Funny poems for children 4 years old. Summer poems for older preschool children

Dear readers, we welcome you to the pages of our site! Have you tried to calculate how many verses your baby knows by heart? Just one or two? This is very, very little. All experts in preschool education unanimously say that memorizing even short rhymes contributes to the development of the child's fantasy and imagination, expands his vocabulary, and improves memory. So let's fill in the gaps and talk about which verses for children 4-5 years old are recommended for reading and how to teach them correctly with a child.

The importance of poetry for the development of the crumbs is difficult to overestimate. They instill in the baby the best human qualities - love for relatives, respect for others, respect for nature, diligence, empathy for other people's troubles.

It has been noticed that a small child perceives a rhymed text more easily than prose, since its monotony tires the baby. Psychologists attribute this to the fact that the melodiousness and melodiousness of the verses resemble lullabies that mother sings to her little one. No wonder most children's authors write their works in verse.

What poems to read to children at 4-5 years old

There is a wide variety of poems for younger preschoolers. The most understandable and interesting for the child are the so-called plot verses, in which the characters participate in any events, perform various actions.

Read to the baby a poem by S. Ya. Marshak “A Quiet Tale”:

You will read this story
Quiet, quiet, quiet...

Once upon a time there was a gray hedgehog
And his hedgehog.

The gray hedgehog was very quiet
And the hedgehog too.
And they had a child
Very quiet hedgehog.

The whole family go for a walk
At night along the paths
Hedgehog-father, hedgehog-mother
And a baby hedgehog.

Along the deaf autumn paths
They walk quietly: top-top-top ...

Or the work of S. V. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa" that does not lose its relevance:

In the house of eight fraction one
At the outpost of Ilyich
There lived a tall citizen
Nicknamed Kalancha,

By the name of Stepanov
And by the name of Stepan,
Of the regional giants
The most important giant.

Your little one will also like the magnificent fairy tale in the verses of A. Barto “The Ignorant Bear”:

Mom had a son -
The teddy bear is small.
In my mother was a figure -
In a brown bear.

The she-bear will settle down
Under the tree, in the shade
The son will sit next to
And so they lie.

He will fall - "Oh, poor thing!" -
His mother takes pity on him.
Smarter in the reserve
Can't find the baby!

To make the kid interested in a fairy tale poem, read it with expression, changing intonations and speaking for each character in different voices. Accompany reading with facial expressions and gestures, focus the crumbs on the most dramatic or funny moments. Do not forget to immediately explain to the little one the meanings of words and expressions unknown to him.

After reading, be sure to discuss the poem with your child, ask him questions, offer to memorize a small passage by heart.

Children 4-5 years old will like poems about animals, they will listen to them with pleasure. Funny and sad, funny and instructive lines awaken in the child's soul feelings of tenderness, joy, compassion and responsibility for those who need help.

Here are a few poems that will surely interest the crumbs:

Like our squirrel
Teeth are very small
small, white,
On a nut are chiseled.
Marks on the snow -
Know, jumped off the branch.

(N. Vengrov)

The hare lay down on a hillock,
Decided to take a nap.
And while he slept sweetly,
The first snow fell on the ground.
Here the gray hare woke up,

- What's the matter?
I was gray, and I became white,
Who changed my clothes?

(I. Pivovarova)

Our cat is sick.
Doesn't fit in the window
Don't play with the tail
Not chasing a ball
And he doesn't run after the ball.
I will be her doctor.
I'll put a thermometer on her.
I'll take a phonendoscope.
I'll make her lay down
I'll tie a compress on my forehead.
Dissolve the tablet in water
And pour into the cat's mouth.
Maybe our cat
Suddenly got a stomach ache?

(V. Ivchenko)

Reading poems about animals can be timed to coincide with a visit to the zoo with the baby. Read to your child a funny poem by S. Ya. Marshak “Where the sparrow dined” or watch a cartoon based on it.

Invite your child to do something useful for our little brothers together - for example, build a bird feeder or shelter a kitten.

Children's poems about various professions instill diligence in the child, respect for people, enrich his life experience. Start with the famous work of Gianni Rodari "What do crafts smell like":

Every business
Special smell:
The bakery smells
Test and muffin.

Past the carpentry
You go to the workshop -
Smells like shavings
And a fresh board.

The house painter smells
Turpentine and paint.
Smells like a glazier
Window putty.

Driver's jacket
Smells like gasoline.
Worker's blouse -
Machine oil.

Smells like a confectioner
Doctor in a bathrobe
Pleasant medicine.

loose earth,
Field and meadow
Smells like a peasant
Following the plow.

Fish and sea
Smells like a fisherman.
Only idleness
Doesn't smell at all.

No matter how much you choke
rich slacker,
Very unimportant
It smells guys!

Tell your child that all professions are interesting and honorable, the main thing is to be a master of your craft. Read a few poems by B. Zakhoder:


I'm flying
At full speed.
I am a driver myself.
And he is a motor.
I press
On the pedal
And the car
Rushing into the distance!


All day today
I put on
Whole family.
Wait a bit, cat, -
There will be clothes for you too!


I need things like this:
A hammer,
And ticks
And a hacksaw
And all you need is

A child of 4–5 years old can already read the works of A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” and others before going to bed. However, it should be remembered that a long narrative can tire a small listener, so it is better to break reading into several evenings.

After the age of four, a child's memory begins to develop rapidly. It is this age that experts consider the most favorable for the beginning of memorizing poems.

How to teach poetry with a child

If from birth you talk a lot and often with your little one, sing songs to him, tell fairy tales and nursery rhymes, read poetry, then memorizing rhyming lines for your baby will not be difficult. If memorizing verses is given to the crumbs with great difficulty, then use the recommendations of the experts that we give:

  • Much depends on the choice of the poem. The product must correspond to the age and temperament of the baby. In children's literature, there are many poems suitable for preschoolers. The poems of K. Chukovsky, A. Barto, S. Mikhalkov, S. Marshak, E. Blaginina and others are easy to learn.
  • Children are very fond of various holidays. Tell your child that you are learning a rhyme to wish a happy birthday to grandma or for Grandfather Frost. This is a great incentive for the little one.
  • First of all, read the poem to your child. Try to do it not monotonously, but emotionally and with expression. If there are words in the text that the child does not understand, be sure to explain their meaning to him.
  • Find illustrations for the poem and review them with your child. After that, read the verse to him a few more times.
  • There are several ways to memorize poetry. The most effective, in our opinion, is auditory: you read the line and repeat it with the child. After learning the first verse and repeating it several times, move on to the second, and so on.
  • After the poem is learned, invite the child to illustrate it or make a craft. In the process of creativity, repeat poetic lines, fixing them in the memory of the child. In a drawing or craft, be sure to write the title of the work, the author and the date when the baby learned the verse. By doing this, you will encourage the child to replenish their literary achievements, and at the same time count them. We hope, dear parents, that next time, when asked how many verses your little one knows by heart, you will demonstrate a whole collection of drawings and crafts.

So, we have found out that reading and memorizing poems at 4–5 years old is a very important and necessary educational and educational moment, since it is:

  • expands the horizons of the child;
  • instills a love for the word;
  • enriches the speech of the crumbs;
  • gives impetus to the creative inspiration of the baby.

Write to us if our tips and recommendations were useful to you. Tell your friends about this article. We look forward to your feedback, comments and stories.

We wish you great creative success! Goodbye!

Collection of children's poems: poems for the holidays, educational and developing poems, author's and thematic poems for children.

Train your child's memory!

Not every kid can patiently listen to the end of a fairy tale or other prose story. Whereas children's poems do not tire with monotony, the rhyme in them jumps as if over bumps, easily holding the attention of a small listener. It's amazing how quickly children memorize rhymes, it's worth saying a few times, as they already agree on the ending with you. Be sure to use this ability, training memory from childhood, you will greatly simplify your child's schooling. Start with the poems of Agnia Barto in the “Toys” section, look for small quatrains, they are perfectly remembered. Most of them you yourself still remember by heart. So right?

How to learn a poem for the holiday?

In kindergarten and school, your child will often face the need to recite poetry in front of the public. It can be a New Year's party or an ordinary lesson, in any case, it is important that he is not afraid of this. But all you need to do is pay a little attention to it.

The poem must be learned in advance and repeated at home as if in between times, without focusing on the importance of the event. For example, you can say: “Remember, you and I learned a great rhyme? Well, tell it to me." Children's poems are usually simple and the child will quickly remember them. You can rehearse by telling a poem to dad or mom, grandfather or grandmother. You need to ask to speak loudly and with expression, but in no case should you lecture or interrupt during the speech. How your peers and you react to the first performance of a small artist is of great importance, so it is better to start with relatives. Having told a few rhymes to familiar people and, having received a benevolent reaction, you will give confidence to the baby. Poems for children at matinees perfectly train public speaking skills.

New Year is not far off.
Tinsel and bows...
There will be a holiday for you and me
in our kindergarten.

Adventures, miracles:
You are a bear and I am a fox.
All under our tree
We will sleep in the garden.

Let the holiday come to the house
We've been waiting here for a long time
We will meet him as it is necessary:
Prepared the outfits
They decorated the Christmas tree, learned songs,
We all dance around the Christmas tree together.
Children sing songs and read poetry
And from Grandfather Frost all the gifts are received!

The gentle sun rolled away.
Night has fallen in a dark blue shawl.
Our old city. sleep and rest.
Children fall asleep: bye-bye-bye.
Here she is swimming in a scarf. Slowly. moon
And she carries stars in a basket.
In the house, grandmother's song is only barely audible.
Bayu-bayu-bayushki-she sings everything.

Asterisks-freckles shine in the sky.
They are sleeping. hugging pillows. children in silence
They will sleep until the sun rises.
Sleep. grandchildren-noodles. you must see.
Bay-bayu-bayushki solar dreams.

Today at grandma's
In a blue bowl
There is a delicious borsch.
Very Ksyusha with Dima
They love to eat wrestler.
Who else needs supplements?
In borscht dill and herbs,
Both beets and cabbage.
The plates are already empty
Look, really
The grandchildren ate the whole borsch!
And when they ate
Cheeks flushed,
Grandma smiled.

My dad is strong and big
He is so dear to me.
Good laughs in the eyes
He wears me on his shoulders!
My dad and I are very interested
He teaches to act honestly
Everywhere in everything, always, always,
Never be ashamed!

Will answer any question.
But only without capricious tears.
Dad and I read together
We cut boards and plan.
Dad will say: "Well, son,
Well, you helped me!"
I try my best,
So that dad praises again.

What if I'm afraid of something
I run to him, I will cling to him,
To protect me, he could
But he is very strict
If I suddenly get rude
I'm proud of my dad and

I will send a letter, a big letter,
Difficult, ordered!
Letter to letter, line to line,
Not even forgotten points
No mistakes, no blots,
There are eight stamps on the envelope!!
...Hello, Grandma Tanya,
Your granddaughter Ksyusha is writing to you.
I miss you so much
And I dream about the meeting.
I save you cookies
Come visit us on Sunday
I'm waiting, grandma, with impatience,
Definitely...with jam!!

Someone in the house
Locked in the fridge
Peppers in a teapot
Who poured
Punish. whether.
not really
He sheds tears.
Pours into the palm
Maybe. too

The soap lathers quickly.
Foaming. Not lazy.
Washes dirty fingers.
Washes white.
The fingers were different
All day business:
in paint.
And second
in putty.
in plasticine.
in shoe polish.
Fifth finger
in soot.
You can't even see your finger!
Washcloth.soap, foam
Fingers by all means
Washed clean.
And Gena will take it.
Back to business!

The son asks the father:
-I wonder why
Ear two. language is one.
Well, I don't get it, do I?
- Okay. what did you ask.
Let me explain, Ilyusha,
To talk less.
And LISTEN more!

Dad was proud today!
He baked a huge ohm cake.
The cake is beautiful and fluffy.
But he was so salty
Surprisingly tasteless.
Papa walks sad, sad.

He explained to everyone
How he confused salt with sand
Spoke. What is clueless.
Sorry dad! Seen new
This is the Japanese recipe.
Sprinkle salt on each layer!

Grandma, you too
Was it small?
And she loved to run
And plucked flowers?
And played with dolls
You, grandma, right?
What hair color was
Do you have then?

So I will also
Grandma and me?
Is to stay
Can't be small?

Heat stands in the middle of the yard,
Stands and roasts in the morning.
Climb into the depths of the yard -
And in the depths stands the Heat.
It's time for the heat to leave
But all out of spite is the Heat.
Today, tomorrow and yesterday
Everywhere Heat, Heat, Heat...
Well, isn't she lazy?
Stand in the sun all day?

From what
So much light?
From what
Is it warm around?
That's why
What is summer
For the whole summer came to us.

And every day
Everything is longer
Whatever the day
Well, the nights
Night from night
Getting shorter and shorter...

Hooray! New Years is soon!
A miracle holiday is coming.
With mom in the morning I will decorate
All the more beautiful our Christmas tree.

For Santa Claus to notice
Improved, became very cheerful,
And listen to my rhyme
Gave me a bag of candy!

- Geese, geese. - Ha-ha-ha. -Do you want to? -Yes Yes Yes. So fly home. - A gray wolf under the mountain. He sharpens his teeth, drinks water, He doesn't let us pass. - Well, fly as you wish. Just take care of your wings. =

The hen went out for a walk
Pinch fresh herbs. And behind her are the boys, the Yellow Chickens. - Co-co-co, co-co-co Do not go far. Row with your paws, look for grains. They ate a fat beetle, Earthworm. We drank some water Full trough. =

A frog came to our house
I scattered all the toys, I looked around the mess And said quietly: "Quak ..." =

Ate on the edge -
Up to the top of the sky - They listen, they are silent, They look at their grandchildren. And the grandchildren-Christmas trees, Thin needles At the forest gates Lead a round dance! =

under the porch
a house was built - the Bast Roof. Who lives in that house? Well, mice of course! From the grain they bake Delicious cakes And protect the mouse From the neighbor's cat. =

HIGH multi-storey house, Like a giant - big and important. Squat and LOW house In comparison with a giant - a dwarf. =

Once - jump!
Two - jump! High ceiling! I'm jumping, I'm flying, I want to become tall! =

almonds, almonds,
Let's bake pancakes. We'll put it on the window. Let's make it cool down. And when they get cold, we'll eat, And we'll give it to the sparrows. =

One-two, three-four
We count the holes in the cheese. If there are many holes in the cheese, It means that the cheese will be delicious, If there is one hole in it, It means that it was delicious yesterday !! =

Poems for memorizing the name of the fingers.
Big and Thick Finger Went to the garden for plums. Pointer from the threshold Showed him the way. The middle finger is the most accurate, He removes plums from a branch. The nameless one eats, And the little finger-master Plants bones in the ground. =

The mouse has a whole feast,
The mouse eats delicious cheese. Mom asks: “Pee-pee-pee! Buy me some more cheese!” =

Kitty played with a bow,
Quietly rolled with her paws, Run away, caught up: “Meow! Meow! I'm tired!" =

One, two, three, four, five
Went fingers for a walk, Made friends, circled And bowed to each other! =

Rain, rain pours everywhere.
The chicks are happy in the nest. Mom will stay at home. It won't fly away. =

Piglet was surprised:
- Oh, how long have I not washed! Reluctance to be dirty ... And he went to the swamp. =

The owl is old, the owl is smart.
He sits on the window like a king On a dark and moonless night He lit a lantern for his friends =

We played football with Murka,
They kicked the ball around the apartment. Murka likes football I wanted to score a goal for her, I missed it quite a bit The ball flew out the window ... =

If the frost ends
The snow will melt white What will Santa Claus Poor man do? Water will run from it Streams to the floor. Then it will also drip from his beard. Good Santa Claus Dear, beloved Hide Santa Claus In our refrigerator! =

Hanging on the tail monkey
And by birth she is an African Though her height is small Zatyo her tail Longer than the monkey herself. =

Here are two bear acrobats
By the name of Misha and Fedya Let's see now How Shaggy Misha and Fedya start dancing =

The cat had a dream
Count up to 100 in your mind. The place will be quieter, The cat will think, But again the mice come out And start a round dance. So that no one interfered with solving a difficult task, the Cat behaved differently ... And there were exactly 100 mice in the old dacha! The chicken began to count Little chickens: Five black and five yellow, And only a dozen) The mouse said to the mouse: “How much I love books! I can't read them, but I can eat them!" =

Ay choo-choo-choo-choo-choo
I'm milking peas. I milk peas On a lilac current. A chicken is running towards me. Caulker is in a hurry. Oh, she's running, in a hurry, she doesn't say anything. A feather from a chicken flew far away. It flew far to Ivanovo village. At Ivanov's yard, the water caught fire. The fire was extinguished throughout the village, but the fire was not extinguished. Grandfather Foma came, Shaking beard... He drove people into the barn, Extinguished the fire alone! How Thomas put out the fire, He did not say about it. Only heard from the side: He put out his beard) =

I am a magic comb
I am friends with any hairstyle, All of me, brothers, on the shoulder, I want to decorate you. =

If the hair is neat
Everyone around you is so pleasant, Everyone admires you, They can’t look away. =

The word is like a key
Golden and fabulous, Like the brightest ray, Call him “Please”. In the yard, in the family, in the garden, This word works, For the one who is in harmony with it, Everything in the world will come true.