Egg hair shampoo. How to make your own egg shampoo

Egg shampoo has proven to be an effective remedy for dull, lifeless, thinning hair. The peculiarity is that such a shampoo can be prepared independently at home. Egg-based shampoos are rich in useful trace elements and substances. They nourish not only the strands, but also the scalp, which is very important in the fight against dandruff and pathological hair loss.

Benefits of egg yolk

When buying a variety of hair care products, many women prefer those that consist of natural products. They are free from artificial additives. Among the popular ingredients used in these products are eggs. Enriched with important proteins and vitamin B, chicken eggs contain nutrients that improve the health of the strands, make hair bouncy and shiny.

The combination of nutrients of the ingredients combined in the shampoos ensures that the hair is protected and cared for. Egg yolk deeply moisturizes the strands, makes them healthier, inhibits the growth of bacteria and helps to cleanse the scalp. The yolk contains the following vitamins and nutrients:

  • Fatty acid prevent dandruff.
  • Nutrients strengthen the roots.
  • trace elements give curls shine.
  • Vitamins A and E prevents dryness.
  • Vitamin D promotes growth.
  • Vitamin B improves blood circulation of the scalp.

Action on hair

The amazing composition of egg yolk-based shampoos has a beneficial effect on curls. Lecithin, which is part of many hair care products, acts as a building material for a living cell. It also occupies not the last place in the formation of healthy hairs, as it makes them strong, elastic and prevents hair loss.

The composition of egg shampoos includes amino acids, thanks to which the strands become thicker and grow better.

Shampoos, which contain yolk, have the following effect on the strands:

  • Strongly nourish hair follicles.
  • Return shine and volume.
  • Eliminate brittleness.
  • Activate growth.
  • Eliminate dandruff and seborrhea.
  • Moisturize.
  • Make curls shiny and strong.


Egg shampoos of well-known brands and popular brands are positioned as cleansers. Despite the presence in their composition of lecithin and other useful substances that make up the yolk, such products include other substances that are not natural. They can cause an allergic reaction, negatively affect the scalp, especially sensitive.

Before buying, it is important to carefully study the composition and choose only those products in which it is as natural as possible.

Application features

Regular egg shampoos, which are sold in stores, should be used as needed - daily or several times a week, depending on the type of hair and the degree of contamination. Purchased egg shampoos lather well. A little product should be applied to wet hair, lather, rinse thoroughly curls and scalp and rinse with warm water. Egg products, for the most part, are transparent yellow, have a pleasant smell (perfume).

Other components may also be included in the composition, for example, chamomile extract or natural oils.

If egg shampoo is made at home, then you should remember that for its preparation you need to take only fresh eggs, after removing the film from the yolk. This is necessary so that after washing there is no unpleasant odor left in the hair. Take at least three yolks for shampoo in its pure form. They are well whipped into foam and washed strands.

In addition, natural yolks can leave marks on the skin and clothes, so you should wash your hair gently with them, unlike egg shampoos.

A natural product is not a reusable product, as it quickly deteriorates and loses its effectiveness.

Popular brands

Bio-cosmetics has already won the hearts of millions of women. The natural composition has been highly valued at all times due to its natural healing properties. Today, many brands produce egg shampoos in a tube, bottle, jar, that is, the packaging that is most convenient for applying the product.

  • "Yellow" Freedom. Available in small soft tubes of 70 grams. The product has a jelly-like consistency of a transparent yellow color. The yolk remedy gently and gently cleanses the skin and hairline of the head. Nourishes and strengthens hair follicles and follicles. Thanks to the valuable minerals in its composition, it gives vitality to curls. Suitable for any type of hair and is an excellent care product. After washing, the hair becomes soft, silky with a noticeable natural shine.
  • Under the brand "Grandma Agafia's Recipes" Shampoo "Egg" is made on the basis of a soap root. It is intended for normal hair. It has a restorative effect, strengthens the hair. Provides proper nutrition to the roots, stimulates hair growth.
  • "Gold Standard" by Floresan. The formula of shampoo "Egg" on quail eggs will help to achieve the desired result. The tool gives curls shine, grooming and density. Lecithin restores damaged hair, nourishes weakened roots and stimulates their growth. Chamomile extract gives hair elasticity and vitality. The product prevents hair loss, nourishes and strengthens, stimulates hair growth.
  • organic shop. Lecithin in the composition effectively heals structural damage, restores hair from the inside. Natural organic macadamia oil and bio milk proteins provide complete nutrition and hydration to the hair. Japanese silk oil adds a luxurious sheen, enhancing the color vibrancy of dyed curls. Liquid keratin prevents brittleness and cross-section of hair, provides reliable protection from sunlight.

How to make at home

Homemade Egg Yolk Shampoo is 100% natural. It does not contain harmful and potentially hazardous substances, due to which the hair becomes dry, brittle, and dandruff appears. The tool gives shine, hair acquires additional volume. After using it, you do not need to use a conditioner. Curls do not get confused, they are easy to comb and style.

  • Shampoo for dry hair from yolk and castor oil. Take one egg yolk, two tablespoons of castor oil. Mix the mixture thoroughly and wash your hair like a regular shampoo, carefully massaging the scalp. Wash off with warm running water. If desired, you can add a spoonful of regular shampoo for dry hair to the product.
  • Homemade shampoo for dry hair from yolk, water, vodka, ammonia. Take two egg yolks, 50 ml of water, 100 ml of vodka and 5-8 ml of ammonia, mix the ingredients, apply on the scalp and distribute through the hair. Massage your head thoroughly. Wash off with hot water.
  • On every day. Shampoo egg-banana - a recipe for short hair. Peel half of the banana, then be sure to remove the top layer of pulp. The pulp must be ground to a puree state through a fine sieve or in a shaker until smooth. Add lemon juice to the finished puree and add the yolk at the end. This shampoo lathers very well and you don't need to use a conditioner afterwards. Hair becomes very soft, shiny and clean.
  • Jelly-like. Mix two yolks with one tablespoon of gelatin. Slowly whisk the solution so that no lumps remain. Apply the mixture to wet hair and gently massage into the scalp and hair until a lather forms. Leave the mixture for seven minutes. Wash off with warm water afterwards. Gelatin shampoo will make hair beautiful, shiny and voluminous.

Eggs are famous for their health benefits. They are suitable not only for food, but also are an excellent tool for use in cosmetic purposes. If there are a couple of eggs in the refrigerator, then you can easily make an egg shampoo yourself, which will not only wash your hair, but also heal it.

Benefits of an egg for hair

The beauty of the hair indicates excellent health. Thick, shiny - they speak of a good metabolism, a general excellent condition of the body, but they need constant care, for which a wide variety of means are offered. The bathroom of a modern woman would look strange without an abundance of shampoos, but be aware that they may contain preservatives, which, if used frequently, can be harmful.

The egg, which has a high concentration of vitamins A, D, E, phosphorus, calcium, is a natural, extremely useful skin care product. The yolk contains lecithin, which helps strengthen the roots. They are restored, restoring volume and shine to the hair, especially after dyeing or chemistry. Strengthening requires vitamin D, without which calcium absorption is impossible, and vitamin A will give shine and strength.

How to choose an egg shampoo for different types of hair

Before buying care cosmetics, you need to determine the type of hair: this must be done, because otherwise you can harm yourself. If shampoo for dry hair, which contains moisturizing ingredients, is applied to oily strands, then problems will only be added. Cosmetics for this type include ingredients that help reduce sebum production, their goal is to dry the skin.

Shampoos are different: for dry, oily, normal and brittle hair, therapeutic, eliminating dandruff, maintaining color after dyeing or perm, promoting the growth of strands and giving volume. The composition of the product is also important, because not all of them are safe. Read the list of ingredients on the label carefully. Modern detergents contain surface-active substances (surfactants), they are excellent at removing dirt, while washing away sebum, which acts as a protection. Here are the popular ones:

  • The best choice for normal hair will be Grandmother Agafia's Recipes Shampoo. Contains soap root and yolks. The tool will help restore damaged or dull hair, strengthening the roots. It will promote the growth of strands, give them shine.
  • For weakened and brittle hair, a Floresan quail egg care product is suitable. Lecithin and chamomile extract will add shine and volume to the strands.
  • Organica Shop Egg Bioshampoo is suitable for recovery if there has been severe damage, such as staining. The product contains milk proteins, Japanese oil, they nourish, moisturize the hair from the inside, giving it shine. Suitable for all types.
  • For someone, the Avon brand product, which contains egg yolk lecithin and yeast, will be an excellent choice. Suitable for those who have dry, naughty strands.
  • Egg Russian shampoo "Special Series" is suitable for the normal type. Contains dandelion yolk and root. The recipe is not new, earlier in Ancient Russia they washed their hair with such infusions.
  • For the dry type, the care product of the Moscow brand "Freedom" is suitable. It moisturizes well and contains natural ingredients. Produced in a tube.

    The egg is considered one of the most "healthy" ingredients in our diet.
    daily diet, as well as an effective means to add to
    "beauty complexes" of home cosmetology.

    Eggs can be used to create many homemade hair and skin care products, including egg shampoo. The main advantage of using chicken eggs
    consists in a high concentration of amino acids in protein and yolk - this
    makes eggs an ideal product to include in products,
    for hair growth and strengthening. In this article, we will look at
    ways to prepare such an effective skin care product as egg shampoo
    for hair at home.

    Useful properties of egg shampoo

    The composition of the eggs is extremely useful for the good condition of the hair
    ingredient - lecithin, which is able to restore strength and revitalize from the inside even
    the most lifeless and brittle hair. In addition to lecithin, the egg contains
    many useful vitamins that already with the first application make hair
    silky and radiant, help get rid of dandruff and itchy scalp.
    One of the main advantages of egg shampoo is the lack of
    the need for daily use.

    It will be enough to apply it to your hair a couple of times during the week: this is enough for your hair to shine with beauty and gain energy after several sessions. Perhaps,
    the only negative here is that you need to monitor the freshness
    shampoo ingredients. No need to cook egg
    hair shampoo at home in large quantities in advance,
    because damaged components will not be able to properly care for your

    Another disadvantage is the smell that remains after application, and
    even rinsing egg shampoo out of your hair. But it is not difficult to overcome such a smell -
    it is enough to rinse the hair again after the shampooing procedure with
    decoction of chamomile or add a drop of any essential oil to the hair when

    We recommend preparing egg shampoo at home based on
    quail eggs, not chicken eggs. The first contains many useful
    vitamins (A, B, E, D), as well as the minerals phosphorus and iron - all together
    these components have a beneficial effect on hair growth and strengthen them
    along the entire length.

    Making egg shampoo

    The fastest way to create shampoo from eggs is considered to be a combination of everything
    only 1 egg with water. Take an egg, beat until foamy and pour into
    about 40 ml of hot water. And that's it - the shampoo is ready! Apply it to
    hair immediately after preparation and lather as if washing your hair with ordinary
    shampoo. Wait a while for the remedy to show its usefulness.
    properties, leaving it on the hair, and then rinse with room water

    Do not dry your hair - it should dry naturally.

    We do not recommend rinsing the shampoo with hot water - this way, the protein can coagulate, and
    your hair will stick together with the addition of white clumps. If you are not sure what
    be able to adjust the correct water temperature, use only
    egg yolks. Just whip it up and apply it on your head, soak the time in
    5 minutes, rinse your head with warm water.

    Preparation of egg shampoo for normal and oily hair

    To prepare such a remedy, prepare the yolk of 1 egg, 8 tablespoons
    tablespoons of warm water, 20 ml of sunflower or olive oil and juice
    lemon. Beat the water and the yolk until foam, pour in the oil and lemon juice,
    stir the mixture.

    There is nothing complicated here, no expensive ingredients, but your hair
    guaranteed to receive nourishment and cleansing.

    Quick Egg Shampoo with Herbs

    This unique product gives the hair radiance and energy. To create
    egg shampoo for hair at home with the addition of herbs, take
    2 yolks, beat them until foamy, add an infusion of the selected herb. AT
    depending on your hair color, use the appropriate herbs. For
    blondes, a tincture of flowers and leaves from chamomile or
    thyme, for brunettes - a decoction of nettle leaves.
    So, add 40 ml of decoction to 2 yolks, apply on the head, leave for 3
    minutes. Wash off with the remaining decoction.

    Treatment of oily and weakened hair with egg shampoo

    To prepare egg hair shampoo at home for hair,
    prone to frequent fat content, take 3 eggs, beat them into a steep foam
    mixture, and simply apply on the head.

    Leave for 10 minutes to develop properties, rinse your hair with room temperature water to prevent protein from rolling. Rinse your hair with cognac broth (20 ml) and
    rose petal water (250 ml). Rinse again after rinsing

    Treatment of dyed and dry hair with egg shampoo

    To return moisture and energy to color-treated and brittle, dry hair, as well as
    to restore the structure of such hair from the inside, use the following mixture: 2
    egg yolk, 20 ml honey, 15 ml carrot juice, 20 ml vegetable oil.

    Rinse off this shampoo with water at the usual warm temperature and
    rinse with a decoction of the string. Use 1-2 times a week.

Strong, silky thick hair is the dream of any girl. In pursuit of perfect curls, the representatives of the fair half increasingly prefer not branded cosmetics, but homemade care products. An ordinary chicken egg is one of the products that is most often used as part of masks or detergents. Egg shampoo for washing the head perfectly cleanses the hair, nourishes it with the necessary substances, helping to cope with many problems.

Benefits of egg yolk

This shampoo, prepared at home, includes the yolk, separated from the protein.

This product contains:

  1. Lecithin. It restores the structure of curls, fills them with vitality, acting from the inside.
  2. A complex of vitamins A, E, B and D. They provide moisture to the hair, making the hair shiny and smooth. Vitamin D helps to defeat dryness and brittle curls. Vitamins B are responsible for strengthening the bulbs.
  3. Amino acids. They are important for the emergence of new hair follicles. Regular nutrition of curls with amino acids will make them thick, obedient.
  4. Choline. It is an essential ingredient for healthy hair. This substance is responsible for the processes of blood circulation in cells and tissues. When choline is deficient, less nutrients are supplied to the hair roots, and their appearance deteriorates.
  5. Mineral components:
  • iron and zinc;
  • manganese;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • fluorine;
  • sodium and selenium;
  • copper;
  • calcium and magnesium.

Expert opinion

Catherine the Great

Dermatovenereologist, trichologist and cosmetologist

They strengthen hair roots, stimulate their growth and prevent hair loss.

The cleanser treats seborrhea, dandruff and protects the scalp and curls from the harmful effects of the environment.

Application features

Egg yolk shampoo is a universal remedy that does not require the use of additional cosmetics for the care of curls. It is suitable for all hair types and is easy to make.

To maximize the effect of home shampoo, you must observe a few nuances:

  1. Shampoo should contain only fresh ingredients. This is especially true for chicken eggs. It is preferable to take not a store product (the content of useful elements in it is lower), but a home one.
  2. Soap solution cannot be stored. It is best to prepare it immediately before use, since the effect of the shampoo will disappear in a day, even if it is stored in the refrigerator.
  3. It is recommended to beat the yolk manually - with a whisk or fork.
  4. Start washing your hair with an egg as it gets dirty. After 4-8 weeks, when the scalp gets used to the natural components of the detergent and the curls become less polluted, you can switch to washing your hair once or twice a week.
  5. Apply the soap mixture to slightly damp hair. If you moisten them more than recommended, then you will not be able to achieve the effect. The shampoo just drips.
  6. Leave the soap on for about 10 minutes. If the curls are too damaged, then the duration of the procedure is increased to 30 minutes.
  7. Rinse the curls after the procedure, preferably with warm water (hot will roll up the product and leave characteristic lumps in the hair).
  8. The disadvantage of the procedure is an unpleasant smell on the hair after washing. This is due to the presence of a film on the egg yolk. To make your hair smell nice, you can use one of the methods - gently remove the film or, after washing out the solution, rinse the curls with chamomile infusion. Alternatively, you can apply a few drops of essential oil to the comb before brushing.

egg shampoo recipes

The recipe for egg shampoos has long been known. In the USSR, cosmetic products were not so diverse, so hair care products were often made at home. Moreover, it was popular not only among the villagers, but also among the residents of Moscow.

Now there are many variations of egg shampoos. There are both universal recipes for an ultra-restoring egg cleanser, and mixtures that are suitable for a specific type of hair.

Recipe for all types of hair

Even a child will prepare such a mixture for hair. All you need is one egg and two tablespoons of water. To process long hair, the amount of chicken product can be increased. In this case, it is important to observe the proportion of the liquid.


  • break the cold egg into a bowl and beat;
  • add hot water, stir the ingredients.

Distribute the mass along the entire length of the curls and lather. Hold for about 5 minutes and rinse with warm water.

The recipe uses a whole egg. You need to know that the protein coagulates at a lower temperature than the yolk. In order not to spoil the product during cooking, you can use only the yellow mass.

When using this shampoo, you can solve the problem of baldness and nourish the scalp. But it is not recommended to use it constantly. To achieve a positive result, 1 time in 7 days is enough.

See also: trichologist about egg hair washing (video)

Shampoo from decoction of herbs and eggs

A vitamin cocktail for hair can be made using this method - take 3 tablespoons of herbal decoction for 3 yolks. The choice of plant depends on the color of the hair. For owners of blond curls, it is preferable to use chamomile or thyme. For dark-haired girls, a decoction of yarrow or nettle leaves is suitable.


  • beat the chilled yolks with a whisk until foamy;
  • add herbal decoction and stir the ingredients.

For a noticeable result, it is enough to hold the mixture for about 5 minutes in 1 procedure. It is recommended to wash curls from egg shampoo with warm water with the addition of vegetable decoction (1 tablespoon per 1000 ml of water). The systematic use of this folk remedy will make the curls shiny and strengthen the roots.

Recipe for mixed and normal hair types

To make an effective hair product, you will need 2 yolks, 2 tbsp each. l. lemon juice and vegetable oil, 300 g of water.


  • cool boiled water to room temperature and combine with raw yolks;
  • beat the components until foam is formed;
  • add oil and lemon juice;
  • stir the ingredients.

Apply the mass to the curls. Rub the shampoo with massage movements for at least 5-6 minutes. Wash curls. Shampoo helps to cleanse the hair, supplies them with vitamins and nutrients, prevents hair loss.

For oily curls

You can wash oily hair with this mixture - 2 yolks, 100 g of cognac, 4 tbsp. l. water.


  • beat the yolks in a separate bowl until thick foam;
  • add cognac and water.

Apply shampoo to curls and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse the strands well with warm water. The greatest effect can be obtained if you use rose water for rinsing. In this case, it is necessary to additionally rinse the hair with cool running water. Shampoo has a beneficial effect on the sebaceous glands, removes excess fat.

For oily hair

Another shampoo option for oily strands. To make it, you need to take 2 yolks, 1/3 cup of kefir or whey, 2 drops of alcohol (preferably camphor).


  • beat the yolks to a foamy consistency;
  • mix with kefir and alcohol.

Apply the mixture to the hair, lather and hold for about 6 minutes. Rinse. Shampoo reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands and nourishes the hair follicles.

Soap Shampoo

For the best cleansing, you can prepare egg shampoos at home from the following ingredients: egg yolk, 100 mg of water, one teaspoon of vegetable oil, 25 g of unscented baby soap.


  • grate a piece of soap and put it in a container, pour boiling water over it, mix and leave to swell;
  • as soon as the chips dissolve, add the beaten yolk.

Before washing the strands with shampoo, it is necessary to lubricate the scalp with oil. Lather the egg mass on the hair and leave for a couple of minutes. Wash off with warm water. If necessary, rinse the curls again with hot water.

Shampoo for brittle, thin, dry and colored curls

Wanting to change hair color, women often harm their hair. Brittleness appears, and sometimes the hairs begin to fall out. You can correct the situation with shampoo from the following components:

  • yolk;
  • a tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp juice of fresh carrots;
  • one tablespoon of natural honey and brewed infusion from a string;
  • 0.5 cups of water;
  • 2 drops of essential oil of your choice - rosemary, lavender or sage.


  • pour a series of half a glass of boiling water and soak for 30 minutes, strain;
  • mix the rest of the ingredients in a separate container.

Soap the curls with a solution, lather, leave for 8-9 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Then rinse the head with a decoction of the string. Organic shampoo should be used no more than 1 time in 7 days.

Egg shampoos can be prepared according to free recipes. As a liquid, you can use beer or vinegar (in pure form or extinguished with baking soda). But it is important to correctly calculate the ratio of components.

In addition to soap solutions from the yolk, masks with this product can also be used. The main thing is to skillfully alternate them and not apply every day. Their composition is quite wide. You can use a small head of onion, when stimulating growth - mustard. For a thicker consistency, gelatin or flour, preferably rye flour, is added to hair products. On the Internet, you can find unusual recipes, for example, with table salt.

On the Internet you can find many videos and photo recipes: from proper hair washing to making shampoos and hair masks.

Popular brands

Folk recipes allow you to save money and be sure of the naturalness of the ingredients. If there is no time to prepare the solution, then such cosmetics for washing hair can be bought at pharmacies or stores.

  1. The best remedy, according to reviews, is the Egg Shampoo from the firm Grandmother Agafya's Recipes. It is impossible to say with full confidence that the constituent parts of the product are natural. However, users note a beneficial effect on curls.
  2. The Special Series brand is known for its egg shampoo for the normal type, according to the classic recipe. The manufacturer notes that the product not only nourishes and strengthens the hair, but also gives volume to thin hair.
  3. Farmasi offers customers a cleanser with keratin and egg. The manufacturer writes that it nourishes and prevents strands from falling out, improves the structure of curls.

No manufacturer offers a separate male line of egg-based shampoos.

As you know, eggs are not only a valuable product in the diet, but also a useful tool in home cosmetology. After all, for sure, in the refrigerator of each of us there are 5-10 eggs, which means that following several beauty recipes without resorting to the help of cosmetologists will not be difficult.

Nutrients and a wide range of amino acids make it possible to widely use eggs in recipes for nourishing masks, compresses, and shampoos.

Today I will tell you how to cook at home. After all, the lecithin contained in eggs will improve the structure of the hair and prevent their mechanical damage. In addition, the complex of vitamins found in the egg will have a beneficial effect on the appearance of the hair, make it soft, manageable and help get rid of annoying dandruff.

Recipes for egg shampoos for hair

  • Egg shampoo for all hair types.

The easiest way to cook egg shampoo is to use only an egg diluted with water. To do this, one egg (pre-chilled or taken from the refrigerator) is beaten into foam and diluted with two tablespoons of boiled water. The resulting mass is applied to the hair, lathered like an ordinary shampoo and left on the hair for a few minutes. Wash off the shampoo with running, cool water. The hair is allowed to dry naturally.

It should be noted that sometimes some have difficulty washing off the egg. First of all, this concerns protein, which, at insufficiently cool water temperatures, can curl up and stick to the hair. To prevent this situation, you can use only egg yolk as a shampoo. To do this, the yolk is slightly shaken and applied to wet hair for 5-7 minutes. Wash off with warm water. The yolk contains vitamin A necessary for hair and the so-called "good" cholesterol.

Depending on your hair type, you can easily prepare for normal, dry or oily hair.

  • Egg shampoo for normal hair and hair prone to oiliness.

For cooking egg shampoo you will need 1 egg yolk, 100 ml. warm water, one tablespoon of lemon juice and vegetable oil. The yolk is beaten, mixed with water. After that, lemon juice and oil are added to the resulting mass. The resulting shampoo is thoroughly mixed again.

Egg yolk in the shampoo gives softness and shine to hair, egg lecithin and lemon juice effectively cleanse hair, oil nourishes hair follicles

  • Egg shampoo for oily hair.

In this shampoo recipe, we will talk not only about washing the hair directly, but also rinsing them. Three eggs are beaten and applied to the hair for 10-15 minutes. Next, the shampoo is washed off with cool water. For rinsing hair in 200 ml. add a spoonful (or brandy), rinse the hair with the resulting infusion, and rinse it again with cool (closer to cold) water.

  • Egg shampoo for dry, color-treated hair.

For dry, colored hair, a shampoo made from 2 egg yolks, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil (olive or almond), 2 tablespoons of carrot juice and 1 tablespoon of natural honey is suitable. Rinse off the shampoo with warm water or warm weak infusion of the string. Apply 1 time per week.

  • Egg-herbal shampoo.

Egg-herbal shampoo can be prepared to give healthy and vitality. 2 egg yolks are beaten, and, depending on the natural hair color, an infusion of herbs is added. For fair hair, a decoction of chamomile flowers or an infusion of thyme is ideal. For dark hair, you can choose a decoction of yarrow or nettle. The yolk is mixed with 2 tablespoons of the selected decoction and applied to the hair. Wash off after a few minutes with a weak decoction of the same herb.

egg shampoos not required for daily use. It is enough to apply 1-2 times a week, and after a few procedures you will notice the result. The only rule for using such shampoos is to use only fresh shampoo. Therefore, you should not prepare egg shampoo for the future, proportionally increasing the amount of the necessary ingredients.

How to get rid of the characteristic egg smell on the hair?

Many, knowing about the magical properties of the egg, are in no hurry to use it as a homemade shampoo or hair mask, as the egg leaves a characteristic, not very pleasant smell on the hair. To get rid of this smell, you can rinse your hair with cool, or add a few drops of your favorite essential oil.

And a few more drops of essential oil can be applied to the comb before combing the hair.

And finally, I would like to note that (instead of chicken ones) it significantly enhances the effect of egg shampoos. Quail eggs are rich not only in vitamins (A, B, D), but also contain potassium, iron, phosphorus.

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