At how many weeks is the baby ready for birth? First and second births: what week do they give birth? We look at the weight of the baby

The most impatient expectant mothers are those who are carrying a child for the first time in their lives. They carefully monitor the timing of their pregnancy, ask the doctor in detail about how the baby is developing, but most of all they are interested in how many weeks the pregnancy will last, and when the moment of birth should come. This interest is often fueled by relatives and acquaintances who, at each meeting, ask the question: “When will you finally give birth?”. At what time does the first pregnancy usually end, and what changes can be considered true harbingers of childbirth?

At what stage of pregnancy do first births most often occur?

In everyday life, you can often hear the saying that pregnant women for the first time usually do not reach the deadline set by the doctor and give birth before the appointed date. Is this opinion true or is it a myth? Statistics confirm that a primiparous mother goes through her gestational period a little faster than a woman who has already given birth before.

For most women, the first pregnancy lasts 41 weeks and one day, which is 2 days longer than the normal duration of gestation in multiparous women.

This period is very average and it would be a mistake to focus on it. When the doctor calls the expected date of birth, this does not mean that the long-awaited event will come exactly on the appointed day. If the pregnancy proceeds normally, then the complete formation of the child ends by the 38th week, and from that moment the baby is ready for his birth. However, he has every right to linger in his mother's belly up to 42 weeks. This is confirmed by those 10% of women who give birth to absolutely healthy babies at 42 weeks.

The duration of pregnancy depends on the individual characteristics of the woman and on the external conditions surrounding her. Any day between 38 and 42 weeks of gestation is a normal time for delivery. Some doctors take this into account and prefer to use "floating" dates instead of the exact day of delivery. This helps to save the woman and her inner circle from unnecessary worries and disappointment about the fact that she did not manage to give birth exactly on the day indicated by the doctor in the exchange card.

The maturity of the baby and the criteria for its determination

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When a child is born, obstetricians and pediatricians evaluate his physical condition. To determine the maturity of a newborn, doctors use the following criteria:

  • height (height from 46 to 52 cm is considered normal);
  • weight (about 3200-3400 g);
  • the presence of a subcutaneous fat layer, due to which the body of a child of the European race has a pink color;
  • developed and elastic cartilages of the auricles and nose;
  • the presence of nails, the ends of which protrude slightly beyond the edges of the fingers;
  • hair length on the head - at least 2 cm;
  • the testicles in boys are located in the scrotum, in girls the large labia cover the small ones;
  • shout;
  • active body movements.

With the advent of ultrasound, doctors have an additional opportunity to assess the maturity of the fetus even before its birth. Measuring the length of the bones and the diameter of the head is not considered a reliable indicator, since these parameters can vary greatly in different children. To determine the maturity of the fetus on ultrasound, the ratio of the cortical and medulla of the adrenal glands is measured - the adrenal coefficient.

The second important criterion is the degree of development of lung tissue. The ability of the child to breathe after he leaves the mother's womb into the external environment depends on the state of the lungs. Modern ultrasound techniques allow you to measure the size of the lungs, echogenicity, and also evaluate their blood supply.

Does the term of the first birth depend on the sex of the child?

To answer this question, we must turn to statistics. On average, primiparas carrying girls give birth 1-2 weeks earlier than expectant mothers pregnant with boys. This is due to the fact that girls develop a little more actively than boys, and their body is ready to be born faster. This advance in physical development continues after birth, at preschool and early school age, as a result of which girls normally look larger and more developed than their peers of the opposite sex.

Harbingers of the first birth

Counting the days left until the cherished date, women carefully listen to their bodies and pay attention to even minor changes. In recent weeks, the body begins to train for future births. The closer the birth, the more often a woman feels how her lower abdomen tenses. Up to a certain point, this tension has an irregular character and passes quickly. The appearance of repeated muscle spasms, repeating at approximately the same time intervals, indicates that labor activity has begun.

In addition to contractions, there are other, earlier harbingers of labor, such as:

  • weight loss;
  • prolapse of the upper pole of the uterus, and with it the entire abdomen;
  • separation of the mucous plug.

Some pregnant women on the eve of childbirth notice that they have become more likely to go to the toilet. Thus, the body reacts to the changed hormonal background and tries to remove excess fluid in the urine.

Features of the course of childbirth during the first pregnancy

There are many factors that affect the course of childbirth in different women. The course of childbirth depends on:

  • age of the expectant mother;
  • the size of the pelvic ring;
  • hormonal characteristics of a woman;
  • elasticity of soft tissues;
  • fruit weight and head size.

Medical records from different years show that 50 years ago, the average duration of delivery was shorter than it is now. Reasons for this difference:

  • in the past, the average age of primiparas was earlier;
  • to speed up the process, doctors more often resorted to methods such as cutting the tissues of the perineum and applying forceps.

However, at present, as in the past, primiparous women take longer to give birth than multiparous women. Their vagina and cervix have a whiter narrow and elongated shape, so the expansion of the entrance to the uterus to the desired size is slower.

How long does it take to give birth for the first time? For different women, this process takes from 6 to 12 hours. Some people may dispute this number by saying if many of their acquaintances have had much longer labors. This discrepancy arises because most people measure the duration of labor from the onset of the very first contraction, and doctors only start counting from the beginning of the active period of labor, which lasts an average of 7.5 hours.

Is it the first time you have a rapid birth?

Yes, such childbirth can be in primiparous women. Rapid delivery is defined as labor that has a total duration of 3 hours or less. Which of the primiparas has a high risk of giving birth at an accelerated pace? Factors that contribute to the development of rapid labor:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • young age of the mother;
  • high compatibility of the fetus and the birth canal;
  • increased emotionality and mental excitability;
  • excessive production of thyroid hormones;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes of the genitourinary organs;
  • high excitability of the muscles of the uterus.

What signs indicate that childbirth will become rapid? In such women, contractions usually begin suddenly, quickly gain strength and have small intervals between them. If you suspect a rapid birth, you should urgently call an ambulance or take the pregnant woman to the nearest medical center on your own. Women at risk of rapid labor are hospitalized in advance in the prenatal department of the maternity hospital.

Premature and late first births

Premature births are considered to occur at or before 37 weeks after conception. Reasons for having a baby prematurely:

  • inflammation and infection of the reproductive organs and urinary tract;
  • stress and emotional stress of the mother;
  • high blood pressure, preeclampsia;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • chronic diseases;
  • anomalies in the structure of the uterus;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • placenta previa and its other pathologies.

Cases when a baby is born later than 42 or more weeks after conception are called late births. Reasons for late birth:

  • dysfunction of the endocrine organs;
  • mental stress;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • adverse environmental conditions, malnutrition.

Prolonged stay in the womb is dangerous for the baby, so obstetricians use artificial labor induction in these cases, for example, inserting prostaglandin suppositories into the vagina. If there is no effect, a caesarean section is recommended.

The approaching term of childbirth is a rather alarming period of time, filled with expectation and a very attentive attitude to one's condition. It is very scary to be outside the walls of the maternity hospital when the contractions begin, so expectant mothers are looking for signs of an approaching birth, they sleep poorly and count the days.

There are many beliefs among the people. For example, it is believed that boys are born earlier than girls, and in the first pregnancy, childbirth occurs later. What determines the term of childbirth, and what are the statistics?

What week do you usually give birth

The normal period is 37 seven days, but when more often depends on the menstrual cycle. Statistics show that childbirth most often occurs at 39-41. Approximately 70% of children are born during this period of time.

However, do not take these terms for yourself as true and binding for you. It doesn't matter when everyone else gives birth, your readiness for childbirth and the maturity of your baby are essential. For someone and 39 too early, the baby is born immature and has difficulties. And other children adapt perfectly, having been born after only 35 seven days. Your child will choose when it is best to give birth.

It is important to remember: the optimal period for childbirth is from 37 to 42. Before 37 seven days, the child is premature, and after 42 - post-term.

Obstetric gestational age is 40 times 7 days. However, only 4-5% of babies are born at the calculated time, why is this happening?

Main factors:

Menstrual cycle length

How long is your cycle? The time when you become a mother depends on its duration.

Two women had their last period on March 1st. Today is May 1st. What will be the obstetric gestational age, and what is the real age of the fetus? For both, the doctor will count the obstetric gestational age from March 1, and it will be 9 weeks and 4 days.

The first woman has a 24 day cycle. We count 14 days ago - ovulation was on March 10th. The actual age of the fetus is 7 weeks and 3 days. The second woman has a cycle of 35 days. We count 14 days ago - ovulation was on March 21. The actual age of the fetus is only 5 seven days and 6 days.

It turns out that with the same calculated gestational age, the life of the baby in two women differs by almost 14 days, and of course, for them, the difference in the term of birth by about the same will be completely normal. But according to classical calculations, they will consider the same date of birth.

By the way, our service, which allows, takes into account the length of the cycle - use it (you will find out when you need to go to the hospital, much more accurately than with an obstetrician-gynecologist in the office).


Genetic predisposition is another factor. Ask which of the female relatives when he became a mother. You are likely to repeat the fate of your mother or grandmother.

The course of pregnancy

The term of delivery depends on the characteristics of the pregnancy itself. During the Great Patriotic War, during the period of famine and devastation, children were in no hurry to be born. They seemed to know that they were not expecting a warm nursery and proper nutrition, and remained in utero for as long as possible. Several pregnancies have been described lasting 11 months instead of the normal 9.

If the baby is unwell in utero, for example, the placenta does not cope with its function, the likelihood of premature birth increases. This is also facilitated by overstretching of the uterus during, due to gestational diabetes in the mother, or multiple pregnancy. Despite the fact that babies can be born with a fairly serious difference in gestational age, they are born full-term and healthy. Therefore, the timing of normal births in obstetrics is not limited to a precisely calculated number.

From what week can you give birth

This is one of the main worries of any expectant mother. Throughout pregnancy, there is first a fear of a possible miscarriage, and then of the baby being born too early. However, even if your baby is in a hurry and was born before the 37th, do not despair! Once this period was only 28. Now children from 1 kg in weight are successfully nursed, but many survive and grow up healthy, having been born even earlier than 27-28. There are cases of successful nursing at 24-25, with the baby's weight slightly exceeding 500 grams.

However, for this, the baby must be born in a maternity hospital that can give him everything he needs to survive. In many cities, this is not yet possible. Therefore, remember the following “adapted for Russia” facts:

  • Births from 28 to 27 are premature, your baby will be premature, but he will have a good chance.
  • From 24 to 27 - children are born with extremely low body weight. The prognosis for them depends on the presence of other complications of pregnancy and childbirth, and on the conditions of nursing. The chances of health and survival are 50/50.
  • Before 24 - x - the baby has no chance to survive, at least in our country.
Fortunately, if the pregnancy is normal, the chance of preterm birth is only 2%.

What week do primiparas give birth

The first pregnancy and childbirth for the mother's body become a kind of "running", a test of childbearing function. For you, everything is for the first time, just as the genetic program for bearing a fetus is used for the first time. It is now that certain stereotypes and interactions in the body are taking shape, allowing you to safely endure and give birth to a child. If successful, all your subsequent pregnancies will fall on this tracing paper.

Unfortunately, the exact date of delivery cannot be predicted, but statistically nulliparous women give birth a little later than the rest. Approximately 6-9% of them prolong pregnancy for more than 42 weeks. For primiparas, late recognition of the signs of labor that has begun due to inexperience, and a slow development of labor activity are characteristic. The first birth lasts a long time, the cervix opens slowly. This is only an acquaintance with similar processes, it’s not worth worrying about the fact that you have a term of 39, and childbirth does not begin, be patient.

What week do multiparous children give birth

There is already a certain scheme according to which the body must act in order for the baby to be born. Events develop along the knurled rails, and this leads to an earlier onset of labor. In 95% of cases, the second birth begins earlier than the 39th seven days and proceeds much faster and easier.

If you are multi-pregnant, after 37 weeks, be ready to start contractions at any time. As a rule, the second, third time a pregnant woman easily recognizes the first signs of childbirth. The cervix dilates faster, the pushing is more effective, and the overall duration of labor is less than the first time. You may not even have training contractions, you are just going into labor.

What week are boys born?

Boys are born more than girls, about 107 boys are born for every 100 girls. However, if we talk about conception, then the statistics are even more interesting there, the ratio of “girls” zygotes and “boys” zygotes is about 1 to 1.5, for 100 girls there are 150 boys. But even at the very beginning, a significant number of pregnancies with a boy are spontaneously aborted. This happens before mothers find out that they were in a position.

A newborn girl, on average, weighs less than a boy, but by the month of life, the indicators change places. Boys are more likely to have malformations, they have a weaker immune system and they get sick more often. This is due to the biological role of girls, they will continue to give birth and give birth, so they are given great endurance and health. And the purpose of the boys is the progress of mankind and its development. Excessive depreciation resources of the body in this matter are not necessary, only physical strength and intelligence are important in the future. A boy needs more time to be born mature and ready for an independent life, so the gestation period is often longer.

What week girls are born

You can argue for a long time who is the stronger sex here, but the facts, they are such facts ... Girls are really born earlier. And if premature contractions occur, the survival rate among girls is much higher than among boys.

The earlier maturation and rapid development of girls persists throughout childhood. In the middle grades of school, the difference is especially striking, girls are already beginning to “bloom”, and boys remain children. The growth of the girl and her maturation ends at the age of 16, the boys grow until the age of 21.

Of course, the date of birth depends on the health of the mother, but in general, girls are given more vitality and abilities than boys, they are in a hurry to grow and get stronger, they are in a hurry to be born and physiologically develop faster.

What week are twins born?

Twins... Many dream of giving birth to two children at once, but nature provides for the birth of only one child. Multiple pregnancy is not the norm for a person, and one of the most common complications is the birth of twins too early. They increase the internal volume of the uterus 2 times faster, which reacts to overstretching with contractions. Childbirth with twins often begins at the 34-35th term. Despite the fact that many give birth to twins before, the chances of survival for twins are very high. They seem to be preparing to be born prematurely, and are often quite mature even at that age.

Week of pregnancy and childbirth, the main facts

You have only a 4-5% chance of giving birth at the calculated time. If this is your second birth, they will come earlier. If you're carrying a girl, your chances of giving birth earlier increase. If you are healthy and the pregnancy is normal, you have only a 2% chance of giving birth prematurely (up to 37).

The birth of a child is a moment that any expectant mother looks forward to. For 9 months of waiting, the female body gets tired both physically and psychologically. In addition, I want to see and hug my baby as soon as possible.

But for childbirth, it is important not just the beginning, but the timely start - not earlier and not later than a certain period. What is the best week to give birth? Are there patterns for this process related to the sex of the child? Are there any differences for the birth of a child in the first and second pregnancy?

The appearance of the baby

Having a baby is a very difficult process. In order for it to pass without complications, the body needs to prepare. A few weeks before this moment, certain changes begin to occur in the body of a woman. And only when all conditions are created for the unhindered birth of the baby, the long-awaited process will begin.

Preparation can last from several days to several weeks, it depends on the structural features of the female body. Changes are called harbingers, and they are different for every woman. But there are several most characteristic processes that almost every expectant mother can notice.

Harbingers indirectly indicate the date of onset of childbirth. Of course, they give only approximate dates, but thanks to them you can understand that the meeting with the baby will come soon.


In total, there are more than ten signs of an approaching birth. But some of them are difficult to notice, others do not always appear. The following symptoms are considered the most characteristic precursors:

  1. Dropping of the abdomen. By the end of pregnancy, the baby's head should drop lower - to the entrance to the small pelvis. Following the child, the stomach also changes its position - now it is located much lower. This can not always be determined by the expectant mother, but for other people the sign is very noticeable.
  2. Duck walk. A lowered belly changes the gait of a pregnant woman, moreover, in this period, the ligaments of the pubic joint are softened as much as possible to facilitate the process of delivery.
  3. Disappearance of heartburn, relief of breathing. These signs are associated with a change in the position of the abdomen.
  4. Removal of the mucous plug. The most uninformative sign. Very often, the mucous plug goes unnoticed. But even if the expectant mother found the release of a large amount of mucus, this does not mean that the child will appear the very next day. This may happen much later.

If a pregnant woman noticed harbingers in herself, then no more than a month is left to wait for the cherished date. Most often, it occurs within one to two weeks, but it can happen after a couple of days.

What week do women give birth?


Even the most qualified specialist is not able to calculate the exact date of the appearance of the baby. As a rule, it is impossible to establish the exact date of ovulation and fertilization. They do not always coincide with sexual intercourse. But even if the day of conception is known, the duration of pregnancy is very individual, as is the time of onset of childbirth.

Normally, the gestation of a baby lasts nine ordinary or ten lunar months. If you measure the period in weeks, then it is forty weeks. This is exactly how the gynecologist calculates the expected date of birth of the child. Since ovulation can be both early and late, the birth can occur earlier or later than the expected date. Normal are those that occur between weeks 37 and 42.

But if the delivery came earlier - at 35-36 weeks? Such childbirth will be called premature, and the child - premature. Often this situation is associated with a risk to his life and health, but with qualified treatment and care, all problems go away without a trace. Premature refers to the appearance of a baby for a period of 22-37 weeks.

After 42 weeks, childbirth is already called belated, and such children are called post-term. Postmaturity is no less dangerous for the health of the child than premature birth. If a woman does not go into labor by 42 weeks, then doctors perform drug stimulation or a caesarean section.

Is the timing of the onset of the appearance of the baby different in the first and second pregnancies?

First pregnancy

How many weeks do women give birth during their first pregnancy? When a mother-to-be is expecting a baby for the first time, it seems to her that the pregnancy lasts too long. Already starting from 38-39 weeks, she can be nervous, worry about overwearing. Often there is a feeling that childbirth will never come. But sooner or later it happens. In what week do the first babies usually appear?

Gynecologists say that the first pregnancy often ends a little later than subsequent ones. For most expectant mothers, this happens at 39-41 weeks. Harbingers in this situation can also appear long before the start of delivery. And the process itself lasts longer than with a second pregnancy.

However, it is impossible to say for sure that a primigravida will give birth later. This is an individual feature of a woman. Some doctors take the opposite view and argue that primigravidas give birth earlier. They attribute this to a more sensitive uterus, which reacts more strongly to any changes with contractions - contractions.

When expecting childbirth for the first time, there is no need to worry that they will come too soon or too late. Most likely, this moment will come at the time programmed by the body. And unnecessary worries will only worsen the well-being of a pregnant woman.

Repeated pregnancy

Are there any differences between the first and second pregnancies? At what time do women usually give birth for the second or third time? There are some differences at the preparatory stage.

Usually, in multi-pregnant women, precursors occur closer to the time of childbirth, amniotic fluid leaves more often, regular intense contractions develop faster. The process itself also proceeds faster - from the first contractions to full-fledged attempts.

But it is impossible to predict the date of the appearance of the child for the second or third pregnancy. According to statistics, repeated births often occur at 37-39 weeks. But the beginning of the process at 41–42 weeks is also an absolute norm, which does not surprise anyone.

If a woman wants to know in advance about the features of the onset of her birth, she should ask her mother or grandmother about this. As a rule, the processes and timelines are very similar. Are there any differences in the time of onset of the birth process when carrying a boy or a girl?

Gender of the child

There are many signs and prejudices associated with the gender of the expected child. So, bearing a boy is traditionally associated with:

  • Positive changes in the appearance of the expectant mother.
  • A certain form of the abdomen - sharply convex.
  • The appearance of excessive hair on the arms and legs.
  • Good health, active lifestyle, cheerful mood.

If we talk about the timing of the onset of childbirth, then folk signs are unanimous in this. They argue that the bearing of boys lasts a long time and there is a tendency to belated birth. But even if they are normal, they usually occur at 41–42 weeks.

Bearing a girl is usually accompanied by other signs. More often expectant mothers note:

  • Severe toxicity.
  • Deterioration of appearance, swelling of the nose, the appearance of age spots.
  • Wider belly, flatter waist.
  • Fatigue, fatigue.

Unlike boys, according to popular belief, girls tend to be born faster, so childbirth begins at 37–38 weeks. Sometimes even such pregnancies end in premature delivery. But since the adaptive capacity of the female is usually higher than that of the male, prematurity does not affect the health of girls.

But such folk signs are nothing but superstition. In the world, millions of boys are born at a period of 37-38 weeks and the same number of girls - in a later period. The time of onset of childbirth and the sex of the child are not interconnected in any way. Therefore, you should not listen to friends and relatives who claim the opposite. This can be just another cause for excitement, especially if the pregnant woman is too impressionable.

It does not matter what gender the child should be born. And it doesn't matter when the birth comes. For the health of mother and baby, only one thing is important - that this happens on time and without complications. Therefore, it is better to calm down and enjoy the expectation of your first or second or third child, because this time passes very quickly and rarely repeats.

How many weeks of childbirth are considered normal, from what period can you not worry that the baby will be born prematurely and (or) with health problems? These questions for expectant mothers are very relevant, since the vast majority of them already from 35-36 weeks begin to wait for the first signs of an imminent birth. It is not surprising, because the longer the gestation period, the harder it is to bear it physically, various chronic diseases appear. Yes, and the baby is already very eager to see as soon as possible. Doctors, when asked how many weeks they give birth to a second child or first, answer that full-term at 38-42.

Of course, there are cases when a full-term baby is born at a period of 36-38 weeks. He can immediately breathe on his own, because his lungs have matured. In the case of normal weight, not less than 2.5 kg, it has normal heat exchange. However, these children are at risk for neurological diseases, they may have problems with the eyes, joints, etc. Such children often need special care. And in the case of natural childbirth, they are more likely to experience birth trauma. This is largely due to the fact that there is a dependence on how many weeks labor begins in primiparous and multiparous. And if childbirth begins at 37 weeks or earlier, then they are often rapid. It lasts for primiparous about 8 hours, and for multiparous 6 hours. This leads to the fact that the child leaves the uterus very quickly, often in the wrong position, because he is injured himself, and the woman has ruptures of the vagina and cervix.

Pregnant girls should know what week they are giving birth in order to prepare for the arrival of the baby as the due date approaches. It is impossible to say exactly when labor will begin, but on average, normal labor occurs from 38 to 41 weeks.

Normal childbirth in nulliparous women begins at 37 completed weeks. During this period, the child is considered full-term, the fetus has developed internal organs necessary for life. Childbirth statistics show that 70 percent of children are born at 39-40 weeks of gestation.

What are the births by gestation period:

  1. very early - from 22 to 27;
  2. early - from 28 to 33;
  3. premature - 34 - 37;
  4. normal - 38 - 41.

It is believed that primiparas are supposed to give birth later. This is due to the fact that the muscle corset is strong enough, so the uterus opens up, prepares for the process more slowly and longer. From week 37, it is recommended to listen to changes in the body, well-being, and fetal movements.

When the mother's birth is approaching, the woman will feel the harbingers: a lowered tummy, training contractions, and a discharge of water. In the early stages, the appearance of such signs requires an urgent appeal to the hospital.

How many weeks do women give birth? Primiparas expecting one baby usually give birth at 39-40 weeks. Under normal conditions, labor can begin at 37 weeks. Women expecting a second or more child, most often give birth at 37-38 weeks of pregnancy.

In case of premature delivery, the terms begin from the 22nd obstetric week. Technologies allow nursing premature babies if at birth the weight of the fetus exceeds 500 grams. When women give birth before the due date, the causes are malformations of pregnancy, infections of the genital organs, problems with the placenta.

Determination of fruit maturity

Nine months mothers are preparing to meet with the child. Childbirth in a woman begins unexpectedly at any stage of pregnancy. In this case, obstetricians pay attention to the maturity of the fetus. According to the rule, a full-term baby is considered to be born after 37 weeks. The weight of the fetus should be from 500 to 3500 grams, height - from 35 cm or more.

Signs of fetal maturity:

  • growth;
  • head and body dimensions.

If a child is born on time, the skin has a pink tint, with dense auricles and nose, hairline up to 3 cm is possible. In male babies, the testicles should be lowered into the scrotum, in girls, the large labia cover the small and clitoris. The child needs to scream, open his eyes. The growth of the baby is normally from 50 to 52 cm.

Body size includes the following measurements:

  1. shoulders - 12 cm;
  2. shoulder girdle - 35 cm;
  3. circumference of the buttocks - 28 cm.

The chest of a newborn is convex, the navel is just above the pubis. The subcutaneous fat layer is well developed, the skin is pale pink with remnants of a cheese-like lubricant. The fluff on the back and shoulders has a slight light shade. A newborn born full-term screams loudly, actively moves his arms and legs.

What week can you give birth to a full-fledged baby? From the 37th week, the fetus is considered fully full-term, with developed internal organs, hearing, and vision. Premature birth leads to defects, health problems.

The weight of the baby ranges from 2.5 to 5 kilograms. The indicator is influenced by the regimen of the mother, the sex of the fetus, and heredity. Children born at 40-41 weeks are larger, heavier in weight. The size of the fetal head matters. The structure and formation of bones give the skull plasticity, which allows it to pass through the birth canal. The head circumference of a full-term baby is from 33 to 36 cm.

Dates of the first and subsequent births

Most often, childbirth occurs in women at the 40th week, that is, 9 months after conception. Every pregnancy is different and happens at different times. This is due not only to the number of gestated fetuses, but also to the presence of older children.

The first pregnancy takes longer, as the body prepares more slowly. The cervix remains firm and begins to mature in the later stages. If preparation does not begin, medical assistance is used.

In how many weeks is the baby born? In the normal course of pregnancy from 38 to 41 weeks, it is already possible to give birth to a child. The second and subsequent children are born a little earlier than the first-born. From 22 weeks, childbirth can begin, which are called early and premature.

Every woman who is about to give birth is accompanied by training contractions. They are irregular and not painful. In the case of the first child, the first spasms appear from the 20th week and help the uterus prepare for the upcoming process.

Multiparous girls meet with children a little earlier, as the body prepares faster. The cervix is ​​already shortened by the 38th week, it becomes elastic. All births are different, as age, health status and lifestyle change.

When there is a short period of time between the first and second births, the body does not have time to rest and recover. It also causes early birth of the baby. The second birth proceeds more rapidly, less painfully. It is believed that there is a uterine memory. Women's organs remember the first pregnancy, so the preparation takes place earlier, faster.


The appearance of a child before 37 weeks is considered early and premature. Medical technologies allow a baby born with a weight of 500 grams to go out.

The causes of preterm birth are:

  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • the development of genital infections;
  • early rupture of the amniotic sac;
  • polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • early maturation of the uterus;
  • pathology;
  • anomalies in the development of the child.

Premature birth is provoked by a previous abortion or miscarriage. The woman's body rejects the fetus, not allowing it to form and be born at the right time.

Signs that you need to give birth in the near future are:

  1. increased uterine tone, contractions;
  2. discharge of amniotic fluid;
  3. strengthening or cessation of fetal activity in the abdomen;
  4. increased body temperature;
  5. pressure in the vagina.

Regardless of the gestation period, it is recommended that you consult a doctor if you feel any changes. This will allow in time to establish the cause of the violations of the body, and with the onset of labor, help the expectant mother and baby in time. Most women give birth on time. But if the baby was born earlier, the mother develops complications.

Pathologies in preterm birth:

  • bleeding;
  • rupture of the cervix;
  • development of genital infections;
  • lack of lactation.

Weekly birth statistics show that only 20-40% of newborns survive, having been born earlier than the due date. Most of these babies suffer from a lack of hearing and vision, health problems and malformations of the nervous system.

belated birth

Some women give birth after the 40th week of pregnancy. For a baby, late birth is as dangerous as premature.

The causes of delayed childbirth are:

  • hormonal failure in the female body;
  • heredity;
  • pathology of fetal development;
  • increased menstrual cycle;
  • diabetes;
  • taking medication.

If the hormonal background is disturbed during the period of bearing a child, the body does not receive a signal that contractions should begin. An increased cycle in women leads to incorrect calculations of the estimated date of birth.

Symptoms of post-term pregnancy:

  1. oligohydramnios;
  2. water becomes cloudy;
  3. changes in the biochemical composition of amniotic fluid.

Changes adversely affect the condition of the fetus in the womb. The antiseptic properties of the bladder decrease, infections and hypoxia are possible.

Consequences of a late baby:

  • weight loss due to limited nutrient intake;
  • birth injuries and hematomas;
  • dry skin, prone to cracking;
  • disruption of the central nervous system;
  • malformations, cerebral palsy.

In the later stages, they mainly give birth to children with long hair on their heads, nails and already open eyes. Due to a long anhydrous period and hypoxia, the respiratory system is disturbed.

Birth dates for boys and girls

Women go to the maternity hospital and believe in signs that boys are born later than girls. It is believed that the female fetus tends to be born earlier. In girls, organs necessary for life are formed faster, which makes premature delivery safe.

Are boys born early or late? According to birth statistics, the birth of a boy begins later in terms of time than girls. This is due to the late maturation of the fetus and slow preparation for the process.

Why are boys born late?

  • long term maturation;
  • long formation of internal organs;
  • larger ones.

Boys love the warmth, comfort that accompanies them throughout their pregnancy in their mother's belly. There is an opinion that the male fetus stays longer in the womb in order to remember the state of calm, security. Therefore, when a mother gives birth to a boy, she always walks the whole term and later feels the harbingers of childbirth.

At what time are boys born? In primiparous girls, a son can be born from 38 to 41 weeks, in multiparous girls - a little earlier. With a long cycle and late ovulation, the baby is born after 41 weeks.

In medicine, it is believed that it does not matter who is born first, a girl or a boy. The main thing is that the baby should have formed the organs responsible for vision, breathing, hearing. It is better to give birth to a child from 38 to 40 weeks, but it is impossible to accurately predict the date with natural delivery.


Women who are carrying two or more children do not understand when to expect childbirth, how to prepare for them. Such a pregnancy often occurs with complications in the form of preeclampsia, edema, with an increased load on the organs.

Children mature earlier, most of all give birth to twins prematurely. But from 32 to 33 weeks, childbirth turns out to be quite difficult. The viability of babies is determined based on weight, height, head size. If the children are not breathing on their own, use a ventilator.

Starting at 34 weeks, the chances of infant survival increase. For medical reasons, surgical delivery is possible from 36 weeks. A caesarean section is performed only if the health of the children and the mother is in danger.

Indications for surgical delivery in multiple pregnancy:

  • chronic diseases;
  • preeclampsia of the third degree;
  • diabetes;
  • incorrect location of the fetus in the womb;
  • weak labor activity or its absence.

From 37 weeks, every baby is considered full-term. Therefore, if the pregnancy proceeded without complications, the woman is waiting for the onset of natural childbirth, being under the supervision of specialists. The main harbingers are frequent urination, prolapse of the abdomen, and easier breathing. In the area of ​​the uterus and perineum, there are pulling pain sensations.

With natural childbirth, it is impossible to say exactly how long the baby will be born. The beginning of delivery depends on the health, development of the fetus, and the lifestyle of the mother. They nurse newborns weighing from 500 grams. To give birth on time, a woman must monitor nutrition, health, follow the instructions of an obstetrician-gynecologist.