Forty nine years of marriage. Cedar wedding (49 years) - what kind of wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, SMS 49 years of marriage what kind of wedding

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Almost half a century has passed since the first time in life a new unit of society was created. Behind so much everything experienced together. Children, grandchildren, many couples already had great-grandchildren by the time they were 49 years old. This is not a round date. Exactly one year later, the couple will celebrate a magnificent golden jubilee. But the fact that 49 years together hand in hand can be safely called the pre-golden anniversary.

This wedding is not customary to celebrate magnificently and deliberately. Usually children, grandchildren and the heroes of the occasion themselves - parents - gather at the dinner table. Many of the couples, having lived together for so many years, do not know what a wedding is like in 49 years of marriage. It turns out that this date has its own name. Such a wedding is popularly called a cedar wedding. There is a direct association with cedar here: it is a centuries-old tree that is very strong and perennial. Like a cedar for forty-nine years, the family stands firmly on its feet and their marriage bonds are strong.

How is the 49th anniversary celebration

For a family celebration, you can give gifts to parents or already grandparents. They can be made mostly from cedar. But if the cedar was not at hand, both spruce and pine will do. Grandchildren can make cedar crafts on their own.

For example, a do-it-yourself stand for hot dishes will give grandparents endless minutes of joy. You can make an aromatic bag: take a bag of linen fabric and fill it with cedar needles and squeeze some cedar cones. The aroma of such a bag will be amazing. All kinds of cedar wooden utensils will be a wonderful gift from children or relatives. It can be salad spoons, cutting boards, and salad bowls.

An alternative to wooden dishes will be a wonderful walk outside the city, where parents can really enjoy the aroma of cedar and other coniferous trees. If 49 living together fell on the winter season, you can just walk through the fresh frosty winter forest, you should not have a picnic in nature, as you need to take into account the age of the couple, because they don’t need any extra health problems. But if the date of the celebration fell in spring or summer, then the best gift would still be a feast in nature.

It is customary to put pine nuts on the festive table as a snack and treat not only for adults, but also for children. And cedar cones will be a great addition to the interior of this festive day. The house must be filled with the aroma of cedar aromatic oil: by giving a couple an aromatic lamp, you will fill the house with wonderful coniferous forest aromas of freshness, thus making you feel a real family holiday.

The Golden Wedding is just around the corner, but today your family is 49! The cedar represents your anniversary - a symbol of longevity and strength of relationships. Let your home always be warm and cozy, and let harmony, mutual understanding, care and support reign in relationships. Your wisdom and experience are an example for younger generations!

Happy anniversary, with a cedar wedding, which means that you have been together for forty-nine years. May your feelings grow higher and higher every year, become deeper and more beautiful. Happy holiday.

Another year and it will be golden, but for now I will congratulate you on the cedar aroma of your family happiness, on the 49th anniversary of your life together. I wish you family well-being and respect for each other, bright love and good prosperity, true well-being and good health, brave endurance and a stable family position, like this evergreen tree.

This wedding smells like tart needles,
Life together is as strong as an old cedar.
You have been together for a long time - it takes two to be happy.
So, be happy, great victories to you!

Another year and a golden wedding -
This is an achievement for the family!
Be friendly and incomparable,
The best couple in the whole world!

Half a century without one year
Lived by you like a moment.
There was happiness and adversity
But your union is like granite.

Strengthens and love and happiness,
Your family is like a monolith.
He is not subject to all bad weather,
And he tells us to be like you!

You, like a cedar, are strong: reliable, like him!
But it is not difficult for those who are so in love.
Love over the years is stronger, and the husband and wife are relatives.
You are sweet and gentle to the joy of all people!

Live long together and be happy
That you did not have to live your life completely alone.
Each other's halves, you are the truth of love!
To live amicably, tenderly, sincerely - is now in your blood.

A very powerful tree - cedar,
And the healing power is strong.
Let love last a kilometer
And she warms up!

Let the symbol of today's date
Very, very helpful in fate.
So that he gives protection, like pea jackets,
In the tireless union of praise!

Cedar wedding - 49 years together,
And the feelings are still tender
They have become stronger, purer and fresher,
golden wedding eve,
Everything says only one thing
There is no stronger feeling in the world than love.
We wish you another hundred years
Loving each other only more.
That we could gather more than once for your anniversary.

We congratulate you, admiring:
Where can love be found even stronger?
We celebrate with joy, smiling,
Cedar wedding anniversary.

May good luck in life be near
Let love burn with eternal fire,
And let your friends not forget
Congratulations every year...

Spiritual holiday - the day of the cedar wedding!
Happy smile on your face.
This date should be celebrated
On the royal throne in the palace!

We send our congratulations to the happy family.
You have been together for forty-nine years!
Stay a couple forever beautiful.
There is no stronger marriage in this world!

Like a cedar is long, our union is strong,
We are proud of the happiness of marriage,
After all, for so many years together
We live in love and understanding!

We bequeath to children and grandchildren,
So that their path was unusual,
Beautiful, full of meaning and goodness,
So that every house is shrouded in warmth!

Surely in the memory of the spouses still lives the day of their marriage, the day when each other was sworn in love and fidelity. And making a retrospective look, I remember their acquaintance, the first kiss, the wedding, the birth of a real family through grinding and scandals, the birth of children, their upbringing, separation from the mother's umbilical cord, the appearance of the first, small, and such funny family members - grandchildren, as well as other happy and significant moments in life.

And now, almost half a century behind us! Mutual understanding and warmth of feelings, which the married couple was imbued with, reaches its maximum marks. The meaning of love is no longer measured by the number of kisses under the starry sky, and from infantile, immature illusions has turned into a real and all-consuming fullness of feelings. After 49 years from the date of the wedding, it is strictly forbidden to ignore the day that was laid first, in the foundation of a family institution that has almost half a century of history.

The forty-ninth year of the wedding has its own, quite original, symbol - the Cedar tree. Why? Let's take a closer look

Cedar is a fairly strong and expensive wood species with great strength, longevity and endurance. In addition, it belongs to plants that please with their constancy all year round - it has an evergreen color, due to belonging to the coniferous genus Pine. Its history is about 100 million years, while the average duration of the existence of the cedar is 400-500, but can reach 800 years. The height is 25 meters, if the cedar trunks are leveled, however, there are also instances of 50 meters. Almost all components of this tree are healing and can cure many diseases. Medicines are made from it that have a huge range of positive characteristics: from anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antimicrobial, to anti-asthma, blood purifying, wound healing, soothing, diuretic and other properties.

So the relationship of the spouses after 49 years of marriage has gained unprecedented strength, the marriage bonds of people who have traveled such a long way together are simply impossible to break. Starting with mutual sympathy, their relationship grew like a cedar, leaving behind more than one generation of descendants. The home atmosphere has ceased to be stained with negative colors, but has acquired a stable, green, cedar color. Anger, dissatisfaction, disputes and jealousy have been transformed into mutual understanding, sincere love, and have long been moving from the opposite direction, heading towards happiness. The warmth of the family hearth has acquired a soft and cozy glow, which gives peace and tranquility to everyone who touches it. And of course - the husband and wife have become like medicine for each other, helping to overcome all life's obstacles further, looking ahead with confidence.

Gifts for Cedar wedding anniversary, 49 years

On the 49th wedding anniversary, first of all, it is customary to give everything that is somehow connected with Cedar. It can be both products from this valuable species of wood, and various substances containing cedar components, such as cones, bark or resin. But not everything is so categorical. Let's try to figure out what you can give for this wedding celebration:

  • "Newlyweds" can be presented with cedar jewelry, such as a necklace, pendant, bracelet, earrings, and even rings, which would be very symbolic to exchange on this day;
  • Crockery, cutlery, napkin holders, saucers, bowls, mugs, candy bowls, boards, bread bins, sugar bowls and other household kitchen accessories made of valuable wood with an antibacterial effect;
  • Set for baths, tubs, washstand, parks, etc.;
  • Furniture, such as chairs, stools, tables and benches;
  • A cedar tree in a pot will harmoniously fit into the interior of the spouses and will remind you of the 49th wedding anniversary for a long time;
  • A beautiful craft, figurine or other decorative elements, both for the interior and for the exterior;
  • Pine nuts, both in pure form and as part of any products, for example, in sweets, or, perhaps, strong drinks infused with nuts. As well as cedar oil in the original container. But this is suitable, perhaps as a thematic passing souvenir;
  • Massage roller or other modification of the massage device;
  • A box or other pretty box for storing various little things;

There is no point in chasing the symbol of the upcoming holiday if you know about the secret desires or needs of the spouses, by satisfying which you will bring them more pleasure than presenting any thematic trinket. Since the heroes of the occasion are elderly people, first pay attention to what can make their life easier. For example, it can be household appliances (by the way, you can also find them with a wood finish), household items or a useful gadget. To control or maintain their health, give them a tonometer, an ultrasonic massager, or some kind of simulator that improves the functioning of the body. If there are not so many forces, organize repairs in your family nest to improve the quality of life of a married couple. And if they have no need for material gifts, spiritual food will be a wonderful gift - for example, going to the theater or cinema, a trip to a boarding house, or maybe an interesting book. Do not limit yourself to the gifts offered here for a cedar wedding - improvise and you will be able to pick up the key to the heart of your beloved anniversaries without a year.

Truly, the next, quite significant, and difficult for many, half-century anniversary - the Golden Wedding - will be a royal holiday.

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Tatyana Piteryakova

When a girl and a young man seal the union by marriage, they promise to love each other in sorrow and in joy. Over time, their relationship grows stronger, and only then do they understand the meaning of the words promised at the wedding. Gradually, the period of their life together passes far beyond the number 40, and each new anniversary is no longer just an occasion for fun. And what does the cedar wedding day mean?

What kind of wedding is called cedar?

Many do not even suspect that 49 years of marriage is called a cedar wedding anniversary. Cedar - a giant tree, hardy, strong, growing for many years. Its noble beauty is breathtaking. The relationship of the spouses, lasting half a century without one year, can be called just as strong and enduring, not broken under the weight of adversity, warmed by joy and bright moments.

Cedar is a strong tree, personifying:

  • prosperity;
  • life;
  • wisdom;
  • welfare.

Cedar - a symbol of 49 years of marriage

At the age of 49, the cedar is just beginning its life, growing with powerful roots deep into the ground, and “supporting” the sky with a powerful crown. Spouses celebrating the cedar anniversary reached a noble age their relationship is stable. And this means that they still have a lot ahead of them. True love is rare, and a half-century anniversary proves that strong feelings exist.

This anniversary is rarely celebrated, because it is immediately followed by a round date. But many couples see this event as a reason to gather relatives and close people. It is not necessary to arrange a magnificent celebration - you can celebrate the date in a narrow circle modestly and tastefully.

How to celebrate the 49th wedding anniversary?

Exist traditions of celebrating the cedar anniversary. Here are some of them:

  1. A room or hall for celebration can be filled with the smell of a cedar forest. It should be barely perceptible. To fill the room with aroma, use essential oil or scented candles.
  2. On the day of the celebration, the spouses plant young cedar trees for their grandchildren. Such continuity of generations is a link for relatives. Grandchildren will take care of the trees, remembering their grandparents.
  3. On the day of the wedding, the spouses and guests should go to the bathhouse. In the old days, it was believed that a husband and wife needed to properly take a steam bath in a cedar barrel, filled to the brim with honey and hop mash. At this time, guests should sprinkle the spouses with millet, tap them with spruce and oak branches.
  4. During the feast, the spouses are presented with a towel and a jug of pure spring water. The couple wash and dry each other's faces. Thus, they enter into a further pure life and undertake not to spoil it with quarrels and misunderstandings.
  5. A feast should not do without ditties - let each guest prepare one such song from himself. Spouses can also sing along a funny quatrain.

Have a better day at home or on the street of private housing. Arrange a light evening of memories - let the spouses share interesting moments of life with the younger generation. Record the holiday on a video camera.

What to give for a cedar wedding?

For forty-nine years of family life, according to tradition, they are presented cedar gifts. It can be:

  • Sets for spices;
  • mugs;
  • tray.

Salad for cedar anniversary

You can present a salad in the form of a cedar cone to the table. Form it to fit, garnish with rosemary sprigs, and stick almond kernels on top - they will resemble brown cone scales.

Give the couple tickets:

  • to the cinema;
  • to the theatre;
  • to a concert, etc.

Husband and wife will remember their youth, enjoy each other's company outside the home environment. After visiting the chosen event, they will be able to walk around the evening city and remember their youth.

If you want something more interesting, you can order boat trip(if applicable in your city) or a ride around the city in a horse-drawn cart. Such a gift will definitely be remembered for a long time. By the way, together with such a walk you can organize a beautiful photo session.

In addition to cedar dishes, you can give spouses cosmetics, which include cedar oil:

  • scrubs;
  • balms and shampoos;
  • cream.

You can give just cedar oil with cosmetics. Spouses will add it to the bath before bathing, which contributes to the healing of the skin.

A set with cedar oil as a wedding anniversary gift

What gift to give parents on the 49th wedding anniversary?

Your parents have lived together for decades. They raised you, raised you and are always ready to help. Therefore, if possible, treat mom and dad with a good present.

Pay attention to how their life is arranged, it is possible that in one of the rooms it is high time make repairs or replace the carpet in the living room. All this is in your hands. Thanks to such necessary gifts, parents will not only see your concern, but also get rid of unnecessary expenses.

If possible, buy for parents travel ticket or a nice holiday home. Well, if complete with a ticket there will include wellness procedures. In a holiday home, parents will be fed with fresh air away from the bustle of the city, so choose a holiday home near the forest. It would be nice if there is a body of water nearby.

The necessary household appliances will help facilitate the daily life of parents:

  • Dishwasher;
  • multicooker;
  • air conditioner.

Air conditioning as a gift to parents on the cedar anniversary

If your mom loves fresh baked goods, get her one baker. You can choose the device that your parents have long dreamed of. It can be a mixer, or, for example, an air grill. Or maybe it's time to get your parents a good oven.

Do not buy unnecessary household appliances if you are sure that they will gather dust in the closet

Women of all ages love jewelry. Pamper your mom with them, especially since there is a good reason for this.

Gold ring with tourmalines and cubic zirkonia; gold earrings with tourmalines and cubic zirkonia, all Maskom (link prices)

What to give friends for 49 years of marriage?

There are never many presents that help create coziness in the house. A set of good towels or exquisite tablecloth for the holiday. Here you can give them to your friends for the cedar anniversary. But remember that such a gift should be beautifully packaged.

Tablecloth as a gift for the cedar anniversary

If you often visit friends at home, then you know what else you can give them. Think about whether they have a floor lamp - it is possible that it is he who will please the husband and wife, and they will turn it on for reading at night. You can choose from several beautiful decorative pillows to match the interior or present a convenient stand for storing books and magazines. A good gift would be a small table, which is placed on the side supports of the sofa. You can put treats, drinks and even an alarm clock on it.

Stand-table as a gift for the cedar anniversary

If you still have not decided on a gift, then pay attention to the dishes:

  • glasses;
  • a set of pots;
  • a set of plates;
  • service.

You can present to spouses beautifully designed dish or pastry. Do not be discouraged if you do not have time to prepare such a gift - you can order it in a pastry shop or cafe.

March 31, 2018, 00:29

Exactly one year before the Golden Jubilee, the husband and wife celebrate the Cedar Wedding. Having lived in love and harmony for 49 years, the couple demonstrate to others their ability to adapt to each other and solve complex problems together. The anniversary got its name from the hardy and noble cedar - a tree that lives for several hundred years.

It is not customary to celebrate a cedar wedding splendidly; only the closest relatives and friends of the family gather at the table. There must be pine nuts on the table, and aromatic oil can be used to create a festive atmosphere.

Any craft made of cedar is suitable as a gift: hot coasters, a foot massager, baskets of cones, figurines of birds and animals. Any other gifts will also look appropriate, including those that will help maintain health. As a gift, you can bring cedar tincture or sweets with the name "Cedar".

In your house the smell of cedar,
Forty nine years have passed
How was your wedding played?
Much has since gone
But you kept the love
Carried through the years
We wish you good luck
Be happy always!

Cedar wedding - 49 years.
Your family is an example to all of us!
We wish you health and happiness,
Let your house bypass any bad weather.

May the guardian angel protect from troubles,
May life bring more joy to you.
And a year later at this table
We'll make a golden toast!

Congratulations on your cedar wedding. Very soon everyone will be walking at your golden wedding, but for now, may there be peace and grace in your cedar forest, may the house be filled with comfort, joy and the light of happiness. I wish good health to the whole family, wonderful weather outside the window and an unquenchable fire of love in your hearts.

49 years of life
You walk cheerfully, jokingly,
You raised children and grandchildren,
Easy, confident, loving.

I only wish you health
Well, good luck and good luck.
For you to move on in life
Not knowing meanness and evil.

So that every new day with a smile,
They met, rejoicing in him,
To be better tomorrow than today
Don't give your love to anyone!

I heartily congratulate you
I wish you eternal spring
Let love fill your soul
And so that your dreams come true.

Lived together 49,
Keeping the warmth of your hearts.
I want to live twice as long
Hoping, believing and loving.

Appreciate the happiness given by fate,
Love sincerely, warmly,
Bring happiness through adversity
To all troubles and enemies for evil!

It's your anniversary today
49 years you love each other,
And there's a special reason
On this day, hug you, spouses.

We wish you good health
Longevity, patience, love,
Moods, sea of ​​smiles,
Let there be joyful days.

Let the children not forget you
And grandchildren often come to your house,
We wish you all that
What do you two want?

I hasten to congratulate you on the cedar anniversary!
You have been together for forty-nine years in a row.
Today your union has become stronger and more mature,
Eyes are still burning with happiness and love.

We congratulate you! Accept our bow!
We wish you health and peace in your soul,
Your marriage of the brightest feelings is born,
And let's be honest - it's already golden!

Your marriage union is durable and strong,
Like an age-old cedar that stands on the edge.
We wish you good health,
And keep the spirit of well-being in the family.

you with a cedar wedding
We want to congratulate.
Your perfect marriage
We want to celebrate!

Your couple is friendly
We wish you happiness.
What else do you want,
Even we don't know.

You're all right
Everything is in your place!
The sweetest life
Bride and groom!

Today is a holiday at this table -
Cedar wedding for your family!
We bring you a million congratulations:
Happiness, health, success, love!

So that warmth and comfort reigned in the house,
So that children and grandchildren give good,
For joy to find its home here,
So that you are always lucky in everything!

Almost half a century we are with you,
We love each other strongly, strongly,
After all, they lived that one dream,
What else are we tenaciously young,
Decided to make it a reality
Filled with love, faith,
Although there was a nebula in our path,
Decisiveness came first.
And it was difficult for us for an hour, not just,
But we managed to find the strength
Build your own safe island
And make every day pleasant, sweet.