Why pregnant women should not fly. Pregnancy and air travel. Flight choice: Skip the long flights

We all often fly on airplanes - on a business trip, to visit, on vacation. This event is common for most people and, as a rule, does not evoke any emotions. Some people get stuffy ears during takeoff and landing, others feel a little nauseous. This condition passes quickly, leaving no consequences.

The possibility of flying is different for pregnant women. Especially if the birth of a child is a long-awaited event, and the expectant mother is anxious about her well-being, afraid of losing her baby. When pregnancy has only recently begun, and the woman has not had time to consult a gynecologist, the flight raises concerns. For such mothers, we will answer whether it is possible to fly in the early stages of pregnancy.

Flying during pregnancy

If a woman feels well during pregnancy, pregnancy proceeds without complications, and you can fly on airplanes. There are no irreparable consequences.

But there are contraindications for flying in this condition. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the doctor before the flight and undergo an examination. Most often, it will be enough to do an ultrasound and clinical tests.

You cannot fly in the following cases:

  • The pregnant woman began to have slight bloody or bloody discharge, and her lower abdomen hurts, which indicates a threat of miscarriage.
  • Suspicion of placental abruption.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of internal organs associated with pregnancy (preeclampsia and preeclampsia). Frequent symptoms are the occurrence of edema, increased blood pressure, and the presence of protein in the urine.
  • Bleeding. At the very beginning, you need to call an ambulance.
  • Severe anemia, in which there is an acute lack of hemoglobin in the blood.

In the absence of these symptoms during pregnancy, a woman can fly on airplanes with the same restrictions as women in the normal state. A flying passenger of any gender should not suffer from exacerbation of chronic diseases. Also, passengers at altitude increase the risk of thromboembolism; drying of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose can occur. Due to the large number of people on board, there is a danger of contracting an infectious disease transmitted by coughing, sneezing, or simply by talking. This danger also threatens when traveling on the subway, when visiting shops, cinemas, and so on.

If a woman during pregnancy takes measures to avoid contracting an infection and adheres to the flight rules, she can fly on an airplane without fear.

If the flight is for the purpose of relaxing at sea, in the fresh air, this pastime will benefit both mother and child.

The World Health Organization has issued clear recommendations on contraindications to air travel for women during pregnancy. Experts from this organization do not advise flying in the following cases:

  1. The gestation period is more than 36 weeks, when the mother is expecting one baby.
  2. The pregnancy period is more than 32 weeks, when a woman should give birth to twins.
  3. Flights are prohibited in the 1st week after the birth of the child.
  4. Pregnancy comes with complications. Toxicosis is also a complication.

Doctors prohibit flying with placenta previa - when the placenta partially or completely covers the uterine os. The symptom may be bleeding without accompanying pain. You are not allowed to fly if you have preeclampsia or severe anemia. With such complications, you cannot fly in any life situation. The risk for the woman and the fetus is too great.

There are situations when, in urgent need, flights are allowed. But a woman should be careful as there is some risk of miscarriage.

  • There is a threat of premature birth or miscarriage.
  • Placental abruption is possible.
  • Moderate anemia was diagnosed.
  • Non-standard structure of the placenta, its low location in the mother’s body.
  • The position of the fetus from the 28th to the 40th week differs from normal.
  • Second half of pregnancy when expecting twins.
  • Vaginal discharge with blood at any stage.
  • Carrying out a biopsy a week - 10 days before the flight and other methods of invasive examination.
  • Severe toxicosis with uncontrollable vomiting.
  • Swelling, increased blood pressure.
  • Thrombophlebitis before pregnancy.
  • Suspicion of diabetes mellitus.
  • Constant increase in blood pressure.
  • Insufficiency of the cervix, leading to spontaneous miscarriages.
  • Infectious diseases in pregnant women.
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  • Pregnancy achieved through artificial insemination.
  • Previously operated uterus.

If you have the above conditions, you can fly only if absolutely necessary.

Risks of air travel

However, it is not only a serious condition that prohibits flights for women during pregnancy. Doctors are also worried about their patient because this flight can affect not only the well-being of the mother, but also the baby itself. Let's consider what causes a negative attitude among specialists towards this method of transportation and what can be expected.

Pressure drops

Pregnant women are acutely aware of changes in environmental pressure. This is understandable, since changes in pressure can have a tonic effect on the uterus and cause premature birth.

The uterus is especially sensitive during takeoff and landing. And during these periods, the mother develops an unaccountable instinctive fear, because she understands that in the event of a birth on an airplane, there will be no obstetrician or pediatric intensive care specialists nearby, and it is difficult to predict how an important event for her will end.

Regarding turbulence zones, it can be noted that shaking and swaying of an airplane can cause discomfort to both an ordinary passenger and a pregnant woman. This may cause nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. But they will not bring significant harm to a pregnant woman and her fetus.

You can calculate the likelihood of premature birth using an ultrasound examination. This is affected by the length of the cervix. The doctor will tell the pregnant woman whether she should take the risk.

In addition, it is not for nothing that some airlines have introduced restrictions on the transportation of women in the later stages of pregnancy and on those women who have suffered premature birth before. Apparently there have already been unpleasant incidents.

Lack of oxygen

Women with a baby in the womb are afraid that when they fly to high altitudes, the plane will have less oxygen than their fetus needs. Swiss scientists conducted research and found that mild hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the mother’s blood) for a short time does not have a negative effect on the development of the embryo. Moms don't have to worry. But this only applies to healthy pregnant women. If a pregnant woman suffers from anemia, it is extremely important for her to constantly inhale a sufficient amount of oxygen.

Probability of thrombosis and thromboembolism

The risk of developing thrombosis (blood clots in the deep veins) increases significantly even during a normal flight lasting more than 4 hours. In pregnant women it increases 5 times. And if you look at the statistics, thromboembolism even on earth occurs more often in women expecting a child than in people in normal conditions.

To avoid this complication, you must follow several rules during flight:

  1. Do exercises for the legs - strain and relax the muscles of the legs alternately for 10 minutes per hour.
  2. Drink water or juice more often, give up coffee.
  3. Every hour, walk around the salon for 10 minutes.
  4. Put on anti-varicose compression stockings in advance, designed to prevent the disease.

If the expectant mother has prerequisites for the disease - excess weight (close to 100 kg), carrying twins, she must undergo medical training before the flight. The doctor will prescribe you the necessary drug intramuscularly, which is administered only 1 time. You can start taking 75 mg Aspirin on your own a few days before the flight, but this is less effective protection.


On earth at sea level, everyone is exposed to cosmic radiation, but people are protected from it by a thick layer of atmosphere. However, each person receives as many x-rays per year as if examined with 2 x-rays.

At the altitude of the aircraft, the layer of atmosphere is much smaller, and there is less protection from radiation. But research by scientists says that during a 7-hour flight at a normal airplane altitude, passengers receive 2.5 times less x-rays than in a clinic during a chest examination. This dose of x-ray does not affect the development of the fetus of the expectant mother. Although pilots who are constantly in the air receive as many X-rays as if they were working in an area of ​​increased radiation.

The metal detector frame at the airport, which protects passengers from terrorist attacks, operates using a very weak magnetic field, which has no effect on health.

Dry air on an airplane

Air that is too dry during a flight can cause dehydration. This is very easy to avoid. Every hour you need to drink half a liter of still water or juice. Tea and coffee will not help with dehydration.

The lack of moisture in the air also dries out the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. Swelling of the mucous membrane may appear, making breathing difficult. To combat this phenomenon, you need to moisten the mucous membrane with a solution of sea salt in water (Aqua-Maris), instill vasoconstrictor drops into your nose, and wipe your face with a damp cloth. Antihistamines will help against edema, which must be prescribed by a doctor in advance (Suprastin and others).

Infectious hazard

Since people who suffer from acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and other diseases transmitted by droplets often fly on an airplane, they exhale their bacteria and viruses into the aircraft cabin. Bacteria also accumulate in cabin air conditioners, the filters of which are not changed before every flight. Therefore, pregnant women with weakened immune systems are advised to take protective measures against infection - wear a medical mask over their nose and mouth.

How to behave in flight?

Preparing for a flight for a pregnant woman should begin on the ground with a visit to the doctor. If the doctor has approved the flight, you must:

  • Dress in comfortable, non-constricting clothes and shoes without heels that can be put on and taken off without using your hands, without bending over.
  • Wear anti-varicose socks or stockings on your feet.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a medical bandage to prevent infections.
  • Take your time when entering the salon, be the last one to enter.
  • Do not sit cross-legged.
  • Do exercises for the muscles of the legs.
  • Drink half a liter of water or juice every hour.
  • After every 50 minutes, walk around the salon for 10 minutes.
  • When the pilot asks you to fasten your seat belt, fasten it under your stomach.
  • If you have the financial means, fly business class.
  • Take small pillows on the flight that you can place under your back to create the most comfortable position for yourself.
  • Take drops and nasal spray (Aqua Maris, Glazolin, etc.) on the flight.
  • Buy and take wet wipes on the flight.
  • Ask your doctor in advance to prescribe a motion sickness remedy for pregnant women and take it with you.
  • To prevent blocked ears during takeoff and landing, buy and take lollipops with you.
  • Do not drink coffee or tea.
  • Don’t forget your exchange card, which shows your gestational age, blood type, and Rh factor. Place it next to you on the plane along with the phone number of relatives to contact in case of pregnancy complications.

By taking these precautions, you can fly on vacation. Breathing iodized air and swimming in the warm sea is beneficial for mother and baby.

When is the best time to fly?

Flying in the early stages of pregnancy is fraught with trouble. It is recommended to travel from the 4th to the 6th month of pregnancy. At this time, miscarriage is least likely.

There is also advice from doctors when it is not necessary to fly on an airplane - this is from 3 to 7 weeks, from 9 to 12, from 18 to 22. It is also not worth planning a flight on those days when a woman would have her period during the period of non-pregnancy. Such periods are associated with the development of the baby’s internal organs and life support systems - circulatory, nervous, bone, endocrine. If the flight affects the formation of organs that will not develop properly, a miscarriage may occur.

Doctors consider it possible to fly in the last three months of pregnancy. But some airlines, whose employees do not want to deliver babies in the air, often require women more than 28 weeks pregnant to provide a certificate from a gynecologist stating that she is not at risk of premature birth.

To reassure women, it is still worth clarifying that flight attendants are taught to deliver babies, although they are not too willing to do this.

In most cases, air travel does not have a negative impact on pregnancy, unless there are chronic diseases and. An unfavorable time for travel is considered to be the first trimester, when the likelihood is increased, and the third, when the risk of placental abruption and premature birth is increased. Recent studies have proven that in the absence of complications, you can fly on an airplane at any stage of pregnancy. It must be remembered that each woman's pregnancy proceeds in her own way, so it is important to consult with the attending physician before flying.

Is it dangerous to fly by plane in the first weeks of pregnancy?

In some cases, doctors recommend not flying in the first trimester of pregnancy, as at this time a woman's body undergoes hormonal changes. During the flight, the likelihood of feeling unwell and fatigue increases, and headache often occurs. According to many gynecologists, air travel during the first trimester can be one of the factors that can cause. Long flights can worsen the condition, and pressure drops during takeoff and landing can negatively affect the fetus, and experts believe that it is better to refrain from them. However, there are no conclusive studies on the dangers of air travel during this period.

What are the dangers of pressure changes during takeoff and landing?

The rapid change in barometric pressure during takeoff and landing causes abrupt vasoconstriction, which can adversely affect the fetus, and in severe cases even cause placental abruption. Reduced atmospheric pressure in the cabin of an aircraft at high altitude can cause hypoxia: the lower the pressure, the worse the blood is supplied with oxygen. This increases the risk of oxygen starvation of body tissues, and hence the fetus. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, short-term hypoxic effects are usually not harmful, but can worsen the condition - therefore, if long air travel is necessary, it is better to refrain from them or consult your doctor.

Why do you often get a runny nose on an airplane?

Due to the ventilation system, the air on the plane is quite dry, and the nasal mucosa, which is especially prone to swelling during pregnancy, can dry out, creating a feeling of stuffiness. It is possible that a pregnant woman will develop a runny nose or sore throat on the plane. If you moisturize the air and face with a spray of mineral water, drink enough fluids and use vasoconstrictor nasal drops, dry air is easier to bear. For allergic rhinitis, doctors recommend that pregnant women take an antihistamine before flying to reduce discomfort from pressure changes during takeoff and landing. The medicine helps relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and smoothly equalize pressure in the nasal cavity and ear, reduces the effect of ear congestion. However, there are a lot of medications in this class, so you should consult your doctor about their choice.

Can air travel cause varicose veins to worsen?

Varicose veins are a common problem during pregnancy. Sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, especially during takeoff and landing, can cause poor blood circulation and contraction of blood vessels, which, in turn, aggravates the manifestations of varicose veins - especially if the pregnancy is threatening miscarriage and the woman is taking hormonal medications.

Until what period is air travel safe for pregnant women?

Previously, it was believed that during a normal pregnancy, without complications, traveling by plane is safe until 33–34 weeks (up to 32 weeks), if this does not contradict the rules of the chosen airline. Recent studies have shown that flying is safe at any stage of uncomplicated pregnancy, provided that general precautions are taken and recommendations are followed: the woman avoids immobility and cramped conditions, and drinks enough fluids.

Can an airline refuse to allow a pregnant woman to board a plane?

According to the internal rules of many airlines, a woman after 30 weeks may be asked to present an exchange card and a doctor’s certificate of satisfactory health indicating the stage of pregnancy when checking in for a flight. She may also be asked to sign a guarantee agreement, which stipulates that the airline is not responsible for possible adverse consequences. Aeroflot requires such a certificate for a period exceeding 36 weeks.

What should I do to make the flight comfortable?

Sometimes a woman's well-being can worsen due to nervousness: tension can cause uterine hypertonicity, headaches. It is better to be careful when choosing a flight: the schedule of regular flights is more predictable than charter flights; they are less likely to be canceled or rescheduled. When checking in for a flight, you can ask for a seat in the front row or next to the emergency exits, where it is more spacious. There is more turbulence at the end of the cabin, and this too should not be overlooked. Staying in one position for a long time can cause swelling of the legs, pain in the lower back and neck. A woman can avoid this by walking around the salon or changing her position in the chair more often. It is better to avoid large crowds of people, it is recommended to get on the plane closer to the end of the announced landing. Many airlines offer an individual pre-booking service, and this is worth taking advantage of. If a flight is necessary, it is better to use business class services.

What to do if labor starts on an airplane?

There are known cases of successful births during a flight. If labor begins when the flight is about to end, the crew contacts the arrival city dispatcher, and the woman is taken straight from the ramp to . As a rule, flight attendants accompanying a flight are trained in first aid, and in the event of a rapid labor, they will be able to help a woman give birth to a child right on board the plane. It is still necessary to remember the possible risks, so the Ministry of Health and most obstetricians and gynecologists strongly recommend against air travel beyond 36 weeks.

Can pregnant women fly on an airplane?

Let's say right away - pregnant women can use air transport. But, as in many everyday matters, expectant mothers need to take their position into account and exercise reasonable caution.

When deciding on a trip, talk to your doctor. If your pregnancy is proceeding without any difficulties, you have already passed the first trimester, but the birth is still far away, most likely, the doctor will only wish you a safe journey. In another case, he will either advise how best to prepare for the flight, or recommend using other transport.

How long can pregnant women fly on an airplane?

The Ministry of Health and most obstetricians and gynecologists recommend against air travel beyond 36 weeks.

After 30 weeks, you need to have an exchange card and a certificate from a doctor stating that you are in satisfactory health, indicating the duration of your pregnancy. You may be asked for these documents when checking in for your flight.

You may also be asked to sign a letter of guarantee, which states that the airline declines responsibility for possible adverse consequences during the flight.

What is the safest time to fly during pregnancy?

There is an opinion that as a result of flying in the first trimester, fetal development abnormalities or the threat of miscarriage may occur. There is currently no reliable data confirming this. But, following the saying “There is no smoke without fire,” some doctors advise women to refrain from flying during this period and believe that it is best to fly in the second trimester, the calmest.

What else causes concern among doctors when it comes to pregnant women?

Firstly, there is an assumption that pressure changes during a flight can provoke premature rupture of the membranes, in other words, premature birth. Experiences caused by fear of flying and fear of heights can also lead to this.

Secondly, insufficient oxygen content in the air in the cabin can negatively affect the condition of the fetus, especially if the expectant mother already has any problems (for example, pathology of the placenta, anemia).

Thirdly, sitting for a long time in a chair that is not very comfortable and not suitable for pregnant women can negatively affect the blood circulation of the legs and increase the manifestations of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. In the aircraft cabin, where ventilation is carried out artificially, very often there is an increased temperature and/or significant dryness of the air. The consequence of this can be a significant loss of moisture in the body. And finally, there is, although hypothetical, a danger associated with solar radiation when flying at significant altitudes.

The listed facts will not play any role for the vast majority of pregnant women, but childbirth in the air still happens, and women are unlikely to plan this in advance...

10 ways to make your flight as comfortable as possible

  1. On the plane, the most comfortable seats are in business class (wide seats, increased distance between rows), in the first row of economy class (increased distance between the seat and the inter-cabin partition), followed by aisle seats in the first rows of economy in terms of comfort for a pregnant woman -classroom (it’s easier to go out into the corridor there).
  2. Most airlines, including Aeroflot, have introduced a smoking ban, so the air on planes has become cleaner. But, since the air flow in them goes from nose to tail, the last rows of the plane are still undesirable for pregnant women.
  3. If flying is stressful for you, provide yourself with a sedative approved for use in pregnant women in advance.
  4. Flights lasting several hours are difficult due to the forced immobility for all passengers, not to mention pregnant women. Stagnation of blood in the legs, which accompanies such flights, is fraught with the formation of swelling of the legs, exacerbation of thrombophlebitis, and varicose veins. Therefore, before your flight, take a walk around the airport, it is advisable to enter the drive last so as not to be there for too long. During the flight, from time to time, take a break from interesting reading or an entertaining conversation and walk along the corridor. While sitting in a chair, periodically stretch your legs, bending them at the ankle and knee joints.
  5. On the day of the flight, you must drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid; It is better to distribute it as follows: 0.5 liters before landing, 0.5 liters during the flight and 0.5 liters after landing. These measures will help balance the volume of circulating blood and reduce the risk of disruption of blood flow in small vessels during sudden changes in atmospheric pressure during the climb and descent of the aircraft.
  6. It is better to choose loose clothing for the flight, made from natural fabrics: for example, a light knitted suit or a cotton sundress. Constrictive clothing can further reduce blood flow during a flight.
  7. It is preferable to fasten the seat belt under the stomach.
  8. Take it with you on the plane or buy it on board special pillows for your neck, and a blanket, which the flight attendant will give you at your request, can be placed under your lower back. These measures will prevent neck and back pain.
  9. If you get thirsty, don’t hesitate to ask the flight attendant for “extra” mineral water or juice.
  10. Immediately before takeoff, it is better to take an anti-sickness remedy, since during pregnancy, problems with the vestibular system during a flight are much more likely to occur, even if they did not exist before. For the expectant mother, medications for children under 3 years of age are suitable - they are not dangerous to the fetus.

Sometimes you have to adapt to the modern pace of life. In many cases, this also applies to pregnant women. Circumstances arise when air travel is required. Often, the expectant mother fears this. After all, even doctors don’t have a consensus. Some say that traveling on an airplane is not particularly dangerous. Other experts are confident that flying can trigger premature birth. To avoid being at risk, you need to know about all the nuances.

Is it possible to fly in early pregnancy?

The safest time to fly is 1 and 2 weeks after conception. Then a very important period begins for the unborn baby - at 3 and 4 weeks, the formation of its internal organs occurs. Therefore, at this time, doctors categorically prohibit the expectant mother from flying.

It is worth considering air tourism carefully throughout the first trimester. It is not advisable to use the services of airlines in certain weeks under the number:

  • 9-12.

At this time, the internal organs and vital systems of the unborn child are also laid and formed. If something goes wrong, the fetus will not be viable, which means the pregnancy may be terminated.

The safest time in the first trimester is weeks 7 to 8.

Air travel in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters

If the first trimester is successful, the risk of miscarriage is reduced.

information The most favorable time for air travel is when the baby’s internal organs are already formed, and the woman’s body is accustomed to pregnancy.

In addition, the likelihood of premature labor contractions in this trimester is minimal. However, there is a time when it is still better to refrain from flying. These are weeks from 18 to 22. They are dangerous because the likelihood of late miscarriage increases.

Ambiguous. This includes weeks from 28 to 36. So, you can fly if the attending physician has not identified any contraindications. However, some airlines are wary of pregnant passengers.

important Therefore, after 28 weeks, many air carriers may require a certificate from a doctor, in which he confirms that there are no contraindications. This document must be received a week before the trip. Many companies will not take on board a pregnant woman who is about to give birth.

It is also worth considering that each woman has individual dates of increased risk. These are the days of the expected menstruation, which should have occurred if not for pregnancy. During these few days you need to refrain from any stress.

Possible risks for pregnant women during air travel

  1. Exacerbation of toxicosis - due to sudden changes in atmospheric pressure. It is especially noticeable during takeoff and landing. There is an opinion that this can provoke labor, placental abruption and loss of amniotic fluid;
  2. Hypoxia is a lack of oxygen due to its decrease. This can cause your ears to become blocked. However, this fact does not pose any serious danger to the health of the mother and fetus;
  3. Increased background radiation - on an airplane, a person is indeed exposed to a certain dose of radiation, but its amount does not exceed the norm. If you don’t overuse flights, nothing bad will happen;
  4. Thrombosis, stagnation of blood flow - flight aggravates the listed ailments. For many pregnant women, this problem exists in everyday life. Moreover, in flight. Exacerbations occur due to a long stay in a chair and pressure changes. Overweight pregnant women are especially at risk.
  5. Sore throat and - expectant mothers are subject to frequent swelling and dryness of the mucous membrane. The dry air on board an airplane can make these feelings worse. But discomfort can be minimized by drinking plenty of water;
  6. Premature labor pains due to.

Contraindications for flying for pregnant women

It is better to avoid traveling by plane if there are the following contraindications:

  • anemia;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • threat of placental abruption and miscarriage;
  • heart and lung diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • neurological diseases.

In order for the flight to be successful, it is better for a pregnant woman to adhere to certain rules:

  • clothes should be comfortable and spacious;
  • You need to choose a place closer to the aisle so that from time to time you can change the sitting position to walking;
  • there must be a special pillow for the neck;
  • Before a flight, you should not eat food that causes gas formation;
  • during the flight you need to drink a lot of liquid - except for soda and coffee;
  • Be sure to fasten your seat belt under your stomach;
  • Compression tights are recommended to reduce the risk of developing vascular diseases;
  • Before traveling, you should visit a gynecologist.

Good to know

In any case, a flight for an expectant mother is unpredictable. You need to be prepared for emergency situations. Including bleeding. If this happens during a flight, the woman needs to call the flight attendant. In turn, she must look for a medical worker among the passengers or provide first aid herself:

  • The pregnant woman should be placed on her back, with her legs higher than her head;
  • You need to apply something cold under the lower abdomen, for example, ice;
  • the pilot should be immediately informed about the emergency - he must select an airport for an emergency landing, where the woman will receive the necessary medical care.

So, an airplane is a certain risk for a pregnant woman. Before you go on such a trip, you need to take into account the nuances and weigh the pros and cons. If it is possible to use other transport, it is better not to risk it.

Many people plan to travel by air during pregnancy - vacations, business trips, studies... But the question arises:

How safe is it to fly while pregnant, what difficulties and risks can there be for a pregnant woman and how can they be avoided? This note was compiled based on the recommendations of doctors from the Royal Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (UK) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (USA) for pregnant women. This note will be useful to you if you are planning air travel during pregnancy. But if you are a crew member, or frequent flights are part of your work, then you should additionally consult a doctor.

Will flying harm me or my baby?

There is no evidence that flying can harm you or your unborn baby if the pregnancy proceeds without any complications.

Many women feel anxious about their upcoming flight due to the state of the air inside the plane - lower atmospheric pressure and reduced humidity. There are also concerns that the flight may trigger the onset of labor or cause rupture of amniotic fluid.

However, if you are healthy and the pregnancy proceeds without complications, there is no evidence that changes in atmospheric pressure and/or decreases in air humidity can harm the baby and there is no evidence that flying can cause premature birth or rupture of amniotic fluid

Radiation level during flight

During any flight, the amount of radiation affecting you increases slightly. Currently, occasional flights are not considered to be any significant risk for a pregnant woman and her unborn baby.

The International Commission on Radiological Protection recommends a maximum annual radiation dose of 1 millisievert (mSv) (100 rem) for all people and 1 mSv for the entire forty years of pregnancy. Even during the longest intercontinental flight, the passenger receives a dose of no more than 15% of the specified limits. Therefore, it is unlikely that single flights will exceed the permissible limit for pregnant women. However, this fact must be taken into account if you are a member of an aircraft crew or fly frequently.

What is the safest time to fly while pregnant?

During pregnancy, the safest time to fly is:

  • up to 37 weeks , if you are expecting one baby and the pregnancy proceeds without complications, starting from 37 weeks of pregnancy the likelihood of labor beginning significantly increases, a number of airlines do not allow women to fly after 37 weeks of pregnancy, others do not allow flights at earlier stages, for example, after 34 weeks
  • up to 34 weeks if you are expecting twins and the pregnancy proceeds without complications

If you are more than 28 weeks pregnant, airlines will usually ask for a medical certificate from a doctor or midwife stating your expected due date and noting that you are not at increased risk of any complications. Therefore, before booking a ticket, check the conditions for flying during pregnancy with this airline, since requirements may differ not only between different airlines, but also within the same company, depending on the duration of the flight and distance.

Is the risk of any problems increased if I travel by plane?

Sitting for long periods of time in cramped conditions may increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis,

That is, the formation of a thrombus (blood clot) in the vessels of the legs, in the calves, in the vessels of the pelvis. During pregnancy and for 6 weeks after birth, the risk of developing thrombosis is higher. There is evidence that flights longer than 8 hours may increase the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis. This is especially true in cases where there are additional risk factors (for example, there has already been thrombosis or there is obesity). Ask your doctor to check if you are at higher risk.

What can you do to reduce your risk of developing deep vein thrombosis?

If your flight is short, up to 4 hours, then most likely there is no need for any additional precautions.

To reduce the risk of developing venous thrombosis on long flights, more than 4 hours:

  • Drink water regularly throughout the flight
  • Avoid drinking carbonated drinks and drinks containing caffeine
  • Wear elastic compression hosiery, but remember that the type and size of hosiery that is right for you must be selected by your doctor
  • Regardless of the length of the flight, if you have additional risk factors for developing venous thrombosis, you may be advised to use heparin (a shot that reduces the chance of a blood clot forming) on ​​the day of the flight and for several days after. Get a doctor's note to take this medicine on board an airplane.

    Causes of discomfort during air travel may include:

    • Swelling of the legs
    • Nasal congestion, ear problems: during pregnancy there is a greater likelihood of nasal congestion, and the lower atmospheric pressure on the plane can lead to ear problems
    • Nausea during pregnancy: if you get motion sickness during flights, this can increase early toxicosis

    Do I need to wear a seat belt?

    Be sure to wear a seat belt. During flight, the aircraft may unexpectedly encounter high turbulence and there is a risk of injury. Therefore, pregnant women should remain buckled in their seats.

    Make sure the belt goes under your tummy.

    In what situations should I avoid flying?

    Some health problems can complicate pregnancy and pose certain risks to you and your unborn baby. Based on these considerations, it is advisable for you to refrain from flying if:
    • you are at risk of developing premature birth
    • you have severe anemia, which is a condition in which the level of red blood cells (RBCs) in your blood is lower than normal
    • You suffer from sickle cell anemia
    • you have recently had spotting from the genital tract
    • you have serious heart or lung disease and are having trouble breathing
    • You have recently had abdominal surgery that involved your intestines (for example, removal of your appendix)
    • you have an inflammatory disease of the ear (otitis media) or paranasal sinuses
    Before your upcoming flight, it is important to discuss your health and pregnancy complications with your doctor.

    Does the risk of a miscarriage increase during the flight?

    To date, there is no evidence that flying increases the risk of miscarriage. However, miscarriage is quite common (one in five) during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy, whether you fly or not.

    What happens if the birth comes early?

    Every pregnant woman (even in the case of an uncomplicated pregnancy) has a small chance of giving birth prematurely, or there may be a situation of premature rupture of amniotic fluid. If this happens to you during a flight, there is no guarantee that any passengers or crew members will have knowledge of obstetrics. There is no possibility on board the aircraft to provide medical assistance in case of complications. As a result, the pilot may decide to change the flight.

    The Journey of a Newborn Baby

    It is not recommended to travel earlier than 7 days after birth. Most airlines do not allow travel earlier than this, so check with the airline you wish to travel with for toddler restrictions as requirements may vary (e.g. 8 days or more).

    The main thing: in the absence of any pregnancy complications and other medical contraindications, single flights during pregnancy are safe

    So, let's make a decision

    When deciding whether to fly or not, think about your health and the possible risks you face. These questions may also help you make a decision:
    • Why do I want to fly at this particular time?
    • Do I really need to fly?
    • How long is the flight? Could it increase your risk of developing health problems?
    • How many weeks of pregnancy will there be when you travel and when you return?
    • Do I need this flight for better treatment in the country I am going to, and will it help me better cope with possible complications?
    • What medical facilities and options are available where I am traveling in case of unexpected complications?
    • Have I received all the necessary vaccinations and do I have the recommended medications for the country I am traveling to?
    • Will my insurance cover pregnancy and newborn care if I unexpectedly give birth?
    • Did I inform the doctor that I was going to take an air flight and tell him about its duration?
    If you decide to fly, remember that you must always have your exchange card with you.


    - Single flights are safe for uncomplicated pregnancies

    For the flight, wear comfortable, loose clothing made from natural materials and comfortable shoes

    Wear compression stockings to reduce the risk of vascular complications on flights longer than 4 hours (compression stockings should be selected by a doctor)

    Choose an aisle seat, walk around the cabin every 30 minutes

    Drink more water, but avoid sodas and coffee

    Eat small portions

    While in your seat, fasten your seat belts, fasten the seat belt under your stomach!

    Before flying, talk to your doctor about using low molecular weight heparin if you have additional risk factors for deep vein thrombosis.

    Always take with you and keep with you (not in your luggage) an exchange card, as well as a note in which the names and telephone numbers (in international format) of loved ones and your blood type are written

    Travel with a friend or relative who can help you if necessary

    Try not to fly a month before the expected birth and 7 days after the birth

    Here are the requirements for pregnant women by various airlines

    This information is from airline websites as of June 12, 2012, it may change, so before booking a ticket, check the information with the airline you plan to fly with
    Airline Flight rules for pregnant women
    Aeroflot Please check with your doctor before flying. Pregnant women expected to give birth within the next four weeks must provide written consent from a doctor before flying. Medical examination must be completed no earlier than 7 days before the start of the flight.
    Russia Transportation of pregnant women is subject to the provision of a medical certificate. The medical certificate must indicate the duration of pregnancy and the expected date of birth. Transportation is carried out if it is carried out no later than 4 weeks before the expected date of birth, and there is no danger of premature birth. When expecting the birth of twins, transportation of a pregnant woman is carried out if it is carried out no later than 6 weeks before the expected date of birth. The medical certificate must be issued by the competent medical institution where the pregnant woman is being observed no earlier than 7 days before the start of transportation.
    S 7 Pregnant women are accepted for transportation if they provide the Carrier with a medical certificate from a medical institution confirming that there are no contraindications for air transportation on the date of the flight specified in the Ticket. Transportation of pregnant women is carried out under the condition that the Carrier does not bear any liability to the Passenger for adverse consequences that may arise for the Passenger and the fetus during transportation and as a result of transportation.
    Transaero Travel by pregnant women is permitted provided that it is carried out no later than four weeks before the expected date of birth and that there is no risk of premature birth. Information about the condition of a pregnant woman, confirmed by a medical report and an exchange card, must be provided to the airline.
    Utair (U Tair) Before traveling, be sure to consult with your doctor about possible contraindications and get his recommendations regarding the upcoming trip. Air travel can have negative consequences that threaten the life of the mother and fetus. Therefore, in order to take care of your health and the health of your children, the Airline accepts pregnant women for transportation provided they provide a medical certificate confirming the absence of contraindications for air transportation on the date of the flight. A doctor's certificate is considered valid for a flight within 7 days from the date of its issue. You will be asked to fill out a special receipt, which can be completed at the agency when purchasing a ticket, at check-in, or in advance. Please fill out the receipt in at least two copies, one of which is given to the Airline representative or check-in agent at the departure airport, the second copy remains with the passenger.
    Air Canada Flights are allowed up to 36 weeks inclusive, provided that the pregnancy is progressing normally and there has been no previous premature birth.

    A woman with a normal pregnancy and no previous history of premature labor may travel up to and including her 36th week.

    Air France Pregnant women are allowed on Air France flights without a doctor's certificate. Despite this, we still recommend that you consult a doctor before traveling.
    American Airlines International flights
    Please note that flying less than 30 days before delivery is not recommended. If you need to travel less than 30 days before your due date, you must contact your doctor no earlier than 48 hours before departure for written permission to travel due to your condition. This written authorization will need to be presented at check-in. Additionally, if the flight is less than 10 days before the birth, you will need to obtain authorization from the airline's Special Passenger Assistance Department. For more information, please contact American Airlines Reservations.
    Domestic flights within the United States, as well as flights between US and Canadian airports or between US/Canadian and Puerto Rico/US Virgin Islands airports
    Flights are permitted no later than 7 days before the birth. During pregnancy without complications, a doctor's permission is not required. Please note that air travel is not permitted for 7 days before and after birth. Exception: If connecting to any international flight within 7 days before or after giving birth, you will need to obtain permission from the airline's Special Passenger Assistance Department. For more information, please contact American Airlines Reservations.
    Czech Airlines Before the end of the 34th week of pregnancy
    - if your pregnancy proceeds without complications, then you can fly on Czech Airlines flights without confirmation from your attending physician
    - if you have complications during pregnancy, or if your previous pregnancy was problematic, or complications during childbirth are expected, you must provide confirmation from your attending physician on the specially provided MEDIF form
    After the end of the 34th week of pregnancy- if your pregnancy has already lasted more than 34 weeks, then you must in any case present a doctor’s confirmation (confirmation should not be issued earlier than 6 days before the day of the flight)
    Lufthansa Expectant mothers whose pregnancy proceeds without complications can fly with Lufthansa until the end of the 36th week of pregnancy or until four weeks remain before the expected date of birth. In this case, a medical certificate from a gynecologist is not required. A certificate of clearance to fly after the 36th week of pregnancy can be requested from the Lufthansa MEDICAL CENTER. The same procedure applies in cases of complicated pregnancy (multiple pregnancy, extrasystole, etc.).
    Finnair You cannot travel on most Finnair flights if you are in the last month of pregnancy, in other words you can fly until you are 36 weeks pregnant (35 weeks plus 1-6 days). However, until the 38th week of pregnancy (37 weeks plus 1–6 days), you can fly short Finnair flights within Finland and Scandinavia, provided that the pregnancy is progressing normally, without complications and without signs of impending labor. If you are flying after the 28th week of pregnancy (27 weeks plus 6 days), you must provide a medical certificate to prove that your pregnancy is progressing normally. The certificate should be received at week 27 or later. If the pregnancy proceeds without changes, it is enough to present one certificate. Regardless of your booking method, you are required to send us confirmation by email no later than 24 hours before departure. Newborns can be taken on all Finnair flights without restrictions once they are 2 days old.

    Information sources:

    1. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (RCOG) Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) Opinion Paper Air travel and pregnancy. London, UK. (RCOG. December 2008) www.rcog.org.uk/womens-health/clinical-guidance/air-travel-and-pregnancy

    2. Air travel during pregnancy. ACOG Committee Opinion No. 443. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol, 2009; 114:945 – 5.

    3. Website Cheapflights.com http://www.cheapflights.com/travel-tips/air-travel-and-pregnancy/

    4. Websites of airlines Aeroflot, Russia, S 7, Transaero, Utair (U Tair), Air Canada, Air France, American Airlines, Czech Airlines, Lufthansa, Finnair