How to remove sticky eyelashes in bunches. Eyelash restoration products. Types of fake eyelashes

An article on the topic: "step by step instructions: how to remove false eyelashes at home" from professionals.

False eyelashes are very successfully presented to their owners with a mysterious and deep look, since now their choice is wide - both in types, colors, and in price range.

The packaging with the product contains instructions on how to glue any of the types yourself. Those who have already mastered this wisdom can do it in a matter of minutes. Another thing is that you also need to be able to remove false eyelashes.

After all, not every girl manages to do such manipulations in beauty salons, so it doesn't hurt to know how to remove false eyelashes at home.

What do you need?

This cosmetic product comes with a glue, which is characterized as superglue, rather a glue-resin. It is quite difficult to remove it. This manipulation, although it does not require titanic efforts and is carried out with a minimum of available tools, is a delicate process - after all, it is about the eyes.

  • Arm yourself with a few cotton pads. A couple of them will be useful for compressing, and the rest will be needed to apply the chosen cilia remover, and at the end of the procedure, remove its remnants.
  • A cotton swab will not interfere, or even better - a special microbrush (these are bought at the pharmacy).
  • It is recommended to have tweezers on hand: it can be used to detach the "pads" more conveniently and quickly than with your fingers, but you must use them very carefully so as not to damage your eyes.
  • Now the most important thing is the actual "removing" means. It can be vegetable oil; a sufficiently oily cream with a minimal risk of causing allergies; a habitual makeup remover containing vegetable or mineral oils. If this cosmetic trick is used often, it would be wise to buy a false eyelash remover from a professional cosmetics store.

We remove eyelashes with


Debonder is a professional tool for the upcoming operation. He is able to defeat the "eyelash" superglue.

When choosing a similar solvent, it is worth looking for a product made by the same company that released the adhesive. Now let's try to figure out how to remove false eyelashes using a debonder.

  • This should be done by first removing the makeup from the eyes.
  • Are the cotton pads ready? Place them on both lower eyelids.
  • It is necessary to treat the eyes with the solution one by one: first, complete with one, then take on the other.
  • Debonder is applied to the border of the eyelashes and eyelids with a cotton swab or microbrush so that the hairs are thoroughly saturated with the solution. Moreover, the movements should be wet - in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one.
  • After a minute, you can start removing the glued hairs with the same microbrush. This should be done from the edge of the cilia to their tips.
  • The resin cream will gradually dissolve under the influence of the solution, and the eyelashes will be removed without difficulty.

Debonder has a rather aggressive character, so you need to carefully monitor so that he does not accidentally get into the eyes - this is fraught with irritation.

  • Check to see if all the hairs “onlays” have come off.
  • The remnants of the product are removed with a tonic.
  • It remains to soak the cosmetic discs in cool water, placing them like a compress on the eyelids.
  • As a final step, it is recommended to apply an eye cream to them.


How to remove false eyelashes at home using oil? This is not difficult to do. First you need to choose the oil. It can be olive, castor or burdock is great. Cosmetologists consider baby, as well as coconut and almond oil the most preferable.

This method is suitable if the hostess does not plan to reuse the false eyelashes.

  • Heat the oil slightly.
  • Putting a little oil on your fingertips and rubbing them over your eyelids makes it easy to remove makeup. So no additional action is required to remove it.
  • You need heated water to wash your face.
  • The next step is to gently rub the oil over the eyelids, as well as the lines from which the eyelashes grow. We leave it for a couple of minutes.
  • The dissolution of the glue has begun - we proceed to the actual process of removing artificial eyelashes. They grab the tips as close to the root as possible. The inner corner of the eye is the starting point from which the cilia are removed. Neatly and gradually they peel off to the end - the outer corner.
  • A mild face wash and warm water rinses off oil and glue from the eyelids.

There is such a method for removing false hairs: olive oil is applied to the entire length of the eyelashes and left overnight. In the morning it will not be difficult to separate them from the real ones.


If for some reason neither the debonder nor the oil is suitable or you do not like, you can still learn how to remove false eyelashes at home using a cream. But there are a couple of conditions regarding it: it must be fat enough and not cause allergies.

You can even test it on this score, as usual, by applying a small amount of cream to the delicate skin of your wrist.

  • The selected cream is applied with a cotton ball at the place of attachment of the false eyelashes to your own.
  • The cream is kept on the eyelids for several minutes.
  • Remove eyelashes gently.
  • No less gently wash off, possibly, the remaining cream.

How are different types of eyelashes removed?

As you know, there are three types of false eyelashes: individual hairs, tufts, and an eyelash band. The general recommendations for their removal and the means used for this are the same. And on some of the nuances of how to remove false eyelashes at home, it is worth stopping.

  • Before removing the "tape cilia", it is recommended to hold cotton swabs moistened with lukewarm water on the eyelids for several minutes. This will help soften the glue.
  • A cotton swab is moistened with any of the already indicated means and a neat strip is drawn with it at the joints of the "ribbon" with one's own eyelashes.
  • This should be done slowly: let the debonder / oil / cream dissolve the adhesive better.
  • After waiting a few minutes, you can start removing the "overlays". The tape should be pulled with tweezers slowly, carefully and carefully, in order to avoid injury to the "native" cilia.
  • Eyelashes, glued individually or in bunches, are held on an adhesive that water can dissolve. But to facilitate the process and not to harm the eyes and eyelashes, a kind of steam bath is also recommended - in the form of warm, damp cotton swabs.
  • After softening, any remover is applied to the eyelids.
  • In this case, the artificial eyelashes are removed in the same way as they were glued: if they were glued one by one - one at a time and removed; if in bunches, they are removed in bunch.
  • The bundles can be removed while washing: a few movements with the palms in a circle - and they will come off.

When removing false eyelashes with anything - with your fingers or tweezers, you should never pluck them abruptly. This can result in the loss of a significant portion of the natural hairs.

To remove the remnants of the glue, the eyelids are wiped with a make-up remover, and then a special “age-old” cream is applied to them.

We will provide eyelash care

Having familiarized yourself with the technology of how to remove false eyelashes on your own, it does not hurt to learn how to then care for a decent eye frame - both natural and artificial.


  • Hair pads are by no means an everyday cosmetic attribute. Their purpose is special cases.
  • For natural eyelashes, using false eyelashes is akin to stress. Therefore, immediately after a celebration or a fateful meeting, artificial ones should be removed, not left overnight (besides, they can be lost during sleep).
  • If you do not adhere to this rule, you can not only intensively lose your own eye decoration, but also become allergic to glue, inflammation of the eyelid skin.
  • After removing bunches or ribbons, one must remember that "native" eyelashes are able to self-renew every two to three weeks. Let them rest during this time. You can nourish and strengthen the "charm of the eyes" by smearing them with burdock or castor oil every night.


You can use your artificial beauty more than once. But this does not mean that having removed it, you can simply put it on and forget it until next time.

  • From the removed cosmetic product, you must carefully remove the remaining glue and, possibly, mascara. To do this, use a cotton swab dipped in a make-up remover.
  • Then, having moistened a cotton pad in heated water, the hairs should be gently wiped off.
  • If the glue adheres firmly, it is washed off with soap and cleaned with a toothbrush or toothpick, carefully removing the dirt between the hairs.
  • Dry the false eyelashes on a paper towel.
  • They should only be stored in the packaging in which they were placed at the time of purchase.

If a girl has learned to glue false eyelashes on her own, then she will learn to shoot even more so. The main thing in this procedure is a certain amount of patience, accuracy and caution, and be sure: you will succeed!

Useful video

We remove eyelashes - master class.

If your eyelashes are light, sparse and short, you cannot fix it with mascara alone, and after all, any girl wants to be an irresistible beauty. And this can be achieved if you know how to glue false eyelashes at home.

It is the eyes that catch the eye in the first place, and their makeup must be flawless.

The final touch to your evening make-up

What is required

For a complete make-up, use your usual decorative cosmetics. But if you have always used a pencil to create an eye contour, now it is advisable to purchase a liquid eyeliner as well. When you start reading how to properly apply false eyelashes, you will understand why.

Now about what materials and tools you will definitely need.

Choosing eyelashes

It is important for a real woman to always look good, and not only on "ceremonial" occasions - at work, at a meeting with her friends, on a walk and even in line at the clinic. Therefore, there is an evening and everyday make-up. And false eyelashes are different too.

If once a month it is not so difficult to go to the salon to put yourself in order before a solemn event, then every morning before work no one will do this. So, we will figure out how to stick false eyelashes at home. But first you need to figure out what they are and choose the right ones.

There are two main types - bundles and ribbons.

  • The first are tassels of several hairs that are glued pointwise.
  • The second are bristles gathered in a row on a special thin ribbon glued to the entire eyelid at once.

The photo shows several types of strip false eyelashes

Both those and others differ in shape, color, length and thickness of hairs, the presence of additional decorations. And the tape is also the length of the lining itself - it can be shortened.

It is these eyelashes that are easiest to glue with your own hands, especially if you are doing it for the first time. They are attached from the middle of the century to the outer corner.

Ribbons take much less time than bunches, but bunches look more natural. So it's best to have a whole range of different applicators, and choose the right one depending on the circumstances.

Advice. To make your makeup look natural, try to choose false eyelashes made from natural materials on the thinnest ribbon possible. The plastic bristles are very rough and can injure the eyelids. And wide ribbons hardly take the desired shape and can come off at the edges.

Choosing glue

The second important question is which false eyelash glue is best to use? The one included in the kit does not always meet our expectations, so it is advisable to purchase a professional product with a normal shelf life.

Adhesives differ from each other in such characteristics as consistency, adhesion time, color, durability, price.

Glue for eyelashes

Specifications Explanations
Colors - transparent and black After drying, the transparent glue becomes invisible, which allows you to hide some imperfections. Black emphasizes the contours of the eyelids, but it is better to use it with more experience.
Coupling time It is different for band and beam eyelashes. The composition is applied to the ribbons 20-30 seconds before gluing, during which it acquires the desired viscosity. For the beams, you need instant glue, since it is long and difficult to glue false eyelashes with separate brushes.
Persistence The heavier and thicker the pads, the more durable the glue should be. And if there is a possibility of eye contact with water or being in a humid environment, you should choose waterproof formulations.

In short, you need to decide on what glue to glue false eyelashes on in each case.

Note. The instruction requires to store the opened bottle in the refrigerator at a temperature of + 3 + 5 degrees.

Cooking tools

Tweezers are an irreplaceable assistant when building

In addition to the things already listed, you will need:

  • eyelash curlers;
  • tweezers;
  • toothpicks;
  • cotton swabs;
  • scissors.

As well as a magnifying mirror and good lighting.

How to proceed

We will tell you how to properly glue false eyelashes, depending on their type.


The first step is to try on the lid on your eyelid and see if they match in length. The excess is cut off with ordinary nail scissors. The second ribbon is shortened along the first. You can also shorten the hairs themselves if they seem too long to you.

Fitting and fitting

Then stylists advise you to apply your usual makeup to the eyes - shade the eyelids, draw arrows, tint the eyelashes with mascara and curl them with tweezers.

Now you can talk about how to apply false eyelashes step by step:

  • squeeze a drop of glue onto a cotton swab, lightly smear it;
  • take the ribbon with tweezers by the edge and drag the joint line along the glue so that the entire strip is smeared with it;
  • wait a little for the composition to become viscous, and gently attach the false eyelashes to yours, trying to combine the glue strip with their growth line at the very roots;
  • press the joints with tweezers, if necessary, moving the ribbon to the desired position with a toothpick;

Tweezers are the main sticking tool

  • act starting from the outer corner of the eye and gradually moving towards the inner;
  • blink actively to make sure the applicator is securely fixed;
  • when gluing on the second strip, make sure that it is symmetrical to the first one.

It's easy to tell about false eyelashes - how to glue at home. But doing it yourself is more difficult. But it is enough to repeat the procedure several times to "fill your hand" and stop being afraid - and everything will work out.

Of course, for the first time, you should not take up this business right on the eve of publication. Take a time and practice.

Advice. Small flaws can be hidden by painting over the joint with liquid eyeliner. A pencil is unlikely to help here, they can be moved or peeled off the strip.


The bunches are good because they can be glued along the entire length of the eyelid, and only on the outer corners, and as you like, depending on your desire. But you will have to tinker a little longer.

Before you properly apply your false eyelashes in bunches, do your makeup and curl your eyelashes. Then take individual brushes with tweezers, dip them with the tip in a drop of quick-drying glue and, without waiting for time, immediately glue them in the chosen place.

Since the glue of instant action sets immediately, you do not have to hold them, you just need to press down the gluing point with tweezers.

To make everything work out beautifully and neatly, follow the recommendations:

  • start applying beams from the outer corner of the eyes;
  • slightly stretch the eyelid before "docking";
  • glue the beams alternately on one or the other eye, controlling the symmetry.

How to shoot

Few women think about how to peel off false eyelashes. They just pick them up by the corner and rip them off. You should not do this, otherwise, along with the artificial ones, you will tear off a lot of your own eyelashes or break them off. And for centuries, such harsh measures will not be beneficial.

It would be more correct to dissolve the glue and remove the pads calmly and painlessly. This can be done with the help of special products, and if they are not available, with the help of a fat cream or cosmetic oil.

The composition is applied with a brush or cotton swab to the edge of the eyelid, wait a minute, after which the eyelashes are easily removed

This method will not only spare your eyes, but also allow you to use the applicators several more times. From them you just need to clean off the remnants of the glue and store it in a container.


Watching the tutorial video in this article will help you get a better idea of ​​the whole process and relieve you of any uncertainty. Millions of women have been doing makeup with false eyelashes on their own for a long time, which means that you will succeed.

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Home »Eyelashes

It would seem that eyelashes are a very small part of a woman's appearance. But at the same time, both eyelashes and eyebrows are almost decisive, forming not only the general impression, but even the facial expression. No wonder their appearance has to be given so much attention.

False eyelashes

There are many methods for obtaining long, fluffy, gracefully curved eyelashes. This can be done in a very simple way - with the help of a special mascara, and by resorting to procedures that are much longer and more complex - to building, for example. The false eyelashes on this list represent the optimal combination between result, value and simplicity.

There are several types of such a solution. How to remove false eyelashes at home depends on which type of the latter was used for decoration.

  • Bundle - 3-4 hairs held together in one bundle. It is used in different ways: you can stick 1 bundle only in the corner of the eye to make a feline incision. Can be fixed several, giving fluffy lashes. You can attach the bundles from the inner corner to the outer corner for maximum effect. In this case, you need to use bunches of different lengths so that the eyelashes generally have a more natural look.

It is obvious that gluing the bundles is time consuming and requires great care. Shooting them yourself is also not easy at all.

  • Single - individual long or voluminous hairs, which are glued in 1-2 pieces in order to create the impression of thicker and longer eyelashes. This is the most successful "daytime" option, as it looks as natural as possible.
  • Tape - the hairs are glued to a special tape. The tape, in turn, is fixed along the edge of hair growth. The procedure for attaching and removing is much simpler, but the view is much more unnatural. Often, the model is used to create a thematic image: the hairs are decorated with rhinestones, sparkles, and give them an unusual color.
  • Particularly effective options of this kind are called decorative. Such models a priori may not seem natural, on the contrary, they are developed with the aim of impressing and attracting attention. Color, shiny stones, and shape, for example: a model in which the eyelashes form a certain ornament, are used.
  • Half-eyelid tape - in fact, designed to be attached only to the outer part of the eye. They look more natural, give the look more depth and visually change the cut - the effect of almond-shaped or cat's eyes. For beginners, this solution is the best: it is much easier to peel off false eyelashes of this kind, even without resorting to the services of a professional.

Of course, the choice of false eyelashes is not limited to just the type. You need to choose the length in accordance with the size and shape of the eye, as well as the shape of the eyebrows. The choice of color is no less significant: as a rule, they try to choose darker hairs in order to make the look deeper, however, for decorative options, a combination of black and colored hairs is often used. The bend also needs to be assessed sensibly: strongly curved artificial eyelashes in combination with "native" straight ones look not just unnatural, but sloppy.

Tips to help you remove eyelash extensions yourself:

Technology features

You can also fix false eyelashes yourself: there are no difficulties with fixing single models. Tape, although recommended for beginners, require more skill, mainly due to the fact that it is not always possible to fix the tape evenly and accurately along the ciliary edge immediately. It is not recommended to use bundles without sufficient experience.

The hairs are fixed using a special glue based on cyanoacrylate. The composition has an almost instant effect, so fixation must be done quickly. Accordingly, if the tape or bundle is applied incorrectly or too slowly, the glue neutralizer will be required immediately, and not in the evening, when you need to remove makeup.

You can remove eyelashes without special tools. It is important that the chosen solution meets several requirements:

  • did not irritate the skin of the eyelids, which excludes any alcohol-containing cosmetic liquids;
  • did not cause allergies - here you need to focus on individual characteristics and sensitivity to certain components;
  • dissolves the glue - the separation of artificial eyelashes should be as soft as possible, without effort. If there is at least some difficulty with removal, then the remedy is not suitable.

Water and soap or shampoo of any kind does not solve the problem at all. The adhesive polymerizes on drying and forms a water-resistant compound. An oil phase is required to dissolve it.

Removal procedure

How to remove false eyelashes practically does not depend on the nature of the product. The technology used is the same.

  1. First of all, you need to provide good lighting, otherwise you will have to literally separate the hairs by touch.
  2. Soak a swab or cotton swab with the remover.
  3. Artificial eyelashes are treated with a tampon starting from the outer edge. The composition is not rubbed in, the movements are very light, if necessary, repeat 2-3 times. The glue should completely dissolve within 3-4 minutes.
  4. The hairs are held with your fingers, again run with a tampon along the edge and carefully separated.
  5. After completing the procedure at home, it is recommended to rinse your eyes with warm water, and even better - with a tincture of chamomile or calendula in order to prevent possible inflammation.

False eyelashes can be disposable or long-lasting. In the first case, you can remove them with your fingers. In the second, you need to use tweezers: the hairs are picked up in the outer corner of the eye as close to the eyelid as possible, gently lifted so that they take a perpendicular position with respect to the "native" eyelashes, and then separated.

Efforts are not needed in this case. If the tape or bun is too tight, wait another 30 seconds for the remover to take effect. If necessary, you can process the hairs again.

Special product

A special tool for removing false eyelashes is called a debonder. You can buy it both in a cosmetic store and in a pharmacy. It contains special solvents - usually acetone, and other components that soften its effect.

Debonder is the most effective and easiest formulation to remove and is suitable with any type of glue and any type of artificial eyelashes. It does not affect the structure of hairs, both synthetic and natural. However, the acetone it contains can cause irritation. Therefore, before proceeding with gluing and removing hairs, it is worth doing a skin test to make sure that the smell of acetone is not overly influencing.

Beauty salons use professional products that have been tested for hypoallergenicity.

Alternative methods

How to remove false eyelashes not only in a beauty salon, but also at home? With the necessary experience and accuracy, this is easy to do, and you can use both a special composition and alternative methods.

  • The glue dissolves well in most oils with a fairly thick consistency. Most often, castor oil, burdock oil, olive oil, almond oil are used in home procedures. In extreme cases, you can also use sunflower, but, of course, refined, otherwise it will be difficult to get rid of the specific smell.
  • You can use a regular nutritious fat cream, preferably for children, since the latter does not contain allergy-causing ingredients. The removal technology is the same: a cotton pad or stick is impregnated with cream and treated with eyelashes. It will take more time to dissolve the glue, since the concentration of oil in the cream is lower.
  • Ordinary makeup remover is also suitable for this purpose. Its consistency is more suitable for treating eyelashes, but it will also take longer to dissolve.

After separating the hairs, it is necessary to carefully look at the eyelids: there may be glue residues on the growth line and on the eyelashes themselves. Remove it with the same means: moisten a cotton swab with oil, cream or a special composition and treat the skin.

How to remove false eyelashes? You can use a special product or home remedies. The main thing in this procedure is to be careful not to separate the hairs with force, otherwise you can damage your own eyelashes.

Beautiful, thick eyelashes are a female weapon of exceptional strength, literally knocking down the stronger sex. Those who have not been awarded with such an ornament by nature can take advantage of the achievements of modern science and do it.
The stores sell eyelashes of different types and colors, ranging from cheap Chinese "disposable" eyelashes to expensive products from well-known brands. The latter, by the way, can be used several times, they are perfectly preserved with proper care.

Gluing false eyelashes is not so difficult, it is quite possible to do it yourself, using the instructions on the packaging and accessories: a brush and glue. Another question: how to remove false eyelashes, if no manufacturer has taken care that information about this reaches consumers. Apparently, foreign experts believe that all our women regularly visit beauty salons and undergo cosmetic procedures there. However, most of our compatriots are used to doing everything with their own hands. For this majority, we post detailed instructions on how to remove false eyelashes at home.

You will need:

  1. Several cotton pads. Two of them will be used for pre-compress, the rest - for applying cream and then removing its remnants. If desired, you can also use a cotton swab.
  2. Olive oil, oily hypoallergenic cream or make-up remover containing vegetable or mineral oils. You can use special products for removing false eyelashes - they are sold in professional cosmetics stores. It makes sense to purchase these funds if you use false jewelry regularly.
  3. Tweezers. Of course, you can do the procedure with your own fingers, but tweezers will be safer, faster and more convenient.


Step 1. Preliminary

Before peeling off your false eyelashes, make sure that the process is painless for your eyes and eyelids. A pre-compress will not only help remove false jewelry, but also prevent possible irritation. Soften the glue well first. Do it like this: wet cotton pads with warm boiled water at room temperature or tea (no sugar!) And place them over your eyes. Wait a few minutes, remove the discs. Now your eyelids are ready for the procedure, you can start.

Step 2. Softening

Take another dry cotton pad and dab some greasy cream, olive oil, or makeup remover on it.

A special product for professional false eyelash removal is ideal. You can use a cotton swab for this, it's as convenient for you.

Apply emollients in a thin strip. Avoid contact with eyes. Then you should wait a few minutes. During this time, the glue will soften, and you can proceed to the next stage of the procedure.

Step 3. The most responsible

Using tweezers, gently lift the edge of your false eyelashes, being careful not to touch your own eyelashes. Remove any overhead jewelry carefully. Do not make sudden movements, act slowly and carefully, and do not forget that it is better to tear the false eyelashes (even the most expensive ones) than ruin your own.

Step 4. Final

Here are the cilia and removed. Now all that remains is to remove the remnants of the glue. To do this, you need to walk along the eyelashes with a special soft brush or just wash yourself thoroughly. Take this step responsibly: any glue remaining on your eyelashes can cause inflammation or allergies.

At the end of the procedure, lubricate your eyelashes with a small amount of burdock oil - it will protect the eyelids from inflammation and give a natural shine to your eyes. By the way, regular use of burdock or castor oil will strengthen your eyelashes, make them thicker and, who knows, maybe lead to something that appears naturally.

A few words about storage rules

Now you know how to properly remove false eyelashes. What to do with unsticked jewelry? Really throw it away? In no case. If you have found "your shape", then save your favorite jewelry to make it again. Eyelashes can be used several more times, provided they are stored properly, of course.

You need to store false eyelashes in a special container, in the same one in which they were sold. Remove residual glue and cream from false eyelashes, dry them and store them in their “native” container until next use.

And finally, a few more tips. Take your time and do not worry before removing false eyelashes - videos and photo instructions will help you do the right thing. See how professional cosmetologists do it, and do the same, and if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to visit a beauty salon. Your biggest enemy is your fear. If your hands are shaking before the procedure, then you can cause irreparable damage to your own eyelashes, so be extremely careful and attentive.

Below is a great video tutorial that will undoubtedly reinforce what you have read above. The video contains both tips for putting on and tips for removing eyelashes.

There can be many reasons why you need to learn how to remove eyelash extensions at home. But in each case, the technique of action should be the same. If you do not have the opportunity to contact a professional salon, use our advice.

  • 1 Removal technique
  • 2 Features of different funds
  • 3 Types of eyelash removers
    • 3.1 Professional tools

It is important not only to know how to remove eyelash extensions, but also how to do it safely. Most products, including those sold in pharmacies, can negatively affect the skin of the eyelids and the membranes of the eyes. Therefore, we recommend that you adhere to some of the rules presented below, so as not to worry about the restoration of cilia after a build-up or eye diseases in the future.

Removal technique

Prepare for the procedure. You will need an eyelash remover, a cotton swab and discs, a well-lit room and a mirror, tape and scissors.

  1. Take a cotton pad, cut it into 2 pieces. Cut a groove on one side. It is necessary to position the cotton pad exactly along the line of the eye to protect the skin during the procedure.
  2. Apply the resulting cotton pad to the lash line of the lower eyelid. Secure it with tape so that the protective pad adheres to itself and does not distract you from your work.
  3. Close the eye, pull down the eyelid, starting from its outer corner. So you can see where your eyelashes are located, and where the extensions are.
  4. Apply the product with a cotton swab exactly along the hair extension line. Soak it for the specified time (we will tell you more about how to remove false eyelashes using various means below).
  5. Gently grab the hairs, they should come off easily. If this did not happen, or some of them remained in place, carry out the procedure again. But in no case pull on the artificial eyelashes, as you will definitely damage yours.

Features of different funds

There are nuances that are important to consider when choosing a cilia remover. For example, you can remove extended eyelashes on resin at home only with special solvents that you need to purchase at the pharmacy. The same can be said for adhesives with cyanogen acrylate (or superglue). If adhesives on a different basis were used for the procedure, it is possible to do with more gentle means.

How to remove eyelash extensions at home with castor oil?

This procedure is called the safest, so it is worth trying it in each case "for the sake of the first experiment."

  1. Steam your face over a bowl of hot water. So the cilia will go away faster.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in the oil and apply it to your eyelashes. Avoid getting the oil in your eyes as it may irritate.
  3. Take a cotton swab and dip it in the oil again. Run it along the roots of the hairs until they begin to flake off. At the end of the procedure, remove the remaining oil with a paper towel.

How to remove false eyelashes at home by Debonder?

This agent is a solvent, has an aggressive effect on the eyes and eyelids, and has a characteristic odor (similar to acetone). You can buy it at the pharmacy, and use it with extreme caution.

  1. Provide yourself with a good view and carefully protect your lower eyelid.
  2. Saturate a cotton swab with the product and run it over the eyelash extensions from the outer edge.
  3. Move from the outer corner with light strokes. Within 3-4 minutes Debonder should dissolve the glue.
  4. Remove hairs with your fingers. Run Debonder over your lashes again to remove any glue residue.
  5. Rinse with warm water.

Types of eyelash removers

When deciding what means to remove extended eyelashes, you must first check with your master how he glued them. Modern professional adhesives are absolutely not susceptible to oils and greasy cream, so you can get rid of them only with the help of the same professional solvents. Moreover, according to cosmetologists, if you managed to peel off false eyelashes using home remedies, it means that economy-class adhesives were used to apply them, that is, not of the highest quality.

Professional remedies

  • The liquid for removing eyelash extensions is the same Debonder. There is no point in arguing about its effectiveness, it really works quickly and efficiently. But he also has a lot of disadvantages: during the procedure, the liquid exudes a pungent odor and fumes, which irritate the eyelids and eye membranes. If it gets into the eyes, it causes a burning sensation, redness of the membranes, it must be urgently washed out with water. Therefore, at present, it is practically not used in reputable salons.
  • Gel remover is a more modern product with a thick consistency... The advantage of the latter is the exclusion of its leakage into the eyes. In terms of the intensity of the effect, it is no different from Debonder, it evaporates in the same way during the procedure, which is why it is not suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Cream remover or paste is the best solution for removing eyelash extensions on your own... It has a thick consistency, does not flow, does not create fumes, and is odorless. It is applied to the base of the cilia and spread along their length. The procedure is comfortable and takes a minimum of time.

Using professional products, you will be able to remove false eyelashes painlessly and without consequences for eye health.

How to peel off false eyelashes: home appliances and tools - all about beauty on the site

False eyelashes are very successfully presented to their owners with a mysterious and deep look, since now their choice is wide - both in types, colors, and in price range.

The packaging with the product contains instructions on how to glue any of the types yourself. Those who have already mastered this wisdom can do it in a matter of minutes. Another thing is that you also need to be able to remove false eyelashes.

After all, not every girl manages to do such manipulations in beauty salons, so it doesn't hurt to know how to remove false eyelashes at home.

In this article:

What do you need?

This cosmetic product comes with a glue, which is characterized as superglue, rather a glue-resin. It is quite difficult to remove it. This manipulation, although it does not require titanic efforts and is carried out with a minimum of available tools, is a delicate process - after all, it is about the eyes.

  • Arm yourself with a few cotton pads. A couple of them will be useful for compressing, and the rest will be needed to apply the chosen cilia remover, and at the end of the procedure, remove its remnants.
  • A cotton swab will not interfere, or even better - a special microbrush (these are bought at the pharmacy).
  • It is recommended to have tweezers on hand: it can be used to detach the "pads" more conveniently and quickly than with your fingers, but you must use them very carefully so as not to damage your eyes.
  • Now the most important thing is the actual "removing" means. It can be vegetable oil; a sufficiently oily cream with a minimal risk of causing allergies; a habitual makeup remover containing vegetable or mineral oils. If this cosmetic trick is used often, it would be wise to buy a false eyelash remover from a professional cosmetics store.

We remove eyelashes with


Debonder is a professional tool for the upcoming operation. He is able to defeat the "eyelash" superglue.

When choosing a similar solvent, it is worth looking for a product made by the same company that released the adhesive. Now let's try to figure out how to remove false eyelashes using a debonder.

  • This should be done by first removing the makeup from the eyes.
  • Are the cotton pads ready? Place them on both lower eyelids.
  • It is necessary to treat the eyes with the solution one by one: first, complete with one, then take on the other.
  • Debonder is applied to the eyelash-eyelid border with a cotton swab or microbrush so that the hairs are thoroughly saturated with the solution. Moreover, the movements should be wet - in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one.
  • After a minute, you can start removing the glued hairs with the same microbrush. This should be done from the edge of the cilia to their tips.
  • The resin cream will gradually dissolve under the influence of the solution, and the eyelashes will be removed without difficulty.

Debonder has a rather aggressive character, so you need to carefully monitor so that he does not accidentally get into the eyes - this is fraught with irritation.

  • Check to see if all the hairs “onlays” have come off.
  • The remnants of the product are removed with a tonic.
  • It remains to soak the cosmetic discs in cool water, placing them like a compress on the eyelids.
  • As a final step, it is recommended to apply an eye cream to them.

This method is suitable if the hostess does not plan to reuse the false eyelashes.

  • Heat the oil slightly.
  • Putting a little oil on your fingertips and rubbing them over your eyelids makes it easy to remove makeup. So no additional action is required to remove it.
  • You need heated water to wash your face.
  • The next step is to gently rub the oil over the eyelids, as well as the lines from which the eyelashes grow. We leave it for a couple of minutes.
  • The dissolution of the glue has begun - we proceed to the actual process of removing artificial eyelashes. They grab the tips as close to the root as possible. The inner corner of the eye is the starting point from which the cilia are removed. Neatly and gradually they peel off to the end - the outer corner.
  • A mild face wash and warm water rinses off oil and glue from the eyelids.

There is such a method for removing false hairs: olive oil is applied to the entire length of the eyelashes and left overnight. In the morning it will not be difficult to separate them from the real ones.


If for some reason neither the debonder nor the oil is suitable or you do not like, you can still learn how to remove false eyelashes at home using a cream. But there are a couple of conditions regarding it: it must be fat enough and not cause allergies.

You can even test it on this score, as usual, by applying a small amount of cream to the delicate skin of your wrist.

  • The selected cream is applied with a cotton ball at the place of attachment of the false eyelashes to your own.
  • The cream is kept on the eyelids for several minutes.
  • Remove eyelashes gently.
  • No less gently wash off, possibly, the remaining cream.

How are different types of eyelashes removed?

As you know, there are three types of false eyelashes: individual hairs, tufts, and an eyelash band. The general recommendations for their removal and the means used for this are the same. And on some of the nuances of how to remove false eyelashes at home, it is worth stopping.

  • Before removing the "tape cilia", it is recommended to hold cotton swabs moistened with lukewarm water on the eyelids for several minutes. This will help soften the glue.
  • A cotton swab is moistened with any of the already indicated means and a neat strip is drawn with it at the joints of the "ribbon" with one's own eyelashes.
  • This should be done slowly: let the debonder / oil / cream dissolve the adhesive better.
  • After waiting a few minutes, you can start removing the "overlays". Pull the tape with tweezers slowly, carefully and carefully, to avoid injury to the "native" cilia.
  • Eyelashes, glued individually or in bunches, are held on an adhesive that water can dissolve. But to facilitate the process and not to harm the eyes and eyelashes, a kind of steam bath is also recommended - in the form of warm, damp cotton swabs.
  • After softening, any remover is applied to the eyelids.
  • In this case, the artificial eyelashes are removed in the same way as they were glued: if they were glued one by one - one at a time and removed; if in bunches, they are removed in bunch.
  • The bundles can be removed and washing: several movements with the palms in a circle - and they will come off.

When removing false eyelashes with anything - with your fingers or tweezers, you should never pluck them abruptly. This can result in the loss of a significant portion of the natural hairs.

To remove the remnants of the glue, the eyelids are wiped with a make-up remover, and then a special “age-old” cream is applied to them.

We will provide eyelash care

Having familiarized yourself with the technology of how to remove false eyelashes on your own, it will not hurt to learn how to then care for a decent eye frame - both natural and artificial.


  • Hair pads are by no means an everyday cosmetic attribute. Their purpose is special cases.
  • For natural eyelashes, using false eyelashes is akin to stress. Therefore, immediately after a celebration or a fateful meeting, artificial ones should be removed, not left overnight (besides, they can be lost during sleep).
  • If you do not adhere to this rule, you can not only intensively lose your own eye decoration, but also become allergic to glue, inflammation of the eyelid skin.
  • After removing the bundles or ribbons, remember that "Native" eyelashes are able to self-renew every two to three weeks. Let them rest during this time. You can nourish and strengthen the "charm of the eyes" by smearing them with burdock or castor oil every night.


You can use your artificial beauty more than once. But this does not mean that having removed it, you can simply put it on and forget it until next time.

  • From the removed cosmetic product, you must carefully remove the remaining glue and, possibly, mascara. To do this, use a cotton swab dipped in a make-up remover.
  • Then, having moistened a cotton pad in heated water, the hairs should be gently wiped off.
  • If the glue adheres firmly, it is washed off with soap and cleaned with a toothbrush or toothpick, carefully removing the dirt between the hairs.
  • Dry the false eyelashes on a paper towel.
  • They should only be stored in the packaging in which they were placed at the time of purchase.

If a girl has learned to glue false eyelashes on her own, then she will learn to shoot even more so. The main thing in this procedure is a certain amount of patience, accuracy and caution, and be sure: you will succeed!

Useful video

We remove eyelashes - master class.

In contact with


Carefully cut the cotton pad in half so that you get two semicircles. On the flat side of each semicircle, make a small cutout that follows the shape of the eye.

Dip cotton pads in warm olive oil and squeeze lightly.

Place half a cotton pad under your lower eyelid. Close one eye eyelashes grease thickly with heated oil along the entire length. Repeat the same procedure with the other eye. Be careful not to get the oil in your eyes.

Sit in a comfortable position, relax. With your eyes closed, wait 20-25 minutes. This time is enough for the glue to soften.

After the lapse of time, gently massage the growing area with your fingertips. With time eyelashes will begin to peel off. In no case should you pull for eyelashes or rub your eyes vigorously.

Using tweezers, carefully remove the loose eyelashes to avoid getting them in your eyes.

If the first time you cannot remove the built-up eyelashes, it is worth repeating the procedure again after a while, or leave the oil on the eyelashes all night. In the morning they can be removed without much effort.

For these purposes, there is a special liquid "Revumer" on sale, which dissolves the glue for eyelashes without damaging them. The gentle substances that make up the liquid have a beneficial effect on natural eyelashes making them less sensitive. This liquid is sold in beauty salons and cosmetics stores. But this tool should be taken with extreme caution and someone will need someone for the procedure for removing eyelashes.

After artificial eyelashes removed, you need to pay special attention to your own eyelashes. For several weeks on eyelashes it is worth applying castor oil, which nourishes and restores their growth well.

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Eyelashes not only protect the mucous membrane from moisture and dust, but also beautify the eyes. Thick and black eyelashes enlarge the eyes and make them much more expressive. What if nature has not rewarded you with thick long eyelashes? You can use invoices. They are often used to look good at a holiday, wedding or special occasion. However, sooner or later waybills eyelashes need to be removed, otherwise your own may suffer.

You will need

  • In order to get rid of artificial beauty, you will need cotton pads, fat cream or olive oil, tweezers.


Now, carefully start peeling off your lashes. You can use tweezers for this. Don't make any sudden movements.
If you notice that some of the lashes are still in place, then apply more or oil on them. Do not use force under any circumstances, it may skin the eyelids.

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Often after using false eyelashes, your own lashes need treatment. Before going to bed, gently, avoiding contact with the eyes, smear the eyelashes with burdock oil.

Useful advice

After you have removed all of your eyelashes, be sure to clean any glue residue from your eyelids.

There are few modern people who would not like to correspond to the beauty canons of their time. If in real life this is sometimes impossible - our body does not always obey the dictates of the mind - then virtually, in a photograph, it is in our power to make our image more attractive. For example, Adobe Photoshop will help you decorate your eyes with long fluffy eyelashes.

You will need

  • computer;
  • photoshop;
  • ability to work in the program.


Let's open the image in Adobe Photoshop. (Menu File> Open / File> Open) With sufficient magnification, take a close look at the eyes of the model. Often, due to a lack of makeup, in very bright light, etc., eyelashes can look faded. To begin with, let's just try to increase their volume.
First of all, let's carry out preliminary preparation of the image: select the area on the image, which, in fact, we have to process. Use the Lasso tool to outline the area of ​​the eyelashes, trying to keep in addition to the eyelashes other dark details - the iris, folds of the skin, etc. - they were not included in the selection outline. Having completed the selection, let's create a new layer, on which the work will now take place. Through the menu Layer> New> Layer via Copy (Layer> New> Layer by copying) copy the selected area into a separate layer. You can also do this by pressing Ctrl + J.

Among the filters of the program, we will find the Minimum effect (menu Filter> Other> Minimum / Filter> Other> Minimum). In fact, we have to imitate how mascara works. Around each dark line of the image - and in the selection, these are our cilia - a dark outline will be created, visually increasing it in volume. Looking at the changing image, we select the parameter of the radius of the effect. As a rule, it should be in the range of several units, while its excessive increase creates an unpleasant "daub" effect for the eye.

It's better to switch the blending mode of the new working layer to Darken so that only dark details affect the original image. You can also try to apply to it a filter from the Sharpen set (Sharpness) in order to increase the clarity of the boundaries of the newly created "tinted" eyelashes.

But sometimes the number of real eyelashes existing in the image is not enough, or in the image they look so light that no "automatic" mascara can improve the situation. Then you have to draw new eyelashes by hand.
Instead of the previous operation, we can do the following: in the same way, create a new layer on which the existing eyelashes and eye contours are located. Let's use the Smudge Tool, which looks like a finger on the icon, with which you can smudge. Actually, each eyelash will be such a "long stroke". We will empirically select the parameters of this tool: the diameter of the brush needs to be within a few pixels, then the eyelashes will be thin. Another important adjustment element is the Strength parameter - it will be responsible for the length of the drawn eyelash. Most likely, with a small tool diameter, a value in the region of 80% will be optimal, but for each unique one it will need to be selected individually.
Now, with arcuate movements, we can stretch the paint from the dark areas of the eye contour, creating a semblance of eyelashes. The same "finger" can be used for existing eyelashes. It must be remembered that we can always undo the last action by pressing Ctrl + Z on or choosing the command Undo from the Edit menu. After some practice and choosing the parameters, you, in the end, can effortlessly supplement the original image with the missing details.
Of course, the created layer can also be finalized by sharpening or even adding volume to the new lashes, as described above.

As a result, you can compile the final image from several layers obtained in different ways, overlaying them on each other, changing their transparency and blending mode (in some cases, good believable results are obtained, for example, the blend mode of the Luminosity layer instead of Darken).

You can also improve the portrait, not only by finishing the eyelashes, but also by making light makeup, additionally drawing the eyes, drawing "arrows" and applying shadows on the eyelids. All this can be done right there, taking advantage of the many possibilities of digital technologies and design programs.

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In addition to adding eyelashes to a photo in Photoshop, you can easily do makeup, change your eye color, cleanse your skin and whiten your teeth, or disfigure your photo into a glamorous portrait.

Useful advice

You may find your eyelashes too heavy. This can be easily fixed by lowering the Opacity of this layer in the Layers Palette.


  • How to make eyelashes in Photoshop in 2019
  • how to make eyelashes in Photoshop in 2019

Hair extensions have long been in vogue. It really looks pretty beautiful and impressive, but sometimes situations arise when hair extensions need to be removed. In the salon, this service will be quite expensive, so you can try to remove your hair at home.


Get it somewhere or purchase special tongs for removing hair extensions.
Apply to hair with olive or.
After that, apply a mask on top for (you can replace it with very oily sour cream if you do not have a mask at hand).
After a while, take a hair extension removal tong and use it to gently remove the hair.

For this method, you also need special tongs. In addition, purchase a special thinner. Pour the extended strand capsule on it.
Crush the softened capsule with tongs. The strand will fall off easily.

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Useful advice

After applying any of the described methods, be sure to go to a specialist. Let him check how badly damaged your hair is and select the necessary restorative and nourishing masks according to his observations.


  • Hair Extensions Removal / Hair Extensions / Hairlife

Today it is not difficult to radically change your appearance. One such procedure that allows a woman to obtain luxurious curls of the desired length is hair extensions. Unfortunately, this pleasure is not long-lasting, so you often have to visit a beauty salon to correct your hair.


Correction of hair extensions allows you to preserve their aesthetic appearance, natural shine and naturalness. It is done every 2-4 months. And although the timing of such a procedure is considered common for everyone, only a specialist can determine the optimal time for it.

Visit your master. He will assess the condition and characteristics of your natural strands and appoint an approximate time for the correction of hair extensions. Usually it is necessary when the hair grows no more than 3-4 cm. Stick to the specified period. In this case, removal and correction will be a simple and painless procedure.

Initially, a special solution is applied to the hair, dissolving the capsule and at the same time moisturizing its own hair. After that, the master breaks the capsule with special forceps and gently pulls together the extended strand. And so strand by strand. The removed hair is then gently washed, dried and the ends where the capsules were located are cut off. The head is washed at the same time.

Correction of hair extensions begins from the bottom row, gradually moving upward. If you did an extension, then a new keratin capsule is soldered on each strand. Then it is placed under a natural strand, heated with an apparatus with tongs and attached to your hair.

When correcting hair extended using cold technologies, a new polymer is applied to each strand or new cutings (ready-made strips) are placed. As a result, all the removed strands return to their places, only move closer to the roots.

Useful advice

To keep your hair extensions beautiful and natural for longer, take good care of them. Wash, dry and comb your hair following the recommendations of the hair extender. After removal, well-groomed hair can be extended again.

Long and thick eyelashes make the look charming and attractive. But the constant use of mascara slows down their growth, leading to dullness and shedding. You should not be upset, regular and proper care will help you maintain the health and beauty of your eyelashes.

It has a very strong effect on the eyes and eyelashes, so its choice must be taken seriously. This is especially true for mascara. Choose one that contains natural ingredients and vitamins for eyelashes. It is advisable to use double mascaras. The tube of double mascara is divided into two parts, one contains the white protective base, and the other contains the mascara itself. The white base coats the lashes, thereby protecting them from the harmful effects of mascara. If in a double mascara you do not like how the "side" is applied - take another, thicker mascara and apply it on a white layer.

Apply castor oil to your eyelashes every day before bed. It has a thick consistency, so it practically does not spread and does not get into the eyes. You can also use natural vegetable jojoba oil, sandalwood oil, almond oil, flaxseed oil. The combination of these oils will not only stimulate the growth of eyelashes, but also help relieve inflammation and swelling of the eyelids. To apply oil to your eyelashes, use an unnecessary mascara brush, rinse it and douse it with boiling water. After that, dip in oil and apply to lashes, trying to comb through them completely.

Make tea and herbal compresses at least two basins a week. Brew together black tea, cornflower, chamomile, sage. Soak a cotton swab in the infusion and apply to the eyes for 20 minutes. This procedure perfectly nourishes and strengthens the eyelashes. Remember to remove your makeup before bed. A make-up remover containing aloe, parsley or chamomile extract is suitable for this. You can also use almond oil. It enhances the growth of eyelashes and removes fine lines around the eyes.

Don't use an eyelash curler as it will drain your lashes. When buying eye cosmetics, carefully look at the expiration date. Change your mascara every three months.

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Tip 7: How to quickly restore eyelashes after extension

Natural restoration of eyelashes after extension is a long-term process. To accelerate it, you should nourish the eyelashes with various oils and vitamins.

Eyelash extension is, at first glance, a completely harmless process. But after removing the eyelashes, the quantity and quality of your eyelashes leaves much to be desired. How to quickly and effectively restore your eyelashes?

Firstly, during the recovery period, you should abandon mascara, so as not to burden the already weakened eyelashes once again.

Secondly, the main rule of recovery is the regularity of procedures. Peach, burdock (but without various additives, especially pepper) and castor oil are best suited. Apply the oil as an eyeliner (along the lash line) after washing in the morning and evening. At night, you can treat the cilia themselves with oil to nourish and strengthen. An important rule is that the oil should be at room temperature! The procedure is carried out daily for two to three weeks. Eyelash renewal usually occurs within a month. With active feeding, the growth rate and density increase significantly.

Thirdly, for the growth of not only eyelashes, but also hair, more red and orange vegetables should be consumed. They contain a lot of vitamin A - which speeds up the renewal process. As a result, hair and nails grow faster. There are also liquid vitamins that you can buy at the pharmacy. They can be used in combination with oils. Oil - at night, in the morning - a special agent.

After the completion of the recovery process, it is important to periodically carry out such procedures. Nourish the eyelashes with various oils regularly 2-3 times a week in order to have natural thick and long eyelashes.

Tip 8: How To Quickly Restore Eyelashes With Castor Oil After Extension

The look is a woman's main weapon. Therefore, absolutely every girl wants to have long and thick eyelashes, and only a few can boast of such a gift from nature. In pursuit of beauty, the fair sex often resort to eyelash extensions, after which “relatives” inevitably become brittle and inconspicuous. But it is possible to restore eyelashes after extension, you just need to be patient! An affordable and effective remedy - castor oil - will help heal damaged eyelashes!

The most beneficial properties of castor oil include:

  1. Softening and moisturizing the skin: castor oil is used in the care of dry skin to eliminate flaking, with a loss of elasticity.

  2. Whitening and smoothing of complexion: the oil helps to lighten age spots, acne, freckles.

  3. Anti-inflammatory agent: effective in treating acne, kills pathogens and prevents the spread of inflammatory processes on the skin.

  4. Hair nourishment: due to its high content of fatty acids, "castor oil" is included in many masks for growth, nourishment and strengthening of hair, and also prevents eyelash breakage.

  5. Regenerating property: the oil stimulates skin healing, it can be used to heal burns, small wounds, it also effectively fights calluses, corns and cracked heels.

  6. Rejuvenating effect: the constant use of castor oil helps to get rid of fine expression lines on the face.

Castor oil for eyelashes

As stated earlier, castor oil has a variety of medicinal properties. It contains ricinoleic acid, which determines its beneficial properties in the restoration of eyelashes. Castor oil envelops the hairs and actively nourishes the eyelash bulb itself, saturating it with useful substances. Due to the viscous consistency of castor oil, the structure of the eyelashes is regenerated - small scales are interconnected. The surface of the eyelashes is smoothed and softened. With the daily use of castor oil, after 2-3 weeks you will notice a positive result! Weakened eyelashes will revive, become stronger and thicker and grow with lightning speed.

A recipe for fast eyelash growth

Ever since childhood, we all know the expression “eat carrots to grow up”. This vegetable contains vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on growth. Therefore, if your goal is to grow long eyelashes, add a few drops of "growth vitamin" to castor oil before use.

Eyelash Strengthening Recipe

To get rid of lash loss, mix equal proportions of castor oil and almond oil. This mixture prevents hair breakage and thinning, as almond oil contains 2 main beauty vitamins A and E.

Recipe for silky eyelashes

To make your lashes soft and silky again, try the following remedy: Mix 1 teaspoon of castor oil with 1 teaspoon of petroleum jelly. Vaseline softens hairs well and gives shine.

Eyelash Nutrition Recipe

A very effective means for nourishing eyelashes is a mixture of castor and burdock oils in a 1: 1 ratio. These oils are high in fatty acids that will help your lashes become more hydrated and fluffy.

Eyelash lengthening recipe

To prepare this recipe, you must combine castor oil and aloe juice in equal proportions. Shake the components thoroughly, apply such a product for 20-30 minutes on eyelashes cleaned of makeup every day. Aloe is a source of carotenoids that accompany growth, as well as a storehouse of beneficial trace elements.

Recipe for very damaged eyelashes

You can heal the eyelashes weakened after the extension with the following recipe: mix 1 teaspoon of cognac, castor oil and petroleum jelly. Due to the content of cognac in the mixture, the hairs will become darker by 1-2 tones, castor oil will awaken growth and strengthen them, and petroleum jelly will give softness and shine. Be careful! Apply the product only to the eyelashes, avoiding contact with the eyelids.


  • Pregnancy and lactation;

  • Hypersensitivity.

Be sure to run an allergy test before use. To do this, apply a small amount of oil to the skin area and wait about 30 minutes. If you experience discomfort, redness, or itching, then most likely the oil is not suitable for you.

Precautionary measures

  1. It is best to store the oil in a dark, opaque container in a cool, dark place. Subject to the storage conditions, the shelf life of castor oil after - 2 years.

  2. For ease of use, you can pour the "castor oil" into an old tube from under the mascara, after thoroughly rinsing and drying the container.

  3. When choosing castor oil for cosmetic purposes, you should pay attention to cold-pressed oil.

  4. It is necessary to apply the oil directly to the eyelashes; it is not recommended to rub the oil into the eyelids. Otherwise, the next morning you are guaranteed to get unattractive eyelid puffiness and bags under the eyes.

  5. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to use the oil warmed up.

Regular use of castor oil in combination with other products will help you grow long, thick and strong eyelashes! Choose the recipe that suits you, use it regularly and the result will not keep you waiting!

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  • Methods and means for restoring eyelashes after extension Stock up on cotton pads, a mirror, castor oil and a debonder .. A little acetone is also included in the debonder. Therefore, if sensitive, it will pinch. It comes with a built-in brush, so you don't need anything else. Place a cotton pad on your lower eyelid so that it and your lower eyelashes do not get dirty. Close your eye tightly and do not open. Apply slowly to the extensions eyelashes thin layers of the agent, so as not to get into the eyes. Tingling sensations may occur from vapors. Then wait about a minute and apply the Debonder with a brush from the base of your eyelash extensions. No need to run all the way down to the tip. The resin will slowly begin to dissolve and build up eyelashes will easily be removed, remaining on a brush, or on a cotton pad. Take it all off eyelashes, rinse well with warm water. Then repeat the same procedure with the second one. After they removed the extended eyelashes, anoint your eyelids.

    Women use a variety of ways to improve their appearance. Eyelash extensions have recently become very popular among the fair half of humanity. Of course, you can emphasize the eyes and give a special depth to the look in this way, but it is very difficult to walk with extended eyelashes for a long time. Firstly, allergies may appear, and secondly, the upper eyelid becomes heavier. You can remove eyelash extensions at home.

    Purchase Debonder eyelash extensions remover. Carefully study the instructions and only then proceed directly to the procedure. Make sure that the liquid does not get on the mucous membrane. If this happens, rinse your eyes thoroughly under cool water. "Debonder" refers to semi-professional products.

    If you have not found it in stores in your city, then try to remove eyelash extensions with a fat cream or oil. Moisten a cotton ball liberally and apply it to your lashes for 30 minutes. Try prying off the patch with tweezers. If you experience pain, reapply the oil to your eyelashes and leave it on overnight. Repeat the procedure in the morning.

    It is not always possible to remove eyelashes. Therefore, it is better to contact a beauty salon, especially since such a service will cost you a small amount. After removing your eyelash extensions, restore yours by applying a small amount of castor oil to them before bed.