Buy a gift for an 8 year old girl. What to give a girl for her eighth birthday. Coloring bag

Let's start with the basic principles of choice.

  • Have you already given your baby flowers? If not, start choosing a beautiful bouquet. The child probably saw how it was handed to his mother and will feel like a completely grown-up.
  • Children love sweets, and there is no escape from it. On a birthday, a personalized cake must be displayed on the festive table. The girl is 8 years old, which means she needs to place 8 candles on the cake.
  • You can ask your daughter or niece about the desired gift. The day when your cherished dream comes true will be the most memorable for the birthday girl.
  • Younger family members already have an individual character. When preparing a surprise, try to take into account its features and do not buy an embroidery kit for an active child that requires perseverance.
  • The best gift is something related to the little fairy's hobbies. For example, a little one attending a dance school is interested in a costume and shoes for a performance.
  • Try not to repeat yourself. Young princesses remember very well what you gave them last time. There is nothing worse than being disappointed at your own holiday.
  • Financial resources do not allow you to purchase every item. If the item of your dreams is not cheap, save money in advance. It costs more to console a despondent girl.

Keep in mind the list of universal ideas and suggestions. Without hesitation, you can give to an 8-year-old girl:

  • Children's perfume, hygienic lipsticks, shower gel.
  • Leather jewelry, costume jewelry.
  • Wardrobe item.
  • A large soft toy.
  • Sets for creativity or handicrafts.
  • A book, an illustrated encyclopedia.
  • A smartphone or tablet, or any of its accessories.
  • Desktop computer or laptop.
  • Portable game console.
  • Discs with your favorite films and educational programs.
  • Interactive panel, projector.
  • Pet.
  • Growing kit, unusual indoor plant.
  • Tickets to the zoo, water park, puppet theater.

Fashionable gift for an 8 year old girl

You've probably noticed that little princesses love beautiful dresses. They go through their wardrobe, look at shop windows, and show interest in fashion magazines. Encourage the desire to look attractive. When the girl is 8, give her a certificate for purchase at a children's clothing store. Of course, you shouldn’t completely trust the birthday girl’s choice, but why not give her the opportunity to feel like a lady going shopping? In addition, you can give the baby a set of bows and hairpins, a beautiful headdress, shoes, a handbag or wallet.

Creating a fashionable look requires unique accessories. Bracelets and tiaras, keychains and pendants for smartphones are suitable for their role. A cool idea is to order a unique phone case. Give a clip case decorated with bright drawings or a photo of the hero of the occasion. It will definitely impress the child.

Luminous headband with Minnie ears. A fun piece of jewelry for the fashionista who wants to always be the center of attention. Thanks to the present, this is not at all difficult.

Brooch "Blue whale". It looks light and modern. At first glance, girls who adore animals will like it.

Earrings “Ducks”. One of the best gifts for creating your own style. If the teacher doesn't mind, the schoolgirl can wear them every day.

Pendant "Dandelion". Having decided to place the flower in a transparent bottle, the creators were clearly thinking about young princesses. The decoration makes them look like good witches.

Plush animal hat "Pikachu". A surprise for the Pokemon hunter. The headdress makes her look like a professional.

Examples of an original gift for an 8 year old girl

Sometimes parents overindulge their daughter. The baby gets everything she wants and is not surprised by any presents. In this case, you can please the capricious birthday girl with an unusual gift or an unexpected surprise. An excellent option is an invitation to a professional photo shoot. A visit to the studio, where there are spotlights and complex equipment, will make a strong impression. An 8-year-old girl will feel like a real star!

Another original children's gift is a personalized set of sweets. You know what types of treats your baby likes, and you can easily make the right choice. On a holiday, it is appropriate to present a chocolate card, a set of handmade sweets, magic cookies, a collection of honey soufflé, jam or cakes. Hotels are packed in beautiful boxes with individual design. The best designers are working on it. As an unusual token of attention, it is appropriate to give:

Oscar award statuette. If a girl saw the Hollywood ceremony on TV, she will be delighted. Why is your fairy worse than the stars of the Academy?

Order "For Exemplary Conduct". A very unusual gift. It is presented in a solemn atmosphere to the applause of guests and relatives.

Cartoon doll. It will surprise your little one with its portrait resemblance and attention to small details. Over time, the original gift will become memorable.

Ceramic speaker for smartphone “Monster”. Will give you a sea of ​​positive emotions. The creature is cool in itself, and even more so when it plays music!

Box in the form of a book “My little box”. A cute box for small items. It's hard to find a young princess who has nothing to keep away from prying eyes.

Options for useful gifts for a girl on her 8th birthday

If you prefer gifts that develop children's intelligence, you can pay attention to the starry sky projector. He will immediately interest the 8-year-old princess. Once you press the button, a constellation map will appear on the ceiling. Models with removable disks allow you to study astronomy, and the built-in one will help you not to oversleep your classes. Among the best signs of attention are virtual reality glasses, smart watches, an e-reader and an interactive whiteboard. With such helpers, studying seems like an exciting game.

Speaking of school. A primary school student needs a lot of useful little things. Pencil case, markers and pencils, brushes and paints, plasticine, bag for textbooks. Any of these things would be appropriate to give as a holiday gift. Of course, girls have almost everything on this list. The solution is to look for things of unusual shapes and colors.

“Cakes” eraser set- one of them. You would rather taste fruits and sweets than use them for their intended purpose. Immediately explain that the gift is inedible!

Sand painting table. It is not forbidden to create masterpieces together with a girl. You can save them only with the help of a camera.

Paint-by-numbers set “Landscape”. It includes a digital canvas, brush and paints. If you follow the instructions exactly, the result will not be long in coming.

Roombox "Kitchen". Initially, the birthday girl may treat the gift as a doll set. In fact, this is a construction set with a lot of details.

Wireless karaoke microphone. Useful for developing vocal abilities. If only the neighbors would treat the process with understanding.

Sports present for the birthday of an 8 year old girl

When starting to choose a gift, do not forget about the physical development of the baby. Girls who do gymnastic exercises, hula hoop, and go to the pool get sick less often and are more active. In this regard, give the birthday girl a home exercise machine, roller skates or skates, and equip a sports corner. Physical activity will bring more benefits than games in the virtual space.

When a girl is 8 years old, it is generally better to minimize contact with a smartphone. Try to involve your child in playing outdoors. This will be facilitated by a trampoline, a set for playing hopscotch, and a “Grasshopper” simulator donated on the occasion of the holiday. The baby will love to ride a scooter, swing on a swing, play town or launch a flying saucer.

Hoverboard. The dream of most children. Learning to drive a vehicle is easier than it seems.

Inflatable shark fin. A cool alternative to sleeves and circles. Turn relaxation by the water into a fun game, and the baby, without noticing it, will start swimming.

Jump rope. A girl's gift for all times. How many jumps can your beauty do without stopping?

Badminton. The rules of the game are simple and clear. All that remains is to wait for warm weather and find a wide area.

Volleyball net and ball. All family members will approve of the choice. The gift will include not only sports equipment, but also a mini-tournament with sweet prizes.

Eight-year-old girls are very different - some dress up their favorite dolls, build houses for them and read fairy tales to them, others enjoy stringing beads or weaving bracelets, and there are girls who dream of becoming boys and racing around the yard all day on a bicycle.

On the eve of their eighth birthday, girls, of course, dream of receiving a gift, but often they themselves don’t know what they want, because over eight years a lot of toys have accumulated in their room.

To understand what to give an 8-year-old girl and choose an interesting and useful present, you should take a closer look at the minx and determine who she is - a mischievous girl, a fashionista, an athlete, a little housewife or a diligent student?

A gift for the mischievous and fidgety

What can you give to a girl who cannot spend a minute without moving? Of course, emotions! Active entertainment, amazing impressions and amazing adventures - this is what a very maneuverable and restless child will be happy about. The little fidget will be happy to plunge headlong into the extravaganza of unusual entertainment that you can give her by going to entertainment establishments for children.

Give your restless girl a holiday of emotions by visiting:

  • amusement park– a wonderful place where a girl will forget about everything in the world under the abundance of new sensations and impressions;
  • Entertainment Center with slides, games and competitions where you can run, jump and ride to your heart's content;
  • dolphin or seal show– a place where you can laugh to your heart’s content, watching funny smiling animals, pet them and take pictures with them, and maybe swim together;
  • a trip to the circus, zoo or aquarium– a good and educational pastime that will appeal to the inquisitive fidget.

Gift for a fashionista

At this age, girls can spend hours hanging around the mirror, trying on dresses, blouses and sundresses. Little fashionistas imagine themselves: either an elegant lady in a chic hat with a feather, or a horsewoman in a trouser suit, or a princess in a white dress with a long train. Girls love to get together and show off their outfits to each other and their parents, organizing a real fashion show with a carpet, music and spotlights.

A good gift for an 8 year old girl would be:

  • a certificate for the purchase of clothes in a children's store, where the birthday girl will choose her own outfit;
  • a bright handbag, a fashionable hat or a stylish cap, a cool case for a mobile phone, or maybe funny slippers - there are never too many of these things in a fashionista’s wardrobe;
  • all kinds of hairpins and elastic bands, clips or earrings, rings and chains, bows, hoops, bracelets and beads, pendants or sunglasses;
  • manicure set “like mom’s”;
  • cosmetics for children - hygienic lipstick, children's perfumes, multi-colored nail polishes, aromatic shampoos and shower gels will appeal to the future woman.

Gift for a sporty girl

A girl who cannot imagine her life without active games in the fresh air with friends and girlfriends, without crazy races on bicycles or roller skates, without hanging upside down on outdoor exercise equipment, of course, wants to receive an accessory for active sports recreation as a gift. For full physical development, a good mood and a fun time, you can give an 8-year-old girl the following:

  • a skateboard or rollerblades with a set of protection (helmet, arm guards, knee pads), figure skates or ice sleds, a cool two-wheeled bicycle or scooter;
  • inflatable pool or water slide, arm guards, circle, fins, mask for diving, swimming subscription;
  • a sports set with rackets and balls for tennis and badminton, a Frisbee plate, a jump rope, a baseball bat and ball, trap plates with Velcro, a Darts game set, indoor basketball;
  • a light shoulder bag, a bright sports watch with a mirror surface;
  • a dance mat with the ability to connect to a computer and TV, which can become an excellent musical trainer for an active girl;
  • a kite that is so fun to fly with friends outside.

Gift for a little hostess

Children grow very quickly, and imperceptibly the little clumsy baby grows into a diligent assistant. If a girl is happy to do everyday household chores with her mother and already has her own range of responsibilities around the house, if she is partial to creative crafts made with her own hands, is diligent, patient, attentive and persistent, then you need to praise such a clever girl and give the 8-year-old girl:

  • a beautiful and comfortable apron with a bright ornament or a funny pattern;
  • a children's apartment cleaning kit with a mop, brush and rags;
  • kits for embroidery (with bright fabrics, needles and scissors), sewing, knitting, beadwork, themed magazines about favorite hobbies;
  • registration for handicraft courses, where the girl will be taught to make crafts from salt dough and paint them, make beautiful and graceful topiaries - trees of happiness, decorate wooden photo frames, make flowers from corrugated paper, snowflakes from napkins and origami, paintings from multi-colored sand and soft toys;
  • a set of kitchen utensils or children's porcelain coffee cups so that future housewives can teach their dolls table setting skills or the basics of the tea ceremony;
  • a machine for making cheese, ice cream, cotton candy or baby cocktails, a baking set with a non-stick baking sheet, rolling pin, spatula and molds or a mold for making lollipops, chocolate and caramel.

Gift for a diligent student

If an eight-year-old smart girl happily runs to school and enthusiastically talks about her classes and teachers, her friends and their hobbies, then you need to support this attitude towards learning in the child and give things related to school, with the acquisition of new knowledge and skills. It’s good if the school supplies you brought as a gift for an 8-year-old girl are not boring and monochromatic, but bright and attractive, then the diligent student will skip to class to quickly show her friends a new original pencil case or a cute notebook.

Give your little schoolgirl a birthday present:

Universal gifts

In addition to the above options, girls aged eight will be incredibly happy with the following birthday present:

Let this birthday be a happy and joyful day for the girl, and it doesn’t matter whether the girl is obedient or not, whether she’s an excellent student or a good student, the main thing is that the little person is living her best time - childhood, and we need to try to make sure that this time is filled with new things for her discoveries, magical experiences and extraordinary adventures.

Your little princess is slowly growing up. She already chooses what to wear, who to be friends with, forbids coddling with her and shows remarkable independence. At this age, girls are drawn to girls and best friends appear. And 8-9 year old girls love to dream, so it is advisable to have a corner of privacy in the house to read a book or just wander into the clouds.

So to your girl 8-9 years. How to guess with a gift? He must:

  • Be aesthetically beautiful or terribly fashionable among her friends
  • Inspire experimentation, promote self-expression, develop creativity

Everything for beauty and style

All girls tend to doubt their beauty. And during growing up this happens especially acutely. Therefore, from a very tender age, emphasize your daughter’s virtues, raise her to be a beauty. Let him study himself in the mirror, get used to loving himself, and take care of his appearance. What will she need for this?

Construction sets and puzzles

We choose thematic construction sets and puzzles as a gift for an 8-9 year old girl. Of the construction sets you can buy - the girl's series, which allows you to build an entire town with a hairdresser, cafe, houses, shops, ranch, etc. And also with your favorite Barbie doll in different images.

A good educational gift for a girl would be 700-3000 pieces. Choose beautiful landscapes, animals, fairytale castles, and favorite characters. Puzzles captivate young ladies, just like needlework.

Sports toys

But our young beauties love not only to do needlework, but also to roller skate, jump on a grasshopper, play badminton and Cossack robbers. And they shoot with a slingshot no worse than boys! We don’t recommend a slingshot... But a bow, like Princess Merida’s, why not)) with colored soft arrows - a stylish weapon especially for girls over 8 years old.

Board games

Girls of this age are attracted to everything mystical. They tell fortunes, believe in predictions and magic. You can't go wrong if you give the birthday girl a fantasy game or. Now there will be something to do with your friends at a pajama party)) At the age of 8-9, girls are actively interested in adult life. Therefore, games in which you can get into various life situations are very useful. In the game everything is like in life - players give birth to children, quarrel, get divorced, make peace, work, go on vacation and plan their family budget. Interesting and educational!

What to give to a girl for 8 years? If you are faced with such a question, it means that a funny toddler with fluffy hair has turned into a serious schoolgirl and mother’s assistant. Second grade girls are very different. Among them there are touchy princesses and know-it-all intellectuals, cheerful bullies and real needlewomen, housewives and creative individuals. Therefore, everything from the site should correspond to the character, mindset and hobbies of the birthday girl, be unexpected and cause delight.

Sophisticated Princess - 8 years old

Since the age of 8, such a girl has been trying to surround herself with beautiful objects, strives to look irresistible and follows fashion. The best gift for her could be anything related to:

  • with personal care: educational doll for cosmetics and hairstyles, children's cosmetics, hair jewelry, elegant clothes and accessories;
  • with decorating your home: an elegant box for girly little things, a disco ball or glamorous stickers on furniture or walls.

Independent Daredevil - 8 years

Eternal jeans, a tousled short haircut and a baseball cap are what reveal the lively, energetic nature of a nine-year-old girl who is only friends with boys and has an independent character. A gift for a fidgety girl should be related to tourism or sports:

  • bicycle or roller skates;
  • compass or skittles;
  • young traveler's kit or sports equipment.

Such girls are usually sociable and love to play in the company of friends. An excellent and appropriate gift would be the board game “Funny Faces”, or.

Know-it-all intellectual - 8 years

For an inquisitive 8-year-old girl with a logical mind and the desire to be more successful than others, the SuperHelper portal offers gifts that include:

  • to broaden your horizons: encyclopedias on various topics, videos about the world around you or unexplored distances;
  • to research and experiments: educational construction set, or scientific game “Young Chemist”.

Creative personality - 8 years

All children are gifted with some kind of natural talent. It is important to notice this as early as possible and develop what is inherent from birth. What creative gift to choose for an 8-year-old girl?

  • Cook and hostess - a children's porcelain set, a Dessert Factory mixer or a cookbook.
  • Singer and actress - musical rug, CDs with your favorite singers, player, musical instruments.
  • Needlewoman - or embroidery, a sewing machine or a book on macrame techniques.
  • To the artist - paints and markers, easel and sketchbook, plastic or modeling kit.

Doll Masha, doll Dasha...

Although my daughter has become older, and the children's room is filled with the most varied dolls, an exclusive porcelain doll from Super Helper can become the most long-awaited gift. Everything related to the puppet world - puppet theaters, accessories, clothing and furniture - is still relevant for an 8-year-old girl.
But you shouldn’t rely only on the character of the hero of the occasion. Give an elegant dress to a tomboy girl and she will feel like a princess. Give an intellectual girl roller skates, and she will dashingly make turns on the paths in the park. Everything is relative!

TOP - 250 best gift ideas for girls 8 years old Can .

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Good day to all my readers! The topic of my post today: “What to give an 8-year-old girl?” I think will be of interest not only to parents, but also to everyone who has such young relatives or friends. As for dads, many of them, as I know, dote on their little princesses, but they are not very diverse in gifts. The crowning number is a doll (although it often turns out to be appropriate).

But for your beloved daughter’s 8th birthday, you need to select things with the utmost seriousness. You can't get by with just another doll here, but she already has plenty of them.

Maybe it’s better to buy something unusual, given the girl’s revealed hobbies? Your gift should arouse genuine interest in her, and, if possible, be beneficial for her all-round development.

Let's try to find ideas without smartphones and tablets, which you probably already gave to your daughter. Let's extend, so to speak, our child's childhood, filling him as much as possible with vivid memories of his eighth birthday. Ideally, it’s good to know in advance about the birthday girl’s preferences.

In this regard, parents do the right thing when they create a so-called “Wish List” with their daughter. The wishes of your daughter have been included in it for a whole year - and all you have to do is choose. If you don't already use a wish list, take note of these gift ideas.

  • An 8-year-old girl is still a little girl playing with dolls. Therefore, the purchase of toy houses, furniture and various accessories for existing dolls- a good option for a present. There will be a place for the dolls to live, sleep, and renew their clothes. It’s important to measure the dolls’ sizes in advance so as not to make a mistake with the furniture.
  • Give her soft toy– a huge rabbit on which she can lie down and leaf through a book of fairy tales, a wonderful teddy bear or a funny cat for her home collection.
  • I think your daughter won’t refuse boy toys– radio-controlled car, helicopter or ATV.
  • I have no doubt that the girl has already mastered the computer. Give a CD as a gift with the popular Sims simulator- this is a very exciting game: she will be able to dress her character stylishly, create an atmosphere in the house, go on a visit, go to work. The main thing is not to save money and purchase a licensed disc.
  • However, if your girl already spends too much time at the computer, then it is better to refrain from such a gift. It will help to distract her dance mat, or even better, give your baby a ballroom dress and enroll her in a dance studio.
  • She'll like it interactive tennis– it connects to a TV, the screen shows a view of a real court, and an infrared sensor instantly reacts to hits from the racket.

What to give for development?

This is an extremely important period in the overall development of the child, in particular in the mental one. A girl should truly enjoy games that require mental effort. Otherwise, future self-development will be difficult, which means it will bring little joy of knowledge. It is educational games that are destined to fill the existing gap:

  • puzzles– you have an excellent choice of both paper and cardboard options and more modern 3D puzzles. You can assemble a figurine from them and leave it as a beautiful souvenir. Practical in this regard, wooden puzzles with models of all kinds of cars and other types of vehicles, as well as architectural monuments;
  • puzzles– stand in the same row as puzzles. Here you can opt for an ordinary Rubik’s cube, known to us since childhood, or decide to buy a modern Neocube;
  • Board games– an excellent option for a fun, useful and, most importantly, time together. Any games are suitable: from simple lotto and dominoes, role-playing “Mafia” to checkers, chess and backgammon.

Everything is like adults

At this age, girls begin to be attracted to toys made from natural materials more than plastic ones:

  • if there is a table, then let it be small, but definitely wooden;
  • if the grill set is made of iron;
  • if dishes, then glass or porcelain.

And believe me, a portable kitchen or dressing table and other toys will not gather dust.

As for the set of dishes and cutlery, not a single girl will refuse them. Buy a set with Hello Kitty for your birthday - your daughter will be endlessly happy with such a gift.

The purchase of an unusual lamp with lightning or a lava lamp for the table will also cause an emotional storm. The first is a plasma ball: spectacular and mysterious. It can be used in magical games of fairies and sorcerers. It is better to present such things as an addition to the main gift.

Physical education gift for a sports person

When a girl disappears on the street, be glad that she is not behind the computer or TV. The main thing is not to walk aimlessly. Give the birthday girl:

  • bike– for the spring-summer season this is the simplest and most win-win idea. If the girl does not yet know how to ride a two-wheeled model, then be sure to check whether the bicycle you are buying has retractable safety wheels;
  • roller skates– buy them only if you know for sure that your daughter will use them. Also, keep in mind that in a year the girl’s foot will grow and the sports shoes will not fit;
  • sets for active games– give darts and tennis rackets.

How to please a young fashionista

All girls have one weakness: they love to hang around the mirror. First they watch mom, then they start trying on her jewelry, trying to use lipstick, perfume...

  • So feel free to buy it for a girl stylish shoes, a new beautiful dress, a fashionable handbag, a children's umbrella from a famous designer. Be sure to visit the jewelry department: they love to decorate their hair. By the way, there will be different hairpins and rubber bands. All this will cost you little.
  • Satisfy your interest in cosmetics: buy shower gel, bubbling bath balls, shampoos, hygienic lipsticks. However, keep in mind that children's cosmetics are no longer suitable here.
  • You can also give as a gift cell phone pendant, unique case with a photo of the birthday girl.
  • Give it to a girl certificate for a new hairstyle or creative photo shoot– at this age, many girls dream of themselves as models or actresses, so posing in front of the camera is in their blood. There will be a reason to “try on” your dreams for yourself, and just admire professional photographs.

Even a girl who has everything won’t refuse a photo shoot with a professional photographer.

  • Your daughter will like it "Young Perfumer" set, with which you can create your own scent.
  • pay attention to accessories. You can make your baby very happy with a small handbag, stylish sunglasses, a fashionable bucket hat and a bright scarf.

Little girls love flowers just like us - dad should always remember this. Be sure to complement any gift you give your daughter bright bouquet of fresh flowers. Although you can diversify this element with a hand-made bouquet of flowers, toys, and balloons.

Let him do good

8-year-old girls differ from their peers - boys - in being more creative. It would be a shame not to take advantage of this feature.

  1. Buy bright ones stationery, various papers, applique figures. If your girl is already drawing on a “professional” basis, then you can give her watercolor or acrylic paints, sets of art brushes, and an easel. And if a girl is only taking her first steps, buy a prepared picture; the child can paint it on her own and put the creation in a special frame.
  2. It's probably time for a girl learn to sew and knit– the availability of training kits in stores with ready-made patterns and blanks makes this process easier. You can also offer kits with gypsum mass - it needs to be placed in the supplied molds, dried and painted.
  3. I never cease to be amazed at how many there are on store shelves. interesting for creativity and handicrafts. Sometimes you want to try something yourself. Isn't it great that now any kid can create their own decoration? Give your daughter such a set.

There is no better gift than a book

Indeed, a book has long been considered one of the best gifts. This is especially true when looking for a gift for a girl’s 8th birthday. An encyclopedia with bright drawings and stories about cosmic distances, the inhabitants of our planet and other books will help the little one replenish her knowledge about the world around her.

Do you want to make real magic happen? Buy a panoramic book - it contains a whole game world on every spread.

I remembered with a smile my childhood years, when my friends and I rushed around with various questionnaires and questionnaires, seeing modern notebooks and diaries for girls on the counter of a bookstore. Our girls also like and need them.

We instill responsibility and teach care for others

Give your daughter a pet. Animals should be in the life of a growing child, and if until now you have been putting off buying a puppy or kitten, now is the time. Having a personal pet will teach your daughter to treat animals responsibly.

Of course, this is an important decision, so before buying a pet, weigh the pros and cons a hundred times. Please note that an 8-year-old child will not be able to care for them independently. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to help the baby, then limit yourself to purchasing a parrot, turtle or fish. There is much less hassle with them.

Today I was able to consider only a small part of the ideas for choosing a gift for the birthday of an 8-year-old girl. However, they are suitable not only for birthdays - such gifts are quite appropriate to give, for example, for the New Year.

I hope you found something useful and that you found and took note of the appropriate advice. I will be sincerely happy about this.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva