Do's and Don'ts on Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday: Do's and Don'ts

On the first day of the second spring month, Orthodox Christians celebrate Palm Sunday. This holiday can truly be considered spring, as well as Easter, which is celebrated a week from Palm Sunday.

Palm Sunday (the church name is the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem) is the great twelfth Orthodox holiday. It is dedicated to the solemn appearance of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem on the eve of His martyrdom and death. On this day, it is customary to attend divine services, consecrate willow or willow branches in churches and decorate icons in the house with them.

How to celebrate Palm Sunday

Previously, there was an interesting ritual associated with willow. On Sunday morning, it was necessary to lightly hit all the inhabitants of the house with a willow. They especially tried to touch the children and young people in the house with the consecrated branches. It was believed that after this, evil spirits could not touch the children, and young girls would give birth easily and the babies would be healthy.

Such an attitude towards willow is easily explained, since in Russia it was rightfully considered the strongest, strongest and most tenacious tree that could grow in any soil.

To prevent evil forces from entering the house, it is customary to take branches only from healthy and young trees without damage. You can not cut branches from a willow that stands near the cemetery, or which has a hollow. You should also avoid those trees whose branches bend over the water. Signs say that mermaids and mermen could swing on them at night.

To improve health, it is customary to swallow 3 buds from a willow. The ritual also helps to attract good luck. In the sowing season, before going out into the field, stick a few willow branches into the ground for a future rich harvest.

For wealth, any indoor plant with fleshy and large leaves was planted on a holiday. But not everyone decides on such an experiment: if the flower fades, the whole life will pass in poverty and deprivation. Not everyone is ready to know a negative prophecy in advance, so this sign is gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Palm Sunday 2018: what to eat

One of the respite days for believers was Palm Sunday, which is celebrated exactly one week before Easter itself. In church tradition, it is called the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem. This determines both its traditions and rules. But now, not everyone knows what can be done on Palm Sunday and what not. That's what we'll talk about today.

The first thing to discuss is the menu for Palm Sunday. On this day, a slight relief from fasting is made. So what can you eat on Palm Sunday? In addition to plant foods, which believers ate throughout the fast, vegetable oil and any fish, as well as red grape wine, can be added to food. You can afford a little of this drink, just a little, just to maintain strength.

Therefore, if you still do not know what to cook for Palm Sunday, the first answer is fish. It can be in any form: fried, boiled, pickled, baked, etc. It’s only worth considering that before that you were actually on a strict diet for several weeks, and it’s still not worth eating heavy meals to satiety.

Not everyone knows what you can eat on Palm Sunday in 2018 sweets and desserts. Only they must be prepared from permitted products, without milk, eggs, butter. But the remaining ones are quite enough for delicious yeast-free cookies. It is also important, not only from what, they will be prepared, but also how. For example, our ancestors baked sweet biscuits in the form of seal-leaf buds - the main symbol of this holiday. You can also try to draw them. Also, women often baked consecrated willow buds into small loaves. You can try to cook small honey shortcakes with such an unusual “filling”.

What can you do on this day

On this day, willow branches are sanctified in the church during the all-night service, for which you need to go into the forest the day before sunrise.

Then they are brought into the house and placed near the icon. According to church tradition, they must stand all year, protecting the family from misfortune.

The people believed that the consecrated willow had a miraculous healing power that could save people and animals from diseases, damage, and the house from fires and floods.

Why willow? The Slavs chose for themselves a symbolic willow tree, the shoots of which are among the first to bloom and begin to bloom and turn green by this day. Thus, among the Slavs, the feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem was called Palm Sunday. But Catholics call Palm Sunday Palm Sunday.

On Palm Sunday, a tradition has long been preserved: in order to be healthy, people lightly beat each other with willow branches, especially children, wish health and well-being in the family. And so that not a single disease clings, they eat 9 willow buds each.

It is also recommended to transplant houseplants on Palm Sunday - they will grow well and attract wealth to the house, although the plant must be planted with thick leaves. And if on Sunday morning a willow peg is driven into the wall, this will relieve a person of fears and give him determination.

In addition, for the first time in spring, it is worth driving cattle to pasture with holy willow - “so that evil spirits do not cling to animals,” and during hail, branches of holy willow, if thrown away, can even stop bad weather.

Congratulations on Palm Sunday

In 2016, Palm (Palm) Sunday is celebrated on April 24, and from April 25, Holy Week begins, ending with Easter, which falls on May 1.

Palm Sunday is a fairly significant church holiday in Christian Orthodoxy. The holiday has not only a rich history and a large number of traditions and rituals, but also certain prohibitions on certain actions.

How do Orthodox Christians celebrate Palm Sunday?

The day before Palm Sunday, Saturday, is also a holiday. It is called Lazarus Saturday.

Willow is consecrated in temples the day before, Saturday evening (April 23, 2016) at the All-Night Vigil: after reading the Gospel, the 50th psalm is read, then the branches are sprinkled with holy water. After that, they are distributed to those who pray, and the parishioners stand until the end of the service with willow and lighted candles.

Sprinkling is usually repeated on Palm Sunday itself at the Liturgy.(liturgy of John Chrysostom is served). It is customary to keep these branches at home throughout the year until next Easter.

It is believed that willow will protect the house from troubles and misfortunes.

In no case should the willow from last year, according to legends, be thrown away. It must either be burned, or thrown into a river with a strong current, or simply taken to the temple. If the willow has taken root, then it must be planted. Only on another day, and not on Palm Sunday.

Willow twigs are credited with healing properties on this day. It was believed that if you put branches at the head of the bed, then this will save a person, especially children, from illness during the year.

Also, on this day, it was customary to make decoctions and powders from willow, add to bread.

Folk omens and rituals are associated with Verbny.

Knock on the body with a willow twig- there will be health for a whole year. First, a willow branch is consecrated on this day in the church, and after that they tap on the body with a branch and say: “Be as strong as a willow, as healthy as its roots and as rich as the earth” .

Parents always jokingly “lashed” their children with willow branches. Such preference is given to willow because it is perhaps the most tenacious tree that exists in nature.

It is believed that even if a willow stick is stuck into the ground upside down, it will still be accepted and will grow. It is for this reason that willow will be able to give health to a person, because it is very strong itself. For example, a sick person can take a willow branch consecrated in the church and drive it along those points of the body that are especially disturbing, saying: “Holy Spirit, enter through the willow - take away the disease. Willow will come - the disease will take away.

And if insomnia tormented, then you need to put a willow branch at the head of the bed and before going to bed, looking at it, say: “Holy angels, take care of my sleep, holy willow, drive away the undead.” In Russia, it was believed that if you swallow nine willow earrings (from a twig consecrated in a temple), you can protect yourself from a fever, and indeed drive away any illness from yourself.

If a woman could not get pregnant, she was again advised to eat cones of consecrated willow - they were considered the surest remedy for infertility.

Eat a willow bud - an important matter will be decided. It was customary to keep consecrated willow branches for a whole year near the icon. If you have to go to important negotiations, or you are going to start a very important business for you, and you are not sure of the result, then the willow will help you here too. But only the willow that was consecrated in the church on Palm Sunday will help.

Going on an important business, you need to tear off three buds from a branch and eat them, drinking holy water, while thinking about your business. True, you can use this property of a twig only in the most extreme case. Constantly, it is not necessary, it is better not to disturb the willow, it can go sideways.

On Palm Sunday think of a loved one, he will come. A young girl, if she liked some guy, and he did not pay any attention to her, she was waiting for this particular day. Starting in the morning, she began to think about who is dear to her heart. Her thoughts in some incomprehensible way were transmitted to this guy. And in the evening he came to her to invite her for a walk. In principle, it has long been proven that human thought is material. Everything that we think about, sooner or later necessarily happens in real life. Perhaps Palm Sunday has such an energy that allows us to bring our thoughts to life much faster than on any other day.

Plant a houseplant on Palm Sunday - you will be rich. It used to be that if you plant an indoor flower on this particular day, it will attract money into your life. In the cities, of course, houseplants were kept, but in the villages it was not up to that. But those who knew about this sign, and planted indoor plants, very quickly got to their feet. But this sign has several features that few people know about. Firstly, if the flower wilts within a month, then you have to live your whole life in poverty. And secondly, you need to plant only plants with large and fleshy leaves. The plant with the name "Money tree" is best suited for this. Rain, even a little, on Palm Sunday - to a good harvest.

The main tradition of Palm Sunday is consecration of twigs willows in the church. It is believed that these branches throughout the year will protect houses from fires and floods, and their owners from poverty, disease and adversity.

If you have not prepared branches in advance and they did not consecrate them in the church, but you really want to have a consecrated willow, do not despair. There are two ways:

1. Go to any Temple in the morning and buy branches there.

2. If you all overslept, feel free to go for a walk and look for bushes with burgundy branches and fluffy on them.

If you don’t find it with burgundy, but you see a tree, with gray branches and yellow fluffs, this is a willow. Also good. Since it really doesn’t matter: willow or willow, consider that this is the same thing.

Bring twigs into the house and may everything be safe for you! The signs of the holiday, of course, are also associated with the magical properties that are attributed to the willow. It is believed that if many “earrings” of willow appeared before Palm Sunday (buds blossomed), then the whole year will be fruitful, fertile and rich in good events.

There are some simple rituals which you can do on Palm Sunday. First, let go consecrated willow on the water. The twig will float away - goodness and prosperity will “sail” into the house.

Burning a consecrated willow branch protects the house from fire. And a consecrated branch stuck into the roof of the house (you can attach it to the upper corner of the ceiling) will become a talisman for your health and peace of mind.

If you want to wish a person good luck, lightly whip him with a willow twig. There is no better blessing to be found on this holiday. On Palm Sunday, it is customary not only to perform rituals, but also to speak.

If you want to improve health and get rid of headaches, the day before holiday, comb your hair, dip a couple of hairs in water and pour it over the willow. Diseases will go into the earth along with water.

Also with the help of a willow conspiracy money can be raised. On the eve of the holiday (on Lazarus Saturday), take a willow branch in your left hand, and cross yourself with your right hand and read "Our Father". Then ask the Almighty to save you from financial problems and send prosperity to your home. The charmed branch must be consecrated on Sunday in the church.

Family amulet (on Palm Sunday) It is done once a year on Palm Sunday. To do this, you will need as many willow branches as there are people in the family. Early in the morning, at dawn, cut off the branches, then go to the morning service and bless them. Arriving home and having drunk the holy water, start weaving a braid from the vines, mentally imagining at this time how all the household members joined hands and formed a circle. After completing the work, let the oldest member of the family, holding a wreath in front of the icon of the Mother of God, read: “ Saint Paul waved the willow, drove away enemies from us. Just as it is true that Palm Sunday is honored, so it is true that evil people will not bother. Amen". 3 times. A wreath to keep the year at the icons. Amen.

What not to do on Palm Sunday?Palm Sunday is a great holiday. You can't work on this day. Also, do not cook hot meals (all meals should be made in advance). Do not forget that Palm Sunday is celebrated during Great Lent. The table should be very moderate: in addition to the foods allowed by Lent, you can only eat fish. And on Palm Sunday you can not comb your hair. Therefore, the ritual for health, which was mentioned above, must be performed only on the eve of the holiday.

And what signs on Palm Sunday still exist?

The wind that blows on such a day will accompany the whole summer.

If the weather is clear and warm, according to one of the signs, the harvest of fruits and cereals will be good.

There is a belief that willow can pacify fire, hail and drive away a storm. It is worth just putting the branches on the windowsill or throwing them against the wind, or throwing them into the fire.

On Palm Sunday, it is customary to bake cookies or make nuts from dough. Further, ready-made desserts are treated to households and even animals.

And if you put willow buds in the dough, then you will add health to everyone.

If you are a timid person and are always afraid of something, then on Palm Sunday, after coming from the church, drive the consecrated willow branches into the wall peg, thus it will help you get rid of obsessive fears, cowardice and timidity.

Signs for Palm Sunday in 2015 are no different from those signs that were many centuries ago, on the contrary, such signs gained great strength and faith of Christians. Whether you believe in them is up to you.

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Today, April 1, 2018, the Orthodox celebrate a big holiday - Palm Sunday. The willow became a symbol that replaced the palm branches that were thrown at Christ's feet when he entered Jerusalem.
The holiday is celebrated a week before Easter, that is, it still falls on Great Lent. According to the legend, it was on this day that Christ entered Jerusalem, and people threw palm branches under their feet. So they thanked him for resurrecting Lazarus and believed that he was the Son of God.
The day before Palm Sunday, churches sprinkle willow branches with holy water. Then the cattle are driven out into the field with this willow. And then these branches are stored for a whole year, after which they are burned.
There are different signs for Palm Sunday. If it rains, then you need to wait for a good harvest. If there is no rain, but it is cloudy, the harvest will be good, but not very good either. And sunny weather indicates a poor harvest. Actually very varied. But we already mentioned them in another article.

Palm Sunday 2018: what not to do?

Of course, one cannot engage in sinful deeds. It is also impossible to eat forbidden food, because Great Lent lasts.

Palm Sunday: what not to do at home?

Avoid sewing and other household chores. It's better to have fun on this day. Try to cook to a minimum. Although it is allowed to drink wine and eat fish, it is better to cook it in advance or do a minimum of manipulation in the kitchen with it.
There is a funny sign about the willow. If you want good luck in business, eat willow. It is also said to help those who want children. But do not get carried away, it is not advisable to eat more than three kidneys.
You can read about it in detail and find ideas for what to cook today. But do not get carried away, this day should be dedicated to the Lord and rest, and not household chores. Including cooking should be taken to the background.
Do not forget to also go to church and dedicate the willow. After all, this holiday is the main thing to do.
Now you know what not to do on this day?

A week before Easter (in 2019 - April 21), Orthodox believers will celebrate Palm Sunday or the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, which in church books is also called the Week of Vaii or Flower-bearing Week. What can and cannot be done on Palm Sunday? – many people are interested.

First of all, it is worth talking about the event to which this twelfth, that is, one of the 12 most important holidays after Easter, is dedicated.

As described in the Gospel, on this day Christ rode on a donkey to Jerusalem, where many pilgrims gathered before the feast of the Old Testament Passover.

He was greeted as a savior who came to bring love and kindness to the cruel world of violence. Throughout the journey, Jesus was greeted by the inhabitants of the city, holding palm branches in their hands: “Hosanna to the son of David! blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! hosanna in the highest!" (Matthew 21:9). This solemn meeting is described by all four evangelists.

The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem has been celebrated since the first centuries of Christianity. Already in the III century, St. Methodius of Patara mentions him in his teaching.

Catholics call this Sunday "Palm", and believers bring palm branches or branches of olive trees to temples.

In Russia, instead of them, willow branches are used, on which fluffy “earrings” bloom at this time. The use of willow in worship was first mentioned in Svyatoslav's Izbornik, dated to the 11th century.

Palm Sunday - what to do on this day?

On Lazarus Saturday, on the eve of the holiday, willows are consecrated in Orthodox churches during a solemn divine service (all-night vigil).

Parishioners receive several branches of consecrated willow from the priest and hold them in their hands for the rest of the service along with burning candles. Consecration also takes place on Palm Sunday morning. Branches tied in bunches are decorated with paper angels - “verb cherubs”.

This is the last day before Holy Week, the most mournful period of Lent. And, of course, it should be dedicated to church attendance, prayers and communication with loved ones.

What not to do on Palm Sunday? As with other Orthodox holidays, on this day it is not recommended to do housework, sewing and knitting. (But if there are any urgent matters at this time, they, of course, should be carried out). You should not wash yourself, so as not to “wash away” grace and happiness.

Also, you can not cut your hair and - according to popular belief - even comb your hair. In addition, believers are advised to refrain from watching entertainment TV shows, visiting the theater and cinema.

On the day of the holiday, you should not quarrel with others, behave aggressively. Try to take more care of your loved ones, help the poor and sick people.

What is customary to do with willow branches on Palm Sunday?

Many rituals and folk signs that have survived to this day are associated with the main symbol of this day - willow branches. They are used to decorate homes, give to relatives and friends.

It is believed that if many “earrings” appeared on the willow before the holiday, then many good events should happen during the year.

It is also believed that the willow consecrated in the church is able to save a person from various diseases and cleanse him of negativity. To maintain health, people lightly hit each other with willow branches and say: “Be healthy like a willow”, “Grow like a willow”.

In the old days, women suffering from infertility prepared medicinal decoctions from willow buds and baked them in bread. Willow was also used in various magical rites to attract good luck, prosperity and love.

What do you need to do with willow on Palm Sunday? Branches consecrated in the church can be put in a vase, like any other plant. But in many families they are placed behind icons.

Russian historian and ethnographer of the second half of the 19th century M. Zabylin in the book “Russian people. His customs, rituals, legends, superstitions and poetry" wrote: "The consecrated willow in Russia is the same as the palm branch of Palestine, highly respected and usually preserved by the Russian pious people for images for a whole year."

These branches are kept as amulets that protect the home from fire, lightning and the actions of evil forces. They say that if you throw a willow into the fire during a fire, it will go out faster, and the flame will not go to other buildings. Branches attached to the roof of the house protect its inhabitants from illness and mental upheaval.

Last year's twigs that have absorbed bad energy should not be thrown away: they should be taken to the temple or burned. On the eve of the holiday, they can sweep the corners of the house to cleanse it of negativity. Then the twigs are thrown into the fire, thanking for the service. Ashes are scattered where neither people nor animals will trample on it.

What else can and cannot be done on Palm Sunday?

This holiday falls on the time of Great Lent, and it is better to celebrate it modestly - in the family circle. Fasting people should not arrange noisy feasts and abuse alcohol.

Any excesses in food are also prohibited. Meat, butter, eggs and similar products are still not included in the diet. However, on the occasion of the holiday, it is allowed to add fish, vegetable oil and a little wine to the menu. You can prepare sweets and desserts from products that do not include ingredients of animal origin.

What other signs and superstitions are associated with Palm Sunday? It is believed that on this day, wishes related to loved ones come true. In the old days, young girls waited for this holiday to make a wish - to see their betrothed.

Palm Sunday is considered auspicious for attracting money. According to legend, if you plant an indoor flower on Palm Sunday, it will attract financial well-being to the house.

Keep in mind that you need to choose only plants with large and fleshy leaves (for example, such as the "money tree"). But if the flower wilts within a month, then you have to live your whole life in poverty.

This holiday is one of the brightest for believers. The Church honors him as one of the greatest and brightest. However, many do not know what Palm Sunday is, what cannot be done on this day. In fact, there will be few such signs, however, if you do not do what is written, you will be able to avoid various troubles and the wrath of higher powers. Here's what not to do on this day.

So that luck and wealth do not leave you in difficult times

It is believed that on the day of Palm Sunday, in no case should one tear grass, leaves from trees, buds and willows. Because then you can lose wealth and material wealth in the house.

According to other signs, you should not do flower transplants and any agricultural work on this day - the fact is that you may not decide on your activities, material opportunities, you may have permanent losses and hardships until the end of the year. You should not celebrate Palm Sunday in old, worn clothes: you must definitely have something new on so as not to frighten off good luck. It is best to wear new underwear, a white blouse or hair ornament. Then material well-being will be stable, money will not be transferred in the house, and the beloved will not leave in difficult times.

In order for money to constantly have an influx in the house, you should not throw garbage, various unnecessary things into the street on this day. If you want to get rid of unnecessary things, it is better to donate them to those in need. The gift must be chosen with love. If on Palm Sunday you give 3 valuable gifts to different people, then luck will not leave you during the year. It is only better to choose in advance people who will sincerely be happy with your gift. For example, if your sister has been looking at your earrings for a long time, and now they are not needed, feel free to give them to her. To improve the ritual, you need to wrap the gift in a white cloth napkin and tie it with a golden ribbon. It can be bought at the gift shop. The more (more than 3) gifts you make to different people on this day, the more favorable fate will be for you. However, you can’t give candles (church) and icons - it is believed that after that grace will leave you and the guardian angel will turn away. It is best to give gifts to children, teenagers and girls.

Another way to better attract money to this house is blessed coins. They need to be put in a white scarf (it is advisable to choose 3 dozen new, shiny ones) and tie with a red or gold ribbon. When lighting willows, you need to keep them close to branches so that water gets on them. These coins cannot be spent, but it is better to put them under a white tablecloth in a red corner. Then the money will not be transferred in the house and you will be able to spend as much as you like.

For those who do not have a job, the following ritual will help to gain material stability. You need to take as many coins as the number of people living in your house. Then put them in a scarlet organza bag along with a pinch of grain or pearl barley. You need to store it in a red corner or in a secluded place, then the money will not disappear in the house. And so that there are always funds, and luck does not leave you, on the day of Palm Sunday you should not do the following things:

Sharpen knives and scissors;
- wearing red clothes - removes luck and leads to suffering;
- throw trash out of the house, even completely unnecessary things;
- get drunk until you pass out - you will lose your mind, and you will not control the finances in the house;
- cut nails;
- tear off buttons, throw them away and break bracelets and beads.

There are interesting facts about the history of the holiday itself.

For privacy

Girls have always been excited about the possibility of a successful marriage. And Palm Sunday will allow you to make successful conspiracies, in order not only to achieve reciprocity in love, but also to become a wife for someone you like if he is not married. On this day, rituals can be performed only if you want to become a wife, but someone who is not married. Otherwise, you can get in big trouble and not get married at all.

The ritual for a successful marriage is as follows. On Palm Sunday, you need to wear a new bra. And on the reverse side, sew a scarlet ribbon to it with the name of a loved one with the words: “I am wearing underwear, but in your heart forever. Come to me and take your heart in exchange for mine." You can sew on 2 ribbons with your names and tie them in a knot. However, they should not be visible to others. But what should not be done so as not to lose the grace of higher powers and the opportunity to get married.

Drink red wine and get very drunk. Alcohol can frighten off luck in your personal life;
- dance a lot. You may not notice your personal happiness;
- do rituals and love spells for a married person. Can lead to irreversible effects, especially with the use of menstrual and any other blood, alcoholic beverages, hair, any cards and cemetery land;
- make astrological calculations, make horoscopes. Even professional magicians do not do their usual business on this holy day;
- wear a lot of black clothes. Higher powers may become angry or lead you to widowhood;
- Get your pets out on the street. You can bring yourself trouble with children, abortions and lack of love in the house;
- swear. Categorically this day is not worth it;
- kick your spouse out of the house if you are married. You can stay alone for the rest of your life;
- conjure. It is considered a great sin that can bring you great trouble;
- do a lot of cleaning in the house, start laundry;
- carry a knife in your purse.

For well-being in your personal life on this day you need:

- invite guests and bake pies. However, wild fun with a lot of alcohol is not worth it - you can get into trouble over time. It is better to spend time with close friends and good acquaintances, especially believers;
- choose a wedding dress. A good omen if you immediately like one of them and fit in size. This promises happiness in personal life;
- buy cosmetics, perfumes and jewelry. On this day, you definitely will not buy anything superfluous;
- eat tangerines and oranges, and treat others with them. It is a very good sign if, without your request, someone gives you a tangerine or orange, any citrus fruit, except grapefruit or lemon.

These signs will allow you to joyfully spend time and do everything for a happy future.