Glucose levels in pregnant women. Why is gestational diabetes dangerous? Changes in glucose uptake during pregnancy


The period of pregnancy implies a more attentive attitude to one's health. Gynecologists say that the level of sugar or glucose in the blood is an indicator that needs to be monitored regularly. Timely detection of pathology can prevent serious complications.

Normal glucose levels

During pregnancy, various chronic pathologies are often exacerbated. Some of them can be manifested by an increase in blood sugar levels. It is known that during pregnancy there is an increased risk of developing gestational diabetes. As a rule, this applies to women after 30 years of age who are overweight and have a genetic predisposition.

During pregnancy, the insular apparatus experiences an increased load. There is a need to ensure the absorption of glucose in the organs and tissues of both the mother and the growing body of the child. In some cases, there is a failure due to the fact that the cells of the pancreas responsible for the formation of insulin cease to adequately cope with their task. There is a risk of developing complications. Perhaps the development of gestational diabetes mellitus, the appearance of preeclampsia, complications during childbirth.

There are standards for blood glucose. Moreover, if the pregnancy proceeds normally, blood sugar levels usually decrease compared to pre-conception levels.

There are two reasons for the decrease in blood glucose levels.

  1. There is an increased consumption of glucose, which is associated with the activation of building or anabolic processes necessary for energy production. That is, the fetus grows, which is accompanied by a need for nutrients.
  2. The appearance of the third circle of blood circulation "mother-fetus" leads to an increase in the volume of circulating blood. A decrease in blood glucose levels is associated with its “dilution”.

Excessively low blood glucose levels for example, less than 2.8 mmol/l is not a good sign. This indicator requires a dietary adjustment. If the indicator does not increase, an examination is carried out.

When taking blood from a finger, the norm of sugar is 3.3-5.5 mmol / l during pregnancy. An indicator from 5.2 to 7.9 mmol / l indicates the possible development of gestational diabetes mellitus, which is provoked by pregnancy. Usually, after childbirth, the indicators return to normal. However, a consistently high blood glucose level that does not fall below 8 mmol / l indicates the development of diabetes mellitus, which does not regress after childbirth.

When taking blood from a vein, the norm varies from 4.0 to 6.2 mmol / l. These indicators are the norm during pregnancy only when taking a blood test on an empty stomach. After a meal or carbohydrate load, the indicators may deviate from the norm and rise to 6.5-7.8 mmol / l.

Usually, to determine the level of sugar in the blood during pregnancy, material is taken from the finger. However, greater reliability is achieved when blood is taken from a vein. In addition, it is possible to define other important indicators. Continuous monitoring is possible with the use of a home glucometer.

The diagnosis of "gestational diabetes" or "diabetes mellitus" is not established only when the indicators are correlated with the norm. Determination of the diagnosis and further tactics of correction is possible after the analysis of the clinical picture and other laboratory tests.

Causes of high and low concentration

After eating normally, the sugar level rises, and after 1-2 hours it returns to its levels thanks to insulin. However, during pregnancy, the pancreas works with a load. Sometimes this leads to inadequate performance of the pancreas of its functions. The glucose level rises.

Abnormalities may include low or high blood sugar levels. At elevated levels, there is a risk of gestational diabetes, the signs of which usually disappear after childbirth. However, there is a possibility of developing true diabetes.

A poor result of a blood sugar test can be triggered not only by the development of diseases and pathological conditions, but also by a number of factors.

  1. Stress. During pregnancy, instability of the psycho-emotional background is noted, which is reflected in laboratory parameters.
  2. Infections. After suffering infectious diseases, the indicators may deviate from the norm.
  3. Failure to comply with the rules for the delivery of analysis. The use of sugary foods before taking the test can significantly distort the results of the diagnosis.

When multiple test results are received, indicating elevated blood sugar levels, the doctor usually prescribes a glucose tolerance test, glycated hemoglobin. It is also advisable to consult an endocrinologist.

Rules for taking a blood test for sugar

The objectivity of blood tests for glucose depends on compliance with certain rules. Accordingly, non-compliance with the rules can lead to a distortion of the results and the need for re-diagnosis.

To obtain accurate blood sugar test results, doctors advise following these rules before diagnosing:

  • do not eat, the study is carried out strictly on an empty stomach;
  • drink only water;
  • don't brush your teeth.

A blood test is taken from a vein or a finger in a medical facility. For home diagnostics, you can purchase a device to determine the level of sugar in the blood, which is called a glucometer. The analysis is taken from the finger, for which it needs to be pricked with a special sterile needle and put a drop on the test strip. The glucometer processes the data and displays the result.

Glucose readings are unstable throughout the day. The sugar content depends on food intake, sleep quality, emotional, mental and physical stress. The upper limit should not exceed the established norms.

The course of pregnancy with hyperglycemia

With a persistent increase in blood glucose levels, experts talk about the development of hyperglycemia. Stably elevated blood sugar levels can cause various complications for both the mother and the child. Gynecologists identify possible complications in the mother during pregnancy.

  1. Spontaneous abortion. There is a violation of the trophism of the placenta, which leads to its inferiority. Since glucose cannot be digested, there is no energy substrate. Moreover, glycosylated proteins cause vascular destruction. The fetus does not receive the nutrients necessary for adequate development. This leads to termination of pregnancy due to fetal death.
  2. Preeclampsia. This is a late toxicosis. This pathology is caused by damage to the vessels of the placenta. In diabetes mellitus, the risk of developing preeclampsia increases 10 times.
  3. Polyhydramnios. This is a compensatory reaction in response to high blood sugar levels during pregnancy. Polyhydramnios causes fetal hypoxia, torsion of its umbilical cord, which is dangerous by compression of the neck organs and improper presentation.

Often, with preeclampsia and polyhydramnios, an urgent delivery is performed, implying a caesarean section.

On the part of the fetus, an increased concentration of sugar in the blood can cause the following consequences.

  1. diabetic fetopathy. The body weight of the fetus is over 4 kg. With pathology, the internal organs of a growing organism suffer. In natural childbirth, a significant body weight of the child can lead to birth injuries, for example, cervical vertebrae dislocation, rupture of the birth canal and bleeding.
  2. Developmental defects. Anomalies of the kidneys, heart, brain are noted. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are not excluded.

Gestational diabetes

According to statistics, 5% of women develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy. This pathological condition is manifested by a consistently high concentration of sugar in the blood during pregnancy. The peculiarity of gestational diabetes is that usually after childbirth, its signs regress. Blood sugar returns to normal. However, during pregnancy, gestational diabetes is a dangerous condition for both the mother and the child.

Gestational diabetes is caused by hormonal changes. An increased concentration of progesterone, which is the hormone of pregnancy, affects metabolic processes. Progesterone also affects glucose metabolism during pregnancy.

When the concentration of sex hormones changes, the phenomenon of insulin resistance may occur. This state of the body during pregnancy can cause a significant increase in the concentration of sugar in the blood.

In gestational diabetes, blood sugar is consistently elevated. The severity of gestational diabetes depends on changes in the hormonal background and concomitant diseases in history.

Gestational diabetes in the second half of pregnancy is also associated with the pressure of the growing uterus on the organs of the urinary system, which contributes to the occurrence of congestion. Thus, there is a decrease in the excretion of sugar by the kidneys. Glucose begins to accumulate in the blood, causing hyperglycemia, which over time can lead to gestational diabetes. There may be an increased level of glucose both in the blood and in the urine, which is confirmed by laboratory diagnostic methods.

With an increase in blood glucose more than 9 mmol / l requires emergency medical correction.

Gestational diabetes mellitus can be caused by various pathologies of the pancreas that occurred before pregnancy. In particular, chronic pancreatitis, which occurs with frequent relapses, causes a persistent increase in blood sugar concentration. This pathology requires medical treatment.

The likelihood of developing gestational diabetes increases with hereditary predisposition. Women at risk should be under constant medical supervision, especially during pregnancy.

Pathologies of the following organs can lead to diabetes mellitus of a gestational nature:

  • gallbladder and liver;
  • endocrine system;
  • gastrointestinal tract.

The likelihood of developing gestational diabetes may increase after surgical interventions, against the background of long-term stress.

There are indications for a mandatory consultation with an endocrinologist:

  • overweight;
  • insulin resistance;
  • disruption of the cells that produce insulin;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy.

Experts emphasize that glucose is necessary for the body. It is she who is the nutrient medium for nerve cells. Sugar provides energy from food. This is noted after the transport of sugar into the cells. This function is provided by insulin. Insulin is produced by the pancreas. Gestational diabetes develops due to insulin resistance or insufficient synthesis.

Symptoms and signs

The clinical picture with an increase in glucose levels is characterized by a variety of symptoms and signs. Usually, the manifestations cause serious discomfort, which can worsen the quality of life of a woman during pregnancy.

Experts highlight the signs and symptoms that are characteristic of high blood sugar.

  1. Thirst. Women experience a constant thirst for growing character. It is noteworthy that this symptom is more pronounced if the glucose level rises by more than 20% of the norm. Since a woman begins to consume a significant amount of fluid during pregnancy, edema may occur.
  2. Frequent urination. Increased thirst and a large amount of fluid consumed leads to frequent urination. Urine takes on a light yellow color.
  3. Dryness, itching of the skin. High glucose levels initiate irritation of the nerve endings, causing discomfort. The intensity of itching depends on the sugar level during pregnancy.
  4. Feeling of dryness in the mouth. This symptom also aggravates thirst. After drinking liquid, dry mouth does not disappear.
  5. Increased appetite. With insulin deficiency, sugar cannot be fully delivered to the internal organs. Starvation of cellular elements is manifested by a constant feeling of hunger.
  6. Weakness, drowsiness. Women experience a breakdown and severe drowsiness. Sometimes weakness and drowsiness can be accompanied by dizziness, headaches.

Low blood sugar during pregnancy can cause the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • sweating;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • shiver;
  • dizziness.


Often, an increase in glucose occurs asymptomatically. That is why a woman regularly takes tests during pregnancy to determine the pathology. At a minimum, laboratory diagnostics for blood sugar levels is carried out at the end of the first and last trimesters of pregnancy.

The results of a blood test taken from a finger and a vein differ by approximately 10%.

  1. Finger fence. This is the most common method in which a drop of blood is needed for diagnosis.
  2. Vein fence. This is an accurate diagnostic method, however, it is used infrequently due to the nature of the procedure and the need to use consumables.

Blood for blood glucose concentration should be taken on an empty stomach. The last meal is celebrated 8-9 hours before the study. With diagnosed diabetes, the interval between eating and performing the analysis is 3-4 due to the risk of developing hypoglycemia.

Before blood sampling for sugar content, you can drink a small amount of boiled water. Tea with sugar and carbonated sweet drinks should not be consumed. In addition, you must remember to be in a good mood on the day of the analysis. Stress and the release of cortisol can adversely affect the results of the diagnosis.

Physical activity is essential. Before the examination, it is advisable to exclude physical activity, including cleaning the house, as this can cause a decrease in performance.

Both venous and capillary blood is suitable for diagnosis. In recent years, there has been a trend towards venous blood sampling. Such a study is more informative. If during the diagnostic process a deviation of the results from the norm is detected, additional examination methods are prescribed, for example, a glucose tolerance test and the determination of glycated hemoglobin.

In the process of performing a glucose tolerance test, the body's reaction to sweet water is determined. Diagnostics consists of two parts. Initially, the analysis is performed on an empty stomach. Then the patient drinks a glass of water containing glucose. After one, two and three hours, repeated analyzes are carried out.

A glucose tolerance test is usually done in the third trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that during this period of pregnancy, the pancreas produces a significant amount of insulin. The body of women during pregnancy does not always cope with this task. This is where gestational diabetes develops. A glucose tolerance test or the so-called stress test allows you to identify gestational diabetes and carry out an appropriate correction of the pathology.

Glycated hemoglobin will allow you to evaluate the history of increased sugar over the past three months.

Correction methods

It should be remembered that an increase in glucose concentration adversely affects the health of the mother and fetus. A growing organism is deficient in the nutrients it needs to develop. The brain and heart are especially affected.

An increase in blood sugar can lead to premature birth in the later stages and miscarriage, the appearance of anomalies in the development of the fetus in the early stages, when organs are laid down. Gestational diabetes is dangerous with concomitant diseases.

An increase in blood glucose levels requires, first of all, correction of lifestyle and eating habits.

  1. Food. Proper nutrition can help lower blood glucose without the use of medications. The diet should be balanced and be sure to include lean meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, eggs, cereals and cheese without impurities. Useful red fish, such as pink salmon and chum salmon. These varieties of fish contain omega-fatty acids, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve the rheological properties of blood. Green vegetables lower sugar and are an excellent source of fiber and vitamins. Beef contains B vitamins and linoleic acid, which regulate glucose metabolism. Semi-finished products, sweet carbonated drinks, chocolate, confectionery should be excluded.
  2. Portion volume. It is necessary to adhere to the rules of fractional nutrition. This means that you need to eat at least 5-6 times a day, but little by little. In order not to overeat, you can put food on a small plate. It should be remembered that the diet should include more protein and less carbohydrates.
  3. insulin therapy. It implies taking medications when they are prescribed by a doctor.
  4. Physical activity. In the absence of contraindications, you can perform special exercises designed for women during pregnancy.

The glycemic index of the foods consumed should be taken into account. Index data can be found online for any product.

For gestational diabetes hospitalization is usually required, during which the woman undergoes the necessary diagnosis and treatment.

Proper nutrition not only normalizes blood sugar levels, but also prevents weight gain. Drug therapy is selected by an endocrinologist in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient, her medical history, clinical picture, and gestational age.

Doctors need to determine the blood glucose levels of a pregnant woman in order to know the state of carbohydrate metabolism.

Glucose is the main generator of obtaining the energy necessary for all life processes.

This simple carbohydrate allows you to quickly produce energy, in contrast to the breakdown of fats.

There are two ways of breaking down glucose: anaerobic and aerobic.

  1. Anaerobic occurs without the participation of oxygen, but this is not beneficial - with it, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecules are formed in very small quantities.
  2. The aerobic way of oxidizing glucose (with the participation of oxygen) is more acceptable, because it produces as many as 38 ATP molecules. During pregnancy, their energy is used for the growth and division of cells, which is essential for the fetus - its growth and development.

The norm of glucose during pregnancy

This indicator is 3.3-3.5 mmol / l. Elevated glucose is considered a pathology and requires diagnosis. First of all, it is necessary to check the presence or absence of diabetes.

Several methods allow you to set the glucose level in a pregnant woman.

  • on an empty stomach in peripheral blood;
  • in the general analysis of urine;
  • with daily proteinuria;
  • using a glucose tolerance test during pregnancy. This glucose test should be performed on an empty stomach, and later - after 2 hours after a carbohydrate load.
This test detects impaired carbohydrate tolerance, and it may be the initial stage of diabetes. This test is performed mainly in risk groups:
  • hereditary diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • the birth of large babies, etc.
There are cases when, after this test, during pregnancy, glucose is administered intravenously. But that rarely happens. Most often, glucose is given to a pregnant woman in the form of a powder, which should be taken orally.

Elevated blood glucose during pregnancy: what is dangerous?

Elevated glucose in a pregnant woman does not yet indicate the presence of diabetes during pregnancy. It is simply possible that the day before the woman consumed a lot of sweets. For these reasons, doctors advise conducting a study when a woman's diet is not disturbed.

But if it is elevated precisely in connection with this disease, this means that the hormone insulin is not produced, thanks to which glucose is available for absorption and energy production by cells. Due to insulin deficiency, the cells are not able to receive the required energy, hence the oxygen starvation. In an effort to get at least a minimal portion of energy, they are reorganized into an anaerobic way of oxidizing glucose. But this disrupts their normal development.

Women who suffer from diabetes, as a rule, give birth to large children - more than 4,000 g. But such babies are very vulnerable, because they are inherent in birth trauma. These are complex pathologies. In addition to this, maternal trauma is also on the rise.

That is why it is necessary to diagnose diabetes mellitus in time. Only then it will be possible to prevent the occurrence of various complications.

Glucose in urine during pregnancy

In the urine, glucose during pregnancy should not be detected at all. However, sometimes there are cases when a small amount of sugar (glucose) is found in the urine - about 6 mmol / l, but this does not at all indicate the presence of diabetes.

If, according to ultrasound, the weight of the child does not reach the desired result on the scale of norms, the pregnant woman is prescribed a dropper. In this case, glucose during pregnancy contributes to the development and growth of the child, that is, it catches up with the norm.

Droppers with glucose are usually placed if the pregnant woman is underweight and with severe toxicosis. However, all such procedures have nothing to do with diabetes.

The materials are published for review and are not a prescription for treatment! We recommend that you contact a hematologist at your healthcare facility!

Pregnancy is a crucial stage in a woman's life. This is such a state of the body, when previously not manifested or occurring in a latent form of the disease are “opened”. Therefore, it is so important to monitor any change in the performance of the body, including glucose. After all, the detection of pathology in time is the key to successful prevention of complications.

During pregnancy, the insular apparatus of a woman has to experience a double load: it is necessary to ensure the absorption of glucose in tissues and organs not only in the mother, but also in the child. Sometimes the β-cells of the pancreas, which are responsible for the formation of insulin, cease to cope with the task and fail. What threatens such a situation? In the best case, the development of diabetes mellitus only for the period of pregnancy, in the worst case, complications during childbirth with malformations in the child.

Normal and pathological blood sugar levels during pregnancy

In a normal pregnancy, blood glucose may even decrease slightly compared to glucose levels before the conception of a child. There are 2 reasons for this.

Firstly, increased consumption of glucose for energy production due to the activation of anabolic ("building") processes. The fetus grows, requiring more nutrients.

Secondly, the third circle of blood circulation appears (mother-fetus), which means that the volume of circulating blood increases. It turns out that glucose is "diluted", respectively, its concentration decreases.

Interpretation of numbers

  • are in the range of 3.3-5.1 mmol / l.
  • An increase in glucose from 5.2 mmol / l (but not more than 7.9 mmol / l) makes one think of gestational (pregnancy-induced) diabetes. It is likely that after the birth of a child, the sugar level returns to normal.
  • If the glucose level is constantly high and does not fall below 8 mmol / l, then we can safely talk about the manifestation of diabetes mellitus, which is unlikely to end with the completion of pregnancy.

Table: The norm of blood sugar in pregnant women - a table with values ​​​​for capillary and venous blood

How to donate blood to determine glucose

  1. Definitely on an empty stomach.
  2. More often it is taken from a finger, but for greater reliability it is better to take it from a vein (at the same time, other biochemical blood parameters can be determined).

You can use a glucometer to constantly monitor your blood sugar levels at home.

Important! It is impossible to make a diagnosis of "diabetes mellitus" or "gestational diabetes" solely on the basis of the numbers obtained from the analysis of a drop of blood with test strips on a glucometer. Only a doctor, based on the totality of symptoms and blood biochemistry data, can determine the diagnosis and further tactics.

The course and complications of pregnancy with hyperglycemia

Constantly elevated sugar during pregnancy is fraught with consequences - both for the mother and for the fetus.

Complications of pregnancy in diabetes (from the mother's side)

  • Spontaneous abortion. Due to a violation of the trophism of the placenta, it becomes defective: glucose is not absorbed, which means that there is no energy substrate. Plus glycosylated proteins destroy blood vessels. As a result, the fetus does not receive adequate amounts of nutrients and dies.
  • Preeclampsia(it is also late toxicosis). Again, the pathology is associated with damage to the vessels of the placenta. The frequency of preeclampsia in pregnant women with diabetes increases at least 10 times!
  • Polyhydramnios. This is a compensatory reaction in response to increased glucose. May lead to fetal hypoxia, torsion of the umbilical cord with compression of the neck organs and malpresentation.

Note. How to reduce the adverse effects of preeclampsia and polyhydramnios provoked by diabetes, the obstetrician-gynecologist decides. In 90% of cases, urgent delivery by caesarean section is chosen.

Complications of pregnancy in diabetes (on the part of the child)

  • diabetic fetopathy. With this disease, the internal organs of the child suffer, but the main problem during delivery is the weight of the fetus - more than 4 kg. This causes difficulties in the passage of the birth canal, which can lead to birth trauma in the child (dislocation of the cervical vertebrae) and rupture of the birth canal of the mother with bleeding.
  • Fetal malformations: anomalies of the heart, kidneys, brain, problems with the musculoskeletal system.

So what should a woman do if she has manifested diabetes during pregnancy? More on this later.

Blood sugar control during pregnancy

The surest way to lower blood glucose without taking medication is nutritional correction.

Pregnancy is an amazing event that completely changes the life of every woman. Adjusting to the beating of a small heart, the mother's body tries to do everything to make the baby comfortable for all nine months. Unfortunately, for a long forty weeks, the expectant mother has to experience not only the joy of meeting with the baby soon, but also a lot of discomfort that accompanies pregnancy. Some of the inevitable companions of pregnancy do not pose any danger to the fetus, others require constant medical supervision. One of the serious complications during the period of expectation of a child is gestational diabetes - a condition in which the level of glucose in the peripheral blood increases.

What does it say during pregnancy?

At the first visit to the antenatal clinic, the expectant mother receives from the doctor a referral for tests to assess the general condition of the pregnant woman. One of the most significant indicators in this huge list is the determination of blood glucose. If it is found that during pregnancy, the woman will be asked to undergo an additional examination, as well as a course of treatment if necessary.

An increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood is not at all as harmless as it might seem at first glance. A change in sugar levels triggers a whole range of pathological mechanisms leading to a significant deterioration in the condition of a pregnant woman. The processes occurring in the body of the expectant mother will inevitably affect the development of the fetus, increasing the risk of having a child with signs of diabetic fetopathy.

How to know if sugar is high during pregnancy?

A woman gives a blood test to detect glucose levels twice: at the first appearance at the antenatal clinic and for a period of 22-24 weeks. At the same time, the expectant mother should not limit herself in food or somehow change her usual diet three days before the planned examination. Blood is usually taken from a vein in the morning on an empty stomach. Exceeding the permissible values ​​in most cases indicates the development of gestational diabetes mellitus.

Why is the glucose level rising?

Under normal conditions, sugar content is regulated by the hormone insulin, which is continuously produced by the pancreas. Under its influence, glucose, which came with food, gradually passes into the cells of the body, performing its function there. This lowers the blood sugar level. What happens during pregnancy and why does this well-established mechanism fail?

Hormones that allow you to endure a child are insulin antagonists. during pregnancy is due to the fact that the pancreas simply does not cope with its work in such conditions. Pregnancy hormones activate the release of glucose into the blood, and insulin, which can bind excess sugar, is not enough. As a result, so-called gestational diabetes develops, dangerous for its unpredictable consequences.

Risk factors

It would seem that in this situation, any woman in an interesting position should suffer from an excess of glucose in the body. However, not every expectant mother has increased sugar during pregnancy. What increases the risk of developing the disease?


Heredity (diabetes mellitus in close relatives);

Development of a similar situation in a previous pregnancy;

polycystic ovary syndrome;

Age over 25 years.

Symptoms of gestational diabetes

In many cases, she does not even suspect that she has elevated blood glucose levels. Her state of health does not change in any way, the baby is actively moving and makes itself felt with very active shocks. The danger of gestational diabetes is that the amount of sugar in the blood will gradually increase, leading to serious complications.

With an increase in glucose content will increase, and insulin levels will inevitably decrease. The manifestation of diabetes mellitus is characterized by the following symptoms:

Constant feeling of thirst;

Increased appetite;

Increased urination;

Violation of vision.

For an accurate diagnosis, complaints of deterioration in well-being alone will not be enough. Hunger and frequent urination are common among many pregnant women with perfectly normal blood sugar levels. The expectant mother will have to undergo a special examination to confirm or refute gestational diabetes.


In order to find out if sugar is really elevated during pregnancy, a woman is invited to donate blood to determine the level of glucose. The analysis is given on an empty stomach.

Interpretation of results:

From 3.3 to 5.5 mmol / l - the norm;

From 5.5 to 7 mmol / l - impaired glucose tolerance;

More than 7.1 mmol / l - diabetes mellitus.

With a glucose level of more than 7.1 mmol / l, the expectant mother is sent for a consultation with an endocrinologist to confirm the diagnosis and develop treatment tactics.

Elevated also indicates the development of gestational diabetes. Most often, glucose is detected in the later stages, when the disease has gone quite far. Sugar in the urine indicates that the kidneys can no longer cope with their function, which means that the risk of developing complications from all organs and systems of the female body increases.

Why is gestational diabetes dangerous?

Many pregnant women do not seek help from specialists, hoping that after giving birth, their glucose levels will drop by themselves. They do not know what is really dangerous high sugar during pregnancy. The consequences of gestational diabetes can be very sad. In women with high blood sugar, the risk of preeclampsia (a condition characterized by swelling and high blood pressure in late pregnancy) increases. In addition, the likelihood of getting complications from the kidneys and urinary system increases. Do not forget that childbirth in women with diabetes often occur prematurely.

How does diabetes affect the fetus?

The increased level of sugar in the mother's blood affects the condition of the baby. The complex of symptoms that develop during such a pregnancy is called diabetic fetopathy. With this pathology, the child is born very large, more than 4.5 kg. But a lot of weight does not mean that the baby will be healthy. On the contrary, it is characterized by a lag in physical development. Due to the lack of surfactant (a substance that helps the lungs open at birth), the newborn has various respiratory problems. Very often pathological jaundice develops, as well as a variety of neurological disorders.

Treatment of gestational diabetes

Most expectant mothers are frightened when they find high sugar during pregnancy. What to do if such a nuisance happened? First of all, a woman should seek the advice of a specialist. The endocrinologist will assess the condition of the expectant mother and, depending on the severity of the disease, prescribe the necessary treatment.

In most cases, the tactics of managing pregnant women with diabetes is reduced to a change in diet. Normalizing the level of insulin in the blood allows you to do without heavy artillery in the form of hormonal drugs. during pregnancy includes the following principles:

The daily ration is divided between proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the ratio of 20-25%, 35-40% and 35%, respectively.

During the entire period of pregnancy, there is a gradual decrease in the calorie content of food to 25-30 kcal per 1 kg of weight.

Any easily digestible carbohydrates (primarily sweets) are excluded from daily consumption.

In the event that diet alone fails to normalize the level of sugar, the pregnant woman is prescribed insulin therapy. The selection of the dose is carried out by the endocrinologist. He also monitors the expectant mother throughout the entire gestation period and, if necessary, changes the dose of the prescribed drug.

Emergency help for diabetes

During pregnancy, all women with diabetes are advised to purchase a personal glucometer. This drug allows you to control the level of sugar in the peripheral blood at any time and take the necessary measures when it changes. Gestational diabetes is dangerous not only by an increase in glucose concentration, but also by its sharp decrease. This condition threatens with sudden weakness, loss of consciousness and even coma.

How to increase blood sugar during pregnancy to ensure that you avoid the unpleasant consequences of diabetes? A woman should remember that in her condition, dizziness and weakness are dangerous symptoms that require immediate help. When the first signs of a drop in glucose appear, the expectant mother is advised to urgently eat something sweet. It can be a piece of candy stored in your purse for such an occasion, or a piece of chocolate. In order to avoid such a situation, a pregnant woman should eat well, not forgetting to include in her diet not only tasty, but also healthy foods.

Gestational diabetes usually resolves on its own after the baby is born. You should not relax - in women who have undergone this pathology during pregnancy, the risk of developing true diabetes is significantly increased. To prevent this serious disease, it is recommended to review your diet, increase physical activity and regularly monitor blood glucose levels. Compliance with these rules will help a woman notice any deviations in the state of health in time and take the necessary measures to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Conditions in which high glucose levels are recorded during pregnancy are quite common. In some cases, they occur in the expectant mother for the first time in her life precisely during the bearing of the baby.

This situation requires mandatory medical intervention.

Reasons for the increase

A variety of causative factors can lead to an increase in glucose in the female body during pregnancy. Quite often it happens that they act simultaneously, reinforcing each other's action. Doctors call a persistent increase in blood glucose hyperglycemia.

According to statistics, 5% of pregnant women develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy. This pathology is accompanied by a constant high level of sugar in the blood. This disease can be dangerous for both mom and her baby.

For a long time, researchers have tried to establish why it is during pregnancy that the risk of developing diabetes mellitus increases so significantly. The main reason was associated with an altered hormonal background.

Progesterone metabolites, as well as other pregnancy hormones, have a pronounced effect on metabolic processes, including glucose metabolism in the body.

A change in the concentration of certain hormones in the blood of a pregnant woman leads to the fact that she has the phenomenon of insulin resistance. This condition contributes to an increase in blood glucose levels.

Sugar with this pathology rises almost constantly. The severity of the violations depends largely on how the hormonal background is changed, and whether the woman has any concomitant diseases of the internal organs.

Quite often it happens that the blood sugar level of the expectant mother begins to rise by the second half of pregnancy. This feature is largely due to the altered work of the kidneys. The growing uterus puts pressure on these urinary organs, causing them to become congested.

Reduced excretion of glucose by the kidneys contributes to its accumulation in the blood, which also enhances the manifestations of hyperglycemia. In this case, an increased concentration of sugar is also determined in the urine, when it is submitted for examination to the laboratory.

Glucose appears when its plasma concentration is above 9 mmol / l. This situation is extremely unfavorable and requires urgent medical correction.

Pancreatic disease is another common cause leading to the development of gestational diabetes.

Such diseases usually appear even before the onset of pregnancy.

Chronic pancreatitis, which occurs with frequent exacerbations, can contribute to the development of persistent hyperglycemia during childbearing. In this case, it is impossible to do without prescribing treatment.

Scientists have found that heredity plays a huge role in the development of persistent hyperglycemia. Women with a positive family history of diabetes mellitus have a 50% increased risk of developing a gestational variant.

All expectant mothers with risk factors must be observed by a therapist. Women already suffering from diabetes mellitus or frequent episodes of hyperglycemia are registered with an endocrinologist, including during pregnancy.

Many concomitant diseases of the internal organs can also cause the future mother to develop persistent hyperglycemia. Usually, persistent pathologies of the liver, gallbladder, metabolic disorders in the endocrine system, and chronic kidney diseases lead to this. Trauma to the gastrointestinal tract or previous surgery can also contribute to an increase in blood glucose.

Scientists have found that prolonged prolonged stress has a negative effect on the functioning of the endocrine system. This is manifested by a persistent increase in blood sugar.

Many pregnant women note that their first hyperglycemia occurred after some great stress in life. During pregnancy, exposure to even a slight intensity is sufficient to increase blood sugar.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30


The complex of various clinical signs that occurs in a pregnant woman who has signs of high blood sugar is quite large. It includes many different symptoms that can bring significant discomfort to the expectant mother and change her usual behavior.

Women with high blood sugar experience:

  • Increasing and constant thirst. This symptom manifests itself much brighter if blood sugar exceeds the norm by more than 30%. It leads to the fact that the expectant mother begins to drink much more water and various drinks. Women who have a strong tendency to develop puffiness may at this time complain of the appearance of edema on the legs and face.

  • Frequent urination. Increased thirst leads to frequent urge to urinate. At the same time, the amount of separated urine increases significantly.

It becomes pale and less bright in color.

  • Dryness and itching of the skin. High sugar levels contribute to irritation of the nerve endings, which is manifested by such symptoms. The intensity of their manifestation largely depends on the level of sugar in the blood.
  • Severe dry mouth. This symptom also provokes the development of thirst. A woman feels dry mouth almost constantly throughout the day. Even after taking water, the mucous membranes begin to dry after a couple of minutes.

  • Increased appetite. Violation of carbohydrate metabolism leads to the fact that glucose cannot fully enter the internal organs. Prolonged starvation of cells is manifested by a feeling of strong "unbearable" hunger.
  • Severe weakness and constant drowsiness. Throughout the day, even in the morning after waking up, the expectant mother wants to sleep. This symptom is often accompanied by a feeling of extreme fatigue. Some women may experience headaches and severe dizziness.

Consequences for the child

Elevated blood glucose levels adversely affect the fetus. Severe metabolic disorders lead to the fact that the baby begins to experience a real deficiency in the intake of nutrients that are needed for its active and full development. The brain and heart of the baby are most sensitive to a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood.

Hyperglycemia can be dangerous for the development of preterm labor. Usually this situation occurs in women who have a pathological course of pregnancy and many concomitant diseases of the internal organs.

The lack of nutrients in early pregnancy threatens the development of multiple anomalies and developmental defects in the fetus. This condition is especially unfavorable during the first trimester of pregnancy when all vital organs and systems are laid. With the most unfavorable prognosis for the course of this pathology, even spontaneous abortion or miscarriage is possible.


To identify "silent" hyperglycemia, doctors recommend taking an analysis to determine the level of glucose several times during the entire period of bearing a baby. So, it is advisable for the expectant mother to visit the laboratory from 9-12 weeks of pregnancy and closer to childbirth. This is a necessary minimum that must be met.

Taking a blood sugar test strictly on an empty stomach. This should be done in the morning.

Before the study, you should not eat 8-9 hours.

If a woman already has diabetes mellitus established early, then such a long interval “without food” is not necessary. For this, only 3-4 hours are enough. Prolonged hunger can lead to a very dangerous condition - hypoglycemia.

Before taking the test, you can only drink a little ordinary boiled water. Avoid sugary sodas or sweetened teas. In the morning before the analysis, all sugar-containing components should be strictly excluded.

A cheerful and good mood is an obligatory component with which the future mother should come to the clinic. To do this, she should definitely get enough sleep on the eve of the study. You should not be nervous and worried before the test, as this may affect the result of the analysis.

Before submitting this study, if possible, strong physical activity should be excluded. They can lead to an unreliable, slightly underestimated result. A day before going to the laboratory, it is better to exclude cleaning the apartment or jogging through stairwells.

Doctors believe that normal blood sugar levels are 3.3-5.5 mmol/L. In this case, a limitation is made that these values ​​are adequate for capillary blood. She climbs during the puncture of the finger.

In venous blood, these values ​​are somewhat different. They are 4.0-6.1 mmol / l. Nowadays, venous blood tests are increasingly being done. They are more convenient and no less informative. Most private medical laboratories prefer to use this research methodology.

If, for some reason, blood glucose levels change and deviate from normal values, then doctors prescribe a number of special auxiliary laboratory tests. They are necessary in order to accurately diagnose, as well as to exclude or confirm the presence of diabetes.

Such studies include a glucose tolerance test and the determination of glycated hemoglobin.