How to do anti-cellulite massage with a brush (mitten)? A dry brush will help fight cellulite Hard massage for cellulite

Before the summer months, the problem of cellulite becomes almost the most pressing for women.

What is cellulite, which even very young girls are so afraid of?

This, outwardly similar to the peel of an unsmooth orange, is the result of changes in the fatty tissue of the skin. Most often it appears on the thighs and buttocks, and sometimes on the upper arms. Fat deposits accumulate due to impaired fluid circulation, and then these same deposits interfere with further fluid circulation. Because cellulite is not just a cosmetic defect - because because of it, the blood supply, and therefore the nutrition, of the cells is disrupted. Someone is trying to fight this scourge with the help of special creams, belts or diets, preferring easy methods. But there is a way for those who are ready to work and get a more visible result than after spreading cream - this is massage.

I bring to your attention an interesting technique - dry brushing. If nothing has helped you before, then perhaps it’s worth trying a new method.

Making skin in problem areas smooth and healthy is not at all easy. But rubbing dry skin with a special brush can cope not only with the initial stage, but also with pronounced manifestations of cellulite.

Why does daily use of a dry brush help to cope with orange peel?

Getting rid of the “orange peel” occurs by stimulating subcutaneous fluids, in particular lymph. As a result, metabolic processes in the fat layer and other subcutaneous layers are activated, and this leads to the removal of waste that is unnecessary for the body. Thus, volumes are reduced and cellulite disappears.

The dry cleaning process offers several benefits:

- First, dry brushing with a soft brush is a great scrub because the process removes dead skin cells. And even those with very soft skin that are too sensitive to cosmetics can use this peeling method.

Secondly, in places where such a brush is regularly used, the blood supply becomes much better. Blood, which supplies microelements and useful substances to these areas, additionally enriches the skin with oxygen, which significantly improves its appearance: cellulite formations are leveled out, unaesthetic bumps and dimples disappear.

These two key steps of the procedure give us a chance to hope that dry cleaningwillis also successful in the fight against cellulite. But there is no doubt that this method has a simply healing effect that improves the appearance of the skin.

How to do dry cleaning correctly?

Do not use a brush that is too hard. Even a slight redness after brushing is not always the result that will help. Dry cleaning is not rubbing with a hard towel, after which the skin should not“burn” and blush. Although there will be some slight redness, this is the result of increased blood flow, which is so necessary for the fight for even skin.

Make sure that the bristles of the brush do not scratch your skin. Therefore, the choice of brush is important. Synthetic fibers are too harsh and can damage the skin, especially sensitive ones.Buy a brush made from natural fibers.

It is most reasonable to perform the procedure in the morning, since it increases the overall tone of the body and in the evening can provoke insomnia.

The anti-cellulite brush, like the skin itself, must be dry, since it is dry massage that helps eliminate the “orange peel”.

- For anti-cellulite cleaning Rubbing begins, as a rule, from the back of the thighs. The tinder is usually quite strong. There is no need to apply any special pressure on problem areas of the body at first. Let your hips get used to the process first, and only then can you do more intense massage movements on cellulite areas. Then they move directly to the buttocks. You can also rub the sides.

Dry brushing to promote health should also begin with the feet:start with wide, soft movements from your ankles up, and then from the arms to the chest. In the stomach area, direct the brush counterclockwise.

After rubbing, be sure to at least rinse off if you don’t have time for a full bath or shower.
This is necessary in order to remove all dead cells. After a correctly performed procedure, the water should slightly tingle the skin in the areas where the brush is used. After this, you can use anti-cellulite oil or cream. Or simply apply a moisturizing/nourishing cream

Use a dry brush in the bath or shower to keep your bathroom free of excess dust.

Caring for your brush involves washing it with any detergent at least once a week. After each use, do not forget to dry the brush well, otherwise the formation of an unpleasant odor is guaranteed.

Dry cleaning technique

Movements should always be directed towards the heart.

Rubbing is always carried out from the bottom up: they begin to do them from the feet, gradually moving towards the area hearts. The initial movements should be directed from the feet to the knees: massage the feet, across the toes, around the ankle, then the lower leg from the bottom up to the knee.

Having passed the back of the knees, we move on to the problem area - the hips. When rubbing the thighs and buttocks, it is necessary to make circular movements, lightly pressing the brush, counterclockwise. Here you need to linger longer, in the area of ​​the outer thighs, alternating stretching movements from bottom to top with circular movements.

- For the abdominal area, movements undoubtedly need to be more gentle. Gently, in a clockwise circular motion, rub the sides and lower back. This is convenient to do thanks to the long handle of the brush. Do not rise above the level of your heart!

- Let's move on to the neck. We rub from the chin to the chest, then from the earlobes, to the mammary glands, not reaching the nipples. The movements should be extended, fanning out towards the shoulders and upper back.

The back is rubbed with sliding movements along the entire length. The direction of movement is from the lower back upward, without pressure. Shoulders - with short downward movements.

Then we massage the back in a circular motion towards the chest, gently massage the armpits where the large lymph nodes are located.

Hands are also rubbed with sliding movements from bottom to top. We start with the fingertips, moving to the palms and the back of the hand. Massage from wrist to elbow, from elbow to shoulder.

How often should you dry clean to see results?

Dry skin brushing effectively opens the pores on the skin. This is something we can and should do every day. After all, the skin, being the largest organ, needs complete cleansing and nutrition no less than other organs. And opening the pores helps to thoroughly cleanse, saturate the skin with oxygen, and get rid of dead cells. Therefore, do dry brushing at least once a day, but twice is possible.

The process takes some time, so take an extra 20 minutes in the morning to dry brush. It is believed that the optimal duration of dry rubbing is twenty minutes. If you do less massage, it most likely will not bring results. This is exactly the amount of time needed to activate muscle and connective tissue. But I do it for about 10 minutes - and the results are excellent.
Rubbing should be done before taking a shower or bath. During the first two or three months, dry brushing is carried out daily. Then they switch to alternating: one day they do it, one day they don’t. And after cellulite disappears, the number of procedures is reduced to 2 or 3 times a week.

And be patient: you will see the first results in a week and a half.

Anti-cellulite massage with a dry brush should not cause discomfort. On the contrary, dry massage perfectly relieves stress and promotes relaxation. If you still have discomfort, then you need to either adjust the pressure or purchase a brush with softer bristles.

Which brush to choose

Since tactile perception is purely individual, when choosing a brush it is best to be guided by your own feelings. It is preferable to choose a brush with natural bristles, the tips of which are slightly rounded rather than pointed. The fibers should not be stiff, although moderately elastic. This can be determined by taking the product in your hands and touching the bristles to the inside of your arm above the wrist: the touch should be noticeable (too soft bristles may be ineffective), but not cause irritation (skin damage is also not necessary). The best material for a handle is wood.
If the skin is injured, much less scratched, then this is not the brush that is needed for the procedure.

If, however, after purchase, the brush turns out to be quite hard, then you can significantly soften it simply by soaking it in water for several hours - then the bristles will soften somewhat, and anti-cellulite procedures will not be unnecessarily painful.

By the way, animal defenders should not worry; the tools created specifically for the procedure are so-called vegetarian brushes made from plant fibers (for example, cactus).

The market is also saturated with a variety of brushes in shape: round with a palm mount, with a long handle, with a removable handle.

On the back of many brushes there are special pimples for anti-cellulite massage

Dry Cleaning Bonuses

Getting rid of cellulite is not the only property for which women love the procedure of using a dry brush. Even if you don't have problems with orange peel on your thighs, dry brushing is still worth a try.

Let’s summarize the undoubted benefits of dry cleaning. This method...

* Exfoliates dead, dry skin and softens it.
* Accelerates the process of cell renewal and reveals new layers of skin.
* Helps fight cellulite, making thighs and buttocks firmer and smoother.
* Stimulates blood flow and gives the skin a healthy color.
* Helps the body more actively destroy waste and toxins.
* Promotes increased oxygen circulation.
* Regular procedures reduce the number of ingrown hairs.

Precautionary measures

I warn you right away that in the first days dry rubbing will seem like a tedious and not very pleasant procedure. The bristles will irritate the skin, and after contact with water, tingling and a slight burning sensation will appear. But, be persistent, in a couple of weeks your skin will get used to this massage. You will understand that this morning ritual with a brush is worth it to become the owner of renewed skin.

Believe me, dry rubbing with a special brush can become a useful habit, as a result of which the skin becomes tightened, velvety and smooth. Don't believe me? Be sure to check it out!

And remember, a cellulite brush is, of course, a powerful weapon, but you also need to watch your diet. Adjust your diet and there will be no cellulite!
based on materials from,,

Massage with a brush from 52-year-old supermodel Elle Macpherson

Women stop at nothing to have a beautiful figure. Unfortunately, most girls, regardless of age, weight and heredity, develop ominous cellulite, visually reminiscent of an orange peel. Stagnation of fluid in the human body leads to the appearance of this pathological change in tissue. But to combat it, you don’t need to torture your body with diets, spend money on cosmetic procedures, attend trainings, or scour the Internet in search of miraculous methods and advice.

Improper and insufficient nutrition leads to impaired blood circulation, which slows down the period of breakdown of foods and the removal of toxins from the body. All this accumulates in fat cells, which provokes their growth. The result is that your thighs and buttocks resemble a ripe orange.

You can quickly get rid of orange peel only by directly affecting fat deposits, normalizing blood circulation. And the first thing that comes to mind are advertised cosmetics that are easy to use and do not require special knowledge or professional skills. Most naive girls and women truly believe such tempting offers. But the reality turns out to be much harsher than advertising promises. After several months of using “miracle” creams and lotions, depression and complete disappointment set in.

No matter how expensive or cheap an anti-cellulite product is, the problem of fat cell proliferation is much deeper than the possibilities of cosmetology. It is necessary to consciously and radically solve this problem in other ways.

Cellulite brush- a radical, simple solution to the problem
Massage is a universal remedy in the fight against saggy, sagging skin. A massage brush will become the best assistant in the difficult task of fighting fat deposits. Massage with a cellulite brush does not require special skills, expensive creams or time.

Benefits of dry brushing massage

According to leading cosmetologists in Europe, anti-cellulite massage with a dry brush, when used regularly, promotes:

  • improving blood circulation;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • removing toxins from the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • exfoliation of dead cells.

You can buy a massage brush in stores and salons that sell skin care products. You need to choose it carefully, not paying attention to the original shape, bright color, or price.

The main rules for choosing an anti-cellulite massage brush

  1. The length of the handle must be at least 15 cm, it must not be slippery. Feel free to take the brush in your hands to feel if it is comfortable to use;
  2. pay attention to the material from which the brush is made. Wood is a more expensive option, but environmentally friendly and durable. Plastic, outwardly beautiful, but not practical, is not resistant to mechanical damage - falls;
  3. bristle. The fibers must be at least 2 cm in length. Massage with a hard brush against cellulite can injure the skin, so the stiffness of the bristles should be selected individually for each skin type.

Massage with a cellulite brush should not be used if there are scratches or open wounds on the skin. Psoriasis, eczema, and allergic rashes are also contraindications for the procedure. Anti-cellulite massage with a brush replaces expensive scrubs and body peelings.

Types of anti-cellulite brushes

Anti-cellulite brushes are classified according to the following functional features:

  • according to the shape of the massage elements - roller and needle;
  • by nature of work - electric and manual;
  • by type of impact - mechanical, vibration.

TO hand massagers include massage mittens, brushes and roller devices.

Massage mitten It is a mitten with many pimples, which is worn on the hand. This anti-cellulite massager is made of plastic or silicone. The effectiveness of the massage mitten is very low, and it is not in demand.

Roller massagers have the shape of a gear wheel with a handle for convenient use. They are made mainly from wood and plastic, and in rare cases from rubber. Roller anti-cellulite massagers are good because they can be used on dry skin.

Anti-cellulite brush - rules for safe use

You need to know how to use an anti-cellulite massage brush so as not to harm the skin. There are several basic rules that must be followed before each massage session:

  • the skin is completely dry, without creams or cosmetics. Using additional moisturizers and rubs is a common mistake, especially often made by beginners. Sliding the brush over the skin reduces the effectiveness of the massage;
  • the brush must be dry. If after the first massage session there are scratches on the body, and the process itself is accompanied by severe pain, you need to pour boiling water over the brush for 10-15 minutes. Then the accessory must be dried thoroughly.

How to massage with a dry brush against cellulite.

There is a certain technique for carrying out the procedure, which has its own nuances.

  1. It is necessary to start a massage with a cellulite brush from the bottom up, that is, from the heels to the knees. This stimulates the lymphatic system and cleanses the body of excess fluid. The pressure on these parts of the skin should be quite strong, but without acute pain.
  2. Then, attention is transferred to the most problematic areas of the body - the hips and buttocks. The circular massaging movements here should be a little easier, but they are still directed upward towards the heart. We pay maximum attention and time to the areas where the orange peel stands out the most.
  3. The next stage of the massage is the abdominal cavity. Here, the skin is delicate and prone to injury and needs the most gentle massaging movements. They should imitate circular rubbing. A smooth transition is made from the abdomen to the back area. Progressive movements begin from the lower back, the brush moves up to the shoulders. In this case, you should gradually increase the pressure.
  4. The final stage is massaging the arms and shoulder girdle. Rubbing begins from the wrist, then the brush moves to the elbow joint and stops at the shoulders.

Massage with an anti-cellulite brush - practical recommendations

  • Anti-cellulite massage at home with a brush can be carried out by a beginner who does not have knowledge and experience. At first, the duration of the procedure should not exceed 5–7 minutes. Over time, the duration of massaging problem areas should be 30 minutes, but no more.
  • It is better to massage with a dry brush against cellulite in the early morning. A pleasant and invigorating procedure will be beneficial and activate nerve endings and stimulate the physiological processes of the body. All this will allow you to get a boost of energy, fill your body with positive energy, and bring you one step closer to your dream - an ideal figure without cellulite.
  • There are no recommendations regarding the number of massage sessions with a dry brush. It all depends only on the desire of the girl herself to cope with problem areas. It’s hard for a beginner to readjust and get used to daily activities. Therefore, at first you can do a massage every other day, but gradually anti-cellulite rubbing should become a systematic procedure carried out every morning or evening. It must be remembered that without a systematic approach, an anti-cellulite brush will not cope with fat deposits.
  • Having completed all the manipulations and warmed up the skin as much as possible, you need to move on to the next stage of getting rid of cellulite. A contrast shower will give you an incredible feeling of lightness and at the same time pleasant languor. Skin pores open up and need additional care.
  • After taking a bath, under no circumstances should we dry the body with a towel, but with light touches. Apply a cream or lotion with an airy texture to a dry body, or even better, a natural-based oil. Everyone chooses for themselves which product is most suitable, but moisturizing the skin after a massage with a dry brush and a contrast shower is a prerequisite for achieving results.

Rules for caring for an anti-cellulite brush

Care is necessary not only for the skin, but also for the brush itself. Several times a week it should be treated with a solution made from laundry soap. Thorough drying of the massage brush is necessary to prevent pathogenic fungi and microbes from infesting it. Incorrect and untimely care will lead to damage to the effective anti-fat product.

The result of using an anti-cellulite brush

After the first month of the procedure, massage with a dry brush for cellulite, progress becomes noticeable. Despite all the difficulties and concerns such as adaptation to systematic procedures, the possibility of injuring the skin, and getting unpleasant abrasions, the result will be obvious.
Over time, passion and incentive to improve your figure will appear. If the first times are a little painful, then later the massage brings only pleasure. But here it is important to remember the rules and recommendations.

As a result of the massage, dead cells are actually removed, the skin becomes smooth and silky to the touch. The visual effect will also please you - bumps and unevenness will disappear, and the rough texture of the upper layer of skin will disappear. Many have noticed that after applying oil or mist to the body, white marks and streaks remain that simply are not absorbed into the pores. The systematic use of an anti-cellulite brush also copes with this problem. Peeling on the elbows and knees will also disappear after a few months.

And if you don't like the brush, you can try.

An important point is that the orange peel on the thighs and buttocks really disappears. a dry brush will amaze even avid, convinced skeptics. In addition to smoothness, firmness appears and the elasticity of the skin increases. The main thing is not to stop there, continue to grow and improve.
Anti-cellulite massage with a dry brush, just like any diet or workout, gives results only after a certain period of time and has a cumulative effect.

I continue the topic of detox and today I want to tell you about a very important component of this process - lymphatic body massage with a dry brush.

This is a very simple “wellness trick” that will take just five minutes of your time a day, which will help you cleanse your body inside and out and bring that dream of a beautiful and healthy body closer to you☺

A full body massage with a dry brush stimulates the lymphatic system, removes excess fluid from the body, gently exfoliates the skin and much more.

But even such a simple matter, as usual, has its own subtleties and its own necessary rules that must be followed to achieve the best result.

That’s what I’ll tell you about today ☺

From this article you will learn:

Lymphatic body massage with a dry brush - secrets of implementation

I’ll say right away that this procedure can be performed daily, and not just during the detox period, so it’s worth adding it to the list of HEALTHY habits, definitely!

What are the benefits of body massage with a dry brush?

Let's look at the most important benefits of body massage with a dry brush:

  • 1. Improvement of the entire lymphatic system

When the lymphatic system does not work well, this leads to the fact that all our “waste products” cannot be removed from the body smoothly and in a timely manner.

Their accumulation occurs and, as a result, this is intoxication of the body and that same “terrible”...

We often feel unwell, we feel weak, lethargic, the complexion of our face and body is not impressive, our hair condition becomes worse...

By massaging the skin with a dry brush in the direction of the lymph flow, we literally “accelerate” our lymph, forcing it to speed up and begin to fully fulfill its “direct responsibilities”, namely: cleanse our intercellular space in the body of excess fluid and toxins.

As a result, swelling disappears, and the body starts all metabolic processes with renewed vigor, and the functioning of internal organs improves perfectly.

Even if you are one of those who are quite skeptical about all detoxes and the removal of toxins and all that other stuff, then all the same, you can hardly deny the fact that cellulite becomes more VISIBLE just when stagnation occurs in the lymph!

  • 2. Improving the functioning of the entire circulatory system.

Massage with a brush significantly improves blood circulation in the skin, powerfully “stimulating” its ability to actively remove metabolic products.

Accelerated blood flow will occur precisely in those areas of the skin that are actively massaged by the brush.

And you and I know that the key to elastic and youthful skin without sagging and cellulite is precisely active blood circulation!

  • 3. Exfoliation (exfoliation) of the skin of the body.

This massage greatly removes all dead cells from the surface of the skin, you will see this effect immediately.

Exfoliation helps improve the texture of the skin of the body, it perfectly promotes the renewal of all cells, and this has a wonderful effect on the overall appearance of the skin, because our skin is LIVING, and it BREATHES!

But, unfortunately, for the majority, this, one of the most important functions of our body, namely, the release of toxins through the skin, functions, as a rule, below average

And all just because the pores of the skin are literally “clogged” with dead cells. That’s why it’s important to help this process yourself and every day.

  • 4. Significant reduction in signs of cellulite.

It is believed that this is chronic stagnation of lymph and the accumulation of toxins in the cells of the body, which causes fat cells to harden.

With the help of a dry massage with a brush, you can physically influence these deposits in such a way as to literally “shake and break” them and give the body the opportunity to simply remove them through the lymph.

  • 5. A wonderful feeling of vigor.

This massage invigorates and improves your mood, after such a five-minute session you want to run and do something, do, do!..

I love this effect so much, girls!☺

They say that this is why it is recommended to do such a massage in the morning, just before taking a shower, but under no circumstances at night, otherwise you will not fall asleep.

If anything, I did it at lunchtime, and in the late afternoon, and it was fine: I didn’t feel anything like that, I slept like a baby... I didn’t do it before bedtime, I don’t know...

  • 6. Any anti-cellulite products applied to the skin after a massage with a dry brush work more effectively!

Some more very important and inspiring positive aspects of dry brushing massage:

  • significant improvement in the functioning of the entire digestive system,
  • strengthening the immune system,
  • increasing energy levels and good mood throughout the day,
  • strengthening the nervous system and improving the psychological state in terms of increasing stress resistance in any unpleasant situation,
  • improving the appearance and beauty of not only the body, but also the face (well, yes, it’s logical, it’s all ONE system! J),
  • normalization of hormonal levels,
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands, and, as a result, “goodbye, dry skin!”, excellent prevention of varicose veins and much more.

For what skin is dry brushing suitable?

Absolutely for anyone.

The beauty of this technique is that it is universal and suitable for any skin type, even very sensitive ones.

You just need to choose a slightly softer brush for this task, that’s all.

If this massage is done regularly, then even older women with dry and very flabby body skin, on which there are many “bumps” and “hollows”, stretch marks and other “errors”, will experience changes.

How to properly do lymphatic body massage with a dry brush - technique

There is not much technology as such here.

You just need to pay attention to the important nuances:

  • For this massage you need a natural bristle brush. It is important.

These can be absolutely any natural fibers, their choice is now simply huge, the main thing is to choose the degree of stiffness of the natural bristles “on your own”, they can be completely different!

A sales consultant will help with this if you cannot decide for yourself.

It is very important that the brush model is comfortable for you, so that it is convenient for you to hold it in your hand; it is better if it has a long handle.

I have this brush with a long handle and cactus bristles.

  • This type of massage should be performed exclusively on dry skin, that is, not AFTER, but BEFORE taking a shower.
  • All your movements should be carried out towards the heart and exclusively from the bottom up, the way the lymph moves!

Therefore, the massage ALWAYS begins with the soles of the feet, then the toes and feet themselves, then the ankles and lower legs, thighs, buttocks, stomach, up to the chest, shoulders, neck, from the neck down to the chest, arms (starting from palms to arms , towards the neck and down to the chest), back from neck to lower back.

The abdomen and buttocks should be massaged in a circular motion (the abdomen - only clockwise!).

Very important! Go around all the places where lymph nodes are located. These are the armpits, groin area, popliteal fossae.

  • A very important rule - you should not have any discomfort!

After the procedure, you should not have the feeling that your body is “burning with fire”, and the color of your skin resembles the color of boiled crayfish. Jokes aside, this is serious, girls!

In this case, there will be more harm than good.

You're either using a brush that's too hard for you, or you're scrubbing too hard... Or both...

If the massage is carried out correctly, then your skin should only “brown” slightly after the procedure.

You should also not try to speed up and enhance the result by deliberately pressing harder on the skin during this technique. Also, in pursuit of a “quick result,” you should not carry out this procedure for too long.

This can only lead to pain and increased sensitivity of the skin. And you will not be able to do this technique at all for some time until your skin recovers. Take care of yourself!

  • Start the massage with 3 minutes, no more. And gradually increase its duration. But you shouldn’t do it for more than 8-10 minutes.

During the massage, do not rush; all movements should be smooth and careful.

  • Massage can (and should!) be done regularly, every day! We need the BEST result!!!

If there is such an opportunity, and if your skin responds well to this procedure, then do this massage twice a day, just for a short time.

I do 5-7 minutes in the morning, and in the afternoon, towards evening, also 5-7 minutes.

  • After the massage, it is better to take a shower immediately.

If you do a massage in the morning, then after a regular shower I highly recommend taking a contrast shower and changing the water temperature at least 3-5 times.

This really, really enhances all the effects of the massage procedure, invigorates, charges you with positivity unrealistically! I recommend it from the bottom of my heart!

After you shower, apply oil, lotion, cream, etc., whatever you normally use, to your body. If you are carrying out a dektos program, you don’t need to apply anything to your body!!!

After a massage and shower, be sure to drink one or two glasses of warm hot water, maybe with some lemon added.

You may not have strong concentration.

By the way, you need to drink the liquid IMMEDIATELY after the massage, and not afterwards. I noticed that I felt thirsty immediately after each massage session. The body gives a sign and I listen to it. What about you? Write in the comments, I'm interested!

  • Be sure to take care of your massage brush!

At least once a week, thoroughly wash your brush with soapy water and then dry it thoroughly.

You can buy excellent massage brushes with natural bristles Here

What contraindications exist for performing such a massage?

So, it's important:

  1. You should not rub your body with a brush if there are abrasions, cuts, bruises, inflammation, and so on.
  2. You should not perform this procedure if your body temperature is elevated.
  3. Try not to touch papillomas and moles during the massage.

My personal impressions of body massage with a dry brush

So, the most noticeable:

  1. Literally right away I noticed that my skin became much softer, more tender, and its smoothness significantly increased (I love the feeling of smooth skin!).
  2. My usual daily body oil has become much better distributed over the skin and absorbed much faster.
  3. The skin tightened and straightened, sagging disappeared, and an overall impression of a more youthful body appeared.
  4. I have already written about the effect of a surge of vigor and good mood: remarkable vigor!☺
  5. In addition to all of the above, this procedure gives me a real buzz every time!

Moreover, I noticed that the effect of this procedure is cumulative! Improvements continue to show themselves to this day. I am happy (I love to see the result of my labors!).

The main thing here is regularity!

My skin, of course, did not become super-perfect, no. But her healthy and beautiful SHINE appeared. For me, this is worth a lot!

So I can definitely say that this is a very useful practice, it’s worth making it your daily habit, a daily Ritual of Beauty and Health, and not just during the period of body detox, it’s worth it!

I hope this article was helpful to you. Tell us, do you give yourself this lymphatic body massage with a dry brush, do you like it, what effect have you already received and what else do you want to achieve?

I really love communicating with you in the comments, I appreciate your feedback!

Share this article with your friends, mothers and sisters, let them, thanks to this dry body massage technique, also believe in its exceptional effectiveness and be able to make their body more beautiful and healthy!

See you soon!

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

Cellulite is a normal phenomenon for the female body. It becomes a problem in the later stages, but in the early stages everyone has it, and if you do timely prevention, you don’t have to worry about your form. Slender hips, a toned stomach and elastic buttocks, even after the birth of a child, are preserved by women who find time for massage, using an anti-cellulite brush, sports and a normal diet.

What is cellulite - disease or normal?

Doctors say that this is a completely normal phenomenon for the female body, caused by the growth of fat cells. As part of the dermis, between the layer of dense fibrous connective tissue and the epidermis, there is loose fibrous connective tissue, and deeper than the dense fibrous tissue there is adipose tissue, the hypodermis. It is formed by adipocyte cells that form fat lobules. As adipocytes grow, collagen connective tissue fibers lose their elasticity. The resulting strands separate the fat cells, as if “locking” them. In such areas, blood supply, metabolism and removal of toxins are disrupted.

Cellulite is caused by proliferating fat cells

Metabolic products accumulate in clusters of fat cells. As cellulite progresses, the nerve endings become compressed. Skin sensitivity decreases, vascular tone is lost, and swelling appears.

An enzyme called lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is responsible for storing fat; it is distributed on the walls of blood vessels throughout the body. The function of this enzyme is to distribute fat in the body. Due to the high concentration of the enzyme in the hips and buttocks, fat deposits and cellulite occur in these areas.

Why cellulite is not considered a disease - video

What is an anti-cellulite massage brush and where to buy it

Anti-cellulite massage is performed with a body brush, which, in addition to bristles, may have wooden (plastic, silicone) attachments. Using such a device, you can warm up tissues, cause blood flow to problem areas, and remove dead cells. For therapeutic purposes, self-massage is performed daily, in the morning, before taking a bath or shower. For preventative purposes - 3–4 times a week. You can purchase such a brush in cosmetics stores and on manufacturers’ websites.

Anti-cellulite massage can be done with bristles, massage balls or fingers - brushes are often made double-sided

How does a brush affect cellulite?

Massage with a brush helps against cellulite in the initial stages, when changes in the structure of the tissues are not yet very noticeable. There are no visible signs, so the onset of the disease can only be noticed if you strongly squeeze the skin on the abdomen, thighs or buttocks. At stage 1, interstitial fluid accumulates in the tissues, microcirculation deteriorates, and tissue swelling appears. The only sign of incipient cellulite can be considered a longer than usual healing of scratches and bruises, and the appearance of bruises from the slightest blows.

At stage 2, swelling develops in the tissues, which begins to compress the blood and lymphatic vessels. Blood flow is obstructed, and this leads to increased swelling and accumulation of toxins in the tissues. Inflammatory processes in the middle layers of the skin cannot be ruled out. Visible for now only on pale and slightly less elastic skin, bumps and indurations are noticeable only when the skin is caught in a fold.

Cellulite can be treated with massage only in the initial stages

Massage of problem areas, if done regularly, helps achieve the following results:

  • Exfoliates the top layer of the epidermis, accelerates cell renewal, and makes the skin smooth.
  • Stimulates blood circulation, dilates blood vessels, causes blood flow to problem areas, restores skin tone and elasticity.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the lymphatic system and metabolic processes, promotes the removal of toxins from the body, which cause compaction of fat cells in the connective tissue.

It is recommended to massage with a cellulite brush in the morning, before taking a shower - it will invigorate, warm and lift your spirits. If you do it in the evening, then you won’t be able to fall asleep for a long time. Do not try to speed up the result by making the massage more intense, as this will only harm the skin. Manipulations must be carried out daily for at least a month, and then gradually reduce the number of procedures, but even after the final elimination of the external manifestations of cellulite, the massage should still be repeated at least once a week as a preventive measure.

Fighting cellulite - methods for solving the problem - video

How to use it correctly against cellulite

The first and main rule is that you should not feel discomfort during the massage. Therefore, be careful when choosing an anti-cellulite brush: don’t skimp, prefer natural materials to cheap synthetics, find a model with a long handle to reach all hard-to-reach areas (back, buttocks). Perform massage regularly, if possible in the morning. Massage the skin until you feel warmth throughout the body and cause slight redness. Diligence is good in moderation: the body after a massage should not “burn with fire” and hurt. Perform movements according to the proven technique: in a circle counterclockwise or in a straight line from bottom to top. Movements from top to bottom are not recommended, and in both directions are strictly prohibited. Do not touch sensitive areas - inner thighs, areas under the knees, armpits.

There is no need to do an anti-cellulite massage for a fresh tan, inflammation, rashes, injuries - wait until the skin heals, do not injure yourself again. After each procedure, rinse the brush with hot water so as not to create a pathogenic environment - dead cells, sebum, and shower gel residues accumulate in the villi; with high humidity in the bathroom, the brush will quickly become a source of an unpleasant odor.

A massage brush should be made from natural materials; you shouldn’t skimp on it

The brush should not be too rough - it should scratch and prick the skin, but bristles that are too soft will not have any healing effect. If suddenly the brush you bought turned out to be tougher than you wanted, then the following advice: Soak it for 4 hours in water. Then dry. The bristles should soften a little.

Svetlana Koryakova

Dry massage

Dry massage is not as tactilely pleasant as wet massage, but it has more benefits. - even in those “advanced” cases when the orange peel is not only palpable, but already visible on the thighs, buttocks, and less often on the arms. This procedure is contraindicated for people with sensitive skin.

The massage is performed with a dry brush; you don’t even need to soak it in the bathroom first - and on dry skin, without makeup. The procedure itself will be quite “harsh”, so try not to overdo it during rubbing and not to tear off the skin. For the first massage, 10 minutes is enough: move from bottom to top, from feet to legs, thighs and chest. Movements should be sliding, without pressure. As you get used to it, the time can be gradually increased - up to 15 minutes for each problem area. After the procedure, take a shower with the gel, dry your skin and apply anti-cellulite cream.

Dry massage rubbing with a brush - video

Wet massage technique

Wet massage is indicated for the prevention of cellulite and treatment of the initial stage, when the problem is still invisible:

  1. Soak the brush in hot water about 15 minutes before the massage.
  2. Apply shower gel to your body and rub until foam forms.
  3. Take a brush and start massaging your body from your feet, gradually moving up to your hips, buttocks, stomach and back.
  4. Work with each problem area for 5–10 minutes.
  5. Lastly, massage your hands - from wrist to shoulder.
  6. When finished, take a contrast shower and apply anti-cellulite cream.

Dry and wet massage are performed in the same way, only in a wet massage the skin can be softened with cosmetics, and the brush can be soaked in hot water.

Step-by-step massage

How to do:

  1. Rub the brush onto your feet, then your ankles, gradually moving up to your knees. You need to massage the skin with circular movements or strokes from bottom to top. There is no need to press hard or rub. Movements should be smooth and sliding.
  2. It is better not to massage areas with sensitive skin - the inner thighs, groin area, skin under the armpits and under the knees.
  3. Once you've gone over your shins, lightly massage the backs of your knees with the brush and move on to your thighs. When the skin warms up, increase the pressure and rub your right and left legs alternately, first with circular movements counterclockwise, then with strokes from bottom to top.
  4. In the abdominal area, massage in a circular motion, without pressure, clockwise.
  5. Rub the sides from bottom to top, one side, then the other.
  6. Move to the back. Rub the lower part first, moving the brush from bottom to top, then the upper part, massaging from top to bottom.
  7. Now rub your hands: first the backs of your hands, then your wrists and then move up to your shoulders.

On the legs and arms, rubbing with a brush should be done from bottom to top, on the back, stomach and buttocks - in a circular motion.

For convenience, you can use two small brushes at once that fit in the palm of your hand, or one with a long handle to reach the most inaccessible parts of the body. If after rubbing the skin turns red and you feel a slight tingling sensation, do not be alarmed, this is how it should be - but there should not be a feeling of heat. If it does, it means they did something wrong. There is no need to rub the body too much; the skin is very easily injured and stretched. With thoughtless efforts, you can only make the problem worse.

When you finish the procedure, drink a glass of water and take a shower. At the same time, rinse the massage brush well. Dry yourself and apply natural oil or anti-cellulite cream to your skin. Perform the massage daily: first for 10–20 minutes, then longer, up to 30 minutes, massaging each problem area. The course lasts 2–2.5 months, then you can perform the procedure less often - 2–3 times a week or every day, but reduce the time to 5 minutes. In the morning, such a massage will help you cheer up better than a cup of coffee.

How to remove cellulite with a massage brush - video

Review of the highest quality and most effective brushes

  • Give preference to a wooden brush. It is more expensive than silicone, but also more durable.
  • Any bristle will do: the main thing is that it does not prick or scratch. For the first time, it is better to take a brush with soft bristles, then, if desired, purchase another one with stiffer bristles or teeth.
  • The length of the pile should be no more than 2 cm and the tufts should be about 0.5 mm thick.
  • A brush with rotating rollers can be used to massage deep tissues.
  • Ideally, if the massager has a long handle, then there will be no problems with massaging hard-to-reach areas - the back, for example.

There are two types of massage brushes: either with a handle, or so-called “palm brushes”, which fit in the hand

Manufacturers of massage brushes - table

ManufacturerDescriptionMaterialsFlawsPriceRecommendations for use
Skin Brush Elemis
(Great Britain)
Massage brush with long handleBody - wood, bristles - cactusBuyers sometimes complain about the loss of stubble and “balding” of the brush.From 1800 rublesThe brush is designed for dry massage. The procedure is carried out 3–4 times a week, including for preventive purposes. The recommended course of treatment is 2–3 months.
Helen Gold DRY BRUSH
Drainage brush for dry massage with long handle (40 cm)Body - bamboo, natural boar bristlesFor sensitive skin, the bristles may feel harsh1390 rublesThe brush is recommended for massaging dry skin and scrubbing; it is suitable for people with allergies to body cosmetics.
Drainage brush for dry massage (40 cm)Body - beech wood, bristles - Mexican cactus fibersBuyers note the stiffness of the bristles. If you do a wet massage, the wooden frame may crack.From 1300 rublesThe manufacturer advises using a drainage brush before taking a shower, on dry skin, and for maximum effect using the Riche line of body care products. Massage is performed 3-4 times a week.
Body shop
Drainage brush for dry massage, available in two configurations: round brush and long-handled brushBody - wood, bristles - synthetic for a round brush, cactus bristles for a brush with a long handleNot suitable for wet massage890 rublesPerform rubbing on dry skin, using smooth circular movements from wrists to shoulders, from shins to thighs. Rubbing is enough for 2-5 minutes, then you need to take a shower.
Earth Therapeutics
Double-sided brush with roller massagerBody - wood, rubber; balls - wood, pile - natural bristlesInsufficient handle length, inconvenient to rub your back and buttocksFrom 570 rublesBristles are used to scrub the skin and exfoliate dead cells. Massage with wooden balls tones the tissues and helps to relax. The brush is suitable for dry and wet massage.
Best Trans Service
Double sided brush with long handleBody - wood, rubber;
bristles - synthetic, teeth - wood
The bristles are soft and rubbing may feel weakFrom 360 rublesThe brush is designed for dry massage. It is recommended to rub the body first with wooden teeth, then with bristles.
Lito LitoA brush for dry and wet massage, which has bristles on one side and wooden massage “fingers”. The brush can be with or without a handleBody - wood, massager - wood, pile - natural bristlesWith frequent use, the body darkens slightlyFrom 150 rublesThe brush is not double-sided: both the bristles and the massage balls are attached to one side, providing a comprehensive massage and complete relaxation for the skin.

To have smooth and elastic skin, a slender, toned figure, you don’t have to spend large sums, visit fashionable salons or wait months in line to see a highly advertised specialist. You can take care of your beauty and health without outside help by mastering affordable and safe body care methods. This is what drybrushing or massage with a dry brush is.

The technology, which appeared in the East thousands of years ago, does not require special expenses, knowledge and skill, but at the same time it amazes with incredible efficiency. Famous top models Cindy Crawford, Miranda Kerr, Italian diva Monica Bellucci believe that they owe the beauty of their body to this procedure. It's time for you to get to know the rubbing technique better and include it in your daily routine.

Time flies inexorably: before you have time to look back, the 30-year mark has already been passed. During this period, the first age-related changes begin to appear:

Unfortunately, old age cannot be avoided, but daily massaging the body with a dry brush will help delay its approach, and at the same time eliminate a number of other problems. As a result of the procedure:


Judging by the reviews, dry massage delivers a lot of pleasant sensations, relaxes the body and nervous system, and fights stress, depression, and emotional stress.


Be careful: even such a seemingly harmless procedure has a number of prohibitions. First of all, this:

  • damage to the integrity of the epidermis: cuts, wounds, abrasions, bruises;
  • inflammatory diseases, rashes;
  • dermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • varicose veins;
  • moles, papillomas, nevi;
  • thin and sensitive skin;
  • increased body temperature;
  • acute stage of an infectious disease.

During the massage course, you should limit your exposure to the sun and avoid visiting the solarium. Rubbing with a brush exfoliates the top layer of the epidermis, causing the skin to become thinner and more vulnerable. Even a small dose of ultraviolet rays after the procedure can harm a person, causing severe burns.

How to do a massage correctly

It seems that it could be simpler than regular brushing. You will be surprised, but this massage has many subtleties, and the technique changes depending on the location of the effect, the condition and health characteristics of the patient.

During pregnancy

Not every type of massage is suitable for an expectant mother. Rubbing the body with a dry brush is precisely the procedure that will not harm the fetus and will significantly improve the woman’s well-being.

The fact is that during pregnancy the load on the expectant mother’s body increases significantly. Hence the pain and heaviness in the back and legs, swelling, stretch marks on the stomach and hips. A regular brush with natural bristles will help combat these unpleasant phenomena:

  • We begin the massage from the foot: with light movements we stroke the sole from the toes to the heel, along the outer surface we move towards the ankle joint, creating an outflow of lymphatic fluid.
  • Using the same techniques, we work the lower leg and outer thigh, following the direction of the massage lines.
  • We go through the upper chest area with smoothing movements from the center to the shoulders.
  • We work the back from the lumbar region towards the nearby axillary lymph nodes.
  • We rub our hands along the lymph flow.

You will learn more about performing these techniques in the video.

Massage of the abdominal area causes a lot of controversy among specialists. Some believe that this procedure should be prohibited for pregnant women, others argue that light stroking will be the best prevention of the appearance of stretch marks.

In any case, you should not proceed with the procedure without first consulting your doctor, who will assess all existing risks and give professional recommendations.


It is important to know that the skin on the face is very thin and delicate, as it is practically devoid of fat, and is also very susceptible to stretching. Inept actions will not eliminate the problem, but rather will only make it worse. Therefore, before massaging with a dry brush, carefully read the instructions and rules for its implementation.

It is worth considering that during the session, keratinized scales literally fall off the face, so it is better to carry out the procedure in the bathroom. Another important point is the cleanliness of the brush. It should be thoroughly washed and dried after each session, otherwise there is a risk of introducing bacteria and causing inflammation of the skin.


Poor nutrition, hormonal imbalances, metabolic disorders, sedentary lifestyle, and aging of the body lead to excess accumulation of fat. Especially a lot of it collects on the stomach, thighs, buttocks and shoulders. Over time, swelling forms here, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes uneven, resembling an orange peel in structure.

But this can be corrected - just take several courses of massage with a dry brush to get rid of the signs of cellulite and gain even and smooth skin. The main condition of the procedure is that all movements must be carried out along the lymph flow, from the periphery to the heart area in the following order:

  • feet;
  • shins;
  • knees;
  • hips;
  • stomach;
  • hands.

After the procedure, drink a glass of water, take a shower and apply a special anti-cellulite cream to the skin to enhance the healing effect of rubbing.

Thematic material:


The stomach is the most vulnerable part of the body. And not only because the most important internal organs are located here, protected only by the anterior abdominal wall. It is in this area that the most fatty tissue accumulates. The subcutaneous layer - the one that we can grab and pull back along with the skin - spoils the figure, but does not pose a great threat to the body, and is easily removed with the help of diets, exercise and massage. Much more dangerous is the deep-lying visceral fat, which entwines the internal organs, disrupts their functioning and sometimes leads to serious consequences.


Of course, dry rubbing does not have a direct effect on fat capsules. But they are actively burning due to a locally increased temperature, increased blood flow, and increased metabolism.

Excess weight and cellulite are not the only indications for massage with a dry brush. The procedure helps when digestive problems appear: bloating, constipation, colic, impaired peristalsis.

The abdomen is massaged clockwise with soft, smooth movements until slight redness occurs.

How to use a drainage brush

It is no coincidence that brushes for dry massage are called drainage brushes. With their help, muscle fibers are activated, acting as a kind of pump and forcing the lymphatic fluid to move through the vessels, neutralizing harmful substances and taking with them decay products.

The main thing is to adhere to a certain technique of influence:

  • Let's start from the feet. We work the feet and legs with straight-line movements from bottom to top.
  • We rub our knees in a circle.
  • We increase the pressure on the hips by massaging the surface in different directions, shown in the figure below. This does not apply to the internal area, which requires particularly careful handling: after all, large main vessels are located here, damage to which is life-threatening.
  • Gently rub the stomach clockwise.
  • We go through the lower part of the back with direct sweeping movements from bottom to top, from the collar area we move in the opposite direction, towards the heart.
  • We work on the arms following the trajectory of hand–forearm–shoulder. Particular attention is paid to the palms and the reflex points located on them.
  • At the end of the session, massage the delicate skin of the upper chest and neck with smooth sliding movements.

All movements are carried out strictly along the lymphatic system, according to the scheme:


The groin, popliteal fossa, mammary glands and axillary area are not touched.

The body is worked out evenly, alternately making the same number of movements, first on the left and then on the right side. The strength of the impact is adjusted individually and depends on the condition of the skin and the threshold of pain sensitivity. After a skillfully performed lymphatic drainage massage, there are no scratches left, and the skin acquires a delicate pink tint.

Features of choosing a brush

As you know, demand creates supply. The popularity of dry rubbing has led to the emergence of many.

Reliable drainage brushes for drybrushing are produced by Wishmore. They have a range of kits with a dense thick coating of varying hardness.

Wishmore Complete 3 Piece Gradual Effect Brush Set.

When buying one of these for home use, pay attention to:

The low price of brushes, ranging from 500 rubles, makes the technique even more accessible and attractive to everyone who wants to have a healthy and beautiful body.

In order to get smooth, young, elastic skin with a healthy glow after a rubbing massage session, you must adhere to the following rules.