What is a 3 year old kid interested in? Treats for the animals. At this stage of development, your child should be able to

The development of children who are 3-4 years old should be carried out taking into account their age and psychological characteristics. At this age, kids are very active, inquisitive and are drawn to gaining new knowledge. At the same time, they still do not know how to concentrate well enough, and therefore it is important that during classes there is a systematic change of exercises, physical activity alternates with mental.

Educational activities for children 3-4 years old should include development exercises:

  • fine motor skills;
  • speech apparatus;
  • vocabulary;
  • mathematical knowledge;
  • logic;
  • artistic skills.

The comprehensive development of a preschooler contributes to the formation of the necessary skills, abilities and mental abilities.

The principle of building classes for preschoolers

All classes for preschool children are based on the principle of game learning and development. Toddlers learn better information that is presented to them unobtrusively, in the form of a game.

Classes should be carried out after a night or daytime sleep- this is the time when the preschooler is ready to learn new material. The duration of classes should not exceed 25 minutes.

For classes, you need to prepare the props, draw up a plan and think over the script. It is better if all the exercises of one lesson will be united by a common plot. This may be a certain fairy-tale hero who came to visit the baby and needs help. The latter helps the guest to solve problems and find a way out of the situation, simultaneously assimilating the material and the necessary knowledge.

Knowledge and skills of children 3-4 years old

A preschooler at the age of 3-4 years already has a certain amount of experience and a set of knowledge. Usually at this age, children are able to:

  • distinguish and name colors;
  • count up to 10;
  • collect simple puzzles from 4 - 6 parts;
  • remove an extra item according to the specified characteristics;
  • see and name inconsistencies;
  • memorize easy rhymes.

When developing a scenario for a lesson with a preschooler, these nuances should be taken into account. Too simple exercises will not arouse interest in the baby, and complex ones, in addition to misunderstanding, can provoke a protest.

Tasks for the development of children 3-4 years old

By developing a scenario for classes, you can show creativity and come up with exercises on your own. Another option is to use ready-made exercises used by teachers in preschool institutions.

The following exercises will help develop the logic and attention of the child:


At the age of 3-4 years, children already know how to count up to 10, distinguish larger from smaller, short from long, name the main geometric shapes.

Speech development

At the age of 3, a child already knows how to maintain a dialogue, speak simple sentences. He understands and uses the pronouns "I" and "we", can tell what is drawn in the picture.

  1. Daily articulatory gymnastics, learning and pronunciation of tongue twisters and poems will help improve the sound side of speech.
  2. Show your child a picture and ask them to make a short story based on it.
  3. "As Animals Say" This exercise is relevant both for playing with young children and for classes with preschoolers. Pay special attention to the purity of the spoken sounds.
  4. Read a short story to your child and ask him to retell the story.

The world

Children 3 years old already know how to distinguish domestic animals from wild ones, berries from fruits, fish from birds, etc. They name the signs of the seasons, distinguish the time of day.

Music lessons

It is necessary to develop a child of 3-4 years old not only mentally, but also physically. Active motor activity with musical accompaniment has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional mood of a preschooler. Music lessons help to instill aesthetic taste, learn to feel the rhythm and navigate in space.

  1. Invite your child to dance to different music: rhythmic, melodic, mischievous, sad. Let him not only repeat the movements in the dance, but also learn to hear and convey the mood of the piece of music. Explain that under slow music, movements should be smooth and measured, and under rhythmic - fast.
  2. Learn a children's song with your baby and come up with a dance for her together.
  3. Sing a well-known song to a different motive: cheerful, sad, inquiring. Let the baby also try to sing this song, changing the intonation of the voice.


At the age of 3-4 years, children are actively developing creative abilities. Kids are happy to cut, glue, draw and make simple crafts under the supervision of adults.

fine motor skills

The development of fine motor skills is facilitated by the work with hands. This can be modeling from plasticine, the use of mosaics in the classroom, beads and buttons. During an activity involving the use of small objects, it is necessary to carefully monitor that the child does not bring them to his mouth and does not taste.

Classes for children 3-4 years old should be aimed at the comprehensive development of the preschooler. Any, even insignificant achievement of the child should be celebrated and encouraged. If some exercises cause difficulty for him, he should prompt and help without expressing his dissatisfaction. The right way to organize and conducting classes will help develop the cognitive activity of the crumbs and lay the foundation for a future positive attitude towards acquiring new knowledge.

Many parents, upon reaching their age of three, begin to notice with horror that he simply becomes like the protagonist of the cartoon "Imp with a Fluffy Tail". No punishment, encouragement, remarks, modern methods help, and the child continues to do everything in his own way, to behave badly, not paying attention to all the efforts of relatives. It's all about the first age that the baby is experiencing during this period. Parents should be patient and give the baby as much time as possible, and, along with education, actively engage in both his physical and mental. Our article will help you figure out what a child should know and be able to do at 3 years old, with the help of what games you can develop his physical form and intelligence.

Physical parameters: growth rates, weights and others

If you are wondering if the physical parameters of your baby correspond to the normative indicators for this age and if there are any problems with, we suggest that you measure him, circumference, chest circumference and compare them with the data developed by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Here are the averages for:

  • height - from 92.4 to 99.8 cm;
  • weight - from 12.7 to 16.2 kg;
  • head circumference - from 48 to 50.9 cm;
  • chest circumference - from 50.8 to 54.6 cm.

If your son's growth indicators are at around 85 cm and below, or at around 107.2 cm and above, then this is a call to the fact that the baby should be shown to specialists. It is possible that the child has a genetic predisposition to short (high) growth, and perhaps the discrepancy with the average standard indicators is a consequence of a health problem, growth pathology.

The same applies to indicators of how much a child should weigh at 3 years old. Critically low body weight for a three-year-old is 10 kg and below, critically high is 20.7 kg and above.

With regard to head circumference and chest circumference, usually at three years of age, discrepancy with the average for the first time is very rare. Most likely, if a large or small head is evidence of the presence of a disease, then this problem was already identified at an earlier age. However, we note that y are considered low head circumference at around 45.2 cm and below, high - 53.7 cm and above.
For averages are:

  • height - from 91.2 to 98.9 cm;
  • weight - from 12.2 to 15.8 kg;
  • head circumference - 47.1 to 49.9 cm;
  • chest circumference - 50.3-53.9 cm.

Low scores are:

  • height - from 83.6 cm and below;
  • weight - from 9.6 kg and below;
  • head circumference - from 44.3 cm and below.
Critically high rates:
  • height - 106 cm and above;
  • weight - from 20.9 kg and above;
  • head circumference - from 52.7 cm and above.

The increase in height and weight, both in boys and in boys, should be stable, without sudden jumps or downtime for a long time.
At this age, adipose tissue is replaced with muscle tissue, so the kids no longer look “puffy”. Their neck lengthens, their shoulders widen, their shoulder blades become convex, their arms and legs stretch out, and their spine bends naturally. But the stomach is still in a convex state. As other parts of the body increase, the head no longer appears large. In general, the body begins to take on a proportional appearance.

Baby development

Both up to the age of three, and upon reaching it, it is important for parents to monitor the physical and mental development of the baby. After the obligatory visits to the pediatrician are a thing of the past, mothers and fathers especially need to carefully monitor the state of health, psyche and intelligence of the child in order to pay attention to the problem that has arisen in time and start eliminating it earlier. If the child is planned to be sent to a kindergarten, then he will need to go through a medical commission. How the baby is physically developed will be checked by a pediatrician and an orthopedic surgeon. His intelligence will be assessed by a neurologist.

A number of requirements are put forward for the development of a three-year-old child. After reviewing them, parents themselves can determine whether the level of their baby corresponds to his age. Below we give the standard requirements for the development of a child at 3 years old.


For a kid of this age group, it is already interesting to run, jump, play ball - throw it and catch it, dance. When practicing and playing, he uses both hands. Can walk with different types of steps at different paces, on toes, backwards, up and down stairs. It already keeps balance well when walking on a narrow or sloping surface.

It should be easy for him to perform two movements at the same time, such as stamping his foot and clapping his hands.

It is desirable that at this age the little man has already mastered a tricycle or has confidently learned to pedal.
Development is very important for a baby gross and fine motor skills. In this regard, he should already learn the following actions:

  • independently take off shoes with Velcro fasteners;
  • independently unbutton buttons;
  • drink from a cup without spilling the drink;
  • hold a pencil;
  • unwrap candy.

Did you know? At the age of three, Belgian children already go to school, and in Arab countries, camel racing is allowed from this age..


The three-year-old becomes more patient, assiduous, and can restrain some of his emotions.

At the same time, he is more capricious, more often acts contrary to adults, more stubborn, touchy. At the same time, he is increasingly striving to be independent. The phrase "I myself" can now be heard several times a day.

He memorizes poetry well, can remember what emotionally vivid things happened to him throughout the year.

Games - in the first place in the leisure of the baby. In the game, the child begins to like to play a role, to transform.
More and more questions appear in his vocabulary: “why?”, “why?”, “when”, etc.

The mental abilities of the crumbs are age-appropriate if he knows:

  • eight colors;
  • the location of the object - close, far;
  • the difference in the size of objects - more, less;
  • pet names;
  • differences between tree, shrub, flower, grass;
  • simple geometric shapes.

He can make a simple application, draw a simple drawing, a circle, an oval, mold a simple plasticine figure.

Did you know? Numerous observations of physicians and teachers indicate that most boys begin a little later than girls. This is due to the fact that girls usually develop faster in the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for speech, and in boys, the right hemisphere, which controls orientation in space, motor activity, and imagination.

If you are interested in the question of how a child should be at 3 years old, then his speech should be understandable to adults, even to outsiders. He can already compose complex sentences, build phrases of five or six words, name objects in the proposed picture. Expresses feelings and needs in words. Knows his first and last name. Distinguishes people by age. He is aware of and can name his gender, parts of his body.


At 3 years old, the child should develop the following everyday skills:

  • self-undressing, with a little help from parents;
  • knowledge of the purpose of many items in the house;
  • the ability to fulfill requests “take”, “bring”, “give”;
  • washing hands with soap;
  • self spoon and fork;
  • use of a napkin, handkerchief, comb;
  • the correct use of the words "thank you", "please", "hello", "goodbye".

Important! If, after reading the above requirements, it turned out that your child still does not know how, do not despair. You can still catch up and develop with daily practice and exercise..

Deviations from development

Particular attention should be paid if:

  • the baby has a limited vocabulary;
  • he cannot form sentences, but speaks only in single words;
  • does not know how and does not show initiative;
  • does not hold a spoon on his own and does not eat with it;
  • plays primitive, monotonous games without a storyline.

All of the above situations require expert advice.

You should also be concerned if the child is frightened when communicating with adults, cannot play with anything for 5-10 minutes, is overly active, and is constantly aggressive.

Usually, developmental deviations are observed in children who were born as a result of complications, or who have an injury, a genetic predisposition, a serious illness, problems with, a history of traumatic brain injury. Children with cerebral palsy and mental illness also suffer from developmental delays. As a result of the above factors, there is a violation of the development of the brain and those of its departments that are responsible for speech and the psyche.

Educational games and exercises at 3 years old

We invite you to familiarize yourself with games and games designed specifically for the development of physical form, thinking, attention and speech of three-year-olds.


A three year old might be fine catch the ball, so you can often play various games with it using this projectile. Among them:

  • "catch the ball". Suitable for both adults and peers. The adult stands in front of the child, says "Masha (Sasha), catch the ball!" and throws the ball into his hands. The child must name the name or say "Mom (dad), catch the ball!";
  • "edible-inedible". An adult simultaneously pronouncing the names of vegetables, berries or any objects throws the ball to the child. If the word spoken by an adult means something edible, then the baby should catch the ball. If inedible, then beat off.

During the walk, the baby should ride on a swing, carousel, through a maze, climb a vertical ladder, go down a hill, jump on a trampoline.

Of the developing home games, a three-year-old child should have puzzles, cubes, a mosaic, a kaleidoscope.


To the complex you need to enter the following movements:

  • walking with alternating steps through low obstacles;
  • walking on an incline;
  • climbing and descending stairs;
  • jumping over a line on the floor;
  • standing long jump with both feet at the same time;
  • jumping from a small height;
  • running, running on toes;
  • body turns to the sides;
  • squats;
  • hanging on the crossbar;
  • somersaults;
  • cycling and scootering;
  • crawling through a tunnel or between objects;
  • depiction of walking and animal habits.

Fine motor skills should be developed through drawing, modeling from plasticine and dough, putting beads on a string, playing with cereals.

Attention can be developed through a simple game of "who is missing." Arrange five or six, let the baby carefully consider them. Then ask the baby to turn away and hide one toy. Next, you should ask the baby to guess which toy is missing. You can also play by changing the toys in places, adding any other toy. By playing this game regularly, you can achieve a high degree of concentration and development of short-term memory.
The game "parts of one whole" will allow the baby to develop thinking. Take a picture and cut it in half. Then ask the child to connect the parts. In the future, cut the picture into three, four parts. For this game, you can also use the simplest soft puzzles.

Logical thinking will help develop the game "who is superfluous." It is necessary to prepare cards with objects. Then lay out in front of the child four items with one extra in a logical chain. For example, among a hat, coat, mittens there will be a boot.

While dinner is being prepared in the kitchen, you can invite the child to play with the dishes. Having arranged the pots, put the lids from them in one place and ask the baby to correctly select them for each dish.

In autumn, you can collect leaves, make a herbarium, and then ask the child to remember which tree is from which leaf.

Every three-year-old will find the supermarket memory game interesting - you will need to ask the kid to go to the virtual store and buy four products. Each time the number of products needs to be increased.

Mathematical inclinations can be laid by playing, for example, in a puppet theater, when one puppet asks to bring another a certain amount of sweets or other items.

We develop speech

It can be done by reading books every day. One of the good exercises is guessing riddles. You should also learn poems, songs, tongue twisters. The vocabulary of a child at 3 years old should be up to 1.5 thousand words.

There are some games with which you can develop well child's language skills.

  • "What is it?" - a game when a parent puts several objects in front of the child and asks him to name the name and purpose of each of them. At the same time, he notes the correct answer and supplements it with a comment, expanding the knowledge of the baby.
  • "House Tour". Parent and child walk around the house and tell each other about the purpose of household items.
  • "Own history". You can take any book, open any picture and ask the child to tell a story from it, helping him and directing his thoughts.
  • "Shadow play". Surely the child will like the shadow theater. You can cut out any figures, highlight them with a lantern on the wall and play out dialogues with your child.
  • "Let's make a letter." Prepare a bag with painted letters in advance. Invite the child to draw the picture. Then carefully consider the letter, think about what details it consists of. Sculpt it from plasticine or dough.

Did you know? In most languages ​​of the world, the words "mother" and "dad" sound approximately the same. This is due to the fact that babbling babies pronounce the first sounds similar to the sound of these words.

Daily routine for a child

For a quality life, a child must adhere to. For stable work of the nervous, digestive and systems, a three-year-old child should sleep twice a day, at the same time at intervals of four hours, walk in the fresh air for at least four hours a day. He should have time for independent games and for games with parents.

General sleep rate for a three year old 12 hours per day. There may be the following distribution for daytime and nighttime sleep:

  • night - 10 hours;
  • daytime - 2 hours.

If the baby refuses during the day, then it is necessary to increase the duration of sleep at night. Sleep deprivation can have a negative impact on the overall development of a child.

Daily regime for a three-year-old who does not go to kindergarten, approximately might look like this:

  • 7.30 - getting up, hygiene procedures;
  • 7.40 - charging;
  • 8.00 - breakfast;
  • 8.40 - walk;
  • 12.00 - lunch;
  • 12.30 - daytime sleep;
  • 15.30 - awakening and games;
  • 16.00 - afternoon snack;
  • 16.50 - walk;
  • 19.30 - dinner;
  • 20.00 - hygiene procedures;
  • 20.30 - night sleep.

Important! It is necessary to ensure that the regime does not go astray. A slight shift of its components up to half an hour is allowed.

At the age of three, a lot of problems literally “fall down” on a child. Firstly, this is the age when most little people go to kindergarten, which means they experience a painful change from their native home environment to someone else's, kindergarten, and a long separation from their mother. Secondly, the first age crisis comes, which is connected with the fact that the child begins to realize himself as an independent person. Naturally, it is difficult for a small crumb to survive all these changes. Therefore, parents during this period need to pay special attention to the child, and his development as well. The main thing in this matter is first of all to create favorable conditions for the development of a full-fledged and healthy personality. Parents should understand that the behavior of the baby depends on how they behave themselves, and what emotional state they are in. Responsible parents always pay attention to problems in the development of the baby, consulting with specialists, or testing the baby on their own. If a problem with any direction of development is identified, they can deal with the child on their own or enroll it in developmental sections.

In this article:

At three years and three months, the development of the child allows him to learn to ride a tricycle without the help of adults. In addition, at this age, children independently know how to ride a swing, slide down a sled from small slides. They show great interest in peers, change toys with pleasure, play joint games.

It is still difficult for babies at three years and three months to perform several activities at the same time. At the same time, children are distinguished by courage and even desperation: almost all three-year-olds are not afraid of water, heights, they are happy to take risks if they feel the support of an adult. Three-year-olds are very energetic, they run a lot, dance, jump, play with the ball with pleasure.

Features of the cognitive development of a three-year-old

At three years and three months, the baby knows several primary colors, and also tries to identify some of the shades. If you ask the baby to find a particular color in the picture, he will do it with enthusiasm.

Toddlers at three years and three months demonstrate active cognitive development. They play with in-ear toys, putting the smaller ones into the larger ones,
they play with the pyramid, collecting it in the right order - by the colors of the rings or by size.

At this age, the development of a child can be accelerated by selecting games for him based on flat geometric shapes, such as a trapezoid, a circle, a square, a triangle. Children at the age of three years and three months already know how to distinguish them from each other, moreover, they will be able to navigate in the configuration of three-dimensional figures, choosing, for example, suitable holes for them.

How else is the cognitive development of the child expressed after three years? Here are his main skills in this area:

  • the child is able, while playing, to identify geometric shapes by touch and name them;
  • collects a pyramid of more than 10 rings;
  • folds a mosaic according to a drawing or diagram;
  • knows how to name large, small objects, giving a name to what is between them - “medium”;
  • puts together simple puzzles from several parts;
  • remembers the place where there was a toy hidden by adults, and points to it;
  • imitates writing and reading adults;
  • draws the missing details in the drawings;
  • draws geometric shapes;
  • draws author's pictures, explaining what is depicted on them;
  • sculpts simple figures;
  • makes simple applications according to templates.

After three years, children show a keen interest in role-playing, enjoying playing the roles of adults, such as mom, dad or caregiver. During the game, kids fantasize, come up with rules, actively use objects and substitute toys.

Features of the social and emotional development of the baby

At three years and three months, the social and emotional development of the child moves to a new level. For the baby during this period it is very important to feel the support and approval of adults. Children try to be more independent and independent, they are not afraid to take the initiative,
they are sincerely upset when things don't work out as planned, and are proud when everything goes according to plan.

A feeling of dominance over peers is especially pronounced at this age. It is very important for kids after three years to prove to themselves and adults that they are the best, regardless of whether it will be a rivalry in a race with the same kids or climbing a gymnastic ladder.

A three-year-old kid is curious and shows interest in everything that surrounds him. Interestingly, the long-term memory of the crumbs is based on experienced impressions, the shelf life of which can exceed a year or a half.

One of the achievements of a child of the fourth year of life is the control of emotions. In crowded places, the child already knows how to restrain screams and tantrums, tries to follow the rules of behavior, listens to the requests of adults and tries to fulfill them.

The baby shows disobedience in case of intentional restriction of his desires, as well as a lack of understanding by adults of what he wants to convey to them. The child insists on his own and is genuinely upset if he is punished or scolded.

Acting, in his opinion, badly, the child is tormented by shame and remorse. He knows that he did something wrong, and already foresees the negative reaction of adults to his act. Also, kids are able to evaluate the actions and behavior of other children, condemning them or encouraging them.

At this age, it is normal for babies to display a variety of emotions, ranging from jealousy to anger or joy. The kid already knows how to apply in practice
non-verbal ways of communication, uses facial expressions, gestures, postures and expressive movements.

It is also noteworthy that at three years and three months, the baby understands humor perfectly, listens with pleasure to fairy tales, songs, stories, experiences the emotions of the main characters, showing a desire to discuss their actions with adults.

At three years and three months, babies are especially emotionally responsive, respond positively to singing and music, try to dance, observing the rhythm, clap their hands to the beat of the music and stomp. Children give preference to cheerful music, bright pictures. Kids show interest in drawing and modeling, they just love outdoor games.

How does speech develop in a child?

At the age of three years and three months, babies already speak quite confidently, their active vocabulary contains many new words that they use when communicating, as well as for expressing feelings, desires, and impressions.

The speech of a three-year-old child is dominated by simple, grammatically correct sentences. In some cases subordinate clauses begin to appear in it. Very often the child comments on his own actions.

At three years and three months, the child's speech development is accompanied by the improvement of his oral literacy. The baby already changes words by cases and numbers, knows interrogative words, replenishes the stock of adjectives and adverbs, uses prepositions. The child listens to adults, memorizes and repeats whole phrases from songs, fairy tales and poems, tries to pronounce sounds and words as correctly as possible.

At the same age, children have a desire to rhyme. They are happy to invent rhymes, invent their own children's words, incomprehensible to adults, and follow the reaction of others around them. Toddlers willingly enter into a dialogue with both adults and children, name animals, insects, objects and phenomena in the pictures, give them simple descriptions.

Very often, it is at the age of three that parents decide to send their kids to kindergartens, believing that they are strong enough and their psycho-emotional development allows them to communicate with peers and caregivers without the presence of parents. Nevertheless, not all children, even at the age of three years and three months, are ready to enter kindergarten. The development of each baby is individual, therefore, before making such a decision, it does not hurt to consult with a pediatrician.

After three years, the active physical development of the child continues, which is expressed in a change in the proportions of his body, an improvement in physical qualities. The baby is stretched in growth, becomes more coordinated, fast and hardy. He does a lot, and most importantly, he practically does not get tired, trying to be constantly on the move.

In order for the development of the crumbs to proceed correctly, parents should take care of organizing the correct daily routine for him, preferably with daytime sleep or at least rest.

If you plan to register a child in a kindergarten, then you need to try to bring the home regime of the day as close as possible to the garden one. The baby will need to be awakened no later than eight in the morning, fed breakfast no later than nine, go for walks with him twice a day, be sure to teach him to be independent in respect of hygiene, if adults have been responsible for this so far.

It would be useful to take a walk with the baby near the kindergarten where it will be decorated, get to know the teacher, the children. Such simple actions will help the child prepare for admission to kindergarten, and his subsequent adaptation will be quick and painless.

Your baby has reached the age of three, and you can proudly boast that he has matured, wised up, you can negotiate with him, find out: what hurts him, what he wants, etc. It would seem that now you just need to rejoice and hope that there will be much less difficulties in education! Unfortunately, not everything is as simple as it seems. The fact is that many children at this age experience a crisis of three years, which is manifested by regular whims, discontent, causeless tantrums. In order to be mentally prepared for this difficult period, to analyze the development of your baby, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the age characteristics of children 3 years old.

Below I have detailed statistical information about what your child should know and be able to do after 3 years.

Physical development of a 3 year old baby

Toddlers 3 years old can do the following physical exercises:

  • walk on toes
  • run
  • jump off curbs, stairs, and other low heights
  • jump
  • climb stairs
  • slide down the children's slide
  • catch the ball
  • ride a tricycle
  • jump over a line drawn on the floor
  • overcome low obstacles.

Neuropsychic features of children 3 years old

Baby this age:

  • can speak phrases or simple sentences, including adjectives and adverbs
  • examines pictures or photographs with great interest, points with a finger at familiar faces, objects and names them.
  • plays role-playing games, for example: mother-daughter, hospital, shop, etc.
  • draws with a pencil, marker or felt-tip pen, depicting elementary figures, squiggles, dashes, etc. on a sheet of paper.
  • sculpts simple figures from plasticine in the form of a sausage, a ball, a mushroom ...
  • sculpts from the sand bees, houses ...
  • paint with finger paints
  • spins the phone dial
  • opens boxes, drawers, bags, lids
  • many things can be put on by yourself, and some with the help of an adult. At the age of three, the baby is able to unbutton and fasten buttons
  • independently uses a handkerchief, soap, comb, napkin, toothbrush and other personal hygiene products.
  • playing with a mosaic, he can lay out a beautiful picture, and playing with a designer, he can build a house, castle, garage or other structure.
  • shows independence, makes plans about what he is going to do, and in many cases without telling adults about it
  • likes to be the center of attention, likes others
  • listens to reading fairy tales, short stories, delving into the plot with great interest
  • distinguishes: what is good and what is bad (if parents tell him about it)
  • loves to play with other children, feels great in a team. Although some kids like to play on their own more, and the presence of other children nearby is perceived as a source of negative emotions. It will be problematic for such little ones to get used to kindergarten, so parents need to teach the baby to communicate with other people, children. You may need to seek the help of a psychologist.


In order for a three-year-old baby to develop normally, I recommend adhering to the correct daily routine:

  • the night sleep of the baby should last about 11 hours, and begin at 21.00 hours.
  • daytime sleep - about 1.5 hours

If the baby refuses daytime sleep, still try to persuade him, be persistent or resort to various tricks. For example, we lie down a little, but we won’t sleep, or let’s lie down, and I will read your favorite fairy tale to you. Remember that systematic lack of sleep is fraught with increased capriciousness of the child at the end of the day, his irritability and fatigue.

It should be noted another age-related features of children 3 years old - this is that they are overly emotional, and their mood can change dozens of times a day. What can you advise parents? Of course, be patient and calm, learn to switch the capricious from one emotional state to another, calmly talking to him, kissing, stroking, shaking, and sometimes tossing him up. Thanks to this, the baby will be distracted, calm down, smile or laugh.

Activities with a child

We train and develop a child of 2-3 years old, providing him with a wonderful atmosphere:

  • comfort - the room should not be hot, cold or noisy ...
  • peanut must be fed
  • the baby should feel good (for example: nothing should hurt him)

Classes should be short-term, in the form of a game. Remember that at the age of three, the little one learns only what is interesting to him and perceives information only from the person he trusts. The peanut tries to imitate a loved one, adopting his habits, words and actions, both good and bad, both right and wrong. This fact you must take into account and control yourself.

An important feature of intellectual development is that the attention, thinking and memory of a three-year-old baby work involuntarily, so even playing in the sandbox, he absorbs information like a sponge. Be attentive and patient with your child, engage with him in an involuntary manner, develop his abilities and then in the future it will be easier for the baby to comprehend the preschool and school curriculum.

Read more:

Features of the development of children 2-3 years old

Features of raising a child of 2 years: tips and rules

What to do with a child at 2 years old: plasticine modeling for children

How to properly organize the nutrition of a child of 2 years

In this article:

From three to four years, the development of the child is so active that parents do not always have time to record the new achievements of the crumbs. The kid becomes very conscious and independent, which is due to a sharp jump in physical and psychological development.

In the arsenal of crumbs, new skills are noted, the appearance of which is associated with his increased desire to get to know the world around him as closely as possible.

Adults notice that communicating with a child at 3.5 years old is becoming more and more exciting. The kid is able to keep up the conversation, pleases and surprises with naive and at the same time amazingly deep questions, shows compassion, support in caring for loved ones.

It is at this age that the strongest emotional connection is established between parents and the baby, which it would be extremely imprudent on the part of the elders to neglect.

Features of the physiological development of the baby

The physical development of a child at three and a half years old allows him to do a lot of things that he could not do just a few months ago. One of the main achievements is the ability to do immediately
several actions. This skill is direct evidence of active mental development, because it is the brain that is responsible for coordinated actions.

The body of a baby at 3.5 years old is distinguished by dexterity, excellent coordination, and flexibility. If we analyze the age at which successful athletes began to play sports, it becomes clear that many of them began training in the sports section exactly at 3.5 years old.

Parents of babies whose age has crossed the mark of 3.5 years should seriously think about what kind of sport they can be carried away. It is not at all necessary to do this with the prospect of growing a great athlete, but such activities will not interfere with the development of general motor activity.

How does the improvement of the physical form of the child manifest itself in the fourth year of life? The baby is really capable of a lot. He can:

Naturally, in the fourth year of life, the baby should spend as much time as possible on the street, improving cognitive and motor development.

Basic skills for a three and a half year old baby

At 3.5 years old, it is not difficult for a child to do much of what adults can do, and consciously, and not just copying their movements. The baby, as a rule, already knows how to use the toilet, independently washes, dresses, washes his hands and brushes his teeth.

realizing that
now they can do a lot, children show enthusiasm when their parents entrust them with the execution of any household chores. In turn, adults should not neglect the desire and interest of the crumbs, from time to time entrusting him with simple tasks related to helping in the kitchen, cleaning the house, caring for pets.

You need to understand that a baby at 3.5 years old is more sensitive than it might seem at first glance. It is imperative for a child to constantly feel the support of parents, to receive adequate praise for the completed task. The child will be more upset when he makes a mistake, not because he could not complete the task, but because of the thought that he will be deprived of approval.

Features of the psychological development of the baby in the fourth year of life

At first glance, still quite small, fragile and vulnerable, a baby of three and a half years old is already internally old enough to start working with him.

It's great if parents have the opportunity to enroll a baby in an early development school, where he can work on modern effective programs in a group of the same age. If such a possibility
no, then parents should make an effort and take the development of the child into their own hands, developing their own programs - of course, without fanaticism.

As for the development of the child's psychology, the age of 3.5 years is the most difficult in this regard, both for himself and those around him. The thing is that during this period the baby is going through a kind of transitional stage - the transition from an inquisitive toddler who knows little and what he can do to a more conscious and independent child who is completely confident in his abilities and rightness.

Trying to prove their importance, many children during this period actively conflict with their elders, thus testing the boundaries of what is permitted. Tantrums in public places for no reason, increased moodiness, mood swings and disobedience -
these are the most striking manifestations of the personality of a child at three and a half years.

Parents need to be patient and try to help the baby survive this difficult period of his life. In response to a tantrum, you should remain calm and, if possible, use the old proven method - to divert attention.

Ignoring prohibitions can be nullified by reducing the number of these very prohibitions. Do you plan to buy ice cream for your baby? Do not pass by stalls where they sell it. Do not practice watching cartoons while eating? Go for a little trick here too: turn off the traffic jams in the apartment and tell the baby that there is no light. A little imagination, understanding and patience - and the baby will survive a difficult period without unnecessary whims.

Features of the development of speech and social skills

Given that at 3.5 years old, the baby is going through one of the most difficult transitional periods in his life, you should be prepared for the fact that mood changes will also affect the communication skills of the crumbs. However, if you regularly walk with the baby, explaining to him the basics of behavior and communication, he will try to behave correctly so as not to cut off contacts with other children.

On the fourth
year of life for a baby, it is absolutely normal to be able to negotiate with peers, if earlier he could do it at home with his parents. So, for example, if he is interested in a toy belonging to another child, then he will not take it away by force, throwing tantrums, as it was quite recently. In such a situation, the baby will offer the baby to change or just politely ask to play. Attacks of selfishness at this age are still present, but are becoming increasingly rare.

The baby's speech becomes more coherent, enriched with adjectives, pronouns, adverbs. The child stands long sentences, intuitively correct parts of speech, uses words in the plural and singular.

Most children at this age still do not pronounce complex sounds, which, with due attention from their parents, they will be able to cope with by the end of the fourth year of life.

The role of role-playing games in the life of kids

Development of children in the fourth year
allows them to less and less need the participation of adults in the gameplay. They independently come up with the rules of the game, the plot, share roles among themselves, build dialogues.

A special place in the life of kids at this age is occupied by role-playing games that help them master speech skills, and also contribute to the development of thinking, imagination and fantasy. Children are happy to play adults, choosing for themselves the most attractive roles in their opinion:

During the game, children try to copy the behavior of adults, intonation, gestures. It will be great if parents take care of sets for such games: a children's hospital, a toy set of dishes or a tiny store counter with scales and compact food products made of colored plastic.

How to develop the creative side of the baby?

Taking into account the mobility and curiosity of the baby at three and a half years, you need to allocate time for his creative development. It is not at all necessary to do this in order to grow a brilliant writer, artist or musician from the crumbs. It will be enough just to introduce him to the world of creativity and art, giving him the opportunity to get carried away with the process.

What should be the development of creative
abilities? Firstly, you can and should listen to music with a child: both ordinary children's songs and classical melodies, which you can then discuss, think together about what associations they evoke.

Secondly, the baby must be introduced to drawing. The most favorite type of occupation in this direction at 3.5 years old is drawing with finger paints on a large paper Whatman. Give your little one a chance to experiment with paint, then frame their art in an elegant frame.

Over time, finger paints can be replaced with ordinary ones, and you can also try to create small masterpieces with pencils, felt-tip pens and crayons.

Be sure to include dancing in the program of creative development. Again, if possible, it is better to give the crumbs to
a dance club for the little ones, where they will teach him simple movements, a sense of rhythm, and initial discipline. If this is not possible, you can master simple steps at home.

Involving the baby in the world of creativity, music and art, remember that the baby should get to know him on a positive wave. That is why choose the right time for classes, try to spend them in a playful way and, of course, charge the child with your own enthusiasm.

What to do with the baby on walks?

In order for walks, in addition to aesthetic pleasure, to bring benefits to the baby, you can purposefully engage with him even on the street. Walking with a baby is better not empty-handed, but with a special street "props":

All these personal belongings will not let the baby get bored, and the parents too. In addition, with so many options for entertainment in store, the baby will find a way to meet and make friends with peers who are ready to exchange toys.

General developmental activities with a child

When planning games and activities with a baby at 3.5 years old, you should try to choose those options that will stimulate the development of his large and fine motor skills, speech, thinking, and coordination. Children at this age are very fond of all kinds of riddles and counting rhymes, so it is on their basis that you can come up with several simple games.

and tongue twisters help develop articulation - of course, if the child takes part in the process and repeats individual phrases. You can also stimulate the development of speech and thinking of the baby by memorizing simple poems and passages from fairy tales, on the basis of which you can then make joint mini-productions of your “home theater”.

For the development of fine motor skills of a child, you can select games related to small objects. So, for example, together with the baby, you can create “miracle beads” from pasta, paste over a vase with plasticine and acorns, create a unique picture of buckwheat, rice and peas. Such games will not only contribute to the development of children's fingers, but also develop perseverance, patience and imagination in kids.

It is imperative that the program for working with a baby at 3.5 years old should include cubes, insert toys, a mosaic and, of course, colored cards with people's faces depicted on them in different moods, animals, and modes of transport.

With the help of such cards, you can replenish the child's vocabulary, learn colors, try to group objects according to a common feature, study the seasons, the names of birds, plants, and much more.