Comfortable room temperature for a newborn. Optimal temperature values ​​in the newborn room. What you need to know about humidity in the nursery

The birth of a child is a special moment in the life of every family. But along with joy comes responsibility: it is necessary to control every little thing in the space surrounding the baby. The microclimate in which a child grows includes the temperature of the air around him, its purity, humidity and level. The child's body responds instantly to overheating or cooling, especially in the early stages of growing up. Let's talk about this in more detail.

“What is the temperature in the room for a newborn” is one of the most frequent requests on the Internet. And no wonder - for the normal life of a child in the early stages, a comfortable and safe environment is necessary. Therefore, it is very important for parents to understand the difference between overheating and cooling the baby, to distinguish between the concepts of "" and "" and to know what humidity should be in the newborn's room. So, we begin our journey through the microclimate for the child.

What temperature should be in the newborn room?

Norms of the microclimate in the apartment, including room temperature for children. However, it must be remembered that the recommendations for children and babies are different, and in the case of a baby, you should not rely on GOSTs, but on the recommendations of professionals. According to pediatricians, the comfortable temperature in the room for a newborn is 18-20℃. Even if the child sleeps, his body works twice as fast as in adults. It removes excess heat in two ways: through breathing and sweat. In the case of breathing, if the thermometer in the baby's room is significantly lower than the temperature of his body, unnecessary heat easily leaves when you exhale. This is the most optimal and natural way. If the temperature in the room for a newborn baby is too high, the first method stops working, and the baby's body begins to sweat, thus removing excess heat. Such thermoregulation can cause consequences in the form of redness on the skin, this is how the body's natural reaction to its own sweat and salt is manifested. In addition, there may be crusts in the nose that make breathing difficult, dryness, and white spots (signs of thrush) in the mouth. If the temperature in the children's room is constantly above normal, because of which the child constantly sweats, the stomach of a small person may swell from a lack of fluid in the body, which may be accompanied by pain, and then the baby will not be able to rest calmly. Often you have to resort to hospitalization and intravenous fluid infusion.

Room temperature for a newborn should be constantly monitored and regulated so that any fluctuations in it are eliminated before they spoil the mood and well-being of the child. First of all, you can buy a thermometer and place it near the baby. But it is worth remembering that there are individual characteristics of the body, and the same air temperature in the room of a newborn for one baby can be absolutely comfortable, and the second will freeze, so you need to carefully monitor not only the value of the thermometer, but also monitor the behavior of the child. If you don’t want to constantly ask questions about what the temperature should be in the child’s room and whether the real state of affairs corresponds to the norms, then you should heed the advice of pediatricians and use the automatic control of parameters in the smart microclimate system, which will help you quickly receive up-to-date data on the smartphone screen .

How to maintain the optimal temperature in the newborn's room?

Maintaining the temperature in the baby's room depends on the season. In summer, if the apartment warms up much more than recommended, it is necessary to install an air conditioning system and adjust the settings. The main thing is to protect the baby from the direct influence of air currents from the air conditioner and drafts - you need to find the most comfortable place in the room for the crib in terms of heat and security.
In winter, due to the heating of the batteries, the thermometer readings in the house will vary in the range of 25-26℃. There are several ways to maintain a normal temperature in such conditions: ventilate the room while you are walking with your baby or are in another room - half an hour four times a day; wrap the radiators with a thick cloth to retain heat. You can also remove everything except diapers from the baby, if the house is more than 24℃, bathe him more often and give him water to drink to prevent dehydration. You can also use the capabilities of the smart microclimate system, which will not only tell you what the temperature is in the room for a newborn baby, but will also automatically start to ventilate and normalize the parameters.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that "What temperature should the baby have?" and “What temperature should be in the baby’s room?” These are two completely different questions, but they are interdependent. If the conditions in which the child grows are normal, then the baby will have much less health problems.

Why is it important to know what humidity should be in the children's room?

If the baby suddenly began to cough, squish his nose, or have skin problems - all this may be a reference to an unstable room.
The air that a child inhales passes through the respiratory tract and when exhaled contains 100% humidity. If the air in the room is dry, the child's body will give off moisture, which will lead to fluid loss and related problems. So, what humidity should be in the nursery? The optimum humidity level should be kept at around 50-70%. A simple hygrometer will help you determine this level in the room. To simplify monitoring of indicators, you can install the base station of the MagicAir smart microclimate system. It will monitor the humidity in the room for a newborn, its interface is quite simple, and control is available both from a smartphone and from a computer.

In autumn and spring, the natural humidity of the air for a newborn is kept at an approximately optimal level due to saturation of the air with moisture in principle. In winter, the air is drier, and you can increase the humidity during this period in simple ways:

  • periodic wet cleaning;
  • installing open water containers next to the baby's crib;
  • purchase

The question of what should be the optimal temperature in the room of a newborn causes a lot of controversy. Two main points of view are represented, on the one hand, by orthodox pediatrics, which sets the temperature standards in the departments for newborns of maternity hospitals at 27 degrees, on the other hand, by Dr. Komarovsky and his followers, who believe that the temperature in the nursery should not exceed 22 degrees .

Often you can also read the recommendations to constantly keep the thermometer by the baby's crib and acquire devices that allow you to maintain a constant temperature in the newborn's room with an accuracy of one degree. Thus, the question is not only what is the ideal room temperature for an infant, but also how important it is to keep it constant.

Warm or cool: what to choose?

It is absolutely fair to note that the mechanisms of thermoregulation of the newborn are still imperfect. In the mother's womb, the baby did not need them - he was in a constant environment where the temperature did not change. Once in this world, the baby immediately experiences a sharp change in temperature. Still - it decreases from 36–37 degrees to 25–27 ideally. This is in a maternity hospital. And ... nothing terrible happens. This means that the baby is not so afraid of temperature changes, as is commonly believed. Do you want confirmation? B. Nikitin in his book “Reserves of the health of our children” writes about little Eskimos who are born in a yurt, where the temperature is slightly above 0 degrees, and even during a long transition in the open air at temperatures down to minus 30. Little Africans are born with heat exceeding 35-40 degrees. At the same time, for thousands of years people did not have the slightest opportunity to maintain a constant temperature in their homes. Even with stove heating, the temperature in the house dropped noticeably by morning, and after the stove was heated, it became very high. And babies endured it all! So, by nature itself, a human cub has enormous possibilities for adaptation! The task of parents is just not to interfere with the child, not to turn him into a greenhouse plant, afraid of any breath of breeze. After all, the child very quickly adapts to the constant temperature in the room, which makes all his adaptation mechanisms completely redundant, which quickly fade away as unnecessary.

Dr. Komarovsky writes that the imperfect mechanisms of thermoregulation of an infant make it not hypothermia that is most dangerous for him, but overheating. The heat produced in the process of metabolism must be released into the surrounding atmosphere. And the child can do this only with the help of heat exchange during breathing, because his skin is still poorly adapted to perform this function. Therefore, the high air temperature in the room often leads to unpleasant consequences in the form of diaper rash, diaper dermatitis, and a general decrease in immunity. In addition, if the child is cool, he begins to actively move, move his legs, arms - and thus develops physically. So the temperature in the room for the newborn should not exceed 20-22 degrees, but it is better to keep it at about 18 degrees. At the same time, for sleep, the baby can be dressed or wrapped, and he should be awake mostly naked.

There is also debate about whether air conditioning can be installed in a baby's room, which is especially true in hot climates. The air conditioner will, of course, allow you to maintain the air temperature close to optimal, but at the same time, you need to think about the fact that the air stream from it is not directed to the crib and play area, or turn it on when the child is taken out, for example, for a walk.

There is no special need for an air conditioner in most of the territory of our country; hot summer days can be easily survived by simply exposing the baby as much as possible and using water games.

Is the draft really that bad?

Many parents are sure that a draft is dangerous not only for a newborn, but also for an older child. However, a draft is simply a movement of air, often cool. It is most unpleasant for parents who have grown up in greenhouse conditions. The child, until caring parents “spoiled” him, is quite adapted to temperature changes. And the flow of fresh air from the window is not at all terrible for him. There is no need to keep the doors and windows of the nursery closed at all times. The only thing to be wary of is a sharp change in air temperature if the child is wet or steamed after bathing in hot water. That is, when it is hot in your room and the child is sweating in a dream, you should not immediately open the window, especially if it is minus 30 outside.

Thus, no matter what views you hold, no matter what living conditions you have in your home, just try to follow one simple rule: it’s hot - there is a minimum of clothes on the baby (optimally - naked), cool - dressed. Give your child more freedom to move. Do not be alarmed if the baby has cool hands and feet - these are normal thermoregulation mechanisms. But at the same time, there is no need to create extreme conditions. Stick to common sense - and the baby will be healthy and happy with life.

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For the normal functioning of the human body, especially for children, a comfortable atmosphere is necessary. In order for the baby to grow up healthy and feel normal, you should observe the optimal temperature regime in the room where he spends most of his time. Also, parents need to know the norm of air humidity in the apartment for the child and try to constantly maintain this indicator.

Dry air danger

Dry air in the apartment affects the baby extremely negatively and forces the body to use additional resources. The level of humidity in the room is influenced by certain factors:

  • change of season;
  • change of weather conditions;
  • building materials, with the help of which the decoration of the premises and the facade of the building was carried out;
  • air conditioning and heating systems.

Dr. Komarovsky - Humidifier and child

These factors can reduce the humidity level by 20-25%, which is very undesirable for an infant.

Due to the increased temperature in the room, the child loses a large amount of moisture due to sweating, and the need to humidify the inhaled oxygen contributes to an even greater loss of residual fluid resources. The hot season and the dryness of the room are fraught with the following consequences for the baby:

In addition, dry air leads to the accumulation of static electricity. This contributes to the fact that dust, particles of wool and plant pollen do not settle, but remain in the air. Because of this, they can freely enter the respiratory tract and harm the health of the baby.

The danger of high humidity

The level of air humidity for the child is of paramount importance. Elevated levels of this parameter, like low ones, can also provoke numerous health problems. Misted windows are one of the signs of a violation of the microclimate in the room. The apartment smells of dampness, mold appears, which begins to spoil the furniture. Too humid air adversely affects the baby and can cause serious harm to a fragile body:

  • provoke the appearance of allergic reactions, which in the future may develop into asthma;
  • cause diathesis;
  • lead to otitis, bronchitis;
  • help reduce immunity;
  • cause the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Temperature standards in the apartment. Morning with the province. Gubernia TV

Indicators for the children's room

The temperature in the premises of the maternity hospital is not more than 22 °C. Most young mothers believe that with such thermometer readings, the baby can freeze and get sick. Pediatricians completely disagree with such assumptions and recommend maintaining the temperature in the room where the baby is growing in the range of 19-21 ° C.

Despite the fact that infants are inactive, the rate of metabolic processes in them is very high. Frequent food intake provokes intensive work of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, breastfeeding makes the jaw apparatus work vigorously, which also requires the loss of a large amount of energy and heat generation. In this regard, the child becomes hot.

To normalize heat transfer in the room, it is necessary to create favorable conditions. It should be cool in it, and the humidity level should be kept within 50-70%.

The microclimate in the room where the child spends most of the time involves maintaining the body's defenses. For this reason, the humidity and temperature in the room must comply with the established standards.

Comfortable air temperature for the child.

Ways to maintain the microclimate

Even before the baby is born, you need to think about buying a thermometer, humidifier and hygrometer. With the help of these items, ideal conditions are created for the life of the baby.

The humidity of the air in the apartment for newborns can be monitored using a special device called a hygrometer. If it shows a low level, then it's time to get a humidifier. This device comes in different types and sizes, and often it is equipped with a variety of functions (for example, a built-in humidity and temperature sensor, an air purifier, etc.). You can also use other ways to improve the microclimate in the room:

  • buy an aquarium;
  • reduce the temperature in the heating system;
  • hang wet sheets on radiators;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning in the room;
  • buy a variety of indoor plants.

If the hygrometer shows high humidity in the room where the child is located, then you should think about lowering it. It is recommended to use the following tips:

Cool and humid air is the key to healthy sleep and well-being of the baby.

Secrets of air humidity - Dr. Komarovsky

Pediatrician's opinion

The famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky visited a large number of babies in the first days after discharge and noted that almost every house was stuffy and there was clearly a lack of oxygen.

Parents, as a rule, are afraid of overcooling the child and carefully warm the room. However, they forget that the body of a newborn is easily able to overheat, which is much more dangerous. The doctor believes that the baby is better to overcool than overheat. You can avoid overheating by following these recommendations:

  1. 1. The infant must be dressed in a minimum amount of clothing.
  2. 2. It is necessary to ensure the supply of a sufficient amount of fluid to the baby's body.
  3. 3. Give your baby frequent baths.

No less significant factor, along with air temperature, according to the pediatrician, is the relative humidity in the room. This is due to the fact that the exhaled air has 100% humidity. If the inhaled oxygen is dry, then the body will spend more fluid to moisten it. The loss of even a small amount of it leads to a significant disruption of the work of all organs and systems, since the resources of water and salts in an infant are very small.

The mucus produced in the upper respiratory tract actively fights various viruses and bacteria that have entered the human body. Under the influence of dry air, it dries up, and local immunity weakens, which contributes to the unhindered penetration of dangerous microbes into the body. Therefore, it is so important to maintain optimal humidity in the apartment for the child.

Evgeny Komarovsky recalls that the most important task of parents is to ensure and maintain optimal humidity and air temperature in the room.

Many generations of children have grown up as tender people, afraid of drafts and not loving frost and wind. The conditions in which the baby grew up play a big role in this. Almost all parents are terrified of drafts and cool air in the room. When a mother and baby return home, a heater is on the list of the main items that they buy. For some reason, parents are sure that in an ordinary apartment the baby will freeze, he needs greenhouse conditions for growth. This is far from the correct view.

What should be the temperature in the nursery

Most importantly, it should be understood that in infants, the thermoregulation of the body is not yet sufficiently developed, therefore it is important that one temperature is observed in the nursery. The kid with denial refers to sudden changes in temperature.

It is best to maintain 18-20 degrees in the room, however, such conditions are suitable for a full-term and healthy baby. If it appeared ahead of time, you can increase the air index to 24 degrees.

Keeping a constant temperature in the room in cold weather is easier than, for example, in summer. If it seems to the mother that the room is hot and this is proved by the thermometer, which should always be at the baby's bed, it is best to ventilate the room. To do this, be sure to take the baby out of the nursery and leave the window open for a few minutes. Ventilate if necessary 5 times a day. The key to the health of the newborn is to create the best temperature conditions for the baby.

But in the summer, many families prefer to use air cooling systems to maintain the optimum temperature. However, there is no need to talk about the benefits in this case, since the air conditioner creates an ideal environment only in a certain space, outside of which there is a completely different temperature. And we have already explained that the baby has a negative attitude to a sharp change in temperature, but it is almost impossible to keep him always in the same nursery. It is better to abandon the split system and accustom the baby to the conditions that are typical for your area. This will be the best option for his adaptation.

There are several ways to help your child regulate heat transfer:

  1. Put on a minimum of clothes for a newborn, in summer it can be a vest made of cotton and thin panties.
  2. You can bathe your baby more often, avoiding the use of various detergents, the water temperature may be slightly lower than what you usually use for bathing.
  3. It is necessary to give the baby more to drink ordinary water.

Overheating is worse than hypothermia

Many parents are afraid that their baby will freeze and try to place him in an environment that his body does not accept. Before rushing to heat the room to 30 degrees, you should understand what the child really needs.

The metabolism of the baby's body is quite intensive, while a lot of thermal energy is released. The kid is forced to remove her excess, he does this through the lungs and through the epithelium. And now imagine that the ideal temperature for him in the room is plus 18 degrees.

When a newborn inhales air and in the lungs of a small person, it warms up to body temperature. Then the baby exhales this air already with a temperature of 36.6 degrees. All the strength of the child is spent on heating the air from 18 degrees to body temperature.

Provided that the air in the nursery is more than 20 degrees, heat transfer in the body of the baby goes in a different way: through the epithelium. But sweating, a small person gives away salt and water that are important for him. And this condition is called overheating. Parents immediately understand that the baby is uncomfortable, according to the diaper rash that appears in the child, thrush in the oral cavity, gases in the tummy, and dryness forms in the baby's nose, which irritates the baby and makes it difficult for him to breathe.

What should be the humidity in the nursery

But the temperature of the room where the newborn is located is not the only indicator that should be followed. It is important to maintain the correct humidity. This parameter, like temperature, affects the thermoregulation of the baby. If the air in the nursery is dry, the baby is forced to spend more liquid on moisturizing it, and this is unacceptable for the condition of the baby.

  • Monitor the humidity characteristics of the air should be all year round.
  • During the period when the heating is turned on, the dryness in the apartments increases. And if heaters are used, then the humidity drops altogether.
  • From overdrying the air, the baby may have problems with the condition of the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs, for example, the child coughs, sniffs with his nose.
  • Skin diseases are not excluded, blood clotting, etc. is possible. That's why you should maintain the right humidity in the baby's nursery.

Experts emphasize that the humidity index in a residential building should be maintained at the level of 50-70%. This can be achieved using improvised means. So, in the room where the baby is, be sure to carry out regular wet cleaning.

You can use various decorative types of humidifiers for this - a fountain or place an aquarium, just put a container of water on the table. It is best to use a conventional household humidifier, either steam or ultrasonic. The latter do not create noise and are safe.

The main mistakes of parents

Analyzing the conditions in which, in accordance with the opinion of pediatricians, the baby should grow up, it should be said that for many spouses being in a room with a temperature of 18 degrees is not comfortable. We are accustomed to the traditional 24-27 degrees, then we feel comfortable.

It is clear that a mother accustomed to such conditions thinks that the baby is freezing and if the baby has slightly cold hands, the mother sounds the alarm, trying to wrap the baby up, protecting it from the cold. You can’t panic, just remember the recommendations of pediatricians who are unanimous in their opinion about the temperature regime in the nursery. Better take a closer look at the baby, he is energetic and satisfied, this indicates the correctness of creating conditions for his growth.

Experts recommend dressing the baby in the same way as parents are used to dressing. For example, if your house is comfortable enough and you put on a T-shirt, then the baby should not be wrapped in blankets, but it is better for him to wear a light blouse. If he freezes, you will know about it by his condition, the baby will let you know that he is not comfortable.

Some parents, while the baby is awake, transfer him to the common room, where they play with the baby. But as soon as the time for sleep comes, he is taken to the nursery, where the temperature is always the same - 18-20 degrees. And this option is certainly acceptable. But after the mother shifted the newborn to the crib, he immediately cries. This happens because in the crib after the mother's warm hugs, the baby is uncomfortable. You can correct the situation by ironing the diaper with a hot iron, on which the newborn is then laid. Another warm diaper should be put on his tummy, it will warm the baby, and he will sleep for a long time.

If the baby does not sleep in his crib, waking up every time mom puts him there, use my trick. Wear a diaper on your chest for several hours in a row, it will absorb mother's smell, so dear to every baby. And when the baby falls asleep, put the diaper next to him and cover the baby warmer. The smell of mom will now be with him, and from the fact that he is warmed by a blanket, the baby’s sleep will be long.

All children differ in their physiological perception of the world, just like adults. Some people like the heat, others hate it, and so do children. It is important in the first days after returning from the hospital to take a closer look at the baby, he will make it clear with his appearance and mood what clothes he is comfortable in, at what air temperature he sleeps better. Many parents are afraid of drafts, but a slight breeze will not have a negative effect on the newborn, moreover, it will harden his body. It is important not to overdo it in this matter. Be sure to regularly ventilate the room and use air baths for the baby, which are shown to him daily.

With the advent of a newborn baby in the house, parents have new concerns: to provide the most comfortable conditions for their crumbs. It is of great importance. However, that's not all! The humidity in the room for the newborn also affects the well-being of the child. If it is enough, then the metabolic processes in the body of the baby will proceed more actively, and as a result, it will grow faster and get sick less. The lack of air humidity can lead to frequent colds, runny nose, allergies and even asthma. Therefore, what humidity should be in the newborn's room should be known to all moms and dads.

Humidity in the newborn room: optimal values

The air exhaled by a person has an absolute humidity of 100%. This value remains constant regardless of the humidity in the room. Therefore, the drier the inhaled air, the more fluid will be lost to the newborn. And at this age, a sharp loss of fluid can be very dangerous for the baby: he may have an increase in body temperature and discomfort. Scientists have determined the optimal value air humidity standards in the newborn room: 50-70%.

How to determine this important parameter? First of all, you can purchase a special device - a hygrometer. Very often, it is combined with. If it is not there, then how do you know if the humidity in the room is optimal for a newborn? It is very simple - to look after the state of the crumbs, he should:

Experts note that during the beginning of the heating season, air humidity in apartments drops to a minimum level and can sometimes be equal to a third of the norm. This must be fought!

What to do if the temperature and humidity in the newborn's room are sharply different from the norm

To bring the humidity parameters to normal, experts advise using special devices or improvised means:

  1. . The most proven way, the silent device will fill the room very quickly with cold, moist air, but not with steam! Some models have the function of ionizing the room or spraying special aromatic oils.
  2. Wet cleaning of the room. And it will allow you to get rid of dust and the air in the nursery will noticeably moisten.
  3. Availability of open water tanks. It can be anything: from basins to decorative fountains and aquariums.
  4. Spraying moisture with a spray bottle.
  5. Drying wet towels on batteries. The least productive way, as it fills the room with hot steam.

What causes the decrease in air humidity in the room of a newborn below normal

All newborn babies suffer from low humidity - this parameter does not have such a detrimental effect on adults. The lack of moisture is primarily manifested in:

  1. Drying of the skin surface. It becomes warm, wet loses its protective properties. Because of this, pathogens can enter the baby's body.
  2. Frequent coughing. The child feels the drying of the mucous membranes, so he can often cough, feel dry mouth, the baby has a runny nose.
  3. Thickening of the blood. The lack of moisture in newborns also affects this parameter.

Dry, hot air in the room contributes to the accumulation of harmful microorganisms in the nursery, dust and allergens. As a result, the risk of allergic reactions and even asthma increases.