How to find out the truth from her husband constantly lies. Lies in relationships: how to understand that a man is lying. Solutions to the problem

How to recognize male lies? What are the signs of a man cheating? It is a woman's nature to doubt men. And this is not surprising. After all, guys often win women's hearts in a not entirely honest way: they exaggerate their strengths, keep silent about their shortcomings, simultaneously have affairs with several women, say flattering but dishonest compliments, charm and bewitch the ladies with their charms - in general, they do everything just to get their way. .

Agree, girls usually do not spend 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year with their beloved. And since you can't be with him 24/7, how can you be 100% sure of him? It's okay to sometimes doubt your boyfriend's honesty and loyalty. Especially if he gives good reasons for this.

So, how to understand what you are dealing with - with male lies or truthfulness? How to determine if a husband is lying or is clean in front of you, like a baby?

A man lies: 5 signs of a man's lies

Visual signs when a man is lying:

  • exaggerated, widened look, somewhat raised eyebrows as if in surprise and always slightly open mouth, slightly lowered lower jaw (a state of defense and readiness for a retaliatory attack).

What to do in such a situation? You can ask him why he is lying to you - they say, even without his false excuses, you know perfectly well that he is dishonest and dishonest with you, that you can see in his eyes that he is lying - and does not blush. This tactic may or may not work.

Of course, the easiest way is to ask the guy if he is honest? But a rare liar admits his lie, and if he confesses, it is only in order to hide an even greater deception.

Most often, men admit to lying when they are usually honest - then they are disgusted by the situation of deliberate deception and they try to quickly tell everything as it is, even if it is unprofitable for them.

And an inveterate liar, even lying on another naked woman, will never admit to his wife that he is cheating on her - he will always deny any insinuations against him. Moreover, in response, she will boil, get angry and accuse the woman of all mortal sins, incl. in what he himself is guilty of, for example, in treason.

If your husband in your presence often deceives other people, cheats, or did it according to him only in the past, but you feel that he continues to play now, then you should seriously think about the need to part with him.

If a loved one just decorates reality from time to time for no apparent reason, talk heart to heart with him, find out why he does this, and only then decide what to do.

But do not suffer from paranoia for no reason - read the following 5 signs of the most common and common male lies, which in their totality and in the case of frequent repetition are sure symptoms of male deception and uncleanliness with you.

  1. His stories don't match. Ask the guy about the situation you are interested in and listen carefully to the details. After a while, ask a couple of clarifying questions. Then go back to this situation again and gently ask him to tell you about it again, everything in order. If at first he said that he spent the evening with classmates, and in another story his work colleagues appear, and in the third - a familiar businessman, then this should alert. Inveterate liars usually tell a slightly different story each time - his stories change in some detail each time. If the husband is lying, then he can be followed to find out the truth. Or you can call several of his friends and colleagues with whom you personally know to clarify inconsistencies. But be prepared that they can be prepared in advance by your man for this interrogation and will also lie.
  2. Does not look directly into the eyes or stares too long and intently. Psychologists assure that if a person does not look into the eyes of the interlocutor, then he is hiding something. Of course, this can also come from great modesty, for example, this is often found in adolescents. But still, if a man does not look into his eyes when he explains this or that event, then he most likely “sculpts an excuse”, i.e. trying to deceive a woman. But self-confident gigolos and womanizers know this secret very well - and when they lie, they usually look into the eyes of a girl, but at the same time their eyes are too wide, because. they have to make some psychological efforts to lie and look into the eyes of the interlocutor. Therefore, they have too open and staring eyes - such a hypercompensating male lie.
  3. Omits details. Experienced deceivers know that the easiest way to catch them is on the details, small inconsistencies in the story. Therefore, they deliberately do not report the nuances of the incident, but talk about what happened in the most general terms. When a man is honest, he usually gives many different specific details that explain this or that event. And when a guy lies and deliberately deceives, he can generally talk about everything on top, and only mention 1-2 bright details in order to give credibility to his story and avoid deeper questions. How to deal with such behavior? Ask more questions that will shed some light on the picture and move him from generalities to nuances.
  4. A man has lied before or lies to other people. If a guy deceived another girl before you, cheated on her, then the same fate is likely to await you. If a man in your presence deceives other people, deliberately misleads partners, is dishonest in relations with colleagues, weaves intrigues at work, then expect the same attitude towards yourself. You may not pay attention to the fact that he tells his partner that he has already left for another city to solve the problem, although he himself is in bed with you and has not gone anywhere, but it is precisely such a “small” lie of a man that is an indicator of his general deceit and dishonesty : if he is deceitful in small things, then in large matters he will lie in black.
  5. Your female intuition tells you that the guy is lying. If your sixth sense tells you that your beloved husband is lying, that he is deceiving you, then this is very bad. After all, most likely intuition does not lie - this time. And secondly, even if your intuition is wrong, it means that you do not trust this man ... and therefore do not love him. That is, if you don’t want to part with him, but you don’t trust him, then you don’t feel love for him, but ... love addiction. What to do? Talk heart to heart with a man, try to eliminate the cause of distrust, delve into yourself, identify the problem, do everything possible to solve it - and consider all possible options for further developments.

Lovely women! Trust your men - and let them never give you a reason to doubt their loyalty and honesty.

Do you want to know if your partner is cheating on you? You have reasons for thinking this way, and a variety of ways to find out the truth.

Disappointing statistics

If you are worried that your partner is lying to you, you may very well be right - lying is much more common than we would like. Sometimes this is not just a lie for the good or omissions, but a serious deception associated with your relationship or betrayal.
Unfortunately, there is no scientific way to determine if your partner is cheating on you. However, you can easily tell when he is cheating. Here are seven ways you can tell if he's hiding something important from you.

Ask your friends

Other people, sometimes even strangers, often have no difficulty in noticing when something is going wrong with someone else's relationship. Psychologists use a test in which a couple must create a drawing together. One participant draws while blindfolded, while the other helps him with instructions. Everything that happens is recorded on camera. Before the experiment begins, participants are asked to answer several relationship questions, including whether they have ever cheated.
After that, the researchers gave a tape recording of the drawing process to strangers who had to guess which couple was cheating. Surprisingly, the volunteers guessed incredibly accurately. This research suggests that sometimes it may be enough just to look at the interaction of partners in order to sense infidelity or conflict. People make surprisingly accurate conclusions about others in a variety of situations, and even the most brief observation is enough for this. At least that's what the scientists came to. If serious doubts begin to torment you that everything is in order in your relationship, the advice of friends or relatives can help you.

Pretend like nothing's happening and watch

People often judge other people's behavior quite badly, especially when they try to do it consciously. If you have the opportunity to observe someone's behavior for a longer time, it will be much easier for you to figure out if you are being deceived. In 2013, a team of scientists conducted an experiment in which students had to watch people testify in court and then determine whether those people were telling the truth or lying.
The students who were given more time to think before the verdict was delivered did a much better job of identifying liars. Human consciousness does not always cope with the separation of truth and falsehood. It takes time to assess the situation. If something worries or worries you, you should just give yourself the opportunity to navigate - perhaps the strange behavior was a temporary phenomenon associated with stress or other life circumstances. If, over time, you gain confidence that you are being deceived, you will have a more solid reason to sort out the relationship.

Be careful with your choice of words

In a recent study, psychology professor James Pennebaker analyzed data collected by a text evaluation program. Certain language has been found to signal that the speaker is trying to hide the truth. For example, liars are less likely to use personal pronouns, do not say “I think” or “understand,” and also use “but” and “except” less frequently. In addition, they often use negative words, such as "anger" or "enemy", as well as verbs that describe movement. Of course, all this is only relevant if the way you communicate has changed in some way - if your partner has always preferred harsh language and did not talk too much about his own feelings, such words may not signal anything.

Listen to the sound of the voice

Canadian researchers recently asked a group of volunteers to listen to several recordings of voices and rate how attractive one or the other sounded. After that, scientists were asked to evaluate how likely it is that a particular person will be unfaithful to his partner.
Female volunteers most often noted that men with a low timbre of voice are more likely to cheat, and male volunteers, on the contrary, felt that women would cheat more often if they were owners of a high timbre. According to the study, men with higher testosterone levels have lower voices - and it is high testosterone levels that are associated with the likelihood of infidelity. However, scientists could not explain where people got the psychological awareness of this. In the future, they will study this fact, but for now you can simply evaluate the voice of your partner and, on the basis of this, understand whether he is generally inclined to betrayal - the timbre will tell you about this.

Pay attention to social networks

If your partner spends more time with their cell phone than with you, it might be suspicious. Research has shown that people who are very active on social media are more likely to experience infidelity, separation, or divorce. According to scientists, most people spend no more than an hour on social networks. Those who use social media for a longer time are more likely to fight with their partners, cheat or get divorced. The longer the time spent on the social network, the worse the effect on the relationship. However, this does not mean that the phone leads to betrayal, however, there is still some connection. If this is a problem in your relationship, it's time to have a serious conversation with your partner. A seemingly harmless habit of surfing the Internet can destroy your life together in the long run, even if no betrayal occurs.

Watch for sudden changes in behavior

If you've been in a relationship for quite some time, chances are you already know how your partner behaves under normal conditions - what he likes to eat, how he reacts to trials and surprises, whether he's a good listener, and so on. Sudden changes in body language, facial expressions, speech patterns and more can be signals of ambivalent behavior, according to scientists who specialize in recognizing deceivers during detective investigations. The human body shows certain signals if he is nervous and feels tense - namely, this is what happens when a person lies. Learn to recognize them and it will be much easier for you to navigate what is being said to you, because you will notice the truth or lie even without words.

Pay attention to silence, repetition or backlash

There is a clear sign of a lie - a sudden refusal to talk. When a person's tongue seems to be taken away, this may be due to the fact that the nervous system automatically responds to stress, and the mouth dries up. Another sign is a negative reaction even to fairly innocent questions. Finally, it is not uncommon for people who lie to repeat a given question before beginning to answer it, most likely to give themselves time to come up with an answer. If you notice any of these signs in your partner, this can be considered sufficient reason for suspicion. You should not draw quick conclusions, but you definitely should not turn a blind eye to what is happening.

Perhaps at work he really had an emergency. Or he was shocked by the news about the coming global warming - so he lost sleep. Although it is possible that his coldness and irritability are explained by ... love. Alas, no longer in you.

1 He suddenly became unusually (one might say, indecently) attentive to your desires and requests. It would be fine to behave like this from the first day of our acquaintance, then there is no doubt. But no: earlier he had to be persuaded for six months to visit your parents or go for a walk - there were always excuses. And now he suddenly became frequent with flowers and compliments. Family psychologists explain this behavior as a feeling of guilt that gnaws at a man from the inside. Excessive attention is also an attempt to dull the attention of a loved one. A distraction, so to speak.

2 The man began to shower you with gifts. Lots of gifts. To your bewilderment: “Why?” - he, smiling broadly, replies: “I made the deal of the century, received a luxurious percentage. Can I spoil my beloved? In fact, he does not indulge, but seems to be trying to pay off. If once the deception is revealed, he will have a weighty argument: “Yes, I cheated on you, but you didn’t feel deprived of attention!” And if the secret remains a secret, he will begin to reassure himself: “Yes, I changed it. But moral damage compensated in full. That mink coat…"

3 Recently, on the contrary, he has become very quick-tempered and inattentive. Any of your remarks seems like an insult to him, and every quarrel ends in a grandiose scandal, at the end of which the door slams loudly. He leaves, of course. In fact, the scenes are played out for a reason. The scandal allows him, hiding behind resentment, to run away from home. And the mobile can be turned off. And coming home at 4 o'clock in the morning seems to be permissible. And to your question “Where have you been?” Answer with indifferent silence or sharply: “What difference does it make to you?” He will not say directly that he was specifically looking for a reason to quarrel in order to sneak away on a date ...

4 During quarrels, he does not even try to be soft and correct. And if earlier he was often the first to go to reconciliation, now he more often offers:"Since everything is so bad, let's disperse!" It is no less suspicious when, in moments of calm and outward well-being, he casually asks you: “If we suddenly part, can we remain friends?” He philosophizes: “Do you believe that love can last forever?” or thinks: “True love is also forgiveness…” What lies behind such statements?Firstly, he is trying to shift the responsibility for making decisions to you.
And at the same time, he probes the soil: will he be able to return if he still leaves. Why not an argument: “You promised to love me forever!”

5 He is gentle and attentive, then cold and gloomy. Either he returns home in high spirits, then he is depressed. Of course, men also have “critical days” and the phase of the moon plays an important role. But only in the case of an affair on the side, it is much easier to find an explanation for mood swings. Any problems that happen in one relationship affect the other. Law of life. And beer slogans have nothing to do with it.

6 He stopped talking to you. No, of course, he pronounces on-duty phrases, but avoids heart-to-heart conversations. He no longer cares about your experiences and emotions. Yes, and he stopped sharing with you. Until recently, you knew what he cares about, what projects he is preparing for. And now she is in an information vacuum. An unfaithful man subconsciously closes, moves away ... The same thing happens with household chores. He avoids household chores. He no longer talks about possible repairs, does not make plans for a vacation.

7 However, it closes not only figuratively, but also literally. He leaves to call on work issues on the balcony or in another room. And he began to close the bathroom door on the latch. Previously, you could easily come in for a tonic or cream. Now you have to wait for the end of the water procedures, and your knock sounds annoyed “Can't you wait five minutes?”. Psychologists assure: the open door to the bathroom is an unconscious manifestation of trust. When a person has something to hide, he builds walls around himself: both psychological and completely material.

8 He tries not to be alone with you. Either he invites noisy friends to visit, or he hurries to a bachelor party. On weekends, he always has urgent business in the office. Staying at home, he prefers to delve into a book, turn on the TV or go to bed early. Communication is the minimum.
And if conversations still cannot be avoided, he tries to talk about acquaintances, events in the world, a new online game, but not about you.

9 He eagerly began to take care of himself. Bought new clothes. Chose a new perfume. Got a stylish haircut. Signed up for the gym. It seems to be nothing unusual. It’s even nice when a man is smart, neat and clean-shaven. One thing is confusing: why did the image change happen overnight? And important negotiations (at which you need to look your best) now almost every day?

10 Suddenly, the style of his sms has changed. Previously, he had never put punctuation marks and emoticons. Now his messages sparkle with brackets and dots. In a conversation, he uses unfamiliar jokes and sayings: “Okey-pokey”, “Hallowe, Dolly”. And new gestures! True, if a man recently changed his job, perhaps he picked up all the new words and signs there.

11 Musical and cinematic tastes have also changed. Previously, he listened exclusively to "B-2" and watched solid fantasy. Now the stars of the 80s sound in the car, and on the screen he prefers to see the creations of Almodovar.
And you didn’t even suspect how much he was worried about the vicissitudes of life of the ABBA quartet and information about the great Spaniard Don Pedro. Maybe he was so heavily influenced by the musical Mamma Mia! or a recent visit to a friendly cinephile party? Or maybe the whole point is that the girl with whom he is now passionate listens to this particular music and loves just such a movie? During the period of falling in love, the interchange of interests and hobbies is extremely easy. Remember how you yourself, following him, “got hooked” on rock and became a football fan.

12 He used to find your long hair attractive. Now, more and more irritably grumbling about how much you spend on care products. Once, in response to your exclamation, “I think I got better,” he raked you in an armful and whispered: “You are the most beautiful in the world! My Donut! And yesterday he just shrugged his shoulders indifferently: “Indeed, the gym will not hurt.” Finally, he began to find fault with food: “A lot of mayonnaise. All overcooked." When there is someone to compare with, willy-nilly, someone should be in the red. If he has an affair, it is obvious who will end up "in the Antarctic zone."

13 Recently, he constantly criticizes some acquaintance. Let's say a colleague. What a flawless presentation she made. How stupidly dressed for lunch. How loudly he speaks on the phone, interfering with everyone's work. Most likely, everything is fine with style and negotiations, he is just trying his best to convince you that this girl certainly cannot interest him. This technique is often used by teenagers - they hide sympathy under criticism and aggression. But, it should be noted, the reception works in adulthood.

14 You hardly ever have sex. He is totally tired and the only thing he dreams of is to sleep... When, thanks to your passionate persistence, intimacy does happen (a rare case!), He is distant or rude. She doesn't even remember your orgasm. But as soon as you try to talk about this problem, it immediately closes. Or even defiantly declares: “I don’t know about you, but personally I don’t have problems with sex.”

15 He got jealous! Defiantly looks through your sms and incoming calls. Leafing through the diary.
Requires a report on your business meetings: with whom, when, why. As soon as you mention the name of a colleague, a whole story swells out of this: “And he is no longer Alexey, but just Lesha. Come on, tell me about your Leshechka. I'm all attention ... "The saying" jealous - it means he loves "in the past. The proof of love is trust and respect. Suspecting unreasonably of treason, he tries to shift his guilt onto you.

16 He is irritated by your care and attention. Everything you do is bad. You call to see how things are going, "Stop checking on me." You come to work with him as a surprise - “Are you following me?” Gave a sweater - "Sucking up?" He already feels guilty and a traitor, and the evidence of your love only once again reminds him of this. That's why he's so angry.

17 In the first minutes of awakening, he seems dumbfounded and confused. But very little time passes, and he becomes aloof. “Baby, did you have a bad dream?” - "Something like that". Of course, dreams have nothing to do with it. He just did not immediately understand in whose bed he woke up. When a man leads a double life, he is in a state of constant stress: not to confuse names, not to make a mistake with the number, not to blurt out too much. Huge psychological stress, which often results in a sharp weight loss, emotional exhaustion, deep depression and nightmares.

18 Increasingly, friends and family ask you cautiously, “Are you all right?”“Everything is fine, he just
lately he has been working a lot, getting tired. Although in your heart you do not believe in yourself. You, too, something worries and confuses. But, fearing pain and disappointment, you drive away such thoughts from yourself and look for the usual explanations for what is happening. Family psychologists testify that many who survived the betrayal of a loved one later confessed: “Everyone around me told me that something was wrong. I didn't notice one." Or maybe they just didn't want to notice. It is also true that from the outside the tension and disagreements in a relationship are always obvious.

19 He no longer talks about your future together. When you try to plan something, he cuts you off: "We'll see."

20 And most importantly, you don’t even remember the last time he said: “I love you!”

P.S..Familiarizing yourself with all the signs and finding at least one correspondence, do not rush to angrily denounce your loved one. Maybe it really is all about fatigue and stress. But if intuition does not just whisper doubts, but screams about them, there is reason to think. And at the same time honestly answer what you will do if betrayal is suddenly confirmed.

How to understand that your closest person, your loved one is deceiving you? Maybe something went wrong in your relationship and he is forced to do this? And most importantly: what to do if this happens? These questions, according to female psychology, torment almost every one of us. After all, we built relationships in order to trust the person and with the one we wanted to trust.

Lies are common to every person. And according to evolutionary scientists, it is our nature to cheat in order to get something or to cheat in order to avoid something. But that doesn't make it any easier. And whatever the nature and psychology of men and women, no one likes a lie. Each of us suffers from it. Especially when a loved one you trusted is lying.

How to understand if a man is lying?

This is not difficult, there are a number of signs by which it is easy to understand that a man is lying. You can identify a liar primarily by his look, gestures, facial expressions, speech and body posture. These are reactions of the body and in most cases it is impossible to influence them. With the help of these signs, you can almost accurately identify a liar, catching him in a lie.

How to understand by gestures and facial expressions that a man is lying? This is not difficult, because. the outward signs of a deceiver openly speak for themselves.

The gestures of the liar are fussy, he tries not to look into the eyes, shows anxiety, anxiety, his movements are not confident, not complete. His gaze is very often running, his eyes blink. Most people find it difficult to lie and at the same time look into the eyes of the interlocutor. The only exceptions are experienced agents or good actors.

To understand that a man is lying, psychology suggests paying attention to his speech, which betrays him “with his head”: a change in the timbre of his voice, a sudden cough, yawning, etc. The emotions of a man who lies, as a rule, are also unnaturally exaggerated and expresses them not full face, but only his mouth. Acted resentment and feigned anger also often indicate a man’s lies. The liar's smile is also very eloquent: it is crooked (one or both corners of the mouth are lowered), while the mouth is stretched in an unnatural smile, but his gaze is cold. Those. direct inconsistency.

The timbre of a man's voice changes when he lies: it sounds either higher or lower than usual. And one more thing: a man pronounces false phrases louder, trying, as it were, to prove the “truth”. Some people blush or turn pale when they lie.

In a conversation with you, he unconsciously puts a barrier between you. It could be a chair, a book, a bowl of fruit, any physical object. Moreover, the more massive the object, the more comfortable the deceiver feels. So he instinctively defends himself against a possible surge of accusations from a woman.

How else can you determine that a man is lying to you?

The answer is obvious: by his behavior. His behavior is very different from usual.

How to understand that a man is lying: the psychology of lies

The behavior of a liar also betrays him "with his head." After all, almost always a person deceives out of fear. And, deceiving, feels the fear of exposure. And fear is one of the most powerful emotions associated with human survival. And not everyone manages to skillfully hide it from prying eyes.

How does the fear of exposure manifest itself?

Sudden need for distraction

The real sign of cheating is all sorts of distractions for a man when you ask him an uncomfortable direct question and wait for an answer. A man who lies to you urgently needs to check his phone, turn on the TV, drink water, etc. In this way, he is trying to buy time to come up with a plausible story or an answer that suits you.

Confusion in testimony

Agree that you need to be able to lie. It's no secret that the person who lies constantly tends to forget the details of his previous lies. In fact, memorizing and storing such a large amount of information in memory is not easy. Our brain is tuned in such a way as to periodically get rid of mental garbage - you can’t argue with nature and you can’t deceive it. That is why a liar often forgets the details of his previous lies, in which he is easily caught.

Manipulation of emotions

How else to understand that a man is lying? Realizing that the woman does not believe him, the liar tries to make the woman feel guilty for not trusting his words. Thus, he distracts you from the subject of lies, switching your attention to a negative emotion. Sometimes he resorts to direct manipulation:

How can I be around someone who doesn't trust me? I'm leaving!

Lies disguised as truth

You won't believe the traffic jam I'm stuck in today!

It looks like complete nonsense, but ...

If a man appeals with such phrases quite often, you can be sure that you are a liar. By writing, he tries to distract you from your suspicions. A sign of a lie may be his silence in response to your question. Although it is also often a sign of unwillingness to lie.

Recently, many relationships between girls and boys have been established online, by correspondence on websites, forums, dating services, etc. At the same time, people often live far from each other, their connection exists only in correspondence. How to understand that the guy with you is sincere and writes you the truth? It is clear that it is much easier to identify a liar live than in messages. But still there are ways, and they are not so complicated.

You should consider if:

  • Your questions to the guy remain unanswered. He either does not want to answer, or has not figured out how to lie plausibly
  • Changing the topic of conversation also often indicates a desire to divert attention from an unwanted issue. This also includes the fact that the guy is busting
  • The evasiveness of his answers such as: “maybe”, “maybe”, “somehow”, “it is inconvenient to speak”, etc.
  • If a guy is trying to move away from you and is secretive, you should find out the reason for this behavior.
  • He always has the right answers ready, which are like memorized and rehearsed. He reacts like an encyclopedic robot, having a ready answer for everything - also a reason to check
  • The amount of information about oneself: when there is too little of it, the person is clearly hiding something, when there is too much, he immediately tries to convince you of something. In both cases, fraud on his part is possible.

What to do?

If you notice some oddity in the correspondence or doubt something, offer to chat on Skype or ask for a fresh photo of him. So you can learn more about the person and his intentions. And of course, ask in a letter. His reaction in the correspondence will reveal a lot about him to you.

Male psychology: lies in relationships

Many men lie to their women, not seeing anything shameful and offensive in this. Among the main reasons for this phenomenon, psychologists indicate the following:

  • the desire to appear better than it is;
  • desire to avoid conflict;
  • the desire to protect a woman from unnecessary experiences;
  • unwillingness to discuss serious issues.

Often a lie is a way for a man to do what he wants without scandal and showdown, but is unlikely to be approved by you. Fishing, football, sauna with friends or a mistress. This behavior is typical for a man in the second stage of a relationship with a woman.

As you know, in a happy relationship there is no place for lies, because. trust and sincerity - these are the main qualities that reduce lies to nothing. But we are all people, and almost everyone has their own “skeletons in the closet”, which sometimes you don’t want to show even to a loved one.

But any attempt at deceit and lies must have a reason. Although it is clear that the reason is always the same - FEAR. Fear of being guilty, fear of punishment, fear of humiliation, fear of losing a relationship with a woman, etc. Fear has many faces, let's try to look at the most common of them. It is they who give rise to the most frequent resort to deceit in relations between a man and a woman.

Common Causes of Male Lies in a Relationship

This desire to appear stronger, cooler, better than it actually is. Men often lie to show that they are the best, heroes, winners! For many, this is a way to stand out from the crowd, to attract the attention of a woman they like.

Often a lie is a man's desire to get away from a conflict with a woman. For example, I wanted to go fishing or have a beer with friends in a club and cheer for my favorite team. Often we, women, ourselves provoke a man to deceive, asking the question: how do I look? Or: I'm not fat?

The reason that a man is lying may be your excessive impressionability, the habit of making “molehills out of molehills”, leading to conflict. A man is used to resolving his male conflicts in a male environment with the help of force, but he simply gives in to female emotionality: force cannot be used, but she does not hear words, and it is completely incomprehensible how to calm a woman down. And the lie of a man in this case is a way to avoid conflict and scandal.

Constant questions about and without, interrogations with prejudice: where were you, with whom, why did you return so late? are found in almost every family. Such pressure of distrust and constant control push a man to lie, and over time this can result in real treason.

Sometimes a man lies so as not to disappoint his beloved. After all, she considers him strong, smart and skillful. But he turns out not to be. But this is not a reason to lie, it is better to try to master what you do not know how or deal with what you do not know.

Lies out of a desire for revenge are also often found in married couples. A wife considers her husband to be a blockhead, an incompetent, a weakling or a dumbass - who will like it? But revenge is not an option, nor is an attempt to prove one's competence. It is worth sitting down and discussing where the dog is buried.

But still, the most terrible lie for a woman is the betrayal of a man. How to find out that a man is cheating?

How to understand that a man is lying and cheating

No woman is immune from the worst thing in a relationship with a loved one - from betrayal. Many people have moments in life when it seems that your suspicion is real. Common sense and logic are completely absent, jealousy is going through the roof, and you are driven by only one desire - to get rid of the lovebird as soon as possible. Any of the possible ways.

But maybe not everything is so dramatic? Maybe it's just your fears or morbid pride escaped from the control of the mind?

How to determine that someone you love has appeared? How to know for sure that your man is lying and cheating?

There are a number of signs that indicate treason. True, in fairness, they cannot be called a 100% guarantee of treason. But still with a high degree of probability they are true.

How to understand that a man is cheating on you?

  • He began to constantly linger and is often unavailable to you (in the sense of communication)
  • Someone often calls him, and he leaves to communicate without prying ears, and put a password on his mobile and laptop
  • With you, he behaves differently than before: eternal dissatisfaction with, and more often without, irritation, etc.
  • Often began to disappear "on business trips", there was a constant "after-hours" work
  • Sex has become a rather rare "guest" in your relationship, the man is more and more "tired", "trouble at work", "not healthy", etc.
  • You stopped going and going somewhere together, he is often absent
  • He lies to you even on trifles and it has become a habit.
  • He has meetings with new friends whom you do not know in the "purely male company"
  • Sudden changes in appearance: a new haircut, a change in wardrobe, perfume
  • For some reason, they began to pay him less money, although he “works” more
  • He suddenly had new tastes and interests in life

And it is clear that a woman needs not just to find out if her partner is cheating in a relationship. It is much more important to know how to avoid lies and betrayal? How to make him stop lying to change? And for this you need to know and take into account the reasons that gave rise to lies and betrayal in relationships.

So what to do: bring him to the "clean water" and immediately deal with the opponent? Or maybe close your eyes and continue to live with him?

Should the relationship be saved?

Solutions to the problem

Any event is a consequence of something. Like a disease. And treatment must first of all begin with the cause, having studied in detail the “case history”. Therefore, it is first necessary to understand in detail the reason for his lies. Having correctly determined the cause, you can choose the right “treatment” in the form of the necessary actions. There aren't many options, but they do exist.


Most women react this way to the deceit and betrayal of a man. But, as in this case, the psychology of relationships and just common sense advises, this is definitely not the way to solve the problem. It can only be made worse. A scandal is always an expression of a person's impotence in the face of a problem. Those. inability to solve it in the most appropriate way. And then: to intimidate in order to achieve his humility? And you agree to continue to live like this? I don't think so.

Mirror behavior

Yes, you can try to knock out the "wedge with a wedge." So many women hope to make a man jealous and think about their behavior. This can only work if the man still has strong feelings for his wife. In other cases, you will simply commit violence against yourself by going to bed with someone not close to you and, in addition, you will lose your loved one forever. But what will be the result is difficult to predict unambiguously.

Straight Talk

It should be carried out only in a calm tone and without mutual accusations and claims. Therefore, it may take you some time to choose the right time. Try to immediately make it clear to the man that your goal is not to find the culprit and punish, but to find out the reason and together make an adult decision that suits both. After all, if the cause of infidelity is the love of a man for another woman, then it is unlikely that he will be able to keep him, and you should not even try to do it. It will not be better for anyone: neither you, nor him, nor the children. And if the reason for the betrayal, for example, was his desire to get away from excessive control or constant nit-picking and scandals, then this is a completely different matter. And it's up to both of you to decide what to do next.

Accept a man for who he is

It is very difficult, so this option is definitely not for everyone. Male psychology says that for a man in a relationship with a woman, the main thing is to be correctly understood and accepted with all his "skeletons" and "cockroaches". This means that he expects from a woman a normal perception of all his hobbies, as well as the joy of his successes and victories. So he will have almost no reasons for deceit and even more betrayal. In this way, many relationships can be revived by returning trust and respect to the family. But I repeat: this method is not for everyone. Most of us women will find it difficult to come to terms and accept all the needs and desires of a man.

Give him what he needs

A man lies and cheats often when he lacks something in relationships and family. If you are wise, you see what he lacks in a relationship and give it to him, the cause of his “illness” will disappear.

When a person sees that he, such as he is, is happy, when even small successes and victories are happy with him, when he is respected and appreciated for real, when he and his needs and interests are considered, when they finally believe him , it is unlikely that he will have at least one reason for lying, and even more so for treason.

Begin with yourself

The surest way to solve any problem in a relationship is to start with yourself. If you're not happy with what you're getting in a relationship, change what you're giving away. After all, the relationship of two people is a closed system: what you don’t invest in, you get. Maybe you yourself sometimes lack trust and sincerity, or maybe openness and understanding of yourself and your partner.

So sit down and analyze.

Any normal man who is sure that you respect his opinion and interests, see and appreciate a man in him, is unlikely to have even the slightest reason to lie to you or cheat on you.

Good luck in your relationship with your loved one!

Have you ever had something similar in your relationship?

If you have difficulties in relationships, solving personal problems, or you need psychological support at the right time, I am ready to help you.

Many women find that they can easily figure out when a man is lying. That it is easy for them to understand the deception of men and see through them. Many lovely ladies think that when a man lies, he begins to play up, hide his eyes, answer with a delay and without details, etc.

Indeed, with the help of such signs, you can catch quite a lot of little things where a man is lying. There he left a stash somewhere for himself, somewhere he smoked (although he said he had quit), there he was late for a meeting and lies in his defense.

After all, this is a useful skill to distinguish between such lies of men? Of course useful.

But I repeat - these are still useful, but trifles.

The main thing is how a man treats a woman in principle, whether he respects her or not, loves or does not love her, family life goes to the bottom or is it just temporary difficulties, etc.

Here it is important and necessary to distinguish between lies and male deceit. First of all, of course, his lies to you. Secondly, you lie to yourself. (It happens that girls clearly exaggerate what is essentially not).

At the end of the article I will write what to do with male deception. And now there are signs of when a man is lying and deceiving women.

The first and main sign of a lie is that a man says one thing and does something completely different. Very often this happens and very often women do not pay attention to the strong discrepancy between a man's words (what he promises a girl or woman) with his real deeds and actions.

Example 1: Starting meetings.

A man says that he really likes the girl, writes her messages with text about how beautiful she is, how much he misses her, etc.

But in reality, his actions are as follows:

- Always late for appointments

- dates on his initiative are constantly postponed under various pretexts (busy, etc.),

- if you need some little help (just a little to start a relationship), then the man immediately turns out to be very busy or he “suddenly” gets sick.

In these examples, the gap between what a man says (I love, like you) and what he really does is immediately visible. But in reality, he shows by his actions that the girl is practically indifferent to him. And the man lies to her and lies.

Example 2: Periodic meetings.

Here, too, there are standard cases of lies. And even if you didn’t notice them in the facial expressions of a man, they can be relatively easily identified due to the discrepancy between the words of the man and his actions.

What are these examples?

- The man says he loves, but in reality the man has a wife and children with whom he lives.

That is, the girl, in fact, becomes a mistress. A man, of course, understands that the role of a mistress is miserable, unpromising, often leads to a breakdown in a woman’s personal life (if it drags on for 10 years) and often tries to compensate for the shortcomings of her role as a mistress. That is, he says any words that a woman wants to hear. Gives gifts. Supports her in some difficult situations, etc.

You just need to understand that all this is a lie (with rare exceptions). But in reality, such a woman for a man is nothing more than entertainment from a boring family life, etc. Therefore, all the stories that he “cannot divorce a terrible wife, as she threatens to take the children” are nothing more than fairy tales for mistresses.

Example 3. A man and a woman live together.

A man says he loves a woman, and so on.

In reality, the result of this stage of the relationship should be a marriage proposal, marriage, children, etc. The term is approximately 6-15 months from the moment of periodic meetings.

But the man himself does not make such an offer. And at some point, the woman begins to talk about marriage herself and the man begins to say something like that:

- what difference does it make if there is a stamp in the passport or not,

- we love each other so much,

- why such expenses for the wedding, when you can buy something for them, for example, an apartment. (and usually no one buys an apartment either)

Even a loving man is usually not very enthusiastic about the fact that it's time to get married. But if he loves a woman, appreciates her, then usually he understands that he needs to either get married or the woman will simply leave.

So, let's sum up a little.

Lies are, in fact, and there are cases when the words of a man and his deeds diverge very much.(And he knows it)

In the relationship between a man and a woman, there are typical situations of a man's lies. When a man seeks a woman, he often lies that he loves her. (otherwise won't get sex)

When he does not want to go into conflict, he just as often lies.

When he doesn't want to get married, he lies again.

There are probably a couple of dozen typical cases when a man is lying.

What to do if you find out that a man is lying?

It depends on the reason for the lie.

The first reason is that a woman is trying to put too much pressure on a man, to manipulate too openly, to take the initiative too early.

I have written about this many times. For example, a woman after the first acquaintances may decide that she needs to meet and call each other every day. The man is still ready to do it 2-3 times a week.

Maybe a woman is trying to give advice to a man about how to act at work, with friends, with relatives, and the man considers this (at least for now) not her business.

Then it is obvious that a woman needs to stop putting pressure on a man, stop taking the initiative, stop getting into those affairs of a man that, in fact, do not concern her.

The second reason for lying is that a man does not like a woman or is generally indifferent.

At some point, the man may have been in a relationship with a woman, even in love. But then he stopped liking the woman.

Maybe he sobered up.

Maybe at some point he realized that he would not “pull” this woman materially or by force of character.

Maybe he began to communicate with the woman closer, and it became clear to him that they "did not agree on the characters."

And here, rarely, one of the men directly tells the woman that that's it, he stopped liking her and he doesn't want to see her.

Usually a man begins to lie a little, sabotage, etc., in order to gradually bring the relationship to naught.

After all, even though he decided to part with a woman, she is usually not indifferent to him at all. He does not want to hurt her and wants to make the separation as painless as possible for the woman and him.

That is also a lie. Meetings are getting rarer and rarer. (We are talking about a permanent relationship. If there are 1-2 dates, then it can be tougher and faster). Increasingly, the man is busy. Increasingly, they cannot meet. Even if they meet, the meetings go faster and faster, and so on.

Lies are manifested in various pretexts about why he cannot meet or call. (Forgotten, busy, etc.)

If the reason a man lies is that he no longer likes a woman, then it is obvious that you just need to stop dating him.
What's the point of dating? Just prolong the breakup? Lose time, self-respect?

It doesn't make sense, of course.

The third reason for lying is that a man has the character of a psychopath.

They lie a lot and for no reason. It is better not to meet such men. I described in detail about such men in my book - in this book I described in detail about manipulators, and about psychopaths and about other categories of men who are not suitable for relationships.

So, a man lies and not as rarely as it seems. The main technique for detecting lies is to notice the discrepancy between the actions and words of a man. If he says one word, and the actions say something else, then you need to trust the actions more. Rather, the lack of action on his part.

And if a man lies a lot, then it's bad. You need to either reconsider your behavior or, as an option, part with a man. For more information on how to identify male lies and what to do about it, you can discuss with me on

Sincerely, Rashid Kirranov.