When can you give your baby cow's milk?

Medicine today

The timing of introducing dairy and fermented milk products into the diet of babies under one year of age remains a subject of debate to this day. The positions held by pediatricians a couple of decades ago are considered untenable today.

WHO research supports later introduction of dairy products. It is on the basis of WHO data that the complementary feeding regimens recommended by today's pediatricians are developed. Let's consider at what time and in what volumes dairy products should appear in the baby's diet.

What fermented milk products should not be given to children under one year of age?

Cow's milk

It is not recommended to include cow's milk in a baby's diet before twelve months, and it is even better to postpone the use of this product until two or even three years.

Milk contains only a small amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements, and its high fat content and high protein content make it a difficult product for the baby’s body.

In addition, studies convincingly demonstrate that whole cow's milk is an allergenic product and can provoke skin rashes, eczema, and the development of asthma. It has also been proven that regular consumption of cow's milk interferes with the absorption of iron, which can become a factor in the development of anemia.

The best milk replacement during this period is adapted milk formulas. Milk can only be added to food in small quantities, for example, when preparing porridge.

Fermented milk products can bring much more benefits to your baby than milk, but they should also be administered with extreme caution.

Goat milk

It is also extremely undesirable to introduce this type of milk into complementary foods. Goat's milk is fattier and richer in microelements (especially phosphorus) than cow's milk.

Goat's milk is a very healthy and valuable product, but not for children of this age. Now this amount of fatty fiber and phosphorus can cause serious damage to the health of a one-year-old child.Pediatricians recommend drinking goat milk for childrenafter 3 years suffering from underweight.

Goat milk also has a positive effect on the formation and strengthening of the child’s skeletal system.

Although safety and quality standards prohibit manufacturers from producing children's products containing artificial flavors, colors and other additives, it is better not to give drinking fruit yoghurts to children under 3 years of age.

Typically, store-bought yoghurts can withstand quite a long storage period, which indicates a far from ideal composition. In addition, even natural flavorings can cause serious allergic reactions in a one-year-old child.

Preservatives and flavorings are not the only things that manufacturers of children's yoghurts are guilty of. Nutritionists have discovered that one jar of yogurt contains almost the entire daily allowance of sugar allowed for a one-year-old child.

Just imagine: an average 100-150 ml jar contains 3-4 pieces of refined sugar.

Also, one cannot help but be confused by the mass fraction of protein in store-bought yoghurts. It was found that such products contain 3.3% cow's milk proteins, which is much higher than the daily dose allowed for a child of this age.

Proteins are difficult to digest substances, so they can have a negative effect on the baby’s excretory system, in particular on the kidneys.

What fermented milk products can be given to children under one year of age?


In particular, kefir is started only after the introduction of basic products - cereals, fruit, vegetable and meat purees.

Interesting! Choosing baby food

You should not introduce kefir before 8-9 months, since its composition does not fully meet the child’s needs.

It contains a lot of casein, a milk protein that is still difficult for a baby’s immature intestines to cope with. Casein often causes allergies. In addition, kefir contains a large amount of organic acids and mineral salts, so its consumption is associated with increased stress on the kidneys and digestive system. Premature introduction of kefir into the diet can lead to diarrhea, allergies, and the development of serious forms of anemia.

You should start introducing kefir into your baby’s diet with a small volume of 20-30 ml, which can gradually be increased to 200 ml over the course of a day. More than 200 ml of kefir should not be included in the daily diet due to the existing risk of developing digestive problems. It should be noted that regular kefir is not suitable for consumption by babies under one year of age. It is better to purchase special children's kefir with an adapted composition.

Cottage cheese

As for cottage cheese, it is undoubtedly beneficial for the child’s body, since it is an excellent source of calcium and phosphorus, and these components are present in it in an optimal ratio.

Cottage cheese is also characterized by a high content of protein and vitamins of groups B and PP, which are necessary for the child’s body.

Until recently, it was recommended to introduce curds into the daily diet starting from six months. However, pediatricians are now more cautious. The high content of proteins and mineral salts in cottage cheese can create increased stress on the kidneys. It is better to introduce this product between 9 and 12 months.

Experts advise giving cottage cheese in the afternoon - there is evidence that it is better absorbed at this time. The volume of a serving up to a year should not exceed 50 grams.

Children's curds differ from adults in having a softer consistency. Such food will be convenient to eat even for those children who cannot yet boast a full row of teeth.

Cottage cheese not intended for children can cause digestive problems. Even low-fat cottage cheese mixed with fruit puree is not the best choice for first feeding.

Natural yogurt

In this case, children's yoghurts do not mean sweet desserts in colored packages that we are used to seeing on store shelves or on TV screens.

In fact, yogurt is milk that has been fermented using special biological starter cultures. This dairy product must not contain any additional additives.

Due to the absence of preservatives, natural yogurts have a short shelf life: literally a few days in the refrigerator. You can make yogurt at home using a yogurt maker. Pharmacies sell the necessary starter cultures, thanks to which you can get this drink. Homemade yogurt can be given to your child in its pure form, or mixed with fruit or berry puree. You can add a little sugar to this dessert, but be sure to rinse your baby’s mouth after eating it.

The daily serving of natural yogurt for a child 8-9 months old can be 100-150 grams.


Thanks to a special manufacturing technology, the protein contained in cheese is much easier to digest than protein from whole milk.

Interesting! Menu for a 1 year old child: tables and recipes

But for children over 1.5 years old, cheese can be a very healthy dairy product. At this age, the digestive system is already sufficiently adapted to digest such solid foods.

Another pleasant property of hard cheeses is the ability to clean plaque from the baby’s already erupted teeth. You can start introducing your child to cheeses as early as 10-12 months with neutral varieties without a strong smell or taste. This is Russian, Dutch cheese. Soft unripe cheeses, like Adyghe cheese, are good for complementary feeding. Feta and cheese cannot be classified in this category because of their salty taste.

Cheeses with a pronounced pungent taste, such as Parmesan, are recommended to be offered to children over two years of age. And soft blue cheeses, processed or smoked varieties can be introduced into the diet only after 3 years.


This dairy product in small quantities is perfectly accepted by the child's body. Butter is added to the main dish, for example, porridge or puree.

You should not add butter to the food: this complementary food already contains the optimal amount of fat.

Butter is rich in vitamins A and E, which have a positive effect on the development of vision and strengthening the child’s hair and nails.

Butter should be introduced into the diet in very small doses. The first time you can add it to complementary foods in the amount of 1 gram (tip of a knife). If your first acquaintance with this product was without surprises, you can gradually increase the daily dose to 4 grams.

For those children who are intolerant to animal cow protein, ghee can be added to cereals and vegetable purees. It is important that it is of high quality and does not precipitate or foam when heated. Experts advise eating food with added ghee only in the morning.

How to choose the right dairy products for your child?

Dairy and fermented milk products are a source of valuable vitamins and minerals that a child needs at this stage of development.

It is important for parents that their baby receives all the necessary nutrients and microelements from birth. Breast milk copes well with this task. But sometimes a woman has to give up breastfeeding or supplement her baby. This is where the question arises about what can replace breast milk. It would seem that the answer is obvious - you need to give baby formula, but many parents, for one reason or another, believe that it is better to use cow's milk. Is it possible to give cow's milk to an infant and at what age is this recommended? This article will tell you.

Comparison of the composition of human and cow's milk

The use of cow's milk instead of breast milk has been practiced since ancient times. In the absence of a nurse, this was the only chance for the child to survive. The result of the first attempt to estimate the percentage of children surviving after feeding with cow's milk in 1913 at the IV English Congress on Infant Mortality was disappointing. About half of the infants in the evaluated group eventually died. The thing is that cow's milk, in its composition, is biologically programmed to feed a calf, not a child. The main components of cow's milk are:

  • water;
  • proteins, including whey proteins and caseins;
  • carbohydrates, among which the leading place is occupied by milk sugar (lactose);
  • milk fat;
  • nitrogenous compounds of non-protein structure (peptides, amino acids, etc.);
  • fat- and water-soluble vitamins;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • other biologically active substances.

All these components are present in . The differences can be seen only by delving into the chemistry and physics of milk in detail, also taking into account the quantitative composition.

Comparison of the composition of breast milk with cow's milk(based on materials from the book “Chemistry and Physics of Milk and Dairy Products”, K. K. Gorbatov, P. I. Gunkov)

Component, mg%Women'sCow
Calcium33 120
Potassium50 146
Sodium15 50
Phosphorus15 92
Iron0,15 0,067
Copper0,045 0,012
Manganese0,004 0,006
Retinol0,06 0,03
Ascorbic acid3,8 1,5
Thiamine0,02 0,04
Riboflavin0,03 0,15
Niacin0,23 0,10
Biotin0,00076 0,0032

As can be seen from the table, cow's milk differs from human milk in a number of ways:

  • higher dry matter content;
  • increased protein content;
  • increased content of casein relative to whey proteins;
  • reduced lactose content;
  • increased content of minerals;
  • some differences in mineral and vitamin composition.

This is not a complete list of differences, even taking into account existing knowledge about the composition and properties of breast milk. Thus, cow's milk in its natural state cannot serve as a complete replacement for human milk.

Difference from adapted infant formulas

The main difference between the formula and cow's milk is that the mixture uses cow's milk components, rather than whole milk. All missing or excess substances contained are corrected by the manufacturer to the extent possible.

Before launching a new adaptive infant formula into mass production, it is thoroughly tested, and each subsequently released batch of goods undergoes constant laboratory quality control.

Therefore, when choosing what to feed a child in the first year of his life, you need to give preference. Cow's milk will be much worse absorbed by the body of a newborn baby and can lead to various adverse consequences.

  1. High protein content causes overload of the child's digestive system. As a result, metabolic, enzymatic and hormonal disruptions occur. For example, the level of insulin in the blood and insulin-like growth factor increases, which on the one hand leads to intensive growth, and on the other hand contributes to the early onset of some “adult” diseases (obesity, cardiovascular failure, etc.)
  2. Casein, which predominates over albumin, is poorly absorbed and lingers longer in the stomach, which causes various functional digestive disorders.
  3. Risk of allergies due to specific protein composition.
  4. Regular consumption of cow's milk can cause iron deficiency. This is due not only to its low content, but also to poor digestibility.
  5. High mineralization adversely affects the child’s excretory system.
  6. Immunity disorders and.
  7. Impaired absorption, which can lead to rickets.

When can a child be given whole cow's milk?

ESPGHAN Nutrition Committee does not recommend giving to a baby who is not yet one year old whole cow's milk. In the WHO recommendations you can see information about the age of 9 months, but this is rather an extreme case when, for socio-material reasons, there is simply no other choice.

If a child suffers from anemia from birth, then the introduction of whole milk is postponed until he reaches two years of age. Some pediatricians also adhere to this age in their recommendations, regardless of the presence of anemia in the child, explaining this by the fact that early introduction of cow's milk into the diet can provoke metabolic disorders and the development of diabetes mellitus; others completely advise delaying the introduction of whole milk until 3 years of age. . It is at this age that the baby’s immune system becomes more stable and stronger, and the body is already able to fully absorb such food.

Important! All these recommendations apply to drinking milk in its pure form. According to the “National Program for Optimizing Feeding of Children of the First Year of Life in the Russian Federation,” in the absence of ready-made milk porridges, it is permissible to use whole cow’s milk from 4 months (no more than 100-200 ml/day) in baby porridges.

Rules for introducing into children's diet

So, the minimum period for introducing whole cow meat into a child’s diet is the age when the baby turns one year old, and only if the baby is not obese and has normal body weight. In order for the child’s body to normally accept a new product for it, milk must be introduced, starting with a small amount.

If a child is trying whole milk for the first time (he previously consumed milk porridge with an adapted formula or breast milk), it is recommended to dilute it with boiled water in a ratio of 1:2. At the same time, it is important to monitor the reaction of the body and the baby’s stool. If everything is fine, the stomach is functioning normally, and the child also goes to the toilet without problems, then after three weeks the milk is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. So the child is gradually transferred to whole milk. In case of severe symptoms (redness of the skin, itching, abnormal stool), milk should be excluded from the diet and consult a doctor.

As an independent product, cow's milk can be given no more than once a day; it can be used regularly in the composition. If milk is used as a drink, you should not overload your baby’s digestion with other products that can cause increased gas formation and bloating (fruits, berries). It is best if it is not a mixed product.

At the age of one to 1.5 years, the total volume of dairy products per day should be 450-500 ml (100-150 ml of milk in baby cereals). Starting from 1.5 years and up to 3 years, the consumption rate of dairy products increases and amounts to 400-500 ml per day (150-200 ml of milk in milk porridges). If a child is accustomed to whole milk, then he can drink one glass a day quite painlessly. After three years, in the absence of contraindications, there are no strict restrictions.

In addition to the fact that it is necessary to monitor the amount of whole milk your child consumes, you need to be able to choose this product correctly. You should only buy special baby milk. High demands are placed on it, so there is no doubt about its microbiological safety and composition. The fat content of whole milk should not exceed 3.5%, ideally if it is a product with 2.5% fat content. For children who suffer from heart and vascular diseases, as well as those with high cholesterol levels, doctors recommend introducing low-fat milk into their diet.

Such a drink should be packaged in an aseptic box that does not allow pathogenic and harmful bacteria to get inside. By following these simple recommendations, parents will be able to make the process of introducing cow's milk into their child's diet as safe as possible.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky about cow's milk in children's nutrition

When is it better to give up cow's milk?

Despite all the benefits of whole milk, this product can be harmful to a child if he is lactose intolerant or has an allergy to milk protein. In this case, the baby may complain of abdominal pain after drinking such a drink.

An allergic reaction to cow's milk protein can be recognized by the following signs:

  • bowel dysfunction, manifested in the form of diarrhea;
  • bloating;
  • swelling of the soft tissues of the face;
  • a rash appears on the skin;
  • increased lacrimation.

Sometimes an allergic reaction can affect a child's respiratory system. Then a cough appears and breathing becomes difficult. If such symptoms occur immediately after the child drinks cow's milk, then it is better to discard this product and immediately seek medical help.

Video about the nutrition of a child under one year old with an allergy to cow's milk protein

Whole milk is considered a unique product, as it contains a large amount of vitamin and mineral components. However, you should not thoughtlessly introduce such a product into your child’s diet. It is necessary to analyze the baby’s age, the tendency of his body to have an allergic reaction, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases. Only such an integrated approach will allow the child’s body to receive all the benefits from cow’s milk.

Cow's milk is a valuable food product, an irreplaceable source of calcium, minerals, and vitamins. However, it is not absorbed in the same way by all people. Drinking milk sometimes causes indigestion and allergies even in adults. Cow's milk is very different in composition from women's milk, and the child's digestive organs and kidneys are not so developed to cope with the full processing of all its components (proteins, fats, minerals). It is necessary to accustom a child to a new product carefully, taking into account the peculiarities of physiological development.

  1. The calcium content in cow's milk is 4 times, and phosphorus - 3 times more than in women's milk. These elements are necessary for the development of bone tissue, teeth, and the formation of nerve cells, but their excess is just as harmful as their deficiency. In order to remove excess from the body, the child’s kidneys must work in an enhanced mode.
  2. The proteins contained in the drink are less digestible than the proteins in mother's milk. They accumulate in the body, irritating the intestinal mucosa. The child develops abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea. An allergic reaction occurs.
  3. When consuming cow's milk, young children may develop anemia (anemia, lack of hemoglobin in the blood). This also applies to older children (up to 2 years old). Anemia is caused by poor absorption of cow's milk by the child's body. Gastrointestinal bleeding often occurs due to damage to small vessels by undigested food. At the same time, the level of hemoglobin and the concentration of red blood cells in the blood decrease. To eliminate bleeding, you must stop taking the product completely. The child requires treatment with iron supplements.
  4. In the body of some children, there is insufficient production of lactase (a special enzyme that breaks down milk sugar - lactose). When consuming cow's milk, due to the inability to fully assimilate it, the child may have difficulty digesting food, which leads to the appearance of various types of dermatoses, as well as bad breath.

The whole product should not be given to children under 1 year of age, even in diluted form. If breastfeeding is not carried out, then you can use special infant formulas, the composition of which is close to the composition of human milk (the content of phosphorus and calcium is normal, the content of iron, zinc, iodine and other microelements is increased).

Video: Dairy nutrition. Benefits and harms for children, says Dr. Komarovsky

Types of milk

Based on fat content, the product is divided into the following types:
  • full-fat milk (contains from 3.2 to 4% fat);
  • low fat (2%);
  • removed.

You can give cow's milk to your baby when he turns 1 year old. Until 2 years of age, it must be fatty, since it contains quite a lot of amino acids that affect the development of nervous tissue and the brain. After 2 years, you can use a low-fat product, yogurt, kefir.

What is the child's body need for milk?

After 1 year, it is one of the main suppliers of calcium to the child’s body. The kidneys and digestive system are already developed enough to cope with the processing of cow's milk. At the age of 1-1.5 years, a child should drink 400-450 ml of the drink per day, and from 1.5 to 3 years, up to 600 ml can be given (taking into account adding it to porridge and consuming fermented milk products).

What kind of milk can be given to children?

Children should not be given raw or fresh milk. It contains microorganisms that cause serious diseases such as tuberculosis and brucellosis. In its raw form, it can cause dysentery and other intestinal infections. At the same time, when boiling, the value of the product is significantly reduced, as many vitamins are destroyed. Therefore, pasteurized cow's milk is the healthiest and safest for children.

For children with a lack of lactase in the body, a special drink is produced to which this enzyme is added. You can make this product yourself. To do this, lactase is added in the form of tablets or drops. If there are allergies, it is recommended that children be given substitutes (soy, rice milk) containing sufficient amounts of vitamins and proteins. However, their calorie content is low.

Disadvantages and advantages of goat milk

In terms of its nutritional properties, goat's milk is not inferior to cow's milk. The percentage of essential fatty acids that humans need but are not found in the body is higher. The fats contained here are easier to digest. It does not cause allergic reactions. Therefore, the product is recommended for children suffering from cow's milk allergies.

The disadvantage of goat's milk is that it contains too little folic acid, which is necessary for the absorption of vitamins, as well as for the formation of red blood cells. This is fraught with the appearance of anemia. Products sold in stores are usually labeled "with added folic acid" on packaging. If there is no label, then when drinking this drink the child should be given folic acid separately.

Video: Goat milk for allergies in children

The nutrition of a small child in the first year of life is of great importance. The eternal debate between grandmothers from the Soviet Union and modern mothers: “Can cow’s milk be given to infants?”- seems to still be relevant. Pediatricians do not recommend introducing cow's milk into the diet of children before. The best nutrition for a newborn has always been and will be mother's milk. Namely, breast milk contains everything that is so necessary for the development of the baby. The baby's body is not ready to drink any other milk.

Composition of cow's and breast milk

Breast milk contains carotene and orotic acid (B13); cow's milk contains virtually none of these two components. Fat in both products is approximately 4%. Cow's milk is oversaturated with fatty acids, while breast milk contains the required amount of healthy fatty acids.

Breast milk contains the required percentage of linoleic acid, which is necessary for the development of the baby's brain, but cow's milk does not have enough of it. Breast milk contains lipase, but cow's milk does not. For example, there is 24 percent more sodium in cow's milk than in breast milk, which is not desirable for a child's body. There is quite a lot of such an element as potassium in cow's milk, but it cannot be absorbed by the body of a newborn. Calcium, which is necessary for the growth and development of the baby, is present in large doses; unfortunately, it is not able to be absorbed by the newborn’s body. Phosphates that are harmful to children are found in excess quantities, namely in cow's milk, and this is very dangerous for the developing digestive organs of the baby. It is known that iron in mother's milk is completely absorbed, while in cow's milk it is not absorbed at all. The vitamins in breast milk cannot be compared in any way to the vitamins in cow's milk. When breastfeeding, it is not necessary to supplement the baby's diet, while feeding with cow's milk requires adding water to the diet.

What is the harm of cow's milk for a child?

Before introducing any new food to your baby It's better to consult a doctor. If the child is breastfeeding, it is better do not stop until 1 year. If the baby is “artificial”, then milk of animal origin can be introduced into the diet no earlier than nine months. Still, adapted feeding formulas are more suitable for feeding a child and do not lead to.

If your child does not eat properly, a deficiency of vitamin D and calcium may develop. Back in 1762, it was found that cow's milk was harmful to children and it was replaced by hiring wet nurses. Cow's milk contains a huge amount of proteins and phosphates, which lead to vitamin deficiency and kidney disease. At the same time, all the resources of the child’s body are directed to combating phosphates and the entire body gradually weakens. Also, children who were introduced to cow's milk early in their diet may subsequently develop a dangerous form of the first type. Deficiency of calcium and growth vitamin leads to the development, therefore, introduction of cow's milk into the diet before 3 years of age is not advisable.

What are the benefits of cow's milk for children over three years of age?

Exactly, from the age of three the baby is switched to adult food and his body is already ready for this. After the age of three, all the beneficial elements of milk begin to be absorbed, which is why it should even be given to children.

Remember that besides natural breast milk, there can be nothing better for the baby. I tried to breastfeed my children for as long as possible. I managed to feed my son until he was 1 year and 10 months old, and for me this is a victory. Our family used special adapted formulas as supplementary feeding, but at night and when the child was ill (during treatment in a day hospital), breast milk saved the situation. Don't give up breastfeeding - this is a reliable foundation for your baby's health!

Attention! The use of any medications and dietary supplements, as well as the use of any therapeutic methods, is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

Traditionally, milk is considered a healthy product, rich in nutrients. Following the advice of the older generation, many parents try to give it to their babies as early as possible or even replace breastfeeding. But pediatricians around the world warn that milk is absolutely unsuitable for feeding young children.

Milk for children: can infants and at what age be introduced into their diet?

If several decades ago milk was recommended to be given to children as the main product of complementary feeding, and in some cases as a complete alternative to breastfeeding, today the opinion of pediatricians has changed dramatically. Experts from the World Health Organization warn parents that animal milk should absolutely not be given to children in their first year of life.

The best option for feeding a baby is the mother's breast. This food contains all the vitamins and substances necessary for full development, and is also completely absorbed by the baby’s gastrointestinal tract. If for some reason a woman cannot breastfeed her baby, doctors recommend switching to an adapted infant formula made from cow's or goat's milk.

When making adapted formulas, excess calcium and phosphorus are removed from milk to relieve the load on the kidneys. Protein molecules that are large enough are crushed for better absorption by the child’s enzyme system.

Doctors point out that it is impossible to completely abandon the consumption of dairy products: infants are introduced to the diet of kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt.

There is no benefit to introducing cow's or goat's milk into the diet of children under twelve months of age. And its negative impact on the body can lead to serious health complications in the future.

When can a child be given cow's milk - video

After a year, you can introduce special baby milk into your baby’s diet, which has undergone the necessary processing, has quality certificates, and most importantly, is intended for children of this particular age. But even if the child assimilates the product well, feeding it to the baby in unlimited quantities is strictly prohibited. Pediatric gastroenterologists recommend using whole milk only in cereals, and giving preference to kefir or yogurt as a drink.

Whole milk can be introduced into the diet in the fourth year of life, but only if it has been previously boiled or pasteurized.

How much milk per day can be given to children at different ages - table

Goat milk protein almost never causes an allergic reaction in babies. But its high fat content (much higher than cow's) does not provide for a large amount of consumption of this drink.

A newborn’s body produces special enzymes that can quickly break down milk protein (including breast milk protein). However, as the baby grows older and begins to eat solid food, their number decreases. And a child who drank a fairly large volume of milk at 4–6 years old will no longer be able to do this at 11 years old: it will be difficult for the digestive system to cope with such an amount of protein. This situation is considered normal and does not require treatment.

Is it possible to give children a store-bought product?

Despite the fact that store-bought milk is pasteurized, it is not adapted for an immature digestive system.

  • That is why it should not be given to children under three years of age. A special baby drink is suitable for babies:
  • it uses milk of the highest quality;
  • it undergoes an ultra-pasteurization procedure, during which pathogenic bacteria are destroyed;
  • The fat content of such milk corresponds to the child’s body’s ability to absorb it;

the risk of allergic reactions is minimized.

Baby milk from different manufacturers - photo gallery
The package with Agusha baby milk is marked “from 8 months”, although according to the recommendations of pediatricians at this age it is too early to introduce it. The box indicates that Tyoma baby milk can be given to children starting from 8 months, but at this time the baby’s digestive tract is not yet ready for such a product Bellakt baby milk, despite the manufacturer’s recommendation, should not be introduced into the diet before a year

Benefits and harms

Dairy products are essential in a child’s diet: they contain a large supply of vitamins and nutrients that are necessary for a growing body. However, early introduction of this drink into the menu, as well as consumption of it in large quantities, can lead to a negative reaction from the body.

The whole truth about cow's milk: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky - video

Cow's milk contains many times more calcium and phosphorus than breast milk. But due to the immaturity of the child’s body, the metabolism of these substances is disrupted: phosphorus, not being fully absorbed, removes calcium. It turns out that the more cow's milk a child drinks, the less mineral necessary for the growth and strengthening of bones gets to him.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that after three years there is no need to limit the amount of milk (if the child is healthy, active and does not have digestive disorders). Under the same conditions, its fat content does not matter.

When milk is boiled, the vitamins contained in it are destroyed. Nevertheless, it does not cease to be useful: it is a source of calcium, phosphorus and protein.

Cow or goat

Cow's milk is more popular, although doctors insist that goat's milk is considered hypoallergenic and healthier. However, this product has a very specific smell and taste, so most children simply do not like it. If the baby is not allergic to cow's milk protein or has digestive problems, parents can be calm and continue to give it.

The benefits and harms of cow's milk - table

pros Minuses
High content of calcium and phosphorus, which affects the strength of bones and teeth, health of hair and skin.Strong allergen.
A large amount of protein, important for the development of the muscular system.Possible problems with digestion (hard to be accepted by the body).
Contains vitamins and beneficial microelements that help strengthen the immune system and provide energy.A large amount of calcium and phosphorus (puts a colossal load on the kidneys, which the body of a child under 1 year cannot cope with).
Relief of cold symptoms.Low iron content (therefore not suitable as a replacement for breast milk or formula).

If your baby is allergic to cow's milk, doctors recommend replacing it with goat's milk. The protein of this product practically does not cause allergies (exceptions include children with individual sensitivity to lactose). For children under three years of age, there are specially developed formulas based on goat's milk. According to experts, they are considered more useful and safer.

The benefits and harms of goat milk - table

pros Minuses
The high content of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and B vitamins has a positive effect on the growing body, contributing to the harmonious physical and mental development of the child.In rare cases, may cause an allergic reaction.
It does not cause allergies, so it can be consumed by children who do not tolerate cow's milk protein.It puts a lot of stress on the kidneys (if you give milk before reaching 12 months of age).
Goat milk fats are easily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and therefore do not cause digestive problems.
Positively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

What are the benefits of goat milk - video

Where to begin

Doctors recommend introducing goat's milk first into the diet. If the baby doesn’t like it, you should never force him to drink it - it’s better to try cow’s milk. After one year of age, milk is introduced to children starting with one teaspoon. In this case, it must be diluted with water (1 part milk and 2 parts water). During the day, it is important to monitor the child’s reaction: if the baby’s stomach does not bother him, his stool is normal, and there are no manifestations of allergies on the body, you can continue. The next time it is diluted in a 1:1 ratio. If the body accepts the new product well, milk can then be given undiluted.

The amount of milk is gradually increased, but you should not let your child drink more than the recommended portion. Doctors warn that the smaller the baby, the higher the load on the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Preference should be given to low-fat products (2.5–3.2%). If parents have chosen whole cow's or goat's milk, it should not be consumed unboiled.

How to choose the right one

Some mothers prefer natural whole milk, which is sold on farms, while others consider the pasteurized product to be better. Pediatricians and pediatric gastroenterologists agree that store-bought milk is more suitable: it is specially adapted for a small organism. When choosing such a drink, it is recommended to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • manufacturer (better if he is well known);
  • expiration date (in a quality product it does not exceed ten days, and expired milk should never be given to a baby);
  • composition (without preservatives, dyes and other unsafe substances. If there is no information about the composition on the packaging at all, it is better not to buy such a product);
  • age note;
  • fat content (it should not be higher than 3.2%, but a low-fat product is also not suitable for baby food);
  • enriched composition (some manufacturers add vitamins and microelements to milk that are necessary for a child at a certain age. This product is very useful for children).

You cannot buy whole milk on the market that does not have safety and quality certificates. Fresh product may contain bacteria that have a negative effect on the child’s body. If the temperature is not maintained, milk can lead to food poisoning.

After opening the package, you must strictly follow the recommendations for time and place of storage of the product, which are specified by the manufacturer.

Use of milk as medicine

Milk is not only a nutritious product that is good for children, but also an effective remedy for treating certain diseases.

Homemade recipes with cough milk

Milk envelops the mucous membrane of the larynx, relieves inflammation, thins mucus and promotes its removal. In combination with certain products (honey, onion, banana), it is a useful home remedy.

With honey and propolis tincture

If the child is over three years old, you can prepare a healthy mixture for him: heat 200 ml of milk, add 1 teaspoon of honey (if there is no allergy), mix thoroughly. It is recommended to drink this drink warm before going to bed at night.

For children over 5 years old, a cough remedy can be prepared with the addition of propolis - no more than 1-2 drops of 20% water tincture per 200 ml of milk. Also take warm at night.

Honey is not added to hot milk - in this case, all its beneficial properties disappear.

With mineral water

For this recipe, it is better to use salt water, for example, “Borjomi” or “Essentuki”: 100 ml of milk needs to be heated to a warm temperature, add 100 ml of mineral water to it. Mix the resulting product thoroughly and drink before meals three times a day. This recipe is suitable for children after three years of age, since carbonated water and mineral composition are not designed for younger ages.

With onion

The milk and onion recipe is very effective for dry coughs, but children often do not want to drink this mixture because of the smell and specific taste. Therefore, this combination can be offered to a child over five years old (but you should not force him to drink). To prepare, peel the onion and cut it into rings, place it in a container and pour in 500 ml of milk, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes. The finished drink is stored in the refrigerator, and should be taken warm before meals, one teaspoon 5-6 times a day.

With banana

Children usually drink milk with banana, unlike the recipe with onions, with pleasure. In addition, this sweet fruit is low allergenic. For 200 ml of milk you need one chopped fruit. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and given to the child warm, dividing the cocktail into three servings. For children over three years old, you can add sugar, honey or 1 teaspoon of cocoa.

Sage and soda

You need to know that popular folk recipes with sage or soda are not suitable for treating children. Sage has a large number of contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to give it to children under 5 years of age, as well as to those with problems with the kidneys and thyroid gland, or individual intolerance. Baking soda has a negative effect on the gastric mucosa.

Milk with oats for asthma

If a child suffers from this respiratory disease, you can prepare a product based on milk with the addition of oats. This cereal plant contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, and also has a good effect on asthma. For 250 g of oats you need to take 1 liter of milk. The resulting mixture is kept in a water bath for about three hours, after which the drink must be strained. This milk is drunk warm half an hour before meals. The decoction is taken three times a day, and the portion is calculated depending on the age of the child.

To combat worms: milk with garlic and enema

Individual reaction

Every body, and especially children’s, reacts differently to new products. Sometimes milk can cause negative reactions.

Indigestion and constipation

Children often suffer from problems with the digestive system, one of the manifestations of which is constipation: the child cannot go to the toilet and experiences pain in the intestines. Milk can harden the stomach and cause delayed bowel movements. More often, this effect occurs in young children, since their enzyme system cannot digest protein. Because of this, it envelops the mucous membrane with a dense layer and prevents the absorption of vitamins and nutrients. This process, in turn, reduces peristalsis. At an older age, when the child’s gastrointestinal tract is ready to drink milk, constipation may occur due to the large amount of product drunk.

Even goat's milk, which is much easier for the body to digest, can cause constipation.

To eliminate this delicate problem, you first need to completely remove milk from the child’s diet. It is necessary to add more fresh vegetables and fruits to the menu, as they are rich in fiber. If such a diet does not help, you will need to use medications recommended by your doctor.


Children, whose bodies are sensitive to pathogenic microbes entering the gastrointestinal tract, are more susceptible to poisoning. Often such violations occur when parents buy milk at the market or other places where there is no guarantee of product quality. Failure to comply with hygiene measures during milking and improper storage are most often the cause of malfunction of the digestive system.

You can also get poisoned from store-bought products, although much less frequently.

  • In children, symptoms of poisoning appear as follows:
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain and spasms in the stomach and intestines;
  • diarrhea and frequent urge to defecate;

temperature increase.

At the first symptoms of poisoning, you need to call an ambulance: the child’s body quickly becomes dehydrated, and intoxication is very dangerous for children. Treatment is aimed at restoring water and electrolyte balance, destroying pathogenic bacteria and removing toxins.


  • The most common problem parents face when introducing milk is protein allergy. It may manifest itself as follows:
  • skin rashes (urticaria, dermatitis, diathesis);
  • Quincke's edema (local edema of the mucous membranes and subcutaneous fatty tissue, occurring suddenly and rapidly developing);
  • severe vomiting;
  • frequent regurgitation in infants;
  • diarrhea;
  • stomach pain, colic in infants;
  • bronchial asthma (milk cannot cause the disease, but with a genetic predisposition, an allergic reaction to this product becomes a trigger).

Pediatricians also recommend paying attention to the presence of lactose intolerance in parents. If it is present, it is impossible to offer milk to a child under three years of age, since individual sensitivity can be inherited. This also applies to children whose mother or father suffers from diabetes. Introducing milk at an early age can trigger the development of this disease.