What does a woman in labor need in a maternity hospital. We collect a bag in the maternity hospital with things for mom and baby. Therefore, when entering with you, you should only have

So that the "cherished hour" does not catch the expectant mother by surprise, it is better to prepare everything necessary for the hospital in advance - one and a half to two months before the expected date of birth. You will have time to slowly think over, correct and complete your "luggage". And even if the baby decides to please you with his birth a little earlier than the due date, you will go after him with full equipment.

Preparing a bag for the hospital. Or two? Four!

Of course, all maternity hospitals are different, the conditions of stay in them are also different. Somewhere all "own" is welcome, right down to medicines. Somewhere, on the contrary, everything is prohibited except for personal hygiene items. But in general, maternity hospitals are quite democratic about the wishes and needs of women. Therefore, it is better to lay out something in the reception area than to experience discomfort later.

In order not to take too many things with you, it is more convenient to prepare four bags instead of one, under the numbers:

Bag number 1- with her you will go to the hospital.

Bag number 2- they will bring it to you.

Bag number 3- things for discharge for the baby.

Bag number 4- things to be checked out for you. For everything that is used daily, wrinkles or deteriorates, and therefore cannot be packed in advance, make a cheat sheet and attach to the desired bag. Then, even in a hurry, you will not forget anything. For example, for bag # 1: "Bring your documents, cell phone, comb, water bottle, etc. here." For bag number 4: "Report here (removed from the hanger) your favorite beige suit, boots, jacket, etc.".

When all the bags are ready, show them to your husband. In your absence, he must know what for what and where each of them will lie, then he will not confuse anything.

Comment on the article "We are going to the hospital - and back. Things to the hospital for mom and baby"

The list is huge. Of all I was not allowed a dressing gown and a shirt, a boiler. And why torture a child with deodorant and hairspray - it's better to go to the shower more often :-) Although in my case it would probably be more correct to crawl (I probably couldn't walk like a human for a month). Before giving birth, I was choosing a ready-made set for a long time, because now there are a lot of them and I see no reason to go shopping in search of all the same things that good people have already collected in their bags. For myself, I personally chose a bag for the maternity hospital, my first day, it seems to me that the price / quality ratio is acceptable

12.12.2012 00:48:46,

A very good and complete list - from it only cross out what will not be allowed to be taken to the selected maternity hospital! And so - I almost got ready - I bought a set in the maternity hospital ready already I will take it with me - there are 5 packages at once (1 - for childbirth with slippers, a folder, toilet lining, 2 and 3 - for me all sorts of hygiene products and 4 and 5 - everything for the baby), reported personal belongings according to the attached list (well, there is a mobile phone, dishes, etc.) - that's all. I went to childbirth only with the first packet - the rest of the husband then brought.

13.09.2011 14:27:08,

I liked the article. I consider it useful, even for those who are experienced in being in government (hospitals, sanatoriums) places. On the basis of the article, I formed my list with the features that I identified for myself, being on storage for a very long time, and in the maternity hospital, also for a long time. Moreover, in another city, where there were not only relatives, even acquaintances. From here, the list increased by the number of some things (I welcome the laundry, but drying in the hospital takes much longer than at home), which had to be changed periodically. I had a stay of 3 to 8 weeks on conservation. vroddom also hit unplanned, ahead of schedule. Hence, our time spent with the baby in the special department lasted 1.5 months. For the baby, except for hygiene products, it was not allowed to use anything (he was in the incubator). Mom only (and this is a lot) - hygiene means, linen, cups, plates and everything else, except for outerwear. those. a special dressing gown was issued. But that little on the list turned out to be a lot, but everything is needed.
a small nuance: instead of disposable napkins on the toilet, I had to use a plastic seat cushion, which I always carried in a bag with me to the toilet. Because or did not have time or did not clean it - but the toilet was wet, as a result I got tired of wiping, then washing my hands, then, if no one was busy while washing my hands, run to the toilet. Moreover, the regime was not strict, but bed, the load on movements in the toilet was not welcome.
But in general, everything is correct, and you can also add an extension cord, tk. sometimes there is only one socket per ward :(

26.05.2010 15:42:42,

Total 18 posts .

More on the topic "Bag in the hospital: a list of things for mom after childbirth and for the discharge of the baby":

Girls, remind me, who was already going to, the head does not cook at all (((3 bags to the hospital?

Goodnight. Tell me what to take with you to the hospital? I am especially interested in what you need to take for the little one. The question is trivial, I have no doubt that it has been asked here a million times already, so I would be grateful for links to useful topics and answers.

Girls, tell me, pliz, can anyone come across. Here, if you come to the hospital for contractions by taxi. One. Where will all my things go + my purse, where are many things of value (docks, keys to the apartment, etc.). Are there storage rooms in maternity hospitals? Such a prospect looms for me .... my husband works 5/2, if childbirth does not begin in the evening (at night), then I will have to go to the hospital myself. An ambulance will take you only to the nearest maternity hospitals, of which more or less normal N3 road (but not the fact that there will be places!). Thanks everyone for the opinions!

I collect bags for the hospital. Has knocked down the lists that are necessary. Check it out, huh? It is not necessary to subtract, because I know that what is written will be required for sure. But maybe I forgot something ...

I took a dress, a nightie, a robe, socks, slippers, linen, hygiene items, a towel, a charger, a book, an electric teapot, a cup, a plate, cutlery, glycerin candles, smecta, iodomarin. What to take more? Oh, and wish me luck))).

The question arose with this: I am going to the hospital for the first time, at first I will be under supervision for 2 days, then the COP. So, can I take things for the postpartum with me right away? This I mean that I will go to the hospital alone. And when you check in at the reception, where to put your outerwear ??? How is it now in maternity hospitals? And second: Do I also need to shave during COP? And if so, when, probably right before the operation (this is me to the fact that it’s not worth it at home then ????) ???

Girls, how do you collect bags at the hospital? 4 pieces, how do they write in the articles here? It seems to me that this is somehow too much. I'm afraid to get confused in these bags. I collected the one that was specifically for childbirth and for me after childbirth (all sorts of pads, etc.). And I don’t know what to do with the rest. What is for the cub, and what for discharge we both can, together in one heap, shove, let the husband bring everything right after giving birth?

As I understood for childbirth, they take slippers, a mob, a cut for hair, rubles, if possible, bottles with water and napkins .. And what napkins? those cat.nose strips from 5 to 10 in a pack and a box of tear-off (about 60-80 pcs.). Which one to take? :) and take the second postpartum bag with you right away and then it's better if you bring it ..? aa .. and also wet wipes for the child to take? and wipe when after pee, too, or only after pookak? :) Thanks for answers..

The due date is approaching, and the expectant mother begins to get ready for the hospital. It is better to prepare everything you need in advance than not to put something in a hurry, and then get upset. Until the exciting moment comes, let's find out what to take to the hospital to feel comfortable there. The list consists of the necessary things and documents. Let's conditionally divide it into three bags: for childbirth, after childbirth and for the baby. The fourth bag, intended for discharge, can be collected, both for admission to a medical facility, and brought by relatives at the time of discharge from it.

It is advisable to put things for the baby in a separate bag or even ask relatives to bring them after childbirth

Which bag should you put your things in?

According to the sanitary norms and rules (SanPin), it is forbidden to take bags made of leather, fabric or wicker to the maternity hospital. Such materials can spread germs and viruses. It is advisable to pack things in plastic bags. The bag should also be transparent so as not to delve into it for a long time in search of the right thing. The hypothetical "three bags" cannot be taken literally. The staff of the institution is unlikely to allow you to bring 3-4 trunks.

Stock up on one roomy bag, put all the prepared things in it, breaking them into sectors so that you know where what lies. By the way, you can purchase a ready-made bag in the store if you find one that suits you. If you or one of your relatives knows how to sew, make your own version of the "emergency suitcase" for the woman in labor. For some moms, ordinary plastic bags with handles are quite enough.

What documents do I need to take with me?

Having been observed by a doctor during the entire period of pregnancy, you have acquired a large number of medical documents and certificates. Some of them should be taken to a medical facility. Starting from 32 weeks, make it a rule for yourself to carry documents with you - the period set by the doctor may change at the request of your crumbs. If all goes well, by week 36, go shopping, pack a "disturbing suitcase" with things. Put the following documents in it:

  • passport;
  • exchange card of a pregnant woman with complete information about the course of pregnancy and test results;
  • medical insurance policy, which gives the right to medical care;
  • if you have a contract with a medical institution, make sure to put it in;
  • receipts for payment for a separate ward and for joint delivery, if you decide to use these services.

The exchange card will give the obstetrician all the information about the course of pregnancy, therefore, at a later date, you must carry it with you at all times

By the way, about joint childbirth. Your significant other also needs documents. Doctors will require your husband's passport and health certificate. This is done for the safety of the baby.

Calculate the amount of money you may need to buy a medicine or pay for services. Put large and small bills in your wallet. Realizing that the moment a new person is born is an unpredictable business, be sure to keep your mobile phone in your purse or pocket in order to quickly call an ambulance and notify your family.

What things to prepare for childbirth?

The list of items that will come in handy during childbirth is not long. The service regulations in the maternity hospital imply the provision of necessary clothing to women in labor, however, you can take washable slippers. However, each obstetric institution sets its own rules, you better find out about their existence in advance. In theory, you should collect:

  • nightgown (loose fit);
  • drinking water (1 liter or more if you feel like it);
  • towel (you can have two);
  • baby soap (liquid);
  • disposable toilet seats;
  • warm socks (not wool);
  • you can grab a camcorder or photo camera if you want to save a joyful historical event in the life of your family on them.

Add to the bag with your belongings the equipment for the newborn, which will be worn by the staff of the institution after childbirth. Some establishments use their own baby diapers for changing the baby. Find out this question in advance - you may not have to put together an outfit for a newborn, only for discharge. Stock up on the following:

  • undershirt, bodysuit or blouse;
  • diaper;
  • you can put sliders;
  • cap.

Some maternity hospitals provide their own diapers and clothes for the newborn - this issue needs to be clarified in advance

Mothers who are going to give birth for the first time often wonder if they can bring food with them. Believe me - giving birth, you will definitely forget about any food. If you want to take something for a snack, you can stock up on dried candied fruits or fruits, cookies, crackers. Boiled eggs and broth will do. Do not overload your emergency suitcase so that you cannot lift it.

Checklist for mom after childbirth

After giving birth, mom spends about 3-5 days with her little treasure in the hospital. What to collect for this period, what items will be appropriate for a nursing mother? List some wardrobe items. Be sure to put in the products that you use for personal hygiene. Stock up on water and food you ate before giving birth. If you want to look attractive - grab a cosmetic bag, but be sure to read our additional explanations in a separate review block. We have prepared the necessary list for you.


  • Clean nightgown, bathrobe, slippers. Choose a cutout model for comfortable breastfeeding. Some maternity facilities provide their own clothing, please ask in advance. Put on two pairs of warm socks if you're giving birth in winter.
  • You need a special bra for breastfeeding, equipped with detachable nipple pockets on the nipples. Such a product will provide you with comfortable feeding of your baby.
  • If the hospital does not issue underwear, take disposable underpants (cotton, 3-5 pieces) and postpartum pads.
  • You will also need pads under the bra, which perfectly absorb leaking milk. If they are not taken, all clothes will be stained, which acidify and begin to smell bad.
  • Take care of your figure - grab it.

Using a bandage immediately after childbirth will help you restore your figure faster.

Hygiene products

  • The usual set for daily care: toothbrush, shampoo, soap, body care cream, deodorant (roll-on), shower gel (see also:). Disposable toilet seats. Mothers who ended up in labor with sutures may ask a loved one to bring them the softest grade of toilet paper.
  • The remedy against. Choose one that does not require rinsing. Cracks appear in many mothers and cause pain when feeding. The cause is improper attachment of the newborn to the breast. Buy Bepanten or D-Panthenol cream.
  • Glycerin candles. Helps with stool problems.

Food, cutlery, leisure items

The items presented in this section may not be taken with you on the day of admission to the hospital. Any of them can be reported to you by relatives when visiting. Utensils can be limited to a mug and a teaspoon. You can make notes on your cell phone. We have compiled an approximate list:

The question about medicines is often asked. A maternity hospital is a medical facility where you can be given any remedy for headaches, nausea, or more serious medication if needed. Mothers who know that they will have a cesarean section should check the list of necessary medications with the doctors of the maternity hospital or perinatal center.

Additional explanations of important items

We will answer the questions that inevitably arise from mothers going to the hospital. People often ask about pads, wondering which ones are best for postpartum hygiene. Pharmacies offer special post-natal pads, which may be called post-operative or urologic. Made from a material that absorbs moisture as much as possible. One package is enough. If you think you can get by with regular "night" pads, take them.

When choosing a bathrobe, find out if the institution is issuing sterile items of clothing from the government. If you can bring your own clothes, choose a lightweight cotton robe with a zipper or a wrap-around one - these clothes will not restrict your movements and will ensure comfortable breastfeeding. It is desirable that the product has pockets for various women's little things (hairpin, hairpin, hair tie, handkerchief, telephone).

In listing things, we talked about soap. Do not use a lot of detergents. You can take liquid baby soap with you, which will be enough for both you and your baby.

There is one more nuance and it is connected with the recommendations of doctors. Doctors advise a woman who has given birth to wash her genitals with laundry soap. Please note that the procedure should be superficial. Wash the outer seams and surface of the body with soap, never use it to wash the interior. Lye, which is part of laundry soap, negatively affects the vaginal mucosa, especially when it is inflamed or damaged during childbirth.

Ordinary laundry soap is perfect for intimate hygiene of a woman in labor.

List of things for a newborn

Collecting clothes and accessories for a newborn is the most enjoyable moment for a mom. Sorting through children's clothes, she lives in anticipation of immense happiness. An approximate list looks like this:

  • ... Product size 0 or 1 (by weight 2-5 or 3-6 kg). A 28-pack is enough.
  • The soap is, of course, baby. You can take a liquid one, for a solid one, grab a soap dish.
  • Cotton wool hygienic products (discs, sticks with a stopper). It will be needed to clean the ears and nose of the crumbs, to lubricate the umbilical wound.
  • Wet baby wipes or disposable handkerchiefs.
  • ... Since you cannot predict the baby's reaction to the remedy, take the cream in a small tube.
  • ... As a rule, they are issued in maternity hospitals. If you think you trust your own things more, take 2 of cotton and 2 of flannel (size - 60x90). Allow financial opportunities - buy disposable diapers.
  • Soft towel.
  • Undershirts, blouses, bodysuits. Choose models with outside seams. Take them at the rate of one for each day, about 4-5 pieces.
  • If the sleeves on the wrists are open, put on anti-scratch mittens.
  • Cotton rompers or overalls, 4-5 pieces.
  • Cotton or flannel cap - the choice of fabric depends on the season. Buy 2 pieces of the same size.

Let's take a closer look at diapers. Doubts about their number, size, brands torment many young mothers. Forget about gauze, reusable diapers and diapers right away, stop only on disposable diapers. Choose a brand according to your own taste, the quantity - limit yourself to a small package. Buy what you like, but based on our recommendations. When you return home with your child, pick up better diapers.

For the maternity hospital, disposable diapers are perfect, which you can choose to your taste

What things to take for discharge from the hospital?

The selection of things for discharge from the hospital depends on the season. Most of all, women are worried about the outfit of a newborn.


In the summer, you can get by with a cap, undershirt or a light blouse and sliders. Additionally, wrap the baby in a thin blanket or envelope. For a trip in a car, put on a cotton jumpsuit for your baby.

Autumn / Spring

A joyful event happened in the off-season - navigate with the outfit for the baby according to the weather. Choose a demi-season jumpsuit for your baby, wearing warm underwear under it. If you are discharging in early winter or spring, use the cold season set we described above. The main thing is not to tangle the newborn so that he does not overheat, stick to a reasonable decision.


Now let's see what needs to be taken for a baby born in winter. Add a warm hat, an insulated envelope or overalls (preferably a transformer) to the summer set of underwear. It is better to transport the baby in the car in outer clothing, since it is difficult to thread the belts of the infant car seat under a blanket or envelope. Remember - the rules for transporting children in a car require the use of a special car seat. Sliders, a vest and a cap that are worn under outerwear, take flannel.

Mom's clothes should be comfortable and appropriate for the weather. It’s unlikely that you will be able to easily squeeze yourself into jeans that you wore before pregnancy. The belly has not left without a trace yet and tight clothing will cause you discomfort, even if it fits. Choose loose clothing for your own outfit: skirt, dress, cardigan, sundress. Take shoes with or without a small heel. Let them bring the cosmetic bag from home - you want to be beautiful in memorable photos.

What should not be brought to the hospital?

Remember that your stay in the hospital is limited to 3-5 days. There is no need to pack as if you are going to the sea for a month. Decorative cosmetics is a matter of child safety. Contact with a baby who has just come into this world should be absolutely safe for him. Powder, eye shadow, lipstick can get on the baby's body and cause allergies. The most you can afford is to tint your eyelashes a little.

Strong fragrances should not be used. The baby should feel the smell of the mother, which he recognizes as dear and protective. Feeling the natural maternal aroma, the baby sleeps calmly, eats well, comfortably gets used to the new environment for him. Forget about the pacifier if you plan to breastfeed your baby. A nipple in a maternity hospital is an extra accessory. The baby sucks well and is quite happy.

The thrill of childbirth is familiar to most women. Experiencing and rejoicing at the same time, you are preparing for the greatest sacrament. Practicality is good and you will of course take all the essentials with you. However, the most important thing that you will bring to the hospital is a great love for the one who should be born. We wish you the easiest birth, so that your treasure will be born healthy and strong.

You should be ready to start delivery at any time, starting in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Now, when leaving the house, you should always have your passport and exchange card with you.

When the expected date of birth is approaching, you should prepare yourself:

  • preferably a few days before deliveryremove decorative varnish and trim nails.According to the degree of blood filling of the capillaries located under the nail plate, the doctor judges the presence of hypoxia, in which case the nails will acquire a pale blue tint. In addition, long mothers' nails can accidentally injure the delicate skin of the baby, and hard-to-remove, accumulated microbes under the nails are a source of infection that is dangerous for the baby.
  • shave your crotch.The ideal option for this procedure is a day or two before giving birth in a calm home environment with the help of a loved one. If you do not have time to do this at home, shaving will be carried out in the hospital, a disposable razor is useful for this.

Accommodation and stay in a medical institution, including a maternity hospital, are regulated by sanitary and epidemiological requirements. At the same time, the control and prevention of nosocomial infections in the obstetric department are regulated byregulation developed and approved for a specific institution.Therefore, as soon as you have decided on the choice of a maternity hospital, it is important to clarify in advance in this medical institution:what to take to the hospital - a list of things and documents, and requirements for them.

For example, in many maternity hospitals it is not allowed to swaddle and dress a child in their own clothes and diapers, or upon admission, not only the documents themselves, but also their copies must be provided. In order not to drag extra luggage with you, and not to look for a copier at the last moment near the maternity hospital, consult in advance about the necessary things in the hospital , and requirements for them.

The next step, after choosing a maternity hospital and a doctor, is to provide close contacts with your chosen institution and doctor. Your husband and loved ones should always be able to contact your doctor on their own.

Should be assembled and laid in advance things necessary in the maternity hospital ... It is better to think over and make a list according to which you should pack your things. This list will also come in handy immediately before sending to the hospital, because it is impossible to put in a bag, for example, an exchange card or a toothbrush, in advance.

You will need a lot of things, but not all at once. Items should be arranged in advance in three bags, depending on the moment when they are needed:

  • a bag with things that a woman will need upon admission to the maternity ward;
  • a bag with the things necessary for the stay of the mother and the child in the postpartum ward - bring it immediately after childbirth;
  • a bag with things for discharge - you will need it on the day of discharge.

The husband should be instructed in advance about the location of the bags and the order in which they should be brought.

It is advisable to draw up and attach a separate list to each bag, including a list of items for each specific bag. The husband should be instructed in advance about the location of the bags and the order in which they should be brought. Bag number 1, with which you go to childbirth should be in plain sight in an easily accessible place.

Upon admission immediately to the prenatal ward with the onset of labor, the very minimum of items will be needed. A large component of things will be needed after childbirth. If your loved ones do not have the opportunity to bring and transfer everything you need immediately after childbirth, it is better to combine things for childbirth with things in the postnatal ward in advance (bags # 1 and # 2).

According to the sanitary rules of maternity hospitals, things must be packed in washable plastic bags or the same bags. With a fabric travel bag, they will not be allowed further than the reception area, they will force everything to be put into bags. In the vastness of the network, it is possible to purchase a ready-made complete bags of things in the hospital, take an interest in order to have a clearer idea of ​​the essence of the issue.

Childbirth partner

The child's father or other family member, in the absence of infectious diseases, can be present at childbirth, provided that there are individual delivery rooms in the maternity hospital, except in cases of operative delivery. If you decide to give birth with your husband, you should provide him with a passport and test results confirming his health. This list should be clarified in the hospital, as a rule, it includes the following tests:

  • fluorography
  • blood tests for syphilis, hepatitis B and C, HIV no more than a month ago,
  • the conclusion of the therapist on the state of health.

In addition to the passport, the husband should have a change of clothes and shoes with him: cotton trousers, a T-shirt, socks and rubber slates, a disposable mask, shoe covers, water and a snack.

Let's take a closer look at the features of each bag.

Things needed for admission to the hospital.

Exchange card

An exchange card is the main document of a pregnant woman, containing information about the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy and the results of tests and examinations, which is drawn up when registering with an antenatal clinic, and is issued to a pregnant woman for a period of 22-23 weeks.

To issue an exchange card, it must contain the test results:

EXCEPT MANDATORY tests should / may be in the exchange card:

  • Height Weight/ /
  • expert opinions (ENT, ophthalmologist, dentist, therapist and according to indications),
  • tests for:, worm eggs / husband's fluorography
  • results and,.

According to requirementsSanitary and Epidemiological Rules upon admission of a pregnant woman to the maternity hospital, the question of hospitalization in the physiological or observational department is decided on the basis of the data of the exchange card, a survey and examination of the woman in childbirth entering the hospital.

In the absence of an exchange card, the woman in labor is placed in the observational department

The indications for placement in the observational department are as follows:

  • febrile condition (body temperature 37.6 ° C and higher without clinically expressed other symptoms);
  • infectious pathology, including: acute inflammatory diseases and chronic inflammatory diseases in the acute stage (pyelonephritis, cystitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media, pyoderma, etc.); acute respiratory diseases (flu, tonsillitis, etc.); HIV infection, syphilis, viral hepatitis B, C, D, gonorrhea, herpes infection; tuberculosis;
  • lack of medical documentation and data on the examination of women in labor;
  • childbirth outside the hospital (within 24 hours after childbirth).

To avoid being placed in the observational department in the absence of an exchange card, you should have valid test results on hand,with the help of which the doctor will determine the absence of infectious diseases, these are: a general analysis of blood and urine, a smear for flora, tests for HIV, RW, tests for hepatitis B and C, a health certificate from a local therapist.

Clothes for mom, necessary in the hospital.

As for clothes for staying in the hospital: according to the requirements of SanPiN:

“… Upon admission of a pregnant woman she is givenindividual set of linen (shirt, towel, pad, bathrobe). You are allowed to use your own clean clothes and shoes. Before being transferred to the delivery room, the woman in labor is dressed in clean individual underwear (shirt, kerchief, shoe covers) ”.

Thus, the childbirth itself will be given a disposable shirt. After giving birth, if it is not prohibited, you can change into your own clothes - a nightgown and a bathrobe. Note that things in the maternity hospital for mom must be clean and ironed. It is better to have a spare nightie, as the first one will quickly get stained with blood.

Theoretically, you can wear a tracksuit instead of a dressing gown in the hospital, but, as practice shows, a dressing gown is the most comfortable clothing in the postpartum period, because you will have to be examined often, and if there are seams, process them up to 6 times a day.

Clothes for the baby in the birthing unit

“The newborn is taken in a sterile diaper. For the primary treatment of the newborn, a sterile individual kit is used ... The primary toilet of the newborn is carried out in the delivery room immediately after birth. The baby is wiped with a warm, sterile diaper and placed on the mother's abdomen for skin-to-skin contact, followed by attachment to the breast. The baby on the mother’s belly is covered with a sterile (cotton) dry warm diaper and blanket. ”

Those. the main requirement for diapers for newborns is sterility. In addition, in order to prevent and combat the spread of infection in maternity hospitals, "government" underwear from newborns is treated as infected, i.e. in compliance with strict sanitary standards for the processing of linen in medical institutions. The ability to achieve such sterility at home with self-processing of diapers is questionable. Therefore, upon admission to the maternity ward, there is no need to worry about the presence of diapers and clothes for the newborn, the staff will use “their own”, “maternity hospital” sterile diapers.

The same applies to the “recommended for availability” means and tools for caring for newborns - a clip on the navel,aspirator, syringe, umbilical wound treatment. Remember - you will be in a medical institution where trained personnel independently carry out all the medical procedures necessary for the child, using their sterile means and instruments. Let's turn again to the requirements of SaNPiN:

All reusable medical products, including instruments used for caring for newborns (eye pipettes, spatulas, etc.), must be disinfected and then sterilized. When carrying out manipulations, sterile cotton swabs are used in separate styling. Opened and unused packing must be re-sterilized. To take sterile material, use sterile forceps (forceps), which are changed after each newborn.

Recommendations to have a navel clip or a syringe for a child with you are dubious. If necessary, at the request of the staff, you can buy the necessary items at the pharmacy, which is at every maternity hospital, or ask your loved ones to bring the necessary items.

After the transfer of the mother and child to the postpartum department, it is allowed, and in some maternity hospitals even encouraged, to use their own diapers and clothes for the baby. In this case things for the baby in the hospital should be washed in advance with baby hypoallergenic soap or powder and ironed. Ironing baby clothes and diapers should be the entire period until the umbilical wound heals in order to prevent infection from entering the unhealed wound.

When determining the required number of diapers and sets of clothes, proceed from the fact that the baby's clothes are changed every day, and the diapers are needed not only for changing, but also in order to wipe, cover the baby or lay under it. There will be no opportunity to wash diapers in the maternity hospital.


Should I take bed linen to the hospital? The answer to this question is determined by the rules of the hospital and individual preferences. To make your bed in the maternity hospital may not be allowed due to sanitary requirements. In order not to doubt the cleanliness of the issued hospital linen, we present an excerpt from the requirements of SanPiN:

Bed linen is changed every 3 days, a shirt and a towel - every day, nappies for the postpartum woman - as needed.

Disinfection of products contaminated with secretions and biological fluids from textile materials (underwear and bed linen, towels, underwear, overalls of medical personnel) is carried out in laundries by soaking in DS solutions before washing or during the washing process using DS approved for these purposes in washing machines. type according to the washing program for the treatment of linen in medical institutions. "

Thus, hospital bedding does not look perfect, but there is no doubt about its cleanliness. If you do intend to use your own underwear, check in advance about this possibility at the hospital.

Maternity hospital visits and family visits

The order of visits is established by the administration of the maternity hospital. The options may be different:

  • somewhere, for reasons of preventing the spread of infection, visits are prohibited, you can see your husband through the window, and receive transmissions from loved ones through the staff.
  • In another institution, meetings with loved ones are allowed in the lobby of the reception department.
  • In some obstetric departments, visits by relatives are allowed only if the mother and child are in a separate, usually paid ward.
  • There is also an option when visits by relatives are limited only for the duration of quarantine.

Find out in advance about the rules for visiting the selected hospital. When visiting, relatives should have shoe covers and disposable masks... You will need the same items when you go out to your husband in the hall.

Things to check out

You will need a bag with these things just before you leave. This includes clothes for mom and baby.

Regardless of whether there will be a ceremonial discharge or not, you will be photographed, and the memories of a significant event will be associated with these photos. So that over time you will not be embarrassed by your own appearance in these photos, think in advance - what to wear for discharge.

A week after giving birth, it will seem that you have lost 10 kg at once, but you will return to your previous shape in a few months. When choosing clothes for yourself, take this into account. The best option is a loose-fitting dress. Don't forget about tights and possible accessories. To avoid wrinkling your clothes, leave them hanging on a hanger in the closet, and put everything else in a bag.

But this option is worth considering only if you are sure that your husband will not mess up anything and will not forget about the dress from the closet! Otherwise, put all your things neatly in your bag at once.

Ask your loved ones to bring a cosmetic bag with decorative cosmetics not on the day of discharge, but in advance. So, on the day of discharge, there will be more time to devote to makeup, and not to paint in a hurry at the last moment. Even if you do not use a foundation, this tool will delight you, since the appearance of the facial skin at first after childbirth will be far from ideal.

The discharge package for a child depends on the season. Pay attention to ready-made discharge kits. We remind you that children's clothes should be washed and ironed in advance.

Due to the requirements for transporting children in a car only in an infant car seat or child car seat, a traditional blanket with a corner and ribbon or an envelope is an inconvenient option. As an alternative to a blanket, consider a warm jumpsuit, or an envelope with sleeves and a safety belt slot. Among such models there are transformer overalls, which transform from an envelope with sleeves into a full-fledged overalls.

Documents from the hospital

Upon discharge from the maternity hospital, the following documents are issued:

    1. Child's birth certificate- document-basis for obtaining a birth certificate at the registry office. The certificate contains information about the date and place of birth, the gender of the child, the name of the mother, the name of the obstetrician. The document is certified by the seal of the institution and the signature of the doctor who delivered the baby. Check immediately on the spot that the specified information is correct, and note that the certificate is valid for 1 month.
    2. Two sheets from the exchange card: one containing information about the progress of childbirth must be submitted to the antenatal clinic where you were registered; the second sheet containing information about the child will be taken by the nurse or pediatrician from the children's clinic.
    3. Two coupons of the generic certificate. On the basis of these documents, the child can undergo the necessary medical examinations for free during the year as part of the dispensary observation in the children's clinic at the place of residence.

Yes, the list of things in the hospital turned out to be rather big! Perhaps something will seem inappropriate, or, on the contrary, something important is missing. In any case, close people will try to provide you with everything you need. The main thing is that you must not forget take to the hospital - this is calmness and confidence, this is exactly what you need now!

Leave comments and additions to the list necessary things in the hospital below, and discuss this issue in the Special Community Preparing for Childbirth.

The last weeks before childbirth are the most exciting. At any moment, the baby may decide that it is time to get out of the cozy mother's belly into the big world. Many women prepare for the birth of a baby responsibly and punctually, collect things in the maternity hospital in advance, other mothers do not fuss, leave fees for the last days. Of course, it is better to start collecting the bag in the maternity hospital from the 37th week of pregnancy, because at this time. Otherwise, you will have to grab things in a hurry and rush to the hospital. In the article, we will analyze what you need to take to the hospital and how to make sure that the bag to the hospital is optimally compact.

What you need to take to the hospital depends both on the preferences of the woman in labor and on the conditions of the hospital. There are things that are really necessary, and there are little whims of a pregnant woman. Before going to the maternity ward, it is worth asking how things are in the hospital with hot and cold water, bed linen, and food. This makes it easier to make a list of items. But there are things that you cannot do without even in the most comfortable maternity hospital, their standard list can be obtained from a doctor. The list usually lists in separate columns the things you need to check into the maternity hospital, to be in the postpartum department and to be discharged.

List of things to check into the hospital

When compiling a list of things in the hospital, you should remember that you can not bring everything you want with you to the hospital. For example, you cannot carry a large sports bag into the maternity hospital when you move into the ward; you will have to get things out of it and put them in bags or other places. Below is a list of items needed by a pregnant woman when checking into the maternity ward and permitted by the hospital charter:

  • documents: passport, insurance policy / referral (if any), a signed exchange card for registration in the maternity ward, an agreement with the maternity hospital, if any, money, all tests during the gestation period, the results of fluorography;
  • a mobile phone for communicating with relatives, a charger for it;
  • slippers, best of all rubber, so that you can walk in the shower with them;
  • socks if your feet are cold;
  • still water, cookies, dried fruits, if you want to drink or eat during childbirth.

By the way, recently a mobile phone, camera or video camera can even be carried into the birth ward, although not long ago such liberties were strictly prohibited. And women in labor and their husbands who are present at childbirth enthusiastically take the opportunity to photograph the newborn baby or make a video with his first cry.

The list of things in the hospital can be replenished with wet wipes or clean diapers, if necessary. But clothes should not be taken to the maternity ward. A special chemise for childbirth is issued at the hospital. From food it is not recommended to take fatty pancakes, pastries with cream, sandwiches, especially with smoked sausages, pickles, canned food. In women, during and after childbirth, the digestion process is disrupted, and such food will only aggravate the problem.

List of things in the delivery room for the baby:

  1. A set of the first clothes of your choice (for example, a bodysuit, socks, a hat)
  2. Several diapers
  3. Medicines and honey products, depending on the hospital (navel clip, peroxide, brilliant green, calendula infusion, eye drops)
  4. Blanket with duvet cover (if requested at the hospital)

List of things to stay in the postpartum ward

When mom and newborn baby finally move to the postnatal ward, the list of things to do in the maternity ward grows. After all, now they will have to lie down in the ward for some time: mommy will recover from childbirth, and the baby will get stronger. A list of things that will be useful for a mom in a maternity hospital:

  1. Hygiene products, which include a toothbrush and paste, comb, shampoo, soap (some maternity hospitals require liquid) or shower gel, care creams, nail file and nail scissors, toilet paper.
  2. Clean towels, hair dryer.
  3. Urological pads or diapers for postpartum discharge.
  4. Breast pump or bra pads to absorb excess milk.
  5. Comfortable underwear, several pairs of panties, special bras for feeding a baby.
  6. Nightgowns with open top for comfortable feeding, bathrobe.
  7. Dishes, necessarily a plate, a mug and a spoon, a knife and a fork if desired.
  8. Drinking water, permitted food.
  9. Garbage bags.

Cosmetic and hygiene products should be taken to the maternity hospital that are not flavored, so as not to inadvertently cause an allergic reaction in the baby. As for personal clothing, it is worth talking to the medical staff: in most maternity hospitals, they issue a dressing gown and nightgown, in some hospitals they require you to bring things from home. It is strictly forbidden to wash clothes in the hospital, so you will have to collect dirty things in bags so that you can do your home laundry later.

In some hospitals, it is allowed to use an electric kettle in the ward. A woman who feeds her baby with an artificial mixture simply cannot do without him. Boiled water is essential for sterilizing milk bottles. But keeping a boiler in the ward is prohibited by fire safety rules.

It is also necessary for the baby to collect a lot of things in the hospital, even more than for the mother.

List of things for a newborn baby:

  • baby skin care products, including powders, diaper rash ointments, wet wipes, washing lotions;
  • diapers, disposable diapers;
  • at least two cotton and two flannel nappies for wrapping a baby;
  • special manicure scissors for cutting nails in babies;
  • cotton swabs to cleanse the nose from mucus, from the sulfuric accumulations of the baby's ears, and also to lubricate the healing navel;
  • pacifiers, bottles and formula for feeding, if not available;
  • warm blanket;
  • undershirts, knitted blouses, pants or sliders;
  • hats and caps of the first size;
  • socks, special cotton gloves, or "scratches" so that the child does not accidentally scratch himself with thin nails.

It is advisable to choose hygiene products for the baby without strong aromas, so as not to accidentally cause allergies in the crumbs. And it is better to wash the child with ordinary boiled water and wipe it with a clean napkin or cotton pad. The baby needs diapers in the hospital, because washing clothes and diapers in the institution is prohibited, but you do not need to buy many packs in advance, before the birth. When the baby is born and its weight is known for sure, you can already buy diapers by its size. You should also be careful with diaper manufacturers; babies have an allergic reaction to some brands.

In some maternity hospitals, it is forbidden to bring clothes for the baby from home, hospital nappies and undershirts are issued. But if there is a need to purchase diapers on your own, you need to choose a size of 65 × 95 cm, no less. If diapers are used in swaddling a baby, then it is enough to take 2 - 3 cotton and flannel diapers to the maternity hospital. And if mommy is against the use of diapers, you will have to take a lot of diapers with you.

What things to take to the hospital: what will probably come in handy, and what will remain dead weight? Many women are not too puzzled by this issue, believing that this is not the main thing and it is much more important to prepare a dowry for the future baby. Yes, this is undoubtedly more important, but the absence of essential essentials in the hospital at hand and, on the contrary, the presence of a lot of unnecessary things can spoil the mood and bring a lot of inconvenience for the entire stay in the postpartum ward. So, let's list the essentials and absolutely unnecessary ones.

What you need to take for yourself

1. Documents. From what to take to the hospital is - in the first place. Undoubtedly, if you go to the hospital urgently and suddenly forget your documents, you will not be left on the street. But do not lose sight of the fact that an exchange card (the one that is handed out when registering and is filled out by an obstetrician-gynecologist conducting a pregnancy) is necessary for the correct conduct of labor, especially if the woman in labor has any health problems , about which the doctor in the hospital may not even guess.

2. Clothes. You will need:

  • a dressing gown (preferably not with buttons, but with a belt that can be easily opened to feed a child) and a nightgown;
  • panties, you can classic cotton, but it is better to buy disposable at the pharmacy, as practice shows - these are things that are necessary in the hospital, since you will have nowhere to wash in the hospital, and you will not have time, especially if you are in the ward with your child;
  • a bra, preferably especially for nursing mothers, it also does not hurt to grab disposable absorbent pads for bras (so that leaking milk does not stain your underwear);
  • socks;
  • slippers, must be washed;
  • postpartum bandage.

3. Items for personal hygiene and toilet:

  • sanitary pads: it is recommended to purchase the most absorbent ones, it is better - special postpartum pads (sold in pharmacies);
  • toilet items: toothbrush, paste, toilet paper, hypoallergenic soap (like "baby");
  • hand and body towel.

4. Cutlery, food and drink, stationery:

  • the list of things in the maternity hospital upon admission must necessarily include a bottle of drinking water (during childbirth you will often be thirsty);
  • plate, fork, spoon, mug (there is a maternity hospital where you need to bring your own dishes, find out about this in advance);
  • tea and sugar (sugar is also in short supply in many maternity hospitals, it will be enough to pour it into a small coffee jar);
  • a boiler or a small electric kettle (the woman in labor needs to drink more hot water, this stimulates good milk production);
  • a notebook with loose leaves, or even better - paper for notes on an adhesive backing, and a pen (you may have to make some notes, and even if you are in the common room, food, which your relatives will definitely bring you, will need to be kept in a common refrigerator, and therefore, you will need to attach notes to everything with the date when the product got into the refrigerator).

And further - Do not forget to top up the balance on your mobile phone and take your charger with you.

What to take for a child

1. Diapers. Several thin and thick. Even if you are not a supporter of swaddling, it is very difficult to do without diapers in a maternity hospital, believe me. These things are necessary for a newborn in a maternity hospital.

2. A pair of pacifiers(if you are not their opponent) for the kid. A dummy will help you at least get some rest.

3. Disposable diapers. Do not take reusable ones, as there is nowhere and there will be no time to wash them. Choose the size of the diapers - 3-6 kg.

4. Wet wipes safe for newborns.

5. Discharge kit(in principle, this is not necessary, relatives can bring it closer to discharge).

6. Towel.

What to leave at home

1. The list of things needed in the hospital does not include cosmetics and perfumes. First, few people will be interested in your appearance. Secondly, you really will have no time to paint, and there will be no desire either. The only thing that will come in handy is a comb, perhaps a hairdryer. And, of course, no perfume - you are not going to a party, but to a hospital where many mothers and babies lie.

2. Books. Believe me, you will not be bored. This is just an extra burden. At most, take a couple of useful magazines with you.

3. We don’t take a player or a laptop for the same reasons. If you have an uncomplicated childbirth, everything will be fine with the baby, then you will be discharged 3-5 days after the birth.

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