The skin is more elastic and. Daily skin care. LPG hardware roller body massage

What determines the elasticity of the skin

For a second, imagine the springs inside a sofa or bed - they may well play the role of a simplified model of the collagen skeleton of our skin.

    Together with another protein, elastin, collagen forms voluminous spirals.

    They, in turn, are firmly woven into tight "braids" - collagen fibers.

    Over the years, the grip of the "braids" weakens, the spirals become brittle.

    And the skin that has lost its support suffers from a loss of tone and elasticity and gradually becomes covered with wrinkles.

To check if you have a collagen deficiency, do this test. Pinch the skin on the eyelid. If it immediately smoothes out, everything is in order. If not, you need to take action. After all, with age, starting from the age of 30, the production of collagen gradually decreases. However, other factors also influence this.


In the premenopausal period, the amount of estrogen, a hormone that regulates, among other things, the production of collagen, decreases sharply. The result is predictable: the skin quite dramatically begins to look a few years older.

Scientists are still arguing which of the enemies of collagen is stronger - deadlines, lack of sleep, chronic stress or bad habits (tobacco, alcohol). © iStock


For the production of collagen, the body needs amino acids, it extracts them from food. If there are not enough amino acids, the construction of proteins is “frozen”, and the skin becomes loose and loses its tone.

Lack of sleep and stress

Scientists are still arguing which of the enemies of collagen is stronger: deadlines, lack of sleep, chronic stress or bad habits (tobacco, alcohol). In fact, all these factors are equally harmful.

sun and solarium

Excess ultraviolet radiation provokes the formation of free radicals. And these particles can also destroy collagen fibers.

How to increase the elasticity of the skin of the face

Much depends on daily care: the skin must be regularly cleansed, moisturized and protected. Only the details change depending on the age.

At 20

Enough basic care. For cleansing, select a product by skin type -, or. Moisturizing is also necessary, including for oily skin (a light texture with a matting effect is suitable).

Young skin should be protected mainly from excess ultraviolet radiation: this will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

At 30

The rate of cell renewal and collagen production decreases - the first wrinkles appear, the skin loses its elasticity. Use cleansing products with an exfoliating effect, for example, with AHA acids: they remove dead cells and activate regeneration. In terms of protection and hydration, the cream should contain:

    antioxidants that protect the skin from the effects of free radicals;

    active ingredients that improve regeneration.

At night, you can apply products with retinol, which stimulates the production of collagen.

At 40

Excess ultraviolet radiation can provoke the formation of free radicals. © iStock

The synthesis of estrogen has already been reduced, so the skin is less elastic and firm, wrinkles become deeper. For cleansing, use mild products, for daily care, choose anti-aging creams with the effect of moisturizing, sun protection and oxidative stress.

If the skin looks flabby, a cream with peptides that stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin will help.

At 50

Signs of the times: ptosis (sagging skin), wrinkles deepen, pores become more visible. Cleanse your skin gently with gentle, soap-free products, and use exfoliants once a week to stimulate cell renewal.

To increase elasticity, serums with peptides are useful. Apply to damp skin after cleansing, before using cream.

How to increase the elasticity of the skin of the body


Algae, mud, chocolate - alternate them or conduct a course of 10-20 sessions every six months. If for some reason the salon does not fit into your life, buy professional blends and do body wraps at home.

Procedures with temperature changes

Contrasting douches or showers activate blood circulation, improve nutrition in cells and start renewal processes. As a result, the skin becomes more elastic.

Such procedures are not indicated for people with reduced immunity or chronic diseases. Health should be practically perfect.


Improves microcirculation, and hence the nutrition of cells and tissues. You can do self-massage using products with a draining effect and / or based on essential oils.

Massage improves microcirculation, and hence the nutrition of cells and tissues. © iStock

Physical exercises

Any outdoor activity enriches cells with oxygen and improves skin nutrition. For the inner surface of the thighs, exercises such as lunges, jumps, and “bike” are effective. If we talk about the inner surface of the hands, where the skin often sags, they will help:

  • push ups;


    "propeller" for hands.

Salon procedures

    Classic manual massage is the number one tool. Perhaps, nothing better has been invented so far.

    hardware methods. Microcurrents, ultrasound therapy, radio wave lifting are aimed at enhancing collagen production and normalizing natural recovery processes.

    Injections of native hyaluronic acid (biorevitalization). Start regeneration processes.

Overview of products for skin elasticity

Products for skin elasticity after 30

Tool name

Active ingredients


hyaluronic acid, galanga extract

Stimulates the processes of renewal, activates the production of collagen, makes the skin soft and supple.

rose and blackcurrant oils

Moisturizes and soothes dry, sensitive skin, relieves the feeling of tightness.

thermal water, caffeine, adenosine

Improves the microrelief of the skin, visibly reduces wrinkles, fights the aging process, making the skin supple.

jasmonic acid derivatives, adenosine

Increases elasticity, reduces wrinkles, evens out complexion, gives radiance to the skin.

Everyone will have to deal with age-related skin changes. Wrinkles, dryness, sagging and pigmentation appear. Attractiveness for a woman is firm and elastic skin. To preserve it, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, carefully care for it.

Why does flabbiness appear?

The main reason is considered age-related changes, resulting in a decrease in the production of hyaluronic acid. The cells are dehydrated and the skin is not hydrated. Collagen and elastin fibers grow less, which leads to the fact that elasticity decreases and it begins to sag.

Also, the reasons for low elasticity can be: heredity; smoking, alcohol abuse; non-compliance with the express diet; low-quality or poorly selected cosmetics; improper care; problems with the endocrine system; chronic diseases and regular inflammatory processes; hormonal disbalance; stress; overwork; a sharp increase in body weight.

How to make the skin of the face elastic?

It is necessary to increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin of the face, you should not put up with it. There are several ways to deal with the problem.

  • Cosmetological procedures: thermage, lifting, peeling, mesotherapy, laser therapy.
  • Gymnastics for facial elasticity (self-massage), vitamins, proper nutrition, contrasting compresses and washing, wiping with ice, masks and creams.

It is up to you to choose which method to eliminate flabbiness, but it is better to start with proven folk methods. Cosmetic procedures will bring a quick effect, but there are a lot of chemistry. Consider ways that will make the skin supple.

Proper nutrition is the main rule that must be observed. After all, only a balanced diet that contains will restore elasticity to the skin of the face.

1. Drink at least two liters of pure non-carbonated water per day.

2. Vitamin A stimulates the production of collagen, which helps to increase elasticity and firmness. It is worth eating carrots, liver, eggs, fruits and berries.

3. Vitamin B will save water in the cells. It is found in foods such as: potatoes, beans, bananas, greens.

4. Vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant, will help protect your face from ultraviolet radiation and maintain elasticity.

5. Vitamin E is synonymous with eternal youth. It is he who has a beneficial effect on the regeneration of skin cells. Found in vegetable oil, spinach and other foods.

6. In order to restore the elasticity and firmness of the skin of the face, as well as accelerate the synthesis of collagen, fatty acids and antioxidants cannot be dispensed with. Therefore, include in the diet green tea, green vegetables, cocoa, linseed, soybean, hemp oil, shellfish, sardines, nuts.

7. Silicon can increase elasticity. It contains foods such as: leeks, cucumbers, strawberries, mangoes, celery.

Frozen herbal infusions will help improve complexion, restore tone, elasticity and narrow pores. Rub ice cubes on your face every morning.

  • For the dry type, decoctions of linden, lemon balm, mint, chamomile, sage, rose petals are suitable, it is allowed to combine herbs.
  • For fat - decoctions of horsetail, calendula, St. John's wort, coltsfoot.

Also remember that fresh infusions are the most effective, so keep herbal ice for no more than a week. Contrasting compresses and washing:

  • It is useful to wash your face with cool water at night, and then wipe the skin with infusion: pour 2 tablespoons of wild rose with two cups of boiling water and let it brew. This procedure restores elasticity and healthy color.
  • Contrasting compresses will help restore and improve tone, as well as hide the symptoms of overwork. The bottom line is the use of hot and cold options. For the first, use infusions and decoctions of herbs (sorrel, parsley, chamomile, sage), for the latter - water. Cold is superimposed for 5 minutes, hot - for 2.
  • We wipe the face with saline solution. We take a glass of water in which we dissolve a spoonful of table or sea salt (if the skin is dry, use tannin). Soak a cotton pad in the solution and wipe your face with patting movements. This restores elasticity and improves tone.

Cream for the elasticity of the skin of the face can be bought at the store or prepared by yourself. The last option is the simplest and most effective, since it contains only natural ingredients. For cooking you will need: almond oil - two tsp, chamomile decoction - 1 tbsp. l, 2 teaspoons of petroleum jelly, half a teaspoon of honey and sea salt, half of the yolk (fresh). Mix all components. The cream is stored in the refrigerator. Apply a small amount to a cleansed face, preferably just before bedtime.

Gymnastics for the face will help increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin. The procedure is easy to do at home, it is enough to spend 20 minutes to get the desired result. First you need to: remove makeup; Wash the hands; put a hot compress on your face for a few minutes; apply cream; sit on a chair and straighten your back, spread your shoulders.

Pay special attention to those areas where the tone is reduced and wrinkles appear. Massage in the evenings so that in the morning your face looks rested and fresh. Each exercise should be performed at least 10 times. The simplest tool is tweezers. Lightly pinch the skin in the direction of the massage lines, but just do not pull it back. This stimulates the flow of blood. It is good to combine self-massage with nourishing masks or creams.

Start the morning with a cold water wash and intense massage. Apply light slaps on the chin, cheeks, and cheekbones for a slight redness. The process ends with a cool face wash.

Masks for skin elasticity

Action - 20 minutes, rinse only with warm water.

1. Potato mask. We take potatoes, rub on a fine grater, add a spoonful of olive or almond oil. Apply to cleansed skin. The mask has a tightening effect.

2. A carrot mask will help to enrich the skin with vitamins. Boil a small vegetable, grind to a mushy state, add a spoonful of wheat germ oil and the yolk of one egg. Apply in a thin layer.

3. Protein mask - the first type. To one protein, add a spoonful of oatmeal or wheat flour, a few drops of fennel essential oil. Apply a thin layer on the skin of the face. As soon as it dries, remove and smear your face with a moisturizer.

4. Protein - the second type. Beat egg white until foamy and apply to skin.

5. Honey. We take a spoonful of liquid honey, glycerin and yolk. Mix the ingredients and apply on the face. Any oil can be used instead of glycerin. If you are allergic to honey, the mask is contraindicated.

6. Mask based on clay for elasticity. Cosmetic clay (white, green) - one tbsp. l, honey - 1 tsp and a few drops of lemon juice. Mix all ingredients.

7. Mustard. We take a teaspoon of mustard, Art. l boiled water and two teaspoons of vegetable or olive oil. Apply to the skin in a thin layer for 5 minutes.

Unfortunately, among women there is often an opinion that elastic skin is one of the privileges of youth, and after 40 years there is nothing to think about - age takes its toll.

Meanwhile, what is age? As one of the popular authors noted, age is just numbers, and nothing more; it is people who put into them the meaning that they are used to, and do not want to go beyond stereotypes.

The same applies to the condition of the skin: after all, it can lose elasticity even at the age of 25, if you do not take care of your beauty, but lead an incorrect and unhealthy lifestyle, considering careful face and body care a whim that takes away precious working time.

Where to begin?

Maintaining the skin of the body in an elastic and elastic state is quite real. It is also possible to restore skin elasticity if it is lost, but for this you will have to make every effort - of course, if you really want to be beautiful and sexy.

There are many ways, and the first is physical exercises. Most women, when they hear about it, dismiss it as if they are offered something frivolous, and begin to refer to the fact that they have a terrible time. Of course, you can dismiss it, but it is sports, gymnastics, yoga and even just a fun dance that helps us, and therefore our skin, wake up and cheer up, recharge your batteries for the whole day, improve metabolism and blood circulation. The skin receives an influx of nutrients and oxygen, so the tone and elasticity return to it.

Water procedures that give elasticity

After exercise, you can take a refreshing or contrast shower - it stimulates the state of blood vessels, expanding and narrowing them. Just a month regularly taking a contrast shower, you will notice that the skin becomes prettier, strengthens, elasticity and softness return to it. You can even massage with a hard brush to make the skin redden, but not too much so as not to injure it.

Wet the skin, apply a body scrub (you can use homemade) on it, and rub the body with soft circular movements for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse with shower gel. Scrubs should not be used often: once a week, or even less often, is enough. You can use the scrub not in the morning, but in the evening, after the bath - it's even better, because it's easier to clean the pores of steamed skin.

Shower gels can be used every day - they will not bring harm to the skin. Choose a pleasant scent that you like and that too will help create a positive, positive vibe for the whole day.

After a shower, use a body cream: gentle, with a light texture. These creams are quickly absorbed and perfectly moisturize the skin. Follow this minimum program every day, and your skin will remain firm, soft and supple for a long time.

Home baths for firm skin

The bath not only improves the condition of the skin, but also soothes, relieves stress and uplifts the mood.. A great option is a honey-milk bath with rose oil. A cup of warm honey should be mixed with hot, but not boiled milk, then add rose oil (2 tablespoons). Pour the resulting mixture into the bath; lie in the water as long as you like it.

Herbal bath - you can buy them at a pharmacy or make your own. Take medicinal sweet clover, creeping thyme, pharmacy chamomile, birch leaves - 1 part each; naked hernia grass - 2 parts; boil everything in boiling water. When infused, pour into bath water. Such a bath not only cleanses the skin, but also restores its firmness and elasticity.

Infusions of rose petals, mint, oregano, lemon balm added to the bath rejuvenate the skin and slow down its aging. They are very easy to prepare, and the effect they give is amazing.

The next type of baths - mineral, does not require preparation at all.. True, to accept such a procedure, you will have to buy a lot of mineral water with gas, heat it up and pour it into the bath. As you dive into the bubbling liquid, your skin will simply “perk up” and feel great.

A bath with citrus juice not only restores skin elasticity, but also rejuvenates it., prevents the appearance of early wrinkles. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from six fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits) and pour it into the bath. The water in the bath should be slightly warm, or at room temperature - so the essential oils of fruits can have a beneficial effect on the skin of the whole body.

It’s good if you also drink a couple of glasses of freshly squeezed citrus juice: of course, lemon juice should be drunk diluted.

Natural scrubs help restore skin elasticity. The simplest and safest remedy is candied honey, as well as sea salt mixed with sour cream.

Effective masks

Masks are additional nutrition for the skin, especially if it is constantly exposed to negative external factors.

Take 1 tbsp. honey, coconut milk and Hercules ground flakes, mix everything thoroughly and apply on pre-cleansed body skin for half an hour. Rinse first with warm water and then cool. It is desirable to repeat such a body mask up to 3 times a week - it is simple.

Olive oil also moisturizes the skin well, saturates it with nutrients and vitamins, maintains youth and elasticity. This method is used by many women, replacing expensive creams with fatty oils.

Special attention - neck

The skin of the neck requires special attention - otherwise it will quickly sag, and it will be difficult to restore its former appearance.

Olive oil will help here too: it should be slightly warmed up and gently rubbed into the skin. Wrap the neck with a linen napkin (you can even use parchment paper), and on top with a terry towel. After 30 minutes, the compress can be removed and the neck washed with warm water. In addition to skin elasticity, this mask provides it with more effective protection. from wind and frost in the cold season.

How to make breast skin elastic?

It is very difficult to restore the elasticity of the breast skin, but careful and regular breast care gives results. In addition to exercises and masks, peeling and a contrast shower will help keep the skin of the chest in good shape.

For peeling the skin of the chest, you need to take 1 tbsp. natural yogurt and coconut pulp (can be replaced with coconut flakes), and 1 tsp each. oatmeal and sea salt. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the mixture on the steamed skin of the chest. Massage lightly for 5-10 minutes and then rinse with warm water from the shower. Repeat the procedure for three months, 2 times a week.

Breast massage with ice has helped women of all ages keep their skin firm and fresh.. It is better to use citrus ice - frozen fruit juice diluted with mineral water.

You can also freeze the infusion of citrus peel, and wipe the skin of the chest with cubes of this ice. To prepare the infusion, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the peel of mandarin and orange, and insist for a day in a closed glass container.

Another mask for firm breasts is made from natural yogurt (1 tbsp), raw egg and vitamin E oil solution (1 tsp). Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply on the chest with circular massage movements, then put on a bra for 20 minutes. Then carefully wash off the mask with warm water.

Of course, skin health and elasticity depend not only on external care, but also on nutrition. Nutrition is the basis of health and beauty: the ratio of all substances - vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, carbohydrates - must be correct. Otherwise, the skin acquires an unhealthy color, loses its firmness and elasticity.

Elastic and tightened facial skin

We always take care of the skin of the face, but there are masks that give it elasticity.

To prepare a French face mask, you need to take a glass or enamel dish, pour fresh cream (1 cup) into it, add a beaten raw egg, juice of a whole lemon, vodka (100 g) and glycerin (1 tsp). Mix everything thoroughly and wipe the skin of the face and neck before going to bed. The resulting mixture can be used for a long time - it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to six months.

The next mask is also French - at least it is called "Madame Pompadour". The recipe is similar: you need to grate a whole lemon, along with the zest, pour alcohol (100 g), let stand and strain. Then add 200 g of cream (sour cream) and glycerin (1 tsp). This composition can also be stored in the refrigerator.

The mask, named after the famous beauty Sophia Loren, is also prepared from cream (100 g), with the addition of gelatin, glycerin and honey (1 tsp each). Gelatin is poured with cream and left overnight, and in the morning it is heated over low heat until it dissolves. Then honey and glycerin are added to the mixture.

The mask is applied to the face gently, along the massage lines. This mixture is also stored in the refrigerator, but not for long - a week, and then you need to prepare a new one.

Such masks cleanse, smooth and tone the skin. If you use them regularly, the skin will become clean, matte, fresh and supple.

already appear on the skin in 20years. They are almost imperceptible, and yet do not spoil the mood. But from now on, it will depend only on you how long the skin will keep its flawless appearance, and at what age you will first think about visiting.

3. Proper nutrition

Skin elasticity is provided by collagen and elastin. In order for the body to have something to synthesize these substances from, include strong broths, jellies, aspic and other similar dishes in the diet.

In addition to protein substances, the skin needs vitamins, especially vitamin C, which is actively destroyed due to smoking or in the polluted atmosphere of the city.

What to do. If you want to keep your skin supple, citrus fruits, cranberries, currants, blueberries and other berries will help you. Cook dishes on bone broth, jelly and aspic - on gelatin. Ask your doctor to recommend you a vitamin-mineral complex aimed specifically at the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

4. Healthy vision

Vision itself has nothing to do with skin. But when you squint short-sightedly, wrinkles appear around the eyes and between the eyebrows, which deepen very quickly.

What to do. If you have poor eyesight, wear glasses or fit lenses.

5. Gymnastics for the face

Mimic gymnastics from the outside looks like an ordinary grimace. But these grimaces help to strengthen the muscular frame that holds the skin of the face. Due to this, age and mimic wrinkles will appear much later.

What to do. In the evening, after cleansing, apply a nourishing cream to the skin and do some exercises.

How to do facial exercises for wrinkles, video

All women want to be beautiful, and if you don’t need to get carried away with makeup in your youth, then over time, the arsenal of face and body care products expands. The main thing is to understand that it is possible to keep the skin elastic and elastic at any age, even when it crosses the line called “after”. There are affordable and easy ways to do this.

Read in this article

Physical exercise to increase elasticity

In fact, it does not matter what will be preferred - sports, dancing or yoga. All these types of physical activity will have a beneficial effect on appearance and well-being, as they will help to "disperse" the metabolism and improve blood circulation. Oxygen and nutrients will enter the cells of the skin more actively, helping them to say goodbye to harmful toxins and regenerate faster.

In addition, regular exercise will make the muscles dense and embossed, and body fat will not be able to settle in the "problem areas". Due to this, the skin will not stretch and lose its natural elasticity. Therefore, it is important to start taking care of your body in advance, even before the first age-related changes make themselves felt. And continue to do this regularly, supplementing with a complex of other methods.

Homemade baths for firmer skin

A frequent recommendation of cosmetologists and fitness instructors after active training is considered. This procedure helps not only to cleanse the skin of traces of sweat and other impurities, but also to narrow enlarged pores and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It is useful to rinse your body with cool water and after the usual morning hygiene procedures, this will give you a boost of energy for the whole day and help make your skin supple.

But in the evening it is worth pampering yourself with homemade baths. To make the procedure not only pleasant, but also useful, you can enrich the water with nutrients. You can do this at least every day, alternating supplements. As a useful addition, both store-bought mixes and prepared ones yourself are suitable.

Pharmacy herbs

By adding an infusion of herbal preparations or individual plants to the water, you can achieve the effect of skin rejuvenation, get rid of rashes and irritations. For this:

  1. Three tablespoons of vegetable powder pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Insist two hours.
  3. Then strain and pour into a bath of warm water.

You can take the procedure for about twenty minutes. You can prepare an infusion from:

  • chamomile;
  • rose petals (pharmacy);
  • sage;
  • series;
  • mint;
  • oregano;
  • birch leaves.

Milk and honey

They say that Cleopatra regularly took baths from milk and honey, which for many years retained her youth and beauty. The secret of their effectiveness is that honey has antioxidant properties, and cow's milk serves as a source of nutrients. Under the influence of heat, they turn into a real rejuvenating cocktail that makes the skin velvety and supple.

To adapt the fatal seductress bath recipe to modern conditions, you can use store-bought high-fat milk or cream. The modern version looks like this:

  1. A liter of dairy product needs to be slightly warmed up.
  2. Add 200 g of honey to it.
  3. Mix well until completely dissolved.
  4. Pour into a warm bath.

You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil if you like.

To learn how to make a relaxing and rejuvenating Cleopatra bath at home, see this video:

Salt and soda

These components help to normalize the mineral balance of the skin, make them taut and relieve swelling. You can apply them in the following way:

  1. Add two tablespoons of baking soda to a glass of table salt.
  2. Mix the components well.
  3. Pour them into a warm water bath.

Do not increase the proportions of salt and soda to enhance the effect. High concentrations of these products can lead to excessive fluid loss and dehydration, which can only worsen the appearance of the skin.

Bath salt

Face and body masks

You can supplement water procedures with masks. So the time spent in the bathroom will bring double benefits. But to avoid oversaturation, it is better to do them no more than two or three times a week.

Nourishing mask

Such a tool will moisturize the skin well and help remove signs of fatigue. It should be applied to the face, neck and décolleté. Depending on the type of skin, milk can be replaced with mineral water or kefir. Basic Recipe:

  1. Warm up half a glass of milk.
  2. Grind a tablespoon of oatmeal in a coffee grinder.
  3. Pour in milk and let it swell.
  4. Add a tablespoon of olive oil.
  5. Mix well and apply to the skin.
  6. Wash off with warm water after 15-20 minutes.

Rejuvenation mask

The basis of this mask is potato starch. It improves the oval of the face, restores skin elasticity, eliminates fine wrinkles and prevents the appearance of deep ones. It is better to apply the product with a wide brush, in a prone position. During the procedure, it is recommended to avoid talking and in general any activity. For the mask you need:

  1. Pour a teaspoon of starch into half a glass of cold water.
  2. Mix well and put on a small fire.
  3. Cook until thickened, stirring constantly.
  4. Cool to body temperature.
  5. Add freshly squeezed carrot juice at the rate of one teaspoon to two tablespoons of starch jelly.
  6. Supplement the mask with a teaspoon of olive oil or fat sour cream.
  7. Mix well and apply on the skin of the face and body for twenty minutes.
  8. Then gently remove with a dry cloth and rinse with warm water.

After applying these masks, it is not necessary to apply a caring cream to the skin. But before using it is important to make sure that there is no allergy to any of their components. Therefore, in advance, you need to test for sensitivity on the skin of the inside of the wrist.

Scrubs to make skin supple and supple

In order for the nutrients to have the best effect on the skin, it must be properly prepared beforehand. After cleansing, make a scrub.

For delicate skin

Means for the face and neck should not contain large and coarse particles. They can cause microtrauma, and instead of smartness, red scratches and irritation will remain. In this case, it will not be possible to apply masks.

At home, sugared honey and fine sea salt can become a good and gentle scrub. Both of these products can be used neat or mixed in equal proportions. They will help exfoliate the surface of the skin, improve its elasticity and clear the pores.

For body

But to increase the tone of the skin of the body, on the contrary, scrubs with large inclusions can. Their particles will have a better mechanical effect on the subcutaneous tissues, improving lymph circulation in them and stimulating blood circulation.

As a basis for such a homemade scrub, ground coffee or granulated sugar is suitable. Depending on the expected effect, base and essential oils, spices and other useful components can be added to them. It is worth using such funds with an interval of one to two days. And for daily use, you can mix coffee grounds with shower gel.

About what body scrubs you can cook at home, see this video:

Massage and its options

Massage helps to make the skin taut and beautiful. It can be carried out in courses, resorting to the services of massage therapists from salons, or carried out independently at home.

The technique and means used in different areas will differ. For example, you should not use oil and active pressure on the neck either. All movements should be as smooth as possible, avoiding stretching and injuring the skin. It is allowed to use cosmetic ice from decoctions of herbs.

On the skin of the body, especially in places of accumulation of "extra", intense exposure, on the contrary, will be very desirable. For best results:

  • Massage products are used, with the addition of components that stimulate blood circulation (essential oils of citrus fruits, cinnamon or red pepper).
  • Apply massagers (manual, roller, electric).
  • Actively rub and knead problem areas.

Even if there are no noticeable skin problems yet, it is useful to massage for prevention:

  • On the face and neck, apply the cream daily along the "massage" lines, moving from the center to the edges.
  • Wash the body using washcloths made of hard natural fibers and a suitable shower gel. Then apply cream or milk.

Water balance to combat sagging

Food also influences appearance. From the negative impact of an unhealthy menu, the skin suffers first. With an excess of sugar, alcohol and snacks in the diet, it becomes dull and flabby, rashes appear. And during strict diets, elasticity and velvety are lost. This is due to dehydration and lack of fatty acids.

To eliminate dryness and restore balance, it is very important to observe the drinking regimen. The amount of fluid needed per day for an adult is determined by the formula: 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. At the same time, to quench your thirst, it is better to drink non-carbonated mineral water, without replacing it with tea, coffee and juices.

Lanolin and its role in the beauty of the face and body

Lanolin is considered another life-saving remedy that helps restore youth to the skin of the face and body. This substance in its structure is very similar to human fat, therefore it is easily perceived by the body and works effectively. On its basis, moisturizing, nourishing and softening creams and masks are prepared, added to finished cosmetics, and in “neglected” cases they are used in their pure form.

Due to its properties to absorb moisture and retain it, lanolin helps cells stay elastic longer, regenerate quickly and maintain elasticity. Therefore, it is most often used to restore dry and aging skin. But it is also used as a caring agent in other cases.

For example, to make an all-purpose cream, you can mix one tablespoon each of lanolin, water, and olive oil. You can apply this remedy on the skin of the face and body at night, and store it in a tightly closed jar in the refrigerator.

As an express method, the following mask is suitable:

  1. Squeeze juice from half a grapefruit.
  2. Add one teaspoon each of honey and lanolin.
  3. Mix until smooth.
  4. Apply to cleansed face and body for 15 minutes.
  5. Then rinse with a sponge soaked in mineral water.

The main disadvantage of sheep "wax" is the risk of allergies, so before applying it to a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, it is better to make sure that there is no reaction. In addition, frequent use of this substance can lead to clogged and clogged pores. Therefore, lanolin should be used in courses, from time to time, taking a break.

Age-related skin changes are inevitable. But with home remedies, it can be delayed or made less progressive. The main thing is to carry out the procedures regularly and choosing the right methods.

Useful video

To learn how to prepare face masks with lanolin, see this video: