Safe baby baths. What means to care for the baby's skin and how to choose them correctly

Your baby's health and strong immune system depend on proper hygiene. Therefore, at the birth of a child, it is important to purchase all the necessary care products in advance. The skin of the child is very delicate, thin and sensitive, so the baby needs special cosmetics. To make the right choice, you need to know what hygiene products a newborn needs, as well as which manufacturers you can trust.

The minimum set of hygiene products includes:

  • baby talc, produced in dry and liquid forms;
  • liquid or bar baby soap;
  • baby shampoo;
  • wet wipes;
  • cotton pads and sticks;
  • cream;
  • baby oil.

Cosmetics for newborns must be bought only in specialized stores. Be sure to check the date of manufacture, as well as the appearance of the package.

Baby soap

It is used for washing and cleansing the skin. Regardless of the purpose, soap should not contain aggressive and chemical components. To cleanse the skin, it is not recommended to use soap before the baby reaches the age of eight weeks.

To wash the baby, it is better to use liquid soap. It contains more emollients, so it dries the skin less. Use soap to cleanse the skin should be no more than once a week. It is recommended to choose a product that includes honey, oil, glycerin and herbal extracts.

Bath foam

The baby needs daily bathing. To do this, you can use soft bath foam. The baby needs to buy products based on surfactants. High-quality bath foams do not dry out the skin. However, they should not be used more than twice a week.

A good option is to use universal products for washing skin and hair. They cleanse the skin well, make the hair soft and easy to comb.

Cotton swabs and discs

To process the navel, ears and nose of the baby, you will need to use cotton swabs. However, ordinary sticks are not suitable for this. It is recommended to choose sticks with a limiter so as not to damage the nasal mucosa or the auricle. Pay attention to the quality of cotton buds. Cotton wool should be securely fixed to the base, and the container should be tightly closed.

You will need cotton pads to apply baby oil, treat rashes, and clean your ears. You can use high-quality makeup remover discs, or purchase special ones for children.


Wash your hair with shampoo should not be more than once a week. In other cases, the hair should simply be rinsed with warm water, otherwise the hair will become dry and brittle.


A special baby cream is needed to nourish, moisturize, relieve inflammation and redness. The cream should be applied after bathing.

If the skin, more often in the groin area, has become inflamed, the cause may be prolonged wearing of diapers. In this case, you can use a special cream for diapers, which effectively fights against the occurrence of diaper rash.

baby oil

Special oil for children was included in the rating of the most necessary products for baby hygiene. The oil nourishes the skin and restores water balance. Baby oil can be used when changing diapers, when massaging the body, and also to lubricate the folds of the baby after bathing.

When choosing an oil, you should pay attention to its components. The composition of cosmetics for newborns should not include chemical fragrances and dyes.


This type of cosmetics is needed for children with oily skin. Powder is used when changing diapers. When choosing, preference should be given to a powder with a natural composition.

The composition of the powder may include corn flour, rice or potato starch, zinc, as well as extracts of medicinal herbs. If the product contains chemical components, the use of powder can cause an allergic reaction or close the pores.

Mandatory contents of a home cosmetic bag for a baby are wet wipes. They will become indispensable for a walk, as well as a quick diaper change if necessary. However, wet wipes should not be abused, as with frequent use they dry the skin.

When choosing napkins, you should pay attention to their aroma. It should be subtle and neutral. Baby wipes are usually soaked in cream or oil. Additionally, they may contain extracts of medicinal herbs.

Manufacturers of children's cosmetics

Each mother can answer the question herself, which cosmetics for babies is better. This is due to the fact that each child is individual and may react differently to a particular remedy. However, there is a list of manufacturers that are trusted by most modern parents:


Weleda baby cosmetics for newborns are of high quality, safe ingredients, as well as a wide range of products for every need. The disadvantages include the high cost.

Little Siberica

Cosmetics of a Siberian company with a European quality certificate. The composition of the products includes only environmentally friendly and harmless components. The cost of production is at an average level, so it will be available to everyone.


Cosmetics "Bübchen » is one of the most popular baby care products on the market. It combines excellent quality, affordable cost and a wide range of products for children of all ages. For the care of newborns, you should use only the "From the First Days" series, which does not contain harmful chemical additives.

"Our mother"

Cosmetics "Our mother » created specifically for newborns. The product line contains hypoallergenic products recommended for babies. A significant advantage of this product is its low cost.


German-made products specially designed for newborns. Its advantages include the use of vegetable oils instead of mineral ones. However, Sanosan products contain parabens that can harm baby's delicate skin.


The Japanese cosmetic brand Pigeon is very popular all over the world. Differs in safety and high quality. However, the composition also includes parabens and TEA, which cause an allergic reaction and overdrying of the skin.

Every mother wants to give her baby the best care. Therefore, the choice of children's cosmetics should be approached with special attention. If the product contains components that are in doubt, it is better to refuse to purchase it. Before using any remedy, it is necessary to test on a small area of ​​​​the baby's skin in the forearm.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

The baby is born defenseless and helpless. The task of parents is to help his little body go through a complex process of adaptation. Especially important is the care of children's skin, so delicate and thin, and therefore extremely sensitive. For newborns, special children's cosmetics are being developed to preserve the natural barrier of the skin and increase its protective forces.

Inexperienced mothers can get lost in a variety of products for babies and buy a lot of unnecessary, if not completely useless. Before you take care of buying baby cosmetics for newborns, you need to familiarize yourself with the selection criteria.

Making the right choice

What cosmetics to buy for a baby? The question is very responsible, because we are talking about the health of the little man. Therefore, do not point your finger at the sky, but study the important points of choice.

Enemies of quality cosmetics

  • dyes;
  • silicones;
  • animal fats;
  • vaseline, paraffin - refined products;
  • parabens (although their harmfulness has not yet been proven, it is better to choose products marked free paraben);
  • sulfates SLS and SLES ¬ - these surfactants should be avoided;
  • if cosmetics for newborns contain substances such as silicone (silicone), formaldehyde (formaldehyde), sulfate (sulfates) and various compounds with them, then you should not buy it.

Important requirements for children's cosmetics:

  • Components must be natural, hypoallergenic, non-toxic.
  • The packaging must be printed with the full composition of the components included in the cosmetic product.
  • The product must have a quality certificate.

Certification is a kind of “quality mark” of a product. Eco-labeled cosmetics of guaranteed quality.

Eco label

  • ECOCERT: products are 100% free of any harmful substances (dyes, silicones, emulsifiers, mineral oils, fragrances, fatty alcohols, propylene glycol, etc.).
  • BDIH: products with this quality mark are made without GMOs, they do not contain petroleum products, fragrances, dyes, only beeswax can be found from animal origin components.
  • ICEA: products with this certificate are strictly standardized. All ingredients in cosmetics are environmentally friendly, there are certain requirements for all, there are no prohibited and harmful components in the composition.
  • COSMOS (COSMetic Organic Standard) includes several other significant European certification schemes and combines them into a single standard, which, by the way, is the most stringent in terms of the quality of cosmetics. There are 2 levels of certification: ORGANIC and NATURAL. The packaging will have a primary certification label (eg BDIH or ICEA).
  • NATRUE: This mark on the packaging indicates that cosmetics are guaranteed to be natural.

Cosmetics for newborns

Now that we have figured out the quality and safety of cosmetics for babies, it's time to understand which cosmetics will suit newborns in the first place, and what can wait with the purchase.

So, the set of products for caring for a newborn includes:

Wet wipes

Many pediatricians teach parents that babies up to 3-4 weeks old do not need any cosmetics. Moreover, such small ones still cannot be bathed, and it is not particularly recommended to take them out into the street. Kids are washed away with clean running water from the tap, and this is enough. Soap, shampoo, creams and other products can be used a little later.

Wet wipes are a must for newborn care. They "rescue" not only on a walk or on a trip, but also at home, when the baby is slightly dirty.

But as for wet wipes, then they are indispensable. The kid burped, got his hands dirty, you couldn’t wash him clean (very important for young parents) or you have nowhere to wash him (you are in the country, on the road, there is no water) - use a napkin. And of course, it is impossible to do without napkins on a walk.


  • You need to buy only wipes that do not contain alcohol. Alcohol can cause overdrying of the skin, which will lead to irritation.
  • Do not use wipes instead of water treatments. The child must be washed with water. No matter how high-quality napkins are, they can still cause irritation. Treat them as an improvised tool designed to make your life easier.

Cream or lotion for a diaper

Whether or not to buy this remedy depends on which diaper you are going to use. Some premium diapers already contain moisturizing body lotion (eg Pampers Active Baby or Pampers Premium Care). Phyto-diapers Sun Herbal do not require a special cream. If your choice is a more budget option, then it is better to purchase a diaper cream to protect the baby's skin.

If your baby's skin turns red and breaks out under the diaper, you will need a special diaper cream to reduce irritation.

As a rule, such a cream or lotion has a drying effect, so ordinary talc or can be its analogue.
Oil for the newborn

should be in the arsenal of cosmetics. It will be needed for massage, to soften dry and rough spots on the skin. It is good to wipe the ass and folds on the legs with oil after washing the baby.

Another remedy that a newborn will need from the very first days of life. It can be used for massage, and after bath procedures, wipe the wrinkles on the arms and legs. Oil is good to soften rough and rubbed places (folds between the legs). It is indispensable for dryness and flaking.


  • Buy with a gentle pleasant smell. A strong aroma indicates the presence of a fragrance.
  • The texture should not be very oily.
  • Oils should not be abused, use them only when necessary, because the baby's skin "breathes" with pores, and excess cosmetic clogs them.


Many mothers believe that the use of shampoo at such a tender age is not a necessity: “less chemicals - less allergies”, “there is nothing to wash there yet” - these are their main arguments.

However, do not rush to give up shampoo! Modern pediatricians and therapists are confident that caring for children's hair at an early age is a guarantee of their beauty and health in the future.

When you wash your hair, you not only wash off dirt, fat and dead cells, but also massage, heal and nourish the skin and hair (of course, subject to high-quality shampoo).

Shampoo will be needed a little later - after 1 month. This is an important tool for baby hair care, and don't look that he has a little more of them.


  • Shampoo should be used no earlier than 3 weeks of age of the baby, or even later. The skin on its head is very thin, it is easy to injure it.
  • Even high-quality shampoos are applied in a microscopic dose and no more than once a week.


Up to 5-6 months, the baby does not sweat yet, does not get dirty with food, does not crawl on the floor, where he can get into dust and dirt with his pen. During this period, you can do without soap.

You will begin to fully use soap from about six months. You should choose one that does not contain aggressive substances. You don't need an allergy! You can use ordinary soap (bar), liquid and cream soap.

The choice of soap should be very careful, as this is the product that the child will use much more often than others.

It is better if the soap contains emollients (lanolin, glycerin, oils, etc.) and nutrients (wax, honey), as well as anti-inflammatory additives (eucalyptus, sage, chamomile, etc.).


  • It is very good if the whole family will use the selected soap. This will help to avoid allergic reactions when in contact with the baby.

Body milk

Moisturizes and protects baby's skin after bathing. The milk has a liquid consistency, so it is easily absorbed and quickly restores the water-fat balance of the skin.

Body milk (unlike cream) usually has a liquid consistency, absorbs well and quickly, does not make the skin greasy. If the baby's skin is not too dry and flaky, then it is better to choose milk.


  • Before buying, be sure to read for what age the remedy is (0+ or ​​6 months+).
  • For newborns, choose milk without a strong aroma: if it irritates the baby, the child will not be able to fall asleep and will be nervous.

Bathing gel

The gel differs from soap in that it is softer and more nutritious, it better moisturizes the skin due to the addition of various useful additives to its composition. It is made on the basis of vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, palm, etc.). Thus, the gel is less aggressive, but at the same time it washes away dirt just as well as soap.

When choosing how to bathe a baby - soap or gel - many mothers tend to gel. It is softer, enriched with beneficial additives that make the skin soft and velvety.


  • Up to 5 years, you can not wash a child with antibacterial gels - they dry the skin very much.
  • Before the first use, the gel should be checked for an allergic reaction, for which a small amount is applied to any part of the skin. If the skin does not turn red, does not begin to peel off, then the product is suitable for you.

This is not all cosmetics for children, which is offered in stores. However, this is the most necessary. Optionally, you can include in the list such products as body cream (for nutrition, removing redness and inflammation, eliminating peeling), bath foam, protective (from the sun), anti-inflammatory and wound-healing cosmetics.

Manufacturers you can trust

Brands that produce children's cosmetics, the sea. But good manufacturers can be counted on the fingers. Let's count.

TOP 5 best brands

  1. Weleda (Germany) is the best you can choose for your baby: safe ingredients, high quality production. Certified by Natrue and BDIH and that says it all. Of the minuses - expensive.
  2. Little Siberica (Siberia) is a children's line of the Natura Siberica brand. This Siberian company managed to get European certification, which indicates the high quality of its products and absolutely harmless composition. Indeed, in the composition of the cosmetics of this series you will see only natural ingredients. And the price does not bite, although in order to keep its lower limit, the company had to save on packaging. It should be noted that not all Little Siberica products are certified (certification is not given to the entire line, but to each product separately). If the product is certified, there will be a mark on the bottle - COSMOS-Standard organic.
  3. Sanosan (Germany). The main advantage of the products of this company is that it is made on vegetable oils, and not on mineral ones. But there is a minus - it contains parabens.
  4. Bubchen (Germany). The cosmetics of this company is quite common, it combines good quality and an adequate price. It is worth noting here that Bübchen produces many lines, and not all of them are of high quality and safe. Without a doubt, you can only take funds from the "From the First Days" series. They do not contain any harmful ingredients.
  5. Pigeon (Japan). Japanese cosmetics is rapidly conquering the world. In Russia, it is also becoming more and more popular. Pigeon cosmetics are declared as high-quality and safe for children's skin. In general, this is true, but there is a minus: in the composition you will find TEA (triethanolamine can cause allergies, dry skin), parabens and compounds with sulfates. If you want to save money (Japanese cosmetics are quite expensive), then choose a product in soft packaging.

Look for your remedy

It is not always easy to answer the question of which cosmetics is the best, because everything is individual for everyone. The use of even the highest quality product cannot guarantee that any of its natural ingredients will not cause allergies. Therefore, advice: if this or that product suits you, use it further, do not change it. In this age of allergies, any experimentation with cosmetics can be costly. Take care of the health of your children!

In addition to cosmetics for every day, there is a category of products whose task is to protect against exposure. The baby's skin is quite thin, so those factors that adults do not pay attention to can have a detrimental effect on children's skin.

These funds include:

  1. Sun protection.
  2. Winter.
  3. Anti-inflammatory and healing.


In summer, baby's skin needs special care. Exposure to sunlight may cause burns.

To prevent this, they use products with SPF protection from 15 to 50.

The components of these products should contain only natural moisturizing ingredients, preferably fragrance-free. Apply 20 minutes before going outside.


In winter, as well as in autumn, with strong winds, irritation and redness of the skin are possible.

Special attention should be given to cheeks, lips and hands.

Used for winter care fat cream. It creates a protective film on the skin. It is a barrier that prevents chapping and frostbite of the skin.

When buying, carefully study the composition. Buy creams without dyes and parabens.

Anti-inflammatory and healing

When a child becomes mobile, then abrasions and bruises are indispensable. Inexhaustible energy and the absence of "brakes" does its job.

For a speedy recovery you can use anti-inflammatory and healing cream. The components included in its composition kill bacteria on the surface and accelerate cell regeneration.

Such creams cope with rashes and diaper rash on the skin which are especially common in newborns.

What requirements should children's cosmetics meet?

The requirements for all children's products, including cosmetics, are similar. These include:

When choosing cosmetics, look not only at the popularity of the brand, but also carefully study the composition.

A product that is ideal for one child may be the cause of severe allergies for another.

What to look for when choosing

Now there is no shortage of goods, therefore, in order to successfully sell, manufacturers go to many tricks and tricks.

This list, first of all, includes bright packaging and the promise of an all-natural product, written in large letters.

Where to buy?

Often parents, due to the complete lack of free time, make purchases in raids, and completely ignoring the store. It is not right.

Select verified points. BUT it is better to buy in specialized stores and pharmacies. This will protect you from negligent sellers who sometimes overwrite the expiration date just to sell the product.


Study the composition carefully. It is desirable that there are no fragrances, dyes, mineral oils, as well as petroleum products, which are hidden under the simple name of paraffin oils (vaseline, ceresin, paraffin).

Best before date

When choosing a product, you need to not only look to see if it is suitable best before date towards its end, but also for its duration. The larger it is, the wider the list of preservatives in the composition.

Smell and color

These factors should not hint at their chemical origin. Let it be better white or transparent color and slight unobtrusive odor.

Child's age

When choosing a cosmetic product pay attention to age indicated on the package. If you see the symbols "0+", then feel free to take it for any age.

This means that the product can be used on newborns. Its composition is the softest and safest.

Popular manufacturers

Among domestic manufacturers, the most popular are:

It is impossible to build a certain hierarchy, since the popularity of different means of the manufacturer's line is not the same.

Perhaps, the Ushasty Nyan brand has the largest selection of products: from cleaners and detergents to personal care products.

The price of goods of domestic manufacturers is mostly affordable and targeted at a wide range of consumers. In terms of quality, many products are not inferior to Western products.

Most of the funds of Western manufacturers cannot be classified as budget.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy an expensive product, study the composition. Perhaps a worthy remedy can be found from a domestic manufacturer and at an affordable price.

But there are times when it is better to overpay and buy a good product with a safe composition.

Popular Western manufacturers:

Every mother wants to give her baby the very best. Nobody doubts it. Pay more attention to the choice of children's cosmetics.

Pay attention to composition. If in doubt, then it is better to refuse this product. Test makeup on a small patch of skin.

If there is the slightest suspicion of a negative reaction, feel free to throw the product in the trash. The health of the baby is the key to his bright future!

The birth of a child is not only a great happiness, but a great responsibility. In the first months after the birth of a baby, a very important point is the choice of special products that are designed to cleanse and care for the baby's skin.

We offer you to get acquainted with important information about what exactly is extremely necessary for the baby, how to choose the right product.

What cosmetics does a newborn need?

Immediately after birth, the baby requires careful and constant care, certain means can provide this. These include special children's cosmetics, which are available in stores in a wide variety. All products differ not only in packaging and price, but also in the components that are present in the composition. Many people have a question: “How to choose the right one from all the variety?”.

Types of cleansing products needed

At first, the baby needs products that can cleanse the skin without damage. An important point when choosing cosmetics is its expiration date, if it exceeds a year, it contains a lot of preservatives that can be harmful to a child.

Consider what cosmetics a baby needs:

  • baby soap. It is usually used for washing and bathing the baby. Doctors recommend starting to use soap only after reaching the age of two months. Liquid soap with a low content of substances is considered ideal for unprotected skin. When buying, you need to focus on the presence of useful components;
  • shampoo . Children's skin is very sensitive, and this remedy has a zero pH level, however, it is still better to try not to get it on the mucous membrane. It is better to use after reaching three weeks of age. You need to apply with light slow movements;
  • baby cream. It should solve several problems at once: relieve inflammation, remove peeling, moisturize and nourish the skin. To get rid of diaper rash after a diaper, it is better to use a special cream. It is better to moisturize the skin after bathing;
  • powder . Ideal for protection against diaper rash. The composition is very important, in the right product should be present: starch, talc, flour, aloe, zinc and chamomile. The presence of chemical elements can lead to clogged pores and subsequent allergies;
  • baby oil. This universal remedy is used to moisturize the skin, as well as for massage. Everyone knows that in newborns a crust appears on the head, oil applied an hour before bathing easily helps to get rid of it. After bath procedures, everything is easily combed out, leaving the skin clean;
  • wet wipes. Used to cleanse the skin outside the walls of the house. If possible, wash your baby with soap and water. The smell should not be felt, herbal extracts can be additional components.

Protective cosmetics

Baby's skin needs protection from environmental influences.

These products can be divided into the following types:

  • sun protection . In summer, sunlight causes burns. For protection, products based on natural ingredients with an SPF protection level of 15 to 50 are used. It is recommended to apply preparations a few minutes before sun exposure;
  • winter . In cold weather, strong winds can lead to irritation and redness of defenseless skin. For the face, it is recommended to use a cream with a greasy base, it creates a good protective film, which becomes a kind of barrier, preventing chapping or frostbite. The combination of components must be natural, without the presence of dyes or parabens;
  • healing. The mobility of the baby often ends with abrasions and bruises. For faster healing, it is recommended to use an anti-inflammatory cream. Its components lead to the reduction of bacteria and improve cell regeneration. They also do a good job with various skin irritations.

Acquaintance with the list of cosmetics for newborns is over, it remains to find out the requirements and ratings of popular brands.

Requirements for popular brands

When deciding which cosmetics to buy for baby hygiene, pay attention not only to the brand name, but also study the composition very carefully.

For all children's products, the same requirements apply, consider what information should be on the package and not only:

  • natural substances in the composition;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • the absence of various fragrances and dyes;
  • complete security;
  • an indication of all the components included in the composition;
  • absence of mineral oils and alcohol;
  • having a certificate.

Do not base your choice on the experience of other parents, because, as practice shows, a remedy can suit one child and cause severe allergies in another. After all, only personal experience will show what cosmetics a newborn needs.

Factors to consider when buying:

  1. So that the baby does not become a victim of bad sellers who erased the expiration date, and the components of the composition of the foreign manufacturer were translated completely and correctly, it is better to purchase baby cosmetics for newborns in pharmacies;
  2. The expiration date indicated on the packaging should not be too long. After all, everyone knows that the longer it is, the larger the list of different preservatives in the composition of the product;
  3. The smell and color of cosmetics should not be saturated, ideally when it is a colorless liquid with a slight aroma;
  4. The age of the baby indicated on the package is also important. Choose cosmetics for babies, on which the symbol "0+" is necessarily present.

Brand rating

Today, a huge number of children's cosmetics, both domestic and foreign, are presented on the market.

We offer you to get acquainted with the rating of cosmetics for newborns. Domestic manufacturers: "Eared nanny", "Our mother", "Little fairy", "My sun". Foreign manufacturers: "Sanosan", "Bubchen", "Johnson's Baby".