Individual psychocorrectional session with teenagers

Explanatory note

The period of preschool childhood is the most favorable for the formation of the necessary mental functions and socially significant personality traits. It was at this time that the foundations of the future educational activity of the child were laid, and the active development of his cognitive abilities was taking place.

All this makes the participation of a psychologist in the developmental work with children especially important. This set of classes is a holistic program with clearly defined goals and a structure for constructing classes.

The proposed games and game tasks are aimed at developing certain mental functions, as well as determining personal qualities.

Forms of work with children - subgroup classes (10-12 people, aged 6-7 years) lasting no more than 30 minutes, which corresponds to the age, psychological and physical capabilities of older preschool children.

The cycle of classes is designed for seven months if they are held once a week, or for three and a half months - if they are held twice a week.

Purpose: creation of conditions for the natural psychological development of the child.

1. Development of the intellectual sphere - the development of mental skills, visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical, creative and critical thinking.

2. The development of cognitive and mental processes - perception, memory, attention, imagination.

3. Formation of positive motivation for learning.

Principles of conducting classes:

    Systematic presentation of material;

    visibility of learning;



    Developing and educational nature of the educational material.

Each lesson contains the following steps:

1. Organizational stage

    Creating an emotional mood in the group;

    Exercises and games to attract the attention of children;

2.Motivational stage

    Clarification of the initial level of knowledge of children on this topic;

3.Practical stage

    Submission of new information based on existing data;

    Tasks for the development of cognitive processes (perception, memory, thinking, imagination) and creative abilities;

4. Reflective stage

    Summing up the lesson


Lesson #1

Target: the development of self-reflection, the creation of a prosperous atmosphere for classes, the development of stability and the distribution of attention, the development of the visual memory of children.

1. Game ritual “Say what you feel!”

Game progress:

Children throw the ball to each other and continue the phrase: “I am joyful today because ...”

2. Attention game "Crossed arms"

Game progress:

The right hand is placed on the knees of the neighbor on the right, and the left hand is placed on the knees of the neighbor on the left. On command, the game begins, raising and clapping the palm on the knee in order of folded hands. It turns out "Wave of Claps". The speed of the wave during the game should increase.

3. The game "Attentive eyes"

Game progress:

Two children sit with their backs to each other and they are asked questions about each other regarding color, the appearance of small details of clothing, etc. In turn, the children answer questions about each other, without looking at each other.

4. "Correction test"

Game progress:

Cross out or underline letters; 2 or 1 letter at a time.

5. Ritual of farewell "Wave of joy"

Lesson #2

Target: development of visual memory, removal of psycho-emotional stress, relaxation and development of the imagination.

2. The game "Who moved where"

Game progress:

Children sit on chairs in a row. The driver is selected, who turns away, and at this moment the two children change places. The driver must find out what has changed and who has moved.

3. Game "Hot Potato"

Game progress:

Children in a circle pass the ball from hand to hand as quickly as possible.

4. The game "Remember the dots"

5. Exercise "Quiet Lake"

Description of the exercise:

The psychologist turns on calm relaxing music and says: “Sit in a comfortable position. Relax. Close your eyes and listen to me.

Imagine a wonderful sunny morning. You are near a quiet beautiful lake. All you can hear is your breathing and the splash of water. The sun is shining brightly and it makes you feel better and better. You feel the sun's rays warm you. You hear birds chirping and grasshoppers chirping. You are absolutely calm. The sun is shining, the air is clean and transparent. You feel the warmth of the sun with your whole body. You are calm and still, like this quiet morning. You feel calm and happy, you are too lazy to move. You are resting…

And now we open our eyes. We are back in kindergarten, we had a good rest, we are in a cheerful mood, and pleasant sensations do not leave us throughout the day.”

Lesson #3

Target: development of logical thinking, speech; development of emotional and expressive movements.

1 .

2. Game "Patterns"

Ready-made handouts are distributed, the children complete the task on their own.

3. Game "Depict the phenomenon"

The psychologist and the children list the signs of autumn: the wind blows, trees sway, leaves fall, it rains, puddles form. The psychologist shows movements that correspond to these phenomena:

"The wind blows" - blows, stretching his lips.

“Trees sway” - shakes his arms outstretched.

“Leaves are falling” - perform smooth movements with your hands from top to bottom.

“It's raining” - perform small movements with your hands from top to bottom.

“Puddles appear” - they close their hands in a ring in front of them.

Children are invited to repeat and memorize the movements shown.

4. Ritual of farewell "Wave of joy"

Alternately raising hands in a circle.

Lesson number 4

Target: the formation of empathy and cohesion of the children's team; development of mental operations.

2. Game "Generalizations"

Ready handout, the children all do the task together.

3. "Find out who is in front of you"

One of the children is blindfolded, and the rest of the children close a circle around him. At the command of the psychologist, the circle begins to move. The signal "Stop!" and the circle stops. The one who is blindfolded by touch should recognize the person who has stopped in front of him. An important condition is the silence of those who are in the circle.

4. Ritual of farewell. Speech

We are all friendly guys.

We are preschoolers.

We don't offend anyone.

How to take care, we know.

We will not leave anyone in trouble.

We will not take away, but we will ask.

Let everythnig will be alright,

It will be joyful, light!

Lesson number 5

Target: development of attention and the ability to quickly respond to a signal from a psychologist, the development of visual-motor coordination, analytical-synthetic thinking, relaxation, the development of imagination;

2 .The game "The Fourth Extra"

Game progress:

Children sit on chairs, the psychologist reads 4 words to each child - you need to find one extra.

3. Exercises "Graphics"

The psychologist turns on calm relaxing music and says: “Lie down comfortably and close your eyes. Imagine that you are now in the forest, where there are many trees, shrubs and all kinds of flowers. In the most often there is a white stone bench, sit down on it.

Listen for sounds. You hear birds singing, grass rustling. Feel the smells: the wet earth smells, the wind carries the smell of pines. Remember your feelings, feelings, take them with you when you return from a trip. May they be with you all day."

Lesson #6

Target: expansion of memory, development of attention, logical thinking, emotional and expressive movements, imagination.

2. The game "Pick up a paired picture" (2, 25)

Game progress:

It is necessary to combine the cards according to the functional component.

For example: motorcycle - wheel; bed - pillow, etc.

3. Task "Lay out the numbers as you just saw"

On the table in front of each child is a square sheet of paper, divided into 4 cells, and a tray with four cards with numbers written on them. On the board, the same square was prepared in advance, only larger. Children watch how the psychologist arranges three demonstration cards with numbers in three cells. Children are given 5-6 seconds to memorize. Then the cards with numbers are removed and the children lay out the same numbers on their sheets from memory.

4. Game "Poses"

The psychologist offers the children to portray 4 poses. For example: penguin, firefighter, singer, gnome.

Children move to cheerful music, when it stops, children must take the appropriate position. Then the game continues.

5. Exercise "Sunshine"

Lesson number 7

Target: development of logical thinking and speech, hand-eye coordination, auditory attention, arbitrariness of behavior, fantasy.

2. Game "Say the opposite"

Game progress:

The psychologist throws the ball to the child, naming a word, and he must come up with a word with the opposite meaning and throw the ball back to the psychologist. A child who fails to come up with a word with the opposite meaning is out of the game or skips a turn. .

3. The game "Listen to the claps"

Equipment: (Tape recorder, cheerful music)

Game progress:

Children begin to move in a circle. For a certain number of claps, children perform certain movements.

1 clap - sit down;

2 claps - wave your hands;

3 cottons - blow with all your might;

4 claps - raise your hands.

4. Exercises "Graphics"

Development of hand-eye coordination.

5. Exercise "Flitting Butterflies"

Lesson #8

Purpose: development of attention and visual memory, counting skills, consolidation of knowledge of numbers, development of logical thinking, mathematical representations;

1. Greeting ritual "Say the name"

Everyone in turn repeats first their name, the next one their name and the name of a neighbor, the next one has three names and the last one repeats all the names.

2. Game "Cheerful account"

Game progress:

Two children take part in the competition. At the signal of the psychologist, they begin to count from 1 to 10, pointing to the corresponding numbers with pencils. The winner is the one who completes the task faster and without errors.

4. Ritual of farewell. Speech

We are all friendly guys.

We are preschoolers.

We don't offend anyone.

How to take care, we know.

We will not leave anyone in trouble.

We will not take away, but we will ask.

Let everythnig will be alright,

It will be joyful, light!

Lesson #9

Target: development of sensory perception, attention, visual memory, logical thinking and visual-motor coordination, prevention of psycho-emotional stress in children;

1. Attention game "Crossed arms"

Game progress:

The right hand is placed on the knees of the neighbor on the right, and the left hand is placed on the knees of the neighbor on the left. On command, the game begins, raising and clapping the palm on the knee in order of folded hands. It turns out "Wave of Claps". The speed of the wave during the game should increase.

2. Game "Train"

Game progress:

In the game, the driver is chosen - the “train”, the rest of the children are “carriages”. The trailers line up one after the other. The "engine" carefully looks at the "carriages" and tries to remember their location. Then he turns away, and the psychologist asks: “Who is in second, third, fourth place?”

The “engine” answers, then it becomes the “trailer” itself. A new driver is selected. "Trailers" change places. The game continues.

Children holding hands in a circle sit down, and then abruptly jump out with the words “Hurrah”, “Salute”, “Great”;

Lesson #10

Target: development of spatio-temporal orientation (right-left), hand-eye coordination, attention, logic, broadening one's horizons;

1. Ritual of greeting."Hello hand!"

Children greet standing in a circle:

Right foot;

Left foot;

Right hand;

Left hand;

Right elbow;

Left elbow, etc.

2. Game "Professions"

Game progress:

The psychologist pronounces words, including the names of professions. Upon hearing the word for profession, the players should clap their hands.

Sample list of words: Lazy, lizard, sister, hard worker, parent,Cook , brother, grandfather, grandmother,driver , doppelgänger,gardener, hairdresser , spectator, bear,teacher, listener, student, patient, student, child,doctor, conductor, pelican, hare, monkey,carpenter , passenger,conductor, artist, baker, slob, loafer, excellent student,confectioner, seller, daredevil, fat man,captain, mum,policeman, Crow,janitor, carpenter, kettle, trainer, dump truck,builder, reader;

3. Game "Collect according to the model"

4. Exercise "Journey to the Magic Forest"

Lesson #11

Target: development of speech, spatial orientation, figurative thinking (the ability to distinguish between parts of objects), hand-eye coordination, development of imagination, relaxation;

1. Ritual greeting "Magic Ball".

Children take turns expressing wishes to each other, compliments, etc.

2. The game "In the old closet"

Game progress:

The psychologist, together with the players, pronounces the following text:

In an old closet

Anna's grandmother

Where did I go-

Many wonders...

For example:

Table - without legs, kettle - without spout, suitcase - without handle, chair - without back, dress - without pocket, wardrobe - without door, boots - without soles, piano - without keys, book - without cover, coat - without sleeves, a pan - without a lid, a bicycle - without pedals, a computer - without a mouse, a pencil case - without pencils, a picture - without a frame, a telephone - without a tube, a vacuum cleaner - without a hose, a player - without headphones, a samovar - without a faucet, etc.

Lesson #12

Target: development of the integrity of perception, sensory, auditory attention, memory and logical thinking, the ability to coordinate words;

1. The ritual of greeting "Let's say hello"

Children standing in a circle greet with various parts of the body (Knees, ears, fingers, palms, shoulders, etc.)

2. The game "Funny painters"

Game progress:

The psychologist pronounces the following text:

Today we are not up to the game. Today we are painters.

We will paint, no doubt,

Everything is green now.

Any color can be chosen at the request of the psychologist. Then he names nouns, alternating between masculine, feminine, neuter, and plural nouns. Children should name adjectives denoting color, coordinating them with nouns. For example:

Trolleybus - green


car is green

Coat - green

Hat - green


3. Written assignments on A4 sheets

Lesson #13

Target: development of attention, associative thinking, development of speech, removal of psycho-emotional stress.

2. The game "You are a flower, and I am a bee"(page 54)

Game progress:

One of the players comes up with any image for himself and names it. For example: "I am a cloud." The second player should immediately name an object that is somehow connected with the cloud. For example: "I am the sky." The next pair: “I am an airplane”, “And I am a passenger”, etc.

3. Written assignments on A4 sheets

4. Exercise "In the forest clearing"

The psychologist turns on calm relaxing music and says: “Imagine a forest clearing on which soft grass grows. Let's lay down on her like a featherbed. Everything around is calm and quiet, you breathe evenly and easily. A wild flower bows its head above you, you can hear the singing of birds, the chirping of grasshoppers. You feel how the gentle rays of the sun stroke your cheeks, forehead, touch your hands, stroke your body (stroke the children moving from one to another) The rays stroke ... (child's name), etc. You are well pleased. Now stretch and open your eyes at the count of three. You have had a great time."

Lesson #14

Target: expansion of memory, development of attention, fine and hand-eye coordination.

1. Game ritual "Say what you feel!"

Game progress:

Children throw the ball to each other and continue the phrase: "I am joyful today because ...".

2. The game "What letter is gone"

Game progress:

The psychologist randomly attaches 8 cards on which letters are written familiar to the children. There is a 10 second memorization time. The children are then asked to close their eyes. One card is removed. The guys open their eyes and determine which letter is gone.

3.Hatching task(Written assignments on A4 sheets)

Stretch your arms forward and join them in the center of the circle. Stand quietly trying to feel like a warm ray of sunshine.

Lesson #15


1. Ritual of greeting "Club of Wishes"

Children sit on chairs or on a carpet in a circle. The psychologist passes a ball of thread around the circle to the child, he winds the thread around his finger while saying an affectionate word, or a good wish, or pronouncing a magic polite word, etc. Then he passes the ball to the next child, until the turn comes to the psychologist.

2. Task "Name three objects, white, blue and red"

For the completed task, the child receives a chip, whoever has the most chips wins

3. Game "Puzzle"

Game progress:

4. Exercise "Unusual rainbow"

Lesson #16

Target: stimulation of attention, development of the ability to quickly and accurately respond to a signal, improvement of expressive movements, development of logical thinking, mathematical representations (counting).

1. Greeting ritual "Friendship begins with a smile"

Children sitting in a circle join hands, look into the eyes of a neighbor and silently smile at each other.

2. The game "Be careful"

Game progress:

The psychologist agrees with the children that on the command "Bunnies" they will jump, "Horses" - jump, "Crayfish" - move back, "Birds" - wave their arms, "Storks" - stand on one leg. Then the music turns on, the children move in a circle or dance. When the command sounds, the children begin to act as agreed before the game. The game will continue.

3. Written assignments on A4 sheets

4. Exercise "Relay of Friendship"

Join hands and pass the handshake like a baton. The psychologist begins: “I will pass on my friendship to you, and it goes from me to Masha, from Masha to Sasha, etc. and comes back to me. I feel that the friendship has grown as each of you has added a piece of your friendship. Let it not leave you and warm. Goodbye!"

Lesson #17

Target: development of attention, logical thinking, speech, perception; development of hand-eye coordination, imagination, relaxation.

1. Ritual greeting "Wave"

2. Game "Pick up items"

Game progress:

Each child is given a large map showing three different materials. The psychologist shows a small card with an object depicted on it. The child must name this item, think about what material it is made of, and put it on the appropriate card.

3. Exercise for the development of hand-eye coordination

(Written assignment on A4 sheets for each child)

4. Exercise "Flitting Butterflies"

Close your eyes and listen to my voice. Breathe easily and calmly. Imagine that you are in a meadow on a beautiful summer day. Right in front of you you see a magnificent butterfly fluttering from flower to flower. Follow the movements of her wings. The movement of her wings is light and graceful. Now let everyone imagine that he is a butterfly, that he has large and beautiful wings. Feel your wings move up and down slowly and smoothly. Now take a look at the motley meadow over which you are flying. Look how many bright colors it has. Find the most beautiful flower with your eyes and gradually begin to approach it. Now you can smell the fragrance of your flower. Slowly and smoothly, you sit down on the soft, fragrant center of the flower. Breathe in its scent again... and open your eyes.

Lesson #18

Target: development of sensory skills, fine motor skills, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, the formation of empathy and cohesion of the children's team.

1. Ritual greeting "Palms"

Children should alternately clap their hands with an increase in pace, who does not have time to clap out of the game.

2. The game "Find out who is in front of you"

Game progress:

One of the children is blindfolded, and the rest of the children close a circle around him. At the command of the psychologist, the circle begins to move. The stop signal sounds and the circle stops. The one who is blindfolded to the touch should recognize the person who has stopped in front of him. An important condition of the game is the silence of those who stand in a circle.

3. Written assignments on A4 sheets

4. Ritual of farewell "Fireworks"

Lesson #19

Target: development of auditory attention, memory, logical thinking, coherent speech, mental operations (generalization, comparison, classification), visual-motor coordination.

1 . Greeting Ritual "Hello Relay Race"

Everyone passes each other a small balloon with a smile. Appeal: "I convey to you (Katya) my big regards."

2. The game "The fourth extra"

Game progress:

The psychologist invites the children to find on each card an object that does not fit the rest, explain why it is superfluous. Sample answer: "The bear is superfluous, because it is a forest animal, and the cat, dog and cow are domestic animals."

3. The game "Draw and cross out"

Game progress:

On the table in front of each child is a sheet of paper and a simple pencil.

The psychologist offers children:

A) draw three triangles, one square, one circle and cross out the first figure;

B) draw two circles, two triangles, one oval and cross out the fourth figure;

C) draw one rectangle, two ovals, three squares and cross out the sixth figure.

4. Written assignments on A4 sheets

5. Exercise "Sunshine"

Stretch your arms forward and join them in the center of the circle. Stand quietly trying to feel like a warm ray of sunshine.

Lesson #20

Target: development of auditory attention, the ability to volitional control of behavior, logical thinking, coherent speech, imagination; relaxation.

1. Greeting ritual "Let's say hello"

Children standing in a circle greet with various parts of the body (Knees, ears, fingers, palms, shoulders, etc.)

2. The game "Listen to the claps"

Game progress:

The psychologist agrees with the children that for a certain number of claps they will perform a given movement. These movements can be invented by the children themselves, an adult can offer. For example: one clap - sit down, two clap - wave your arms, three clap - blow with all your might, four clap - raise your hands. Then the music turns on, the children move in a circle and dance. When the music stops and a certain number of claps sound, the children must quickly complete the given movement. The game continues.

3 .Written assignments on A4 sheets

4. Exercise "Journey to the Magic Forest"

The psychologist turns on calm relaxing music and says: “Lie down comfortably and close your eyes. Imagine that you are now in the forest, where there are many trees, shrubs and all kinds of flowers. In the most often there is a white stone bench, sit down on it. Listen for sounds. You hear birds singing, grass rustling. Feel the smells: the wet earth smells, the wind carries the smell of pines. Remember your feelings, feelings, take them with you when you return from a trip. May they be with you all day."

Lesson #21

Target: development of perception and memory, activation of vocabulary, development of visual-motor coordination, visual analysis-synthesis, imagination.

1. Ritual of greeting "Good animal"

Participants stand in a circle and hold hands. The psychologist says in a quiet voice: “We are one big kind animal. Let's hear how it breathes! Everyone listens to their own breathing, the breathing of their neighbors “Now let’s listen together!” Inhale - everyone takes a step forward, exhale - a step back. “So not only does the animal breathe, its big kind heart also beats evenly.” A knock is a step forward, a knock is a step back, etc.

2. The game "Who will name more items"

Game progress:

The psychologist invites children to answer the questions: “What happens green?”, “What happens white?”, “What happens red?”. The game is recommended to be played as a competition. For each correct answer, the child receives a chip.

3. Game "Puzzle"

Game progress:

Each child receives a puzzle, which he must cope with on his own or with the help of a psychologist.

4. Exercise "Rest by the sea"

The psychologist turns on calm relaxing music and says: “Lie down in a comfortable position, close your eyes and listen to my voice.

Imagine that you are in a beautiful place by the sea. A wonderful summer day. The sky is blue, the sun is warm. You feel absolutely calm and happy. Soft waves roll up to your feet, and you feel the pleasant freshness of sea water. A pleasant feeling of freshness and vigor covers the face, neck, shoulders, back, stomach, arms and legs. You feel how the body becomes light, strong and obedient. Breathe easily and freely. The mood becomes vigorous and cheerful, I want to get up and move.

We open our eyes. We are full of strength and energy. Try to keep these feelings for the whole day.


Lesson #22

Target: development of logical thinking, coherent speech, development of attention and hand-eye coordination.

1. Ritual of greeting "Club of Wishes"

Children sit on chairs or on a carpet in a circle. The psychologist passes a ball of thread around the circle to the child, he winds the thread around his finger while saying an affectionate word, or a good wish, or pronouncing a magic polite word, etc. Then he passes the ball to the next child, until the turn comes to the psychologist.

2. The game "Logic chains"

Game progress:

The psychologist offers the children to collect chains of 4 cards, picking them up according to their meaning and laying them out in the right order. Then you need to make a coherent story from the pictures. Each child collects his own chain.

3. Written assignments on A4 sheets

4. Ritual of farewell "Fireworks"

Children, holding hands in a circle, sit down, and then abruptly jump out with the words “Hurrah”, “Salute”, “Great”;

Lesson #23

Target: development of voluntary attention, auditory memory, imagination, hand-eye coordination. Relaxation.

1. Ritual greeting "Palms"

Children should alternately clap their hands with an increase in pace, who does not have time to clap out of the game.

2. The game "Write the letters as you remember"

Game progress:

On the table in front of each child is a sheet of paper and a pencil. The psychologist offers the children to remember the five letters that he will name and write them down in the correct sequence.

3. Written assignments on A4 sheets

4. Exercise "Unusual rainbow"

The psychologist turns on calm relaxing music and says: “Lie down comfortably, relax, breathe evenly and deeply. Close your eyes. Imagine that before your eyes an unusual rainbow.

The first color is blue. Blue can be soft and soothing, like flowing water. Blue pleasantly caresses the eye in the heat, it refreshes you like swimming in a lake. Feel this freshness.

The next color is yellow. Yellow brings us joy, it warms us like the sun, it reminds us of a tender fluffy chicken, and we smile. If we are sad and lonely, he cheers us up.

Green is the color of a soft lawn, leaves and warm summer. If we feel uneasy, if we feel insecure, green color will help to feel better.

Open your eyes. Take these feelings with you throughout the day.

Lesson #24

Target: development of speech, attention, logic, broadening of horizons, hand-eye coordination.

1. Ritual of greeting "Club of Wishes"

Children sit on chairs or on a carpet in a circle. The psychologist passes a ball of thread around the circle to the child, he winds the thread around his finger while saying an affectionate word, or a good wish, or pronouncing a magic polite word, etc. Then he passes the ball to the next child, until the turn comes to the psychologist.

2. Game "Finish the sentence"

Game progress:

The psychologist takes turns throwing the ball to the children standing in a circle and says the beginning of the sentence. The child must complete the sentence and throw the ball back to the psychologist. Sample proposals:

The fox has a long tail, and the hare ...

We see with our eyes and we listen...

A potato is a vegetable and an apple is...

Birds fly and fish...

Cats meow and dogs...

It's cold in winter, but in summer...

Light during the day, but at night...

Orange is sweet and lemon...

The elephant is big, and the mouse ...

3. Game "Collect according to the model"(Colored Kuizener counting sticks)

4. Exercise "Sunshine"

Stretch your arms forward and join them in the center of the circle. Stand quietly trying to feel like a warm ray of sunshine.

Lesson #25

Target: development of fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, attention, observation, logical thinking, broadening one's horizons.

1. Ritual greeting "Wave"

Sending a signal by clapping hand in hand with the word "Hi"

2. The game "Seasons"

Game progress:

The psychologist chooses any time of the year and calls it to the players. Then he begins to list the phenomena and objects associated with this season. From time to time he says "wrong" words. When they hear a word that has nothing to do with the chosen season, the children should clap their hands.

Example words for the seasons:

Winter: snow, frost, blizzard, butterflies, snowflakes, mosquitoes, New Year, Christmas tree, Santa Claus, heat, snowstorm, snowman, ice, snowdrops, snowfall, mittens, Rainbow;

Summer: mushrooms, berries, flowers, rain, beach, heat, leaf fall, butterflies, bees, rainbow, snowdrops, sun, tan, fur coat, panama, swimsuit, Snow Maiden;

Spring: kidney, leaf fall, snowdrops, New Year, drops, lilacs, birdhouses, strawberry, March 8, starlings;

Autumn: harvest, leaf fall, Panama, school lilies of the valley, rain, September 1, snowman, umbrella, coat, shorts, asters, dandelions;

3. Written assignments on A4 sheets

4. Ritual of farewell. Speech

We are all friendly guys.

We are preschoolers.

We don't offend anyone.

How to take care, we know.

We will not leave anyone in trouble.

We will not take away, but we will ask.

Let everythnig will be alright,

It will be joyful, light!


1. Alyabyeva E.A. Correctional and developmental classes for children of senior preschool age: A methodological guide to help educators and psychologists of preschool institutions. - M .: TTs Sphere, 2002.-96s.

2. Kataeva L.I. Correction-developing classes in the preparatory group: Notes of classes.- M .: Knigolyub, 2004.-64s. (Psychological service)

3. Danilina T.A., Zedgenidze V.Ya., Stepina N.M.

In the world of children's emotions: A guide for practitioners of the preschool educational institution. - M .: Iris-press, 2004.-160 p.- (Library of the educational psychologist)

4 . Educational games.- M.: Dragonfly, 2011.-64s., ill.

5 . Zhitko I.V. Petrikevich A.A. Educational games for preschoolers. Program of educational services for children of the sixth year of life.

Today, together with you, we will go on an exciting and amazing journey, where we have to complete and go through various tasks. We learn how our positive qualities of character help us, get acquainted with kind faces and read a fairy tale. If you cope with all the tasks, then a surprise awaits at the end (it can be a book, a game).

The children can read the story aloud by themselves, or the teacher does it. Then the children should tell their continuation. Depending on the ending of the fairy tale, the teacher concludes how much the students have learned the positive qualities of character, lawful behavior. If the end of the fairy tale turned out to be positive, then the students should be praised, if not, then it must be said that all fairy tales should have a happy ending and they need to think again. The further scenario of the teacher's actions can be found in the scenario of the lesson.



Individual correctional and developmental lesson with an aggressive child of primary school age.

"Journey to my inner world"

(with elements of art and fairy tale therapy)

Target: form a positive interaction of an aggressive child with other people.


1. Make the child understand what friendship, generosity, kindness are, what significance they have in the life of any person.

2. Teach your child to express their emotions and moods correctly.

3. Development of reflection of one's own behavior by a child through a fairy tale.

Equipment: printed tasks, pencils, felt-tip pens, a mirror, the surprise itself, if it is of a material nature.

Lesson progress:

1. Greeting and introduction.

Today, together with you, we will go on an exciting and amazing journey, where we have to complete and go through various tasks. We learn how our positive qualities of character help us, get acquainted with kind faces and read a fairy tale. If you cope with all the tasks, then a surprise awaits you at the end (it can be a book, a game, free time).

2. Exercise "Find the opposite quality."

Cards with various qualities are laid out in front of the child in a chaotic manner, it is necessary that the child characterizes each quality separately, if he finds it difficult to answer, he needs help. Then the child is asked to find a positive quality for each negative quality, or vice versa. The child can give examples from his own life when he showed this or that quality.(An example of cards is given in the Appendix).

3. Exercise "Paint a kind face."

A sheet is placed in front of the child, on which three faces with missing features are depicted. It is required that the child draw kind faces, in the first case, a smile, in the second case, kind eyes, and in the third case, his kind face. If the child draws something else, then you need to clarify: why exactly does he see kind faces like that. Then ask the child to look at himself in the mirror and smile and say that it should have been drawn in the first drawing. Look at your eyes when they smile, that they should have been drawn in the second picture. And finally, capture your portrait on the last one. If the child wants to fix everything, give him the opportunity to do so by offering a blank form.(Example of the form in the Appendix).

4. Exercise "Continue the story"(see Attachment)

The child can read the story aloud by himself, or the teacher does it. Then the child should tell his continuation. Depending on the end of the fairy tale, the teacher concludes how much the child has learned the positive qualities of character, lawful behavior. If the end of the fairy tale turned out to be positive, then the child needs to be praised, if not, then it must be said that in all fairy tales there should be a happy ending and the child needs to think again. If the child is stubborn, then you need to say, then he will not get a surprise.

5. Conclusion. Parting.

The child should be given a well-deserved surprise. Say goodbye to him on a positive note, say about the possibility of future meetings.

Municipal educational institution

Stepanovskaya secondary school named after N.K. Ivanova

Galichsky municipal district of the Kostroma region

(MOU Stepanovskaya secondary school)


Deputy Director for UVR:

Gribova S.Yu

Reviewed on

Pedagogical Council

Protocol No.

From ""________20

I approve

Head teacher:

I.V. Furyaeva

From « »__________20

The program of individual correctional and developmental classes with a teacher psychologist .

The work program was compiled by the teacher-psychologist Akatova I.A.

Explanatory note

Primary school age is the most important period in the formation of a child's life resource, the stage of the formation of his sociality, the development of social relations, the enrichment of worldview and the development of personal qualities. This period of life is especially significant for children with mental retardation. Science has proven that of all functional deviations in the state of human health, in terms of social consequences, mental retardation is the most common and severe developmental defect. The modern requirements of society for the development of the personality of children with developmental disabilities dictate the need to more fully implement the idea of ​​individualization of education, taking into account the readiness of children for school, the severity of their defect, their state of health, and individual typological characteristics. This means that we are talking about the need to provide comprehensive differentiated assistance to children, aimed at overcoming the difficulties of mastering program knowledge, skills and abilities, which will ultimately contribute to more successful adaptation in society and their integration into it.

In the conditions of inclusive and integrated education, an integrated approach to correction is most appropriate, since integrated psychological classes allow solving common problems of children's development, eliminating duplication, and ensuring frequent changes in activities, which helps to reduce physical stress and more successful assimilation of the material. The proposed program is aimed at ensuring the correction of deficiencies in the mental development of children with disabilities. The purpose of correctional classes: on the basis of creating optimal conditions for the child to know each object in the totality of sensory properties, qualities, signs, to give the correct multifaceted multifunctional idea of ​​​​the surrounding reality, which contributes to the optimization of the child's mental development and more effective socialization in society.

The purpose of this program – provide special (correctional) assistance to children with developmental disabilities.

Achieving the goal involves solving a number of tasks, the main of which is the following: enrichment of sensory cognitive experience based on the formation of skills to observe, compare, highlight the essential features of objects and phenomena and reflect them in speech, aimed at the development of mental processes of memory, thinking, speech, imagination.

Achieving this goal will be achieved through the following tasks:

    to form, on the basis of the activation of the work of all sense organs, an adequate perception of phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality in the aggregate of their properties;

    to correct the shortcomings of the cognitive activity of children by systematic and purposeful education in them of a full-fledged perception of the form, design, size, color, special properties of objects, their position in space;

    to form spatial and temporal orientations;

    to form the ability of aesthetic perception of the surrounding world in all the variety of properties and features of its objects (colors, tastes, smells, sounds, rhythms);

    improve sensory-perceptual activity;

    enrich the vocabulary of children based on the use of appropriate terminology, grammatical norms of speech.

    correction of deficiencies in motor skills, improvement of visual-motor coordination;

    Improve the psychological prerequisites for successful learning (sustainability of attention, observation, ability to memorize, ability to switch, skills and techniques of self-control, cognitive, cognitive activity, arbitrariness of communication and behavior).

    To develop a communicative orientation towards learning (the ability to listen carefully and hear the teacher, to subordinate one's actions to instructions, the ability to understand and accept the learning task, the ability to be fluent in verbal means of communication in order to clearly perceive and focus on the learning task.

Main areas of work

    Formation of knowledge of sensory standards - certain systems and scales (scale of values, color spectrum, system of phonemes, etc.), and training in the use of special (perceptual) actions necessary to identify the properties and qualities of an object.

    The development of the sensory system - improving the coordination of movements, overcoming motor awkwardness, stiffness of movements, the development of fine motor skills of the hand, etc.

- stability of attention;

- observation;

- memorization abilities;

- ability to switch;

- cognitive activity;

Formation of full-fledged learning skills:

- planning of upcoming activities: (acceptance of the educational task; active comprehension of the material; highlighting the main, essential in the educational material; determination of ways and means to achieve the educational goal);

- control over the course of their activities (from the ability to work with samples to the ability to use special methods of self-control);

- application of knowledge in new life situations;

Development and improvement of communicative readiness for learning:

- the ability to listen carefully and hear the teacher, without switching to extraneous influences; submit your actions to his instructions (i.e. take the position of a student);

- the ability to understand and accept the learning task set in verbal form;

- the ability to be fluent in verbal means of communication in order to clearly perceive, retain and concentrate on the implementation of the educational task in accordance with the instructions received;

- the ability to purposefully and consistently (in accordance with the task, instructions) to perform learning activities and adequately respond to the control and assessment of the teacher.

Formation of communicative skills and abilities adequate to the situation of educational activity:

- answers to questions in strict accordance with the instructions, tasks;

- answers to questions in the course of educational work with adequate use of the acquired terminology;

- answers in two or three phrases in the course and results of educational work (the beginning of the formation of a coherent statement);

- the use of instructions, visualization (diagrams) in the preparation of a detailed statement in the course and results of educational work;

- the use of learned educational terminology in coherent statements;

- contacting a teacher or group mate for clarification; summarizing the lesson;

- formulation of the task in the performance of collective types of educational work;

- compliance with speech etiquette when communicating (appeal, request, dialogue: “Please tell me”, “Thank you”, “Be kind”, etc.);

The program of remedial classes for the development of psychomotor and sensory processes includes the following sections:

development of motor skills, graphomotor skills; (expansion of the motor experience of students, development of the ability to coordinate the movements of various parts of the body, purposefully perform individual actions and series of actions according to the instructions of the teacher). tactile-motor perception; (forming the completeness of children's ideas about the objects of the surrounding world, by feeling objects (distinguishing the surfaces of objects by touch (soft, hard, rough, prickly, etc.), determining their temperature regime (hot, cold, etc.), vibrational capabilities)) . kinesthetic and kinetic development; (the formation in children of sensations from various postures and movements of their body or its individual parts (upper and lower limbs, head, torso, eyes) in space). perception of shape, size, color; designing objects; development of visual perception; perception of the special properties of objects through the development of touch, smell, pressure sensations, taste qualities; (contributes to the knowledge of the surrounding world in all its diversity of properties, qualities, tastes, smells). perception of space; perception of time; (the formation of temporary concepts and ideas in children: second, minute, hour, day, days of the week, seasons).

Conceptuality: this program is written in accordance with the basic principles of corrective action and implements psychological methods and techniques at all stages of correction.

The program is based on the following special principles:


    systematic consideration of the structure of psycho-speech disorders;


    differentiated approach;


    taking into account personal characteristics;

    using a workaround.

When teaching, practical, visual, verbal methods are used:

    various exercises for the development of thinking and imagination;

    games aimed at correcting attention, memory, phonemic hearing;

    complicated tasks of a logical and grammatical nature;

    auditory dictation with visual self-control;

    graphic dictation.

    ICT tools - interactive whiteboard, interactive aids (games and tests) for classes in the form of presentations, CD "Psychological exercises"

Conditions for the implementation of the program

Didactic and visual material;

Medical indications for children.

Wellness work:

    relaxing massage, breathing, finger, visual gymnastics

    development of coordination of movements, speech with movement, fine motor skills

    development of orientation in space

    Relaxation and relaxation exercises

Expected results:

    Significant relief in the assimilation of educational material

    The psychological prerequisites for successful learning have been corrected (sustainability of attention, observation, ability to memorize, ability to switch, skills and techniques of self-control, cognitive, cognitive activity, arbitrariness of communication and behavior).

    Communicative readiness for learning is developed (the ability to listen carefully and hear the teacher, to subordinate one's actions to instructions, the ability to understand and accept the learning task, the ability to be fluent in verbal means of communication in order to clearly perceive and focus on the learning task.

    To form, based on the activation of the work of all sense organs, adequate perception of phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality in the aggregate of their properties;

    Corrected shortcomings of cognitive activity

    Spatio-temporal orientations are formed;

    The ability of aesthetic perception of the surrounding world in all the variety of properties and features of its objects (colors, tastes, smells, sounds, rhythms) has been formed;

    Improved sensory-perceptual activity;

    Students are able to apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in society.

    Emotional stability in relationships with peers, formed motivation for learning.

Sensory and sensorimotor development

1. Development of perceptual possibilities.

Development of visual perception (sensory standards, visual analysis, subtlety and differentiation of perception);

Development of auditory perception (rhythmization, differentiation, correlation);

Development of tactile perception;

Development of kinesthetic sensations.

2. Development of inter-analyzer systems, their interactions.

(development of auditory-motor, visual-motor, auditory-visual and visual-motor coordination. Working with modalities.)

3. Motor area

Development of fine motor skills and general motor coordination;

Dynamic organization of a motor act (development of the ability to organize and control the simplest motor programs);

Development of arbitrariness of movements (signal-reaction).

Formation of space-time relations

1. Formation of proper spatial representations

(the ability to navigate in one's own body, the ability to navigate on a plane, the ability to navigate in the external space of a street, a village.)

2. Formation of quasi-spatial representations

(the formation of spatial representations in speech, the formation of the ability to understand spatial and temporal logical-grammatical constructions.)

Mental development

1. Formation of mnestic processes and methods of mnestic activity

2. (development of memory, formation of various methods of memorization, intermodal transfer);

3. Formation of methods of mental activity

4. Development of the intellectual sphere

Normalization of the leading activity of age

1. Formation of methods of educational activity (act according to the model, follow the instructions, work according to the algorithm)

2. Formation of the function of programming and control of their own activities.

Development and improvement of psychological prerequisites for successful learning:

- stability of attention;

- observation (especially to linguistic phenomena);

- memorization abilities;

- ability to switch;

- skills and techniques of self-control;

- cognitive activity;

- arbitrariness of communication and behavior.

Development of emotional and personal qualities

Emotional stability in relationships with peers,

Formation of learning motivation.

Technical support

Didactic support

Computer (laptop)


interactive whiteboard

Music Center

Classes are held once a week or 34 times a year and are built taking into account the basic principles of correctional and developmental education:

The principle of consistency.

The principle of unity of diagnostics and correction.

The activity principle of correction.

Accounting for individual personality traits.

The principle of dynamic perception.

The principle of productive information processing.

The principle of taking into account the emotional coloring of the material.

So, each lesson should be aimed at developing the mental activity of the child, his independence, working capacity, and contribute to the assimilation of program material. The corrective orientation of classes does not replace educational work in the classroom, but complements it.

To increase the effectiveness of remedial classes, we follow the organization rules proposed by M.M. Armless

1. Before each lesson, its purpose should be explained: what will we do, how, why.

2. Every 5-7 minutes of training, it is advisable to carry out physical exercises using relaxation exercises, the formation of correct posture, exercises for the eyes.

3. You should start the lesson with a warm-up, then organize a repetition (an easier task), then move on to new material (a more difficult task) and finish with tasks that do not cause any particular difficulties for the child.

4. The ratio of known material to completely unknown can be 75% to 25%.

5. Provide the student with the opportunity to choose the optimal pace of activity; set all tasks not for speed, but for quality.

6. Be sure to evaluate the work, noting the correctness of the performance and the mistakes made, explaining how they need to be corrected. Any comments should be supportive and constructive.

7. Encourage children's initiative, interest, desire to ask questions, ask for help.

8. Follow the correct posture, the position of the pen and notebook.

9. End the session on an optimistic note.

Thematic plan

correctional and developmental sessions of a psychologist with students of the 2nd grade (34 hours)



Number of hours

Introductory lesson



1.Diagnosis of attention

2. Arbitrary attention

3. Stability of attention

4. Ability to work according to instructions

5. Mindfulness



1.Memory diagnostics

2.Visual memory

3Auditory memory

4. Tactile memory



1. Diagnosis of thinking

2. Development of visual-figurative thinking

3. Development of verbal-logical thinking

4. Ability to classify

5. Ability to generalize


hand-eye coordination

1. Development of spatial representations

2. Development of fine motor skills

3. Orientation on a sheet of paper

4. Self-control skills


Will sphere

1. Development of arbitrariness

2. Work according to the rules

3. Self-organization skills


Final lessons


Thematic planning


Lesson Topics

Lesson content


Introductory lesson


Acquaintance, formation of interest in classes,

positive emotional background. Ex. "Wood",

"Waterfall", the game "Molecules". DDD Tests, Family Drawing


Journey to the Land of AttentionDiagnosis of the level of development of attention.

Diagnosis of the level of development of attention,

stability, volume, arbitrariness. Exercise for the development of attention: “Flies - does not fly”, “What has changed”, “Find 5 differences”, “Find the way”, “Fly”, “Draw from memory”, “Count correctly”, “Text with errors”, "Jumbled Letters" Test "Correction test"

Formation of sustainable attention

Find the details”, “Cross out one letter”, “Enter the sign”, “Find the extra”, “What has changed?”, “What is the difference?”.

Game "Shop"

Game "Find the way"

Journey to Gramoteika Country

Test "Correction test"


Diagnostics of different types of memory

Group methods for diagnosing different types of memory (memorizing 10 words, numbers, image-drawings; delayed playback). Memory training: games “Draw from memory”, “What has changed”, “What is missing”, “Who is behind whom”. Exercise: memorizing words and pairs of words, delayed reproduction of images, words, numbers, names and surnames

Game "What has changed"

Game-exercise "Let's draw and remember a tongue twister"

Exercise "I know my name, I will remember my name"

Exercises that develop tactile perception of the shape of volumetric objects.

The development of tactile perception. A wonderful bag”, “Guess the geometric shapes by touch”, “What Pinocchio brought”.


Diagnostics of thinking

Group methods for diagnosing thinking. Games (training of different types of thinking): "Find the extra",

“Memorize and draw”, “Recognize the subject from the description”,

“Find an extra word”, “Guess the animal”, “Find common signs”. Ex. to identify essential features, generalization, comparison, classification

Games and exercises for generalization of objects

Games and exercises for comparing objects

Classification exercises

Journey to Guess Country

Journey to the Fairy Zoo

Board games

hand-eye coordination

Diagnostics of fine motor skills

Games: “Find the way”, “Make a plan (of a class, your apartment, room)”, “Find the object according to the instructions”.

Ex. on the development of motor skills (drawing with loops, hatching, tracing the contour without tearing off the pencil).

Graphic dictations.

Exercises for the prevention and correction of vision

Motor skills exercises

Game "I'm a great detective"

The game "Fly" for the development of orientation.

Hatching in different directions and stenciling

Game exercise "Draw by cells"

Will sphere

Mediated memory technique

Method of mediated memorization.

Drawing with two hands at the same time.Exercises for the synchronization of both hands

Graphic dictations. Games "Decipher the words",

"Encrypt the Text", "Find the Way"


Game exercise “Draw by cells

Lesson-game "We draw in different ways" Exercises for the synchronization of the work of both hands (work with a cord, stringing beads)

Game "Cryptor"»

Graphic dictation (on display)

Final lessons

Final diagnostics of thinking

Final diagnostics

Final diagnostics of memory, attention


1. Correctional pedagogy. Tutorial. Moscow, 1999

2. Koneva E.V., Kornilova S.B. Teacher about children with mental retardation. Yaroslavl, 2003

3. Logopedia at school. P / ed. Kukushina V.S. Moscow, 2004

4. Programs for educational institutions. Correction-developing training. Moscow, 2001

5.Psychological help. Minsk, 2002

6. A child with special educational needs: problems of integration into society. Yaroslavl, 2005

7.Working book of a school psychologist. P / ed. Dubrovina I.V. Moscow, 1995

9. Handbook of special education. Yaroslavl, 2004

10. Strebeleva E.A. Formation of thinking in children with developmental disabilities. Moscow, 2001

11. Tikhomirova L.F. Formation and development of the intellectual abilities of the child. Moscow, 2000

12. Usanova O.N. Children with mental development problems. Moscow, 1995

The program of individual psycho-correctional classes "Removal of the state of mental discomfort, correction of anxiety"

Author-developer: Averina Lina Valerievna, teacher-psychologist, Tula Regional Medical College, Tula
Material Description: a program of individual psychocorrectional classes to reduce anxiety can be useful in the work of teachers and psychologists with adolescent children.

Anxiety- this is one of the typical problems that a psychologist faces. It attracts special attention because it is the clearest sign of an individual's maladaptation, negatively affecting all spheres of his life: communication, health, educational and professional activities, and the general level of psychological well-being. Adolescent anxiety is an experience of emotional distress, a premonition of danger is an expression of dissatisfaction with significant age-related needs. For each age period, there are certain areas, objects of reality that cause increased anxiety, regardless of the presence of a real threat or anxiety as a stable formation. These "age peaks" of anxiety are a reflection of the most significant sociogenic needs, the characteristics of the leading activity, the main mental neoplasms of a teenager.
Target: overcoming personal anxiety by activating the internal potential of a teenager to solve their own problems
- removal of emotional tension, reduction of anxiety;
- training in the skills of PSR (psycho-self-regulation);
- emotional awareness of one's behavior;
- development of self-confidence and consolidation of the positive effect of psycho-self-regulation;

1. Exercise "Mask - I"

The teenager is invited to draw a mask, what mood prevails in him at the moment. We pay attention to the drawing process and the very nature of the image (how the eyes and mouth are depicted, which in some cases is a projective expression of anxiety or aggression). After the mask is ready, we try it on ourselves, we examine ourselves in the mirror. The psychologist may ask you to show with the help of facial expressions the mood with which the teenager made the mask. When the mask is ready, I propose to come up with a name, endow it with a character that loves, what it fears. In the course of summing up, common features of the mask with its author are revealed, positive qualities are emphasized. The qualities that cause discomfort are discussed during the conversation, the true causes of negative emotional manifestations are brought to awareness.

2. Exercise “Mental training. Bringing to the point of absurdity

The psychologist suggests modeling a situation that causes anxiety. Everything is presented in advance in all details, difficult moments that cause her feelings, her own behavior is carefully, in detail thought out. The psychologist helps the teenager by asking leading and clarifying questions, asking them to describe their emotions during the exercise. Next, the psychologist asks to present the alarming situation in an overly exaggerated form (bring it to the point of absurdity). As a result of a clear exaggeration, the teenager understands that the situation is not so frightening, hopeless and may well be controllable.

3. Exercise "Breathing".

The psychologist talks about the importance of breathing in a stressful situation. Suggests ways to use breathing to relieve tension, explaining that a stressed person breathes rapidly, which can increase anxiety and reduce stress tolerance. It takes about 5 minutes to complete. The exercise is performed under the supervision of a psychologist and involves the consistent implementation of the following instructions:
1. You sit in a chair.
2. Put your hand on your stomach.
3. Breathe as you would normally, while keeping an eye on the movement of your abdomen and chest as you breathe.
4. Try to breathe "belly" - so that the abdominal muscles participate in breathing, and the chest remains motionless.
5. Now try to slowly inhale through the nose, counting to 5 and feeling how the belly gently pushes the hand lying on it.
6. Hold your breath for a count of 5.
7. Slowly exhale through your nose to the count of 5 while gently pressing your hand on your abdomen.
8. Breathe like this for 5 minutes.
9. If during the exercise you start to feel anxious, stop the exercise.
10. At first, you can do the exercise for a shorter period of time, gradually increasing it to 5 minutes. Don't forget to do it 2 times a day.
11. Soon you will be able to breathe like this throughout the day without noticing it.
12. When you learn this exercise - you can do it during anxiety and stress. You will feel relieved.
13. Don't be discouraged if you can't do this exercise right away. It takes time to learn how to do it.
14. Do not be afraid that it will provoke anxiety. If you feel uncomfortable - you can stop at any time.
When the exercise is completed, the psychologist invites the teenager to analyze his condition and how it changed during the exercise, and also draws attention to that. That such techniques can be effective in a stressful situation or when an unexplained anxiety occurs in a teenager.

4. Exercise "Feelings of confidence"

The psychologist suggests that the teenager turn to his memories of his achievements in the past, and then try to consciously evoke feelings of self-confidence that are associated with that event or accomplishment in his life. To do this, it is enough to remember and re-experience three situations in which you felt more confident than ever. As a rule, people say that in such cases they seem to grow wings behind their backs. It seems to a confident person that he suddenly grew up, that everyone around him is like-minded people. A rod appears inside, a person straightens his back, and, straightening his shoulders, looks directly into the eyes of others. The psychologist proposes to establish a kind of "psychological anchor" in the form of these positive emotions, which is worth resorting to in situations where a teenager is faced with anxiety and a sense of his own powerlessness. The following is a summary of the lesson. The psychologist focuses on the positive achievements of the teenager, thereby stimulating him to maintain a similar attitude.

5. Conversation with parents and teachers.

Based on the results of the psycho-correctional session, it is recommended to conduct a consultation with appropriate recommendations for the teenager's parents and teachers. Here, first of all, considerable attention is paid to explaining the impact that anxiety as a stable personality trait can have on the development of the child, the success of his activities, and his future. Such an explanation is required because teachers often tend to consider anxiety more as a positive feature that provides the child with a sense of responsibility, susceptibility, etc. The role in the prevention and overcoming of anxiety of clear, consistent and fairly stable (predictable) requirements, specific feedback is demonstrated ( of course, subject to the basic principle - general respect for the child as a person). Particular attention is paid to the formation of the correct attitude to mistakes, the ability to use them for a better understanding of the material. It is known that it is the “error orientation”, which is often reinforced by the attitude of teachers to mistakes as an unacceptable, punishable phenomenon, is one of the main forms of school anxiety.

Classes can be held by an educator, teacher or psychologist once a week throughout the year. The duration of the lesson depends on the age of the children. For children 3-4 years old, this is 15 minutes, for younger students - a lesson, i.e. 45 minutes. Methodological means used in the program: role-playing games, psycho-gymnastic games, games and tasks aimed at developing voluntariness.



Psychological activities with children

Classes can be held by an educator, teacher or psychologist once a week throughout the year. The duration of the lesson depends on the age of the children. For children 3-4 years old, this is 15 minutes, for younger students - a lesson, i.e. 45 minutes.

It is very important how the children are seated. Preschoolers are most conveniently seated with a "parachute", that is, the children sit in a semicircle-dome, while the leader is at a certain distance from the dome. This makes it possible for the leader to keep the whole group in his field of attention, and for the children to see the leader well. Children 3-4 years old put their chairs on the “parachute dome”. Older preschoolers can be seated in "beads" directly on the floor (carpet) with the help of a rope laid out in a semicircle. Classes with schoolchildren are best done if the children remain seated at their desks. Naturally, for certain tasks, they will get up from their seats, but then return. And such a seating of children is more reasonable, not only because children often have to draw in the classroom. Schoolchildren associate any location, except at a desk, with rest, change, therefore, when children are seated in a circle, the issue of discipline can become quite acute.

Let's move on to describing the methodological tools used in the program, classifying them according to theoretical foundations, forms of implementation, and tasks to be solved.

Role-playing games. They are based on the understanding of human development as its role development. At the same time, a role is understood as a functional form taken by an individual in response to a situation in which other individuals are present. It is well known that adequate role development is necessary to ensure psychological health. The main violations of role development in children usually include role rigidity - the inability to move from role to role, role amorphism - the inability to accept any role, the lack of role creativity - the inability to produce new images, the adoption of pathological roles. Accordingly, role-playing methods presuppose the adoption by the child of roles that are different in content and status; playing roles opposite to the usual ones; playing his role in a grotesque version.

Role-playing methods can be divided into three subgroups: role-playing gymnastics (role-playing actions and role-playing images), psy-drama, role-playing situations.

Preschoolers begin to master role-playing gymnastics with role-playing actions, which become more complicated as children grow up (to walk like cats, hares, wolves, etc.). It is important for preschoolers to include voices in role-playing actions (to meow like a frightened kitten, an angry kitten, a happy kitten, etc.), as well as finger games (to walk with fingers like hares, frogs, bears, etc.).

For older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren, role-playing images are more often used, based on the adoption by students of the roles of animals (lion and hare, wolf and chicken, etc.), fairy-tale characters (Kashchei the Immortal, Serpent Gorynych, Baba Yaga, Ivan Tsarevich, etc.). etc.), social and family roles (teachers, directors, mothers, grandmothers, etc.), inanimate objects (tables, cabinets, cars, boats, etc.). The role is depicted with the help of facial expressions and gestures, it can be voiced.

At the heart of psychodrama may be acting out reprisals against frightening objects. In this case, either a change of roles is used - the child plays alternately the roles of the attacker and the victim of the attack, or the creation of a situation of heroism and the connection of emotional empathy with the objects of the attack. In addition, mental pictures drawn up by children or therapeutic fairy tales offered by the facilitator can be dramatized or "animated". Quite interesting and effective are finger dramatizations, that is, playing sketches or fairy tales only with fingers.

In role-playing situations, the student is faced with situations that are relevant to those cases that are characteristic of his real (and significant for him) activity, and is faced with the need to change his attitudes. This creates conditions for the formation of new, more effective communication skills.

Hands are animals

Children are divided into pairs, sitting in a circle. At the command of the leader, the hand of one of the partners turns into a terrible beast (tiger, crocodile, bear), which walks along the back of the other. At the same time, it is imperative to stipulate that one cannot hurt each other

Transformed: lion - bunny

The host invites the guys to turn into animals in turn: large, strong and small, weak (wolf - mouse, elephant - kitten, tiger - hedgehog).

Large - small

Children alternately turn into a mother, then into her child in various animals (elephant - elephant, cat - kitten, horse - foal).

Bold - cowardly

The host asks the children to portray first a bold, then a cowardly bunny (wolf, mouse, bear).

Psychogymnastic games.They are based on the theoretical principles of socio-psychological training, during which a special environment is created in which deliberate changes become possible. These changes can occur in the state of the group as a whole, or they can occur in the states and characteristics of individual participants. However, for the formation of psychological health, the changes provided for by socio-psychological training are insufficient and do not correspond to the age characteristics of children. Since the most important changes we need are the formation of self-acceptance and acceptance of other people, for structuring the changes we chose the structure of the self-consciousness of the individual, proposed by V. S. Mukhina. According to her ideas, the name of a person, the claim to social recognition, the psychological time of the individual (her past, present, future), social space (her rights and obligations) stand out in self-consciousness. Thus, in psycho-gymnastic games, children develop:

a) accepting your name;

b) acceptance of one's qualities of character;

c) acceptance of one's past, present, future;

d) acceptance of their rights and obligations.

We give examples of exercises from this group.

affectionate name

Remember how you are affectionately called at home. We will throw a ball to each other. And the one to whom the ball hits calls one or more of his affectionate names. It is also important to remember who threw the ball to each of you. When all

the children will call their affectionate names, the ball will go in the opposite direction. You need to try not to confuse and throw the ball to the one who threw it to you for the first time, and besides, pronounce his affectionate name.

IM proud of

The children close their eyes, and the facilitator asks them to present a sheet of paper on which it is written in beautiful large letters: "I am proud that I ...". After the children carefully examine the beautiful letters, the facilitator invites them to mentally “finish” this sentence, and then tell the group what they managed to finish.

Journey to the future

The facilitator tells the children the following: “Let's look into your future today. Surely you want to be able to do a lot in the future. Maybe you want to become, for example, a driver, a pilot, a scientist, or someone else. Surely you want to become very strong or very beautiful. Think about what you want for yourself in the future. Now let each of you take turns telling the group about your most cherished desire, but always in a loud voice, for example: “In the future I can fly to Mars.” And now we have already learned to be wizards and therefore we will do a little magic. After the words of each, we will repeat in unison very loudly: “In the future, you can ...”. And then your wish will certainly come true.

We are parents

Imagine that we have become parents. We love our child very much, we want him to be good, and therefore we give him advice on how he should be. So, as in the previous exercises, each subsequent "parent" denies the advice of the previous one and gives his own advice. It could be, for example, like this:

Always be honest.

You don't always have to be honest, otherwise you will say something wrong and you can offend others. Be always cheerful.

Communication games. Communicative games are divided into three groups: games aimed at developing in children the ability to see in another person his dignity and support him verbally or with the help of touch; games and tasks that contribute to deepening the awareness of the sphere of communication; games that teach the ability to cooperate. Let's give examples of exercises.

Who did I make friends with

For this game, you need a box with 4-6 holes cut into the sides according to the size of a child's hand. Accordingly, 4-6 participants put their hands into the box (the presenter holds it), close their eyes. Then they find someone's hand, get to know it, and then guess whose hand they met, became friends.

flower of friendship

The host invites the children to turn into beautiful flowers with whom they want to be friends. Each child chooses a flower in which he would like | turn into. Then the facilitator works in turn with all the children. First \ he "plants a seed" - the child draws his legs, sits on a chair, lowers his head - he is a "seed". The host strokes him - "digs a hole." Then, from a pipette, it slightly drips onto the head with water - it is watered. “The seed begins to grow” - the child quietly gets up, raising his hands up. The facilitator helps him by holding his fingers. When the “flower grows”, the children shout to him in chorus: “What a beautiful flower. We want to be friends with you."

Mental picture on the topic "A true friend"

The facilitator invites the children to draw a mental picture in which some good friend of the children would be present, and then tell the group about it. It is concluded that a good friend can be a brother, sister or peer, or maybe a dog, cat, flower or even dew drops (depending on the children's stories).

"Masha is a true friend, because..."

One child comes to the center of the circle. He needs to invite his real friend from the group to the circle and complete the sentence "Name ... a true friend, because ...". Then another child is invited to the circle. The game continues until all the children have invited their friends to the circle.

A true friend in our group (class)

Each child thinks of a child in the group (class), whom he considers a true friend, and then, without words, depicts his gait and gestures. The rest need to guess which of the guys was conceived.

Games and tasks aimed at developing arbitrariness.

For preschoolers, games that contribute to the formation of their arbitrariness are especially important. However, it is important that the formation of arbitrariness is carried out quite consciously, therefore, even preschoolers are introduced to such concepts as “master of their feelings” and “willpower”.

Tale of Willpower

Long ago, in a distant country, there lived two brothers. They lived very well and did everything together. Both brothers wanted to be heroes. One brother said: "A hero must be strong and courageous." And he began to train strength and agility. He lifted heavy stones, climbed mountains, swam in a turbulent river. And another brother said that he should be stubborn and persevering, and he began to train willpower. He wanted to quit the job, but he brought it to the end. He wanted to eat a pie for breakfast, but he left it for dinner. He learned to say "no" to his desires.

As time went on, the brothers grew up. One of them became the strongest man in the country, and the other became the most persistent and stubborn, he became a man with a strong will. But once there was a trouble: the terrible Black Dragon attacked the country. He carried away cattle, burned houses, kidnapped people.

The brothers decided to save their people. “I will go and kill the Dragon,” said the first brother. First you need to find out what his weakness is,” said another brother. “I don’t need to know what his weakness is,” said the strong man, “the main thing is that I am strong.” And he went to the high mountain on which stood the castle of the Black Dragon. "Hey Dragon! I've come to defeat you! Come out to fight!" shouted the strongman. The gates of the castle swung open, and a terrible Black Dragon came out to meet him. His black wings blotted out the sky, his eyes burned like torches, and fire shot out of his mouth. Seeing this monster, the strong man felt fear enter his heart, he began to slowly retreat from the Dragon. And the Dragon began to grow, grow, suddenly he snapped his tail, and the strong brother turned into stone.

Upon learning of what happened to the strong man, his brother decided that it was his turn to fight the Dragon. But how to defeat him? And he decided to ask for advice from the wise Turtle, who lived on the other side of the earth.

The path to this turtle lay through three very dangerous kingdoms. The first was the kingdom of "hochukalok". A person who got into this kingdom immediately had many desires: he wanted to get beautiful clothes, expensive jewelry, toys and goodies, but as soon as he said “I want”, he immediately turned into a “hochukalka” and forever remained in this kingdom. Our hero also had many desires, but he gathered all his willpower, told them "no" and passed the first dangerous kingdom.

Then the brother got into the kingdom of "pokers". Its residents all the time pulled each other and distracted from business, so no one could do anything there: neither work, nor study, nor rest. Our hero also wanted to pull the hands of others, pester passers-by, but he again used his willpower, did not turn into a “poke” and went further into the most dangerous third kingdom. It was called the kingdom of "yakalok". It was inhabited by people who constantly shouted “I! I! Call me! Ask me,” and these people did not want to listen to anyone but themselves. It was hard for our hero in this kingdom. It took him all the strength of his will, which he had trained for many years. And even then he had to close his mouth with his hand so that “I, I, I” would not jump out of him. But he still managed to safely pass this kingdom and get to the wise Turtle.

Hello Turtle, he said. Teach me how to defeat the Black Dragon.

Only a person with a very strong will can defeat the Dragon. But you went through three dangerous kingdoms, so your will is very strong. And the stronger the will of a person, the weaker the terrible Dragon. Go, you will win.

And the Turtle closed her eyes, and our hero bowed to her and went back to his country.

He approached the gates of the castle where the Black Dragon lived and challenged him to a fight. The dragon came out of the castle, spread its black wings and went towards the daredevil. The hero became scared at the sight of the monster. But he mustered all his willpower and

overcame fear. He stood still and didn't back down. And suddenly... the terrible Dragon began to decrease, it became smaller and smaller. Until it completely disappeared. The turtle told the truth: the stronger the will of a person, the weaker the Dragon.

As soon as the Dragon disappeared, his black castle also crumbled, and the living and unharmed inhabitants of the country ran out to meet the hero, and his brother was among them. Since then they lived happily.

So a strong will helped the hero to defeat evil.


Children sit on chairs, put their feet on the floor and “freeze”. The facilitator slowly counts to ten, passes between the children and lightly tickles each. Children need to remain still and not laugh. When repeated, one of the children becomes the driver.

I wantkalki

With the tip of a pencil, the leader slowly draws in the air a letter known to the children. Children are invited to guess the letter, but not to immediately shout the correct answer, but, having overcome their “I want to shout out”, wait for the leader’s command and whisper the answer.


The facilitator invites the guys to guess a few simple riddles. After each riddle, he asks: "Who guessed?". Children do not need to shout out the answer from the place, but to be patient a little and, at the signal of the leader, whisper it in unison.

Games aimed at developing the imagination. They can be divided into three groups: verbal games, non-verbal games and mental pictures.

Verbal games are either children inventing an ending to one or another unusual situation (what happens if the teacher jumps into the classroom on one leg), or collectively writing fairy tales or selecting various associations for a word.

Non-verbal games involve the representation by children in different ways, "as interesting as possible", of one or another living being or inanimate object, that is, they somewhat intersect with role-playing methods.

Quite often "mental pictures" can be used. Children close their eyes and to the music (sounds of rain, thunder, sea, morning forest, etc.) come up with a picture, and then tell it to the group. The task can be complicated by the fact that the children are given a specific topic for the picture (friendship or something very scary) or, in addition to the sound, a kinesthetic stimulus is added (the children are given to hold a fluffy tail or a piece of marble, etc.). As we have already said, a mental picture can be “revived”. The author of the picture chooses children for the roles of heroes and

objects of his picture, explains to them where to stand, how to move, what to say. On “One, two, three, picture, come to life,” the characters and objects of the picture begin to move, then all the children clap for the author and actors of the picture.

Tasks using therapeutic metaphors. The main feature of self-development is that the individual takes responsibility for his own development. For this, it is necessary that a person has knowledge of his resources and access to resources. It is most effective at this stage to use therapeutic metaphors, since the very structure of the metaphor contains an appeal to resources. The following components of a therapeutic metaphor are usually distinguished:

a metaphorical conflict or the emergence of a situation in which the hero becomes ill because of a problem he has (otherness from others, the presence of fears, etc.);

metaphorical crisis - the onset of an unbearable situation for the hero, carrying the symbolism of death;

search and finding resources within oneself - the discovery by the hero in himself of new opportunities necessary to resolve the crisis;

celebration and holiday - the arrival of a situation of success, recognition from others.

Usually metaphors correspond to one or another symptom and difficult situation that children have. We believe that, in addition to relieving symptoms and resolving difficult situations, the systematic presentation of metaphors to children helps them learn the main idea of ​​the metaphor: in a difficult situation, it is necessary to look for resources within oneself, and this will certainly lead to success. Thus, a “self-help mechanism” is formed in the child: “Look for the strength to resolve the conflict in yourself, you will definitely find them, and you will surely overcome difficulties.” Here is an example of a therapeutic metaphor for third graders.

Fairy tale "Fly up, Sonya"

This story took place in those ancient times when people could fly. And, of course, they knew how to fly differently than chickens or our city pigeons, barely taking off from the ground. People flew like seagulls - swiftly and selflessly. But how did they learn this? That's what I'll tell you now.

Sonya also did not know what to do in order to fly, although she often dreamed of herself hovering over lakes, rivers, forests and glades. And now the time has come, and she was brought to the teacher. It was a very old teacher, for some reason like a boy, radiating amazing warmth and peace. “Do you want to fly, Sonya? - he asked. “Think carefully before answering. You have everything on earth: games, sweets, beautiful things. On the ground you have nowhere to fall. And flying can be dangerous. And the more dangerous, the faster and higher you fly. And you also have to want very, very much so that your “want” turns into a hard beam that breaks through all obstacles. “I really want to,” said Sonya.

The teacher carefully looked into her eyes and agreed. "Yes, now you really want to come with me." He took her hand in his, soft and warm, and led her up the spiral staircase. And when Sonya was already completely dizzy from endless turns, they went out to a narrow platform at the top of the tower. She could see the city, small people hurrying to buses, a distant lake and mountains.

Fly, Sonya, - said the teacher, - you wanted to fly, now believe that you can do it.

I'm afraid, Sonya whispered.

If you're afraid, then you don't believe.

And Sonya suddenly realized that she really believes, because ... because it cannot be otherwise, because she must fly. She jumped off the platform and, falling, heard a strong voice:

“Now do your best, Sonya. Try very hard. Try hard, Sonya.

And Sonya waved everything she could. The fall has stopped. And then it was no longer necessary to wave. Something clicked inside, and Sonya felt a power unknown before. Sonya flew. Over the city and buses. Over the lake. To the mountains. Since then, she has flown frequently and extensively. Sometimes it fell. But then I remembered the words of the Teacher: to want, to believe, to try, to try. And rose again to the light, to joy, to flight.

Tasks for the formation of "emotional literacy" in children. These tasks involve teaching children to recognize emotional states by facial expressions, gestures, and voice; learning to understand the duality of feelings; learning to take into account the feelings of another person in conflict situations.

The need for these skills can be understood by referring to the consideration of the phenomenon of alexithymia as a prerequisite for psychosomatic disorders. Today, alexithymia is understood primarily as a person's inability to express and describe in words their inner experiences, inability to differentiate feelings and bodily sensations, lack of imagination, rigidity. Therefore, it is so important to form "emotional literacy" in children before adolescence - a crisis stage in development.

The theoretical basis on which these tasks are based is the theory of fundamental emotions by K. E. Izard, according to which emotions are considered as the main motivational system of a person, as well as personal processes that give meaning and significance to human existence. K. E. Izard distinguishes ten fundamental emotions, each of which leads to different inner experiences and different external expressions of these experiences. Acquaintance of children with age-appropriate fundamental emotions should be the content of the first step of work within this block. The following technologies are used here: "Unfinished sentences", "Pattern of feelings". Children are invited to imagine themselves as illustrators of children's books.

and complete a drawing on the topic “Joy” (“Anger”, “Fear”, etc.) Let's give examples of exercises from this group.

Finish the sentence

Children remember the happiest feeling - joy. They then complete the sentence:

“For a child, joy is...”;

“For a student, joy is...”;

For a mother, joy is...


Children are given cards with images of animals (hare, wolf, bear). It is proposed to show joyful animals in turn. Then think about how they managed to portray joy, and understand that it is joy that is depicted, and not any other feelings. The concept of facial expressions as a means of expressing feelings is introduced.

Joy drawing

Students pretend to be artists illustrating children's books and make a drawing on the theme "Joy".


For this exercise, you will need theater makeup and two large plastic dolls. Children are divided into two groups. Each of them conceives this or that feeling and accordingly makes up her doll. Then the children guess what feeling is intended and depicted by the opposite side.


The facilitator says a short sentence, for example: "I'm going for a walk." One of the participants repeats this sentence, while trying to express a preconceived feeling. The rest of the children guess what feeling was intended.

Show the diary to your mom

From among the participants, "mother" and "student" are selected. The “student” writes an assessment on a piece of paper and shows it so that only “mother” can see it. “Mom” must express her feelings without words so that the rest of the children guess what grade the “student” received.

Debating games.One of the leading methods used in socio-psychological training is a group discussion. It allows you to implement the principle of subject-subject interaction, to identify different points of view on any problem.

However, the introduction of the discussion method in our program has its own specifics, since younger students, as a rule, do not have the ability to conduct discussions: they are more accustomed to accepting the opinion of an adult, rather than developing their own.

Therefore, it was necessary to design special game forms of discussion, for example, “Choosing the path”.

Path choice

The host reminds the children of a fairy tale in which Ivan Tsarevich, at the crossroads of three roads, made the choice of his path. He made the choice himself and got the result. And it turned out that not always the easiest way led to success. The facilitator invites the guys to think: “Maybe in our life it happens that we seem to be standing at the crossroads of several roads and it depends on ourselves, on our choice, which road we will take, how our life will turn out.” Further, the facilitator suggests, for example, consider the school as a point of choice of the road. One road is drawn on the board, leading the children to school, and then several diverging. The guys, together with the teacher, give them names: “to fives at any cost, to be praised”, “to knowledge through diligence”, “to triples through laziness”. The guys are thinking about which way in the future will lead to success.

As can be seen from this example, the introduction of a playful form can significantly increase the effectiveness of the discussion in children. It is clear that discussion methods are used mainly with younger students.

Emotional-symbolic methods. They are based on the idea of ​​K. Jung and his followers that the formation of symbols reflects the desire of the psyche to develop and the transformation of symbols or fantasy patterns into tangible facts through drawing, writing stories and poems, modeling contributes to personal integration. We used two main modifications of emotional-symbolic methods proposed by D. Allan.

A. Group discussion of various feelings: joy, resentment, anger, fear, sadness, interest. As a necessary stage of the discussion, children's drawings made on the themes of feelings are used. Moreover, at the drawing stage, feelings and thoughts that cannot be revealed in the process of verbal communication are sometimes explored and discussed.

B. Directed drawing, i.e. drawing on specific topics. Our program used drawing while listening to therapeutic metaphors. The children were asked to draw any drawing that was evoked by a metaphor. Directed drawing can also be used at the initial stage of work before serial drawing, as it facilitates the process of self-disclosure of children and the decision-making process.

Relaxation methods. They are based on an understanding of the relaxation state as the antipode of stress in terms of its manifestation, formation features and triggering mechanisms. The program includes exercises based on the method of active neuromuscular relaxation by E. Jacobson, breathing techniques, visual-kinesthetic techniques. The method of neuromuscular relaxation by E. Jacobson involves achieving a state of relaxation through the alternation of strong tension and rapid relaxation of the main muscle groups of the body.

Among the breathing techniques used are deep breathing, rhythmic breathing with a delay.

Visual-kinesthetic techniques are based on the use of visual-kinesthetic images. Let's give examples of exercises of 3 groups.

"The bunny was scared - the bunny laughed."Students are invited to alternately take the poses of a bunny that got scared and then laughed (alternating tension - relaxation).

"Balloon".Children collectively “inflate” one very large balloon until it bursts.

"Squeeze a lemon." The facilitator asks the guys to imagine that they have a lemon in their left hand, try to squeeze the juice, feel the tension, then throw the lemon and do the same with the other hand.

cognitive methods. They are based on the statement about the causal function of cognitive factors in the occurrence of emotional disorders. Therefore, it is necessary to revise thinking, free it from irrational beliefs, i.e., "mental garbage" that causes emotional pain. Most authors writing about cognitive therapy believe that the most important thing is to free a person from absolutist thinking, which contains the belief that people and the whole world should belong to the individual, or, conversely, the individual himself should completely belong to others.

Let us cite the following as an example of the exercise we have developed for liberation from absolute thinking.

teachers' council

Imagine a teacher's council of students. And now the students are sitting and discussing what a teacher should be and what a teacher should not be. And students also argue and disagree with each other. Let's play in the same way as in the previous exercise, according to the "must - must not" scheme. It could be, for example, like this.

The teacher should always speak in a calm voice and not shout.

The teacher should not always speak in a calm voice, because the children will not obey him. The teacher should be funny.

In addition, it turned out to be quite effective filling the “trash can”, in which students put the following phrases: “Can I do this? So how should it be? I can never. I'm never asked first."

Cognitive methods, as well as discussion methods, are used only for younger students.

Having described the methodological means of the program, we will give further exemplary options for classes for children of different ages.

Lesson on the topic: joy, fear, anger (children 3-4 years old)

"What Feelings Look Like" The host shows the children in turn pictures depicting a child who is angry, happy, afraid. He asks them to guess the feeling of the child (if the children cannot do this, then he helps them), and then portray him (while the presenter himself also portrays the same feeling).

"Show feelings with your tongue." The host asks the children to stick out their tongues, and then show how the tongue is happy, angry, afraid.

"Show feelings with your hands." Children, focusing on the leader's model, show how their hands jump on the table (rejoice), push, bite each other (angry), shrink into balls and tremble (fear).

"The leaf is falling." The facilitator raises a sheet of paper a meter above the table, then releases it and draws the attention of the children to how smoothly it goes down and lies on the table. Then he asks the children to turn their hands into pieces of paper. The host again raises the sheet of paper - the children raise their hands up. The host releases the sheet, it falls on the table. Children need to do the same, that is, lower their hands on the table smoothly at the same time as a sheet of paper. The exercise can be repeated several times.

Lesson on the topic: “Don’t hold a grudge, tell me as soon as possible” (children 4-5 years old)

“Mental picture on the topic: the boy (girl) was offended (offended).

"Tap the insult on the drum." Children are invited to come up with (fantasize) that they are offended by someone. Then “tap” the insult on the drum so that the others guess who it is directed at.

"The Tale of the Little Fox Who Got Offended." Children listen and discuss the fairy tale about the fox. They come to the conclusion that they should talk about their offense, then it usually passes. Then they learn the secret "Don't hold a grudge, tell me as soon as possible."

Tale of the little fox who was offended

In a large forest where many little animals live, there lived a family of foxes with a fox cub. The little fox loved to play with his friends in the clearing, which was in the very middle of the forest. It was the most beautiful field. Many flowers grew on it: daisies, bluebells, poppies. And between them was soft green grass.

And then one warm summer day the little fox was going to go for a walk. He was almost leaving the house, but at that moment his mother called him. She asked the fox not to leave the house and help her.

“Well, how is it? thought the fox. - It is on this day that you need to stay at home, when my friends were going to build a hut in a clearing. Now they will build without me. But how do you leave without your mom's permission? If you tell her about the hut, she might get angry.” So he went to his room and cried. And when later he began to help his mother, nothing worked out for him and everything fell out of his hands. He went back to his room. But there he got worse. He did not play with his toys, he just sat and took offense. Therefore, when his mother came to him and began to ask what happened to him, the little fox did not talk to her.

And so he sat almost until the evening. “And the guys are probably already playing in the hut,” he suddenly thought, and, completely upset, ran to his mother with a cry: “It’s all because of you that I’m sitting here alone!” But his mother was not angry with him for shouting, on the contrary, she caressed him and said: “Well, why didn’t you tell me about the hut right away. Run quickly, maybe you still have time.

The fox really managed to play in the hut and came home completely happy. But most importantly, he now knew how to deal with his grievances.

"In order not to be offended, you need to relax." The host tells the children that sometimes you want to cry from resentment. And in order not to cry, you need to learn to relax. Children are shown a soft toy, they touch it, check if it is really soft, and then try to become soft themselves. Next, the leader says “hurtful words” to several guys in turn, and the rest check that they maintain a relaxed state.

Lesson "Baba Yaga" (children 6-7 years old)

"Mental picture" on the topic: "Something very scary."

"Competition for the most terrible Baba Yaga." The presenter says that one of the most terrible characters in fairy tales is Baba Yaga, offers to turn into her in turn. Children take turns leaving the room, put on the mask of Baba Yaga. The host at the same time says: "There was Sasha - Baba Yaga became." The child then returns to the group and scares the others. It is determined who managed to show the most terrible Baba Yaga. Children remember the secrets they learned last year: “In order not to be afraid, you need to relax. In order not to be afraid, one must laugh.

"Baba Yaga's teeth hurt." The host puts the most expressive Baba Yaga on a chair in front of the group. She offers to show how her teeth hurt, how it hurts and is scared to go to the clinic, and the guys take turns feeling sorry for her.

"Baba Yaga has no friends." The host tells the children that they took pity on Baba Yaga so well that her teeth stopped hurting, and she herself became much kinder ("to make the evil one feel better, I took pity on him"). But she still continues to be sad because she has no friends. Then the guys take turns approaching her and shaking hands with the words: "Grandma Yaga, I want to make friends with you." The facilitator needs to ensure that eye contact is maintained. It’s good if the presenter, the teacher, takes this role after the guys.

So, we looked at examples of activities for children of different ages, thematic planning is placed in the application.

However, when working with younger students, in addition to group classes, it is necessary to use the so-called reflective technologies as psycho-prophylactic ones, which are used not in a separate lesson, but in the classroom.