The temperature is 37.5 during pregnancy. Reasons for increasing and decreasing temperature during pregnancy. What will high temperature readings indicate?

Temperature in the third trimester of pregnancy is often a concern for expectant mothers. And this is correct - a serious increase in the numbers on the thermometer means that there is a problem in the body that, on the eve of childbirth, can harm the baby.

During pregnancy, the 3rd trimester is an important time when all the resources of the mother's body are directed towards preparing for childbirth. At this moment, the immunity of pregnant women is tense, a large amount of cytokines and antibodies are released into the blood, which should overcome possible infections. These substances interact with the thermoregulatory center in the hypothalamus.

Therefore, in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, a slight physiological increase in the numbers on the thermometer is possible. It should not bother the woman and the doctor. The temperature during pregnancy in the third trimester of 37 degrees is absolutely normal.

Do not knock down subfebrile numbers with folk and medications. This can only harm the body of the mother and baby. However, it is worth monitoring the thermometer readings, because over time they can seriously change and take on a pathological character.

If in the third trimester the temperature is 37 degrees, but there are additional symptoms of the disease, then it is already considered dangerous. In addition, at high thermometer values ​​(38 degrees and above), a serious pathology is likely.

Reasons for the increase

The temperature during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester can increase with various pathological conditions. At this time, they are quite dangerous for the baby and the period of childbirth. Therefore, it is important to know the main causes of the symptom:

  1. Acute respiratory viral diseases.
  2. Pneumonia and ENT pathology.
  3. Obstetric and gynecological diseases.
  4. Pyelonephritis of a pregnant woman.

There are other possible reasons for the rise in temperature, because any chronic disease can worsen during pregnancy. However, statistically, it is these diseases that most often cause fever.

Even a temperature of 37 during pregnancy, combined with the symptoms of the listed conditions, can cause serious consequences. Therefore, it is important to exclude these diseases or treat them in time.


Both during pregnancy and outside this state, the most common cause of a rise in temperature in a person is a banal respiratory viral infection. The causative agents of this disease are numerous and surround us everywhere, so it is quite easy to get sick with ARVI.

In the third trimester, a woman's immunity tries its best to protect the body, but sometimes it fails.

The manifestations of the disease are known to everyone:

  • Abundant catarrhal symptoms in the nasal cavity.
  • Cough and sore throat.
  • The temperature rises to low numbers.
  • Weakness and headache.
  • Discharge from the nose and phlegm when coughing of a mucous nature.

It is necessary to treat such an acute respiratory viral infection, but use exclusively symptomatic agents. A pregnant woman should rest from any work, be in a ventilated but warm room, and consume plenty of fluids. The body itself will cope with the infection if you create a protective regime for it.

You need to distinguish ARVI from the flu. This infection is much more dangerous and can harm the baby. The symptoms of influenza are characterized by a pronounced temperature reaction at the beginning of the disease, scanty catarrhal symptoms. The flu is characterized by muscle and joint pain. For severe flu, doctors prescribe antiviral drugs that can be used in a pregnant woman with a high risk of complications from the disease.

ENT pathology and pneumonia

Acute respiratory viral infections do not pose a serious risk to pregnancy outcome by themselves. However, they are dangerous in that they reduce immunity and damage the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs. In these conditions, acute purulent pharyngitis, laryngitis and sinusitis often occur. And also the chronic variants of these diseases are aggravated.

ENT pathology symptoms:

  • Sore throat, redness, possibly the formation of an opaque plaque.
  • Discharge of white or greenish color.
  • The second wave of fever is a repeated increase in temperature after it has decreased.
  • With tonsillitis in acute and chronic forms, the tonsils enlarge and become painful.
  • With sinusitis and rhinitis, nasal breathing is disturbed, purulent exudate is abundantly secreted.

The bacteria that cause these diseases rarely cross the placental barrier. However, they deplete the body of the expectant mother, causing a severe inflammatory response. Under these conditions, the maturation of the baby is disrupted.

Another serious respiratory infection is pneumonia. Doctors call this condition pneumonia. It can occur after a previous ARVI or without it. The manifestations of the disease are fever and cough with purulent sputum. Pneumonia is a serious illness and requires the prescription of antibiotics, not all of which can be used during gestation.

Obstetric complications

The most dangerous reason for the successful completion of gestation is obstetric diseases. These include:

  1. Chorioamnionitis.
  2. Vulvovaginitis.
  3. Cervicitis.
  4. Endometritis.
  5. Trichomoniasis

Chorioamnionitis occurs most frequently in the third trimester of these diseases.

The manifestations of obstetric pathology are:

  • Marked rise in temperature.
  • Weakness and headache.
  • Purulent discharge from the genital tract.
  • Swelling and hyperemia of the vaginal walls.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Cramping phenomena.
  • An increase in leukocytes in a general blood test.
  • High respiratory and heart rate.

Obstetric pathology often requires an immediate caesarean section. Sometimes the pathology is stopped conservatively with antibiotics, if there is no serious risk of infection of the fetus.


During pregnancy, an infection in the renal pelvis is often exacerbated. Doctors even identify a condition such as gestational pyelonephritis. This disease can cause fever at the end of gestation.

The growing uterus causes partial obstruction of the urinary tract. Compression of the bladder promotes retrograde urine flow into the renal cups, leading to infection.

Disease manifestations:

  • Fever of varying severity.
  • Low back pain, often one-sided, pulling in nature.
  • Weakness, decreased performance, nausea and vomiting.
  • Detection of bacteria and leukocytes in the general analysis of urine.
  • Leukocytosis in the blood test.

Pyelonephritis not only causes intoxication of the body, but can also cause sepsis. This complication is characterized by the spread of infection to various foci in the body, which threatens a fatal outcome for the pregnant woman.

Therefore, obstetricians-gynecologists take urinary infections very seriously. For treatment, antibiotics and uroseptics are used. The detoxification of the body of the expectant mother is very important.

If you find signs of this disease, immediately contact a specialist for detailed treatment recommendations.


Why should the temperature at the end of pregnancy be controlled? Fever and its causes can cause a number of dangerous complications:

  1. Premature birth. At the beginning of the 3rd trimester, the fetus is still underdeveloped. A sudden birth can harm a baby who is not yet ready to be born. Tocolytic therapy can prevent labor, but this is not always the case.
  2. Placental insufficiency. Fever contributes to intoxication of the body, this condition disrupts the transport of oxygen and nutrients from mother to baby. FPN is especially common in specific obstetric infections.
  3. Preeclampsia and eclampsia. These conditions are dangerous not only for carrying a baby, but also for the health of a pregnant woman. Against the background of a high temperature, the development of seizures, oxygen starvation of the brain and death are possible.
  4. Infection of the placenta and membranes of the fetus. This complication is caused not by the increased temperature itself, but by its causes. Bacterial infections are dangerous for the development of sepsis. Bacteria penetrate the amniotic organs and infect the baby's body.
  5. Immaturity of the cervix. In the context of an active fight against infection, the reproductive system stops preparing for childbirth. Sometimes, due to the immaturity of the genital tract, it is necessary to deliver a woman operatively.
  6. Postpartum infections in mother and fetus. On the part of the woman, endometritis are often found, inflamed seams diverge. The baby's eyes, respiratory organs become infected, and in some cases sepsis of newborns occurs.

This list of the consequences of a fever in the third trimester goes on and on. You need to fight not only with the symptom, but also with its causes.

Drug-free treatment

From the above, we can conclude that not any temperature during gestation should be reduced. So, in the third trimester, we knock down the numbers of the thermometer, if:

  • The thermometer values ​​exceed 37.5 degrees.
  • The temperature rose rapidly in a short time.
  • Fever is accompanied by symptoms of the listed diseases.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to reduce subfebrile numbers, if the doctor recommended it.

How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy? It is worth starting antipyretic therapy with the help of folk remedies:

  1. Abundant alkaline drink. Compotes and fruit drinks at room temperature help relieve the intoxication of the body.
  2. Sweet black tea with lemon and honey or raspberries can help reduce fever.
  3. Plantain, coltsfoot and raspberry tea.
  4. Weak or diluted decoction of chamomile and linden.
  5. Cold compresses on the forehead and rubbing off with a wet towel.

The listed funds in moderation are safe for the fetus and pregnant woman.

Drug therapy

How to bring down the temperature if folk remedies do not help? There are quite a number of antipyretic drugs, but not all of them can be used in pregnant women:

  • You should not take aspirin during pregnancy for antipyretic effects. The dose required to lower the temperature can harm the baby. Aspirin causes bleeding and fetal malformations.
  • Paracetamol preparations can be used during pregnancy. You should always use the funds first in a half dose, perhaps this will be enough to reduce the thermometer numbers.
  • Indomethacin and other NSAIDs can be used, but only as a last resort. They lower the temperature worse than paracetamol, and there are much more side effects from drugs for pregnant women.

After taking the medicine, you should call a doctor or consult a gynecologist yourself. It is important to find the cause of the disease and treat it with antiviral or antibacterial drugs.

The body of a pregnant woman reacts sharply to any external and internal biological changes. First of all, this is manifested by an increase in temperature.

This reaction is often due to the fact that the progesterone produced stimulates increased heat transfer. However, an increased temperature during pregnancy may also indicate the course of dangerous infectious processes.

Temperature measurement rules and errors

If you put the thermometer under the arm in the old way, you can get information about the temperature of the skin. To find out about the state of internal organs, you need to take measurements in the oral cavity or in the vagina. In the first case, the thermometer must be held under the tongue, and in the second, it must be inserted halfway into the vagina. But since the results may be distorted due to various factors, during pregnancy it is better to measure basal temperature rectally, observing the following rules:

  1. the measurement should be carried out at the moment of maximum relaxation of the body - best of all after the night. Prepare a thermometer in advance so that you can take it without getting up;
  2. it is better to wake up at the same time. If suddenly there is a change in temperature for some reason (cold or oversleep), then this must be indicated in the schedule;
  3. measurements should be daily from the day the cycle starts;
  4. it is necessary to enter the thermometer with lubrication;
  5. Despite the fact that the most accurate results are shown by a mercury thermometer (5-10 minutes), it is safest to use an electronic thermometer (10 seconds).

The reliability of the results depends on how well the indicated recommendations were followed. The error can cause insomnia, overwork, inflammation, alcohol and drug use. Also, measurements should be taken no earlier than 6 hours after sexual intercourse.

Temperature dynamics during the menstrual cycle

Carrying out temperature measurements is of great importance when planning a pregnancy, since it becomes possible to determine the most favorable day for conception. Considering the standard menstrual cycle from the beginning of menstruation, which lasts 28-30 days, you can establish the following "temperature phases":

Thus, the menstrual cycle begins with a low temperature, which gradually rises and slightly decreases before ovulation, and then experiences a sharp jump upward. This time is the most favorable for conception. The further graph will tell you if pregnancy has occurred:

  • in most women, the corpus luteum phase lasts 12-13 days. If the level of elevated temperatures is observed 3 days longer than usual, then the probability of pregnancy is higher than 70%;
  • if in the second half of the cycle there is another temperature jump (by 0.5 ° C) without infectious reasons, then the probability of pregnancy is higher than 80%. However, this symptom manifests itself in only 30% of pregnant women.

The fact that the temperature of 37 ° C during pregnancy lasts for a long time indicates the active production of progesterone and the activation of immunity due to the weakening of the body due to stress. Reorganization of the hormonal background leads to the fact that at different stages of pregnancy, the body temperature can change.

Temperature in the first trimester of pregnancy

A temperature of 37 ° C during pregnancy is a normal physiological indicator in the first three months. If a woman suffered from chronic diseases, then the figure can go up to 37.5 ° C and remain so until the very birth. This is a common occurrence in the absence of concomitant ailments. Changes in the processes of thermoregulation against the background of hormonal surges can cause a feeling of heat without the manifestation of catarrhal symptoms. This reaction is painless and harmless.

But the temperature in a pregnant woman is above 38 ° C indicates ongoing pathogenic processes leading to complications such as:

  • damage to fetal tissue with the potential development of CNS defects;
  • a decrease in pressure, due to the expansion of blood vessels, provokes a delay in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus;
  • placental abruption;
  • development of fetal malformations: microcephaly, mental retardation, muscle hypotonia, cleft lip, finger splicing, etc .;
  • violation of protein metabolism can cause intrauterine growth retardation and fetal functional systems.

Second and third trimester

During this period, the temperature gradually decreases to 36.7–36.8 ° C, and only illness can increase it. Active production of antibodies, accompanied by increased heat transfer, is aimed at suppressing infectious processes. Not only influenza or pneumonia are dangerous - a prolonged course of acute respiratory infections or bronchitis, even with erased symptoms, poses a threat to the development of the fetus.

In this case, you need to consult a specialist who will determine whether drug treatment is appropriate at the moment. In the case of a common cold, which is characterized by catarrhal phenomena (cough, runny nose, sore throat, lethargy and general malaise), bed rest and folk remedies will help. But when the temperature in pregnant women rises sharply without signs of intoxication, we have to talk about an exacerbation or development of such serious diseases as pyelonephritis, pneumonia, herpes or tuberculosis.

Measuring the temperature during pregnancy is informative up to week 20: if it has risen sharply, then an ectopic pregnancy is possible, and a rapid decrease (less than 36.4 ° C) indicates a frozen fetus.

How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy?

Although in the second and third trimester, the child is already surrounded by the placenta, drug therapy with antibiotics and antiviral drugs is prescribed only if the disease is dangerous to the mother. The toxins that are part of the drugs weaken the protective membrane and can cause fetal malformations. Therefore, it is recommended to use folk remedies.

  1. Of the drugs, paracetamol (Efferalgan or Panadol) is allowed, but not aspirin, nurofen or analgin, since these drugs can provoke fetal malformation, uterine bleeding and miscarriage.
  2. Milk, kefir and sour drinks are not recommended.
  3. Raspberries, lemons and viburnum are allowed only in case of slight heat, which does not rise.
  4. An abundant drink is indicated (mineral water and herbal tea).
  5. Rubdowns should be carried out with water at room temperature without alcohol and vinegar.
  6. Local therapy: gargling and rinsing the nasopharynx is carried out with saline or soda solution. Instilling aloe juice with water (1: 1) will help with a cold.
  7. Hot foot baths and inhalation can cause high blood pressure, which is dangerous for the fetus, especially in the early stages. Therefore, only a doctor can recommend them.
  8. A comfortable microclimate is important, while excessive wrapping contributes to the violation of heat transfer.

How dangerous is low temperature?

The average normal temperature during pregnancy is 37 ° C with an error of 0.2–0.5 ° C. If higher values ​​indicate a disease, then lower values ​​indicate severe toxicosis. It can be accompanied by electrolyte disturbances, severe dehydration, and vomiting. Such symptoms require hospitalization, since they are dangerous for the mother and fetus.

If there is a decrease in temperature in pregnant women against the background of ARVI, then the reason for this may be immunodeficiency states. Freezing of the fetus is also possible, which is manifested by a sharp drop in the temperature indicator by 0.8-1 ° C. Weak heat manifestations are observed when the level of progesterone drops sharply, which can cause a stop in the development of the child. In this case, hormone therapy is prescribed.

Prevention of diseases during pregnancy

Impaired thermoregulation, toxicosis, hormonal imbalance and stress against a background of emotional instability significantly increase the risk of developing an infection when a pathogenic microbe enters the body. Therefore, in order to keep the temperature at normal values ​​and maintain pregnancy, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system by various means.

  1. Before going outside, you should smear your nose with oxalin or Viferon and put on a pendant with drops of essential oil (eucalyptus, lemon, mint) around your neck.
  2. Upon arrival home, you need to rinse the nasal and oral cavities with a solution of baking soda.
  3. It is recommended to eat garlic and onions during the cold season.
  4. Rooms should be regularly ventilated and cleaned to get rid of dust and stale air.
  5. It is recommended to drink plenty of water or herbal teas with sugar to detoxify as glucose is good for the fetus.
  6. You need to consume vitamins: in the summer - fresh fruits, and in the winter - vegetables and synthetic drugs prescribed by a doctor in compliance with the recommended dosage.

The best way to find out about the condition of the fetus and the potential pathological process is to regularly measure the temperature in pregnant women. Even an increase of 0.3-0.5 ° C in the presence of catarrhal symptoms should force you to see a specialist.

The period of pregnancy is a time of boundless happiness and ... endless experiences. Every change that happens to the body of a future mother is first questioned: “Is everything all right? Is this how it should be? " An important indicator - body temperature - can go down and up in comparison with the usual 36.6 on a thermometer. When a temperature jump is a variant of the norm, and when it is a manifestation of pathology, we will consider in the article.

What are the indicators on the thermometer are the norm during pregnancy

Body temperature affects the state of absolutely all living things on Earth. Complex organisms, to which we belong, are able to regulate the temperature and maintain it at the same level. In addition, it carries a protective function, increasing to fight viruses and bacteria.

In order for all the systems of our body to function smoothly, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at an optimal level of 36.6 ° C. The thermoregulatory center is located in the hypothalamus. In the human body, special substances may be present - pyrogens, which contribute to an increase in temperature. Pyrogens are of endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external) character. The hormone progesterone, which is produced from the very beginning of pregnancy and ensures its normal course, is also an endogenous pyrogen. Therefore, in the early stages, an increase in temperature is normal, since it is due to the physiological processes of the body.

In pregnant women up to 12 weeks, a subfebrile temperature is observed, which normally reaches 37.5 ° C.

Subfebrile temperature ranges from 37.1-38 ° C.

To correctly determine your temperature regime, you need to take measurements twice - in the morning and in the evening. Based on these indicators, you can track the dynamics of temperature.

A sudden one-time rise in temperature is a reason to see a doctor!

There are three main ways to measure it:

1. Familiar to all of us from childhood - in the armpit. Measurements can be carried out with a mercury thermometer (about 7 minutes) and an electronic thermometer (about 2 minutes). The norm is up to 37 ° C inclusive.

2. Oral - in the mouth. Measured primarily with an electronic thermometer. The norm for pregnant women in the early stages is 37.2 ° C.
An electronic thermometer must be placed under the tongue

3. Rectal - in the rectum. For ease of introduction, the tip of the thermometer is lubricated with petroleum jelly. Measurement time - no more than 3 minutes. The norm for early pregnancy is 37.1–37.5 ° C.

Video: rectal temperature is normal and during pregnancy

With the development of technology, convenient non-contact thermometers have appeared, but it is difficult to vouch for their 100% reliability.
Non-contact thermometers (pyrometers) are a convenient and safe alternative to the usual mercury

Regular measurements of basal temperature (in the mouth, vagina, rectum in a calm state, better - immediately after a night's sleep) should be carried out up to 20 weeks for women who have had previous miscarriages, frozen pregnancies. If an increase in the mark on the thermometer to 37.5 ° C indicates the onset of pregnancy, then a decrease of 0.8-1 ° C indicates a decrease in progesterone and, therefore, a possible threat to the development of the baby.
Another natural cause of an early fever is physiological immunosuppression. This phenomenon means that both types of immunity are suppressed in a pregnant woman (cellular and humoral - antibodies in the blood). This is necessary so that the mother's body does not reject the embryo, which is 50% foreign genetically for a woman. This pregnancy rate is the reason that women in a position are more prone to colds.

The temperature in the first trimester is also explained by ordinary overheating due to warm clothes or hot weather, so the expectant mother should often ventilate the rooms and walk in the air.

The second trimester of pregnancy (13-24 weeks) is the most pleasant and relaxing time. The tummy is still small, the gait is light, the toxicosis is receding. However, progesterone continues to be actively produced, therefore, an increase in body temperature may still be observed up to 37 ° C (in some cases - up to 37.5 ° C). Subfebrile temperature, flowing without concomitant symptoms, is normal at this time.

In the third trimester, a woman's body prepares for the upcoming birth. Progesterone is not produced in the same quantities as in earlier periods, therefore, a body temperature of 36.6 - 37 ° C is considered normal. It may slightly exceed the 37 ° C mark, but it is better not to allow it to rise to 38 ° C in order to avoid overloading the cardiovascular system.

In addition, hyperthermia - an increase in body temperature - can be observed with increased physical exertion, prolonged walking, and nervous stress.

Thus, during the entire pregnancy, an increase in temperature to subfebrile levels is permissible against the background of normal general well-being. If an increase in body temperature is a variant of the norm, then a decrease in it (hypothermia) should be alarming. Therefore, be sure to seek help from a gynecologist or therapist if you suspect a disease!

When a rise in temperature is a sign of illness

Thermoregulation, like other functional systems of the body, undergoes significant changes with the onset of pregnancy. How to distinguish a natural rise in temperature from pathological symptoms of diseases and start treatment in a timely manner?

Hyperthermia in pregnant women can be explained by the following factors:

  1. Individual characteristics of a woman's body.
  2. Infectious diseases.
  3. Other reasons.

Individual characteristics of a pregnant woman

As noted above, during normal pregnancy, the temperature may rise slightly. This is due to hormonal changes in the whole organism and changes in thermoregulation processes. Often, expectant mothers feel an inner heat, but at the same time they feel absolutely normal.

The author of these lines has repeatedly seen girls near the antenatal clinic in the cold season, who were dressed in light jackets or fearlessly flung open their outerwear. However, such a phenomenon did not affect me. No wonder, because each of us is unique and has its own characteristics.

Distinctive features of this condition are:

  • temperature rise to 37.5 ° C;
  • hyperthermia lasts for a long time, sometimes - until the birth itself;
  • general health is good;
  • no concomitant symptoms.

Nevertheless, if an elevated temperature of a pregnant woman is found, it is necessary to consult with a doctor: after the diagnosis, it is possible to speak with confidence either about a variant of the norm, or about a latent disease.

Infectious diseases

Due to physiological immunosuppression and increased stress on the body, pregnant women are especially susceptible to various infectious diseases.

Hyperthermia in diseases has distinctive features:

  1. With acute respiratory illness or flu, the temperature can rise up to 39 ° C. Concomitant symptoms: headache, general weakness, joint aches, burning eyes, sore throat, runny nose, cough.
  2. Diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, pharyngitis), in addition to hyperthermia, are accompanied by:
    • general weakness;
    • headache;
    • sore throat;
    • severe cough;
    • violations of the voice up to its loss;
    • redness and swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx;
    • purulent plaque in the pharynx area;
    • muscle pain.
  3. Endocrine disorders are accompanied by weight loss against a background of increased appetite, emotional instability and an increase in body temperature up to 38 ° C.
  4. Nausea, vomiting, stool disorders in combination with hyperthermia indicate intestinal infections. It is necessary to distinguish the manifestations of toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy from intestinal disorders, for this you need to consult a doctor.
  5. Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system (pyelonephritis, cystitis) often occur or worsen in the process of carrying a baby. In the later stages, when the uterus greatly enlarges and presses on the internal organs, including the ureters, a favorable environment is created for the reproduction of harmful microorganisms. The symptoms of these diseases are peculiar:
    • pulling pain in the lower back, as well as strong in the sides;
    • frequent and painful urination;
    • the appearance of impurities in the urine and a change in its color;
    • urinalysis shows an increased level of leukocytes.
  6. Pregnant women who have not had chickenpox, rubella, measles, mumps (mumps) or have not been properly vaccinated can contract childhood infectious diseases. In addition to temperature, they are accompanied by a fever, general weakness, and a rash on the body. Rubella and chickenpox - unlike measles and mumps - in a mother in the early stages are very dangerous for the unborn baby!

Other causes of hyperthermia

There are a number of reasons that can cause a fever in a pregnant woman:

  • allergic reactions;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • exacerbation of systemic diseases - rheumatism, lupus erythematosus;
  • acute surgical conditions such as appendicitis.

How to deal with hyperthermia at different stages of pregnancy: medicines and folk remedies

It is not recommended to take medications during pregnancy. It is important to carefully weigh the potential benefits and harms of the drug for the mother and fetus. It is preferable to use local dosage forms (ointments, gels, suppositories), if you cannot avoid taking pills, use the minimum effective dose and not combine several drugs.

You should try to avoid taking medications in the first trimester of pregnancy!

You can also bring down the high temperature with the help of folk remedies and physical methods of influence.

Before considering the main methods of dealing with hyperthermia, it is necessary to note the general rules of behavior of a pregnant woman with an increase in temperature:

1. If the temperature does not exceed 37.5, no action is required. Depending on the time of year and the location of the pregnant woman, it is better to sit in the shade, remove excess clothing, if there are no other warning symptoms.

2. If the temperature stays within 38 ° C - remember that this is a protective reaction of the body that helps fight pathogens. Therefore, it is sufficient to remove excess clothing or wipe off with warm water (about 37–38 ° C). However, there are several nuances here:

  • in the first and second trimesters, such a temperature is not knocked down, in the third, they try to avoid the 38 ° C mark in order to avoid overloading the cardiovascular system;
  • for pregnant women with chronic diseases of the kidneys, endocrine and cardiovascular systems, bring down the temperature from 37.5 ° C, so as not to provoke exacerbations.

3. At a temperature of 38 ° C, without consulting a doctor, you can take 1 tablet of paracetamol or put a suppository Viferon, approved for pregnant women, and be sure to consult a doctor who will prescribe further treatment.

4. If the temperature has risen against the background of a sore throat, it must be knocked down, since a high degree of intoxication of both the mother and the baby is possible.

Attention! Pregnant women are prohibitedtake aspirin andtake antibiotics on your own.
During pregnancy, the range of drugs that can be taken narrows sharply.

Folk remedies for high fever

As stated above, the first step is to try to lower your fever without medication. Traditional medicine comes to the rescue in such cases. Remember that these recommendations are for informational purposes only and are not a direct guide to action!

1. The first remedy that is recommended for lowering the temperature is an abundant warm drink. However, this method is not suitable for later periods, when the risk of swelling and gestosis increases, as well as for diseases of the kidneys and urinary system.

2. Warm herbal teas (linden) with raspberries, rosehip infusion - for patients with pyelonephritis, fruit drinks and jelly are suitable for drinking plentifully. Kissel is especially good for severe sore throat, it envelops the mucous membrane and makes it easier to swallow. Cranberry juice perfectly lowers the temperature and increases immunity, however, there are contraindications:

  • it should not be consumed by women with high acidity of the stomach in the later stages;
  • with existing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in the early stages, uncontrolled consumption of cranberry juice, which has a high content of vitamin C, can provoke uterine tone.

For everyone else, it is a storehouse of vitamins and just a delicious drink. I want to give my own version of the preparation of cranberry juice, which I regularly prepare, including to reduce the temperature. His recipe is very simple: rinse 300 g of berries, cover with a wooden (this is important!) Crush. Transfer the chopped berries to cheesecloth and squeeze the juice into a glass container, which must be placed in the refrigerator. Put the resulting cake in a saucepan and pour 1 liter of water. Bring this mixture to a boil, then strain it into a bowl. We also add 6 tbsp. l. sugar - the amount of sugar can be changed to your liking, stir the sugar until dissolved. Let the broth cool, then add fresh cranberry juice from the refrigerator and the delicious fruit drink is ready!
A drink made from this sour berry is a delicious helper in the fight against colds.

3. You can not wrap yourself in warm clothes in a feverish state, just as you can not wipe yourself with cold water to reduce the temperature. The water should be close to body temperature so that there is no spasm due to a sharp drop. Do not wipe with water, vinegar or alcohol - substances can penetrate through the skin into the mother's blood!

4. Hot baths are contraindicated at any time, since they cause the tone of the uterus, the risk of premature birth. In the later stages, hot baths can cause swelling, causing blood to flow in the veins.
Hot foot baths are effective for colds, but are contraindicated for pregnant women!

5. You can make cool rubdowns with water + lemon juice or water + apple cider vinegar in a 2: 1 ratio.

6. Cool compresses on the forehead from fresh cabbage leaves help well.

Folk remedies rely more heavily on herbal medicine. Herbal medicine is good for its naturalness, but there are herbs that are contraindicated for use by pregnant women: curly parsley, wild strawberries, calendula, St. John's wort, sage and even chamomile have abortive properties. But on the Internet you can often find that infusions of these herbs are recommended for drinking against hyperthermia. Pregnancy is not a time for experimentation, so be extremely careful when choosing traditional medicines to lower your fever, and be sure to consult your doctor!

Video: is chamomile possible for pregnant women

Drug therapy

If folk remedies do not help, the temperature does not drop within three days - it's time to seek help from medicines.

  • The most effective and familiar way is to take antipyretic drugs. Permitted drugs for pregnant women at any time are paracetamol-based drugs: tablets, syrups, suppositories, drops, powders.

Photo gallery: different dosage forms containing paracetamol

The active substance of suppositories is absorbed in the rectum longer, but has a longer effect. Antipyretic agent, which has been proven over the years, which is in every home. The well-known syrup based on paracetamol Syrup is a convenient form for taking

The maximum permissible daily dose is 4 g. Uncontrolled and prolonged use of the drug negatively affects the liver, kidneys, and can cause bleeding.

Attention! Paracetamol is most effective for viral infections (ARVI), so if it does not bring down the temperature, then a serious bacterial infection or complication is likely. In this case, an urgent need to consult a doctor!

Video: is it possible to drink paracetamol during pregnancy

  • Ibuprofen-based drugs (Ibuprofen, Ibuprom, Imet, Nurofen) are prescribed in the third trimester if there is an intolerance to other antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • The popular homeopathic rectal suppositories Viburcol should be used as directed by a doctor.
  • Aspirin and Analgin, according to recent studies, are prohibited for use by pregnant women.

If, while taking medications, any side effects appear, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, a pregnant woman needs to urgently seek help from a doctor!

Other ways to deal with fever

In exceptional cases, a high temperature can be overcome only with the help of surgical intervention - if it is caused by an acute surgical pathology:

  • appendicitis;
  • cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • intestinal obstruction - squeezing of the intestine by the growing uterus (hernia, tumor);
  • pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas.

These conditions are accompanied by subfebrile indicators and require careful differential diagnosis. If the operation is not urgent, it is postponed until the second trimester, and best of all - the postpartum period.

Physiotherapy procedures that can be prescribed for pregnant women include:

  • compresses;
  • wraps and wipes;
  • applying pieces of ice through the tissue to the exit sites of large vessels - the forehead, axillary and popliteal cavities, groin;
  • a cool enema is not a pleasant procedure, therefore it is used when other methods do not work; warm water (35–36 ° C) with salt - 0.5 tsp is used. per 100 ml of water.

Such procedures are contraindicated in so-called white fever (cold hyperthermia) - when the limbs turn white and become cold in combination with chills.

Video: how to cope with fever during pregnancy

Why high fever is dangerous during pregnancy

If the temperature rises in the subfebrile range or rises once as a result of overheating, it does not harm the unborn baby. This is true only for those cases when the possibility of various pathologies is excluded.

At any time, a fever of 38 ° C is considered dangerous. A particular danger is posed by such indicators that have arisen in infectious diseases, since harmful microorganisms adversely affect the fetus, causing miscarriages or premature birth, congenital malformations, and death.

Main risks:

  1. Hyperthermia negatively affects the development of the placenta, causing its premature detachment with all the ensuing consequences.
  2. High indicators on the thermometer disrupt the protein metabolism in the woman's body, which has a direct impact on the development of all systems of the baby, contributes to the occurrence of congenital malformations.
  3. Intoxication of a woman's body caused by high temperature entails a disorder in the functioning of the cardiovascular system of the mother and the fetus.
  4. The nervous system, facial skeleton, and intellectual inclinations developing in a child are at particular risk.

Hyperthermia is dangerous for both the mother and her unborn baby.

Prevention of hyperthermia

The list of the effects of high temperatures is impressive. However, by adhering to simple preventive measures, you can maximally protect both of you (or maybe three, four?) From hyperthermia:

  1. Avoid public places where people gather. Visit the clinic and antenatal clinic only if necessary, if the distance allows - on foot.
  2. If during the height of seasonal illness you are forced to be among people, try to rinse your nasal passages with a mild salt solution when you come home. And when going outside, apply a small amount of oxolinic ointment into each nasal opening. From personal experience, I note that the oxolinka helped me in an interesting position. Doctors are divided over this remedy: some consider it absolutely useless, a kind of placebo effect, others recommend using it before every exit from home. The early stages of my second pregnancy were at the end of winter - the beginning of spring, the most rampant infectious diseases. A small amount of ointment for myself and the eldest son before the walk - and we did not know any diseases!
  3. Regular ventilation and wet cleaning of the room.
  4. Thorough hand hygiene.
  5. Compliance with the rules of behavior if a patient appears in the house: separate dishes, a towel, limiting contacts, wearing a medical mask, which the patient needs to change regularly.

Decrease in body temperature during pregnancy

Not all expectant mothers have a rise in temperature, some note a decrease in their temperature. Hypothermia - a decrease in body temperature - can have different causes.

Sooner or later, every woman thinks about how to determine early pregnancy. Those planning offspring can't wait to find out early about conception. Those who fear pregnancy also want to be informed.

There are many signs of pregnancy and fever is one of them. Rectal measurements are especially informative. Such testing is carried out daily and does not take much time.

The hormonal background of a woman has a significant effect on body temperature. Under the influence of estrogen and progesterone, its fluctuations occur. Not every potential mom-to-be sees this imbalance. During fertilization, increased indicators are often ignored, and the woman begins to look for a more accurate symptom. After all, it does not increase in all expectant mothers. And its rise is usually insignificant - 37-37.3 degrees.

The beginning of a new life can be suspected within a week after ovulation. During this period, the embryo is implanted. A woman may feel a tingling sensation, "tickling" in the uterus and see bloody discharge from the genital tract (however, they may not be there). Such symptoms do not persist for a long time, they do not leave a trace after 2-3 days. Determination of pregnancy by such symptoms is not always possible, since a woman may simply not pay attention to them.

Go short in a couple of minutes and get an answer - are you pregnant or not.

An increase in body temperature is not perceived as a sign of pregnancy. Many women associate this condition with a viral infection or the common cold. However, an increased body temperature often indicates a new position. Unnoticed signs of pregnancy before the delay are supplemented by secondary symptoms only 4-5 weeks after the last menstruation. According to them, a woman can indirectly confirm her new position:

  • nausea and morning vomiting;
  • increased urge to defecate and increased flatulence;
  • breast tenderness and nipple soreness;
  • headache;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • general malaise;
  • emotional instability.

The temperature at conception can be accompanied by a runny nose and general ill health. In such a situation, a woman begins to intensively treat a cold, not suspecting that the body is pointing out to her a new position. If the first signs of pregnancy appear - the temperature is one of them - you must stop using any medicines without a doctor's prescription.

Basal temperature (BT) during pregnancy

You can talk indefinitely about what the temperature should be during pregnancy. First, you need to understand that the measurement is carried out on different parts of the body. In the armpit, post-conception rates may increase or decrease slightly during the day. Much depends on the patient's lifestyle, her emotional state and heat exchange.

Rectal measurement will be more indicative. A basal temperature of 37, which lasts for several days before the expected menstruation and after a delay, may indicate a conception that has taken place. The value increases due to the fault of progesterone, which grows after ovulation, and becomes even greater during implantation. ranges from 36.9 to 37.5 degrees. Such indicators are given by a measurement taken immediately after waking up. The temperature after conception is marked on the graph for the convenience of self-diagnosis.

A measurement taken during the day is not indicative, as the thermometer in the rectum can rise to 38 due to physical activity and emotional fluctuations.

Fever as a sign of pregnancy

An increased body temperature in pregnant women is a natural condition if there are no additional symptoms of the disease. The change in thermometer readings occurs under the influence of hormonal levels. The day before ovulation, temperature indicators decrease, which provokes the production of LH (luteinizing hormone). This is especially evident with daily measurements in the rectum. The day of release of the egg from the ovary is also characterized by low values.

If a woman is looking for signs of pregnancy, temperature is the first thing to look for. A noticeable rise can be noticed after ovulation, but it does not yet speak of a new position. The day after conception, the body temperature rises due to the active production of progesterone. Until the moment of implantation, fluctuations in the thermometer readings by tenths of degrees will be noticeable.

Immediately after the attachment of the ovum, you can find that the level of the thermometer is kept at around 37. Strong hyperthermia is not observed. A woman may not even suspect about pregnancy until her period is delayed, ignoring this sign. Additional symptoms may appear in the form of general malaise.

Suspicion of pregnancy in the expectant mother also arises with a cold that occurs after conception. During this period, there is a decrease in immune defense, which nature has provided for the successful attachment of the ovum. The body temperature during pregnancy rises due to a viral infection or remains at around 37 degrees. Additionally, a woman may experience chills, headache, muscle pain, weakness, and drowsiness. It is believed that during pregnancy, body temperature does not always increase its indicators.

But BT remains consistently high throughout the first trimester. If the expectant mother notes a decrease in BT (less than 36.8 degrees), then you should definitely consult a doctor. It is also necessary to notify the gynecologist if the indicators in the armpit have dropped below 36 degrees.

Fever early in pregnancy: what should be worrying about

Experienced girls can find out about the conception by the temperature. Those who first began to monitor the values ​​of the thermometer have questions. Women are interested in whether the indicator on the thermometer always rises during pregnancy or not. An increase in thermometer values ​​is indeed an indirect indicator of the presence of a fetus in the uterus. The increase is caused by progesterone, without which the development of pregnancy is impossible. Therefore, it can be argued that the new condition is often manifested by slight hyperthermia. But this is not always the case. Some expectant mothers in early pregnancy do not notice any noticeable changes in their condition.

Still, fluctuations on the thermometer that deviate from generally accepted norms are cause for concern.


Values ​​over 37.5 degrees should alert a woman. In this case, you need to look for the cause of the increase in body temperature. Often, such a rise is caused by a viral infection or exacerbation of a chronic disease, which occurs due to a decrease in the body's immune defenses. The patient sometimes does not experience obvious discomfort and does not express complaints. An infection that provokes hyperthermia can be localized in the nasopharynx, the lower parts of the respiratory system, and the genitourinary region. It is important to find the cause and eliminate it.

It is important to remember that hyperthermia is dangerous for the developing fetus. With the value of the thermometer approaching 38, it is necessary to raise the question of taking antipyretic drugs. When the thermometer shows more than 38 degrees, you should immediately consult a doctor.


In the case of increased body temperature, women usually do not have questions. Everything is extremely simple here: the temperature should rise slightly, but indicators over 37.5 degrees oblige you to be on your guard.

Doubts arise in expectant mothers with low rates. If conception is planned, but shortly before the expected menstruation bt decreases, then with a high degree of probability it can be argued that pregnancy did not occur. If the new position has already been confirmed, and the thermometer readings suddenly become low, then this becomes a reason for contacting a doctor. An ambulance should be called immediately if there is a decrease in basal temperature, which is accompanied by:

  • pulling pains in the lower part of the peritoneum;
  • frequent stools;
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract;
  • light-headedness;
  • lowering blood pressure.

A low temperature under the arm (36-36.3) is usually not a sign of a threat, only BT is indicative. However, a steady decline may indicate endocrine problems, such as hypothyroidism. The doctor should be told about the low temperature at the next examination.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, a decrease or increase in the woman's body temperature is possible.... This change is caused by changes in the female body. ... If the thermometer freezes at 37-37.5, then this can be considered the norm, and not a pathology... But you need to be on your guard if any other symptoms appear and the temperature does not drop for a long time. These factors can indicate the presence of an infection and cause a miscarriage.

The mark of a thermometer in a healthy woman can fluctuate between 36.6-37.7 degrees. The body thus reacts to changes in hormonal levels. The indicator increases in the second phase of the cycle during the production of the hormone progesterone, which manifests itself at the time of bearing the baby and is responsible for the safety of the ovum. Many women wonder what temperature is considered normal in early pregnancy. Experts say that the norm is 37 degrees.

If a fever accompanies a low-grade fever, then this can mean both a dangerous infection and a common cold.

Basal temperature can tell a lot about the state of women's health. With its help you can:

Basal temperature is measured in the following ways:

  1. Rectally (without getting out of bed immediately after waking up in the rectum).
  2. Orally.
  3. Vaginally.

The first phase of the cycle is the period from the first day of the menstrual cycle to the onset of ovulation. Basal temperature should be in the range of 36.2-36.8 degrees. But during the second phase, it can be in the range of 37-37.5. The decrease in indicators begins 2 or 3 days before the onset of menstruation. At this moment, the indicators can be 36.2-36.9. If there is no sharp drop in the indicator and it is kept at around 37.5 degrees, then the woman will soon become a mother. The temperature will remain elevated during the first 4 months of gestation.

The hormone progesterone is needed so that the fertilized egg can anchor on the uterine wall. When the level of this hormone rises, then the body temperature rises to about 37.3 degrees. It can be measured up to the 16th week of pregnancy every day. The norm is considered conditional and should not exactly repeat the generally accepted schedule. A small increase does not indicate the presence of pathology ... In the early stages of gestation, the basal temperature can be as follows:

  1. In the third week - 37-37.7 degrees.
  2. On the fourth - 37.1-37.5.
  3. From the fifth to the eleventh - the temperature is high, but it should not exceed 38 degrees. If this happens, then immediately contact a specialist.
  4. In the twelfth week - 37-38 degrees.

Early promotion

An increase in body temperature in early pregnancy appears from the first week. This phenomenon in the first trimester is explained by the changes that occur in the female body. Heat transfer slows down, and the readings on the thermometer increase. Gynecologists recommend taking measurements twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. This is the only way to track the daily dynamics of changes. The body temperature in the first trimester of bearing crumbs rises to 37.2 degrees. And this may well be considered the norm.

During the entire period of gestation, it can keep at around 37 degrees. And you don't need to knock her down.

In order to know the temperature of a pregnant woman in the first months, experts use three measurement methods:

  1. In the armpit, the temperature should not be more than 37 degrees.
  2. Rectal readings should be within 37.5.
  3. With the help of an electronic thermometer, readings in the oral cavity are measured. The norm is 37.2.

If there are no deviations during the course of pregnancy, then the thermometer mark is in the range 37.1-37.5.

But a significant increase in temperature in the first months of pregnancy is considered unsafe. Basically, the cause is inflammatory diseases, but it is possible that there is a serious condition that needs emergency medical care. The body temperature of 38 degrees cannot be considered the norm at the initial stages of gestation. In order not to harm yourself and the baby, call a doctor at home. All disorders that occur in the body with the onset of pregnancy affect the developing fetus.

Why does the thermometer reading increase?

Large indicators indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, ARVI and other diseases. The rise in the thermometer can reach 38.5 degrees. Along with this, symptoms such as pain in the sacrum, rash, swollen lymph nodes and others may also be present.

In addition to temperature, with ARVI, other cold symptoms can be observed: headaches, runny nose and cough. At the initial stages, ARVI can lead to tracheitis, pneumonia, otitis media.

Hyperthermia in pregnant women with intestinal diseases is accompanied by stool disorders and symptoms of fever. But with diseases of the genitourinary system (pyelonephritis, cystitis), painful urination, general intoxication in the body, pulling back pain, chills can be observed.

A skin rash in the early months of pregnancy indicates measles, smallpox, or rubella. And even inflated numbers on the thermometer may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.


The rise in temperature is a protective function of the body. But if at the initial stage the numbers are greatly overestimated, then this can lead to serious complications. The first trimester is the period of the formation of the organs of the crumbs, the bookmarks of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems. If you contact a specialist on time, you can determine the cause and start the correct treatment.

High fever in early pregnancy - possible consequences:

  1. Intoxication of the body leads to pathology in the activity of the cardiovascular system.
  2. The threat of termination of pregnancy due to the fact that the frequency of contraction of the muscles of the uterus increases.
  3. Due to early detachment of the placenta, premature birth is possible.
  4. A miscarriage is possible due to blood clots that clog the blood vessels of the placenta.
  5. Child's lag in the development of brain activity.
  6. Decreased blood supply to the placenta.
  7. Violation of protein synthesis.
  8. Severe early toxicosis.
  9. The onset of malformations of the lips, palate, jaw and eyeballs in a child.
  10. Increased tone of the uterus.

Reduced temperature

Low in early pregnancy is considered to be a mark of less than 36 degrees. This condition can be triggered by easily removable situations (stress, stress, overwork, insufficient mother's nutrition) or various pathologies. If a woman's nutrition is complete, but the blood sugar level and the thermometer are low, then this indicates the development of diabetes mellitus.

The reasons for the low reading on the thermometer may be:


Elevated body temperature can be cured using traditional medicine or medication.


Worry about a high temperature indicator should be shown if the mark is above 38 degrees. If, along with this, there are other negatively affecting symptoms, then it is necessary to immediately begin therapy.

In this situation, medications should be taken. But they should be prescribed only by a specialist after examining the patient. Do not self-medicate, as many drugs adversely affect the health of the fetus.

Rules for prescribing medicines in the first months of pregnancy:

  1. Antipyretic drugs are prescribed only if the mark has exceeded 38 degrees.
  2. Specialists often prescribe several drugs at the same time. Among them, antibiotics are also possible.
  3. A complex of drugs and vitamins can be prescribed that increase the protective function of the immune system.
  4. In severe cases, under the supervision of a doctor, it is possible to take medications that are contraindicated in pregnancy.

The safest and most effective in the early stages are drugs containing paracetamol. But you shouldn't take it more than 4 times a day. And all due to the fact that with prolonged use, it has a bad effect on the liver. And it is also possible to take antipyretic homeopathic medicines. These include "Viburkol". It is plant-based and injected rectally. Do not prescribe the dosage yourself. This is only permitted by your specialist.

Indomethacin, aspirin, ibuprofen - these substances can have a negative effect on the condition of the fetus, and they also have many side effects.


Alternative medicine is highly welcome.

Preventing colds

During pregnancy, a woman often experiences a runny nose, malaise and other manifestations of acute respiratory infections. And in such a situation, there is nothing surprising. After all, her immunity is weakened. In order to avoid infection and complications, it is necessary to follow a number of simple recommendations:

  1. You need to be careful and try not to contact sick people.
  2. You do not need to visit places where a lot of people congregate: city public transport, theater, cinema, public institutions, where there is a high risk of contracting an infection.
  3. Do not neglect all well-known and simple preventive measures.
  4. Ventilate the rooms in the house and do wet cleaning regularly.
  5. Be outdoors more, practice good hygiene and consume more vitamins. This will bring results. Fresh air will help improve your mood.
  6. Gargle your throat and nose, and wash your hands often.

It is important to remember that it is better to try to avoid diseases for all 9 months than to deal with their consequences later.