How to protect yourself from an energy vampire. Energy vampires: signs and methods of protection

Since ancient times, man has tried to understand his place in the world and learn to live in harmony with it.

And if Western philosophy has chosen the path of materialism and belief in facts, the East still proclaims the victory of the spirit over the flesh. It was there that the idea arose that a person is not only and not so much a physical shell, but also an energy-information system.

The physical shell of a person needs food, while the spiritual component needs other food - energy, otherwise the person will weaken and become exhausted as well as from hunger. Philosophers believe that the pure at heart can draw pure energy from space. However, there are other so-called energy vampires.

Energy vampires - who are they

These are just people forcibly taking away someone else's energy contrary to the laws of mutual energy exchange.

According to the theory of the energy-informational approach, the entire universe is a single energy system. It is she who is the source of spiritual support for a person, but only on condition that he is in harmony with the Universe. In other words, only a high level of spiritual development gives a person the opportunity to directly draw energy from the Universe. All others who are not available are forced to consume the energy of those around them. Colleagues, friends, acquaintances, passers-by and even family become such a source. A person who absorbs the bioenergy of others is an energy vampire.

Energy vampires are usually divided into two types: those who are unaware of their condition, and those who deliberately "feed" from others.
The first type is not so threatening to society. In fact, anyone can inadvertently become an energy vampire without realizing it. After all, each of us sometimes experiences energy starvation, for example, during periods of illness, in stressful situations, at work. At the same time, some of the “hungry” restore their strength in nature, while others unconsciously pump out energy from everyone who has turned up under the arm.

The second category is socially much more dangerous. They are usually not difficult to recognize. Around such people, a certain fog of aggression, contempt and negativity always seems to thicken. They deliberately and voluptuously suck the life force from those around them. Only when such types get what they want do they begin to feel noticeably better, become smiling, deliberately polite and friendly.

The one who has lost part of his energy feels weak, exhausted, vulnerable, and, in turn, also draws strength from those around him. Thus, being an energy donor for one person, one can also be an energy vampire in relation to another.

How does the exchange of energy take place

In order to win the battle for energy, the "vampire" must unbalance his victim. Quarrels, squabbles, hatred, envy, resentment, irritation are perfect for this. A victim suffering from such harassment, from attacks and aggression from the vampire, is unable to fight, and resignedly gives away his spiritual strength and energy, weakening himself even more and strengthening the vampire's strength.

It is important to remember that only a strong spirit can achieve harmony with world energy, and therefore it is necessary to try to prevent energy vampires, not to allow them to make themselves weaker. But for this you need to learn to recognize energy vampires.

Energy vampires are everywhere!

Energy vampires live in many families. For example, a jealous person is an energy vampire by definition. With his exhausting mistrust and suspicion, he sucks the strength from the objects of his "love".

Often the relationship between mother-in-law and son-in-law, between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law turns out to be nothing more than communication between a vampire and his victim. A sick person is also able to turn into an energy vampire for some time. With his whims and whining, he will take your strength in order to quickly recover himself. Bedridden invalids often consciously take revenge on their relatives for their misfortune, in which they are not guilty, stealing energy and strength in megaliters.

It is unbearable to work under the guidance of an energy vampire. Such a boss will definitely take out his inferiority on his subordinates, insult them in the face and arrange daily “debriefings”.

The accumulation of people of this type can be found in bureaucratic institutions, at post offices, at points for receiving utility bills, especially when angry pensioners gather there.

However, you can still somehow protect yourself from such vampirism. Suppose, retreating until better times. But it is completely unrealistic to protect yourself from energy vampirism in the crowd where you landed. Please note: almost exclusively energy vampires always take part in any rallies and demonstrations. Most of them go there for a portion of "fresh blood", that is, energy, in fact.

The main signs of energy vampirism

After communicating with some people, you experience unreasonable irritability, your mood drops sharply, all your strength disappears somewhere? Do you want to literally cry and bang your head against the wall? Most likely, you were used by an energy vampire. But how to distinguish it from a normal person? And finally, how to safely communicate with an energy vampire

The main distinguishing feature of such people is that they always piss off their interlocutors. And the reason for this can be any nonsense. It is their style to humiliate someone in the presence of witnesses, to laugh, to play an evil joke to cause the desired effect. In the old days, in a similar way, cold killers, duellists-breters, looked for their victims. Such types can borrow money from you and not give it back for a long time, stuffing promises and enjoying your helpless anger.

At the same time, energy vampires are always suspicious people, bores and selfish. Often they do not hear the interlocutor at all, because his opinion, thoughts and feelings do not bother them at all. Often such a person is very jealous and vengeful. But he often surrounds his “regular donor” with increased attentiveness and care, and is jealous of other people.

It is noticed: energy vampires love to talk on the phone for hours. Moreover, they immediately “load” their counterpart with endless personal problems. This dialogue resembles a monologue about nothing, but after it, a burden of mental depression falls on the interlocutor, nervous breakdowns occur. It is difficult for a well-mannered person to get rid of an energy vampire: resentment begins. It's better to just refer to a bad connection and disconnect.

An energy vampire needs throw a person off balance. For example, hiding behind the fact that he does not understand something, he will pester his mentor with questions and mistakes, he will not listen to his explanations at all, ignore his help, only trying to ensure that the person, tired and annoyed by the explanations, loses his temper . They say about such people that it is easier to do it yourself than to explain it.

Energy vampires often turn on long conversations "about nothing" that cannot be interrupted and have to spend hours holding the phone to their ear and listening to their complaints and stories of hard life, problems and failures. Are you uncomfortable, tired and tired of the interlocutor, but you can’t interrupt the conversation? You are an energy vampire.

Another technique of energy vampires is to create situations in which a person dependent on them will forced to wait until the end tormented by anticipation and ignorance. Obtaining important documents, the question of employment and so on. The more important the information, the longer the process of obtaining it is delayed. As a result, a person is exhausted, nervous, not knowing what to do, and the energy vampire gets his food.

Among the signs of energy vampires can also be called the desire for retelling the details of catastrophes, tragedies, wars, deaths and other. Savoring the details of the victims' suffering, they evoke fear, compassion and pain, experiences in those around them, and thereby unbalance them. The same purpose is served by long stories about problems and tragedies in personal life - one's own or acquaintances. These stories always have a sad ending and a gloomy mood that breeds depression.

It's believed that cats are an indicator of an energy vampire. These free-spirited, independent creatures dislike vampires and treat them aggressively for no apparent reason. Also, energy vampires are unlikely to have a talent for growing plants or flowers - they say about such people that flowers do not like them.

About energy vampires they are often said to be honest, frank people. And in fact, they are happy to tell the truth-the uterus - especially unpleasant - in the face of an opponent, humiliating him and hiding behind the truthfulness of the statement.

Energy vampires seek direct contact. They are happy to touch a person, clap if it is an acquaintance, cuddle in public transport, shove and push if it is a random passerby.
In other words, if during communication a person constantly irritates others, and after communicating with him people feel weak and tired, then most likely this is an energy vampire.

There is an unproven opinion that in the presence of energy vampires household appliances break down regularly and the flowers wither. At home, you won’t notice any plants either, because they simply can’t stand them. And those, in turn, dry up and simply do not take root in the apartments of such individuals.

Energy vampires love gatherings of people. And they will not fail to appear where there is a high probability of scandal or clash. Conflict for them is a wonderful source of energy.

They are so different!

Absolute energy vampires are not often seen, usually mixed types. So, one person can manifest himself in various situations both as an energy vampire and as an energy donor. In addition, among spontaneous vampires there are charming, sweet, kind people who simply do not notice their negative impact on outsiders.

Very often, one relative lives off the energy of another, which manifests itself in scandals and the eternal showdown. Or, for example, some family may be considered just perfect, but there someone is constantly sick or considered a loser. From what? Most likely, this person gives his energy to a vampire loved one. And if two vampire spouses coexist in a family, then they either constantly swear and try to get a divorce, or they live in perfect harmony, fueled by energy from casual relationships.

There is also a very curious type of energy-sucking - sex vampires. Usually, at the moment of orgasm, a person is filled with positive energy, but vampires take it away without giving anything in return. After sexual contact with such a partner, irresistible emptiness and dissatisfaction gnaw.

How to protect yourself from energy vampires

Ideally, as mentioned above, a person should constantly improve spiritually, and then, receiving energy directly from space, he will be protected from energy vampires. However, achieving perfection is not easy. What else can a person do when faced with an energy vampire?
If among the above examples and characteristics you recognize a relative, friend, colleague or even a loved one, then what should you do?

Tactics should be next.

Firstly, it is important to remember that energy vampires cannot take energy from a person who is in a calm, balanced state. That is why they try to evoke negative emotions. If in such a situation a person can remain calm, he will avoid the fate of the victim, so you should never get annoyed when contacting this person. After all, the main goal of a vampire is to hurt you in the most painful place. And you, instead of breaking out, try to either get away from the conflict, or make your reaction unexpected for the aggressor: for example, joke or smile.

Secondly, which is perhaps more difficult it is necessary to keep such emotions as pity and compassion. An energy vampire, talking about his problems and anxieties, usually stares into the eyes of the victim, not allowing her to look away, touches her, trying to prolong contact. In such cases, you can simply move away or do some business, get distracted from the conversation, or, if all this is not possible, turn your thoughts to something detached, for example, make a mental shopping list for the evening or remember a children's counting rhyme. This will help keep emotions under control.

Thirdly, it is better not to communicate with an energy vampire at all. Especially if this person is unpleasant and uninteresting. You do not need to draw the attention of the energy vampire to your person, you should not enter into any relationship with him, do good deeds for him. Such types will appreciate nothing anyway - they will simply take away your energy as soon as they feel gullibility and weakness.

Fourthly, it is necessary to learn how to protect personal energy and biofield. To do this, during a conversation, you should cross your legs or arms, you can (an old proven method) keep a fig in your pocket. It's not bad to imagine that there is a large mirror between you, the reflection of which is directed at the vampire.

Fifth, if you do not have the opportunity to avoid talking with such a person, then should try to take everything with humor, from any rude attacks invariably laugh it off, not allowing yourself to be drawn into a serious dispute. Be sure: the energy vampire will not be able to endure this and therefore will not be able to cause harm.

At sixth, especially it is important to control oneself when a person is weakened by problems, illnesses, anxieties. If you feel bad, and an energy vampire is nearby, you will become easy prey for him. This is all the more dangerous because vampires often pretend to be kind, patient, understanding people, you want to go to them for advice and support, which they successfully use against you.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire if your work colleague is one

Sometimes at work we have to communicate with people after talking with whom we feel as if we had drunk all the juice out of us. And such people are not necessarily our immediate superiors. They can be anyone, and we can communicate with them for only a few minutes, sometimes even once during the day in a smoking room, but the result remains the same. And if it repeats over and over again, then there can be no doubt - a real energy vampire has appeared next to you.

However, one should not panic, although communication with a vampire can be more than detrimental to the health of anyone whom he decides to cling to in order to feed his energy. Also, do not tell anyone about your guesses, because they will most likely not believe you, and it will hardly benefit your career that they will begin to consider you "weird".

All you can do in such a situation is to protect yourself. And to do this is quite easy. The main thing is to know the ways of protection for different cases, which we will teach you.

1. The energy vampire is your boss

His methods are very simple: he calls you to his place, arranges a dressing, starting to reproach you with poorly done work or even an early dismissal, as a result of which you involuntarily experience a powerful energy release. The vampire will immediately take all this energy in order to calm down, smile and “forgive you”, allow you to leave. And he doesn’t need more, because he called you only in order to feed.

In order to protect yourself from an energy vampire, you need to learn not to be nervous, and to take all threats and reproaches calmly. And it will help you in this thought that you are hardly deservedly found fault with, and that as soon as you stop feeding the vampire boss with your energy, he will immediately and forever lose all interest in you. He will not fire you from work, but on the other hand, he will stop calling you to his carpet almost every day, and this should be more than enough for you.

2. Energy vampire - a colleague with whom you share one office

You can recognize him by his heavy gaze and by the fact that he has already done everything so that your tables stand so that you sit with your back to him, while he is facing you. As for its impact, it begins to “feed” only when you plunge headlong into work, forgetting about everything else. Did you think that this work takes so much energy from you? So, you were mistaken, because a favorite and interesting work, on the contrary, charges us with strength, and does not deprive us of them.

From such energy vampires are protected as follows:
- first of all, they rearrange the tables so that now you and the vampire are facing each other with their shoulders;
- put on the table a pot of geraniums, which from time immemorial was considered in Russia the best remedy for energy vampirism;
- any guarding or protective prayer that you should read every time before delving into work also helps;
- an excellent tool is a player with headphones, which will close your energy, blocking any leakage;
- and you can also put a mirror on your table that will reflect the action of the vampire directed at you, making all his attempts to feed at your expense fruitless.

3. Energy vampire - a person whose meetings are always "accidental"

This person suits you at the slightest opportunity, but how - after all, he considers himself your close friend, and you are of the same opinion, even if you ask you why you like him, you will not find an answer. His usual manner of influence is to joke, tell a joke, discuss yesterday's movie, or vice versa, make you upset and complain about life. No matter what your emotions are, in any case, grieving or laughing, you will involuntarily begin to splash out of yourself energy, which he will not miss the opportunity to use.

And it is very simple to protect yourself from an energy vampire - just put a tiny mirror in your breast pocket, turning its reflective side towards you. This alone will be enough for the vampire not to be able to drink even a drop of your energy.

Energy vampires - how to protect yourself

Healing yourself is good too.
Irritation and fatigue from the attacks of an energy vampire are good to remove with the help of your favorite music, films, poems, books, aromatic oils.
After being in crowded places, it is recommended to take a contrast shower, drink delicious hot tea.

Dendrotherapy helps: it is beneficial for the soul to walk among the trees, touch them, because these silent doctors process negative energy into positive.
Based on materials:,

Based on the negative exchange of energies between people. An effective way to protect!

What is energy vampirism?

Energy vampirism is divided into two types - active and passive.

  • Active - these are conscious actions - obvious, aggressive brawlers, constantly trying to quarrel someone. Often these are grandmothers in queues, in transport or Sberbank.
  • Passive - outwardly quiet people who take energy with the help of cunning. These people basically cannot manipulate energy consciously, everything is done by the biofield.

Favorite places of energy vampires are public places!

These can be mass gatherings (demonstrations, rallies, rock concerts), disaster sites (because the energy of accidents hovers over the scene for a long time; the worse the disaster was, the greater the energy release).

How does energy vampirism manifest itself?

The most common variants of energy vampirism:

  • provoking scandals and quarrels;
  • constant complaints about his life and destiny.

One popular method is to complain about the lack of money. There are people, especially such people are dangerous among acquaintances and friends, who every time they meet they say, “I don’t have money, I don’t have enough money, etc.”

A tougher reception of energy vampires: “Here you are so rich, but I don’t have enough money, you have this, but I don’t ... etc.” There is also such a trick - quite wealthy people constantly say how little money they have, although their standard of living and purchases say otherwise.

The moment you show pity for such people, your positive energy or your prosperity energy flows to them.

Often such people are found on trains. They start talking about the difficulties of their lives and pour out all the negativity on you. After such people, you can often experience a breakdown, nausea and headaches.

In general, energy vampirism has many variants of its manifestation. Your bosses “vampire” your energy in a different way than your sociable acquaintances can do, and even more so differently than your parents do.

How does an energy vampire work?

If you are a vulnerable, emotional, touchy person, then there is no salvation for you. A vampire needs little: to offend you, hurt you, create a conflict situation.

If another such provocation is successful (and energy vampires are just professionals in such matters), you lose vital energy, the vampire receives it and calms down for a while.

You feel a breakdown, irritability, mental discomfort. Over time, constant communication with an energy vampire, which may be your relative, boss, spouse or colleague, will lead to health problems, persistent influxes of depression¹, you can lose your luck in business and get problems in your personal life.

Therefore, avoid excessive communication with people who clearly encroach on your safety, deprive you of health and vitality.

How can you protect yourself from energy vampirism?

The best way to deal with energy vampires is to ignore them, as if in front of you is not a lump of evil bile, but a completely empty place.

Do not succumb to psychological provocations, since the loss of energy most often occurs in the process of skirmishes and quarrels (energy vampires deliberately provoke your irritation and indignation).

Significantly do not pay attention to the provocations of the vampire in your address, react only with a condescending smirk, they say, “what can I take from a fool (fool)?” If you do not respond to the provocative behavior of the energy vampire, he will not only remain “hungry”, but will also choke on his own negativity.

Several of these failed attempts by the vampire to drain the energy out of you will cause him to leave you alone forever and look for other victims.

If you feel that the energy vampire has already “bitten” you (that is, pissed you off), your worst reaction may be an attempt to come into conflict with him. The energy vampire initially counted on a scandal, during which he receives his portion of an energy dinner from you.

What will you do if you are bitten by a snake? You can run after it in a frenzy, causing the poison to spread through your body faster, and in the worst case, you will get another bite. But the best solution for you will be urgent countermeasures: squeezing out poison, taking medicine, medical help.

The same tactic is appropriate when communicating with an energy vampire: leave him energetically hungry, switch your attention to something else, eat something sweet, etc. But avoid verbal skirmishes, otherwise you will again become a victim of a vampire, and energy vampires love to deal with those people who are easy to piss off and plunge into a bad mood. Don't be a regular meal for these Draculas!"

How to fill the energy deficit?

By the way, did you pay attention to the recommendation: “eat something sweet”? The fact is that a sudden craving for sweets is characteristic of any person experiencing a severe energy deficit. Simple carbohydrates, found in abundance in sweets and flour products, allow you to quickly feed your body with energy.

Energy deficiency can be the result of so many reasons, both natural (psychological stress, physical fatigue, hypoglycemia² in diabetes) and witchcraft (evil eye, spoilage).

The sudden appearance of a persistent craving for sweets can indeed be a symptom of witchcraft aggression.

But most often, a sharp short craving for sweets in a person appears precisely after he has become a victim of energy vampirism. Eating a chocolate bar is a fairly well-known method of restoring energy after you have been thoroughly pissed off.

Surely you have already noticed that a long “chewing” of unpleasant conversations most often happens after communicating with the same sharp-tongued people, caustic and shameless. This implies the first rule: limit communication with such people, try not to notice them, and, if possible, completely get rid of the company of these energy vampires.

How to behave after an energy attack?

The famous Coco Chanel once said:

“I don't care what you think of me. I don't think about you at all."

I believe the second rule is already quite obvious to you: in no case do not “go in cycles” in that communication, after which your mood has deteriorated!

There is no need to look for options for “successful” answers, after which all the witnesses of the skirmish would have laughed for a long time and together, and your offender would definitely have gone to lather the rope, or, at least, humiliatedly fell silent.

Try to occupy your mind with anything until the unpleasant situation loses its sharpness for you.

Here's an example: when the neighbors have loud music playing, what would you like to do (other than shoot them)? Let's say it would be nice to turn off the electricity in their apartment. So, immediately turn off the electric switch in that part of your consciousness where the music of a caustic remark is thundering against you.

And finally, I would like to draw special attention of the energy vampires themselves to the following words.

Dear reader, if you yourself have noticed a tendency to caustic and offensive attacks against the people around you, unfortunately, you are an energy vampire.

Why "Unfortunately? Because the energy that you receive from other people in the process of your energy vampirism is of a negative nature and gradually poisons your health and psyche.

After all, this energy comes to you accompanied by emotions of resentment, irritation and aggression, which can no longer be “filtered out”. Pay attention to whether you have such classic manifestations characteristic of energy vampires as diseases of the genital area, hormonal disorders, bouts of depression and the presence of some kind of psychological phobias?

Sooner or later, energy vampirism leads to health problems or serious mental illness. For this reason, it is completely in vain that you might think that it is not bad to be an energy vampire.

Some women sincerely believe that being a bitch is good and right. However, inveterate bitches suffer from mental disorders, get sick and die early.

If you are an energy vampire, think about it and start changing. A journey of a thousand kilometers begins with one small step. Go in for sports, breathing exercises.

And if you are a victim of an energy vampire, in a sympathetic and caring tone, tell him everything that you read about in this article.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

² Hypoglycemia is a pathological condition characterized by a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the lymph below 3.5 mmol / l, peripheral blood is below normal (3.3 mmol / l), resulting in a hypoglycemic syndrome (

Surely you have repeatedly noticed that communication with some people causes a storm of positive emotions, it is easy and comfortable in their company. At the same time, after a fleeting conversation with others, you feel like you have been put through a meat grinder - a bad mood, headache, apathy, unwillingness to do anything, irritability completely unsettle. In society, such characters are called "energy vampires" and clearly outline the range of characteristic features. No, not the pallor of the skin and the intention of the ghoul to dig into your vein, but rather the desire to feed on the very energy that he himself lacks.

Is this a myth or reality?

While bioenergy experts advise making talismans and carrying hamsa and the eye of Fatima in your pocket, professional psychologists, among them Eric Berne, argue that there is no vampirism.

And everything that happens is just psychological games. The person is simply unpleasant, that's what infuriates.

It is not going to get into your prana and qi. Well, the conditional vampires themselves are unloved boys and girls, out of habit transferring children's problems to those around them.

All of them have a direct road to psychotherapists. So, we figure out how to identify the bloodsucker and how to deal with it.

We find out if energy vampires exist.

Signs of exposure to energy vampires

As you know, when a good and a bad person meet, the latter uses the good one, while there is something to use, and goes in search of a new victim.

The so-called conditional energy vampire cannot be considered directly bad - often people stick to other people's positive emotions unconsciously.

They just don't know how to do it any other way. Our task is either to explain to them what's what, or to distance ourselves as much as possible.

By the way, on the net you can find a nice formula for calculating personal vampirism.

To do this, add up all the numbers in the date of birth until you get a single digit.

If your number is less than four - you do not have energy, but sadness, the vampire has been detected.

From five to seven - you are within the normal range. Eight / nine - you are a voluntary donor and gladly give away part of the energy that you have, like pimples on polyethylene.

Understanding that you have become an energy donor is quite simple.

In fact, from time to time everyone can be an eater of someone else's positive - everyone has problems and a bad mood.

We are not always able to carry it in ourselves, and therefore we dump it on others.

Psychologists, by the way, advise exactly this: speak out and free yourself. It remains to find unoccupied consonant ears.

But some people manage to become almost real energy vampires, turning their dissatisfaction and whining into a field of activity.

Energy vampirism is a fairly common phenomenon. You can encounter it anywhere: at work, in a public place, and even in the circle of your family and friends. If you recognize the energy sucker in time and take the necessary protective measures, you can save your own energy, and sometimes save the vampire from the painful craving for theft of vitality.

Energy vampires - who are they?

People who are called energy vampires, consciously or not, absorb the life forces of another person and restore their own at the expense of others. Just as the hungry can steal food, energy suckers take energy to replenish the supply of vitality.

Why are they dangerous to humans?

If you communicate with an energy vampire for a long time, you can observe such unpleasant consequences:

  • deterioration in physical condition (headaches, heart problems and sudden pressure drops);
  • psychological disorders (insomnia, decreased brain activity, chronic fatigue);
  • problems with the emotional state (loss of life purpose, frequent lack of mood, no desire to develop, decrease in one's own value).
Often, after communicating with an energy vampire, my head hurts a lot.


There are several types of energy vampires:

  • creative or sunny - they show their acting abilities to put a person in the right emotional state, make them afraid of something or put them in an awkward position;
  • infantile or lunar - they try to arouse compassion for themselves in their victim, talking about sorrows and failures; most often they are in a stressful state, worry about trifles, exaggerate problems;
  • Martian or condemning - obsessively point out shortcomings, can slander a person behind his back or shame in public;
  • Mercurial or informational - they impose their society, starting a conversation on boring and sometimes meaningless topics, trying to stay in touch with the interlocutor in a telephone conversation for as long as possible, not giving the opportunity to complete the conversation;
  • venusian or seductive - they absorb the life forces of their victim when she herself wants to be close to a vampire, often such energy suckers are very good-looking, watch their appearance, attracting the attention of the opposite sex;
  • Jupiterian or overwhelming - they like to teach, take patronage over people; using their official position, they choose especially weak victims who cannot fight back; a vampire may be present in a work team or in the family circle, a person may be morally dependent on him (child) or financially (wife on maternity leave);
  • saturnine or misunderstanding - this species is more common among the elderly or children; they demand to clarify something, they delve into and study for a very long time, they have to repeat a huge number of times, and such situations can piss off the most restrained and delicate person.

In life, lunar and solar energy vampires are most often found.

Photo gallery: types of energy vampires

Solar vampires provoke the release of aggression
Lunar-type vampire constantly tries to arouse sympathy Martian-type vampire harasses with reproaches for any reason Mercury-type vampires impose communication with them Venus-type vampires feed on the energy of lust Jupiterian-type vampires use their power to suppress the victim Saturnian-type vampire is slow, delving into something for a long time and feeds on the energy of irritation

Who can they be

An energy vampire in a family can be:

  • a child who lacks parental attention, and he tries to get the necessary energy with the help of tantrums;
  • a spouse who imposes a sense of guilt on you, exhausting you with constant nit-picking or unreasonable jealousy;
  • dad, mom or one of the parents of your significant other, who constantly interfere in your life or harass you with teachings.

A boss or colleague, a teacher at school or a teacher at an institute, even an old friend or girlfriend can feed on vitality.

Is it possible to suddenly become one or stop absorbing someone else's energy

A person may not be an energy vampire from birth. Perhaps in his life, some factors led to the fact that he began to feel a lack of vitality. he makes up for them at someone else's expense. These can be various temporary difficulties:

  • severe shock (nervous breakdown);
  • long-term course of treatment;
  • a feeling of loneliness when relatives are far away, and friends have endless affairs and worries.

The need for someone else's energy can also appear in children who have not yet learned how to independently replenish their vitality, and among representatives of the older generation. Pay attention to your relatives, perhaps they lack your attention.

The lack of vitality and the inability to replenish them on their own can make a person an energy vampire.

To stop being energy dependent on other people, absorbing their vitality, you need to learn how to restore energy on your own:

  • spend more time outdoors
  • start an active activity;
  • rest;
  • find an occupation that will be to your liking;
  • in any situation, try to find something good and bright.

If you pay more attention to yourself, your favorite activities and learn to get positive emotions from walking and outdoor recreation, the need to feed on someone else's energy force will disappear.

Video: how to quickly restore energy

How to recognize: external signs and behavior

In order not to get confused in the variety of mimicking pests, we have prepared a full article: Below we have listed only the main features.

There are many esoteric ways to calculate an energy drinker, for example, by date of birth. The easiest way to recognize a vampire is by their demeanor. Such people:

  • they like to teach and impose their opinions on others;
  • trying to arouse sympathy for their person;
  • incredulous;
  • hypocritical, often lie;
  • make you feel regret, remorse;
  • often provoke scandals;
  • subjugate the will of others.

Energy suckers often have pronounced wrinkles on the bridge of the nose and in the corners of the mouth, fused bushy eyebrows, and a piercing gaze. Usually they express despondency, depressed mood with facial expressions, posture. The face is pale, the gait is uncertain and lethargic.

Video: how to detect an energy vampire

How to protect yourself from its impact

We discussed this topic in more detail in the article Below, only general recommendations are given.

There are several psychological ways that will allow you to avoid the role of the victim of an energy vampire:

  • learn to defend your views;
  • maintain self-respect;
  • rely on intuition, be prudent;
  • Don't be afraid to speak the truth to your face.

Fear, despondency, self-doubt attract an energy sucker. In order not to become his victim, defend your position, having made a mistake, try to correct yourself, but do not blame yourself excessively. Do not give in if they try to disturb your peace of mind.

Calmness is the main weapon against energy vampirism

The following protective equipment also helps against energy vampire attacks:

  • talismans and amulets;
  • an imaginary barrier between you and the energy sucker;
  • prayers, conspiracies;
  • esters of lavender, jasmine, rosemary and mint.

An ordinary pin pinned to clothes head down can become a talisman against energy vampires.

Is it possible to live with a vampire without harming yourself?

If the energy vampire is a member of your family, come up with tactics in which he will not be able to evoke the emotions he wants in you. Perhaps the person does this unconsciously, so try to be calm and restrained.

Talk to your loved one about how their behavior is destroying family relationships. If the home energy pump is aware of the problem, it will begin to restrain its impulses. Find time to do something together, like having a picnic on the weekend. Please your loved ones more often, give them positive emotions, and then their need to consume someone else's energy will disappear.

Video: what to do if the family has an energy vampire

Do not worry if you recognize an energy vampire in someone from your environment. There are many ways to help deal with the energy pump. The main thing is to keep calm and self-confidence, and if necessary, turn to magical protective equipment.

Modern vampires have nothing to do with mysticism. This is a characteristic of people who try to use your emotions for their own personal benefit. The methods of such people are clearly thought out, and therefore the energy vampire is not so easy to notice.

The most charming person who gives you positive emotions can take them a hundredfold.

An energy vampire is a person who loads others with negative information and his problems. This is tiring because we are all empathic and tend to care about others.

Evgeny Idzikovsky

Rational advice is most often not perceived by such people. They also constantly criticize everything, devalue our achievements, do not respect other people's borders.

There are several signs by which an energy vampire can be recognized in advance. You should not refuse with a person if you notice one item from this list in his behavior. But if more than three points match, then this is a reason to be wary and take a closer look at your friend.

1. Looking for pity

One of the clear signs and a dangerous trap. We easily fall into the networks of an energy vampire when we do him a favor. There is always something to be sorry for.

After an act of mercy, we feel like heroes, saviors, we feel a surge of pride.

Behind these positive emotions, we do not notice how much attention began to be paid to a person, his complaints began to cross all reasonable boundaries, and the demands to regret became more and more insistent and dangerous.

2. They think everyone around is to blame for their troubles.

Vampires are always surrounded by solid villains: a cruel mother, a grumpy wife, a materialistic mistress, stupid children and a tyrant boss. For these people, everyone around is to blame for their troubles, except for themselves.

Any inaccurate word and you already become an enemy. The vampire constantly creates with comrades and interlocutors. If you feel guilty only from the memories of a person, then you have a vampire in front of you.

The social contract is the exchange of resources between people. When a person revels in self-pity, instead of asking for a raise or quitting, they want to keep listening. Such interaction can be convenient for both parties.

Elizabeth Efremova

3. Provoke quarrels and fights

Negative attention is also attention. Energy vampires are happy to use this rule in life.

To provoke quarrels, to be emotionally offended, to wave fists at the slightest pretext - this is about them.

4. They love to weave intrigues

Gossip and quarrels in any team bring special pleasure to vampires. Rubbing themselves into the confidence of everyone, they subtly feel weak points and pull the strings so that the maximum number of people quarrel over the most dramatic reasons.

By manipulating the resentment of some and seeking pity from others, they can ruin relationships even in a friendly company.

5. They hit you at the most unexpected moment

The exchange of energy does not occur in one moment: the energy vampire feeds on it during complaints, attention, quarrels, which he skillfully staged. But there are situations that will help such a person to get enough of his own superiority for a long time.

The less you wait for a catch, the stronger your frustration and energy exchange will be.

6. Go to extremes

An indirect sign by which it is easy to recognize energy vampires is that they are prone to extremes.

They play extreme sports, get married the second day they meet, and cut ties with loved ones after a tiny fight because they lack their own emotions.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire

The first step is to recognize it. The one who gives energy to a vampire is called an energy donor. But not all people are inclined to give away moral strength for free.

Weak personalities, people with a shaky emotional background, who are prone to excessive trust and guardianship, become donors. A few simple tips will not save you from virtuoso vampirism, but will save your nerves and strength, even if you have already been caught.

  • Learn. Gently refuse to do something you don't like after the first request that you find difficult to fulfill.
  • Stand up for boundaries. You are an accomplished adult. No one can tell you that you did something wrong or that you have a bad temper.

Sergey Pozdnyakov

  • Track bright emotional outbursts. Even joyful ones. In the early stages, vampires feed you positive experiences to make you bond. So they loosen your emotional swing.
  • Don't believe gossip. Well-concocted rumors sound quite plausible, but think about why the person is telling you all this and how your quarrel with the object of gossip will be beneficial for him.
  • Rely only on yourself. Getting help and support from loved ones is priceless. But it's always worth having a back-up plan in case a friend turns out to be not who he claims to be.

Did you recognize someone from your circle? Have you encountered energy vampires?