If the pregnancy test shows a faint line. Weak line on pregnancy test forum. The appearance of a faint strip on the test

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Questions and answers for: pregnancy test barely visible second strip

2012-12-13 05:43:40

Larissa asks:

Hello, I have a delay in menstruation for 5 days, I bought tests and carried out. within 3-5 minutes one strip came out, and after 10 minutes the second strip was barely visible. and so showed 2 tests, and the other two tests showed one strip. I don’t feel any pregnancy symptoms, only pulls the lower back like during menstruation. in the period when menstruation was due, there were two days of red-brown discharge, but not much.

Responsible Silina Natalya Konstantinovna:

Dear Larisa, in order to exclude pregnancy, it is necessary to donate blood for hCG, in case of a negative result, you can inject 2.5% progesterone and continue to deal with hormonal failure without a phone call.

2012-10-30 17:39:54

Sofia asks:

Hello! I beg for help!!! Help me understand the situation. The last menstruation was on August 29, started 5 days earlier. Usually, on the contrary, menstruation with a delay of 2-4 days. On September 27, the test showed a barely pink second strip, and on September 3 there were already distinct two strips I was very happy! First pregnancy, I am 26 years old, I recently got married. On October 10, the lower abdomen fell ill, I went for an ultrasound scan. They said two fetal eggs in the uterus. There is a detachment of the placenta. egg 0.68. The second ultrasound on October 19, they said one fetal egg most likely died, and the second 13 ml, the embryo is not visible, there is no heartbeat. The next ultrasound was on October 30. Another doctor did it, since mine got sick. fetal egg 13-9-14, ktr 0.22, heartbeat one plus in question, she didn’t say anything about the second fetal egg. On October 30, I donated blood for hcg, the result was 33,000. I can’t even understand the gestational age. Answer, pr I ask you ... what is my gestational age from the moment of conception according to my data, is there a possibility that the fetus is viable, maybe late fertilization? Thank you in advance

Responsible Gritsko Marta Igorevna:

If you count by monthly, then your pregnancy is 9 obstetric weeks. According to the hCG indicator, too, but you should not focus on hCG, because you had 2 fetal eggs and, accordingly, 2 chorions that produced the hormone. Definitely, dynamic monitoring by ultrasound is necessary, it is not yet a fact that the second fetus is not viable. If no heartbeat is observed on November 8, then the pregnancy has stopped. But don't despair just yet, it's still early!

2009-05-03 14:48:21

Svetlana asks:

Hello. My last menstruation was on March 30. I have a delay of 7 days now. I did 2 pregnancy tests, one showed a barely noticeable second strip (but was done in the afternoon), and the second (done in the morning) showed a second strip, not very clear, but it was visible. I have been bleeding for two days (not abundant). I did another test, showed a clear one strip. The second was not even close. Please tell me what it could be?


Hello! The phenomenon of the disappearance of the second strip, despite the fact that it was previously visible, is often associated with spontaneous abortion in the early stages, bleeding can also speak in favor of this. You should visit a doctor and clarify your condition. All the best!

2008-12-05 12:35:23

Zhenya asks:

I took a pregnancy test, it showed two strips: one is clearly visible, the second is barely visible. What does this mean?

2016-10-20 11:50:07

Natalia asks:

Hello! I want to ask this question. My menstruation was on 10/20/2016 until the 26th. day, my chest also started to hurt! It increased slightly in volume. I went for an ultrasound scan on 11/18 and the doctor diagnosed Endometrial Hyperplasia! stripes, but the second one is barely visible!) Could the uzist make a mistake.? Or can hyperplasia give a false result? -size 20mm.Type of endometrium-secretory late.size of cervix length 38,width 20mm.Right ovary-size 32*22*30+-yellow body.number of antral follicles 10

2015-08-03 08:11:02

Valya asks:

Last month - 8.06- gynecologist.ultrasound.if pregnancy is confirmed, medical.interruption.I am 37 years old.I have a son of 7 years old.possible had no abortions before.

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello Valentine! Repeat the pregnancy test after 2-3 days. If there is a pregnancy, the second strip will become more noticeable. Although, the presence of a second, even very pale, strip is already a positive test result. Take care of your health!

2015-02-13 09:30:44

Veronica asks:

Hello, I live Veronica, my last menstruation was on December 25-27, I don’t remember exactly, it lasts 5-6 days. On January 25, they didn’t come in 5 days. I did a test, it was negative. I waited until it was generally 10 days late; I did a test; one strip was red, the second one was barely visible. On February 12, I went for an ultrasound scan, it showed only a period of 3 weeks, and according to the last menstruation, there should be weeks, the ultrasound doctor said that a frozen pregnancy is possible. Is this possible and what should I do. help terribly afraid

Responsible Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

Veronica, good afternoon! You need to see a gynecologist. It is necessary to pass an.blood for hCG twice with an interval of 2-3 days. If nothing bothers you, then you need to repeat the ultrasound in 5-7 days.

There are many ways to detect pregnancy. And each of them can have its own advantages and disadvantages. But the most popular and convenient is still a pregnancy test, easily accessible - it can be purchased at any pharmacy. The advantage of this method is that it can be used at home and within a few minutes you can find out the result.

But even though this method is quite popular, it will not reveal a 100% guarantee of the correct result.

As a result of the presence of a positive / negative answer, it is necessary to additionally verify the information received at the appointment with the gynecologist.
How a pregnancy test works

How does such a test work? This method is based on a reagent that has a specific reaction to gonadotropin in the urine. And depending on the reaction, the woman will know whether the pregnancy has occurred or not. It is worth noting that each modern test includes two strips. The first is the control, and it manifests itself in any variants, which means that the test is of high quality. The second strip is responsible for the level of hCG in the urine, and if it is exceeded, then such a strip will definitely appear. It happens that a gray strip appears on the test. This situation is not positive, and it is better to double-check it again.

The gray color or white second strip on the pregnancy test is the so-called drying strip.
It is left by the reagent on a pregnancy test or in the case when too much liquid was used in the study.

Pregnancy tests can look different

If the pregnancy test shows a second strip that is weak and blurry with liquid, it has a different color or fuzzy colored borders, and also differs in width, then such a test cannot be considered positive. But if there is a dim strip on the pregnancy test, while clearly defined, the same size as the control strip, having the appropriate intensity and size, then the test is considered positive. And its owner can be congratulated on the imminent appearance of the baby into the world.

But it also happens that a woman wants to know too early whether she is pregnant or not. In such cases, a weak second strip on a pregnancy test is a completely expected result. In such cases, you do not need to take urgent measures and immediately run for the second test. It is enough to wait a few days (or even better - a week) for the hCG level to rise, and it would be possible to determine more accurately whether a pregnancy has occurred.

Tests with different sensitivities may show different results.

When else can the test show the 2nd strip?

These are situations where a woman has recently had an abortion, has tumors, is using fertility drugs, has kidney disease or other diseases and inflammatory processes that may affect the effectiveness and efficiency of the home study.

In general, if a faint second line is present after the test, the test cannot be considered positive. To verify its performance, it is necessary to conduct repeated tests at intervals of several days.

It must be remembered that almost any test will never show the presence of pregnancy before the first day of the expected menstruation.

A positive test result can also be false.

When a pregnancy test shows a weak second line, this may not be a very good sign if the woman’s poor health, bleeding, loss of strength, headaches and other health problems are added to the results of self-diagnosis.

What else can a weak second stripe tell?

On a pregnancy test, a weak second line is most often considered a sign of several pathological changes, so it is very important not to miss them. It happens like this - there is a pregnancy, but it stops developing. More often this is evidence that a spontaneous abortion has occurred, or an ectopic pregnancy is present. There are many cases when hormone therapy is performed during IVF. When it is carried out, 2 strips often appear on a pregnancy test. Therefore, doctors recommend conducting self-diagnosis earlier than 14 days after the transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity.

Neoplasms that have not yet been diagnosed can also show a second strip.
That is why a non-developing result after repeated examinations should become a factor that will set the woman up for additional diagnostics.

A weak line on a pregnancy test can appear even when there has not been a delay in menstruation. Many women, wanting to get pregnant, cannot wait for the moment when two cherished strips are next to each other on the test. That is why they buy up a wide variety of tests in armfuls, and begin to “work” on them even before the expected day of menstruation. A weak line on a pregnancy test is often the first signal that not everything is normal with a woman's body. It can be anything: from deviations in the development of the fetal egg to the onset of an ectopic pregnancy.

Tests with three stripes may be expired

One and a half strips on a pregnancy test / three strips are not just ghost strips, but the result of an excessive amount of fluid that was used to conduct the study. It also happens that when conducting a pregnancy test, the second white strip becomes very obvious. Such a result often causes a woman’s premature joy, although in fact, experts simply recommend checking the expiration date of the test, the integrity of its packaging and the manufacturer. After all, it may well turn out that the test is completely unusable.

As a result, it can be noted that when conducting a test, if the second strip remains very weak after repeated testing, then this is one of the most important reasons why you should contact a specialist. If the deadline is too early and nothing but a delay in menstruation bothers you, it is better to wait a few days, and only then do the test again.

Rapid pregnancy tests have long become an integral part of the life of a modern woman. Due to their extreme availability, home use and ease of use, they are the best way to immediately confirm or disprove the presence of .

But the test result is far from always clear for women. For example, a weakly manifested staining of the second strip always causes bewilderment and a lot of questions.

What and how are rapid tests determined?

The staining of test strips during the application of the express method occurs as a result of the chemical interaction of the reagent with a specific substance of chorionic gonadotropin. The secretion of the hormone is initiated by the implantation of the ovum, that is, the egg fertilized by the spermatozoon, into the endometrial tissue. From this point on, a gradually increasing concentration of chorionic gonadotropin can be detected in a woman's body. First, it appears in the blood, a little later - in the urine. It is he who is identified by rapid tests in the study of pregnancy.

Despite the variety of models of devices used to determine pregnancy, they have a single principle of operation. Having differences in price, degrees of convenience, they are all quite effective.

The simplest are test strips with a layer of diagnostic reagent. Lowering them into a portion of urine for several minutes, women can observe the result of the interaction of the reagent with chorionic gonadotropin, if present.

When using a tablet or cassette type of rapid tests, a drop of urine is sufficient. The answer of the study depends on a similar chemical reaction.

The advantage of inkjet models is their practicality and convenience. It is possible to determine the presence of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine only by substituting an express test under its stream.

New to the market are electronic testers. The principle of their operation is the same as that of simple models. The difference is that the result is displayed on the mini-screen in the form of symbols, numbers or words.

To be sure of the result of the study, women are advised to pay attention to its sensitivity when buying a product. If the package indicates the possibility of a rapid test to respond to a concentration in the urine of at least 25 mU / ml, it will do - it is this level of the hormone that corresponds to the first weeks of delay.

How to conduct a test correctly to avoid mistakes?

From the very beginning, even before the express test, the research procedure should be taken extremely responsibly. You don't have to buy the most expensive test. What matters is not how much it costs, but how responsibly you will treat it.

It must be remembered that the quality of the test can affect the reliability of the result and is the key to its reliability. Poor-quality or expired products, when used, give a pale coloration or none at all.

Erroneous results during testing may be caused by contamination of the test portions of urine. The presence of detergents or cosmetics on the walls of vessels for the selection of physiological fluid can provoke false staining. In order to avoid errors during the study and not to mislead yourself, you must follow the instructions in the instructions attached to the purchased product step by step.

A prerequisite for the correct performance of express tests is strict adherence to the conditions and time of exposure of the test material to the reagent. This means that you need to carefully monitor:

  • to what level the test strip is immersed in the container with the test urine;
  • whether she has been in it for a sufficient time;
  • after how many minutes the assessment of the degree of its staining began.

Results obtained after the time specified in the instructions are not considered reliable.

An indispensable condition for the correct execution of rapid tests is the study of the very first morning portion of urine. It is in it that the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin is maximum, therefore, it is most likely to be detected using a specific reagent. Further, throughout the day, during which a woman consumes liquid, the level of the hormone in the urine gradually drops. By evening, it becomes minimal, so conducting a test at this time of day is impractical in terms of obtaining a reliable result.

Deciphering the result of the express test

Each of the devices for express testing has two conditional zones, control and result:

  • the appearance of color in the first of them is evidence of the chemical activity of the reagents, that is, the suitability of the device for use;
  • the strip in the second zone appears only in the presence of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine.

If, during the study, staining does not appear in any of the zones of the test, then it is unsuitable, that is, it has a marriage or is expired.

Sometimes, as a result of the study, instead of a strip in the test area, you can see only a trace of white or gray, the so-called reagent drying trace. This result appears in two cases:

  • after drying of the reagent that did not appear due to the lack of the test hormone in the urine;
  • when applied to the test area of ​​an excessive volume of the test material.

In the instructions attached to each device for rapid pregnancy diagnostics, there is an indication of observing the time of interaction of the reagent with the test portion of urine. If the pale color of the second strip appears in the result zone later, after this period, it is not considered a positive response, that is, it does not indicate the presence of pregnancy.

Can a weak line be considered a positive answer?

A weak second line on a pregnancy test, instead of the expected definitely positive result for any woman, is a disappointment. Do not rush to conclusions and immediately get upset. Sometimes a weak manifestation of the second strip during the study can be regarded as confirmation of pregnancy.

According to the manufacturer's instructions, the very fact of color manifestation indicates the presence of chorionic gonadotropin in the test portion of urine. Its low intensity can be caused by many reasons:

  • Conducting a study long before the first day of delayed menstrual bleeding gives a result in the form of a pale colored strip, which indicates a low level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine and corresponds to the minimum gestational age.
  • Performing a test against the background of taking medications or herbal preparations with a pronounced diuretic effect.
  • Reception on the eve of the study of a large volume of liquid that dilutes the blood and urine, and indirectly reduces the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin in them.
  • Use for express test of evening portions of urine.

If you have a weak line on a pregnancy test, the study should be carried out again, excluding the possibility of all of the above factors influencing the test again. Performing a control study after 1-2 days, it is necessary to control fluid intake the day before, give up diuretics, use an early morning portion of urine obtained after more than five hours of sleep.

When is a weak color not indicative of pregnancy?

Although manufacturers of rapid tests insist that they are almost 100% accurate when the instructions are followed, errors in these studies are not excluded. The reasons for a false positive result can be:

  • Taking drugs containing chorionic gonadotropin in the period of preparation for IVF or in the treatment of cystic formations, when a diagnostically significant concentration of the hormone in the body persists for another two weeks after their cancellation.
  • Medical abortions or miscarriages transferred shortly before the pregnancy test, when the natural decrease in the level of chorionic gonadotropin in the body to normal levels is extended for two weeks.
  • The presence in a woman of benign or malignant neoplasms that can secrete chorionic gonadotropin.
  • Ectopic and missed pregnancies, in which there is a decrease in the level of the hormone in the body.

A false-positive result ends with express testing in the presence of hormonal disruptions in the body of women. The production of a significant amount of hormones that have a chemical structure similar to human chorionic gonadotropin can lead to the appearance of a faint color of the strip on the test in the absence of pregnancy. In menopausal women at the peak of unstable hormonal levels, the use of a sensitive rapid test can also give a weakly positive result.

Manufacturers of rapid tests claim that the pale coloration of the second strip clearly indicates pregnancy. However, many years of experience in their use shows that a guaranteed reliable conclusion can only be obtained as a result of a repeated study confirming the positive dynamics of changes in hormonal levels.

What to do if a weakly colored second strip appears?

If you are confident in the quality of the purchased test and following all the instructions of the instructions attached to it, the result, even in the form of a pale color, should be evaluated as confirmation of pregnancy. Since in such situations the level of the hormone increases rapidly in the body, after 2-3 days a second study will give a clear, unambiguous result. For greater persuasiveness, this time you can use the electronic model of the test, the answer of which does not require decoding.

If doubts persist, or the situation raises concerns, you should contact a specialist. During pregnancy, chorionic gonadotropin appears in the blood earlier, and its concentration is higher than in the urine. Therefore, a special blood test prescribed by the doctor of the antenatal clinic will finally make sure that the initial result is correct. Any situation that is in doubt, a pregnant woman should discuss with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Every time we buy a pregnancy test at the pharmacy, our hearts pound furiously in our chests. Whatever result we may expect, we still want to know the truth. Of course, any home test can be wrong, because none of them promises a 100% reliable result. But, perhaps, there is nothing worse than being left without an answer. A fuzzy line on a pregnancy test causes even more doubts and worries than before testing.

In practice, many women observe a ghost strip. And, of course, they are trying to find answers to the questions that arise: what does a weak band mean, what does it mean and how to understand such a result?

Let's try to figure everything out together.

Very faint line on a pregnancy test before a delay

Pregnancy test strips are the very first, simple and affordable form of this diagnostic method. It remains the most popular, despite the fact that a new generation of tests has long appeared on sale, that is, more modern and improved - test cassettes, inkjet, digital.

Regardless of the modification, all types of tests work according to the general principle: they contain a reagent that only appears if it reacts with a sufficient amount of the specific hCG hormone. As a result of this reaction, a “label” appears on the body of the test, indicating a positive result, that is, the presence of pregnancy. It can be a second stripe, a "+" sign, the word "yes" or "pregn".

The hormone that allows you to diagnose early pregnancy with such a simple method is called hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin. A very small amount of it can be present in the body of any person, including men. But with the onset of conception in the body of a woman, this hormone begins to be intensively produced, and its concentration rapidly increases. Thanks to this, earlier home testing became possible.

In order for a pregnancy test to show a reliable result, doctors advise conducting it no earlier than after a delay. The modern pharmacological market offers many different highly sensitive tests that can diagnose pregnancy earlier, and yet in this case the probability of error increases.

Despite this, more often women do the first test even before the delay of menstruation. By this time, the level of hCG in the urine may still be insufficient for the second test line to appear. It may either be completely absent or barely visible. This is one of the reasons why the line on a pregnancy test is very pale. But there may be other reasons as well.

What does a fuzzy line on a pregnancy test mean?

The instructions for the test indicate that if the test is carried out correctly, the second strip should be the same as the first control one: even, with clear edges, bright color, the same length and width. Only in this case, the test result can be interpreted as positive, but even after that it is recommended to re-test after a few days or visit a gynecologist (the latter, of course, is preferable, because as soon as the doctor has the right to make a preliminary diagnosis). If a blurry weak second strip appeared on the test sheet after it dried, then this is most likely the remnants of the reagent, and not a harbinger of pregnancy.

If a second very pale, barely noticeable, indistinct or weak streak immediately appears, then it is still better not to lean towards any result. Practice shows (and this is also mentioned in the test instructions) that a ghost strip often indicates pregnancy, but the opposite result is also possible.

If you think logically, then a weak line may indicate an insufficient amount of the hCG hormone in the woman's urine. This may have several explanations:

  • a very short gestational age (testing before a delay in menstruation);
  • "Diluted" urine (due to the use of diuretics or the use of diuretic foods / drinks, increased kidney function);
  • deviations in the development of the fetal egg;
  • testing shortly after an abortion or miscarriage (for example, if a curettage has recently been performed).

It is likely that the test turned out to be of poor quality or unsuitable for testing (for example, if its storage conditions were violated). If a woman is undergoing (or was undergoing) a course of infertility treatment, then a certain amount of the hCG hormone, which is part of the drugs she takes, could remain in her body, to which the test reacted with the appearance of a weak second strip.

And there is also an opinion that ghost stripes often indicate the conception of a boy: supposedly, when carrying a male fetus, hCG rises a little more slowly. But it's still not worth believing.

In addition, cells similar to those produced by the chorion of the fetal egg during pregnancy can be formed in the body of a woman with certain diseases, in particular those accompanied by neoplasms. Among these may be chorionepithelioma of the uterus, cystic drift.

From all that has been said, the following conclusion should be drawn. No matter how painful it may be, but if the second strip on the test is very pale or weak, then it is necessary to repeat the test after a few days, and simply ignore this result. Most likely (although, once again, we emphasize, it is not at all necessary!), Next time you will get a very accurate and unambiguous result: clear two stripes. If after 2-3 weeks the strip on the test remains pale, it is imperative to visit a gynecologist.

And in order for the veracity of the test results to be high, follow all the rules for conducting a pregnancy test exactly.

Especially for - Margarita SOLOVIEVA

If the pregnancy was not planned in advance, the delay in menstruation becomes a cause for joyful excitement or anxiety.

You can confirm or deny the fact of conception using a pregnancy test, a modern diagnostic method available at home. In most cases, the test shows an accurate result.

After the release of the egg from the follicle, the level of chorionic gonadotropin begins to rise steadily.

During fertilization, an increase in the concentration of the hormone occurs every 2 days by 2 times. Detected in the urine and blood of a woman.

  • Strip test.

This is the cheapest th option. However, the sensitivity of this test is low in comparison with analogues.

Most often, the cause of the error is insufficient impregnation of the indicator window with liquid.

Tests look like paper strips that should be lowered into a container filled with urine. A positive result is the appearance of 2 colored stripes.

  • Tablet tests.

The device has 2 windows. When urine enters the first "window", the result appears in the second.

The cost of a tablet test is higher, as is the guarantee of an accurate result.

  • Jet test.

The highest quality and most expensive test.

The principle of operation is based on the interaction of particles of a special substance with hCG, which allows you to find out the result after a minute. To diagnose pregnancy using an inkjet test, it is not necessary to collect biological material in a separate container.

  • Electronic.

Can be dipped in a glass of urine or used on the principle of inkjet tests.

Such a gadget will write “+” on the electronic scoreboard if the pregnancy is confirmed and “-” if there is no pregnancy.

Some electronic pregnancy tests may have advanced features. For example, the Clearblue test also shows the gestational age from conception.

The Clearblue Electronic Test is used only 1 time. The device is not a reusable pregnancy test.

The advantages of modern technology are undeniable. There is no need to interpret the clarity and color of the stripes, you can find out the result at any time, since it is preserved and does not change under the influence of external factors.

Reliability of results

The probability of error when using test strips depends on the expiration date, the correct execution of the procedure, the individuality of the course of physiological processes in the body. It is advisable to purchase tests from reliable manufacturers.

Often, a weakly expressed test is a direct consequence of a violation of the instructions.

The most reliable is the analysis of morning urine, which should be collected immediately after waking up.

If this is not possible, you can store urine for several hours in the refrigerator.

Hypersensitive tests

Accurately determine pregnancy in the early stages before the delay in menstruation allows supersensitive tests:

  • The leader is the FRAUTEST line.

The Human Gesellschaft once again confirms the German quality. Almost all types of tests are presented on the modern market of pharmacological products. At the same time, even cheap options are highly accurate and sometimes allow you to diagnose pregnancy a few days before the delay.

Frautest DOUBLE CONTROL strips, 15 mIU/ml, are highly sensitive.

  • The BB test strip with a sensitivity of 10 mIU/ml, as well as the BB-Lux, is produced by the French company Innotech International.
  • The Swiss company SENSITIVE ECONOM supplies TEST for BEST No. 10 to Russia, which is also intended for diagnosing pregnancy before a delay.
  • Highly sensitive tests include test strips of the latest generation Home Test Express, USA, which allow you to determine the level of hCG, starting from 10 mIU / ml.

The range of tests designed for early diagnosis of pregnancy is quite wide.

Unfortunately, other Russian-made products often fail. Therefore, the most accurate result is obtained using the products of a foreign manufacturer.

The reason for the appearance of a faintly colored second strip on a test to determine pregnancy

Sometimes a woman doubts conception, since the strip on the test is weakly visible. However, in a normally developing pregnancy, inexpressive coloration is possible for several reasons.

  • The test was carried out before the delay of menstruation.

In this case, an increase in hCG is not enough to accurately determine conception. Therefore, the strip turns out to be slightly colored.

For the reliability of the result, it is necessary to re-diagnose after 2-3 days.

  • If ovulation is delayed.

In this case, the production of hCG begins later. The causes of late ovulation are premenopause, gynecological diseases, an imbalance of pituitary hormones, and frequent stress.

Late ovulation can occur within 3 months after abortion or 1 year after childbirth.

  • If hormonal therapy is carried out.

Against the background of the use of hormonal drugs, the increase in hCG may look weak. In this case, the second strip on the test will be paler. In addition, a false positive test is present if it is performed earlier than 2 weeks after embryo transfer into the uterine cavity.

  • If the embryo stops developing.

There is a slow decrease in the concentration of hCG in the body of a woman. Therefore, if the test shows a weak second strip, then this may indicate. As a rule, the suspicion of a missed pregnancy is confirmed if, 3 weeks after ovulation, a clear color of the strip is not observed.

  • If it develops.

In fact, the pathology can also be accompanied by the normal production of hCG.

It is impossible to determine only with the help of the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin.

It is necessary to take into account the characteristic symptoms and the results of the examination by hardware methods.

And, accordingly, a mild test is possible with an ectopic pregnancy with fetal developmental arrest.

Sometimes during an ectopic pregnancy, the production of hCG is disrupted, since there are no optimal conditions for the development of the embryonic membrane. In this case, the test may be false negative.

  • The test itself is faulty.

When purchasing a product, you need to pay attention to the specified period of validity, the integrity of the package. Much also depends on the conditions in which the test was stored.

For example, the test should be stored at a temperature regime of 2-28 ° C, and used after the product has warmed up to room temperature. When in the refrigerator, the test loses its quality.

  • Some types of oncology.

So, chorioncarcinoma or bubble drift, oncology of the intestines, as well as the organs of the genitourinary system, are accompanied by an increase in the concentration of hCG.

Normally, the level of chorionic gonadotropin does not exceed 5 mIU / ml. If an increased value is detected and there is no pregnancy, a thorough examination should be performed.

  • Spontaneous abortion or artificial termination of pregnancy.

If parts of the fetal egg remain in the uterine cavity. The decrease in hCG levels occurs gradually, and the test may show a false positive result.

Personal experience

In total, I had 7 pregnancies - two of them ended in miscarriages, one was ectopic. After conception, in all seven cases, I did a pregnancy test. Some occurred at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, others after a delay.

In those cases when the test was done before the delay, the indicator showed a weak strip. After menstruation, sometimes there was a weak strip, in other cases it was bright, clear. But I will make a reservation that the test showed a pale pink color after menstruation only when an ectopic pregnancy was confirmed. During the normal course of pregnancy, the second strip on the test was painted in a bright saturated color.

For all four "normal" pregnancies (now I am pregnant with the fourth), the test can show the intensity of the color due to the term itself. If you suspect pregnancy, but have not yet gone for an ultrasound, and the test showed a pale pink stripe, it is better to play it safe. In my case, I found an ectopic.

It is better, of course, to do a second test in two weeks, if you are scheduled for an ultrasound in a month. The more weeks you have, the brighter the indicator should be. If he still remains pale, you need to sound the alarm. Most likely, pregnancy has occurred, but the fetus has either died or there is an ectopic pregnancy.

The main thing is if there is a suspicion of a delay, if there is no pain, a pale strip on the test indicates only a short period. Or you are not pregnant, but the test is defective (what else needs to be confirmed by ultrasound and analysis).

Tatiana, 29.

Even with the appearance of a strip of pale color, a pregnancy test should be regarded as positive. This is an occasion to visit a gynecologist. Further diagnosis using blood sample analysis and ultrasound will help confirm pregnancy.