Raising a Successful Child. Successful child: how to raise a successful child, advice from psychologists on education

A successful child is, first of all, the victory of parents! Every dad and every mom wants their children to do well, so that they study well, and when they grow up, they do what they could not do. There is no recipe for helping a child become successful, but science knows what conditions for successfully raising a child in a family can increase the chances.

Not surprisingly, this largely depends on the parents, although there are exceptions.

How to raise a successful child

So, when today's successful people were small, their parents most likely:

1. Trained them to do housework

If the children don't do the dishes, it means that someone is doing it for them. And then they are deprived not only of the work, but also of the understanding that the work must be done, and each of us must contribute to the overall improvement.

Children who have household chores grow up to be responsible people who know how to cooperate with colleagues, are stronger in empathy, and are able to complete tasks on their own.

Through household chores, such as taking out the trash or doing their laundry, they understand the true value of work.

2. Gave them social skills

American researchers have found a correlation between the social skills of boys and girls in kindergarten and their performance in adulthood. The study, which lasted 20 years, showed that socially competent children from childhood are able to cooperate, negotiate, understand other people's feelings and solve their own problems, are more likely to get a higher education and find a good job at 25 years old.

Whereas people whose social skills were not developed in childhood have a higher chance of becoming drunkards, being arrested and having no roof over their heads.

3. Had high hopes for them

The expectations that parents place on their children have a great influence on their future achievements. This was found out by scientists from the University of California at Los Angeles, who conducted a survey among several thousand children born in 2001.

Parents who see their children's future in college are guiding them toward this goal, regardless of their income or other resources. Among the children who performed the worst on standardized tests, only 57% received college guidance from their parents. And among those participants who coped with the tests better, parents saw 96% in universities.

4. Had a good relationship with each other

Researchers from the University of Illinois found that children who grow up in highly conflicted families, where parents are divorced or married, are less likely to become successful as adults than those in which father and mother lived in harmony.

Moreover, from this point of view, it is more useful for a child to grow up in an incomplete family, where the only adult is a non-conflict person than a mother and father who fight among themselves. In the event of a divorce of parents, the child and his future are affected by whether they manage to establish good relations with each other, how often the parent who lives separately will see the child.

5. Must have a good education

A 2016 study by University of Michigan psychologist Sandra Tang found that children of mothers with college degrees are more likely to go to college. The researchers also found that children whose mothers were under the age of 18 at the time of their birth are less likely to complete secondary or higher education.

6. Started teaching math early

A massive 2020 study of 35,000 preschoolers in the US, Canada, and England found that early math learning is a very important piece of the educational puzzle as a whole.

How to make a child successful? Teach him numbers before he enters school. If a child goes to school already knowing the numbers, their order and other basic mathematical concepts, this is not only a guarantee of his future high marks in mathematics. Reading such a child will also be better.

7. Developed relationships with their children

Researchers believe that children whose parents are sensitive to their needs and cues in the first three years of their lives, responding appropriately to them, build a base of confidence that will help children be successful in school and later in life. And the relationship with dad and mom will be better.

Investing in early parent-child relationships can bring long-term benefits that will accumulate over the course of their lives.

According to the researchers, the amount of time mothers spend around children aged 3-11 has little effect on their behavior, self-perception or future success. But intensive motherhood or NOT fatherhood can really hurt.

When a child is still tiny, everyone is touched by him: mothers, fathers, grandmothers. Every day lived is celebrated by parents as an achievement, and every step is a great desire to grow and become an adult. Moms are so proud of their babies when they start walking, reading, talking and sitting on the potty on their own. And when the children grow up, there is a lot of resentment, discontent and confidence that the neighbor's child is much smarter and smarter.

Consistency is the key to raising a successful child

Metamorphoses with parents happen quite unexpectedly for a child. He is shouted at for running around the cottage, scolded for spilled milk, punished for chocolate drawings on the wallpaper ... For a broken toy they say that they will not buy anything else, but for a bad mood and whims they are afraid that they will give Babaika. The main thing that is offensive: he is accused of slovenliness, disobedience, bad behavior, and the child sincerely does not understand this! They scold him for nothing. And that's why.

Just a year ago, when he was lying in his bed and crawling no further than the edge of the sofa, they gave him a bear, whose head and paws were easily removed. So it was interesting! Parents were happy that a smart child was growing up, who in no time mastered the cause-and-effect relationships and realized that the bear would not walk if his paws were unscrewed. Hooray, we have a healthy baby!

When the kid grew up and dismantled the TV remote control, no one was happy about his curiosity. He was scolded, yelled at and put in his room. What is the child experiencing? He did not understand the guilt! He's offended. He is hurt by such injustice, because he used to be praised for self-assembly and disassembly of toys. So what if the remote is not a toy?

This is how the baby becomes a hostage to the mood and lack of logic of the parents. He becomes dependent on the opinions and behavior of his parents. He understands that what is possible today may be forbidden tomorrow ... But why this happens - he does not understand. And when he grows up enough to understand this, he becomes a hostage to new circumstances, only already at school. Teachers crush with their remarks and jerks. Personal freedom remains far away in the cradle, and the child realizes that this is irrevocable.

Protective reactions of the child

At the same time, the children's psyche is arranged in such a way that the balance will definitely be restored. These are the protective functions of the body so that a growing person can experience stress. It turns out that children who are not allowed to open up at home with constant reproaches and abuse are forced to realize themselves on the street. Due to the fact that actions are carried out with subconscious resentment, they are very different from the good and right. This is how dangerous social elements grow up.

Sometimes the psyche works in the other direction: the child becomes isolated. He lacks self-confidence, he is afraid of everything and everyone, does not like attention to himself. This is also a defensive reaction, because it is subconsciously dictated by the desire not to catch the eye once again, so as not to scold. Will such a child grow up successful and happy? It's funny, but parents want to be proud of their child, and they themselves do everything to trample it. Yes, they unconsciously do it, but it turns out a disservice.

What to do? After all, any healthy parent wants happiness for their offspring. Moreover, indeed, the next generation must be happier than the previous one, otherwise the process of evolution will be stopped.

If you remember some simple advice from psychologists, then all adults will have a chance to raise a balanced and self-confident baby, who will make a good specialist, decent, successful and just a happy person.

  • A child almost to adulthood is a copy of his parents. What is their mood and attitude to the world around them, the same is formed in him. Sometimes it even manifests itself in a much more pronounced degree and in an aggravated version.
  • Even if something doesn’t work out for a child, you don’t have to call him stupid or lament the fact that “so big, but can’t do anything.” He doesn't get anything specific, does he? Why generalize? And it’s better to formulate requests or questions in such a way that you want to answer in the affirmative. To the request "Won't you collect the toys?" I want to answer “NO!” And here again the kid is scolded that he is naughty and sloppy ... But it’s so easy to say “Collect the toys, please, but for now I’ll cook us a meal.” Conflict is easy to avoid.
  • It is better not to remind the child of failures and insults. Moreover, do not blame. There is nothing so fateful that a little man can destroy, but he knows how to experience worse than an adult. Better support and encouragement. Everything will work out!
  • Raising a child does not consist of prohibitions and dictation of his duties. It is not necessary to draw the attention of the child to issues that are forbidden - it will only tease him. It is better to think about what will please him and distract him.
  • Children readily lend themselves to visualization. This can be used for their own benefit - to give them the opportunity to strive for their dreams and goals. And they will materialize, as if by magic! In fact, there is a major chapter in psychology that pays great attention to the programming of human self-consciousness. So the child must be taught from childhood to develop optimism and self-confidence, and then he will be able to independently believe in success.
  • Together with the child, you can arrange five minutes of positive, on which the best affirmations will be invented: “I am the most beautiful!”, “I can draw / sing / dance / swim well!”, “I will finish the year with five!” Affirmations should be affirmative and positive. Thus, you can not only tune in to a good mood, but also find out the goals and desires of the child, which is very important. At such moments, children's eyes begin to shine, they think dreamily, and then they begin to dream aloud and make plans. It is perfectly. In parallel, you can carefully discard his feelings about failure in school. In this case, it is important to find good sides: for example, to say that there is nothing wrong with not being able to run the fastest, but what beautiful applications turned out!
  • Children need to feel support from their parents, faith. And support should not consist in solving problems in algebra, but be manifested in the belief that the child himself can solve them. It gives strength.
  • If a child has a desire to do something, it must be supported. Some undertakings may seem worthless to parents, even strange, but the child must be given the opportunity to develop and express himself.
  • You can calm a naughty child not with shouts and slaps, but with explanations: why it is not good to do this and how others suffer from it. The child should feel that he is being treated like an adult, and not pushed into a corner, so that he sits quietly and does not interfere with the fact that he is still small and has fun.

It's so easy and at the same time very difficult to raise successful children. And the root of their success lies in their parents. If parents manage to avoid a lot of mistakes, then children will be able to take care of themselves and their children in the future. There is nothing worse when children have to feel lonely or insecure because of the stupid complexes that developed in childhood ...

While your baby is still too small, he evokes a feeling of tenderness in everyone around him. Every day, parents consider new achievements, and any event as a desire for growth and development. And how proud mothers are when their children take their first steps, say their first words, go to the potty on their own or start reading. As they grow, we begin to get upset and offended that the neighbor's kid is much smarter and smarter than ours.

Little children make those around them feel tender

The main thing is to be consistent.

The child, as he grows, begins to notice for himself cardinal changes in the behavior of his parents. He is forbidden to run around the house, scolded for spilled puddles, punished for painted walls. If he breaks a toy, then in return he hears that they won’t buy anything else for him, and for whims they scare him with the arrival of Babayka. And, what is most offensive, the child really does not understand why his parents scolded him. And why?

Not so long ago, when the baby was still lying in her bed and did not crawl further than the sofa, she was given toys that could be taken apart. It was so exciting! Parents liked that their child comprehends the basics of cause and effect relationships. What a blessing that their child is developing well.

As they grow older, children do not understand why their parents begin to scold them for what they used to praise for.

If the kid grew up and took apart the TV remote control piece by piece, no one was pleased with such curiosity. He was scolded and punished. What does the child feel? He did not understand what his fault was and he was very offended. It hurts that earlier for independent analysis of toys he received approval and praise from his parents. And why is the TV remote not a toy?

Thus, the child becomes dependent on the mood of the parents and their complete illogicality. He begins to think that what he is allowed to do today will no longer be possible tomorrow. And why this happens, he does not understand. As he grows up, when he can realize this, he becomes dependent on new restrictions, but already related to the school. Teachers constantly make comments and jerks. One can only dream of complete and boundless freedom, and the child realizes that it is lost forever.

At school, the child faces new restrictions

Defensive reaction.

At the same time, the psyche of the child is arranged in such a way that the balance will be observed. Thus, the child's body protects its owner from stress. As a result, it turns out that children who are constantly scolded and reproached at home, do not allow them to reveal their abilities, try to fulfill themselves outside of it. Due to the fact that he will perform all his actions with a hidden resentment set aside in the subconscious, they will radically differ from good ones. As a result, a person grows up who is socially dangerous to others.

It also happens that the child's psyche gives a backlash and the baby simply closes. He is unsure of himself, afraid of the people around him, tries not to attract attention in any way. This reaction is also protective, because his subconscious dictates to him that he should not once again catch the eye of adults, otherwise he will be scolded. Will such a child be happy in life and will he be successful? It probably sounds ridiculous, but parents want to raise an object of pride from their child, while they themselves act in such a way as to trample him as a person in every possible way. Of course, they do so unconsciously, but the result is a disservice.

How to proceed? Every normal parent wants their children to be happy. In addition, in fact, each subsequent generation must be happier than its predecessors, otherwise evolution will simply stop.

In response to the abuse of parents, the child is offended and may withdraw into himself.

If you know about some recommendations of professional psychologists and follow them, then adults will have the opportunity to raise a calm and self-confident offspring, who in the future can become a good professional, decent and happy person.

Psychologists have their own tips for raising children
  • Until adulthood, the child copies his parents. In what mood they are and how they perceive the world around them, the child will be endowed with the same qualities. Often they appear brighter and deeper than in adults.
  • If something did not work out for your child, do not insult him and do not reproach him with this. What can he do? Just don't generalize about failures. Try to formulate your requests in such a way that they want to answer “Yes”. To the question "Do you want to clean up after yourself?" so it asks for a negative answer. As a result, the baby receives a new portion of curses about his disobedience and slovenliness. You just need to say, “Let’s collect the toys for now, and I’ll cook something tasty for us.” All conflicts can be easily resolved.
Don't insult your child
  • Do not remind the child of his grievances and troubles. Especially avoid reproaches. A small person is not capable of creating anything terrible and irreversible, but in terms of the degree of his experiences, he can surpass any adult. Try to support your child and cheer him up.
  • Do not build the entire educational process on continuous prohibitions and dictation of duties. Do not focus the baby's attention on prohibited items, as you will only tease him. Better find things that can distract him and please him.
  • Children easily perceive visualization. Use this fact for good - give them the opportunity to strive for something. And you will soon notice that all his thoughts will begin to materialize. In fact, there is a special section in psychology that is devoted to the programming of human consciousness. Therefore, teach your baby from childhood to believe in oneself, to look at the world optimistically, and you will give him the ability to believe in success.
  • Try to spend a few positive minutes with your baby, during which, together, come up with positive affirmations: “I am the most beautiful of all”, “I am the best dance / sing, etc.”. All affirmations should be positive and assertive. Thanks to them, you will not only be able to improve the mood of your child, but also find out what he is striving for.
  • It is very important for a child to know that parents believe in him and will always support him. Support does not mean helping with homework, but to give him confidence that he himself is able to cope with them. And it adds strength.
  • If the kid wants to do something, support his desire. Let you consider his aspiration insignificant or, perhaps, strange, but your child needs to develop and fulfill himself.
  • Calm down an excessively naughty child not with screams and assault, but with words: why his act is bad and why you don’t like it. You need to speak with the child on an equal footing, and not push him and not scold him for his childish pranks.
Treat your child as equals


This is the essence of raising a successful child. Understand that the success of your offspring depends on you. If in the process of education you can avoid most mistakes, then your children will be able to adequately raise their babies in the future. It is much worse if children feel lonely and unsure of their abilities as a result of complexes that appeared in childhood.

The success of the child in the future is laid by parents from childhood

Wise men say that the greatest success in life is successful children. How to raise a child so that he becomes a successful person, can realize himself and be happy?

We are talking about the rules for raising a successful child today on the pages of the site for women site.

Encourage your child's curiosity

All children are born geniuses - everyone is probably familiar with this statement. The task of parents is to help this genius realize himself.

Look carefully at your child - what he is interested in and what he wants to learn. Encourage such interest. Look for literature, educational games or films, write down on. Just do not decide for the child what he needs and what he can do without. Firstly, any hobby broadens the horizons of the child. And secondly, who knows, maybe it is this hobby that will become the life work of your child.

Teach your child to be independent

A child, for whom everything is always decided by the parents, and in adulthood will wait for someone's instructions. And uninitiated people very rarely achieve success in life.

Encourage independence in the child, be interested in his opinion on a variety of issues, instead of imposing your own on him. Be sure to give praise when you try to do something yourself for the first time, even if it was clumsy. Do not rush to immediately correct his mistakes or redo - instead, help the child to complete his undertaking. He'll do better next time.

Teach your child responsibility

Responsibility is the ability to be responsible for your words and actions. Encourage your child to keep his word or do something that is expected of him within a set time frame.

A child who is taught from childhood to be responsible in everything is more likely to succeed than one who is constantly allowed to break his word.

Instill a love of reading

People who read are generally more successful than those who completely replace a book with a TV or the Internet. Instill a love of books in your child from a very young age. First, start reading aloud to your child, then pick up interesting literature for him.

Do not limit the child in communicating with peers and try not to interfere in these relationships unnecessarily. The ability to independently "resolve" a variety of situations that arise during communication will be very useful to the child in the future.

Teach purposefulness and perseverance

The ability to set goals and achieve them is the most important condition for success in life. Teach your child to set goals for themselves, break down the process of achieving them into stages, and persistently move towards their goal.

Adjust the plan as needed and help your child deal with the challenges along the way. Just don't take on the task for him! Such "disservices" will lead to the fact that the child, instead of mobilizing his knowledge and strength, will constantly wait for outside help. In adult life, such a strategy of behavior is a road to nowhere.

Praise properly

Praise is an important part of the parenting process. Properly praising a child is an art. Always praise your child for the desire to do their job well, for the desire to learn and develop, for patience, perseverance, and the search for non-standard solutions - there are more than enough reasons for praise.

But use it in doses - if a child gets used to hearing a laudatory ode addressed to him for any reason, the value of praise for him will lose its importance. And undeserved praise completely corrupts - why try if you already pat on the head?

Learn to think outside the box

Encourage your child to think outside the box. Don't say "this can't be" or "don't invent something that isn't there". It is better to offer to think together on the topic, and what would happen if ...

Learn to deal with failure

Life is a string of various events, including many defeats. So that failures do not “knock out of the saddle” your child, teach him to treat them correctly from childhood.

Correct - this means, firstly, not to make a tragedy out of what happened, secondly, to be able to analyze the cause of failure, and thirdly, to make the right decision to correct the situation.

It is important to teach the child not to project temporary defeat onto his personality. I could not become a prize-winner at the competition - not because you are not good for anything or in general, a loser, but because you did not prepare enough. But next time it will work out if you put in more effort.

Happy and successful. But how to do that? How to raise a child who can realize himself in adulthood?

Well-being, purposefulness, self-confidence are the main signs of a successful person. Why are some people able to realize themselves, while others are not? What is the reason?

It's all about the upbringing and formation of a certain worldview of the growing personality. There is a very wise expression that the greatest success in life is successful children.

The article will discuss how to raise such a child so that he can realize himself and become happy.

Problems related to upbringing

Parents are the main teachers who lay the main life principles and foundations of the worldview, which the child then projects into adulthood. The main thing is not to follow the opinion of society, which is not interested in self-sufficient and self-confident individuals, but to listen to your child and his needs.

One simple rule should be remembered forever: a successful child is a person with normal self-esteem, happy, without complexes and fears that arise in childhood under the influence of mothers and fathers. Parents love obedient and calm children who do not take the initiative and do not defend their opinion. It is very convenient when the child completely obeys the will of the parents. But this is for the time being.

Psychologists believe that problems and mistakes in education not only negatively affect the psychological health of the child, but also provoke the development of physical diseases. To prevent this, it is necessary to change the minds of parents who raise their children according to the principle "it will be as I said."

Parents transfer echoes from their childhood into the upbringing process, that is, if the father grew up in a despot family, then there is a high probability that he will behave the same way with his son.

Of course, there can be no question of any success if the child grows up in an environment with an excess of aggression, if he is notorious and not self-confident.

Parents need to pay attention to a number of problems that exist in modern society and are an obstacle to the development of success and usefulness in children:

  • Computer technology has a negative impact on education. It is easier for parents to distract the baby with newfangled phones and tablets than to read a book to him at night. The consequence of this is the lack of attention in childhood, which negatively affects the psyche of the baby.
  • Compensation for the lack of attention and care with the purchase of toys will lead to the depreciation of material things and increased demands.
  • Obsessive help from parents. As a result, the child becomes a lack of initiative, unadapted to life, and subsequently - a helpless adult.
  • The imposition of their views is usually characteristic of those parents who themselves have not succeeded in life and are now showing their abilities and passing on experience to a small person.
  • Unwillingness to take responsibility for the child - as a result, the child does not receive enough love and suffers because of the insolvency and irresponsibility of mom or dad.

The child must know and feel that he is loved.

A successful adult always has the right self-esteem. Parents need to show the child that they love him simply for what he is, and that he is who he is. The child needs to say words of love as often as possible, hug him, respect all his aspirations. If it is time for him to go to bed, and he is playing, you should not yell at him and send him to bed in an orderly tone, it is better to help finish the game, and then go to bed with him. You can not criticize the baby, you need to criticize only actions.

The child should have the right to choose

The successful development of a child is possible only if you give him the right to a simple and banal choice. For example, what he will go for a walk in or what toy he will take with him on a trip. The child will see that his opinion is considered and listened to. You need to discuss films, cartoons, situations, books with him and always be interested in what he thinks about this or that matter.

Children need to be taught to negotiate.

The ability to negotiate is a very useful quality when it comes to raising a successful child. It is necessary to teach him to express his thoughts on any issue. You should instill in him the ability to compromise and find solutions that would suit everyone. It is the ability to negotiate and find solutions in difficult situations that will help the child adapt in society.

Help your child find what they love

Each person has their own abilities and talents. It is necessary to observe the child in order to identify the occupation that arouses the greatest interest in him, and try to develop him in this direction. The sooner development begins, the better for the talent. In the future, he may not be engaged in this business, but the experience that he accumulates during his studies will always be useful to him in life.

Encouraging Curiosity

All children are born geniuses, and the task of parents is to help the child realize himself. If he is interested in some occupation, you need to support this interest. You should look for literature, educational games or films, enroll in a circle, section or class. For the successful development of a child, one cannot decide for him what he needs to do, and what he can do without. Any interest should be encouraged. First, it broadens one's horizons. Secondly, perhaps this hobby can become a matter of his whole life.

creative development

From early childhood, it is necessary to teach the baby to be creative, draw with him, compose songs, dance, and make music. Creative abilities will be very useful to him in the future in solving problems and the most complex tasks.

Developing a sense of responsibility

The child should feel responsible for what he did. But you can not scold him, you must try to find the best way out of the situation. It is important to show by example that you need to keep your word, and be able to answer for wrong actions.

He should be encouraged to keep his word and carry out the actions that are expected of him within a certain period of time.

A child who has been taught responsibility from childhood is more likely to succeed than a child who does not know how to be responsible for his words and actions.

Love for reading

A child needs to instill a love of reading, preferably from an early age. People who read are more successful and self-confident than those who spend all their free time watching TV or a computer. First you need to read aloud, then select interesting literature for him in accordance with his age.

Development of eloquence

If a child tries to tell something, you can not brush it off. On the contrary, you should enter into a dialogue with him, give him the opportunity to prove his thoughts, ask questions that he can answer.

If it’s difficult for him, you need to help him with a hint, but you can’t speak for him, let him try to explain, describe, ask a question, answer a question on his own.

The desire of the child to be friends with peers and other children should be encouraged. A successful child is a sociable kid. You can not limit the communication of the child, in addition, without the need it is better not to interfere in the relationship of children. He must independently learn to extricate himself from situations, this will be very useful to him in the future.

Development of perseverance and purposefulness

The child needs to be taught to set goals and achieve them, to show how to make a plan to achieve the goals and how to adjust it if necessary. You can help him cope with the difficulties that have arisen, but you cannot perform the action for him. This is a disservice, which will lead to the fact that the child will always wait for help from outside, instead of getting together and solving the problem.

Praise should be right

Praise is an important part of the parenting process. You need to do it right. You should praise the baby for the desire to perform his task well, for the desire to develop, learn, for perseverance, patience, and the search for non-standard solutions.

Praise is important to use dosed. If he gets used to it, then its value will lose its importance for him.

It is impossible to praise undeservedly, it corrupts. The child stops trying, because the meaning is lost in this, because they will praise anyway.


A successful person is an optimist in life. In any, even the worst situation, something good should be seen, this is important for a successful and happy person. From an early age, the baby needs to be explained that victories can be replaced by defeats, and this is normal, such is life. Parents themselves should be optimistic and show by example how to relate to problems.

It is necessary to teach the child to perceive failures correctly, that is, not to make a tragedy out of this, to be able to analyze the causes and make the right decisions to correct the situation.

It is important that the child does not project failure onto his personality. That is, if he did not take a place in the competition, this does not indicate that he is a loser, which means that he was simply poorly prepared. It is required to tell him that he will succeed next time, just need to make more efforts.


From the age of two, the child strives to show independence. It is very good. You need to give him the opportunity to do something without outside help and not rush him.

This desire should be encouraged in him, be interested in his opinion, be sure to praise him for trying to do something himself. You do not need to immediately correct what the baby did wrong, it is better to help him finish it the right way.

How to raise a successful person

By educating a child such qualities as humanity, purposefulness, independence, parents form a successful, self-confident personality. In addition, you should always remember that children imitate adults, so you need to educate yourself.

If mom always keeps her promise, dad - supports in a difficult situation, then in the future the child will behave the same way.

What should be paid special attention to and what should not be allowed so that the upbringing of a successful child gives a positive result?

  • Parents need to learn to perceive the child as a separate person, which is characterized by their own view of things, their own opinion, self-esteem.
  • You need to learn to keep a moral distance, not to impose your opinion and tastes, especially if the child does not like it. Even a 2-year-old kid can tell exactly which toys he likes and which he doesn't.
  • Parents should support the initiative, these are the first steps in raising independence in a child. Successful socialization will be faster and more painless if the child is more independent and self-confident. Let him eat very slowly or tie his shoelaces for half an hour, but these are important stages in the development of independence and willpower.

  • It is necessary to encourage any manifestations of activity, where he tries to do something on his own. It is especially important to express support in the first years of a baby's life, it is during this period that the behavior of adults determines his character.
  • You need to help your child set goals and develop a plan of action with him.
  • From 6-7 years old, it is necessary to begin to cultivate diligence and willpower, he is already able to control his emotions. It is imperative to teach the baby to play sports. Physical activity develops self-discipline and self-control.
  • Show by example how to achieve your goals. The main thing is to be consistent, always keep promises, work hard and enjoy the result of your work.

Which Parents Have Successful Children?

All parents want their kids to stay out of trouble as much as possible. Every father and mother want the child to be successful at school, so that his peers do not offend him, so that he can achieve his goal. Unfortunately, there is no specific guide to raising a successful and happy child. But psychologists say that most often such children grow up with successful parents.

So, what you need to become a parent in order to raise a successful person:

  • It is necessary to teach your children socialization skills: communicating with their peers, understanding their moods, feelings, helping others and solving their problems on their own. In the scientific literature, psychologists advise parents to instill the skills of successful adaptation of the child in any team.
  • It is necessary to expect a lot from the child and believe in him. For example, those mothers and fathers who expect their child to receive a higher education, as a rule, get their way. They lead him to this all the time, and at a certain stage the child himself begins to want this.
  • Successful children grow up in families where mothers work. Such children learn independence early, so they are more well adapted to life than those babies whose mothers stay at home and do household chores.
  • As a rule, successful and happy children grow up in families where parents have higher education.
  • It is necessary to teach mathematics to children from an early age, and the sooner the better.
  • It is important to establish good and warm relationships with children.
  • It is necessary to appreciate the efforts, and not the fear of failure, to be optimistic in life.


The modern world is fleeting and changeable, children grow up very quickly. The main task of parents is to direct their baby in the right direction and along the way to instill in him fortitude, diligence, dedication, determination, optimism, faith in himself and in his strength.

And the main thing that moms and dads should remember is that a successful child is a happy and beloved child. You need to love the baby, even the most naughty and spoiled, believe in him, help him, and then he will succeed.