A gift for my husband on a pearl anniversary (30 years of marriage). What to give for a pearl wedding

30 years is a pearl wedding.

Pearl is a precious mineral formed inside the shell when a foreign object, such as a grain of sand, enters it. For several years, a grain of sand is overgrown with layers of mother-of-pearl until it turns into a pea. In Russia, river pearls began to be mined in the 10th century. Used to decorate icons, hats, weapons, clothing.

Cultured pearls. In the modern jewelry market, its share is 99%. It is natural, only grown with the help of man. An implant in the form of a ball is introduced into the body of the mollusk. Then the shells are fixed on special nets and lowered from the water. The body of the shell reacts to the irritant and begins to secrete a pearly composition. So over time, a pearl is formed. Ripening time depends on the conditions. This period can vary from 2 to 7 years. So there is no need to be afraid of cultured pearls, you need to be afraid of plastic balls covered with enamel.

Pearls are a symbol of a happy marriage, love, prosperity, purity and longevity.

A few signs by which you can easily distinguish natural pearls from fake:

A proven old-fashioned way: gently draw a pearl over the surface of the tooth. Real pearls will creak.

Drop a pearl on a smooth hard surface from a height of about 30-50 cm. The real one will “bounce”, but the fake one will not.

It is trite to run a fingernail along a mother-of-pearl surface. Nothing will be done to a natural pearl, but traces will remain on a fake one. Or rub two pearls against each other: the enamel will fall off the fake.

Pearl wedding traditions

It is believed that this is an exclusively family holiday, where only the closest people are present. Day of remembrance. Children and grandchildren ask, and spouses talk about their past. It is on such days that the magic of the unity of generations takes place. The most precious thing is 30 years of experience that parents in a relaxed atmosphere pass on to the younger generation.

On this day, the husband presents his wife with a pearl necklace of 30 beads, as gratitude for every year lived in love. The wife, in turn, gives her husband either cufflinks or a tie clip. Naturally with pearls. Well, that's how it goes.

Seafood must be on the festive table. Pearls and water are inseparable. Therefore, you need to try to have fish of different varieties, squid, shrimp, and caviar on the menu. In general, what is enough imagination.

Color. It is believed that the heroes of the occasion should be dressed in clothes of "pearl" color. And it can be white, turquoise, cream, pink, blue, green or black. In general, there are more than 120 different shades of pearls in the world, depending on the place of their origin.

The ideal option would be to celebrate the 30th anniversary of “By the sea, by the blue sea ... with me, you are next to me ...” Like in a song! Closer to the sea king and his innumerable pearl riches.

Story. It was! It was during these years, from 1985 to 1987, that an active struggle against drunkenness began. Due to the sharp decrease in the production of wines and other alcohol, huge queues lined up in stores. The party and the government argued that "Sobriety is the norm of life" and drunkenness is not characteristic of the citizens of the USSR. Komsomol non-alcoholic weddings were actively introduced into the minds of Soviet people. Of course, once the party ordered, then it must be carried out. Indeed, there were no usual bottles of wine on the tables. Vodka, moonshine and wine were poured into teapots, disguised as fruit drinks or hidden under tables. With the outward absence of alcohol, the guests were cheerful and not very sober. This brought a certain amount of adventurism to the wedding event. So, for fun, at the festive table you can beat this too!

If possible, then, of course, pearls. Husband to wife, wife to husband, children to parents. The husband, of course, has many more options. It can be beads, necklace, pendant, earrings, bracelet, pearl ring and so on. The wife has fewer options: cufflinks or a tie clip. But, you need to keep in mind that most men are very careful about such things.

Cultured pearls - natural pearls, grown with the help of a person.

Pearl rings. Quite affordable. Beautiful, for every taste. Even if a woman already has jewelry with pearls, one more ring will not be superfluous. There is never too much jewelry, unless, of course, you wear them all at once. Choose, delight people close to you with gifts, especially since the reason to do this simply obliges.

Pearl pendants. Will never go out of fashion. In general, giving a woman jewelry is a win-win option. This is nature! Even in African tribes with a minimum of clothing, beads and pendants are an integral part of the wardrobe. A joke, of course.) But seriously, give pearls for a pearl wedding! The prices are quite reasonable.

Pearl bracelets. From the most inexpensive to the elite. Type in the search bar "sort by price up" and you will immediately open pearl bracelets. Congratulating the closest person on the 30th wedding anniversary and presenting a piece of jewelry in the theme is a great idea. The bracelet is one of the most successful and inexpensive options, because it is the hands of a woman that attract the eye in the first place. Choose!

Pearls from Hong Kong, Malaysia. More than 150 products from 1000 rubles. Pearl white, black, beige, peach, pink.

But, fortunately, not everything rests on pearls! There are a huge number of options. The main thing is to congratulate! 30 years is just amazing! So:

30th Wedding Anniversary Awards

Medal "Happy wedding anniversary 30 years" in a gift box. 630 rub. And on this wonderful day, in addition to congratulations, gifts and flowers, spouses must be presented for an award. And there is something to reward them for. It is love, respect, wisdom, patience and optimism, no matter what. And let this small symbolic medal become a sincere reward from children, relatives and friends.

Diploma personalized "Happy wedding anniversary 30 years." 1190 rub. Not paper. A bright image with text is printed on a metal sheet. The base is a wooden frame. Format A 4. Everything is very "serious": the spouses completed a period of 30 years of marriage and received the specialty "Happy Family". All items passed "Excellent". And this:

Fundamentals of cordiality and mutual understanding

The beauty of a relationship is in its longevity.

Course "Ability and ability not to annoy each other"

Theory and practice of ideal relationships

The ability to fall in love with each other like for the first time

The ability to accurately choose gifts for each other

And a few more disciplines.

So, to create an exclusive diploma, you will need the names and surnames of the heroes of the occasion, the date of the wedding anniversary and the names of the members of the award commission. No additional words are required to present the diploma. It will be enough to read the text in a solemn voice. All! Thunderous applause and happy faces are guaranteed.

Large cup for engraving for the wedding anniversary. Height 39 cm. Engraving will be done on two platforms. Namely, on a metal nameplate the size of a wooden base and on a round lid medallion. High-precision equipment for inscriptions on metal surfaces guarantees the highest precision, beauty of lines and resistance to wear. The cup, almost half a meter high, is an award that will cause sincere surprise and joy among the heroes of the occasion.

Award figurine "To the best couple on earth". 1190 rub. The height of the figurine is 31 cm. The base is pressed marble, the material is metallized plastic. Instead of a standard inscription on a metal plate, you can order your own. For example, with names. It will cost a little more, but the figurine will immediately turn into a unique one. It is a pleasure to present such an award. Ask the couple to do a slow dance. And immediately after that, announce the winners with a personal award. Get a real surprise!

Newspaper "Pravda". The number that came out on their wedding day. Photo and article about the newlyweds. The archival issue of "Pravda" will form the basis. The heroes of the occasion will be shocked by such a gift (according to the donors). The newspaper is practically indistinguishable from the original, because you will also choose the color of the aged paper yourself. Everything will be real! You will need: the date of the wedding, the text of the article (your own or a ready-made version) and a photo (preferably a few). That, in fact, is all. The rest is up to professionals who will work with the order. All nuances are specified with the manager. Even if there is little time left before the celebration, do not worry: the newspaper can be laid out on an urgent basis.

And other options for the 30th wedding anniversary:

Gift coasters. From 1890 rub. Engraving on the box at your request. A retro gift that is sure to please. The cup holder comes with a glass and a teaspoon. A bit of history. Coasters appeared in Russia on railways at a time when S.Yu. was the Director of the Department of Railways. Witte. This "device" for the stability of the glass in conditions of vibration and shaking turned out to be very convenient and firmly entered our lives. For modern models, cupronickel, silver, copper and brass are used. Beautiful gift coasters with state symbols are a great option for a gift for a wedding anniversary.

Gift genealogical books. From 3190 rub. Each book is supplied with detailed and instructions for filling. What is especially convenient: a detachable mechanism for attaching sheets. This makes it possible to swap sheets and supplement the book with your documents. All pages of the book are printed on high quality paper. Colorful drawings create a unique atmosphere of continuity of generations. Pedigree book is a gift for the whole family. This item will be carefully preserved and passed down from generation to generation.

Photo albums. From simple to elite. There are a lot of interesting albums. For example, "Our children and grandchildren", "My dacha", "Love story", "Family history", "My fishing", "My hunting" and much more. Photos on paper, unfortunately, are a thing of the past. Now the photos are stored in phones, on flash drives, in computers and less often on CDs. But the older generation has all the photos only on paper. And these black-and-white, sometimes already yellowed pictures, there is no price. And when the grandchildren, putting a beautiful album on their knees , will carefully look at old pictures, it will be just great.

Gift sets for outdoor recreation. Everything in the family should be beautiful: and rest, including. When the children grew up, there was more free time, more and more often I want to spend the weekend away from the hustle and bustle and in good company. A comfortable outdoor recreation is great: a shish kebab with cognac, and an ear with vodka. A beautiful set in a case will come in handy. They like such things, but, as a rule, they do not buy them for themselves. Therefore, it remains to wait for someone to give such beauty.

Tula samovars. From 8890 rub. Wood burning and electric. Samovar in Rus' has always been considered a symbol of home and hospitality. The whole large family gathered around him. This is the so-called "tea ceremony in Russian". Modern Tula samovars are real works of art. They are painted by hand. Each samovar is a separate unique story. On the site you can buy a gift set consisting of a samovar, a teapot and a beautiful tray. For a wedding anniversary, the option is simply "top ten".

Comic gifts.Exclusively to cheer up.

Jokes from paper. From 120 rub. What they can't think of! Toilet paper with jokes, army jokes, crossword puzzles, English-Russian phrase book, Kama Sutra and banknotes. Sit on the toilet and learn English. If you remember that before toilet paper was a terrible shortage (and spouses with 30 years of experience remember this very well), then such surprises will be accepted with a bang. In addition to paper, there are cool door signs and wads of money. All variants of paper jokes will be met with friendly laughter.

Cool T-shirts. Pairs for him and for her cost 1150 rubles. Clothing for approving smiles, jokes and laughter. There are very interesting specimens with cool drawings and inscriptions. Trying is required immediately after delivery. And then there is a photo shoot for the cover of a glossy magazine. These are, of course, jokes. But it is for this that unusual gifts are given on such an occasion. In the circle of family and friends everything will be just great.

Cool aprons. 960 rub. paired. From the series "When we were young and slim". Perhaps, of all presented, the most suitable is "The Bride and Groom". It is clear that the wedding dress and suit are unlikely to have been preserved. And how I would like to remember everything and try on all these outfits in 30 years. And let it be aprons! Can you imagine their reaction when they put them on? Everyone will laugh. And it's great! Or maybe you have other options. "Apollo" and "Aphrodite" are also cool.

Unusual hours. Pay attention to the anti-clock "What's the difference", a giant alarm clock almost 30 cm high, a clock for the kitchen "Forks and spoons". Watches have been and remain classics of the genre among gifts. Of course, over 30 years they have accumulated more than enough. If you like the idea, don't hesitate to donate. Some more, some less. And there are very interesting specimens!

Mugs with funny inscriptions. 295 rub. Any: with names, with comic inscriptions, by profession, hobbies, zodiac sign, with aphorisms and much, much more. Custom lettering can be ordered. Anything you wish. Attention! To quickly find the desired mugs by name, in the upper right corner of the page, click on the link "Catalogue price list".

And many more interesting gifts:

Home planetariums from 2500 rubles. What could be more beautiful than a cloudless night starry sky? On a clear night, the gaze involuntarily rushes up into the bottomless mysterious sky. Having a small ball at home, with a diameter of only 20 cm, you can sit in an armchair in any weather, relax and take a break from all problems and worries. The picture is so lively and real that it is impossible to tear off an admiring glance. The planetarium set includes 3 disks with different programs. Also, the home planetarium is equipped with an interesting “shooting stars” function. It is incredibly beautiful: in a chaotic manner, from time to time you can see a shooting star and make a wish. Stars are like pearls. Give a whole sky of pearls!

Statues for wedding anniversary. The theme is "Love". It's still relevant 30 years later. And to make the presentation not boring, invite the couple to answer a few questions. Ask them to remember in detail: how the wedding day began and how it will end, what they gave, what kind of music sounded, and so on. Will they remember? Obviously there will be disputes, but it will be fun and great! Choose the most beautiful souvenir! When everything has been in the house for a long time, it's time to give things for the soul.

Portrait from photo on canvas

Absolutely unexpected and very pleasant gift for spouses.
In different styles. You will need to decide in what way.

How does this happen:

You choose an image, upload a photo.

Your personal designer, who will deal with the order, enters the work.

You will receive a preliminary layout of the future painting in your mail. Every single remark will be corrected by the designer until you finally like the layout.

The layout approved by you is given to work. Order execution time 1 day.

All. The most unexpected gift is ready!

What to give parents, friends, husband, wife for a pearl wedding

Gift with engraving for the 30th wedding anniversary

Attention! The result is instant. That is, you type the text of congratulations or upload a photo, wait a few seconds and see what you got out of all this. Try it, it's interesting!

VIP star with engraving. On the star itself, you can write the names or surnames of the spouses. Next, let your imagination run wild. In the next 6 lines, you can make any congratulation. Change the template text to your liking. Invent, compose, correct until you get a real work of art! The process itself is very exciting. Star size! 20 x 30 cm. No one has ever given spouses such gifts in 30 years! Emotions overwhelm people from surprise. The option for loved ones is the most touching. Donate, you won't regret it!

VIP star with engraving and photo. Pretty much the same, just with a photo.

Photo plate "30th wedding anniversary". When the house is a full bowl, and it's hard to decide on a gift, this is a good option. There is no doubt that such a plate will exist in one single copy. Just the right photo from you. Performance at the highest level. Feedback from customers is only positive. Such a souvenir will stand in the most prominent place. For people who have been married for 30 years, such things are very expensive, because they are invested with the love and gratitude of the most dear people in the world.

Named gift set of honey "Sweet couple". And let the "honeymoon" begin again, like 30 years ago. It is no coincidence that honey was always given to newlyweds before. A whole barrel! And in a month, the young spouses had to eat everything in order to strengthen their health and prepare for the birth of a child. Therefore, for the 30th wedding anniversary, 3 jars will be enough. It is clear that for other purposes! Children and grandchildren also require excellent health. A joke, of course. All in all, a great choice. What is included in the set: 3 jars of different honey, 130 grams each, and a beautiful wax candle called "Cupcake". When presenting such a gift, laughter and good mood are guaranteed.

Family souvenir plate. A bright and beautiful ornament, the capital monogram of their surname and, in fact, the surname itself. A gift from the series "For memory". The occasion and the giver, that is, you, will never be forgotten. A good inexpensive option from children, friends and family. Material: ceramics, plate diameter 21 cm, plastic stand included. This is just a touching souvenir for a long memory. And even after many years, the donor, that is, you, will not be forgotten. And the occasion, the 30th anniversary of marriage, even more so.

Nominal gift lamp "Perfect couple" with the date of the 30th wedding anniversary and names. Two options are offered: large (height 16.5 cm) and small (height 13.3 cm). The battery is "hidden" in the stand, there is a switch. It is always difficult to decide on a gift for people who have everything. I would like to present something very unusual and original. A lamp with names that glows beautifully with a warm light in the dark is ideal for a couple's bedroom. In general, you can't go wrong.

Lamp with their surname "Family Hearth". Practically everything is the same. There are also 2 options: small and larger. The burning hearth has always been and remains a symbol of a friendly family, a cozy home, warmth and kindness. And may the fire of love never go out in the family you want to congratulate. The souvenir is quite small, however, it carries only the kindest and most positive feelings. Try it right now: type in the name of the spouses and see how great everything turned out!

Nominal vase "30 years together". A bouquet of the most beautiful flowers and a personal vase for it is just a great option. It is a pleasure to congratulate a couple with such an unexpected gift for them. There is no doubt that everyone will like it. The classic shape of the vase allows high-quality laser engraving on glass. Parameters: volume 3.8 liters, height 30 cm, weight 1.1 kg. Even if there are a lot of different vases in the house, this one will be the most touching and unusual. If you like this idea, try it, write and look at the result.

Photo clock "30 years together". A real surprise that no one expected! Even people who are difficult to surprise with anything are confused by surprise. All you need is a photo. Simple and clear instructions will allow you to create a photo clock in minutes. Silent quartz movement, 5 year warranty. Dial size 240 mm x 350 mm. Impeccable quality. What can you wish upon delivery? So that the numbers of years lived together grow by at least another 20 years, and maybe even 30. In general, try it! The idea is good!

Engraved Oscar. Only good reviews. No complaints. Impeccable engraving quality and a rather large congratulations text. About the figurine: height 27 cm, weight 0.62 kg, material - artificial stone, coating - silver 999. 30 years of marriage really deserve such an award in the nomination "the most beautiful and happy couple." It is very easy to give such a figurine: you just need to read out the inscription on the nameplate, and the guests' applause is guaranteed.

"Oscar" with engraving (ceramics). A budget option. Outwardly, practically, it is no different from the previous "uncle": the height is 28 cm. It only weighs a little less: 0.38 kg. On the shield you can make the same long inscription of congratulations. For the 30th wedding anniversary, when you are at a loss for what to buy, the option is just great. A well-deserved reward for love and wisdom. The heroes of the occasion were suddenly overwhelmed and overwhelmed with emotions, sometimes to tears. Try it, write whatever you want and enjoy the instant result

Paired t-shirts. The holiday is common, therefore, gifts should be of equal value. There are many interesting options. Serious and humorous. And even after many years, for us, the parents are "the best." If in childhood we expressed our love with drawings and clumsy scribbles, now you can give such wonderful T-shirts. By the way, children draw no worse than Picasso. Joke, of course. With some truth. It will not be difficult to determine the size. There is a table for this. In general, decide!

Nominal box for wine "Wedding Anniversary"Unfortunately, without a bottle. In general, giving good alcohol is an option for all occasions. But one gift package cannot be compared with such a personal wooden box. Eat whatever you want: names, anniversary date, any text of congratulations. When placing an order, consider the size of the box: they are offered in standard and large sizes.Wine will be drunk sooner or later, but the memory of him will remain!And not only about him, but also about you!Donors of such things are not forgotten.

Nominal wine box for 2 bottles "Happy Anniversary!". Unlike the previous version, this box is designed for two. For her, you can buy good wine, and for him, what is stronger. A pearl wedding is also a wedding, only 30 years later. And how without "bitterly?". So your gift will be absolutely on topic. And no one will raise a hand to throw away such beauty. And, rest assured, the box will not be empty. Good wine will be cleaned in it.

Calendar for 13 photos "Family", starting from any month. Super gift! Reviews are only the best. Those who were given such calendars were simply confused at first. They did not expect! But you will have to work a little. Probably the most difficult thing is to find the right photos and place them by month. You can choose any calendar format: A5, A4, A3. If you like the idea, spend some time creating a calendar and everyone will be happy! But seriously, it's just awesome. Like it 100%!

Poster (poster) on the wall self-adhesive "Wedding Anniversary". With your photos and captions. 40 options for 390 rubles. Size 42 cm x 30 cm. Choose any: with or without your photos. Posters are very popular because this little surprise pleases everyone: both those who give and those who are given. The creation process takes place in real time. You can upload any photos, write any names and slogans. Try it, it's interesting!

Piggy bank for wine corks with engraving. Why not? After all, there are still 20 years before the Golden Wedding! Save yourself and save! And there are more and more reasons to gather: birthdays of children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. Judging by the reviews, the piggy bank is especially liked by men. The impressive dimensions (40 x 30 x 7 cm) suggest a long filling time. In general, order a cool thing for them and wish everything, everything! The best, naturally. Save the plugs, gentlemen!

Champagne glasses named "The best couple in the world". And they proved it! To live 30 years is not a field to cross, where everything is even and smooth. In our time, there are fewer and fewer couples who have reached the milestone of 30 years. And if they did it, then they are the best. Finding an original gift is not a problem. Order personal champagne glasses and imagine for a second the reaction of the "pearl newlyweds". Therefore, discard all doubts and go ahead: place an order, write their names and wait a little. The order is completed within a few hours.

Engraved kitchen sets. Symbolic souvenir! Just! For example, a set of two or three items. Pay attention to the cheese cutting kits. Everything is very static and beautiful. The idea is not bad! You can add a piece of cheese and butter to the set. To be, as in the saying. Not every housewife has a personal board in the kitchen. You can also order a decanter with engraving. In general, any object, if desired, can be somehow logically associated with pearls.

Sets of honey personalized for the wedding anniversary. 4 jars of 150 g each. Floral, buckwheat, novelty cream honey with fruit additives. Everything is delicious, fresh, and most importantly, healthy. Everyone will try. If a festive table is supposed, then it will be "Bitter!". Hand honey immediately after the kiss to make it sweet. It is very difficult to find a gift for adults who have everything for a long time. And you want to be pleasantly surprised! A personal set of honey is what you need! The gift is unusual, useful and very sincere.

Decor for home and kitchen. A huge number of cute and original things that will decorate the interior. Everyone knows that even one small detail can transform a room. Or the kitchen. You know better what the heroes of the upcoming celebration have in the house. Yes, simply because the closest people are invited to wedding anniversaries. Here you will find a lot of interesting things: decorative pillows, wall clocks, vases, paintings, unusual hangers, automatic watering pots, planters, carpets and much more.

And one more thing for the 30th wedding anniversary. Not pearls, but still a lot of interesting things. Namely: caskets, engraved plates, wine glasses, stamp napkins, photo newspapers, cool posters and more. When parents have everything and "they don't need anything," the problem with gifts is quite acute. They don’t take new things, because they are used to old things. So, we choose something like that, something unusual and sweet to the heart. As a memento from children.

Unique handmade gifts

Gzhel. Everything you want: sets, samovars, watches, vases, caskets, tea pairs, shtofs, souvenirs and much more. Gzhel is the most recognizable art craft. And it all started with the fact that in the middle of the 18th century, deposits of light high-quality clay were found near Moscow. You don't have to go far! The material for earthenware and porcelain is right under your feet. The basis of the traditional blue color is cobalt. Such a painting does not require large expenditures, only the imagination of artists. Look! A lot of things!

Amber. Yes, not pearls, but it is so beautiful that just looking at it is already a pleasure. Your attention is offered: dishes, sculptures, watches, caskets, souvenirs and many other products made of amber. The most inexpensive can be found in the "souvenirs" section. As a rule, these are small figurines covered with amber chips. Pay attention to owls. There are several. The owl is a symbol of wisdom. For spouses with 30 years of experience, the option is relevant: wisdom does not occupy both. There is a lot to learn from children and grandchildren.

Chrysostom. An ancient Ural city, the name of which is directly related to the world-famous art craft. The whole history of Chrysostom is the history of people and metal. The beginning of the trade was laid at the arms factory, where edged weapons were also produced. Ancillary production for decorating blade handles was organized in the workshops. Now Zlatoust is known not only for its knives and daggers, but also for metal engraving, souvenirs, dishes and many other beautiful items. Check it out for curiosity.

Fresh flowers in glass. Will not wither for about 5 years. A new technology invented in Thailand. First, the blossoming buds of roses and orchids are dehydrated, then embalmed. (Each petal is processed by hand with a brush). This is followed by the composition inside the glass vessel. All this is done by hand with the help of special tweezers. The last stage: the vessel is sealed and air is removed from it. That, in fact, is all. Now Thailand is the world's supplier of "Flowers in Glass".

Other pair ideas for the 30th wedding anniversary. Also handmade. The most original souvenirs from inexpensive to elite. It's time to give "useless" in quotation marks, because after 30 years of living together, people find joy not in "usefulness", but in harmony. Pay attention to paired souvenirs. They complement each other and form a single whole. As well as people who love and know what it is. Good luck to them and all the best! In general, see what can please them.

Pearl wedding means thirty years of marriage and symbolizes patience, love, fidelity, mutual understanding and devotion. A gift for this significant event should be special. What is better to present as a gift for a pearl wedding?

Gift for wife.
The closest friends, relatives, children and grandchildren are invited to this holiday. On this anniversary date, according to tradition, pearl products should be given. At the same time, such gifts are presented by the spouses to each other. In particular, a husband, if there is such an opportunity (after all, such a product will cost a lot of money), can give his beloved wife, just like thirty years ago, a necklace consisting of thirty identical pearls. It looks very symbolic and touching: thirty pearl beads correspond to each happy year they lived in marriage. Your spouse can accompany his present with hand-written poems and a luxurious bouquet of roses. Of course, a necklace made from such organic minerals is not an obligatory gift for the thirtieth anniversary of married life. You can also give other jewelry in which pearls are present. The only condition is that pearls must be natural and not fade over time. For so many years of living together, the spouse is already familiar with the passions and preferences of his chosen one, so when choosing a gift, you should start from them and from your own imagination. It can be earrings, bracelet, pendant, brooch, ring, hairpin, but always with a pearl. If possible, you can present a set: earrings and a necklace or a bracelet and a necklace; instead of a pearl necklace, you can give an elegant chain with a pendant in which a pearl is inserted, etc. Today in jewelry stores there is a huge selection of jewelry with this mineral, which will not leave any woman indifferent. By the way, you can give your beloved a gift certificate, according to which she can choose the jewelry she likes herself.

Gift for husband.
Of course, it will be somewhat difficult for a woman to decide on a gift for her husband, especially since the choice is not so great. In addition, men rarely wear jewelry. But here, too, there are several variations. Cufflinks with pearls or a tie clip with an insert of the same mineral can become a classic option. If a man does not need jewelry in principle, you can present what is closer to him. For example, something related to his hobby or hobbies. It can be a fishing spinning rod or something else from fishing tackle, a necessary accessory for a car or a yacht, a communicator with a navigation system, and so on.

Some spouses prefer to give themselves one gift for two. Some of my friends, for example, bought a painting for themselves on every wedding anniversary. And it looks beautiful in the interior, and memory. For thirty years of married life, you can buy a painting in pearl tones.

Guest gifts.
Children and close relatives of the anniversaries can also give pearl products. It all depends on the possibilities and flight of fancy. Parents can also be presented as a gift with honeymoon tickets or a vacation package for two, household appliances (food processor, TV, washing machine or dishwasher, bread machine, slow cooker or any technical novelty that will please mom and provide delicious meals to dad ), souvenirs, antiques (floor vase, exquisite lamp), household items.

Anniversaries will be pleasantly surprised and at the same time touched by gifts made by the hands of children. For example, you can edit a video about a family event or make a photo gallery from the personal life of your parents, or record an exclusive CD with music from past years, and insert wedding photos of your parents as decoration, or you can simply knit each sweater with the same print. The main thing is that the gift comes from the heart.

In addition to pearl products, you can give mother-of-pearl products for the thirtieth anniversary of your life together. For example, a souvenir shell in bright colors, in which a real pearl once grew, can become a wonderful and symbolic gift, various figurines, bowls, candlesticks and other beautiful things made of mother-of-pearl will decorate any interior and will serve as a reminder of the anniversaries of this wonderful day and about those who donated them.

For a pearl wedding, relatives and friends of the anniversaries can present their marital portrait as a gift, which will delight the "newlyweds" and take a worthy place in the interior of their apartment.

"Newlyweds" will also appreciate if a friendly caricature or a beautiful cake decorated in the form of a large shell with cream "pearls" is presented as a gift.

An excellent, and most importantly useful gift will be a rocking chair. He will delight anniversaries in quiet and pleasant evenings. Guests can also donate household appliances.

An unexpected gift on such a day can be a pet, especially if the spouses do not have one. Taking care of the animal will brighten up the life of the spouses, because their children have long grown up. However, in this case, it is better to discuss the possibility of such a gift with the anniversaries in advance.

A sapling of a tree (for example, a fruit tree, or a tree corresponding to the sign under which one of the spouses was born) will look symbolically as a gift for a pearl wedding. The spouses will plant this sapling together, and not a single wedding will be celebrated under it.

Whatever your gift, it is important to arrange it in a style that matches the specifics of the celebration. All this will make the holiday a significant event.

By the way, as a gift to the "newlyweds" for the thirtieth wedding anniversary, you can unusually decorate the hall for the anniversary. To do this, you can use photos of the spouses from the personal archive, flowers, hand-drawn posters.

At a celebration in honor of the thirtieth anniversary of living together, one cannot do without an anniversary cake. His spouses cut and treat together all those who have been near them throughout their married life.

Time flies quickly, and this family holiday will pass. But do not wait for an opportunity or a holiday to please a loved one. Give your soul mate flowers, souvenirs, care, attention and love every day! And then you will meet not a single bright and unforgettable anniversary in your life.

30 years of marriage - a pearl wedding. This is a serious anniversary, proof that the family managed to carry their love through the years. The spouses have become truly close, dear people, and their union is beautiful and strong. They are connected not only by marriage, but also by the warmth of feelings, mutual respect and understanding. And in order for the holiday to be a success, it is important to know how to celebrate and what to give for the anniversary.

What wedding

Thirty years of marriage is called a pearl wedding. A small grain of sand has been overgrown with mother-of-pearl for many years, becoming stronger and becoming a wonderful decoration. So the family, like pearls, overgrown with love, warmth, forming a beautiful necklace from a series of happily lived years. Over time, such a marriage only becomes stronger, and feelings do not fade in difficult times.

The anniversary emphasizes the strength and sincerity of a time-tested relationship. He proves that no hardships, misunderstandings can extinguish feelings, but only make them stronger.

On the day of the celebration, the spouses must wake up early in the morning and go to the reservoir to throw a pearl there. It is believed that a couple who performed such a ceremony will live in marriage for another 50 years. After the ritual, the husband and wife return home and, standing in front of the mirror, make a vow of fidelity to each other.


A tradition that came to us from Europe has become popular. At the beginning of the celebration, the couple throw a pearl into a glass of champagne. Then they drink on brotherhood and kiss until the guests count up to 30. Husband and wife always carry pearls from glasses with them - as a talisman, a symbol of love and fidelity.

Believing couples on the day of the thirtieth wedding anniversary go to church for the morning service. Each of the spouses must purchase three candles, put them near the icons of the Virgin and the crucifixion of Christ. It is believed that the saints will help protect the marriage from envious people and adversity.

The main tradition of the celebration is the transfer of family happiness. On this day, already experienced husband and wife give instructions to their children, friends, talk about the importance of the family. They share secrets that helped keep love alive.

How to celebrate

30 years of marriage is an important anniversary, so it should be celebrated on a grand scale. The closest and dearest people are obligatory at the holiday: children, grandchildren, parents, true friends.

You can organize a celebration in a cafe or restaurant. Since pearls are born and grow in the sea, the choice of an institution with a marine theme will be symbolic.

If only the closest people gather for a pearl wedding, you can hold a celebration at home. All family members should take part in the preparation of the celebration, so as not to put all the trouble on the wife. This will allow the woman to relax a little, to feel the holiday in full.

To decorate the room, use white, blue and turquoise shades. On the table must be seafood, fish dishes, fresh fruits and vegetables, pies. The decoration of the feast will be a beautiful cake decorated with edible pearls. At the end of the holiday, the heroes of the occasion cut the dessert together and treat the guests.

For 30 years from the date of the wedding, the festive table is decorated in white and blue tones.

When choosing an outfit, the wife should take into account the theme and symbolism of the holiday. The ideal option would be a dress in white, blue or blue. As decoration, you should use a necklace, earrings and hairpins with natural or artificial pearls.

The husband's suit should also match the theme of the wedding anniversary. For the outfit, you can choose a white or cream suit. To complete the look, a beautiful blue tie, clip or cufflinks with pearls will do.

Some couples prefer to celebrate their pearl wedding together in a quiet environment. The ideal option is a trip to the seaside. If the sea is far away and there is no way to go to the Cote d'Azur, you can visit your favorite cafe or have a small picnic. This will allow the couple to indulge in memories of happily lived years, discuss plans for the future.

gift for husband

A thematic gift for a husband on his thirtieth anniversary is pearl cufflinks or a tie clip decorated with pearls. Romance can be presented with a beautiful frame with a joint photo or a family photo album with pictures of the brightest, most memorable moments.

When choosing a gift for a man, consider also his interests and hobbies. It can be necessary and useful goods for a hobby, a car - everything that will bring joy:

  • fishing tackle, sports equipment, sleeping bag, tent, hammock and other recreational goods;
  • accessories or useful gadgets for the car: new covers, DVR, radio;
  • expensive perfume;
  • foot massage bath;
  • engraved ring or watch.

Gift for wife

On the 30th wedding anniversary, it is customary to exchange gifts of pearls. For the wife, it could be a pearl necklace, ring, earrings, or bracelet.

An obligatory gift for an anniversary is a chic bouquet of flowers. Roses, daisies, callas or white chrysanthemums are used to compose the composition.

If the chosen one of the heart is a sweet tooth, you can present a sweet bouquet of sweets. Such a gift will bring not only aesthetic, but also gastronomic pleasure. In addition, the sweet bouquet will not fade and will serve as a reminder of the pearl wedding for a long time.

In addition to themed gifts, you can give your wife a present that will become no less pleasant and desirable:

  • A ticket to a concert of your favorite artist, band or performance.
  • Certificate for relaxing or wellness massage.
  • A ticket for two to a sanatorium or a recreation center.
  • Jewelry box, clutch or wallet.
  • Modern appliances that will make life easier: mixer, blender, microwave, washing machine.

What guests give

It is customary to give touching or, conversely, practical gifts for a pearl wedding.

  • A composition of favorite flowers, decorated with a string of pearls.
  • Clocks, paintings, candlesticks, figurines, a portrait of a couple on canvas and other interior decorations.
  • A set of wedding glasses decorated in accordance with the theme of the holiday. They will become a worthy decoration of the festive table and will remain for a long time.
  • Household appliances or kitchen utensils.
  • Bed linen, towels or a warm blanket.
  • A ticket to the sea or to a sanatorium.
  • Icons that will become a talisman for the family.


On the day of the wedding anniversary, beautiful congratulations sound to the anniversaries. The guests wish the spouses love, health, wisdom, strength of the union. Husband and wife exchange confessions of their feelings, make promises to keep them until the end of time.

As congratulations, beautiful words spoken from the bottom of the heart, or poems can sound:

Soul to soul thirty years!
There is no more devoted couple!
You are pearly before the wedding
They walked together in unison.
Congratulations on this date
We wish you to live richly
Don't scold, don't scold
And love and have fun.
After all, it’s not for nothing that a husband and wife
Bound by one destiny.
Joy, sorrow - everything is within our power,
If there is a loved one nearby.
Let there be no grief
Disagreements and doubts.
We only wish you happiness
And, of course, we will shout "bitterly!".

Pearl placer's
Your family union is shrouded.
And where you are, there is always love,
She is pure and unchanging.
Pearl wedding fragrance
fills you up and charms you
Bride's festive attire
Everything also worries the groom.
Hand in hand... All thirty years.
Behind you is a star trail of happiness.
So let the bright light
And children, grandchildren shine home.

30 years from the date of the wedding is a significant date, it should be celebrated noisily and cheerfully in the circle of relatives. For guests, the holiday will be remembered as a bright and emotional event. For spouses, it will be a new step on the way to the golden wedding anniversary.

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30th anniversary: ​​what kind of wedding, what to give

3 decades after the end of the beginning of a joint life, the spouses celebrate their anniversary with pleasure. This is a pearl wedding. Three decades is a long period of time, so such an anniversary must be celebrated on a grand scale, surrounded by children, relatives and friends.

Usually, the preparation for the holiday is undertaken by the children of the pearl couple, so they want to show their dear parents all their care and love.

Any of those present will want to give some gift to the anniversaries. But how to choose it? Since the present should not only be necessary in the household, but also unique or remind the pearl anniversaries of all the pleasant moments that were in their lives. Let's talk about the highlights of the holiday and gifts in honor of it.

How to celebrate the 30th wedding anniversary

A pearl wedding is not a simple event in the life of a home couple. This holiday has its own, very special traditions, rooted at a great distance deep into the centuries.

There used to be such a tradition. On the day of their pearl wedding, the husband and wife should rise at sunrise, take two pearls prepared in advance and go to the nearest reservoir. Pearls must be thrown as far as possible into a river or lake, not at all regretting the loss. Why did they do it? After that, that the durability of pearls is estimated at 50 years.

It is believed that pearls thrown into the water will cherish and protect a strong alliance of spouses up to 50 years.

at the moment, of course, no one performs such a ceremony, but if you believe in folk signs and follow the customs of your ancestors, then you have the full opportunity to conduct it.

In addition, if such a curious action does not have a reasonable basis, then it is still beautiful and romantic. Because of what would not please yourself on such a festive day?

What can children give their parents

In fact, all couples already have children within 30 years of marriage. And many of the sons and daughters are already quite old. They are happy to help parents in organizational matters, or they themselves take on all the solemn chores, such as choosing a place for the celebration, decorating the hall, compiling a festive menu and show program.

But besides that, they should choose a captivating pearl wedding present for their parents. This trouble for them is much more acute than for all the other invited guests.

Any child wants to please his parents with a unique and necessary gift, which they will remember for a long time. It is necessary that the present be unusual, and parents constantly remember it with warmth and admiration in their hearts.

From the name of the anniversary of the pearl wedding, you can understand that the sign is a beautiful pearl. Based on this, the first thought that comes to mind when thinking about a gift is to buy jewelry with pearls.

For your beloved mother, it is possible to choose such gift options:

  • beautiful ring with one or more pearls;
  • gold bracelet on hand;
  • beads or a necklace of gentle shades of pearls;
  • beautiful earrings with rare dark pearls.

Choosing a piece of jewelry for a father is a little more difficult, but cufflinks with unobtrusive pearls or a tie clip will be very relevant here. If dad smokes, then it is possible to present him with a cigarette case decorated with this beautiful jewelry or natural creation as a gift.

But before you go shopping, you need to find out what a brother or sister will give so that the presents are not monotonous. Why does your mother need two similar rings? It will be much nicer to take a ring and a bracelet as a gift, for example.

Children will be able to purchase one non-specialized present for their parents. Under these conditions, the following options are available:

  • souvenir products, beautiful figurines and figurines;
  • an album for storing photos, which will be decorated with small pearls;
  • it is possible to show little originality and make a present with your own hands, for example, a photo frame;
  • having searched in stores, it is possible to find beautiful candles decorated with unnatural pearls, it is necessary that they be made by hand from environmentally friendly materials;
  • beautiful glasses, which can be decorated with the inscription 30 years of marriage.

It is not considered bad manners if children give their parents new furniture, home textiles, kitchen utensils or household appliances for their wedding anniversary. And, if financial opportunities allow, it is possible to send pearl anniversaries on a honeymoon trip.

The main decoration of the holiday will be a beautiful and thematically decorated cake. Children can make it to order or bake it themselves. Such a delicious hand-made present will surely touch all the guests and, of course, their parents themselves.

In addition, it is possible to sew or knit a wonderful souvenir with your own hands. Young children will be able to make crafts with their own hands. The most important thing is not to forget when choosing a gift: it must be sincere, sincere, and, accordingly, pleasant.

What to give for the 30th wedding anniversary of your beloved husband

Question How to choose a present? relevant not only for guests of the holiday, but also for loving spouses. With the first rays of the sun, pearl anniversaries will be able to present each other with luxurious surprises. What can a wife give her husband? She must think about this a little in advance and approach the purchase of a present very responsibly.

The presentation should please and be unusual, pleasant and, of course, memorable.

The choice of a gift in this case, on the one hand, will be simple. Since at the end of 30 years of marriage, the spouses already know well each other's interests, tastes and thirst. Based on this, choosing a present that will lead to sincere joy in a beloved man should not be difficult.

It is not necessary to spend a substantial amount of money, especially if it will be a heavy blow to the household budget. It is possible to make a present with your own hands. If the lady is a needlewoman, she can knit a beautiful sweater or decorate a present with unusual embroidery from unnatural pearls.

It is possible to offer the following gifts for the husband on the 30th wedding anniversary:

  • a family portrait in a beautiful frame of pearls;
  • a beautiful photo album decorated with pearls with a wish to keep only the most sincere and memorable photos in it;
  • if the spouse is a lover of painting, then a painting with a still life or landscape is a good choice;
  • cufflinks or other jewelry that he dreamed about in the distant past;
  • entertaining souvenir.

But the present can also have a practical side. What man will not be delighted if he is presented with:

  • fishing tackle, fishing rod or spinning, which he dreamed about for a very long time;
  • various car accessories, perhaps in addition, new tires;
  • branded screwdrivers or a whole set of construction tools;
  • a laptop or a modern TV with a large diagonal and all the latest features;
  • tickets to the main football match of the year or to a concert of your favorite band.

If the spouse is actively interested in sports, then a new suit will come in handy for him. A true gardener will be delighted with a set of garden tools, a lawn mower or a walk-behind tractor.

There are a huge number of gift options, their choice should be based on the interests and hobbies of the spouse, and on the financial capabilities of the family.

But in addition to giving gifts, it is fundamentally important to tell your husband how dear he is to you. Find in memory together all the most joyful moments of life together and realize that these years you were truly joyful.

What to give your wife for a pearl wedding

For so many years of living together, the husband had the opportunity to perfectly study all the preferences of his beloved wife. Based on this, when choosing a present, you should rely primarily on them.

No lady can resist a beautiful piece of jewelry. The main thing is that it contains inclusions with pearls of any size.

It's possible:

  • silver or gold ring;
  • the neck of a beloved lady can be decorated with a necklace or beads made of white or dark pearls;
  • gentle-colored pearls can look unique in a neat bracelet;
  • depending on the preferences of the wife, it is possible to buy earrings of any size;
  • unique pendant on a chain.

It is possible to turn to jewelers and make jewelry according to your own sketch or engrave it.

In addition to the above options, it is possible to consider such gift ideas:

  • a huge and luxurious floor vase adorned with unnatural pearls; only before acquiring it, it will be necessary to think carefully about whether there is a place where it can be placed, and how it will fit into the non-specialized design of the room;
  • figurines or figurines from an antique salon;
  • if the spouse loves to read, then a beautiful lamp with an affectionate lampshade is a choice that she will definitely like;
  • on cold winter evenings, a beautiful plaid or tapestry bedspread can warm her;
  • not a single lady can resist a beautiful flower, it is necessary that it be in a pot and have the opportunity to grow for a long time and delight the lady with its beautiful appearance;
  • fine home textiles;
  • beautiful service or a set of dishes;
  • many women dream of transforming their kitchen into a modern room with a huge number of electronic assistants, so such a gift as household appliances for the kitchen will be very useful: bread makers, slow cookers, combines and blenders can significantly reduce the life of any housewife.

What else is possible to give for 30 years from the date of the wedding?

Not a single holiday will be complete for a lady if her beloved husband does not present a luxurious bouquet of her favorite flowers. It can be lilies, lilies of the valley, tulips, roses or gerberas tied with a bright satin ribbon.

In addition to a non-specialized celebration with children, relatives and friends, a spouse can organize a romantic dinner for two. To do this, it is possible to book a table in your favorite restaurant for your lady or arrange a quiet home romance.

Throughout the evening, in order to remember all the pleasant and funny moments of marriage, they will help to strengthen your thoughts that at one time you made the right choice.

What to give for a pearl wedding to your family friends

Congratulations on your 30th wedding anniversary for dear friends should be unique and captivating. Their anniversary gifts should be no less memorable than gifts from other guests of the holiday. They need to be selected as soon as possible.

What to give friends for a pearl wedding? in most cases, jewelry is given by relatives, such as children or spouses to each other, so this kind of gift for friends is not suitable. Based on this, before you go shopping for gifts, you need to think carefully and choose the best option.

Friends can give:

  • A unique photo collage that will show the spouses the most catchy moments of their life together.
  • If possible, it is possible to shoot a congratulatory video with the participation of all friends, relatives and acquaintances. Show it off during the celebration.
  • Frames and photo albums for photos, which can be decorated with both artificial and natural pearls.
  • Home portrait or just a picture in a pearl frame.
  • Vases, lamps and various souvenirs, which must be decorated with pearls without fail.
  • A beautiful and unique carpet will be a good gift that will always remind spouses of those who gave it.
  • Sets of dishes or cutlery.
  • In stores it is possible to find shells that have a pearl in them. This gift will be truly unique and exciting.

Anniversary musical present - video

What other gift is possible for a pearl wedding? Of course, it is also possible to present such a gift as the necessary household appliances, home textiles or other things that may be needed in everyday life. The main thing is that the present should not be intended for one of the spouses, but for a couple. Based on this, giving a spinning rod or a meat grinder will not be a good idea.

Before giving a present, you need to think about how to properly pack and present it.

Everything that in most cases is given for a pearl wedding can be wrapped in gift paper of any color and shade, tied with a satin ribbon, which should be decorated with pearls.

It is necessary that the present was accompanied by a card with the most sincere wishes. Everything that is written in it will probably be read out during the utterance of a solemn toast. Beautiful words and wishes for long life to the anniversaries - this is the main component of the success of this holiday.

Living together for 30 years is a great happiness, and it is necessary to celebrate this day on a grand scale in order to give a positive charge to the next years of married life.

The anniversary of the pearl wedding is celebrated by loving spouses 30 years after the marriage. This is a fairly large anniversary, which is celebrated with children, friends, relatives. The holiday is usually prepared by adult daughters and sons to please their parents with a significant event in their life together. Guests should approach the question of what to give for a pearl wedding with all responsibility, because the present must be original, necessary in the household or evoke pleasant memories of a significant anniversary date.

30 years after marriage, almost every couple has adult children. Usually they act as the initiators of the celebration of the anniversary, prepare the hall, wall decorations, dishes on the table and the program. But the problem of what to give to parents for a pearl wedding worries them more than all the guests. Gifts from children should be useful, memorable, unusual, so that the spouses would be pleased to remember the souvenirs received every time.

The symbol of a pearl wedding is delicate and durable pearls, so jewelry will be the most important gift for parents. You can give the mother for 30 years of marriage with the father:

  • ring with one large pearl in the middle;

  • bracelet;

  • necklace, pearl beads of delicate white, pink, mother-of-pearl color;

  • beautiful brooch, earrings.

You can give your father cufflinks with small pearls, a tie clip, a cigarette case decorated with small pearls.

  • photo album decorated with small pearls;

  • self-made photo frame;

  • a set of hand-made candles pasted over with artificial pearls;

  • anniversary glasses with the inscription "Anniversary - 30 years" or "30 years together";

  • all kinds of souvenirs, figurines, figurines.

It is also not forbidden to give pieces of furniture, household appliances, bedding, kitchen sets. It is advisable to order a themed cake with a beautiful inscription or bake it yourself according to your parents' favorite recipe. You can even sew or knit some kind of souvenir, make crafts with your own hands. The main thing is that a gift to beloved parents from children for a pearl wedding should be sincere, meaningful and enjoyable.

The question of what to give for a pearl wedding worries not only children or parents. Spouses should also please each other in the morning with some pleasant surprise. The wife must decide in advance what she will present to her beloved husband on the anniversary of marriage 30 years after the wedding.

Before choosing gifts for your husband on the anniversary of a pearl wedding, you need to decide what he would definitely be happy about, what dreams and preferences he has. The presentation should be memorable, unusual, pleasant. It is not necessary to buy something: you can prepare a gift with your own hands, decorating it with a commemorative inscription, embroidery.

  • family portrait, collage framed with pearls;

  • a beautiful photo album with a wish to keep the most memorable photos in it;

  • painting with seascapes;

  • cufflinks;

  • any symbolic souvenir.

Gifts to a husband from his wife for a pearl wedding can be anything. No one forbids giving to your beloved spouse:

  • set of tools;

  • spinning, fishing rod, hammock;

  • car accessories;

  • cinema, museum, theater tickets;

  • new TV, computer.

An athlete husband can buy a new sports suit or a football ticket, a gardener husband will like a set of garden tools or a walk-behind tractor. It all depends on the finances available in the family, the hobbies of the faithful or his desires, expressed in advance. The main thing is not to forget to tell your husband in the morning that he is the closest person with whom all 30 years of marriage have been happy and joyful.

When choosing a gift for a wife for a pearl wedding, it will be much easier for a husband to buy it, knowing the preferences of his wife. The most important present can be any jewelry with small or large pearls:

  • a beautiful ring made of gold or silver;

  • expensive beads;

  • chic necklace around the neck;

  • bracelet with pearls of different shades and matching inserts;

  • heavy or small earrings, an unusual pendant to the chain.

Depending on the hobbies, desires of the spouse, you can give her the following gifts in the morning, chosen specifically for the pearl wedding:

  • a beautiful floor vase with pearl patterns;

  • antique figurine or figurine;

  • white, cream lamp shade;

  • a chandelier shimmering in the rays of light with beautiful pendants;

  • white tapestry plaid, chic linens;

  • a flower in a pot with white or cream buds;

  • lace tulle, light curtains for the room;

  • soft sofa cushions;

  • household appliances for the kitchen;

  • dishes covered with mother-of-pearl patterns.

You can book a table in a restaurant or organize a relaxing family dinner with candles at home to indulge in pleasant memories of years of strong marriage lived together. Be sure to give your wife flowers, choosing buds of white or pale cream color. Lilies, roses, chrysanthemums, lilies of the valley or tulips tied with a light ribbon are suitable for a bouquet for a 30th anniversary.

Gifts from guests for a pearl wedding should also be memorable. You should choose them in advance, and not on the last day before the celebration. Be sure to give flowers to your wife along with a present, read a congratulation on a postcard. pearl rings,

beads and bracelets are usually given by children or husband and wife to each other, guests should find something more original for the anniversary than a pendant or pendant.

  • a picture in a frame decorated with artificial pearls;

  • photo frames, a gift photo album with a cover pasted over with pearls;

  • an interesting collage of the brightest photographs of the spouses that they have accumulated over 30 years of marriage;

  • glass vase, chandelier or lamp, decorated with artificial pearls of different shades;

  • cute souvenirs to decorate the living room, bedroom, hallway;

  • gift glasses, glasses with engraving or family photo;

  • mother-of-pearl figurines, figurines;

  • sets of dishes with mother-of-pearl patterns;

  • various shells with a pearl inside, which is a symbol of the anniversary.

A gift from guests or relatives for a pearl wedding may be different. Many donate household appliances, curtains, blankets, pillows or bedding. Sometimes spouses are given bushes for summer cottages, heaters, sets of pots, and together they buy a TV or furniture for the house. All these things will always come in handy in the household, they will last a long time.

  • bed set of expensive linen;

  • linen curtains, tablecloths, decorated with white embroidery along the edges;

  • large wall picture, panel;

  • chandelier, floor lamp, sconce;

  • warm white wool sweaters;

  • carpet paths, carpet, carpet;

  • tree seedlings, garden tools and tools.

It is advisable to wrap the present in white or tender-one-time gift paper, tie it with a light satin ribbon decorated with mother-of-pearl beads. A card should be chosen with a bright inscription, a beautiful congratulation inside. The thing should be handed over in a calm atmosphere, accompanying its donation with warm words of wishes, hope for a long marriage and the health of the anniversaries.