How is the international day of the translator holiday. How is the holiday International Day of the Translator International Day of the Translator at school

Translator is an interesting and necessary profession both in Russia and in other countries. To raise the prestige of this professional activity, a holiday is celebrated, rightly deserved by all translators of the world.


The father of translators is considered to be a public historian, interpreter, writer Jerome of Stridonsky. It was he who translated the Old and New Testaments of the Bible into Latin. He was a man of great intelligence and a strong mind, he is considered the creator of the Glagolitic alphabet. The date of his death (September 30, 402) served as the date of the professional holiday, which was established by the International Federation of Translators. This federation was created in Paris in 1953. The goals of its creation were:

  • experience exchange;
  • obtaining useful information;
  • strengthening ties between corporations of translators;
  • increasing the prestige of the craft.

It includes about a hundred popular translation associations from 60 countries of the world.

Until 1991 there was no celebration, only this year the federation announced the celebration. This day is celebrated by translators-linguists, teachers of foreign languages, translators of various literature, TV shows and films, consultants-translators. Also, do not forget to mention his students of universities and teachers for the training of translators.

Thanks to this profession, people from different countries can read world famous works, watch TV shows, various films. Without translators, communication between people would be limited, which is so important and necessary.

To become a dragoman, you need to have a humanitarian mindset, have a good memory, diction, be assiduous and patient. But for a decent wage, not only excellent knowledge of the language is required, but also communication skills, determination, and work experience.


On the International Day of the Translator, conferences, meetings, various actions are held. Colleagues-translators congratulate each other in all languages ​​that they speak. Experts also accept congratulations from the authorities, who by this day are trying to encourage them with prizes and valuable souvenirs.

Many organizations and companies host corporate parties. At such events, translators share their experience, adopt it, tell funny situations related to professional activities. They make joint creative photos as a keepsake.

September 30 - the translation community will celebrate its professional holiday - International Translation Day, which was established by the International Association of Translators in 1991. In Russia, this holiday has been celebrated only since 2004. Although our profession, in all likelihood, originated in the days of the legendary Tower of Babel!

The Tower of Babel

Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1563)

Every year the holiday has a new motto:

  • 2005: “The responsibility of the translator to the profession and society”.
  • 2006: “Many languages ​​- one profession”.
  • 2007: "Don't shoot the messenger."
  • 2008: Terminology: Words matter.
  • 2009: “Working together”.
  • 2010: "Quality standard in a polyphonic world" (proposed by the Russian Union of Translators).

“Translators are constantly at the heart of the communication process. As external vehicles for ideas and actions, they partly shape the world in which we live. Translation is thus a determining factor in multilingual communication, and at the same time symbolizes openness to people and the development of democracy. " (from the IPP 2004 press release.)

The very date of the holiday was not chosen by chance: it is the day of the death of Saint Jerome of Stridonium in 419 or 420, recognized as one of the four Latin Church Fathers and the patron saint of translators. The recognition of Saint Jerome as the patron saint of translators is not unreasonable: he was engaged not only in translating the Bible into Latin, but also paid special attention to the theory of translation, discussed the concepts of "correct" and "adequate translation", about comparative translations, and even about interlinear translations in different languages. Unfortunately, he did not leave works on this science, all his thoughts were preserved only in letters.

It is interesting to know that not only translators consider Saint Jerome to be their patron, but also librarians and archivists.

A well-known parable tells that Jerome managed to remove a splinter from the paw of a lion, and in gratitude he became his companion and devoted friend, depicted together with Jerome in numerous paintings.

It is customary to depict Saint Jerome himself as sitting in a cell, at a writing table. Perhaps leaning over the translation of the Bible into Latin? This is what the first translator looked like! But in Western European painting, Jerome is often depicted listening to angels trumpeting and hovering over his head.

Often St. Jerome is depicted as a hermit in the desert, who in prayer beats himself in the chest with a stone or writes his works, and next to him is a crucifix, a skull and an owl.

Jerome Pulling a Splinter from a Lion's Paw

(Niccolò Antonio Colantonio)

Wing expressions about the profession of a translator:

  • "Translations as women: if they are correct, then they are ugly, and if they are beautiful, then they are not."
  • "There is nothing that cannot be perverted by a bad retelling"
  • "Translation is always a commentary"
  • "Translation is a self-portrait of a translator"
  • "Translation is the sacred sacrifice of language"
  • "Translations are flowers under glass."
  • "Translation is a bridge between cultures"
  • "In the conversation of diplomats, the last word for the translator"
  • “Translation is a piece of jewelry; it is the process of transferring a gem of meaning from one setting to another "
  • "Humanity without translators is the world of the deaf and dumb"
  • "The translations are very similar to the reverse side of the patterns embroidered on the canvas."

Imagine that you are traveling in an unfamiliar country, but you do not know the local language even at the “hi-bye” level. How will you communicate with the locals? You can, of course, try to convey the meaning of what was said to foreign citizens with the help of gestures, but, you see, this approach is unlikely to facilitate your voyage - it will rather turn a pleasant pastime into a continuous torment. There are at least two ways out of this situation: go abroad on a voucher from a travel agency, or take a person who speaks the language with you on a trip. The latter's specialty is called "translator" and, following the example of other professions, has its own large-scale holiday, annually organized on September 30 -.

history of the holiday

People whose duties include the implementation of various types of translation, the whole planet began to honor only 22 years ago. In 1991, September 30, at the initiative of the International Federation of Translators, was chosen as the date for International Day of Translators... A completely logical question arises: why exactly the end of the first autumn month? The answer is to be found in history. The fact is that on September 30, 420, a translator, writer and deeply religious person, who was later canonized - Jerome of Stridon, passed away. Later, the Church "appointed" him as the heavenly patron of translators, capable of providing assistance in the difficult but interesting work of interpreters - subject to sincere faith, of course.

Jerome of Stridonsky earned this status in full. He was a highly intellectual and spiritually developed person. On the account of the saint during his earthly life, many travels around the world, a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, 4 years of ascetic existence in the Chalcis desert. By the way, the temporary role of a hermit allowed Jerome of Stridonsky to see his sight in spiritual terms: far from people and even wild animals, he was lucky a couple of times to hear something that never touched the ear of a mere mortal - the trumpets announcing the Last Judgment. This fact determined, after the death of the patron saint of translators, the place of Jerome in painting: in the paintings the saint is invariably depicted surrounded by trumpeting angels. However, there are other options: for example, the father of the Church, sitting in a cell, and toiling over his scientific works. Jerome of Stridonsky really did a lot for the linguistic world. He penned the Glagolitic alphabet, as well as the translation of the Bible into Latin, which became, 11 centuries later, the official Latin version of the Holy Scriptures.

International Day of Translators quite popular among representatives of this multifaceted profession. Every year it is held under a new motto. For example, last year the theme of the celebration was the thesis "Translation as an intercultural connection", the year before last - "Building bridges between cultures." The largest organization uniting translators around the world today is the International Federation of Translators (FIT). It has existed since the middle of the last century thanks to the Parisian Pierre-Francois Cayet and is a collection of about a hundred national associations of translators from 60 countries of the world. In Russia, the International Day of the Translator among interpreters has taken root since 2004. He enjoys the support of the Russian Foreign Ministry and federal media.

The history of the profession and the meaning of translations

The profession of a translator is almost as old as that of a journalist. Its emergence was due to the division of humanity into categories - peoples, nationalities - and, accordingly, the emergence of each of them their own language, incomprehensible to the rest. If you turn to the holy book of Christianity, the Bible, you can find on its pages the famous story about the Tower of Babel, just the same illustrating the development of the multilingualism of the earth's population. In the same Bible, God said on behalf of the Apostle Paul in the framework of the first Epistle by the Corinthians: "If someone speaks in an unknown language, speak two, or many three, and then separately, and one explain."

The profession of a translator was appreciated and seemed important to people at all times. The work of translators during the Middle Ages deserves special attention - their work was notable for its jewelry craftsmanship and even had a creative connotation: often experts allowed themselves to somewhat distort the details without significantly affecting the general meaning of the texts. True, the load was small, mainly orders from representatives of the nobility - the bulk of the European people successfully got along with Latin. But by about the middle of the 16th century, the situation changed somewhat: the flourishing of national culture raised the issue of the significance and necessity of translation rather sharply. Translators began to form communities where they worked together. As a rule, it was a written translation of foreign literature. In our country, too, they organized such an alliance: "A meeting trying to translate foreign books."

With regard to interpretation, a sequential approach has been practiced for a long time. It consisted in the following: the oratorical speech was recorded by the professionals on paper, and at the end of the speech they voiced what they heard in their native language and required by the customer.

Among the famous Russian translators are B. Pasternak, S. Marshak, N.L. Daruzes, L. Ginzburg, T.L. Shchepkina-Kupernik, etc. Thanks to the activities of domestic specialists, today we have the opportunity to enjoy reading the works of such writers as Stendhal, Shakespeare, Balzac, Byron.

Translator profession

For most of us, the work of interpreters or bilinguals, as translators are also called, is associated with trips to distant countries, high earnings and bright prospects. But is everything so wonderful in the activities of persons translating texts or speech from one language to another?

Well, the translator really comes into direct contact with foreigners, if the specifics of his work is interpretation. But he can also work with texts, documents, without colliding with the inhabitants of other countries. In addition to the two named, there are four more main types of translation: simultaneous, legal, artistic, technical.

A translator is able to teach a foreign language in educational institutions of various levels, and then he receives the status of a teacher. Fate is capable of throwing a specialist into the embassy, ​​into the sphere of tourism and hotel business. Translator jobs often appear in print media and museums. However, let you not be happy with such a wide choice of places of probable employment: although this profession is in demand, the needs of employers relate to a greater extent to specialists with specialized education, rich work experience and, most importantly, a high level of translation. The work of such a professional will be paid more than worthily.

On September 30, translators from all over the world receive sincere congratulations. And we can celebrate this holiday as a sign of solidarity with professionals, going on a trip to the country of our dreams.

International Translator Day is celebrated on September 30th. It is celebrated by linguists-translators: teachers of foreign languages, translators of fiction, technical and scientific literature, films, referents-translators.

Thanks to the translation, folklore exchange and interpenetration of cultures of different peoples became possible. World masterpieces of medieval classics are available not only in the original, but also translated into different languages ​​of the world. A world professional holiday is dedicated to translation specialists.

Holiday traditions

Every year the holiday is held under a new motto, which is proclaimed by the International Federation of Translators. On this day, thematic press conferences, trainings, seminars, educational events are held. Corporate celebrations are being arranged.

history of the holiday

The holiday was established in 1991 by the International Federation of Translators. In Russia, they began to celebrate it en masse since 2004. The date of the event has a symbolic meaning. It is associated with the day of death (September 30, 419 (420)) of St. Jerome of Stridon, the patron saint of translators. His Latin translation of the Bible received official status, and Jerome himself was awarded the title of the most educated of the Church Fathers.

About the profession of a translator

Translator is a prestigious and highly paid profession. Specialists are engaged in the translation of documents, technical, business, literary or oral translation, and conduct teaching activities. They must constantly improve their knowledge, as without practice, skills are quickly lost.

To become a translator, you need to have a predisposition to languages, good memory, hearing, diction, be a sociable and diligent person.

In ancient times, translators were called interpreters.

In Chinese, the character that means problems, trouble, quarrels is graphically written as "two women under one roof."

The literal translation of the Pepsi slogan "Live with the Pepsi generation" into Chinese sounds like "Pepsi will make your ancestors rise from the graves."

World Translator Day is celebrated on September 30th. This date is not accidental. Saint Jerome died on September 30, 419 (420).

Eusebius Sophronius Jeronim was a writer, a church ascetic. He studied with the famous connoisseur of grammar and literature of that time, Elia Donat. Jerome was a deeply intelligent man. He visited many countries, visited the Holy Land. After that, he settled in the Chalcis Desert. There he studied Hebrew. In 386, Eusebius Sophronius Jerome moved to Bethlehem, later here he will translate the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. The Vulgate of Saint Jerome, as his translation was called, in 1100 years will be proclaimed the canonical translation of the Bible into Latin.

The Catholic Church pays tribute to the memory of Saint Jerome on September 30. In 1991, the International Federation of Translators declared this day the International Day of the Translator. That is why Eusebius Sophronius Jerome, or Saint Jerome, is the patron saint of translators of all countries.

In Russia, in particular in our capital, the Day of the Translator has been celebrated on a full scale since 2004. This was greatly supported by the legends of the Russian translation business Viktor Sukhodrev, Leonid Volodarsky, Viktor Golyshev, the chairmen of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the largest companies in the translation sector, federal media and news agencies. Every year the festival of translators is held under different slogans. They are announced by the International Federation of Translators. The mottoes are very diverse: “Translation - a living connection between peoples” (in 1992); Translation as Penetrating Presence (1993); "Multifaceted Translation" (in 1994); Translation as a Key to Development (1995); Translation and Copyright (1996); Translation in the Right Direction (1997); Good Translation Practice (1998); Transfer-Transfer (1999); Technologies that support the translation process (in 2000); Translation and Ethics (2001); Translators - Reflecting Social Change (2002); “The Rights of Translators” (in 2003); Translation - the basis of multilingualism and cultural diversity (in 2004); “The responsibility of the translator to the profession and society” - (in 2005); “Many languages ​​- one profession” (in 2006); “Don't Shoot the Messenger” (2007); Terminology: Words Have a Meaning (in 2008); “Working together” (in 2009).

Every year, as part of the celebration of the International Day of the Translator, the Federation of Translators holds traditional events. They can be roughly divided into three types:
1. Events during which the main place is given to public relations: various press conferences, communication with the press, radio and television reporters.
2. Events within which communication takes place directly with the main culprits of this holiday - translators: diplomas and prizes are awarded to the best of the best. For example, the Czech Association of Translators proposed to award translators for writing the best dictionary.
3. Events dedicated to the development of associations of translators: representatives of the associations take part in educational trainings, seminars.

Within a short period of time, the celebration of the International Day of the Translator has become a very important event among the representatives of this complex profession. Translators from all over the world are beginning to take pride in their work and the results of their work. Every year the number of countries in which associations of translators are active increases, and as a result, the number of countries that send information about their work to the International Federation of Translators increases. In connection with these facts, there is confidence that the interest in the profession of a translator will not dry out and will grow from year to year.

Even in the legend of the Tower of Babel, there is a mention of translators, since that time people cannot understand each other without their participation. Even though not everyone is aware of translation work, it is extremely important and very difficult. Even Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin noted that translators can be called post horses of enlightenment.

Since the middle of the 20th century, scientists and programmers around the world have taken up the development of various automatic translation programs using a personal computer. But until now, even the best computer translators cannot replace human translation. Indeed, when translating, the most important thing is to find a correspondence not with words, but with thoughts.