EVERYTHING you need to know about life (Dmitry Mikhailov). Dmitry Mikhailov - everything you need to know about life What you should know about life

You can study the whole history of the creator of any game, you can find out in detail what the first chess was made of. It just won't help you win. Like this, some people spend all their time and resources to learn everything about the game called "Life" and its creator, forgetting about the game itself. However, the essence of the game is in its ending! This book is only for those who are tired of playing and want to win. Eleven chapters contain everything you need to do this.

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The following excerpt from the book EVERYTHING you need to know about life (Dmitry Mikhailov) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.


Don't claim

Do not deny


Think for a second. Why did you pick up this book? Did someone give it to you? I?

But why did she fall into the hands of you?

For myself, I have developed several rules for reading books, watching movies, in a word, getting new information.

The first is to test in practice, discuss, reason, and not take on faith everything that is written, no matter how authoritative the author or text has. After all, the higher the level of the text, the more difficult it is to perceive. Try giving a student a textbook on physical field theory, theoretical mechanics, or higher mathematics. It is foolish to rely only on your perception. After all, while reading, you can simply misunderstand what is written, and then start broadcasting it as the truth, misleading other people. And then as in the experiment with monkeys.

Cell. It has 5 monkeys. A bunch of bananas is tied to the ceiling. Below them is a staircase. Hungry, one of the monkeys approached the stairs with the obvious intention of getting a banana. As soon as she touches the stairs, the faucet opens and ALL the monkeys are doused with very cold water.

A little time passes, and another monkey tries to eat a banana. Same ice water. The third monkey, stupefied with hunger, tries to get a banana, but the others grab it, not wanting a cold shower.

Now take one monkey out of the cage and replace it with a new monkey. She immediately, noticing the bananas, tries to get them. To her horror, she sees the angry faces of the other monkeys attacking her. After the third attempt, she realized that she would not be able to get a banana.

Now remove one more of the original five monkeys from the cage and put in a new one. As soon as she tried to get a banana, all the monkeys attacked her in unison, and the one that was replaced first (and even with enthusiasm).

And so, gradually replacing all the monkeys, you will come to a situation where there are 5 monkeys in the cage, which were not watered at all, but which will not allow anyone to get a banana.

I expect the same from you, dear reader. Do not take on faith what is written here, check, think over, because the purpose of this book is to start thinking, to direct.

The second is not to deny, not to hide from what is written, no matter how nonsense it may seem at first glance. By denying, you can miss the really worthwhile things. Remember that we once denied the ideas of Galileo Galilei, Copernicus, Kepler, Vesalius and other experimenters, and today they have become the foundation of science. These ideas can change your life. Most of the writers I know put their heart and soul into every line. Everything written is read a hundred times by himself and by people from his close circle. And if the author wrote something, then he has a reason for it. If you come across a controversial statement in the text, think about why the author wrote it, what he provokes you to.

I want to describe so much in this book, about everything, about karma, about yoga, about religion, I want to present all my spiritual experience, to put all the accumulated goodness into every line. But this is not necessary, this book, like all the others, is just food for thought, entertainment, an occasion to reflect and discuss. - this is not a path to enlightenment, this is wandering in the labyrinths of the mind, bright, magical, but this is just a labyrinth. Only by calming your mind, only by finding the source of your self, only by dissolving your ego, will you become enlightened, the rest is just rattles. Only by putting into practice everything written, one can approach enlightenment.

In this book, the reader will find many questions, try to give each a minute, as if a long-awaited guest in your mind.

Enjoy reading!

1. Milk chocolate was invented in Ireland.

2. Try to breathe and swallow at the same time. You won't succeed!

3. This is what it looks like when a star meets a black hole:

4. Previously, ketchup was sold as a medicine.

5. The date of birth of the oldest person on the planet (1898), Misao Okawa, is closer to the date of signing the constitution of America (1787) than to today.

6. In addition, since the birth of this man, a whole generation on Earth has already changed.

7. Coconuts kill more people every year than sharks. As, however, and cows.

9. One million seconds equals 11 days. One billion seconds - 33 years!

10. Mae West (Eng. Mae West, August 17, 1893 - November 22, 1980) - American actress, playwright, screenwriter and sex symbol, one of the most scandalous stars of her time, among other things, became famous for her aphorisms, the most famous of which was uttered at the train station to the policeman who met her after arriving from Chicago: "Is this a gun in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?". She used this phrase in two of her films She Was Wrong (1933) and Sextet (1978)

11. A day on the planet Venus is longer than a year.

12. If you are in the same room with 23 people, then the probability that two of them have a birthday on the same day is more than 50%.

13. The TI-83 calculator has six times the processing power of the computer that landed the Apollo 11 manned spacecraft on the moon.

15. Cambridge University is older than the Aztec and Inca empires.

16. Higher mathematics was introduced years after the founding of Harvard.

17. Beethoven and George Washington were contemporaries - in fact, George Washington was in his forties when Beethoven was born.

18. The last veteran of the American Civil War died in 1959, he lived long enough to see the atomic bomb dropped on Japan.

19. There are more ways to shuffle a deck of cards than there are atoms on Earth.

20. 111.111.111 × 111.111.111 = 12.345.678.987.654.321.

21. Cows tend to make best friends and tend to spend most of their free time with each other.

22. Horses cannot breathe through their mouths.

23. The names of the four nephews of the cartoon character sailor Popeye are Paypay, Peepey, Paapai and Pupai.

24. In the 60s, Australia lost its prime minister. He disappeared without a trace and was never found.

25. Light roast coffee has more caffeine than heavy roast coffee.

26. On the top floor of the building of the Supreme Court of the United States of America is a basketball court. This court is known as "the highest court of the earth".

27. An orgasm in a pig lasts for 30 minutes.

28. The leader of the American movement for the rights of African Americans, Martin Luther King Jr., a few hours before his contract killing, held a pillow fight in the hotel where he was staying.

29. More people live inside the circle in the image below than outside:

30. France is the country with the largest number of time zones in the world.

31. The time gap between the existence of Tyrannosaurus Rex and man is less than between the same Tyrannosaurus Rex and Stegosaurus.

32. Birds are closer relatives to the crocodile than lizards.

33. The territory of Africa is larger than the total territory of the United States of America, China, India, Spain, France and several other countries.

34. Butterfly taste buds are on the paws.

35. "Mig" is the actual unit of time. It is equal to 33.3564 picoseconds.

36. The pile that collects at the bottom of the pockets in English has its own name - “gne” (gnurr).

37. One cubic inch (equal to 16.39 cm³) of bone can bear a load of 8620 kg, which makes it about four times stronger than concrete.

38. Air temperature can be determined by counting the chirping of crickets for 25 seconds: divide the resulting number by 3, and then add 4.

39. Canada has more rivers than the rest of the world.

40. That feeling when you are overwhelmed with tenderness, and you can not resist squeezing someone in your arms is called "cute aggression."

41. The surname of actor Will Smith in translation from English "Smith" means "blacksmith". An analogue of our surname Kuznetsov.

42. There are more public libraries in the US than McDonald's.

44. Hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards.

45. There are more tigers in Texas than in the rest of the world.

47. If you sail only straight ahead, you can take a boat from Pakistan to Russia.

48. On average, astronauts are 2 inches taller when they are in space.

49. Shakespeare and Pocahontas lived at the same time.

50. Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were born on the same day - up to a year.

51. There are still a few trees that grew before the construction of the pyramids.

52. When you yawn and stretch at the same time, this is called in one word - "pandiculation."

53. It is impossible to make a buzzing sound with a closed nose.

54. The modern US flag was designed by a 17-year-old teenager while doing a school project. For him, he received a rating of "4 with a minus."

55. Wombat (Australian large marsupial) feces are square.

56. Albino snails exist:

57. The US is older than Germany.

58. The Mongolian fleet consists of seven people and one boat.

59. There is enough iron in the human body to make a 5 cm nail.

60. In a kidney transplant, the affected kidney is left in place, and the third, new kidney, is placed in the pelvis.

Incredible Facts

Self-confidence is a vital key to a healthy and productive life.

To be self-confident, you need to master the basic set of skills, to be a jack of all trades.

Contrary to what you may have been taught in school, the jack-of-all-trades is far more prepared to face real-life challenges than the highly specialized person.

This list is not exhaustive, however, the following 47 things everyone should be able to do.

life skills

1. Make a fire.

Fire is warmth and light, one of the basic human needs for life. At some point, this knowledge may save you.

2. Work with a computer.

Fundamental knowledge of the computer is simply necessary in our time. Please help your neighbor if necessary.

3. Know how to use Google.

This search engine knows everything. If you have a problem finding something using Google, then the problem is not in him, but in you.

4. Be able to do artificial respiration and the Heimlich maneuver.

Perhaps someday your child, wife, husband or friend will need emergency help, and you will miss precious seconds.

The Heimlich maneuver is a way to remove foreign bodies from the upper respiratory tract, especially effective when they are completely blocked.

5. Be able to drive a car with a manual transmission.

There will come a time when the lack of this skill will play a cruel joke on you.

6. Know the basics of cooking.

If you cannot cook a steak or scrambled eggs with your own hands, then rather learn how to do it, sooner or later, the lack of this skill will make itself felt.

7. Be able to speak in such a way as to attract people's attention.

8. Do not get into a fistfight if you are not sure of your victory, not only physical.

9. Know how to bring bad news.

Someone has to do it. Unfortunately, someday, at least once in your life, you will be that person.

10. Know how to change tires on a car.

11. Know how to behave with dignity in an interview.

Nervousness and sweat in three streams will definitely not bring you a good job.

Life Skills

12. Know how to manage your time.

Otherwise, you're wasting it. Sometimes it's good, but not permanently.

13. Learn to speed read.

Sometimes you need to urgently understand the main essence of the material, and you needed it five minutes ago.

14. Remember people's names.

It is unlikely that you will like it if, after you have introduced yourself, after some time they will turn to you: "Hey you!"

15. Change your living space.

Even though it is a little more difficult than you might think, it is extremely beneficial for mental health.

16. Travel light.

Take only the essentials with you. It's both cheaper and easier.

17. Behave within the limits of the criminal code, because prison is not fun at all.

18. Learn to give the right directions.

Nobody likes to run in circles.

19. Be able to provide first aid.

You don't have to be a doctor or a genius to treat a wound.

20. Learn to swim.

71 percent of the Earth's surface is covered in water, so being able to swim isn't a bad idea.

21. Learn to parallel park.

Despite the fact that parallel parking is a required skill for obtaining a driver's license, many drivers have no idea how to do it.

22. Know your alcohol limit.

Otherwise, your life will end like this person's.

Vital Skills

23. Choose quality food.

Spoiled fruits and vegetables can tempt you with a low price, and in the end play a cruel joke on your health.

24. Know how to handle a hammer, an ax and a hacksaw.

Carpenters aren't the only people who need these tools. Every person should have a basic knowledge of basic hand tools.

25. Keep your budget.

Being in debt is not fun. Controlling your expenses is key.

26. Speak at least two common languages.

Approximately 300 million people in the world speak Russian (less than 5 percent), English is spoken by 25 percent of the population. It would be nice to be able to find a common language with English speakers and with the remaining 70 percent.

27. Push up and squat properly.

The wrong technique for performing these basic exercises will not only bring you nothing useful, but will also make your body hurt, and you will waste time.

28. Know how to compliment.

This is one of the biggest gifts you can give a person. And it's free.

29. Know how to negotiate.

30. Listen carefully to others.

The more you listen and the less you talk, the more you learn and the less you miss.

Vital Skills and Abilities

31. Know the basics of geography.

If you don't know anything about what is outside of your comfort zone, most people will assume that you don't know anything at all.

32. Learn to paint.

The cost of painting a room is 90 percent of the labor force. It makes no sense to overpay for something that you can do yourself.

33. Learn to give short, informative public speaking.

At the next meeting, when your boss asks you to share what you've been working on over the past month, keep it short, clear, and informative.

34. Learn to smile when you are photographed or filmed.

People who don't do this are associated with dull creatures.

35. Know how to flirt properly.

There is a fine line between successful flirting and complete failure. If you try too hard, you will lose. If you don't try too hard, you will be the loser.

36. Learn to extract useful and relevant information.

Useless notes are useless, and their absence dooms you to failure.

37. Be hospitable.

Otherwise, every time in a new place you will stay in hotels.

38. Learn how to make a good first impression.

Aristotle once said: "The one who started is already half done."

39. Know how to manage a map and compass.

What happens if the GPS suddenly stops working and you find yourself in the middle of nowhere?

40. Learn to sew on a button on a shirt.

It's cheaper than buying a new one.

41. Learn to type fast.

This skill will save you a total of several days over your lifetime.

42. Always protect personal information.

Identity theft can cost you dearly. Don't be careless.

43. Learn the basics of computer security.

You don't need to be a programmer to understand the basics of creating complex passwords and using firewalls. This will surely save you a lot of trouble one day.

44. Learn to recognize lies.

People will lie to you. This is a sad truth.

45. Know how to politely end dates without making any promises.

There are no excuses for promises you don't intend to keep. Just as there is no reason to make decisions on the fly about a person you barely know.

46. ​​Learn how to remove stubborn stains from clothes.

It's cheaper than buying a new one.

47. Keep the house clean.

Order in the house is organization in life.

From birth, parents help the child acquire useful skills for life, contributing to the adaptation of the crumbs in the world around them. He just has to learn how to hold a spoon correctly, tie shoelaces, add numbers and much more. However, in adulthood, we ourselves are forced to work on acquiring certain skills that can qualitatively change our lives. What does every modern person need to be able to do?


The success of a person in any sphere of life is largely due to his desire for learning. You can be infinitely gifted, but without constant development it will be extremely difficult to realize your potential. It manifests itself in this way if you:

  • realize your own limitations in knowledge and abilities;
  • willing to admit that others know more than you;
  • ask for advice or ask for help, especially before making a decision;
  • you think that every person is able to teach you something;
  • talk less, listen more;
  • able to get out of their comfort zone;
  • do not despair, making a mistake, but draw conclusions and try again until you succeed;
  • are ready to admit they are wrong and change their point of view if convincing arguments are heard.

English language

In the modern world of information, not knowing English greatly limits your access to new knowledge: whether it be other people or Internet resources. As the most in-demand language in the world, English can give you the following opportunities:

  • find new friends and useful acquaintances in different parts of the world through travel or through social networks;
  • read books and watch films in the original, as well as understand and sing your favorite songs;
  • wherever you go, you can explain yourself and be understood;
  • you are able to find a better job and move up the career ladder.

Time management

In order not to waste time, you need to comprehend another skill - managing your own time. It is very important to be able to distinguish the essential from the trifling and correctly prioritize.

Equally important is the ability to plan. Without this, much of your time will be wasted. If you want to have high productivity in life, do a lot without losing quality, then you should learn how to draw a plan of your actions. Start small - a to-do list for tomorrow - and turn it into a habit. Then start planning your life for a couple of months ahead, then a year, five years, etc. Develop useful skills! Soon you will notice how you have stopped fussing, and everything is going on as usual, and your productivity is growing.

Speed ​​reading and typing

In the age of modern technology, almost any information reaches us in digital form. Gigabytes of materials pass before our eyes every day, and we need to be able to assess their usefulness in a matter of seconds. Speed ​​reading skills can greatly facilitate this task and significantly save time, which is always lacking anyway. The technique of short printing serves the same purpose. You can learn this using the ten-finger typing method. Once you find a chart on the internet and practice a little, you will be surprised at the qualitative changes that will take place in your life.

Financial management

Ideally, even in childhood, people should be taught the proper handling of money, which will greatly simplify their lives in the future.

Surely many of us have faced difficulties in distributing our own finances. Having mastered the skills of income management, you will be able to assess your financial condition, plan the distribution of funds, and also, properly managing them, increase your capital.

Each person must determine for himself which scheme suits him best, but it is recommended that you identify for yourself the main areas of expenses and indicate how much of your earnings should be allocated to one or another need.


This skill will be useful in any area of ​​life: from relationships within the family to communication with partners or management. If you think about it, our whole life consists of negotiations, whether it is a dialogue with a sales assistant in a store or a job interview. By learning how to negotiate properly, you greatly increase your chances of success.

The main advice for those who want to acquire this skill is to show respect. Whoever your interlocutor is and whatever happens, answer him extremely politely. So you can easily arrange a person to yourself. And in no case do not interrupt and do not put pressure on him, let him speak.

Working with search engines

A person does not have to know everything - it is enough to look at the information on the Internet at the time of need. But is it that simple? It would seem that no one can enter the desired query into Google, Yandex or any other "search engine", but entering it does not mean finding the right answer. By mastering this skill, you become more self-sufficient, do not require outside help, and can access almost any information in a matter of minutes.

Passing interviews

All 10 years at school and subsequent years at the university prepare us for work. However, in rare educational institutions they teach how to qualify correctly.
To enter a good position, you often have to go through a series of tests and interviews that can take an unprepared person by surprise. Even if you are an excellent specialist and have unique knowledge, without the skills of passing an interview, your chances are minimized. A well-written resume alone is 50% of your success.

Influence and location

Despite the erroneous opinion, we are able to impress a person every time we meet him after a long separation. This is due to changes in your psycho-emotional state, the circumstances of the meetings and many other factors. In a word, every time you open up to each other in a new way, and in order for these discoveries to become unexpectedly pleasant, you should:

  • show a positive attitude. People are drawn to individuals who can charge them with vital energy and inspire hope for the best;
  • express affection. Most often, people expect rejection from others, but you should destroy this stereotype and prove the opposite to a person. The easiest way to do this is to express admiration or sympathy for the interlocutor;
  • show loyalty. The generosity you have shown will come back to you a hundredfold from others;
  • help when possible. If you are asked for a small favor, do it. Such trifles greatly influence the disposition of those around us;
  • always keep your promises. To earn the reputation of a man of the word is worth a lot in our society.

Self-discipline and focus

The ability to act purposefully and regardless of interfering factors, as well as the emotions prevailing in us, is self-discipline. It often requires giving up pleasure in favor of more meaningful things, but in the long run it helps to achieve success.
Focusing on intentions moves a person towards the goal. Thinking about something every day awakens the desire for action in us, so it is very important to learn how to concentrate on your desires. For this you need:

  • think about them in your free time;
  • write it down, but rather do it, hang it in a conspicuous place and view it often;
  • look for people with similar interests and try to make your dreams come true together.

Relaxation and positive attitude

From the section above, we can conclude that thoughts give rise to action. If a person thinks positively, then the world appears to him as a place with endless possibilities. This property can help out in the most difficult moments of life. No wonder they say: pretend to be happy for a week and on the eighth day you will become it.
Everyday stress and tension lead to the fact that a person ceases to navigate in space, cannot prioritize, attaches too much importance to trifles and loses attention to truly significant events.
Relaxation is necessary in order to “turn off your head” from the hustle and bustle, increase your stress resistance and tune in a positive way. There are many relaxation techniques, you can choose the one that suits you best.

self defense

Contrary to the existing laws in the country, cases of crimes are not uncommon, a significant part of which is committed against strangers. Mastering self-defense techniques will help you resist and increase your chances of survival. Sometimes one right move can change the whole course of events. In addition, self-defense skills make a person stronger morally and also help to avoid many troubles in life. One of these troubles is, for example, a situation in which they try to manipulate you. – read only here!

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Each person has a certain skill, a skill that he once developed. But much of what we know is more likely to be useful to us for general development or career.

website collected the skills that everyone should have. Although many of them may seem unnecessary, they will come in handy at least once in a lifetime.

Knit knots

Learning to knit various knots is by no means a useless exercise. Such skills will be useful for facilitating transportation, hiking and even fishing, if you, of course, like outdoor activities.

Distinguish between poisonous and edible mushrooms

Many of the poisonous mushrooms can be harmful to health even if you don't eat them. For example, some of them have mucus that can cause an allergic reaction or cause a burn. Such knowledge should be shared with children in order to protect them on a family vacation in the countryside.

Know the Heimlich maneuver

Thanks to the knowledge of the Heimlich maneuver, you can quickly navigate an unpleasant and life-threatening situation when a person chokes. There is first aid in such situations, and perhaps they all need to know.

Navigate in the forest

If you are going on a hike or vacation outside the city, you need to know how to navigate in a wooded and simply unfamiliar area. You should not count on modern gadgets, because communication can fail. To feel calm, you must at least be able to use a conventional compass.

Understand plumbing and electrical

This knowledge is useful in case of emergency and in order to save money. For example, while washing dishes, the faucet handle comes off and the kitchen is flooded with water. What to do? Prepare the boat for yourself and your neighbors before the arrival of the emergency service, if you do not know where to turn off the water. After that, you need to replace the faucet, and it's good if you know how, because this will save you time and money. Well, after watering the appliances in the kitchen with water, knowledge about electricity will definitely come in handy.

Use construction tools

Every self-respecting man has at home a minimum set of tools that are necessary in everyday life. And no matter how ridiculous it may sound, you also need to be able to hammer in a nail or screw a shelf to the wall. Not to call the workers every time you want to hang a new picture.

Save a drowning man

On the way to saving a drowning person, only one obstacle can arise - the inability to swim. If you feel confident in the water, then you are strong. Remember that you need to swim up to a person strictly from behind so that he does not notice you, since in a state of panic, a drowning person can prevent you from swimming or, having grabbed, drag you under water. After you have swum, you need to take a person under the armpits or by the chin and, placing his head in the abdomen, start moving towards the shore.

Know how to save money

Be able to equip a fishing rod and row a boat

You don't have to be a fisherman to know how. But it is necessary to know. For example, if fishing does not interest you, it may be interesting for your child. In every man there is a primitive instinct of a getter. And you should know how to row, if only because, as part of a romantic walk on the water, this will be a great pleasure for you and your soul mate.

Plan your vacation

A vacation or a weekend with friends is a well thought out plan. So that no troubles happen during your vacation or suddenly it doesn’t turn out that something is missing, approach the fees with all responsibility. Don't rely on memory. Use the old and proven way: make a list of what you need. If you are going abroad, buy tickets at low-cost airlines to save on flights.

Escape unscathed from a stray dog

If you happen to meet an angry dog ​​on your way, you can resort to several defense options:

  • If the dog is not large, you can try to scare it by pretending that you are lifting a stone. But before that, you must let her notice you. With shuffling and slow steps, walk towards her, and when you are in the center of her attention, pull off this trick. A small and cowardly dog ​​should be scared.
  • If this method did not have any effect, most likely, you should prepare for an attack. In this case, you can try to hit the dog in the nose when he rushes at you, but the probability of an accurate hit is small. A more effective way is to let her bite herself. Without turning your back on the animal, without sudden movements, take off your outer clothing and wrap it around your hand. Let the dog cling to this hand, and then push the thing into her mouth and run.

use a jack

It is very useful to have basic knowledge about the device of the car. In the event of a hole in the wheel on the track, you need to replace it with a jack and a spanner wrench. And don't forget about wheel chocks so your car doesn't roll away while it's being lifted.