How to sunbathe in a vertical solarium. How much does a solarium cost? UV lamps used in solariums

Dosed ultraviolet exposure can be very beneficial for the skin by stimulating the production of vitamin D in the body. Therefore, quite a lot of women are regular clients of tanning studios, especially in winter and demi-season.

Recently, vertical boxes have become popular. They provide more even and faster skin pigmentation during insolation. Before starting a course of procedures, it is important to find out how to sunbathe in a vertical solarium in order to give the body a beautiful and uniform bronze tint.

How to sunbathe safely in a solarium with a vertical cabin?

The type of boxes under consideration is equipped with more powerful ultraviolet lamps. Accordingly, the intensity of exposure in a vertical solarium is higher, as is the risk of epidermal burns. To prevent this and other problems, you need to follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Before visiting a tanning studio, consult with your doctor.
  2. On the eve of the session, treat the skin with a special cream for the solarium, remove all cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry, contact lenses.
  3. It is advisable to sunbathe in underwear or at least close the nipples and pubis with disposable pads.
  4. Take care to protect your eyes by means of or simply close them.
  5. At the end of the procedure, moisturize the skin well to prevent it from drying out.

It is also worth noting that with hormonal fluctuations, including the beginning of the menstrual cycle, it is better to postpone a visit to the tanning studio. Otherwise, the skin tans unevenly, spots, or does not pigment at all, even if the session was long.

How many minutes are allowed to sunbathe in a vertical solarium?

Given the high power of UV lamps installed in the presented form of booths, the time for insolation in them is less (2-3 times) than in horizontal boxes.

The duration of the treatments is calculated based on the natural color and skin type. Women with light eyes, hair and epidermis are recommended to sunbathe for 3-5 minutes. Swarthy beauties are allowed to increase the duration of sessions up to 1/3 hour. If the skin is pale and translucent, "porcelain", you can not visit the solarium.

Gradually, the number of minutes can be increased to achieve the desired shade of the epidermis.

How often can you sunbathe in a vertical solarium?

Dermatologists advise clients of insolation studios to take a break between insolation sessions for at least 2 days. In 48 hours, the skin has time not only to produce pigment and vitamin D, but also to recover after irradiation, to normalize the balance of moisture and lipids in the surface layers.

After the epidermis acquires the desired color, it is better to stop for 2-3 weeks, and then simply maintain the shade of the epidermis by visiting the tanning studio 1-2 times in 9-10 days.

How to tan evenly in a vertical solarium?

Despite more powerful lamps and the presence of turbo modes, as well as the ability to move inside the described box, most clients of insolation studios notice that their legs do not tan well or at all in a vertical solarium. The skin on them is less susceptible to natural pigmentation, therefore, to achieve an even, beautiful shade of the epidermis, you need:

To solve this problem, cabs with a mirrored floor were developed. It perfectly reflects UV rays, helping the legs to become darker in a short period of time.

Also, before sunbathing in a vertical mirror solarium, it can be applied to the skin. Such products contribute to better insolation and more stable results.

White skin color is a symbol of the aristocracy. In not-so-distant times, that's how it was thought. The young ladies in every way tried to hide from the hot sun, considering tanning the prerogative of the working class. However, nowadays golden skin tone is considered sexy. Getting a tan is not a problem even in winter. It remains only to decide which solarium is better and safer: vertical or horizontal.

There are many different opinions about artificial tanning. Some say that such a tan adversely affects health and can even cause skin cancer. Others, on the contrary, that artificial ultraviolet irradiation helps in the fight against pigmentation and acne. Let's figure out what's true and what's not.

Benefit and harm

There are two types of solarium: horizontal and vertical. The function of both is to provide us. What are the disadvantages of this type of tanning:

  • There is such a type of addiction as tanorexia. The so-called dependence on a visit to the solarium. As ridiculous as it may sound, this problem is quite real. It can be correlated with drug or alcohol addiction. Of course, it differs in harmfulness, but it also requires treatment, both psychological and pharmaceutical.
  • The second one follows smoothly from the first one. Since with frequent visits to the solarium, the skin receives an excessive effect of ultraviolet radiation. This in turn leads to premature aging and wrinkles. You also run the risk of getting an allergic reaction.
  • It is not recommended to take artificial sunbathing for pregnant and lactating women. Due to hormonal changes in the body, as a result of the influence of rays, skin pigmentation may appear. Therefore, it is better to wait a little with a tan.
  • If you are the owner of fair skin, you risk getting burned. Also, a burn is possible after the epilation procedure. It is better to do them at different times.

And now about the pleasant pluses.

  • Although artificial, but still the sun, which can enrich our body with vitamin D in the cold season. After all, as you know, this vitamin helps strengthen our immunity, promotes blood clotting, improves heart performance and makes our nervous system more resistant to stress.
  • Probably each of us has come across such a concept as autumn depression. It is understandable. After a short hot summer, the rains, which are replaced by frosts, make me sad. Scientists have proven, after long-term studies, that artificial sunbathing (just like a solarium) improves mood and fights depression. Doctors even prescribe it to residents of the northern regions as a medicine.
  • Well, the most indisputable plus: the solarium helps us gradually prepare the skin for the sultry rays of the sun. Therefore, if you do not want to get burned in the first days of your vacation at sea, or just when you first visit the city beach, go to the solarium several times. So the skin will be prepared and you will not look pale.

Pros and cons of a horizontal solarium

This question often arises if you first decided to apply for an artificial tan. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a horizontal and vertical solarium. Which is better and in which solarium is safer.


  1. This type of solarium was, so to speak, a pioneer in the field of artificial tanning. Therefore, he already has his own audience of fans.
  2. The action of the rays is less intense than in vertical views. Therefore, it is better suited for girls with delicate and fair skin.
  3. The main indisputable plus is that you can relax and just lie down for your pleasure. And this, you see, is a luxury for a modern girl. In addition, during relaxation, you can not worry about getting burns.
  4. Another plus of this type is that you can ask the staff not to turn on the lamps above the level of the face. This is an open area and most often our face is more tanned than the rest of the body. Therefore, an additional tan is useless here.


  1. The biggest minus is most likely an uneven tan. In horizontal solariums, most often the sides are badly sunbathed.
  2. Although the surface of the solarium is disinfected, there is a feeling of unhygienic.
  3. In order to acquire the necessary tan color, you will need to spend twice as much time visiting this type of solarium than, for example, a vertical one. This is due to the fact that the lamps here have less power.

Pros and cons of a vertical solarium

  1. From the previous paragraph, the main plus of the vertical view smoothly follows. For a shorter visit, you will achieve the desired effect.
  2. The tan is uniform, from all sides.
  3. While taking ultraviolet baths, you practically do not touch the surface. Therefore, it is less likely to pick up some kind of sore.
  4. Modern vertical cabins are equipped with ventilation and audio system. Therefore, after the procedure, you can not take a shower, and pastime is more fun with music and dancing.


  1. The cost of staying in a vertical solarium is more expensive than in a horizontal one.
  2. Due to the strong power of the lamps, girls with delicate skin are at risk of getting burned.
  3. The entire session will have to stand on your feet. There is no longer to lie down and relax.

What you need to know

Before you decide to visit the ultraviolet bath for the first time, you need to know. For a horizontal and vertical booth, these rules are somewhat similar, but still different.

  • Your first visit should not be spent more than three minutes (for horizontal - five).
  • Makeup needs to be washed off. Even the presence of deodorant on the skin can lead to an allergic reaction. Better yet, take a shower before visiting.
  • Do not neglect the use of special tanning creams. They can be purchased in the salon itself, or in pharmacies.
  • If you are the owner of a tattoo, it is better to seal it with a sticker before the procedure. Otherwise, it may lose its brightness and brilliance.
  • For hygiene purposes, cover the surface of the solarium with a towel. Usually they are issued in the salon itself.
  • Be sure to use special glasses. Wear a scarf on your head to avoid drying out the scalp and hair. You should also use lip balm for the same purpose.
  • Topless sunbathing is not recommended. Nevertheless, the nipple area should be covered with specialized overlays.
  • To prevent burns and drying of the skin, sunbathing is recommended once a week, no more than 7 minutes (or 13 minutes, in the case of horizontal).

  • In order to make the tan darker and retain its presence for a longer period, before you go sunbathing, you can drink a glass of carrot (pumpkin, orange) juice. It is advisable to add a couple of drops of any citrus essential oil.
  • A prerequisite is to use cosmetics for tanning, both before and after the use of ultraviolet baths.
  • In order to prevent burns and unpleasant, it is worth spending the first two or three visits in a horizontal type of solarium, and the rest in a vertical one. So you first prepare the skin for a softer perception of the rays, and then fix and improve the result.

Take care of your health and enjoy your tan!

In the horizontal position, it will be more comfortable for you to relax, for example, after a hard day, and sunbathe while lying down. Its main advantage over the vertical one is the ability to turn off the face tanning function. In addition, in horizontal legs sunbathe faster. The power of the apparatus is usually lower than vertical. Surfaces must be disinfected after each client, so the possibility of infection is excluded.

If you have a fear of the "closing lid" in a horizontal tanning bed, or you don't want to lie still, a vertical one will suit you. In it you can sunbathe while standing and even dance. A vertical solarium is also suitable for people with a dense body build. The power of such a solarium is higher due to the remoteness of the lamps.

How much does a solarium cost

You can find information on how much a tan in a horizontal solarium costs on the website of the beauty salon. The cost of services of a horizontal solarium does not differ from a vertical one. The price is usually quoted for one minute of tanning. It will be much more profitable to purchase a subscription for 30, 50 or more minutes. The price of the subscription may also differ, depending on whether the price includes special cosmetics for skin care or not.

In addition, you can buy special tanning glasses (new), disposable slippers, protective stickers for the chest, special creams for.

Rules for tanning

It is worth trying a horizontal tanning bed if you want to test your skin. due to their proximity to the skin, the lamps are less powerful, and therefore the risk of getting burned is minimized. Sunbathe for three minutes and watch your skin for one day.

How much does it cost to sunbathe in a horizontal solarium?

If after a day your skin does not turn red and does not begin to peel off, you can continue to visit the procedures, gradually increasing the tanning time to 5-7 minutes. You should sunbathe every other day. The course is approximately ten sessions.

Before visiting, exclude the use of perfumes, deodorant, various oils and creams, and clean your face of makeup. The sun protection series of cosmetics will not work. Because the ultraviolet rays of the solar spectrum are divided into A, B and C - rays. In solariums, there are no C-rays, which makes tanning less harmless. Especially for artificial tanning, special cosmetics have been developed - this is a cream that must be applied to the body and face before the procedure (it promotes the production of melanin in the skin) and after it (moisturizes the skin, fixes the tan).

In the beauty salon, you will definitely be offered sunglasses. Do not refuse them - they will help protect the retina of your eyes. Contact lenses should be removed. A protective disposable hair cap will protect your hair from drying out. The chest must also be protected with special stickers or covered at all.

Be sure to drink 1-2 glasses of water after sunbathing.

Horizontal solarium addresses

You can find the addresses of beauty salons with a horizontal solarium on the Internet on their websites. There are ordered sites where by typing in a search engine: “horizontal address solarium”, you will receive full information about a beauty salon, prices, locations and contact numbers. Choose what is convenient for you - proximity to home, work, etc.


  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • gynecological, urological problems;
  • the presence of seals in the chest, cysts and other benign formations;
  • oncology;
  • skin diseases (including age spots, moles);
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • thyroid disease;
  • taking antibiotics, antidepressants, hormonal drugs.

Before visiting, be sure to consult your doctor for any contraindications.

In any case, the choice of a horizontal or vertical solarium will always be yours.

Be beautiful at any time of the year!

A solarium is nothing more than a special platform for getting a tan with ultraviolet lamps. The presence of a beautiful, even tan, good mood and healthy appearance - the result obtained in the solarium. So which solarium is better horizontal or vertical.

UV lamps used in solariums

Lamps in solariums, high and low pressure devices based on the action

According to some reports, ultraviolet lamps in a solarium, unlike sunlight, do not emit gamma rays that cause radiation sickness, and in their effect are most similar to those that appear during sunrise or sunset.

Benefits of visiting a solarium

At the same time, remember: Immoderate exposure to artificial sunbathing leads to premature skin aging and cancer, hair damage.

What should be the best solarium

  1. Spacious, dry and ventilated premises (total area not less than 5 sq.m.).
  2. The air temperature is not more than +25°.
  3. Periodic lamp replacement (every 400-500 hours of operation).

Read: Balm with the effect of gradual tanning: application rules

Before choosing "your" solarium, you need to know your skin type and the possible duration and frequency of the tanning procedure.

To tan evenly, it is necessary to cleanse the skin with a peeling or scrub, as the tan lies more evenly on the cleansed skin. To fix the tan, it is good to drink carrot juice and 1 teaspoon of oil.

Types of solariums

The most famous: horizontal m vertical.

Horizontal classic with a stable position of the lamps, the body remains motionless, which ensures an even tan. Periodically, you need to change the position of the body in order to avoid white stripes of an untanned body.

Vertical solarium provides a faster effect thanks to its more powerful lamps. To tan evenly, you need to take a certain position, for example, raise your hands, or be in motion. Modern solariums are often equipped with lift lamps and an aroma system.

Subject to all safety rules, getting burns in such a solarium is impossible. The duration of the session depends on the type of skin and the wishes of the client.

Turbo solarium differs from previous species only in the presence of chilled ventilation. The tanning procedure is intensive, fast, as in windy weather.

Seated solarium - used for tanning hands, décolleté and face. Powerful lamps are designed to get a quick effect. They rarely visit such solariums, for example, when there is an event ahead, and you need to quickly add color to visible parts of the body.

Collagen solarium provides for the use of red and blue lamps. They have a healing effect: blue ones fight microbes, red ones stimulate skin renewal. They regulate metabolic processes, promote the production of elastin, collagen and the removal of toxins.

Studio solarium in beauty salons acts as a separate professional. Consultation is given locally about its action of the solarium.

solarium home - designed for getting a tan at home.

It does not differ in safety and power. But in addition to its direct purpose, it can be used, for example, for germinating seeds.

There are salons that offer an "instant tan" service, which does not involve the use of ultraviolet lamps. To obtain such a “tan”, a bronzer lotion and a turbine or compressor spray are used. Such a tan has no absolute contraindications, it is indicated for people with a Celtic skin type. It is important that moisture, even sweat, does not get on the skin for 6-8 hours. Otherwise, spots will remain on the skin.

Which solarium is better, horizontal or vertical

Solarium lovers often have the question of which is better vertical or horizontal. You need to know that the quality of tanning depends on the equipment of the solarium, and on the location of the person under the lamps.

But which one to choose, the client chooses based on his taste, purpose of use, and skin characteristics.

If you like to relax while sunbathing, then it is better to choose horizontal, for lovers of physical activity - vertical.

Many prefer horizontal, simple to use. Vertical - more hygienic, as there is no contact with surfaces. It should be borne in mind that in the horizontal it is better to tan the bottom, in the vertical - the top of the body. Both types are widely used in the world.

Ultraviolet in small doses is necessary for the body, especially in the autumn-winter period. Thanks to ultraviolet rays, you can avoid many skin diseases, get the necessary vitamin D, strengthen the immune system. In addition, the skin acquires a beautiful tan.

If the radiation exceeds the permissible limits, the destruction of collagen begins, due to which the skin ages much faster. There is also dryness, irritation, peeling. That's why you need to know how to properly get a tan in a solarium.

In order to tan and not harm the body, you need to follow some rules. The time spent in the solarium and the regularity of sessions will depend on which phototype the skin belongs to. The first phototype is very pale sensitive skin, the radiation will only harm it. It is contraindicated for owners of such skin to sunbathe in a solarium.

The solarium for the second phototype can be visited several times a week, gradually increasing the duration. The third and fourth phototypes can afford to sunbathe for up to twenty minutes, but the length of stay should also be increased gradually.

Be sure to wear goggles to protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation. A disposable cap is put on the head, women use special breast pads.

It is worth remembering about a reasonable measure. In order to acquire a deep bronze tan, you need to visit the solarium many times. The first session should not be long, 3-4 minutes will be enough. Also, we must not forget that periodically you need to change the position of the body.

A horizontal solarium has a number of advantages, the most important of which is that the lamps in it are placed with less power than in a vertical solarium. Due to this, the effect of radiation is not so aggressive, softer and slower.

When choosing a solarium, you need to ask when the lamps changed. If this happened a long time ago, it is better to choose another solarium.

Solarium cosmetics

It is undesirable to be in a solarium without cosmetics. It will provide a perfectly even tan, and in addition, it will protect and give the necessary nutrition. Many refuse to use cosmetics in the solarium. But after all, going to the sea, everyone knows that it is necessary to apply sunscreen on the body.

Do not give up cosmetics, sunbathing in a solarium. Moreover, cosmetics will speed up the process of tanning and will prevent it from washing off quickly. Tanning cream in a solarium does not cause allergic reactions, cosmetics are harmless to the body, developed for each type of skin individually.

The composition of specialized products does not include whitening components, there are bronzers that help accelerate the production of melanin in the skin. In addition, they may include cooling menthol or peppermint oil, aloe vera, seaweed, and other skin-friendly ingredients. The skin after applying the products is not overdried, looks even and well-groomed.

Cosmetics intended for a solarium should not be used when tanning under the sun. Just like you can’t apply regular tanning products when going to the solarium. Cosmetics must be selected, taking into account the desired result and your skin type. To do this, it is better to contact specialists who will help you choose the right product and explain how to sunbathe in a solarium with specially designed products.

Tanning positions in a horizontal solarium

In a vertical solarium, you can not change positions, and at the same time, the tan falls on the body evenly. A horizontal solarium implies a regular change of positions, the only way to achieve the desired effect. To avoid white spots on the body, during one procedure you need to constantly turn over from your back to your stomach.

It is also necessary to pay attention so that the inner sides of the arms and legs are not left without participation. Many people forget that these parts of the body may not be exposed to lamps, and in the end they will remain untanned. Such a tan does not look very beautiful.

Often the body does not tan from the sides either. In this case, it is necessary to take a position in which you will need to lie down so that the light from the lamps hits exactly on the sides.

Some people face such a problem: the body tans perfectly, and pigmentation may appear on the face and neck. In such situations, you just need to turn off the facial tanning feature. The same is recommended for those who do not want to have too dark facial skin, as well as for those who are afraid that the skin of the face and neck will age much faster under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Indications and contraindications

In moderate doses, fake tan is even beneficial. The solarium allows all year round, regardless of the weather, to get an even and swarthy skin tone. The body receives vitamin D and produces the hormone of joy associated with sunbathing.

Ultraviolet has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, improves the absorption of phosphorus and calcium. Tanning in a solarium is necessary for those who have acne on the skin, as well as those who suffer from some fungal diseases.

  • Pregnant women. Ultraviolet rays affect the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, stimulating increased production of hormones. This may lead to termination of pregnancy.
  • A large number of moles. Owners of moles on the skin should constantly monitor their condition. Ultraviolet light can provoke their increase and modification, which is fraught with the development of cancer.
  • Menstruation in women. A visit to the solarium these days contributes to increased secretions and deterioration of well-being.
  • Mastopathy, tuberculosis, asthma. Artificial tan can aggravate the condition during the illness.

Proper sun care

Before visiting the solarium, you should take a shower using. On smooth skin, the tan will go much better, and it will last longer. Before the start of the session, a tan enhancer should be applied to the skin, and after that a fixer will be needed. These cosmetics are sold, as a rule, from administrators.

After visiting the solarium, you can take a shower after six hours. It is also better to refuse to visit the bath, sauna, do not take a hot bath, do not use hard washcloths.

It is necessary to maintain a tan not only externally, but also from the inside. You need to drink enough pure drinking water so that the body does not suffer from dehydration. Coffee and tea are diuretic drinks, and packaged juices and carbonated drinks provoke the appearance of cellulite.

Nutrition also plays an important role. Preference should be given to products that contain beta-carotene: carrots, spinach, pine nuts, beef liver, tomatoes. But keep in mind that vitamin A, into which beta-carotene is converted in the human body, is fat-soluble, so the above products should be consumed with vegetable oil, cream or sour cream.