Quantum physics about the influence of consciousness on matter. What is thought from the point of view of science? The power of thought in terms of physics

Myths about the mysteries of the power of the mind are finally resurfacing from the muddy waters of scientific skepticism. In recent years, the research of quantum physics has received quite convincing evidence, devoid of mythological grounds, that the secrets of the power of the mind have a place in our lives.

Quantum physics studies the elementary particles that make up the universe. Einstein, Planck, Bohr and other scientists came to the conclusion that these particles show interesting patterns of behavior, moving between matter and wave energy.

Although these invisible particles behave like solid matter in time and space, and we perceive them that way, but in fact these particles are nothing more than a bunch of concentrated energy. Albert Einstein showed this in his famous formula, which explained the relationship between matter and energy. According to Einstein, energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. That is, it turns out that matter is a beam of energy. The opposite is also possible: matter can be turned into energy, which, in turn, can be turned into a particle.

If you realize and rethink this principle, then it becomes clear how Chinese martial artists break bricks with their bare hands or do no less amazing things. And the secret lies in the fact that the master, using the energy of "qi", can influence the body, making it light as a feather, or hard as metal.

The main secret of mental processes

Since the 1920s, many Nobel laureates in physics have believed that the physical world is one big sea of ​​energy. There is nothing solid. But then it turns out that the human mind builds illusions. We are deceived by them. Why do we see objects, and not clots of luminous energy?

Our thought processes are connected to this energy, they give it form, so to speak. Everything that surrounds us has its origin in ideas, thoughts that were born, were combined and expressed until they grew in order to reincarnate into physical objects through any number of "production" or "growth" steps.

Scientists have also found that subatomic particles behave in accordance with the ideas and expectations of those people who are engaged in these studies.

Thus, it is clear that we are in a quantum sea of ​​energy that responds to the vibrations of the energy of the human mind, which is able to set the quantum energy of the universe in motion. Simply put, by concentrating our thoughts on what we want, we attract similar energy from the universe with vibrations of energy, and the desired becomes real. A beam of energy in our thoughts transforms into material.

You literally transform - become what you want to become. Your life becomes the way you imagine it to be. The world around you becomes your mirror. Yours works positive thinking activity.

Quantum physics proves to us that the surrounding reality is not as solid and unchanging as it seems at first glance. The great illusion is disintegrating. positive thinking can work wonders... However, as well as the negative.

Creative visualization works wonders...

Following this concept, one can master the mechanism creative visualization- an effective tool in the work of revealing the secrets of the power of the mind. Thanks to you, you can create what you want to create in your life. As Shakti Gawain writes in her book “ Creative Visualization”, the main thing is an idea in the role of a plan, an idea that creates an image of an empty form, gradually filling up with the energy attracted there by our mind, and reincarnating into a material form.

Einstein, too, always stressed the importance of imagination: “Imagination is the doorway to life’s immediate attractions.”

Conclusion - energy is the fundamental substance of any object in the entire universe. People are able to consciously project their energy, thereby programming the formation of desired events that eventually become a reality.

In the beginning there was a word… That is spiritual, a thought, an idea. Figurative imagination focuses energy in such a way that the object passes from a spiritual state to a material one.

This is the essence of the power of reason and thought. You can learn to control what the mind generates, and then the illusion of a thought that instantly flashed through your head will become a reality.

Konovalov V.F.

Is thought transmission and reading possible?

More than a hundred years ago, more precisely in 1874, a young, semi-educated American named Brown demonstrated to the incredulous New York public his ability to read other people's minds.

He did it like this. He blindfolded himself, and another man - an inductor put his hand on his forehead, which Brown slightly supported. Such a procedure was quite enough for the newly appeared mind reader to be able to find a hidden person or a hidden thing in any row of the hall and hand it over to its destination.

The effect of Brown's performances in America was as great as that of Mesmer's hypnotism sessions in Austria. and in France. It seemed to many that neither the telephone nor the telegraph, with which society had already met shortly before, was no longer needed. It is enough just to master the technique, as they called it then, silent mind reading, and you can contact Anyone with whom you wish.

But not for long, Brown had a monopoly on his previously unknown method. Exactly seven years after his speeches, Bishop appeared in England, and some time later in Germany, Cumberland, who, in an even more diverse form than the American, began to demonstrate the effect of guessing other people's thoughts. For example, they were able to "read" the words and phrases conceived by someone.

Sometimes mind readers were able to find hidden objects or even guess a whole rather complicated travel plan. The mode of action of the percipient - the one who reads the thoughts of the inductor, as a rule, was not of the same type. It is most often modified depending on the task being solved. But they always had the same requirements for inductors. The mind readers would only start their sessions if the inductors focused all their attention on what was to be guessed. Then they made contact with them by taking the guide by the hand or putting his hand to the forehead. The process of reading thoughts is most effective when both the percipient and the inductor were in contact, holding on to different ends of a stick, metal rod or wire.

Starting a session of searching for a hidden object, the percipient plans in advance how to go. He changes from a fast step to a slow, straight path to deviations to the sides, then suddenly stops abruptly, after which he again begins movements that seem meaningless to the uninitiated.

If a number is guessed, then the inductor is asked to focus on it. The guesser at this time, without losing direct contact with the inductor, writes the numbers on the board, having previously made several hand movements through the air.

When you have to guess the Trip Plan, the mind reader stands in front of the map, and at this time the imaginary traveler concentrates all his attention first on the point of departure, and then on the first station, second, third, etc.

By the way, experiments on guessing other people's thoughts are often unsuccessful. But among them there are those that cause true admiration. They just attracted the close attention of scientists, who set themselves the task of understanding what percipients perceive - really a thought generated by the inductor's brain, or something else that accompanies it.

Previously, it was suggested that this "something" are muscle movements performed involuntarily, in addition to the will and consciousness of a person. But scientists have yet to prove this.

Speaking about the motor reactions of people expressing the activity of the brain, it should be said that it has long been noticed how the hands of people tremble during emotional stress, the voices of examinees tremble, and many of the whole body begins to tremble from fear and rage. But these are all examples of extreme states of mind. In a normal calm state, one can also observe the effect of muscle tremors. One has only to take a stick, raise it to eye level and try to aim, like a gun, at some object. Immediately, the tester will find that the end of the stick is moving around the chosen target. This phenomenon constantly reminds of itself to those who are trying to shoot firearms. It would seem that the target is already caught on the fly. One elusive moment - and she shifted. And this displacement occurs again due to an involuntary muscular oscillatory act, in which the activity of multibillion-dollar nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord is constantly reflected. Here is what the “father of Russian physiology” I.M. wrote about this in the last century. Sechenov: “Does a child laugh at the sight of a toy, does Garibaldi smile when he is persecuted for excessive love for the Motherland, does a girl tremble at the first thought of love, does Newton create world laws and write them on paper - everywhere the final fact is muscle movement” .

Later, scientists showed that in muscle combinations, not only all kinds of mental processes are reflected, but also the work of the cardiac, vascular and respiratory systems of the body. In fact, the human motor analyzer turned out to be the mirror in which, if you know how to look, you can see the results of brain activity as a whole. The activity of the brain includes the unity of conscious and unconscious mental processes. The latter just bring an element of mystery and mystery into his work. So it was in the past, so it is in our time. But there is nothing to be surprised here. One can be surprised only by one thing - the versatility of manifestations of human mental activity. And this can be proved by very simple experiments. Here are some of them.

Take a ball suspended on a thin thread or wire. Hold it for a certain time on an outstretched hand, imagining that it is swinging. After a while, you will find that the pendulum actually swings. This fact, as such, is perhaps not surprising. However, this amazing thing is still present in it and lies in the fact that the direction, as well as the shape of the swings, is determined mainly by the ideas generated by the participant in the experience. If the subject, for example, closes his eyes and mentally imagines a circle, then the suspended object will begin to make rotational movements. If he imagines a certain straight line, then the pendulum will swing along it.

Such experiments, if there is no resistance on the part of the subject, are successfully carried out with the eyes of the subject open. In this case, under the pendulum, the experimenter draws a circle or line with his finger and says that the pendulum will begin to swing in the indicated direction. A little time passes, and he really begins to swing as the researcher said and as the experimental subject imagined it. Such a performance is even more impressive when a plate, wire, or some other object having a specific shape is placed under the pendulum, and the participant in the experiment is told that the pendulum always moves along the perimeter. Seeing the contours of the placed figures with his own eyes, the subject involuntarily sets the pendulum in motion, which corresponds to their configurations.

These were all examples of conscious ideas reflected in people's motor acts. But there are a lot of unconscious states of a person, when they determine his behavior in everything, but it is almost impossible to realize them in a normal alert state, although it is not difficult to identify them empirically.

It is well known, for example, that some people during lively conversations, if they are offered a pen or pencil, begin to write and draw various figures that have nothing to do with the content of the ongoing conversations. However, their origin is still determined by something. And this conditioning, as it turns out, is not external, but internal. It comes from the work of the psyche of the individual. That part of it, where consciousness does not look. So it was established that the involuntary reactions of people are the result of the work of the unconscious sphere of higher nervous activity, which constantly interferes with our daily actions and largely shapes them. And while this type of mental activity of people was not taken into account, and in many respects it was not well studied, some human behavioral acts seemed mysterious, even mystical. Perhaps that is why they were used for games, entertainment, divination and even fortune telling.

At the end of the last century, in some European countries, the game began to come into fashion, quickly capturing the attention of almost all sectors of society with its mystery. It was called "magic* pendulum".

On a string held by one of the participants in the game, a ring or a small ball hangs. They try to keep him as still as possible. But, despite this, the ring soon begins to swing like a pendulum, although the experimenter tries to keep the suspension stationary at all costs. We have already talked about this. In such experiments, so-called ideomotor movements are manifested. As for the game of the "magic pendulum", here its participants went further in a kind of study of the manifestation of unconscious mental activity. So, for example, they showed that if the person holding the rope hugs the person sitting next to him with his free hand, the ring swings in the direction of this person.

Here is another interesting observation. The participants in the game noticed that the direction of the pendulum's movement manifests itself differently depending on who touches the person holding it - a man or a woman.

IF the hanging ring is lowered inside the glass, then, at the appropriate request of the participants in the game, it can even “tell” more precisely the time of the entertainment being carried out.

This game is often played in an even more exciting form. For example, a "magic pendulum" is placed in the center of a drawn circle with letters of the alphabet printed or written around its perimeter at a certain distance from each other. If at the same time the person holding the rope begins to ask questions, then everyone will see how the answers to them are made up of the letters indicated by the oscillating ring.

Naturally, not everyone experiences pendulum swings to the same extent. In some, they are expressed quite strongly, and the ring "answers" almost all questions asked of the individual holding the rope. In others, similar fluctuations are less noticeable, and it is not always possible to get the desired response from such a person. It is impossible to say in advance how the pendulum will behave in the hands of certain people. As noted, its fluctuations do not depend either on gender or on the age of the person holding the ring. However, one regularity can still be noted. It manifests itself in the fact that, as a rule, the pendulum swings most clearly among those who do not believe in the very fact of its swing and are skeptical about the “game of desires” itself.

Here it is appropriate to ask the question: “Why does the pendulum begin to swing in the hands of the holder?” Does it really serve as a kind of teletype, with the help of which it is possible to learn thoughts from interlocutors?

Attempts to answer this question began to be made since the scientists believed in the reality of a fact that did not find a logical explanation. Hundreds of works were written by Italian, German, French and English researchers with an attempt to somehow comprehend the origin of the energy that drives the pendulum in human hands. But it was especially surprising and at the same time alarming scientists that a certain awareness, characteristic of people, was manifested in its swings. In short, there was something to think about in order to finally understand the essence of the observed phenomena.

Among the first who began to study and described in detail the necessary condition under which the magic pendulum begins to swing was the Englishman Gray, one of the pioneers of the study of electricity. In 1736, in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, of which he was a member, he published an article “On the remarkable orbital movements of a small ball lowered on a string, the upper end of which rests in the hand.” The author of the work believed that from the experiments he conducted and the facts obtained, a new theory of planetary motion would eventually arise. Gray based his confidence on the fact that the ball hanging on a string in his observations always moved in the same direction as the planets move around the Sun. But the most important thing for explaining the mechanism of the origin of the oscillatory state of the pendulum in the hands of the researcher, as we believe, was Gray's observation and his conclusion that "the experiment failed if the rope rested on something else, but was held by a person's hand."

Subsequently, the experiments of the famous Englishman were repeatedly repeated by many other researchers. Some things were clarified by them, some things were repeated, and many things were refuted. But the majority of scientists studying the properties of the movement of a pendulum in human hands believed that on the basis of the data they received, “the birth of a new science” takes place. Like this. No less and no more. And journalists even told the public that with the help of a “new invention”, which is an oscillating pendulum in the hands of people, it is possible to determine the sex of a chicken already in eggs.

However, speaking seriously, it should be noted that most experimenters correctly began to explain the cause of the swinging of a ball hanging on a string, the end of which is held by the subject. In particular, here it is necessary to mention the name of the German philosopher Ritter, who, in the process of studying the oscillations of the pendulum, discovered, as he believed, a new previously unknown force. It was called siderism by him. By this word, the scientist meant nothing more than unconscious muscle vibrations transmitted by a person through a rope to a ball hanging on it or some other object.

Most researchers began to adhere to this point of view, believing that the source of energy that sets the “magic pendulum” in motion is the person himself with his unconsciously manifested forms of the psyche, which can be reflected in a number of physiological reactions of the body: in contractions of the heart, stomach, intestines, blood vessels, involuntary motor reactions, dilation and contraction of the pupil, etc. In this regard, it is curious to note that neither sensetises, or, in other words, especially sensitive individuals, nor ordinary unremarkable people are able to force the ring to move in a pre-planned direction by willpower. They either do not succeed at all, or it turns out quite rudely to unnaturally. However, all of them can easily bring the “magic pendulum” into an oscillatory state in an involuntary way, when the unconscious spheres of higher nervous activity are included in the work.

The versatility of its manifestations has repeatedly surprised almost all generations of people. And in our time, a number of mysterious and mysterious phenomena are explained by nothing more than the subconscious activity of the human brain, its hidden potential, about which there is still little information from scientists. In particular, the mechanism for searching for ores and underground sources with the help of a forked twig, called a magic wand in ancient times, has not yet been fully disclosed. Nevertheless, it is implied, and not without reason, that its rotations in the hands of a person are based on his unconscious muscular reactions.

The first to come to this conclusion was the once well-known Jesuit scholar Father Athanasius Kircher. In the middle of the 17th century, he proved that the twig never leans either to water or to metal objects, if it is not directly in the hands of a human subject, but is attached at two ends so that, on occasion, it can make free movements.

Somewhat later, more precisely at the end of the 17th century, the priest Lebrun, conducting experiments with a magic wand and assuming that it begins to rotate due to the machinations of the devil, quite unexpectedly came to the correct conclusion that “the reason for the movement of the wand is in the desires of a person and is directed by his intentions.”

And finally, in 1853, the famous French scientist M. Chevrel in his essay “On the Magic Wand and the Test Pendulum” gave the first clearest and most accurate explanation of the reason for their movement. The academician of the French Academy of Sciences proved by simple and curious experiments that muscular action can develop in every person without the participation of his will. It is enough, according to Chevreul, that the thought is transferred to the phenomenon associated with this movement, and it will manifest itself, albeit unconsciously. Many such examples can be cited. Take, for example, the thought of yawning. Have you thought about her? And you immediately wanted to yawn. Is not it? As for Chevreul himself, his main merit lies in the fact that he eliminated all the madness associated with the magic pendulum and the magic twig, and pointed out that the expectation of a person by certain fluctuations on their part is the main reason for the movement of objects in his possession. hands.

But. despite the fact that Father Kircher proved that the twig does not lean either towards water or metal if it is not in the hands of the subject, and Chevreul added that this subject must also have ideas, albeit unconscious, about its movement, the question still remained a mystery: how does a person perceive signals emanating from aquifers, metal deposits or oil reservoirs? It was not clear what those signals were. How are they processed in the brain without the participation of consciousness? How does the formation of ideomotor acts take place, after the manifestation of which the movements of the magic wand begin immediately?

And although not all of the questions posed can be answered even today, the very fact, as it is now fashionable to call it, dowsing is beyond doubt. At the beginning of our century it was explained as follows. Since the well-known water seekers with the help of a twig, as it was noted, were ordinary well masters, it was assumed that, as a result of many years of practice, they acquired a general idea about the location of water veins. Based on these ideas, albeit intuitively, they eventually made the right decisions about where to look for water. And having accepted them at the level of its subconscious, the brain sent signals to the corresponding muscles of the hands, which formed involuntary motor reactions, leading the flyer to tilt in one direction or another. Of course, all the processes that take place in the human body are unconscious, and therefore seem mysterious and even mystical. But there is nothing supernatural in their manifestation. Unfortunately, we know little about the human subconscious, whose nature is still largely mysterious. But there is no doubt that it is the subconsciousness of water seekers that triggers their ideomotor reactions.

Here is what A. Lehmann tells readers about this, who decided to take part in the search for water veins himself, and at the same time test his feelings. The scientist was primarily interested in the question: “Can he find water without having any experience in this matter?”

After observing the water finder, he decided to go around the area himself, holding a magic twig in his hands. The place where, according to the master, there should be water, was determined in advance and imperceptibly marked for Lsmann. When the researcher began his journey, at some point the branch in his hands leaned towards the ground. It turned out that he did not reach about one meter to the place where the flyer leaned and at the professional water finder. Further, Lehmann claims that when he went part of the way, he suddenly imagined that the branch should now oscillate.

As soon as the thought of its movement was formed, the flyer instantly tilted to the ground. “What mattered here was something that came out of the realm of the unconscious,” writes the scientist, “is beyond doubt.” And then he adds: “Perhaps I was guided by a vague idea of ​​the time approximately elapsed after the departure of the water seeker, and this vague feeling guided me when choosing a place. One thing I can say is that the thought suddenly occurred to me that it was time for the twig to move.

This is how it was proved in the field that the source of involuntary movements detected with the help of a vine branch is the unconscious or little conscious feelings and ideas of the person who holds this branch.

The knowledge of the nature of human ideomotor acts arising in the process of searching for metal objects and water continues in our time. Not so long ago, the press reported on the work in this area by Professor Yu.I. Iorish and his colleague B.V. Turobov. The authors, just like their predecessors, came to the conclusion that the movements of a metal frame or a wooden flyer held by the subject are the result of his ideas about the process of movement itself. Further, the researchers believe that some people are able to perceive local distortions of various physical fields well known to science: gravitational, electrical, magnetic, radiation and acoustic. If we add to this that certain sense organs can perceive a lot from the outside world and thereby generate information about it in the brain, then the source of information becomes quite clear, on the basis of which the manifestation of a person’s ideomotor reactions takes place. turn, and determine one or another effect of dowsing.

Nevertheless, there is no reason to talk about it as something supersensitive, superior to modern electronic equipment. The use of dowsing for practical purposes should be carried out with great care and reasonable safety net by well-known well-proven technical means. This can be confirmed by the publication in Pravda (1983 - October 18) about the results of a search in the Summer Garden of Leningrad for a German bomb, allegedly left over from the time of the blockade. Fortunately, there was no bomb in the garden, but geologists, using instrumental methods to search for it, found at a depth of 7.5 meters ... a construction bucket in good condition, although without a bottom. But dowsing experts pointed to another place where, in their opinion, the subject of the search should be. In the craters dug in vain, the workers did not find either a bomb or any other metal objects. Yes, they could not be there, since the devices did not register them.

However, returning again to a person, to his ideomotor reactions performed involuntarily, it should be noted that they are quite clearly manifested in other situations, for example, in experiments with "talking" and knocking tables, which had and continue to have a fairly strong influence on the psyche of some people in our time.

And these experiments are carried out in this way. Several people sit around the table, leaning on its edges with their hands. Not having the original intention of pushing the table to make it crackle and move, they eventually begin to wonder when it will spin. This thought is involuntarily transmitted to the muscles of the hands, the weak reactions of individual individuals are synchronized over time, and unnoticed by the participants in such unusual experiments, heavy tables begin to move. This fact begins to inspire the experimenters even more, causing them to predominate unconscious actions over conscious ones. Some of them at such moments can even fall into a kind of auto-hypnosis, in a state of which they begin to act even more directed on the edges of the table.

The first who tried to explain the mechanism of table rotation was the English physician J. Brad, who became famous for his research in the field of hypnosis. So, Brad first of all proved that the table comes into motion only when those sitting behind it are waiting for it. If their attention is scattered, and thoughts are constantly distracted by something else, then, as a rule, no rotation of the table occurs. In the same year, 1853, Brad's compatriot, the well-known physicist Faradeu, established with the help of an ingeniously designed device by him that the hands of those participating in experiments on table rotation give the table a series of seemingly imperceptible small shocks. Despite their negligible * size separately, summing up, they are already beginning to acquire significance, which is manifested in the movements of bulky objects.

If the participants in the experiments thought about rotating the table to the right, it began to move to the right. Their desire for the table to turn to the left was immediately satisfied by an inanimate object. At the same time, serious researchers have repeatedly made sure that if questions are asked to the table that has come into motion, then it answers them to the questioner only what he thinks about at that moment or what he has in mind. Sometimes it turns out that the questioner himself does not know the exact answers to them. In such cases, the table immediately starts to make mistakes. For example, if someone asks the table r what time it is or how much money is in the wallet and at the same time the questioner does not know either the time of day or the presence of the contents of his purse, the answer, as a rule, will be too far from the truth.

So it turns out that the false prophetic table is a reflection of nothing but the corresponding thoughts of a person, his ideas, fears, hopes, delusions and disappointments. And hence the whole variety of effects with rotating tables.

Summarizing the data on table rotation and dowsing and explaining their mechanism, Chevrel wrote: “My basic rule can be applied both to knocking tables and to a stick used as a means of guessing - and therefore I say that when the ability to make a table knock with one or acquired with the other leg, in the same way, when faith in the ability to understand such a table is assimilated, then I understand how a question addressed to the table awakens in the person that acts on the table - without realizing it, - a thought, a consequence which there is a muscular movement capable of making one of the legs of the table knock, in accordance with the meaning of the answer that seems most likely to this person.

Let's not reproach the great scientist of the past for some awkwardness of his statement, made by him in the middle of the last century. His main idea is clear. She comes down. to the fact that the source of the power that sets in motion, whether it be a table, a flyer or a pendulum that is in contact with the hands of a person, is the person himself with his thoughts, ideas and imaginations, and not some mystical otherworldly force.

Currently, the mental stress of the studied individuals can be recorded using modern electronic devices and assess the degree of its severity in the change in many physiological reactions. But if we talk about ideomotor acts as a reflection of the mental activity of the brain, then they were quite simply and at the same time witty registered by Professor Robert Zamer, director of the psychiatric clinic in Giessen. The scientist designed a special scale, called a psychograph, with the help of which, in particular, such an experiment could be carried out. The subject put his hand on the scales connected to the recorder.

Then he was presented with a list of numbers, on one of which he was to focus his thoughts. After the instruction began to be carried out, the experimenter loudly read out each digit in turn. The psychographer continuously recorded hand tremors during this time. The most interesting thing began when a number was uttered, arbitrarily chosen by the researcher, about which he was constantly thinking. At this moment, the trembling of the hand reached its highest value, which was immediately recorded by the device, which drew vibrations on a paper tape with a maximum swing.

Somewhat later, it was found that a person's thoughts can not only be seen, but also heard. Experiments on voicing thoughts with the help of amplifiers and loudspeakers were carried out, in particular, at the Institute of Psychology at the University of Vienna. For example, it was found that if the subject is in a relaxed state, the devices are silent. But as soon as he clenched his hand into a fist or bent it, crackling and crunching began to be heard in the equipment. Similar sounds also arose when the subject suggested to himself or was suggested to him that his arm was bent. If he had the thought: “I want to bend my arm” or “Yesterday I bent my arm,” the equipment was inactive.

In this way, it was finally proved and documented by the relevant protocols that thought can act on the muscular apparatus of the subject's body. Or, in the words of I.M. Sechenov, after appropriate experiments, it became clear that "the entire infinite variety of external manifestations of brain activity is finally reduced to a single phenomenon - muscle movement." And it doesn't matter, in the end, who catches its slightly visible manifestations - a technical device or a person. Both of them can rightly be called "thought readers". Living mind readers were studied in sufficient detail and successfully in 1874-1885. American neuropathologist Beard, English psychologist Carpenter, German and Russian physiologists Preyer and Tarkhanov.

The report of one of the commissions that examined the world's first "thought reader" Bishop was published in the reputable English scientific journal Nature on June 23, 1881, signed by J.J. Romanes. The report, in particular, states that before the demonstrations of Bishop's abilities began, he was placed in a special room, his eyes were blindfolded with a handkerchief, and then all the cracks on the underside of the bandage were covered with cotton wool. At this time, another member of the commission in a nearby living room hid a small object under one of the several shaggy carpets that lay in it. The members of the commission decided in advance that the person who hid himself would choose the object in the room and place it in the place of the living room where he wished. After completing this procedure, the living room door was opened and said "Done!" Then they brought Bishop into the room, who approached the one who hid the object, took his left hand, put it on his forehead and asked him to think hard about the place where the object was hidden.

After standing motionless for about ten seconds, Bishop suddenly turned his face in the opposite direction and, with a confident, brisk step, walked away from Sidgwick (that was the name of the person who hid the object) in a straight line to the carpet, lifted it and took the object. Doing all this, he did not find the slightest doubt where he should look for the hidden thing. At the same time, it seemed to those observing the behavior of the "mind reader" that Bishop knew as well as Sidgwick the exact place where the hidden object was located. It is interesting to note in this connection that the search for hidden things has always been successful, at whatever level they were placed, high or low.

Then Romanee describes experiments in which Bishop successfully localized any, even a small spot that those present thought of, located either on the body of some member of the commission or somewhere else, such as on a table, wall or chair. At the end of the report, the commission that examined the “thought reader” once again emphasized that during all the experiments he remained blindfolded and could not receive any side information through the visual analyzer.

It should also be noted that in a number of cases experiments on guessing thoughts were unsuccessful. This usually happened when the contact between the inductor and the percipient was not close enough. For example, due to a piece of cotton wool placed between the fingers of the inductor and the shoulder or head of the "thought reader". The same negative result was observed in those cases when the connection between the experimental pair was carried out not through a wire, but through a freely hanging rope.

After carefully analyzing the results of their observations of Bishop, the members of the commission came to the conclusion that he. mediator) is blindfolded and loses direction, or when communication between Bishop and subject is weak and sluggish."

Of course, it is impossible not to admire the speed, ease, and most importantly, unconsciously, "mind readers" transfer to the level of human understanding the imperceptible muscle movements produced by inductors involuntarily. However, such an external effect did not come to them immediately, appearing as if by itself from the outside world. The famous "thought readers" became them after hard training of their body and comprehension of the basic laws of the functioning of the human psyche, which represents the unity of two spheres - conscious and unconscious.

In our time, one of the most popular "thought readers" has become Valery Avdeev, whose performances on the stage always fascinate and captivate the audience. Having once seen a demonstration of psychological experiments in the past by the well-known "thought reader" Wolf Messing, V. Avdeev decided to try CBQ AND FORCE IN THIS art form himself. Here is just one of the numbers performed by the artist. The viewer mentally orders him to find a friend in the hall, take her purse from her, bring it to the jury table, remove a book from the purse, open the 16th page and read the 6th line of the second paragraph from the top. Avdeev, as written, fulfills all the wishes of the inductor.

It is interesting to note that the success of the demonstrated experience, according to V. Avdeev himself, largely depends on the inductor, his emotionality, mobility, and ability to focus on what he has planned.

Quite effectively, "mind reading" can be carried out not only by contact, when the inductor must be held by the hand or the percipient must touch his forehead with his hand, but also by the remote method. In some cases, a person’s gaze, his posture and actions express the most intimate thoughts that are understandable to both children and adults. Even animals, according to the views of the owner, determine his mood and well-being. And what can we say about people who can understand each other, as they say, without further ado! Deaf-mutes, for example, understand the content of a conversation by the movement of their lips. But it is quite accessible to people with normal hearing and not impaired speech. There is evidence that some agents of the military intelligence of Germany, headed at one time by Admiral Canaris, learned important information from persons who had conversations at great distances from them.

Taking into account all that has been said, it turns out that not only thoughts can be reflected in a number of physiological reactions of the body, including in the cascade of changes in ideomotor reactions that have already been discussed, but, on the contrary, giving an appropriate posture to the body or facial expression will change feelings and thoughts of the subject. In what it really is

So, you can easily make sure if you raise your hands up, spread your legs shoulder-width apart and bend them a little, and then imagine that you are holding a weight. Already from these uncomplicated actions, a person immediately begins to feel tired, as if he really is holding an unbearable load.

Some subjects even claim that anger can flare up in them as this passion is imitated. Actually, everyone can observe such an effect at stormy meetings, when one hot speaker with his * appearance, gestures and peculiar behavior is able to inflame the whole team with emotions. At the same time, you can not hear the speech of the speaker, but nevertheless understand the meaning of his speech.

This fact has been observed for a long time. In particular, it is known from literary sources that when Campanella, the famous philosopher and great physiognomist of the past, tried to know what was happening in the soul of another person, he imitated his posture, facial expression as best as possible and at the same time concentrated all his attention to their own emotional experiences. Yogis have also known, and have known for a long time, that by creating in oneself the image of another person, one can know his thoughts, whether they are good or bad. Here is what Edgar Allan Poe wrote about this: “If I want to know what a person is like, stupid or smart, good or evil, and what he is thinking at the moment, I exactly copy his facial expression and wait for what thoughts or feelings correspond to this expression, awaken in my heart."

Over time, even multi-stage methods of spiritual training were developed, settling within a few weeks to develop the ability to penetrate one person into the image of another. “According to experts, one of the best is the method of Dr. Gaston von Dyulfert. Its essence lies in the direction of mental influences from various points on the periphery of the body to the heart. At the same time, other forms of penetration into the thoughts of another person require the total involvement of the whole organism.

Speaking about the method of penetration of Dr. Dyulfert into the image of another person, it should be said that initially he represented the features of this person, his look, his manners, his voice. Then the researcher, as it were, connected with an imaginary concrete individual, forming a single whole with him. After that, as if by itself, penetration into the course of his thoughts began. Gustav Meyrink, who knew Gaston von Dylfert, even claims that the doctor "used his method of penetrating someone else's brain effortlessly, as a matter of course, and based most of his plans on this."

In other words, even a simple imitation of everything that is characteristic of a particular person can change the train of thought. On this, in fact, parodists build their success. The more they manage to copy the pose of this or that celebrity, her behavior, hairstyle, grimaces, etc., the more natural the parodist will have both the voice and the manner of performing the parodied.

On this occasion, the famous humorist Prach Kaufman once said that when he performs a song in the style of singer Sarah Linder, he mentally imagines her face. “My mouth at the same time,” the artist added, “takes the shape of her mouth. I sing, so to speak, with my whole body - a simple imitation of the voice does not suit me.

Later it was shown that not only imitation of facial expressions, mannerisms, gestures of another person can generate thoughts and feelings similar to the parodied subject. It turned out that even copying handwriting makes it possible to penetrate into the inner world of some people. In the 30-th years in Germany, there was a lot of talk about the graphologist from Karlsruhe Hermann Ritter, the author of the so-called “law of retroaction”. Applying this law in practice, he recognized the character of a person and even his illness by handwriting. From this it was concluded that if an individual changes his handwriting, then his character also changes. “Make your handwriting energetic,” says Willy Schroedter in his book Peeled Fact Nuts, “and the opposite effect will immediately show: you will also become more energetic.” We will not deny that this is not the case. Everyone can see for himself whether V. Schroedter is right or not by testing his recommendations.

Speaking about the penetration of one person into the thoughts of another, it should be noted that it can go so far, according to some experts, that the souls of two people can even unite into a single whole. So anyway believe fans of yoga sutras. At present, they are not alone in their opinion. As V. Schroedter, already mentioned by us, writes, Meyrink, who devoted a whole chapter to it in his novel Walpurgis Night, Strinberg, Farker, Wimmer and others knew about the phenomena of the merging of souls.

Some researchers go even further, admitting the possibility of the human soul penetrating even into an animal. Here is an incident that occurred at one of the sessions conducted by Valery Avdeev (Nature and Man. - 1989. - No. 2). Inspiring the viewers who wished to participate in the experiment, the regression of time, when each of them must begin to live a past life and not necessarily their own, the artist said: “And now it is 5222 BC. What is happening to you?

To the surprise of the crowded room, one of the subjects, a solid man of about forty, in a strict black suit, with a tie, suddenly got on all fours, threw back his head and ... What would you think? Howled like a wolf. Yes, so loudly and naturally that many who watched this scene had goosebumps.

How to explain this case? That the soul of a man really moved into the body of a wolf who lived in 5222 BC?

Science, of course, is not yet able to give convincing answers to all these and similar questions. However, certain assumptions can nevertheless be made. Here, in particular, as the case that occurred during the session of Valery Avdeev, Doctor of Medical Sciences L.P. Grimak, a specialist in hypnosis and reserve capabilities of the human psyche. The scientist believes that in this case, apparently, although in a truncated form, the effect of reincarnation manifested itself. What is it? According to the philosophical and religious teachings of the sages of the East, the human soul after death continues to live its own life until it finds a new refuge in a newly born organism. And it does not matter what it will be, animal or human. This is how, they say, one can explain the wolf-like forgetting in a pose on all fours of a respectable man who, having undergone an age regression, began to recall some moments from his distant past. But we will not definitively say that this is the case. This is one of the many explanations for extremely complex and not yet fully understood manifestations of the unconscious sphere of higher nervous activity.

But not only speculative reasoning exists on this topic. Certain experimental data have already begun to appear, proving, in particular, the possibility of merging two human souls into a single whole during the lifetime of each of the subjects. Here, for example, is an experiment conducted by one of the Cuban psychiatrists. Daino Chaviano, a participant in the Moscow International Conference "Science Fiction and the Future of Mankind", spoke about its results.

The experiment went like this. The doctor under hypnosis suggested to two patients that they had a single body, a single flesh. After waking up, he sent one of the patients to the next room, while the other remained with him at that time. Then the doctor pinched the person sitting next to him, who had just emerged from a hypnotic sleep, and decided to find out what the second person, who was in another room, felt at that time. To the amazement of the hypnologist, the second participant in the unusual study, at the same moment as the first, first felt pain, and then redness appeared on his body. In the percipient, the passive subject, even the place of application of the painful stimulus to the inductor, the active subject, coincided; the one who was pinched by the psychiatrist. As it is customary to say in such cases, comments are superfluous.

However, it would be useful to clarify that involuntarily we have already started talking about something else - about the possibility of not contact, but remote "mind reading" and, of course, their transmission. In other words, it was about telepathy, the debate about which has not abated since the end of the last century, when Meyers proposed this term to designate, as he said, "all cases of communication of impressions of any kind from one soul to another, regardless of recognized mediators ways of external senses.

By this time serious studies of the phenomenon of mental suggestion were going on in Moscow and Leningrad. Scientists were faced with the task of revealing its nature. In particular, this was done by the laboratory of biophysics under the direction of P. P. Lazarev. The physicist and radio engineer S. Ya. Turlygin took part in the study, who in 1939, on the basis of his work “Radiation of electromagnetic waves by the human body” (not published), made a report “On the radiation of the human nervous system”. The professor wrote that “we have to admit that there really is a certain physical agent that establishes the interaction of two organisms with each other ... The purely optical picture of the action of screens, reflections of this agent from mirrors and diffraction phenomena make us think that this agent is electromagnetic radiation, one of the waves of which lies in the region of 1.8–2.1 mm. After analyzing and summarizing the experience of his predecessors, Turlygin stated that there are a number of facts that do not allow a sufficiently complete and comprehensive explanation of the mechanism for the development of a hypnotic state only by psychological and physiological reasons: ) agent. Without going into details, let's say what conclusions the scientists came to. Turlygin wrote:

“From the point of view of physics, the most significant fact is that the behavior of the object (subject) - the duration of exposure - gives a clear optical picture, which can only be explained by the presence of radiant energy - a beam.<…>These experiments leave no doubt about the presence of radiation emanating from the human body. Of course, this radiation can vary in a certain range, when passing from one individual to another, it will act with different strength on each exposed to radiation. In the same way, each individual can change the intensity of his radiation over time. Apparently, some individuals can change the intensity of their radiation at will.

Unfortunately, Turlygin's experiments have not yet been reproduced by anyone. This is where another stage in the development of Mesmer's concept ends - neo-mesmerism.

It must be emphasized that the main feature of the research of Mesmer and his predecessors was that they transferred the models that explained the physical side of "action at a distance" to the explanation of the mechanism of mutual influence of living beings, distant and in conditions that make it impossible to communicate through the senses. and technical means.

When trying to explain various types of distant influence (fluidic, magnetic, hypnotic, etc.), the idea of ​​an existing mediator (carrier, agent, etc.), which ensures the mutual influence of living beings, was implicitly present. The physical action certainly presupposed the presence of a carrier, carrying out a distant influence. This led to the fact that the probable carrier of distant non-sensory interactions between living beings was assigned either physical or mental signs.

This only confirms once again that since the last millennium there has been a tendency to draw conclusions about the carrier of the alleged “extra-cerebral substrate of the psyche”, based on comparison and analogy with the physical nature of the carrier used in the technical means of communication that were available at one time or another.

For example, almost from the beginning of the 1850s, when the system of wired communications was sufficiently developed, conditions developed that eventually led to the emergence of an electromagnetic theory about the nature of the phenomenon traditionally called telepathy, mental suggestion, thought transmission over distances, etc. Her the origins are to be sought at the intersection of animal magnetism, spiritism, the theory and technique of communication.

In 1867, A. Wallace, at the same time as C. Darwin, expressed the idea of ​​the origin of species in the process of natural selection and wrote the book “Supernatural from the point of view of science”, in which he clearly formulated the proposition that “the question of the so-called supernatural, developed from the phenomena of animal magnetism, clairvoyance and modern spiritualism, is the property of experimental science.

Then the Society for Psychical Research was created in London, which exists to this day and is engaged in the study of the nature of parapsychological phenomena. Its members at different times were the luminaries of world science who contributed to the development of the electromagnetic hypothesis of telepathy: G. Hertz, A. M. Butlerov, C. Richet, M. Curie and others.

The term "telepathy" was used by E. Gurney, F. Myers and F. Podmore in the book "Intravital Ghosts and Other Telepathic Phenomena" (1886).

Gradually, the vocabulary of telepathic terms expanded, especially in the 1880s, when telegraph and telephone communications were booming. Hence the terms “teleesthesia”, “telegnosia” (“feeling and recognition at a distance”, respectively), then “inductor”, “intercerebral (intercerebral) induction”, “brain radio”, “biological radio communication”, etc.

Almost until 1887–1888, when G. Hertz proved K. Maxwell's theory of the unified nature of light and electromagnetic phenomena, most often they operated with the concepts of electromagnetic and electrostatic induction. Therefore, it is clear that the first hypothesis about the origin of telepathy was the electrical induction hypothesis, which was formulated and first put forward by A. M. Butlerov in 1875. He wrote:

“That the influence of forces manifesting in matter can take place at a distance is recognized by everyone: gravitation, the action of magnets, the mutual influence of currents, the action of currents on magnets and iron, etc., etc. - all these are unambiguously established facts. What is the difficulty when it comes to admitting the influence of forces inherent in one organism on the action of forces in another organism, if both are placed in certain, definite relations one to another? Why can't nerve currents interact, just as electric currents interact in a conductor ... Why not act at a distance and at will<…>A change in the state of one organism, of course, can cause certain changes in another organism.

In 1887, A. Forel, a Swiss hypnologist and psychiatrist, expressed a similar but physiologically oriented hypothesis that “by analogy with the induction of an electric current, stimulation can be carried out from one neuron to another and without the presence of continuity (length) of the nerve substance.” In the same year, Yu. Okhorovich substantiated the electrical induction concept of mental suggestion in a work of the same name, which was published in France in 1887 with a foreword by C. Richet. The latter did a lot in the study of parapsychological phenomena. First of all, Okhorovich defined the transmission of thought over a distance, by which he understood the phenomenon when "the state of brain A is reproduced by brain B without the assistance of suggestive visual, auditory, olfactory and tactile signs." But his theory was not widely used, as it explained the phenomenon that takes place at a relatively short distance. The fact that Hertz's experiments had already laid the foundation for the electromagnetic theory of telepathy also had an effect. Nevertheless, the book of M. T. Gerashchenko is devoted to the electrical induction hypothesis of thought transmission at a distance; in 1928, A. L. Leontovich wrote an article "Neuron as an alternating current device", in which he spoke about the transfer of "nervous excitation from neuron to neuron electrically and mainly inductively." In 1948, his student B.V. Krayukhin in the article “Is electrical induction possible in the tissues of a living organism?” discussed this topic in the light of the results of research by S. Ya. Turlygin and T. V. Gurshtein. But there was no final conclusion, and the decision was postponed until better times. The future showed that excitation from neuron to neuron is transmitted chemically.

In 1892, the electromagnetic hypothesis of mental suggestion was simultaneously, but independently of each other, expressed by E. Houston, E. Thomson and W. Crookes. It was the last of them, in the article “Some Possibilities of the Use of Electricity”, that presented a number of assumptions regarding the properties of wireless communication, which were all subsequently confirmed, except for one, that “in some parts of the human brain, perhaps, an organ is hidden that is capable of transmitting and receiving other electrical rays with wavelengths not yet determined by instruments. These beams could transmit thought from the brain of one person to another. In this way it would be possible to explain the discovered cases of thought transmission and many examples of coincidences. Crookes was the first in the history of the electromagnetic hypothesis of telepathy to indicate the possible frequency of oscillations of the hypothetical brain radiation. She seemed to him huge - about 1018 oscillations per second. Crookes wrote that radiations with such a frequency "penetrate through the densest media without diminishing, so to speak, in their intensity, and pass through them at the speed of light with almost no refraction or reflection."

At the beginning of the XX century. The electromagnetic hypothesis has found many supporters. Among them - G. Fulier, who compared the process of telepathy with radio; N. Pavlov, teacher of physics, who gave a lecture on "Radiant Wireless Thought Transmission" and assigned a place in it to "psychic rays" in the range between "Hertz's electric rays" and thermal radiation.

In 1914, the English physicist W. Barret doubted the admissibility of the analogy between telepathy and wireless telegraph, although he admitted that the invention of the latter clarified a lot about the nature of telepathy and did a lot for its recognition. However, in his opinion, the phenomena of telepathy conflict with the inverse square law, according to which "the intensity of radio emission decreases in proportion to the square of the distance from its source." The energy of the radiation of the brain is quite small to overcome significant distances, but in reality there are such facts.

In 1920, the theoretical substantiation of the electromagnetic concept of telepathy was given by V. M. Bekhterev and P. P. Lazarev. The latter suggested that the mechanism of transmission of mental suggestion is as follows: “an electromagnetic wave coming from the activity of the center of one person causes an impulse in the center of another, which is the beginning of a periodic reaction in the centers and creates excitation.” Taking 10–50 Hz as the main rhythm of the brain's electric potential oscillations and the propagation velocity of electromagnetic waves of 300,000 km/s, Lazarev calculated the wavelength of hypothetical brain radiation at 6,000–30,000 km.

Another point of view was expressed by Bekhterev, who wrote that with mental suggestion "we are dealing with the manifestation of electromagnetic energy and, most likely, with Hertz's rays," i.e., high-frequency oscillations.

The neurologist and psychiatrist F. Catzamalli contributed to the direct registration of brain radiation, who wrote that "the human brain, which is in a state of intense psychosensory activity, radiates electromagnetic energy." He gave the name of the psychocerebroradiant (psycho-brain-radiating) reflex to his discovery. Catzamalli wrote that he was able to register "aperiodic damped radio waves" with a length of 0.7-100 m, which the brain radiates into the environment.

In line with the analogies of the nervous system with radio engineering devices, B. B. Kazhinskiy turned to the early works of A. V. Leontovich and came across the judgment that “the contacting parts of neurons are, as it were, capacitor plates.” This led Kazinsky to the idea of ​​"the possibility of the existence in a living organism of a biological oscillatory circuit in which biological electromagnetic oscillations are excited, accompanied by the emission of electromagnetic waves of biological origin." In the period 1922–1926. Kazinsky conducted experiments, the results of which he wrote in the book Biological Radio Communication.

Approximately the same kind of experiments were carried out in 1932–1937. L. L. Vasiliev. They were summarized in his books Experimental Studies of Mental Suggestion and Suggestion at a Distance.

In an attempt to establish the physical carrier of the radiation, the experimenters obtained unexpected results. In particular, "neither shielding nor distance impaired telepathic transmission in all cases when it was clearly manifested without shielding or at a short distance." After decades in the West, the studies of K. Yach and D. Dean presented the same pattern.

Foreign scientists actively studied the influence of distance on the quality of telepathic transmission in the 1950s–1970s.

Some experts were of the opinion that not all the possibilities of the electromagnetic hypothesis have been exhausted. Among foreign specialists, one can name S. Mancharsky, among domestic ones - V.P. Perov and I.M. Kogan, who in the 1960s–1970s. continued their research in this direction.

Summing up, let's say that it was not possible to establish the reality of the radiation of electromagnetic waves transmitted by the human brain over long distances, although in most cases of telepathic communication it was noted that its quality and effectiveness do not depend on either distance or shielding. However, this conclusion is premature, since scientists often express doubts about the purity of the experiments.

Other attempts have been made to establish what is the carrier of a telepathic signal, especially since it is characterized by such features as colossal penetrating power, weak interaction with matter, the ability to travel great distances and the almost complete impossibility of registering it with instruments. The researchers talk “about neutrino, gravitational and spintorsion interactions, unconventional magnetic fields, interaction based on the gluon bond. The phenomenon of quantum disloyalty stands apart.” In addition, attempts are being made to find other ways to explain telepathy, in particular psychological, psychophysical. The latter are based on a literal understanding of the concept of "psychic energy", as a result of which these theories are called psychoenergetic. In particular, they were studied from domestic representatives by A. N. Radishchev, N. Ya. Grot, V. N. Pushkin, E. V. Ushakova, from foreign ones - by G. Berger, W. McDougall, J. B. Rine.

Thus, in the history of parapsychology, 2 periods are clearly traced - pre-scientific and scientific. The first is associated with the era of mesmerism, the beginning of the second is associated with spiritualism, the creation of the Society for Psychical Research, by analogy with which the same structures were formed in other countries of the world, primarily in the USA, France, Germany and Poland, where great importance was attached to searches in this area. .

The currently known rules and criteria for a parapsychological experiment were fixed with great difficulty. The mesmerists were among the first to accept criticism and actively set up experiments on the magnetization of everything, from people to plants. Only in the second half of the XIX century. the experimenters began to understand that not all channels of influence on the subject are known and that the experiments must take place under the correct conditions.

In 1860, the French researcher A. Morin suggested that there are factors that can "create the illusion of the transmission of thought through a magnetic communication channel, while in reality the transmission is due to subtle involuntary prompts from the magnetizer." Morin presented his point of view in the book Magnetism and the Occult Sciences. Here he argued that "thoughts, as such, are not directly transmitted, they can only be transmitted indirectly, through external manifestations, for example, in gestures, facial expressions, and the breath of a magnetizer."

These truths, which we now consider commonplace, were assimilated and adopted with great difficulty in those days. In particular, the experiments could be carried out in a room in which both the inductor and the percipient were located at the same time, under conditions of excellent visibility and audibility.

But Yu. Okhorovich already knew how to distinguish between real and imaginary thought transmission. He recognized as valid the one in which brain B, in the absence of suggestive signs (visual, auditory, etc.), reproduced the state of brain A. Everything that did not correspond to this situation was recognized as an imaginary transmission of thought.

Another factor by which the illusion of thought transmission arose was discovered by S. Richet, as he reported in the article “Mental Suggestion and Calculation of Probabilities”. It described the positive results of experiments on mental suggestion to subjects of the suit of playing cards. If the suggester was not present during the experiment, the result did not differ from random, about which Richet wrote:

“If you call the suit of cards at random and every time you can see whether you guessed right or not, then more than just chance begins to influence.”

This means probabilistic learning, carried out when the subject is constantly told about the result, shown a guessed card, etc. Related to this are the conditions that Richet advises to observe. In particular, after each transmission, shuffle the deck, do not show the suggestible card to the percipient, do not allow the agent to say a word or gesture, etc.

1882–1930 foreign parapsychologists call them heroic. It was during that period that enthusiasts investigated various psi-phenomena, including clairvoyance, telekinesis, etc. They tried to very meticulously evaluate the results, but, despite this, the latter were not recognized by the world scientific community. Only J. B. Rhine was able to overcome this situation, having spent 30 years on it. This period in the history of parapsychology (1930–1960s) is called the Rhine era. He sought to introduce the formal language of science into parapsychology in order to conduct research using the mathematical apparatus, unambiguous concepts. But this approach, not without some pitfalls, gradually led many parapsychologists to abandon this concept of research, though not immediately. In the meantime, a new stage in the history of parapsychology has been associated with the names of W. McDougall, J. and L. Rhine.

J. Rine made a great contribution to the study of telepathy, psychokinesis, introduced into practice the use of quantitative and statistical methods for studying phenomena.

1960s became a period of revision of the approach to psi-research, during which there was a transfer of efforts from quantitative methods of studying phenomena to qualitative ones. That is, there has been a return to experimental parapsychology, when the subjects received the freedom to choose directly the very process of the experiment. The requirements for purity and rigor of the experiments were observed. They were successful, but due to the possibility of subjectivity in the assessments, they were often criticized.

Parapsychologists began to search for such a methodology of experiments that would combine the positive aspects of quantitative and qualitative methods and would not have their shortcomings. This was succeeded by C. Honorton, who in the early 1970s. proposed a new method. By 1997, more than 40 researchers had reproduced his experiments, with mostly positive results.

In 1997, D. Redin published the book "The Conscious Universe", which became a kind of result of the development of parapsychology and at the same time an answer to skeptics regarding the reality of psi-phenomena.

In the same year, a group of Moscow researchers was issued a patent directly related to telepathy. The invention is called "Method for determining the effectiveness of the mental impact of the inductor on the percipient". The description for it says the following:

"... The method relates to medicine, in particular to methods for determining the effect of the mental impact of the inductor on the percipient, and can be used as an objective way to identify the ability of the inductor to influence the patient at a distance when using non-traditional methods of treatment."

The invention passed a strict control, during which a mental effect was registered with the help of instruments, while the distance between the inductor and the percipient was 30–40 km. Unfortunately, this innovative technique has remained practically unnoticed by the parapsychological community.

Types of telepathy

“Telepathy is a special form of information or communication of living beings, expressed in the direct (i.e., without the mediation of the sense organs known to us) the influence of the neuropsychic processes of one being on the neuropsychic processes of another being.” As it becomes clear from the definition, at least two individuals take part in any telepathic contact, forming a telepathic pair, in which one subject has a certain neuropsychic process, to which the second subject responds with approximately the same neuropsychic process. The first of the pair, that is, the person from whom telepathic influence comes and who communicates telepathic information to another person, is called a telepathic inductor, or agent. The second of the pair, i.e., a person at a distance, perceiving the impact and receiving information, is called a telepathic percipient. Moreover, the process taking place in the neuropsychic sphere of the inductor is called telepathic induction, and the process taking place in the neuropsychic sphere of the percipient is called telepathic perception. The immediate content of telepathic induction and perception is called telepathema, or telepathic information. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the information received by the percipient and that telepathically transmitted by the agent are not always absolutely identical. From here it is necessary to distinguish between the inductor's telepathema and the percipient's telepathema.

Quantum physics has radically changed our understanding of the world.

According to quantum physics we can influence the process of rejuvenation with our consciousness!

Why is this possible?

From the point of view of quantum physics, our reality is a source of pure potentialities, a source of raw materials from which our body, our mind and the entire Universe are composed. The universal energy and information field never stops changing and transforming, turning into something new every second.

In the 20th century, during physics experiments with subatomic particles and photons, it was discovered that the fact of observing the course of an experiment changes its results. What we focus our attention on can react.
This fact is confirmed by a classic experiment that surprises scientists every time. It was repeated in many laboratories and the same results were always obtained.

For this experiment, a light source and a screen with two slits were prepared. As a light source, a device was used that "shot" photons in the form of single pulses.

The course of the experiment was monitored. After the end of the experiment, two vertical stripes were visible on the photographic paper that was behind the slits. These are traces of photons that passed through the slits and illuminated the photographic paper.

When this experiment was repeated in automatic mode, without human intervention, the picture on photographic paper changed:

If the researcher turned on the device and left, and after 20 minutes the photo paper developed, then not two, butlots of vertical stripes. These were traces of radiation. Butthe drawing was different.

The structure of the trace on photographic paper resembled a trace from a wave that passed through the slits.

Light can exhibit the properties of a wave or a particle.

As a result of the simple fact of observation, the wave disappears and turns into particles. If not to observe, then a trace of the wave appears on the photographic paper. This physical phenomenon is called"The Observer Effect".

The same results were obtained with other particles. The experiments were repeated many times, but each time they surprised scientists. Thus it was found thatat the quantum level, matter responds to human attention. This was new in physics.

According to the concepts of modern physics, everything materializes from the void. This emptiness is called "quantum field", "zero field" or "matrix". The void contains energy that can turn into matter.

Matter consists of concentrated energy - this is the fundamental discovery of physics of the 20th century.

There are no solid parts in an atom. Objects are made up of atoms. But why are objects solid? A finger attached to a brick wall does not pass through it. Why? This is due to differences in the frequency characteristics of atoms and electric charges. Each type of atom has its own vibration frequency. This determines the differences in the physical properties of objects. If it were possible to change the vibration frequency of the atoms that make up the body, then a person could pass through the walls. But the vibrational frequencies of the atoms of the hand and the atoms of the wall are close. Therefore, the finger rests on the wall.

For any kind of interaction, frequency resonance is necessary.

This is easy to understand with a simple example. If you illuminate a stone wall with the light of a flashlight, the light will be blocked by the wall. However, mobile phone radiation will easily pass through this wall. It's all about the frequency differences between the radiation of a flashlight and a mobile phone. While you are reading this text, streams of very different radiation are passing through your body. These are cosmic radiation, radio signals, signals from millions of mobile phones, radiation coming from the earth, solar radiation, radiation created by household appliances, etc.

You don't feel it because you can only see light and hear only sound. Even if you sit in silence with your eyes closed, millions of telephone conversations, pictures of television news and radio messages go through your head. You do not perceive this, because there is no resonance of frequencies between the atoms that make up your body and radiation. But if there is a resonance, then you immediately react. For example, when you remember a loved one who just thought of you. Everything in the universe obeys the laws of resonance.

The world is made up of energy and information. Einstein, after much thought about the structure of the world, said: " The only reality in the universe is the field.". Just as waves are a creation of the sea, all manifestations of matter: organisms, planets, stars, galaxies are creations of the field.

The question arises, how is matter created from the field? What force controls the motion of matter?

Research scientists led them to an unexpected answer. The founder of quantum physics, Max Planck, said the following during his Nobel Prize speech:

« Everything in the universe is created and exists due to force. We must assume that behind this force is the conscious mind, which is the matrix of all matter «.


At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, new ideas appeared in theoretical physics that make it possible to explain the strange properties of elementary particles. Particles can appear from the void and suddenly disappear. Scientists admit the possibility of the existence of parallel universes. Perhaps particles move from one layer of the universe to another. Celebrities such as Stephen Hawking, Edward Witten, Juan Maldacena, Leonard Susskind are involved in the development of these ideas.

According to the concepts of theoretical physics, the Universe resembles a nesting doll, which consists of many nesting dolls - layers. These are variants of universes - parallel worlds. The ones next to each other are very similar. But the further the layers are from each other, the less similarities between them. Theoretically, in order to move from one universe to another, spaceships are not required. All possible options are located one inside the other. For the first time these ideas were expressed by scientists in the middle of the 20th century. At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, they received mathematical confirmation. Today, such information is easily accepted by the public. However, a couple of hundred years ago, for such statements they could be burned at the stake or declared crazy.

Everything arises from emptiness. Everything is in motion. Items are an illusion. Matter is made up of energy. Everything is created by thought.

The universe responds to thought.

Energy follows attention.

What you focus your attention on begins to change.

These thoughts in various formulations are given in the Bible, ancient Gnostic texts, in mystical teachings that originated in India and South America. The builders of the ancient pyramids guessed this. This knowledge is the key to the new technologies that are being used today to manipulate reality. our physical body Punder the influence of our mind capable of making a quantum leap from one biological age to another without going through all the intermediate ages.

A person has amazing resources for rejuvenation!!!

Mind reading and meditation

One of the ways to relax and immerse yourself, as well as focus on everything related to the spiritual world, the development of telepathic abilities, is meditation, which consists of three stages:

Relaxation, when a person consciously, by an effort of will, forces his body to relax;

Contemplation, during which the meditator focuses his attention on some object, sound, image, etc. For a beginner, this stage seems to be the most difficult, since it is not at all easy to keep attention on one object for a long time;

Actually meditation, when you need to "erase" in your mind the image to which all attention was directed at the previous stage, which ultimately "eliminates" the consciousness activated at the second stage. Having achieved this, a person is able to soar above himself and establish a connection with the world through the liberated subconscious (this is important for establishing telepathic contacts).

Meditation is a simple process, but it requires some effort and time to learn. About preparing for meditation, Swami Yogonanda wrote that “some people are restless even in a very quiet place, although their body is motionless and relaxed. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to calm down internally, regardless of whether you are in a quiet or noisy place. Only inner peace will help you concentrate.

Remember: if you are determined and full of desire to start practicing meditation, you can always be calm, despite external interference.

When doing concentration exercises before meditation, try not to be distracted by anything, let your thoughts flow freely and naturally (this is a very important skill necessary for mastering telepathy). You can focus on both moving objects and stationary ones.

For the first type of meditation, do the following exercises.

Exercise 1

Spread the fingers of your right hand, but do not strain them. Slowly touch the tip of your thumb to the base of your little finger, then straighten your thumb very slowly. Next, alternately bend and unbend the index, middle, ring fingers and little finger, trying to reach each of them to the wrist. Repeat the exercise with the fingers of your left hand. Initially, by bending your index finger, you will involuntarily bend the middle one. In this case, you need to straighten your index finger and do the exercise again. The exercise takes 3-5 minutes. It must be performed 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks. At the same time, remember that each finger should do one flexion and extension during the lesson; that the beginning and end of the movement must be constantly controlled by consciousness. To do this, you need to mentally give the order first: “I start”, then: “I finish”. It is possible that at first there will be errors. The main thing is to try to identify them and not repeat them.

Exercise 2

There is another exercise for concentrating on moving objects. To do this, you will need an ordinary watch, on which you will need to follow the movement of the second hand while it makes 2 or 3 revolutions. The frequency of the exercise is the same as the previous one.

For the second type of concentration (on immovable objects), again use the clock, but focus on the rod on which the hands are fixed. Do the exercise for 2-3 minutes. Instead of a watch, you can pick up another item, the main thing is that it does not arouse any interest in you.

Good concentration will be mastered only by one who can distract the sense organs from the object of concentration. It is very important to first lay the foundation in the form of proper breathing, the correct performance of asanas and distraction from the surrounding reality. On such a foundation it will be possible to successfully build a superstructure, i.e. concentration and meditation.

If the object of concentration is absent, it must be clearly represented, and then learn how to restore its mental image in memory. Once you reach a certain level of concentration, you will succeed without any extra effort. After concentration comes meditation, for which the best time is from 4 to 6 o’clock. Every time before meditation, say “Om” 3-6 times to get rid of vain thoughts, eliminate absent-mindedness. Then "om" should be repeated mentally.

During meditation, allow yourself only one single thought. If this is difficult to do right away, try focusing on one topic, such as a flower. Think about what can be connected with it, reject random thoughts. This will help you focus on one thought over time and build stability. All this is important in terms of establishing telepathic contact.

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