The scenario of the New Year's holiday for the senior group "New Year's adventures of a snowman. Scenario New Year's Adventures of the Bremen Town Musicians

"Christmas Adventures"

New Year's performance in the senior group.


Invite children to participate in the holiday;

Develop children's artistic abilities.

Develop communication skills in the child;

Progress holiday:


Any of us, of course, waiting

Happy New Year's Eve!

But more than anything in the world

Children are waiting for this holiday!

Entrance of children: Dance "Polechka"


Came back to us today

Mother's Day - Winter,

This New Year's holiday

Eagerly waiting

Leading. Hello, New Year's holiday,

Christmas tree and winter holiday

All my friends today

We'll invite you to the Christmas tree!

Child. We are all very well

fun today

Because he came to us

New Year's holiday!

Child. What is New Year?

New Year - frost and ice,

This is the laughter of cheerful friends,

These are dances near the Christmas trees.

Child. What is New Year?

This is a friendly dance.

These are pipes and violins,

Jokes, songs and smiles.

Song: "New Year"

1st child. forest coloring book,

In his coniferous dress,

Like a dear guest

She came to our house.

2nd child. She's tired of the blizzards

She was tired of the storm.

And now she's dressed

In silver and pearls.

3rd child. The guest changed immediately

So the outfit went to the face:

Ribbons, stars and diamonds

It's like they're burning gold.

4 children We have fun today, we called the guests,

All the toys were hung on the Christmas tree

Above the top of the head is a huge star.

And Santa Claus with gifts will come here now

Leading. Let's go near the Christmas tree

Let's start our round dance.

The song is performed: “Here it is our Christmas tree” ( sat down)

Vedas: We meet, we celebrate the New Year today.

Let the toy people dance under the tree.

Well, Christmas trees girlfriends come out, show us a beautiful dance!

Christmas tree dance.

Sounds like music from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear",

Bear enters the room.

Bear. Oh, I’m tired, while I was decorating the Christmas tree, decorating the hall, I need to put a samovar, otherwise Santa Claus will come soon, we’ll drink tea with him. (Goes to the samovar, but there is no water) That's bad luck, there is no water, I'll go to the ice-hole for some water.

Dancing to the tighter music, he leaves the hall.

Masha runs to the music, looks around

Masha. There is not anyone! (Looks everywhere)Well, where are you all? Where did you go, wow! What a beauty!(starts jumping) That's lovely!

Jumping high. A bear enters, looks at her, arms at her sides.

Masha doesn't notice at first.

Medved B: What are you doing to me?

Masha : I was just walking by. Misha, what are you doing?

Bear: - I'm waiting for Santa Claus, now I have to drive up.

Masha: - And who is he? (turns to children, children say their options)

Masha -Ah, so it was Santa Claus!

Bear: Where have you been?

Masha running in a circle:- I won't tell, I won't tell.

Masha runs out of the room.

Bear: - Well, poor girl! Look at the clock, hear the clock tick!

Sounds like a "chime of the clock"

Bear (sadly) : -New Years is soon. -The clock has struck 12. But Santa Claus is still gone, where did he disappear to?

Masha runs to the music.

Masha. I will not say. I will not say.

Bear. Since there is no Santa Claus, you have to go to bed, because bears sleep in winter.

(The bear is offended and goes to sleep under the Christmas tree)

Masha, approaches the bear, takes him by the paw:

Masha. Mish. Give me your paw, Mish, play with me! Doesn't wake up, help me guys wake Misha up

Vedas. Guys, let's start our cheerful round dance, Misha will definitely wake up from our fun.

Dance is performed: "Valenki"

The bear wakes up.

Bear. What kind of children go here?

Sleep is not allowed!

What's all the noise and commotion?

Here I will catch you all!

The children run to the chairs, the Bear catches up with them.

Bear. Wow, what smart kids. I didn't catch anyone.

Vedas. Don't worry, Mishka, we have a surprise for you. Look at the little bear cubs we have. And they also know how to dance.

A bear dance is being performed. (boys)

Masha. Well, you're funny, Mishka. Mishka, Mishka, and I didn’t come to you alone, I have a whole team with me. Well, Masha, come out, show a perky dance!

Mash dance is performed

The bear runs away holding his head, Masha runs after him, shouting:"Well, where are you Mishka? Wait!"

Vedas. Well, our fairy-tale heroes have fled, but Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are still missing.

Snowflakes are flying out.

1 child Winter is covered in snow

From morning until dark.

Snowflakes curl, spin

At our window.

2 children As if the stars are sparks

Scattered around.

Rushing, silvery,

They look into the house.

3 children Then they will ask for a room,

They run away again

Behind the glass they rush

They call to the street.

The dance of the snowflakes after the dance, the snowflakes hide under the covers)

The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden:

Happy New Year,

With winter, snowy weather,

With clear days

With skis, skates,

With a white snowstorm, with a Christmas tree!

Snow covered all the paths. Well, nothing, I will now mark all the paths with my magic broom.

The Snow Maiden sweeps towards the snowflakes.

Snow Maiden: Oh, and the snowdrift is alive, moving! (takes off the coverlet, snowflakes scatter in their places).

Vedas. Snow Maiden, have you forgotten your favorite snowballs?

Snow Maiden: No, they are always with me!

Snowball game.

Vedas. They had fun playing snowballs. Snow Maiden, where is Grandfather Frost? Why is he late?

Snow Maiden. I don't know, I've been waiting. Or maybe he does not know where your kindergarten is located? We must call him. Let's call him together: Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga runs on a broomstick

Baba Yaga: What are you talking about here?

Leading: And we have a holiday, our guys are celebrating the New Year!

Baba Yaga: And I dressed up today

I came to you for the holiday!

I dance and I want

I want to be a Snow Maiden! Wow!

Leading: Wait, wait Baba Yaga! We have a Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga: How is it? Where is she? (Makes binoculars out of his hands, examines everyone) Why can't I see?

Leading: Yes, here she is! (points to the Snow Maiden) The real Snow Maiden!

And we really like it!

Really guys?

Baba Yaga: Is this the Snow Maiden? (looks at her) Well, surprised! Well, laugh! She is not a Snow Maiden! Just think of a beautiful, shiny coat! And my outfit, what's worse? And besides, I still know how to conjure! Here! Don't believe? And now I'll prove it to you!

I will bewitch your Christmas tree,

I'll blow it on the fire! (Baba Yaga runs around the Christmas tree)

Snow Maiden. What have you done, Baba Yaga?

Why did you enchant the lights?

Now Santa Claus is coming

He will show you!

Baba Yaga: Your Santa Claus will not come!

Failed your Santa Claus! (runs behind the tree)

Snow Maiden. Guys! We need to cheer up Baba Yaga! Then her witchcraft will disappear and then Santa Claus will be able to come to our holiday!Baba Yaga, you are such a clever and intelligent person and you know how to do mischief and conjure, but can you dance?

Baba Yaga! Yes, it's easier than ever!

Snow Maiden. Well, then at our Christmas tree

We will all dance together!

Dance of Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga: I had a lot of fun! (frightened) Oh, I forgot about witchcraft! That's trouble, trouble...

Snow Maiden. So Santa Claus is coming, oh someone will get it!

Baba Yaga! I beg you, be quiet!

Don't talk about me!

I won't bother you anymore

I will forget all the bad! (hides behind the tree)

Santa Claus enters the music

Father Frost: I am a cheerful Santa Claus

Your New Year's guest!

Don't hide your nose from me

I'm good today!

I saw these guys!

The year has flown by like an hour

I didn't even notice!

Here I am again, among you

dear children!

Child: Waiting for Santa Claus

We are you today

How happy is everyone

New Year's meeting!

We will start a round dance

We will sing a song for you.

The song “We have been waiting for you for so long, grandfather! »

Father Frost! And now it's time for us to play kids!

Leading: Santa Claus! Wait a minute!

You look at the tree

The tree is sad

For some reason it doesn't shine!

Father Frost: We will fix this problem

Let's make all the fires burn

let's say together: "1, 2, 3!

Our Christmas tree - burn! (the tree does not light up)

Father Frost: Who has been here? (looking for)

Who bewitched the Christmas tree? ( tapping staff)

Baba Yaga: Father Frost! I'm sorry!

Oh, I was stupid!

Honestly, I say - I'll fix it,

Everyone will like me today.

Father Frost: Well, guys forgive Baba Yaga?

Well, let's correct your mistake. (points to tree)

Baba Yaga: (runs around the tree, blows on the lights)

Christmas tree, beauty, smile!

Light up the whole thing with bright lights (claps his hands, but the tree does not light up)

Father Frost: No, you're screaming a little!

Let's all shout out guys!

“Herringbone beauty, smile!

Light up all the bright lights!(lights up)

And now you guys can play!

Game "Don't Freeze"

Baba Yaga: You have fun at the holiday, but it's time for me to go to the forest. Goblin and Koschey must have been waiting for me, we will celebrate the New Year together!

Goodbye! (leaves)

Father Frost: Well, Christmas tree, brighter, sparkle with lights. We invite all children to have fun with us!

The song "Miracle Tree" is performed

Vedas. : We performed under the tree! Only a wonderful guest did not dance.

Good Santa Claus! Children together ask you to dance now for us!

Dance of Santa Claus..

Father Frost : Well, rested, had fun with you. The hour has come
distribute gifts. Where is my New Year's magic bag with
gifts? Come on, Snow Maiden, let's please the children with sweets and
delicious. Granddaughter, help me distribute gifts.
(they take a large bag that stands near the Christmas tree, untie it, Masha appears from there, all stained with chocolates,
there are a lot of wrappers around her)
Masha: Phew! Yes, delicious, but not enough!
Presenter: Masha, what have you done? After all, these were gifts for all the children!
And the guys, well, now they will be left without gifts?
Masha: - Don't worry, aunty, Grandfather Frost is a magician, he will think of something. Really, Grandpa?
Father Frost: Hey, Masha, Masha. We'll have to correct your leprosy.

(Picks up a chest from under the Christmas tree.)

Rise, hook, open, chest (says "magic" words)
Bird, titmouse, dove, saucepan ...
Crow, cow, dragonfly, sausage...
Plane, helicopter, rocket, candy...
He takes out candy from the chest.
presenter : Santa Claus, so many children, and the candy is so small.

Father Frost: Yes ... somehow it will be small! Come on, Masha, come here. (gives her a candy) Now I will say magic words with the guys, and at this moment you should run around the Christmas tree, and if everything works out, then our candy will become big.
Together with the children, he begins to say the words:
We love candy. Am!
We eat them fast. Am!
You grow bigger. Am!
You grow fatter. Am!
The word "Am!" must be pronounced with a stretch, amplifying the sound from low to high.

With each circle, the candy gets bigger and at the end brings a candy that contains gifts. (Santa Claus distributes gifts, the Snow Maiden and Masha help him)

Father Frost: Well, is everyone happy now?
It's time for us to hit the road.
Well, next year
I will visit you.
Snow Maiden: We congratulate all guests
We wish you happiness, joy
May your laughter always ring!
Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone!
Vedas. : The hour comes - the hour of parting,

Let the tree live in memory!

We say to each other: "Goodbye"

Until we meet again - New Year!

One of the most joyful and magical holidays celebrated in kindergarten is without a doubt the New Year.

The scenario of the New Year's party will be useful to music directors and educators of a preschool educational institution.



Scenario New Year's holiday for the senior group

"Christmas Adventures"

Characters ( adults): Host, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga, Yozhka, Atamansha.

Children: girls are snowflakes, boys are robbers.

Children run into the hall to cheerful music, stand around the Christmas tree in a round dance.

Presenter: Each of us, of course, is waiting

Merry holiday New Year

But more than anything in the world

Children are waiting for this holiday.

To the cheerful music, the children enter the hall.

Children read poetry

1.Golden rain sparkles

Our cozy bright room

The tree invites us to the circle,

It's time for the holiday.

2. There is no more elegant than our Christmas tree

There is nothing more beautiful and sweeter

All straightened needles

On spreading branches.

3. In the bright hall, noise and laughter,

Our tree is the best

There is no doubt about it.

How much shine, how much light!

All children: Wonderful tree!

4. Do not yearn for the winter forest,

About my sisters

We will sing songs together

Let's have fun!

The song "New Year's round dance" is performed (Everything is white in the street)


On this winter starry evening

The old year is gone

New Year to meet him

Comes to us with gifts

On the magical path

We can enter the fairy tale

Only where is the magic way

How can we look into a fairy tale

Music is playing now

We will be able to get into a fairy tale!

Music sounds, the Snow Maiden appears

Snow Maiden: Hello guys, hello guests!

Here I am!

presenter : Hello, Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden: Waiting for me, friends?

A wonderful day is coming

The New Year is upon us again!

Feast of laughter and fun

Christmas tree holiday for kids!(Quiet music sounds, the Snow Maiden looks at the Christmas tree).

That's the tree, the miracle tree!

All toys are great!

Near the Christmas tree elegant

Did you dance kids?

Children (in chorus) Yes!

Snow Maiden: Guys, are you ready for our meeting?

(Children answer).

I want guys now

Solve New Year's riddles!

Reads riddles

The Snow Maiden conducts a dance according to the show “We will hang the balls”

(Children stand in a large circle with the Snow Maiden)

Presenter: Snow Maiden, it's very good that you came to us!

Take a look

The kids' eyes are on fire.

The guests all came to our garden,

Elka is here!

But here's the question:

Where is Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden: He asked me to give you

That will arrive soon.

He gave you a snowflake, a magic piece of ice!

While the snowflake is flying - the desire will be fulfilled at that moment!

Presenter: Guys, the snowflake is magical, it will help us find Santa Claus and continue our fun holiday!

Snow Maiden: Can I make a wish?

presenter . Yes, you certainly may! Snow Maiden, will you make a wish for all the children?

Snow Maiden ( magical music sounds): You are a snowflake, spin, light up with white light. Go straight to Santa Claus with us!

Snow Maiden : The wish is made, it remains only to gently shake off the snowflake, and we will find ourselves where Santa Claus is.

Disturbing music sounds.

The lights in the hall dim.

At this time, Baba Yaga appears behind the tree, she catches the Snowflake on the fly and hides it in her bosom.

Presenter: Guys, what kind of guest is this?

Baba Yaga: I am the evil Yaga, the bone leg.

The jet broom quickly informed me.

I'll scare you all: wow, how evil I am! ( frightens children).

Presenter: What are you, Baba Yaga, scaring our guys? We have a New Year's holiday today, Santa Claus will come to us soon! Here he will show you!

Baba Yaga: Ha ha ha, whatever you want.

Don't wait for Santa Claus

He won't come to you today.

And gifts, of course

Nobody will bring you!

Snow Maiden: Why doesn't Santa Claus come to us? He also promised...

Baba Yaga: I fooled Santa Claus

And sent another way

He will not come to your kindergarten!

At this time, Ezhka's granddaughter runs into the hall.

Baba Yaga hides a snowflake in her bosom

Yozhka: Grandma, are you back to your old ways? I educate you, educate you, but there is no sense. How many times do I tell you: do not fly on a broom - you will fall, you will break.(Approaches granny, puts on her a tinsel scarf)and put on a scarf, you'll catch a cold.

Baba Yaga: Oh, granddaughter, why are you here? You wanted to compose ditties for the New Year.

Yozhka : And I already composed (handing out to Baba Yaga a piece of paper with ditties).

Baba Yaga (squinting) : Granddaughter, I don’t see almost anything that I wrote, I don’t understand ...

Yozhka with Baba Yaga perform ditties

Yozhka :one. So the holiday has come to us, it's very good!

To get rid of boredom...

Baba Yaga: I need to swim in the puddle!

presenter : Grandma, what are you doing?! It's not beautiful.

Baba Yaga: But fun!

Yozhka: Okay, let's try another one.

2. Fur coat, hat, red nose -

Santa Claus enters.

Starts to sing and dance

Baba Yaga: And take gifts!

Presenter: Where is it seen that Grandfather Frost took away gifts? Ah, guys! Chastushki should be kind and fair.

Baba Yaga: Okay, let's sing a good and fair ditty.

Yozhka : 3. Our cheerful Santa Claus is overgrown with a gray beard,

Cheeks, nose blush ...

Baba Yaga: Because it teases.

Yozhka: Why tease, how tease?

Baba Yaga: But how! (shows).

Yozhka: I will not sing ditties with you anymore. I'd rather play with the guys.

Yozhka holds the game "Christmas trees-stumps"

Baba Yaga: Oh, I'm tired with you, you've killed me!

Yozhka: Grandma, and you rest for now, since you are tired (seat Baba Yaga on a chair).

Baba Yaga: And that's right, I'll sit! (sit down, doze)

Leading (children quietly): Guys, how can we take a snowflake from Baba Yaga ? What to do? How to be?

Snow Maiden: It is necessary to have a grandmother to drink! (says it in a whisper). Snowflakes, do your magic dance. And when she falls asleep, we will quietly take away the snowflake from her and free Grandfather Frost!

Dance of the Snowflakes

Snow Maiden: Baba Yaga is fast asleep! Let's try to take the snowflake away from her!

(The Snow Maiden tries to get the Snowflake)

Baba Yaga: What did they think of it? They decided to rob the poor Grandmother in broad daylight! (starts to get a snowflake and realizes that it has melted)

The snowflake has melted! Everything, bye-bye, there is no snowflake - there is no holiday!

Presenter: What have you done? How to be now?

Snow Maiden: How will we meet with Santa Claus now?

Yozhka: Granny, again you are playing pranks, ruining the holiday for children!

Baba Yaga: And what else can I do if I am not invited to the holiday!

Presenter: Yaga, don't be angry with us, you're already at the party!

Guys, let's dance a dance for Baba Yaga and all the guests!

General dance "Bells"

The hedgehog leaves.

Baba Yaga: Oh, the guys made me so happy now, so be it, I will help you! I know who to contact! (Takes a cell phone and speaks on the phone.

Baba Yaga: Hello? Hello! Someone who ..., I'm Yaga in touch! Listen, girlfriend, your help is needed, come to kindergarten!

Music sounds, Atamansha enters the hall.

Atamansha (sings):

1. They say today is a holiday

New Year's with the guys.

The tree is full of different toys,

Her outfit suits her.

Oh, lu-lu, oh lu-lu

And I love holidays

Eh-ma! - 2 times.

2. There will be a lot of gifts

Santa Claus around in the forest

Covers all roads

And I love sweets

Oh, lu-lu, oh lu-lu

And I love holidays

Eh-ma! - 2 times

And tamansha: Yaga just told me that Santa Claus is not enough at your carnival, the New Year is not coming.

Presenter: Guys, do you understand who came to visit us? ( children's answers).

Snow Maiden: Atamansha, have you by any chance seen our Santa Claus, we really need him!

Atamansha: I saw, I saw ..., I saw it again! I won't just give it to you just like that. I have grandchildren, they also want a holiday, and they want gifts!

Snow Maiden: Dear, we are always glad to see guests at our holidays in kindergarten, especially for children! Bring your grandchildren to us!

Atamansha: Yah! Maybe my grandchildren? Well, well, well…

Eh, I don’t want to let Santa Claus go, no matter what you do for my little kids! I'm ready to help the guys. ( Loudly ) Okay, I'm letting Santa Claus go, even though it was my prey. But you have irritated me, so let all the boys and girls have fun. Now I whistle to my robbers, in an instant they will bring Santa Claus here.

Dance of the Robbers is performed.

Father Frost. Ay! Awww!

Snow Maiden. Do you hear? This is the voice of Santa Claus! It is he who shouts: "Ay!" Let's shout to Grandfather Frost: Grandfather Frost! ( Children repeat.

Father Frost:

I am a cheerful Santa Claus,

Your New Year's guest!

Don't hide your nose from me

I am good today!

I remember exactly one year ago

I saw these guys!

The year has flown by like an hour

I didn't even notice...

Here I am again among you

Dear children!

Hello kids,

Girls and boys!

Father Frost. Oh, Baba Yaga! ( Then he continues menacingly, tapping his staff.)Why did you lure me, but sent me along a different path, huh? Now I'll freeze you!

Baba Yaga: Wait, wait, Santa Claus!

It's an unseen thing

Everyone was invited to the holiday, invited,

Well, they forgot about me!

Snow Maiden: Baba Yaga, don't be angry with us! Stay on our holiday! Look how good we are!

Baba Yaga: I want to play with you

And I won't scare you! Here!

Santa Claus: Well, that's good!

Baba Yaga: Just look guys:

Your tree is so beautiful

So pretty and slim...

But tell me why

Does it stand without lights?

Santa Claus: Well, it doesn't matter!

I look like a Christmas tree around, I’ll say magic words:

And you, kids, help and repeat with me

Christmas tree, light up, light up with lights!

Children repeat.

Father Frost: Speak very quietly, come on, guests, help!

Christmas tree, light up, light up with lights!

The lights on the tree light up.

Father Frost: Our Christmas tree sparkled, everything around became brighter,

Let's go around the Christmas tree, sing a ringing song!

The song "When the New Year comes" is performed

presenter : Guys, let's cheer Santa Claus!

Father Frost: Come on, get up in a circle, sing a song to Santa Claus!

The song "Santa Claus" is performed

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, let's play with the guys!

A game-dance is being held on the show "Heel - Toe"

Snow Maiden: And now Grandpa, you play the game!

Father Frost: I'll be a locomotive, cling to me!

The game "Rides, rides a steam locomotive" is held with stops

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, it’s not so easy to get out of our circle, it’s also magical in the new year.

Father Frost:

I know, I know your secret.

After all, I've been dancing for many years.

For me it's like that

Very simple.

Oh, the soul is rejuvenated

For ninety years.

Run away guys

Santa Claus is dancing.

Snow Maiden: And the Snow Maiden from Grandfather

Doesn't fall behind for anything.

Dance of Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Father Frost: Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit down and rest!

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus! And you sit on a chairgives Santa Claus a chair), and guys, poems will tell you.

D children read poetry

Father Frost: Well done boys! Well, it's time for me to go!

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, what about gifts?

Father Frost: Oh, I completely forgot!

Snow Maiden: What are we going to do now? Will the children be left without gifts? Grandpa, you are a magician! Think of something!

Father Frost: Bring me the magic rope!

The host delivers.

Father Frost: Now I'll show you the magic!

Santa Claus throws a rope out the door.

1. The first time you come across - a mitten.

2.Second time - one gift.

3.Third time - a heavy bag with the rest of the gifts (they will be helped to pull them out to the middle of the hall by the Snow Maiden).

Baba Yaga.

Look, look, gifts! Oh yes, Santa Claus!

Adults distribute gifts to children.

Snow Maiden.

We wish you to grow and not be bored,

Moms and grandmothers do not upset at all.

And always ask for forgiveness

For any grief!

Baba Yaga.

We wish you to temper and grow wiser,

And never get sick for a whole year!

Father Frost.

Never be arrogant

And get rid of laziness!

Well, next year

I'll come check you out!



Music sounds, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and Baba Yaga leave. Children wave after them

New Year's party in the senior group of the preschool educational institution. Scenario

Written by: Geiko Tatyana Anatolyevna
Description: Development of a New Year's scenario for a senior or preparatory group for school. Discuss the upcoming holiday with the children in advance. Methodical methods: Conversation, watching cartoons, listening to new songs and round dances. According to the scenario, children meet different fairy-tale characters.
Preliminary work: Spend an evening with fairy-tale characters "Along the forest paths" using musical and didactic games. Viewing slides, etc. Use a multimedia screen.
- Consultation for parents "Let's believe in a fairy tale together"
Target:- Creating a joyful holiday atmosphere for adults and children.
- to learn to move in dances and round dances together, without pushing and overtaking each other.
- sing in an emotionally natural voice in a choir without shouting.
- involve children with solo numbers.

Scenario for children 5-6 years old "Winter Adventures"

Leading. How nice that today
Our guests have come here
And, without looking at the worries,
Everyone found a free hour.
Happy New Year
And we invite you to the holiday
Fairy tales are the best in the world.
The roles are played by children.

Children, accompanied by cheerful New Year's music, run into the hall, perform the musical and choreographic composition “Merry New Year”, at the end of the dance they rebuild in a semicircle.

Children. 1. New Year's signs!
The kids have been waiting for you all year!
There is no more wonderful, more interesting,
Long-awaited is not in the world!
2. Fluffy snow outside the window,
Hills and snowmen.
Ice mirror, silvery,
Skis, sleds, skates!
3. And the resinous Christmas tree smell
Heard here and heard there.
Christmas trees, as if at a parade,
Lined up in place!
4.On platforms and in showcases,
And everyone has one in their apartment.
In clubs, schools, shops -
Christmas trees can not be counted!
5. But more beautiful than our Christmas tree
No, of course not!
On thick, fluffy branches
Lights run to the star!
6. In the realm of Christmas decorations
The lights are burning bright.
Tinsel, balls, crackers
So sparkle and shine!
7. We welcome the Christmas tree.
We meet the Christmas tree.
Christmas tree cheerful
We dedicate the song!
Round dance "The New Year is coming to us"

8. From another sign
So much laughter, so much noise
Because everyone is dressed
In carnival costumes!
9. Today we are not girls.
Today we are not boys:
Snowflakes, Fish, Sparkles,
Bears, Wolves, Bunnies.
10. Wings, caps flash,
Weird masks.
Today, each of us
Fairy tale hero!
11. We are so proud of the costumes,
We want to show them.
Let us at the Christmas tree
Dance more!

"Circle dance" at the choice of the muses. leader
12. There is one more sign:
If it's New Year's Eve.
So, the Snow Maiden will come to us,
So Santa Claus is coming!
13. With excitement, with impatience
We are waiting for guests from the forest.
For them today from the heart
Let's dance and sing!
14. Snow is fluffy, silvery,
Soft carpet spreads.
And snowflakes, like fluffs,
Curl merrily around.
15. Went out into the field in a white dress
Our Crimean winter.
Let her walk boldly
The kids will be happy.
Children run in a chain to their chairs

The song "Zimushka - winter" at the end of the song to the music. losing enters Winter) the children sit down.
Winter. I know you've been waiting for me
Dressed warmer.
I scattered snow everywhere
And it became beautiful around.
With his girlfriend Cold
I froze the puddles
So that in winter there is a place
Ride kids.
The forest stands in a fluffy coat
And in snow-white boots.
I blushed my cheeks
Little kids.
What a beautiful winter forest!
It contains many fairy tales and miracles.
Child. We miss wonders so much
On fun adventures
According to good Russian fairy tales,
Magic transformations.
Lead, Winter, hurry us to the forest,
We want fabulous miracles!
Winter. Miracle, miracle, respond!
Miracle, miracle, appear!
Everyone get up behind me,
Don't scream, don't yawn
We all need to go to the woods
The story is ahead.
Children walk in a chain through the hall and approach the hut. In the hut, someone sneezes.
Winter. Oh, look, hut,
And in that hut - an old woman.
Hey, hut, don't be lazy
Come back to us!
Baba Yaga. Turn away from them hut!
You see, winter is here.
Oh, how many guys are here!
They are all noisy, noisy.
Winter. Hey, hut, don't be lazy.
Come back to us!
Children sit down. Baba Yaga comes out of the hut.
Dance - disco with Baba Yaga. -10-12 children.
Baba Yaga. Again there is no peace in the forest!
Why don't they teach you etiquette?
Before screaming out the window
You need to say hello.
Winter. Hello Grandma Yaga.
How is your health, how is your leg?
Baba Yaga. I'm tired of your frost.
The last tooth hurt.
There is nothing for grandma to chew on!
It is urgent to drive Winter.
I'd rather take winter
And lock it up with a key.
Baba Yaga grabs Zima, locks her in a hut, returns with a key.
Baba Yaga. I'll hide the key as soon as possible
From these little kids.
And then they'll find it
And the lock will be unlocked.
I'll hide it in a snowdrift,
So that no one could find (thinks).
But in winter there are a lot of snowdrifts,
Then find it and try it (goes to the audience).
O! I'll hide it here.
You won't find it here for sure! (thinks).
No, you betray me
Give the kids the key.
I'll hide it in a fairy tale
Let them cry now.
You have to go into the woods
To find the key in a fairy tale. Baba Yaga runs away.
Leading. And it's dark in the forest now
And nothing is visible.
You take flashlights
And light up the paths.
Figured waltz with lanterns). and dev.
Leading. Now there are no barriers for us.
Here comes the happy hour.
Friends lined up behind me
And I will lead you into a fairy tale.
Children snake in front of the Christmas tree. At the end they take their seats.
At this time, the stove with Emelya rolls out and the grandmother and grandfather come out.
Emelya's exit (grandmother and grandfather are dancing)
Leading. Look, children, the oven is standing,
And someone is sleeping on the stove.
He sleeps all week.
Who is he?
Children. Emelya.
Grandfather (wakes up Emelya).
Hey Emelya, wake up
Go get some wood.
Grandmother. Gotta fire up the oven.
Drink tea for guests.
Emelya. By magic,
At my will
Pechka, go into the forest yourself!
Where is the ax to chop wood?
Grandfather. Here's an ax, take it
Go to the birch forest!
Grandmother. birch logs
They burn best.
Hurry up, Emelya,
And don't torment the guys.
Emelya on the stove goes to the forest (goes round the Christmas tree). Birches are scattered in front of the Christmas tree. Emelya gets off the stove.
Emelya. Here is a grove of birches,
I didn't freeze in the oven.
I'm going to cut birch trees,
To chop wood and heat the stove. Bypasses birches.
Oh, how beautiful
Red-cheeked, alive.
And this one is covered in fluffy snow,
In boots, white, silver.
I can't look
For beauty like this:
Delicate, magical
Snow live.
It's better to lie on the stove
Yes, even admire
Like in the forest on New Year's Eve
Birches lead a round dance.
Dance of the Birches.
Emelya. By magic,
At my will
Firewood, cut yourself
And come to my yard!
Emelya goes around the Christmas tree. The leader brings firewood. Grandfather and Grandma come out.
Grandmother. We need to ask the guys for help.
Grandfather. Fold the woodpile at the stove as soon as possible.
Attraction "Fold the woodpile"
Emelya. Here we fired up the oven.
Why did you come to the fairy tale?
Leading. We are looking for the magic key,
Bored children without Winter.
Emelya. There is no key in our fairy tale.
But I have boots.
Although they are small,
And not hemmed, oldies,
But you, friends, will not be let down,
They will lead you to another fairy tale.
Dance "VALENKI" with Emelya (at the end Emelya leaves on the stove) - GENERAL, PAIR.
Leading. Wear boots on your feet
Let them lead us along the forest path.
(Children put on imaginary boots.)
Is everyone lined up? Forward.
A new story is waiting for us.
Children go around the circle in front of the Christmas tree.
Nastenka is sitting under the tree.
Leading. The girl is beautiful
He sits under the tree.
Why is the girl
Crying and sad?
Nastenka. My name is Nastenka.
Father left here
Me under the tree alone.
Oh, I'll freeze, I'll disappear!
Leading. And why in such a cold
Did he bring you here?
Nastenka. The evil stepmother sent
Wants me to disappear.
Leading. Nastenka, don't worry
All the kids will help:
We will warm you now
We'll put a coat on you. (Put on)
Leading. And to warm up quickly;
Let's play more fun.
The game "Who will soon get dressed and run around the Christmas tree."
Morozko comes out.
Morozko. What is the noise in my forest?
I see a beautiful girl.
I'll joke with the girl:
I'll spin and whistle. Runs around the Christmas tree to the music

Are you cold girl?
Are you cold, red?
Nastenka. I'll clap my hands
And immediately the legs will dance.
Come out, Frost, dance,
Nothing to scare me! He takes off his coat.
Comic pair dance "Oh, snow, snowball." - 4 couples.
Morozko. Oh thank you, made me laugh
The old man was cheered up.
Now tell me:
What do you want from me?
Leading. We are looking for the magic key,
Bored children without Winter.
Morozko. There is no key in my fairy tale.
But I have snowflakes.
If you guess riddles
You will be all right. Snowflakes fly out.
1st snowflake. If the snow covered
Trees and houses
So it comes to us
Snowy winter)
2nd snowflake. If your hands get cold
And the nose turns red
So, roamed
Santa Claus).
3d snowflake. Came from the north
To us from afar.
White ... (Snowstorm).
Soundtrack of the blizzard. The light goes out. The scenery is changing. The light is on. King Pea sits on the throne.
Leading. Look - ka: the palace is standing,
King Pea sits on the throne.
King Peas.
At the king of peas
The kingdom is always bad.
The floor was gnawed by mice.
Roof leaked.
And the court traitors
All my treasury wasted
Take over the kingdom
All stocks eaten
And a foil crown
They put it on me.
And I want wealth
Swim in luxury.
Well - ka, two from the casket,
Identical from the face.
Come out at the same time
Follow my order!
Two twins emerge from behind the chest.
Two brothers. We are two brothers from a casket,
Identical from the face.
Execute immediately
All Gorokhov orders.
King Pea. I want to be beautiful.
I need to get the beads!
Two brothers. Your decree is an order for us,
We do the same time!
Bead Dance
At the end, the beads "crumble".
King Pea. Urgently get me a magnifying glass!
I will collect beads.
Two brothers. Your decree is an order for us.
We do the same time!
One collects yellow beads, the other collects blue ones. They lead children - beads behind the Christmas tree, the Tsar runs after them. The beads are in place. Peas come out, beads on the neck.
King Pea. Here is a house full of wealth,
There's just no fun in it.
Leading. King Pea is sitting, bored,
The brothers are called again.
King Pea. Well - ka, two from the casket,
Identical from the face
Come to me here
Cheer me up!
Two brothers. Your decree is an order for us,
We do the same time!
Orchestra of Skomorov with two brothers.
King Pea. There is wealth and joy
Sat and happy I sit.
And for that you guys
I will reward royally.
Leading. Happiness is not wealth.
We are looking for the key
Cause the kids are bored
There will be no winter.
King Pea. Well - ka, two from the casket,
Identical from the face
Come here to me
And bring the key!
Two brothers. Your decree is an order for us,
We do the same time!
Two brothers carry a key
King Pea. Here is the key, take it
Release your winter.
presenter. Now let's go to the hut
And quietly open the door………
Baba Yaga enters dressed as Winter.
Baba Yaga. Nothing to look for me
I went for a walk.
Leading. Are you Winter? No, no, wait
The voice is not like that.
Your nose is like a poker
Maybe Baba Yaga?
Baba Yaga. My voice is sonorous, gentle,
And my outfit is white.
Leading. Hey Morozko, come out,
Help understand.
Morozko. Are you cold, Zimushka?
Are you cold white? (Blowing).
Baba Yaga. Stop running and jumping
Enough to catch up with the cold.
I'm all cold, I'll catch a cold,
I will turn into an icicle.

I'm glad to give you Winter,
Just don't blow anymore.
Take away, take away
Open the doors yourself. Leaves.
Morozko opens the door, Winter comes out.
Winter. Thank you guys,
What was released
And for the winter holiday
They were invited to visit.
Leading. Let's continue the holiday
We will sing and dance.
Winter. We need to call Frost,
Gotta light the tree
The host with the children is called Santa Claus.
Santa Claus enters to the music.
- Congratulations to Santa Claus. (of the hero's choice)
Winter. Christmas tree fluffy,
Lots of lanterns
But they do not burn on the Christmas tree
None on her.
Father Frost. Well - ka, tree, wake up,
Light up with the color of the rainbow. The Christmas tree lights up --- music.
Father Frost. Play music louder
Invite everyone to dance
Round dance "Zimushka crystal" or another
The game “Mitten” or “We won’t let go” at the end of D.M. catches up with the children.
Father Frost. Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit
I'll take a look at the guys.
Winter. Who knows poetry
Let Frost read.
POEMS ... at the choice of the educator.
Father Frost. You told poems well, but you know how to guess riddles?
Children. Yes!
Father Frost. Zimushka, beauty, give me my bag.
Winter gives Santa Claus a bag.
1. I will roll up three lumps,
I'll make myself a friend.
He's so used to the cold
And it's called ... (snowman).
2. He is fluffy, like cotton wool,
We row it with a shovel.
Children need comfort
And it’s just called ... (snow).
3. We rush down from it.
Who is down there? Watch out!
Loves our Egor
Icy ... (slide).
Father Frost. I am a cheerful Santa Claus.
I brought you a lot of games.
One, two, three, four, five,
We start playing.
GAMES with Santa Claus: optional
1. Freeze
2. Knock down the hat with a snowball
3. Who will rather sit on a chair
4. Finish the song (with adults) phonogram.
Father Frost. Oh how hot
Bad for me.
It can be seen for sure to be in trouble.
Winter. Snowflakes, girlfriends, fly,
And start the magical dance.
Snowflake Dance with Winter
Father Frost. Well done snowflakes. For the sake of the holiday, I have gifts.
Surprise moment: Magic needles from the Christmas tree
Description: Santa Claus gives each child 1 needle. Children put them on chairs and stand around the Christmas tree very closely. The light is dimmed. Magical music sounds and Santa Claus in chorus with the children repeats the magic words 3 times: “Become needles as gifts from the Christmas tree.” At this moment, parents lay out gifts on each chair. This must be done very quickly and quietly. Gifts should not be rustling. The presenter, the Snow Maiden, and if there are any adult characters for matinees, stand behind the children (make sure that the children do not turn back)
--Farewell words of Santa Claus (at the choice of the hero)
- The children leave the hall to the music.

Leading- Happy New Year!

We wish you happiness, joy!

Let dreams come true!

The holiday begins!

1. Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Our holiday song

Let it fly all over the country.

To native cities and villages

May he bring happiness.

Hello, our happy holiday,

Hello New Year's Eve!

2. Hello New Year's holiday

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

All my friends today

We will invite you to the tree.

Let's spin in a round dance

Let the cheerful laughter ring.

Happy new year, happy new year

Congratulations to everyone today.

Leading -Everyone hurry here

Gather in this room

You want to see yourself

New Year's Carnival!

There will be masks, there will be dances

So let's hurry

Let's gather near the Christmas tree

To welcome guests

Everything is ready for their arrival.

Santa Claus gave them the address

Let's start, start the New Year's carnival!

3. He came to us again today

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

This New Year's holiday

We were looking forward to it.

Frequent forest, blizzard field

The winter holiday is upon us.

So let's say together

Hello, hello New Year!

4. What is the New Year?

This is a friendly dance

This is the laughter of funny guys

Near all the elegant Christmas trees

New Year brought us fun ideas

Let's start our round dance with a cheerful sonorous song.

the song is being performed(It's good that every year)

Leading- -Oh, guys, what do I hear?

Looks like they're coming!

Come on, let's clap more fun

May they find us soon

Snow Maiden- -Oh, how many children and girls and boys. Hello!

Winter threats are not terrible. I'm not afraid of blizzards. Granddaughter of Grandfather Frost, I'm called the Snow Maiden (walks around the Christmas tree).

Hey tree! Just a miracle! How elegant, how beautiful.

Here she is. A slender, large Christmas tree is a beauty.

Do you guys like it? I congratulate you children

And I wish with all my heart. So that you grow and get smarter

We had fun, sang songs so that your laughter always rang

Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone.

Leading -The children all came to the Christmas tree.

The guests are here, but here's the question.

Where does our cheerful

Good Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden -It's time for him to come, he was delayed on the way.

Santa Claus, ay, ay! Listen, I'm calling you.

Leading -Hush, hush, don't make noise, prick up your ears.

Someone is coming to us. Fur coat, red nose, maybe it's D.M?

Snowman- Ay! Ay! Be back soon! (runs around the tree)

Eh, make a noise! Look, they screamed!

Snow Maiden -What? What a miracle Who are you and where are you from?

Snowman -Who will I be? Snowman. I am neither small nor big. Hello! I heard from friends, from all forest animals. That you dressed up the Christmas tree, invited everyone to the holiday. (speaking with resentment). Everyone was invited to the holiday, but they forgot about me? I am angry with you. Yes Yes. Run away in all directions (threatens, stomps)

Snow Maiden -Snowman! Do not be angry. You look around. Here the guys are just a treasure. Everyone is happy to see you! Smile more cheerfully, dance with us.( Elephants were walking along Porizh).Children sit down.

Snowman -I'm used to snow and cold. You blind me cleverly. Instead of a nose, a carrot, and a bucket on the head. It's not perforated. I'm not a simple snowman, I'm a cheerful mischievous one. It just got hot in the room. Oh, I'm afraid now I'll melt.

Snow Maiden -Snowman don't be sad. To make it colder, let's play more fun.

GAME "Snowballs" (In a circle)

Snowman-Yes! It got cold in the hall. And now it's time for you mischievous people to read poetry: 1. I am not afraid of frost.(Dima.G.)

I'm very close with him. I'll get dressed and go

Both snow and ice. Frost will come to me

Touch your hands, touch your nose. So you don't have to yawn

Run jump and play.

2. Our tree is big(Masha.G.)

Our tree is high. Above dad, above mom

Reaches the ceiling. Let's dance merrily.

We will sing songs so that the Christmas tree wants to visit us again.

Snowman -Well done guys! What interesting, beautiful poems read.So you love winter, a beauty and a New Year's holiday. And now we will sing songs, dance. Meet the New Year.

The song "Heat stoves are hot"

Snow Maiden -We are in our hall today

They danced so beautifully. But it hurts me to tears

Where is Santa Claus!


He should have come a long time ago

Yes, he can't find us.

SnowmanDon't worry Snow Maiden. I know the paths in the forest. And it will not be difficult for me to find Grandfather Frost and bring him to the holiday. (runs away)

Kikimora -Wow, there are a lot of people in the hall. I know you all have been waiting for me. Hello!

Leading -What a miracle this is. Sorry, where are you from?

kikimoraWhat am I going to fix. And now I'll introduce myself. I am Kikimora forest, I love to scare everyone. But do not be afraid of me, children, I will not offend you! I dressed up today, I showed up for the holiday. I dance and laugh, I want to be a Snow Maiden.

Leading -Wait, wait, Kikimora, we already have a Snow Maiden.

kikimoraAs it is? Where is she? (looks at everyone through binoculars). Why can't I see?

Leading -Yes, here she is. The real Snow Maiden. And we really like her.

Kikimora -Is this the Snow Maiden? Well, they were surprised, well, they laughed.She is not a Snow Maiden. Just think, put on a crown, a beautiful fur coat. What about my outfit? BUT? In addition, I can also conjure. You don't believe. And now I'll prove it to you. Ah, so now I will ask you! I will bewitch your tree. I will blow it on the fire, and they will not burn with you.

Snow MaidenOh, forest Kikimora, you came here to interfere. For these evil deeds, you will be responsible for us. (Kikimora runs away, the Snow Maiden threatens her)

Baba Yaga -What kind of gathering is this? Why cheerful laughter.

I will arrange a holiday for you. I will disperse everyone now. I am a malevolent yaga, a bone leg. The jet broom quickly informed me.

I'll scare you all, wow, how evil I am.


You, that this Baba Yaga is scaring our guys. We have a New Year's holiday today And Santa Claus will come to us soon! Here he will show you!

B. YagaYou do not wait for D. Moroz. He won't come to you today.

And, of course, no one will bring you gifts.


Why won't D. Moroz come to us? Will definitely come! He did promise.

B. Yaga- I outwitted D. Moroz. She closed it with a big lock in her house. I have the key to this lock ha ha ha. Look! (the key hangs around the neck. But I won’t give it to you; better don’t ask (sits down near the tree, examines the key)

Leading -Well, B. Yaga is a bone leg. What to do? How to be?

Snow Maiden-We need to kill grandma. Let's sing a lullaby to B. Yaga. And when she falls asleep, we will quietly remove the key from her and free D. Moroz.


Leading -B. Yaga fell asleep soundly. Let's try to take the key from her. Aha! Here he is with us. Take the key as soon as possible, find the Snowman in the forest. And help out D. Moroz. D. Frost. D. Frost Do not walk among the birches. Come to our kindergarten, a lot is waiting for you guys. Ay-ay. D. Moroz Au

Leading -Do you hear? This is the voice of D. Moroz. This is him screaming. Shout to D. Frost

Dear grandpa-ay

D. MorozAyy. Ay, I'm going, I'm going

Hello boys and girls.

Happy New Year I wish you all good health.

Here I come to you again. We will sing and dance songs.

Let's get up together in a round dance We'll have a nice New Year's Eve.

Song "Santa Claus"

Baba Yaga -What's the scream, what's the noise? (grabs broom, notices no key) Oh! Robbed! Guard. When did you steal my key? When they managed to free D. Moroz.

D. Frost -Oh, B. Yaga! You need to sleep less. (tapping with a staff. Why did you lure me in, but locked me with a key. Now I'll freeze you.

B. Yaga -Wait, wait D. Moroz This is an unprecedented thing

Collect squirrels Cheburashek and bunnies for the holiday

And the girls and boys were invited, everyone was invited

Well, have you forgotten about me? I will not forgive insults. I will take revenge on you now. Here.

Snow MaidenB. Yaga don't be angry with us . Look how fun it is around, how beautiful the children are.

B. Yaga -This is what happens. Children mean beautiful, and I'm Granny, Yagulechka is ugly.

Snow Maiden.What are you, what are you B. Yaga, you are very beautiful. Let's praise. Let everyone tell grandmother Yaga something good, kind.

B. Yaga -Oh, I really am such a beauty. I will play with you and will not interfere with you.

Give me your broom. I'd rather sing a song to you. I'm talking about my youth

“I’ll go out, I’ll go out to dance in brand new shoes

Everyone in the neighborhood says that I'm like a picture. I'm wearing a new sundress

Not a single payment. And you have nice outfits guys.

Snowman -I'll ask you to look around me now.

Haven't you noticed that we don't have many children?

B. Yaga.Indeed! Ai-ai-ai Whom do you want to choose

All costumes are good, tried from the heart. I want to play with you and I won't scare youD. Moroz: Well, that's good

B. YagaJust look guys. Your Christmas tree is so beautiful. So elegant and slender. But tell me why. Does it stand without lights?

D. Frost.Well, it's not a problem. We will fix this trouble. We will make all the lights burn.

Let's say together 1, 2, 3, our Christmas tree is on fire. (off). I shouted and we were useless

The lights on the Christmas tree do not burn (looks at Kikimora). This is who was here. Who bewitched the Christmas tree?

Kikimora.D. Frost forgive me. oh i was stupid. To be honest, I'll fix it.Today I will please everyone.

D. Frost.Well, guys, let's forgive Kikimora for her tricks (K. rejoices).

Well, Kikimora, let's correct your mistake

Kikimora.Christmas tree, beauty, smile. Light up all the bright lights.(claps hands, no lights come on)

D. Frost.No, you're screaming a little. Come on, guys again. Let's shout together: “Herringbone, beauty, smile. Light up all the bright lights (the children repeat, D.M. knocks. The lights are lit). It was not in vain that we tried with you, the tree flared up with lights.

D. Frost.Guys, you are not afraid of frost (no)

Game "Don't Freeze Our Hands"D. Frost. Hey guys are smart. Today I am very cheerful and I am friends with the guys. I won’t freeze anyone, I won’t catch a cold. (D.M is in the circle) Oh, how can I get out of the circle.

Leading -And you sleep, then we'll let you out.

D. Moroz

Oh, pranksters, what can you do with you. Snowman, Kikimora, B. Yaga, come out all here. We will continue the holiday, we will be ordered to dance ...SNOWMAN DANCE

Snow Maiden.Tired Grandfather was tired, how he danced merrily. Let him rest by the Christmas tree, who will read poetry to him.

1 . We have a merry holiday, the Christmas tree has come to us. (Zakhar)

With flashlights in her paws, smart and bright.

Warmly warmed us, she thawed.

It stands as if it is fresh and green in summer.

Laughing in the hall bright ruddy D. M

He brought us many gifts for the New Year.

3 . Happy New Year, N. G. Hello D. Moroz (Ira)

He's out of the woods in passing. The Christmas tree has already been brought to us.

At the top, above the branches. Fired up like always

The brightest, yellow light. Five winged star.

4 . We all live happily, play happily. (Dima.M)

And we dance and sing to celebrate the New Year. A star shines brightly at the top of the Christmas tree. The kids are having fun and laughing loudly.

5. There is silence in the clearing, the yellow moon is shining(Zarina) (Artem)

You trees in silver, hares dance on the mountain!

Ice sparkles on the pond, the New Year is coming.

6 . Hello, silver forest herringbone, dense.(Kiril)

You grew up under the sun and came to us for the holiday. You dressed up marvelously, so elegantly so beautifully.

You came to the delight of children. We will celebrate the New Year with you.

Let's start a song together, let's dance merrily.

7. It’s better not to ask anyone for our Christmas tree. Good needles on it are decorated with stars. D. Frost came to us today for the New Year's holiday. He will sing with us, dance to distribute gifts to everyone.

8 . A merry winter brought us a holiday. The green Christmas tree came to visit us.

The branches are strewn with fluffy snow .. Around in a round dance we go with a song.

9. It is so beautiful in our hall. The Christmas tree is marvelously lush.(Katia)

We removed it ourselves with multi-colored balls.

Everything is ready for the holiday. There are a lot of dances, jokes

Louder music ringing. In these holidays.

10 . Knocking on New Year's Eve. Old Santa Claus.(Daria)

It sparkles with snowflakes. It is overgrown with icicles. It smells of tar in our house. The New Year is coming. And a cheerful grandfather at the Christmas tree. With us leads a round dance.

11 . Good Santa Claus. He brought the Christmas tree to us here.(Liana)

So that we can celebrate the New Year. They danced with her

12. The snow in the forest covered the Christmas tree. I hid the Christmas tree from the guys.(Lisa)

At night, the Christmas tree quietly ran into the kindergarten. And we have fun in the garden, A noisy round dance is dancing. Under a young spruce, we celebrate the New Year!

B. Yaga.And now, kids, I have a game for you (a rattle lies on a chair who will run to it faster)

D. Frost.Well, I stayed with you for a long time. Today is a good tree. And the guys danced well from the heart. I conjured for you and collected gifts. Bring the snowman as soon as possible to please the children (carries a lump)Snow Maiden.So com, wonderful com!I wonder what's in it?D.M.- This lump is not simple in the middle is not empty. It contains gifts for children.Snow Maiden- So give them quickly! So it's time for us to finish the New Year's holiday.D.M.- I wish you a lot of joy today, kids!Snowman.For you to grow big.B.Ya.- So that you do not know worries!Snow Maiden.And we are with Santa Claus. We will return to you in a year.

Leading- Let the guys say goodbye to sing a song together:

THE SONG IS PERFORMED (Soon, soon the New Year)

D.M.- Come on, kids, let's clap together (children clap).

Baba Yaga.Look, look at gifts. Oh yes, Santa Claus! (gift giving)

Real faces:
Father Frost
Children 2 people
Robbers-2 people
Snow Maiden
New Year's round dance "This is the New Year"
(children enter the hall, holding hands, an adult leads them, form a round dance, dance)
Readers enter.
Reb1: Golden fire sparkles
Our cozy bright room.
The tree invites us to the circle,
It's time for the holiday.
Reb 2: How nice that today
Our guests have come here
And, without looking at the worries,
Everyone found a free hour!
Reb 1: Everything is different today,
Everything spills over
Well, mothers, look
How they smile at us!
Reb 2: Dad came with a camera,
Didn't go to work.
Want to see a story.
Who is the hare, who is the bear!
Reb 1: There are so many spectators in the hall,
All our parents!
Let's start the performance
We invite you all to clap!
Rebate to Applause
To the music of "Fairytale"
Reb 2: Near the Christmas tree
We'll walk slowly
Let's love, let's see -
Is the tree really good?
pass the solemn circle, consider the Christmas tree.
Remain standing in a circle.
Reb 1: brighter, brighter, let it sparkle
Christmas tree with golden lights!
All children: Happy New Year
Dear guests!
04. Song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"
Reb2: Now let's sit down quietly,
Let's keep quiet until
Let's take a look at our Christmas tree
We are from afar.
(sit down)
05. The words of the author (phonogram) sound:
In a dark, dense forest, in its very thicket, stood an old hut. And the evil robbers lived in it with their Atamansha - cunning and treacherous. They lived happily: people were robbed and deceived. Only no one loved them, because from the robbers' dirty tricks there are only tears and grief. And now the robbers went out for a walk in the forest ...
Atamansha comes out with the robbers, sings a song:
1. They say that today the guys have a New Year's holiday,
The Christmas tree is all in different toys, her outfit suits her!

Oh, lu-lu, oh, lu-lu! And I love holidays!
2. There will be a lot of gifts ... Santa Claus is around in the forest
Sweeps all roads, and I love sweets!
Atamansha: Oh, how hunting for a holiday. Hey, look, and the guys have already gathered for the holiday, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are waiting and .... present!
1 robber (dreamy): Yes, indeed, hunting for a holiday.
2 robber: But they won't let us in there.
1 robber (dreams): And I love gifts so much.
Atamansha: I came up with an idea! Listen carefully: since we were not invited to the holiday, we will come there without an invitation, and we will make sure that there is no holiday!
Robbers (jumping for joy): Great, invented. Ha-ha-ha! We are robbers, or not robbers!
1 robber: And how to do it?
2 robber: Yes, but how?
Atamansha: Very simple: you need to deceive Santa Claus, whom the children invited, and pick up all the gifts. Well, what is a New Year's holiday without gifts?
2 robber: Oh, and smart. What would we do without you?
Atamansha: Without me, you would freeze under the tree in the forest!
1 robber: And we are already not hot. Something is cold here.
Atamansha: You are right, robbers, stop freezing in the forest, let's go to the guys, we'll warm up and have fun there.
1 robber: Hello, boys, computer mice!
2 robber: Hello, girls, fashionistas-swivels!
Atamansha: Have you gathered for the holiday? Are you waiting for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden?
Robbers: Ha-ha! Wait, wait!
06. "Song of the Robbers"
1. We are engaged in robbery. We are all more for the soul. We love our craft: Attacks, robberies. Chorus: Oh, la-la! (2 times) Attacks, robberies. Oh, la-la! (2 times) Eh-ha! 2. Beware, be afraid, people, We will catch your eye! That's it, then write, it's gone, your account is decided!
Chorus: Oh, la-la! (2 times) Your account is solved! Oh, la-la! (2 times) Eh-ha!
3. Take your feet, Take care of your wallets! Who has a lot of money - Tremble before us! Oh, la-la! (2 times) Eh-ha!
Ataman: Hush! (listens) hear someone coming here
07. Steps
(robbers disperse in different directions and listen)
1 robber: Guys, do you hear the noise?
08. Music of Santa Claus
Robber 2: No, we don't hear anything!
1 robber: As a child, a bear stepped on our ear.
Atamansha: Come here quickly! This is Santa Claus hurrying to the Christmas tree, now we will meet him! 1 robber: But he is so cold! Brr! Atamansha: Nothing, be patient if you want gifts! Robbers: We want! We want! Atamansha: Then I have a plan. Follow me my babies
09. run away
Vedas. In the meantime, the robbers have fled, we will sing a song with you
10. The song "New Year's round dance"
11. Santa Claus enters to the music.
Santa Claus: That's where I found you, and even though the path was long,
But I found this room. And children, and Christmas tree!
I remember exactly a year ago I saw these guys...
They grew up, they became big. And did you recognize me?
Answer the question: who came to you?
Children: Santa Claus!
D. M: Hello, guys, girls and boys,
Small and big, plump and thin (children answer).
D. M: And now let's get acquainted.
(Approaches the girls, takes off the mitten and holds out his hand).
What's your name, girl? (she answers). Very nice, and I'm Santa Claus!
(shakes hands, puts on a mitten again, then takes it off, also repeat all this for the boy, for the parents, etc. Then, turning to all the guys):
Stop, stop! So it won't work! After all, there are many of you, and I am one. If you get to know each one separately, then it will be just before the next new year!
Therefore, let's do this: at my command "three - four" loudly, with all his might, shout his name, agreed?
Children: Yes!
D.M .: here are the pancakes - pancakes. So, listen to my command, "three-four"!
(children and parents in chorus say their names at the same time).
Very good, really amazing! Here we met!
And tell me, which of you already has a Christmas tree at home? Hands up!
(turns to parents): don't you have a Christmas tree? Have you been punished for something?
So, once again - who has a Christmas tree at home?
Oh - oh - oh, a whole forest of Christmas trees!
Do you have beautiful toys? (Yes!),
very beautiful? (Yes!),
very, very beautiful? (Yes!)
or so, they hung all sorts of nonsense? (No!)
12. The game "We will hang the balls"
D.M: guys, get into a round dance. After all, today is the New Year!
Vedas. And let's guys play with Santa Claus.
13. Round dance - teaser "Santa Claus"
1. Santa Claus is our good friend, Get in a circle soon - We want to play with you. We know - you are kind, not evil! A little parrot - Catch up with us near the Christmas tree. no, no, We know one secret: To protect the ears, we must wear hats!
3. You try, Santa Claus, Freeze our hands. It will not work, no, no, We know one secret: We will find mittens, We will save our hands. 4. You try, Santa Claus, Freeze our legs. , We know one secret: We need to put on our feet And put on boots. 5. You try, Santa Claus, Freeze our noses. that the game is over and it's time to go home.
at the end of the round dance, D. M. catches up, the children run away
14. Exit Atamansha-Snegurochka
(Atamansha appears to the music, dressed as a Snow Maiden)
Atamansha - Snow Maiden: Hello, grandpa!
D. M: Hello, granddaughter! How did you get there?
Atamansha - Snow Maiden: Well, grandfather, I was in such a hurry to the holiday, I was tired from the road, and you arrange an interrogation for me!
Santa Claus: Yes, no, granddaughter, I'm just worried, because robbers have appeared in this forest, they can offend you.
Atamansha - Snow Maiden: Nothing will happen to me. I'm big now and I'm not afraid of anything. And the robbers. Well, they are my friends .. oh-oh (covers her mouth with her hand), she almost let it slip. Another way, I say, they go.
Santa Claus: Something I'm tired of the road. I got sick, my legs are heavy. I'll take a break.
Atamansha - Snow Maiden: Of course, of course, Santa Claus! Come here, I'll make you comfortable.
(D.M. sits on a stump)
Santa Claus: I'll sit a little. Would you bring some water to me key.
Atamansha - Snow Maiden: Do you want me to treat you to cola? I'll take it right now!
Santa Claus: Do you want to treat Coke? Well, carry it, just grab the ice!
(Atamansha steps aside and sentences herself to the music)
15. Atamansha conjures

A cube of "Maggi", Chitos Chips, "Calve" a spoon, Ketchup a little bit, I'll add Water, I'll stir it well. Coca-Cola - the highest class We got it!
Atamansha - Snow Maiden: Drink, dear Santa Claus, help yourself.
16. Lullaby
Santa Claus (drinking): Oh, oh, oh! (closes eyes)
(Atamansha - the Snow Maiden takes Santa Claus by the arms and takes him away to the melody "Lullaby")
17. robbers take gifts from D.M. and leave
Atamansha - Snow Maiden (returning): The robbers took away the gifts, Santa Claus put to sleep. But did Santa Claus fall asleep soundly? Now let's check! Come on, music, sound, invite the guys to dance!
18. Flash mob dance
Atamansha - Snow Maiden: And now we will dance in the game "Opanki"
19. Game "Opanki"
Atamansha - Snow Maiden: Santa Claus was not awakened. Sleep tight! Santa Claus said that he was waiting for guests. What guests (with cunning)
20. Song "There is nothing better in the world"
Troubadour appears with a guitar, a rooster with a bugle, a cat with a drum.
Atamansha - Snow Maiden: And these are probably the guests of Santa Claus. Troubadour: Hello! Rooster: Bonjour! Cat: Hello! Troubadour: Hello, Snow Maiden! (with surprise) Atamansha-Snow Maiden: Hello, BABY! Troubadour: Hello, Snow Maiden! Atamansha-Snow Maiden: Are you deaf? I said hello to you! (with indignation)
21. Song dialogue between Troubadour and Atamansha.
Troubadour: Oh, you are my poor Snow Maiden,
look how plump the little figure has become! I will cover you with worries!
Ataman: I don't want anything!
Troubadour: Your appearance, my dear, is indecent, You were slim, With a gentle face. Let's go to the doctor.
Atamansha: I don't want anything!
Troubadour: Look, dear, the guests have arrived. We will please everyone with a song, fun. Have fun, I'll help you.
Atamansha: I don't want anything!
And in general, what have they stuck to? We didn't expect you.
Troubadour: Snow Maiden, I see that you are not in any mood. And where is Santa Claus, maybe you say? Rooster: Yes, because he invited us to the holiday! Cat: And he promised us gifts, meow! Atamansha - Snow Maiden: See your Santa Claus. Your old grandfather is coming soon. Well, now, since you've already come - amuse me. Well, or come up with a game to amuse the kids. Troubadour: There are a lot of games in the world - do you want to play, children?
22. Dance game "We will go first to the right"
Troubadour: Snow Maiden, now it's your turn to play with the guys.
Atamansha - Snow Maiden: Simple, Troubadour. Children, stand near your seats (roughly). Well, quickly, to whom she said (affectionately) Troubadour: Snow Maiden, is it possible to address children so rudely? Atamansha - Snow Maiden: More kindly? I'm going to try now. Children stand near your seats. Raise your hands up, cross them, spread your fingers, and now make surprised eyes. Rooster: Ko-ko - who are they?
And now, everyone sat down together, take your ears and pull them to the sides. Cat: Meow, meow, who is this? , how interesting! Atamansha: And now, run in place! Well, athletes, now run all together from here! (rooster and cat run to the door) Troubadour: Friends, where are you going!? Come back! Cat: Meow-meow, the Snow Maiden has completely confused us! Rooster: Ko-ko-ko, some kind of Snow Maiden is strange. Troubadour: Snow Maiden, I don’t recognize you at all. And your games are kind of strange. Atamansha: Don't worry, everything's okay with me. But you don’t know, because I got a little overheated in the solarium. Cat: Was the Snow Maiden in the solarium? Rooster: Wow, overheated? Atamansha: It’s fashionable now. Beauty is a terrible force. You can see for yourself. Troubadour: Yes, it is clear that I am behind the times! For the first time I hear that Snow Maidens are warming themselves in the solarium! Cat: Yes, friends, something Santa Claus is delayed!
Atamansha: Here is your Santa Claus.
23. Song of the Snow Maiden (the Snow Maiden enters the hall)
1. I know that the Snow Maiden was very much expected, I came to visit you, Everyone will be happy in this hall, I found friends here.
Through blizzards and blizzards, I came to this hall so that it would be fabulous for you on this magical holiday.
Chorus: The Christmas tree is waving to us, The hall is shining with lights, We will dance and have fun, I wish you happiness.
2. And behind the bright windows of the hall At night the sorceress does not sleep, In the stars there is a dark veil, The snow is waltzing around.
Happy New Year, kids, Happy New Year, friends, Happy New Year to all guests, I congratulate you!
Snow Maiden: Hello, dear friends! Rooster: That's how it is! Cat: I can't believe my eyes! Troubadour (grabs his head): How, another Snow Maiden? Atamansha: What? What other Snow Maiden showed up there? Snow Maiden: Yes! I am a Snow Maiden! But who are you? Atamansha: Me!? What are you doing, my friend! Let's get out of here! This is my territory! I see!? Snow Maiden: It is clear that you behave rudely - you are rude, rude. And you also want to be a Snow Maiden. Learn to speak politely first. Troubadour: Okay, Snow Maiden, calm down! Two Snow Maidens at the same holiday, something is wrong here! Atamansha: Don't listen to her. You fake white, blow out of here, and in general, now I'm pulling out all the braids.
24. D.M. enters.
Santa Claus: What's the noise? What's the hum? And here I sat down to rest a little, and to see fell asleep. Oh, two Snow Maidens! (surprised) Rooster: Ko-ko-ko, two! Snow Maiden: Grandpa, don't you recognize me? It's me, your Snow Maiden! Atamansha (pushing the Snow Maiden away, giggling) Don't listen to her, I'm the Snow Maiden. Santa Claus: Stop! Troubadour, what's going on here? Troubadour: It's hard to figure it out on your own (scratches the back of his head). But I think that music will help us figure it out!
25. Song of Father Frost and Snow Maiden.
Santa Claus: Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been? Tell me, dear, how are you? Snow Maiden: I ran after you, Santa Claus. I shed a lot of bitter tears.
Chorus: Oh, come on, come on, Dance from the heart (Santa Claus) Come on, Santa Claus (3 times) Dance! (Snow Maiden)
Santa Claus: I will come with gifts to the children. There will be a joyful holiday everywhere. Atamansha: Finally, all dreams come true: There will be gifts for us, but not you!
Chorus (Atamansha sings): Come on, come on, shake the old days Give me gifts and stomp home.
Santa Claus: How are you going home? Now I understand which of you is the real Snow Maiden and which is an impostor. Snow Maiden, granddaughter, forgive me, old man.
Snow Maiden: I'm not angry with you. It's time to start our holiday.
26. Santa Claus looks around and looks for a bag of gifts
Santa Claus: But you can’t see a bag with gifts. That's the trouble. Cat: Grandfather Frost, have you really lost your gifts? Rooster: Or maybe someone took him? Stand! Perhaps it couldn't have done without you? Answer - where is the bag with gifts? Atamansha: Oh, what kind of bag? Santa Claus: You made me angry, Atamansha. You should be punished. I will take away the New Year holiday, deprive you of fun and good mood for the whole year! Where is my magic staff? (rooster brings a staff to Santa Claus)
27. Santa Claus conjures
Santa Claus: Snowy forces, blizzard forces, Fly here, take away forever ...
Atamansha (falls at the feet of Santa Claus): Santa Claus, I'm sorry. Do not ruin! New Year is the only holiday in the year when I can come from a fairy tale and be among children. Santa Claus: Atamansha, give me a bag with gifts as soon as possible! Don't piss me off! Atamansha: Well, I'll return your gifts, of course. I whistle - ka, to my robbers
(takes out a whistle, whistles).
Trub: Are they deaf or what?
Rooster: well, whistle louder, Atamansha!
Trub: The mobile phone will be more reliable!
28. Atamansha is calling
(the rooster gives the Atamansha a phone).
Atam: lads, bring the gifts quickly! No. Do not argue! Atamansha's order!
D. M: Gifts to the studio!
29. robbers bring gifts
Snow Maiden: Let him stay, grandfather. We returned the gifts. She is alone, and there are so many of us, she will not do anything. Atamansha: Oh, thank you for leaving me at the holiday. Will you teach me to sing? Snow Maiden: Of course, listen to our friends sing!
30. Song "Christmas tree, balls, crackers"
Snow Maiden: Oh, well, my snowflakes, get up in a round dance, let's perform the dance of snowflakes
31.Dance of snowflakes
32. Chastushki 2 - 3 classes
Rooster: Ko-ko-ko, what an elegant Christmas tree we have. Cat: Meow-meow, it would be nice to light the lights on it! Troubadour: What is the New Year without a Christmas tree and lights. Well, Santa Claus, light the Christmas tree! Santa Claus: Become, guys, in a round dance, we will light the fires, lead a round dance. Oh, I forgot something, how to light the Christmas tree. Rooster: Ko-ko-ko, how did you forget? frost: Ah, I remembered: 1,3,5,7, burn the tree!
(Christmas tree does not light up)
Snow Maiden: Guys, help Santa Claus remember the magic words. (Santa Claus with the children: 1,2,3 Christmas tree, burn!
33. Little Christmas tree is cold in winter
Atamansha: Oh, how I fell in love with you. And I'm in such a good mood. (All the heroes line up)
Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, there are only 5 minutes left before the New Year.
Troubadour: That's it, the clock will strike 12 times!
34. The signal is short
The light in the crystal hall will go out The music will subside just about You are all a little tired, But the heart sings joyfully.
Cat: And, parting for a short while, seeing you off on New Year's Eve, an affectionate Christmas tree is waving to you, After all, the year of the rooster is already coming
Rooster: The rooster is success, which means: We don’t care about any difficulties, I wish everyone happiness, good luck, Love and joy in everything. And let the days be bright. .
Troubadour: You can't live without music, Let the music always sound, And at least the heart does not know the notes, But let it always sing.
Atamansha: Let love be your companion, You come to visit again, And in a fairy tale, and, of course, to us
All: We will be very glad to see you!
Vedas: With its arrival, the New Year will wake you up from sleep. Wake up, people, that's enough! The year of the Rooster has come!
35. Rooster cry
We want to wish so much May it always be so Away from sorrows and hardships, Happy New Year, everyone, friends!
D. M: And now it's time
Atam: we say goodbye, kids.
Trub: I would like to say goodbye
Rooster: You told us...
Children: Goodbye! (heroes leave).
36. There is nothing in the world37. Bow
38. Santa Claus distributes sweets