Rebus puzzles for children 5 6 years old. Puzzles for children. What does any astronaut lose in flight?

All adults know that through play a child learns and gets to know the world around him and himself. But which games are the most useful for development? When creating an activity program for your baby or even just buying new toys, you need to focus on the child’s age. What puzzles are most useful for children 5-6 years old?

Board games

Puzzles are recommended by child psychologists for all children over the age of three. The game “assemble a whole from pieces” develops perseverance, imaginative and In addition to the classic mosaic sets, which ask you to put together a picture from elements of the same shape, you can purchase a figured puzzle. In such a game, a picture must be composed of elements that are complex in shape. For example, if this is a car, the body, wheels, windows and other small parts will be separate. Useful - also lotto and dominoes with pictures. In the assortment of board games for preschoolers, you can find no less interesting “associations”, in which you need to collect pictures according to some general principle.

We come up with a game ourselves

A popular question among parents is: “What puzzle games can you make yourself at home?” To develop spatial thinking, it is incredibly useful to draw all kinds of plans and diagrams. Improve the game with the constructor: draw the future building on paper in advance (carefully depicting each of its elements), and then offer to assemble the structure according to the “drawing”. You can also draw a plan of the room, hide a toy or other interesting object in some place and invite the child to find the “treasure” on the map. Useful 5-6 years do not have to be prepared in advance by an adult. Ask your child to draw a map of his room, yard, or maybe even the route to kindergarten. You can make an interesting board game with your own hands from several sheets of cardboard. Cut the material into cards of the same size. And draw some symbols on them. You can use letters and numbers, stars, geometric shapes or simple designs. It is important that your set contains at least two identical cards with each image. It’s not at all difficult to play - an adult chooses several different drawings and puts them in a row. The child must look at the sample, remember it, and then (the sample is covered with a sheet of paper) repeat the number of cards and the sequence.

Timely preparation for school is the key to successful studies

Which ones will help you prepare for school? If your child already knows how to form words from letters and reads at least a little, you can try asking him to solve simple crossword puzzles. It's not difficult to make them yourself. Instead of complex questions, use pictures and choose the simplest words possible. Puzzles will also help you prepare for school. These are tasks with pictures and symbols in which words or phrases are encrypted. Very useful educational puzzles for children can also be found in collections of first copybooks. Workbooks for little ones usually contain various exercises, the solution of which requires thinking, drawing a little, and even writing something.

Puzzles for children with pictures

Children love to solve various riddles. And this is not only fun, but also a very useful activity that develops a little person, including his imaginative and logical thinking. Logical tasks such as puzzles are especially good for developing these abilities.

By the way, solving them is interesting not only for children, but also for adults. Even if these are ordinary ciphertexts with pictures. So such time together can gradually turn into a wonderful family tradition.

We present to your attention children's puzzles in pictures; under each card you will find the answers.

*** - means that we don’t know the answer to this problem, if you solve it, please write in the comments, thank you.

Answers to puzzles(from left to right): wart, bruise, ***, drug, thorn, hygiene, hematoma, stretcher, fever, injection, mole, operation, tetanus, malaria, patch, flatulence.

Answers: butterfly, chocolatier, peacock eye, shrimp, water strider, crab, ***, cockroach, ground beetle, horsefly, mosquito, scorpion, drone, dragonfly, fly, bumblebee.

Answers: scalpel, barrel organ, chisel, guitar, wire cutters, whistle, drill, clamp, cleaver, disk drive, scythe, cane, knife, light bulb, flute, freezer.

Answers: incubator, switch, brush, radio telescope, hook, radiotelephone, paper clip, radio tube, stepladder, electric saw, cartridge, electric pump, tube, electric drill, bookmark, electric hammer, brush, electric guitar.

Answers to puzzles in pictures: swordfish, mackerel, lamprey, roach, hammerfish, swordfish, sawfish, vendace, strapfish, carp, needlefish, halibut, ballfish, silver carp, hedgehogfish, crucian carp.

Answers: wind, storm, thunderstorm, tornado, haze, flood, source, dew, blizzard, drops, snowdrift, slush, frost, ***, darkness, beach.

Answers: jacket, insole, socks, peakless cap, sleeveless vest, half coat, shorts, blouse, cap, stripes, strap, leggings, cap,***, lining, sock.

Answers: scarf, spikes, scarf, sandals, down jacket, heel, sleeve, tights, skirt, hat, scarf, underwear, tailcoat, sweatshirt, cap, leggings, jacket, overcoat.

Answers: hair, knee, mouth, fist, pupil, armpit, vertebra, bridge of the nose, crown, elbow, cowlick, cartilage, leg, posture, collarbone, lower leg.

Answers to puzzles: compote, jelly, lemonade, entrecote, cheesecake, pie, knuckle, pampushka, yolk, sbiten, crackers, meatballs, bagel, toffee, pastries, bagel.

Answers: potatoes, plums, apples, cranberries, cabbage, radishes, currants, strawberries, dried fruits, coconuts, ***, buckwheat, zucchini, orange, cutlet, beans.

Answers to puzzles: bugler, knight, gardener, maid, bodybuilder, tanker, naturalist, tamer, ophthalmologist, tanker, carpenter, turner, fireman, trumpeter, fisherman, picador.

Answers: stylist, archer, cook, spooner, steelmaker, crabber, astronomer, mower, miner, cattle breeder, understudy, crusader, livestock breeder, carpenter, journalist, key holder, gold miner, spy.

Answers to puzzles: longboat, broomstick, rocket, tanker, rattler, motorboat, carriage, skating rink, sailboat, tractor, submarine, motorized carriage, pirogue, motorized boat, ambulance, motor sleigh.

Answers to puzzles: metro bridge, dolphinarium, greenhouse, planetarium, ***, barn, Kremlin, yurts, bell tower, barracks, dam, mosque, cathedral, citadel, feeding trough, elevator.

Answers: fort, funnel, club, one-piece, tunic, shootout, cartridge, grenade launcher, pistol, holster, torpedo, visor, dart, massacre, butt, colt, shooting, slingshot.

Where did puzzles come to us from?

So, what are puzzles, where did they come from and how are they useful? This will be discussed further. Unraveling words encrypted in pictures first became a hobby in France back in the 16th century. Of course, such entertainment was available to everyone, but it was mostly done by representatives of aristocratic families, since they had more free time for such entertainment. But other sections of society did not miss the opportunity to unravel the words encrypted in the pictures. They say that this was done even in not very respectable drinking establishments.

In our country, ciphertexts appeared much later. The general fascination with puzzles that need to be solved “with the help of things” (this is how the word rebus can be loosely translated from Latin) began only at the end of the 19th century. At this time, in the Russian Empire they even began to publish a special magazine, which was called “Rebus”.

Currently, cryptograms of this type will not particularly surprise anyone. But, unfortunately, such logical puzzles do not have the former popularity. And this is in vain! Such a pastime is much more useful than sitting on social networks or playing computer games. Especially for children!

Why do children need to solve puzzles?

Most puzzles are a riddle where the main role is played by a picture. The image is supplemented with letters, numbers or signs. By putting together words denoting drawn objects, adding or changing letters in their names, removing individual letters or syllables, you can turn the original word into the desired one. That's the whole task.

Children's interest in such puzzles is very high. And there is nothing strange about this. Some element of mystery always attracts children's attention. And as a result, little people not only enjoy decoding words, but also, unnoticed by themselves, develop the qualities necessary for studying at school, and indeed for life in general. Solving such text riddles greatly contributes to the development of:

  • horizons (kids remember new words and learn their meanings);
  • speech (in puzzles you can encode not only individual words, but also proverbs or tongue twisters);
  • memory (primarily visual) and attentiveness;
  • logical thinking;
  • intelligence, ingenuity and intuition.

In addition, thanks to encrypted text messages in pictures, preschoolers and first-graders find it much easier to learn letters and numbers, and older children remember the spelling of various words.

Recently, even textbook compilers have been using such logical problems. In elementary school they are often assigned as homework. Older children can be asked not only to solve cryptograms, but also to compose them themselves. This exercise is also an excellent workout for the mind. Moreover, such tasks are also creative work. After all, most contain a picture that the child will have to draw on his own.

Differences in children's puzzles

The most difficult are mathematical puzzles in which letters replace numbers in some mathematical expressions. The most complex are the so-called cryptorhymes. These are puzzles in which a mathematical expression is encrypted not just by a set of letters, but by a completely meaningful phrase. Of course, this version of puzzles is only suitable for children who are already well versed in arithmetic operations and read well.

The more common option is alphabetic. In them, the word is encrypted using letters, syllables or whole words. To solve such a puzzle, some letters must be removed and others replaced. Often, to solve such puzzles you need to use ingenuity and attentiveness, since the solution may even depend on the location of letters and syllables relative to each other. Younger schoolchildren who know the alphabet well and can read already cope well with such tasks.

Puzzles with letters and pictures are perfect for children who have just started learning letters. Such puzzles not only teach the child to think and reason, but also allow him to quickly remember letters and learn to read. Such puzzles are also suitable for younger schoolchildren. Solving them is a good exercise for the mind.

But text riddles in pictures are an excellent option for educational activities for children from 3 years old. They are considered the simplest and are quite capable even for such kids. It’s worth talking about this version of puzzles in a little more detail.

Puzzles in pictures

Logical tasks that use only pictures are suitable for kids who have not yet mastered the alphabet or have just begun to master this science. Most often they consist of two pictures. From the names of the objects depicted on them, a new word is obtained.

In such puzzles, the child does not need to remove or add letters to the words found. It is enough to connect them together. However, one should not assume that such problems are too simple. The tricky part is that many items are often named differently, for example:

  • a drawn eye can be called both an “eye” and an “eye”;
  • stylized window can be used in this sense or denote the word "frame";
  • a funny face can be deciphered as “face” or “face”, etc.

Such puzzles not only teach a child to think, but also significantly expand his vocabulary.

For older children, more complex puzzles are suitable, in which the picture is depicted upside down. In this case, you need to not only guess what is written on it, but also say this word backwards, for example: NOSE - DREAM. Sometimes in such problems the image is not turned upside down, but the direction of pronunciation of the word is indicated with an arrow.

If the child has already started learning the alphabet, he can already be asked to solve a text code in which a picture is accompanied by one or two letters. Such tasks greatly simplify the process of memorizing the alphabet, and the lessons turn into an exciting game that does not strain the child.

How to solve text codes with your child

With the help of logic puzzles, it’s easy to turn a learning activity into a fun game. But first, the parent needs to familiarize himself with the basic rules for solving such puzzles. Although there are no special tricks in this matter.

Any rebus is read from left to right (sometimes from top to bottom), unless otherwise specified or indicated in the form of an arrow. All names of objects are used in the nominative singular case. Of course, if several objects are depicted, then the word should be used in the plural.

Unlike other types of similar problems, picture puzzles always have only one solution. But their more complex counterparts may contain two answers. True, in this case this is necessarily indicated in the conditions.

At first, children should not be given too complex options. The first tasks should be very simple in order to interest the baby. Before starting classes, he needs to explain the essence of the task in clear language.

If the picture shows an object unfamiliar to the child, then with the help of leading questions he should be led to the name of what the picture depicts or the meaning of this word should be explained. The same must be done if the object can be called by different words. Most children identify the eye shown in the picture this way. The adult’s task is to tell him that this part of the face was previously called by another word. Thus, solving puzzles will not only develop the child’s thinking and logic, but will also significantly expand his horizons and vocabulary.

Don’t be upset if your child doesn’t complete the task right away. This in no way indicates the weakness of his abilities. Even simple logical cryptograms are not always solved the first time. Moreover, some seemingly simple pictures are difficult for adults to decipher the first time. And in general, you can always tell your child the way to solve a problem or direct his reasoning in the right direction. The main thing is not to overdo it and not solve the problem for the child. This line should not be crossed.


Welcome to the new section of the site with free online educational puzzles for children 4-5-6-7-8-10 years old. Solving puzzles was practiced in ancient civilizations; for example, the ancient Egyptians painted images of logic puzzles on the walls of pyramids. Probably many of our visitors were fiddling with a Rubik's cube in their hands. This type of logic games is excellent food for the brain, an opportunity to develop mental acuity, tenacious memory, and the process of solving the puzzle itself captivates a person and is a vitamin of joy. You can spin the Rubik, or you can solve the puzzle online. What is the advantage of online puzzle games? The fact is that you can choose the level of difficulty: daughter - on the first, dad - on 10. This activity is very useful for children, because it is aimed at developing logic, thinking skills, training memory, imaginative perception, attention and perseverance. Here your assistants will be all sorts of coloring games, Tetris, pyramids and the like. The puzzles are very difficult, they contain riddles, puzzles with surprises, and interesting logical tricks. Since you have visited our page, it means you are someone who likes to think and, therefore, this site is for you. Our puzzles are fun, exciting games. They will force you to choose one correct answer from thousands of incorrect answers. Tricky tasks, hints, hidden objects and dangers are what await those who like to “rack their brains”. What else are good about online puzzles? There is NO need to look for paper, pen or pencils; you can change your decision many times and redo your move. All you need is a computer or tablet. In addition, the online puzzle is dynamic, moving, beautiful, with high-quality animation. Turn it on, sit down and play.
All parents know that a child learns about the world through play. Age matters when choosing a puzzle. For example, for a 5-6 year old child, psychologists recommend puzzles, since “by assembling a whole from scraps and pieces, the child develops spatial thinking. “Complete the row”, “edible-inedible”, “find a pair”, offered on our website, form logical abilities and, of course, prepare the child for school. What is so captivating about puzzles is that everyone can do it; the situation of success inspires any child. This is because solving the puzzle does not require a huge amount of knowledge (the child does not have it yet). All you need is logic and a lively mind. Moreover, the content for invented puzzles is very wide.
Our website presents children's puzzle games for 4-5-6-7-8 years old based on the modern, relevant children's animated film “Puzzle”. The emotion of Joy was the main one in the heroine’s life. But life does not consist only of joys, so for Riley Sadness, Fear, and even Anger appear. Who will help the girl? Only our kind, smart scarlet readers. Walk with Riley along a new, unexplored path, take part in adventures, find your own answers to difficult questions. There are many puzzle games, choose any one and start!

Improving logical thinking for children 7-8 years old is an extremely important stage of development. By primary school age, children are already able to think logically, and the task of teachers and parents during this period is to give impetus to the development of logical thinking.

For this purpose, special tasks are selected, consisting of logical problems and puzzles. Rebuses occupy a special place among such tasks. On our website you can download and print for free simple puzzles for children 7-8 years old in pictures with answers.

What is a rebus?

This is a word encrypted in pictures. In the names of a series of drawn objects or actions, the specified number of letters is taken from the beginning or end of the words and the desired word is composed. Puzzles require from children 7-8 years old not only logic, but also a certain amount of erudition and ingenuity. Without knowing the name of the picture shown, it is unlikely that you will be able to guess the word. Sometimes you can guess the answer to a rebus, but this requires a certain mindset.

How and where can you use picture puzzles when working with children?

Teachers and observant parents probably know that puzzles for children 7-8 years old are even given in textbooks.

However, in addition to the proposed tasks, puzzles can be offered to children 7-8 years old as creative work, at the beginning of the lesson as a warm-up, or in the form of homework. At first these should be the simplest puzzles so that the children get used to this form of work.

They can be downloaded for free on this website, printed and used in your work. Further, the puzzles should be complicated without the children noticing: this way, thinking will develop unnoticed by the children. Parents, in turn, can offer their children puzzles in pictures as a way to spend their leisure time together.

The assignments with answers can be downloaded for free on this website and then printed. Invite the kids to solve the puzzle with you. Even if you know the answer in advance: don’t show it and offer your own answer options.

Children really like to win. Make them feel important: let them guess the correct answer, and you, like wise parents, quietly lead them to it.

How else can you “play” with a rebus?

When the children learn to solve puzzles well and understand the principle of constructing such tasks, invite them to encrypt some word in the puzzle themselves.

You can download the puzzles you like for free on this site, give the kids just the beginning and invite them to continue on their own. Compare the rebus compiled by the child with those originally proposed by the authors, analyze whose version is better and more understandable.

Subsequently, the child will be able to create interesting problems on his own, without your prompting.

Since puzzles, as a rule, are created in the form of pictures, the question arises: what to do for those who cannot draw or do it poorly. No problem. Convince the guys: there is no need to be afraid that your pictures will not be understood.

On our website you can download several puzzles for free and focus the children’s attention on the fact that in the puzzles everything is drawn schematically, in general terms. Nobody requires you to be a professional artist. If you understand the drawing yourself, then others will understand it too.

So, solving and composing puzzles yourself is a very useful activity for the development of logical thinking. Give your children more tasks like this: let them develop while playing, unnoticed by themselves.

Puzzles for children

Click on the pictures to download and print the puzzles:

There are no “right answers” ​​to these puzzles, so just some options are provided. Children's intelligence and wit are encouraged.

1. At one competition, the average boxer won three fights. At first the blows were ordinary, but gradually became stronger, reaching such force as if they were hitting with a stone. Then he was disqualified.

Answer: The hands are wrapped in a plaster bandage.

2. Two horsemen compete: whose horse will be the last to reach the finish line. But things don’t work out, both stand still. They turn to the sage for advice... After that, both rode at full speed.

Answer: The sage advised to exchange horses.

3. A young man is sitting in a trolleybus next to a lady. Her friend comes in and the ladies start talking. The young man stands up and invites the lady who has entered to sit down. She calls him impudent.

Answer: The lady doesn't fit in the seat.

4. The father's son was unknown to anyone, then he violated the instructions, died and became famous. Who are we talking about?

Answer: About Icarus from the ancient Greek legend.

5. An engineer came to a small town on a business trip and settled into a single room in a hotel. In the evening I went to bed, but could not sleep half the night. Then he got up, dialed the phone number, said nothing, lay down and calmly fell asleep.

Answer: I called my neighbor behind the wall, who was snoring loudly.

6. A man and a woman fell in love and got married. They lived together in perfect harmony for a very long time; They didn’t work, but they gave each other expensive gifts. As a result, they became millionaires. How could this happen?

Answer: Before they got married, they were both billionaires.

7. “This morning,” the girl says, I dropped my earring in the coffee, and although the cup was full to the brim, I was able to get it out without even getting my fingers wet.” How could this happen?

Answer: a) dry coffee; b) coffee beans; c) the earring is light and does not sink; d) the earring is long.

8. A village boy tells his friends: “Yesterday there was such terrible rain, and my father did not take either an umbrella or a hat. When he appeared at the door of the room, water poured from him in streams, but not a single hair on his head got wet. There is nowhere to hide from the rain within a radius of 500 meters from our house - there is bare steppe all around.” Is it true? How can this happen?

Answer: The boy's father a) was bald; b) took a bath.

9. Reverend Saul Luni publicly announced that on a certain day and time he would cross the Hudson River “like dry land.” At the appointed time, with a large crowd of people, Sol Luni stepped onto the waters of the river at its widest point and after 20 minutes he safely reached the opposite bank.

Answer: The river froze in winter.

10. A noble lady, famous in a small town, went to the theater. It was a very boring play. She couldn't stand it and left the second act. After her departure, a terrible scandal broke out in the theater.

Answer: The lady was the leading lady.

11. Professor Jane Book became famous for demonstrating an amazing experiment: he placed a bottle in the center of the room and then crawled into it. What is the secret of the experience?

Answer: He crawled into the room.

12. New York resident V. Harris registered marriage 20 times in a relatively short period of time. Each time there was a new woman. However, he did not divorce any of them, but he also did not become a polygamist. Could this happen?

Answer: Worked at the mayor's office and registered marriages.

13. One student tells another: “Yesterday our college basketball team won the basketball match with a score of 76:40. It’s interesting that not a single basketball player scored a single goal in this match.” How could this happen?

Answer: Two women's teams played.

14. The lady did not have a driver’s license with her. She did not stop at the railway crossing, although the barrier was lowered. Then, not paying attention to the sign prohibiting entry with a “brick,” she calmly moved along the one-way street against the traffic of cars. All this happened in front of the guard, who for some reason did not consider it necessary to intervene. What actually happened?

Answer: The lady was walking.

15. In one section, the double-track railway is replaced by a single track and goes into a tunnel. One summer, a train flew into the tunnel from one side at full speed. Another train rushed by at full speed from the other side. But no collision occurred. Is this possible?

Answer: Naturally, the trains passed through the tunnel at different times.

16. Famous illusionist and hypnotist Dale Brant absolutely accurately predicts the score of any basketball game before it starts. How does he do this?

Answer: Any of us can do this, since the score before the game is always 0:0.

17. A man committed a theft, and although everyone knew about it, he was not convicted. Despite the anger of just a few people, the act became legendary. Who are we talking about?

Answer: About Prometheus from the famous ancient Greek legend.

18. On one of the Odessa streets there were three tailoring workshops. The first one had a sign: “The best workshop in Odessa!” The second tailor hung a sign: “The best workshop in the world!” The third one outdid them both. What did he do?

Answer: He hung a sign “The best workshop on this street!”

19. Elevator accident. 3 people were stuck. Two are upset, one is happy. Why?

Answer: Any good reason is appropriate. For example, a poor student is happy that he will be late for school.

20. American Charles Brown was furious when, 10 years later, he found out that he could hear better without a hearing aid than with one. He went to complain to the doctor, who recommended wearing the device. After carefully examining the patient, the doctor found out the cause. What is she wearing?

Answer: The patient wore the device on his healthy ear.

21. One man tells another: “He walked, but did not wear his shoes. I decided to help him, but I only made it worse: now he can’t even walk with my help.” What or who were they talking about?

Answer: About the alarm clock (about the clock).

22. The harder it is hit in the right place, the better it performs its function. Who or what are we talking about?

Answer: About the nail.

23. Interview with twins: - Are you brothers? - Yes!

- Were you born on the same day? - Yes! -Are you twins?

- No! Why?

Answer: They are triplets.

24. As you know, all native Russian female names end with either “a” or “ya”: Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there is a female name that does not end with either “a” or “ I". Name it.

Answer: Love.

25. When is the best time for a black cat to get into the house?

Answer: When the door is open.

26. There are a ruler, a pencil, a compass and an eraser on the table. You need to draw a circle on a piece of paper. Where to begin?

Answer: You need to get (take) a sheet of paper.

27. Is it possible: two heads, two arms and six legs, but only four in walking?

Answer: Yes, it's a rider on a horse.

28. Which car wheel does not spin when making a right turn?

Answer: Spare.

29. What word always sounds wrong?

Answer: The word "incorrect".

30. If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take one cat to catch one mouse?

Answer: Five.

31. How many months of the year have 28 days?

Answer: All 12, because if there are 30 days in a month, then

28 days are among them.

32. What is dropped when needed and picked up when not needed?

Answer: Ship anchor.

33 What do all people on Earth do at the same time?

Answer: They live.

34. How many peas can fit into one glass?

Answer: Not at all, because the peas don't move.

35. What is the correct way to say: “I don’t see the white yolk” or “I don’t see the white yolk”?

Answer: The yolk cannot be white, it is yellow.

36. The hunter walked past the clock tower. He took out a gun and fired. Where did he end up?

Answer: To the police.

37. What comes first in Russia and second in France?

Answer: Letter "R".

38. Which part of the bookcase consists of half a consonant letter?

Answer: Shelf (floor - ka).

39. A crow sits on a branch. What should be done to saw off a branch without disturbing the crow?

Answer: Wait until she flies away.

40. Why are some riddles dangerous?

Answer: Because people “rack their brains” over them.

41. Why can a sparrow eat a handful of oats, but a horse cannot?

Answer: Because sparrows don't eat horses.

42. What disappears when you eat a big bagel?

Answer: Hunger.

43. A surprised man tells his friend: “Every time after lunch I look at my watch, and it always shows the same time, although I have lunch at different times.” How can this be explained without involving mysticism?

Answer: The clock is standing.