Possibilities of expanding the range of dishes due to new products. If the child does not eat well

Usually, babies start feeding at six months of age. So by eight months, the baby is already familiar with most food products. But many mothers, due to their guardianship and distrust of pediatricians, try to limit the baby from "adult" food to the maximum, believing that it is too early for him to try this.

What can be given to a child at this age, the article will tell you.

Healthy foods

If the baby is breastfed, this is only a plus. You shouldn't give it up. But it is worth replacing the main meals with "adult" food. In the morning and in the evening, it is worth feeding the baby with breast milk, and at lunchtime we begin to introduce the baby to solid food.

If the baby is artificially fed, then the principle of feeding the baby with milk remains in effect. It is only replaced with adapted milk formulas.

Healthy and resolvable foods at 8 months:

1. Porridge:

  • Oatmeal.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Barley.
  • Rice.
  • Corn.

Do not give crumbs of semolina. It contains gluten. At this age, the stomach of the child will not be able to digest it. According to pediatricians, semolina is allowed from ten months.

It is advisable to dilute cereals with fruits and vegetables. Cook oatmeal with a banana or apple, corn and rice with pumpkin, and wheat porridge goes well with berries.

2. Fruit:

  • Bananas.
  • The apples are green.
  • Pear.

3. Berries:

  • Blueberry. It is incredibly useful for vision.
  • Raspberries. But be very careful with raspberries. This is the strongest allergen. Therefore, initially give the crumb half of the berry and see the reaction. If diathesis does not appear, you can include it in the diet of the crumbs.

4. Meat:

  • Beef.
  • Hen.
  • Rabbit.
  • Quail.
  • Turkey meat.

It is highly undesirable to give pork and lamb. These are fatty meats.

5. Vegetables:

  • Potato.
  • Carrot.
  • Onion.
  • Leek.
  • Beet.
  • Broccoli.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Zucchini.

6. Eggs:

  • Chicken.
  • Quail.

But don't give more than half of the yolk every three days. It is better not to include protein in the diet of crumbs. Remember that eggs are a very dangerous food product, so they must undergo prolonged heat treatment.

7. Oil:

  • Olive oil.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Butter.

8. Flour products:

  • Bread.
  • Bagels.
  • Galette cookies.

9. Seasonings:

  • Salt in very limited quantities. Better to use salt with added iodine. This compensates for the iodine deficiency in the child's body and normalizes the thyroid gland.
  • Sugar. Pediatricians recommend using sugar syrup instead of sugar for cooking. Method of preparation: pour 100 ml of purified water into a container. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar to the water. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

10. Dairy products:

  • Kefir.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Cow's milk.
  • Yoghurts.

Sample menu

Every mother is worried about the question of what can be used to feed a baby at this age. Namely, what kind of dishes. After all, there are many products, but they are all recommended in limited quantities. In order to solve this problem, we present to your attention a sample food menu for a child for every day.

In the morning and in the evening we breastfeed or an adapted milk formula. In total, at this age, the baby should have 5 meals, including morning and evening meals. This means that there are 3 meals left every 4 hours. At 10-11 in the morning we give the baby rice porridge with pumpkin.

Then we feed him meat soup with vegetables. We allow bread, but no more than 5-10 grams. At 4 days, we feed the crumbs with cottage cheese with fruits and sweet kefir.

Recipes for cooking crumbs

Each mother wants to feed her child only homemade and proven products and dishes, so we suggest you familiarize yourself with several recipes for children's dishes that can be prepared every week for your baby:

  • Homemade curd. To prepare cottage cheese, you will need 200 ml of pasteurized cow's milk and kefir 2.5% fat each. Pour milk into a clean container. Bring it to a boil. When the milk has boiled, pour in kefir. We stir. After 2-3 minutes, cottage cheese will begin to form on the surface. It needs to be thrown onto cheesecloth and allowed to drain. An eight-month-old baby is allowed to give no more than 30 grams of cottage cheese daily. If desired, fruits and milk are added to the curd. For convenience, all ingredients are whipped with a blender.
  • Vegetable puree. Peel the zucchini (30g), potatoes (30-40g) and broccoli (25-30g). All vegetables are steamed for 15-20 minutes. When cooked, olive or sunflower oil is added to the vegetables. Everything is whipped with a blender.
  • Meat broth. To prepare the broth, you will need meat fillet (50 gr.). It is washed, cut into pieces and boiled. Then potatoes (20 grams), carrots (20 grams), onions (15 grams) are placed in the broth and boiled until tender. All ingredients are cooked from an hour to two. For cooking, add greens (preferably dill).
  • Buckwheat porridge with milk. Boil buckwheat in water. Boil a small amount of baby milk. Pour buckwheat. Add sugar syrup or sugar to taste. Stir.
  • Oatmeal porridge with apple. Boil porridge in water. Add some baby milk and sugar at the end. Before serving porridge, grate half a green apple, mix.
  • Beetroot puree. Boil the beets and carrots. Finely grate all ingredients. Season with salt and oil to taste. This dish helps to cleanse the intestines.
Important aspects

A baby at this age should eat up to 1100 grams of food, excluding liquid food and water. But each child develops individually, so if your baby doesn't eat that much, you shouldn't worry. Children of this age often lose their appetite due to teething.

Pay attention to the amount of fluid you consume, namely plain water. On average, a baby should drink 30 ml of water for each kilogram of his weight. So, if the crumb weighs 7 kg, then its daily intake of fluid is 210 ml.

Your baby's first breakfast should be started with breast milk. For the second breakfast we give the crumbs porridge with fruit, kefir, fruit puree. At lunchtime, the baby is fed with first courses. In the afternoon, we give the crumbs more hearty food: cottage cheese, cookies soaked in milk or crackers. But it is worth remembering that if the baby is prone to constipation, then the amount of cottage cheese should be limited.


Most 8-month-olds are happy to hold cutlery in their hands and even try to eat on their own - they like to imitate adults. Their diet undergoes minor changes - it is supplemented with bread and cookies (if this has not been done before), many mothers begin to offer their children not mashed, but mashed foods, thanks to which the baby learns to chew food.

What foods should be in the diet of an 8 month old baby?

This is one of the most common questions asked by pediatricians. Nutritionists of the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Sciences offer certain norms, but they should rather be used as a guideline, because the needs and taste preferences of children depend on many factors, including the region of residence, family traditions, prevailing products on the market, and others. On average, an 8-month-old baby can be given:

  • up to 60–65 ml of fruit puree;
  • up to 100 g of vegetable puree;
  • 100-150 g of porridge;
  • no more than 60 ml of fruit juices;
  • about 3 g of vegetable oil (the same amount of butter);
  • cottage cheese - 30-50 g;
  • 5-10 g flour products (biscuits and bread);
  • meat and fish - up to 50 g;
  • kefir - 30-50 g.

Of course, these are approximate norms that the mother will adjust, taking into account the child's appetite and the degree of his adaptation to new products. The main wish to parents is to think over the baby's menu in such a way that every meal would give him pleasure. And although he still cannot eat many dishes (fried, baked, pickled, smoked, bacon), if you wish, you can always find a way to diversify the baby's diet.

Basic nutritional principles at 8 months

Happy are those mothers who manage to provide an 8-month-old baby with breast milk. Even if the baby is already eating many foods, do not deprive him of the most valuable food. He will gladly suckle in the morning and evening. If the baby is still drinking breast milk, the number of feedings per day is 5 times, "Artificial" - 4 times.

It is recommended to give fish 2-3 times a week. Every day, the baby can be offered meat and cereals (alternating them so that they do not repeat for several days), vegetable purees, confectionery products (dry biscuits and bread). Puddings and soufflés can be added to the usual soups and cereals. Children are great at eating dishes with the addition of fruits or vegetables, for example, rice with pumpkin, wheat porridge with blueberries or other fillings.

There are three main meals throughout the day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. After a nap, offer your baby a snack - afternoon tea. Most often, this is a light snack, such as fruit puree, yogurt with cookies, or curd. Sample timetable:

  • 07:30 - breakfast, any of the cereals (buckwheat, wheat, corn, oatmeal or rice, sometimes semolina), 1-2 pieces of cookies, compote or juice;
  • 12:00 - lunch, soup, a small slice of bread, grated meat with a side dish (mainly vegetable puree), egg yolk (1/4);
  • 16:00 - afternoon snack;
  • 19:00 - dinner, you can offer mashed potatoes with the addition of cabbage or other vegetable.

A portion of breast milk or kefir will end the day - just before bedtime.

Menu for the week

Now let's try to create a menu for the week. So:


  • breakfast - buckwheat porridge with milk, carrot and apple puree, tea, cookies;
  • lunch - vegetable soup (potatoes, zucchini, carrots, onions), rice porridge in water with meat puree, 30 ml of plum juice;
  • afternoon tea - 70 ml of yogurt;
  • squash puree, compote.
  • breakfast - rice porridge with milk, apricot puree, dried fruit compote, cookies;
  • lunch - rice soup with meatballs, mashed potatoes with liver pate (homemade), peach juice;
  • afternoon tea - curd pudding;
  • dinner - rice porridge with pumpkin, tea, cookies.
  • breakfast - milk oatmeal with prunes, tea with cookies;
  • lunch - rabbit soup, vegetable puree from broccoli, potatoes and zucchini, dried fruit compote;
  • afternoon tea - applesauce;
  • dinner - chicken liver pate with mashed potatoes.
  • breakfast - milk corn porridge, peach puree, tea;
  • lunch - potato soup with yolk, broccoli puree and potatoes with fish;
  • afternoon tea - kefir with cookies;
  • dinner - spinach puree with meatballs.
  • breakfast - wheat porridge with wild berries (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries), cottage cheese, tea;
  • lunch - children's borscht (without beans and fried onions and roots), vegetable puree with grated meat, compote;
  • afternoon tea - fruit yogurt;
  • dinner - chicken liver with rice porridge.
  • breakfast - milk semolina, apple and carrot puree, tea;
  • lunch - soup with cauliflower, buckwheat porridge (on the water) with meatballs, compote;
  • afternoon tea - cottage cheese, fruit juice;
  • dinner - mashed potatoes with fish.


  • breakfast - oatmeal, carrot juice, cookies;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, cottage cheese, compote;
  • afternoon tea - applesauce and apricot puree with cookies;
  • dinner - mashed potatoes with broccoli with grated turkey meat.

Serving sizes depend on the child's appetite. Do not try to persuade him to eat or force-feed - it is useless. Keep in mind that excessive weight gain is just as bad as significant weight gain. In addition, the norms do not take into account the heredity of the child and a deviation of 10% from the estimated mass is not critical. When assessing the health of a baby, one should focus on behavioral factors and his well-being.

If the baby can easily withstand a 3.5-4-hour break between feedings, it means that the food it has consumed is quite enough for normal development. Does your baby feel hungry two hours after lunch or breakfast? Probably, the dishes turned out to be insufficient in calories, so it is worth revising his diet.

First course recipes

Cauliflower and broccoli soup

You will need 1 potato, a small piece of carrot (up to 50 g), 100 g of broccoli and the same amount of cauliflower, 30 g of celery (two sprigs) and 10 g of parsley.

Chop vegetables finely, add water and put on fire. When the water boils, add celery and reduce heat, then simmer for another 15–20 minutes. After the end of cooking, put the herbs in a saucepan (straight with twigs), then cover and let the dish brew for 10-15 minutes. Grind the finished soup with a blender until puree. Add a pinch of salt.

Chicken broccoli soup

Ingredients: two potatoes, ground chicken fillet (without skin) - it is better to cook it yourself, 100 g of broccoli.

Pour 200-300 ml of water into a saucepan and put on fire. Once it boils, add the minced chicken to it. Collect the foam formed on the surface of the water, then add potatoes and broccoli inflorescences to the soup. Cook until tender (15–20 minutes) and grind the soup with a blender. You will get a mass that resembles sour cream in consistency. Make sure to add some salt to the soup.

Zucchini and cauliflower soup

For 100 ml of water, you will need 50 g of cauliflower and zucchini. Wash the vegetables thoroughly, then chop and cook. Rub the finished soup through a sieve, season with a small amount of butter, add a quarter of the boiled yolk.

The article will give advice on feeding a baby at 8 months, an approximate menu and diet.

New foods are added to the diet of an eight-month-old baby. This is necessary for the full development of the child's body. If there are no restrictions from the pediatrician, the products can be combined. The diet is 5 meals:

  • Around 6 in the morning. This time is ideal for breastfeeding or formula feeding. Breastfeeding should not be interrupted for at least a year. This will help the baby to adapt to the new diet.
  • 10 a.m. During this time, the child is given a nutritious breakfast rich in carbohydrates. It should be porridge. Types of cereals can be changed from day to day, giving preference to loved ones
  • 14:00 is a full meal, which should consist of soup or broth. Also, you need to introduce meat into the diet. It will be given in the form of a puree for now.
  • 18:00 - evening meal. It can be very varied, but the food should be easily digestible. This can be cottage cheese, baby yogurt, or vegetable puree.
  • 10 p.m. is the last meal, which should consist of milk, similar to the morning feed

What kind of cottage cheese to give to a child at 8 months old, how much and how often?

Cottage cheese is rich in calcium, fluoride and vitamins, which are involved in the full development of the child's skeletal system.

  • For children who feed on mother's milk, cottage cheese should be introduced no earlier than 8 - 9 months of age. For those who are bottle-fed, cottage cheese is shown already from 7 months
  • Cottage cheese should be given after vegetables, fruits and cereals have been introduced into the diet.
  • First you need to establish how the baby's body reacts to a new product. First, give a teaspoon of the product and observe the reaction
  • If all is well, then the portion is increased. It can reach 30-40 grams per day
  • It is better to give cottage cheese at the beginning every other day. Only starting from the 10th month, cottage cheese can be given daily
  • It is better to cook cottage cheese yourself from natural products. Purchased cottage cheese, especially with additives, is strictly prohibited to give

Video: How to make baby cottage cheese?

How much yolk to give to a child at 8 months?

Egg yolk is usually mixed with breast milk or artificial formula. Also, it can be added to mashed potatoes or porridge.

  • Egg yolk is not a new product for an 8 month old baby. But you still don't need to give this product in large quantities.
  • If the reaction of the baby's body to the yolk is good, then you can give it half. The portion can be increased with each month of life.
  • It is better to give preference to quail eggs. Children are less likely to be allergic to yolks of this type.
  • You need to feed your baby with eggs carefully, without overusing this product on the menu.

How much meat to give to a child at 8 months: the norm?

  • At 8 months, pediatricians recommend actively introducing meat into the baby's diet. Naturally, it should be in the consistency of a mousse for a better perception.
  • Meat contains many essential vitamins (A, B12, B2), amino acids and minerals. All of them are involved in the development of the child's body.
  • Meat norm for an 8 month old baby - up to 50 grams per day
  • Meat should be introduced into the diet only in the absence of allergies, constipation and other negative reactions of the body.
  • It is recommended to use chicken, veal, turkey or beef in the diet. All meat should be fresh and with delicate fibers.

How much porridge should a child eat at 8 months?

  • At 8 months, the baby is usually given such cereals: rice, buckwheat, oats or corn porridge. Other cereals can be given if the child perceives them normally.
  • The norm of porridge at this age is up to 180 grams porridge
  • Semolina porridge should not be given to babies under one year old, as it reduces the ability to absorb calcium
  • Porridge can be grinded or served in chunks. The kid will eventually figure out how to chew them.

How to cook porridge for an 8 month old baby?

  • Rinse the groats with water and sort out. Then it can be chopped in a blender.
  • Then the groats are poured with boiled water and cooked until tender. Make sure the groats do not burn
  • For up to 8 months, porridge is boiled in water. You can add a little formula or breast milk to it before feeding
  • Closer to the year, porridge is cooked in non-fat natural milk
  • From 8 months you can add butter to the porridge - 5 g

Fruit puree and vegetable puree rate at 8 months

The norm of vegetable puree for a baby 8 months old - 180 g, fruit - 80 g

  • Puree can be special purchased or prepared at home.
  • Purchased purees should be fresh, there should be no chemical additives in the composition. Study the composition of the product before feeding it to your baby.
  • You need to make homemade baby puree from organic fruits and vegetables; remove the tough skin. Puree using a blender or metal sieve

Video: How to make fruit puree for a child?

What kefir to give to a child at 8 months and how much?

When choosing kefir for a child, study its composition. It should be free of preservatives and additives, the shelf life is minimal.

  • For children on artificial feeding, kefir is introduced into the diet already at the age of 7 months. For babies - after 8 months of life
  • You can enter kefir after the baby is already free to eat cereals, vegetables and fruits.
  • To make the baby fall in love with kefir, you can add applesauce to it. Sugar cannot be used
  • For the first time, the rate of kefir is up to 30 grams, gradually this dose increases to 100 grams
  • Fermented milk products are best served in the evening. Kefir is drunk from a spoon or cup
  • To be sure of the quality of kefir, it is better to cook it yourself from natural milk.

How to give Agusha milk from 8 months?

  • Agusha milk is intended for children from 8 months. Information about this is indicated directly on the milk carton.
  • According to the manufacturer, milk is fortified with vitamins A and C, promotes the growth of the baby.
  • According to reviews, children drink this milk well, it rarely causes allergies.
  • You can give such milk at 8 months and later. Usually it is given at an evening reception, write or add to cereals
  • Milk has a short shelf life, you need to store it in the refrigerator

Agusha milk for a baby at 8 months

How and what to give cookies to a child of 8 months?

Cookies are not at all an obligatory food element for a baby of 8 months. It can be given only if the child does not have constipation.

  • Baking should not become one of the nutritional elements of children under one year old. Cookies can sometimes be given, but only as a treat
  • Cookies for babies 8 months old should contain a minimum of sugar and fat. Crackers or biscuit biscuits are ideal.
  • Cookies can be served between feedings. Sometimes it is added to the food mix, so the child eats better.
  • You can cook the cookies yourself, then you can be sure of their quality.
  • According to reviews, the best cookies for children under one year old are "Baby" and "Heinz"

What kind of fish can a baby at 8 months old and how to cook?

  • For a baby 8 months old, you can give not fatty (hake, pollock, river perch, pollock) or moderately fatty (herring, carp or bream) fish
  • Fatty fish can only be introduced after a year of a child's life.
  • Boil fish for children. And fish broth can whet your appetite.
  • Some pediatricians recommend giving children special canned fish for children. But this is a moot point. Indeed, not all useful properties are preserved in such a "fish"
  • The first acquaintance with fish will be in the form of mashed potatoes. It does not contain salt, spices or oil.

Video: The first fish in a child's diet

Menu, diet and diet for a child at 8 months with breastfeeding

An approximate baby's diet while breastfeeding will look like this:

  • First breakfast - 6 a.m. - 200 ml of breast milk
  • Second breakfast - about 10 hours - porridge without milk with butter, fruit puree (80 gr)
  • Dinner - until 10 pm - breast milk 200 ml

Menu, diet and diet for a child at 8 months with artificial feeding

Diet for a baby with artificial feeding:

  • First breakfast - 6 am - 200 ml of the mixture
  • Second breakfast - about 10 hours - porridge in milk with butter, fruit puree (80 gr)
  • Lunch - 2 pm - Vegetable puree + vegetable a little (180 g), meat puree (or fish) (50 g), fruit juice
  • Afternoon snack - 6 pm - cottage cheese or kefir, cookies if desired, fruit puree (if not available for breakfast)
  • Dinner - before 10 pm - mix 200 ml

If the child is allergic to dairy products, then the afternoon snack is replaced with vegetable puree or porridge

Video: Doctor Komarovsky on nutrition for children under one year old

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A six-month-old child can no longer satisfy his needs with mother's milk alone or with a mixture, so the baby needs his body to be provided with all the necessary components. Distinguish between main meals and complementary foods. The main dishes are those that are completely capable of removing one feeding with mother's milk or an adapted mixture - these are cereals and vegetable purees. The rest of the products and dishes are considered to be additional - these are fruit purees, juices, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, eggs, lean meat.

When and how to introduce adult food, only a doctor can tell, because every child is special and may have their own differences, which must be taken into account. There are also generally accepted rules for the management of complementary foods in children. First you need to make sure that the baby is completely healthy and only then offer new food from a small amount, slightly increasing the portions. Introduce new dishes one at a time, before feeding with breast milk or formula, do it before noon so that you can observe the baby's reaction, and wait 7-14 days for the baby to adapt to this dish before introducing a new one.

It is traditionally customary to give vegetable puree as the first complementary food; you need to choose tender vegetables, such as zucchini, or. After two weeks, porridge can be introduced that does not contain gluten - with rice, buckwheat, corn grits. Better to try it first. At 7 months, you can already taste meat, sour milk cheese and yolk. You can also increase the variety of cereals, vegetables and fruits. You just need to remember the main rule - one dish every 7 days. Use the meat in the form of lean beef or beef and add to the vegetable puree. Cottage cheese should be taken in children's kitchens to avoid intestinal infections.

When a child turns 8 months old, he is offered fish without bones, such as pike perch. Porridge, vegetables and fruits are becoming more and more diverse.

Here is a sample menu for a baby at 8 months for a week:

In the morning at 6.00 and in the evening at 22.00, the main food should be offered - breast milk or an adapted formula. Further down the list:


  • 10.00-40 g, 100-150 ml milk 60 g applesauce.
  • 14.00-150 g mashed potatoes, ¼ egg yolk, 30 g mashed veal, 40 ml carrot juice


  • 10.00-40 g dairy-free porridge, 100-150 ml of yogurt (natural), 60 g of peach puree
  • 14.00-150 g of soup with potatoes, carrots, herbs, rice and 1 tsp. vegetable oil, 30g chicken puree, 40 ml of apple juice
  • 18.00 - 170 g with pumpkin, 20 ml of apple juice


  • 10.00-40 g vegetable puree, 100-150 ml kefir, 60 g plum and quince puree
  • 14.00-150 g cauliflower puree, ¼ egg yolk, 30 g turkey puree, 40 ml blackcurrant juice
  • 18.00 170 g of milk oatmeal, 20 ml of carrot juice


  • 10.00-40 g of cottage cheese, 100-150 ml of compote, 60 g of apricot puree
  • 14.00-150 g, potatoes, broccoli and rice and 1 tsp. Butter, 30 g pike perch puree, 40 ml apple juice
  • 18.00 170 g, 20 ml peach juice


  • 10.00-40 g dairy-free porridge, 100-150 ml baby tea, 60 g pumpkin and apple puree
  • 14.00-150 g mashed potatoes and carrots, ¼ egg yolk, 30 g mashed meat offal (kidney, liver,), 40 ml plum juice
  • 18.00 170 g of milk rice porridge with pumpkin, 20 ml of apple juice


  • 10.00-40 g vegetable puree, 100-150 ml yogurt, 60 g banana puree
  • 14.00-150 g potato, pumpkin and buckwheat soup, 30 g rabbit puree, 40 ml apple-carrot juice
  • 18.00 170 g of milk wheat porridge with peach puree 20 g


  • 10.00-40 g of cottage cheese, 100-150 ml of milk, 60 g of apple puree
  • 14.00-150 g cauliflower puree, ¼ egg yolk, 30 g veal puree, 40 ml blackcurrant juice
  • 18.00 170 g buckwheat porridge with milk, 20 ml of carrot juice

The child's menu at 8 months of age should be balanced. There is no particular difference between baby bottle feeding and breastfeeding. Unless an artificial person needs more full-fledged food, and a baby at this age can have mother's milk and food in proportions of 50:50, since from mother he receives almost all the substances the child needs.

The kid can already eat a lot, but it is still worth carefully introducing him to new products. New food is introduced into the diet gradually in order to observe the reaction of the crumbs' body. You can add new foods to your favorite dishes - then they will be perceived better.

The first (after sleep) and the last feeding (before sleep) should be formula or breast milk!

What foods can you?

How to feed a baby at 8 months old? Necessarily porridge. You can cook corn, rice, oatmeal separately, or you can assorted several cereals. It is better to do this with cow or goat milk, slightly diluted with water.

In addition to cereals, the baby should eat:

  • vegetables (all varieties of cabbage, zucchini, potatoes, pumpkin, onions, carrots);
  • fruits (apples, bananas, pears, peaches);
  • berries (currants, raspberries, blueberries, cherries);
  • meat (veal, rabbit, turkey, chicken);
  • eggs (no more than one egg twice a week);
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt);
  • herbs (parsley, green onions, dill);
  • legumes (beans, peas);
  • fish (lean fillet).

The last point has been controversial for a long time. Some mothers say that it is too early to give fish at such a small age, others insist that the fish contains substances necessary for proper brain activity, which is important during the period when the baby learns the world. Remember that the child's diet is thought out only by the mother, who sees her child and his reaction to different foods.

What foods are banned?

There are also a number of foods that are undesirable in the diet of an 8 month old baby. We will not write about chips, crackers, sweets bought in a store, mayonnaise and so on, because this is a matter of course. In addition, it is better not to give the baby:

  • melon;
  • watermelon;
  • kiwi;
  • nutritional yeast;
  • bread;
  • flour;
  • fatty;
  • spicy;
  • sweet (marshmallows and similar sweets);
  • sausage and other raw smoked products.

You should not put salt, spices or sugar in your child's food, you can only season it with sunflower or butter for taste. I will also change a child of 8 months on breastfeeding, or on an artificial one, you need to remove everything to which he has allergic reactions, diarrhea or constipation.

Sample menu for the day

  • 7:00 - milk mixture or milk;
  • 10:00 - any porridge, fruit juice or fruit and vegetable puree;
  • 14:00 - vegetable puree, a little meat puree, egg yolk;
  • 18:00 - cottage cheese or kefir, one cookie, you can supplement it with milk or a mixture;
  • 21.00-22.00 - milk or mixture.

This is how the menu of a child of 8 months looks for every day, but all children are unique: someone eats complementary foods from 4 months, and someone at 8 months only gets to know him. Only the regime itself remains unchanged in children: feeding occurs 4-6 times a day, leaving an interval of about 4-5 hours. Some eat when they wake up in the middle of the night. Try not to overfeed your baby at night so that his body also rests during sleep.

Sample menu for a week

Creating a menu for a baby 8 months for a week is practically a science. It is necessary to distribute the dishes for a week in such a way that the baby gets the maximum benefit from them, and so that he does not get tired of eating the same thing. We made the following approximate table:

Day of week Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner Night food (if required)
Monday Milk or mixture Curd Oatmeal

Apple or pear puree

Zucchini and potato puree

Egg yolk

Rabbit mousse

Vegetable juice


Vegetable juice or compote

Milk or mixture Milk or biscuits
Tuesday Milk or mixture Buckwheat

Natural yogurt or kefir

Peach puree

Soup with potatoes and cauliflower

Meat puree

Rice milk porridge with pumpkin

Fruit juice

Milk or mixture Milk or applesauce
Wednesday Milk or mixture Rice porrige

Plum puree with quince

Fruit juice

Cauliflower and zucchini puree

Turkey or chicken puree

Blackcurrant juice

Milk porridge oat

Fruit and vegetable juice with pulp

Milk or mixture Milk or fruit puree

On other days of the week, you can repeat this menu or come up with something else.

Menu for a baby of 8 months on artificial feeding or on the chest does not have to look like that. Correct it at your discretion, ask your pediatrician, and most importantly - watch the baby. If the baby does not like the product, try giving it a little, mixing with other products. The child completely refuses to eat, for example, broccoli, "calculating" in any puree? Stop feeding her and try again after a few months.


Between meals, treat crumbs to dryers or homemade breadcrumbs to scratch their gums. Be sure to give juice, water or compote throughout the day. It is better to make the drink yourself to be sure of its quality. You know how to feed your child - all that remains is to figure out how to create a varied menu from these products. Try to decorate the dishes at the same time - the child will like it, and he will eat with great appetite.