Washing horizontal blinds is quick and easy. How to wash horizontal blinds from various materials: methods, tools, tools

Anyone who has ever tried to wash the blinds knows how much time and effort should be allocated to this procedure. Are there any tricks to make it easier to care for alternative curtains? Is it possible to cope with this task effortlessly, in just a couple of minutes?

The main difficulty lies in the fact that there are a lot of lamellas, and each of them must be thoroughly cleaned of dust with drops of fat. Removing them from the window for major cleaning is not always convenient. How to be?

How to clean horizontal aluminum blinds in 4 minutes

If you want to get the job done quickly, you need to remove the blinds from the window, otherwise you will have to do a major cleaning, including washing the frame and glass. For the express method, you will need high-quality chemistry for a contactless car wash. The tool is good in that you are spared the need to wipe each lamella on both sides with a sponge or a special brush.

Removing and hanging an alternative curtain is a matter of one minute. And for active foam, two minutes is enough to dissolve all the existing dirt.

The sequence of actions in this case is simple to obscene.

  1. Move the curtain to the “closed” mode so that the slats take a vertical position.
  2. Remove blinds from brackets. To do this, turn the levers to the right to open the latch mechanism. Lifting slightly, remove the cornice.
  3. Move the slats to the bathroom and hang over the bathtub.
  4. Apply a touchless car wash to the curtain. Active foam will lift all dirt, including dust, grease and grime deposits within 2 minutes.
  5. Rinse off the detergent with clean water using a shower head.
  6. Let the water drain and dry the curtain with a microfiber cloth.
  7. Spray with antistatic to reduce further contamination.
  8. Hang blinds on the window.

The method is good for everyone except the price. Car shampoos are quite expensive, and if you do not have a car, buying such a product just to wash your curtains twice a year can be done with cheaper options. However, cleaning will take much more time.

Cheap cleaning method for horizontal aluminum lamellas

For work you will need:

  • kitchen washcloths;
  • glass cleaner or dishwasher (you can take a universal kitchen cleaner);
  • pure water;
  • microfiber cloths;
  • textile gloves or regular socks;
  • spray.

  1. Wipe off the dust from the slats with a dry cloth or soft brush. This is good to do with down dusters. If this is not found on the farm, you can simply vacuum the blinds in the closed state.
  2. Remove the blinds from the window and soak the slats in warm water. It is convenient to do this in the bath. Add a capful of all-purpose cleaner to the water. It is advisable to choose chemistry that does not leave streaks.
  3. If there is nowhere to soak (for example, a shower in a super-compact house), then simply moisten the slats with a spray bottle with a cleaning solution and leave for a few minutes, preventing drying. During this time, the dirt will get wet and peel off the curtains.
  4. Then, with a sponge, clean the dirt from each lamella. Rinse off the detergent with clean water and wipe with a dry cloth. Be careful with thin slats as they will they can deform.
  5. Flip the blinds over to the other side and repeat the whole process.
  6. When both sides are cleaned, it remains to return the curtain to the window.

How to wash blinds without removing them from windows?

The main time is wiping the lamellas on both sides. It will take a few more minutes to remove and hang the curtains on the window. How to optimize the process?

  1. Wash blinds without removing them from the window. The procedure for this is practically the same as in the previous version. The difference is that you need to apply a soap solution on the lamellas hanging in the opening, turned to a vertical position. Then they are transferred to a horizontal plane and wiped.
  2. Instead of a washcloth, use textile gloves. Over rubber gloves, put on ordinary household knitwear. This will allow you to grab each lamella from both sides at once. Cleaning time will be cut in half.
  3. Use special brushes for cleaning blinds. They capture from 2 to 5 lamellas at the same time, and wipe both sides at once.
  4. Use highly effective products that quickly and effectively dissolve dirt.
  5. After work, apply car wax or a regular antistatic agent to a clean surface. This will reduce the number of cleanings.
  6. Dust or vacuum blinds regularly.

Wooden slats

The tree does not like moisture. However, a thin layer of lacquer or polish makes it easier to care for the surface. Wooden models should be regularly wiped or vacuumed to remove dust. Insect and grease stains are removed with furniture care products. To speed up the process, use textile gloves or special brushes.

Wax and polish create a thin film, thanks to which the dust falls on the surface, but does not stick to it. This greatly simplifies cleaning and saves time.

How to clean vertical blinds?

Vertical blinds are made of plastic and fabric. Each case has its own peculiarities of restoring cleanliness and order.


Plastic models cannot be rolled up and machine washed. They are washed, like horizontal aluminum models, on the window using cleaning solutions.

  • Close the curtain.
  • Move the slats to the open position so that their ribs face you. There should be enough space between the planks for you to work comfortably.
  • Apply liquid detergent from a spray bottle to the front and back of the blinds.
  • Use a soft sponge or special brush to wipe each strip of plastic.
  • With a microfiber cloth or any material that absorbs water well, wipe the blinds dry so that there are no streaks.


  • In order to qualitatively wash heavily soiled textile strips, it is necessary to remove them from the mount, free them from weights and control cords. Stack the slats and roll up.

  • Pour water into a large container (large basin or bucket) and add the cleaning agent to it according to the instructions.
  • Soak the curtain in the cleaning solution for half an hour so that all the dirt is well soaked and moved away from the material.
  • With a soft brush or kitchen sponge, wipe each lamella and clean it of dirt.
  • Hang the strips over the tub to keep the water off them.
  • After drying, hang the fabric in place by inserting the weights.
  • Fasten the controls and enjoy a clean window.

How to wash blinds Day-Night

According to their structure, the Day-Night models belong to roller blinds and are made of textiles of various densities. However, due to the fact that they allow you to adjust the luminous flux like hard lamellas, we will consider their cleaning in this article.

In order to remove all the accumulated dirt, you need to remove the curtain from the eaves and soak it in a large amount of water with the addition of a cleaning agent. It is convenient to do this in the bath. Let the chemicals work on the dirt for 15-30 minutes. At this time, you can wash the window and window sill.

Carefully, so as not to damage the delicate mesh, wipe the curtain with a soft brush or washcloth. In the process of work, wind the treated area onto the holder bar. Try not to have any wrinkles.

If the product does not need rinsing, just hang a curtain to dry so that the water runs off. Otherwise, rinse the fabric well in clean water.

Without waiting for complete drying, hang the curtain on the window. Here it will dry in a straightened state.

Bamboo blinds - what to do

Bamboo is not afraid of moisture. However, sudden changes in humidity can lead to cracking of the reeds. Dust and accumulated dirt can be removed using a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush. Traces of insects are wiped off with a damp cloth dipped in any suitable wood furniture care product.

Sometimes there are tips to rinse the bamboo with a stream of water. Since the stems swell with moisture, the tie cords can loosen after the curtain dries. Therefore, it is better to refrain from showering and bathing bamboo and limit yourself to wet rubbing.

How to get rid of nicotine stains on plastic slats

Heavy smokers know that yellow plaque is not so easy to remove from snow-white plastic. However, in this case, there is a way out.

The most proven and reliable way is to use a car dealership cleaner, or rather, aerosols for the care of a plastic dashboard. Since there is a lot of smoking in the cabin, car chemistry developers have invented many strong formulas that easily cope with traces of nicotine and tar.

If the plaque has not yet acquired a bright brown tint, you can try to get by with small amounts and use regular soda. Dilute it with water to a slurry state and apply to the stains. The strong alkaline solution acts as a bleach. Then remove the soda and rinse the slats with clean water.

Ordinary bleach will help restore whiteness to plastic.

If all else fails, as a last resort, order photo printing in warm coffee tones. It will close all the shortcomings and help mask future layers of tobacco plaque.

As you can see, clean blinds are easy. Moreover, they need to be washed only a couple of times a year.

It is quite difficult to imagine life in the modern world without blinds. Protection from excess light in offices, home office, and even in the kitchen lies precisely in their presence. Such easy-to-use blinds are much better than any curtains or curtains, because they allow precise control of light. One has only to fix a little, and that's it - the lighting in the room is completely different! True, if curtains or curtains can only be removed and sent to the washing machine, everything is much more difficult with blinds. Still, how to wash vertical blinds? Not one hostess asked this question. Over time, dust settles on them, especially on vertical, and even other pollution. Simple accidents are not ruled out: someone spilled something right on the blinds, and as a result, instead of snow-white slats, we got a huge stain. If you are facing this problem, don't despair. We have some tips on how to clean blinds at home.

Horizontal blinds are a rather problematic thing. Most of the dust accumulates on them, and due to the fact that such blinds are usually placed in the kitchen, over time, fatty yellow spots also appear on them. How to deal with this is not an easy question.

You can also clean horizontal blinds from grease and dust stains in their usual position, although for convenience it is better to remove the blinds, of course.

If you do not know how to remove the blinds, pay attention to the fasteners. The shutter profile can be attached to the brackets in two ways: with a lever or with hooks. Carefully remove the profile from the fasteners, after which the blinds are best taken to the bathroom.

Attach the blinds to a clothesline with wire so that they are above the tub. Put the slats open, at a slight angle. Wet them with a shower head with warm water, and during the actual cleaning, use a sponge with detergent. Go through each part separately in both directions several times, and concentrate on places where stains are visible. This will remove any stains and dust build-up fairly quickly, but be very careful not to damage the strips of your blinds. For stains of grease, by the way, a regular dishwashing detergent is suitable. After cleaning, you must wait until all the water has drained, and then use wet wipes to remove traces of dried water from each lamella. Hang the blinds in the sun, wait until they dry. After that, the sunscreen can be put back in place and continue to use.

How to work with vertical blinds?

Vertical blinds are slightly different from horizontal ones. Fabric strips are less exposed to pollution over time, since they are located vertically and, as a rule, such things are hung in rooms that are less prone to pollution - in workrooms, offices. But, nevertheless, over time, they begin to get dirty and will require cleaning. How to wash blinds if they are vertical?

There are several methods for cleaning fabric vertical blinds. Among them are the removal of strips from the fabric, means for removing dirt without water, cleaning the strips in an upright position, but with water.

You can remove the fabric strips very simply - bend the fixing hook, which is located on the profile part of the blinds mounts. Threads for connecting from below before this procedure, simply unfasten. When you remove all the strips of their fabric, fold them into a roll and place them in a container with a solution of warm water and washing powder. Soak the parts for a short period of time, up to half an hour, and then rinse each separately under tap water. If dirt is visible, remove it with a soft brush. After all this - wait until the main part of the water drains and attach the strip to the profile. The weights on the bottom will even out the details and your sunscreen will look like new soon after the fabric part dries.

Often, housewives wonder if it is possible to wash fabric strips in a washing machine. All experts categorically declare that blinds cannot be washed in a washing machine. If you place the strips in the washing machine tank in a chaotic way, the washing process will cause them to deform, not to mention the spin function. Therefore, during manual cleaning, no drastic actions are taken with respect to the stripes - let the water drain itself, in no case twist the strips out of the fabric, and do not hope that by simply ironing it with an iron, it can return to its original appearance. A very delicate material and a feature of the design itself, where each strip must be equal in length to the other, makes one very careful about the possible deformation of the tapes. Therefore, washing in a washing machine is an unwise choice.

You apply dry cleaning products according to the instructions that come with the package. After the specified period of time has elapsed, when the product has time to absorb and remove dirt, it should be removed. You can do this with an ordinary sponge, which you wash dishes with. The sponge must first be wetted, since its task is to erase the agent itself, which, remaining on the surface, will lead to the appearance of new stains, which will be even more difficult to remove.

If the stripes on the blinds contain polymeric compounds, they are much easier to wash off dirt than fabric ones. To do this, you can do with just a damp cloth or damp sponge.

My blinds without removing from the fixtures

If you do not have the desire or the opportunity to remove the strips from the fastening, or, for example, there is simply nowhere to wash the strips separately, which is especially important for cleaning blinds in the office, do not despair. You can wash your sunscreen without removing it, and now we will tell you how to do it at home.

Rinse the horizontal slats with a wet sponge, and each strip separately, so as not to miss the remnants of dirt. From time to time, when enough dirt has accumulated on the sponge, it is worth rinsing it. You can also pre-use a vacuum cleaner, removing all the dust before actually starting to wash. You can also avoid streaks in a fairly simple way - just wipe the strips with a dry cloth after you wash them.

We clean vertical stripes in the same way. Dry cleaning products are also suitable, and for dusty strips there is always a vacuum cleaner at hand that will remove the bulk of the dust, and with the help of special nozzles you can remove dust from the back of the slats.

Do you have blinds on the windows in your house? This is a very practical option. So, you also wondered how to properly care for them. How to wash horizontal blinds? How to maintain their durability during operation?

Blinds differ from curtains in their practicality, reliable protection from the sun and ease of care.

The most common way to protect your home from the hot sun is to hang blinds on your windows. They are very practical and durable in operation, are produced in a wide range and from different materials.

The most popular are horizontal blinds. They are made of plastic, wood, fabric and other materials. Accordingly, they require different care.

How to wash horizontal blinds without removing them from windows?

Of course, good housewives do not bring their blinds to a state of severe pollution and try to keep the house clean on a daily basis.

Such housewives can be advised to wash the blinds without removing them from the windows.

How to do it? Below are four possible options:

To wash the blinds, you can use household chemicals.

  1. You will need a basin of water, an antiseptic polish, rubber gloves, and a soft cotton cloth. In a bowl with a small amount of water, dissolve 1/4 of the antiseptic agent, mix well (you can use a rubber-gloved hand). Then take a rag and soak it in a bowl of solution. Half-close horizontal blinds so that they are edgewise towards you (at an angle of 90°). Gently wash them on both sides with a soft cloth. It is necessary to sort through each strip (lamellae). This is a very laborious task and will require diligence and patience. However, you will be satisfied with the result. The antiseptic cleans dirt well, and your blinds will not gather dust for a long time. At the end of the wash, they will need to be collected up and wipe the window with a clean rag so that there are no traces of polish left on it.
  2. This is the fastest and easiest way to clean your blinds without removing them from your windows. To do this, you need to purchase wet wipes for the care of office equipment in the store. With the help of these napkins blinds are put in order very quickly. It is necessary to wipe them from both sides, for which put them in the 90 ° position. No additional detergents are needed.
  3. One of the most time-consuming methods of washing is the use of soapy water. To do this, you will need a basin of water, detergents for dishes or tiles, ammonia, a soft kitchen sponge, a cotton cloth, and rubber gloves. In a bowl of water, add any detergent for washing dishes, lightly whisk into a stable foam. Add a few drops of ammonia to the soap solution. Using a soft kitchen sponge, apply soapy water to each strip of blinds on both sides. Then gently wash them with clean water using a cotton cloth. Wipe the windows with the same cloth so that soap stains do not remain on it. This method of care for the blinds is used in cases where the pollution is already significant and the dust has settled down in a rather thick layer.
  4. Manufacturers also offer to purchase related products for the care of blinds. One of these inventions is special brush-tongs. You can buy them in any supermarket. With their help, you can easily clean each panel from both sides at the same time, gently clamping it with a brush-tongs. The inner coating of the tongs has a velvet or velor base; any antiseptic agent can be easily applied to it.

It would seem, how comfortable the blinds are: they make the interior more modern and perfectly protect from the sun, but there comes a moment when they become covered with stains, greasy soot, lose their gloss and shine. That's when every housewife, who loves cleanliness in her house, puzzles over how to clean blinds especially if you've never done it before.

But do not be afraid and give up, because all the housewives have accumulated a very rich experience in washing blinds. You should only choose the most acceptable option for yourself and learn from our recommendations and videos exactly what will be most useful and effective for you. Well, fans of cleanliness, let's start scooping?

Surely, you have often thought about which blinds can be washed and which cannot. If you take a good look, then you can wash absolutely all blinds that are made of different materials, different textures and densities. Although many manufacturers do not recommend washing blinds from small wooden straws, skillful and careful housewives manage to put in order even such delicate and delicate “curtains”.

But blinds that are treated with special impregnation should not be washed with wet rags or wet cleaning methods should be applied to them, since terrible stains and smudges will form on the places of moisture droplets, so this type of blinds should be put in order with dry cleaning.

How to wash blinds from different materials?

Let's go through some of the materials that blinds are made from.

Plastic is considered the most reliable and favorable material. By and large, it doesn’t even need to be washed: just wipe it with a damp cloth or sponge, which is dipped in warm soapy water.

But fiberglass is considered the most adapted material for all types of washing. Such blinds can be washed with a damp cloth and wiped with a dry sponge, and without fear, you can carefully remove all the dust with a vacuum cleaner. What can we say, such blinds can not only be washed, they can even be washed like curtains.

Blinds with an admixture of metal materials can be perfectly washed with an ordinary damp cloth or napkin, and if they have old stains or greasy soot, then the metal surface can be easily washed with special products or soapy water.

Washing wooden blinds with large amounts of water is not recommended, and often this should not be done either, since real wood is very sensitive to moisture and, under the influence of water, can easily swell and lose its shape.

The most capricious and delicate are fabric blinds. Their manufacturers strongly recommend applying dry cleaning to them, but the fabric most often needs wet cleaning and washing.

But our resourceful and experienced housewives easily wash what cannot even be treated with water, and wash what is forbidden to wash. The secret of these women lies in the fact that you need to know how to carefully translate these tricks of washing various types of blinds into everyday life.

How to wash without removing from the windows?

There are not so many options for washing blinds: you either wash them in the air, or remove them from the window, and then wash or wash them, of course, exclusively by hand. There is no question of any delicate washing in a typewriter.

If you decide not to remove the blinds from the window, you can vacuum them thoroughly and wipe them with a damp cloth or brush.

If you prefer to do a radical wash using foam and soapy water, then be prepared for the fact that in this case only the blinds will be clean, and everything around, including walls and windows, will be completely covered with foam, soapy water and splashes.

If the painted picture did not scare you, then you can try to wash the blinds without removing them from the windows. This, of course, will take you a lot of time, but the result will undoubtedly please you.

In order to wash the horizontal blinds, it is necessary to periodically open and close them, washing each rail individually. The same can be done with vertical ones, placing each tape separately on your hand and working through the entire surface with a damp or dry cloth (depending on the material of the blinds).

options, by what means you can wash the blinds, not so much. Many housewives are content with what is in every home: you can use dishwashing detergent, soap solution or shampoo, even a weak solution with the addition of washing powder - all this is suitable for washing blinds. You can even use different sprayers to clean glass and windows, but this tool is only suitable for plastic blinds(using this option, they can not be removed from the window, because it is enough to process each rail with a piece of fabric that is impregnated with this agent).

If we talk about the options for washing blinds, then the “without removing from the window” method is suitable for dusty blinds, which should slightly refresh their appearance and wash out small dirt. Well, if your blinds have already acquired a noticeable layer of dirt or greasy soot over the years, then the option of washing without removing will not work. You either buy yourself new blinds, or remove the existing ones - and quickly into the bathroom in order to thoroughly wash them and return the lost novelty.

How to wash horizontal blinds?

When you read these recommendations, surely each of you had an idea before your eyes how to wash horizontal blinds without removing them from the window. After all, they have rather complex fastenings, and they are all fastened in different ways, since each manufacturer has its own parts for assembling and installing blinds. Not every woman will be able to cope with such a difficult task on her own, especially since you can’t always ask her husband to help with something around the house, so we have to do what we can. So, as they say, we will wash the blinds without "leaving the cash register."

To begin, consider the basic tips that are the initial stage for any of the methods that will be outlined below.

Before starting work, you should get rid of the main dust contamination, because if you start washing with soapy water right away, this can leave dirty marks on the slats of the blinds.

To do this, close the blinds, use a vacuum cleaner to gently walk over their entire surface from top to bottom, then close the blinds to the other side and do the same. Instead of a vacuum cleaner, you can use a small pressure of water, washing away all the dirt with it, first from one side, and then from the other side.

These procedures can get rid of the bulk of the dirt, and washing the blinds with soapy water after them will be much more effective.

When the blinds are assembled, it is strictly forbidden to wash them, since the use of water will only glue their slats together, after which it will be very problematic to restore them to their former state.

Before washing, carefully remove all plastic plugs that are located on the end sides of the cornice and plank. You may think that such a difficult operation is not necessary. But no, dear hostesses, if you do not want the moisture that got into the blinds to provoke metal corrosion, this must be done. And only after your blinds are completely dry, you can return these plugs to their place. Yes, and one more thing: save window cleaning, since splashes and soap stains will fall on the glass anyway.

So, our determined housewives, let's start a short excursion on the main recommendations on how to wash horizontal blinds without removing them from the window:

Method 1. One of the easiest ways to clean your blinds is to use a soft brush, necessarily dry. The brush can be replaced with a small piece of sheep's wool or a paint brush. What to choose is up to you. Carefully wipe each lamella individually with the device of your choice. Of course, this method is suitable for the initial stages of pollution, since it may seem to you that the removed dust may just as well settle on another surface or return to the blinds again. That's why such dry cleaning is best done in a room where the sun's rays fall, and with an open window: so you will see that the dust goes safely outside.

To wash horizontal blinds, so as not to remove them from the window, many markets offer special tongs, which are equipped on both sides with a fiber cloth. The fibrous surface can be moistened with water or a small amount of an antistatic agent can be injected. This will perfectly help to absorb the settled dust and will not allow it to return to the places of "deployment" for some time. These tongs are the perfect invention for horizontal blinds that you don't want to remove from the window, because in one motion, you wash the blind slats on both sides.

Method 2. This method is suitable for washing horizontal blinds made of plastic or plastic material. Without removing the blinds from the window, wipe each slat on both sides with a damp cloth or napkin. In a basin, dilute a small amount of washing powder or other suitable detergent in warm water, soak a cloth or sponge in the solution and proceed to wash the horizontal blinds. After processing all the rails, wipe them again, but with clean water, in which you can add a small amount of vinegar(This will add shine to the plastic blinds). The use of fluffy cloth is not recommended. so that there are no small villi left on the blinds after washing. This method is perfect if your blinds are slightly dirty.

Well, if they have old stains or a greasy coating or soot, then it will be great to wash them using the following method.

Method 3. Pour hot water into the basin, into which we add dishwashing detergent and laundry soap, beat well until a thick and dense foam is formed. Then we take a large rag, moisten it abundantly in soapy water and grab the foam. We wipe each lamella of horizontal blinds. This solution is suitable for plastic and plastic blinds. If old greasy stains do not lend themselves to a regular rag, take a hard sponge, pour a little washing powder on it and rub the heavily soiled area. After washing with cleaning products, thoroughly rinse the entire area of ​​your blinds. It would be nice, of course, to try to remove the horizontal blinds and wash them in the bathroom, but you can do just fine without that too. Using this method will help you to effectively remove such contaminants without removing the window blinds.

Method 4. We collect about five liters of water into the basin, into which we add an agent that has an antistatic effect. This procedure is best done with rubber gloves, over which put on cloth gloves. Take a small piece of gauze or a soft porous sponge and carefully wipe each rail individually with this solution, gently holding it on both sides. Thanks to the antistatic, dust will not settle on your blinds for a long time. Regardless of the option that you choose to wash the blinds, you can wipe them with this product at any time, in order to start washing them soon.

Method 5. You can, of course, collect basins of water, make soapy solutions, or you can just relax a little and go out into the fresh air, take a leisurely walk to the store and buy special wipes that are designed to care for office equipment. Close your horizontal blinds, lean them a little against the window and wipe each strip with these napkins, changing the napkin for a new one as it gets dirty. As a result, your blinds will not have any stains and streaks after soapy water, and metal corrosion will never occur.

Thanks to these simple tips, you can easily wash horizontal blinds without removing them from the window. Now you can safely share these recommendations with your girlfriends, and they will be delighted to wonder how you managed to return the shine and former novelty to your blinds.

How to clean vertical blinds?

This type of blinds is more often used in schools or offices, but sometimes it is also found in apartments, which are characterized by a restrained elegance of style. It is their hostesses who are overtaken by the question: “How to wash vertical blinds at home?”.

Washing vertical blinds is much easier than horizontal blinds because their strips do not stick together.

So, let's start replenishing your already rich knowledge base with valuable and necessary experience on how to wash vertical blinds at home. You need to start with general recommendations.

Before starting wet cleaning, the blinds must be closed and thoroughly vacuumed in order to collect a significant amount of dust, and you will have to change the water much less frequently when washing. The slats must be moved to one side, and the blinds must be removed and rolled up. We collect enough water in the bathroom so that vertical blinds can be immersed in it. We fall asleep in warm water half a glass of washing powder and a little dishwashing detergent (you can add a little shampoo, which will create a dense foam). We immerse the blinds in the bathroom, let them lie down a little - this will enable the accumulated dirt to fall behind well. Then, with a soft cloth or a porous sponge, wipe each vertical strip. After that, we lower the soapy water and proceed to the "shower procedures". Rinse the blinds several times with a jet of water, hang them on the shower bar, let them dry completely, only after that you can return them to their place.

There are some more effective tips on how to wash vertical blinds at home. Explore them and choose the most suitable for you:

Method 1. It is necessary to take a large rag or a large piece of gauze fabric, which will absorb all the moisture as much as possible. Close the vertical blinds and spray the entire surface with window cleaner, leave for five minutes, let it work. Then wipe each strip from top to bottom.

Method 2. You are just lucky if you have your own house with a private yard. This will play into your hands when washing vertical blinds. Remove them and hang them on a fence or any crossbar. Take a hose for watering and under a large jet of water mercilessly wash off all the dirt from both sides. If you decide to clean your blinds in the summer, this is a great way to frolic with the kids while escaping the unbearable heat. After this procedure, wipe the blinds with a dry cloth or piece of gauze, they will perfectly absorb moisture.

Method 3. This method is great for wooden and bamboo blinds with small slats. Because these blinds absolutely cannot be washed with water, you can remove dust from them with the help of feather brushes, a dry soft brush or a vacuum cleaner. To remove stubborn dirt from vertical wooden blinds, use special products that are designed to care for wood.

Method 4. This washing method is great for fabric vertical blinds. Do not forget the fact that fabric blinds require more frequent processing than aluminum and plastic. The material from which these blinds are made is treated with a special impregnation, so they should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. But if your fabric blinds are heavily soiled, you can wash them. You ask how? There is still a secret to washing fabric blinds. To do this, remove each slat, carefully roll it into a roll, place it in a bag for washing delicate items, while remove the chain from the blinds. First you need to prepare the bathroom by filling it with warm water and adding washing powder. Immerse bags with fabric vertical blinds into it and leave for an hour and a half. At the end of this time, carefully remove the blinds and rinse thoroughly with water. Without squeezing them, return them to their place, let them acquire their former shape.

Well, having replenished your arsenal with these tricks and valuable tips, washing vertical blinds at home will no longer be a nightmare for you, but will become an easy and carefree task.

Blinds provide better sun protection than traditional curtains and curtains. They are compact, easy to use and fit into any interior. The disadvantage of a useful invention is rapid pollution. Dust settles daily on horizontal slats, so alternative curtains should be washed every 2-3 weeks. What methods to use to make cleaning quick and not take a lot of time?

Paint brushes and vacuum cleaner

Wet rags, which are used to wipe off a layer of dust from plastic or wooden strips, often leave dirty streaks. You have to change the water several times, wipe the horizontal blinds with a dry cloth, and only after all the manipulations do they begin to please with perfect cleanliness.

You should arm yourself with a spray bottle with clean water and a fluffy brush. Such cleaning accessories are loved by the maids from the series about the rich and the unfortunate. A brand new long-haired paint brush or a piece of sheep's wool, which for unknown reasons ended up in the kitchen cabinet, will also do.

Use a brush to brush off a layer of dirt from horizontal blinds and at the same time moisten the air from the spray gun so that dust particles floating in the air settle with water droplets on the floor, and do not return to the lamellas.

A simpler option is a vacuum cleaner with a small nozzle for caring for upholstered furniture. You can use the husband's accessory, which he bought for his beloved car. The vacuum cleaner should move from the upper bars to the lower ones, gradually removing dirt. No dust in the air, and cleaning with such a unit will take a few minutes.

Making it easy
You will need several pieces of soft cloth that you do not mind throwing away or putting on a floor cloth. If nothing old and unnecessary was at hand, napkins designed to combat dust on various surfaces will come in handy.

Pour soap solution into a bottle equipped with a spray bottle. It is prepared from detergent, powder or shavings from laundry soap. Combine any ingredient with water, carefully chop and apply to wash the blinds. The alternative is not to bother and buy a special tool designed for windows.

  1. Blinds should be set to "Sun protection" to make it easier to clean the slats.
  2. Spray a small area with a spray bottle until it is slightly damp but not wet.
  3. Walk on a plastic or wooden strip with a prepared rag. The fabric should not be washed or wet, so it should be used sparingly to cover all or several windows.
  4. When one side of the blinds becomes perfectly clean and slightly dry, they are turned over and the manipulation with the spray gun is repeated.

It is recommended to finish cleaning by washing the window, because droplets of the solution fall on the glass, forming stains. You can use the same solution and a rag designed for blinds, so as not to complicate your life.

Option for lazy housewives

You don't have to spend half a day making alternative curtains look clean. In a handbag there is always a package of wet wipes or baby wipes. Suitable varieties for household appliances or telephone.

It is advisable to vacuum, and then arm yourself with napkins and gently wipe each slat. Blinds should be open so that the strip can be captured from two sides at once. This will speed up the cleaning process.

Move from the eaves to the windowsill, trying not to leave stains. If necessary, you should finish the mini-cleaning with a piece of dry cloth so that the surface of the blinds becomes perfectly clean, without the slightest hint of dust.

It seems that a wet wipe was not enough? The slats look terrible, so you can’t do without soapy water and a sponge? We'll have to put on rubber gloves, get a basin and a couple of fleece rags.

You can prepare a solution from dishwashing detergent, which will remove grease, dirt, and stains of unknown origin. Dilute a few drops with water, stir thoroughly so that foam forms on the surface, and proceed to cleaning. Additionally, you will need a bucket or other container with clean liquid without additives and a napkin.

  • Blinds must be closed.
  • With a sponge dipped in soapy water, gently walk over the surface of the lamellas, removing dirt.
  • Get rid of soap stains with a damp cloth, which is dipped in clean water.
  • Go over the blinds with a dry cloth, soaking up the remaining liquid.

Important: It is not advised to leave the slats wet. The metal parts on which they are held become rusty due to water, so the blinds do not open and close well, and quickly fail.

After the procedure, you will have to take care of the windows without fail, because the soapy solution leaves muddy stains on the glass, from which an ordinary rag will not help.

Water treatments for blinds

If the slats are covered with a thick layer of dirt and grease, which a soap solution and a sponge can not cope with, you can take alternative curtains to the bathroom. Warm water and strong pressure are an excellent remedy for dust and other delights.

To separate the blinds from the window, press on the brackets, and then pull the plastic or wooden fixture down. The slats must be closed. Carefully straighten the alternative curtains so that they do not fold anywhere. Remove plugs, weights and other parts that are afraid of water.

Hang a plastic sheet over the bathtub, directing a strong jet of water at it. You can gently run a sponge over the lamellas to wash off the dust. The next step is to prepare a soap solution from a powder or detergent. Dirty blinds are soaked in it for several hours, after which they are washed a second time with tap water.

Wipe alternative curtains with a dry cloth so that no water stains remain on the surface. Hang and straighten, it is advisable to use a hair dryer to speed up the drying of the slats. Return the plugs to their place, install the blinds back on the windows, not forgetting to wash the cornice and window sill.

Tip: You can not resort to this method too often, otherwise the metal parts become corroded, and the service life is reduced.

The swivel mechanism of the slats after bathing should be treated with silicone grease so that it functions better.

Preventive measures

In order not to have to wash the dust from the blinds every week, after washing, treat the alternative curtains with an antistatic agent. A special product or a few milliliters of fabric softener will do. In a small amount of water, dilute the polish and antistatic agent in equal parts, pour the liquid into a spray bottle and be sure to wear rubber gloves.

Use a soft cloth or sponge. An alternative is cotton gloves worn over rubber ones. The solution is applied either on the lamellae or on a napkin. The product is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the blinds, and then carefully rubbed until the plates are dry. Antistatic does not allow dust to settle, so a useful invention will remain clean for a long time.

How to clean wood or fabric blinds

Plastic slats look ordinary, somewhat reminiscent of an office, so some people prefer to decorate windows with wooden or fabric varieties. They can not be bathed in the bathroom, treated with soap solutions or cleaning products.

Fabric options should be vacuumed or dusted with a brush. Jacquard varieties or with photo printing are trusted only by professionals. If the instructions say that the blinds can be washed, you should carefully remove them from the window, release them from the fittings and roll them up. Fill a basin with water and dilute a little soap there. Dip alternative curtains in the liquid for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water and dry on a flat surface covered with a cloth. Be sure to shake after bathing and straighten. It is recommended to wash fabric blinds no more than once a year so that they do not lose color.

Wooden varieties are vacuumed or wiped with wet wipes. No water, otherwise they will deform.

Fabric blinds can be treated with a steam cleaner wrapped in a sheet. This method is suitable for varieties that are allowed to be washed. High temperatures disinfect, and steam cleans the lamellas from dust particles.

Caring for blinds is easier than it might seem at first glance. It is enough to wipe them with napkins and vacuum so that you do not have to remove them from the windows, wash and soak.

Video: how to quickly wash horizontal blinds