family member.

Two basic techniques for swaddling small babies

  1. Full swaddling. This type of swaddling is also called swaddling with handles. With him, the baby is completely swaddled, only the head remains free.
  2. Incomplete or loose swaddling. In this case, only the legs of the newborn are wrapped, and the handles remain free.

The changing process is carried out before each feeding on a special changing table. If there is no such house, then you can use a regular table or parent's bed. The main thing is that the surface is flat and moderately hard.

Both the baby's clothes and the diapers used must be clean and ironed on both sides. Since baby's skin is extremely sensitive, undershirts and romper pants in the first months of a baby's life should be exclusively made of cotton. Thin baby nappies can be made of chintz or calico, and warm ones are made of flannel or bikes.

Before we move on to the direct description of the methods of swaddling, let's see how to carry out this process without causing discomfort to the baby.

The most common swaddling mistakes

  • Swaddling too tight or too loose. In the first case, circulatory disorders and muscle underdevelopment of the child are possible. In the second, the baby will simply turn around quickly and will have to be re-swaddled.
  • Many people think that with the help of swaddling, you can straighten your baby's legs. Alas, this is not the case. The shape of the legs (as well as of the whole human body) is genetically inherent and changing the flaws cannot be corrected. But, when the child grows up, physical education will help strengthen the muscular system and eliminate some figure flaws.
  • Putting on several undershirts and sliders before swaddling to keep the baby warmer. Such a "set" of things will only contribute to the overheating of the child, and.

Thus, young parents should decide on their own when and why to swaddle a newborn baby in order to create comfortable living conditions for him that contribute to the active growth and proper development of the little person.

And now we directly suggest that you familiarize yourself with several methods of swaddling, and the photos will clearly demonstrate this process.

Full swaddling

Full swaddling significantly limits the baby's physical activity. It is recommended to use it in the first months of a child's life, when involuntary movements of the arms and legs prevail, and the baby cannot coordinate their work. Very often, the chaotic movement of the handles does not give a crumb. This type of swaddling can be done in two ways.

Method I:

1) Before swaddling a newborn, a light diaper is placed on top of a warm one.

2) The baby is dressed and put on a diaper.

3) The child is placed on prepared diapers.

4) The left edge of the diapers is wrapped around the baby, passing it under the right handle, and tucked behind the back.

5) Then the child is wrapped with the right edge of the diaper.

6) The lower edge of the diapers is straightened and raised to the level of children's elbows.

7) The baby is wrapped with a raised diaper edge and fixed.

ІІ method.

The essence of this method of swaddling is to form a kind of kerchief for the baby from the diaper.

1) Before swaddling, the upper thin diaper is applied to the warm one, not strictly along the edge, but a little higher.

2) The baby is placed on the prepared diapers in such a way that the upper edge of the light diaper is above the level of the baby's head.

3) A kerchief is formed from a light diaper by twisting it on both sides at the level of the child's temple.

4) Envelop the baby with the left edge of a light diaper, passing it under the right handle, and tuck it behind the back.

5) Then the baby is wrapped with the right edge of the diaper.

6) After that, the newborn is wrapped alternately with the left and right edges of a warm diaper.

7) The lower edge of the warm diaper is straightened, lifted and fixed in the same way as in the first method.

Free swaddling

If a baby with fixed handles feels uncomfortable, then in such a situation it is worth trying to swaddle him in a free way, leaving the handles open.

1) Before swaddling a baby, you should prepare a thin and warm diaper, lay them one on one. In this case, the flannel should be on the bottom, and the calico on top.

2) The baby is dressed in a undershirt with closed sleeves, a diaper is put on and placed on prepared diapers.

3) The left edge of the diapers, starting from the armpit, envelop the baby's breast, and tuck it behind the back under the right handle.

4) Then, the right edge of the diapers is wrapped around the baby from the right armpit and is wound behind the back under the left handle.

5) Straighten the bottom edge of the diapers, raise it, wrap the baby at the waist level and fix it in the usual way.

How to make a cloth diaper?

Nowadays, almost all young mothers use diapers of the "diaper" type, but not many people know that a baby diaper can be made with your own hands from cotton or gauze, just like our mothers and grandmothers did. Of course, with this method, we cannot avoid wet diapers, but we will avoid diaper rash, which often occurs after diapers.

Do-it-yourself fabric diaper making technique:

1) Fold the diaper or gauze with a "kerchief".

2) Put the baby on the prepared diaper so that the top of the “kerchief” (right angle) is between the legs, and its longest side is at the waist level.

3) The right angle of the diaper is lifted up, covering the crotch of the newborn.

4) With sharp edges, alternately on the left and right, wrap the tummy at the waist level and fix it.

And more articles on the topic:

Comments (13) -

    At first I tried to swaddle, but after unsuccessful attempts, I spat on the whole thing. The only thing, only covered the hands of the child for sleep. I am against swaddling, especially since now there are wonderful and comfortable clothes for babies - little men. But each mother decides for herself what to do with the child.

    I haven’t mastered the art of swaddling, but I’m forgiven. Although I tried it and worked a little. Swaddling, it seems to me, is possible at a very early age, and then it is more convenient for everyone, especially dads, with ordinary undershirts and sliders that everyone can handle.

    Our ancestors swaddled children because there were no other options for clothes for newborns. Diapers - cheap and cheerful, and, most importantly, universal, to which they tried to reduce everything in the USSR.
    Forced swaddling in the hospital gave me nothing but discomfort and inconvenience. The baby was just born, so much new, unknown, a lot of things to learn - the head is spinning ... and then uncomfortable, incomprehensible diapers - to tears -cover-get wet.

    in Israel it is strictly forbidden to swaddle, there are a lot of children in our family (and I recently gave birth), but no one swaddled, I believe that this constrains the baby's movements and this is superfluous! Indeed - in the USSR it was a problem to find clothes for a child and there were no disposable diapers, now diapers are not relevant!

    I swaddled my eldest son, but not for long. In the hospital I tried to swaddle like a soldier, and already in the house there was a free swaddling. The youngest daughter did not swaddle at all.

    I swaddled the baby only for the first month of his life, because, moving his arms and legs, he could not sleep for a long time.
    Then, when the time of wakefulness increased, there was no need to put the coming sleep in this way: after ringing rattles, the little man fell asleep sweetly himself.

    And I always swaddled my baby, fell asleep faster and slept more calmly. And I did it as in the first method. Yes, and dad picked up his son more boldly when he did not wave his arms and legs).

    Nobody uses the second method of swaddling with the head. Some mothers use wide swaddling, and more often do without it.

    I have two children. Both were swaddled in due time, otherwise they slept restlessly and constantly woke up. And the naughty hands, which now and then woke up the kids, are to blame for everything. At first I used full swaddling (the first method), and when I grew up a little, I simply fixed the handles with a diaper, and left the legs free. But over time, my little ones learned to release their hands during sleep, and so gradually we completely calmly weaned ourselves from the diapers. Therefore, I see no harm from swaddling.

    Thank you very much for the forgotten science.
    no matter how many little people there are at hand, and sometimes, yes, there will be a need to swaddle the baby. but there is no one to ask.

    And I now live in the states and swaddling, oddly enough, is encouraged here. At first I also thought that since my little one is protesting like that, it means that I don’t like it and don’t need it. But he simply refused the breast, if his hands were free, and he beat himself, scratching himself, and simply tore my chest apart. Already a very restless kid: at 2 weeks he could jump from his back to his stomach and turn over. So I'm swaddling tight for now, we'll see further.

    In the maternity hospital, they swaddled in full. But at home it turned out that we really need our hands. We groaned, snot, did not sleep and all tried to take them out. After that, they began to use free swaddling. We put the handles under the chin or lift up and it is very convenient for us)))

    And who knows what sizes do-it-yourself diapers are?

If you have a baby, then after all the procedures, the very first action is to swaddle the newborn baby. No matter how fashionable the slogans that a child must be free in their movements are today, no one canceled swaddling. It is very important to give your baby a sense of protection. Let's try to figure out whether it is necessary to swaddle an infant and how to do it correctly so that the baby is warm and comfortable.

Closed way

If you do not know how to wrap a baby in a diaper for a walk or while feeding, then take on board closed swaddling method... For him you will need:

  • hat;
  • rectangular diaper;
  • undershirt.

Then proceed according to the instructions..

This is not a complicated arrangement at all, although difficulties may arise when fixing the diaper behind the newborn. It is necessary to ensure that it is not very convex, otherwise the fold will begin to press on the spine.

Open method

In order to swaddle the baby properly in an open diaper, you will need the skill of closed swaddling. This method is especially useful in the evenings if you decide to rest your baby's arms.

If the child is still very tiny (up to one month old), then the undershirt must be with closed sleeves so that the baby does not accidentally scratch himself. At an older age, this method will be the main one. The hat will no longer be needed, since this is done for home entertainment.

The open method is practiced when the child has already grown a little, but it is too early to release it completely, or if he has a problem with the joints of the pelvis or legs.

Tight swaddling

To swaddle a tight baby, dexterity and skills worked out on the doll will be required. Previously, this option was welcomed by pediatricians and used by midwives in all maternity hospitals. All children were equally similar to posts and could not move either their legs or arms.

Today, doctors are increasingly speaking out against this method, talking about the harm that this method causes to health:

And yet, after a tight swaddling, babies often calm down and begin to fall asleep not only much faster, but also much stronger. We tell how to make a tight swaddle.

A feature of this method is the fact that when some edge weakens from the child's active actions or is not fixed, then the whole structure will disintegrate. But, as already mentioned, this option is rarely used today.

Wide wrapping

If you need to swaddle the baby's legs loosely, leaving everything else outside the canvas, then a wide method is used.

Its main advantage lies in the fact that the baby adopts the frog position, which is comfortable for him. He will be able to bend and straighten the handles. In some cases, this method is used for medical reasons, if a pathology such as hip dysplasia has been established.

Wide swaddling for babies is a fairly popular option. It is advised by pediatricians, since it does not limit the child's physical activity and creates enough free space for him.

With a head

In the first few days of life, it is necessary swaddle a baby with a head, in order to protect the fontanel that has not yet matured and prevent accidental injury. The swaddling technique is similar to the closed method.

In order to swaddle a baby with a head, you must first practice. In this case, it is important to ensure that the diaper does not cover the baby's eyes. After 1-2 weeks, you can switch to a closed swaddling method.


You can swaddle your baby in an envelope-shaped blanket... As a rule, this method is used for walks in winter. You will need two clothes - thin and thick (warm).

If the warm (top) blanket is smart, you will get a pretty nice swaddling cloth for walking - comfortable and warm.

All of the above methods require endless patience and certain skills, since it is not always possible to wrap a wriggling baby in a diaper. A few useful tips and tricks can help you cope with various subtleties during changing.

It is necessary to study the requirements for the fabric.

The debate about the benefits of swaddling newborn babies has been going on for decades. If you are a supporter of using diapers and are expecting your first child, then you definitely need to familiarize yourself with the ways in which you can swaddle your baby.

Why swaddle a baby?

Even if mom is going to put on sliders on the baby from the first days, she still needs to master the basics of swaddling. For example, giving a child a medicine or cleaning a nose is much more convenient when the baby's arms are wrapped in a diaper and do not interfere with the mother's carrying out the necessary manipulations.

In the womb in the last weeks of pregnancy, the baby is, as it were, in a cozy cocoon. Once born, any child experiences stress. Swaddling helps the baby to get used to the new habitat.

In addition, the following facts speak in favor of swaddling:

  • The baby wrapped in diapers sleeps better and sleeps longer.
  • A swaddled baby is physically and mentally comfortable.
  • The possibility of fright from involuntary sharp movements of the handles is excluded.
  • The diaper retains heat better, so the risk of colds is reduced.

The main types of swaddling for newborns

Today, not all young mothers are familiar with the rules for swaddling newborns, although this skill will certainly come in handy for them in tiny amounts.

Our grandmothers and mothers also used 3 methods of swaddling babies - tight, loose and special wide swaddling for babies who have joint problems.

Whichever method of changing you use, you need to carry it out on a flat surface.... Today's mothers just need to purchase a special changing table, a wide range of which is presented in any store for newborns.

Today a whole wave of protest has risen against the tight swaddling. More and more specialists in the field of pediatrics are talking about the dangers of this method. But if you think about it, this method of swaddling was used almost with the birth of the first person. If everything were so bad, then humanity would have died out long ago, but everyone who was tightly swaddled in childhood feels great. Therefore, we will nevertheless describe this method of wrapping a baby in diapers.

On the changing table, spread the diaper so that its wide side is perpendicular to the position of the baby. The upper edge of the diaper is slightly bent and the baby is placed so that the head is above the folded edge.

The arms of the crumbs are pulled along the body, take the diaper by the upper left edge and put it on the right side, straightening the excess diaper under the baby's back. Then, in the same way, they take the diaper by the upper right corner and put it behind the back to the left side. The bottom of the diaper is tucked along the length of the legs under the back. The edges of the canvas are folded over to the front side and fixed, leading to each other.

Since the diapers tend to sit down after the very first washings, and babies grow up quickly, so that it is more convenient to swaddle the baby, the diaper is spread on the table with one corner upwards, that is, like a rhombus.

The video shows the tight and loose swaddling of a newborn baby

Free swaddling of babies can be done in two ways:

  • Wrap the baby together with the handles, leaving them in a comfortable position for the child.
  • Swaddle only the lower part of the body, leaving the arms free.

In the first case the swaddling process is carried out according to the same scheme as the tight one, only the diaper is not pulled tightly to the baby's body, but a small space is left inside the cocoon so that the baby can move its arms and legs.

With the second method the baby is wrapped only up to the waist. Moreover, if you are worried about the slenderness of the baby's legs, the diaper can be wrapped tighter. But since it has already been proven that the swaddling method does not affect the straightness of the legs, it is better to leave the baby room for movement by wrapping the diaper around the waist not too tight.

For healthy babies who do not have problems with the development of joints, this method of swaddling is not used. Wide swaddling is used for medicinal purposes when.

In this case, a soft spacer made of a diaper or tightly folded fabric 20 cm wide is placed between the baby's legs, and only then swaddling is carried out.

The video tells in detail about the methods of treating hip dysplasia and wide swaddling.

Up to what age can a baby be swaddled?

Even pediatricians do not give an unequivocal answer to what age it is worth swaddling a child. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the baby himself.

All experts agree on only one thing - after 3 months, swaddling must be abandoned.

Until that time, how long the baby is in diapers, use them only for sleep or when the baby is awake, each mother decides individually. Many young parents give up diapers altogether immediately after leaving the hospital.

In any case, while the baby is awake, it is better to use a free swaddle with open arms. The sooner the baby gets used to calmly reacting to involuntary hand movements, the better. Gradually, at the time of sleep, you need to leave the baby's hands free, so that by 2-3 months to completely abandon the diapers.

Swaddling babies depending on the season

For a long time, children have been swaddling with warm flannel and light chintz fabrics.

During the cold season babies are first wrapped in a chintz, and then also in a warm diaper. In summer, in warm weather, they mainly use only light fabric.

In any case, you need to pay attention to the child's behavior.

If the room is cool and the baby is freezing, in order to prevent hypothermia, he is swaddled in 2 warm diapers, and, if necessary, covered with a blanket. At the same time, a warm cap should be worn on the baby's head.

You need to monitor the baby just as closely in hot weather. ... To avoid overheating, do not use tight swaddling. Try to hold the baby with free handles as much as possible. While the baby is awake, it is possible not to use diapers at all, so that sweatshirts are also allowed.

Every little one can handle cold or hot weather differently. Carefully monitor the baby's condition in order to prevent hypothermia or overheating of the little man.