How to apply tonic on the face. Application along massage lines. Velvet Nourishment by Yves Rocher for dry skin

Tonics, or lotions, for the face are designed to cleanse the skin and narrow the pores after washing. They are also good at removing superficial skin cells, soap, makeup and dirt from the surface of the skin that often lead to breakouts. They are not necessary if you have a good cleanser, but are very beneficial for the skin.

Tonics are made with water and alcohol, and sometimes contain ingredients such as salicylic acid, witch hazel, benzoyl peroxide, and other substances and beneficial plant extracts.

Benefits of using facial toners

  • Removal of dirt and make-up residues.
  • Complementing the cleansing process.
  • Closing and tightening of pores.
  • Feeling clean and fresh skin.
  • Removal of excess fat from the skin
  • Refreshing tired skin.
  • Wrinkle reduction.
  • Increased blood circulation.
  • Restoring the skin's natural pH balance.
  • Improvement of skin tone.
  • Reduce sebum secretion.
  • Improved elimination of toxins.
  • Acceleration of cell renewal.
  • Promoting the shedding of dead skin cells.

Who benefits from tonics?

Most dermatologists say that if you cleanse your face regularly twice a day with appropriate skin care products, you can go without toner. But people with oily or acne-prone skin need tonics, as they make the skin clear and fresh, removing excess oil from the surface of the skin.

Most people with problematic skin buy toners containing alcohol to dry out pimples faster, and there's nothing wrong with that. You should look for a product specifically formulated for oily or acne-prone skin that contains salicylic acid, glycolic acid, hydroxy acids. If the amount of alcohol is too high, it can trigger even more oil production, which in turn means more pimples, blackheads, and clogged pores.


These are soft tonics, they practically do not contain alcohol (0-10%), but contain water and a moisturizer, such as, for example, glycerin. Humidifiers help retain moisture in the upper layers of the epidermis, preventing it from evaporating. A well-known example of such a tonic is rose water.

These toners are the gentlest on the skin and are most suitable for use on dry, dehydrated, sensitive and normal skin. They can give a burning sensation on sensitive skin.

Tonics for normal skin

These tonics contain a small amount of alcohol (up to 20%), water and a moisturizing ingredient. Suitable for use with normal, combination and oily skin.


These are "strong" tonics that contain a high proportion of alcohol (20-60%), antiseptic ingredients, water and a moisturizing ingredient. They are generally recommended for oily skin as they dry it out. But note that removing fat from the skin can result in excess fat production to compensate for moisture loss. To avoid dehydration, the astringent is best used only on problem areas of the skin.

  • When applying toner, avoid the area around the eyes.
  • Some ingredients in "hard" tonics can cause irritation - redness, itching, burning and peeling.
  • Don't rub your skin when applying facial toner
  • Always apply toner to cleansed face.
  • After toning, apply moisturizer to your face.

With regular use of tonic for the face, the condition of the epidermis improves significantly. Its action is based on the removal of residues of cleansers, matting, moisturizing and softening the skin. The stores offer a wide range of tonic products from both domestic and foreign manufacturers. You can choose the right cosmetic product yourself, taking into account the type of facial skin.

Composition of tonics

The main components of tonic are water and alcohol. The alcohol content reaches 50% if the product is intended for oily skin types. Tonics may contain extracts and extracts of herbs, essential oils. Perhaps the presence in the composition of flavors, matting substances.

The composition of tonics is very similar to tonic, cleansing lotions, but they have a different effect. Lotions are used to dissolve impurities and residues of cosmetic products, their subsequent removal from the skin. Tonics are used at an intermediate stage between cleansing and preparation for applying care products to the skin.

The tonic removes impurities left after the application of the cleansing lotion and has a moisturizing effect on the skin. After applying the tonic, the skin becomes perfectly clean.

For different types of epidermis, tonic agents are used that differ in composition:

Effect after application

The main task of the tonic is to free the skin from the remnants of the cleanser and prepare it for the next step. If foam or lotion is used for cleansing, then when washed off with hard water, they are not completely removed. Gradually, alkaline components of cleansing products accumulate in the epidermis, which have a negative effect and destroy its protective barrier. This leads to premature aging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

With these problems, a properly selected tonic can cope. It prepares the face for the application of the cosmetic product and enhances its effect. Tonic refreshes the skin, energizes it. By improving the blood circulation of the skin, this composition removes signs of fatigue, dullness, and gives the epidermis a healthy look.

Hard, chlorinated water dries out the epidermis. Glycerin and essential oils present in tonics soften the skin and create additional care.

The tonic also has a matting effect, fights enlarged pores and inflammation. For these purposes, salicylic acid, cucumber extract, green tea are present in the tonic.

Using tonic at home

At home, it is important to use the tonic correctly. To begin with, it is recommended to wash or cleanse the face with a facial cleanser, cleansing milk or lotion.

There are several rules for using a tonic:

  • Before using the tonic, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction. To do this, apply a little product to the inner crook of the wrist and wait 15 minutes. If redness or itching does not appear, then the composition can be used.
  • Apply the product along the massage lines with a cotton pad moistened with a solution. This is done in a circular motion from the middle of the cheeks towards the auricles, then from the middle of the chin to the ears, from the middle of the forehead to the temples. The final stage: make movements from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer along the lower edge of the eyelids and from the outer edge to the inner along the upper edge of the eyelids.
  • After applying the tonic, you need to drive the product with light patting movements with your fingertips. Thus, the product is better absorbed.
  • Owners of dry, sensitive skin are recommended to use tonics in the form of a spray. Cotton pads or swabs can cause irritation.
  • Rinse off the tonic is not required.

Choice of remedy

A beautician will help you choose the right tonic for your face. Many companies also hold presentations of their cosmetic products, where it is possible to get expert advice. If the choice is made independently, then it should be made based on the type of skin.

It is better to buy funds in trusted outlets. It is not recommended to purchase face care products in the markets, in the subway.

When buying a cosmetic product in online stores, you should familiarize yourself with the rating of cosmetic products, customer reviews about the store and the product. The information on the label must contain:

  • address and country of the manufacturer;
  • for what type of skin the product is made;
  • barcode of the country of origin;
  • detailed composition;
  • mode of application.

The most common brands of tonics:

Product brand skin type Components Photo
Natura SibericaAll types
  • Phytoactive cellular concentrate of organic radiola rosea;
  • salicylic acid;
  • glycolic acid;
  • provitamin B5;
  • rejuvenating complex of 15 extracts
  • Water;
  • glycerol;
  • butylene glycol;
  • cyclopentasiloxane;
  • sodium hyaluronate;
  • triethanolamine;
  • palmitate;
  • sweet almond protein;
  • flavored fragrance
  • What is a facial tonic
  • What are tonics for?
  • Types of tonics
  • The composition of tonics for the face
  • Overview of facial tonics

What is a facial tonic

It would seem that everyone is aware of what a facial tonic is - a transparent or translucent liquid in which active ingredients are dissolved to moisturize, refresh and cleanse the skin. Sometimes the solution has a tint: pink indicates a calming effect, blue indicates a refreshing quality, and green indicates the ability to solve skin problems.

What are tonics for?

As you know, there are three main stages in skin care:, toning,. But, according to the confessions of beauty users, the second stage is often neglected (laziness, lack of time, lack of awareness - underline the necessary), considering the tonic an optional remedy. And they are very wrong. The fact is that this tool performs several important functions at once. What does the tonic do?

Sometimes the shade of a tonic can indicate its functionality.

  1. 1

    Completes the skin cleansing process. Even if you carefully removed makeup with milk or cleansing lotion, and then washed with foam, then on a cotton pad moistened with tonic, you will most likely still find traces of pollution. This means that it is the tonic that completes the cleansing process after the stages of make-up removal and washing.

  2. 2

    Restores pH balance. Some cleansers, as well as hard tap water, can temporarily disrupt the acid-base balance of the skin, which, in turn, weakens its protective functions and reduces the ability to withstand aggressive environmental factors. The tonic quickly brings the pH level back to normal.

  3. 3

    Prepares the skin for the application of serum and cream. Tonic is a kind of conductor that allows the active ingredients in the serum and cream to act more effectively on the skin.

  4. 4

    Refreshes the skin., lack of blush, dry areas of the skin, even enlarged pores and inflammation - if the tonic does not solve all these problems globally, then it minimizes for sure. To get evidence, conduct a two-week experiment on the regular use of the tonic, or better, extend the test to 28 days - this is the period the body and skin in particular need to form new “habits”.

Toning is not just included in the daily ritual of skin care. To make sure that the tonic is really so necessary, conduct an experiment: use it for at least two weeks, and after their expiration, you will notice that the skin has become fresher and cleaner, and the complexion is even.

Types of tonics

The main rule when choosing a tonic is to focus on your skin type, otherwise this product will not fulfill its task or will not do it effectively enough. In order for the tonic to work one hundred percent, you must carefully read the label before buying, and then follow the tips for using it.

Tonic effectively removes the remnants of skin impurities and decorative cosmetics.

    For dry skin. Choose toners with powerful moisturizing ingredients such as glycerin, hyaluronic acid, amino acids, juice or aloe extract. Use the product twice a day or more often, especially if you spend most of the day indoors with air conditioning or central heating, or in extreme climatic conditions (sudden temperature changes, hot or, conversely, frosty weather).

    For sensitive skin. Delicate skin will not be irritated by products with a delicate action and soft texture, sometimes slightly oily. When choosing a tonic, pay attention to the composition: there should be components with a calming effect, for example, extracts of chamomile, cornflower or rose. Undesirable substances - parabens, perfume fragrances, dyes.

    For oily skin. If you are annoyed by oily sheen and excess sebum, due to which makeup lasts for a maximum of an hour, a tonic with a sebum-regulating and matting effect is suitable. This effect is provided in particular by zinc. For oily skin, products with moisturizing ingredients are also good, because often such skin, oddly enough, suffers from dehydration.

    For problem skin. The curse of this type of skin is blackheads, rashes, inflammation, excess sebum production. Tonics with astringent and exfoliating components (salicylic acid, zinc, tea tree oil) will help keep the situation under control.

    For normal skin. All that a tonic can give to happy owners of problem-free skin is cleansing, maintaining an optimal level of moisture, softening, replenishing with minerals and trace elements. All these needs will be satisfied by a tonic based on the water of thermal springs.

    For combination skin. If you have dry skin on your cheeks and oily skin on your forehead, nose, and chin, try applying two toners at once in one session. Moisturizing apply on dry areas, mattifying sebum-regulating - on the T-zone. This is called multi-toning, that is, the use of two tools of the same category at the same time.

    For aging skin. The main requests of aging and fading skin are lifting, increasing elasticity and density. This is facilitated by tonics with hyaluronic and glycolic acids, plus a special massage during application. Pay attention to products with a high content of antioxidants (vitamins C and E, resveratrol), especially if you live in a metropolis, often experience stress and sleep little. Antioxidants in the composition of the tonic will help fight the negative effects of the environment and delay the development of external signs of skin aging.

Using a well-chosen tonic, you will increase the effectiveness of your creams (day and night) at times, because the skin will better perceive their active ingredients.

The composition of tonics for the face

The composition varies depending on the purpose and tasks to be solved. Below are the main components that are most often found in formulas.

Facial tonic is a transparent colored liquid in which active ingredients are dissolved.

    Aloe. Juice and extract are almost universal: they soothe, soften, moisturize and restore the skin.

    Allantoin. Effective for healing and skin regeneration. relieves inflammation, irritation, tightens pores and softens the skin.

    Hyaluronic acid. A powerful moisturizing ingredient that prevents moisture from evaporating to smooth the skin.

    Glycerol. The most widely used moisturizer. promotes the penetration of moisture into the deeper layers of the skin and helps to retain it.

    Glycolic acid. Purifies, exfoliates, softens and brightens the skin, helps to reduce the depth of wrinkles.

    Salicylic acid. Exfoliates, eliminates dead cells, regulates the sebaceous glands.

    Alcohol. As a rule, it is present in a small concentration and serves to stabilize the formula. Simple alcohols (alcohol denat) in the composition of tonics provide an antibacterial effect and better penetration of the active ingredients into the skin.

    Thermal water. from thermal springs, located, for example, in the French cities of Vichy and La Roche-Posay, is a storehouse of minerals and trace elements that are beneficial for the skin. The special composition helps to normalize the water balance of the skin, neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals, improves the protective properties of the skin, soothes it.

    Zinc. Indispensable for oily and problematic skin: relieves inflammation, controls oily sheen, reduces black spots.

    Calendula extract. It relieves irritation, soothes, has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

    Rose extract. It has a wide spectrum of action: rejuvenates, moisturizes, softens, fights dangerous bacteria and even tightens pores.

    Chamomile extract. Soothes sensitive and irritated skin, provides protection and anti-inflammatory effect.

    Hamamelis extract. Constricts blood vessels, reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands, is a powerful antioxidant.

Application: how to apply tonic correctly

It is advisable to use the tonic twice a day, after cleansing and before applying serum and cream. When applying, avoid the area around the eyes, unless the annotation states that the product is approved for use in this area. There are at least three ways to apply tonic, and the choice of the right one depends on personal preferences.

When applying tonic, you can use a cotton pad or cloth.

cotton pad

This is the most common method that suits owners of any skin type. Apply a few drops to the disk and wipe the skin from the center of the face to the periphery, avoiding pressure:

    from the center of the forehead to the temples, one smoothing movement on each side;

    from the wings of the nose to the ears;

    from the center of the chin to the ears;

    from the space between the eyebrows to the tip of the nose.

tissue paper

The best option for sensitive skin. Saturate a cloth with tonic (you can use 2-3 layers of pharmaceutical gauze) and put it on your face like a mask. Press lightly with palms, leave for a few seconds. Such tonic masks are very popular in Asia.

Do I need to rinse off the tonic? No. As you remember, it increases the effectiveness of the active ingredients in the products that you apply after toning.

Overview of facial tonics

If you still have not decided on the choice of tonic, we offer several options for different skin types - from delicate, sensitive to problematic, acne-prone.

Tonic is a solution that removes the remnants of cosmetics and soaps, excess fat from the surface of the skin.
Positive actions of tonic:

  • restores the natural balance of PH (acidity);
  • neutralizes the effect of hard water;
  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • removes redness;
  • nourishes the skin with antioxidants that prevent aging.

The tonic not only refreshes and cleanses the skin of the face, but also enhances the effect of the use of day and night creams, which are applied immediately after it, which is very important when caring for already mature skin.

A good effect is the use of tonic after the mask, since after exposure to the mask the skin pores are open and it is very important to normalize their condition.

With regular use of the tonic, blood circulation improves, the formation of wrinkles decreases, the secretion of sebum decreases, and skin aging slows down. As a result of such care, you get healthy, beautiful and young skin.


The tonic usually contains alcohol. Often it is the basis. If the tonic is intended for oily skin, then the amount of alcohol can reach up to 50%.

The second component is matting agents, but their effect lasts no longer than a few hours.

Can be added to the composition of nutrients:

  • essential and vegetable oils- peach, olive, grape seeds, shea (shea), cocoa;
  • medicinal plants- most often aloe, which restore the water-fat balance of the skin;
  • salicylic acid tonic has an antibacterial effect, dries pimples and relieves inflammation.

When buying a tonic, you need to pay attention to the composition. Check if it contains substances that irritate the skin. Presence not allowed as part of acetone (acetone), citrus (citrus), camphor (camphor), mint (mint, peppermint), fragrance - flavor (fragrance), menthol (menthol).

It is good if the tonic contains panthenol, vitamin E, AHA and BHA, urea and surfactants.

Do not forget that if you have opted for a natural facial tonic with a wide composition of medicinal elements, then there is a possibility that it will not “make friends” with cosmetics from another series. This is especially true for aroma cosmetics with essential oils and products containing sea minerals. Therefore, you should try to use tonics and other cosmetics of the same series.

How to use?

There are a few simple rules for using a tonic that will help you achieve the desired effect from its use.

First of all, you need to wash. The tonic is applied only to previously cleansed skin using special products.

Most often, cotton pads or swabs are used to apply the tonic. They are moistened with tonic, then they rub the face with massage movements.
Do this in a circular motion from the middle of the cheeks, slowly, moving towards the auricles. Then they move from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the middle of the chin to the ears, from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones along the lower eyelid and back along the upper eyelid.

Many professional cosmetologists consider that the use of tonic or other means of cotton wool causes rapid fading of the skin, the appearance of small mimic wrinkles.

Professionals apply these products only with their fingertips, making light, tapping and massaging movements. They accelerate the onset of action of the tonic and its absorption.
And if the skin is sensitive, then applying the tonic with your fingers is simply necessary, because a cotton pad or swab can cause irritation and redness.

Tonic spray allows you to spray your face, this method is suitable for people with sensitive skin.

Another method, but rarely used, is when a piece of gauze is moistened with tonic and then covered with a face for several minutes.

How is it different from lotion?

Many women are interested in the question: which is better - lotion or tonic? First, you need to understand their main differences.

Lotion is alcohol-based, which has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. Its action is aimed at cleaning and combating problem skin.

Tonics have a different role. Their action is aimed at toning and moisturizing, nourishing the skin and narrowing the pores, as well as preparing the skin for the best perception of the cream.

So which is better to use?

If the skin of the face is dry or normal, then it is preferable to use a tonic without alcohol, or with a content of no more than 10%. Tonic will be the best choice for sensitive and aging skin. For oily skin, it is better to choose a lotion - it will slightly dry the skin.

Important so that when using a tonic or lotion there is no feeling of stickiness or tightness of the skin.

If after using these products, discomfort appears on the skin, then the choice was made incorrectly. It is desirable that a professional cosmetologist is engaged in the selection of cosmetics suitable for the type of skin.

To deal with the problem of oily skin, you need to use special cosmetics. We suggest considering why you need a facial tonic, how to choose the best option for your type of epidermis, and also how to make a product with your own hands.

Why you need a tonic

Tonic is a special medical cosmetics for the face, which helps to cleanse the pores, normalize the functioning of the excretory glands, give freshness and a pleasant smell to the skin. Depending on the composition and consistency, there are oily and alcohol products. Why you need a tonic:

  1. The products have astringent properties, help hide enlarged pores, eliminate oily sheen (Vichy, Avon, Faberlic);
  2. Perfectly disinfects the skin of the face, gives the face a healthy color (Pure Line, Nivea, Green Mama-GREEN MAMA);
  3. Eliminates acne and blackheads, helps get rid of comedones (Oriflame, Yves Rocher);
  4. Reduces the sensitivity of the epidermis (Amway, Dior);
  5. Many tonics have the property of protecting against UV rays (Lankom, Mary Kay).

Instructions for using the tonic

It is very important not only to choose the right personal care product, but also to know how to use a facial tonic.

Description of the use of tonic:

  1. The balancing preparation is applied only to clean skin after morning washing procedures. It is not washed off with water, and many cosmetologists also advise not to apply creams and other oily beauty products on top of the product.
  2. There is also a double or so-called biphasic tonic for oily skin, this is a good cleansing and moisturizing option. It is applied to the problem area immediately after washing, after which the face is lubricated with the next layer, which is designed to protect the appearance from the harmful effects of UV rays.
  3. To get rid of acne at home, it is better to use a mattifying and antibacterial tonic for combination (mixed) facial skin. Most often, such products are made with a variety of acids that normalize the functioning of the excretory glands, kill harmful bacteria and eliminate pus. In most cases, the composition includes a small particle of alcohol, aloe, fruit acids or hyaluronic acid (has a rejuvenating effect).

Homemade Tonic Recipes

Effective folk remedies can be made at home with your own hands. We offer to consider several tonic recipes:

A watermelon preparation is an ideal protection for the face from the sun's rays, and such cosmetics are also used to tighten wrinkles. For cooking we need:

  • 1/2 cup watermelon with seeds
  • 1 tablespoon witch hazel (can be replaced with a mixture of herbs: mint, chamomile and sage in equal parts)
  • 1 tablespoon of distilled water.

Place the watermelon in a food processor or blender and process until smooth. Add berry puree to a bowl, mix with witch hazel, add water. Pour the mixture into a clean container with a tight-fitting lid. Store additional toner in the refrigerator for several days. Use only on clean face skin, but be sure to rinse off three minutes after application.

Photo - Rubbing with tonic

The easiest way to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands is to lubricate the face with a decoction of green tea with jasmine. This tool has a rejuvenating effect, is also a source of natural antioxidants.

Laurel can be bad for dry skin, unlike mint, which can help treat pimples, blackheads, and other problems. Most often, mint tea and lemon juice are mixed. For a glass of liquid, you will need three tablespoons of dry mint, two lemon juice. We combine everything and apply on the face. It is advisable not to use the technique on a swarthy epidermis, a change in the color of the cover is possible.

Pure aloe vera juice used is the same as any other toner. This remedy is best suited for oily skin, but can be soothing for tanned, chapped, or burned skin. Not recommended for very dry face.

Calming chamomile and calendula tonic:

  1. 1 glass of water
  2. ½ glass of vodka
  3. ¼ cup calendula
  4. ¼ cup dried chamomile flowers

Mix everything in a glass jar. Close with a tight-fitting lid. Leave the product to steam for 2 weeks. Strain and pour into a clean jar.

Great masks and lotions with essential oils. Such preparations are mainly used for radiant color and fresh skin, especially rose, tea tree, coconut and citrus oils are often used. To prepare a simple remedy, we need:

  1. Water (glass)
  2. 10 drops of orange essential oil
  3. Eucalyptus extract.

We boil and cool the water, it should be at a pleasant temperature, after we mix the liquid with eucalyptus and orange. Shake again, leave for two weeks in a jar with a tightly closed lid.

Many homemade facial tonics have an anti-aging function. Need to cook:

  1. 1 tablespoon dried mint leaves
  2. 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  3. 1 cup distilled water (or cosmetic pink liquid).

Mix all the ingredients, cover and leave in a container for three days. Remember that apple cider vinegar is absolutely not suitable for dry skin, but it can be used on the neck. This component is known as a drug that narrows the pores.

Photo - Tonics for the face

Great moisturizing and refreshing recipe from cucumber juice, such a tonic closes the pores, is mainly used for problem skin. You need to buy a whole cucumber, wash and grate, along with the skin. After squeezing cucumber juice from the resulting puree, lubricate their face with a cotton swab.

You can change this recipe a little and get a natural whitening preparation. You just need to add some strawberries to the cucumber. These components are very useful for problematic epidermis, as well as for cleansing enlarged pores.

Overview of the best professional tools

The Women's Forum claims that no matter how affordable home remedies are, professional facial cleansing tonics are still more effective, very good reviews about care from Garnier, Loreal (Loreal), MaryKey.

In total, drugs can be divided into several categories:

  1. For sensitive dry skin: Tonique Hydratant Academie, ARTDECO Skin Yoga, Amway ARTISTRY, Faberlic Aqua kislorod, Oriflame Optimals Balancing Toner, Magrav soft, Facial Mist, Missha SUPER AQUA hydrating toner, Shiseido Pureness Balancing, Coconut Butter Payot, Ultra Anti-Oxidant Refreshing, Lancome TONIQUE CLARTE, Bark New Line, "Cherry Blossom" Neobio, Vitrum;
  2. oily: Avon Naturals Beneficial Herbs, D'Alpana LimoniNim, AVANI Dead Sea Israel, Avon Mattifying Tonic Solutions Maximum Moisture, EVELINE PURE CONTROL, Bioderma, Vichy Normaderm, Olay Gentle Cleansers, Dr.Hauschka Gesichtstonikum (pictured in gymnastics), Chanel, Nanogold & Silk, Clarins Toning Lotion With Camomile, Lumene MATT TOUCH, Estee Lauder Perfectly Clean, Dermofil, OlvioLux, Elfacrem-tonic;
  3. anti-aging Natura Siberica Anti-Age (Siberica), Alkmene, Avene Cleanance lotion purifiante, Amway Beautycycle (beauty air), Biotherm, L'Occitane en Provence, BLACK PEARL Bio-program, GUERLAIN SKIN CARE ISSIMA SUCCESS FUTURE DAY CARE, Clinique Mild Clarifying Lotion ( contains oils), Belita-Vitex Royal Care 40+, La Roche Posay Physialogical Soothing Tooner, Premier, L'OREAL REVITALIFT, Clean&Clear, Mattifying Oil-Control Lotion, Green Pharmacy, Boutique d'Elite Gel Tonic;
  4. For face and body: Biosure, Traveling - Infinum, Venus, Blanc Expert, Comodex Purifying Toner, Botanical Effects, Christina, TIANDE Aloe, Sculptural FitnessRevitonika, Gezatone Ultra-Tonic m115, Forever Body, Nuxe Aux 3 Roses, Yves Rocher, Cliven Beauty Line, NIVEA Visage " Matte Milk”, male MK Men;
  5. For pimples and acne: L'OREAL Pure Zone, Icy FABERLIC YOUNG, Faberlic Expert Pharma Biphasic Shake Tonic, 3W CLINIC Collagen Regeneration Softener, Bourjois Vitamin Toner, Thayers, Rose Petal Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera, Racine Special Care, Avon Clearskin, Avene Cleanance lotion purifiante ( Aven), Neways, CLINIQ (Clinic), Lumene MATT TOUCH.

A cheat sheet of what is included in professional products, and for which facial skin it is recommended to use such a tonic:

You can buy facial tonics in any cosmetic store in your city (in Moscow, Kiev, St. Petersburg), the price mainly depends on the brand. Tell us in the comments about your favorite lotion, which brand do you like the most?