Nutrition chart for a 9 month old baby. Pumpkin puree with apples. Recipes in the piggy bank

A child of the second half of the year grows and develops rapidly, his body needs new nutrients, including vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, milk alone no longer satisfies his needs, therefore complementary foods are increasingly being introduced into the diet.

And yet the menu of a 9 month old baby for every day suggests that milk - breast or mixture - an indispensable and indispensable product in the diet. At this age, many types of complementary foods have already been introduced and new ones are gradually being introduced.

Breastmilk (or artificial formula) is still an indispensable product in the diet of a 9-month-old baby

During breakfast, lunch and dinner, the child is offered wholesome food and a set of tableware is used - a cup, spoon, mug, napkin. Of course, one must be prepared for the fact that the cups will often be simply overturned and the spoons abandoned.

Be patient. Feed your baby from these cutlery items first yourself. Note that if the child is hungry, he will not mess around with cutlery, but will eat. If the baby is already starting to play, help, feed him yourself.

So, consider the main differences in the diet of a 9 month old baby.

Feeding mode

The feeding regimen of a child of 8 and 9 months has no significant differences. The main difference is the amount of the product introduced and already introduced into the diet, and of course, this fact is reflected in the preparation of the menu for every day, where the number of products in grams by this age increases.

A 9-month-old baby can already chop food not with a blender, but with a fork or knife (knead or finely chop)

food consistency

The consistency of the products offered to the child undergoes minor changes. Homogenized foods are gradually being replaced by foods that have larger food particles, such as simply mashed. So the child gradually joins the common table and the consistency of adult food.

When the ninth month comes to an end, you can gradually begin to offer food, finely chopped with a knife.

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Variety of complementary foods

The menu of a 9 month old baby for every day becomes more diverse.

The diet of a child at the age of nine months is replenished with fish products. First, for acquaintance, fish is introduced in a boiled form in a frayed, puree-like state. Fish varieties should be selected white and low-fat (pollock, cod, hake).

You can start introducing boiled or stewed meatballs or meatballs from poultry and fish.

From 9 months, fermented milk products produced specifically for infants are allowed.

On the menu of a 9 month old baby small amounts of fermented milk products are introduced every day- kefir, cottage cheese, it is better to buy them in a specialized department of baby milk nutrition, and at the same time be sure to pay attention to expiration dates, because the health of the baby depends on this.

Important to remember! Products new to the child begin to be introduced from small portions, with a daily gradual increase in the amount.

You can introduce a new complementary food a week after the previous one, making sure that there is no allergic reaction.

Refusal of night feedings

At the age of 9 months the child can already do without night feeding and sleep peacefully until the morning. Therefore, the menu for every day ends with the obligatory feeding of the baby before bedtime with milk in a volume of up to 200 milliliters.

However, many babies still wake up at night to take their milk. If the child is overweight, it is better to try to wean him from night feedings. Even if the baby whimpered at night, it is worth waiting a bit, it is quite possible that he will fall asleep again. As a last resort, give some water.

From night feedings, the child needs to be weaned, instead of breast milk or formula, let him drink some water

If the baby's weight is normal or falling behind, and also if the baby asks a lot, it is better to continue to give milk at night. You must not allow the baby to starve, you must always remember that each organism is individual.

Advice from pediatricians: How to treat jaundice in newborns. What are the causes of the disease and possible consequences.

Meal schedule

Follow this feeding schedule for a 9 month old baby:

  • For the very first morning feeding, the baby is given only milk - at 6 o'clock;
  • A full breakfast with complementary foods - at 10 o'clock;
  • Lunch - at 14:00;
  • Dinner - at 18:00;
  • Evening feeding - at 22 o'clock.

Of course, feeding time may vary, depending on the individual characteristics of the child.

If the baby is sleeping, you should not wake him up for feeding, because good sleep plays an important role in the health and development of the baby.

Approved Products

In the diet of a nine-month-old child, such foods as:

One of the products that appear in the diet of a baby at 9 months is cereals.
  • Kashi - rice, buckwheat, corn, oatmeal, multi-cereal, wheat, semolina;
  • Fruit puree - apple, pear, plum, banana;
  • Vegetable puree - squash, potato, pumpkin, puree from different types of cabbage - broccoli, cauliflower, white cabbage;
  • Juices are also included in complementary foods;
  • Fermented milk products - cottage cheese by the end of the month up to 25 grams, kefir up to 170 grams per day (some pediatricians do not recommend introducing kefir up to a year);
  • Some types of bread, as well as cookies (you can give it both whole and diluted with milk);
  • Meat - chicken, beef, rabbit, turkey, offal - tongue, liver, heart;

Also, vegetable soups should be present in the child's diet.
  • Vegetable soups in meat broth - 30 ml;
  • Vegetable oil and butter - 5 or 6 grams per day (adding to cereals);
  • Yolk up to ½ part;
  • Fresh finely chopped greens (dill, parsley) are added to soups and vegetable purees.

When compiling a menu for a 9-month-old baby, for each day, several products for breakfast, lunch and dinner are selected from the list presented, which can replenish the child's body with proteins, carbohydrates, microelements and meet the needs of the baby.

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Sample menu for a 9-month-old baby for a week

Imagine an approximate menu for a 9-month-old child, just an approximate one, because everyone has different taste preferences, and the volume of dishes may vary depending on the period of introduction of complementary foods. For example, if a certain cereal for porridge has just begun to be introduced, its volume will be much smaller, but instead you can supplement it, for example, with fruit puree or cookies with milk, that is, already well-known products.

It is important! The table shows meals with the use of complementary foods. The first morning and last evening feeding involves milk alone.

Table. Sample menu for a 9 month old baby for a week

Day of the weekMeal timeDishes*Volume, ml
Mondaybreakfastoatmeal with butter150, 5
dinnersoup with rice30
vegetable puree,150
dinnerbanana puree50
Tuesdaybreakfastcottage cheese, fruit puree30, 50
dinnerfish soup30
mashed potatoes150
mashed fish30
dinnercookies with milk100
Wednesdaybreakfastbuckwheat porridge150
dinnerchicken soup30
squash puree150
chicken ground in a blender60
dinnerfruits, kefir with butter100
Thursdaybreakfastcorn porridge150
dinnervegetable soup30
broccoli puree150
ground beef60
dinnerapple puree, cottage cheese50, 30
Fridaybreakfastmulti-cereal porridge, yolk150, 5
dinnercabbage soup30
cauliflower puree150
dinnerbanana puree50
Saturdaybreakfastwheat porridge with butter150
dinnerchicken soup30
mashed potatoes150
hare puree50
dinnercookies, kefir150
Sundaybreakfastsemolina porridge with butter150, 5
dinnervegetable rice soup30
boiled zucchini puree150
minced boiled chicken liver60
dinnercottage cheese, fruit puree30, 50

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Of course, if the child cooks the first and second meals for lunch, given that the dishes should be dietary, prepared separately from the dishes that are fried and boiled for the rest of the family - without frying vegetables and adding spices, mom may simply not have time for other things. .

Therefore, you can cook soup with potatoes, vegetables - cabbage, carrots, meatballs in a small saucepan for your baby, and after cooking it, make dishes for your child. Soup and a separately mashed meatball will be served separately.

You can separately make mashed potatoes from several potatoes by mashing them and adding a little butter and milk. So you can instantly prepare a comprehensive fresh lunch for your baby.

Baby food should be steamed or oven-baked, such as fish soufflé

If the mother has enough time to prepare separate dishes for the baby, you can cook various soufflés from fish, from cereals, steamed vegetable cutlets, steamed meatballs. It is convenient in a slow cooker to simultaneously lay down water and cereals for porridge and for steaming (on top) vegetables and meat or meatballs.

Important to remember! Babies have different tastes, and the main task of the mother is to expand the range of the child's dishes, so that the baby does not remain hungry.

What rules must be followed

Introducing complementary foods in the menu of a 9 month old baby for every day , new products for the baby should be offered before milk, otherwise the child, having had enough of his usual milk, will refuse unfamiliar food.

Kefir is offered to the child mainly in the evening feeding, for example, at 18 o'clock. Kefir and cottage cheese should not be given more than once a day.

Complementary foods are introduced in a small amount, which gradually increases.

When breastfeeding

If the baby is breastfed, milk can be given to him after complementary foods in all feedings.

If the mother does not have enough milk, diluted mixtures can be used during morning and evening feeding.

With artificial feeding

If the child is an artificial person, then the amount of milk needed at this age for a child, as well as for an eight-month-old, is from 150 to 200 ml at one time.

Thus, by the end of the 9th month, the assortment of the child's menu is full of various products. It becomes possible every day to offer for breakfast, lunch and dinner a complete set of substances necessary for the growth and development of the baby.

What should be the baby's menu at 9-10 months - watch this video:

The daily routine, nutrition, daily diet, skills of a 9-month-old baby - in this video:

And finally, advice from pediatricians regarding the nutrition of a baby at the age of 9-12 months:

The total volume of products per day should be 1000-1200 g. New products are introduced, as before, only one at a time, starting with a minimum amount (0.5-1 tsp), with a gradual increase in dose in the absence of indigestion and. Another new trial dose product may be offered at 7-day intervals.

Time to sleep at night

At this age, you can try to wean the baby from night feedings. In order for the child to sleep soundly all night, you should offer him a hearty dinner.

In the tenth month, breastfeeding should be saved. Mom, as before, should breastfeed her baby in the morning and before going to bed. However, the tenth month is the age when it is time to stop feeding the baby at night. In most cases, children, having received a fairly hearty dinner, sleep peacefully at night, and only in the early morning with loud crying require feeding or breastfeeding.

  • If the child cries at night and requires breasts, then the mother should in this case analyze his behavior, deal with the cause of whims. If the baby eats the dishes offered throughout the day with appetite, and the weight is regularly and well added, then the nighttime food requirements are associated with habit.
  • Mothers should also analyze their behavior. If the mother is in a hurry to give the mixture or attach the baby to the breast as soon as he grunts or whimpers, then she herself helps to prolong night feedings.

You can try to wean the child from feeding at night. To do this, you do not need to rush to feed the child at his first sobbing. Many children, after tossing and turning for a few minutes in bed, calmly fall asleep.

If loud crying is heard, then the child should be picked up, shaken and offered to drink some water from a bottle. Usually this is enough, and the child falls asleep after a few minutes. At first, this putting to bed with crying takes about half an hour. Mom needs to endure this period of weaning.

However, if the baby has not calmed down for a longer time, then this is really associated with a feeling of hunger. Probably, he does not have enough complementary foods received throughout the day and for dinner, there is no feeling of fullness. This means that the baby's diet requires analysis and revision.

What to feed the baby?

The range of permitted products continues to expand:

  1. Vegetables. The child already consumes, pumpkin, potatoes,. Additionally, you can start introducing broccoli (but you need to remember the pronounced laxative effect of beets). Despite the many useful substances contained in cabbage, soup should not be boiled on its broth, as toxic substances are released into it. Beets and broccoli are best used to make mashed potatoes, which can be served with a meat dish or added to soup. A serving of vegetables per day should be 200 g.
  1. Kashi. For a long time they have been familiar, rice, oatmeal, barley porridge. If any of them has not been previously offered to the child, then it should be introduced, given their usefulness.

Additionally, you can introduce the baby to and with manna. Although many experts do not recommend introducing into the diet, as this may contribute to the development of the child. Barley porridge, some doctors also advise to enter into the diet later.

As before, cereals can be cooked in water, vegetable broth, breast milk and milk formula. Grind the finished porridge with a blender and add butter, ½ egg yolk. You can serve porridge with fruits and vegetables. The daily intake of porridge consumed at 9 months is up to 200 g.

  1. Meat. By this age, the child is already familiar with chicken, turkey. Some mothers manage to introduce veal into the diet. At the 10th month, with good tolerance of meat dishes, the baby can gradually be introduced to horse meat.

Meat puree can be added to soup, vegetable puree; meatballs and soufflés are prepared from meat. At the tenth month, it is allowed to cook rabbit liver, beef offal (tongue, heart and liver) for crumbs.

The presence of a significant amount of iron in offal in combination with vitamins makes them especially useful for children with anemia. Minced meat from the store should not be used in the child's diet, the mother needs to chop the meat with a blender (or meat grinder) on her own. Permissible portion of meat per day - up to 70 g.

  1. Fish. The introduction of fish (hake, pollock, cod) has already begun, so the acquaintance with other low-fat varieties of fish continues. Starting from the minimum dose, carefully, in turn, introduce flounder, haddock, pike perch,.

Soufflé, mashed potatoes, meatballs and meatballs are prepared from boiled fish, which can be offered to the baby with vegetables, added to the soup. You can give a fish dish (instead of meat) 1-2 times a week. A serving should not exceed 40 g.

  1. Fruit. If earlier a child could be given bananas, pears, plums, peaches, golden currants and, now children who are not prone to allergies can be introduced to gooseberries.

Puree is prepared from fruits, which can be added to porridge, to fermented milk products. It's better to make your own puree. Out of season, you can use commercially produced fruit puree. Fruit juices should not be given to a child under one year old, since the acids they contain have a negative irritating effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa. The maximum serving of fruit puree is 100 g per day.

  1. Beverages. For drinking, you can give your child boiled water (or purified), a decoction of raisins, jelly, a decoction of carrots, or fresh fruit compote. not yet recommended. You can only use 150ml of it to make porridge.
  1. Dairy products. The child should receive daily cottage cheese, or kefir, to which you can add different types of fruits to get more and more new tastes. The fat content of dairy products should be minimal. Mom can cook these products herself (with the help of a yogurt maker and starters purchased at the pharmacy).

They are useful not only as a source of calcium, but also because they prevent the development of pathogenic (harmful) microbes. The daily serving of cottage cheese is 50 g, and yogurt is brought to 200 ml. You should not exceed the serving size, as an excess amount of protein from these products will create a large load on the kidneys.

  1. Other foods and their daily intake:
  • bread - the portion increases to 10 g per day;
  • wheat loaf crackers or biscuit cookies - 15 g;
  • vegetable oil (corn, sunflower, linseed, olive), which is better to add to vegetable puree - 5 ml;
  • butter improves the taste of porridge - 5 g;
  • greens (in the form and), but not fresh, but added to the dish in crushed form at the end of its preparation (the norm is 5 g per day).

If any of the products listed have not yet been introduced into the diet, then they should be introduced, starting with the minimum dose and gradually increasing it to the norm for age.


To develop the skill of chewing, you should from time to time offer your child a cracker or a piece of an apple.

As before, the child receives 5 meals a day at 4-hour intervals, since vegetables and cereals not only take longer to digest breast milk, but also give a feeling of satiety for a longer period.

Breastfeeding and formula ideally remain only at 6 am and 10 pm. In the remaining 3 feedings during the day, the baby receives complementary foods. But it is allowed to slightly supplement it with mother's milk or a mixture. They should be no more than ¼ of the amount of food per day.

During the day, it is recommended to give the child liquid food 2 times, and thick - 3 times. If a too active baby becomes hungry after 2-3 hours after receiving liquid nutrition, then a snack in the form of a small amount of fruit puree or cookies is allowed.

The child must continue to be accustomed to thick and solid food, to be taught to chew it. Ready meals should no longer be chopped with a blender (except for meat). Boiled or steamed vegetables and fish should simply be mashed with a fork. A slow cooker or double boiler will make cooking easier for mom.

Helps the development of the chewing apparatus cracker, a piece of apple. But give them to the baby should only be in the presence of an adult. At first, small pieces of food can cause a gag reflex, then it passes.

Meals should be prepared for every feeding. Leftover food cannot be stored or reheated for the next meal.

sample menu

An indicative daily menu will help organize meals for the child:

  • Daily at 6:00 (first breakfast) and at 22:00 (before bedtime) - breastfeeding or milk adapted formula (200 ml).
  • 10:00 (second breakfast): cereals up to 180 g + ½ egg yolk; fruit puree 50 g.
  • 14:00 (lunch): pureed vegetable soup or vegetable puree 150 g with meat puree or steam cutlet weighing 70 g (fish cutlet once a week); bread 10 g; compote (mors) 100 ml.
  • 18:00 (dinner): cottage cheese 50 g; kefir (or yogurt) 100 g with fruit puree 50 g; cookie.

Varieties of cereals and vegetable purees alternate during the week. It’s easier to make a menu in advance for all days of the week.

Dish recipes

Fairly simple recipes will help diversify the menu.

Pear with corn porridge

To prepare the dish, bring 1 cup of water to a boil, add 1 tbsp. l. cereals and, stirring, cook until tender over low heat for about 15 minutes. Then rub the washed and peeled on a plastic grater, add the resulting puree to the porridge, mix.

Pumpkin with buckwheat

Pour 100 ml of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add 50 g of cereal and cook with stirring over low heat for 10 minutes (until cooked), add 1 tsp. butter. Wash and cut a piece (50 g), peel and boil the pumpkin pulp for about 20 minutes. Grind the pumpkin with a blender, add to the porridge and mix.

Rice pudding

Pour a glass of water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil, add 2 tbsp. l. rice, washed to clean water, boil thick porridge while stirring, add a little butter. Separate the egg yolk from the protein and beat the latter until a thick foam. Wash green apples, peel, rub with a plastic grater. Mix with applesauce and yolk, carefully introduce the protein. Put the resulting mass into a mold and place in the oven at 160 0, leave for 20 minutes.

Vegetable soup

Boil 1 potato, 2 small cauliflower florets, a small onion, a slice (30 g) of peeled beets, a small carrot. Chop all vegetables and return to the broth, add 1 tsp. olive oil.

Soup with chicken

Cut 70 g of chicken fillet, put it in boiling water, add a small (30 g) carrot, a quarter of an onion and boil for 10 minutes. Add chopped potatoes (50 g) to a saucepan. Boil the soup over medium heat until the meat and vegetables are ready, add 5 g of chopped greens at the end. Remove the meat and vegetables, chop them with a blender and return to the broth.

Pumpkin soup

Peel 1 small potato, a small carrot, a piece of pumpkin (about 50 g) and a quarter of an onion. Pour water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil, lay vegetables and boil them until tender. Grind the vegetables with a blender and add them to the broth. Add 1 tsp. vegetable oil and chopped dill, boil for 1 minute.

Milk oatmeal

Rinse thoroughly with 2 tbsp. l. cereals, pour 250 ml of boiling water over it and boil. Rub the finished porridge through a strainer, add hot milk (¾ cup), mix thoroughly. Boil for 5 minutes, add ½ tsp. butter.

Soufflé from cottage cheese

Place in a blender bowl 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, 2 tsp semolina, 5 g butter, 1, 1 green apple, peeled and freed from the core, mix. Place the resulting mass in a mold and steam for half an hour or a quarter of an hour in the oven.

fish cakes

Steamed fish cakes diversify the child's diet and enrich his body with useful substances.

Grind 70 g of fish fillet (pollock or hake), a small onion and a small carrot with a blender, add oatmeal (1 tablespoon) and mix. Form cutlets from the resulting mixture, place them in a double boiler and cook for 20 minutes.

carrot puree

Wash under running water, peel 2 large carrots (about 200 g), chop the carrots with a grater or blender. Pour a small amount of water into a saucepan, place the carrots and simmer with occasional stirring under the lid for about 40 minutes. Water can be added if necessary. Ready carrots should be wiped through a strainer, add pre-cooked liquid (5%) semolina porridge (2 tablespoons) to it. Bring the mixture to a boil and remove from heat. Add butter (1 tsp) to the puree.

Multi-component vegetable puree

Wash and clean fresh vegetables (50 g each): rutabagas, potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and cut them into pieces. Place the vegetables in the multicooker bowl and simmer them with a little water until tender. The vegetables are chopped and 1 tsp is added to the puree. butter. The required consistency is achieved with hot milk.

Mashed potatoes

Wash 200 g of potatoes in running water and steam them. Then the potatoes need to be peeled, mashed, add about 80 g of hot milk, ½ tsp. butter, you can slightly salt and beat.

Summary for parents

Breastfeeding for babies in the 10th month should be saved for the morning and last (before bedtime) meals. Formula-fed babies are given milk formula during these hours. And it's time to wean the baby from feeding at night.

During the day, a variety of dishes should be prepared for the child, but they should not be repeated, that is, it is impossible to feed the baby with one dish twice a day. Every day the child should receive vegetables, cereals, fruits, meat or fish, dairy products.

At this age, 5 meals a day are preserved. Gradually, you need to move away from the puree-like consistency of dishes, and grind the food with a fork so that the child learns to chew.

Nutritionist Makarova S. G. talks about the nutrition of children 9-12 months old:

Soup recipe for 9 month old babies:

Of course, most of the diet is occupied by vegetables: carrots, cabbage, potatoes, beets, zucchini, pumpkin and many others. They are still given as a puree. Although the child already has teeth, he still needs pureed food. Every day, the little one is supposed to eat about 200 grams of vegetables and cereals, which still form the basis of his diet. If the child does not have cow's milk, then at 9 months the porridge is boiled on it. Before use, a piece of butter is added to it, which is an indispensable component of the baby's nutrition. Only 5 grams per day supply the small body with the elements it needs. The child is supposed to eat the same amount of vegetable oil, they are flavored with vegetable purees.

Dairy products must be included in complementary foods from 9 months. Cottage cheese and sour-milk drinks are good for the stomach, the formation of teeth and bones, because they contain calcium. Meat puree, according to the estimates of children's nutritionists, is introduced into complementary foods at this age in the amount of 50-60 grams, i.e. 10-12 teaspoons per day. Bread for kids is offered in the form of crackers, pieces of white bread soaked in mashed potatoes or porridge, or cookies.
The nuances of complementary foods from 9 months

The timing of the introduction of certain foods into complementary foods is influenced by many factors, in particular, the method of feeding. Babies who are on are taught to complementary foods much earlier. They are more in need of additional nutrition than babies who are breastfed.

The fish menu, which for up to a year consists of fish puree and minced fish products, can be included when it comes to artificial babies. In this case, you should not be allergic. At the same time, babies who are breastfed by their mothers are most often introduced into the diet at the age of 10-12 months.

The situation is the same with chicken yolk, it can be included in the child's diet at 9 months if the baby is on, and the mother is convinced that her child needs additional protein nutrition. In the first month, the baby is given a quarter of the yolk, then, up to a year, half.

Complementary foods from 9 months have great potential to diversify the child's table. From fresh and healthy products, you can come up with a large number of all kinds of dishes.

Baby food at 9 months does not change significantly. The volume of some dishes (vegetable puree,) increases and remains at this level for up to a year. In the diet of the baby, the required amount of breast milk (milk formula) is reduced. There is a gradual transition from liquid and pureed food to coarser, mint and lumpy. This is what distinguishes complementary foods at 9 months.

During lunch, the baby is already given a piece of white bread (up to 10 g). Together with juice or kefir, crumbs are given crackers or cookies.

The crumbs have a desire to take food with their fingers. Teach him to put food in his mouth (not to smear or scatter it). And, of course, encourage your baby to hold a spoon on his own. To reduce the amount of food spilled, guide the spoon yourself.

Give him also small pieces of boiled carrots or soft fruits. It will be convenient for them to “scratch” the gums during teething.
Vegetable and meat-vegetable puree: instead of vegetable puree, you can already cook meatballs. Just don't grind them up when you give them to your baby. Let him bite off the pieces and chew. This is important for the proper development of the teeth and jaws, as well as the masticatory muscles.

If the baby does not have allergies, once a week you can prepare mashed river fish for him, in which there are no small bones (for example, pike perch). You can also give hake, cod, sea bass.

Cottage cheese and sour-milk dishes: you can replace the first morning feeding with kefir. Offer your baby biokefir or liquid industrial production with various fruit additives. Their shelf life should not exceed 7 days.

Fruit and berry dishes: Small pieces of fruit are allowed here.

Sample menu for a child at 9 months of age:
6 hours: gr. milk, kefir or milk mixture 200-210 ml.
10 hours: Semolina porridge 150-180 g, Fruit puree 40-50 g, Juice 20-30 ml.
14 hours: Vegetable puree 160 g, Vegetable oil 5 g (about 1 tsp), Yolk ½ pc., Meat puree 30-40 g, juice 40 ml, Wheat bread 5 g

18 hours: Fruit and vegetable puree 50 g, Kefir (or yogurt) 100-120 g, Cookies 5 g

22 hours: gr. milk or milk mixture 180-200 g.

A child from 9 months in the form of complementary foods can already be given a meatball, and at 10-11 months - a steam cutlet, sometimes replacing it with fish. The most suitable varieties of fish are cod, sea bass, silver hake, pike perch, pollock. You can use the fillets of these fish. A fish dish in the form of meatballs, steam cutlets is given 1-2 times a week.

A nine-month-old baby eats 4-5 times a day, and the breaks between feedings range from 3 to 4.5 hours, depending on the individual needs of the child. The baby's diet becomes varied, his lunch consists of three dishes: meat, vegetables and fruit salad. Fish appears in his diet.

When introducing fish into complementary foods, be careful, because this product is considered highly allergenic. The following varieties are preferred: cod, flounder, pike perch, hake, pollock.

Your little one will be happy to feed himself using a spoon, although of course, little will go directly into the baby's mouth. However, do not interfere with such training of the child, very soon he will begin to use the spoon better and better.

There are already obvious preferences in food. However, the trend from the previous month is still there, where the baby can eat everything and then suddenly begin to refuse any other food except breast milk.

To develop the skill of chewing, offer food that is no longer pureed, but chopped, containing small pieces. In addition, thanks to well-developed fingers, with which the baby already knows how to grab objects, you can offer him solid food in the form of pieces of soft fruits (banana, peach) and vegetables (tomato, peeled cucumber).

Try to give the crumbs different types of food in texture from liquid to dry and solid: drying, fruits, vegetables, cereals, pieces of meat, liquid soup and puree soup. Let the baby explore food by touch on his own, and you will be surprised how your smart toddler will figure out what to drink, what to eat with a spoon, and what food is better to take with a pen.

Introduce new products into the baby's diet gradually, observing all the rules of complementary foods and continuing to keep the child's food diary. Remember that while solid food is not the main source of nutrients, the baby receives everything necessary for growth and development from breast milk or an adapted formula. Now your goal is just to introduce the child to the food that adults eat, and when your milk or formula is no longer enough for the little one, he himself will begin to eat adult food in quantities that can satisfy his hunger.

If you have not yet paid attention to the table setting at which your baby sits, then nine months is the time to start - the baby's table should look beautiful.

Features of the nutrition of a child at 9 months

For a child, complementary foods at 9 months are very important not only for nutritional reasons, but also for its development, learning new tastes and sensations. At this age, the crumbs can already be offered for lunch a small piece of white bread. And together with kefir or juice, he can chew a cracker or a cookie.

From meat dishes
You can try making meatballs. And you don't have to grind them. Let the child bite and chew them.

At least once a week, the baby can be given mashed potatoes made from fish fillets (perch, hake, sea bass, cod). However, you should be especially careful not to miss a single small bone.

The mixture can already be replaced with kefir or liquid yogurt with pieces of fruit. When buying such fermented milk products for complementary foods, pay attention to the expiration date and remember that they can be stored for no more than seven days. Otherwise, there can be no talk of any beneficial bacteria.

Fish for children under one year old, and in principle at any age, is a valuable and healthy food product. Along with meat, it acts as a source of complete animal protein, which includes amino acids that are not produced in our body. But these substances are very important, especially for a growing man, because they are involved in the construction of new tissues and cells, the synthesis of antibodies, and also protect your child from viruses and microorganisms, hormones and enzymes. Moreover, the "sea" protein is faster absorbed and easier to digest than the "meat". And for the first time, like meat, fish is introduced to a child of 8 months. But its main differences from the “colleague” are its low calorie content and delicate structure: it lacks refractory fats and connective tissue (films, coarse fibers), which are very difficult for the baby’s weak enzyme system to cope with.

What kind of fish to give the child?

To answer this question, we first understand what it is. There are three categories based on fat content. The first includes “skinny” species (no more than 4% fat) - silver hake, haddock, pollock, river perch, pike perch, pollock, navaga. The second category is “moderately fat” (4-8% fat): sea bass, herring, bream, catfish, carp, catfish. Finally, “fat” (more than 8% fat) are stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, pink salmon, chum salmon, halibut, saury, mackerel, fatty herring. Thus, a fish for an 8-month-old child is shown to be skinny or, in extreme cases, moderately fatty. And when your child grows up, you can move on to the third category.

If you doubt that fish is important and necessary for children under one year old, remember that the above-mentioned polyunsaturated fatty acids that it contains not only participate in the regulation of metabolism (calcium, potassium, zinc, sodium are responsible for this, in particular). and magnesium). They have a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems of the baby. Stimulate the intellect and improve brain activity. This marine food is especially important for bottle-fed babies. And, of course, all the crumbs really need vitamins A and D, E and B2, B12 and PP, as well as phosphorus, fluorine and other trace elements. By the way, fluorine takes part in the formation of tooth enamel. Phosphorus - in the development of the bone system and brain. Iron (although there is much more of it in meat) is needed to prevent anemia. And the inhabitants of the deep sea are unique sources of iodine (it is needed for the formation of thyroid hormones) and bromine.

When choosing which fish to give to a child, it is important to consider the very form of its preparation. The fact is that it contains extractive substances - creatine, carnosine, purine bases, etc. During the cooking process, they turn into a decoction, giving the broth a specific taste and stimulating gastric secretion. Therefore, they are included in the diet of children with reduced appetite. But such stimulation can also lead to excessive strain on the digestive glands. Therefore, such broths can be introduced only after three years. This rule is also true for other seafood, including caviar.

Your baby is growing very fast - he will soon be one year old. The child already knows a lot: he himself rises to sit down, crawls, stands, holding onto a support, walks holding the hands of an adult.

Some children try to walk without support. Now in every possible way individual features of his character are manifested. At this age, his personal uniqueness is actively formed. The kid already consciously pronounces some syllables, such as “ma”, “pa”, “on”, copies the sounds of animals, for example, a dog: “Aw!” In general, both physical and mental development proceed at a rapid pace. Along with this, the daily routine changes: the child sleeps only twice during the day, and the period of wakefulness increases to 4 hours. Accordingly, the diet of a child of 9 months should change slightly. If earlier the baby ate every 3 hours, now it should be quite easy to withstand 4 hours. It will be very convenient to switch to 5 meals a day. The optimal interval between feedings, a diet of 9 months, an approximate menu and a variety of recipes - all useful tips on proper nutrition are collected in this article.

Feeding changes

For most children, the diet at 9 months does not include night feedings. They sleep all night, and in the morning, when they open their eyes, they demand a mother or a bottle. If the child eats very late at night or even in the middle of the night, he has a good appetite during the day, and he is gaining weight well, night feedings should be abandoned. Often, the mother herself is to blame for the baby’s habit of eating at night - before the child has time to wake up, the mother offers him a bottle or breast so that he does not cry. So no more need to be done. It will be easy for someone to refuse night feedings - waking up at night, the baby will spin a little and fall asleep. Another child may cry for milk. In this case, you can pump him up a little, offer him some water, after a while the cub will fall asleep. The first time he may cry even for 20 or 30 minutes, but after a few days he will sleep peacefully until the morning.

Baby food at 9 months

During this period, it is necessary to gradually reduce the amount of breast milk or milk mixtures. The nutrition of a child at 9 months involves a varied menu, including cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, and dairy products. We'll talk more about diet later. Already three times a day, the child should receive solid food and twice - in the morning and evening feeding - breast milk or a mixture.

When to feed

Solid food takes longer to digest and provides energy for a longer period than liquid milk formula (or breast milk). Therefore, the time between meals should increase. Often, children themselves refuse the next feeding and eat it with appetite within an hour. Therefore, if the first milk feeding was at 6 o'clock in the morning, the next one will be at 9 o'clock, then lunch should be moved from 12 to 13, plan an afternoon snack approximately at 17 o'clock, and leave the last evening feeding at 9 o'clock in the evening.

We expand the diet

Baby food for 9 months includes a lot of dishes from a variety of products. Kids at this age are already familiar with fruit juices, vegetable and fruit purees, cottage cheese, boiled egg yolk, kefir, cereals, meat puree, bread and cookies. For a 9-month-old baby, nutrition, called complementary foods, ensures the supply of all the necessary nutritional components, which are no longer enough either in breast milk or in milk formulas, namely proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fats, and minerals. The diet of a child of 9 months, if possible, should be expanded. But you must remember that it is important to introduce new foods carefully, starting with small portions, and observe the child for several days. If everything is in order, the child is calm, there are no allergic reactions to new food at 9 months, the menu may include new products, but not earlier than in a week you can try something new. A nine-month-old baby should have long been accustomed to boiled meat, well chopped. This meat is rabbit, veal, beef, turkey. The diet of a child of 9 months may include chicken, as well as liver, preferably beef or rabbit, heart and tongue. These offal are rich in iron and vitamins, which is especially necessary for children with low hemoglobin. It is highly undesirable to use store minced meat - everything must be cooked by hand. You can use baby food. They can only be meat or mixed with vegetables and cereals. You can also use canned fruits and vegetables.

But it’s better to leave industrial baby food in case of some trips or in the off-season of individual products. This mainly applies to vegetables, fruits and berries. When feeding a child, it is necessary to adhere to the principle - everything is freshly prepared from those products, the quality of which is beyond doubt. Among other things, the nutrition of a child at 9 months involves the inclusion of low-fat white fish in the diet. These are pike perch, cod, flounder, hake. You can replace meat with fish once a week. First, boiled fish with vegetables and a side dish should be given, later, when the child gets used to the taste of fish, it will be possible to cook fish puddings and steam cutlets. Separately, I would like to highlight vegetable and butter - if they are still not in the dishes, it is worth including them. Vegetable oil must be added to vegetable purees, and butter - to cereals, both - in the amount of 5 grams per serving.

Wipe or rub

The nutrition of a child at 9 months is based on accustoming the baby to thick food. If solid food is not introduced into complementary foods in time, problems may arise after a year - the child will simply refuse such food. Hematogenous meals are gradually replaced with mashed ones when the child is 9 months old. The development and nutrition of the baby are moving to a new stage. His chewing apparatus is actively developing, and to stimulate the development of the digestive system, it is necessary to change the consistency of complementary foods. This must be done carefully and gradually. Basically, babies at 9 months willingly eat food mashed with a fork. In addition, with great pleasure, the child can pull some pieces into his mouth and chew them. It’s good to give your baby a piece of an apple, a pear, a biscuit cookie or a crust of white bread. By the end of the 9th month, pieces of boiled fruits or vegetables can be offered to the child. The meat still needs to be wiped or chopped with a blender to a hematogenous mass.

sample menu

As you can see, the baby has a very varied diet at 9 months. The children's menu is very similar to the adult's menu.

  1. First breakfast: milk (breast or mixture), if the child does not protest, demanding the usual milk in the morning, you can give kefir - 180-200 grams.
  2. Lunch: porridge (buckwheat, rice, barley) with or without milk - 150 grams, fruit puree - 40 grams, juice, milk or tea - 30 grams.
  3. Dinner: vegetable puree - 150 grams, meat or fish puree - 50 grams, a slice of bread, juice or compote - 50 grams.
  4. afternoon tea: cottage cheese - 50 grams, fruit and vegetable puree - 50 grams, kefir - 100-120 grams.
  5. Dinner: milk (breast or mixture) - 200-210 grams.


Only freshly prepared food should be given to a child (9 months old). The recipes below describe the preparation of basic children's meals. Ingredients from recipes can be replaced or added depending on how varied the baby's diet is. Not bad if there is a double boiler in the house. This greatly facilitates the work of the mother, and the products retain nutrients better. But you can do without a double boiler - they cook for a child in a saucepan with a small amount of water under a closed lid.

vegetable puree


  • potatoes - 50 grams;
  • carrots - 50 grams;
  • broccoli - 100 grams;
  • zucchini - 100 grams;
  • vegetable oil - a third of a teaspoon.

Vegetables must be washed, peeled and cut into medium pieces. We send the carrots into boiling water first. Boil until half cooked and send potatoes and broccoli to the pan. The zucchini is placed last. When the vegetables are ready, you need to add vegetable oil to the pan and, after boiling for 2 minutes, turn it off. If the baby eats mashed food - knead, still wiped - wipe the bulk. Leave a little to loosen. You can also give a piece of carrot or cabbage to your child's hand - he will chew it with pleasure.

Milk buckwheat porridge


  • buckwheat (or flour) - 50 grams;
  • milk - 400 milliliters;
  • salt, sugar - you can use a pinch, you can not use at all.

Milk goes to the stove. When it boils, buckwheat or flour is added to it. If flour is used, it must first be mixed with a small amount of milk. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover and cook until cooked for about 20 minutes. At the end of cooking, add oil, if necessary, you can salt and sugar the porridge.

Veal puree soup with vegetables


  • veal - 60 grams;
  • potatoes - 50 grams;
  • carrots - 40 grams;
  • onion - 10 grams;
  • cauliflower - 60 grams;
  • vegetable oil - a third of a teaspoon;
  • greens - to taste.

Veal must be cut into pieces, pour cold water and boil until half cooked. Then vegetables are added in turn, first carrots, then onions, potatoes, cauliflower. When everything is ready, add oil and turn off. When serving, you need to add greens.

No matter how long the meat is cooked, it remains harsh for the child. Therefore, it is better to chop the soup with a blender or crank only the meat and grind the vegetables.

Rice porridge with apples


  • rice - 12 grams;
  • milk - 100 grams;
  • water - 30 milliliters;
  • apples - 1-2 pieces;
  • butter - a third of a teaspoon.

Rice must be sorted and washed several times. Boil milk and add water to it. While stirring, you need to send the rice into the liquid. On low heat, you need to bring the consistency to a homogeneous mass. Apples need to be peeled and core, cut into small pieces, add to the pan to the porridge. If necessary, you can also add salt and sugar if the apples are sour. Cook for another five minutes, stirring constantly. Add butter to the finished porridge.

Semolina porridge with pumpkin


  • semolina - 10 grams;
  • pumpkin - 100 grams;
  • milk - 100 milliliters;
  • butter - a third of a teaspoon;
  • salt - 0.5 grams;
  • sugar - 5 grams.

Pumpkin needs to be cleaned from seeds and peel, cut into small pieces. Boil a third of the milk and simmer the pumpkin in it until soft. Then wipe the mass into a homogeneous consistency. Mix semolina with sugar, salt and pumpkin mass, add the remaining milk and cook over low heat until tender. At the end of cooking, add butter.

Homemade cottage cheese


  • Children's kefir - 250 milliliters.

Kefir must be poured into an enamel bowl and put in a water bath. After a few minutes, serum will begin to separate. Then you need to throw the cottage cheese on a sieve or gauze. The whey will drain, leaving a delicious tender curd.

You can prepare fruit or fruit and vegetable puree for it.

Pumpkin and apple puree


  • apple - 1 piece;
  • pumpkin - 100 grams;
  • sugar - 5 grams.

The pumpkin needs to be cleaned of seeds and peel and cut into small cubes. We also clean the apple from seeds and peel and cut into larger cubes. We put it in a double boiler, sprinkle a little sugar on top. Cook for a couple of minutes 25. At the end of cooking, you can knead with a fork or rub through a sieve.

By 9 months, the baby already knows what vegetable, meat and fruit purees, cereals, juices, bread and crackers are. But the taste of fermented milk products remains a mystery to him. The task of parents is to properly diversify the feeding of a child at 9 months with cottage cheese and kefir, to give it in an amount that will benefit and not harm the growing body.

It is no secret that a few years ago, cottage cheese diluted with kefir was recommended to be introduced to children as complementary foods from 6 months. Today, the opinions of pediatricians on this matter differ greatly. So, some argue that at the age of six months, the baby's body is ready to consume cottage cheese. Others say that an excess of protein in a healthy baby’s body is not needed at all, because later it can affect blood pressure and metabolic failures. There is a group of doctors who prohibit giving this fermented milk product to children under the age of 12 months. However, according to the majority, feeding at 9 months can and should be supplemented with cottage cheese. As for kefir, it is also allowed to give it to the baby from 9 months. If you start this process earlier, then an increased amount of kefir can lead to detrimental consequences, up to anemia.

The introduction of fermented milk products into the baby's daily menu is directly affected by the type of feeding of the child at 9 months. If he is breastfed, then complementary foods may have the following scheme: vegetable puree, meat, cereals, cottage cheese, kefir, etc. The diet of an artificial baby will have some differences: vegetable puree, cereals, meat, cottage cheese, etc.

Feeding at 9 months. Lure with cottage cheese

All fermented milk products, including cottage cheese, should be introduced into the feeding of a 9-month-old child no more than once a day. It is best to start your baby's acquaintance with cottage cheese in the evening (approximately at 18 o'clock). In this case, the proposed amount should not exceed half a teaspoon. Slowly, it is necessary to increase the daily intake of cottage cheese to 20 g, then to 35 g and 50 g.

Paying attention to the fact that the child is small, one should not forget the main rule of proper nutrition - feeding at 9 months should be based on the best food. In this case, you need to think about purchasing a special children's cottage cheese (it is best to purchase it in a children's dairy kitchen). However, it is not difficult to prepare healthy, nutritious and tasty cottage cheese at home, which can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

To date, two recipes for the preparation of children's cottage cheese are known: based on kefir or using a special solution purchased at a pharmacy. For the second cooking option, you need to buy a solution of calcium chloride in advance and add 300 ml of milk to it. Milk should first be brought to a boil and cooled to room temperature. After that, the resulting mass is thoroughly stirred, poured into an enamel pan and boiled. Remove from fire and let cool. Cottage cheese is formed on top of the pan, which must be folded onto cheesecloth, squeezed out and transferred to a small plate.

To prepare cottage cheese based on kefir, you should take the usual one percent kefir or special children's kefir. It should be poured into a glass jar and placed in a pot of water. A metal lid or a small piece of cotton fabric will help to avoid cracking the jar. The container is put on fire and waiting for the water to boil in it. After waiting 5 minutes, it will be visually seen how the kefir will begin to curl up, forming a curdled mass. The cottage cheese obtained in this way is thrown back onto gauze and given to the baby. To get 50 g of this fermented milk product, you will need no more than 100 ml of kefir.

Feeding a child at 9 months cannot do without cottage cheese, so the task of parents is to decide on their own what kind of cottage cheese they will feed their baby with.

Lure with kefir

Feeding at 9 months is also enriched with kefir. The first time it should be given in a volume of not more than 30 g in the evening. The maximum allowable amount of this product over time should not exceed 200 ml. Try to immediately teach your baby to drink this fermented milk product from a small cup. If the child refuses this method of feeding, give him kefir from a spoon. You should not buy adult yogurt for a 9-month-old child. It is best to order it in a children's dairy kitchen or purchase it in special packages marked "from 9 months". It is also not forbidden to give vitamin-fortified infant formula, which will indicate the age from 6 months to a year. Your goal is not to force a child to take cottage cheese or kefir, but to instill in him a love for these healthy fermented milk products.

First option:

  • Porridge (150 ml) + 0.5 yolks, mixture (50 ml) or mother's milk - 10.00;
  • Vegetable puree (150 g), vegetable broth (20 ml), meat puree (40 g), mother's milk - 14.00;
  • Kefir (170-180 ml) or fermented milk mixture + cottage cheese (20-30 g) - 18.00;
  • Milk formula (200 ml) or mother's milk - 22.00;

Second option:

  • Mother's milk or mixture (200 ml) - 6.00;
  • Porridge (150 ml) + 0.5 yolk, fruit puree (30 g), juice, mother's milk - 10.00;
  • Vegetable puree (150 g), vegetable broth (20 ml), meat puree (40 g), juice or mother's milk (60 ml) - 14.00;
  • Kefir (170-180 ml) or fermented milk mixture + cottage cheese (20-30 g), fruit puree or mother's milk (50 ml) - 18.00;
  • Milk formula (200 ml) or mother's milk - 22.00.

We should not forget that feeding a child at 9 months cannot do without breast milk, so it should be offered to the baby after each meal.

Bread and other products

Feeding a child at 9 months old can be supplemented with a piece of bread or cookies, which can be given along with kefir. Using soft baby biscuits that dissolve quickly in the mouth, the baby will never choke. With his 4-5 teeth, the baby should chew no more than 15 g of cookies per day. You also need to consider that the bread in the diet should be exclusively white.

After completing the full introduction of cottage cheese and kefir, make sure that the child tolerates these products well. In the case of a normal reaction of his body, do not be afraid to further diversify the baby's menu, remembering that no more than one new product can be given per day. It is at this time that you can think about stopping breastfeeding.

Stopping breastfeeding

When the child is 9 months old, the mother can safely transfer him to a two-time attachment to the breast. By sucking out less breast milk, the baby thereby provokes less of its production. At the age of 12 months, in the morning or in the evening, formula milk, kefir or fermented milk formula can be given instead of mother's milk. It is better not to give cow's milk to a child under 2 years of age. By gradually accustoming the baby to complementary foods, you accustom him to adult food and make the process of stopping breastfeeding very simple not only for the child, but also for yourself.