Ideal girl: appearance, behavior and self-sufficiency. What a girl should be. Qualities of an ideal girl

Each person, regardless of gender, has his own ideal and there is no consensus on this matter. Moreover, the concept of ideality, as such, does not exist, everything is relative.

Men and women look at these concepts differently, and it is simply impossible to single out exact criteria. However, there are average characteristics accepted in social society, indicating certain properties of character, behavior, appearance, and so on, which an ideal girl should have.

So, after all, what kind of girl do you need to be to get an “ideal” rating? Let's try to consider this issue in more detail and consider it from all sides in order.

Features and signs of female ideality in the eyes of men

Different male representatives have different ideas about the ideality of women. You can only create an approximate collective image that most men will like. Let's highlight the most important points of this image of ideality.


What is so important in the appearance of a girl or woman that she is considered the most ideal girl? Someone will say height, someone body composition. It will seem to someone that this is the color of the eyes or hair, or maybe body weight. However, this is not all. In fact, these characteristics are essential strictly in individual preferences. We can’t say that only curvy ones or only thin ones are considered ideal?

In fact, it is important that a woman be well-groomed and take care of herself in everything. She was in a toned physical shape, had a healthy complexion and elastic skin. After all, what is the use of the fact that girls wear themselves out and starve on purpose in order to be thin.

The result will be deplorable, the body will lose weight, but the skin will be flabby and devoid of energy. It’s better to have a couple of extra pounds, but at the same time have an elastic toned body, rather than be afraid to undress on the beach shamefacedly hiding your skinny forms and sagging skin.

The ideal girl is in terms of appearance, first of all, a healthy appearance. This is a smooth radiant skin, an attractive smile, smooth beautiful hair. This is what really attracts representatives of the male half of humanity in a woman. It is from this that they go crazy and lose their heads.

Behavior and emphasis on femininity

If the first point is observed, right, then you can see that a well-groomed woman always knows how to correctly emphasize her individuality and femininity. It is beneficial to present your appearance, choose a style of clothing, shoes to look sexy and attractive, but at the same time not seem vulgar in the eyes of a man.

And here it is important not to overdo it either with the length of the dress or skirt, or with the heels of shoes, or with jewelry and cosmetics. This is the only way to achieve an important point - femininity.

However, one external well-groomed appearance is not enough if the behavior does not have the necessary moral boundaries. All ideal girls are distinguished by moral stability. They will not show in public their disdain for anyone, jealousy, discontent or some other negative emotions. They know how to control themselves.

Such girls do not throw tantrums and never sort things out in the presence of other people. And certainly they will not make the details of their personal lives public. Such a girl will not discuss her partner with other girls or strangers. The ideal girl is more likely to treat her partner with respect both alone and in the company of friends.

Self-sufficiency and the ability to yield

In the eyes of a man, ideal girls should be able to give in to relationships with a partner. Be flexible, be able to put yourself in the place of your man. In other words, a girl should always be perfect. Try to achieve maximum mutual understanding not only with your surroundings, but also with the partner himself. It is precisely such highly moral qualities that are valued by representatives of the male half of humanity in the weaker sex.

Among other things, many guys want to see in their chosen one not just a woman, wife and future mother of their children, but also a whole self-sufficient person. That is, a girl must have specific goals in life, a profession, hobby or hobby.

Yes, of course, the first impression of a woman is formed by her appearance, grooming, demeanor. However, the next step to sympathy and closer relationships is laid on the basis of how conscious the lady is. From what kind of intelligence the chosen one has, a sense of humor, flexibility of thinking, and so on. If, with an external gloss, intelligence is completely absent, then what kind of ideal and strong long-term union can we talk about.

The latest social surveys of men indicate that a girl who can be called ideal should also be soft, like a kitten, harmonious in everything. After all, the rigidity of manners, an overly firm attitude and character will rather repel a man than they will attract.

Moreover, those representatives of the weaker sex who, at any opportunity, seek to humiliate their partner and assert themselves in this way at his expense, are not only not attractive to guys, they cause real disgust in them.

To prevent this from happening, a girl should in no case become a “saw”, a critic and a creator sculptor who constantly wants to redo something in a man for her chosen one.

These are the main criteria by which most of the man evaluates the ideality of the future chosen one and life partner. However, there are other requirements for women, which can also play a significant role in choosing her as an ideal for life. Here we will talk about them further.

vital selection

When choosing an ideal life partner, a man, in addition to the criteria already mentioned, wants to see his “mother” in his companion. So what is the ideal girl in this case?

Here the everyday side of the issue is already touched upon, which will become important with the mutual existence of partners under one roof. And it may well become that stumbling block, which not only will not contribute to some ideal relationship, but will completely destroy them. This, of course, is the comfort of home and the thrift of a companion.

Yeah well, one might say. Can't be. However, this is so, judge for yourself, if the lady of the heart does not know how to cook, at least at the most primitive level, does not know and does not know how to create a cozy atmosphere in the house, how to improve the interior and put things in order, then no matter how beautiful and well-groomed, intellectually developed she was, there will be no harmony. Therefore, this component is very important for any woman.

Ideal and bad habits

You can’t call a girl an ideal if she spends all her evenings in nightclubs and parties. If a lady is overly fond of guys and alcohol, she smokes. All these points will only repel a representative of the strong half of humanity from a woman and completely discourage her interest.

Therefore, in order to at least get closer to the ideal parameters that men want to see in a girl, a woman must get rid of such habits without hesitation, if she has them. This is more needed not even by the guys themselves, but by herself. After all, she still becomes a mother, raise children, be an example for her procreation. And what example can we talk about if all the harmful addictions are present ?!

What does it mean to be a perfectly beautiful girl?

We have already told everything about the beauty of the soul and important qualities, but it is still worth telling about the real beauty in a woman that attracts men. What makes up the concept of beauty, and how do men evaluate it? We will now try to answer this and other questions as fully as possible.
Signs by which beauties are distinguished:

The face and external aspects of female attractiveness

According to most men, an ideal woman should be the owner of the correct facial features. Have high cheekbones and snow-white skin. An attractive smile can only be in the presence of even healthy teeth and slightly swollen lips.

However, each man has his own so-called nuances that attract them in a woman and it is impossible to calculate them in advance. It can be a slightly upturned, snub-nosed companion, scanty freckles, and so on. Therefore, it is important to strive to be perfect, not to be perfect. As you know, completely ideal people do not exist.

This means that a woman at least needs to take care of herself. Monitor your skin so that it is even, does not have obvious inflammation on its surface, and does not peel off. Track the health of your teeth, hair, nails and do all the manipulations in time to maintain all this in the right condition.

Donut or wasp waist

From the covers of glossy magazines, we are often looked at by the faces of fashion models, who, it seems to us, have ideal forms. But is this true and is everything really so perfect?

But no, glossy magazines for the most part present us with professional photoshop. Where all the problem areas of the skin, figures and so on are cut off in the photo by the masters of the photo industry. If you look at these models up close and without makeup, then sometimes you can even get a shock at how terrible everything is.

No super thin model can be a perfectly healthy woman, according to statistics, most of the models suffer from anorexia and there is clearly nothing to envy here. And the notorious parameters 90x60x90 are already departing from the established fashion criteria. Therefore, it is better to be a little plump with elastic skin than a dry anorexic, similar to magazine pictures.

Moreover, it is worth noting that not all men love thin and slender ladies. An impressive part of the guys prefer plump and short girls. Therefore, it will not work to become a certain ideal in the physical plane if you do not know the preferences of a man.

In this case, women can only be advised one thing, to support their body with regular exercise in any sport and eat right so that the body is in good shape. And the man himself will find you if you fit according to his ideal ideas about your companion.

Does beauty depend on clothes?

This is the most ridiculous and widespread myth in the world. Certainly not, as long as the clothing is true to size, not vulgar, and clean and pressed.

Think for yourself, if you blindly follow fashion trends in everything and completely ignore the advantages and disadvantages of your body, then even in the most trendy things that do not suit you at all, you can look like a complete scarecrow.

For a woman, it is not the price of clothes and her brand that is important, but how the thing will sit exactly on her figure, regardless of size. It is important to be able to emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws of the figure, to be able to correctly hide the shortcomings of your body.

For example, if you have broad shoulders, then clothes with additional foam inner shoulders are clearly not for you. Because with them, your shoulders will seem even larger by a couple of sizes.

If you have a small chest, then a too-fitting bodice of a dress or blouse will be out of place here. In the presence of a wide puffy skirt, your breasts will simply disappear against the background of such a wardrobe in general. And there are a lot of such nuances. All of them must be taken into account based on your particular type of figure, height, size of your female charms.

You can dress modestly, but with taste, emphasizing all your advantages. The same goes for jewelry. They may just be inexpensive jewelry, but they look very impressive.

Now you know what an ideal girl is in the eyes of most men!


A real girl should. What should be the ideal girl according to men?

A real resonance on the network was caused by a guy's note on the topic of what a girl should be.

Here is what he writes:

A real girl MUST:

1. Take care of yourself. Jolie's butt, X-Files Scully's legs, Pamela Anderson's breasts. And this is the minimum.

2. Be clean. Washing floors, walls, ceilings, toilets - daily. Dusting behind cabinets, beating carpets.

3. Be a virgin. Whole in all places.

4. Be no older than 21, look no older than 19. Anything over is an old woman.

5. Love music, like playing the harp.

6. Be financially self-sufficient. Own apartment, foreign car no older than 2 years, salary not less than 100 thousand rubles.

7. Have good genetics. Hereditary noblewomen, blond hair, blue eyes.

8. Have a healthy sexuality. Modest at home, cheeky in bed.

9. Be able to cook. 4 meals a day for a loved one, without semi-finished products. Flexible menu.

10. Don't be a victim of stereotypes. Positive attitude towards ZHMZH, initiative in inviting friends.

11. Good physical shape. Must reach the refrigerator with beer in 5 seconds, lift three 10 kg bags of food.

12. Don't be mean. Standing gifts for a loved one on February 23. For example, boys love top-end graphics cards.

13. Be faithful. Stay at home, go out with permission, do not look around.

14. Be able to play DotA on supports.

15. Don't listen to mom.

If a girl does not meet all these points, then what for she is not needed, what do you think?

Nobody owes you anything. Don't you want too much at all? Yes, and Wishlist you do not correspond to each other and reality. Where do you live, in what universe?

Why don't you go? Himself, I suppose, a dwarf with 35 feet.

Some strange instruction on the theme of the ideal girl.

A man should have intelligence, potency, a sense of humor, be clean, well-groomed, always be in abundance, smell delicious, dress beautifully and fashionably, give flowers every day, while helping everyone around the house with cleaning, cooking and laundry. If he does not possess this, then what for is he needed then?

Then the husband must be Alain Delon, be at least a millionaire and kiss her feet, even if she hasn't washed them for a week. If you are not like that, then go to the forest.

Still must have two higher education! A real girl should demand such a man!

Oh, it's not even discussed! Well, to serve, at least to be considered a truly strong spirit.

A real girl should send you the fuck. The loser sits there and the list of requests rivets.

A self-sufficient girl doesn't need anyone. What is self-sufficiency in your understanding?

Jolie's ass and Pamela's boobs will be replaced by a pillow that you can knead as much as you like while you sleep, fabulous moron!

This stuffing is too fat! Carry the next one.

- A good, fit girl should a priori serve and fulfill the will and whims of a Man. Be loyal, obedient, humble. She should not argue and without permission to get into an argument, not to mention any more or less important matters, and so on. But the Man does not owe anything to anyone, that's why he is a Man. And all real girls must obey a man.

Eh, salary, car and age let us down! Incompatible.

I would kill such a demander. What are you yourself?

Maximum 21 years and a salary of 100 grand. Where is the logic?

I read it diagonally, the question immediately arises, but then why is a man needed? perfect girl Well, he definitely won’t pick the author. She doesn't need him.

Because such a girl needs a man's sperm. For balance. Sperm is made up of white blood cells, fructose, electrolytes, citric acid, carbohydrates, and amino acids. It has only five to fourteen calories and does not cause cavities. Its temperature is always equal to the temperature of the human body. Moreover, it is always fresh, because it is constantly updated. The women I feed sperm say it's tasteless. But if before ejaculation I drink, for example, pineapple juice and do not smoke much, then it is sweetish. In addition, since it contains from fifty to three hundred million spermatozoa, it has been revered since ancient times as the elixir of life. In any case, in the cultures of the East. It came from the Indians. They have turned sex into an art. Not like buggers, but I'm not talking about quilted jackets now. And that art is tantra. For Tantra, physical love is a sacrament. In tantra they don't copulate. In tantra, the Linga, that is, the luminous scepter, or in English the penis, fills the Yoni, that is, the sacred space of a woman, or in English the vagina. A girl must, in order to look good, have contact with sperm. So an ideal man is needed for anyone.

What the hell does she need you for? Any man she likes will take her, and you're just a booger.

Oh, the people here have their own atmosphere.

How is it that no one owes anyone anything? Why are you so disrespectful to men? You owe them all, you stupid fool. Don't you understand? In recent weeks, I have not met a single more or less adequate girl. All as one declare that a man owes a woman. And you say that no one owes anyone. And I say that a woman owes a man. Look around. Look around. Everything is made by men. Everything. Exceptions only confirm the rule. A real young girl is obliged to please a man! If a woman really wants to win over a man, then she will have to try, and perhaps even step over herself. That's how nature works. And going against nature is stupid.

Generally contradictory points. Career and absolute obedience, a salary of 100 thousand rubles and four meals a day. Author, are you okay?

Correctly. A good man does not need to trade. It is better to live with a hand than with just anyone.

And you, in return for yourself, your beloved, with a beer belly and an unworthy five-centimeter pussy?

Without the venerable Men, there would be nothing at all, even the iPhone that you now hold in your hands and which you must have swallowed very hard from the god-like Men. A girl should get married, not be a whore.

At 21, have a salary of 100 kilo rubles? But nothing that many are just starting to work at this time? Your fantasies are touching! Search further!

So they are trolling or is this over-illiteracy?

Do you clean the ceilings every day?

It’s just that a woman must constantly work and constantly do something, otherwise you run wild from idleness. A girl at 21 should have a good job and children.

Something not enough points.

In general, what is written here about cooking and cleaning is easy. But in terms of beer - we have a male half running after him.

For wet fantasies, this will do.

By the way, the Internet was invented by a woman.

Anderson's breasts are silicone, Jolie's butt is generally absent at the moment, Scully has a height of 150. The author has unrealistically low requests!

150 height? Does this happen at all?

Didn't you know? Gillian Anderson is short. Therefore, I was touched that a girl should be like her. So short? Strange requests from the author.

And 140 cm happens, a woman under 130 is considered a dwarf, if I'm not mistaken.

Hedy Lamarr gained notoriety after starring in a film by Czechoslovak director Gustav Mahatoy, where for the first time in the history of cinema there was a frank scene of a sexual nature, for which Adolf Hitler called her an enemy of the Third Reich, and Pope Pius XII urged good Catholics not to watch the film. But Hedy was fond of not only cinema. In 1941, she patented a secret communications tool that dynamically changed the broadcast frequency to make it harder for the enemy to intercept. Since 1962, this device has been used in American torpedoes, and now this technology is used in mobile communications and WiFi.

Don't listen to mom? Well, that's overkill!

And I have a handmade unicorn.

Yes, even if you screwed up hard, it’s still stupid to apologize to a woman, this is an indicator of weakness. The girl in the relationship should apologize, not the man. A man is a ruler, and a priori sinless.

There, the prince is a pickup master, I guess.

Seriously? Someone fell for this stuffing? And, I suppose, they also write what a man should be! These requirements, what a real girl, this is trolling, a joke, stuffing. Now the author is laughing at you for real.

Absolutely right. The tougher the better.

In terms of character, women are ready to go over their heads to achieve their goals, and men are very badly mistaken when they give women concessions, they say, "well, this is a woman, what can we take from her?" A girl must do everything to please and please a man.

Nobody owes you anything.

Losers men gathered, and indicate that we owe them. Normal men will not write such things.

A woman has a firmware to obey a strong man, and in the same way they try to bend a man for themselves. And now, if a woman bent a man, if he began to put her interests above his own, then that's it, consider that the relationship is over, even if it just started. Women, pretending to be weak (in terms of character) and stupid, gain power over men.

It’s hard for the weak-minded, everyone thinks how it’s more convenient to sit on the neck.

It's a peasant's wet fantasy.

The psychology of women is damn simple. And a domestic tyrant will never pretend to be henpecked. Here's a simple example for you, when a friend wrote to me that she had entered into an open relationship with her boyfriend, that is, in fact, she invited me to have sex with her in a veiled manner. Now about this guy - he supports her and her child who is not from him, that is, he does not perceive him as a man, he is just a laborer for her. And I myself have never stepped on this rake, because I am too selfish. I have a number of qualities that a girl should have. And having a child from another is not one of them. But to plow and give birth to children, to support me - yes, that's right.

But you project that kind of behavior onto all women. That is, you subconsciously expect the same from your girlfriend, and you will expect from your wife. And constantly afraid to show weakness. I think it's very hard to live like this. For "death is better than waiting for it," as Baron Montigne said in line before the guillotine.

A real girl doesn't owe anything, moron.

Because this is not a single example, there are thousands, hundreds of them. A woman is a filter of genes. The more selfish a man is, the better offspring he will have, because there are more chances for survival. This is nature and instincts, there is no escape from them.

So she is a real woman, she knows that one must always agree with a man, but act in her own way, and aerobatics is to convince him later that he himself wanted this. And I'm not sure what, so I'm showing off. Plus, I need to unload the brain, so I pour here with you from empty to empty.

You want too much.

A guide from a loser on how to become a real girl. I laugh out loud! Did you get hurt that much?

The girl doesn't owe anyone anything. She will be what she wants to be. Enough to point out.

Some men think too much of themselves. They make some kind of slave out of us.

So the woman was created to help the man. This is a woman for a man, and not vice versa. Well, it's not my fault that it offends anyone. I have always behaved this way since school, that is, I just write what I think, and here you are constantly talking about some kind of trolling. And if my opinion differs from the opinion of the majority, then this does not mean that I am a troll.

A woman does not owe anything to anyone, if she wants to - let her. But others do not need to say anything.

Open the bible. It says in plain text that the Lord created a woman to help a man. If you don't believe in God, it means that you are superegocentric and superegoistic because you are not able to put even the omnipotent and omnipresent Creator above yourself.

I know. Both the Torah and the Quran say the same thing. And this is not the worst thing that the Bible postulates.

Another drop. Should for what? Obligations are either mutual or non-existent. Although, why am I crucifying under the troll post? Any adequate person is already clear that love obliges only fidelity, and nothing else. What a girl should be is only her own business.

Sitting at home and a salary of 100 thousand rubles?

And what's so terrible about that? A woman must earn well to support a man.

The post of a male prostitute

The Bible has a lot of scary things for feminists. And so a woman can be happy, serving her husband and not having any rights. Even more I will say: it is easier to live this way. One can cite as an example the African colonies that fought for independence, but ended up in complete discord.

No one cares about the opinions of women, feminism and gender equality are ungodly things, from the evil one. I want to find a real girl who will live by me, support me. Make me feel at home. I'm a man!

Buy a lip-roller, huh?

The comments of local pseudo-muzhiks are frightening. Where do you get these from?

This is who needed "Hereditary noblewomen, blond hair, blue eyes." Wet dreams of an average mother's alpha.

A lip-rolling machine comes with such a girl.

Another self-satisfier came to dream up. Points 3 and 8 contradict each other.

Another thing to think about is whether girls have to somehow meet the expectations of guys if guys want girls to support them?

Knocking out carpets is generally fierce!

Is anyone else reacting to stuff like this?

If the girl has everything that is described in the post, I have one question, the author, what for did you give up on her?

As for the priests, Jolie does not agree! There are no priests! Then like Jennifer Lopez!

It's funny when girls put up a list:

"1. Minimum $100,000 per month salary.

2. Every day a trip to a restaurant, cinema, theater.

3.50.000$ from salary per month to give to her

4. The minimum is to give an apartment, a car, a fur coat, an iPhone, and so on"

This is considered normal. And when the girls are presented with a list, they begin to crow, "but didn't you stun me, the queen, to present such a thing." Stupid chickens.

Let it be thrown up, but in reality there are such characters who think that girls are a priori obliged to them for only one pod between their legs.

Agree only with virginity.

Well, pointing out how a girl should behave is stupid. Especially do not listen to your mother, listen to him, do not look around and receive 100,000 rubles at least at a maximum of 21 years old.

You didn’t give up like that, at least - Mr. Universe should be around.

And how can you be a virgin and cheeky in bed?

I re-read the post and I have another question. And why does she need a man in this case? She has everything. Or like getting a hamster to ball around the apartment and cuddle sometimes when it's boring?

You know how to demand a lot - know how to offer a lot. Once you start, you won't shut up. And they themselves sit in a mountain of garbage, grow a beer belly and complain why these whores do not pay attention to me. In general, they degrade in full. But on the other hand, a girl must be beautiful, provide for herself, be a virgin, and so on.

If the girls are like those in this list, then they will not need men, they are not worthy, only a few will do.

Is that why girls should? What can you offer her?

Dreaming is not bad.

Who needs you?

Being a whole virgin, in all places?

1. While in the womb, he earned his apartment, car and earnings, which is enough to service all this.

2. Has a height of 250 cm, 150 kg of muscle mass and a penis of 50 cm to be an A+ class psyker. These are the minimum settings.

3. He is educated, versed in art, technology, machines, programming, network technologies, humanities and technical sciences, as well as in thelema, celema and macrame and the return of humanity to a single empire.

4. He can kill an elephant with his bare hands, deal with at least a thousand opponents and conquer scattered Terra.
5. He is not afraid to take responsibility and be a beacon to the innumerable ships in the warp.
6. He has life-threatening hobbies like flying to Alpha Centauri or the Great Crusade.
7. He has seen a lot, been to a lot of places, knows all the languages ​​of the world.
8. He has millions of friends (each of them 250 cm tall, 150 kg of muscle mass) who consider him the leader and an infinite number of people who consider him their God-Emperor.
9. He can break loose any day and leave for any country, he can ask a million of his friends to join any country to the Imperium.
10. He has useful connections.
11. He can get any girl, guy and even a raccoon, and it doesn’t matter if she is in a relationship, is a demon, a xenos or a heretic, they will do everything in the basements of the Inquisition.
12. At any moment, he is able to do two things: fuck everything that moves and destroy the world, well, or several worlds.

Oh, he also described how a girl should look! Yes, with such presentations on appearance already exactly somehow.

Fuck her man then?

And finally a lesbian!

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Prepared specifically for the site

A feminine girl is one who exudes femininity without sacrificing her personality and inner strength. She monitors her behavior, speech and appearance, but she is not self-centered, not rude, she always remains herself. She is the one that other girls look up to, the one they want to be friends with. Being feminine is a personal choice for everyone, and no one has the right to force you to behave in a way that you do not like. If you aspire to become feminine, all you need to do is instill new habits in your behavior and appearance.


Take care of yourself

    Take a shower every day. Feminine girls always monitor personal hygiene. Shower every day and wash thoroughly with soap and water. If you want to be super feminine, you can buy scented shampoo, conditioner and shower gel.

    Use a moisturizer or moisturizing body lotion. Soft skin is an integral part of the concept of "femininity". Every day, use a moisturizer or lotion, apply it to your face and body. If you have oily skin, a moisturizer will help inhibit sebum production. You can choose any cream, but be sure to read the packaging if this cream is suitable for your skin type.

    • You can be a feminine girl even if you have acne! Start drinking more water and rub benzoyl peroxide on problem areas. Even if you didn’t manage to get rid of acne - don’t worry, many people have acne!
  1. Take care of your nails. Of course, this does not mean that you need to cover your nails with new varnish every day. However, nails should always be clean and well-groomed. Trim and file your nails to keep them neat and smooth. Clean them every day (especially under the nails) and check if the varnish has peeled off.

    • If you like changing the color of your nail polish, try matching your nail polish color with your outfit.
    • If you don't want to constantly paint your nails, you can apply clear polish. This polish looks very neat and feminine, and you don't have to worry about its condition.
  2. Brush and style your hair every day. Hair should always be combed and styled. There should be no knots and tangles in the hair, they should be clean. Find a hairstyle or haircut that suits you and try to style your hair every day.

    • You may need to wash your hair every day (depending on your hair type). If your hair looks greasy by the end of the day, you will have to wash your hair every day.
    • Hairstyle does not have to be complicated or special! You can stick to the simplest style: for example, make a parting, pull your hair to one side and stab it with a hairpin. In addition, you can try braiding, making a ponytail or twisting your hair into a bun.
    • If you don’t know what hairstyle to do at all, ask a friend for advice or go to a salon or hairdresser.
  3. Use deodorant and perfume. A good smell is an integral part of a feminine girl! Deodorant should be used every day. In addition, you can use perfume or toilet water - many women have a favorite scent of perfume that they use every day. If you are not very good at choosing perfumes, try a light floral or fruity scent to start with.

    • Prafum should never be a substitute for the soul! Otherwise, people around you will notice.
    • Perfume or toilet water should be used in small quantities, apply them to the pulse points: on the wrists and neck behind the ears (you can only on the neck, especially if you wear something with long sleeves that cover the wrists). Perfume should have a subtle aroma that will be noticeable only when a person comes very close to you. The smell should not hang in the air to be felt by everyone around.
  4. Watch your oral hygiene! Feminine girls always keep their teeth clean. Brush your teeth every day, use dental floss, and be sure to use mouthwash to keep your breath fresh. Carry dental floss with you so you can use it after every meal or snack.

    • It's okay if you have not quite even teeth, and also if you wear braces! Just make sure they are clean.
  5. Apply light makeup. Try to put on some make-up to be more feminine. It is light makeup that makes the face and overall image more feminine, besides, light makeup is much easier to learn than full evening makeup. Practice until you can apply "natural" light makeup.

    • For starters, try using only lip gloss and mascara.
    • Choose eye shadow and blush in light, neutral colors, such as light pink or beige.
    • If you want to wear foundation or foundation, first find a shade that suits your skin tone.
    • Brighter makeup looks great too! But first, practice applying your daily “natural” makeup.
  6. Buy feminine clothes. Of course, this does not mean that you need to wear only pink dresses every day to look feminine. But try to put on something feminine every time you go somewhere. Dresses and skirts are the most popular choice, but don't forget trousers, capri pants, shorts, and jumpsuits. Instead of t-shirts, try wearing button-down blouses and blouses.

    • Pink, purple and pastel shades are classic feminine colors. But if you don't like them, you can choose any other color. The main thing is to combine it with the style that suits you.
    • You do not need to constantly follow fashion trends or wear those things that are popular among most women. The main thing is to dress neatly and feminine.
  7. Wear women's shoes. Instead of sneakers and flip-flops, it is better to choose shoes if you want to look more feminine. Heels and platforms are a great way to look feminine, but if you don't want to wear high heels, ballet flats can be worn. Make sure that your shoes are always clean and tidy, without scuffs!

    • If you want to wear shoes with heels but don't know how to walk in them, try stepping on the heel first and then the toe. Practice walking in heels at home before you go out in them!
  8. Carry a small bag. Feminine girls constantly carry a lot of necessary little things with them. If you haven't carried a handbag before, it's time to start! It doesn't have to be an expensive designer bag. Just choose any bag you like (any color and style), it should be the right shape and fit all your belongings.

    • It's best to choose a bag in a neutral color like black or brown - it will go with most of your outfits!

Create an atmosphere of femininity

  1. Choose soft bright colors to decorate your room. The bedroom, closet, table and any other piece of personal space should express femininity. Choose bright soft colors like pink, lilac, blue or yellow. Buying new furniture, painting the walls, or just decorating them with ribbons, posters, stickers can all help make your personal space more feminine.

    Be neat and organized. Feminine girls do not scatter sheets of paper around instead of writing down all the information in a notebook. They do not leave food packaging and empty dishes everywhere. Get into the habit of cleaning your house every day and putting everything in its place. Maintain order among study supplies.

    • By the way, this is a great opportunity to buy girly things for organizing things - different boxes, paper clips, cases and pencil cases. This is a great way to express your femininity.
  2. Buy a dressing table or a mirror. You need a place where you can apply makeup, get new haircuts and try on clothes. Buy a large mirror for your room, and don't forget a small pocket mirror to carry around in your purse. You can even buy a dressing table if you want!

    Show the creative side of your personality! Feminine girls are not afraid to be feminine. Decorate your personal space with cute drawings, postcards from friends and homemade decorations. Buy multi-colored pens and draw a few pictures or posters, sew or embroider, decorate a room with your work.

What should a real girl be today? What life rules should be followed in order to be successful? We will talk about this below.

1. be real. The most important thing for a girl is not to play other people's roles. We often adopt other people's images in order to appear better. We put on masks, hiding our true nature, while we need to open up. Your personality is unique. There is simply no other like it in the whole world.

2. Live at your own pace. Work and the city often give us directions at what pace to live, but we must choose for ourselves whether to hurry or enjoy the current moment. Stay true to yourself, not the world around you: stop if you feel like it and run as fast as you can if you want to feel the adrenaline.

3. Be your first. Selfishness is not a vice. Egocentrism is what to avoid. The world always revolves around you, but it must be given credit for that. However, you should always put yourself first, because if you are happy, then you make everyone around you happy.

4. No stereotypes. Who said you have to get married at 20? Who said that weighing not 52, but 62 kg is a crime? Who said that your legs should be from the ears, and at 25 you should already have 2 higher educations? Drop all stereotypes. There are standards, but they do not have to be strictly adhered to. Forget that in school you were taught to get only A's. You are always perfection itself, regardless of position, weight, height and education.

5. Love your flaws. There is no need to pretend to be a good sweet girl who does only good for everyone and does not dare to experience hatred, anger or resentment. Yes, we must strive to be better than our shortcomings and vices, but they are not given to us just like that. Being born, we come into this world with our own problems, so that they make us better. Remember that what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.

6. Be flexible. An elephant's trunk is strong enough to lift a log off the ground, but it is also flexible enough to gently pluck a flower. Know how to show both strength and flexibility, change with circumstances, accept your mistakes and, most importantly, forgive yourself for them.

8. love your loneliness. In the life of every girl there are periods when she is left alone, without a partner. This is not a punishment. It is a real grace when you can devote time to yourself, to sort out your thoughts, to focus on self-improvement. Find new recipes in a hurry, read an interesting book, visit a new country. And love .., it is always with you.

9. love your age. Too young girls want to look older, older girls want to look younger. Why do we always hide our age? You are perfect at any age. Each year brings you its own benefits. At 20 you flourish, at 30 you enjoy your beauty, at 40 you gain wisdom, and each age is good in its own way. There is nothing to hide here.

10. Develop. Life is given to us to know this world. Use it like a small child for whom every step is a discovery. Get creative or read your favorite books. This world is not only focused on the figure, fashion and guys, it has a lot more treasures.

Who is a true woman? Maybe it's a written beauty or clever? This concept is abstract, because no one has ever seen an ideal person. But if you think from the point of view of relationships, then only the one next to whom a man is happy can be a true woman. That's why the question "How to be a real girl" should be addressed to the representatives of the stronger sex. To Fortunately, they do not make unrealistic demands on their companions.

The theater begins with a hanger, and the ideal woman with a wardrobe

So that others, especially the opposite sex, catch your every gesture, you must look perfect. This will not require you to spend a lot of money, but you should always look fresh, smart, feminine. Throw away torn items of dubious color. Leave the universal clothes of good quality, take everything else to your mother at the dacha. Men prefer the classics in combination with elegant high-heeled shoes. Exclude sportswear from everyday wear: let teenagers and athletes wear it.

Also get rid of overly revealing clothes. Even for parties in a nightclub, you should not wear outfits that reveal most of your charms - appreciate yourself and the guy with whom you will build a long-term relationship. If you frankly do not recognize social norms and strive to express your individuality in appearance, select things based on the above principles.

A little about manners

inner treasure

In order not to turn out to be an empty beautiful vessel, never stop in self-development. New impressions gained while communicating with interesting people and visiting various unexplored places, new skills that appear in the process of doing creative work or doing what you love - all this will add to your inner piggy bank those treasures that people will be drawn to.

Don't jump headlong into every fleeting romance. If you are bored without constant flirting, find an interesting activity, do not turn dating guys into your main entertainment.

And finally never break yourself for the sake of others. The opinion of the majority is by no means always true. A real girl should have a strong character, a lively mind, a hot temperament and a kind heart. If you think that you will never achieve your ideal, start small, the most important thing is to keep going, not stand still.