Proverbs about Karelia. Wise proverbs and sayings about friendship for kids and adults

  1. You will not get to know your friend without trouble.
  2. Life is tight without a friend.
  3. Without a friend who is lost is bad, but bad, and with a friend who is unfaithful.
  4. Without a good friend, you won't know your mistakes.
  5. A fight is red with courage, and a friend with friendship.
  6. If there was a friend, there would be leisure.
  7. I was with a friend, drank water: sweeter than honey.
  8. Suddenly you will not become a friend.
  9. There is no price for a faithful friend.
  10. Spring ice is deceiving, and a new friend is unreliable.
  11. All for one, and one for all, then there will be success in business.
  12. Everyone chooses a friend according to their liking.
  13. To tell the truth is to lose friendship.
  14. Grief for two is half a mountain, joy for two is two joys.
  15. The wind destroys the mountain, human friendship is the word.
  16. Goose is not a pig's comrade.
  17. A tree lives by its roots, and a person is friends.
  18. For a friend, nothing is a pity.
  19. There is no distance for friendship.
  20. A good horse is not without a rider, but an honest man is not without a friend.
  21. A friend in need is recognized.
  22. A friend in need is a true friend.
  23. A friend is faithful, measured in everything.
  24. A friend of grief has the right to be a friend of might.
  25. A friend is more valuable than money.
  26. A friend is, for the time being, the same enemy.
  27. Friend and brother is a great thing: you won't get it soon.
  28. An old friend is better, but a new dress.
  29. A friend will teach, and an enemy will teach you a lesson.
  30. Untested friend, that the nut is not split.
  31. Each is about each other, but God is about everyone.
  32. He is my friend, and he has his own mind.
  33. A friend is a valuable treasure, no one is happy with an enemy.
  34. Have a friend - do not feel sorry for yourself.
  35. Look for a friend, but find, take care.
  36. Money can't buy a friend.
  37. Don't lose your friend - don't lend.
  38. To amuse a friend - to annoy yourself.
  39. You recognize a friend in trouble, but a glutton in food.
  40. Friendship is friendship, but at least give it up.
  41. Friendship is friendship, but don't go into your pocket.
  42. Friendship is friendship, but not to lose order.
  43. Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than wealth.
  44. Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you won't fold it.
  45. Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor.
  46. Friendship is not a mushroom; you will not find it in the forest.
  47. Friendship lives closely from unfriendliness.
  48. Friendship is supported by the feet.
  49. Treasure friendship, do not rush to forget it.
  50. To drive friendship is not to spare yourself.
  51. Remember friendship, but forget evil.
  52. Keep friendship above all else.
  53. Amicably not heavy, but at least throw it apart.
  54. Amicably not heavy, but one and the porridge will go down.
  55. The friendly herd is not afraid of wolves.
  56. Friendly magpies and a goose will eat, friendly gulls and hawks will kill.
  57. Friendly - you can't spill water.
  58. The rich have friends that the chaff is near the grain.
  59. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  60. Friends are known in adversity and bad weather.
  61. Straight friends are brothers.
  62. Friends - until a black day.
  63. Sorry for my friend, but not for myself.
  64. You do not live with the one with whom you are born, but with the one with whom you will be friends.
  65. You can live in friendship when it is not false.
  66. Gold is known by fire, and a friend by gold.
  67. A friend is known - we ate a sack of salt together.
  68. He outlived his need, forgot his friendship.
  69. Look for friends, and enemies will find themselves.
  70. Look for a comrade better than yourself, not worse than yourself.
  71. Seeking a friend without a flaw will be left without a friend.
  72. Whatever friendship you make, such is your life.
  73. When my haystack caught fire, I met my friends.
  74. He who is stingy and greedy is not good in friendship.
  75. You and I are like a fish with water: you go to the bottom, I go to the shore.
  76. Trust in God, and do not lag behind good people.
  77. Every man to his own taste.
  78. You can't buy a friend's money.
  79. Do not be afraid of a smart enemy, but be afraid of a stupid friend.
  80. Not known is a friend, but known is two friends.
  81. Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
  82. The light is not sweet, if there is no friend.
  83. Not the friend who indulges, but the one who instructs in the mind.
  84. Not the one who is strong, but the one who is friends.
  85. Do not recognize a friend in three days, recognize in three.
  86. An unfaithful friend is a dangerous enemy.
  87. The enemy agrees, but the friend argues.
  88. If you don't have a friend, look for it, but if you find it, take care of it.
  89. Need makes friends.
  90. A father is a mentor, a brother is a support, and a friend is both.
  91. A bad friend is like a shadow: on a sunny day it won't get loose, on a rainy day you won't find it.
  92. The bird is strong with its wings, and the human is with friendship.
  93. With whom you lead, from that you will gain.
  94. Get lost yourself, but help your comrade out.
  95. Make money of your friends, but don't lose your fathers.
  96. Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are.
  97. An old friend is better than two new ones.
  98. Old friend! See you for the first time.
  99. One hundred friends are few, one enemy is many.
  100. Such friends that will grab, so you cannot turn a stake.
  101. The king and the beggar are always without friends.

I know for sure that the sayings and proverbs about friendship collected on this page are best for helping children understand what it is. And this knowledge is based on my personal experience. I really love watching children. And I came to the conclusion that children understand from an early age what friendship is. They express their sympathy for another baby by handing him a toy. And how funny they hug! And their phrase: "I will not play with you!" - isn't it related to the topic of friendship?

I took advantage of this, and with the help of sayings and proverbs about friendship, I began to unobtrusively expand their concept of friendship. Of course, I used sayings about friendship for this. And the result was not long in coming! All children grew up without conflict with each other. These are exactly what I have collected for you on this page.

Friendship Proverbs for Children

If you hold on to each other, you may not be afraid of anything.

You will not get to know your friend without trouble.

If you had a friend, there would be some leisure!

Filya was in power - all the friends poured down to him, but trouble came - all away from the yard.

Enmity does no good.

A thing is good when new, and a friend when old.

A loyal friend is better than a hundred servants.

In the field, wheat will be born a year, and a kind person will always come in handy.

Closely together, but apart - boring.

Having fun, eating and drinking - so any friend is good, and on a day of grief, only a close soul is good.

Where friendship is strong, things go well.

If you lose the good, you will make more money, but if you lose your friend, you will not return.

Friendship is friendship, and service is service.

For a friend, even seven miles is not a outskirts.

To hold on to each other is not to be afraid of anything.

Friend is known in trouble.

Friendship is like glass, if you break it, you can't fix it.

Friends are friends, but don't hold on to the floor.

He puts a tower for each other, but the enemy gets along with the enemy.

Stand together for peace - there will be no war.

Stick to the old friend, and the new one at home.

A good brotherhood is dearer than wealth.

He is my friend, and he has his own mind.

A friend is, for the time being, the same enemy.

Straight friends are brothers.

A good friend is better than a hundred relatives.

Live, do not be stingy - share with your friends.

To feel sorry for the bag is not to see a friend.

Envy will not add good.

Called a friend, but robbing around.

Seeking a friend without a flaw will remain without a friend.

And the dog remembers who feeds it.

Whoever is cool is not a friend to anyone.

He who loves to lie cannot be taken as a friend.

To whom the world is not dear, that is our enemy.

What friends are - such are their pies.

A liar is always an unfaithful friend, he will swindle you around.

Better water from a friend than honey - from an enemy.

Better a clever enemy than a stupid friend.

It is better to die near a friend than to live with your enemy.

It is better to live in cramped conditions than in resentment.

Better a faithful friend than a precious stone.

A sweet word is better than a sweet cake.

Love is strong in truth.

Sometimes powerless enemies take revenge.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Do not slander yourself, but talk with a friend.

Friendship and brotherhood of the people are dearer than any wealth.

If you don't have a friend, look for it, but if you find it, take care of it.

Don't get to know your friend in three days, but get to know - in three years.

One for all and all for one!

The saber hurts the head, and the word hurts the soul.

With the one whose eyes are blind - make friends, turn away from the blind in soul.

With a good friend you will move mountains, with a bad one you will sip grief.

Perish yourself, and help your comrade out.

With a good friend and living - not at a loss.

Make money of your friends, but don't lose your fathers.

The cheese is whiter, and the mother of all friends is lovelier.

Tell me who your friend is, and I'll tell you who you are.

With whom the world is okay, that one is my brother.

Where they are friends, they live - they don’t grieve.

Thunderstorm, threaten, and we hold on to each other.

The clever one blames himself, and the stupid one blames his comrade.

Whatever you don’t want, don’t do either.

A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

Rather than wish death to your enemy, you better wish yourself a long life.

Man is a friend and brother to man.

Friendship Sayings

Without a friend - an orphan, with a friend - a family man.

You will remember my friendship!

Without a friend in my heart - a blizzard.

The belly of the old friendship does not remember.

You quarrel in the smoke, then burn out of shame.

In a willing herd, the wolf is not terrible.

Enmity does no good.

Friendship is true.

Everyone loves good, but not everyone is loved by it.

The Lord will not give - the pig will not eat.

Goose is not a pig's comrade.

The wind destroys the mountain, human friendship is the word.

A good joke does not destroy friendship.

For a dear friend and an earring from the ear.

Two brands smoke in the field, and one goes out in the oven.

A good word heals, and an evil word kills.

Friendship is an assistant in business.

A friend is a valuable treasure, no one is happy with an enemy.

Two cats in a sack won't make friends.

Friendship is friendship, but service is service.

Friendship is not a mushroom, you will not find it in the forest.

Two friends - frost and blizzard.

Money can't buy friendship.

The informer - the first whip.

A friend is faithful, measured in everything.

Friend is known in trouble.

Keeping a friend is not unprofitable.

The village stands with a needle and a harrow.

You can't cut a strong friendship with an ax.

As it comes around, it will respond.

Wedge carpenter comrade.

You can't buy love with gold.

You and I are like fish to water.

Do not hit someone else's gates with a whip. They would not hit yours with a club.

Every man to his own taste.

Do not dig a hole for another - you will fall into it yourself.

The light is not sweet, if there is no friend.

Don't make your foe a sheep, but make him a wolf.

Not in service, but in friendship.

The wind blows down a lonely tree more easily.

From a warm word and the ice melts.

There is safety in numbers.

One finger is not a fist.

One bee will not bring much honey.

Eat a pood of salt together.

Loved him like a dog loves a stick.

Trouble knocks on the window - a dog and a cat will make friends.

By the generosity of the hand, you can see what kind of heart.

The truth is the most expensive.

Such a friendship that you can't cut it with an ax.

You can't break a tied broom, but you can break the whole broom along a twig.

With something else to be found - what to sit in nettles.

Straw with fire do not be friends.

To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf.

With whom you drive bread and salt - you are like that.

With a foe, even a hat off.

The tablecloth was off the table, and the friendship drifted away.

He said so much that you can't even take a hat.

A heart friend will not be born suddenly.

A plow is not a plow, a friend is not a friend.

With whom you lead, from that you will gain.

Quiet water and washes the banks.

Our matchmaker has neither a friend nor a brother.

Friendly neighbors and plows were rolled together.

A thin world is better than a good quarrel.

The king and the beggar are always without friends.

My tongue is my enemy.

My children, when they were little, often quarreled, and I had to separate them. And I used their example to explain the meaning of one or another proverb. Once I asked them to break a broom. Of course, they didn't succeed. Then I took it apart by twigs and handed it to the children again. They were happy to break all the twigs! And they were very surprised when I compared them to a broom. Day after day I told them that they had to hold on to each other, then no one would offend them. And every time, like the cat Leopold from the cartoon, she asked them: "Guys, let's live together!" And to this magic phrase she added some of the sayings or proverbs about friendship. Like the ones posted on this page.

This is how we developed and grew. And, of course, various others helped me. For example, or What sayings and proverbs help you? Write in the comments!

In this article, we offer interesting sayings and proverbs for children about friendship, which, we are sure, will be of interest to adults as well.

Proverbs and sayings have existed for a long time, and, perhaps, few people would disagree with the fact that they are necessary and important in our speech. Proverbs carry the most important meaning, morality and instruction, while sayings cannot boast of such a semantic load, however, with their help, speech becomes more eloquent and emotional.

Proverbs and sayings about friendship, friends and mutual help for preschool children, kindergarten: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Small children can be roughly compared to blank sheets of paper that have not yet been covered up or ruined. Why is that? Because a small child who is just starting his journey does not yet know anything about the environment, people and life in general, he needs to be taught absolutely everything.

This period in the life of every person is incredibly important, because what is put into the baby's head at this time will remain with him forever.

It is at this time that the child is taught such concepts as family, friendship, love, respect, help, etc. And you can explain the meaning of these concepts using the very proverbs and sayings.

  • The upbringing of kids at this time, as a rule, is carried out by parents, as well as educators in kindergarten.
  • It is important to note that a 2-year-old child, with all your desire, will not be able to understand and comprehend the meaning of any saying, therefore, such activities should be carried out with children of a little older age.
  • All proverbs and sayings that you will tell and explain to kids between the ages of 4 and 7 should be simple, and the explanation of their meaning is accessible and understandable
  • Please note that all children will understand and understand proverbs and sayings in different ways. Some kids even at 5 years old may not understand what you want from them, telling such important things in your opinion.

So, the simplest and most understandable proverbs, sayings for preschool children:

  • Look for a friend, but you will find - take care. The meaning of this expression is that each of us has many familiar people, but not all of them are our close friends. Moreover, if you managed to find a real friend, you need to appreciate, respect, cherish and help him. In no case should you quarrel with a friend and offend him, because it will be very unpleasant for him.
  • Friend is known in trouble. The saying goes that it is possible to understand whether a real friend is next to you is possible only by knowing the difficulties and troubles with him. Because everyone can play and be friends when you have fun and everything is good, but to help, for example, donate something of your own for you, is an act of a true faithful friend.
  • For a friend, everything is not tight. This proverb teaches us that we must help our friends and help them out at the right time. "Not tight" is used here in the sense of not hard, not difficult.
  • A friend is more valuable than money. Money can't buy a friend. These words have the following meaning: friendship is very important, and real friendship cannot be bought for any money in the world. Likewise, and vice versa - you cannot sell friendship for any money. To understand it, kids can be explained that selling is used here not in the literal sense, but in the sense of betraying. For example, you cannot leave a friend and be friends with another just because the new friend has better toys, a computer, etc.
  • As it comes around, it will respond. The adage says that how you will treat people, so they will treat you. If you want a kind, respectful attitude towards yourself, treat others in the same way.
  • An old friend is better than two new ones. Friendship grows stronger over the years, so old friends are always held in high esteem.

  • Goose is not a pig's comrade. So they say when two people cannot find a common language due to different preferences and opinions. It is generally accepted that the goose is a proud bird, but the pig is a simple animal in the countryside. Hence the opposition of these two animals in the proverb.
  • Get lost yourself, but help your comrade out. This is a saying about friendship and mutual assistance. The point is that a friend should always help his friend and sometimes even to the detriment of his interests. Of course, if a proverb is to be explained to a small child, examples should be given appropriate: give away a toy, candy, give up a locker in the garden, etc.

The best proverbs and sayings about friendship, friends and mutual help for children of primary and secondary school age: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

With older children, dialogue and conversations are more constructive. At the age of 8-14, children already understand well what they are told about, they are able to listen carefully and delve into the essence of the issue, if the information is presented to them in the right way.

For this age category, in addition to the previous proverbs and sayings, the following are suitable:

  • There is no price for a faithful friend. The meaning of the proverb is that having a loyal friend is very valuable and important.
  • A man without friends is like a tree without roots. A tree without roots, as everyone knows, cannot grow, and a person without friends cannot exist normally, because in a difficult moment no one will come to his aid.
  • There are no distances for friendship. This means that you can be friends even at a distance, even if you have never seen a person in real life, and all because friends are kindred spirits who can support each other and help each other even without being close.
  • Without a friend, there is a blizzard in the heart. The proverb says that life without friends is boring and monotonous.
  • Friends until a black day. This means that friends are unfaithful and not real, because they are friends only until a black day, that is, until the moment when everything is good and smooth.
  • An unfaithful friend is a dangerous enemy. The meaning of the saying is that a person who calls himself your friend, but is not, is a very dangerous person, because he can tell your secrets, secrets, can betray you at any moment.
  • For a good friend to spare neither bread nor leisure. The point is that a good friend shouldn't feel sorry for anything. You need to help him out of necessity, without sparing your resources.

  • Do not recognize your friend in three days, but recognize in three years. The essence of the saying is that you cannot make friends with a person and consider him as his best friend in a short period of time. You need to walk together for a certain period of time in order to understand that there is a real comrade nearby.
  • If you want friendship, be a friend. Here we are talking about the fact that before expecting friendship and kindness from someone, you yourself need to learn to give it to people. A saying not only about friendship, but also about reciprocity in relationships.
  • Seeking a friend without a flaw will be left without a friend. The point is that we all have certain flaws, there are no ideal people, so one cannot expect an ideal attitude and friendship from a person.
  • Where friendship is cherished, there the enemies tremble. The proverb that friends always come to each other's aid and that they are not afraid of any troubles and bad weather.
  • Having overcome the need, he forgot friendship. This is a saying about selfish people. This means that as soon as the person ceased to be useful to the “friend”, he stopped communicating.
  • The outer ice is deceiving, and the new friend is not reliable. This saying says that you cannot be sure of a new friend, because friends are tested by time.
  • An old friend is better, and a new dress. The essence of the adage is that friendship grows stronger over the years, and the longer you are friends with a person, the more valuable your relationship becomes.
  • They are friends like a cat and a dog. Few people know that cats and dogs rarely find a common language. Saying reflects the relationship of two people who do not find a common language
  • He who has not experienced friendship has not lived. The proverb emphasizes the importance of friendly relations in a person's life. The essence of the statement is that a person cannot live a full life if there are no friends in it.
  • The horse is known at the mountain, and the friend at the mountain. Once again, it is emphasized that a real friend can only be considered a person who went with you and bad weather, and hardships, and troubles.
  • A pot of cast iron is not a friend. This proverb is analogous to the aforementioned proverb: "A goose is not a pig's friend." The meaning of the statements is similar
  • A friend will teach, and an enemy will teach you a lesson. This proverb says that a true friend will always come to the rescue and help out in difficult times.
  • Friends are easy to find, but hard to keep. The point is that friendship is a daily work on relationships, it is not only fun and joy, but also support, troubles, problems that friends must go through together

Popular Russian folk proverbs and sayings about friendship, friends and mutual assistance for children: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

There is a huge number of very different proverbs and sayings, however, among them there are those that are known to almost every person.

  • In a willing herd, the wolf is not terrible. This proverb speaks of the unity of people, friends. In the statement, the emphasis is on the fact that together people can defeat anyone.
  • A friend is a valuable treasure, no one is happy with an enemy. The meaning of the proverb is that friends are our wealth.
  • Friendship is friendship, but service is service. The meaning of the statement is that friendships should not affect everyone else, for example, workers.
  • There are many acquaintances, but few friends. It says that not all comrades can be considered friends, because just acquaintances will not always come to the rescue and help out. Only those people who are ready to help you and appreciate you can be called friends, and there are not many of them, you see.
  • Those who have broken away from friends and comrades have no one to rely on in trouble. The proverb elevates the value of companionship. The meaning of the statement is that a person who does not have friends is deprived of support and support in their person.
  • Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. The meaning of the proverb is that friends are more valuable than money. A comparison is made: 100 rubles will not always save the situation, but 100 friends will definitely help.
  • There is safety in numbers. It says that it is difficult for one person to go through life. Another thing with friends is support, advice, and help.
  • One bee will not bring much honey. This proverb is similar in meaning to the previous one. The importance of mutual assistance and teamwork is emphasized.
  • Whatever you don’t want, don’t do either. The meaning of the saying is that a person should always treat others the way he would like to be treated.

  • Man is a friend and brother to man. The meaning of the statement is that all people should be friendly with each other, should help each other.
  • Make new friends, but don't lose old ones... The proverb says that you should not forget old friends when a new friend appears in your life, because old friendship is always more valuable, because it is time-tested.
  • Where there is friendship, there is agreement. It says that friendly relations cannot be built on quarrels, reproaches and envy. A friendly relationship is always peace, a willingness to give in.
  • Unfaithful friend, that full of holes... The proverb says that an unfaithful friend is absolutely useless as a friend. An unfaithful friend and a leaky fur coat are compared. Here is how there is no use from a leaky fur coat, so from such a comrade too.
  • Not the friend who indulges, but the one who helps. The point is that real friends always speak directly about your shortcomings and are ready to help you improve, but ill-wishers, on the contrary, always agree with you, do not argue, in order to make you look bad.
  • Mountains and stones are destroyed by the wind, and human friendship is a word. The point is that friendships are not always easy. You must always think about what to say to your friend so as not to offend him, otherwise you can lose friendship.
  • You can't spill strong friendship with water. It says that nothing can interfere with true friendship. True friends are always together and no adversity can separate them.

Proverbs and sayings for children on topics dedicated to real friendship, the value of friendship: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Not only the most popular and well-known Russian proverbs and sayings deserve our attention, but also the statements of other peoples of the world. Therefore, we consider it appropriate to tell you about such folk wisdoms.

  • Etiquette must be observed even in friendship (Japanese). The statement teaches us that friendship is work and in such a relationship you need to behave with dignity, according to certain rules and foundations.
  • One friend is better than a hundred priests (French). A priest is always the personification of something pure, immaculate, kind and correct. To show the importance of a friend, they compare him with a priest. The proverb teaches us that one faithful friend can replace hundreds of the kindest and wisest people.
  • A friend is the one who makes you cry, and the enemy is the one who makes you laugh (Persian). The importance of a proverb is that it shows us the meaning of friendship. A true friend can always say everything right in the face, notice the shortcomings and in a good sense of the word reproach us, while the enemy will always smile in the face and support your most stupid undertakings so that you yourself harm yourself.
  • One bee is better than a handful of flies (Spanish)... A bee is the personification of a kind, hard-working person, while flies always personify unkind, mean people. The proverb compares these animals to show that one loyal friend is better than many fake ones.

  • Do not believe the smile of the enemy (Bashkir). The essence of the statement is that a kind and loyal friend is not always hidden behind the mask of anxiety, care and a smile.
  • Scorpio stings not out of hatred, but because of its nature (Iranian). This proverb teaches us that all people are different and, when choosing a friend for yourself, you do not need to idealize his image, so as not to be disappointed later.
  • The enemy will steal your secret, a friend will correct your mistake (Uzbek)... The meaning of the proverb is that a real friend will never let you down, will always help, if necessary, he will literally correct your mistakes, while the enemy, taking advantage of the situation, will gladly substitute you.
  • In friendship or equal to be, or not to be friends at all (Azerbaijani). It says that you need to be able to make friends with people on an equal footing, not to exalt yourself and not humiliate a friend according to any criteria.
  • Starve together, thirst together, but don't leave your friend (Khakass). The meaning of the statement is that in real friendship, all hardships and troubles are divided in half, while you need to remain faithful to your friend.
  • A friend is more needed than fire and water (Greek). In ancient times, fire and water were the most necessary for life and existence, which is why a friend is compared to them. The proverb says that a friend and friendship are more important than even the most important.

Proverb, saying "A good friend is more precious than a hundred relatives": explanation of the meaning, meaning of a proverb, sayings

It must be said right away that not all sayings and proverbs can be correctly explained by paying attention to their literal meaning. This is exactly the case with this expression.

  • The proverb in no way diminishes the importance and significance of family and relatives.
  • The thing is that relatives often try to decide a lot for their loved one, while the interests of this person are not always taken into account.
  • Not all relatives know each other well, therefore, in principle, they cannot always be useful to their loved ones
  • A real, good friend is literally a reflection of you. He knows your preferences, desires and tastes.
  • He does not envy you and only wants the best.
  • Can sincerely, without any trick, support you and help you, proceeding not from their own considerations, but from your needs

Proverb, saying: "Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you can't fold it": explanation of the meaning, meaning of a proverb, sayings

Few will argue that true friendship is a relationship between people, tested over the years, trials, and not only troubles and bad weather, but also joyful moments.

Quite often people do not value their friends, forgetting about them due to some circumstances, for example, new friends, wealth, etc. However, after some time, they return the old attitude again, wishing that everything was the same as before.

  • The meaning of the proverb is that true friendship is friendship always and in everything.
  • If once a person offended his friend, hurt him, betrayed him, then the trust of this person disappears, the friendship ends
  • Therefore, in the proverb, friendship is compared with glass, which, of course, can be glued, but it will never be as smooth, even, beautiful. That's the way with friendship

Proverb, proverb: "Friendship cannot be bought for money": explanation of the meaning, meaning of a proverb, sayings

There are many proverbs and sayings that friendship and friends are one of the most valuable parts of human life. Such proverbs emphasize that money cannot buy a real friend, just like a real friend will never sell friendship for money.

  • This proverb also has a similar meaning.
  • The essence of the statement is that true friendship is a precious treasure that costs so much that money simply cannot buy it.
  • Also, words, statements once again emphasize the importance of friendship and friends in a person's life. Nowadays, it is generally accepted that money can buy everything: power, happiness, etc. But the proverb says that friendship cannot be bought for money, which means that its value is truly enormous.

Proverb, proverb: "Life is tight without a friend": explanation of the meaning, meaning of proverbs, sayings

This saying has many analogues. Such analogs are also similar in meaning Russian proverbs and sayings, and sayings of other peoples of the world.

This proverb is perhaps the most popular and well-known when it comes to statements about friendship.

  • Why is it generally accepted that friend and friendship are only known in trouble? Because being close to a person who is doing well is very simple, but finding the strength in yourself and being close to a person who is not going well is a completely different matter.
  • Friendship is not just one person's presence in another's life. First of all, this is the confidence that at the right time you will always be listened to, heard, understood and, of course, helped.
  • Agree, not everyone needs other people's troubles, it is much better and more convenient to simply have fun with someone who has no problems.
  • That is why they say that a real friend can be called the one who went through all the troubles with you and helped to solve them.

Proverbs and sayings play a huge role in the cultural and moral development of not only children, but also adults. Therefore, explaining a concept to a child or to oneself, it is better to do this using the example of the statements considered today.

Video: Proverbs and Sayings about Friendship


/ comp. G. N. Makarov; scientific. Ed. A. A. Belyakov, W. S. Konkka. - Petrozavodsk: State Publishing House of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, 1959 .-- 226 p.

Compilation, translation and introductory article by G.N. Makarov, Candidate of Philology

In the treasury of multinational socialist culture, the poetic creativity of the Karelian people rightfully belongs to one of the places of honor. Many types of folklore of the Karelian people (epos, fairy tales, songs, lamentations, etc.) are known to readers from various, albeit few, editions and publications. Until recently, however, Karelian proverbs, sayings and riddles remained unpublished and almost inaccessible to the general reader.
This collection represents the first experience of systematization and critical selection of proverbial sayings collected at different times among the Karelian population of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Kalinin and Novgorod regions. The material in the collection is published at; dialects
Karelian language with translation into Russian. This will allow you to get acquainted with the proverbs, sayings and riddles of the Karelian people in their original form not only for the Karelians, among whom these materials are collected, but also for representatives of other Baltic-Finnish peoples - Vepsians, Finns and Estonians, whose languages ​​are related to Karelian. Parallel translation of proverbs into Russian will also allow the Russian reader to get acquainted with them.

Proverbs and sayings are one of the artistic forms of manifestation of folk wisdom, and at the same time it is a social judgment over everything negative that is found in everyday life of a person. Some of the proverbs express general judgments or "eternal truths" and serve the interests of the people for a long time, others lose their relevance along with the change in the conditions in which they were born and become archaisms. The proverb is born among the people, as Vladimir Dal, the largest connoisseur and collector of Russian proverbs, correctly noted. A figurative judgment - either in the form of an apt definition, or in the form of a successful comparison or a succinct clear utterance - once arising in the mouth of one person, is picked up by others and included in the folk speech. Having arisen in concrete reality from observations of life, proverbs almost always contain some kind of generalizing conclusion and morality, thanks to which they are used to characterize many other similar phenomena and facts. Therefore, along with the direct meaning, which appears in the proverbial dictum, it also has a figurative meaning that significantly expands the scope of its application: Kulda revushta tunduu (stab is different from mud); Linda laulanalla nchchien shomendau (the bird adorns itself with singing); Peri vetta shatembi (Blood is thicker than water), etc.
In proverbs and sayings, reflecting the surrounding conditions of the material and spiritual life of a person, the thought of the homeland, the land of fathers and grandfathers is in the foreground. The people speak about the Motherland with the warmest words: Chyroseshsha he is hyuva, visas pyrambi omalla mualla (It's good in the sun, even better in the Motherland); Oma mu a manchika ... (Homeland - strawberries ...). The homeland is the fundamental principle, the root of the life of all living things: Yuuretta and kargie heina hey kazhva (Bitter grass does not grow without a root). And despite the harsh conditions of the northern region, for the Karelian people there is nothing more expensive than their native country with its endless forests, countless lakes, noisy waterfalls: Omat muat mayrehemmat, omat mieluishammat (Their fields are more affectionate, their forests are nicer).
The proverbs also contain direct echoes of the history of the people, their distant past. The Karelian people, together with their elder brother, the great Russian people, defending the northwestern borders of the Russian state, for many centuries waged a heroic struggle against the Swedish invaders. Along with other forms of folk art (historical songs, legends), these glorious pages in the history of the Karelian people are reflected in proverbs.

The theme of the Motherland is the closest to the heart of any nation. She is always fresh and never gets old. It is reflected in old proverbs, as well as in proverbs and proverbial sayings that originated in Soviet times, in our days. In the proverbs of the Soviet era, albeit sometimes not yet completely polished in their form (the form of proverbs is being polished by the long-term linguistic practice of the people), the theme of the Motherland is significantly enriched with thoughts about the bright destinies of the Soviet people, its historical deeds, and the readiness of the people to defend the Soviet homeland from enemy attacks. The concept of the Motherland "is supplemented in modern proverbs by the consciousness of the pride of a Soviet person, his confidence in a bright future: Mail he min tuachi muada puoli-stua. they have something to defend their homeland: Motorran humindas tun-net soviet aviationan vaen (You can recognize the power of Soviet aviation by the hum of engines.) In the Great Patriotic War, the hearts of the Soviet people filled with anger towards the fascists. Kalinin region: Fascist tapat - kai riakhat katat (Kill a fascist - you will be clean from sins); Vihazhniekal tazu and ala kielel, and dielol (take revenge on the enemy not with your tongue, but with deed); Vardeyche Rodinua, forge silman teria (Take care of your homeland, like the zenith And the Motherland, with paternal care, protects its sons: Ken Rodinua Suvaichchou, Sida.
The strength and intelligence of the people are complemented by the brilliant wisdom of the party. In the unity of the party and the people, the Karelian people, like all Soviet people, see confidence in victory on the bright path to communism: the road is selgei to communism (the road is clear to communism); Dear meida et eissa, party wagi on meissa (You won't get us out of the way; the party and I are strong together).

The proverbs dedicated to labor and labor processes reveal the exceptional diligence of the Karelian people. The nature of Karelia, concealing in itself natural resources, does not easily give them to the owner of the earth - man. In the lake region with countless swamps and marshes, in conditions of poor soils and an unstable climate, only hard work could ensure human well-being. Not only hunting in wild forests among lakes and impenetrable swamps, not only fishing on the turbulent streams of rapids, associated with great dangers to life, but also cultivating the land reclaimed from the forest demanded perseverance, courage and resourcefulness from the northerner. In the struggle for bread, which, according to the Karelian proverb, will make one dance before it appears on the table (Leipa she leukin lyudpi, annen kuin etekh shuapi), the peasant cultivated these qualities and self-confidence. Elava eluo shuau (Living good will gain) - he affirms. Honest and hard work is the most reliable source of his material well-being: Kel he is a kazi talmas, he is strong in the life of aunas (who has calluses in his hands, he has bread in a stack); Hey kiwi kiella kynnandas, kando lsivan kazvandas (A stone is not an obstacle to plowing, a stump is not an obstacle to ears); Ranta showtayan eteh tulou (The shore comes to the rower); Ruatt eu muattu (Work but not sleep), etc.
In the conditions of class inequality in the pre-revolutionary past, the peasant saw and realized with bitterness in his heart that the results of his labor were largely appropriated by kulaks, officials, and priests. In a society divided into classes of exploiters and exploited, where the working man is not master of his own fate, cruel injustice reigns: whoever follows a plow, rowing an oar, hunts for a forest animal or pulls a net is not always full, dressed and shod. Due to the hard work of the employee, the owner profits. A worker who does not extend his back remains poor, hungry and, moreover, with the shameful nickname of a sloth and a negligent: Kbuha ka-khet ruavot ruadau da laiskana and kuolou (The poor man will work for two, but he will lie lazy in the coffin); Kbuha kakshi perekhta ruokkiu ta iche sihe oikieu (The poor man will feed two families and then he will stretch his legs). The same is his share if grief befalls: where the rich pays off with money, the poor pays with his head: Kduhan miehen pia mandu, rikkahan - raha (The poor pays with his head, the rich with money).

The bulk of the proverbs and sayings that arose in the pre-revolutionary past reflect the life, mood and views of the patriarchal peasantry, the oppressed state of the rural poor, the hard life of the old village. The proverbs of this period reflected the private ownership interests of both the prosperous rural elite, seeking profit and ensuring their well-being (by any means), and small-proprietors from the farming of a rural worker associated with his own farm and a tiny plot of land. However, the bulk of labor of the people denied this "morality" and opposed the strength of the collective, society to private property aspirations, sought and found support in the village, in the world, in people: Rahvahan vialla and kallivo eistuu (By the power of the people, the rock will move); Suuri mie-ro vaivazhen varah (In people - the hope of the poor man); Eulo shuureh Mierokh nalgah kuollutta (People did not die of hunger in public); Rahvahashsha et ole mechashshi (In public - not in the forest) The working people expressed their condemnation of the desire for profit and enrichment by a sober assessment of the luxury item - gold: And kul-lashta labi yuounel tippuu (And a tear drips through the gold); Rauta kultua callhempi (Iron is more expensive than gold); Myakshi nu.mida et wa rushsha (You can't store anything for ages); Kgn eloshsha.zhe and huolshsha (Who lives, that and care).
The proverbs and sayings reflected not only social relations, but also the private relations of people to each other, the so-called "small" world of human relations: joy and sorrow, beauty and ugliness of a person and his actions, friendship and quarrel, honesty and deception, the smallest features human character, life and customs of his time. Such proverbs are very interesting for studying the psychology of the people, their way of life, character and way of life.

Folk signs about nature, close to proverbs, reflect the folk knowledge of the surrounding world, prompted by centuries of experience and work life, observation of the surrounding reality: Ozran lago lapset elattaa, vine rugehen hey (Lying barley will feed children, lying rye will leave hunger). Only thick bread lays down and the ear of the lodged thick barley ripens, because it breaks through the straw into the light, and in the lodged rye the ear remains under the straw, rotting and does not give a crop; Kiuruloen tulduo - kuu kezhikh viela (With the arrival of larks - a month remains until summer). Many of the folk signs were generalized, acquired a broad meaning and turned into proverbs: Vuotta mydt lindu laulaa (What year, a bird sings); Keikkuvat on, kevuaset paywat (Spring days are changeable), etc.
Karelian riddles are given in a separate section in this collection. A riddle - an allegorical description of an object or phenomenon - has its purpose to develop in a person shrewdness and ingenuity. An allegory often transfers an object to a completely different area of ​​the material world: Pedra pellol hyuppiu, yallat muah hey koskieta (The deer gallops across the field - the feet do not touch the ground). Under the "deer" in this case is a baby cradle, a shackle, tied to a pole ("ochep") or to a spring and thus suspended from the ceiling. In another riddle, a pancake in a frying pan is depicted as an oat roof over an iron floor: Raudaine latehut, kag-lunni i hni;) hut (Iron floor, and oat roof).
11m and.; I i, the greedy does not call the object, but only it .... and, pipe: Kumuallah - tausi, kohallah - tyhya (Lps / m // Onom - full, bottom down - empty). This is UK.I and the headgear is sent. The answer suggests to
Among the Karelian proverbs, sayings and riddles, there are many common works of this kind of the Russian people, as well as the Baltic-Finnish peoples. For centuries, the Karelians were in close contact with the Russian people and borrowed from it, along with vocabulary and other types of oral works, also proverbs, sayings and riddles, successfully translating them into their native language. It is curious that the collected material contains several (two, three or more) versions of translation of some Russian proverbs into the Karelian language. In the Karelian sound, such proverbs or sayings sometimes receive additional semantic shades that distinguish them from the Russian original. For example, the Russian proverb - Debt by payment is red - has five variants in the Karelian sound, differing mainly in different grammatical design by means of the Karelian language: Kaunish velgu maksaen (Sambatuksa), Velga on maksanalla kaunis (Tolmachi), Velga on maksuan kaunis (Tunguda), Velga he is kaunis makshulla (Yushk-lake), Velgu on choma, konzu se maksetah (Pechnaya Selga), etc.

The ancestors of the Karelians in ancient times lived together with the ancestors of other Baltic-Finnish peoples. This also left traces in proverbs, sayings and riddles common to these peoples. A comparative study of this kind of material could reveal many interesting things in the study of the Karelian-Russian, Karelian-Estonian, Karelian-Finnish and Karelian-Vepsian historical communities and contacts between these peoples at different stages of their development.
Proverbs and sayings do not unfold images of the phenomena of life, but convey their meaning in an extremely succinct form. For such a condensed form, the means of expression and artistic means are accordingly sought. This is, first and foremost, a non-legend, the most characteristic device in the proverbial genre: Corvato coda da silmatdy ikkun ni mida ey makseta (A house without ears and a window without eyes are worth nothing). Here, by "ears" is meant a dog, and by "eyes" - a child in a hut; Haugi kuolou - hambahat yiau (pike die - leaves teeth). This is also a comparison: Oma mu a manchikka, virash mua musikka (Motherland - strawberries, foreign land - blueberries); Kuin eu mezhashish kaikki put yuhenmuozet, niin and rahvash (As in the forest, not all trees are the same, so are people); analogy: Ongi-kala da pakkuanda fell (charred fish - alms); metonymy: Shana korvan leukkuau (The word cuts the ear); Okhotniekka hey magua, wai hanen sovat muatah (the hunter does not sleep, his clothes are sleeping); metaphor: Kenen rannat, sen and kalat (Whose shores, that and the fish); synonymy: Ken he is nyabed to nuorennu, he is virked vanhannu (who is brave in his youth, he is lively in old age); Tuulel tuou, ahaval ayau (It brings with the wind, with the wind (finished: with the spring wind) and carries it away); the rhythm of verbal forms and even a kind of syntax that very sparingly allows the use of secondary members of the sentence: Ruattu eu muattu (Worked - not slept), Oma okhkakhtah, viras lohkakhtah (He will sigh, someone else will blurt out), Linashsha he kaikki hinnashsha (In the city, everything is for money) etc.
For Karelian proverbs, sayings and riddles, in addition, alliteration in the form of consonance of the initial syllables is extremely characteristic, which gives the proverbial dictum a special sound color: Mida, kezal keriat, sida talvel tabuat (What you collect in the summer, you will find on the table in winter); Paksushta he fell parempi (A fat piece works better). Tuntou tuuli taiwahan tuumat (Knows the wind of the thoughts of the sky), etc.
Proverbs, sayings and riddles are characterized by very rich rhymes-consonance: Pallallah and omalla wallallah (Even if in hunger, but free); Gazietta eu azietta (Newspaper - news from around the world); Paha he tyubttbmie kasie tyublla tyudnnyuttyui (It is difficult to accustom the white-handed pens to work); Kielella mezi, azailla vezi (The language is honey, but things are watery).
The form of proverbs and sayings has been honed and polished by centuries of the language practice of the people and convey all the advantages of this form in another language, so
more in the language of another system, it is extremely difficult. For this reason, the Russian reader, both in the above illustrations and in many proverbs in the collection, does not always feel the richness of the image and the originality of the artistic features of the original.
Until recently, the collection of Karelian proverbs, sayings and riddles took place simultaneously with the collection of other folklore material. Therefore, the records of proverbs are still few in number. In an effort to reflect as fully as possible the proverbial wealth of the Karelian people, the compiler reviewed all the manuscripts stored in the archives of the Karelian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences and printed sources available to him - publications of individual collectors of Karelian folklore at the end of the last century and at the beginning of this century, as well as printed publications published on the Karelian language in the Karelian ASSR in 1936-1940. In addition, the compiler in the process of working on the collection in 1957-1958. managed to record more than 600 proverbs and sayings in the villages of Pasynok, Kozlovo and Ososye of the Spirovsky district of the Kalinin region and more than 300 proverbs in the villages of Sambatuksa, Megrozero and Pechnaya Selga of the Olonets region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and thereby somewhat replenish the available materials.

F. Fedorov, D. Makarova, V. Evseev, P. Kuikka, E. Guttari, K. Luoto, S. Nokelainen and many others took an active part in collecting proverbs and sayings. In addition, Karelian storytellers Maria Remshu (from Voknavolok), Euki Hämäläinen and Maria Mikheeva (from Ukhta), as well as enthusiasts - collectors of Karelian folklore I. Kondratiev (from Voknavolok), K-Manzhin (from Moseevsky), sent their notes to the Institute. , I. Barinov (from Dymtsevo), L. Ivanov (from Kroshpozero), A. Sozonova (from Peldozhi) and others.
In the process of working on the collection, a card index was compiled, which includes about four thousand Karelian proverbs, sayings and five hundred riddles. Selecting the MATG material, the compiler strove to highlight the most vivid, original and chain in the ideological and artistic sense samples, revealing the complex / and in many respects contradictory worldview of the people, its past and present. * -------
Proverbs and sayings in different parts of Karelia and the Kalinin region are called differently. The most common words are ishnanpolvi, sananpolvi or sananpia (figurative, figurative word, 'turn of speech). A proverb is understood as a playful apt expression and is conveyed by the modified Russian word privutka (joke) or verification, which means a joke in Karelian, an allegory. In the north of Karelia, the words sananlasku (proverb) and sinanparsi (proverb) are more commonly used.

In this collection, proverbs and sayings, due to the closeness of these genres, are given together, without dividing them separately into a group of proverbs and a group of sayings. The material is systematized according to the thematic principle: "Popular ideals and aspirations", "Worldly wisdom", "Social relations of the pre-revolutionary past", "Human vices and remnants of the past", "General judgments". Each topic is subdivided into smaller subtopics. The above classification is in some respects I conditional, since the bulk of the content of proverbs j in a number of cases does not allow them to be limited to any one topic. Despite this, such proverbs had to be included in only one section and omitted in another section, on a different topic or subtopic.

To write proverbs, sayings and riddles in the original language, this collection uses the Russian alphabet with the addition of some alphabetic characters or letter combinations denoting sounds specific to the Karelian language. To the vowels of the Russian language, two letter designations of the front-lingual vowels a and b are added. The sound a is similar to the Russian "I" in words like "wither", "ball"; sound b is the middle between the Russian "o" and "e". For technical reasons, the front-lingual y - the middle between "y" and "i" - is conveyed by the letter y: hyuva "good", kyulu "bath", yuxi "one"; the letter y at the end of the front-lingual diphthong: ldudau "will find", and in very rare cases at the beginning of the word: oud "night", etc.

The vowels a, and and the fore-lingual y can be neither softened (iotated). In such cases, a and front-lingual y are rendered in Russian letters I and y: yarei "lake", yuva "grain" without designation of front-lingual. Softened and conveyed by the letter combination yi: yia "ice". In the Karelian language, there are all the consonant sounds of the Russian language, and in addition, the sound j (voiced affricate): manjoy "strawberry", kuja "ant", etc.
The Institute and the compiler thank all the comrades who, by their participation in the collection of material and in the process of work, contributed to the fact that this collection of Karelian proverbs, sayings to riddles was as diverse and interesting as possible and ask enthusiasts to continue collecting monuments of folk wisdom and send their notes to the Institute of Language , literature and history of the Karelian branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR at the address: Karelian ASSR, mountains. Petrozavodsk, st. Pushkinskaya, 3.

settlements and surnames of collectors of proverbs, sayings and riddles included in this collection

The Karelian name is given in brackets.

Vazhiny (Simanisto) -Pryazhinsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; I. Yakovlev, M. Lyubovin.
Vashakovo (Vashakka) -Pryazhinsky district, Karelian ASSR; I. Yakovlev, A. Ivanov.
Vedlozero (Vieldyarvi) - Pryazhinsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; S. Nokelainen, E. Kallio, I. Nikitin.
Veshkelitsy (Veshkelyus) - Pryazhinsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; A. Kibroeva, K. Belova, V. Evseev.
Exaltation (Sviyzenie) -Maksatikhinsky district of the Kalinin region; F. Fedorov.
Voknavolok (Vuokkiniemi) - Kalevala region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; I. Kondratyev, M. Remshu, A. Lipkin, P. Kuikka, A. Myakela, U. Kharlamova, V. Kirillov.
Vorobyevo (Ukkozet) - Likhoslavl district of the Kalinin region; F. Fedorov.
Vohtozero (Vuokhtyarvi) - Kondopoga region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; V. Evseev, P. Kuikka.
Dalnitsy (Dalnichat) - Likhoslavl district of the Kalinin region; F. Fedorov.
Dymtsevo (Dymkova) - * Maksatikhinsky district of the Kalinin region; I. Barinov.
Ilyinskoe (Alavoine) - Olonets region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; A. Zhuravleva.
Impilahti (Imbilahti) - Sortavalsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
Stone Lake (Kiviyarvi) - Kalevala region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; A. Myakela, G. Bogdanov.
Kaskesnavolok (Kaskesniemi) -Pryazhinsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; I. Yakovlev.
Kashkans (Kashkan) - Pryazhinsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; A. Leontyev.
Kestenga (Kiestinki) - Louhsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; V. Evseev.
Kozlovo (Kozlova) - Spirovsky district of the Kalinin region; D. Makarova, G. Makarov.
Kokonniemi (Kokonniemi) - Suoyarvsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; E. Simakova.
Kolatselga (Kolatselgu) - Pryazhinsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; S. Nokelainen, P. Ivanova.
Konchezero (Ketyarvi) - Kondopoga region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
Kotkozero (Kotkatdyarvi) - Olonets region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; N. Anisimov.
Kroshnozero (Nuozharvi) - Pryazhinsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; G. Makarov, L. Ivanov, I. Golov.
Lakhta (Lakhti) - Pryazha region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; V. Evseev.
Maksatiha (Maksuatiha) - Maksatikhinsky district of the Kalinin region; F. Fedorov.
Maloe Kozlovo (Mechchakozlova) - Spirovsky district of the Kalinin region; F. Fedorov.
Megrega (Magriy) - Olonets region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; K. Gulyashova.
Megrozero (Myagryaddyarvi) - Olonets region "of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; G. Makarov, A. Erofeeva.
Moseevskoe (Moisova) - Vesyegonsky district of the Kalinin region; K. Manzhin.
Nebelitsy (Nebelichcha) - Ivantievsky district of the Novgorod region.
Obzha (Pizhi) - Olonets region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; P. Kononov.
Okuneva Guba (Akhvenlakhti) -Loukhsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; D. Lazhiev.
Ososye (Ososya) - Spirovsky district of the Kalinin region; D. Makarova.
Padany (Poadane) - Medvezhyegorsk region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; I. Yakovlev.
Stepson (Poisinkoy) - Spirovsky district of the Kalinin region; D. Makarova, G. Makarov.
Peldozha (Peldone) - Pryazhinsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; A. Sozonova, M. Larionov.
Petelnavolok (Petelniemi) -Medvezhyegorsk region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; I. Yakovlev.
Pechnaya Selga (Pacchu) - Olonets region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; G. Makarov.
Pirttilaksha (Pirtilakhti) - Kalevala region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; E. Guttari.
Poduzheme (Uzhman) - Kemsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; A. Kharlamov, V. Evseev, M. Larionov.
Porosozero (Porarvi) -Suoyarvsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; V. Evseev.
Pyalozero (Palarvi) - Kondopoga region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; M. Larionov.
Regozero (Roho) - Kalevala region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; A. Leontyev.
Rugozero (Rugarvi) -Segezhsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
Savinovo (Savinovo) -Pryazhinsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; V. Evseev.
Salmi (Salmi) - Olonets region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
Sambatuksa (Sammatus) - Olonets region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; G. Makarov.
Svyatnavolok (Pyukhaniemi) - Kondopoga region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; F. Titkov.
Svyatozero (Pyukharvi) - Pryazhinsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; A. Lukkareva. N. Leskov.
Selga (Selgi) - Medvezhyegorsk region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; T. Ananina.
Sennozero (Heinarvi) - Loukhsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; T. Kundozerova.
Sovdozero (Soudarvi) - Suoyarvsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; M. Larionov.
Sofyanga (Sokhyana) - Loukhsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; V. Evseev.
Suistamo (Suistamo) - Suoyarvsky district of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
Suoyarvi (Suoyarvi) - Suoyarvi region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
Syamozero (Siamarvi) - Pryazhinsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; V. Evseev.
Tolmachi (Tolmachu) - Likhoslavl district of the Kalinin region.
Tunguda (Tungud) -Belomorsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; F. Fedorov.
Ukhta (Ukhut, Ukhtuo) - Kalevala region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; E. Hämäläinen, M. Mikheeva, E. Guttari, V. Evseev, K. Luoto, A. Müllari, V. Kiyranen.
Fomikino (Fomikina) -Spirovsky district of the Kalinin region; F. Fedorov.
Chiksha (Chiksha) - Kalevala region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; A. Mäkelä.
Engozero (Aunakoski) - Kemsky region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; M. Larionov.
Yuvalaksha (Yuvalahti) - Kalevala Region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; A. Mäkelä.
Yustozero (Duustarvi) - Kondopoga region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; A. Lukkareva.
Yushkozero (Yushkyuyarvi) - Kalevala region of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; V. Toppinen, A. Mäkelä, V. Kijranen.

Popular ideals and aspirations *
Homeland. 23
Popular power and power ........................... 30
Labor, skill ................................. 34
Friendship, harmony ................................ 52
Intelligence, honesty, truth ........................... 1) 4
Worldly wisdom
Life, youth, old age ....................... 58
Health and disease ............................... 63
... Character, appearance and essence .................... 66
love, family and children .................................. 74
Food and sleep ............................................ 86
House, customs .......................................... 92
Social relations of the pre-revolutionary past
Those in power ........................................ 99
The share of the poor .......................................... 106

Human vices and vestiges of the past
Negligence, laziness .................................... 114
Property, envy, money-grubbing ................. P7
Stupidity, bad morals, superstition ..................... 122
General judgments
The truth is obvious and paradoxical .................... 136
Happiness, grief, failure ..................., ........... 150-
Tips, instructions ................................... 158
The power of words, word of mouth ..................................... J65
Nature, fauna, signs ...................... 171

Man, clothes and food ............................. 183
Dwelling and utensils .................................. 192
Household pursuits, field work, fishing and hunting ......................................... .200
Nature, fauna .......................... 210
Index of settlements and the names of collectors of proverbs, sayings and riddles included in this collection .................................. ........... 220