How to find out about early pregnancy after caesarean. Is it possible to get pregnant after a caesarean section

According to statistics, doctors decide on a caesarean section in 10-20% of cases of delivery. But many women do not want to stop there and are planning another child. A new pregnancy after a caesarean section is a certain risk for a woman. Which, however, does not mean that you need to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbecoming a mother again. But bearing a baby will be safe only if a number of conditions are met.

In some cases, doctors categorically prohibit re-pregnancy after a cesarean. It is always associated with serious diseases:

  • Diseases of the genitourinary system, for example, chronic pyelonephritis, bladder stones.
  • Asthma, chronic bronchitis
  • Diabetes
  • Severe thyroid disease
  • Heart diseases

In all these cases, doctors still in the maternity hospital warn the young mother that she can no longer have children: this threatens the woman's life. If you are generally healthy, then you can get pregnant again.

How to plan a new pregnancy

Preparation begins with the choice of reliable contraception, because you can’t get pregnant right away. An important question: how long can you get pregnant after a cesarean section.

Secondary gestation after cesarean is possible after 2 years. Early pregnancy can be dangerous.

The fact is that the scar that appears after the operation is not yet strong enough to withstand repeated loads. The failure of the scar can lead to rupture of the uterus during gestation or the birth of a baby.

Keep in mind that over time, the scar loses its strength, so you should not delay with a second pregnancy either. The optimal period is 2-4 years after CS. The maximum is 10 years.

However, much depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. If a woman wants to become pregnant earlier than two years after a caesarean section, she is advised to undergo a full examination by a gynecologist. It is also required to do an ultrasound of the uterus in order to find out what condition the scar is in. In addition to ultrasound, there are techniques that can accurately assess the condition of the scar - its structure and thickness.

  • Hysteroscopy. An endoscope is inserted into the uterus. The doctor will examine the scar and make a conclusion about whether it has healed enough. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia. It doesn't hurt, it's rather uncomfortable. In commercial centers, the price of such a procedure starts at 3,000 rubles.
  • Hysterosalpingography. The scar is examined with an X-ray. A special contrast agent is used, which is injected into the uterus. The procedure is usually performed without anesthesia. According to reviews on the forums, it hurts, but tolerable. Price - from 4000 rubles.

Both of these techniques are only suitable for non-pregnant women. If the scar is strong enough, pregnancy is allowed.

So, the universal answer to the question of when you can get pregnant after a cesarean section is 2 years. But individual "corrections" in one direction or another are possible.

How to get pregnant after caesarean? If the first time you got pregnant easily, if the operation went without complications, the menstrual cycle is regular, then there will most likely be no problems with conception. The norm is the conception within a year of regular sexual activity without contraception. If the experience of attempts is longer, consult a doctor - you need to be examined.

"Thin ice": what to do if you got pregnant earlier

But what to do if the pregnancy came earlier than the period prescribed by the doctors? Is it really impossible to save the child, and will you have to have an abortion? Time is the deciding factor here.

One and a half years after CS

Don't worry. Most likely, the pregnancy will go well. Two years for the formation of a strong scar is a “with a margin” period. Of course, pregnancy after a year and a half is walking on thin ice. But the chances of a successful outcome are good. The doctor will certainly allow you to bear the child. You just need to visit a doctor regularly, follow all his recommendations and take care of yourself.

One year after CS

What to do if you accidentally become pregnant a year after a caesarean section? Previously, doctors sent such mothers for an abortion without talking. Now that medicine has reached a different level, there are good chances that everything will go well and a healthy baby will be born.

It is important for you to register for pregnancy as soon as possible and follow all the recommendations of the doctor. During pregnancy, you will have to wear a bandage. In the third trimester, be prepared to lie down to save. It is most likely that you will not be able to give birth on your own - a second caesarean awaits you (although there are exceptions). Your OB/GYN will decide.

However, if the cesarean was corporal (it is performed infrequently, the only indication for it is the transverse position of the fetus), then usually a year is not enough for the scar to heal. Such a pregnancy would be risky.

6-9 months after CS

If pregnancy occurs 9 months after cesarean, and even more so after six months, this is a serious situation. The decision on whether to continue the pregnancy or not should be taken carefully together with the obstetrician-gynecologist. If it is decided to leave the child, then the pregnancy will take place under constant monitoring of the state of the seam. In the third trimester, hospitalization is mandatory.

2-4 months after CS

Pregnancy immediately after caesarean is impossible: reproductive function has not yet been restored. Yes, and sexual relations are prohibited until the postpartum hemorrhage has ended. But already two months after cesarean, the first ovulation is possible (provided that you are not breastfeeding). Most often, menstruation occurs 3 months after cesarean. This means pregnancy is also possible. However, both 2 months and 3 months after cesarean, the suture is completely unprepared for repeated loads. During pregnancy, it can disperse, and this is a risk to the life of the expectant mother.

Therefore, if the pregnancy after the CS came early, you need to have an abortion.

If pregnancy occurred 4 months after cesarean and earlier, then surgical abortion is dangerous for reproductive function. Pregnancy is terminated at an early stage with the help of medications. If you delayed going to the doctor, you will have to have a surgical abortion. And this is fraught with infertility.

In any case, if a woman is pregnant, you need to urgently consult a doctor, he will decide what to do: terminate the pregnancy or keep it.

Pregnancy and childbirth

During pregnancy after a caesarean section, a woman needs to register with a gynecologist as soon as possible. Ultrasound examination is carried out much more often than during normal pregnancy. In the last trimester, you may have to lie down to save.

If a woman becomes pregnant with twins after a cesarean, she risks stretching the uterus. This is a high risk pregnancy.

A planned caesarean section is performed at 38-40 weeks of gestation, taking into account the individual indicators of each patient.

It happens that a second pregnancy after a caesarean section successfully ends in natural childbirth. The birth of a child without surgical intervention increases the chances of giving birth to a second and third time in the future. If the birth was carried out without surgery, the body recovers much faster.

Cesarean is necessarily repeated in the following situations.

  1. The mother is suffering from chronic diseases.
  2. pathology of pregnancy.
  3. The woman became pregnant in her thirties.
  4. The abdominal cavity accounted for more than two operations.

In other cases, it is up to the doctor to decide whether to give birth on her own or to do a caesarean again.

The question of how many times you can give birth after a cesarean depends directly on the body of the expectant mother and the condition of her uterus. General rule: CS can be done no more than three times.

So, the answer to the question of when you can get pregnant after a cesarean section depends on a number of factors. These include the condition of the sutures, as well as the individual characteristics of the body of the mother and fetus.

Many women are very afraid of pregnancy after a caesarean section. There is nothing to be surprised here, because psychologically it can be difficult to carry the fetus again in the uterus, which already has a scar. And he always remains after the last operation. However, there are no contraindications to pregnancy after a caesarean section. Moreover, if the girl has no complications, she can give birth to her baby without the intervention of a surgeon. Doctors always consider this possibility.

Pregnancy Three children consultation
anesthesia after childbirth
9 months

The appearance of another baby is a big event for the family and the most wonderful thing that can happen in life. It’s just important to follow all the doctor’s instructions, and also remember that no matter how much you would like to conceive a child immediately after the operation, you should not rush into a new pregnancy.

When can you plan to conceive?

Some mothers plan pregnancy as early as 3-6 months after the last caesarean section. This is very dangerous for both mother and baby. The fetus may simply not survive because the uterus is still too weak. The scar on the uterus should get stronger, heal completely. If this does not happen before the next conception, there is a risk of uterine rupture.

It is allowed to plan another pregnancy after a cesarean section at least after one year. Better yet, a couple of years have passed.

It is worth knowing that at this time it is impossible to have an abortion, since the scar can rupture due to mechanical action on the uterine wall. Therefore, it is worth taking care of contraception in order to allow the body to recover and prevent pregnancy already 6-7 months after the last cesarean section.

Before planning another child, a woman will need to undergo an ultrasound examination of the uterus to determine the thickness and viability of the scar. An examination of the uterine cavity, a study of its walls (hysterography, hysteroscopy) is also carried out. The doctor checks from which tissues the scar has formed. Ideally, it should be formed from muscle tissue. Information about this is necessary in order to determine the method of delivery in case of repeated singleton or multiple pregnancy after the operation.

The second pregnancy, which occurred after childbirth by caesarean section, has several features. For example.

  1. The scar on the uterus can disperse during pregnancy already 4-5 months after the operation, since it heals only after 2 years.
  2. Abortion cannot be done, because the uterus can rupture or become inflamed.
  3. The placenta can attach to the scar, as a result of which the fetus will not receive the substances necessary for its development and growth.

It is worth planning at least a year after the operation

In the second pregnancy, which occurred 9 months or a year and a half after the caesarean section, the mother is under the closest attention of the doctor. She is prescribed regular palpation of the uterus, ultrasound studies. These measures will allow timely detection of a possible divergence of the seam and take the necessary measures. Often the last operation is followed not only by the second conception, but also by the third. You should not worry, but you must unquestioningly follow the recommendations of the gynecologist, especially if past births occurred in an unnatural way.

Each operation injures, greatly thins the walls of the uterus. The features of the third pregnancy, which occurred after two operations by caesarean, include:

  • high fetal weight;
  • the risk of premature labor pains;
  • the fetus begins to move earlier.

The estimated day of delivery is calculated in the same way as before. To 1 day of the last menstruation, you need to add 40 weeks. If the day of conception is known exactly, 38 weeks must be added to it, which will provide more accurate data on the appearance of a child during pregnancy after 2 cesarean sections. At the same time, the peculiarity is precisely that only 5% of babies appear on the set date. The rest are born either a week earlier or wait another week. But a healthy pregnancy always lasts about 38-42 weeks.

In the second and third pregnancies after a caesarean section, a woman feels the baby's movements much earlier. This is also due to the fact that she knows these sensations, so she does not confuse them with intestinal gas. Most often, with the first child, the mother notices movements at 23-24 weeks, and with subsequent ones already at 16 weeks.

When, after two past operations, the third pregnancy occurred, it is necessary to regularly assess the condition of the fetus, the formed scar. To do this, at 35-38 weeks, an ultrasound study, CTG is performed. The doctor usually prescribes these procedures before childbirth, but if necessary, does it at other times.

How many times can you have surgery?

All women who have become pregnant after a caesarean section are interested in how often the operation can be performed. Doctors do not recommend more than three times, because with each operation, the walls of the uterus become thinner. However, today a woman is allowed to give birth in this way an unlimited number of times, especially abroad. A lot depends on
used materials, tools, method of carrying out the operation.

Three children were born by caesarean section

And, of course, the question of the number of possible surgical interventions should be decided taking into account the state of health of the mother and her individual characteristics, because in some cases the operation can lead to the development of immunodeficiency. In a third of girls after the second cesarean, inflammatory processes, urinary tract infections occur.

Even today, the priority is always vaginal delivery. Therefore, if the process of bearing a child goes without complications, and doctors recommend natural delivery, you should not refuse it. This is safer for both you and your baby, especially if you've had a caesarean section before. Vaginal delivery is recommended in the following cases.

  1. The scar does not hurt, does not bother the woman.
  2. Fruit weight maximum 3.5 kg.
  3. The woman has only one transverse scar.
  4. The placenta is located outside the scar.
  5. There is no danger of scar divergence, it is in good condition.

However, if there are certain pathologies, the operation will again have to be performed. It refers to contraindications.

  1. The presence of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, traumatic brain injury, severe myopia.
  2. Multiple pregnancy.
  3. Deformation of the pelvic bones, spine.
  4. Insufficient width of the pelvis.
  5. Cicatricial fixation of the placenta.
  6. Scar after longitudinal section and from connective tissue.

Also, many doctors recommend surgery if the woman in labor is older than 35 years. In this case, she needs close monitoring by a doctor in the last stages, so obstetricians and gynecologists usually play it safe and put the expectant mother into preservation. A new pregnancy after a caesarean section will have a natural outcome and proceed without complications if the woman's health and her reproductive condition is not in danger and is normal. But even in this case, you need to constantly be observed by a doctor in order to exclude the divergence of the seam. This can lead to fatal consequences.

Many girls are simply afraid to give birth on their own and, in order not to experience pain during this process, choose a caesarean section. Yes, the operation is always carried out under the strongest anesthesia, but as soon as it ceases to work, the pain can be much stronger than during natural childbirth. In addition, even one operation is stressful for the human body, let alone two or more.

Despite the advances in medicine, it is very difficult to foresee all the consequences. Again, it will take a very long time to recover, the suture on the uterus will hurt a lot, and the wound on the stomach will cause certain inconvenience. Also, this operation is always accompanied by a greater loss of blood than during natural childbirth. Therefore, you need to weigh the pros and cons, and then make a decision.

The danger of conception after surgery

After abdominal surgery, you need to allow the body to fully recover and only after that plan a pregnancy after a cesarean section. During the entire recovery period, you need to limit yourself from serious physical exertion and stress. The main risk of bearing a child after surgery is the condition of the postoperative scar on the uterus. It is formed due to the fact that during the operation the uterine wall is dissected, therefore, with subsequent conceptions, its strength and low extensibility can become a serious risk. That is why, after a caesarean section, early pregnancy is so dangerous.

Mandatory consultation with a specialist

The failure of the scar can cause rupture of the uterus, as the fetus causes stress on its walls. In addition, it is possible that the fetus will be attached close to the scar. Because of this, he will not receive enough blood, which will affect his development. Repeated pregnancy, both 8 months and 2 years after one or two caesarean sections, is complicated by a high risk of developing respiratory diseases and the unborn child.

Also, as already described above, surgical delivery is accompanied by severe blood loss, and this causes the development of anemia in girls. Therefore, a lack of iron in the mother's body can be the cause of malformations of the baby, and abortion is not recommended, since this is an even greater risk than the early conception of a child. Every effort must be made to ensure that this happens in a timely and planned manner.

How long can you get pregnant after a caesarean section, the doctor will answer. Before starting planning, the reasons for previous surgery should be considered. It is also necessary to assess the general condition of the patient and identify the end of the recovery period. Only after that a decision is made about the nature of the upcoming birth.

Early pregnancy after caesarean section is unacceptable. The prohibition is associated with the presence of various processes in the body. The recovery period is accompanied by such processes as:

  • the formation of scar tissue on the uterine wall;
  • restructuring of the hormonal system;
  • psycho-emotional change;
  • restoration of the work of muscle tissue and the reproductive system.

The main recovery is the formation of scar tissue on the wall of the uterine body. This fabric is different from the usual. The scar does not have all the usual properties of uterine tissue. It cannot make contractile movements and is not subject to stretching. This property of the scar affects the general characteristics of the uterine cavity during the second conception.

We should not forget about the hormonal changes in the body. This is a very complex and lengthy process. Before pregnancy, a woman goes through her menstrual cycle. It is formed by estrogen, luteinizing hormone and progesterone. During the gestation period, the main substance is progesterone. The approach of labor activity causes an increase in the amount of prolactin and a decrease in the volume of progesterone. After the operation, the hormonal background undergoes regular changes. The body begins to return to the menstrual cycle. There is an increase in estrogen. The amount of prolactin and estrogen affects the late onset of menstruation. If the second pregnancy after caesarean occurs quickly, then it may not last. The risk of spontaneous miscarriage increases.

After childbirth, a woman also experiences psycho-emotional stress. This is the reason why postpartum depression is diagnosed. The exit from this state can take a year or more. The lack of help from a specialist also increases this gap. It is for this reason that re-pregnancy after a caesarean section is not recommended.

The body also needs to restore the elasticity of muscle tissue. After the operation, strong physical activity is contraindicated for the girl. Carrying a child is also included in this prohibition. If a woman has not been able to fully recover, and the second pregnancy after a caesarean section has occurred, placental abruption may occur. Due to this process, a miscarriage occurs in the later stages.

You also need to let the woman get used to the role of mother. It doesn't always happen quickly. The early onset of the next gestation period can interrupt this process. There is a breakdown of the nervous system. It is all these conditions that you need to know before planning a 2nd child.

Reasons for the appointment of the operation

Pregnancy immediately after caesarean section is not allowed for other reasons. The doctor must explain to the patient the reasons for the previous intervention. There are two types of operation destination factors:

  • straight;
  • relative.

Direct causes are related to the health of the patient. The operation could be recommended due to the presence of serious diseases. Often the intervention is carried out in the presence of oncological neoplasms. Oncology causes damage to the cell membrane and changes the characteristics of its nucleus. If there are additional external influences, the development of pathology is enhanced. The woman is heading for surgery.

Also, the direct cause of the operation is the incorrect intrauterine position of the child. The localization of the fetus depends on the location of the placenta. Independent childbirth is not recommended for women whose fetus takes a position transverse to the uterus. Such children have a chance of hypoxia in the birth canal. Lack of oxygen has a negative impact on the child's brain function and overall health. In rare cases, such childbirth can end in the death of the fetus.

A section is recommended for women whose fetus has a large body weight. Normal weight should be no more than 4 kg. If the body weight of the child is greater, then the woman will not be able to give birth on her own. Medical intervention is needed. The aggravation of the problem occurs in the presence of a narrow pelvis. A large fetus can get stuck in the birth canal and get injured. If the weight of the fetus is again large, then the birth is carried out by section.

The operation is also used for multiple pregnancies. The development of several fetuses during one gestation is complicated by a decrease in nutrient material. To save the life of all babies, doctors advise giving birth by caesarean section. You should be aware that multiple pregnancies can recur. The second birth is also performed surgically. After repeated intervention, the patient is not recommended for another gestation.

The natural birth process is not recommended in the presence of myopathic syndrome. A strong decrease in vision does not occur without reason. In many cases, myopia is accompanied by problems with vascular tissue. Improper functioning of the vascular system entails a decrease in the work of the optic nerve and lens. The extra pressure during pushing can cause visual impairment. For this reason, the next pregnancy will also be accompanied by surgery.

The relative reasons for surgery can be discussed with the doctor. Recommendations for reoperation arise due to the presence of uterine fibroids. Myoma is considered a conditionally pathogenic neoplasm, which easily undergoes degeneration into a malignant tumor. The presence of this disease must be monitored by a specialist. If the fibroids are actively developing, a secondary operation should be performed.

During childbirth, specialists monitor the divergence of the cervical canal and the contraction of the walls of the uterine body. Weak development of the process or its complete absence is an indication for emergency surgical intervention. Such a problem can occur both in the first and in the 2nd pregnancy.

Planning Start Dates

Planning for another conception after a caesarean section is recommended to start in the third year. During this period, the body manages to fully restore its functions. Attention should be paid to the characteristics of the postoperative scar. The scar has a dense structure, due to which improper fixation of the embryo can cause a rupture of the walls. Rarely, after the first operation, there is an area of ​​thinned tissue. Further gestation may be accompanied by a strong stretching of the damaged tissue. Increases the chance of rupture of the uterine cavity during the second trimester.

Some patients do not consider it necessary to adhere to these terms. They are not interested in when it is possible to become pregnant after a caesarean section. Such women are subject to more thorough examination and control by specialists.

The recommended start date for planning should not be less than 24 months. This is the time frame for planning. If pregnancy has occurred earlier, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will assess the risk of such a condition and choose the right way to maintain the fetus.

Conducting the gestation process

Preparation for pregnancy should begin with a visit to the gynecologist. The doctor will examine the condition of the postoperative scar and check the level of hormones. Only then can you start planning. After the appearance of positive tests, the woman should immediately inform the specialist about this. The management of the second pregnancy after surgery is not much different from the first. During the gestation period, the patient needs to visit the doctor frequently. The examination of the fetus is also more thorough. Ultrasound diagnostics in the second pregnancy is carried out up to 6 times. Anxiety should be caused by any sensations unusual for the body. If there is pain in the lumbar spine or in the lower part of the abdominal area, you should consult a doctor.

Earlier onset of a second pregnancy should be carried out more carefully. The patient is scheduled for frequent testing. With any slight decrease in the positive course of gestation, the woman is put on support.

You should also know the features of physical activity. In the second pregnancy after the operation, the woman should limit physical activity. Favorably affects the process of refusal to carry weights and long walks. That is why after a cesarean, you can become pregnant after three years. The first child acquires partial independence, gestation occurs according to the rules.

Risk of a second operation

The presence of risks causes an increase in the timing of how long after a cesarean it is allowed to become pregnant. During the period of secondary gestation after surgery, the following risks arise:

The greatest risk is rupture of the wall of the uterine body. The uterus is torn at the site of scar tissue. The scar does not allow this area to stretch normally. The rapid growth and development of the fetus exacerbates this process. Modern doctors have learned to avoid this complication. This is done by changing the application of the cut. Initially, the procedure was carried out using a vertical section. Such an incision increased the risk of not only uterine rupture, but also the appearance of a hernial orifice. The cavity between the diaphragmatic muscles of the peritoneum was dissected. The uterus was damaged along the entire anterior wall. At the moment, doctors have revised the localization of the incision. Modern specialists use an incision on the top of the pubic bone. The incision does not exceed 20 cm and is carried out in an area with a dense convergence of tissues. Such an operation reduces the time of wound healing and reduces the risk of associated complications.

Perhaps such a complication as thinning of the uterine wall. This problem is observed in patients whose fetus is fixed at the site of a previous pregnancy. Complications cannot be avoided. Usually in this case it is recommended to refuse further gestation. A woman is offered a sterilization procedure or a fallopian tube ligation.

In some cases, placental abruption occurs. A child's place is formed from vascular tissue and endometrium. It is responsible for the nutritional function of the fetus and the delivery of oxygen. Detachment can occur due to the weakness of the uterine wall. The lack of proper elasticity is detected at a later date. The preservation of such a pregnancy is carried out in a hospital. The woman remains in the hospital until the surgical section is performed.

The risk of early labor activity increases. For this reason, the second caesarean is scheduled not for the preliminary date of birth according to the obstetric period, but for 35–36 weeks.

During this time, the child acquires all the necessary functions. Its further formation takes place in an incubator. The discharge is carried out one month after the operation.

The chances of bleeding during the gestation period also increase. Early miscarriages occur due to rupture of the vascular tissue. For this reason, women are interested in whether it is possible to become pregnant and bear a child immediately after the operation. The answer is always negative. Strengthening and restoration of the vascular system occurs only the next year after the operation. No medication can speed up the process. You should wait for the full restoration of health and only then start planning.

Along with the development of risks, the question arises of how many procedures can be performed with the help of an operation. Many doctors agreed that operative childbirth can be resorted to no more than three times. After that, it is recommended to use protective equipment or sterilization.

Any planning should be accompanied by medical supervision. The doctor will assess the general health of the patient and select the type of childbirth that is most suitable for this patient. If the first gestation ended with an operation, you should ask when you can get pregnant after a cesarean section. Independent decision-making in this case can cause various unpleasant phenomena in the process of gestation. They can be fatal in the process of natural labor.

Most often, a second pregnancy after a caesarean section is a thoughtful and conscious step to expand the family. Nevertheless, it happens to find out about the onset of pregnancy unexpectedly, with amazement seeing two cherished stripes on the test. Be that as it may, the situation in this case should not be left to chance, because after a cesarean, a second pregnancy is associated with certain risks that should be reduced to the necessary minimum.

For women who have had their first child by surgery, it is advisable to plan two children with an age difference of at least three years. You can read more about this in the article "New pregnancy: how long after a cesarean should I wait?" . But not everything always happens the way we want, and the second pregnancy, occurring in the presence of a scar on the uterus, in any case, needs special control by doctors. Let's look at the features of the state of the female reproductive system after the last caesarean section.

The state of the female body after cesarean section

Even if we analyze the condition of a woman a year after the surgical intervention during childbirth, we can confidently say that the operation did not affect the functioning of the reproductive system in any way. At the time when the second pregnancy occurs after cesarean, as a rule, the woman's menstrual cycle is completely restored, and the uterus after cesarean has taken on normal sizes.

But not too noticeable in everyday life, a caesarean scar can be very important in the next pregnancy. The tissue replacement that occurs in the formation of a scar can be by connective, muscular, or mixed tissue. Depending on this, the uterus may have less elasticity during the formation of connective tissue in the area of ​​the scar. Limiting the ability of the uterus to stretch significantly complicates the next pregnancy after a caesarean section. It is from this factor that the doctor will start, directing you to additional examinations.

Medical supervision and necessary examinations

Of course, a second pregnancy after a caesarean section should be supervised from the earliest possible dates by a competent specialist whom you trust. When contacting, the doctor will palpate your scar, examine it visually and direct it to more thorough studies of the scar tissue ratio and its consistency. It is especially important to undergo these examinations in cases where, due to circumstances, pregnancy is observed after a second caesarean section.

Most often, the study of the scar during pregnancy is limited to visual examination and ultrasound, conducted starting from the 35th week. For this, a device equipped with a vaginal sensor is used to assess the condition of the scar from the inside, for a more accurate analysis of the situation and the choice of the correct method of delivery.

Hysteroscopy is a visual examination of the uterus from the inside using a professional endoscope and allows you to assess the composition of the tissues that make up the scar. The best option is to replace the fibers with muscle tissue, as the connective tissue of the scar may not be able to withstand stretching when carrying a baby.

Hysterography is performed using a two-dimensional x-ray. However, it should be taken into account that the behavior of the uterus in a calm state and during pregnancy is very different, and it is very problematic to predict the behavior of the scar while observing a non-pregnant uterus during gestation.

Both procedures are not recommended unless absolutely necessary, especially for already pregnant women. However, if a visual examination and a conventional ultrasound cause doctors to doubt successful bearing and there is a question about terminating a pregnancy, these procedures will help bring final clarity.

Pregnancy after cesarean: possible difficulties

The second pregnancy after a caesarean section, oddly enough, is practically no different from the usual one. The scenario for the development of the baby and changes in the body are fully consistent with the course of a standard pregnancy. In addition to individual characteristics, complications after cesarean are associated solely with the presence of a scar on the uterus. With the growth of the baby and the increase in pressure on the uterus, an insolvent scar can lead to tissue rupture along the seam, which entails a serious threat to the life of the child and his mother.

Doctors pay special attention to those women who have a second pregnancy after a cesarean after a very short time period or with multiple pregnancies. Of course, in the case of twins or triplets, the load on the seam increases many times over. In this case, the risk of scar divergence is somewhat higher, although too much depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Pregnant after a caesarean? Just don't panic!

The most vivid and contrasting emotions are experienced by those expectant mothers who had a sudden pregnancy after a year after the second cesarean, and after the first too. Most often, for a second caesarean section, the incision is made next to an existing scar. It would seem that you can’t imagine anything worse, a repeated load on the scar, and during the year, when its viability is in doubt - this is one of the most unfavorable scenarios for the development of events.

However, modern research shows that already after six to eight months after the operation, the suture is sufficiently ready for bearing the next child. In most observed cases, according to statistics, even pregnancy a year after the second cesarean goes pretty smoothly. But a mandatory examination of the scar by a doctor throughout pregnancy is necessary to exclude complications.

If the situation is critical and doctors do not see the possibility of a favorable outcome, early termination of the current pregnancy may be recommended. A referral for an abortion is given in really serious situations in which there is a high risk of death for a woman and an unborn child. In such situations, it will not be superfluous to obtain information from several sources in order to exclude the possibility of medical error. If, unfortunately, the information is confirmed, it is worth realizing that your first-born and family need you alive. Perhaps, after some time, the condition of the scar will allow you to safely give your child a brother or sister, you just need to wait a bit.

If the threat of divergence of the seam is observed in the later stages, the doctors put the situation under control and, at the first signs of scar failure, an emergency caesarean section is performed. Modern medicine is able to ensure the full development of the child outside the womb, nursing even the smallest crumbs, so that both you and the child will have a chance.

A small miracle: the birth of a second baby

It is worth realizing that a planned second pregnancy after a caesarean section is not something special and carries additional risks. Already seven to twelve months after the operation, the scar does not present an obvious problem. A woman is able to safely bear a child, and, of course, after a cesarean, you can give birth in the most natural way without medical contraindications. Good luck with your pregnancy!

Features of pregnancy planning after caesarean section.

Many women are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant after a cesarean. Experts say that in most cases it is quite possible to endure and give birth to a child after it, however, the uterine scar present in the incision area can make childbirth a risky event. There are certain features that you need to consider if you are planning to conceive after such an operation. Modern medical technologies in many cases allow after it to give birth to another child or even several.

According to statistics, according to various data, doctors practice obstetrics in the form of an operation in about every tenth - every fifth case. In order to decide whether a woman can give birth again in the future, doctors analyze her state of health and the reason for the delivery operation. In the case when the surgical intervention was caused by general disorders of the woman's health - for example, cardiac pathology, even before the operation, she may be offered sterilization in order to further exclude the possibility of conception. To do this, during the operation, the fallopian tubes are tied up for the woman in labor, after which the woman is no longer threatened with becoming pregnant.

If the reason for the caesarean was the complications of the very specific pregnancy or the exacerbation of the genital herpes infection in the woman in labor, which was subsequently eliminated, then there are no obstacles to planning the conception of another child in the future. Recommendations on this subject can usually be obtained even in the maternity hospital - this information will be very useful in the future. From the doctor who delivered the baby, you need to get an extract that contains the details of the operation and subsequent recommendations. It is important to consider that preparation for the desired pregnancy after caesarean should begin immediately after returning from the hospital.

The desire for pregnancy after a cesarean section after a short period of time can be caused by the following reasons:

  • the desire to have children with a small difference in age;
  • approaching the age threshold, after which the likelihood of complications associated with the bearing of a child and the upcoming birth increases.

In one and a half to two years, a dense scar tissue will finally form on the uterus in the incision area. If it is strong, then during the subsequent bearing of the fetus it will remain viable and will not cause problems. If the scar is not rich enough, then gaps may appear in the area of ​​​​its localization - this situation is critical, threatening the health of the pregnant woman and the child, and the removal of the uterus is required. Modern official statistics show that the risk of such a rupture during pregnancy after a caesarean section is about 2%. The threat of a rupture can be detected at 35-36 weeks of gestation using ultrasound or cardiotocography.

Pregnancy after caesarean section: what is the required recovery period

It should be noted that due to pregnancy and after a cesarean section, the body of a woman in labor undergoes a significant test and serious stress - thus, after them a rather long recovery period will be required. With this surgical intervention, doctors make an incision in the lower part of the uterus to remove the baby, as a result, a seam remains on it.

Such a wound heals over time and a scar formed from dense tissue remains at the incision site. His ability to subsequently resist stress when the walls of the uterus are stretched is called consistency by physicians. It is optimal for childbirth when the scar is completely formed from muscle tissue, or it prevails in it. It may take a long time to restore a sustainable state of health. Due to these objective reasons, experts unanimously express the opinion that one should not think about pregnancy a month after a cesarean section.

After a recent childbirth, it takes time to get in shape, therefore, the woman has not yet physically and mentally prepared for the next pregnancy. This will take some time, and it is very important to use contraceptives, since an abortion at this time is highly undesirable, because any kind of exposure to stretching the uterine wall can cause an inflammatory process or ruptures.

Before making a decision about the first pregnancy after a caesarean section, a mandatory consultation with a doctor will be required, since information will be extremely useful, how long it will take to wait until the second conception of a child. To avoid possible problems, you will need to carefully weigh the pros and cons in order to plan such a pregnancy in a timely manner.

Pregnancy after caesarean section: medical examinations

In most cases, it is quite possible to successfully give birth to a child after a cesarean, at the same time, it should be noted that this process is associated with a certain risk. When planning a second pregnancy after a caesarean section, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of doctors, which are as follows - from the moment of the operation to the onset of the next pregnancy, it is important to wait at least a year and a half. It should be noted that such a period between pregnancies is recommended in any case, as it allows the female body to effectively recover.

Based on these circumstances, when planning a pregnancy after a cesarean section, the resulting suture must be examined to determine the thickness of the scar and the condition of its constituent tissues.

To assess the quality of the postoperative scar, the following methods of medical diagnostics can be used:

  • hysteroscopy is an ultrasound of the uterus, which is performed using a vaginal probe (endoscope). Such a study should be carried out 8-12 months after the operation;
  • hysterography is a procedure that allows you to get x-rays in several projections of the uterus. To do this, a contrast agent is first injected into the uterus. Such an examination is performed no earlier than 6 months after the operation.

These studies will determine whether the woman's health condition is favorable for the onset of a new pregnancy, or whether it is worth waiting for some more time. If the scar is practically not visible, the picture is the most favorable, as it means the maximum recovery of the body.

During pregnancy, the scar is examined from the 35th week using ultrasound. The vaginal sensor allows you to determine the degree of readiness for childbirth and the preferred method of delivery. In this case, it is required to assess the presentation, the size of the fetus, the degree of consistency of the scar and the method of placement of the placenta.

Pregnancy after caesarean section: natural childbirth or reoperation

There are quite strong arguments in favor of childbirth in a natural way, including after a caesarean section. Natural childbirth is considered preferable for the health of the child, since after them, newborns quickly improve breathing and normal hormonal levels, and the process of adaptation to environmental conditions is easier than in children after cesarean. In addition, the body of a woman in labor tolerates natural childbirth more easily and recovers faster after them, while the possibility of a subsequent pregnancy is not ruled out.

Usually natural childbirth is allowed only after a single caesarean section with an incision in the lower segment of the uterus, transferred without postoperative complications. If more than a year has passed since the operation, during pregnancy after cesarean there is a chance of a successful natural birth. It is important to note that if there is a general health indication (such as nearsightedness or pelvic malformation), there is a potential for serious complications, so vaginal delivery is not recommended.

After operative delivery, it is possible to give birth naturally under the following conditions:

  • according to medical research, the scar is quite wealthy, i.e. it will not disperse under load;
  • the placenta is not adjacent to the scar;
  • if there is one suture placed transversely at the bottom of the peritoneal cavity;
  • in the presence of a small fetus (if its weight is not higher than average) and with its successful placement;
  • if the reasons for the operation were exclusively complications of the pregnancy itself.

It should be noted that in most cases, after a caesarean, the bearing of a child does not differ from a pregnancy that was not preceded by such an operation. The difference is manifested in the need to undergo a medical examination in advance in order to objectively determine the condition of the healed suture tissue. In this case, the decision on the choice of the method of obstetrics is made individually, taking into account various data. Planning for conception is considered optimal no earlier than two years after a caesarean section. Natural childbirth in the future should be carried out as gently as possible, while the use of stimulation with medications, as well as anesthesia, should be avoided, as they provoke additional uterine contractions, while increasing the likelihood of ruptures.

According to statistics, about a third of Russian women after cesarean section have natural childbirth, abroad their number reaches 60-70%.

The reasons for repeated surgical delivery may be:

  • too early conception (less than 12 months) - this is due to incomplete scar formation over such a period of time;
  • pregnancy after the second caesarean section;
  • previous operation with a longitudinal lower median incision;
  • the age of the pregnant woman is over 35.

Many doctors insist that two or three delivery operations are allowed, while each further surgical intervention, as a rule, is more difficult and the woman in labor takes it harder. Thus, domestic experts do not recommend pregnancy after three caesarean sections.

Given the above arguments, planning for conception after a cesarean should be taken as responsibly as possible, in which case it is quite realistic to bear a child, perhaps more than one. In the presence of competent planning, the vast majority of such births proceed safely with the birth of healthy and full-term children.

When to plan a new pregnancy after caesarean section - video