The skin on the feet is coming off. Peeling skin on the soles of the feet: causes and treatment. Moisturizer and lotion

When the skin on the soles of the feet peels off, the reasons for this phenomenon are different. Sometimes a person needs to pay attention to the shoes he wears, to take proper care of the skin on his feet in order to effectively eliminate the problem that has arisen. Sometimes the help of a qualified doctor is needed so that the cause of the deviation is correctly identified and appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Having understood the reasons that provoke peeling of the skin on the feet, it will be possible to determine the correct treatment, thanks to which it is possible to normalize the condition of the skin on the lower extremities in a minimum amount of time.

Why does the skin peel off? One of the most common reasons for this process is the insufficient degree of hydration of the skin. If the skin on the legs is covered precisely because of dryness, then the disease is easy to eliminate. The victim should get rid of the keratinized particles of the epidermis. For this purpose, the affected areas are treated with pumice.

Manipulation is carried out carefully so as not to injure the skin and not cause even more harm. After such actions, you need to use a special cream that moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The cream must be thick. It must contain essential vitamins and other substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the feet and fingers.

When the skin on the fingers peels off in an adult or a child, the deviation can be associated with negative environmental factors. However, the causes can also be hidden in various diseases that require immediate therapy.

Why does the skin peel off on the fingers, feet? This is due to a fungal infection. Having a fungal infection is the worst cause. Symptoms are associated not only with the fact that the skin peels off, other deviations also indicate the presence of the disease:

  • an unpleasant odor appears;
  • the nail plate on the toes of a child or adult changes its color;
  • nails become brittle;
  • itching occurs.

With an increased degree of sweating, the feet act as the most suitable surface on which pathogenic microorganisms grow and multiply rapidly. If the child's legs are wrapped too much or, in adulthood, wear sufficiently tight or closed shoes in the height of summer, then the most suitable conditions are created for the appearance of an ideal fungal environment (excessive heat, insufficient light, moisture).

Patients who notice the first symptoms of a fungal infection should immediately contact a medical facility for qualified help. The longer such a campaign is delayed, the more neglected the disease becomes (it does not go away on its own). It will be more difficult to treat it; a long therapeutic course will be required to completely eliminate the disease.

Other possible situations

Why does the skin peel off in other cases? The reason may be:

  • Kawasaki disease;
  • disruptions in the body that occur at the hormonal level;
  • transformations associated with metabolic disorders.

If it was these reasons that provoked peeling of the upper layers of the epidermis, then treatment can be carried out only after a thorough examination, under the supervision of a doctor.

The feet can be affected if the person wears the wrong shoes - too narrow, unseasonably closed, not made of natural material. Provoke peeling and tights, socks made from synthetic raw materials. If you continue to wear inappropriate clothing or shoes, then the person is threatened with further disruption of the processes associated with normal skin respiration. The peeling will only get worse.

When provoking deviations from various skin diseases, for example, eczema, allergies, one should not hesitate to eliminate the problem. If the disease is detected at an early stage, the patient will be cured much faster, while much less money will be spent on drugs.

Often on the feet due to the high concentration of dead cells, the appearance of calluses. Bringing the skin back to normal is easy if you use a pumice stone, a cream that has a nutritional composition and a scrub.

A person should take good care of the skin of the lower extremities. It is necessary to regularly, at least once within 14 days, thoroughly clean the skin on the feet, fingers from dirt and dead cells.

Another factor is related to prolonged exposure to low or high temperatures. In this case, there is a possibility of getting a burn or frostbite, then emergency medical care will be needed.

The skin on the soles of the feet is easily damaged, begins to peel off if it is negatively affected for a long time. For example, it can be substances of chemical origin, ultraviolet, moisture. It is forbidden to use chlorinated or excessively hard water for water procedures. If it is used for washing or acts on the epidermis for a long time, the skin will quickly dry out. A similar effect occurs when a person visits the pool for a long time.

Sometimes the skin peels off due to a person being under stress. May cause desquamation and depression. This is due to the fact that biologically active points are located on the feet. Medical research has proven their inseparability from the human nervous system.

Preventive actions

Feet should always be properly cared for. This applies to people of any gender and age. In order to prevent peeling of the upper layers of the epidermis on the feet and as part of personal hygiene, it is necessary to take a bath or shower every day (in the evenings). After washing your feet well, you should wipe them dry with a towel and smear your feet with a moisturizing cosmetic before going to bed.

It is advisable to regularly do foot baths with warm water. At the same time, special decoctions based on medicinal plants are used for water procedures. It is permissible to use nettle, chamomile, calendula for decoctions. Baths not only have a softening effect, but also saturate the skin with essential vitamins.

It is possible to achieve positive results, significantly improve, normalize the condition of the feet thanks to baths made using baking soda or freshly squeezed lemon juice. Each of the ingredients will need 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. The procedure takes 20 minutes. Then the steamed skin is treated with special devices in the form of pumice.

You should not wear uncomfortable shoes. It should not be too narrow and tight. Socks made only from natural material should be present in the wardrobe. Woolen and cotton products are ideal.

As part of prevention, a person must adhere to the correct drinking balance. This is one of the important actions that will help the skin not to dry out. During the day, each adult should drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of clean and high-quality water. A sufficient amount of fluid consumed is determined individually, it all depends on body weight. In summer, when the weather is hot outside, it is allowed to increase the daily amount of water consumed. This will only make your skin feel better.

It is important to eat right. The diet of children and adults should be balanced. Fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, dairy products, fish, meat, etc. should be consumed daily. Vitamins A and E have a positive effect on the skin.

If the first signs of diseases associated with abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive system are noticed, treatment should be started immediately. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract negatively affect the condition of the tissues of the skin.

Medical therapy

The exact causes of peeling, peeling of the upper layers of the epidermis can be established by a dermatologist. During the diagnosis, the injured feet are examined, the patient passes the necessary tests. After identifying the cause of peeling of the skin on the feet, complex therapy is used. Among the therapeutic measures, a bath can be used. Sea or table salt is added to the water.

You can get rid of the problem of peeling with folk remedies using laundry soap (72% concentration). They need to rub their feet every day in the evening. Then you need to put on socks (cotton or cotton) and go to bed. The next morning, wash your feet in warm water, apply a moisturizer.

As prescribed by the doctor, complex medicines are taken. Their composition should include vitamins B, A, D, E, and among the microelements used in the creation of the drug, the presence of selenium, zinc, and magnesium is mandatory.

If a fungal infection is detected as a result of the diagnosis, the attending physician may prescribe one of these drugs:

  • Lamisil;
  • Mycospor;
  • Canison;
  • Loceryl;
  • Exoderil;
  • Batrafen.

These medicines should be used externally. The dosage and duration of the treatment course is determined by the doctor individually, based on the degree of neglect of the disease, the results of the examination.

Women, in addition to all therapeutic actions for the duration of treatment, need to abandon high-heeled shoes. If you do not follow this recommendation, then the problem will only get worse.

Care and care

Provided that the patient spends a lot of time on his feet, walks long distances, you should take care of proper rest. You need to sit or take a supine position, legs must be raised. This manipulation will improve skin nutrition processes at the cellular level and normalize blood supply.

If peeling is caused by excessive sweating, to prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms, you need to change socks during the day 2 times. It is forbidden to wear the same pair of shoes every day. After wearing shoes, it is better to air them for at least 28 hours.

If there are wounds or microcracks on the feet, drugs or cosmetics should not be used without prior treatment. To do this, use hydrogen peroxide. When making foot baths, you can not use hot water (boiling water cools for at least 10-15 minutes).

When peeling is noticed on the feet or fingers, open shoes should be abandoned for a while. In order not to aggravate the situation, if possible, do not stay in rooms with too dry air for a long time.

It is very important to determine the cause that caused negative changes in the condition of the skin. Sometimes there may be several. Such a complex effect only exacerbates the situation. In some cases, a person is independently able to deal with the causes of peeling. However, often without the help of an experienced doctor can not do.

The health and beauty of the feet can be disturbed by peeling and dryness. Noticing that the skin on the soles of the feet is peeling off, the reasons that contributed to this are unknown, it indicates that the problem that has arisen should be urgently addressed. Theoretically, you can live with dryness, but over time, it becomes a reason for the formation of bleeding cracks, so you should not turn a blind eye to the problem. Depending on the cause, you can deal with it yourself or with the help of a doctor.

Varieties of causes

The reason that became the culprit of the skin peeling has one of the following characters:

  • insufficient care and hygiene
  • external factors
  • diseases or problems with the body

The issue of poor care is the easiest to solve. It is worth washing your feet daily, moisturizing and nourishing the dermis with a fortified cream, pampering with baths based on various components. Rough dermis should be removed with a special pumice stone, scrub, and a sanding file for the foot. By the way, you need to remove calluses and dead cells regularly once a week.

External factors

It is possible that the skin on the soles of the feet is covered, the causes and treatment of this were external factors. The most popular problem is to save on shoes, socks, tights. It is important that shoes, especially everyday ones, are comfortable, do not press, and are of good quality. Any footwear that doesn't fit, is too tight, or is made from artificial materials will cause foot health problems over time. It is undesirable to constantly walk in closed shoes, for example, in sneakers all year round. By the way, too open shoes or slippers give full access to the foot to all negative external factors. The same can be said about tights and socks, because synthetic materials prevent air from entering, which makes the dermis dry, then peel off, peel off, crack. It happens that prolonged exposure to high or low temperatures leads to health problems.

It is realistic to discover this cause on your own, but you will have to get rid of it in the hospital. External factors include conditions such as chemicals, ultraviolet rays, moisture, dry air. Prolonged contact with them worsens the condition of the skin of the foot. Climatic conditions are a more complex issue, which is very difficult to solve. Prolonged or regular exposure to hard or chlorinated water dries out the epidermis, causing dryness and flaking. One of the most striking examples is visiting the pool.

Home hard water is softened by boiling or using vinegar, citric acid. You should beware of cosmetics, foot creams, scrubs or shower gels that have an aggressive chemical composition.

The reasons

Unfortunately, diseases are “invented” for all organs and parts of the body, the feet are no exception. The following diseases or malfunctions in the body can threaten the legs:

  1. Fungal infection affecting the feet.
  2. Hormonal disorders.
  3. Lack of vitamins. It occurs against the background of malnutrition, the presence of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol).
  4. Incorrect or disturbed metabolism.
  5. Varieties of skin diseases such as allergies, psoriasis, eczema.
  6. Prolonged depression, severe stress or emotional stress. This is due to the fact that there are biologically active points on the feet that interact directly with the nervous system.

Among the above ailments, the fungus is the most common occurrence. He chooses legs with characteristic excessive sweating, because he loves moisture, warmth, darkness. Pay attention to this information is for those who prefer to wear closed shoes. The disease can be recognized not only by peeling of the skin, but also by an unpleasant odor, severe itching, brittle nails and a change in their color. Without an appropriate course of treatment, the disease will not disappear on its own.

Causes of foot problems in children

When the skin on the soles of the feet peels off, the reasons for an adult are clear, but for children they are slightly different. The immunity of a little man is formed gradually, therefore it reacts sharply to the influence of any external factor. Peeling of the children's dermis is due to the following factors:

  • allergies to chemical household chemicals, food;
  • worms;
  • diaper rash
  • stress.

Diseases do not spare the little ones, so you should be wary of dysbacteriosis, beriberi, fungus, Kawasaki syndrome. Caring parents should monitor the daily hygiene of their babies and be sure to inspect the delicate skin.

A photo

Foot cream should be used daily, applied with massage movements before going to bed, at the end of evening hygiene procedures.

  • For foot baths to be beneficial, the water should be warm, not hot. Herbal decoctions, aromatic oils, vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, sea salt have a positive effect.
  • Laundry soap 72% is considered an effective tool in the fight against peeling. Apply to dry skin and leave on all night. Wash off in the morning with warm water and apply moisturizer.
  • It is advisable to have two main pairs of shoes and wear them every other day so that each pair has time to dry.
  • If your feet sweat a lot, you should change your socks at least twice a day.
  • If the dermis on the feet is already peeling off, it is not recommended to walk in heels, lifts or sandals.
  • You should drink about two liters of water daily so as not to maintain the hydrobalance of the skin. Eat balanced healthy food. In autumn and spring, take a vitamin complex.

The problem of peeling of the skin of the feet is quite common, not only among women, but also among men. It appears for various reasons. And if you notice that your feet are peeling, do not panic. Try to first determine the factor that provoked the appearance of this problem, and only after that you can start treating your feet.

The feet are peeling - this can happen for a variety of reasons, both external and internal. First, let's look at the external factors that can lead to flaky skin. It:

  • taking certain medications;
  • frequent skin exposure to chlorinated water;
  • the use of alkaline detergents;
  • accumulation of keratinized particles on the surface of the skin of the feet;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • hypothermia;
  • climate change;
  • increased sweating;
  • an allergic reaction to the powder used to wash socks.

In order to cope with the peeling of the skin of the feet, in these cases, you just need to eliminate the root cause. It is quite another matter with the internal factors that lead to the emergence of this problem. It is impossible to eliminate them without the help of a doctor.

Peeling feet may be associated with the development of:

  • erythoderm;
  • exfoliative dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • ichthyosis;
  • Kawasaki disease;
  • scarlet fever;
  • toxic epidermal necrolysis.

All these diseases are quite serious and can lead to various complications. All of them at the initial stage of their development are manifested by peeling of the skin of the foot. Therefore, this symptom should not be ignored. When it appears, you should immediately contact a specialist.

It is worth noting that when the feet are peeling, the color of the scales is of great importance. So, for example, with psoriasis, the scales acquire a silvery-white color, and with ichthyosis, a grayish-black color.

The presence of associated symptoms is also important. If present, this may indicate the development of a fungal infection on the feet. You should also analyze what you have done and eaten in recent days (to exclude the development of an allergic reaction).

You should also pay attention to your heels. If the skin of the foot is peeling and at the same time, then most likely you develop mycosis. Some types of pathogenic microorganisms provoke the development of this disease, which can easily be picked up in the pool, gyms or other public places where you can walk barefoot. In addition, the symptoms of mycosis may appear within a day after you put on someone else's shoes or used the personal means of an infected person.

This disease is also characterized by the symptoms of a common fungal infection. That is, itching and burning. Moreover, they intensify at night and, unfortunately, you can get rid of them with the help of ordinary ones only for a few hours.

When you begin to notice that your feet are peeling, you need, first of all, to visit a doctor, pass all the necessary tests and undergo a thorough examination to rule out the presence of pathological factors. If they are still present, it is impossible to take any measures on their own to eliminate them, as this can lead to the fact that the skin on the feet begins to peel off even more.

If you turned out to be completely healthy and the appearance of this symptom is associated with banal dry skin, hypothermia or wearing, wearing uncomfortable shoes, etc., then you can follow some simple rules at home that will help you quickly put your feet in order.

It should be noted that if you follow them regularly (it doesn’t matter if the skin on your feet is peeling or not), then you will forever forget about this problem and your legs will look perfect.

So, at home, you can perform the following procedures for recovery, nutrition and:

  1. Apply honey cake to your feet at night. You can cook it from 1.5 tbsp. l. liquid honey and 2.5 tbsp. wheat flour. Knead the elastic dough by hand from these ingredients, divide it into two equal parts and give them the shape of a cake. Next, steam your legs in warm water, attach cakes to them, wrap them with polyethylene on top and put on socks. After one week of regular use of this procedure, the skin on the feet will stop peeling and acquire a healthy pink color.
  2. Use apple cider vinegar to prepare a healing bath. It is an excellent remedy for fungal infections and promotes rapid healing of wounds. Mix it with water in equal proportions and dip your feet into it for 15 minutes. After that, treat the feet with a nourishing cream, and put on socks on top. In the morning, you can easily remove dead skin particles from your feet with a regular pumice stone.
  3. Use homemade ointments. With cracks and peeling of the skin, a remedy prepared from 1 raw yolk, 1 tbsp is ideal. vegetable oil and 1 tsp. vinegar. Bring all these ingredients to a homogeneous mass with a mixer (you should get a creamy mass) and apply the finished ointment to the steamed skin of the feet. Put on cotton socks over the top.
  4. Make it a rule every day before going to bed to cleanse the skin of the feet from dead particles with a pumice stone.
  5. After carrying out water procedures, the feet should be well wiped with a terry towel.
  6. Every evening, apply nourishing and moisturizing creams to the skin of the feet.

In addition, do not forget that the condition of the skin of a person is also affected by his diet. Review your diet. Perhaps it lacks fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as fish and meat.

If everything is fine with your nutrition, but the skin of your feet is still peeling off, you should start taking it. They will help not only to tidy up your skin, but also help to strengthen nails and hair. Don't wear shoes that are tight and restrict your movement. It leads not only to the appearance of this symptom, but also contributes to the development of varicose veins.

Also, try to avoid stressful situations, or at least not overreact to them. After all, stress is the cause of many diseases and leads to a deterioration in the appearance of a person. it can provoke not only peeling of the skin on the feet, but also hair loss, brittle nails, weight gain, diabetes, etc.

If you are often under stress, start exercising. It will not only help you get rid of the negative mood, but also have a beneficial effect on your health in general.

And finally. If you notice that home care does not help you get rid of flaky skin, consult a doctor. It is possible that some malfunctions occur in your body, which are the cause of this symptom on the legs.

Video on how to get rid of peeling feet

Climb the skin on the toes - this is the appearance of peeling on the feet with lesions of an infectious disease. Medication will help to heal. If the integuments are dried up, lack vitamins, a variety of baths, ointments and creams will help get rid of the unaesthetic appearance of the legs.

Peeling skin on the toes does not appear along with discomfort in the feet. Many people do not pay attention to such a minor flaw, do not take measures to eliminate the peeling dermis.

In many people, over time, the skin returns to normal, the immune system helps to regenerate the cover, or the factors that affect the convergence of the dermis are replaced. After the first signs of peeling appear, symptoms may appear: itching, redness, cracks, pimples, pain.

Factors leading to the appearance of bubbles, peeling of the feet:

  • Narrow, uncomfortable, high-heeled shoes, "not breathable", made of synthetic materials. Long wear of products leads to impaired blood flow in the lower extremities, improper distribution of a person's weight on the feet, rapid fatigue, edema, increased sweating and causes flaky skin on the toes. Little fingers and big toes suffer the most from bad shoes.
  • Lack of vitamins A and E in the human body. Deficiency primarily affects the appearance of the skin. With beriberi, the dermis dries up, peels off on the legs seasonally - in autumn and spring. You can notice other signs of vitamin deficiency: hair shine disappears, they begin to fall out in large quantities, brittle nails appear.
  • Improper care of the feet leads to peeling, the formation of growths, to the appearance of painful wounds in places of cracking with oozing ichor.
  • Allergy. Reactions with a peeling symptom are caused by contact of the dermis with a number of substances or phenomena: solvents, chlorinated water, detergents, fabrics, dyes, cosmetics, hypothermia of the lower extremities.
  • Hyperhidrosis. Excessive sweating contributes to the appearance of diaper rash, unpleasant odor, looseness of the dermis, and the appearance of bubbles. As a result, the skin begins to peel off between the toes.
  • Diseases: infectious or viral disease caused by a fungus, eczema, psoriasis, nervous system disorders, Kawasaki syndrome.

Treatment Methods

At the first appearance of peeling on the fingers, the feet need to be put in order. You will need therapeutic baths, cleansing procedures, compresses, moisturizing creams, healing ointments.

If a broken skin is detected in a baby, it is better not to carry out self-treatment. Contacting a pediatrician is a reasonable decision, there are many reasons that led to this condition of the legs. Among them are infectious diseases that are treated with medication.

Ointments and creams

Cosmetic foot creams are effective for overdried epidermis. It is necessary to apply to the soles of the feet every evening, after steaming the skin in the bath and removing dead particles with a pumice stone or grater.

Oil solutions of vitamin A, E, purchased at a pharmacy, can replace foot cream. Well recommended Aevit. It is recommended to take it orally in a course, use it to apply the drug to the affected skin.

Bepanten, calendula ointment, salicylic ointment, Balzamed, Radevit - products that tend to deeply moisturize the dermis, help rapid regeneration, accelerate wound healing, epithelialization of damaged areas.

Baths and compresses

Baths and compresses help get rid of peeling. Use should be on a course, not on a case-by-case basis. To heal peeling skin, every night before going to bed, you need to devote time to water procedures. Folk recipes for baths are simple, prepared from inexpensive ingredients that are in the house.

Herbal decoction baths are popular because of their effectiveness. Calendula, oak bark, chamomile, nettle have a lot of medicinal properties. They relieve inflammation, pain, soothe the skin, disinfect. The procedure lasts 20-30 minutes, after which the stratum corneum is removed with the help of a scrub, a sparing file.

Baths soften the skin with the addition of the following ingredients:

  • sea ​​or ordinary table salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of soda and liquid soap;
  • apple cider vinegar 5%, which can be combined with glycerin, salt, lemon juice or soda. It is not recommended to use ordinary table vinegar, the effect on the skin is aggressive.

After steaming, pumice treatment, the feet and heels are wiped dry and a compress is prepared. Egg compress: 2 egg yolks are added to heated olive oil (100 ml), then beat the mixture until a homogeneous mass appears. The composition is smeared on the feet, wrapped in a film, put on socks. After 30 minutes, the feet are washed under running water. After the procedure, a moisturizing cream is applied to the dry feet.

Starch compress is prepared on the basis of chamomile decoction 100 ml. Pour 2 teaspoons of starch into the herbal decoction, add salicylic ointment in the amount of 2 teaspoons. Stir the finished product, apply to the feet affected by peeling. After 30 minutes, wash off the compress with water. Moisturizing the skin with foot cream after using the compress is desirable.

72% laundry soap - a hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly product, which includes sodium or potassium salt, fatty acids - is used for the prevention and treatment of the skin of the feet. The soap is ground on a grater and applied to the feet or rubbed well on the skin. The compress is left overnight, washed off with water in the morning.


When it begins to exfoliate, the skin between the toes peels off, itching, redness of the dermis between the fingers, the appearance of painful cracks - a fungus appears. Baths and compresses will not help get rid of the defect. Mycosis can be caused by different types of fungi and affect the skin between the fingers and nails. Nail plates thicken, blacken.

If the first signs of a fungal infection appear, you should consult a doctor immediately. The dermatologist will prescribe tests, conduct an examination. In the early stages of the disease, it is much easier to extinguish the source of infection. Today, pharmaceutical companies offer a huge selection of medicines aimed at suppressing the synthesis of certain types of fungi.

Medicines to help get rid of peeling skin on the toes:

  • Lamisil;
  • Batrafen, Lotseril, Demicten varnishes;
  • Mycozolon;
  • Exoderil;
  • Mycoderil;
  • Bifosin;
  • Lamisil;
  • salicylic ointment;
  • Fungoterbin.

Treatment of the fungus with medications lasts from 14 days to 3 months. There may be cases of relapse. So that the disease does not return, between the toes the skin does not begin to peel and itch again, for preventive purposes, an ointment, cream, varnish or spray is recommended to be used every six months.

Mushrooms, yeast multiply rapidly, taking up more of the surface of the dermis every day. If the disease is running, it is quite difficult to recover from the disease. Fungal foci are able to "adapt" to the medicine and stop responding to them. The dermis on the folds cracks, abscesses, causing burning, pain.

Possible complications and necessary care

If you do not respond in time, that the epidermis began to exfoliate on the legs, interdigital peeling formed, the areas on the folds reddened, there is a high probability of tissue infection with pathogenic microbes.

The appearance of eczema must be diagnosed by a dermatologist. It can be caused by fungal infections. Psoriasis appears on the skin and nails, proceeds in waves with symptoms of itching, burning, peeling, irritation of the cover, the appearance of papules that burst over time. The causes and pathogenesis of a chronic disease are not fully understood by medicine. Studies have shown that the appearance of the disease is preceded by infections caused by fungi and staphylococci. Self-treatment without traditional medicine methods can worsen the patient's condition.

Proper foot care will relieve the feeling of discomfort and flaky feet. You need to devote a little time: prepare softening baths, lubricate with a moisturizing nourishing cream every evening, choose shoes more carefully and consult a doctor at the first sign of a fungus.

Sometimes problems with the skin are found on the toes: it cracks, peels and bubbles may appear. Why this happens and how to deal with such a nuisance - we will tell below!

Reasons for peeling skin

The first reason why fingers begin to peel off is dermatitis caused by chlorine and surfactants, which are contained in washing powder.

If you have excessive sweating of the legs, you should not turn a blind eye to this, as sweat makes the skin loose, which makes it easy for fungi and bacteria to penetrate into it. To get rid of sweaty feet, you must constantly do foot baths with decoctions of oak bark and chamomile.

If the skin on the toes peels off in the spring, then the body lacks vitamins A, C and E. Also, if there is not enough vitamin A, nails can break, hair falls out and dandruff appears.

Another reason why the skin peels off the legs may be a fungus, it is very difficult to get rid of it, so it is useless to self-medicate, it is better to consult a doctor in time.


A good prevention of fungal diseases is hygiene, as well as a number of preventive measures:

  • you can not wear the same shoes every day, they must stand 28 hours after they were worn;
  • be sure to wear socks when your feet sweat, then you need to change socks twice a day;
  • wear loose and comfortable shoes, the skin of the legs should breathe;
  • To get rid of sweaty feet, you need to use antiperspirant deodorants.

If the skin between the toes peels off, then this may be a symptom of the following diseases:

  • psoriasis;
  • increased sweating;
  • sunburn;
  • Kawasaki disease;
  • the presence of corns;
  • an excess of vitamin A;
  • fungal infections;
  • eczema.

Why is the skin peeling off the heels and feet?

The skin peels off the heels and soles most often due to eczema that occurs during a change in the weather in warm weather, then the skin dries out and dehydrates very quickly. To prevent peeling on the feet of the skin, you must follow a special diet, take care of the skin and moisturize it.

In order to avoid problems with the heels, you need to drink plenty of water and moisturize them with creams. But if the peeling does not stop and is accompanied by itching, pain, bleeding, then an urgent need to contact a dermatologist.

Another reason why the skin peels off on the legs is a change in the weather. When the temperature is high and there is not enough moisture, the skin on the legs becomes dehydrated and dry.

For some reason, staying in shoes for a long time leads to the fact that the skin between the fingers begins to peel off. This is due to the fact that heat transfer and air aeration are disturbed. Soap, chemicals, and excess moisture can also be a problem.

How to take care of the feet from which the skin peels off?

It is necessary to follow some rules for caring for the feet, namely:

  • Every day it is necessary to treat the skin on the legs with pumice to remove dead cells and make room for the formation of new ones;
  • Do contrast foot baths every day;
  • After each washing, the feet should be wiped well with a terry towel;
  • Every day, apply oily creams with minerals and vitamins on the feet and heels;
  • Do not apply any funds to the feet when there are wounds and cracks, but first you need to treat them with peroxide;
  • Constantly use multivitamins;
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily;
  • To improve blood circulation, you need to lie down for a couple of minutes a day so that your legs are higher than your head;
  • If the skin on the feet peels off, then do not wear heels for a couple of days;
  • Don't bathe in very hot water;
  • In the baths you need to add lemon juice, vinegar and soda;
  • After any procedures, it is necessary to lubricate the feet with cream;
  • Do not stay in a room where the air is very dry;
  • Go in for sports - it improves metabolic processes and blood circulation well.

Folk remedies in the fight against peeling skin

You can use simple recipes to get rid of dryness, roughness and cracked heels. Here is some of them.

Use of laundry soap. It is necessary to lather laundry soap on wet feet in the evenings and leave it until the morning, and then wash it off, repeating the procedure once for three days and until complete recovery.

Salt baths. Dissolve table salt in warm water and lower your feet for 20 minutes. Repeat every three days.

Herbal baths. Make a decoction of herbs such as nettle, calendula and chamomile. Pour it into warm water and soak your feet for 30 minutes. Repeat every day.