Do-it-yourself cockerel from improvised material. Step by step instructions with photos. Application from natural material "Cockerel" for children. Master class with step by step photo Crafts from salt dough - rooster

This thematic section of the MAAM portal is dedicated to the colorful and proud leader of the chicken family, the “winged alarm clock”. In addition, the cockerel is a character in many fairy tales and other works of folklore; an invariable prototype of handicrafts; souvenirs, crafts and compositions for Easter.

A large collection of original master classes on the artistic depiction of roosters and cockerels is formed on these pages. In addition, there are ready-made ideas for making a rooster costume for theatrical performances.

The brightest and most cheerful cockerels are in our "bird yard".

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All sections | Rooster, cockerel. Master classes, do-it-yourself rooster crafts

Synopsis of OOD on Artistic and Aesthetic Development in the Middle Group (sculpting) Topic: « Cockerel» Target: teach children to convey a vivid image rooster, creating an image. Tasks: - to improve the ability of children to sculpt according to the model; - to consolidate the skills and abilities in working with plasticine - ...

"Cockerel with beautiful feathers" application in the second junior group. Zadai: Introduce children to different images rooster; deepen children's ideas, this animal, its appearance. Develop children's thinking and imagination. Teach: see feathers rooster tail in...

Rooster, cockerel. Master classes, do-it-yourself rooster crafts - Abstract of a lesson on making crafts from waste material "Cockerel" as part of the "Skillful Hands" circle

Publication "Summary of a lesson on making crafts from waste material ..."
Purpose: To acquaint children with non-traditional techniques for making crafts, develop hand motor skills, a sense of color, perseverance, and a desire to finish what they started. Tasks: Educational - to teach children to transform a familiar subject; Developing - to consolidate the skills of working with plasticine ...

MAAM Pictures Library

Abstract of the lesson on visual activity "Dymkovsky cockerel" Purpose Creation of conditions for the development of artistic creativity of children of senior preschool age. Tasks 1. Continue to acquaint children with the Dymkovo toy, expand their understanding of folk crafts. 2. Develop communication skills with peers. 3. Develop...

Synopsis of GCD on modeling "Dymkovo cockerel" (preparatory group) Purpose: to continue to introduce children to arts and crafts. Tasks: To teach to highlight the elements of the painting. Learn to highlight the expressiveness of the shape of the toy. Continue to teach children to convey in modeling the images of the Dymkovo rooster: an oval body, a curved tail, with wavy ...

Summary of the master class Topic: Making a soft toy "Cockerel" Relevance of the topic: In the modern world - the era of the rapid growth of science and technology - the problem of creativity, the formation and education of a creative person is of particular importance. In elementary school...

Rooster, cockerel. Master classes, do-it-yourself rooster crafts - Origami "Cockerel" with appliqué elements in the senior group

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to fold a sheet of paper, precisely combining opposite corners. Objectives: to expand the understanding of poultry; develop the ability to create a subject composition; continue to introduce the simplest ways of folding paper (origami); activate...

Purpose: - to continue to introduce children to the true Russian craft - the manufacture of clay toys; - learn to highlight the elements of the painting; - to teach to see the expressiveness of the form of the toy; - continue to teach children to convey in modeling the images of the Dymkovo rooster: the oval body is curved ...

Hello, friends! Today is about how to make a craft rooster from plasticine, cones, acorns, leaves, in general, from natural material.

Children's imagination has no limits. Cones, chestnuts or nuts are not just fruits of trees, but also an excellent building material for the production of amazing crafts.

In our case, ordinary pine cones have turned into a fabulous cockerel Petya. With such a colorful character, you can even perform in a puppet theater, and not just participate in an exhibition of autumn crafts.

For work you will need:

  • two cones of Scotch pine
  • acorn caps
  • dried oblong leaves
  • twig
  • plasticine

We immediately attach plasticine eyes to one of the cones. At the same time we fashion a large red crest and two triangular details for the beak.

Now we will connect the parts of the beak and decorate the edges of the ridge with thin grooves.

Here is the torso of a rooster with a yellow plasticine neck.
You can immediately attach the head to the body. Let's take the opportunity and connect these elements.

Now you can get autumn dried leaves from the herbarium and choose suitable samples for decorating the wings of a rooster craft. We liked this option. We connected one sheet of rowan and wild grapes into a wing, gluing the parts with a piece of orange plasticine.
We attach multi-colored wings to the body.

We also collected a long tail from autumn leaves. The plasticine base was covered on both sides with a layer of red, yellow and green leaves.

We make thin legs of crafts from twigs (up to 5 cm long), acorn caps and yellow plasticine. It should be borne in mind that such legs will not physically be able to hold the cockerel in a standing position. We will have to plant a hero.

The work on the fairy-tale hero has come to an end. Decorate the background with a bright picture. Our rooster lives in his own hut. Today a frog came to visit him.

We just have to remind you that such crafts should be placed away from sunny window sills. Cones tend to bloom under warm rays, and plasticine - to melt. The cockerel will feel comfortable in a shaded place.

A craft in the form of a rooster is not only a decoration for a room or a New Year tree, but also a wonderful gift that can be presented to friends, relatives and acquaintances. It will be nice if you make a cockerel with your children. There are many options for how to make a rooster with your own hands. Plasticine, fabric, paper, plastic bottles and much more are suitable as a material.

Rooster from plasticine

To make this simple craft, you need to prepare multi-colored plasticine. From the yellow material, it is necessary to roll balls of different sizes. Connect them to each other in such a way as to get the body, neck and head of the rooster. Carefully level the joints of the balls.

Imitation of feathers can be done using longitudinal cuts. To make a scallop, you need a mass of red. Next, attach black eyes and an orange beak.

The tail can be made from the brightest shades of plasticine. To do this, you need to cut the mass into small pieces, knead each portion and roll it first into a ball, then into a long sausage. Collect the resulting details in a bouquet - the tail is ready, it remains to attach it.

Wings are best made from triangular and teardrop-shaped cakes. For them, red plasticine is suitable. Draw feathers on the wings with a stack and stick to the body. In order for the craft to be stable, the paws must be made using matches.

paper cockerel

To make a rooster with your own hands from paper, you will need the following materials:

  • Scissors.
  • Colored paper.
  • Box.
  • PVA glue.

From the box, cut off the part that closes it. Along the fold lines, make cuts half the height of the box. Bend two opposite parts along the incisions. These will be the wings. The remaining parts are the head and tail. Carefully round the wings, and cut the tail with longitudinal stripes. Cut out the head in the form of a triangle. It remains to decorate the craft, make a comb and earrings.

plastic bottle product

To make a rooster from waste material, you need:

  • Three plastic bottles.
  • Yellow ball from a dry pool.
  • Disposable plates and glasses in yellow and red.
  • Black marker.
  • stapler.
  • The adhesive tape is simple and double-sided.

Cut off the top of three plastic bottles, then connect them with tape to make a torso with a neck.

Cut disposable cups into strips from the edge. Decorate the rooster's neck with them. To do this, place the glasses upside down one above the other, alternating colors. Glue the head from the yellow ball onto the double-sided tape.

Cut off the edges of red and yellow disposable plates. Cut the resulting arcs from the inside, imitating feathers. Collect feathers in a bouquet, fasten with a stapler. It turned out the tail, which must be inserted into the incision on the body of the rooster. The joints can be masked with wrapping paper.

Attach wings, beak, eyes, comb and beard cut from colored disposable plates with adhesive tape. The craft is ready.

How to sew a rooster out of fabric

For work you will need:

Draw a sample craft on cardboard and cut it out. Then cut it into individual pieces. You can use a stencil. Match each detail with separate pieces of fabric and cut out in duplicate.

White fabric is suitable for the head, blue-green for the upper part of the wing and body. Cut out the lower part of the wing and tail from black fabric. Next, make a scallop, beard, paws, beak and eyes out of colored paper. It remains to sew all the details with each other.

There are many different ways to make a rooster out of natural material. It all depends on skill and ability. A simple craft will turn out if you put a rooster template on a wooden sheet or plywood and circle the contours. Then cut out the pattern with a knife or jigsaw. Further, the product can be painted with paints.

A more complex option is to carve many strokes and details on the tree. This is done using additional tools. Depending on the desire, carving a rooster from wood can be voluminous or flat. Having the skill and scheme for assembling the product, you can make a rooster from several parts.

Jute lamp

For the master class you will need:

  • Jute threads.
  • PVA glue.
  • File.
  • Pins.
  • Paper.
  • Pencil.

First you need to draw a silhouette of a rooster. Put the resulting drawing into a file. Moisten the jute thread in glue and spread along the lines of the pattern. Make another such pattern in the same way. Thus, you get two cockerels. To make the base, wrap a plastic jar with threads. When the glue dries, pull out the jar. The jute tube is ready.

To connect electricity, you will need a cartridge, a cord with a switch and an LED light bulb. Next, connect the wire and cartridge, screw in the light bulb. Place the cartridge in a jute tube. Stick the design on a tin cover, which is also pasted over with jute thread, you get a stand. It remains to collect the cockerel - the lamp is ready.

Panel of buttons

To create a craft you need:

It is important to choose the shades of the buttons to avoid sharp transitions. For example, the paws and comb will be made of red buttons, the head will be yellow, and the neck will be orange. For the tail, it is better to use several colors: blue, purple, lilac. To decorate the body, you need to mix the buttons of all these shades.

Cover the cardboard with fabric and draw the silhouette of a rooster. Then start filling in the outline. Before gluing the buttons, they need to be laid out in size. Fill empty spaces with beads.

balloon toy

A voluminous craft will turn out from balloons and threads. For this you will need:

  • PVA glue.
  • Yarn in yellow, red and orange.
  • Two balloons.
  • Colored paper.

Inflate one large balloon, the second smaller. Moisten the yarn with PVA glue and wrap the balls.

After the glue is completely dry, pierce the balls with a needle and pull them out of the thread frame. You get the head and body of a rooster, they need to be fastened together.

To decorate the craft, you will need colored paper. It is important that several bright colors are used in the manufacture of the wings and tail. The comb, beak, eyes, earrings and paws can also be made from colored paper. Attach all parts to the body. If desired, paws can be made of wire, then the craft will be stable.

Making a candy bowl

Using egg cartons, you can make a beautiful candy box in the form of a rooster. For this you need:

Cut the cones cut from the tray into four petals. These will be feathers. Cut each cone on one side.

The preparation of the head and throat is done according to the principle of building feathers to the cone. For example, for the head you will need 5 feathers, for the throat 6 feathers. The third cone (the beginning of the neck) of 8 feathers, then 10, 12. The sixth blank of 8 feathers will no longer be in the form of a cone, but in the form of a fan. This detail will close the beginning of the back. Feathers are fastened together with adhesive tape.

Next, draw a scallop on the box and embed. To make a beard, you can take two side parts of the cells. Cut out two cones for the beak.

To form the head and throat, it is necessary to glue all the cones, starting from the smallest. Attach a beard, beak and comb to the head.

Cut out the wings from the box and glue them with feathers using the same cones. Tail feathers in the form of arcs are also cut out of the tray.

A plate for sweets (aka the belly of a rooster) is made using the papier-mâché technique. It is necessary to inflate the balloon, glue it with strips of paper and newspapers dipped in PVA glue. Make at least four layers, with the first and last layer being white paper.

When the glue dries, burst the ball and cut the workpiece into two parts. In this case, one half should be larger than the other. To make the bowl strong, you need to place a small part in a large one. Glue the parts together.

Attach the head of the rooster to the bowl, then glue the tail and wings. Next, the candy bowl needs to be decorated. Colors can be chosen to your taste, shiny and pearly paints are suitable.

Continuation of the master class

Do-it-yourself crafts from natural material are not difficult to do, but very interesting and entertaining. To make such crafts, you will need material that can be found in the forest, in the field, near the river. In order to make the craft more expressive, also use plasticine, paints and other similar materials. DIY crafts made from natural materials will decorate your interior or will be great gifts for friends and relatives.

You will need:

  • plasticine
  • cone

How to do

We prepare source materials

To make crafts, prepare plasticine and a bump.

We make a head and paws from plasticine

Let's make a cockerel's head and two paws out of plasticine. For the head, roll up a ball of yellow plasticine. Add a red plasticine comb and beak. From a piece of white and black plasticine, blind your eyes. Make two orange bird legs.

Making a cockerel

Flip the bump. Attach the cockerel's head to its wide part, and paws to its narrow part. We just have to add two plasticine caps. You can also make a tail, but it will outweigh the craft, and it may fall. But even so, the cockerel looks quite attractive and will be a great toy for kids.


Do-it-yourself composition made of natural material "Rooster". Master class with step by step photos.

Sukhoversha Tatyana Yuryevna, teacher of the Mariol School, Voronezh
Description: the master class is intended for educators, teachers of additional education, parents to organize joint activities with children of senior preschool age.
Target: development of imagination, compositional skills in the process of creative activity.
expand children's ideas about the world around them;
develop aesthetic perception, creative abilities of children;
to cultivate accuracy, diligence in the process of making crafts;
encourage initiative in the choice of materials in terms of color and texture to create a composition;
create an emotionally positive atmosphere of creative interaction.
Expected Result: production of a composition for an exhibition of works from natural material, interior decoration in the autumn period, a gift.
ceiling tiles made of expanded polystyrene (size 50x50 cm);
dried leaves (maple, oak, birch, poplar, mountain ash, willow, aspen, hazel, acacia, wild rose);
grass and flowers (rose, clover, yarrow);
ash seeds, coffee bean;
PVA glue, flat bristle brush No. 5, application board, napkins.


1. Lay out the leaves, forming the image of a cockerel.
2. We circle the template, alternately transfer the elements of the future composition to the workspace and fix it with PVA glue.

3. Glue 4 leaves in the center of the tile - this is the body of the cockerel.

4. Next, lay out the neck and beard.

5. Add two more leaves - this is the head and the scallop.

6. Large maple leaf - wing. We make a beak from ash seeds, glue a coffee bean.

7. We proceed to the formation of the tail.

8. We collect legs from maple petioles and acacia leaf blades.

9. Add details to bring the image to life. We glue flowers, lay out a fence from blades of grass.

Here is ours, Petya the cockerel - a tail with patterns, boots with spurs. He sings songs, counts time.

P.S. Interesting about roosters.

1. Ayam Tsemani from Indonesia.
These birds are all black: plumage, skin, crest, legs, eyes, bones and internal organs. Although the blood remains red, it is significantly darker than that of other relatives.
2. Chinese silk.
These birds also have non-standard pigmentation, their skin looks bluish or gray, and the plumage is devoid of grooves, for which the feathers of ordinary chickens cling. Therefore, the bird looks like a fluffy ball.
3. Phoenix.
China is considered its homeland for this unusually beautiful and long-tailed rooster. In some specimens, the tail reaches a length of 3.5 meters. The bird, bred by Japanese breeders, has a record tail length of about 11 meters.
4. Dutch white-crested rooster.
He is completely missing a comb. A bird with black or "blue" plumage with a tuft in the form of a round cap.

For many nations, the rooster is a symbol of light, fire, sun, the rebirth of life. He personifies courage, courage, reliability. His image was often placed on the roofs of houses, on spiers and towers in the form of a weather vane, symbolizing vigilance against all evil. It was believed that the cry of a rooster drives away dark forces from a person and his house. In Russia, a large number of signs and customs are associated with the image of a rooster. The owners moved into a new house after the cockerel had safely spent the night in it, sang “for housewarming”. With the help of a cockerel, the girls guessed at Christmas time for the future groom. At the wedding, young people were given figurines of a rooster and a hen as a symbol of health and good luck. They believed: if a rooster sings earlier than usual, then in summer it portends bad weather, and in winter - a thaw. The rooster sings during the day under the windows - to the guests, and if it screams and beats out the window - to the fire.
The first "ku-ka-re-ku" sounds at the first hour of the night. The second time the rooster cries about an hour later. And at four o'clock in the morning, the "third roosters" announce with their singing the beginning of a new day, the victory of good over evil. The rooster also gives its voice during the day - it warns neighboring roosters about the rights to the territory. Every day at the same time, he climbs higher, from where he can be clearly seen and heard, flapping his wings and stretching his neck, he sings his famous “ku-ka-re-ku”.
Modern roosters living in different countries crow in their own way. In Germany - "ki-ke-ri-ki", in Sweden - "ku-ke-li-ku", in Italy - "chi-ki-ri-chi", in France - "ko-ko-ri-ko" ", in Spain and the Czech Republic - "ki-ki-ri-ki", in Poland - "ku-ku-ri-ku", in Bulgaria and Romania - "ku-ku-ri-gu", in Japan - "ko -ke-kok-ko". Chinese cockerels make completely different cock cries - “in-in”. And the British heard something like "Petka the Fool" ("cook-e-doodle-doo") in the cock's crowing.
The musical abilities of roosters were of interest to poultry farmers in many countries. For lovers of rooster singing, competitions were held in several categories - vociferousness, the number of cries per hour and musicality. For example, in Germany, the winner of one of the competitions shouted more than 90 times in one hour. And in Russia, the Yurlovsky vociferous ones were especially valued, about which they used to say: “Ten quarters can be measured with your fingers while singing” (the duration of singing was measured by rhythmic tapping: roosters deserved the highest praise, whose vocals lasted more than 18 quarters).
It is believed that rooster singing has a beneficial effect on humans. It is proposed to use this sound as an alarm clock, and in kindergarten - as an invitation to the table or a call to play.
There are proverbs, sayings, riddles about the cockerel.

He became the hero of poems, stories, fairy tales, cartoons.

Favorite children's treat - cockerel on a stick, gingerbread.
The image of a cockerel is found in handicrafts, in toys of modern masters. So Sergei Timofeevich Saunov created an extraordinary collection of wooden cockerels: musicians, soldiers and athletes.

The rooster is one of the symbols of France, and the most famous monuments - in Bulgaria, Germany, America and Russia. "Golden Rooster" is a national award of the People's Republic of China for achievements in cinema, established in 1981 (the year of the Rooster).
On April 29, 1997, the world's first art museum of the Rooster was opened in the city of Petushki, Vladimir Region.
The fervent, fighting character of the rooster made him not only a hero of folklore, but also a participant in the eastern calendar. Every twelve years, Southeast Asia celebrates the Year of the Rooster. The upcoming 2017 will be full of bright and outstanding events. The Fire Rooster recommends: you need to live this year with a twinkle, so that later you can remember it as one of the best periods in your life.