Learn to enter a trance state. How to put a person into a hypnotic trance state

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis are popular techniques for correcting human thinking and behavior. In order to take root the necessary attitudes, the hypnotized person must enter a trance as a special state, when the personality is disconnected from external stimuli, concentrated and collected.

Self-hypnosis is a popular technique for correcting a person's thinking and behavior.

Definition of the concept

Every person can enter a strong trance: such a state is necessary for a direct connection with the subconscious of the individual. In ordinary life, consciousness controls the incoming information. When a person enters a half-sleep, the protective mechanisms are turned off. A person cannot give the received information to doubts or analyze the feasibility of new attitudes.

A person with addiction is introduced into the borderline state: multi-stage hypnotherapy is used for therapeutic purposes. Entering half-sleep allows you to get rid of a bad habit, from the root cause of impaired perception.

To enter a state bordering on sleep and wakefulness, a beginner needs to master one of the techniques of self-hypnosis: for a doctor, the process of entering a half-sleep takes no more than 5 minutes, but a beginner will not reach the desired state the first time. Only practice and patience will allow you to master the technology of entering a hypnotic state.

A beginner will not immediately be able to master the technology of entering a hypnotic state. It takes time and practice.

Technology capabilities

You can enter half-sleep on your own or under the supervision of a doctor: both techniques are effective, but differ in the duration of the session and the maximum effect that is achieved in one go. How to enter a trance on your own:

  • identify the reason why the skill of entering the borderline state (between sleep and vigor) is necessary;
  • prepare mentally;
  • use relaxation and calming techniques;
  • learn to control your own thoughts and study their impact on life and habits;
  • use the simplest self-hypnosis techniques.

Self-hypnosis allows a person to get rid of everything that upsets him or interferes with his life: from complexes, bad habits, wrong beliefs. In a half-asleep state, a person is defenseless, she cannot perceive attitudes through the prism of false beliefs or complexes.

Suggestions in half-sleep are effective for people with mental disorders. It is more difficult for them to enter a strong trance, but the effect of hypnotherapy is better. Deep trance reveals true personality problems. With the help of hypnosis, phobias and suppressed fears are diagnosed. Deep trance lasts from a few minutes to several hours, depending on what and when it is used.

Deep hypnosis helps diagnose hidden fears and phobias

Process steps

Going into a trance is a gradual process. If we are talking about quick hypnosis, when a person does not stay in a trance for long, then during this time a certain phrase or image gets into his subconsciousness. These are prepared manipulations that are not used on their own. The technique of entering a trance in a home practice environment takes more time. It consists of:

  • from the preparation of thinking (it is necessary to tune in to the result, to accept the effectiveness of the technique);
  • from the preparation of techniques - the choice of technique, the repetition of all its stages;
  • in repetition in such a state of the necessary settings;
  • from the ability to get out of a trance.

How to enter a state of trance and how to get out of it are two main directions in the study of hypnosis. Trance itself is a borderline state that does not harm a person, but the suggested attitudes can change the behavior of a person for the worse. Plunging into a trance requires preparation of the body and mind: in addition, exercises are carried out to restore breathing and relaxation.

How to enter a trance on your own: with the help of soothing music (certain rhythms and volume), through monotonous movements, tactile sensations. Self-hypnosis is the most important part of such a state: immersion in half-sleep is combined with the suggestion of the necessary attitudes.

Soothing music

To put a person into a strong trance, it is necessary to create the right conditions. It is necessary to find a quiet, secluded place where the hypnotized person will not be disturbed. In auto-suggestion, a calm atmosphere is the decisive factor for quick suggestion. Meditative-trance music will help you to get into the necessary borderline state.

It is necessary to enter a strong trance with the correct background: noises, distracting sounds are completely excluded. Subdued light and relaxing music allow you to fall asleep: in it, a person will be able to control his own body and mind, but will not be able to be distracted by the environment.

To enter the semi-trance, shamanic attributes are used. The tambourine and African tom-toms will help create a calm, uninterrupted sound. You can use a recording on which the music of shamanic instruments is present: then it will turn out to enter into a half-sleep without the help of strangers. Combine trance music with dancing or movement to help you relax.

Shamanic paraphernalia (for example, a tambourine) creates a calm, uninterrupted sound, and helps to relax

Alpha state

Self-hypnosis methods include physical activity. Before the session, you need to take a pose that allows you to quickly enter a strong trance:

  • starting position lying;
  • the body is relaxed;
  • the legs are raised above the whole body - at an angle of 40-50 °.

Such semi-trance methods combine the basics of yoga: as soon as a person is comfortable, he should concentrate all the energy in the chakra area in the center of the forehead. Mental concentration of energy requires a lot of effort and practice. The longer the hypnotized person maintains his original position and concentrates on the chakra, the deeper he sinks into the borderline state.

When the person is completely relaxed, he silently counts from 1 to 20 and in reverse order. The sequence of numbers is important for him: if he gets lost, the whole procedure starts over. Once the brain is tuned in to the alpha wave, suggestions can be made. To get out of half-sleep, the command is given to the eyes to open. Such a command is a signal that returns awareness to a person.

Monotonous movements

The stimming technique is used by doctors and scammers who need to quickly put the victim to sleep. Repetitive movements create the desired state in which the person is supple and focused on the voice of the hypnotist. Movements can be directed at a person (tactile contact) or occur in front of her eyes - a technique with a pendulum or a coin.

If you stimulate a certain part of the body correctly, a person is disconnected from the outside world. First, he relaxes, the load on his whole body weakens, and then complete relaxation occurs: this technique is suitable for sensitive people with well-developed sensing.

To make the person half asleep, the motion sickness technique is used. Motion sickness is used for self-hypnosis or suggestion by a doctor: the hypnotized person is continuously rocked in a sitting or lying position. Immersion in half-nap occurs within 10-15 minutes.

Lack of additional attributes

A complicated technique that does not use musical accompaniment or tactile contact with the hypnotized will help to instill in oneself certain attitudes. The practice will allow you to enter a state of trance in any uncomfortable conditions, in noisy places: a person can help himself calm down before an important meeting or reduce stress levels.

Effective self-hypnosis techniques are simple counting and eye-closing exercises that use only the power of thought. With alternating commands, the person makes the body feel the heaviness of the eyelids, and then the eyes are completely closed. In this state, the person is engaged in self-hypnosis and getting rid of any addictions.

Assisted Exercises

A few simple exercises can help you get in and out of trance. To relax, a technique is used: each muscle in the body is sharply tense, and then relaxes. The exercise is repeated several times. The exercise begins with the hands and ends with the lower limbs.

The respiratory complex necessary for calming and relaxing: first of all, the hypnotized person restores calm breathing, and then takes a sharp breath and holds his breath for 5-6 seconds. After holding the breath, it is necessary to restore breathing and repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Such a complex allows you to enter into half-sleep when consciousness is turned off and a person is in an unconscious state: he is comfortable and calm. Assistance exercises are used during self-hypnosis training. Over time, the “relax” command will work unconditionally.

A person can be instilled in certain attitudes when she is under hypnosis, i.e. immersed in a state of altered consciousness. To achieve it, it is necessary to weaken the protection of the psyche. The patient should not be afraid of the session or its consequences. To do this, during the procedure, you need to provide him with a sense of complete safety.

Hypnosis as a phenomenon

Hypnosis is a procedure that implies a change in consciousness to such a state, during which the personality can be instilled in any setting. In ordinary life, a person is guided by consciousness. It filters all incoming information, and then weeds it out. Consciousness creates fears, doubts and self-doubt.

During hypnosis, its influence decreases, and everything that is said in the session is perceived by the subconscious. The resulting command is immediately assimilated as an important idea, the result of a long reflection. As a result, the resulting installation quickly takes root. For such a suggestion, a person is put into a state of trance. This is the borderline position between sleep and wakefulness.

A state of trance

Trance is the foundation of hypnosis. Without it, a new installation cannot be inoculated. In a trance state, the person feels everything that happens to him, but does not try to react to it. She is relaxed and calm.

When trance induction is helpful:

  1. If a person suffers from primary phobias, and treatment of psychological problems is more difficult.
  2. When the patient resists, he does not acknowledge the problem.
  3. If the introduction to the borderline state accelerates therapy (psychotherapy is used).

The trance state is not dangerous for a man or woman. A person is defenseless only against his own fears. Hypnotherapy is used by courses and allows you to change the thinking of a person. Over time, new behaviors and habits are formed. Hypnosis does not affect the nature of a person, but only changes those character traits that were formed for one reason or another.

Method selection

There are several effective techniques that suggest how to put a person into a trance with hypnosis. Visualization is a powerful tool that requires concentration. This method of entering a trance requires special conditions - a calm environment, correct breathing (breathing exercises are used).

Another way is to provide a safe place (a kind of visualization). It requires not only concentration of attention, but also the ability to move away from the surrounding world. The third effective technique is based on eye rotation and breath holding. The latter technique is called multistage.

Imaging techniques

Anyone can put oneself into a trance. Self-hypnosis will help with this. Procedure for entering the borderline state:

  1. A person concentrates on internal sensations for several minutes while sitting with his eyes closed. It is necessary to feel every process taking place in the body. Passivity is the main condition for quick relaxation.
  2. The individual needs to concentrate on breathing. To quickly enter a trance, special breathing exercises are used. Breathing should be even, deep. On exhalation, the man or woman fully concentrates, and on inhalation, he relaxes again.
  3. The person imagines that her mind consists of several parts. The highest level is the active part (consciousness), and deep hypnotic sleep is at the lowest level.
  4. The hypnotized person needs to move from one level to the second. You need to relax each time and then explore the level. You need to feel what the personality is in it. Cognition of the level is the state of trance.

Time will pass imperceptibly if the entrance to the borderline state is correct. To get out of this state, a person concentrates on inhaling. As the lungs are filled with air, the personality gently ascends the levels. When it comes to consciousness, the eyes open.

Eye rotation and breathing

Another practice for home use. A man or woman should be calm. Starting position - lying or sitting. The person's head should be supported, and during a trance it is better not to move. This technique is used for self-hypnosis: a man or woman closes his eyes and relaxes all the muscles in the body. The greatest relaxation occurs on exhalation.

After preparation, the eyes open - you need to sharply raise your gaze and hold your breath. After 5-7 seconds. eyes slowly lower and relax. The eyelids close. The person inhales, then exhales and is held in this position for 5 seconds. As you inhale, the eyelids rise again. The gaze is directed to the ceiling and again the breath is held for 5-6 seconds.

The eyes are closed - the person concentrates all his attention on breathing. The body slowly relaxes. It is necessary to listen to the body, to feel every movement, tingling, trembling. With relaxation comes release from unnecessary thoughts: trance eliminates empty, distracting reflections.

Relaxation lasts at least 15–20 minutes, after which, to get out of this state, you need to concentrate on exhalation. Gradually, the person returns to a state of consciousness.

Multistage technique

The technique, which consists of 4 steps, is more complicated. It is used to independently enter the borderline state. Stages of immersion in a trance:

  1. The person takes a comfortable position (lying), it is better to lie on the floor or on any hard surface. In this position, you must monitor your breathing. It should be smooth, slow. On inhalation, the following sounds are pronounced: "So-o-o-o", and on exhalation, "Ham-mm". Sounds are repeated until breathing becomes natural and must be monitored. At this stage, unnecessary thoughts and worries should disappear.
  2. The person needs to completely get rid of movement in the second stage. By the effort of the mind, each must be stopped so that the body plunges into absolute peace. Relaxation begins with the muscles of the face, gradually reaching the fingertips. When the muscles and muscles relax, they say to themselves the words: "My body is relaxing, my eyelids are heavy." The thoughts of relaxation should be repeated until the body becomes sluggish, almost immobile. The entire relaxation cycle is repeated at least 4 times.
  3. Individuals, after the body is completely relaxed, and the mind stops generating new distracting thoughts, you need to say the words of the mantra: "Om". It is repeated 14 times. When the syllable interrupts all thoughts, the person proceeds to the final stage of trance.
  4. The mantra is repeated in the last step. New images should appear in the head - the rays of the sun or the solar circle. From the first time, such visualization is not given to everyone, but over time, the image will become clearer and clearer.

In a state of absolute trance, you can imagine any image, desire, thing - all this will take root in the subconscious. In one way or another, a person will be able to get what he wants in a short time. To get out of trance, you need to focus on your own breathing.

Getting in and out of trance

Simple techniques are used to immerse strangers in a trance. A certain factor affects the human psyche. A state of shock or surprise is used to focus the attention of the individual - this is the first stage. On the second, it is necessary to completely focus the person on the hypnotist and his words (using a certain timbre of voice, tactile contacts or additional tools).

To enter into a trance, you must:

  1. Prepare the hypnotized person (give the correct moral attitude).
  2. Use relaxation techniques (relaxation technique for each muscle or Jacobson).
  3. Apply one or more methods to quickly enter a trance (using a pendulum, tactile or visual sensations).

A person with mental disorders cannot be put into a trance. Schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder are direct contraindications for hypnotherapy. Only one person can enter and remove from the borderline state (the procedure is carried out without strangers).


The state between wakefulness and sleep is an opportunity to instill in oneself the necessary attitude. Methods of hypnosis or self-hypnosis are used, since the protection of the psyche is weakened in a trance. To enter it, breathing exercises and methods of complete relaxation are used.

It has not seemed strange for a long time when visiting a neurologist in an ordinary city clinic, the offer to undergo several hypnosis sessions in order to slightly improve the psychological state. It has ceased to be something distant and mysterious, it has become a familiar method of psychological relaxation. But the fear remains. People are afraid of professionals who know how to put a person into hypnosis without being noticed. But there is nothing very complicated in these techniques. Many can learn to do this on their own.

Features of gypsy hypnosis

Does gypsy hypnosis have any peculiarities? Practitioners use long-established techniques based on the combination of a special timbre of voice, use and texts. Gypsies sometimes manage to hypnotize people just by looking, but more often they use a complex technique. It consists of the following steps:

  1. Stopping attention with a casual and familiar question: "How to get through?", "Where is the nearest post office?"
  2. Establishing a trusting contact. It arises at the subconscious level and is called by scientists "psychological rapport". Gypsies influence the unconscious with gestures, glances, increased sexual attractiveness, and a sharp withdrawal from the comfort zone. A complex set of actions is passed down from generation to generation for millennia and is not conscious, it is similar to instincts in animals, it is also produced on a subconscious level.
  3. Checking contact and condition with a sharp gesture.
  4. Work with getting the desired result.

This technique is adopted from the Gypsies by the criminal world and is often involved in business relationships. The basis of suggestive contact is both a person's own hypnotizability and his material interest in the hypnotist's proposal. You can resist it only if you have special knowledge. Wanting to understand, it is better to study with masters specializing in this particular direction.

How to learn to hypnotize people on your own

You can try on your own, at home, to practice techniques that enhance the effect of a gaze. The proposed practices will make it clear exactly what degree and strength the gaze should be, how to better focus it. To begin to understand how to hypnotize a person with a gaze, you need to regularly perform exercises aimed at training and focusing your gaze. Among them:

  • training a long-term gaze into the eyes of another person, without blinking or averting your eyes;
  • focusing on a specific point, on a pencil near the face or an arbitrary point on a wall located at a distance of 2-3 meters for 10-15 minutes, without losing concentration;
  • development of peripheral vision, this requires a place with a wide view (stadium, crowded street), where you need to take a comfortable position and try to see as much as possible of what is happening to the right and left of the straight line.

After you gain confidence in the strength of your skill, you can start practicing with friends. For this:

  1. Choose a sufficiently suggestible and sensitive one, preferably a woman.
  2. Ask permission to put her into hypnosis by talking about your training and the intended goal. Without expressed desire and interest, most likely, nothing will work out.
  3. It is convenient to sit opposite each other, making sure that in case of unexpected relaxation and loss of control, the person is not hurt.
  4. Ask your partner to select a point above the operator's right eye and the whole conversation does not break away from it, while maintaining the highest possible degree of concentration.
  5. In a practiced low voice, looking into the eyes, repeat the selected set of phrases several times, based on the introduction to relaxation. This can be either a classical technique with the phrases "your eyelids are getting heavy", or a complex learned from any of the working trainers. It is advisable to find a complex suitable for a particular person and diligently rehearse it with a dictaphone, achieving the most confident voice.
  6. After receiving the relaxed state of the partner, "anchor" him, saying that complete relaxation will come after touching the hand on the shoulder.
  7. Once you are completely relaxed, report that your partner is hypnotized. He must grasp this state, accept it and feel its attractiveness.
  8. You can use standard combinations of words: "You only hear my voice", you can use any others, but get the result in the form of an absolutely relaxed partner.

Removal from the state should occur in 3 counts, with a quick push. The combination of gaze and voice will not be sufficient without self-confidence and the effectiveness of the practice. Knowing how to lead a person into hypnosis will not be sufficient without the personal power of the operator himself. The impact occurs on the basis of the laws of the human psyche,

How to master hypnosis yourself at home - training and advice

Why know how to put a person into hypnosis at home? Very often, this practice can help relieve fears or calm the inner child, heal early traumas, and aid recovery from post-traumatic stress disorder. Learning the secrets of hypnosis: how to put a person into a trance and force them to carry out their commands, one must not forget that all activities should be only positive in nature and be aimed at treating diseases or relieving stress. Learning how to put a person into hypnosis from books is quite difficult; it is better to take trainings from an already practicing master. Among the tips on how to hypnotize a person with a look, which are many on the net, it is better to find a course of a certified specialist and learn from him. For this you need:

Hypnosis can become a profession and it is better to consider the choice of a teacher as carefully as possible. Going to the page to the psychologist-hypnologist

Carlos Castaneda, Ph.D. in anthropology, the author of many works on shamanism, considered "magic" the most important way to manipulate human consciousness. That is why he devoted his books to the teachings of the Toltecs ("people of knowledge"), which he learned about from the Mexican magician Juan Matus. The essence of the teaching boils down to changing the perception of the surrounding world by another person. In other words, after a session of such "magic", the other person sees everything around him in another reality. For example, the magician perceives as God.

And although Castaneda argued that all this is done in the name of man, his writings allow the so-called "naguals" (magicians) to spiritually rule over other people. Meanwhile, hypnosis experts say that the literary treatises of Carlos Castaneda can be safely attributed to hypnology - the science of hypnosis.

However, he can hardly be called the discoverer of hypnosis. The merit of Castaneda lies in the popularization of this teaching. Only the hypnologists themselves, and not the general public, could understand the scientific articles of hypnologists. Another thing is the fascinating books of a talented writer like Castaneda. Having become bestsellers, his publications revealed to Western society the mysterious power of hypnosis, and also suggested to many swindlers the way to non-violent seizure of other people's money.

Somnambulistic sleep

Meanwhile, hypnosis has been known since ancient times. The first conclusions about the mental influence of man on his opponent were made by the doctor and alchemist Paracelsus at the beginning of the 16th century. But hypnology, as an official science, was presented to the public only in 1866 by the works of the French doctor Ambroise Liebeau, the founder of the Nancy school. He proved that hypnotic trance is of a psychophysiological nature and is not magnetism, as was considered at that time by official medicine. In particular, Liebeau researched somnambulism and developed a technique for introducing patients into this form of sleep. “At first glance, a person who is in a state of somnambulistic sleep looks absolutely normal and awake,” wrote Ambroise. "But he does everything he is told."

The main thing is to tire

After the labors of Dr. Liebeau, hypnology began to develop at an accelerated pace. It turned out that it is not necessary to enter a person into somnambulistic sleep in order to influence his consciousness. “Hypnosis is nothing more than the grafting by word or in some other way of various mental phenomena. For example, feelings, sensations, or actions to another person when his volitional attention or concentration is distracted, ”the psychologist Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev considered the Russians. Physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov agreed with him. In his opinion, in order to hypnotize a person, it was necessary to cause mental fatigue in him. In scientific terms, it is necessary to provoke inhibition of brain cells, which occurs at the time of normal falling asleep.

In parallel with Pavlov's theory, the idea of ​​hypnosis as generalized super-suggestibility was formed, which was adhered to by the American hypnologist Michael Hull. However, modern experts are convinced that both theories only complement each other.

Tranquilizers are the weapon of hypnotists

Today hypnology is considered an already formed science, enriched by the works of numerous authors. There are quite real procedures and proven over the years techniques for immersing a person in a state of hypnosis. Some of them are far from metaphysics. For example, to overcome the protective reaction of the brain against mental influence from the outside (it turns out that our body has a mechanism to combat hypnosis), various drugs are used, in particular meprobomat and phenobarbital.

The hypnologist, who imperceptibly introduced these tranquilizers to a person, can only say something monotonously, gradually lowering his voice. "You can hypnotize anyone in this way, for example, during a business breakfast," says a hypnosis teacher who chose to remain anonymous. According to the statistics he cited, 40% of people have weak defense against suggestibility. They are the "golden fund" of various hypnotists, most often with a criminal orientation.


Currently, there are about 266 large schools in Russia where hypnosis is taught, including the technique of neurolinguistic programming. Most likely, not all graduates become hypnologists "from the high road." However, experts are sure that 4% of all crimes are committed by students of such schools. As a rule, catalepsy, distortion of time perception, positive and negative hallucinations, amnesia, post-hypnotic suggestion are used for criminal purposes.

“Whatever the willpower of a person, if he is hypnotized, he will perform any criminal action suggested to him by an intruder,” says Lidiya Sedykh, Ph.D. in Law. According to her, such crimes are difficult to prove, and, therefore, to sentence the criminal hypnologist to real terms. Today, operatives of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Stavropol Territory are investigating the case of a person who uses neurolinguistic programming for the non-violent seizure of money. “I myself did not notice how quickly we became friends,” said one of the victims, who voluntarily gave him 87 thousand rubles.

Defensive reaction

It's easy enough to understand that hypnosis is being used against you. To begin with, the fraudulent hypnotist copies your posture and adjusts to the rhythm of your breathing, while at a fast pace he utters completely unnecessary information, gradually lowering his voice. If you feel guilty about him, then his first arrows hit the target.

By the way, neurolinguistic programming is also used by intelligence officers. “During the negotiation process, the task is to maximize the disposition of the bandits to themselves, to arouse a feeling of mutual sympathy in them, in order to lull their vigilance,” one of the operatives, Sergei D., shared his experience. “Such a program is always drawn up individually, taking into account the psyche of the opponent.”

The proposal to attend several hypnosis sessions has long been no surprise to patients who come to the hospital, but for many, the procedure for introducing into a trance still causes a feeling of distrust and fear. Hypnosis is one of the most popular methods of treatment that psychotherapists use to relieve the patient from internal fears, destructive attitudes, harmful addictions, and to solve long-standing psycho-emotional problems. Those wishing to undergo this procedure will find it useful to know how to put a person into hypnosis, and whether it is possible to master such techniques on their own.

What is hypnosis

Today hypnosis is officially recognized by the medical community, but there was a time when this treatment was considered quackery. Most people are afraid of hypnotherapy because they do not fully understand what hypnosis is and how it affects consciousness.

We get to know the world and orient ourselves in it with the help of our senses. When the patient is put into a trance, they stop working and an effect on the subconscious occurs. He cannot analyze the information coming in at the moment, therefore, being in a hypnotic dream, a person easily perceives and carries out all the orders of the hypnotist. The received attitudes are stored in the subconscious and are valid even after awakening.

Modern medicine has redefined hypnosis. This is a state of trance, very close to sleep, but different from it in that at this time the subconscious mind continues to carry out a huge inner work.

Why hypnosis is needed

The psychotherapist, using various techniques, by introducing the hypnotized into a state of sleep, can achieve in the patient:

  • healing ailments;
  • blocking pain;
  • restoration of various body functions;
  • disclosure of creative potential;
  • solutions to psychological problems.

The deeper the trance in which the patient is, the stronger the influence of the hypnotist on the consciousness of the individual.

Types of hypnosis

Experts identify several types of hypnosis.

  1. Academic (classical). Helps the patient to cope with psychological problems, to recover from alcohol, tobacco and drug addiction. Classical hypnosis helps a person look into his subconscious and find there the answer to an exciting question, remember an event, find the reason and secret motive for certain actions. Obeying the will of the hypnotist, the patient fulfills all his verbal orders. Not all people succumb to this type of hypnosis, but only 20-25% of patients.
  2. Ericksonian (hidden hypnosis). During the session, repressed emotions, experiences and memories are addressed. This type focuses on the individual characteristics of the personality and its problems. Very often, elements of Ericksonian hypnosis are used to massively influence the subconscious of people (in the media, political science, marketing).
  3. Regressive. Refers to the person's past. During a session of such hypnosis, the psychotherapist works with forgotten or hidden in deep childhood memories of family conflicts, violence, paying special attention to complexes and destructive attitudes.
  4. Criminal. This type of hypnosis is used by scammers for profit. Falling into a state of trance, attackers deceive citizens, subordinating them to their will. There is even a separate concept of "gypsy hypnosis". This method of influence is used by Roma in crowded places to cash in on their trust.

Requirements for a hypnotist

Many people want to know how to learn the basics of hypnosis at home. This is due to the fact that this method of working with the subconscious allows a person to calm down, get rid of fears and phobias. It is possible to acquire knowledge that would help to apply hypnosis in practice without special medical education. Many books have been written on this topic and dozens of video tutorials have been filmed. Such interference must have a good purpose. It is impossible to hypnotize imperceptibly, without the consent of the individual, since such an invasion can cause irreparable harm to his health.


Getting down to the basics of hypnosis, it should be borne in mind that only a person with a strong and strong-willed character, who does not have hidden complexes and family problems, can successfully master the influence on the subconscious of other people. A person practicing hypnosis must be mentally healthy, be able to win over others, evoke in them a sense of trust and sympathy.

The hypnologist must be able to get into the patient's confidence


One of the main ingredients for a successful session is the hypnotist's focused and intent gaze. To develop such a view in yourself, you need to train, and the following exercises will help in this:

  • try during a conversation, without blinking, to keep the gaze of your interlocutors;
  • learn to focus on drawn objects of various sizes, for convenience, hang them on the walls of the room;
  • develop peripheral vision, trying to cover more space with your gaze (for this exercise you need to go to the stadium, square, crowded park).


The voice of the hypnotist plays a huge role. He must have a special attraction and strength. Hearing him, a person must unconsciously want to obey and do as he is told. The voice cannot be trembling and endlessly interrupted, be too quiet. Confident, calm and pleasant timbre is the main requirement. It is important that speech is correct and does not cut off other people's hearing.

Fundamentals of Psychology

To put a person into hypnosis, you need to know psychology. This is a healing session designed to help an individual, solve his problems, cope with complexes, fears and harmful addictions. If you just pick up any shiny object and start waving it in front of other people, ordering them to sleep, it will not give any positive result.

Any practicing hypnotist, guided by the knowledge of psychology, develops his own technique to help plunge a person into a trance.

How to induce hypnosis

Get the consent of the person you will be practicing. Please note that if he does not believe in the effect of hypnosis, is skeptical about this method of treatment, or is afraid that the session will be unsuccessful, nothing will work. For test meetings, choose a person who will listen to you and follow all your orders. You cannot apply hypnosis to mentally unstable people with nervous disorders and pathologies of brain activity.

Preliminary conversation

Most people have little idea of ​​what hypnosis is and what effect it has on the body, so a preparatory conversation must necessarily include explanations on this topic. This is done so that your interlocutor has an idea of ​​what will happen to him and is not afraid. It is equally important to understand why a hypnotherapy session was needed, what problems he wants to solve in this way. Very often, hypnotic sleep is resorted to in order to relax, relieve the effects of stress, increase the body's defenses, increase concentration and activate mental activity.

You should find out if the person has been to such sessions before. Scientists have found that people who are hypnotized tend to fall into trance more easily in subsequent sessions. If the person first turns to hypnosis, keep in mind that it will be much more difficult for you to work with her.


Take a secluded room where no one will disturb you. It is important that the person you are talking to is calm and relaxed. He should be comfortable with you. Invite the person to take a comfortable position in an armchair or sofa. Play quiet music to accompany all your actions. Remove distracting objects, turn off the TV and phone - no one and nothing should interrupt you.

The hypnologist needs to create a peaceful environment so that the patient can relax.


The session should be started with the following phrases: “You are safe! You are calm and peaceful! Your eyelids are gradually getting heavy! The body relaxes, you are comfortable and good! Peace envelops you! You listen carefully to what I am telling you and follow all my instructions! "

It is necessary to regulate the breathing of the person you are entering into a trance. To do this, he needs to take not very deep and frequent breaths and slow exhalations. You can breathe at the same time with the interlocutor, then it will be easier for him to adjust to the desired rhythm. The main thing is to control his actions: "Take a deep breath, and fill your lungs with air!" While exhaling, say the following phrase: "Exhale slowly, there should be no air in your lungs!" Take as long as necessary to this step. As a result, your partner should completely relax and trust you.

After the breath is synchronized, let the installation relax the feet, then the knees, hips, torso and arms, gradually reaching the face. Give the person the confidence that everything is going well and that they are doing great on all of your teams.

After complete relaxation, the partner should immerse himself in himself. Concentrate his attention on the inner sensations: “You are safe and completely relaxed! Your body is seized with bliss and warmth! Peace and tranquility accompany your every action! The feeling of heaviness in the muscles covers the whole body, and you gradually fall asleep! " Use your partner's body language to gauge their condition. To achieve a hypnotic effect, this phrase can be repeated several times in a row.

Alternative ways

There are three more ways to help put a person into a state of hypnotic sleep: a hypnotic ladder, close tactile contact, a shiny object.

Hypnotic staircase

This technique helps you fall into a deep sleep state. Invite the person you are talking to to mentally see yourself standing at the top of a huge staircase. Going down the stairs gradually, he should feel how calmness envelopes him, and each step brings more and more relaxation, allowing him to clear his mind and plunge into a trance. Then start chanting the number of steps: “Not far in front of you you see a door that will take you into a world of tranquility. As you take the first step, feel how close you are to opening up your subconscious mind. The second step pacifies you even more. Having stepped on the third step, you dissolve in space and the warmth that has enveloped you. " The account must be kept until the person falls into a hypnotic sleep.

Close tactile contact

To do this, you need to comfortably seat the person in a chair so that your faces are on the same level. With one hand, grasp his right hand by the wrist where the pulse is felt. Place the other on your left shoulder. Hold his gaze. Ask the person to relax and follow your instructions carefully. Then he should direct his gaze to the bridge of your nose. Say these words: “Feeling tired all over your body! Your eyes get heavy and close, and your body gradually relaxes! Don't resist the urge to sleep! You will fall asleep now! Your sleep will be sound and healthy! " At the end of the session, run your hand over his face and say confidently: "Sleep!" If you were in the mood for success, then the person will surely fall into a trance.

Shiny item

For hypnosis, a metronome, balls, a pen, a mirror are suitable. To introduce a person into a hypnotic trance, you need to bring the selected object to his nose. Without noticing it, he will concentrate his attention on one point and fall asleep. This method is considered one of the easiest and is designed for beginners.

You can put the patient into a trance using the metronome

It is recommended during the session to create a relaxing atmosphere in the room, turn on quiet, pleasant music, make sure that no extraneous sounds penetrate the room. It is not enough to simply put a person into a trance.

What to do during a trance

During the session, you need to pay attention to the issues that concern the person. These can be childhood trauma, sexual abuse, phobias, health problems. Without the appropriate medical knowledge, you are unlikely to be able to help a person with severe psycho-emotional problems, therefore, if you yourself learned how to enter into a state of hypnosis, it is better to use your knowledge to help people simply relax, calm down, relieve increased nervousness and stress, overcome insomnia.

How to end a session

It is important to end your hypnotherapy session correctly. It is forbidden to abruptly lead a person immersed in a trance, to cut off the moment of relaxation. Many hypnotists use the countdown from 10 to 1 for this. You need to set the mindset: “Now I will count to one, and you will start to wake up! You will feel vigorous and energetic! "

After the session, be sure to talk to your partner about how they felt. This will give you the opportunity to understand your weak points in order to improve the technique of immersion in hypnosis in the future.


Hypnosis is work with the subconscious, which is carried out using various psychological techniques. The main thing in self-study of introducing a person into a trance is not to harm his health. Despite the rapid development of medicine, our subconscious mind has not been fully studied and is fraught with many secrets, therefore, the knowledge gained and hypnotherapy sessions should be treated with caution, showing increased attention.